Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 21, 1910, Page 16, Image 16

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16 x
.,500,000 feet fir. with some cedar and yel
low pine, on SO acres of land lying nice
and rolling for fruit when timber is off,
about four miles from Southern Pacific
town in Douglas County. Price $2500.
Timber alone worth that. Will give a good
trade on Portland property; may consider
i;ood 1909 or 1910 automobile. Room Ju9
rouch bldg.
acre farm near Forest Grove, in the gar
den spot of the Tualatin Valley; now in
crop; buildings bran new; three- big barns;
will subdivide to suit; Portland realty
taken in exchange if desired. Write or call
on Fidelity Trust Co.. WOl Board of. Trade
SsEFJ us about that 1W0 acres at $20 per
acre in the Goodnoe Hills we have to trade;
will take timber land, city property or
Valley land; Goodnoe Hill land joining our
land selling for $100 to $25o per acre in
6 and 10-acre tract. Moore Investment Co.,
304-305 Henry bids.
"WANTED Farm, Improved or partly Im
proved, up to value of $2500 or $3000; will
exchange two good building lots In swell
residence section; hard-surface pavements,
water, newer and gas all in. Phone East
6 14
"WILL trade for Portland property new 8-roorn
residence, 3 large lots, fruit and berries,
located at Myrtle Point. Coos County. Or.;
will trade for Portland real estate. Phone
Tabor 1013.
1100 CORNER, 100x100, $500 paid on con
tract, balance payable $13 monthly; to
trade for furniture or launch or something
, of equal value. H r5. Oregonlan.
10 ACRES valuable raw land Rogue River
Valley. 3 miles from Ashland; will trade
for anything. Charles E. Hicks, In-iepend-fcence,Or.
What have you?
30 ACRES Hood River Valley, about In
hearing orchard; will sell or exchange for
nouse and lot in Portland, w. Ac r. art
I. limber Exchange
SPLENDID 5-rassenger automobile to ex
change for city property or acreage. O.
L. Bamberger, room 2 Lumbermen's bldg.
Main248$. ;
15-ACRB fruit and berry ranch, all "hearing,
new S-roora bouse, all stocked and ready
to step into, will exchange for house and
Jotinciiy, a. 03, oregonian.
"YOUNG lady. Chicago references, wants
home for one year on Western ranch in
return for sewing and teaching children.
A L 03. Oregonlan.
WANTED to exchange lot on Portland
Heights, value $1800, for 4 or 5-passengor
automobile; Cadillac or Chambers pre
ferred. Phone Main i:SQ6.
WILL trade my $2000 cash equity in Ya
block in close-in restricted residence prop
erty for good automobile. AH 04, Ore
gonlan. TO TRADE 9 excellent lots on East Side
for modern rooming-house or good house
and lot. 300 Hoard of Trade. Main 1100.
HAVE you property for trade in fcalem or
Portland for Minnesota prairie land, un-
improved? AB00, Oregonlan.
CITT lots to exchange for acreage; good 10
acre farm for city property; $3500. C. L.
Bamberger. Room 2 Lumbermen's bldg.
$1700 EQUITY 5-room house, nearly new;
electric light, bath; 50x100, corner: will take
acreage or vacant lots. Hatfield. 105 4th st.
WILLL trade by $380 equity In a fine east
front lot, balance $15 month, for good
diamonds. AH 62, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Photo studio, A-l location, in
city; modern equipment, low rent. Address
W 56. Orego nlan. .
WILL exchange good Oregon property for
property in New York state- Laidlaw, 605
Commercial bldg.
XOU can trade any kind of property at
room 103 9 Board ot Trader
EXCHANGE 50x100 lot, i-mom houFe. for
auto. What have you? AC 69, Oregonlan.
EQUITY in four lots for good work team
or auto. S 06. Oregonlan.
WANTED At once, a small farm, near
Portland.; Owners reply AM 66, Oregonian.
WANTED Nice farm not smaller than 29
acres. AN 64, Oregonian.
Horses Vehicles and Harness.
Why buy second-hand vehicles when you
can get a new one from an old-established
wholesale house, 44 years in Oregon, at
almost the same cost T We are located
outside the high-rent district, own our
building, and can make the price. Ex
clusive agents for the old reliable line of
Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv
ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and
farm wagons. Be sure and see us before
you buy. It may save you money.
R. M. WADE & CO..
822 Hawthorne Ave., bet. East 1st and 2d.
We are now located at the Portland
Union Stockyards.
We have on hand a good stock of mules
weighing from 1200 to 1400 lbs, that are
first-class in every particular; our prices
are in line with the titles. Come and see
us and we will convince you.
Woodiawn 24O0.
E5 HEAD of young mares and geldings from
1000 to Hiw lbs. Some choice heavy
teams, 2 mares with Percheron colts; two
3-year-old nllles; several nice teams of
1500 lbs. ; chunks. These horses will all
be sold as represented. W ill be on sale
Wednesday, J une 23, at 234 Front st.
Come and see this stock and get our
IVK KALE Horses, harness and wagons.
Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and
mares. If cot as represented they can be
returned. We also have on hand several
aellvery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons
lor sale. Hawthorne-ava. tables. 420
Hawthorne ave.
GENTLE horse that a woman can Tide or
drive; also buggy and harness. Inquire
Roberta Bros., 3d, and Morrison.
