- TOE aiORXlNCr OKEGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1910. 17 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. THREE beautiful lots at Tabor Side Add.; each lot is 50x100. with corner; aell all for $13i0 cash; a, bargain. Owner. AM 64. Oregonlan. For Sale House. PIEDMONT HOME. tlUUU CASH. Very swell, new, modern. 7-room home, furnace and lireplace. hardwood floors, nice den. china closet, paneled dininK room. sleeping porch, in fact, nothing missing; on a corner lot awxioij:" nice lawn; auto Rarage; on Ainsworth tve., corner Haight; price $5000. $1000 cajih and 2D per month. It will suit you for a borne. GRT.-SSI & ZADOW. -817 Board of T rad eB ;d g. ,4 1 h and Oak. 115.000 IRVIN'GTOT HOME We have one of the best homes In Trvineton, a colonial house on quarter block, everything is of the best, includ ing mahogany dining-room, three fire places, hot water heat, double garage, etc. H. P. l'ALMEK-JONKS CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club. . Bldg. HOME OX THE WEST SIDE. Here is a nice 8-room house on a 50 fooL corner lot with street improvements all in and paid; full plumbing, stationary wash trays, full basement. This is close to two carllnes and in walking distance. If you are looking for a comfortable home on the West Side, with tine view, let us show It to you. Price of this place is $4500, and' on very easy terms. HOLT-JONES HEAL ESTATE CO., 522 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Marshall 84, A 72S4. A FEW CHOICE OXEri. 1 4-story 6-room bungalow on 50x100 lot. In Loveleigh addition; nearly finished, ?100O; $llHo cash; terms. 5 rooma and bath; modern bungalow; fine rrsi'ience district, ijiSOo; only $7o0 cash to handle. 2-story 6-room modern house, Gantenbein avenue; lot 20xlOO: full basement; 2 blocks from carllne. $11600; $3O0 cash, balance $20 per month. Bloeh Kealty Co., 221 Lumbermen's Bldg. EAST SIDE 1 ACRES. Large new house, stable. 4 acres of ground, containing beautiful lawn and gar den, family orchard, big logan berry patch in full bearing; Bull Run water; unex celled view; lies on 2 macadamized streets within 2 blocks of carline; 20 minutes' from down-town. Price 16,0o0; terms, $4000 cash. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8i9, A 2033. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Beautiful modern 5-room bungalow; two short blocks from Hawthorne ave. ; nice .Dutch kitchen with stationary wash tubs, electricity and gas. wood lift; well fur nished; bathroom; lot SOxSIO; lawn, roses and garage; .t.'ioo, StiOO down, easy pay ments. You must see to appreciate; bar gain; must sell at once as I am leaving the city. Call resident phone Tabor 101B. KENX1LWOKTH DISTRICT. 6-roora house and bath, with two high and beautiful lots, for sale cheap and on very easy terms; 4 btocKs from car; fine cement basement. Dutch kitchen, modern plumbing and hot-water boiler; street iin- roved; small amount down and balance ke rent. VVINCENT JONES REALTY CO.. a2-:i03 Lewis Bldg. $2800 TERMS. That's less than you can elsewhere buy as roomy and homy a modern house as this; seven rooms, close to St. Johns car, 8f-mlnute ride. Restricted district, near river and park. Handy to stores, schools and churches. Owner must sell to keep children in college. Will stand comparison. 617 Worcester bldg. Phone Woodlawn 2272. $5000 SNAP $5500. SWELL 1RV1NGTON HOME. NEW. MODERN. FINE LOCATION, 1TH AND BBAZEE. Price fncludes shades, fine electric fix tures, furnace, water heater,, gas range, linoleum In bath and kitchen, lawn, etc. The biggest bargain in Portland. See owner on premises. ii.'lO East 18th. N. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. We have a number of very desirable houses ranging in price from $:hooO to $20,000. Let us show them to you. NORTON & WALSH. 2S6! Washington St. Rooms 402 and 403. A SNAP. 100x100, corner lot with 5-room house; house is built against inside line of lot, leaving plenty of space for two build ings on corner; close to carline and In walking distance to business center; price $3150: $PM cash. BOWES REALTY EXCHANGE, 425 "Worcester bid g. - A 5438. A SNAP. On East Side, 6-room modern bungalow on 50x100 lot, extra fine finish on wood work, open fireplace with best conven iences. This plaaa Is within walking dis tance of business center; price $3250; $500 cash, terms. BOWES, 425 Worcesterbldg. A 5438. : FOR SALE By owner, 5-room cottage beau tifully situated; one block off of Union ave.; 10 minutes' ride to city; best car service; lot 50x106. lies high: cement side walks and retaining walls. 7 large fruit trees, cherries and apples, shrubbery, nice yard and roses; must sell. Price $2800; terms. Phone Woodlawn 693. ACREAGE HOMES. 14 acrem. all kinds of fruit, 6-roora boQM 'ssd pantry- and large veranda, bath, n.w barn, lsrgs chicken corral; choice flowata sua atlruti; 4 blocks from car. Xarma. LOU la BRANDT. Oak Grove. Oregon City Llaa. ll.v0O, WEST SIDE BUY. $M00 CASH, balance at 0 per cent, buys modern up-to-date flat, close In, walking distance; 2 6-room apartments, with fire place and furnace for each; full base ments1; always rented; good Income. 830 Chamber of Comme rce. SUNNYSIDE BARGAIN. For family reasons 1 am obliged to dis pose of equity in a modern S-room house, beautifully situated. 1 block from Mt. Tabor and Sunnyside car; very small cash payment, rest like rent. Lot soxloo. Phone B 2!M. EAST' Ji3d and Cllron-street home. 6-roora modern house. Just completed: on carline. Price $3000: can be handled on (700, bal ance like rent. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial club Bldg. Phones Main 801I9, A 2653. I HAVE ah 8-room and a 5-room bungalow and a 6-room house whicn you should seo - before you buy: strictly llrst-class and modern, in good location, on very easy terms. Pettenger. Ill Klllingsv.-orth ave. t'-L or St. Johns car. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS. $1150. Neat 4-room house, view lot 50x158, plenty fruit, berries, vegetables, etc.; E. 041 h and Flanders; 3-room modern bungalow, full lot. E. 11th and Falling; $1750, terms; photo graphs at 329 Burrulde. Main or A 272ti. COZY 4-room bungalow, corner lot. 1 block from car. well built, full basement, and a positive bargain. For immediate sale, price $1275; terms. . . NORTON & WALSH. , 286 Washington St. Rooms 402 and 403. JvR RALE 75x100. with modern 5-room cottage, nice yard, all kinds of fruit; one Mock to car; cneap; terms, rnom wood lawn 529. $4000 COZY home, near Broadway St., and In walking distance, choice llowers and shrubbery. Miller. 416 Chamber Com merce. 7-ROOM HOUSE. Modern Improvements, Vernon Addition, near carline; $3SOO, . or less . for cash. C 2692. LOTS OF GROUND $1300: splendid little house on 4 lots; fine lawn, trull ana n"ncis, rnj au, uainuue $15 monthly. Itaop flg r -anno, if'j .r.n TWO handsome bungalows for sale: East 28th and Brooklyn; well view; improved streets and cement walks; easy terma. i-none sen wood 881. ONE-HALF acre and 5-room'bungalow; fur nace, bath, basement, fireplace; a lovely home: S4O0O, part cash. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. MODERN 6-room house. Irvington. N. W. cor. E. 17th and Hancock, $6000. Main 3314 or 3Q8 Flledner bldg. YOUNG man wants work In wholesale house, warehouse, etc.; experienced. M 70, Ore gonlan. 