Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 22, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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Pioneering: in the forties of the- last
century was a. very different experi
ence from what it is now. Perhaps
the gold diggers who travel to Alaska,
may find things somewhat primitive
if they go back far enough from the
coast, but the Iowa and Dakota farm
ers who think they are leaving the
world behind them when they strike
out for the Alberta region make a
grand mistake. There is no genuine
pioneering in the Canadian Northwest.
Nobody has to wear gunny sacks for
trousers in that region or hew punch
eons for his kitchen floor from a six
foot fir tree. The railroads and the
kindly government have changed all
that. No more prairie schooners drawn
slowly onward day after day by pa
tient ox teams across the sands and
over the mountains. No more hunger
and illness by the .way. No more
gravestones set up where somebody
grew tired of the Journey and took a
long rest. In the Canadian country
the pioneer finds a good house ready
built when he arrives. and, if he likes,
the government provides a team for
him, furnishes machinery of the latest
pattern, plows the land and plants the
first crop. All he has to do is to wait
for the harvest and gather it in.
The romance, is all taken out of it
and nothing left but bald commercial
ism for the Canadian pioneer. He goes
to -make money, not because he loves
adventure. It is dollars which draw
him onward, not the lure of the far
off mountains and the murmur of the
mysterious rivers winding down to
untraveled seas. It is was not ro
mance alone which attracted the Ore
gon pioneers, but it played a great part
in-the game. They, too, sought land,
big crops, "new markets and an easy
life in a country which seemed wide
enough for the whole population of
the world to inhabit without crowding,
but more than that they sought the
novel and the unknown. The fathers
of the Oregon pioneers had been ad
venturing into new lands for two cen
turies when the Applegates and Nes
mlths went out from Missouri with
the emigration of 1843 and the spirit
of the wilderness was part Of their
life. They abhorred the humdrum.
The tame routine of a settled career
wearied them. They must up and
: away to try their fortune in a land
which offered the excitement of dan
ger and the charm of hardship. Their
children look back upon the privations
of pioneer times and wonder how .it
was possible to enjoy life in such con
ditions, but it was possible. It is an
open question indeed whether what
we proudly call civilization has in
creased the happiness of mankind. It
has given us more to worry over, but
are we more faithful to our friends,
are wives and husbands more loyal to
each other, do . children play more
gleefully than they did when Jason
Lee went plcknicklng with his bride
under the primeval fir trees?
: The genuine pioneer will tell you
Badly that people have no such good
times now as they had fifty years ago
Civilization has fallen like . a somber
cloud over the old, joyous life. It has
brought wealth, railroads, books and
newspapers, but it has taken away the
Simple true-hearted trust between man
and man which compensated for many
deprivations and made the scattered
population of the new country seem
like a single family. After all, Tolstoi
tells us, the best thing In the world is
loyal love, the kindliness of brother to
brother, and when that is gone what
ever takes its pace rings hollow, still
nobody could have stayed the coming
of civilization and probably nobody in
his heart regrets that it Is here. It
may be that the old times are better
tot look back upon than they were to
live in. The mellow light of memory
Is upon them. They call with the en
chantment of irrecoverable youth. At
any rate they are gone and with them
has gone the last chance the young
men of the country will ever have to
go pioneering like their fathers. There
is never another wilderness on the face
Of the earth where fortunes wait for
the taking and the gold adventurer
can slake his thirst for excitement and
danger. The world is all populated, or
if any vacant territories remain, they
belong to ' greedy kings who will not
give them up. . What then shall - the
young man do when he hears the
"voices from the far-away calling to the
deeps in his soul? Shall he say that
they are siren voices luring to destruc
tion and stop his ears against them?
That would be sad, for there are
plenty of mountains and deserts yet
to cross, and beyond them lie Willam
ette Rivers with banks more verdant
than those where Anna Lee. was laid
to rest. But they are not material
regions. They lie in the realms which
poets dream of and prophets see in
their visions. It is to these lands that
the young men of our day and the
times to come must go pioneering.
There they shall try their strength
with gruesome dangers and 'build them
homes for the inheritance of coming
generations. The spirit of adventure
will not be lost. The call of the dis
tant and the unknown will not be dis
obeyed. Our youths shall journey away
as heretofore, and beyond the com
monwealth which their fathers found
ed they iwill discover a w-rld ruled by
justice and illuminated with Christian
love. Now that the -problem of living
has been solved, we must attack the
more difficult one of living as becomes
the inhabitants of a promised land and
bold adventurers must fare forth on
perilous journeys to discover how it
may be done..
After engineering party conventions
in Clackamas County many years, un
til the Republican party revolted and
cast him out, Mr. George Brownell is
now fighting assembly-eonvention in
that county. The arguments he uses
cite his own kind of convention abuses,
which would have been unknown In
his county but for his own machine
politics. In those days party primaries
were held before the Brownell bosses
got in their work, and therefore the
people had no recourse within their
own party. But now the people are
to have their party primaries after the
assembly-convention has done its work
and named candidates; that Is, they
will accept or reject assembly recom
mendations, as they see fit.. Under the
new conditions it is evidently precari
ous for Mr. Brownell to participate in
the assembly convention; the people
would refuse in primaries to accept his
style of politics.
