Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 22, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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Studebaker, 5-passenger. fully equipped,
. Overland. 4-seated. 30-H;'P.. $1100.
Olds runabout, in pood condition. $225.
GEO. R. FLORA, 470 E. Burnside St.
Roadster. 3 iMl model. First-clans condi
tion, having: been run only about 3.500 miles.
An unusually good buy at the price, $1800
5-PASiiENGER, 4-cyllnder, 35-H. P. touring
car. of standard make; In A-l condition;
$1009 lor a quirk cash buyer.
20 6 lit h S t . . cor. Jefferson.
$500 CASH buys fine 5-passenger auto
mobile. Owner, K73, Oregonian.
Piano. Organs and Musiral Internments.
VIOLINS. bra8, reed and string instruments
repaired. Any piece made to order. H.
Godard, room 10. 142H 2d st. .
Birds. Dogs and Pet Slock.
THOROUGHBRED Llewellyn setter pups, 3
months old; $5 and 10 each. Phone
A 714. '
"WANTED Bull terrier dog for breeding
purposes: brindle preferred. Call l 4 S"d8t.
THOROUGH BRED cocker spaniel pups, cheap.
52U. North 15th at.
BOAT Speed 18 miles, seats 8, fully
equipped. 18-horsepower engine; usea a
month. With or without boathouse, best
t bargain on river; cash or will trade for
Portland real estate or auto. AF 00, Ore-
FOR SALE Launch. 16 feet, Whitehall
mnd-l : 'rmw mitn marine eneine. 3 V h. p..
complete, bulkhead control; price. $150
cash, or trade part on real estate. Box
47, Corbect, Or. .
30 HEAD of certified dairy cattle and re
tail route; write or call J. D. Pearson, R.
F. D. 2. Box 124. A good chance to buy
a money-maker.
FOR SALE Chandler & Price 23-inch hand
cutter. Chandler & Price 10x15 platen pre.,
used 13 months; a bargain. Allen Eaton.
Eugene, Or
LARGE quartered-oak rolltop desk, 1 Chase
organ. I gas water heater, all in good
connmon. can East iiayst.
STOCK of decorations, novelties, jewelry, re
turn balls, canes, pennants, etc. 472 Wash
ington st.
All sizes; low prices ; easy terms.
SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines;
liberal terms: SlO to $60. Northwest Type
writer 'Co.. M. 8870. 222 Abington bidg.
$50. Ask for catalog. Rebuilts $15 up. A,
M. Hayter Co.. 90 5th si. Alain 652.
FOR SALE Showcase. connten,
cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone Eat 53A
FOR SALE OR RENT Logging and hoist
in eneines. Railway Equipment Co., 74
1st st. Both phones. '
TWO houseboats and launch for sale, reas
onable. Inquire of "Ben," across from
the Oaks.
22-FOOT launch, $250. everything complete
In first-class condition. i. A- jveny
Woodlawn 138S. , .
231 Stark St. Main 1407.
FOR SALE, cheap, steel range, connected;
tlat for rent. 2ol Clay st.
KOI ES and mortgages bought and sold. Na
tlonal Credit Ass'n, 601 Worcester bldg.
GOOD, large office safe, almost new,
sale chea p. 310Ahington bid g.
tOO BUSINESS CARDS $1 if you bring this ad.
Rose City Prlntery. 192 3d. near Taylor.
Grand ave.
pool tables for sale. 83
FI N B insulated cooler fcr sale cheap.
Friedman. 295 1st.
SHOWCASES new and second -hand ;
Everett, cor Cth. Also fixtures.
VIOLINS, ban Joe. mandolins, guitars at halt
regmar prices. L nele Myers, i 6th
LAUNCH, 22 feet, 6-H. F.r fine model. AF
tw, uregonian.
Highest price paid for men's east -off
clothing and shoes. The Globe Second
hand stcre. 290 First. Main 208U. We also
buy lauies' clothing.
WANTED Mens cast-off clothing and
hoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal,' 02 N. 3d st. Main 9272.
WANTED Set of Oregon Supreme- Court
reports ; state condition ana lowest price.
. t i i,uregonian.
ELL your second-hand furniture to the
ord Auction Co. or you 11 get less.
Fhones: A 24-45: Main &U51.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
wi guBniiun aiways given, rnt ne fc.ast ltitii.
HIGHEST price paid for second-hand shoes
ana ciotnes. none Marshall 1029.
"WANTED For cash, 2d-hand French range,
o or Ay iffi long, iriurnsiae street.
W ANTED Shoemaker's machine for sewing
WANTED Paying store, city or
about $1000. F 69, Oregonian.
KAlLWAi mall clerks, city cameita. clerk,
Portland, examinations announced July 13.
Preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept.
- 271P,Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Steady young man for all-around
wont ana work in bottling room of fam
ily liquor store; experienced man preferred
A p p 1 y at Brunn & Co., 1st and Alders t s.
MAN and wife wanted for janitor service,
A-l public institution, references required
inquire xoung w omen s Christian Asso
WANTED Two flrst-ciass. exoerienced m
chinists, accustomed to heavy work, for
out-of-town shop. Answer, giving phone
num per anu aauress. a r-. n. uregon Ian
WANTED Two men who are thorough4y
practical ana experiencea in bin lain
macadam road and -streets. Apply Bealde
Co.. 3Ui E. Yamhill st.
BARBER wanted, good wages to right man,
or will sell half or all of shop. Lock Box
1 8. Dallas, Or.
MOTION picture operators earn $35 weekly
learn business in short time. Motion Pic
ture School. 526 i. Washington st.
WANTED A first-class stickerman, perma
nent position, good salary. Address A. M
Han sen. Salem, Or.
$18 TO $35 week few months only learning;
situations guaranteed. Watchmaking-En-
graving School. Box 1S2. Ashland. Or.
STENOGRAPHER Must be experienced.
Apply to Clark & Wilson Lumber Co.,
Linn ton. Or.
WANTED A first-class tarcher.
can iron also. Apply Lace House
26' N. 2ith st.
one who
WANTED A Japanese boy to work on sub
urban place; must understand milking.
JPhone A 5531 or Main 8249.
WANTED A young man as specialty sales
man to call oow grocery trade in Port-
land ; stateexprience. F 74, Oregonian.
WANTED A sober young man used to driv
ing horses for express wagon. Call at 162
2d st. t
WANTED Boy about 18 for general work
at beach boarding-house. Call HH7 Clacka
mas st.
WANTED Man to carry banner. 228 Mor
rison tit.
WANTED 1 first-class waiter. Apply 141 N.
6th, between 11 A. M. and 2 P. M.
FLASK-maker and pattern-maker. Inde
pendent Foundry Co., U3d and York.
EXPERIENCED cutter for harness factory.
P. J- Cronin Co., 129 1st st.
WANTED Young man fo
barroom work.
M crchant Hotel.
and Davis.
BARB Kit wanted; steady job. 221 Madieon
St.. between First and Second.
