Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 23, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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Highest price paid fur men's et-ol
clothing and shoes. The Globe Second
hand store, 280 First, liain 20 So. We ai
buy ladles' clothing.
TOUNG "business man with 15 years' good
business training Is open to take position
of responsibility, something where honesty
combined with push is considered an asset.
Would consider representing a good house
as traveler. Can handle men, look alter
interests of any firm and am safe and
honest. Will make no investment mean
time, but if satisfied with proposition
would do so later on. Partnership agents
don't reply. AF 71. Oregonian. m
1O00 MEN to know that I sell men's suits
at less than wholesale price. How do I
do it? I buy manufacturers' samples and
cancellation orders and sell them in an of
fice building; rent 1-8 les than a grounds-floor
store; pell $35 to $4u mi its, 1S.73; 1S
to 22.50 suits, $12.75. Knew Sample Suit
Bhop, room 313 Oregonian bids. Jiminfte
Dunn, Mgr. ,
WE HAVE an out-of-the-ordinary proposi
tion for competent men. Want only high
class representatives who will be satisfied
with $5 to $7 a day; must be qualitted
to interview business people; exceptional
opportunity for anyone who is willing to
make a fine income legitimately. Call 10
to 4.' 418 Mohawk bid g.
North Second St.
Wanted Hock foreman, $75 and board;
dump foreman. $3.50; sawmill laborers,
$2.50; teamsters, $2.75; flunkeys, $40.
Teams and team outfits for railroad
york, new and long job.
1. M. c A. ine -rend of the young man
and stranger. Hearty welcome and good
counsel are yours, without cost. Constant
call for men who can do something well.
Special Employment Membership assures
employment. After you have seen the
other fellow, aee ua before you invest
. money.
10.000 POSITIONS for graduate last 7-ar;
men and women to leam barber trade la
S weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu
ates earn from S10 to $25 weekly; expert
Instructors; tools free; write for cata
logues. Mahler System of Colleges. 23
North 4th st., Portland. Or.
TWO first-class non-union machinists for
out of town. Call 222 Commercial Club
S WANT to communicate with a few high
class real estate salesmen. To those who
can show a clean record will make it in
teresting. Apply by letter to the Brighton
Beach Company, 414 Lumber exchange
. bldg.
TOUNG man, good appearance, live, ener
getic hustler, best reference, wants po
sition with reliable land company to go
East; advertise and sell lands; would pre
fer colonization proposition. Address for
appointment. Q 74. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED salesmen. -Tnen thoroughly
acquainted with the farming and dairy in
terema of the Northwest ; must be able to
furnish best of references. Address by
mall or night telegram letter, room 112tJ.
150 Nassau St., New York City.
International Correspondence School have
the course you need; text-books free; answer
and draw ing paper.
207 Marquam bldg.
a 308 Mckay bldg. '
IN SUMMER residence near Portland.
Wanted A clean, competent girl for gen
eral housework, no washing, wages $40, If
good cook $J5; references wanted. Call
between 1 and 4 P. M., 105 N. 18th st.
RANTED Reliable man, able to check
goods, etc., will pay $25 week now, which
can be Increased with interested help;
small investment required. Particulars
24S3iStarkst. .
WANTED at once 2 young men about 20
years of age with high school education
to learn hardware business; must be ener
getic, good opportunity. Call bet. 10 and 11
A. M.. Marshall-Wei la Hardware Co.
STENOGRAPHER wanted ; well educated
young man required as stenographer, age
3 8 to 22; knowledge of bookkeeping and
quick at figures; good prospects. A 74,
lOL'NU Uh.N wanted to prepare for railway
mail clerks, postoffice clerks, carriers, eta
Write or call for Book 80. it's free. Pacific
States School. McKay bldg.. Portland. Or
CARPENTERS wanted at East Ankeny and
26th at. car barn. Free tranbportatlon.
Apply today to superintendent at barn.
W. S. Barstow & Co.
RESPONSIBLE real estate dealer, with
more work than he can attend to, wants
steady, sober partner; reference furnished.
417 Board of Trade.
WANTED Salesman to aell celluloid adver
tising novelties for largest manufacturers
of line. Call Thursday evening. C. I.,
Portland Hotel.
BOY WANTED To deliver produce from
Oregon Electric Depot to regular cus
tomers ; ! about 1 hours each morning,
. including Sunday. A 73, Oregonian.
WANTED Good trimmer man for auto
r matic trimmer; wages $3 per day. Rain
ier Lumber & Shingle Co.. 511 Board of
KAIL. WAY mall clerks, city carriers, clerka,
Portland, examinations announced July 10.
Preparation free. Franklla Institute, Dept.
271P. Rochester, N. Y.
MAN and wife wanted for Janitor service,
A -1 public institution, references required.
Inquire Young Women's Christian Asso-
. elation.
WANTED Two first-class, experienced ma
chinists, accustomed to heavy work, for
out-of-town shop. Answer, giving phone
number and address. AE 6S, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced cloak and suit buyer
ior an r rancisco; must nave good taste
and ability; state references and experience.
AC 70. Oregonian.
WANTED Machinist, first class, capable of
holding down loremansnip; investment in
business preferred; references required. 603
commercial bldg.
WANTED Shinglers; none but first-class
gauge men need apply Address J. J.
Brad he Id, 8018 North 29tlt st., Tacoma.
BARBER wanted, good wages to right man,
or will sell half or all of shop. Lock Box
3o. Dallas, ur.
MOTION rlcture operators earn $35 weeklv:
. learn business In short time. Motion Pic-
. ture School. 628' Washington st.
SIS TO $35 week few months only learning
situations guaranteed. Watchmaking-En-
graving acnooi, rsox. xczt Asntana, ur.
STENOGRAPHER Must be experienced.
Apply to Clark & Wilson Lumber Co.,
, i.ini.ton, ur.
WANTED A Japanese boy to work on sub
urban place ; must understand mil king,
phone A 6531 or Main b240.
WANTED A young man as specialty sales
man to call on grocery trade in Port
. land ; state experience. F74, Oregonian.
WANTED An experienced stenographer and
general oitrce young man; must have good
references. Apply Nortonia.H.otel.
PRINTER for private printing office; state
salary expected and give reference, Ad
dress P. O. Drawer 7'7. Portland. Or.
FINE opening, neat young man, experience
unnecessary, small capital required. Call
326 V. Washington st. Room 417.
MARKER and assorter, thoroughly com
petent; good wages; steady employment.
Magnolia .Laundry.
WANTED Waiter for Summer resort. Call
today bet. 10 A. M. and 2 P. M-, Hotel
Royal, 132 E. 3d Bt.
WANTED Bookkeeper for logging camp;
young man. Address X., 900 Northrup St.,
Portland. .
WANTED First-class electrician who can
lecture on electricity ; must have refer-
enccs. K 70. Oregonian.
WANTED Young man to learn barber"s
trade; steady place, union shop. Particu
lars 832 Mississippi avenue.
PORTER wanted at Perkins Hotel barber
hop; Mmust be experienced.
TWO first-class solicitors for cleaning and
dyeing works. Call m 409 E. Morrison st.
HANDY man can have room in exchange for
ork .In spare time. 509 Everett.
