Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 22, 1910, Page 20, Image 20

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crew. More seamen were signed yes
terday and taken aboard, but Captain
Morgan does not expect to start for
the lower harbor before tomorrow. She
goes to Delagroa Bay with lumber.
New Dredge to Have Month's Test.
For a period of 30 days following her
tfmattng a period to the concessions. The
My Corns Don't
Hurt a Bit
cotton market reported ome buying for tor- ;
ign account.
Bonds were trreirular. Total sales, par
value, fl.14S.Ono. United States 3 coupon
advanced per cent In the bid price on
Tired, Ailing, Swollen, Smelly, Sweaty
Market Holds Up in Spite of
. 5V4
Low. Bid.
Feet, Corns, Callouses and Bunions,
completion, the Government dredge Chi- J
tAllis Chalmers pf loO
nooK win De operated Dy tne juanno i
Works, without responsibility to the Uni
ted 6tates Corps of Engineers. A provi
sion of the contract makes it imperative
for the firm making the repairs not to
receive an official acceptance of the work
until the bar-digger has been tested for
that time. It Is still hoped to have her
ready August 1. and after a trial she will
be dispatched to the bar.
Large Receipts!
Amal Copper ....
Am Agriculture ..
42 V,
34 Va
62 Vj
34 Vi
23 V
43 Vi
TIZ Cnres
Am Beet fugar
. S4M
"65 Vi
62 Vi
85 V4
A merlcan Can ....
Arbitration by Chamber
Commerce on Wage In
crease Refused.
Am Car & Foun.
66 Vi
Am Cotton Oil . .
Am Hd & It pf.
To Perfect Health and
Strength and Robust
Reliable Traatanent.
Am ice seeurl ..
Am -Linseed Oil ..
Am Locomotive
Am Smelt- & Ref .
io preferred
10O 108 V. 103V4 103
Am Steel Fdy ....
30 56Vi BH 6S
loo 119
Weak Meini
Rieht Off
Chamber- Said to Favor Employers
as Against Employes Question
Is Over Difference in Scale on
Uower Columbia Points.
There will be no recognition of the
Chamber of Commerce by the longshore
men in the adjustment of wage difficul
ties that has arisen between the latter
and the stevedoring Arms of Brown &
McCabe and the McCabe Company. That
stand was determined by the union yes
terday. The longshoremen insist that while they
entered into an agreement September 3,
1908, to accept a scale of 50 cents an hour
for loading lumber on vessels in the
Willamette and Columbia rivers, unions
at St. Helens and Astoria . have scales
through which hatchtenders. siderunners
and wlnchdrivers are paid 60 cents an
hour, and that when men from the Port
land locals are drawn to downriver points
they expect to be paid on the basis "in
vogue there. For that reason they main
tain that the question raised by the
stevedores that the longshoremen of
Portland had arbitrarily increased the
scale when working at St. Helens, Is
without the jurisdiction of the local
The stevedores wrote to the Chamber
of Commerce Monday, asking that body
to investigate the increase on the ground
that it had appeared as sponsor for the
longshoremen when the agreement was
executed. The Chamber 'n turn commu
nicated with the longshoremen, giving
the text of the stevedores letter and
asking for an explanation. Yesterday
the longshoremen forwarded the follow
ing reply:
We have for acknowledgement your favor
of June 20, in which you state that a com
plaint from both stevedore firms has been
received by you to the effect that the Long
shoremen's Union has advanced the wage
scale to the neighborhood of 20 per cent.
Permit us to inform you that the question
of wage complained of is entirely out of
our Jurisdiction, and does not concern us
In any way.
We further wish to submit to your hon
orable body that at the time the agreement
In question was entered into with the Cham
ber of Commerce as sponsor, we had every
confidence in the strict non-partiality as
toward employer and employe of your or
ganization. Since then, however, the Port
land Chamber of Commerce has tfpenly and
publicly announced that they are opposed
to trade agreements. Consequently. we
take It for granted that your body does not
expect us to submit any question Involving
arbitration to a body of men who have de
clared themselves In favor of the employers
as against the trades unions'.
NO. 6.
By J. A. Madsen, J. Maher and P. Sullivan.
The stand assumed by the Chamber
of Commerce was that the union has
broken its contract through a violation
of section eight, providing as follows:
"The party of the second part agrees
to do all the necessary work in loading
or discharging vessels on the Columbia
and Willamette rivers during the time
mentioned in this agreement and not to
engage in any sympathetic strike, ex
cept where the grainhandlers of Port
land are directly involved."
Section two provides for outside work
being performed and that transportation
is to be paid by the stevedo-js.
"We look to the Chamber of Commerce
to settle this matter, for it has not been
the rule to pay a scale higher than is
in vogue in Portland for work on the
lower river," said Manager Jones, of the
Brown & McCabe Comapny yesterday.
"The union has kept to that part of the
agreement for 18 months, and it was not
until last week that the question of an
increase of 10 cents an hour for hatch-
tenders .and winchdrlvers was raised. If
the scale is increased, then vessel own
ers will have to pay the difference, and
that will mean driving business to Puget
The British- steamer Saint Dunstan
which" reached the river yesterday and
is to load cargo at St. Helens and finish
at St. Johns, will be the next craft on
which the question will be brought up,
but no trouble is anticipated, as the
stevedores will meet the demands.
Portland Firm to File Bid for
$100,000 Contract.