Mr. Chamberlain was hardly the
people's choice for United States Sen
ator. Only 6327 Democrats nominat
ed him in the primaries of his party,
while thousands .of other Democrats,
voting in Republican primaries in a
close factional contest of Republicans,
nominated a Republican whom the
Republican party refused to elect. Al
though ' Republicans outnumbered
Democrats in the state registration
nearly three to one, and would natur
ally be considered the ruling political
element of the people, they were unable
to elect a member of their own party to
the United States Senate owing to the
Tipset of free-for-all primaries, plur
ality factionalism, and invasion of
Republican primaries by Democrats
all this under guise of Statement One
and "people's choice." . But It is queer
people's clioice when the majority ele
ment of the population is thus' defeat
ed and forced to accept a Senator of
a minority party.
Truth is, there can be no consistent,
purposeful concert for a majority par
ty under such system. Under it ma
jority party will constantly find Its
efforts thwarted. Assembly will go
far to-prevent this upset and disorder.
It is the only remedy and it is a
wholly proper one.
Oregon is about to receive another
cold "hand-out" in the conservation
land-withdrawal bill in Congress. Un
der the reclamation act this state is
entitled to more than $2,000,000 addi
tional allotment of the- reclamation
fund for irrigation work. But as the
ways and means committee of the
House of Representatives has fixed up
the bill, Oregon will stand to lose both
that money and also Its share of the
proposed $20,000,000 bond fund.
The reclamation act requires ex
penditure of at least half the sums,
accruing to the reclamation fund from
sales of public land, within the respec
tive states where the sums are derived.
Oregon has added close to $8,500,000
to the reclamation fund, yet has got
back for irrigation projects in Klam
ath and Umatilla less than $2,500,000.
This state, therefore, is some $2,000,
000 short of its fair and lawful share
of the reclamation fund. It is the only
state that has been treated In this
manner; allotments of California and
New Mexico are short of the require
ment of the law, but only in small way.
Officials of the Reclamation Service
and heads of the Interior Department
have promised again and again to rec
tify this situation in Oregon's favor,
but they never have done it. Finally
they alleged shortage of funds and
consequent inability to carry out their
Now comes the conservation bill in
Congress proposing to validate this
discrimination against Oregon. As
amended by the House committee, on
ways and means Payne- chairman
the bill repeals section nine of the rec
lamation act, requiring expenditure of
the major half of Oregon's contribu
tion to the reclamation fund within
this state. Oregon is blighted in many
places by land withdrawals which the
conservation bill would enact into law.
One-third its area Is now barred from
settler and capitalist. In addition to
all this injury, its lands are to be de
nied their fair and proper share of the
reclamation fund.
Oregon has but two members of the
House to fight for its interests against
396 others, but it has two members of
the Senate against 90 other Senators.
And since the champions of those Sen
ators in Oregon are fond of making
much of their prowess, it would seem
proper for them to point out the pres
ent emergency and tell them to get
Further, it is worth noting that Ore
gon is continually getting the worst of
this conservation business. The bul
wark of Its defense should be its repre
sentation in the United States Senate.
But its voice there is so faint that its
claims for justice and fair dealing are
scarcely heard there.
Completion of the Panama Canal is
still five or six years in the future, but
the contest between San Francisco and
New Orleans over the location of the
great exposition is on- at full swing.
The New Orleans Picayune assures Its
readers, that the Californians must be
watched constantly, for it alleges that
"there is no underhanded and unscru
pulous work that they would not un
dertake." In discussing the aspira
tions of New Orleans, the San Fran
cisco Chronicle says that "For sheer
impudence, this was the highest key
that quality could reach." In great
disdain, the Chronicle asks: "Who
wants to go south -in Summer? Who
wants, of all places, to go to New Or
leans in dog days tot either pleasure
or instruction? Is it not perfectly
fair, ' perfectly logical, to say that a
Summer exposition held at the me
tropolis of the fever belt would hardly
induce the New . Orleanists themselves
to leave their shady nooks"? .
This language, the Picayune decides',
is "brutal billingsgate and bullying
balderdash." and it attempts to even
up the score with dire predictions re
garding the bubonic plague. "That
dreaded and dreadful Asiatic disease
Is the constant menace at San Fran
cisco," says the Picayune, and it im
plores its readers ,to "think how seri
ous the situation would be when all
the Asiatic countries pouring
their Infections into that port with and
among the crowds attendng a world's
fair there. It would be something
frightful." In view of the fact that
neither the yellow fever in New Or
leans nor the bubonic plague in San
Francisco has killed anyone since the
respective cities began taking .proper
sanitary precautions, the necessity of
dragging in an argument of this kind
is not very clear. The greatest argu
ment in. favor of the building of the
Panama Canal was that it would open
the markets of Europe- as well as
those of the Atlantic slope to the great
empire lying beyond the Rockies and
would make accessible the almost
illimitable Orient.