MEN for factory near Portland; marfied men
preferred, 339 Sherlock bldg.
WANTED Boys 16 and over with wheels.
131 10th st. Apply between 13 and 1.
WANTED 1 first-class waiter. Apply 141 N.
6th. between 11 A. M. and 2 P. M. r
FLASK-maker and pattern-maker. Inde
pendent Foundry -Co., 23d and York.
EXPERIENCED cutter for harness factory.
P. J. Cronin Co.. 129 1st st. -
WANTED Young man for barroom work;
Merchant 'Hotel. 3d and Davis.
SALESMEN to place good industrial stock;
big commission. 208 Henry bldg. -
SEWER-DIGGERS wanted. E. 14th and Cen
ter st. Take Pell wood car.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents;
. pew offer. Cutberth, studio Dekum bldg.
HIGH-CLASS commercial salesman wanted.
21ft Commercial bldg.
ALESMEN all lines; bookkeepersr-en
ographers. 313 Washington, room IS.
WHOLESALE grocery house wants a pick
up buyer. Address K 72, Oregonian.
DENTIST, licensed, good salary. 314 Ablng
ton Mdg., 106 V. 3d t.
WANTED Metal lathers. scaffold men,
laborers. E. Pine and 3 2th.
DEMONSTRATOR wanted. Inquire at 2b3
Taylor a-
WANTED Able bodied men for the U. 8.
Marine Corps, between tne ages of 1 ana
85: must be native born or have first pa
pers. Moathly pay $15 to $69. Additional
compensation possible. Food, clothing,
quarters and medical attendance free.
After 80 years' service can retire with 7a
per cent of pay and allowances. Service
on board ship and ashore in all parts or
the world. Apply at Breeden bldg-. Port-
land. Or. .
WE HAVE good routes open from time to
time. It you are over 16 years of age
and mean business file your application
for a route. Room 203 Oregonian bldg.
SALESMAN wanted. Apply after 9. A. M.
Boyd Tea Co.. -'W Salmon.
CEMENT finisher on sidewalks and curbs;
steady Job. In city. Canadian Emp. Co.
WANTED First-class pressor at Broadway
Dye Works, 363 Union ave. North.
BOY wanted. 93 Front st.
"WANTED Experienced saleslady for domes
tic department; permanent position. Apply
COOKS. $40 to $50.
3 waitresses, out or city, 4U.
Waitresses, $8 to $9 per week an $29
per month.
Chambermaids, $-5 per month and $1
per day.
4 girls for waitress and chamber work at
girls for shooting gallery at beach.
Girls for general housework, $-0 to $40.
Other good positions.
Ladies' Dept. 205 H Morrison.
GIRLS, 16 years of age and over, to work
In bag factory. Apply at once. AMES
HARRIS NEVILLE CO., 5th end Davis ats.
GIRLS over 10 years of age to work In mo
hair fnctnrv v ii n f, leamics and
up to $2 per day when expert.
WANTED Experienced, educated woman
e-B iiuunenetiier ; musi do -uio m -
servants and take entire charge of house
hold: referenda rPmnrpH TA 6S. OregOnlaiX.
WANTED Two live, well-dressed men to do
uuameas among me oesi 1 ,7
city, salary to -tart $18 per week. Call
400 -Oregonian bldg, bet. 6 and 9 A- M
and bet. 4 and 5 P. M.
EXPERIENCED woman for cook and gen
eral housework, good wages, permanent
place for right person ; second girl kept.
Apply 503 E. Salmon st.
LADY stenographer and bookkeeper wanted.
one wno is neat, accurate and can oe
relied upon to guard the interest of her
employer. AG 72, Oregonian.
WANTED Young woman for dining-room
ana to assist witn tcitcnen worx; aiso wom
an for general housework. 33 North 17th,
corner Couch.
WANTED Middle-aged lady to work in
ooaraing nouse for tier ana ner n us Dana's
room and hoard. 121 Russell st, phone
East BS78. .
WANTED Thoroughly experienced saleslady
in ory goods and ready-to-wear; state ex
perience and salarv. Emnorium. Toppen-
ish. Wash.
SWEDISH girl to assist In general house
work, small family, kind treatment, time
off. - Call 6S0 Tillamook st., or 52S Ham
ilton bldg.
GIRL for general housework; must be good
cook ; best wages; modern 7-room house,
family of three, no children. 800 North
rup et.f corner G4th.
GIRL to do general housework for amily of
V.-.U. riilt .nl Poll KlU2 Ufllal
Seward, between 10:30 A. M. and 12:30 P.
M. today.
OPERATORS wanted on custom-made trou
sers and vests; steady work, good wages.
Richanbach Clothing Mfg. Co., Phoenix
bldg., 5th and Oak.
WANTED Young girl or elderly lady may
have room and boara ana small compenea-ti-on
in exchange for light services. Phone
Main 4074, 445 11th st.
Ife .Waauincon St.. Room Of.
llain KAHV. or A. 32641. '
TOUNG lady stenographer, high school
graduate preferred; salary $50. P 72, Ore-
VaMED Kenned, capable woman for re
sponsible position.. Vlavl Co.. 609 Rot
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
WANTED A capable girl for general- house
work. Apply at 721 Johnson st; 10 to 12
A. M. or 7 to 8 P. M.
WANTED Young lady who has had billing
experience on typewriter, good opportunity
for. right party. AG 70. Oregonian.
WANTED First-class waitress, $9 a week
and board. Royal Bakery Lunch Room,
, Main 3o2.
WANTED Single lady as companion to go
to beach; give age, address and phone num
ber. AF 72, Oregonian.
COOKS, $35 to $80; waitresses, $30, $10
week; chambermaids, $25; Howe's Ladies
Agency, room 307. 826 Wash.
WANTED Two girls for chambermaids and
waiting on table. Estacada Hotel, Esta
cada. Or.
WANTED Girl for general housework; no
children; evenings free. Apply 408 Mont
g ornery.
GIRL for general housework, good wages,
pleasant home. 748 E. Burnslde st. Phone
KaBt 2726.
YOUNG ladv to assist on the stage: expert
ence unnecessary. Call 348 Oak. Phone Main
3230. H. La Ros.
CASHIER for wholesale house; must have
experience and furnish satisfactory refer
ences. AH 74. Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced girl In confec
tionery; none other need apply. 7o0 Wash
ingtonst.j COAT finishers wanted; must know how to
make buttonhole. Apply 2ti3 Yamhill room
9. ;
HIGH school or business college girls to
work Saturdays at Lennon's, 809 Morri-
son st.
WANTED Young nurse girl.
24th et. Phone Main 4142'.
Apply 304 N.
WANTED Girl for housework, small fam-
ily. no children, no washing. J77Hoyt st.
"WANTED Lady teacher. Apply 1454 First
Bt-. 7:30 to 9:30 P. M. tonight.
GOOD cook, first-class, private boarding
house, at once. 374 Park st.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 260
Grand ave. North. cor. Multnomah.
WANTED Girl for general housework, 2 In
family, plain cooking. $20. Tabor 1703.
GIRL for general housework. Apply 787
Madison st. Phone Marshall 1601, A 5728.