Hoping to secure work that will repre-.
sent an expenditure in Portland of ap
proximately $100,000, Bert Ball, treasurer
of the Willamette Iron & Steel Works,
left last night for Victoria, where he will
file a bid tomorrow for repairs to the
steamer Yucatan, of the Alaska Steam
ship Company's fleet, sister ship of the
steamer Rose City, of the San Francisco
& Portland Steamship Company's fleet.
The Yucatan was wrecked in Alaskan
waters and was not raised for a long
time: consequently there is a large
amount of work necessary to dismount
her equipment and place it in condition
for service. Some new parts will be or
dered and a general overhauling will be
required to place her in shape to be
commissioned immediately. The craft
Is lying at Esqulmault, and as the con
tract will provide that she be docked, the
local firm is admirably equipped for the
undertaking because of its proximity to
the Oregon drydock.
Harbor Headquarters to Be Built..
From the proceeds of the harbor patrol
launch that was put out of commission
when the new craft was accepted. Har
bormaster Speier received sufficient funds
to provide for the construction of a float
and house in which to keep the new craft,
and it will serve as headquarters. Be
sides permitting the launch to be kept
there, the house will be constructed with
sufficient room to admit of sleeping apart
ments being added, so officers can . re
main at night in an emergency. Tele
phonic communication will also be estab
lished direct with the headquarters, which
are to be at the foot of Stark street.
Delay in Dredging Sought.
In an effort to secure a delay in ex
pending an appropriation of $30,000
provided in the rivers and harbors bill
fr work on the Upper Willamette un
til next year,, so that $60,000 would be
available to permanently remove the
bars between Newberg and Salem, Cap
tain Richard Chilcott yesterday drafted
communlcatlsiis that will be forwarded
to every commercial organization in
the Willlamette Valley, between Albany
and Portland. He says the first ap
propriation will be insufficient to do
the work properly.
Iveyland Brothers Yet Needs Men.
"Morgan's Maru," as Harbormaster
Speier has dubbed the British ship
Leyland Brothers, In deference to her
skipper. Captain Morgan, has yet to
cure six men before completing her
Marine Notes.
In' order to shin a new smokestack.
the steamer Pomona has been moved
to the dock of the Willamette Iron &
Steel Works.
Yesterday's advices reported the sail-
in or from San Francisco of the Oriental
liner Hercules and the Rygja will leave
Yokohama Friday.
Havinsr finished lier cargo yesterday.
the Norwegian steamer Sark was towed
through the bridges from Inman-Poul-
een's mill and will leave down at day
light this morning.
Lemons for Portland and cement con
signed to Boise and Spokane were the
principal items on tne mannesi oi uw
steamer Jim Butler, which arrived yes
terday from the Bay City.
Hind. Ralph & Co. are soliciting: bids
mills for 6.000.000 feet of
lumber for shipment to Australia, and
if the business Is awarded locally, two
steamers will be sent in July.
With a full passenger list, number-
Due to Arrive.
Name. From Date.
Bear San ITanciseo In port
Rose City San Francisco Indcft
Breakwater. ...Coos Bay June
Hercules Hongkong Juno
Golden Gate. . . Tillamook. .. .June 5
Bue H. Elmore. Tillamook. . ..June 2..
Roanoke San Pedro June 25
Beaver.- San Francisco June 27
Falcon .San Francisco June, 27-
Geo. W. Elder.. San Pedro. ...July 3
Rygja Hongkcng July 10
elja Hongkong. ...Aug. 13
Scheduled to Depart.
Karri e. For Date.
Rose City. San Francisco Indeft
Breakwater. .. -Coos Bay June 23
Bear San Francisco. June 23
Henrlk Ibsen . . .Hongkong .... J una 26
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. ...June 27
Golden Gate Tillamook June 27
Roauoks. ..... .San Francisco June 28
Falcon San Francisco July 1
Beaver San Francisco July 2
Geo. W. Elder. . San Pedro. ...July 5
Hercules .Hongkong. .. .July 10
RygJa. ........ Hongkong. ...July 80
Selja Hongkong. . ..Sept. 3
ing 21 persons, the steamer Golden
Gate left last evening for Tillamook.
She had a large cargo and her owners
have closed a contract to haul cannery
supplies for a new Tillamook plant.
Seven automobiles, five of which
were immediately started through the
Willamette Valley, heading for Cali
fornia, were brought to the city yes
terday from Stella, aboard the steamer
Joseph Kellogg. The machines were
from Seattle. ,
Captain Olson, master of the steamer
Nan Smith, which arrived yesterday at
Mersey dock with a large cement cargo,
says that the craft, which Is one of the
biggest carriers of the coastwise co
terie, will load with about 2,000,000 feet
of lumber for San Pedro.
Captain Jessen took about 100 pas
sengers on the steamer George W. El
der last night, some of whom are bound
for San Pedro. The steamer Newport,
also of the North Pacific fleet, will
leave early this morning for Coos Bay,
Bandon and Coqullle River.
Coming to load lumber, the American
bark Pactolus sailed yesterday from
San Francisco. She will clear for Cape
Town. The tramp Coulsdon was also
reported sailing from Comas and she
will load at the Portland mill for China,
under engagement to Balfour, Guthrie.
To facilitate work on the Celilo
canal, railroad equipment is to be
brought from Coos Bay, where it has
been in use on the jetty. The steamer
Arago, of the United States Corps of
Engineers, is to tow a barge laden with
the machinery and she will leave this
mprning from Alder-street dock.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. June 21. Arrived Steamer
Breakwater, from Coos Bay; steamer Nann
Smith, from San Francisco; steamer Jiiri
Butler, from San Francisco: Norwegian
steamer tiir, rrom victoria: steamer Kho
shone, from San Francisco. Sailed Steamer
Sue H. Elmore, for Tillamook; steamer Gol
den Gate, for Tillamook; steamer Geo. W.