6-ROOM furnished house, including a Lud wlg piano, with 4 lots; $2850; must sell. TOO Pnrh.tt bldg. FOR SALE Fine lot ana inree-room cottage on carline. North Mt. Tabor; $1M0, terms If desired. Telephone owner. M. 815. oak floors, fireplace, buftet. shower bath; eiegaiit. " - jjOI'SO? of 7 rooms and attic, large lot, beau tifully located on Mt. Tabor. Telephone Tabor 177. 1 BjjAP Six-room house. 100x100, 1 block to car; also block, on carline, cheap. AL 5 'oregonlan. , BARGAIN In Laurelhurst, S lots, will sell singly or all together: $180 each will handle. Address E 74, Oregonlan. FOR SALE by owner, the handsomest 8 room home in Irvington. 496 E. 20th su. X Call and see It. . LOTS on easy payments: will clear $10 to $100 ln3 years. 319 Board of Trade. BEAUTIFUL home, fine location: $3800; will trade for farm. AE 66. Oregonlan. 81350 3-room hpu.e, 2 Iota, 100x15rt bam. 2 chicken-houses, 6c fare. T 66, Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -House BEAUTIFUL WAVERLY. Bungalow Modern in every particular; fur :i0O down nace. electricity, Dutch kltch $25 mo. en, fine lawn, shrijibery; five rooms and bath; $315o. House 7 rooms, bath and reception hall. 40O full basement; this is a beauty $5 mo. for the price; terms, $3650. Bungalow 5 rooms, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, any terms pantry; a buy for a small family. $2SX. Bungalow Four rooms and bath, on carline; $165o this will have to be taken quick. 2 rooms Small, but large enough to live $1500 in; $150 down secure, this. Take W. R. car to 35th and Clinton sts.; agents on tract all day. Sunday Included. We will build to suit you. Lou from. $650 up, on carline. See These. . JNO. P. SHARKEY CO.. 6thand Wash. Branch 35th and Clinton. MODERN BUNGALOW. 2650-r-tituated near Walnut Park and Union ave., new 5-room bungalow, com plete and modern, full basement, toilet, bath, electric fixtures and is built of selected lumber and the very best of workmanship is used In its construction throughout and it is an attractive home, both inside and out. There is a beautiful lawn with an abundance of roses and shrubbery. $1130 cash required; the bal ance can run for two years. Here is a good home at a snap price, or a splendid investment.- as it will rent for $25 per month. One block from Union avenue and one block from Alberta street. a. mcgregor. 602 Corbett Building. - Phones M 3306; A 5775. LAST TIME OFFERED. This modt(n, roomy home will be taken off market unless sold this week; other wiset owner will move back.; next year's college arrangements must be made now ; '-room home. new. large living-room, sewing-room, built-in cupboards, large bath, 2 lavatories, full basenieit; 50xloo lot, 150 feet' St. Johns car: pure air. near high river bank and auto boulevard; 35 mm utes' ride; restricted district; fine trees; real snap, less than cost. Woodlawn 2272. $23ou i rooms and Dath, California, bungalow, on a comer lot. $2G00 5 rooms and bath. California bunga low. These two bungalows on 41st and Ivan; take Richmond car to 41st. walk H block north. They have Just been completed, are In a good neighborhood, rapidly building. They have fireplaces. Dutch kitchen, com plete plumbing, including wash traya, waod lifts: are fully tinted, cement sidewalks on ail aides, fully paid. Terms can be arranged to sultybytelephoning Owner. Main 2705. SWELL LITTLE HOME, That's a money-maker, too; 3 4 acres, on jonnson Creek and carline; i0 minutes "".. i-nrory Duntjaiow, barn, chicken nouses, gasoline engine: running .t,r springs, fruit, berries, etc.; about 1000 uucks ana pigeons Included la price of $8000; will taKe some trade. ZIMMERMAN, 621Board of Trade Bldg. FURNISHED BUNGALOW, HOSR I'lTV F A I? LT Modern, new. 5room bungalow, nice fireplace and all other late improvements, less than a block from car, on a lot 50x ' iront, nne lawn and. roses, com pletely furnished! nrl,-M l:is:.ii &bk balance $20 per month; can't be beat for GRUSSI & ZADOW. . ai7 Board of TradcBlil.j 4 Lh and Oak. UOINO TO BUILD r WE ARE BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THB TDY' ,SRB ASE GOOD REASONS. OUR CUSTOMERS. SAVE MONEY AND GET BETTER WORK. ON TERMS TO fcUIT. IF YOU OWN YOUR LOT. WE Sh1 ORNISH THE MONEY TO BV1iAjPLANa AND ESTIMATES FRUJ4 OREGON BUILDING & TKUSI CO- 0tf HENRY BLDG. IN IRVINGTON. Fine 7-rbom house. 60x100 lot. facing south, on a hard-surface street, surround ed by fine homes, for sale for $6500, less than half cash down; this home is thor ouBtoly modem, very beautiful In its set ting, surroundings and arrangement and is worth over $70oo of any man's money, but V. VINCENT JONES REALTY CO.. aoa-ana Lewis Bldg. ' $26O0 6-room modern house and lot V&nf' 81.11 Bt" be'en Belmont and Tiamhill; best car service In city; a bar gain at this- price. ioo'CI?-KAP UTTLE HOME. Jr7t'x12?, and a-ro"m house, near a,nd Powell sts.; snap. 'RED C. KING, 500 Commercial bldg., 2d and Wash, sts; ATTRACTIVE 5-room "bungalonV'on Thomp"- fn".Mf ar E4'S,t ?Jh : two additional rZ, in attic unfinished; modern in every par ticular; fireplace, furnace, built-in buffet, screened back porch and Interior arrange ment very attractive; price, with street improvements all paid, $5500; half cash. bMgarEar- ijat" "vy.-15 Failfng PORTLAND; HEIGHTS, owner, new nine-roon house; , flre El ff ."0t Wator heat' hardwood floors, up. ,?. V" ev Particular; unequaled perm nent view of city and mountain; walking distance; $12,500, easy terms. G 65, Ore- FINE IRVINGTON HOME on East 17th St near Thompson; new, modern; two fire places, furnace, hardwood floors, etc 7 rooms conveniently arranged, very hand- . some y finished; attractive house in fine location; price, $7500, purchaser to is" sume street improvements. McCargar Bates & Lively, air. Failing hldg. RI7VfnoFK0.NT-?ne ,acre- wlth modern 7-room bungalow, large fireplace, broad porch; city conveniences, fronts right on the river; good beach. This is In the Oswego line, with station right at the property; 2t minutes out; good homes surrounding; cheapest buy on the rive J. R. STIPE. 7'n fhmh 7-ROOM DWELLING, in very attractive I'iT? -i? on E,ast lltn' between Tillamook and Thompson. Modern and conveniently arranged This property is a bargai:. at S-S0. Can be handled for $275o cash. Bunang.r" & Lively. 315 Failing EAST SIDE CLOSE IN. 6-room, 2-story dwelling on E 7th st near Burnside: easy walking 'distance'1 ground alone worth the price. $40011 h will take this bargain. UU casn tl A KIM AN si THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bldg' -i-oi . , t nve-room modern bun galow on 32d and Clinton. Bath, pantry paneled rooms, gas, electric lights ce ment basement, sidewalks, steps and re taining wall; lot 50x75: $2850. $400 cash. 420 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 777B ON 2oth st., corner, 14x100, with new mod ern 6-room cottage; beautiful, sightly loc tlnn: flowers, fruit and garden. Owner com pelled to sell. This is a bargain. InvSl tigate. $3000 Is the price. Call 410 Fall ing bldg. S1075 FOR a 4-room cottage andlot"w"7h $1500: 1 blocks from car, y, biockto several stores: hot and cold water eloX trie llghts $500 will handle it Phonl Tabor 200 after 6 P. M. Mt. Scott car S Midburn st.. Kern Park. 1 car- 18 110 home! 4-room house, lot 60x100. on Oregon cit car line. Price $700. Payment tin month. Nothing down. i0 eacb- NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST en 326 Washington St.. Room Bl. HOME AND LOTS OF FRUIT Fine 7-room house and large lot In K nyside 1 block from car. for sale chfa"" lots of fruit: half cash will handle Tap' V. VINVENT JONES REALTY S 802-303 Lewis Bldg. ' FINE suburban view nome. ill room house; hot water heat all kinds of fruit. Best barga60"-": Might consider part exchange. cSn J; premises. 