GIRL, for housework, 395 Clifton St., corner
WANTED Waitress. California Oyster
House. 226 Madison st.
WANTED Competent counter waitress.
Apply Criterion Restaurant, 82 6J:h st.
GIRL for cigar, fruits and Ice cream coun-
tr. 33 n. 4tn st.
COLORED lady as governess, go North and
trave 1. 65 East 1 6th, near Stark.
EXPERIENCED cook for general house
work. wages $35. Apply 6o7 Flanders st.
WANTED First-class cook, family of 3.
Main 20r.7. or call 581 Jackson.
WANTED Girl for housework, small fam
ily. 606 Hoyt.Bt.
WANTED Good girl for general housework
at 1054 Quimby st. Main 47S2. A 8628.
HELP wanted for small boarding-house.
Phone Marshall 1258. 550 Hovt st.
WANTKD Lady to do cleaning and pressing
as partner or on salary. Woodiawn 2769.
A GIRL to assist with housework, apply 662
.Johnson gt-
WANTED Experienced girl for general house
work. Apply room 201 Oregonian bldg.
GIRL for general housework, no cooking and
no washing, aso Montgomery.
6-ROOM modern flat; $32.50; 449 7th; key
upstairs., or apply JS'l first. tiaw&raa i:o.
WANTED Girl, St. Nicholas Cafeteria, 125
6th st
LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewriting Oy
expert; $5 a month. 288 14th. Main 293.
GIRL-for housework. Apply morn 1 ngs wash -ing
given out. 777 Irving st.
GIRL to assist in general housework. Ap
ply forenoons. 747 GUfian st.
WANTED First-class skirt girl. 606 Mar
quam bldg.
rrErp wanted female.
MAN and wife, country hotel, cook and
helper, $75; two chambermaids and two
waitresses (Bay Ocean Park), $25 month,
room and board ; fare paid. Hansen's
Ladies' Agency, 345H Washington St., r. 7.
WA NTED Experienced girl for -eneral
housework and cooking; adult family or
3; good wages. Apply afternoon. Silver
field Co., 4ih and Morrison sts., ask for
Mrs. Silverfleld.
WANTED Experienced woman as manager
of dining-room and kitchen in institution
business; references required. Inquire
Young Women's Christian Association,
hours10to 4.
NURSE MAID wanted to care for child""
years old ; reference required. Call morn
ings at the Hazel Apartment House, room
5. 385 Third st. Phonft A-4157.
WANTED Experienced woman cook for the
beach; small family; modern house, running
water, electric lights; $35. 614 Jackson St.,
Portland Heights.
WANTED Woman understands cooking, small
family; modern house; $35 month. 614 Jack-
son, cor. 21st, Portland Heights
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work; family of 3 adults; good wages.
Apply 381 12th st-
Mk Washington St.. Cor. 7th. Upstair.
Phone Maln2692.
WANTED Experienced cook In small fam
ily of adults; references required. Apply
415 West Park st.
WANTED Head waitress; also two exper
ienced waitresses. The Hill. 23d and Wash-
lnpton sts.
GIRL for general housework, familv 2. Call
fins Lumbermens Mdg. Call A 4G47.
WANTED Girl to do general housework. Ap
ply 304 North 24th st. Phone Main 4142.
WANTED Young girl for housework. 369 6th.
10 GIRLS wanted to work In paper box fac
t ory. 03 Front st.
HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co.. 2d and
SCANDINAVIAN girl to assist in housework,
wages $."K0. Main 677.
WANTED A competent man or woman to
take charge of mangle room; must be good
checker and tieing bundles. State Laun
dry, 305 Broadway.
TAILORS and dressmakers; only first-class
hands need apply. H. B. Lltt, 351 Wash-
lngton st.
WANTED Performers, singers, musicians.
Vaudeville Circuit, 526Vi Washington st.
positions to A-l instructors. 611 S wetland.
err datiox wanted maxjhl
Bookkeepers and Clerka,
scnerical man, fully experienced in lum
ber and general mercantile business, de
sires position as timekeeper and office
man for lumber company or work in gen
eral merchandise store. Two years' exper
ience In charge of a twelve thousand dol
lar stock of general merchandise and 5
years' experience in lumber. Best of ref
erences. AL 68, Oregonian.
A YOUNG man of 30. steady and Indus
trious, thoroughly experienced in office
work, as bookkeeper and stenographer,
desires position ; good references; willing
toleavethecity. AD 1 3, Ore gonlan.
WANTED By experienced collector, posi
tion as collector, preferably a position in
law office or collection agency In charge
of collection department; sober and best
refetenceo. AM C3, Oregonian.
CORRESPONDENT, man of education and
business experience desires position with
manufacturing or wholesale concern. AM
60, Oregonnian.
YOUNG man with seven years experience in
the stationery business wishes responsible
position; satisfactory references. AC 73, Ore
gonlan. EXPERT accountant wants small sets
books to keep; books opened, closed, bal
anced; terms reasonable. AJ 48, Orego-
POSITION as night clerk, hotel or rooming
house, by experienced hotelman ; ref
erences and bond. P 71, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and typewriter,
temporary or permanent. References. P 74,
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion where ' ability is needed. phone
A 5446.
BOOKKEEPER wants books to keep after
4 P. M. ; rates reasonable. V 61, Ore
gonian. SALESMAN, successful hustler, wants posi
tion with local concern. AK 73, Oregonian.
M 1 ce 1 1 it n eou .
MINING and oil engineer, young, of excep
tional personality and capable of meet
ing the best of people on their own ground
seeks opening in any outside capacity
that has opportunities in which case sai
ary would be no object. G 73. Oregonian.
ABLEBODIED" young man with good edu
cation and mechanical ability, wants po
sition, would leave town. a J . by, ure
goniaa. ADVANCED student of Eastern technical
college desires position in engineering line:
timekeeper or draughtsman preferred. 6
7U, oregonian;
LAUNDRY MAN, all-around combined Ironer,
starch, wash. work finish. show help,
worker, steady, sober. Just from East,
What have your AN 72, Oregonian.
A YOUNG man of exDerience in hotel and
cafe work, clerical or otherwise, would
like oosition: good references and no ob
jection to leaving the city. L 73, Orego
nian. CHAUFFEUR wants position with private
family; careful driver and good mechanic;
. have first-class references. AC 68, Ore
gonian. YOUNG man wants position as janitor or
porter; experienced boilers, heaters; ref
erences. 654 Delay st. Phone East 4045.
Call Joe. -
JANITOR, married, experienced, wants to
take care of large apartment house, local
references. AK 72, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, 21, living with parents, de
sires position with chance for advancement;
good references. AF 73. Oregonian. -
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants- position
with private family; good references. AX)
70, Oregonian.
POSITION by an experienced hotel drum
mer; sober, steady and a hustler; gets the
people. S 76, Oregonian.
A JAPANESE cook wants a position in first
- class family or Summer hotel; working. O
77, Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants work In wholesale house,
warehouse, etc.; experienced. M 70, Ore
gontan. GOOD, steady cook wants position in coun
try hotel or lumber camp. AM 62, Ore
gonian. TOUXG strong German, speaks English",
wants position of any kind; good working
man. D 71, Oregonian.