Elder, for San Pedro; steamer Yosemlte,
zor Han rancisco. via Gooie.
Astoria, June 21. Condition at the mouth
of the river at 6 P. M.. smooth: wind south
west, 4 miles; weather, cloudy. Arrived at
8 and left up at 4 A. M. steamer .Break
water, from Coos Bay. Arrived at 4 and left
up at 10 A. M. Norwegian steamer Eir.
from Vlstoria. Arrived at & and left up at
7 A. M. Steamer Nann Smith, from San
Francisco. Arrived at A. M. British
steamer St. Dunstan, from Honolulu, awaits
ing orders. . Arrived at 7 and left up at 10
A. M. &tearrrer bnosnone. from ban ran
Cisco... Arrived down during the night
Schooner Irene and steamer Rosecrans. and
German steamer Wotan, Sailed at 10:30
A. M. Steamer Rosecrans, for San Fran
cisco; at 10:40 A. M. Steamer Washtenaw,
for Port Harford, and German steamer Wo
tan. for Panama via Tacoma. Sailed at
2:50 P. M. Steamer Geo. W. Fenwick, with
log raft in tow. for San Francisco.
Eureka, June 21. Arrived yesterday
Steamer JfiureKa. zrom Portland.
San Francisco. June 21. Sailed at 1:30
P. . M. .Norwegian steamer Hercules, for
San Diego, June 21. Arrived Tug Her
cules, with log raft in tow, from Columbia
San Francisco. June !?1. Arrived Steam
ers Lurline, from Honolulu; Col. E. L.
Drake, from Seattle; Atlas, from Astoria
M. S. Dollar, from Newcastle, Australia
bark Marechal de Vlllars, from Belfast; bar.
kentine James Johnson, from Newcastle.
Sailed Steamers Hercules, for Portland
City of Puebla. for Victoria; Nippon Mam,
for Hongkong; Shasta, for Astoria; barken-
tine Irmgard, for Ludlow.
New T,ork, June 21 Sailed Hamburg,
for Naples; 'Nordam, for Rotterdam; Kron-
prlnzessln Cecllie, for Bremen; Oceania, for
Gibraltar. June 21. Arrived Friederich
der Grosse. from New York.
Hamburg, June 19. Arrived President
Grant, from New York.
Bremen, June 21. Arrived Kaiser Wil
helm der Grosse, from New York.
Queenstown, June 21. Arrived Camp
anla. from .New York.
Antwerp, June. 19. Sailed Osieris, for
Gibraltar. June 20 Sailed Barbarosss,
for New York.
Tides at Astoria Wednesday.
High. Low.
0:01 A. M 8.7 feet7:17 A. M....-0.6 foot
1:47 P. M . feet7:05 P. M 4.3 feet
New Postmaster Expected to Take
Up His Duties July 1.
C. B. Merrick, appointee to succeed
the late John C. Young as Postmaster
at Portland, yesterday furnished to th
Government a bond of 1125,000 and ex
pected to enter upon his duties July 1,
The bond was furnished by the Na
tional Surety Company, through ' the
agency of James Mcl. Wood & Co. It
is believed that the commission from
the President will be mailed as soon
as the bond arrives.
Mr. Merrick has been most incon
splcuous around the Postofflce building
since tne announcement of bis selec
tion for the place, and has yet to make
the acquaintance of the larger part
of the force of assistants employed in
the building. The new Postmaster has
been seen in the corridor but once.
Large Bunch of Heifers of Extra
Good Quality Finds a. Buyer at
$5.10 Steers and Cows
. Hold Their Own.
The feature or the livestock trade yester
day was the activity of the sheep market
nd the steadiness with which cattle sold.
particularly a large bunch of heifers.
Sheep receipts have been very large this
week, but the demand has readily absorbed
II the offerings at very good prices. The
total arrivals in this line since Monday
have "been 3787 head. A load of yearlings
were sold yesterday at $5 and other sales
were at .DO to J4.75. Lambs brought $5.90
and $6.
The heifers in question, numbering 131
bead, were of extra good quality, averaged
1052 pounds and sold at $3.15. Steers
ranged In price from $4.50 to $5.45 and
cows brought $4.60 for the best offedings
of the day. No hogs were sold.
Receipts were 301 cattle, 2414 sheep and
22 hogs.
Shippers of the stock were: H. F. Put
nam, of Tahoma. Cal., three cars of cattle:
F. G. McDermott, of San Lucas, Cal., two
ears of cattle; J. S. Corey, of Fetz, Cal.,
six cars of cattle; William Downing, of
West Scio, one car of sheep: F. C. Decker,
of Silverton. two cars of sheep; C. H. Kar
ser, of McClay, two cars of sheep; George
Brown, of Corvailla, three cars of sheep;
Hugh Cummings, of HaJsey. one car of cat
tle and hogs; J. M. Millard, of Albany, two
cars of sheep; M. Burke, of Salem, one car
of sheep, and H. A. Hecker, of Albany, two
cara of sheep.
The day's sales were as follows: - .
' Weisht. Price.