It was an undertaking in which the
Interests of the Pacific were over
whelmingly greater than those of the
Atlantic, and San Francisco as the
chief port 'of the Pacific, was the nat
ural location for an exposition to cele
brate completion of the great event.
This view will probably be taken by
Congress, but even were it otherewlse,
vicious allusions to the yellow fever,
bubonic plague or other disadvantages
which do not exist at this time will
hardly promote the Interests of either
city. . '
Nine county-division schemes are
bidding for enactment under the in
itiative, in imitation of Hood River
County's success two years ago, and
the end is not yet. Here is direct leg
islation gone to seed and disseminating
trouble through the 'fair expanse of
Latest is Deschutes County,' pre
senting a petition to the Secretary of
State and asking to be carved out of
the northwest part of Crook County.
Umpqua, Williams and Nesmih, with
overlapping boundaries, seek indepen
dence from Lane and Douglas coun
ties. Umatilla County Is wrestling
with the ambitious schemes of Or
chard and Hudson. Clark desires sep
aration from Grant, Otis fro- i Mal
heur and Harney. . A strip of Clack
amas seeks annexation to Multnomah.
- Politicians, office-seekers and am
bitious little towns are putting up
these county partition schemes. More
counties - will provide . additional of
ficial places and other patronage. They
will also make higher taxes and more
trouble for property-owners. "
It Is reaching a point in Oregon
where the electorate will feel obliged
to vote uniformly against 'all these new
counties. The voters cannot inform
themselves on the many local details
involved, in order to legislate,' there
fore they are likely to take the view
that their safest action will be that
of voting "No" on the "whole bunch."
Portland's prestige as a railroad cen
ter is growing more rapidly than ever
before. Recent .additions to the Puget
Sound service give this city a total of
41 passenger trains arriving and the
same number departing over the steam
roads everV day. These 82 passenger
trains make an average of a train ar
riving or departing every 18 minutes
during 24 hours. No other city in the
Pacific Northwest has such an elabo
rate service over the steam roads. In
addition, there arrives and departs
over the electric lines leading out of
the city an even greater number of
trains ' than go out over the steam
roads. This remarkably fine service
is, of course, the result. of competition;
but if the business of the territory
served was not of sufficient impor
tance there would be no competition.
Prior to the advent of the Hill lines
in this territory the railroad service
was so far behind the field it was sup
posed to serve that it has required an
extraordinary number of new trains to
take up the overflow that was here
when the new service began. But,
while 82 passenger trains over the
steam roads and nearly as many more
over the suburban electric roads make
Portland the greatest railroad center
In the Pacific Northwest, this Is only
a beginning. Next year two roads now
rushing work towards Tillamook will
add at least eight trains, while the
Central ' Oregon lines will have as
many, with electric lines increasing
their service proportionately. It is dif
ficult to find any branch or industry
in Portland that has not shown re
markable growth in the past two
years, but railroad expansion has cer
tainly led all others. A corresponding
growth in the next ten years will make
this city the greatest railroad center
west of the Mississippi.
Seven steamers with a carrying ca
pacity of more than 30,000 tons passed
out from the Columbia River entrance
yesterday, and one of them, carrying
about 2,000,000 feet of lumber, towed
a log raft containing 7,000,000 feet of
timber. In number of vessels and ag
gregate tonnage the arrivals and de
partures at Portland for the first six
months of the present year will break
all previous records for the period, and
ocean traffic is growing more rapidly
than ever before.
Not only is Portland handling more
business of this kind than ever before.
but yesterday lumber vessels were
taking cargo at seven different ports
along the Willamette and Columbia
rivers below Portland. In number
and tonnage, the vessels of the lum
ber fleet now far exceed those of
the grain fleet, which a few years ago
comprised about all of the deep-water
shipping that entered the port.
"The person who wrote the matter
must have been thoroughly familiar
with the shipping business," testified
Naval Constructor Roberts, who ap
peared before the ship subsidy inves
tigating committee and was dU mussing
an anti-subsidy newspaper article. For
that reason Roberts decldou that tha
article must have been insplrec by the
foreign shipping interests. - lea-
tenant Roberts was summoned as
a witness because he had writ
ten a prize essay on the ship sub
sidy question, and the committee
wantd to learn the sources of his
Information. His testimony, like that
of nearly every other, mai who ap
peared before the committee in ad
vocacy of the graft, was practically
all hearsay, and most of it had been
taken from the columns of the Amer
lean Flag, the official organ of the
subsidy-seekers.' This testimony, with
the pitiful lack of facts to support it,
was the strongest anti-subsidy argu
ment that has yet appeared, and the
sudden collapse of the ship subsidy
project Is largel. due to the inability
of the witnesses before the investigat
ing committee to prov a single one
of the many wild charge they had
In his i.rticle, Lieutenant Roberts
made the direct charge th. t the for
eign shipowners maintained a lobby
and pr'-s bureaus at Washington, and
that they controlled le ".ding news
papers in our leading seaports in or
der to carry on newspaper campaigns
against merchant marine legislation
Pinned down to the "actual facts by
Representative Garrett s question: "As
I understand you, you have no know!
edge at all as to the existence of such
lobbies or press bureaus. You never
were in one; you know no person as
sociated with one, and you never re
ceived-' any communication from any
of them. Are those statements cor
rect?" Roberts replied that he did
not know of any except what he had
read in the American Flag and other
subsidy papers.