TUTOR and physical instructor. highly
recommended, desires position with private
Institution or family. AK 74. Oregonian.
TOUNG man. aged 20, wants a position to
work after school from 6 to 12 P. M. J 47,
WANTED Position as timekeeper and com
missary clerk on construction; experienced,
references. Y 69, Oregonian.
MAN wants house cleaning, window wash-
ing and yard work. Main 320Q.
EXPERIENCED cook wants a position, day.
Inquire 28 N. 4th st. m
POSITION as col 1 ector and o ff 1 ce assistant,
. young man. Phone Main 5002. m
RELIABLE collector wants position. AC 71,
GOOD Japanese wants a job of short hours,
after 4 o'clock P. M. Ito. P. O- Box 226.
PLANER and stickerman, 16 years' experi
ence. AJ 74, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by good baker;
steady. O 75, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers god Stenographer.
POSITION Ls desired by young lady who has
had six years general omoe .experience:
can operate a typewriter and aleo has some
k now ledge of book keeping. A D 72, Ore-
TOUNG lady with five years experience wants
position as stenographer, Jhicago and Port-
land referenoeg. D 74, Oregonian.
TOUNG lady wants position as stenog
rapher; some experience, moderate salary.
Main 3S3.
COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenographer de-
eires position, temporary or permanent;
post or reierences. a a i. urego n l an .
SITUATION wanted by university student in
DRESSMAKING oulcklv and neatlv rtnrm
reasonable; references. Call 326 Hall or
phone Mam S73
STYLISH dresses, $5 up; waists. $1 up; fine
wuin, iPieicaea, ir ji.. .mill e l. rasi o oo.
fartr.n t. u(re ?i L Main 032. A 33L.
WANTED Plain and stylish dressmaking.
302 K. 50th st.
LAUJtuA tajjorlng; alterations, coats re lined.
Mrs. Muckler. 430 Columbiaat. A4709.
EXPERIENCED cook desires position; state
.wages; boarding-house or delicatessen pre
ferred. P 70, oregonian.
A LADY with best of references wishes to
go with family of 3 or 4 to beach for
housework ; best wages. AM 70, Oregonian.
CAPABLE housekeeper, widower's family.
St. Louis Agency, 3034 Wash. Main 2039.
NURSE Year's experiencs, all kinds, care
ior maternity, elderly, invalids, infants;
references. Call today. Call Main 4364.
TRAINED nurse wishes charge of Infant or
Buy u ursing ; terms very reasonable. a
WANTED By practical maternity nurse, a
case immediately, win do work ior two
in family. Main 492.
ROOM for invalid, private sanitarium, city
i vlki cuuea. a ti o'rf. ureg oman.
KIND, motherly lady wishes care of small
children. 426 E. Market st. .
CAPABLE German woman, children's" nurse.
u Ltouis Agency, au3a wasn. jaain ud.
GIRL general housework, small family; good
cook; 2a mon th. O 7S, Oregonian.
Ml seel laneous.
FRENCH lady wishes position as lady's
companion or nouseKeeper; mattes styiisn
dresses; willing to travel. AJ 73, Ore'
gonian EXPERIENCED German girl desires second
or chamberwork, $30. bt. Louis Agency,
303 Washington, Main 2039, A 4775.
REFINED young lady, employed during
day, wishes good home with lauy wishing
companion. Main 2643.
WANTED A child to care for during the
Summer In a nearby country home. AK. tlr
MARRIED woman wantef to take chargft of
rooming-house. Addrera AC i2. Oregonian.
GERMAN woman wants work by day. Mrs.
Kieiand. Alain 153'. Home A itw.
SITUATION wanted, to take charge of
rooming-house. X 73. Oregonian.
POSITION by firat-elaas cook, boarding-house;
best of references. AH 1, Oregonta!
A LADY would like work by the day. Call
.Main CB31.
JAPANESE woman and girl want positions
as general houfieworkers. Y 7.. Oregonian.
NORWEGIAN woman wants day work.
rnone Aiain ii.
WOMAN wants work by dav, 25 cents an
hour. Address 547 East 21st st.
WOMAN wishes work by day. Main 2510.
AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-growa
nursery stock is In demand; sains this
season will be Immense ; a flattering op
portunity; cash paid weekly; outfit free,
..Falem Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de
mand for choice nursery stock; outfit
free ; cash weekly. Address Capital City
Nursery Co.. Saiem, Or.
STREET man wanted; $10 day. Land is, 54
im. istn. rnone M arshall 1117.
LIVE agents to sell photo coupons; something
new. Davis, 342 Washington L.
We furnish the renter, collect the rent,
pay taxes. Insurance and keep up repairs,
the same for you as though the property
was our own; references, any bank in
245 Stark St.
Phones A 3500. Main 35.
WANTED By gentleman, 7 or 8-room fur
nished house or flat. West Side; state
price. N 72, Oregonian.
5 OR 6-ROOM house or bungalow, perma
nent; adults only. Phone East 49S5, morn-
Rooms With BoardL
LADY employed desires room and board with
refined private family ; privilege of having
piano, West Side, central location; state
terms. A-fj tv, oregonian.
WANTED By young man, room and board
in plain respectable family, close In
please state terms. N 73. Oregonian.
YOUNG man wishes room with or without
board in private home, Irvington pre-
lerrea. . Full details, ti. i s, oregonian.
ELDERLY lady wants room and board in
private family or where few boarders are
taken. AD 71, Oregonian.
Furnished Rooms.
ANGELA HOTEL 025 Washington street,
between 19th and 20th. Just completed.
the cosiest. com pie test and up-to-datest
residence hotel in the city. The ground-
floor office is finished in real mahogany.
marble and tile, is spacious and handsome;
elevator service, private teiepnone ex
change, steam heat, hot and cold water
In ail rooms, many with baths and wall
bed, and Is splendidly furnished. The
rent la very moderate, rrooms from $15 per
month up. Why not get the best for your
money? Now open, rooms by tne o&y, week
or month. Phone aiaxsnau .aw.
l k pkom union depot.
building; tine large ground-floor office; hot
and cold running water in all rooms;
steam heated: private baths: very richly
furnished. Rates only $3 and up per
week; uUc up per day. call ana see us.
jNortneast corner f ilth anu unsaa sts.
Homelike, Homelike. Homellka,
7th and Axikeny at.
Kree was t-eir depot carriaca,
I took it on the spot;
There may he other houses just as good.
A quiet home for quiet people.
12U Eleventh st.
New modern brick building, steam
heated, private baths, hot and cold wa
ter in rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy
and comfortable. Rates very reasonable.
Call and see us. y Regular and transient
trade solicited.
124 14th. Our. Washington St.'
Everything new: large, airy rooms, sin
gle and with bath: telephone in every
room, service free; rates by the day, week
or month; also unfurnished room?.
THB BARTON, 13th and Alder, ts now un
dergoing a thorough renovation; 70 steam
teated, electric-lighted roonu, all outside.
Kates 75c day; lo mouth up. Suites with
rucalng water -l mon th up. I' hone aad
batn iree.
Fifth st.. odd. City Hail. Phone Marshall
666 New, beautifully furnished, hot, cold
water in every room, public and private
batlm; permanent, transient.