24 steers' 1071 $5.:t5
10 steers 12M 5.23
3 steers M. . . 983 5.15
10 steers . . . ;T : 12.13 4.."0
131 heifers, 1052 5.15
8 cows 1070 4.Kj
51 cows 008 4.33
26 cows 02 3.25
27 cows one 4.1(1
30 cows . 7S 4jOO
28 cows !33 4.0.
1 bull 8.10 3.25
222 lambs 74 6.00
101 sheep 105 4.75
11 steers ji!o
37 steers 11 84 5.45
33 Rteem ....... 1 1 "Tj 5.45
16 steers 11' 5.45
H.1 Btfc-n 1123 u.00
13 steers 1202 5.45
79 sheen Ill 4.6U
30 sheep, yearlings ........... 74 5.10
141 ewes 112 4.00
195 lumbs .- i '"
S4 lambs in u.iw
30 lambs 63 5.90
298 lambs 05 6.00
Price Quoted on the various clfu&ea of stock
at the yards yesteraay were as lonows:
Reef Bteera. srood to choice Cal
ifornia $ 5.50 5.75
Beef steers, good to choice iXi st
ern Oregon and valley o.-tnffp . ,.rco
T4r Htrs. fair to medium.... 4.25ia 4.5
Cows and heifers, good to choice 4.251) 4.75
Cows and heifers, fair to me
dium i-i'rv -.-
Bulls ::.oosj 4.ou
Rtarii .... i . . H . .i.UU
Calves, light 5.733 6.75
Calves, heavy ,. 4.00 4 6.00
Hogs, top Q.bO'tp 9.75
Hne fair to medium 8.40ii) 9. Jo
Sheep, fair to good wethers 4.000 4.25
Lambs, choice 6.504j 6.00
Lambs, fair 4.754j 5.25
Eastern livestock Markets.
mated. 3500; market. ady. Beeves, $5.70
8.75; Texas steers. J5.25fi7.25; Western steers.
cows and heifers. $2.7o7.16; calves, $.25
-n i ...... . ,t ruii . ' -I.
xiogo nvljJLS, .,llt ...... n . . .
5c higher. Light. $9.5'Hjj9.80; mixed, $9.45q; Heavy, f.uvww. iv. ,uuKi, v- .
good to choice heavy. $9.45&9.70; pigs, $9.25
AO TO. na tft 6. lift !. TO.
cKA.n n.rlnta pVlmiLtfvl. 12.000t market
6 40 yearling, o.iorat.oo; ittui ua, attttve, ?oar
If A'5AS CITY. June 21. Cattle Receipts.
11.000; market, steady. Native eteeis, o
ft so-' nwi mul heifers $3W7.5: stockera and
feeders, t o(ffo.-o; nuu. -t'u.o, wtive,
68: Western steers.; western cows,
l-iotrn K1DIS. J i ' : ri .1 1 ( t-i , yc njKiicr.
Bulk of sales, $9.0O9.57 heavy, $9.50J
9.55: packers and butcnerx. tu.ootgu.tsu; ngnt,
fl 4.1(H!i.60: dIk.". $8.759.25.
Sheep Receipts, 60O0; market, steady. Mut
tons $4.255.25: lamba. $6..V(g8: fed wet h
er and yearlings, $4.5066.25; fed Western
ewes. $4.25S.
OMAHA. June 21. Cattle Receipts. 4000
market, slow and 10c to 15c lower. Native
steers, $5.fio8.25; cowa and heifers. $3.753
6.75; Western steers, $3.75j.75; range cows
and heifers. $2.75'S5.75: cannera, $2.75g4.25;
stockera and feeders, $3.5O.O0: calves, $4.00
B8.20; bulls, stags, etc., j.iO(SO.uu.
Hogs Receipts. 12.000; market. steady
Henvv. 9.3039.45: mixed. $9.35(S9.40: light
$n.40ra9.o0; pigs. $7.oO&9; bulk of sales, $9.30
cheen Receipts. 7200: market. 10W15c
Kiwtr. Lambs, $7i??9: yearlings, $5S8; weth
ers, $4.o035.2o; ewes, -t(eo.
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. June 21. Cotton Spot closed
dull 15 points higher. .Mia-uplanas, lu.ooc;
mid-gulf, 15.55c. Sales. 1037 bales.
Cotton futures closed steady. Closing bids:
June 15.21c: July, 15.26c; August, 14.87c
September, 13.3U; uctoDer, l.huc; Novem
ber. 12.48 c; December, 12.40c; January,
lZ.3oc; uarcn, iz..wc.
Dealings in. Stocks Fall to a Low
Ijevcl Money Market Con
tinues Easy.
NEW YORK, June 21. Apathy overcam
the stock market again today and the deal
trigs dropped back to the point of idleness.
There was & diversion of speculative activ
ity to the wheat market. The reports cir
related, in that market of damage to th
Spring wheat crop were not entirely wlthou
solicitude. Tne considerable rise to th
close yesterday after the almost Inert mar
ket for a long time past, prompted some
pront-taklng sales by the professional
Speculative sentiment 1 peculiarly sens!
tlve to even a suggestion of danger or lm
pairment of the full returns of agricultural
products which have been counted on- The
refusal of the stock market to take great
alarm over the Spring wheat situation was
due partly to the moderation with which
the subject was touched in the weekly bul
letin of the Government Weather Burpmi
which announced that 'the hot, dry
weather of the week was very trying to
vegetation already deficient In vitality on
account or previous adverse weather condl
Hons In Wisconsin, Minnesota and the East
ern part of the Dakota and Northern
Iowa. This) specialization followed the open
ing summary of the bulletin, holding that
"for the country as a whole the weather of
the last week was the most favorable for
the agriculturist of the season to date."