SALESMEN to place good, industrial stock;
big commission. 2;8 HenryblUg.
SEWER-DIGGERS wanted. E. 14th and Cen
- ?er gt- Talte Sell wood car.
A PANT and vestmaker; prices good; steady
.J00,...A- L' Andrews, La Grande, Or.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents;
new offer. Cutberth, studio Dekum bldg.
HIGH-CLASS commercial salesman wanted.
215 Commercial bldg.
WANTED Experienced
Washington st.
SALESMEN, all lines; bookkeepers. Eten
ographers. 313 Washington, room IS.
BOYS wanted over 16 years; good wages.
264 Taylor st.
WHOLESALE grocery house wants, a pick
up buyer. Address K 72, Oregonian.
SDENTIST. licensed, god salary. 314 Abing
ton bldg.. 106 3d st.
WANTED Scaffold man for plasterers, $3
per day. E. Pine and 1-th.
GOOD proposition for live salesmen.
at once, room 501. Columbia bldg.
Taylor St.
Inquire at 283
BARBER wanted, steady job, 268 Burnside st.
BOY wanted. 326 Burnside st.
Plumber, city, $5.50.
Man and wife, cook and helper, for
email country hotel, $73 up.
Stickerman, $3.5t -
Ratchet-setter, cfty, S3; carriage-rider,
Lumber grader from planer, $3.
Hand, ripsawyer, $2.75.
Gang trimmerman, city, $3.25. -barkers
on sorting table, $3 and $3.-5.
Other Jobs too numerous to mentioa
Main Office. 12 N. 2d St.
WANTE1 Able bodied men for the U. S.
Marine Corps, between tne ages or i na
35: must be native born or have first pa
pers. Monthly pay $15 to $69. Additional
compensation possible. Food, clothing,
quarters and medical attendance rer
After 30 yars service can retire with 75
per cent of pay and allowances. Service
on board shin and ashore in all parta of
the world. Appiy at Breeden bids . Port
land. Or.
Salesmen whj can invest $1000 or more
In one of the best land propositions in
Florida, can get in on a syndicate now or
ganizing to take over one 'Of the best
propositions in the state. This la a big
opportunity for those .who are equal to
the occasion and know a good thing when
they see it. Address Florida Land, care
Nelson Chesman & Co., St. Louis.
WE want first-class salesmen for this cliy
and road, capable of approaching business
and professional men on a proposition
having unusually strong and unique sell
ing features. Under our system of per
sonal training our men are making from
a i
o V
$40 to $100 a week; permanent position to
right men : reierences reu uirea. r or u
terview address A 63. Oregonian.
Y. M. c. A. The friend of tne young man
and stranger. Hearty welcome and good
counsel are yours, without cost. . Constant
call for men who can do something welL
Special Employment Membership assures
employment. After you have seen the
ot her f ello w, see us before you invest
10J00 POSITIONS Tor graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade In
8 weeks, help to secure promotion: gradu
ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly: expert
Instructors-, tools free; write for cata
logues. Lfohler System of College 35
North 4th st... Portland. Or.
TWO first-class non-union machinists for
out of town. Call 222 Commercial CluD
I WANT to communicate with a few high-
class real estate salesmen. To those who
can show a clean record will make it in
teresting. Apply by letter to the Brighton
Beach Company, 414 Lumber Exchange
YOUNG man, good appearance, live, ener
getic hust ler, best reference, wants po
sition with reliable land company to go
East; advertise and sell lands; would pre
iVr colonization proposition. Address for
appointment. G 74. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED salesmen, mn thoroughly
acquainted with the farming and dairy in
terests of the Northwest; must be able to
furnish best of reference.!. Address by
mall -or night telegram letter, room 1126,
1"0 Nassau St.. New York City.
International Correspondence Schools have
the course you need; text-books free; answer
and drawing paper.
2(t" M a rquam bldg.
So 8 Mckay bldg.
A YOUNG man of experience in hotel and
cafe work, clerical or otherwise, would
like position; good references and no ob
jection to leaving the city. L 73, Orego
nian. WANTED Janitor for a first-class apartment-
house; must be married, with experience in
that line and good references. Call after
noon between 3 and 5, tt!8 Board of Trade
. bldg.. 4th and Oak st s
A YOUNG man of 30. steady and indus
trious, thoroughly experienced in office
work, as bookkeeper and stenographer,
desires position ; good reierences; willing
toleavethecit AO I'd, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER wanted; well educated
young man required as stenographer, age
IS to 22; knowledge of bookkeeping and
quick at figures; good prospects. A 74,
WANTED Bookkeeper and cashier for
wholesale house; young man preferred;
must be thoroughly experienced; none
other need apply. K 62. Oregonian.
YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway
mall clerks, postoffiee clerks, carriers, etc
Write or call for Book 80. It's free. Pacific
States School. McKay bldg.. Portland. Or
WANTED Machinist, first clase. capable f
holding down foremanhip; invertmfnt in
business preferred; references required. 503
Commercial bldg.
WANTED Two salesmen for perfect dust
less brush, exclusive agency in Portland.
Room 300, New Grand Central Hotel,
WANTED Man who thoroughly under
stands the care of fine horses: steady work
and good pay, in cleanest stable fn this
city. Kramer's Stable. -loth and Alder sts.
WANTED Shinglers; none but first-class
gauge men need apply Address J. J.
Bradheld, 3018 North 29ti St., Tacoma,
Wash. -
PRINTER far private printing office; state
salary expected and give reference. Ad-
dress P. Q. Drawer 727, Portland. Or.
WANTED Bookkeeper for logging camp;
young man. Addrejs X., 000 Nonhrup st.,
PILE INSPECTOR, dock work. Immediately.
E. Water st. and E. Salmon st. Columbia
Contract Co.
WANTED First-claK.1 electrician who can
lecture on electricity; must have refer-
ences. K 70, Oregonian.
WANTED First-class man to paint house.
Apply morning, room 515, 326 Washing
ton st.
WANTED Young man to learn barber's
traAe ; steady place, union shop. Particu-
lars- 832 Mississippi avenue.
FOSTER Young Norwegian boy on Williams
ave., can do wash. st. again; will furnish
YOUNG man of good appearance, as caller
for photographer. M 72, Oregonian.
WANTED Cook, apply 129 Russell st.
Cook and helper. $05.
Cooks, $40 to $50.
Waitresses, $7 to $8 per week.
Waitresses. $25 per month.
Chambermaid, $1 per day.
Housekeeper ( rooming-house), $20.
Housekeeper (elderly), $18.
Two girls for shooting gallery at beach,
$25 each.
Other good positions.
Ladles' Dept. 205 '. M orrison St.
COUNTRY hotel cooks, $45.
Cook, resort, $50.
2 chambermaids and 2 waitresses, re
sort, $25 (fare paid).
Chambermaid and pantry girl, $25,
Shaniko (fare paid).
2 waitresses (Medford, $35 fare paid).