HOTEL b ARGENT, Cor. Grand ave. and
Hawthorne Phone East
291. connecting every room. Private baths.
elevator, tirst -class grill. Special rates by
week or montn. American or European.
Transients solicited.
, Modern furnished or unfurnished apart
ments, single or en suite, central, rea
sonable ; Summer transient or permanent
rates. "MILNEK. -htLDtj.," SiV h Morrison.
312 Oak st., corner Sixth. Large, lieht.
airy rooms, elegantly furnished, electric
lights, running water; iow rates.
Washington aad 17th, hrvt-claes furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern coa
yenlences; a weeKiy up. a -p. q. D047,
All outside rooms: hot and cold water.
steam heated; $3 and up per week. Grand
ave. and East Ash. .
THE BEAVEK. 12th and Marshall sts., well
. furnished Sleeping rooms -.ais per week,
eiectrio lights. !iot Pain rree.
IdE MANSION Elegantly furnished rooms,
modern, beautiful grounds, suitable for
gentleman, walking diKtance6th-Jeff ersoo.
MODERN outside rooms, $2.50 to $3 per
week, including baths; also housekeeping
rooms. bs w aauiuBtun su
NICELY furnLshed front rooms, suitable for
two people, and m per week. 314 Mill,
cor. 6tn!
'I tit. ESTES Good rooms, reasonaoie; uc w
furniture, telephone and batns free. 37
KtarK. corner otn. mra. juu . cica.
Grand ave. and E. Stark. Modern,
FURNISHED room. Eflm Place. formerly
Kltor. ( niirT Annex. lamnui ana iirn.
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
LARGE well furnished double and single
bedrooms, an mouern conveniences, re-
sonable. 7b7 Giisan. ,
FURNISHED rooms in private family. 248
N. girth. Mam
$11 MONTH Nice front room, reasonable,
bath, walking distance. 4't'Z 5th.
LA RGB. airy, first-class" room, reasonable,
close In, on West Bide. Phone Marshall 180.
Fumiwhed Rooms in Private Family.
NICBLY-furnished large rooms, hot and cold
water, suitable for two persona, at the
Mercedes, 165 Stout, near iluth and Wash
ington. Phones A 334?, Main 9v4.
JUST right for two or three chums; large
room with alcove and porch; also single
room; nicely furnished; central location.
Main 5332.
ATTRACTIVE room, running water, pleas
ant surroundings, for business man close
In; references. 127 14th st.
LARGE, well furnished bay-window room.
private, walking distance. 210 V 22d st. -N.
FOR RENT Two newly furnished room;
none and bath. lOo isortn zutn st.
FURNISHED rooms; modern conveniences;
walking distance. 28 North 16th at.
FI"RNI SH ED rooms, with or without board.
208 Grant st. Phone Main btai.
NEAT room,' close In, 10 per month. 263
ijcn st.
FOR RENT Beautifully furnished large front
pearoom, $ n a month. 4ts - --st tJoucn.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. 612
Aider, near loin.
NICELY-furnished front room with board for
two gentlemen. 570 Williams avenue.
N i-J W L Y furnished room, up-to-date, 8 min.
irom -. iyi. luin si.
FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms, all
modern conveniences. 564 Flanders.
NICE airy room, walking distance, reason-
aoie. o4 i Morrison st.
NEATLY-furnished roonxp, $2 to f3 per week;
iree bath, phone. 2tt listn. near Salmon.
FURNISHED room for rent; walking dis
tance. X 74, Oregonian.
NEAT furnished room, private family; $10
per month. Main 48o.
BEAUTIFUL room, balcony, bet location, 6
mm. postoffice; gentlemen. ao jark.
Unfurnished Rooms.
FOR RENT 2 unfurnished rooms for light
housekeeping. 44 N. Sth st.
Kouuok Wttn Iscara.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year, room
with boara, use ox sewing-room ana liDrary.
C10 K landers st Miss Frances N. Heath,
ROOMS, with board; rates reasonable. The
Waldorf. 147iathst.Main 211 S.
Rooms With, Board in Private Family.
ROOMS with board,, private boarding-house.
modern conveniences, nome com torts;
minutes' walk from business center. $9
East Sth st. North. Phone East 722.
COZY front room, suitable for two; large
front room, nice for ii gentlemen, in new,
modern home, porch ; walking distance.
DOW Everett. M 7072. Breakfast If desired.
BOARD and room for two gentleman; bath.
phone and good home cooking ; 0.0O per
week each. 420 East Couch st. Phone
East 1824.
FOR RENT Room and board to young
man, light, airy room, easy walking ois-tanc-e,
references. 303 13th.
LARGE front suite. With board; newly fur
nished, electric lights and running water.
Also single room. 2Q4 N. 22d st.
TO communicate with gentleman desiring
to join bachelors" co-operative housekeep
ing club; references. D 4 7 ,Orc gonl an.
LARGE furnished rooms, with board; home
cooking; phones; bath; all conveniences. XOT
16th st., near Flanders.
CHOICE, airy rooms, select board, home
like, reasonable. 761 Marshall st.
392 SALMON, corner 10th, 1 large front
room, with board. A. 54.
NEWLT furnished rooms, with board. 695
E. Oak. cor. loth, is 2ttiu.
ROOM with board, bath ; 10 minutes from
ROOMS with or without board in private
home. o'JlH Davis St., bet, isth ana lutn.
ROOM and board. 655 Irving.
Cor. Grand ave. and Stark St
New fireproof brick building, beautiful
ly furnished two and three-room apart
ments, private baths, wall beds, large
clothes closets; plenty of hot water; Sum
mer rates. Phone B 30O.
425 TO S33 Fine West Side steam-heated
apartments; private oam ana puuuw, ntvi a
wood fluora, smaJl outside porch, fine new
brick building: these are tne best anu cneap
est Roartments in the city: they are furnished
with bedstead, spring, dresser, dining-room
table, ice box: do look them up. Call 414
11th et., Dammeier Invest, Co.
Place, bet. lth and 20th. near wasning
ton: newlv ooened: modern: electric ele
vator, phones, janitor service, outsld
porcnes. xneso aparunsni are eiesuuj
furnished In 2. ana 4 rooms; bummer
HEINZ aoartments. 14th and Columbia; 4
blocks south from Morrison st. ; uew onn.
building, completely first-class; furnished
In 2, 3 and 4 room lamuy apartments,
nrivntn bsLth. retention hall. Bt;am heat.
hot water, elevator, free phone, janitor
service; rent from 2oj permontn anaup.
Beautiful 4-room apartments for rent on
the ground door, all furnished, with pri
vate bath and janitor service, in walking
distance from business aimrici. wuuuiui
steam heat. Phone Aialn l46.
K EELER APARTMENTS, 14th an d Clay
Finest in the city; electric elevator, vesti
bule In each apartment; private telephones;
urlvate bath, oorcelaln-linea reingerators
Garland stuvta: $40 to $5o per month. Call
this week. .
Elaborately furnished. 3-room apartments,
all modern conveniences, large shady lawn
cool verandas, janitor; rents reasonable,
walking distance. 624 Marshall su; take
W" car. Main 60.2 or A 31 vi. .