A sustaining influence In stock's is th
easing tendency of money markets. Dls
count rates receded in London and Berlin
today. The foreign' exchange market
New York Is declining. The $22,500,000
equipment trust bonds of the New York
Central lines, which were offered in New
York today, were offered In foreign mar-
Kets at the same time.
The bond department of the stock ex
change remains flat. Attention was attract
ed by an announcement that a cut In
prices by a leading New England cotton mill
interest was to be followed on July 1 by
An advance in the same products, thus In.
Am Sugar Ref ..
Am Tel & Tel ....
Am Tobacco pf ..
Am Woolen
136 Vi
31 Va
3 136 1384
SOO 85 85Vi
Anaconda. Min Co.
Atchison . 7.80O 105V4 KVIVa 104,
As ,. .1 ' ) u T ..' 1 1M 1 . .O
2X 1024
102 Kr2
At Coast Line ..
800 122
121Tf, 121H
Bait & Ohio
1.000 112 162V4 112V
Bethleham Steel 25 Vj
Brook Rao Tran. 7.2O0
janaxuan Racine
1.1O0 196
4oO 37
183S4 196
Central Leather
3i',4 3-V4
do preferred 100
Central of N J
47 Vi
as y
Ches & Ohio 2,600
Chicago & Alton
81 V4
Chicago Gt West.
do preferred
4",4 47 V4
Chicago & N W ...
C. M & St Paul ..
9.2O0 127
200 81
HK 35 Vi
126 '4
35 Va
C. C. C & St L
Colo Fuel & Iron.
Colo & Southern . .
lfi.OOO 138 137 138T,
100 15 15 15
: . 168
- 800 36V4 8 36V,
lOO 30 S0 30
- 45
4.100 133 132 Vi 132V4
SOO i 61 60
1O0 132 M 132'i 132
1 200 1 8 18V, 194
700 52 51 52
400 99' 8vi 98
... . .. ... 45
"ioo '19 "19 is',,
4G0 33 32 Vi 32
1.90O 102Vi 102 101
7. 146Vi "146 148V4
SOO 31 Vi 31 29
1.4O0 138 138 . 138
9o0 394, 38 Vi 38
200 67 -67 6
400. 75 . 74 74
3O0 27 27V. 27V4
8.300 171 Vt 116 116
9l0 44 44 44
- 5iH 10' 100 10"
1O0 BO 69 70
5.f.O 126 125Vi 126
10O 26 26 26
6.9O0 133 132 132
300 107 107 106
400 18 18 18
400 158 158 IBS
51 BOO 157 l."5 156Vi
1.400 . 34 - 33 34
8.70O 41 Vi 40 40
600 84 84 84
400 48 46 45
loo 31 31 81
4l 76 76 75
1O0 71 71 70
2.600 124 123 123
700 25 25li 23
300 60 58 59Vi
... ..... ...... 24
. " " ioo '30 " 30 30
BOO 23 22 22
700 54Vi B4 53
40.8OO 174 . 172 173
4O0 03 83 92
300 76 75 74
2.SOO 41 40 41
59.200 78 78 78 Vi
800 118 115 115
l.W'O 44 43 43Vi
2.10 80 60 59
9iO 20 19 19
1.800 44 44'i 43
1,200 65 63 44
) 64
Corn Products ...
Del & Hudson ...
I & R Grande ...
do preferred
routiners' Securl..
do 1st preferred,
do 2d preferred.
General Electric ..
Gt Northern pf ...
Gt Northern Ore . .
lllnois Central
Interborough Met..
do preferred . .
Inter Harvester ..
nter-Marlne pf
n f. Paper .......
nt Pump ........
Iowa Central . .
K C Southern ...
do preferred
Laclede Gas
I.ouisville & Nash
Mlrn Se St Louis.
M, 9t P & S S M.
Mo. Kan & Texas
do preferred . . .
Missouri Pacific ..
National Biscuit ..
National Lead
Mex Nat Ry 2d pf
: i: central
N Y. Ont & West.
Norfolk & West..
North American ..
N'ortKcrn Pacific . .
Pacific Mall
Pennsylvania .....
People s Gas ....
P. C'C & L...
Pittsburg Coal
Pullman Pal Car.
Ry Steel SuriDK..
Republic Steel ...
do preferred
Rock Island Co ..
lo preferred
St L, & s P 2 pf
St L, Southwestern
do preferred ...
Sloj-Shef field . ... .
Southern Pacific . .
Southern Railway.
do preferred
Tenn Copper ....
lexas & facinc
Tol. St Li & West.
do preferred
Union Pacific
do preferred ...
S Realty
U S Rubber
U S Steel
do preferred ...
Utah Copper ....
Va-Caro Chemical.
a oa-h
do preferred ...
"Western Md
"VYc st!nKhou.'e Eleo
W extern Union ...
Wheel & Lt Brie.
NEW YORK. June 21. Closing quotations:
U. S. ref. 2s reg.lOO If. T. C. rn 3s 87V
ao coupon ...loo
No. Pacific 3s. 70 B
No. Pacific 4s.lOOB
U. S. 3 reg 101
do coupon ...101
I nlon Pacific -4a.l00
U. S. new 4s reg.114
Wis. Central 4s . . 90B
Japanese 4s 90 B
do coupon ...114
D. ac R. G. 4s.. 93 B,
Eastern Mining; Mocks.