FOR SALE Standard-bred pacing mare;
weight 1050 lbs., color brown, 7 years old:
sale for lady to drive; this is a beautiful
animal; nice rubber-tired runabout and
harness, phone Tzcbor 2394. 534 E. 59th st.
end ofHawthorne ave. car.
THREE nice young horses, weigh about
aioO each, will sell one or all etieap. In
quire 72 N. 14th st., between 11 A. M. and
4 P. M. .
HUBERT & HALL'S STABLES. 380 Front at..
livery busine, rigs, horses, harness, wag-
ona. lor aaie or rem. aiain
FOR SALE 1 team young well-matched
horses weighing ilsOO lbs. ; 1 young horse
weignmg ijuu. rtusseu st.
"YOUNG team with harness, $425: guaran
teed. Metzger and Walnut sts., K.ern
Park. -
BARGAIN 3800-lb. bay team, just off the
lagging camp. . ZAZ orand ave.
A RAY mare. 1400 lbs., or trade for property.
H4 E. d gt. N.
STALLS for rent. Inquire
Grocery, 565 Jefferson st.
at Herrick's
HAL B.. 2-year-old futurity colt, well broke,
for sale cheap. Inquire 1S1 Morrison st.
Piano. Organ and Musical Instrument.
VIOLINS, brass, reed and -string instruments
repaired. Any piece made to order. H
Godard, room 16. 142 V 2d st.
PIANO, almost new, elegant condition, bar
gain; worth $450; sell for $150; need money.
- 'llh 5th t., near Main.
WANTED Pianos in exchange
Beach lots. J 57, Oregonian.
for Long
Good running condition; will take you
where you want to go and bring you back.
Only $350.
A good car, all the way through from
tirea to spark plugs. Don't overlook this
" if you want a second-hand car. "
FOR SALE or trade, two 7-iassenger autos in
good condition; 50-h. p. and newly painted,
t?rms. Hess & O'Brien, Union ave. and
Dav is.
7-PASSENGER 00-H. p. Thomas Flyer, in
good condition; just the car for stage line
or livery; $1300 cash or installments. West
ern Auto Co., 531 Alder st.
101O "FORD" roadster, new, run very little,
$750 cash buys this car.
206llthst., cor Jefferson.
BPLENDID 5-passenger automobile to ex
change for city property or acreage. C.
1,. Bamberger, room 2 Lumber m en' i bldg.
Main 2488.
FORD automobile with top, tirca and lamps;
good ehape; price $225. Room 417. 320 Vj
Was-h. st. M. 5381.
A FIRST-CLASS runabout, almost new, for
sale cheap at Van Matso-Landy Auto Co.,
AUTOMOBILE, new 0-passenger car, owner
leaving city; must sell at once. Hotel
Yorke. room 4V.
-CYLINDER Cadillac model G, In first
class condition; just overhauled and paint
ert; $OOQ Western Auto Co.. 531 Alder St.
FOR SALE Cheap. brand new Haynes
autonobilns at Hoss & O'Brien, E. Union
ave and Davis st.
WILL exchange lot. free and clear, restrict
ed -district, fr runabout in good condition;
value $SX). W 68, Oregonian.
FOR SALE or trade. 4-cylinder Ford run
about In good shape. J 50, Oregonlan.
GOOD 0-passenger auto with equipment for
onlx Owner. Main 24b8..
Ant om obi 1m.
SEVERAL second-hand automobiles, in fine
condition, for sale cheap. Some of these
machines are almost new. Information
will be mailed to you if not convenient to
call. Special inducements offered out-of-town
522 Alder St.. Portland.
Phones Main 25S3; A 4944. "
Roadster, 1EKH model. First-class condi
tion, having been run flnly about 8,300 miles.
An unusually good buy at the price, $1800
t 101O model; this car is as good as new.
the only pony tonneau In the city; will
sell at a big discount, cash only. X 07,
5-PA8SENGER Oldsmohlle 40. good as new,
will guarantee this car. If you are looking
for .a gqod car cheap, try this one. C. F.
Fisher. 528 Hamilton blug
Birds. Ioc and Pet Stock.
SOME very fine Airesdale terrier puppies.
L. V. W oodward. Phone Sell wood 10I 5.
THOROUGHBRED collie pups for sale.. Main
3I?aa. .
BOAT Speed IS miles. Beats 8, fully
equipped. lS-horsepower . engine; used 1
month- With or without boathouse. best
bargain on river; cash or will trade for
Portland real estate or auto. AF 60, Ore-
FOR KALE Launch. 30 feet, Whitehall
model; new auto marine engine, 3 h. p.,
complete, bulkhead control; price, $loO
cash, or trade part on real estate. Box
47, Corbett, Or. ( -
ALL WIN folding go-cart, all metal, nickel
plated trimmings, complete with top; is in
first-class condition; cost $12.50; will sell
Mr $6.00 Phone B 1100.
30 HEAD of certified dairy cattle and re
tail route; write or call J B. Pearson, R.
P. D. 2, Box 124. A good chance to buy
a money-maker. .
FOR SALE Chandler & Price 23-inch hand
cutter, Chandler & Price 10x15 platen press,
used IS months; a bargain. Allen Eaton,
Eugene, Or :
ONE gasoline wood saw, complete. Phone
East 534. C 1798. A. J. Murphy, 461
LARGE quartered-oak rolltop desk, 1 Chase
organ. 1 gas water heater, all in good
condition. Call 394 East C 1 a y St.