PST7 WASHINGTON ST. Beat 3-room apart
ments in city; ail rooms outsiae; janitor
service, hot and cold water, free phones,
heat and conveniences of a modem apart
ment; rent reasonable.
JULY 1. Beautiful unfurnished 5-room front
apartment witn ail moaern conveniences;
steam heat, hot and cold water, phone, gas
range, refrigerator, gas, electric lignt
.Janitor servlceT etclJhune A 1133,
Strictly modern, large rooms and thrss
closets to every apartment cool and airy
for gummer. Lovejoy su Take W
WELLINGTON COURT, beautiful 2, 3 and
4-room furnished apartments, steam heat,
free phone, janitor service and rent rea
sonable. 16th and Everett sts. Phone
Main 1245.
"ON EON T A" APARTMENTS, 17 17th. near
Yamhill (W car at depot). 2, 3 and 4-room
furnished suites; hot and cold, phones and
baths free, $20 per month. $2 per wek
and up. Main 46u7. A 473tf.
THE RE-UKAN, moat beautifully located
apartment house in me cn ; uo niu atf
trict, Marshall between lyth and 2oth; ev
erything up to date and of the best. See
and be convinced.
Washington sts., 3-room apartments, havs
every modern convenience, including steam
heaL, hot water, private bath, free phones
ana Janitor service; rent vary reasonable.
FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, modern
In every particular; steam-heated, hot
w ater, janitor services, with lirst-claas
furnishings. Apply to Janitor, 006 K.ear
neyst. WELL furnished 4 or 5 room apartment for
tho Summer or longer; Nob Hill district;
close in. Phone Main 5175. Inquire at
203 Abington bldg.
FOR RENT 4-room furnished apartment.
Including piano, for July and August; 3
minutes" walk from postoffice ; no chll-
dre n. Ph one Main 54b0; M a 1 n 5 582
MODERN apartments of 3, 4 or'o rooms, in
cluding all modern conveniences; $25 and
up. Cor. 21st and Northrup. Telephone
Main ias9.
THE WESTFAL, 410 0th st., furnished and
unfurnished apartments; private baths and
phone; elevator and janitor service; rents
reasonable. Phone A 2u3M.
For housekeeping in suites; $i aad up;
hot water, free baths, tir-t-ciaas. 631 a
wasningwn. w.
FOR RENT Furnished unitl September 1,
my very fine 4-room corner apartment ;
reterences. Apply apt, 5, Madi.on Park
bl-Ai -HEATED 5-room apartment, mod
ern and desirable; 525 Everett su Apply
Morgan, Fleidner Boyce. 503 Ablnt..a
bldg. .
Elegantly furnished 3-roorn apartment;
strictly modern; 5 minutes' walk from
pofctuffice. Both phones.
CHETOPX lSth and Flanders, modern 4
room unfurnished apartments. Apply to
JEFFERSON 2 and 3-roomed modern fur
nished apartments with running water and
piano. $20 and $25. 10th and Jefferson.
4-ROOM furnished flat; beautiful neighbor
hood; 7 minutes Postoffice; nice lawn; only
responsible people need answer. 367 10th at.
$20 AND $25. 2. 3 and 4 rooms, with bath,
furnished and unfurnished, choice loca
tion. East 5043.
FURNISHED apartments, including piano.
The Morton. Wash, and King sts,
Modern furnlahed apartments. East 5465.
King .and Wayne sts. Apply to janitor.
4 AND 5 rooms. $25 and $27.50. Corner East
r.ttl ana lanmin. QJOt
FOR RENT In Holladay Add., a nicely fur
nished 3-room aartnaent; reference. C 264Z
704-7J6 Hoyt St.,
Between 21st and- 22d.
New brick apartment house will be
ready for occupancy July 1. Two. 3 and 4
room suites, completely furnished ; extra
large rooms, especially desirable for Sum
mer, being equipped with electric and fire
lesa cookers, built-in ice boxes, electric
lifts, large sleeping porches. The best
equipped house in city; reference required.
For reservations pho ne M ars h all 1841.
489 Clay St.. second house from 14th.
the only modern completely furnished 2
room apartment-house in the city; house
and eleeant furniture, brand new; just
opened for business; steam heat, electric
light, hot and cold water in every apart
ment: private phone, bath; walking dis
tance. 18-25. including light. See them
now before they are gone and take your
choice. Marshall 2074.
UNFURNISHED 3-room apartment; rent
$1S Inquire 225 Market st.
FOR KENT New ana luicily xoodsrn
rom flats on 20th and Laurel stSw, Port
iaxid Heights, rent $40. Apply
85 Fourth .
FOR RENT Good 5-room flat, 48T Davis
at; rent $20. Apply
. 85 Fourth St.
New, modern, attic room ; best location
in city. Inquire 175 16th, West Side, cor.
UPPER 6-room unfurnished flat, modern.
all light or will furnish to suit tenant.
666 Hoyt Phone Marshall 1223.
ELEGANTLY furnished flat, 6 roont, Tight,
airy; sleeping porch it desired ; mwn,
flowero. Nob Hill. Inquire 772 Kearney.
$10 Modern 4-room flat, with oorches and
basement; airy and sunny ; adults. iou
Williams ave. Phone Woodlawa 420.
TWO-ROOM flat, central, convenient, rea
sonable, pleasant; adults only. 2Joa
Hall st.
NICELY furnished upper flat of u rooms.
with pianola, walking distance, ana on
carline ; West Side. Phone Main 929.
Modern 6-room upper fiat; adults. 19ft
E. 15th. near Belmont.
WHN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co. Main ItiiS. A All covered w
floa, all experienced men.
FOR RENT 3-room modern flat. West
Side, rent only per month. M. E. Lee,
411 Corbett bldg.
FOR RENT Two new. modern lower flats
of six rooms each ; also two uppers of 7
rooms each. E. 17th and Belmont sts.
NEW 6-room corner flat, strictly modern,
choice location; key 355 6th.
MODERN 5-room upper flat. 624 Yx East Stark,
near 10th st Phone Woodlawn 8o.
MODERN 5-room flat; good attic and base
ment. 473 7th st.
SELL furnished at bargain or rent furnished,
small modern flat. 23K i Hall.
MODERN 5-room flat, 5th, near Jackson;
West t?ide ;easy walk. MainorA1223.
NEW flat for rent W. Reldt 401 Roth
child bldg. Main 1505.
4-ROOM lower flat, 12th and Belmont; key
across the hall.
Ho USA keep In sr Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. Fur
nished for housekeeping, gas ranges, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all
free; $15 per month up; a clean place; best
In the city for money; short distance from
Union Depot. Take "S" or 10th st cars
north, get off at Marshall st. No doga
nished or unfurnished housekeeping apart
ments, single or ensul te ; reasonable ; cen
tral; Summer, transient or permanetn
rates. "M1LNER BLDG.." 350. Morrison.
WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, 2 (8
month; 3 for 12, furnished cottage, large
rooms. $20; lower flat, 4 rooms, $ IS. ot4
2Gth. North (west side river). W car from
depot, 5th, Morrison to 20th ; block north.