Throughout the hearing there was
not a scintilla of evidence to show that
there was any organization or any
attempt, concerted or otherwise, on
the part of the foreign shipping in
terests to influence legislation affect-
ng the merchant marine. It devel
oped on the contrary that there had
been a large amount of money spent
and a determined, well organized
movement to force the subsidy -bill
through Congress. It is, of course,
obvious to anyone familiar with the
shipping business that it was entirely
unnecessary for the foreigners to
spend a penny to prevent the passage
of a ship subsidy bill, for the most
generous measure that has ever been
proposed would not enable Americans
to compete with the cheap ships of
the foreigners.
There is general rejoicing among the
people of the Pacific Northwest when
wheat, wool, salmon, fruit, live stock
and other great staples sel at high
prices, we consume sucn a smau pro
portion of the total amount produced
that the general economic system is
greatly benefited by high prices, which
bring money into the country. We are
somewhat inconsistent, however, re
garding another great staple, for when
ever the price of lumber advances a
profest is heard. This seems hardly
fair, for Portland ships more lumber
every month than is used locally in
more than a year, and in hundreds of
smaller milling stations in other parts
of the Northwest more lumber is cut
in a day than Is used In six months.
Just at present our foreign lumber ex
ports are breaking records, and, on
that class of business at least, there
will -be no protest over the high prices,
except so far as they, may affect local
prices. Lumber has contributed so
much to our general prosperity that
we should feel willing to see prices
advance along with those for farm
Hale and genial; of good appetites
and sound digestion, albeit gray and
bowed with the 'frost and weight , of
years, are the Indian War "Veterans
who assemble year after year in re
union in this city. The inroads made
in their ranks between whiles are
scarcely noticeable, so kindly does
time deal wRh them. A little more in
firm in step and motion; a little grayer
and more , bent; a little slower in
speech and more dull in hearing some
of them, appear, from year to year.
Tet time and change have not been
able to rob them of the zest of friend
ship nor of their vivid memories of
the old days wherein they shouldered
arms and went out in defense of the
homes of the frontier. Long may they
enjoy what is given to them to enjoy,
and may each one of them, until and
including the last June of his life be
able to meet his comrades in annual
A quarrel over a card game in a tent
saloon on the Deschutes River ended
in the murder of a bartender Sunday
night. In view of the trouble-making
possibilities of the tent saloon which
dispenses vile whisky to railroad work
ers, it is somewhat surprising that this
is the first fatality of the kind report
ed from the Deschutes country. If
there is one place worse than another
for location of these low doggeries, it
is out near the borders of civilization
where the new railroad has its "front."
The work and the environment tend
to promote a feeling of wild freedom
and recklessness, and when the blood
Is fired with the villainous whisky that
is usually sold at such places, trouble
is more of a probability than a possi
billty. It might be remarked Inciden
tally that had the bartender, been en
gaged in honest work on the grade and
remained in his -bunkhbuse at night.
he would be alive today.
There was another whirl of excite
ment in the Chicago wheat pit yester
day and prices shot up more than 3
cents per bushel. At the close July
wheat in Chicago was quoted at 98
cents per bushel. . July wheat in Liv
erpool was quoted at 94 cents. The
lowest freight Tate that has been quot
ed this year is 8 cents per bushel
from Chicago to Liverpool. This
means that the Chicago market is 12
cents per bushel higher than the Liv
erpool parity and that, until Liverpool
advances or Chicago declines, the
American market must remain exclu
slvely on a domestic basis. This coun
try will - be obliged to develop pro
diglous wheat-consuming powers if it
succeeds In eating all of the wheat
grown even in a small crop and no
Revolutions sometimes take curious
forms. It is as unexpected to hear
California pleading for more Japs as
it would be to see a child longing for
a dose of bitter medicine, but the thing
has actually happened. The fact of
the matter Is that agriculture in Cali
fornia must come to a standstill unless
labor in some form is made more
abundant, and Orientals seem to offer
the most practicable supply.
It will cost $50 to make the voyage
m tne new German airship Deutsch
land. The fight will be from Fried-
rtchshafen to Dusseldorf. Perhaps
some of the cost Is due to the extra
large sized tickets that much be used
to get all of that name on.
Oregon pioneers may just as well
repress surprise over the skyscrapers
erected In Portland since the last re
union; there will be a lot more a year
from now in the neighborhood of The
Oregonian building and elsewhere.