BOSTON, June 21. Closing; quotations:
Allouez 40 Mohawk 48
Amalg. Copper.. 64 Nevada Con.. ... 19
a. j. u. dc sm.. Z4B Nipissinir Mines.. 11
Arizona Com.... 15North Butte..... 20
Atlantic 7 North Iake 11
a u t. ft ft xi. lzvfeuid Dominion... 33
Butte Coalition.. 69 Osceola 133
Caf. & Arizona. 53 Parrott (S. & O 13
Cal. & Hecla. . .545 Quincy 71
Centennial 16 Shannon ........ IOV
Cop. Ran. C. Co. 62 Superior 43
E. Butte Cp. M. 8 ISup & Bos Min..
Franklin llISun & Pitts Cod. 10V4
Giroux Can. .... 6;Tamarack 51
Granby Con. 38 U. S. Coal A Oil 3rtVt
ureene uananea. m u. s. s. K. t 34. 4J
I. Royale (Cop.) 18 do preferred .. 48
K.err LaKe 04 t'tan v:on. ...... XI
Lake Copper.... 53 Winona 7
l.a Salle Copper 11 wolverine a.,....113B
Miami Copper... 20
' Money, Exchange, Etc.
NBW YORK. June 21. Prime mercantile
paper closed 4-io per cent.
Sterling exchange steady, with actual busi
ness in bankers' bills at (4.84654.8475 for
60-day bills, and at 4.870 for demand. Com
mercial bills, X4.o4g4.84.
Bar silver. B3c.
Mexican dollars, 44c.
Bonds Government firmer: railroad irregu
lar. Money on call fiteady, 2ff"3 per cent; rul
ing rate. 2 per cent; closing bid, 2 per
cent; offered at 2 per cent.
Time loans weak for abort rates: strong for
long. bixty-cay 0111s, a per cent: w tiavs.
83 per cent; six months. 44 per cent.
LONDON, June 21. Bar silver Steady,
24 a per ounce.
Money 2Vifo2 per cent.
The rate of discount in the open market
ror snort Dins i per cent; tnree months
bills. 2WtoZ-7-16 per cent.
Consols For money, 81 15-1; for account
SAN FRANCISCO. June 21. Sterling, 60
aays. ii.m signt. tt.seft.
Silver -bars 53c
Mexican dollars. 45c.
Drafts Sight, 4c; telegraph, 7c.
Daily Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON.. June 21. The condition
of the Treasury at the beginning of business
today was as follows:
Trust funds
Gold coin S60.200,89
Silver dolars . 488.175.0O0
Silver dollars of 1890 3.HXK.OOO
Silver certificates outstanding... 488,175.000
General fund
Standard silver dolalrs In gen
eral fund 4.020.210
Current liabilities 84,533,242
Working balance In Treasury of
fices . ..." 17,656.783
In banks to credit of Treasurer
of the United States ' 40.451.473
Subsidiary silver coin 2O.792.4.S0
Minor coin 1.037.433
Total balance In general fund... 82,070,673
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. June II. Standard copper,
easy. Spot. 12.0012. 20c; June, 12.00
12.13c: July, ui.uucf l-.zuc; August ana Sep
tember, 12.12 to 12. JiOc. London easy a
55 6d for spot and f&5 15s 6d for futures.
Arrivals reported ac ,ew xork. 3tu tons
custom-house returns show exports of 324
tons, making 12.018 tons so far this month
Local dealers quote lake copper at 12.112
12.87 Vic; electrolytic at 12.3 V v W 12.62 o,
ana casting at 13.1212.310.
Tin. easy. Soot and June. 32.60B32.75c
July. 32.5O32.70c; August and September,
32.4i&'32.60c. London steady. Spot, 14
10s and futures at 149 7a 6d.
Lead, aulet. 4.40&4.50c New York. 4.0714
.'4.22 c East St. Louis, London unchanged
at tiz 12s bd.
Spelter quiet. 5.155.50c New York; 4.87
qpi.uuo j.ast bt. Louis. Lonaon uncnangea,
Iron closed at 49s for Cleveland war
rants In London. The local market was
easy. No. 1 foundry Northern. 916.50 16.75
No. 2. Xl6rrtl6.24j; No. 2 southern and No.
Southern soft. $16.26 16.75.
Gervais Crops in Good Condition.
GERVAIS. Or.. June 21. (Special.)
Prospects were never better for a bumper
oat crop in the Gervais vicinity. The recent
rains -not only benefited the oat crop, but
hay. hops and Fall-sown wheat as well.
Fall wheat looks good. Cheat hay- is about
ready to be harvested and while the acreage
is short, the quality is very good. Clcve
has not fared so well as a good portion was
cut before the rain.
Hops looked good before the rain and
since they were all thoroughly cultivated
and the ground in excellent condition, they
profited much by the recent showers. No
lice are yet in evidence.
Discrimination la Charged.
6ALM, Oiv June 21. (Special.) A.
Say trood-bye to your eorna the' verv
first time you use TIZ. You will never
know you have a corn, bunion or cal
lous, or sweaty, tired, swollen, aching
feet any more. It's just wonderful the
way the pain vanishes. Rub the corn
nammer it witn your rist If you wish
no more pain after TIZ than if there
had never been a blemish on your feet. 1
uoesn t tnat sound good to you?
Doesn't it? Then read this:
"The corns on either of my to en were
as larsre as the tablets yon make to
cure them. Today there la no sigrn of
corns on cither foot and no soreness.