345 Vj "Wash st., room 7.
WANTED A well-educated, forceful woman
with tact for speciul work along educa
tional lines; splendid opportunity for teacher
desiring employment during the Summer;
chance for permanent position and. advance-
ment. L 72. Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced girl for -eneral
housework and cooking; adult family of
3 : good wages. Apply afternoon. Silver
field Co.. 4th and Morrison sts., ask for
Mrs. Silverlield.
WANT ED Experienced woman as manager
of dining-room and kitchen in institution
business; references required. Inquire
Young Women's Christian Association,
. hours10 to 4.
NURSE MAID wanted to care for child 4
years uiu; 1 -i i cuue reMuu ru. 1 1110 Til
ings at the Hazel Apartment House, room
5, 3S5 Third st. Phone. A-4157.
GIRL or woman for general housework,
femall family, home privileges. & good
wages. Phone E- 5l4. 4i0 E. 8th, North,
rifar Tillamook.
WANTED Experienced woman cook for the
beach ; small family; modern 4iouse, running
water, electric lights; $35. 614 Jackson at.,
Portland Heights.
WANTED Nurse girl to care for child
part of dav; must live at homo. Tnquire
Iirs. Rueger. "The Hill," 265 14th St.,
morning or evening.
WANTED Woman understands cooking, small
family; modern house; $35 month. 614 Jack
sop . cor. 2 1st, Portland Heights.
AMBITIOUS, energetic woman over 25 for
position with wholesale hoiuse; experience
ur.neacesary. F 61, Oregonian.
WANT ED A girl to do housework at beach
cottage for private family; good wages.
Apply 735 Irving st. , near 22d.
$4$ Washington St.. Cor. 7th, Upstairs
. Phone Main 269-2.
WANTED Experienced cook In small fam
ily of adults; references required. Apply
415 West Park st.
WANTED Head waitress ; also two exper
ienced waitresses. The Hill, 23d and Wash-
ington sts.
SCANDINAVIAN girl to assist in housework,
wage g $ 2500. Main 0 7.
EXPERIENCED waitress. Meves, 105 6th st.
GIRLS, 16 years of age and over, to -work
In bag factory. Apply at once. AMES
HARRIS NEVILLE CO.. 5th and Davis eta.
GIRLS over 16 years of age to work Sn mo
hair factory; good pay while learning ana
up to $2 par day when expert.
Sell wood.
WANTED Experienced, educated woman
as housekeeper; must be able to manage
servants and take entire charge of house
hold; references required. M 69. Oregonian.
WANTED Two live, well-dressed men to do
business among the best people in the
,clty, salary to start $1S per week. Call
'400 Oregonian bldg, bet. 8 and 9 A. M.
and bet. 4 and 5 P. M. '
WANTED Middle-aged lady to work in
bearding house for her and her husband's
room and board. - 121 k Russell at. phone
East 3878. . ,
WANTED Thoroughly experienced saleslady
In dry goods and ready-to-wear; state ex
perience and salary. Emporium, Toppen-
ish. Wash. .
SWEDISH girl to assist in general house
work,, small family, kind treatment, nine
off. Call C
llton bldg.
CS0 Tillamook L, or 528 nam-
WANTED Girl for general housework; out
of town; fare paid. Address Mrs. A. M.
Lara. Bend. Or. .
aha. howe tj ladu&s agsxncy.
4 Washington St.. Room SOL
Main 883 nr A 82G.
WANTED Refined, capable woman tor re
sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 609 Rota
chi;d bldg.. 4th and Washington.
GIRL wanted to take full charge of randy
stand. Call 332 Washington; experience
not necessary.
WANTED A srirl for general htmsework;
small house, family of 2. Phone Tabor
GIRL as dentist's assistant: must live at
home; small salary to start. . Inquire 308
Fliedner bldg.
6 LADIES between 20 and 35 years for shoot
ing galleries; steady work, good wages. Ap-
ply Oaka Gallery.
WANTED A canab'e eirl for general house
work. Apply at 721 Johnson st; 10 to 12
A. M. or 7 to 8 P. M.
Ni'RSR ffirl wanted for 2 children. Call at
Beverly Restaurant. Park and x amhiu
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
eral housework ; good wages, family of
3. 778 E. Salmon. East 1157.
WANTED Girl for general housework,
wages $40 to competent girl. 770 Fian
dcrs. WANTED Girl for general housework; no
children; evenings free. Apply 408 Mont-
gqmery. ;
WANTED Girl over 16 years old to take
care of baby 1 year old; good wages. Phone
Wood lawn 3U3.
HIGH school or business college girls to
work Saturdays at Lennon's, 309 Morrl-
son st. . '
GIRL who lives at home as cashier in first
class restaurant for 3 hours every after-
noon. AB 67. Oregonian.
WANTED Alteration hands on skirts and
dresses. Apply Winkler Co., 415 Wash-
ington st. t
WANTED Lady teacher.'Apply 1454 First
St., 7:30 to :30 P. M. tonight:
GOOD cook, first-class, private boarding-
house, at once. 374 Park st.
GIRL or woman wanted for housework. Ap-
Ply ."41 2d st.
WOMAN for housework by the day.
before noon. 2tl seventh st.
GIRL for general housework, small family,
pood wages. i . J onnson st Alain m j
W ANT ED W ai t ress.
Apply at once. Union
Lepot Restaurant.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 260
Grand ave. North, cor. Multnomah.
WANTED Girl for general housework, 2 lit
family, plain cooking, $20. Tabor 1768.
NEAT girl to assist in housework.
lO'.H Vaughn st. xei aiain cu.
GIRL for general housework. Apply ' 787
Madison st. Phone Marshall 16Q1, A 57 2 S.
GIRL for housework, 390 Clifton St., corner
WANTED Waitress. California Oyster
House. 225 Madison st.
WANTED Competent counter waitress.
Apply Criterion restaurant, ez etn st.
GIRL for cigar, fruits and Ice cream coun-
tr. 3J N. 4th st.
WANTED First-class cook, family of 3.
M i in an . or can ar i u aewson.
WANTED Good girl for general housework
at 1054 Qulmby st. Main 47S2. A 362S.
WANTED Lady to do cleaning and pressing
as partner or on salary. Woodlawn 2706.
WANTED Girl cashier and office assistant
for meat market. AN 70, Oregonian.
WANTED Well appearing girl as cashier
for theater. G 72, Oregonian.
A GIRL to asfist with housework, apply 602
Johnson st.
GIRL for general housework, family 2. Call
5Q5 Lumhermens bldg. :
GIRL wanted for general housework,
per week. 30Q 13th.
WANTED Experienced girl for general hou
work. Apply room 201 Oregonlan bldg.
LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewriting by
expert; $5 a month. 2G9 14th. Main 36i3.
GIRL to assist In general housework.
ply forenoons. 747 Glisanst.
W ANTED First-class skirt girl. 506 Mar
quam bldg.
HELP wanted for small boarding-house.
Phone Marahall 1258 or call 550 Hoyt.
HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co.. 2d and
WANTED A competent man or woman to
take charge of mangel room; must be good
checker and tieing bundles. State Laundry,
,305 Broadway.
WANTED Night school teacher. Call at
Christian Mission, 104 H First St., even
IngS; WANTED Performers, singers, musicians,
Vaudeville Circuit. 526' Washington st.
"FlSK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers goad
positions to A-l Instructors, fill Swetl&nd.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
Clerical man, fully experienced in lum
ber and general mercantile business, de
sires position as timekeeper and office
man for lumber company or work in gen
eral merchandise store. Two years' exper
ience in charge of a twelve thousand dol
lar stock of general merchandise and 5
years' experience in lumber. Best of ref
erences. AL 68, Oregonian.
WANTED By experienced collector, posi
tion as collector, preferably a position in
law office or collection agency in charge
of collection department; sober and best
ref ei ences. AM 63, Oregonian.
EXPERT accountant wants small sets
books to keep; books opened, closed, bal
anced ; terms reasonable. A J 48, Orego
nian. GOING East on a vacation, wishes some
kind of occupation; salary no object; ref
erences given. AL 67, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER wants books to keep after
4 P. M. ; rates reasonable. V 61. Ore
gonian. YOUNG man. employed, desires position as
assistant bookkeeper or general office
work. Address V 60. Oregonian.
" Miscellaneous.
CHAUFFEUR wants position with private
family ; careful driver and good mechanic;
have first-class references. AC 68, Ore
gonian .
YOUNG man wants position as janitor or
porter; experienced boilers, heaters ; ref
erences. 554 Delay st. Phone East 4045.
Call Joe.
EXPERIENCED tailor wanted; good steady
place, city or country. Call or write lo
Mat Foeller, 534 Johnson st.
HAVE your windows washed and house
cleaned, first-class work. .Marshall 1210. J.
GOOD, steady cook wants position in coun
try hotel or lumber camp. AM 62, Ore
gonian. YOUNG strong German,
speaks English;
wants position of any kind
man. D 71, Oregonian.
good working
YOUNG man. aged 20, wants a position to
work after school from 6 to 12 P. M. J 47,
ING sale
TRAVELING salesman open for position
July 1; lumber or paint line preferred. E
73. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as timekeeper and com
missary clerk on construction; experienced,
references. Y GO. Oregonian.
MAN wants house cleaning, window wash
ing and yard work. Main 3200.
M I ?e U a n eou.
MINING anM -oil engineer, young, of excep
tional personality and capable of meet
ing the best of people on their own ground
seeks opening in any outside capacity
that has opportunities In which case sal-
ary wou Id be no object. G 73 , Oregon i a n.
CANDYMAKER. all-around man, 25 years
experience, expert supt, for J. G. Mc
Donald, Salt Lake, for 3 years; fine line
wholesale or retail; reference. Fred.
Sprague, gendeL. city.
ABLEBODIED young man with good edu
cation and mechanical ability, wants po
sition, would leave town. AJ 0, Ore
gonias. ADVANCED student of Eastern technical
college desires position in engineering line;
timekeeper or draughtsman preferred. B
70, Oregonan.
LAUNDRY MAN, all-around combined ironer,
starch, wash. work finish, show help,
worker. steadyT sober. Just from East,
have you? AN 72, Oregonian.
Bookkeeper and Stenograph era.
COMPETENT lady bookkeeper, employed
during tho day, desires to take charge of
another set of books after business hours.
Terms reasonable. K 71. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion where ability is needed. Phone A
5446. .
YOUNG lady with five years' experience wants
position as stenographer, Chtcago and Port-
land reference?. D 74. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion where ability is needed. Phone A
POSITION by bookkeeper and stenographer,
four years' experience; A-l references.
J 74. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wants position as stenog
rapher; some experience, moderate (salary.
Main 3R3.
Main tSSOO.
position. ' Phone
DRESSMAKING quickly and neatly done;
reasonable; references. Call 326 Hall or
p hone Main 8737.
STYLISH-dresses, $5 up; waists. $1 up; fine
work; references. 520 E. Mill st. East 5256.
Gfc-l-JtJr- Oreftmakng Parlora. VV
lcgton t suite 316- Main A82. A
LADIES tailoring; alterations, coats rallned.
Mrs. Muckler. 430 Columbia st. A 4709.
SEAMSTRESS would like a few more en
. gageroents by the day. Phone Tabor 96S.
WANTED Bv practical maternity nurse.
case immediately, will do work for two
in family. Main 4'.2.
.NURSE Year's experience, all kinds, care
for maternity, elderly. Invalids, infants
reference. Call today. Call Main 4364.
Nl'RPR eirl. co tieach : canable' woman,
chamberwork : cook, crew men. St. Louis
Agency 3034 Washington st. Main 2030.
CAPABLE German woman, children's nurse.
St. Louis Agency. 303 Wash. Main 2039.
ROOM for invalid, private sanitarium, city
references. A r o'J, oregonian.
KIND, motherly lady wishes care of small
children. 426 E. Market st.
WOMAN would like to go to coast and do
housekeeping for two people if they live
quietly, t tv. uregonian.
WANTED Housekeeper position, hotel
rooming-house, by middle-aged widow; ref
erences. 72 North 14th &t. Room 7.
CAPABLE housekeeper, widower's family,
St. Louis A gency, 303 Wash. Main 2u39
POSITION wanted as second girl. Good ref
erences. AK 68, Oregonian.
RESPONSIBLE woman wants any light
work, or care of children, would leave
city. Main 4446.
TWO girls wish place at housework, plain
cooking. Address t33 wavier st. N.
FINNISH lady wants housekeeping on farm.
one child. b24 Guilds ave.
RELIABLE Eastern woman wants work by
the day ;cieaning preterred. Alain S3y.
WOMAN wants work by day, 25 centa an
hour. Address 54 1 21st st.
LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched, 40o
a pair. M a i n 5 7-23 , A 5514-
AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown
nursery stock is in demand ; sales this
season will be immense: a natterina op
purtunity : cash paid weekly ; outfit free.
t-wlem Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de
mand for choice nursery stock; outfit
free ; cash weekly. Address Capital Clir
Nursery Co., saiem, or.
STREET man wanted; $10 day. Land is, 54
n. istn. jnone Marshall 1117.
LIVE agents to sell photo coupons; something
- new. uavu, tt4Z& Washington sx.
WANTED 4 or 5 room cottage, furnished
or unfurnished, located on one of th
electric lines. 30 minutes' to one hour'
ride from city; give particulars, rent, etc.
ri uregonian.
WANTED Well-furnished 5 or 6-room
bungalow for the Sfimmer. Address room
331, I m perial Hotel. .
WANTED Small, modern flat or bungalow;
walking distance. Tel E. 4085, mornings.
A pa rtmenta.
3 FU4tsffTsHBD housekeeping rooms, mod
ern, reasonable; state price. AN 6S, Ore
goman. TWO or 3 furnished rooms, housekeeping
father and daughter, in Christian family.
Southern people. M 73. Oregonian.