With a President who not only
preaches economy but sincerely wishes
to. practice it, the Congressional ap
propriatlons have passed the billion
dollar mark. What must we expect
in this line when a real booster enters
the White House?
Port Angeles, where the precipita
tion is so great that it is absorbed into
the system, voted itself "wet," three
to one. Anything dry would be phe
And,.-- brethren, what do you sup
pose Taft's answer would be if he
were asked whether an assembly of
Oregon Republicans should be held?
There is another kissing case in
Chico, this time : a pedagogue. The
other day is was a" preacher. Chico
should spray for the bug.
There is a great shadow placed on
the little 6-year-old boy by the mis
deeds of this Kersh woman.
As has been remarked many times
and long ago, so it is true today that
the wages of sin is death.
These are the days when Secretary
Himes is rediscovering Oregon.
The path of Joy leads but to death
Disbarred Lawyer Narrowly Escapes
Nomination (or Governor.
New York Sun.
The following dispatch from Aber
eeni S. D., suppresses some diverting
and at the same time amazing his
tory: Chairman Simmons, of the Stalwart cam
paign Committee concedes the renomlnation
of Governor Vessey at the primaries, late
returns giving him a lead over Egan, Inde
pendent Republican. Vessey ran as a Pro
gressive Republican.
The name of the Stalwart (standpat)
candidate, one Elrod, does not appear
n this report. He seems to have been
a bad third. In the earlier returns
George W. Egan, who managed his own
camjalgn, was running easily in the
lead, and in Sioux rails nis plurality
was estimated at 5000. He called him
self an Independent Republican, and
there had been no demand for his ap
pearance in the field. He was consid
ered "a political Joke." But no candi
date in the free-for-all primaries should
be overlooked or despised by the others.
f the system was not made for the
dark horse, it gives him, as the turf
men say, a ' "look in." Mr. Egan was
nominated. on petition; that is to say.
he hustled around and obtained the re
quired number of signatures, and thus
qualified to contest the , nomination
with Governor R- S. Vessey and the
Standpatter Elrod. Governor Vessey
pointed with pride" to his adminis
tration, and the progressive policies
were his platform. Mr. Elrod was a
champion of the Payne, tariff law.
George W. Egan's candidacy was purely
a personal matter. He fought for vin
dication, and. according to the Chicago
Tribune, this was the manner of It:
Egan came t6 South. Dakota from Logan.
Iowa, about three years ago. He acted as
special prosecutor at the first trial of. Mrs.
Emma KaoufTmann. who was charged with
being responsible for the death of a young
servant, and secured a conviction.
Through his connection with the case of
Mrs. Julia Ann O'Grady, charged with the
murder of her husband, whose property he
was accused of transferring to himself, he
was disbarred from practising law In South
Dakota, the State Supreme Court affirming
his dlBbarment.
Last year he applied for readmission to
the bar after the Supreme Court had been
Increased by two members, but by a unan
imous vote the court refused to reinstate
him as a practising attorney. His contest
for the -nomination, he declared, was made
that he might be vindicated by the people,
to whom he appealed.
As it turned out, the contest was
between the Governor of the State,
whose plurality in the election of 1908
was 18.108, and Personal Vindication
Egan, the standpat candidate being
"beaten off" or distanced. The people
evidently rallied to Mr. Egan in great
numbers, entirely losing sight .of the
political issues of the day. There can
be no doubt that his statement of his
grievances was plausibly presented, and
he must have what Is called a mag
netic personality." For all we know;
Mr. Egan in incurring the sentence of
disbarment may- have been the victim
of circumstances he was unable to ex
plain to the satisfaction of the Supreme
Court, and he may yet prove his Inno
cence and be restored to praatice.
It is clear that Mr. Egan could have
claimed rehabilitation if he had won
the Republican nomination in the pri
maries, and he might have been elected
Governor in spite of the Supreme Court.
He seems Just barely to have missed
success. The primary system, how
ever, would not have been vindicated
had he triumphed over the Progressives
and the Standpatters. And it does not
come out of the singular contest with
flying colors as it Is. Mr. Egan's ven
ture tells us that the primary in an
emotional community that puts the
man above the office may be used like.
clay in the hands of the potter. The
political Images that may be fashioned
from it. are not possible with the con
vention system under any conceivable
Party Conference Will Harmonise With
Direct Primary Lav-.
Eugene Register.
It is just as essential for party repre
sentatives to get together In county and
state assemblies and discuss the Interests
of the party as It is for a party to meet
In National delegated convention to name
a Presidential candidate and adopt a
platform upon which said election is to be
held. Certainly Oregon. Democracy ex
pects a National Democratic convention
to be held and will send regularly elected
delegates to that convention to say who
shall be the Democratic candidate for
President. If this is right and proper.
why is it not also right and proper for
Lane Republicans . to meet and adopt a
platform and suggest candidates lor
county offices, especially when the voters
have the divine right to accept or reject
any and all of said candidates at the
polls in the primary election it tney see
fit to do so?