It's an up-to-date Godsend. Sam. A.
Hoover, Progress, 3f. C."
Just use TIZ. It's not like anythlnsr
else for the purpose you ever heard of.
it s tne only toot remedy ever made
which acts on the principle of drawing;
out all the poisonous exudations which,
cause sore feet. Powders and other
remedies merely clog up the pores. TIZ
cleans tnem out and Keeps them clean.
It works right off. You will feel better
the very first time it's used. Use it a
week and you can forget you ever had
sore feet. There is nothing on earth
that can compare with lt. TIZ is for
sale at all druggists, 25 cents per box,
or oirect, 11 you wisn, from waiter
Luther Dodge & Co.. Dadge Building.
Chicago, 111. Recommended and sold by
The Owl Drug Store
7th and Washington. Portland, Oregon.
C. Ruby & Co., of Portland, have com
plained to the State Railroad Commis
sion regarding alleged discriminations
In the rates and rules regulating the
shipment and handling of horses on the
O. R. & N. and Southern Pacific. Spe
cial complaint is made as to slow serv
ice on the road, and delay in unloading
horses at Portland.
It is said that the roads estimate the
weight of all stallions and jacks at 3000
pounds, charge a first-class rate, and
also charge the man who accompanies
the stock and rides In the frelghtcar
first-class fare.
It is expected that a new coal mine near
Melbourne, which now yields 500 tons a
day, will be able next year to supply all the
requirements or the Victorian Slate rail
AU Modern Safety Devices (V Ire less. Etc.)
Deutchland lpmJuly -'Cincinnati ... .July 16
Pres. Lincoln. .July 6UPennsylvania July 20
tAmerika July 0! 'Cleveland July 23
Pres. Grant.. July l.'tltKais. Aug. Vic. July30
TUnexcelled Rltx-Carlton a la Carte Res
taurant. New. Hamburg direct.
NAl-LtS and
8.S. MOI.IKB July 12. S P. M.
S.S. HAMBURG August 9
S.8. MOLTKE August 30
f Hamburg-American I.lne,
160 Powell St.. San Francisco, Cal.
and Local R. R. Agents In Portland.
Fast Excursion Steamer
Leaves daily except Wednesday. 8 A. M-.
for Hood River and way landings and re
turn leave Hood River, 2:30 P. M.; arrive
Portland 8 P. M.
Leaves 9 A. M.; returns, 5:30 P. M.
Kirst-clas Meals Served..
Fare. One Dollar Round Trip.
Up-town Office. 6H 5th St.
Phones Marshall 10T9. A 1293.
Landing and Office. Foot Washington 8t .
Phones Main 8619, A 2465.
Lowest Rates to Picnic Parties.
Columbia River, Port
land and Astoria Route
Steamer Hassalo leaves Portland dally
from Ash-street dock, except Sunday, at t
p. M. (Saturday at 10 P. M.) ; returning,
leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at T
A.' M. Tickets Interchangeable with steam
er 'Lurline," which leaves Astoria daily,
except Sunday at 7 P. M.
San Francisco & Los Angeles
North Pacific S. S. Co.'s S. S. Roanoke
and S. S. Elder sail every Tuesday
alternately at 8 P. M. Ticket office
123 Third St., near Alder.
II. YOUNG. Afft.
Phones M 1314, A 1314.
Lady Having Her Own Motor
Wishes to fill TWO VACANCIES for summer
tour abroad, sailing Jely 16. Passion Play If
desired. Address Miss White. 33 Mr, Vernon
St.. Boston. Mass. ,
Steamer Breakwater leaves Portland A.
M.. Jure 8. 13. 18. 23. 28 and every nvs
days from Ainsworth Iock. for North Bend.
Marshfleld and Coos Bay points. Freight
received until S P. M. dally. Passenger fare,
first-class. $10: second-class, $7. including
t-erth and meals. Inquire City Ticket Office,
Sd and Washington sts.. or Ainsworth Dock.
Main 268.
Only direct steamers and daylight sailings.
From Ainsworth dock. Portland, t A. M. :
S.S. Bear. June 25, July 9.
S.S. Beaver. July 2, 18. etc.
From Pier 40, San Francisco. 11 A. M.
S.S Beaver, June 25, July 9.
S.S. Bear. July 2. 16.
UJLSK1I i. SMITH, O. T. A.. 14 THlrd St
Main -102. A 1402.
J. W. RANSOM. Agent.
Ainsworth Dock. Main 288. A 1334.
Will be prevented and relieved by using
TOMQUE MA I. DE HER, a safe and relia
ble remedy. Take a bottle with you and in
sure yourself all pleasures of an ocean voy
age. Sold by leading druggists. Pries 60
cents, or mailed, postpaid, by
Sole Manufacturers,
Phone Main 2307: A 6512. Portland. Or.
ad iMtlag comfort
f urmuwea by ualnjf
ltrducewetlLn0. stops
frleUoQ-uidl rrltAUooevnd
kep tta boa 1 a hpe.
rr XBO OOO m rTiwl MTV
wui MDd thJi wr
Bunion RallafOQ 1
or tnow -Mia ir rr ntm or lerc root
l?nn rtsc ra. co.. tmist.. tlw artsy,
'Saw sBBB a
Free Museum of Anatomy
Open Daily for Men
Very Instructive , and Interesting.
Man Know Thyself.
Our Practice Limited to Ailments of Men Only
We know the ailments and weaknesses of men like an open book.