STOCK of decorations, novelties, jewelry, re
turn balls, canes, pennants, etc. 472 Wash-
Ington st. ,..
All sizes; low prices; easy terms.
SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines;
liberal terms; $10 to $60. Northwest Type
writer Co.. M. 8S7Q. 222 Abln g ton bldg.
$50 Ask for catalog. Rebuilt $15 up. N.
M. Hayter Co.. t Sth si. Main 6523.
FOR SALIC Showcase, wsllcases. counters.
cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone East W.
FOR SALE OR RENT Logging and hoist
ing -engines. Railway Equipment Co., 74
1st st. Both phones.
22-FOOT launch, $250. everything complete
in first-class condition. J. A. Kelly,
Woodiawn ia88.
231 Stark St. Main 1407.
NOTES and mortgages bought and told. Ns
tional Credit Ass'n, 601 Worcester bldg.
600 BUSINESS CARDS $1 if you bring thU ad.
Rose City Prlntery. 1U2 Sd. near Taylor.
SECOND-HAND pool tables for sale.
Grand ave. , ,
20 HEAD of choice tested dairy cows for
gale. A. S. Emerson. Rldgefield. Wash.
FIND insulated cooler for sate coeap.
Friedman. 295 1st.
6HOWCASE9, new
Everett, cor 6th.
and ffecond-hancL
Also fixtures.
VIOLINS, banjoc, mandoline, guitars at halt
regular prices. Uncle Myers. 71 6th st.
CHILDS' iron crib wjth mattress and a
sanitary couch. 520 i-J. Sherman.
LAUNCH, 22 feet.
6-H. P.; fine model. AF
tw, uregonian.
Highest price paid for men's east -oft
clothing and shoes. The Globe Second
hand stcre, 200 First. Main 2030. We also
buy ladles clothing.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "fair
Deal,' 62 N. 3d st. Main 8272.
MARRIED woman, educated, refined, wishes
care of children during Summer, or would
coach rpUs. AL 56. oregonian.
WANTED 20 to 100 acres land cleared;
party with donkey outfit preferred. Van
duyn & Walton, 615 chamber Commerce.
CELL your second-hana furniture to the
Ford Auction Co. or you'll get lesa
Phones: A 2445: Main b5L
6POT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phcne East 1067.
HIGHEST price paid for second-hand shoes
and clothes. Phone Marshall 1929.
WANTED Paying store, city or
about $UHK. F 69, Oregonian.
RAlLWAi mail clerks, city carriers, cieras.
Portland, examinations announced July 13.
Preparation free. Franklin Institute. Dep.
Z7lr,,K.ocnester, r. x .
WANTED Steady young man for all-around
work and work in bottling room of fam
ily liquor store; experienced man preferred.
Apply at Brunn & Co., lot and Alder stg.
WANTED First-class soda dispenser; must
be A-l man; references required. Address
Crescent Candy Co., 052 Pacific ave,J, Ta-
coma, ash.
WANTED An all-around clothing and fur
nishing goods man to go to Pendleton. Ap
ply Willamette Tent & Awning Co., First
and Burnuide.
MAN and wife wanted for janitor service.
A-l public institution, references required
Inquire Young Women's Christian Asso
clation. REAL ESTATE salesman for bay city on
Tillamook Bay; terminus of United Rail
ways. Bay City Land Co., ol9 Lumber
Exchange, 2d and Stark.
WANTED Two first-class, experienced ma
chinists, accustomed to heavy work, for
out-of-town shop. Answer, giving phone
number and address. At. 6fr. Uregonian.
WANTED Two men who are thoroughly
practical and experienced in building
macadam road and streets. Apply Beal &
Co.. 3uo k. yamn ui st.
YOUNG man to learn tea, coffee and spice
business, chance for advancement ; salary
to start $7 week. Grand Union Tea Co.,
448 Washington st.
FINISHERS and carpcntei's helpers wanted.
Apply Ross. E. 3-d and Gladstone ave.
Take W. W. car.
BARBER wanted, good wages to right man.
or will sell half or all ot snop. lock hox
18, '
MOTION picture operators earn $35 weekly;
learn business in short time. Motion Pic
t u re School. 520 Washington st.
BOOKKEEPER and assistant credit man;
opportunity ; tate age. experience, ref
er fences. R 65, Ore g onian. .
WANTED A first-class stickerman, perma
nent position, good salary. Address A. M.
Hansen, Salem, Or.
$18 TO $35 week few months only learning;
situations guaranteed. Watchmaking-Engraving
School, Box 182. Ashland. Or.
STENOGRAPHER Must be experienced.
Apply to -Clark & Wilson Lumber Co.,
Llnnton. Or.
WANTED Rigging slinger. chaser and lum
ber pliers. Apply 735 Chamber of Com
merce. WANTED Experienced man to 1 un 4Z-tncn
Royal Invincible sander. Chehalis Fir Door
GOOD barber. .MB per week guaranteed,
steady 1ob. 'JD!4 Third st
JANITOR to clean store; must be experienced;
$7 per month. Apply 1H 6th st.
BARBER wanted; steady job. 221 Madiaon
at., between First and Second.
WANTED A dentist and barber. Phone B
SALESMEN to place good Industrial stock;
big commLggion. 208 Henry bldg.