After the county and state assemblies
are hold In Oregon and the real purpose
of such assemblies Is better understood,
there will be thousands of voters who
will see wherein the assembly serves a
legitimate purpose and one that is not In
conflict, but rather in harmony with the
direct primary election law.
At any rate. Lane County Republicans
need to get together on some sort of basis
and if the assembly is not the right plan
the party ought to hit on the correct one
for the srood of the county.
"We can have better county government
through organization of both the Repub
llcan and Democrat! parties than we can
with both parties disorganized. This is a
fact every Republican and Democrat
should remember when opposing a get
ting together upon some common basis of
the members of their respective parties. -
If we don't care how our county and
etate affairs are run and are willing that
the old saw of everybody's business beipg
nobody's business shall prevail, we have
no need for assemblies or ballot-boxes
and might turn conduct of state and
county affairs over to any Dick, Tom and
Harry who would volunteer to assume
the resoonsibillty. In this way we would
not even have need for a primary law or
any other sort of law relating to politi
cal matters.
Need for More Burbankisms.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Those who have become disaffected
with the new-fangled breakfast cereals
want Burbank to .devise a mushroom
that will yield a superior grade of
mush, and they hope that by crossing
lemons and watermelons a plant may
be evolved that will contain lemonade
just as some varieties' of cactus are
reservoirs of water. They fully expect
that by grafting apples on pine trees
he can produce pine rplea, and they
look to him with confidence to get
prunes -- by properly pruning the
hedges. But while everybody wishes
Burbank would give them the best kind
of thyme, some people wish the thyme
were shorter and others want it longer.
Others object to Burbank's activities
in general, on the ground that he is a
grafter. It is impossible, to please
every one.
.- Whyt
Mattie Loring In Washington Star. '"'
True, this old world's logic is amiss.
In numerous things, and one Is this:
That unchastity. to be a sin.
Must undoubtedly be feminine.
Since grammar dubs It common neuter.
Why make our social code dispute her?
Why forever truth and justice vex,
Giving Bin. what it has not. a sex?
A sin's a sin, whoe'er commits it.
And equal punishment befits It. -
Exact ' Pronunciation. "
Chicago Tribune.
Rose-e-velt. New York Evening Sun.
Not quite Rose-e-v'lt.
Details of the Great. Soldier's Memor
able Trip Around tbe World.
A curious and quite " harmless Illus
tration of our National shortness of
memory is to be found in the popular
view of the triumphal progress of
Colonel Roosevelt. Readers of the
newspapers, as well as editors of the
newspapers, believe that no ex-Presl-dent
ever received so enthusiastic and
warm a welcome in foreign lands. But
should they-have forgotten the Journey
of General Grant around the world in
It was on the 17th of May, 1877. that
ex-President Grant sailed down the
Delaware from Philadelphia on the
steamship Indiana. Reaching England,
he received the freedom of the City of
Liverpool, and in London he accom
panied the Prince of Wales to the Ep
som races, dined with, the Duke of
Wellington and the Duke of Devon
shire, received the freedoom of the City
of London, met all the great English
statesmen and visited and spent the
night at Windsor castle by -Invitation
of. the Queen, although the court was
in mourning. Then, going to Belgium,
he was the guest of the King. Then he
proceeded rapidly to Switzerland,
where the whole country turned out to
see him. At Paris official honors were
heaped upon him from the moment that
he set foot within the city, ahd he was
entertained many timea hv 'President
MacMahon, whose bluff soldierly char-H
acter. resembled that of the ex-President
When he reached Egypt the Khedive
placed a palace at his disposal, a spe
cial guard of honor and a steamer to
be always at his service..,- He and Mrs.
urant visited the Khedive. After trav
eling in the Near East, where he was
everywhere greeted with an Oriental
magnificence, he returned, and the
icing and Queen of Greece received him
at an unusually brilliant function. Ar
riving at Rome hia holiness. Pnn
XIII, passed much time with him (Gen
eral Grant, by the way. was a Metho
dist), and the King of Italy also enter
tained him with banquets and specta
cles of various sorts. The King of Hol
land welcomed him: In Berlin the aged
Kaiser was too ill for the personal en
tertainment of visitors, but Bismarck
spent hours In conversation with him,
s did other German statesmen and sol
diers, among them the Crown Prince
rrederlck. who was afterward Emnirnr.
Bayard Taylor preserved the 'glasses
out of which the Iron Chancellor and
treneral Grant drank some . schnapps
together. .