We have been curing; them for years. Thousands upon thousands of
men, restored to perfect health and strong nerves, are today living
monuments to our skill, knowledge and. success. We never hold out
false hopes We never undertake & case we cannot cure. We have
made so thorough a study of all the diseases of men of varicose
VelDs, Coataa-tooa BhoI Pelsoa, Nerve Weakness and have
cured so many cases that If thexe is a cure for YOUR disease you will
find lt here. When we undertake a case there is no such thing; as fail
ure. We charge nothing for consultation, and our knowledge, skill and
experience are at your service. We will explain to you How and Why
We Can Carte Von. Why the ailments of men require the "knowledge
and skill of a specialist.
7II7 CI TO 7 Blood Poison, Nerve
vv E?EZ Weakness, Rupture, Piles,
Fistula; Kidney and Bladder Trouble, Urinary Ob
structions, All Ailments and Weaknesses Common to
,, If you cannot Call, write for free Book and Self-Examination Blank.
Many cases cured at home. Hours 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays 10 to lt.
M MORRISON ST, Bet. Kearth ana Fifth, FORTLAHD, OR.
You Can Pay When CURED
What better proof or more sincere assur
ance can I offer than that I am willing; to
wait for my fee until I effect a cure?
Could I afford to make such an offer If I
was not absolutely certain of curing: every
case I take?
My practice has demonstrated that no
ailment peculiar to men is incurable. Fail
use to cure is usually due to lack of
knowledge and Improper treatment. You
may consult, me free of charge and learn
your exact condition. I will not urge my
services, nor will I accept your case unless
I am positive of my ability to cure you.
I accept no incurable cases at all, and
If I treat you, you can feel assured of a
thorough and permanent cure, and I am al
ways willing to wait for my fee until a
cure is effected.
I offer not only FREE consultation and advice, but of every case
that comes to me I will make a careful examination and diagnosis with
out charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get ex
pert opinion about his trouble.
. If you cannot call, writo for Diagnosis chart. My offices are open
all day from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.. and Sundays from 10 to 1.
This rrsat Chinas
aoctor Is wsll kuwi
Ikriniktil tas
Northwest reaeaas
mt 7a la wendarfai
snd marralous anraa,
and is today ar
aldad by mil his
oatlsnta as tfcs
rreatest of ala kind. Rs treats aay
nd all diseases trlth powsrfol Chinas
roots, herbs and barks that ara ntlrl
enknowa to th tndlcal selancs f this
country. With ths barml ramsdUi
h amaranta to enr catarrh, aattuaa,
Ian a troubles, rbeomattenm. nervensntss.
stomach, liver and kidney troablea. ala
rtvate alisaese ei maa aaa wnmsn,
Patients utld f city writ fer
blanks and clrculara Inclose 4m stana.
The C. Ges Wo Medldno Co.
16ZVs ilrst St.. Near MorrlMn.
rortland. Or.
?frowbr1dc bids.,
18SH First 81,
room 11, and 235 hk
Aider St. Chinese
hoot and Merb
sfediotnea. Cures
Cancer, Rheuma
tism, Consumption,
Dropsy, , Catarrh.
Btoznach. Lung-,
Liver and Kidney
Troubles. All
Chronic ailments
of men and worn
tn. examination
(res. Drugstore,
2S5 Flanders St.
-vitaeOtrC ijBb0Dw-ma'4CS, itt th
NoettoMtmaK required.
eii.iimkii men
Stops Seasickness
Motherslil's Remedy quickly cures sea or train
sickness. Guaranteed safe and harmless, 50 and
1.00 a box. AU druRfrlsta or direct from Mother
m Remedy Co., 819 CI el and Bid., Do txoit,MiCwl
- L w
"You Need My Advice."
The Leading Specialist.
I am an expert specialist, have had
30 years' practice in the treatment of
ailments of men. My offices are tha
best equipped in Portland. My meth
ods are modern and up to date. My
cures are quick and positive. 1 do not
treat symptoms and patch up. I thor
oughly examine each case, find tha
cause, remove It and thus cure the ail
ment. I CURE Varlcoae Veins, Contracted
Ailments, Plies and Specific Blood Pol
son and all Ailments of Men.
CURE OR NO PAY I am the only
Specialist In Portland mho makes no
charge unless tbe patient Is entirely
satisfied with tbe results accomplished,
and vyIio Klves a written guarantee to
refund every dollar paid for service's
if a complete and permanent cure la not
tracted and chronic cases cured. All
burning, itching and inflammation
stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected In
seven davs. Consultation free. If un
able to call write for list of questions.
Office hours 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Sun
days, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M- only.
123 Second St., Corner of Alder.
Portland, Or.
Women a Specialty
Tbt well-known Chinese DR.
8. K- CHAN, with their Chi
nese remedy of herbs and
roots, cure wonderfully. It has
cured many sufferers when
all other remedies have
failed. Sure cure tor male
anrl (am 1 fhrnnlc. nrlvatf 1
diseases, nervousness. blootiMiiO Q If CHAM
poison, rheumatism, asthma,
pneumonia, throat, lunf trouble, consump
tion, stomach, bladder, kidney and diseases
ot all kinds. Remedies harmless. No oper
ation. . Honest treatment. Examination for
ladle by MRS. S K CHAV. Call or write S.
Morrison St.. Bet. 1st and 2d, Portland. Or.
enrea. muy am-nonrea n.Btey in.
stitnte in Oregon. Write for filns
trstwi circular. Kely Institute.
I E. Utb, K roriland. OrecoS