DRUG-GIST and a doctor. AL location; no op-
position. ' C 62. Oregonian.
SEWER-DIGGERS wanted. B. 14th and Cen
ter "st. Take Sell wood cai
WANTED Mattress makers.
Carmen Mfg.
Co.. Isth and upsnur.
A PANT and vestmaker; prices good; steady
job. A. L. Andrews. La Grande, Or.
WANTED Blacksmith's helper at 231 Madi
son st.
PORTER wanted ; good shiner, white boy.
Club Barber Shop. 575 W ashington st.
SALESMEN, all lines; bookkeepers,
og ra pherg. 313U Waah.. room 18.
WANTED Laborers. 30c
12th and Irving sts.
per hour. East
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents;
new offer. Cutberth. studio Dekum bldg.
HIGH-CLASS commercial salesman "wanted.
210 r'p.jTiTTiPT'iai bifjflk
WANTE D A b le boa led men for the U. 8.
Marine Corps, between tlie ages of Id ana
S3; must be native born or have first pa
pers. Monthly pay $15 to $6t. Additional
rnmnaniat'nn nAasllilM Food. dOthing,
Quarters and medical attendance free. J
After 80 van service can retire with 75 (
per cent of pay and allowances. Service
on hoard shin a.nd ashore in all parts ot
the world. Apply at Breeden bldg.. Fort-
land. Or. r
WE want first-class salesmen for this city
and road, capable of approaching business
and professional men on a proposition
havinir unusual lv strong and unique sell
ing ffatnris i:ndr our svstem of per
sonal training our men are making from j
$40 to $100 a week; permanent position to
right men; references required. For in- i
terview address A ba.uregonian.
T. M. c. A- The friend of the young man
and stranger. Hearty welcome and good
counsel are yours, witnout cosu lomimi
call for men who can do something well.
Special Employment Membership assures
employment. After you have seen the
other fellow, see us before you invest
MEN wanted for firemen and brakemen on
nearby railroads; age 18 to 35; experience ;
unnecessary; no striKe; uermanem employ
ment: firemen S100 monthly, brakemen $75;
promotion to engineers, conductors; 4iK men :
sent to positions monthly; state age; send
stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonian.
in eon pfisinnNH tor vra.diis.tes last Tears
men and women to leam barner ixaae ia
8 wMbi. hein to incuri nromotlon : srradu
tea earn from $15 to $25 weekly: expert
Instructors; tools free; write for cata
logues. Mohler System ot College. M
North 4th st., Portland. Or.
TWO first-class non-union machinists for
out of town. Call Commercial Cluo
International Corresoonuence School have
the course you need; text-book free; answer
ana drawing paper.
27 Marquam bldg.
38 Mckay bldg.
WANTED Two flrst-rtass, high-grade wire
less stock salesmen; only those wno can
deliver the goods need answer. A-l con
tract that will net $500 per month up
ward to producers. Call 70S Board of
Trade bldg.
MAN to work in wholesale house to ret out
orders; must have thorough knowledge of
plumbing supplies. Addresw in own hand
writing, stating age, experience ana wages.
JJ xm, oregonian.
YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway
mail clerks, post office clerks, carriers, eta
Write or call for Book 80. It's free. Pacing
Jbtates ycbotil. Mcay bldg.. Portland, ur
WANTED Good honest man who knows
city to drive ice cream peddling wagon;
saiary ana commission. iao iuinai.
PROFITABLE trip to coast, new article
needed. Particulars 207 Mohawk bldg.
NURS0 MAID wanted to care for child 4
years old; reference required. Call morn
ings at the Hazel Apartment House, room
5. 3S5 Third st. Phone A-4157. t
WANTED Experienced woman cook for the
oeacn; small family; modern house, running
wntnc AluT.fn lUhtii. lakain or
i-ortiana rieignts.
WANTED Woman understands cooking, small
iamjiy; modern house; xao month, til Jack
eon, cor. 21gt, Port land Heights.
AMBITIOUS, energetic woman over 25 for
position with wholesale house; experience
unnecessary. K 61, Oregonian.
WANTED A girl to do housework at beach
cottage for private family; gooa wages.
Apply 735 Irving st., near 22d.
4tt Washington St.. Cor. ?tn. Upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED Experienced cook In small fam
ily or adults; references required. Apply
415 West Park st.
WANTED Head waitress; also two exper
ienced waitresses. The Hill, 23d and Wash
ington ets. -
WANTED Girl for general housework; Nor-
wegian, bweaisti or Finnish preferred;
evenings free. 429 Yamhill st.
jKS. HOW R a xauii&s- AQSNCT,
26 Wasnington St.. Room VZ
Main 883d or A 2266.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework, family or 2. Portland Heights.
Phone Main 715 or A 425S.
GIRL who lives at home as cashier in first
clnss restaurant for 3 hours every after
noon. AB 67, Oregonian.
WANTED Young lady for musical act In
vaudeville; must be able to sing, dance or
play. Address AG 66, Oregonlan.
WANTED Competent girl ior general house
work and cooking; prvate family at fcea
slde; good wages. Phono B 1893.
WANTED experienced drapery seam
stresses Apply to Drapery Dept., 6th floor.
Tu11 & Glbbs, Inc.