In the free City of Hambursr the Pen-
ate especially honored Grant; the King
of Sweden pressed Invitations upon him
to visit nis majesty at the superb pal
ace of Drottningholm. In Russia the
General was received by the Prime Min
ister, and an Imperial yacht was nlaced
at his disposal, while royal salutes
were fired whenever- he appeared. A
grana audience was arranged for the
ex-President by the Emperor Alexander
in St. Petersburg. A like function was
arranged for him In Vienna bv the
Emperor Francis Joseph. King Alfonso
(lather or the present Kins:) crave him
a truly Spanish welcome In Madrid, and
when General Grant reached Lisbon
the King of Portugal, putting aside all
etiquet, came to meet him. The two
Had many other meetings, punctuated
witn receptions and banquets.
r rom Europe and Africa the General
proceeded to India, where he was en
teriainea ty. the Viceroy and by count
less maharajahs. In Slam the King
eagerly invited him ,to the rial are.
where a state dinner was given and the
royal elepnants were displayed. In
China, almost more than anywhere else.
he was the recipient of extraordinary
nonors irom viceroys, princes and
statesmen. Including LI Hung Chaner
while in Japan the imperial Cabinet
and the Emperor met him and gave him
a sight or a military review when few
people were aware of Japan's growing
power in war. The most picturesque
festivals and popular fetes crowded his
days in Tokio, where ' the Emperor at
the royal palace gave him a personal
rareweii. Thence the General returned
across the Pacific to San Francisco
where all California seemed to have
assembled In his honor. We cannot go
into tntngs in detail; but It is not like
ly that any American ex-President will
ever receive so wonderful and universal
a greeting as that which was given
General Grant over a quarter of a cen
tury ago.
How the Walter Translates Orders.
New York Evening Sun.
The waiter who bawls out his order to
the cook In the kitchen may soon be as
extinct as the dodo; but his cries should
live forever.
Mutton broth Jn a hurry. Bays a cus
tomer. ''Baa-baa in the raint Make him
run!" shouts the waiter.
"Beefsteak and onions, says a cus
tomer. "John Bull! Make him a glnny
shouts the waiter.
"Where a my DaKed potato? asks a
customer. "Mrs. Murphy in a sealskin
coat!" shouts the waiter.
"Two fried eggs; . don't fry 'em too
hard." says a customer. "Adam and Eve
in the garden! Leave their eyes open!"
shouts the waiter.
"Poached eggs on toast," says a cus
tomer. "Bride and groom on a raft in
the middle of the ocean!" shouts the
"Chicken croquettes." says a customer.
"Fowl ball!" shouts the waiter.
"Hash," says a customer. "Gentleman
wants to take a chance!" shouts the
waiter. "I'll have hash, too," says the
next cutsomer. "Another Sport!" shouts
the waiter.
"A glass of milk." says the customer.
"Let It rain!" shouts the waiter.
"Frankfurters and sauerkraut, good
and hot," says a customer. "Fldo, Shep
and a bale of hay!' shouts the waiter;
"and let em sizzle!
Grantee Assembly Selfishness.
Tillamook Headlight.
We notice that some of the Grangers in
this county are still passing tha stereo
typed resolutions sent out by "unscrupu-
lous politicians" in opposition to the Re
publicans holding an assembly. We don't
see what right the Grangers have to hold
meetings, and pass resolutions If they
won't allow Republicans to do the same
thing. Things are coming to a pretty
state of affairs when Republicans can't
run their own affairs like other organi
zations. Why, the Grangers will be want
ing to put every Republican in a strait
Jacket before long, or will dictate to them
that they musn't kiss their wives or
Adolescent Wisdom.
Baltimore' -American.
Now that the graduation season is in
full swing, the world is suffering from Its
usual dose of adolescent wisdom. But,
luckily, the majority of the world is good
natured and the dose Innocuous, so no
great harm will be done.
Democrats and Prohibitionists.
Tillamook Headlight.
The Prohibitionists held an assembly in
Portland last week, but we notice that
the Democrats, who are making a great
fuss because the Republicans are going
to hold an assembly, have nothing to say
about that.
Double Lese-Majesty.
Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.
The editor of the Appeal to Reason calls
Theodore Roosevelt and William of Ger
many freaks. Holy Moses! Show us the
x Would Please tbe Fans.
' , New 'Tork Press.
What's the matter with getting . Mr.
Theodore Roosevelt to manage the
Giants? . . '
Discussing the proposed laws against
scorching motorists, Raymond Hitch
cock, the actor, said:
-lt is time to check these men. They
are getting quite too reckless. There
was more truth than humor in a bur
lesque dialogue I read in a manuscript
play the other night.
' 'If there's one thing more than an
other I hate to run over,' said a bur
lesque chaffeur, 'It's a baby.'
" 'Quite rierht.' his companion erppd
Those feeding bottles to do play hob
with a tire, don't they?" New York
Tribune. . r
Edward H. R. Green, the son of the
richest woman in the world, is a bache
"The reason why I am a bachelor,"
said Mr. Green to a St. Louis reporter.
is that I m so big that I can't disguise
myself sufficiently to pose as a poor
man. In my own person I'm afraid of
being married for the wrong reason.
'I'm afraid lest, like the lady with
the doughnuts, I may be the victim of
ulterior and Insulting motives.
The lady I refer to, after assisting a-
tramp, received another visit an hour
later from the same man.