WANTED 3 or 4-room furnished apart
ment at once. AM 61, Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
YOUNG lady, employed, wants first-class
room and two meals. L 74, Oregonian.
Furnished Boonu.
Homelike, Homelike. Homelike.
7th and Ankeny sts.
Free was tbeir depot carriage.
I took it 011 the spot;
There way be other bou&ea just as good,
A quiet home for quiet people.
120 Eleventh st.
New modern brick building, steam
heated, private baths, hot and cold wa
ter in rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy
and comfortable. Rates very reasonable.
Call and see us. Regular and transient
trade solicited.
124 14th, Cor. Washington St.
Everything new ; large, airy rooms, sin
gle and with bath; telephone in every
room, service free ; rates by the day, week
or month; also unfurnished rooms.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, Is now un
dergoing a thorough renovation; 70 steam
seated, electric-lighted rooms, all outside.
Kates 75c day; $10 month up. Suites with
ruuaiiig water 2o month up. Phones ud
bath free.
Fifth at., opp. City Hall. Phone Marshall
666 New, beautifully furnished, hot, cold
water in every room, publio and private
baths; permanent, transient.
HOTLL SARGENT, Cor. Grand ave. and
Hawthorne Phone East
291, connecting every room. - Private baths,
elevator, first-class grilL Special rates by
week or month. American or European.
Tra nsienta solicited.
Modern furnished or unfurnished apart
ments, single or en suite, central, rea
sonable; Summer transient or permanent
rates. "M1LNER BLDQ.," 350 Morrison,
S12 Oak St., corner Sixth. Large, light,
airy rooms, elegantly furnished, electric
lights, running water; low rates.
Washington aad 17th, nrat-clasa furnished
rooms, single or en suite ; all modern coa
venlences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M. 5647.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts., well
furnished sleeping rooms $2.5u per week;
electric lights, hot baths free.
THE MANSION Elegantly furnished rooms,
modern, beautiful grounds, suitable for
gentleman, walking cUstance.jsth-Jefferson.
MODER.' outside rooms, $2.50 to $3 per
week, including baths; also housekeeping
rooms. 548 4Washington st-
N ICELY furnished f ron t rooms, suitable for
two people, $2 and $3 per week. 314 Mill,
cor. 6th.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 321
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
Grand ave. , and E. Stark.
FURNISHED rooms. Elm Place, formerly
Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill aad llth.
Fnrniahed Rooms.
ANGELA HOTEL 625 V asatngton street.
between 18th and 20th. Just compieteo,
the cosiest. completes! and up-to-da test
residence hotel in the city. The ground
floor office is finished In real mahogany,
marble and tile, is spacious and handome;
elevator service, private telephone ex
change, steam heat, hot and cold water
In all rooms, many with baths and wall
beds, and is splendidly furnished. The
rent is very moderate, rrooms from $15 per
month up. Why not get the best for your
money 7 Now open, rooms by tho day week
or month. Phone Marshall 1050.
building: nne large ground-floor office; hot
and cold running water in all rooms;
steam heated; private baths; very richly
furnished. Rates only $3 and up per
week; 50c up per day. Call and see us.
Northeast corner Fifth and Gllsan sts.
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
NEW furnished rooms, walking distance.
near carline, from $2 to $3 per week; hot
and cold water, bath, telephone. 684 Gli
san. ne ar 21st. phone M ars h all 1615.
NICELY-furnlshed large rooms, hot and cold
water, sultaole for two t persons, at tne
Mercedes. 165 Stout, near 20th and Wash
Ington. Phones A 33461, Main tX'4.
JUST right for two or three chums; large
room with alcove and porch; also single
room; nicely furnished; central location.
Main 5332.
LARGE well furnished double and single
Dea rooms, an moaern conveniences, rea
son, a bleJ 8 7 Gllsan.
FRONT alcove room for one. two or more
if desired with piano; free bath, phone,
heat. 226' 12th, near Salmon.
NEAT, newly furnished rooms, private resi
dence, las 13th, lVt blocks from Mor-
LARGE, well furnished bay-window room.
private, warning distance. 210 22a st. N.
FOR RENT Two newly furnished rooms:
)hone and bath. 105 North 20th st.
FURNISHED rooms; modern conveniences;
walking distance. 28 North 16th at.
FURNISHED rooms, with or without board.
208 Grant st. phone Main 5691.
NEAT room, close In, $10 per month. 268
lth st.
FOR RENT Beautifully furnished large front
pea room. 1- a montn. 4b t-aat couch.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. 512
Aiaer, near j.otn.
NICELY furnished rooms, close in. 214 13th
cor, faaimon.
NICELY-f urnished front room with board for
two gentlemen. yo Williams avenue.
FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms,
modern conveniences. 304 Flanders.
2 DESIRABLE rooms in modern home for
two nice young men. 540 Hoyt st.
NICELY furnished rooms; suitable for one
or two persons, from $2 up. 289 11th st
NICE airy room, walking distance, reason
apie. 04 1 Morrison st.
$3 PER WEEK, newly furnished room, bath,
teiepnone, waiKing distance. i!4 1 1 ttu
KEATLY-f urnished rooms. $2 to $3 per week;
iree oatn, pnone. o iztn, near Salmon.
$11 MONTH Nice front room, reasonable,
bath, walking distance. 4o2 Sth
Unfurnished. Rooms.
THREE unfurnished rooms. 2i0 13th st.
Rooms With Bosrtt.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year, room
witn ooara, use 01 sewing-room ana library.
510 Flanders su Miss Frances N. Heath.
supt .
RoomsMitn, Board in Private Family.
NEWLY furnished rooms, with board. - 595
E. Oak, cor. idth. B 26lu.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
NICE room, with board for 1 or 2, In mod
ern private house; use of piano, etc.;
blocks from Hotel Portland, on Park
blocks. Main 4a04.
ROOMS with board, private boarding-house,
modern conveniences, home comforts; 20
minutes' walk from business center. 89
East 8th st. North. Phone East 722.
BOARD and room for two gentleman; bath,
phone and good home cooking ; $5.50 per
week each. 420 East Couch st. Phone
East 1824.
WELL-FURNISH ED front room in modern
home of young couple, suitable for 2,
with excellent home cooking. $50 per
month. 445 llth st. Phone Main 4374.
FOR RENT Room and board to young
ii-jin, light, airy room, easy walking dis
tance, references. 363 13th.
LARGE front suite, with board; newly fur
nished, electric lights and running water.
Also single room. 2u4 N. 22d st.
TO communicate with gentleman desiring
to join bachelors co-operative housekeep
Ing club; references. D 47, Orogunian.
ROOM and board, excellent home cooking, all
modern conveniences; also tent room for
young man. Phone B 213S.
LARGE furnished rooms, with board; home
cooking; phones; bath; all conveniences. lo7
16th st., near Flanders. (
ROOM and board, gentleman preferred, home
cooking, home privileges, walking distance,
bath, $5 week. Telephone East 4246.