Wanted Keflnea. capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 609 RoUa-
child bldg.. 4thandW ash ington.
WANTED Capable girl for second work;
references required. 445 Morrison St., cor
ner 12th st. 4
COMPETENT stenographer and office as
sistant ; reierences ; medium salary. Ad
dress Y 66, Oregonian.
LADY stenographer and assistant book
keeper; state salary expected; give ref-
erence. e o. uregonian.
HELP wanted for small boarding-house.
plain cook preferred. Phone Marshall
1 258.
6 LADIES between 20 and 35 years for shoot
ing galleries; steady work, good wage. Ap-
piy UaK3 lianery.
WANTED A caoable srirl for ire n era 1 house
work. Apply at 721 Johnson st; 10 to 12
A. M . or 7 t
to 8 P. M.
WANTED Two girls wanted to sew mat
tress ticks. Carmen Mfg. Co., 18th and
NURSE girl wanted for 2 children. Call at
Beverly Restaurant, Park and Yamhill
GIRL for general housework; experience not
necessary, xitt r. Z2d St., corner of North
rup st.
WANTED Woman in 12-room transient
rooming-house; permanent position for
right party. Address a os. uregonian.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
wages $40 to competent girl. 770 Flan-
YOUNG girl to assist in general housework.
3 In family. 403 32d st., Willamette
WANTED Girl for general housework; no
children; evenings free. Apply 408 Mont-
g ornery.
WANTED Lady teacher. Apply 1454 First
s t . , f:au to f. ai. tonig nt.
GOOD cook, first-class, private boarding
house, at once. 374 Park Bt.
GIRL for general housework, small family.
t-oon wages. 1 m j onnson st aiam 2(7o.
NEAT, quick waitress wanted. Stein's Res-
ta urant, 1 22 14th st.
WANTED Waitress.
Depot Restaurant.
Apply at once. Union
WANTED Girl for general housework. 260
Grand ave. North, cor. Multnomah.
WANTED Experienced waitress, 4&S Wash
ington st.
GIR1S for
East 4702.
a confectionery store. Phone
WANTED Girl to work in bindery, 66 0th.
The Loose Card Book C o.
WANTED Girl for general housework, 2 in
family, plain cooking. $20. Tabor 17HS.
CHOCOLATE dipper wanted; call Gray, Mc-
Lean & Percy, 115 N. 4th st.
NEAT girl to assist in housework. . Apply
lOHl vaupnn st. xei aiain qmum.
GIRL for general housework. Apply 787
Madison st. Phone Marshall 1601, A 5728.
A YOUNG girl to help on coats and run
errands. Room 6b, wasnington blug.
A YOUNG girl to help with housework; ex-
perlence not necessary. AF 69, JDregonian.
GIRL for "housework, 393 Clifton St., corner
GIRL for cigar, fruits and ice cream coun-
ter. 3 -tn si.
GIRLS for ironing, ladles clothes. Jefferson
Hand uaunary, qvp jciicmuii pi.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
Apply 602 HancocK bl., irvington.
WANTED A girl for light housework, farn-
iiv Of tWO. OfrO Loucn. mar jam.
WANTED Dining-room - girt in a board In g-
h ouse. 350 Giian st. rnone a -iu.
FINISHERS on men's neckwear. Columbia
Neckwear ang. jo., .2 atartc
WANTED Good girl for general housework
at 105- Wuimpy st. Jiam p. a OH.
GIRL to assist in housework and go to
beacn.pt2 OAlsa?.8t
GIRL for general housework, pleasant home.
good wages, small iamuy. can A 7864.
WANTED A lady pastry cook. Woodiawn
WANTED Lady to do cleaning and pressing
as partner or on sa.ia.ry. woomawn z 1 00.
GIRL WANTED for housework; no children;
no warning. t jij 1 si.
GOOD plain cook where there is a second
girl. -14 jn. a--)tn st.
WANTED Experienced girl for general hous-
wora. Apply room ui oregonian oleg.
LESSONS la Shorthand and Typewriting by
expert i 90 a monu. aitA. iBiaui oWK
GIRLS, 16 years of age and over, to work
- '
in bag factory. Apply at once.
HARRIS NEVILLE CO., 5th and Davis sts.
GIRLS over 16 years of age to work in roo-
laciory; jooa pay wniie iearuiiB
up to $2 per day when expert.
WANTED Experienced, educated woman
as nouseKeeper; muft be able to manage
servants and take entire charge of house
hold; references required. M 69, Oregonian.
WANTED Two live, well-dressefl men to do
business among the best people in the
city, salary to start $;1S per week. Call
400 Oregonian bidg, bet. 8 and 9 A. M.
and bet. 4 and 5 P. M.
WANTED Middle-aged lady to work in
Doaraing nouse for her and her Husband's
room and board. 121 Russell st. phone
East 3S78.
WANTED Girl for general housework; must
oe a gooa cook; good wages, modern house
and family of three. feuO Northrup iU,
corner 2-1 th.
Stenographer and bookkeeper; state sal
ary expected and give references. Ad-
dress P. O. Drawer 727. Portland, Or.
WANTED Thoroughly experienced saleslady
in arygooas ana reaay-to-wear; state ex
perience and salary. Emporium, Toppen
Jsh. Wash.
REFINED young girl wanted to care for
Daoy ana assist iignt housework, exper
ience unnecessary if willing to learn. Call
mornings mvv r lanaers st.