30 East 63d st. Atorriion ., X Mt. Tabor car, phone Tabor r n V" WHY pay rent when we will build fZT. on a small cash payment and th t.i y u like rent? We have the lo , ta T buYM""00 For full particulars, write D 57 Uon nlan. " OT- Orego- New. modern flve-room bungalow io,k Alberta; lot 50x100; gai. elecTricltv J?n try; $2550. $400 cash, ea.W terms y' pa C. L. SHEETS ,' 420SwetlandBldg. phone Main 7776. WEST SIDE HOME ' - 10-room home, modern, lot 70xlon- ... t. Portland: only $000; i-3 cash k- to suit. 6 per cent. Hedriclc ' ''a'anca Board of Trade bide "earlc Co., 40 FOUR, five and six-room houses at F o'Z and Gladstone, $1500 to $2000- f, 25th terms; also, the best $450 lotsln ?he - E. A McGrath. 331 Chamn., Jl.y, THB residence of the late Judee O n U , " inKor. East 7th and Holladav -vl Be1' Bale; will sell entire block or Dart Ihi 411GerlinBerbld. part thereof. HOME OR IXVESTME1TT ' ' New modern 7-room home. cIo'ha i East Side, worth $4000; will BarrTfl n $.800; term.; owner leai naCth2Ceeir a Hedrick & Co., 406 BoardjoAp Jj- IRVINGTON $1200 DOWN ' New. 7-room house and lot ' 5omA thoroughly modern. 495 . fioth Krti??' or phone E 1550 or Main 4103 ' worth. $10 A MONTH pays for a neat, cozy hom on a 50x100 lot In Gregory Height. Call ? end of Roe City Park carliQeu-orV it vestment Co. ' BARGAIN Strictly modern 7-room hom beautiful grounds; lot 74x100; restricted TiZ trlct; rrice $3400, terms. Se Mr. Wrenn etore, B. 1th and Stephen u. n' &t .-ROOM dwelling, in very attractive local Uy on Last 11th. bet. Tillamook and Thompson: modern and convenientlv ar ranged. This property is a bargain at $.-.2.-o: can be handled for $2750 cash M? Cargar, Bates & Lively. 315 Failing 'bidg. RKAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. WEST SIDE. ARTISTIC BUNGALOW. New, with 6 rooms, beautifully finished throughout, large living room with fire place, paneled and beamed ceiling dining room, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, combination mission lighting fixtures, full cement basement, fine furnace, set tubs, large bath, ample closets, upper and lower porches: commanding beautiful view of mountains, river and city; full lot, with room for garage; 1 block from car. Price S42.i0; $15'J0 cash, balance -monthly. There is no better buifl home in Portland, nor one more artistically finished. It was planned by a .woman, the present owner. NORTON 6c WALSH. , 2SGH Washington St. Room 402 and 403. Phone Main 4btitL NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW $6300. Located one block from carline on lot 50 xlOO feet in the best portion of this most exclusive residence district. This bungalow has 7 large rooms, full cement basement, two porches, hardwood flors down-stairs, stone fireplace, buiit-in china closet, cabi net kitchen, four bedrooms up" with large closets having outside light- The price, S5O0, includes hard-surface street, aidewalks, curbs, water, gas and electricity This U one of the coziest homes in the city and is now ready fox occupancy. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., . 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. 2 Phones Main 8091. A WE MUST SELL, And It is the most artistic and -as well built home as there is in the city; large porch, living-room is 24 feet long, pressed brick fireplace, large basement, furnace If desired; streets graded, sidewalk in, sewer and gas in and all paid; the house ond lot cannot positively be duplicated for the price asked, JloOO; terms If de sired; located in Overlook, on Longview ave., just south of carline. NORTHWESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO. Successes to Portland Realty Ac Construction Co., 9O1-903 Lewis Bldg. Phones Marshall 64, A 71S3. BUILD NOW. LET US FINANCE THE BUILDING OF TOUR HOME, IP TOU OWN LOT. SMALL AMOUNT OF CASH IS SUFFICIENT. OUR REFUTATION FOR WELL--ULILT HUMWn, FAIR DEALING AND DISPATCH OF CON STRUCTION IS BRINGING US MANY CLIENTS. NORTHWESTERN CONSTRUC TION CO., Successors to Portland Kealty & ConLructionCo.,inJl-2-3 LewisBldg. BARGAIN Highland Addition, 6-room house, full lot. ehrubbry and bearing fruit tree Call at 1019 Grand ave. North. IRVINGTON sacrifice; owner leaving, will sell $1000 below value; attractive new home. Phone East 3i4 ;no agents. BnBlnesw Property. $30.000 Apartment, Income $450 mdnth. West Side; terms. $40,0O( -Quarter block, flats, income. West Side: terms. $5500 7-room house, lot 33 1-3x100, West Side; terms. 80 acres, 40 minutes from city by Oregon Electric, has also railroad station on land, substantially improved, young orchard, half garden and beaverdam land, mostly all cultivated; close enough for suburban homes. Price under value, direct from owners. BENNETT & DERBYSHIRE, 201 Swetland Bldg. 13TH ST. Close to Washington, 100x100, choice wholesale property ; an easy haul to the retail district. This is high-class prop erty, and the last available piece on 13th st. Queen lnv. Co., 4lO Failin gb 1 dg . t BUSINESS location only $15S0, West Side, close In, on carline, 12 minutes' ride, stores and flats needed now ; easy terms. Jas. C. Logan, 320 '3 Wash. St., room 44. BY OWNER Income paying property, busi ness block; yearly rent $1020; price $S400. X 0 6 , Oregonlan. MY business block, corner of principal busi ness street ; income from rents $U00 per year; price, $8.00. -X 05. Oregonlan. Acreage. AN ACRE adjoining recent purchase and future home of St. Helen's1 Hall; $400, easy term. GLEN HARBOR REALTY CO., 431-432 Mohawk bldg. $4500 10 ACRES ON JOHNSON CREEK. O W. P. station oh land. The best buy in acreage. A splendid piece to plat or hold aa an investment. $1500 cash will handle, long time on balance ; adjacent property Belling at the rate of $000 per acre in lota. Our price is $450 per acre only. LAMBERT WHITMER COMPANY, 70 Fourth Street. 404 East Alder Street. ' 100 ACRES, LAKE COUNTY. $1000 The land is close to Summer Lake, nearly level; and soil is what is known as volcanic ash. This valley is best part of Eastern Oregon ; terms $000 ca-sh, balance long time ; will take mort gage or Portland property In exchange. FRED C. KING, 506 Commercial bleck, 2d and "Wash. Bta. CHEAPEST buy In Hood River 05 acres, 7 miles from Hood River, wet aide, on coun ty road; red-shot soil, 15 to 18 acres cleared and set to trees, all east slope; New towns and S pi tzen bergs; natural creek and springs on place, 2 houses, barn, and crop of 1O0O boxea apples goes withlace; no agents. Addrees P. O. Box SUA, R. F. D. No. 3. Hood River, Or. 4 ACRES CHOICE LAND FREE. 4 acres, near Kendall sta tion. on O. W. P. Electric line, near Lents, house worth $H00ti. barn $500. horse, chickens, imple ments, fruit, etc.. worth $1200. total $4700, and 4 acres choice fruit land free. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317BoardqfTrade Bldg., 4th and Oak. ONE square acre, within a few blocks of Milwaukie Heights Station ; all level and Improved; best of soil. Only $100O. Lay the foundation for a home. You can cut your living expenses in two and besides save your rent money. C. F. Pfluger & Co., room jfc, Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison BtJ. ANY cumber of 5, lO and 20-acre tracts choice improved fruit and garden land ; water and rail transportation ; SO to 66 minutes' ride from Portland; price Is right; easy terms; will exchange for Port land property. For desirable homes see Dean Land Co., 622 Chamber of Commerce feldg-. 3d and Stark sts.. Portland. Or. 15 ACRES on county road, 7 miles from station, Wewt Side. Crap per District, east slope; red ihot soil, well timbered ; 'wood will pay part V if clearing; if sold within 10 days will sacrifice for $175 per are; In finest setion of valley; half down and unlimited time on balance. P. O. Box 89 A. R. F. D. No. 3. Hood River. Or. No agentg MUST SELL QUICK. My loss Is your gain. 2-S acres best farming land in Marion County at Turner on S. P., four miles from Salem, all culti vated. $100 per acre; one-half cash, terms. See owner at 414-415 Lewis bldg., cor. Oak and 4tu sts. PICK UP, Eighty acrefl two miles southwest of city; best toil Oregon; very gradual Kope to south; protected on north and east, by hills; fine spring; will rent Tor $70 per acre; no reasonable cash offer refused. J 72, Ore gonlan. BEAUTIFULLY situate and commanding fine view of valley and mountain Is this highly cultivated 20 acres, which is of fered for $2750. ' Carline one mile dis tant; easy terms. McCarthy, 403 Roth chlld bldg. FINE 10 acres, close vn, on Sandy road; all cleared and planted to fruit; fine place for country home; good view and close to car; 15 minutes' ride. C. F. Fisher, 52S Hamilton bl d g. WANT NICE HOME? 26 acres in high state of cultivation. 8 miles from Courthouse, Portland. ever running creek, best of soil. $325 per acre. F. F u c hs, 2 21 Jj Morrison st. FOR RALE acre, 12ft feet frontage, on county road; level. . clear; 7 minutes walk from station and 35 minutes from new bridge; 8c fare; price $600, half cash, bal. 2 years. Owner, AC 67, Oregonlan. 68 H ACRES, cleared, level land, on the Ore gon Electric R. R-, close to Portland, at $200 per acre; car line runs through the place. This is a snap. Full Information at 410 Falling bldg. LET me sell ou a hair acre or mors -vde the city; Bull Run water, paved atrt, building restrictions. tc. 42o Lum,r mans Hldg-. cor. 6th and Stark. 2 ACRES, 10 minutes walk from 5c car and - on the new Mt. Hood electric survey; a good investment at a bargain. D 70, Ore- gonlan. TWO ACRES good soil, fine location- for suburban home, near car, 35 minutes ndt; $1750, ?H50 down, balance monthly. Pal- mpr, 507 Couch bldg. 80 ACRES hi mile from Gervais. close to electric line, all In crop, one-third goes with place. Only $00. See owner. H 70, Oregonlan. 10 ACRES choice fruit land, unimproved ; 85 minutes' ride from Portland; overlooks Columbia river; $750. easy terms. THIS will suit YOU. Palmer, 507 Couch bldg. BEAUTIFUL 5-acre tract, only 30-minute ride on Oregon Electric; a snap; $2000, easy terms. Owner. East 1717. 50 ACRES of beaverdam land, two miles from town, on main count v road; 00 per acre, half cash. C 7Q. Oregonlan. 1 ACRE full-bearing apple orchard In sight of Golf Links, or exchange; price, $l5O0. AM 0. Oregonlan. 6 ACRES on Barr road; easy terms; Ions time; close in 504 Goldsmith. KEAL ESTATE. Acreage. GREAT BARGAIN IN IDEAL FRUIT LAND. JUST BEYOND THE SAND. WHERE SO MANY SALES HAVE BEEN MADE RECENTLY. 22 ACRES AT $70 PER ACRE. Although It must be sold, it can'be sold on terms. It cannot be sold by present owners in small tracts, although there are several men waiting for pieces of it when it is cut up. These men all live out near the place and know what the land is good for. It is-a protected slope and 100 acres of the place would make an Ideal apple orchard. The 22 acres are good for view. The, soil is the Mount Hood loam, apple orchard loam, no gravel. There are three springs, house, barn ; all fenced and crosst'enced ; partly cleared ; one 40 is very open and easily cleared, another 40 has enough wood on it to pay 'for it, while part of the other commands a splendid view of the Columbia River. School across road. The owner took sick and had to go East. He was offered, a year ago. "more money than we ask. WYNN JOHNSON CO. Room 209 Gerlinger Bldg., 2d and Alder. Phone Marshall 1148. . CLOSE TO PORTLAND ACREAGE. -65 acres of Oregon's best fruit and garden land in the fertile Tualatin Val ley. Can be sold in small tracts; on Southern Pacific and near Oregon Elec tric a rare chanc; sacrifice for quick sale on terms that will surprise. We have others. One acre or thousands. "It will pay vou to see our list." HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR 10 DAYS, 'Ending- July 1. I will sell what is left of PRIMROSE ACRES at 10 per cent cash and balance in 5 years at 6 per cent.- This is the best bargain on the market today. Look it up. Ben Riesland, trust.ee. 410 Failing bldg. - . Homesteads. 1 RELINQUISHMENT, 160 acres; best fruit land in state; first and second growth tim ber, running water and springs on land; 45 miles from Portland; rhis Is a snap. 1 homestead. Itio acres, In valley running water and springs on land; over 100 acres level; 3 miles- to town and neighbors ail around; mall every day; best of fruit and al falfa land; this is a rare chance to get a big farm that is good. 1 homestead, SO acres; all level; same as above. DAVIS & HANNA, 504 Dekum Bldg. GOOD locations In Crook, Lake, Harney and the coast; 2 timber claims on the coast. fine relinquishments, ctheap; low rates tor June. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 22-page book explaining what each of the 8 4 counties is best adapted for; gives amount of Government land open to home stead In each county ; map attached. 21x 26, showing new R. R. aud towns. Includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon ; counties In different colors; drawn to March 1, 1810; latest map in U. S. ; price 25c. Nlm- mo &. Runey, 13 Hamlltonbldg. WHY BE LANDLESS ? There are over 100,000 acres of free government '.and In Crook County, Central Oregon. 320 or 100 acre homesteads and 32o-acre desert claims which may be Irrigated by gravity flow. Call or write for information. DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND & INVESTMENT COMPANY, 301-302 Buchanan Bldg., Portland, Or. Local office at Laldlaw. Or. EASTERN "oREGOX homes tea d and desert land. Oregon Homestead Co., 217 Abing ton bldg., 100 3d st. For Sale Fruit Lands. 40 ACRES. CLOSE TO CITY. A beautiful country home, close to the Multnomah County line in Clackamas County, highly improved with two full bearing apple orchards, 75 large cherry trees. 70 pear trees, 160 grape vines, a lot of all kinds of berries; all in paying quan tities; good house, fair barn, all farming implements; it will pay you to see this place before you buy; there Is over 0 acres In cultivation, balsmce easily cleared; over 500 cords of wood on place; owing to other business, party must sell; $4Q00 cash, balance terms to suit. HOLT-JONES REAL ESTATE CO., 522 Board of Trade Bldg. Marshall 310, A 7294. HOOD RIVER orchard land rtir oale 20 acres retl-hol soil, west side Crapper dis trict. 