392 SALMON, corner 10th, 1 large front
room, with board. A 5391.'.
ROOMS, with board; rates reasonable. The
Waldorf, 147 13th st. Main 2118.
430 YAMHILL, nice room, suitable for man
or lady, with board ; reasonable.
14th and Clay
' B'inest In the city
electric elevator, vesti
bule in each apartment; private telephones;
private bath, porcelain-lined refrigerators;
Garland stoves; $40 to $55 per montn. Call
thk week.
697 WASHINGTON ST. Best 3-room apart
ments in city; all rooms outside; janitor
service, hot and cold water, ' tree phones,
heat and conveniences of a rAodern apart
ment; rent reasonable.
JULY 1. Beautiful unfurnished 5-room front
apartment with all modern conveniences;
steam heat, hot and cold water, phone, gas
range, refrigerator, gas, electi ic llgnt,
Janitor service, etc. Phone A1133.
Strictly modern, large rooms and three
closets to every apartment; cool and airy
for Summer. 695 Lovajoy st. Take W
WELLINGTON COURT, beautiful 2, 3 and
4-room furnished apartments, steam heat,
free phone, janitor service and rent rea
sonable, lath and Everett sts. Phone
Main 1245.
"ONEONTA" APARTMENTS, 187 17th. near
Ys in hill (W car at depot). 2, 3 and 4-room
furnished suites; hot and cold, phones and
baths free, $20 per month, $5 per wees;
and up. Main 4697. A 4739.
Washington sts., 3-room apartments, have
every modern convenience, including steam
heat, hot water, private bath, free phones
ano janitor service; rent very reasonable.
FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, modern
in everv particular; steam-heated, hot
water, janitor services, with first-class
furnishings. Apply to janitor, 668 Kear-
ney st.
FOR RENT 4-room furnished apartment.
including piano, for July and August; 5
minutes' walk from postoffiee; no chll-
dren. Phone Main 5480; Main 5o&2
MODERN apartments of 3, 4 or 6 rooms, ln-
liiriine all modern conveniences: $25 and
up. Cor. 21st and Northrup. Telephone
Main 1989-
th ri w EST FA L. 410 5th St.. furnished and
unfurnished apartments; private baths and
ohone; elevator and janitor service; rents
For housekeeping In suites, $12 and up;
hot water, free baths, first-class. 631
Washington, cor. 20th.
FOR RENT Furnished unitl September 1,
my very fine 4-room corner apartment ;
references. Apply apt. 5, Madison Park
bltAJi-HEATED 5-room apartment, mod-
and desirable; 525 Everett sL Annir
Morgan. Fieidner die Boyce. 503 Ablngtua
Elegantly iurnisnea s-room apartment;
strictly modern; 5 minutes walk from
Pofctoffice. Both phones.
vp!Tttf!RSON 2 and 3-roomed modern fur.
nlshed apartments with running water and
piano. $20 ana jo. ittn ana jetrerson,
4-ROOM furnished flat; beautiful neighbor
hood; 7 minutes .fostoiiice; mice lawn; only
responsible people neea answer. jo utn st.
$20 AND $25. 2, 3 and 4 rooms, with bath.
furnished ana uniurnwHea, cnoice loca
ticn. East 5043.
FURNISHED apartments, including piano.
The Morton, wasn. ana amg sts.
Modern furnished apartments. East 5465.
King and Wayne sts. Apply to janitor.
4 AND 5 rooms, $25 and $27.50. Corner East
13th ana lamnm. dqoi.
FOR RENT In Holladay Add., a nicely fur-
n ish ed 3-room apart men t ; re rerence. is zitHJ.
FOR RENT St. Clair, 715 Wayne St., mod
ern 6-room apartment. Fnone Main 403O.
UNFURNISHED 3-room apartment; rent
$18. Inquire 229 Market su
704-706 Hoyt St.,
Between 21st and 22d.
New brick apartment house will be
ready for occupancy July 1. Two, 3 and 4
room suites, completely furnished ; extra
large rooms, especially desirable for Sum
mer, being equipped with electric and tire
less cookers, built-in Ice boxes, electric
lifts, large sleeping porches. The best
equipped house in city; reference required.
For reservations phone Mars h alll S4L
489 Clay St.. second house from 14th.
the only modern completely furnished 2
room apartment-house in the city: house
and elegant furniture, brand new: lust
opened fo business; steam heat, electric
light, hot and cold water in every apart
ment; private phone, bath; walking dis
tance. $18-125. including light See them
now before they are gone and take your
choice. Marshall 2074.
Cor. Grand ave. and Stark St.
New fireproof brick building. beautiful
ly furnished two and three-room apart
ments, private baths, wall beds, large
clothes closets; plenty of hot water; Sum
mer rates. Phone E 800.
Place, bet. 19th and 20th. near wasning
ton ; newly opened ; modern; electric ele
vator, phones. Janitor service. outsld
porches. These apartments are elegantly
furnished In 2, t ana 4 rooms; bummer
rates. 1
HEINZ apartments. 14th and Columbia; 4
blocks south from Morrison St.; new ones
building, completely first-class; furnished
in 2. 3 and 4 room family apartments,
private bath, reception hall, swam heat,
hot water, elevator, free phone, janitor
service; rent from $25 per month andup.
Beautifur 4-room apartments for rent on
the ground door, all furnished, with pri
vate bath and janitor service. In walking
distance from business district, including
steam heat. Phone Main 1245.
Elaborately furnished 3-room apartments,
all modern conveniences, large shady lawn
cool verandas, janitor;- rents reasonable,
walking distance. 624 Marshall st; take
-W car. Main 6032 or A 31il.
FOR RENT New ana strictly xnodvrn -Nom
flats on 20th and Laurel sts.. Port
land Heights, rent $40. Apply
65 Fourth st.
FOR RENT Good 5-room flat. 487 Davis
st. ; rent $20. Apply
85 Fourth St.
New, modern, attic room ; best location
in city. Inquire 175 16th, West Side, cor.
FLAT of 8 roome, completely nd beautifully
furnished; will rent to responib' parties;
A-l location, close in. Phone mornings.
Main 1516. Call Mrs. M.
UPPER 6-room unfurnished flat, modern,
all light or w-ill furnish to suit tenant.
666 Hoyt. Phone Marshall 1223.
$16 Modern 4-room flat, with Dorches and
basement; airy and sunny; adults. 780
Williams ' ave. Phone Woodlawn 426.
NICELY furnished upper flat of 5 rooms,
witn pianola, warning distance, ana on
carll ne ; W est Side Ph one Main 92a.
Modern 5-room upper flat; adults, lev
E. 15th. near Belmont.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co. Main 1613. A 194. All covered wag
tna. ail e xp erleoc ed ro e n.
FOR RENT 3-room modern flat. West
Side, rent only $16 per month. M. E. Lee,
411 Corbett bldg.
ELEGANTLY furnished flat, 6 rooms, light,
airy; sleeping porch if desired; lawn,
flowers. Nob Hill. Inquire .772 Kearney.