SWEDISH girl to assist in general house
work, small family, kind treatment, time
on. K osv imamooK at-, or 528 Ham
ilton bldg.
A LADY to help cook and take care of
House; also a man to take care of car-
den, cow and do chore work. Call at
ozv4 ist st. Jr-none a 3497.
HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co. 2d and
WANTED A Swlfis man and wif- wh ,
d era tan da stock and I arm work tr n
a good stock farm. Apply C. Miasinger, 2o3
joa.rti ui iraue, city.
WANTED Performers, singers, musicians.
Vaudeville Circuit. 5l6y. Washington st.
-xa.A.cUimiS- A(jtNCi offers oad
yuBAuwu ii a- luiiruciors. on is wetland.
Bookkeepers and Clerk.
jEji-n.rc i accountant wants small sets
dooks to Keep; dooks opened, closed, bal
anced ; terms reasonable. AJ 48, Orego
BOOKKEEPER wants books to keep after
r. ox. i raiea reason a oie. v 01, ore
BOOKKEEPER, expert in all branches, ha
a couple of hours to spare dally. M o,
TOUNO man, employed, desires position as
assistant bookkeeper or general office.
JvorK. Aaaresa v bo, Oregonian.
' v Miscellaneous.
WANTED Carpenter wants country work.
mm, nam or nouse work; 7; experience;
by day or Job. G. E. McManus. W 06,
. uregon i a n.
CHAUFFEUR wants position with private
iamiiy; carerui anver and good mechanic,
nave nrsi-ciass reierences. AC 6a, ore'
TOUNO married man. 14 years' exnerience
groceries and general merchandise, wants
gooa position. AUoa, uregonian.
A TOUNG man of good moral chara-cter. with
references, wishes work from 10 A. 3d. to
P. M. AD 66. Oregonian.
xuuwu- man, aged 20, wants a position to
worn aiter ec 11001 irom b to 12 P. M. J 47,
WANT WD Position as timekeeper and cora-
missary cierK on construction; experienced,
retcrenceg. x OJt uregonian.
; POSITION as collector and help around of-
rice oy young man, some experience. AC
Ho. oregonian.
WOODCARVER, all-around man, seeks
worK. itepiy today. T. Schlfler, gen. del
JAPANESE cook want -position In private
iamuy. ai i..rq, izi .n. lotn.
STRONG young man wants inside work of
any kind in city. AC 6. Qregonlan.
EXPERIENCED Japanese wants situation at
housework. AG 39, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographer.
STENOGRAPHER, 30, excellent education,
accurate, some experience, reasonable,
owns machine; will substitute. AL, u,
; GOOD filing clerk and stenographer wants po
sition; experience years; reierences; sal'
ary reaaonaoie. J tJ 01, uregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion wnere aomiy ia neeaea.. .f none A
YOUNG lady wants position as stenog
rapher; some experience, moderate salary.
Alain w.
EXPERT lady stenographer desires posi
tion axternoons. it ti. oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER wishes position.
Main obtfO.
DRESSMAKING quickly and neatly done
reasonable ; references. can 32o Hall
phone Main 8737.
EXPERT cutter, fitter .and designer from
the east wishes work in the home; work
guaranteed. Address A. F.. 57.
STYLISH dresses. $5 up; waists, $1 up; fine
work; references. &2 rJ. Milt st. iast o'j;t-
Vis i.Li& urvAMUidh mi tf Pir.ori, .126 W -
tngton et.. suite aia. Main itsa. a. aaai.
LADIES' tailoring; alterations, coat rellned.
Mr. MucKier, tuiumpia st, A Bs.
N urses.
TEN years experience with all kinds nurs
ing, maternity, eiaeriy, invaiias. miants;
reference. Call Sunday or Monday. Main
4304. . .
TRAINED nurse wishes more engagements;
will take case cheap 11 engaged at once.
Phone A 2U3.
PRACTICAL nurse in all cases except ma
ternity. Phone i-ast 4118.
CAPABLE German woman, childrens nurse.
St. Louis Agency, au3 wasn. m aini' u 3 a.
ROOM for invalid, private sanitarium, city
references. A BjbU. y r eg o n lan.
POSITION to do housework, by young lady;
prefers with young people; oDjects to small
children.AM 65, Oregonian.
WANTED By experienced lady, position as
housekeeper In hotel or rooming nouse;
references given. Phone Marshall 1207.
j WOMAN wants housekeeping, small family.
Address 05 Mississippi ave.
I OTTf Ht low.. '
POSITION wanted as second girL Good ref
erences. AK OS. oregoiuam
WOMAN wants work by day, 25 cents hour
and streetcar fare, .f none .cast t.y, room
NURSEGIRL, go beach ; capable woman,
chamberwork; cook, crew men. at. jouis
Agency, 303 Wash in gton s t. M a i n2 0 3 .
RESPONSIBLE woman wants any light
work or care or cniiaren ; wouia leave
city. AddressAE 6g, Oregonlan.
WILL do housework for good home and email
wages; good plain cook; nave one cnua. Ari
. ft5, OreeoDian.
LADY, educated, musical, would go to beach
as companion or cro ot tnnuieu. ui,
WOMAN wishes any kind of work by the
day. Phone woodiawn hmi.