4 acres cleared and. set to trees, S acres slashed, light .clearing, east, slope; well protected from wind; best soil In val ley; bargain, $205 per acre, terms. p. o. Box siA, R. F. D. No. 3, Hood River, Or. No agents. $40 CASH. Balance easy monthly payments, buys 40 acres fruit land; best red shot soil; no rock or gravel ; i-j mile from railway station, 25 miles from Portland; price $40 per acre. ACME REAL EST AT E & INVENT- MENT CO., 8o0 Chamber of Commerce. A SMALL' amount Invested in Peach Cove now will make .frou independent in a short time. We have the choicest and best located fruit tracts in the Northwest. Come In and let us show you. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. - 10-ACRE orchard tracts, unimproved, on railroad, 25 miles from Portland; best oil, no rock; $40 an acre, easy . terms; arrange with us to go and make selection; round trip same day. 810 Corbett bldg, ' 10-ACRE ORCHARD TRACtW " Near Salem; finest apple land in the val ley. For particulars send address or call W. J. Baker. 510 Board, of Trade. FRUIT ranch for sale, 2 miles from Salem. Phone East 5S10. J. A. Buckley. For Sale Farms. RIGHT ON WILLAMETTE RIVER. 80 acres of deep loam mill, all level; 40 acres In high state of1 cultivation ; good family orchard; 1 2 acres in first-class bea verdam, partly in onions; all fenced and cres-fencei ; two rrout one fl rooms, one 4 rooms, large barn, water piped to house . and barn from good spring; all nececary outbuildings. 8 head full-blood Jersey cows. 1 full blood Jersey bull off Ladd's farm, 5 good horses worth $S50. 2 wagons, one double harness, wood-cutting outfit. plows, har row, cream separator, several stands of beeg, household furniture. This place Is 22 miles from Portland, 2 miles from WUsonville, ly, miles from sta tion on Salem Electric, rfeht on the Wil lamette River, with water in front 0 feet deep, boat landing on place. Lies on main county road, close to gooi school, churches and town In fine country; does not over flow. Price $0000, $4500 cash, balance long time. 6 per cent. This place is an absolute sacrifice. Ev erything goes at the price: M. E7. THOMPSON. R. W. Corner 4th and Oak. Ground Floor Henry Bldg. 67-ACRE FA RM- $100 PER ACRE. EASY TERMS. - Only 14 miles from Portland and 3 miloj east of Oregon City Electric line; half cleared and in crop, rich soil and about 10- acres of fine orchard land, enough oak and fir. timber on balance to pay for clearing; good barn and garden site. This Is a splendid chance ta secure a home that will pay for Itself In a few years. Call at our office and we will be pleased to show you this land without expense to you. LAMBERT WHITMER COMPANY, 70 Fourth Street. 404 East Alder Street. SNAP. 5 acres deep loam soil, all in hieh state of cult ivatlon. lies level In fine open coun try, extra fine for berries or fruit. 12 miles from Portland, 8 blocks from electric sta tion on main county road, 5 bJocks from high school, graded Fhools and churches, on R. F. T. andi telephone. Price $850; half cash. You can't beat it. M. E. THOMPSON. S. W. Cor. 4th and Oak. Ground floor Henry building. A POSITIVE BARGAIN. 160 acres 35 miles from Portland, with 40 acres fenced, 25 acres in cultivation, family orchard. G-room house, good barn, fine spring ; on county , road. Price ?1 5 per acre. $1500 cash, balance at " per cent. This is excellent land for fruit or general farming and one of the best bar gains to be found in Oregon. NORTON & WALSH. 2S6'4 WasTTrngton St. Rooms 402 and 403. A BEAUTIFUL FARM. 20 acres, all in high state of cultiva tion, fine residence and outbuildings, wind mill and water piped to barn; fine bear ing orchard, with good crop; very best of surroundings; on electric line, close to Portland. A positive snap at $4500; terms. Call or write J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. SO ACRES. Located west of Sandy River on good road, fine Improvements; on projected Mt. Hood Electric line, choice fruit land, can be subdivided to advantage. Price $14,0o0, easy terms. LAMBERT WHITMER COMPANY, 70 Fourth Street. 404 East Alder Street. . 20 ACRES of land for sale; house, new barn, good well, 6 acres under cultivation. 6 miles from Portland city IlmiLs. 150 rods to good school ; price $:I200. $2000 down, rest on time. Write to owner. AUGUST OSTERBACK. R. F. P. 8. Box 90, B oringKQr. ; 6END for our list of Wlllarcette ValUy farms before buying: land shown Xree. Clmstead Land Co.. alem Or. REAL ESTATE. lor Sale Farms. DANDY LITTLE FARM, IMPROVED. 40H acres, all good rich land; 18 acres under cultivation. 5 acres slashed and in pasture,, balance In green saw timber; 4 room house, barn 3x56t chicken-house, woodshed, workshop, etc. ; place fenced and crosf-fenced ; family orchard, fine well water, school at corner of place, church H mile, R. F. D., mail route, telephone serv ice, 4 miles from R. R. and Columbia River "town and 13 miles from Vancouver, on fine road, in good locality; Includes personal property as follows; Team worth $3U0, new fcarnes-s, tine mare, colt 16 months old, 5 good milch cows. 3 hop, 2 calves, 75 chick ens, new mover and new rake, 2 wagons, 2 plowit, cultivator, spring and p ike-tooth harrow, cream separator and all small tools; or above place there is over 2000 cords of wood, besides several hundred telephone poles. This place is dirt cheap at $5300 and nili sell to the first party that sees it. Terms $2800 cash, balance at 6 per cent in terest. THOMPSON & SWAN, 20t; Rothchlld Bldg., 2S71-; Wash. St. Also First Nat. Bk. Bldg-., Vancouver, Wash. 160 ACRES CULTIVATED. 160 acres, all fine level rich land; 125 acres under cultivation, 5 acres green tim ber. 20 acres in prune orchard, 2 acres In assorted fruits, balance in pasture; place fenced and cross-fenced ; barn 04 x 100, gran ary, good 8-room 2-story plastered houfe, good fruit dryer and all outbuildings; R. F. D. mall and telephone service, convenient to school and church, li miles from Colum bia boat landing and R. R. and 5 miles from Vancouver, on fine level graded road : this place is one cf the best fruit ranches in the country; will subdivide and sell 47 acres, which is all cleared, or the whole tract at $125 per acre, one-half cash, balance at 6 per cent interest. ' Thij tract- less than 10 miles from the heart of Portland. THOMPSON & SWAN, 20G Rothchlld Bldg.. , S7 Waeh. St. Also First Nat. Bk. Bldg., Vancouver, Wash. DAIRY FARM. 270 acres, near Oregon City, one mile from boat landing and S.'p. R. R. 175 acres in high state of cultivation, crop all in. including 30 acres potatoes, 40 acres clover, hay, grain, etc. Soil Is all fine dark sandy loam, no rock or gravel. 50 acres more can be cleared at very small expense, nice creek, spring piped to house; new barn 80x1 50 with concrete floor; 7 room house, family orchard .several stands of bees, 25 head thoroughbred jersey cows, persey hull, worth $."00. 5 head fine big horses. 20 head hngs. 250 chickens; place all fenced, hay and grain enough to last for year. Near gooj school, on R. F. D. and milk route ; phone in house. This is the best farm In Oregon, and $100 per acre takes all if sold soon. BURR-MAIDEN CO., 30O-30S Board of Trade. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM. 220 acres of the best land in the state, near Forest Grove; 1 miles from Dilley, on S. P. Ry. Gentle, sloping upland, affording gdod drainage, every acre tillable, 100 acres in. cultivation, balance second growth, with good supply of pole oaks, which will pay for clearing ; large everflowing spring. This land. is. the very best for subdi viding In 5 and 10-acre fruit tracts; will sell in fruit for $350 to $400 per acre; owner must have cash and will sell for $100 per acre ; you wi41 never get an op portunity like this again. Call on owner, 902 Lewis bldg. 1 4 ACR ES, $4500. Right on Willamette River; 14 acres of fine garden land, all in high state of culti vation; 70 feet of riverfront, with water w feet deep; fine view of river for miles; one 8-room house, one 4-room house, bam, chicken-house. warehouse, hydraulic water jyystem. with 2Oo0-gal. tank ; water piped all over the place; 8 acres of oats. 2 acres of potatoes fine orchard of all kinds of fruit: this place Is 20 miles from Portland. IVj miles from Salem Electric station; good iv-root board walk . from property to sta tion ; 5 blocks from school, churches and town ; telephone service; fine open country; price. $4500, $2250 cash. bal. long time. M. S. THOMPSON, ' S. W. Corner 4th and Oak, Ground Floor Henry Bldg. . . FRUIT AND FARM LANDS. 80 acres undeveloped fruit land, good soil, no rock, at $15 per acre. 1GO acres, 25 cleared, horse, barn and orchard on place, $25 per acre ISO acres all cleared bottom lanl. good buildings, place well fenced, close to elec tric and steam roads; $75 per acre. 1 00 acres part bottom part hill land, close to town; $55 per aire. 40 acres, most all cleared, fair build ings, near town ; $40 per acre. 25 acres all cleared fruit land, excellent red-shot hill soil. 1 mile from railroad station; $o per acre. HYLAND. JONES & CO., 4 Gerlinger Bldg. CENTRAL OREGON. 7 3000 acres, near Prinevllle; 1OO0 choice nieat and fruit land, 800 acres alfalfa v land with water right, 3rt0 acres seeded to alfalfa. 35 acres meadow, 1000 tons hay. 2500 bushels grain. 275 cattle," 27 horses and all farm implement; modern improvements ; good orchard and beauti ful home. Best stock plant in Oregon and will double In value. Price, $148,400; cash, balance 5 years. 6 per cent. Offer good until July 6. 1TV0. . HENDERSON INVESTMENT CO., Prinevllle, Oregon. 43-ACRE FARM. 43 acres. Yamhill County. 1 miles from Wapeto station, S. P. R. R. ; 28 acres in high state of cultivation, best loam soil, 22 acres black soil, good family orchard, good 7-room house, barn 24x30. good graded school H mile. 2 horses. 2 cows, separator. chickens. Implements, furni ture, crops and possession; a fine home; beautiful surroundings and a snap at $125 per acre; easv terms. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. 322 ACRES, 3 miles from Toledo, the county seat of Lincoln County. Or.; on main coun ty road; 30 acres cleared, 25 acres nearly ready to plow; 100 acres fenced; fair house and barn; family orchard, fenced separately : fine soil; land is rolling; sev eral fine springs; this is a genuine bargain in land values ; will take good Oregon real estate up to $800 In trade; price $4000. THE CARD REALTY & IXV. CO., 625 Henry Bldg., Portland, Or. IRRIGATED LAND. We have a Yiumber of fine Irrigation projects for sale; one tract of 2000 acres, one of 390O, one of 4000 and one of 12,0i0 acres; nil have good water rights and all are adapted to the growing of fruit and al falfa. Full particulars, price and terms oa application. MOORE INVESTMENT CO., 304-305 Henry bldg. FOR" SALE On easy terms at only $S5 rer acre, a fine 163-acre tract on main road, Zh miles south of Hillsboro; choice level land ; lies well for subdivision; 20 seres In cultivation. 26 acres slashed, bal ance good fir timber; cr will trade equity of $5150 for good unincumbered Portland property. T. H.. Llttlehales, Forest Grove, Oregon. J. A CUNNINGHAM. A few and all choice farms for sale. In Yamhill County. P. O. Box 74, Oa rl ton. Or. 20-ACR K tracts, unimproved. 25 miles by rati from Portland: suitable for fruit" raiding and . chicken ranches; well watered, plenty of timber for all purpoes, best of soil, no rock or gravel; $15 to $25 an acre; easy terms. These are the cheapest tracts on the market and will bear inspection. Call end arrange to go and see them. 310 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE 202 acres river bottom TL miles Tillamook City, finest dairy land in tbe world, 234 a, Willamette River bottom I mile Corvallis, raisa. alfalfa or anything' ell cheap. Add. owner, L. O. Freemaal C orv al lis. Or. . 10-ACRE orchard tracts, unimproved on railroad, 2S miles from Portland; best soil; no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; ar range with us to go and make selection round trip same day. 310 Corbett bldg FOR SALE A fine tract or 163.5 acres 3 miles south of Hillsboro; 20 acres cultivated. 16 acres slashed, balance good timber; lies well for subdivision. T. H. Llttlehales, "Forest Grove, Or. OREGON MODEL FARM. 271 acres with about $Knoo worth personal property; farm 'clears $50oo a year, price $lo0 per Bcre; best farm buy inside 20 mile of Portland. F. Fuchfi, '22 1 Morrison st. LOOK HERE. 160 acres. 40 acres cultivated, deep black soil, nice orchard, good wr-ter, 6- room house; an iencea; sio per acre. 402 Commercial blk. A WELL-STOCKED, 200-acre farm, fine state college, $S5 per acre. 380 11th st. Main 4 95. DON'T MISS THIS. 160 acres. Yamhill County. 35 cultivated, bargain at $22.50 per acre; act quick. 402Commercialblk. - $450 CASH for half interest in 840-acre dairy farm; f5 head of cattle and all other stock and machinery. F. Fuchs, 221 iUtrrlstua. REAL, ESTATE. For gale Farms. 2 IN 1. 60 acres, 15 in crop, some cleared ready to plow, good outrange for stock along the creek; 2 acres of young orhard, some bearing; good home garden with all kinds of small fruits, large EDrinp. good well. 5-room house, barn and outbuildings; on good wagon road, 3 miles south of Spring water; $2500. 4 40 acres more added to above with 20 acres cleared, some fruit trees set out, 3 room house ; the whole 100 acres fenced ; this Is a splendid dalrv farm for ? 13.20O. O. W. P. LAND CO., First and Alder Sts. " WHITE SALMON ORCHARD LAND. . 1 have 80 acres- of FRUIT land for $0000, a bargain; also 200 acres Cto close an estate) for $tJ0O0; both improved. W. T. WOOD, 302 Commercial Blk. Miscellaneous. - IF YOU ARB LOOKING FOR Close-In acreage, a wheat ranch or small, well-improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see me. 1 handle my own properties. J. O ELROD. x 520 Corbett Bldg. TO EXCHANGE. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. 35 acres A-l apple land, 4 miles from Hood River on main county road; there are 50o full bearing trees of commercial varieties, 1000 yellow Newtowns 1-year-old, balance partly cleared. An 8-room house is set back in a pretty grove of oaks, commands a beautiful view of the mountains and valley; S15O0 stone apple house; $700 pumping outfit; tenant house and outbuildings. This place has all the necessities and facilities of a first-class fruit ranch and is located in one of the choice sections of the valley, near store - and school. A BEAUTIFUL HOME with an Immediate income, J3000 apple crop this year. Owner is about to retire and will consider good Portland property In part trade. $4000 cash handles one of the finest places in the Hood River Valley. . H 73. Oregonlan. 