" 'Madam,' he said, 'you gave . me
three doughnuts a while back. Would
you mind adding another one to make
it four?"
and she wrapped a doughnut in a news
paper and handed it to him. 'So you
JiKe my doughnuts, do you.'
" "No, madam, it ain't that, said the
tramp, 'Me and some friends down in
the holler wants to have a game of
quoits.' " Minneapolis Journal.
m m m
A member of the Nebraska Legisla
ture was making a speech on some
momentous question, and in concluding,
wrote the dictionary, 'Give me liberty
or give me death.
One of his colleagues pulled at his
coat and whispered: "Daniel Webster
did not write the dictionary; it was
"Noah nothing," replied the speaker;
Noah built the ark." Boston Traveler.
A gentleman was standing in the
lobby of one of Birmingham's leading
hotels when someone -made a remark
about it being so easy to get a little
"wet refreshments" in the Magic City.
The young man said: "I have been in
Birmingham for nine, days and I have
never found that wet spot yet, and I
want to tell you I have looked for it,
too." The "nver sleep" negro porter of'
this hostelry had become Interested In
the conversation, and, advancing close
enough to the speaker to tip his cap
politely, asked this question: "Boss,
where is you been stopping since you
come to town In de cemetery?"
Birmingham News.
It is told that a certain lady of a
Western Kansas town desired to show
kindness to the captain of the local
Btate militia company and wrote the
following invitation: "Mrs. re
quests the pleasure of Captain 's
company at a reception on Friday even
ing." A prompt reply came: "With the ex
ception of three men who are sick with
measles. Captain 's company ac
cepts your kind Invitation and will
come with pleasure to your reception
Friday evening." Kansas City Jour
nal. Accident the Enirlnecr Moot Fearn. -
Haiper's Weekly.
The great driving wheels on which most
of the enormous weight of the locomo
tive rests are connected by massive joint
ed bars of forged steel. The ends of
these are attached to the wheels about
half way between the axis and circum
ference. It is thought .these bars called
drlvlne rods that the wheels receive
their impulse from the imprisoned steam.
These "rods" weiEh several thousands of
pounds each. Occasionally one of their
fastenings will break, and then every
revolution of the wheel to which the
other end is attached will send the rod
swinging like a Titan's flail, beating down
300 strokes a minute. Nothing can with
stand these awful blows. They tear up
the track below and shatter the engine
above, especially the cab where rides the
engineer. No disaster comes so unex
pectedly and Is so much dreaded as this.
Almost invariably it happens when the
engine is running at high speed. When
a driver breaks it Is a miracle if the
men in the cab escape with their lives.
Bringing Initiative to Disgrace.
Amity Standard.
As time passes It is becoming more
and more apparent that the long list
of constitutional amendments, direct
legislative measures, etc., that are up
for the consideration of the voter
should be answered by a resounding
"No" from all parts of the state at
the November election. There are soma
good measures among them, but with
the great number that Is proposed the
voter cannot become familiar enough
with the text of each to separate the
good from the bad and the safest plan
will be to make the negative vote
strong .enough to warn that self-constituted
body of law tinkers, styled the
"Progressive Power League" that they
are neither the people of the State of
Oregon nor Its law-making power.
Sentence Sermons.
Henry F. Cope In Chicago Tribune.
A man's faith is his real fortune.
Love gives away In order not to lose.
The more a man hugs himself the
smaller he become
Charity Is not made to go far by,
spreading It thin.
Love lifts up when it does not know
it is bending down.
You cannot listen to God by turning
a deaf ear to men.
Any kind of thoughtless charity is
pretty sure to be heartless.
A little sunshiny practice is worth a
lot of moonshiny poetry.
When piety is only skin deep it is quite
likely to affect the lungs.
Tbe Problem of Freedom.
Booker T. Washington in "The Story of
the Negro."
The negro Is making progress at the
present time as he made progress in
slavery times. There is, however, this
difference. In slavery the progress of
the negro was a menace to the white
man. The security of the white master
depended upon the ignorance of tho
black slave. In freedom the security
and happiness of each race depends, to
a very large extent, on the education
and the ' progress of the other. The
problem of slavery was to keep the
negro down; the problem of freedom is
to raise him up.
Scaring Delinquent Subscribers.
Montgomery Advertiser.
This Is the means by which a Kan
sas editor keeps his subscription list
paid up: "You may gather the stars
in a nail keg, hang the ocean on a
grapevine to dry, wipe the nose of a
cyclone with a towel, cut off the tail
end of a tornado for a keepsake, put
the sky In the ground to soak, un
buckle the bellyband of eternity and
open up the sun and moon as health
resorts, but never be deluded with the
idea that you can escape hell and dam
nation if you don't pay for your paper."
I An Embarrassing Word.
Catholic Standard and Times.
'"Then," said the reporter, "I'll say
several pretty songs' were rendered by
Miss Packer."
"Oh, gracious, no!" replied the host
ess, "you mustn't say 'rendered.' You
see her father made all his money in