LACE CURTAINS washed and Mretched, 40c
a pair. Main o7'J3. a p.H4.
A WOMAN of experience would like work by
day. 1 an aiain wat.
A GOOD woman wants day work. Call up E.
2412 or call at address. 'Hi Asn st.
GIRL wants housework and cooking. Address
884 E. Davis Bt,
AGENTS make Quick money handling our new
eiectno heaters; attachable to any current;
boils liquids in one minute; retails $2.00;
large profits. Write for exclusive territory.
Presto Electrical Manufacturing Co., 323
Geary st.. San Francisco. ,
AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown
nursery stock Is in demand : Bates mis
eason will be immense a nattering op
portunity ; cash paid weekly ; outfit free,
fcaleni N ursery Co.. Salem. Or.
BIG money for photo coupon agents: new fea
ture; big money for rustlers, may or gen
tleman. Call 719 Swetland bldg. '
LTVB agent to sell photo coupons; something
HAW, Davis 42 3a Washington U
AGENTS wanted to aid us supply th dt-
maud for choice nursery stoca; outxit
free; cash weekly. Address Capital City
Nursery- Co., Salem. Or.
We furnish the renter, collect the rent,
pay taxes, insurance and keep up repairs,
the same for you as though the property
was our own; references, any bank in
245 H Stark St.
Phones A 3300. Main 35.
WANTED To rent 3 or 4 -room furnished
cottage or flat by man and wife with 2
children 4 and 7 years old; location no
object, if good. Address, with price, W. R.
K., 531 Everett st.
WANTED Centrally located residence to
convert into ciuo nouse; long lease. An oi,
MAN and wife would care for small home
ri urlng Summer. AK o?. Oregonian.
A part men ts.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, mod
ern, reasonable; state price. AN OS, Ore
gonlan. Rooms. .
WANTED For club purposes, two (or more
niture for these purposes, too. AF 68,
YOUNG man wants a furnished room. A. Lv
64, Oregonlan.
Rooms With Board.
REFINED Jewess wishes board and room in.
private Jewish family; would act as com
panion If husband Is absent; term xnod-
erate. It ;;, uregonian.
BOARD and room in private family by
young man ; 20 minute3 from posioxfice;
state terms, v u, uregonion.
A REFINED young business woman desires I
reasonaoie board. oive iuu particulars.
ak, oi, uregonian.
Furnished Room.
ANGELA HOTEL 15 Washington street,
between 19th and loth. Juml completed.
the cosiest. completes and. up-to-datei hotel in the city. The ground
floor office is finished in real mahogany.
xnaxbl and tile, 1 spacious and hanoome;
elevator servlce orivaLe telephou ex
change, steam heat, hot and coid water
in aU rooms, many with baths and wall
beds, and ia aplendidly fur untied. The
rent 1 very mo aerate, rroom irom 515 per
month up. W iiy not get toe best for your
money? Now open, ruonu by the day. week
or month. Phone Alarsnau xaov.
JUfaT OFENti); uew, MODKKN brick
feutlUing; hue large ground-Uoor oince; hot
and cold running water in all rooms;
steam heated: unvate baths; vry rieniy
furnished. Rates only Jj and up per
week; ouc up per day. Call ana fcee u.
Northeast corner Fix la and uiisaa at.
Homelike. Homeuae. He me like.
7th and Ankeny at.
Free was tneir depot ca-rriao.
I took It on the sput;
There ma b other fcouea just a good,
A quiet home for quiet people.
Everything new; large, airy room, sin
gle and with bath; telephone In every
room, service free; rate by the day, WeJt
or month; aiso unxurnisneo. ruum.
MKb. JulE aMITH. Manager.
THE- BARTON, 13th and Alder. Is now un-
dereoine a. Lhoruuifh renovation: (0 team-
eLed. eiectrlc-ii til ted room, all outside.
Rate 76c cay; $10 month up. Suite with
ran 1x1 k a;tr 20 month up. Puuae aal
hath free. n ,
Fifth L. odd. City Hail. Phone Marshall
606 New, beautifully lurnished, hot, cold
water in every room, publio. and private
baths; permanent, transient.
HOTEL. SARGENT, Cor. Grand ave. and j
Hawthorne Phone East
qi Mnnxtnr virv room. Private baths.
elevator, first-class grill. Special rates by
week or month. American or European.
Transients solicited. ;
Modern furnished or unfurnished apart
ments, single or en suite, central, rea
sonable; bummer transient or permanent
rates. MILNER 1LDG., auuft Aiorrtson.
212 Oak st., coiner Sixth. Large, light.
airy rooms, elegantly turnisbed, electric
lignts, running water; low rates.
Washington aad 17th, hrst-ciaas furnished
rooms, wngle or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3weekly up. A 2047, M. 6647.
All outside rooms; hot and cold water.
steam heated; $3 and up per week. Grand
ave. and Last Asn.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts., well
furnished sleeping room 2.&i per wee.;
electrio light, hot bath nee.
THE MANSION Elegantly furnished rooms.
modern, beautiful grounds, suitable for
Eentleman,walking distance, 6th-J eflerson.
TH33 DELMONTQ, 20th and Washington; ele
gantly furnhhed rooms; modern, pnonea and
baths-; ween up.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327
& tar k, corner otn. mia. mauu imaa.
Grand ave. and E. Stark,
$2.50 up.