FOR RENT Two new, modern, lower flats
ot six rooms each; also two uppers of 7
rooms each. E. 17th and Belmont sts.
NEW 5-room corner flat, strictly modern,
choice location; key 355 6th.
MODERN 5-room upper flat, 624 1 East Stark,
near 16th st. Phone Woodlawn S58.
MODERN 5-room flat;
good attic and base-
ment. 4.3 ith st.
NEW flat for
W. Reldt, 401 Roth
1505. child bldg.
739 H OVERTON ST. Modern flat, 6 sunny
rooms; cnoice location. jiain so'J.
MODERN 5-room flat.
near Jackson:
West Side, easy walk.
4-ROOM lower flat, 12th and Belmont; key
across tne nan.
Hoaftkeeplng Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. Fur
nished for houseKeeplng, gas ranges, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all
free; $15 per month up; a clean place; best
Jn the city for money; short distance from
Union eot. Take "S" or 16th st- cars
north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs.
"JUST WHAT YOU WANT." Modern fur
nished or unfurnished housekeeping apart--meiits,
single or ensuite; reasonable ; cen
tral; Summer, transient or permanetn
rates. "M1LNER BLDG.." 330 Morrison.
WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, '2' $3
month; 3 for $12, furnished cottage, large
rooms, $20; lower flat, 4 rooms, $18. 364
26th. North (west side river). W car from
d'oot, 5th, Morrison to 26th ; block north.
$2 WEEK Clean, furnished housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath, phone, gas. heat,
yard, clean linen. 406 V ancouver ave.
DESIRABLE two and thxee-room unfur
nished suites. Fifth st., 305 Jefferson.
Beautiful central location.
461 EAST Morrison, corner East Sth; com
pletely 'furnished housekeeping rooms,
THREE nice.
close in. 45
clean housekeeping rooms,
i Alder st.
$1.50 week, large, clean turn, housekeeping
rooms ; laundry, bath, gas. 1S4 Sherman.
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, fur
nished. 191 14th St.; transient solicited.
$1.50 and $2 per week, clean furnished
housekeeping. Desoto house, 2m 2nd.
TWO-ROOM suite, furnished,
month. 87a Russell st.
$12 up per
$1.2$ week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms.
beat, laundry, hrrrh 2Qtt Stanton. "U" car.
Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family.
SUITT3 of elegantly furnished front rooms.
suitable for light housekeeping or bachelor
apartments, in a quiet modern nome, witn
all conveniences and use of piano. 528 Mor
rison st. Main 609.
FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeeping
rooms, clean, modern, private family, gas
range, phone, rent $25; walking distance.
Phone East 1203. Apply before 4 P. M.
66 East 8th st. .
FIRST floor of cottage, .furnished, newly
tinted, well -lighted, good yard, central lo
cation; references. Phone A 10OO, 26 N.
DOUBLE parlors, kitchen, nicely furnished
for housekeeping; modern; no children.
515 20th st., Portland Heights.
TWO nicely furnished rooms for housekeep
ing; gas, bath, phone, rent reasonable; no
children. 620 E. Morrison.
PLEASANT housekeeping suite; gas range,
running water; $16 per month. 255 llth st.;
near Main st.
FINE suite of housekeeping Poras, elegant
location. 49 North 17th, 1 block north of
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
near Steel bridge: nice back yard, free
bath and phone. 350 Benton st.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms in
exchange for all-around handy man and
wife 509 Everett.
NICELY furnished housekeeping suite, all
modern conveniences; reasonable rent. 203
17th st. South.
3 NICELY furnished rooms, hot and cold
water, bath, phone. Nob Hill. Call 111
N. 21st. '
NICELY -furnished room, suitable for two
or three; walking distance, breakfast If de
slred. 569 Everett. Main 7 9 7 2
FURNISHED rooms, with board and light
housekeeping for two. with use of kitchen.
564 Main st. Phone Main 43S4.
TWO very desirable outside furnished
housekeeping rooms, reasonable. 257 Chap-
man st.
ON Portland Hts., fine, partly furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas. water and phone
- included. 4S9 21t. bet. Clifton and Myrtle.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; wood,
water, electric lisht. phone; $15. 855
Clinton st. Sellwood 002. .
NICELY furnished rooms for light house
keeping; bath and telephone. 46 -North
21st st.
FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping;
modern conveniences. 82 East loth. Phone
East 168.
TWO rooms, furnished for housekeeping,
bath, gas and phone; no children. 3 7 2 6th.
NICELY-f urnished housekeeping rooms. 6T
N. 14th st., between- Davis and Everett.
ONE large room, also sleeping porch. Phone
Sellwood 36.
THREE rooms, large, airy, bay window,
fine location; vacant July 1. 534 Morrison.
HOUSEKEEPING room, furnished complete,
149 13th. near Morrison.
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, bath,
$10. 146 Porter st.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping : mod
ern. 69 E. 80th N. Phone East 4056.
FOUR partly furnished housekeeping room.
s 1 . w. jqont gomery st.
$9 a month Three large housekeeping rooms,
gas plate, steel range. 618 7th st. Main 4529.
Housekeeping- Rooms in Private Family.
SWELL housekeeping rooms, beautiful lo
cation ; walking distance; yard. bath,
phone, laundry, gas range, hot water. 63tl
FRONT alcove, furnished for housekeeping;
bath and phone. 450 Yamhill.
iNICB furntned housekeeping suite,
cation. 373 Mill st.
A-l io-
7-room house.
$40 New
E. 2d and
Wasco sts.
$30 Nice, new, 5-room, on 2d st., bet.
Hall and Lincoln sts.
$27.50 7 -room house on 23d and K
. Ankeny sts.
$J5.o0 New, modern. 0 room house,
walking distance. 240 Dupont su L car.
ge'o. d. SCHALK.
22S Stark Si.
f Main 321; A 2302.
WHEN yon move yea 11 seed new rarnltur.
Buy St judiciously and the savluga will
ceed your moving expenses. "
Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one oft
the largest furniture nouses ux the cltyt
two years.
Lookers shown tarn courtesy as buyers
-75 Grand Ave., Cor. East Stark St.
at Ankeny and Russell -Shaver oarllaes)
pass our door.
MODERN flat, 543 u Sixth street. Fiv
larg e room s h second t U or and t wo tin
tehed rooms in attic: splendid light In all
roo m ; lawn in i"r on t and rear; rent $3 1
(no children). Telephone from 8 A. M.
to 5 K. M. Main STuS.
Good 3-room house, 700 Kelly St., near
Porter; rent $S.
317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak.
6-room modern house, 12th and Market
St. ; $45 per month.
. 133 Va First St.
WHY pay rent when we will build for you
on a small cash payment and the balance
like rent? We have the lots to build on.
For full particulars, write D 57, Oregonian.
HOUSES, flats and apartments for rent,
S- W. Cor. 6th and Washington Streets.