(2 WEEK Clean, furnished housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath, phone, gas. heat,
yard, clean linen. 4U0 V ancouver aye.
461 EAST Morrison, corner East Sth; com
pletely furnished housekeeping rooms,
FINE suite of housekeeping rooms, elegant
location. 40 North 17lh, 1 block north of
THREE nice, clean housekeeping rooms,
close in. 405 Alder st.
(L50 week, large, clean turn, housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath. ga-, 1&4 Sborma-o.
THH ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, fur
niahed. 101 14th st. ; transient solicited.
1.50 and $2 per week, clean furnished
Housekeeping. Desoto nouse, 2U1 2nd.
f 1.26 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
heat, laundry, bath 2Q3- Stanton. "T7" car.
Housekeeping Rooms in Private) Family.
S-ROOM furnished housekeeping suite, suit
able for 4. $2b a month.
Front alcove suite for 2, $16.
One large room for 2, $11 ; running
water, gas. Datn ana pnone. ii3 rs. iitn
st. Marshall 1834.
SUITE of elegantly furnished front rooms.
suitable for light houaskeeping or bachelor
apartments, in a quiet modern home, with
all conveniences ana use or. piano. oa Mor
rlson st. Main 8S09.
SWELL housekeeping rooms, beautiful lo
cation: walking distance : yard. bath.
phone, laundry, gas range, hot water. 6G6
THREE large sunny rooms, nicely furnished
for housekeeping; moaern, lawn, nowers.
615 .Qth st., Portland Heights.
TWO nicely furnished rooms for housekeep
ing; gas, bath, phone; rent reasonable; no.
cnuaren. bzu v-. jaorrison.
FIRST floor of cottage, furnished, newly
tinted, well-lighted, good yard, central lo
cation; references. Phone A liy9, 26 N.
TWO nicely furnished rooms for housekeep
ing; gas. bath, phone, rent reasonable; no
children, ou irJ. aiornsun.
two niceiv furnished housekeeping rooms,
near Steel bridge; nice back yard, free
bath and phone. 30Q Benton BI-.,,
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms in
exchange for all-around handy man and
ife 56U Everett.
NICELY furnished housekeeping suite, all
modern conveniences; reasonable rent, 2 OH
TWO very desirable outside furnished
housekeeping rooms, reaawuauie. -ji iia.y
man st.
two furnished housekeeping rooms: wood
water, electric Usht, phone; $15. b5o
Clinton st. Sell wood 9Q2.
NICELY furnished rooms for light house
keeping; bath and telephone. 46 North
21st su
FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping;
modern conveniences. 82 East loth, phone
East IBS.
ONE large room, also sleeping porch. Phone
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping; mod-
ern. 6i L. ttutn. i. rnone xjtxsx. wjo.
thrf.r rooms, larce. airy, bay window.
fine location; vacant July L 534 Morrison.
HOUSEKEEPING room, furnished complete,
14l 13th, near Morrison
$9 a month Three large housekeeping room-,
gas nlatc, steel range. 618 7th st. Main 4o2i.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cheap.
560 Everett. ,
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. t7
N. 14th St., between Davis and Everett.
TWO unfurnished rooms, desirable, conven
ient for one or two adults. Hall.
VERY pleaw.nt housekeeping, also transient
rooms; strictly clean beds. 31i X.' 11th.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, single
and en suite, tirst floor; yard. 430 Yamhill.
2 NICE housekeeping rooms. 370 7th st. $18.
NEW. 0-room house. 903 Commercial St.; all
modern conveniences, 2 blocks from new
JefTerson High School. Apply t36 Chamber
of Commerce or phone A 17oG.
FOR RENT Modern six-room house, fur
nace, gas, lawn, roses, garden; close in;
two carlines; long term; adults only. Tel-
ephone East Cl8.
4-ROOM bungalow, modern, fireplace and
furnace, etc.; cor. East Alder and SSth at.,
Sunnyglde. Phone B 287Q.
MODERN S-room bungalow, S. W. corner
of E. l'.Uh and Alberta sts., on carline, $18.
W. F. Martin. b43 Y. M. C A.
MODERN 6-room house, 124 Skldnvtre et., cor
ner Mississippi ave. ; laundry trays, gas flx
tureg and; $18 per month.
FOR RENT 6-room modern house, furnished
or unfurnished, large yard with fruit trees.
William lvueppell.Main122i.
$13.50 McFarland's 6-room cottage. 272 Myr
tle Station, Mount Scott carline. See Wells,
Stewarts Station. Phone Tabor 6H0.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room furnished house
in Irvington. 744 Qlackamas St. Call be-
ween n a. ai. ana a X . .M .
MODERN 5-room Queen Anne houee, fine lo
cation, 1117 East Alder St., Sunnyslde.
Phone B 2870.
MODERN, desirable. 8-room house, close in,
3U6 San Rafael, near Union ave. Phone,
. E. 16S.-. c 1491.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room house. E. 22d
and Main; Call 771 E. Salmon at,
FOR RENT S-room house, modern. 770
Invlng Bt. Phone Main 2457; A-5133.
MODERN 7-room house on York st., near
car, (25 per month. Call 410 Falling bldg.
XT i O T C V T
$40 New 7-room house, Et 2d and
w asco sts.
$30 Nice. new. 5-room flats Ion 2d St.,
bet. riall and Lincoln sts.
$27.50 7-room house on 23d land East
Ankfny sis.
$2." New. modern. 6-room hole. walk
ing distance. 24 Dupont st. 1 car.
Gio. u. w:halk,
228 Stark St.
Main 329. A 232.
WHEN yon tnov you'll ed new turnlttrra.
Buy it juoicious-iy ana in savinga will
ced Tour movlnc exMCKs. 1
Our NO-RENT PRICES mad nA on oft
the largest xurmtura nouse in
two years.
Lookers shown cam courtesy as hsyera.
u-T3 urasa Ave., uor. rjt bt
t-Ltit Anksny- and Russell-Shaver Wxlla
pass our o oo r.
MODERN flat, 645 -Sixth street. Flv
. large rooms oni second floor and to fin
ished rooms in attic; splendid light nn all
rooms; lawn in front and rear; reit $MG
(no children). Telephone from v A. M.
to 5 P. M. Main bTU5.
WHY pay rent when wo will build foA you
on a iurtall cash payment and the batnc
like rent? We have the lots to build ton.
For full particulars, writ D 57. Orto
nian. T
Good 3-room house, 7o0 V Kelly St., n ar
Porter; rent US.
317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oat
HOUSES, flats and apartments for ruU
W. Cor. 6th and Washington Streets
6-ROOM modern house, 85S Williams ae.
near bbaver; rent 4-20. I
317 Board of Traoe Bldg., 4th and Oak.
TO RENT Strictly modern 7-room houte.
first-class condition; corner; 434 Oregon
St., cor. East 7th North. Call up ownc
l aoor imiu.
5-ROOM cottage. 645 E. Clinton; $12;
tat n. Apply Edwards Co.. irst
5-ROOM modern cottage. 601 Northrui;
bath, gas, shades. Inquire 5tl Lovejoy
Furnished Houses.