12ra ACRES. CLOSE IN. 7Vi acres in cultivation; new 7-room house, barn, outbuilding, orchard, garden all in; horse, cow. 2 wagons, 1 buggy, har ness, all farm tools; 2 miles from tarline; $32X) : $500 mortgage. 2 vears ; will take lotc to value of $1200, $1500 cash; cars will soon run past this place. 23. ACRES, 3 MILES ROSEBl'RG. 7 acres in fruit, balance in hay. 30O peach trees I years old. bearing. 2oO apple trees i yeav-s old, bearing. 1H walnut trees 9 years old, bearing. $7500 Trade for Portland home up to $4000; easy terms. S ACRES, set to apples this year; party will cultivate for 5 years; 1 mile from a good town and railroad : $3200; trade for house and lot In Portland. T, A. RIGGS REALTY CO., Room 225 Flledner Bldg. Phone Marshall 1045. 1 11-ACRE FRUIT FARM. 11 acres Improved, with good house and large barn, 2 acres in 7-year-old New towns and Spltzenberg and 1 acres 1-year-old trees, 2 H acres strawberries, family orchard of choice varieties, 2 ucres unim proved. Only 3 miles from town, with county road on two sides, near' school; electric lights, telephone and R. F. D. View of both mountains and valley. This Is a genuine bargain. $3uoo puts you in - nuanfssum. n 1, pregonian. 20 ACRES CULTIVATED. 20 acres. 1 V miles from CreswelL Or., all in cultivation, land In same locality selling for 1-3 more than we are asking for this; price $150 per acre; will ex change for residence property in Port land. J. STROUD & SON, 432 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MIGHT TAKE RUNABOUT. Large lot. 40x169. near 4lst st. and Rich mond car; high and sightly, ni'-e soil, only $800, $400 cash, bal. $15 monthly. 0 per cent; nowhere else so close in can you buy so large tract for so little money; owner will consider good runabout for 1st payment. Apply" to Jas. C. Logan, 320 V3 Wash, st.. room 404. !, 5O0. OOO feet fir. with some cedar and yel low pine, on HO acre of land lying niie and rolling for fruit when timber is off. about four miles from Southern Pacific town in Douglas County. Price $25iMt. Timber alone worth that. Will give a good trade on Portland property; may consider good 10u0 or 1010 automobile. Room 600 .Couch bldg. 60x100 ON CORNER. WITH 2 CHOICE HOMES. Modern throughout, including furnace; very desirable location and only 2 blocks from Piedmont High School; the owner will trade for vacant lots or close-in acreage. David Lewis, room 2 Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Stark. BEAUTIFUL 5-ACRE TRACT. Located 3 blocks from the Salem Elec tric; the land Is all in cultivation and on a main county road and includes a new 3 roora, house, barn, chicken-house, fine well of water, etc.; the owner will trade for Portland property. David Lewis, Lumber mena bldg., room 2, 5th and Stark, 100 ACRES, containing. 500O cards oak and for, 4 miles frora N. Yamhill, value $4000; will exchange for unincumbered Portland property; inflated propositions barren; business man can make $5(Mk net profit bere in one year. McCarthy, 403 Roth c hlld bid g. 40-FOOT MOTOR-BOAT AND OO-KOOT BOAT HO USE. T Speed of boat 10 miles per hour; Smolley .engine. 25 h.p. ; boat in elegant condition; will trade for Portland real estate or close in acreage. David Lewis. Room 2, Lum bormens bldg.. 5th and Stark sts. SEE ttsi about that 140 acres at $2 per acre in the Goodnoe Hills we have to trade; will take timber land, city property or Valley land; Goodnoe Hill land Joining our land selling for $100 to $25o per acre in 5 and 10-acre tracts. Moore Investment Co., 3'4-o05Henry bldg. 5 ACRES UPLAND. 5 ACRES BEAVERDAM. Close to Vancouver and only 3 blocks from carline; beaverdam will produce $s to the acre; owner will trade for Portland pro erty. David Iewis, room 2 Lumbermens blfig.. 5th and Stark. WE have two choice Hood River orchards, partly In bearing, valued at $10.'" to, to trade for Port land income; wtil (nsider values up to $25,000. IDE M'CA RT11Y LAND CO., Lumbermens II Ids. 100-ACRE WHEAT RANCH. In Gilliam County, locate 6 miles from Rock Creek and mile from John Day River; owner will trade for Portland prop erty. David I-ewis, room 2 Lumbermens bldg., Gth and Stark. WANTED Farm, improved or partly im proved, up to value of $2500 or $3006; will exchange two goud building lots in swell residence section; hard-surface pavements, water, aewer and gas all in. Phone- East 514. AUTO to trade for horse and buggy, or real estate; new-four-room hoube and lot; price $700 : snap. Latest style S-room house at sacrifice; price $2100. BUILDERS REALTY CO.. 810 Washington St., Vancouver. Wash. $3500 WORTH OF PORTLAND MFG. OTOCK. In a concern doing a fine business ; the owner Is anxious to get a small house or a nice lot to build on. David Lewis, room 2 Lumbermens Jdd g.. 5th and Star k . 20-ACRE farm, all improved, at Tigardville, 1 mile from Salem Electric or Southern Pacific R. R. ; will sell $400 per acre or trade for income city property. Donald Macleod, 816 Electric bldg. WE have a first-class Oregon farm, valued, at $17,000, to trade for Alberta wheat lands. IDE M'CARTHT LAND- CO., 425 Lumbermens Bldg. GOOD 5-passenger automobile to exchange for acreage or city prperty. Main 24 s. C. L. Bamberger, room 2. Lumbermen's bldg. YOUNG lady. Chicago references, wants home for one year on Western ranch la return for sewing and teaching children. AL 03. Oregonlan. WILL trade my $2o00 cash equity In block in close-in restricted residence prop erty for 'good automobile. AH 64, Ore gonlan IMPROVED acreage to trade for good resi dence, value up to $05oo. c. L. Bam beier. room 2 Lumbermen's bldg. Main 248. WILL exchange good Oregon property for property in New York state. Laidlaw. 605 Commerclaf bldg. TWO Laurelhurst lots to trade for diamond, small auto or cheap lot, or anything of value. 403 Couch bldg. A NEW. 2-story brick in one of the best Eastern Oregon towns for lots or acreage. Inquire 793 Mississippi ave. WHAT have you to offer for two-" unincum bered lots at Warrenton? 227 Abington Gcorge. TRADE eam?ra or printing press for riding pony. Box 1. 1. Lentsy Or. TOU can trade any kind of property as room 1019 Board of Trade. REAL estate to exchange for- gasoline launch. Q. A. Ilatton, 411 Corbett bldg. TELEPHON H bonri wanted in exchange for payment on co'tagc. B 70. Oreconian GOOD 8xlO camera to exchange for shotgun or rifle. Box 422. Arleta. Or. EXCHANGE 50x100 lot. 5-room house for auto. What have you? AC rt9, Oregonlan. WANTED Tl MRKK LAN DS. WANTED To buy 4O.O00 capacity sawmill with stand of timber; replies must be promp t. A 72. Or e gonlan. TIMBER l&Kds wanted. 04 tcXay bldg. C J. xCracksA, II LA L ESTATE. REAL estate sold at owner's price only. List your propexy. Confidential transactions so lid tea. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY, S. w. Cor. oth e Washington. Sts. WE have Inquiries for desirable residences in Holladay and Irvington Additions. If you have houses foV aaie In tnese addi tions, we can nnd you buyers. McCargar, Bates Lively 313 Failing bldg. I WANT to buy a place of business property from ?7000 to 10.uo0, and will pay cash; must have some income; owners only will please answer at once. Address O 60, Ore- g onian. LOT IN MEXEFffi ADDITION Attractive location ; price. $oo; very reasonable terms. McCargar, Bates Ac Lively, 315 Failing bldg. WANTED About 8-room modern house and lot within walking uistance of business center; must be a snap. Address AN 74 -Ore g onian. 5-ROOM bungalow- or cottage. Sunnyside dis trict; not over $3tHo. with $looo cash; state location ana price ; am ready to da business. J 71, Oreg on 1 an. WILL BUY East Side home if a bargain; give lull description or no attentiou. B 72, Ortgonian. WILL you sell your lot at a fair price? If so I can sell iu W. J. Baker, 51U Board, of Trade. I "WANT a good business lot to build on at once; have the cash. Please give location, anJ lowest price. K 75. oregonlan. WANT a houe-e and lot with fruit tree.s, at dfout $2ouo; also a business place in the suburbs. D 72. Oregonian. WILL buy Portland Heishts or Willamette Heights home; give full iccription. B 71, Oreyonian. WANTED TO BUY A second-hand block book. J 70,0regonian. L $500 FIRST payment on house with abund ant fruit. F T'i. Oregonlan. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER FOR SALE. Ten million feet on driveable stream, very cheap. 1 wentv-eight million feet in Lano Co. for $l5,4ioo. , C. J. MC It AC KEN. :'04 McKay Bldg. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND OLD. C J M'CKaCKSN. ao Mch.iy JlldK- SMALL tract of sugar and yellow pine for sale cheap on easy terms. AD 4o, Ore gonian. - 820 ACRES. 2,500,000 feet of Amber, 12 miles northeast of Roscburg, $7 per acre. 3 SO 11th st. Main 45. IRRIGATED LAND. DEEDED, improved, irrigated land in the famous Deschutes Valley of Central Ore gon. $30 to $75 per acre. Free trans portation when vou purchase from us. DESOHVTES VALLEY LAND & INVESTMENT COMPANY, 301-302 Buchanan Bldg.. Portland, Or. Local office at Laldlaw. or. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED to rent 2 to 10 acre?. Improved with fruit, etc.. handy to tarline, wuh option of buying ; good care guaranteed. 0 74. Oregonlan. FARMS WANTED. 40 ACRES Address E- N. Morgan, Tualatin Oregon. $12-o0 monthly. FOR SALE. Horses Vehicles and Harness. Why buy second-hand ve hit lea when you can get a new one from an old-establisned wholesale house. 44 years in Oregon, at almost the same cost? We axe located outside the high-rent district, own our building, and can make the price. Ex clusive agents for the oid reliable line of Michigan Buggy Co. fln vehicles, deliv ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and (arm wagons. Be aura and see us oeors sou buy. It may save you monfey. R. M WADE CO.. 122 Hawthorae Ave., bet. E as t 1st and 2d. MULES MULES MULES We are now located at tlx Portland Union stockyards. We have on hand a good stock of mules weighing from 100 to 14O0 lbs, that ara first-class iu every particular; our prices are in line with tue tias. Come and o us and we will convinej you. THE MURPHY HOKtoE MULE CO.. Woodlawn 24O0. 25 HEAD of young mares and geldings from louu to looo lbs. Some choice heavy teams. 2 mares with Percheiou colts; two 3-year-old Iiilles; Several nice teams o louo lbs. ; chunks. These horses v ill all be frold as represented. W ill be on saie Wednesday, June 23. at H4 Front st. Crime and se this stuck and get our - Prissy ft UK &ALE Horses, harness ana wagons Remember, we sell guaranteed, horses and mares. If cot aa represented, they can ba returned. We also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetablo aad milk watfuni tr sale. Hawthorus-ave. tdiabiea n Hawiiiorne ave. GENTLE horse that a woman can ride or drive; also buggy and harness. lu quire Roberts Bros., ou aud Morruuu. . FOR SALE Standard -bred pacing mare; weight IOjU lbs., color brown, 7 years old; sate tor lady to drive ; this is a beautiful animal; nice rubber-tircu runabout and. harness. Piione Tabor 2J4. 5o4 E. 50th St., end of Hawtiiorne ave. ar. SIX-YEAR-OLD Altamont horse that a lady and harness. "all 27 1 Nort h 1 ?sc h L. ' Phone Main3ri. Party leaving the city. THREE nice young horses, weigh about 1130 each, will sell one or all cneap. ln- 11 111 re 7' N. 14th St.. betwuen 11 A. M. aud 4 P. M. YOUNG 2S50-1U- team, new harness, $425; positively right every way; worn any wnere ; trial given. 1 40 Walnut, KerU Park. J AN EL top delivery wagnti, hand made, pjinte-i red, cund hand. Price $4t. Call ac I'tic Noliny a tables, 400 Flanders st TH E fce-At pony and two-seated surrey in. Portland. See it or the owner, W. C Reed, 345 Morrison s t . WANTED Sound iron -tired top buggy and single harness ; must be bargain. rhond Main 4-".:i. UL'BEKT & HALL'S STABLES. 3&0 Front t.. livery bijlnejjjj, rig, fc-orwea. harness, wag o n f o r nn 1 e or 1 e 11 1. M a in 22l8. FOR SALE 1 team young well-matched Ivrses weigh ing 2m HI lbs. ; 1 young ltoi.se weighing lo-Vi. 20 Russell si. A HOOD horse and express wagon, $H5 if taken thts week- Call C. Taylor, Stewart s t., Laiii olwood. Mount Scott 1 ine. BARGAIN 3:if0-lb. bay team. Just off the log s i ri g cam p. 242 Gra n d a ve. STALLS for rent. Inquire at Herrick' G roccry. 505 Jefferson st. HAL B-. 2-year-old futurity colt, well broke, for sale cheap. Inquire lSS1 Morrison Bt. Automobiles. SEVER A L second -hand automobiles, in fine condition, for sale chep. Some of these machines are almost "ew. Information will be mailed to you if not convenient to call. Special Inducements offered out-of-s town dealers. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 522 Alder St.. Portland. Phones Main 2583; A 444. CHALMERS-DETROIT 40. 1910 model; this car is as good as new, the only pony tonneau in the city: will sell at a big discount, cash only. X 07, Oregonlan. 4-CYLINDER FRANKLIN ROADSTER. Good running condition; will take you where you want to go and bring you back. Only $.;."K. COVBY MOTOR CAR CO. CADILLAC, MODEL "G." A good car, all the way through from tires to spark plugs. Don't overlook this if you want a second-hand car. COVEY -MOTOR jJA RC O. FOR SALE or tr?rn. two "-passenger autos in good condition; 5u-h. p. and newly painted. t-rms, Hess & O'Brien, Union ave. and Davis. 7-PASSENGER 410-H. P. Thomas Flyer, in good condition; Just the car for stage line or livery; $15J0 cash or installments. West ern Auto Co., 531 Alder st. 5-PASSENGER Oldsmobile 40. good as nw, will guarantee this car. If you are looking for a good car cheap, try this one. C. F. Fisher. 52K Hamilton bldK- FORD automobile with top. tirca and lamps; good ehape; price $225. Room 417. H'M Wash, st. M. 5381. A FIRST-CLASS runabout, almost new, for sale cheap at Van Matso-Laudy Auto Co., 503 A 1 d e r Ft. 4-CYLINDER Cadillac model G. in first class condition: Just overhauled and paint ed - l-loo Western Auto'Co.. fl"l Alder st. FOR SALE Cheap. brand new Hay ties automobiles at Hess 6c O'Brien, E. Union, ave and Davis st. AVTOMOBI LE New IOIO Parry touring car at a big sacrifice ; owner leaving city thin week. Hotel York p. room 4'.'. WI LL exehange lot. free and clear, restrict ed district, for runabout in good condition; value $. V SS. OreRonian. IF you are looking for a bargain, call and see mv 4-cylinder roadster, $500; terms. Main 8723 or A 7572. WANT El