COTTAGE for July, August, 5 rooms, com
pletely furnished, modern, electricity, gas
range, refrigerator, piano, lawn, on car
line; adults only. Phone Tabor 119b.
TO RENT Strictly modern 7-room house,
first-class condition; corner; 434 Oregon
St., cor. East 7th North. Call up owner.
JTabor ISOO. ,
NEW, 6-room house, 993 Commercial st. ; all
modern conveniences, 2 blocks from new
Jt-fferion High School. Apply 836 Chamber
of Commerce or phone A 1756.
MODERN -ll-roomhousel on Couch street,
between 16th and 17th. one block from,
Washington. Queen In v. Co.. 410 Failing
MODKRN 5-r'm houne for rent. $13 a month.
Apply at 768 E. 6th N. Phone Woodlawn
FOR RENT 5-room house, 625 Overton st.
rent $15 per month. M. E. Lee, 411 Cor-
bett bldg;
4-ROOM bungalow, modern, fireplace endl
furnace, etc.; cor. East Alder and 3Sth St.,
Sunny side. Phone li 2S7Q.
MODERN 5-nxim house. 124 Skid more St., cor
ner Mississippi ave.; laundry trays, gas fix
turei and; $18 per monih.
FOR RENT 6-room modern house, furnished
or unfurnished, large yard with fruit trees.-
William Kueppell. Main 1221.
$13.50 McFarland's 6-room cottage. 272 MyN
tie Station, Mount Scott carline. See Wells,
Stewarts Station. Phone Tabor 660.
MODWRN 5-room Queen Anne house, fine lo
cation, 1117 Ecuh Alder St., Sunnyslde.
Phone B 2870.
MODERN, desirable. 8-room house.
306 San Rafael, near Union ave.
E. 16Sr.. C 14'.H.
lose in.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room hohse, E. 22d
and Main. Call 771 E. Salmon st.
FOR RENT 8-room . house, modern. 770
Irving st. Phone Main 245T; A-5135.
3-RooM ctiapo f; rent furnished; to steady
part;. i07 l't.ti grove.
FOR RENT Well-furnished house, 563 5th
yt. Phone Main 238'.
MODERN 7-room house on Y'ork St., near
car, $25 per month. Call 41Q Falling bidg.
Fu rniHhed Houses.
4-ROOM furnished flat: beautiful neighbor
hood: 7 minutes Postoffiee; nice lawn; only
regmflble people need answer. 307 10th st.
ELEGANTLY furnished 7-room houae. Nob
1-1:11, m for , 1 year. Maln 4134. 777 Johnson.
'FurnlMUeri HuUBf. '
PARK ADDITION, near corner E. 2it h
and Clackamas ; 6 rooms, new and thor
oughly modern, nicely furnished, both steel
and gas ranges, and all conveniences; at
tractive locality; will rent for year or
longer if desired. McCargar, Bates &
Lively. 315 Failing bldg.
GOOD 6-room furnished house, alcove and
. attic. West Side; good location. Furni
ture includes piano, sewing machine, silver
vase, cutglass, etc.; rent to right party
$45, 6 months, more or less.
Chamber of Commerce.
TO RENT for a year, in Sellwood. furnished
house, 2 blocks from carline. 4 rooms, pan
try, large clothes closet, cel'ar, tine large
garden, berries, fruit, grapes, woodshed
including Winter's firewood and can keep
hens if desired ; $ 1 50 for the year. Ad
dress E 72. Ore go n 1 a n. jif
6-room modern, neatly furnished house,
nice yard, good neighborhood; can be had
for 3 months at $25 per month.
. 133 First St.
FOR RENT Furnished houso at Mount Ta
bo; 8 rooms; silver, linen, piano, yard
block square, lots of fruit trees. 1721 E.
S ta rk st. Phone Tabor 1 894. be t ween 9
and 5.
ATTRACTIVE 6-room furnished bungalow,
Irvlngton; adults; will rent during July,
August, September; references required.
Phone C 2127. .
NEW, modern, nicely furnished 6-room house,
gas and steel ranges, porcelain bath, fur
nace, laundry tubs, lawn, walking distance;
references. 209 E. 1st fL N.
FOR RENT Modern six-room house, fur
nace, gas. lawn, roses, garden; close in;
two carlines; long term; adults only. Tel-
ephone East 5128, .
FOR RENT 5-room lower flat for 2 months,
modern and furnished complete; $3o per
moivn ; references. Phone B 2731.
FURNISHED house for rent during Summe r"
months, modern; good location; rent rea-
sonable. 794 E. JSalmonst.
WELL-FURNISH BD house with piano, fine
location, lawn and flower?. Call 800 East
Sal mon or phone East 1 800.
FOR RENT 7-room completely rumisnea
modern house for summer montns. ivo wer
ton. Phone Alain 01O1.
6-ROOSl furnished flat, with fireplace and
yard, 262 Stout st. ; waiKing aisiaucs,
Call 260 Stout st. Phone Main 5853.
WELL furnished 5-room flat. Including piano.
heat and water; gooa wamuu
from carline. Phone M 5088.
HANDSOMELY furnished six-room house.
West Side, to responsible parties, $50. Main
- S2.40.
FOR RENT Furnished 7-room moaern
house, 4 l Aspen St., Hiuauieuo c,s"w
Main 3108. m
FURNISHED 5-room bungalow.
Wood me rm
Station. 13 2t5N-.
ATTRACTIVE, desirably located home for
the s u mmcr, Jul yl. 21 1-n . 2 tn.
FOR RENT for the Summer. 5-room cot-
tage. furnished. Phone C 2690.
$35 Elegant furnished flat. 5 large rooms,
walking distance; adults. East 849.
FURNISH ED 4-room cottage; electric
lights, bath, central. Inquire273 7th.
NICELY furnished flat for rent, reasonable.
701 Hoyt st. .
FURNISHED suits for housekeeping. 11 H
Union avenue.
Monies for Kent. Furniture for Sale.
ft rooms furnished, furniture 6 months
old for sale cheap , will lease flat, good
location, 7 minutes to P. O. For price and
n-irtlculars call Main 8007., t
THREE modern housekeeping rooms for
rent, or furniture for sale ; West Side ;
walking distance. 269 Va Montgomery st.
Phone Woodlawn 223.
FURNITURE of three-room apartment for
sale at half price: apartment new, mod-
crn an d best locati on. AN 71 ,0 re g o n i an.
MUST SELL at once. 9 rooms, elegant furni
ture, no reasonable offer refused. 447
MUST sell furniture 4-room flat; elegant fur
niture, nearly new; flat rents $25. Flat
D, 549 Taylor st. Phone Main 7695.
CLEAN 5-room modern cottage; fence and
trefs; 2 blocks car. 04 East 35th st.
NEW furniture
TM1 13th st.
of modern ten -room house.
FOUR-ROOM apartment for rent, furniture
for sale. No. .". 42u Columbia st.
FLAT for sale.
Fiat D.
Jeffery. 549 Taylor street.
FURNITURE 16 rooms, house for rent; good
lease, 221 13th, Main C302.