PARK ADDITION, near corner E. 2(tp
and Clackamas; 6 rooms, new and tho4
oughly modern, nicely furnished, both ste4
and gas ranges, and all conveniences; at)
tractive loea uty ; win rem ior year
longer if desired. McCargar, Hales
Lively. 315 Failing bldg.
6-ROOM furnished house, large lawn, g
and steel ranges; electric lights, hath
laundry; choice location; for 3 months
ideal Summer home: reasonable. 68
Schuyler st. East 4055.
FOK RENT Furnished house at Mount Ta
bor; 8 rooms; silver, linen, piano, yard
block iuan'. lots of fruit trees. 1721 El
Stark st. I'hone Tabor 1SW, between fl
and o. i i
NEW. modern. nicelr furnished 6-roo
house, gas and steel ranges, porcelain oatnj
furnace, laundry tuns, lawn, waiKing ais-
tance; references. l'uaL. istst..
S-ROOM. electricity, olumbine and all up-to-
date, complete: oernes, irun. cuicKens;
35o-foot lot; 1 block from Woodlawn ave.;
Vancouver car. w ooauwn t oo.
FOR the Summer, mv home, seven rooms.
l;i5 E. Couch ; every moaern convenience
nnH Attrn.rt.lva surround in sts. Phones East
:;n3S. Main 7257. F. H. Fleming, 70$
Swetland bldg. .
COTTAGE for July, August, 5 rooms, com
pletely furnisnea. moaern,. eiecincuy, bus
range, refrigerator, piano, lawn, on car
line ; adults only. Phone Tabor 1196.
ATTRACTIVE 6-room furnished bungalow.
Irvington; every convenience; win rent aur
lng July, August, September; references re
quired. Phono C 2127.
NEW, MODERN IN E r.ii t rAitl iv -I.AR;
Main 77 1 -j.
FCR $27-50, nicely furnished 4-room flat.
"t4 East coucn, near lum st. ; no muiuicu.
Phone B atisa.
FOR RENT 5-room lower flat for 2 months.
modern ana rurnisnea cuinyi-n-. ici
month: reterences. Phone B 27:tt.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished 7-room house.
Nob Hill district; wanting uisiaBto. -
Kearney St. Phone Main 3415.
FURNISHED house for rent during July,
August anu ocpiwwiut" w v
Belmont st. .
FURNISHED house for rent during Summer
in on in a, hiuuci n , ,
sonable. 7U4 E. Salmon st.
WELL-FTJRNISHED house with Pian. fin
location, lawn ana iioweru. wo- -
Salmon or phone East 1&90. .,,
FOR RENT 7-room completely furnished
modern house for summer moniua. uo w-i-
ton. PhoneMain9101.
6-ROOM furnished fiat, with fireplace and
yard 262 Stout St.; walking distance.
Call 260 Stout st. Phone Main B86S.
WELL furnished 5-roora fiat, including piano,
..... CT,H l,irat on ona block
II K It t B"U , r " ------
from carline. phone M Si8.
FOR RENT Furnished 7-room modern
house, 4ol Aspen St., Willamette. Heights.
Mai n 313.
4-ROOM furnished flat; beautiful neighborhood-
7 minutes Postoffice; nice lawn; only
reprK-inalhle people need answer. 3t7 10th gt.
ELEGANTLY furnished 7-room house, Nok
iTill for 1 year. Main 4134. 777 Johnson.
FOR RENT Well-furnished house, &ti3 6tb
FURNISHED 5-room bungalow. Woodmere
Station. B 2G?sS.
ATTRACTIVE, desirably located home for
S u m mer, July 1, $5 -11 N. 24th. M. 3995.
3-ROOM cottage for rent furnished; to steady
party. S7 1'ettygrove; io.w.
S35 Elegant furnished flat, 5 largo rooms,
FURNISHED 4-room cottage; electrU
lifl-hta. bath, central. Inquire 273H 7th
NICELY furnished flat for rent, reasonable.
Honses for Rent. Furniture for Sale.
FURN1TUKE o three-room apartment for
sale at half price: apartment new. mod
prnand beat location. AN 71. Oregonian.
FURNITURE of a 5-room flat for ale at
sacrifice; rent J30; 6 minute, from P. O.
Main 7024.
BARGAIN, $350.
10-room house. Marshall 1894. 17S f.
17th St. .
MUST SELL at once. 9 rooms, elegant furnU
ture. no reasonable offer refused. -41
Main street.
FURNITURE of 9-room house for sale, rent
J40. Call afternoons at 549 Yamhill St.
CLEAN 0-room modern cottae; fence and
treej; 3 blocks car. 94 East 35th St.
NEW furniture of modern ten-room house.
01 13th St.
FOUR-ROOM apartment for rent, furniture
for sale. No. 5. 42tt Columbia st.
FLAT for sale. Jeffery, 549 Taylor street.
Fiat P.
FURNITURE 16 rooms, house for rent; good
leaso. 221 lath. Main 6302.
Summer Resort,.
ROSE CITY BEACH Between TlUamoolc
and Nehalem Bays, the beauty snot ot
the Oregon coast; some choice lots left at
lower than prevailing prices; terms to suit
you. Full Information may be obtained
by calling on or writing to F. I Eapping
ton. Trustee. 220 Falling bldg-
LOW, on ocean ridge, at Seaview (near
t,i in roll vi.w nf ronlCR and 19
miles beach; furnished complete; also 2
furnished cottages, 3 and 7 rooms. W. W.
Plimpton, aeavlew. .Wash.
FOR RENT C. C. Smith's 6-room house,
completely furnished. at Long Beach,
Wash.; rent J1O0 for season. Apply
Nortonla Hotel, mornings. ,
WANTED TO RENT At Seaside or Long
Beach, a small furnished cottage for a
month or longer. E. C. Hurlbert, St. Johns,
Or. .
FOR RENT Mrs. York's nice, clean, well
furnished cottage with barn, near beach;
Seaview. Wash. Phone East 3304.
FOR RENT At Seaside. 30-room flat, best lo
cation in city. A money-maker. Must be
reliable parties. Box 85. Seaside. Or.
at Seaview. Wash., for Summer season. Q.
Hcltkfmpe. 2SG Morrison Portland. Or.
SEASIDE Completely furnished cottasel
good location; ready for occupancy; rea
sonable. B 1728. 1S6 East 13th st.
SEASIDE modern. 8-room, completely fur
nished. ready for occupancy. East1619j
SEASIDE Furnished cottages for rent;
overlooking ocean. Phone East 2h'-9. m
FURNISHED cottage at Seaview. Wash,
v. ooalawn '
FOR-RENT 4-story and basement brink
store building. 50x165. southeast cornej
Front and Pine. Apply Chester V. Do. ph.
303 Mohawk bldg.
FOR RENT 6-tory brick building. Id and
Ash: also large brick building sultabl. fo
automobile garage. Apply R- T. cox.
Main 422.
NEW brick store, modern, long lease and
low rent; down-town. M 74, Oregonian.
Phone A 1S56.
FINE new brick store, good location foi
drug store, delicatessen, confectionery oi
any light manufacturing, phono East S41I,
GARAGE, shop or factory, new building,
50x100. E. Belmont and 6th bu