THE Yamhill House, nice rooms, 2.50 week
and up; nicest location in city. yam-
hill, corner west farK.
week. 64SVa Wa-shlngton
FURNISH ED roo m. Elm Place. formerly
11 ton court Annex. iamnui ana lxtn.
NEWLY and nicely furnished room ; rent
reasonable. The White House,2 1 o Mill st.
VERY nice, light rooms, $1.50 to $4 week;
nee pnone, oatn. a orin mn.
Unfurnished Rooms.
THREE unfurntehed rooms. 2O0 13th st.
I-'urnished Rooms la Private 1'amlly.
A CHRISTIAN Scientist business woman
would like another student to share large,
well furnished front room; Christian
Scientist family; two beds; references;
walking distance. 501 Fourth st.
NEW furnished rooms, walking distance.
near carline, from $2 to $a per week; hot
and cold water, bath, telephone. 64 GU-
san. near 2lsL. hone Marshall 1015.
JUST right for two or three chums; large
room with alcove and porch ; also single
room; nicely lurnisnea; central location.
Main DJoJ.
FRONT room, private family, bath,- walk
ing distance; East Side. Phone B 2042
morning or evening.
LARGE well furnished double and single
bedrooms, ait moaern conveniences, rea-
sonable. 7S7 Glisan.
FRONT alcove room for one, two or more
if aesireu wnn piano; rreo Datn, pnone,
neat. -u x-in, near eaimon.
NEAT, newly furnished rooms, private resi
dence, lit J litn, 1 blocks irom Mor-
LARGE, well furnished bay-window room.
private, wanting uiatance iiua zza. st. .
FURNISHED room, private family, 187
North loth st.
FOR RENT Two newly furnished
phone and bath. H5 North 2oth st
roo mo;
1 LARGE furnitfhed room
po r c h . Phone Sell wood 3d.
with sleeplng-
FURNISHED rooms; modern conveniences -walking
distance. 28 North 16th st.
NEAT room, close in, $10 per month. 26S
lth st.
MOELT-furnished front room with board for
two gentlemen. 00 w imams avenue.
2 DESIRABLE" rooms" in modern homo for
two nice young men. 540 Hoyt st
LARGE front room- with porch, bath and
phone; references. 327 Seventh, st.
NICELY furnished room,
iences, ?i. 333 11th st.
A 775S,
NICE front room, suitable for two. 149 10th
st.. near Morrison.
NICE front room, bath, very reasonable,
good location, walking distance. 43a 5th.
NEATLY furnished front bedroom, $9 ' per
month. 266 12th st.
NICELY furnished rooms; suitable for one
or two persons, from $2 up. 2S9 11th st.
Koonw Wita Boartt.
PORTLAND Women" 0 Union. 23d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and library.
C10 Flanders st. Miss France N. Heath.
upt- .
Rooms With Board in yrivate Family.
NEWLY furnished rooms, with board. 503
K Oak, cor, l.'th. B 2019.
TWO splendid clean rooms, with choice
board. t 761 Marshall at.
FXNB large modern rooms for two, with board,
$3 week. 261 13 th et.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
TWO nice rooms, with or without breakfast;
oatn, pnone, electric ugnta, use ot piano,
beautiful location; private family; walking
distance; reasonable. 147 East 12th St., bet.
Morrison and Belmont.
LARGE front room, running water, beauti
ful grounds; exceptional good table board;
ideal place for Summer. DO East Sth est.,
rornor or Washington.
LARGE bay window room with modern con
veniences, suitable for 2: will serve oreaa-
fast and evening dinner. Main 77S5.'
A NICE home for young lady to room and
ooard with mother and grown aaugnter. 40
College. Main 4427.
LARGE front uite, with board; newly fur-
nisned, electric lights and running water.
A i - single room. 2Q4 N. 2d st.
TO communicate with gentleman desiring
to Join bachelors co-operative houseKeep
lng club: references. D 4 7, Qrogonian.
10.H Comfortable, clean room with mod
ern conveniences, homelike, will serve
breakfast and evening dinner. Main 77S5.
LARGE furnished rooms, with board; home
cooking; phones; bath; all conveniences. 107
ltjth st., near Flanders.
NEATLY furnished front room, with board.
for 2 gentlemen; Scandinavian preierrea. n
N. Rjth st., bet. Stark and Burnslde.
HOME cooking.
reasonable rent. Phone
Main 7016.
704-706 Hoyt St.,
Ttel ween 21st and 12 2d.
New brick apartment house will be
ready for occupancy Jul 1. Two. 3 and 4 ;
room suites, completely furnished; extra
larea rooms. esieciallv desirable for bum-
Tier, being equipped with electric and flre
ie.s cookers, built-in ice boxes, electric
lifts, large sleeping porches. The best
equipped house in city; reference required.
r or reservations phone Marshall 1S4 1.
4S9 Clay St.. second house from 14th,
the onlv modern conmletelv furnished 2-
room apartment-house In the city; h,ouse
and elegant furniture. D rati a new; jui
opened for business; steam heat, electric
lifiht hot and cold water in every apart
ment; private phone, bath; walking dis
tance. $18-$25. including light. Seo them
now before they are gone and take your
choice. al arshall 20 1 4.
Cor. Grand ave. and Stark St,
New fireproof brick building, beautiful
ly furnished two and three-room apart
ments, private baths, wall beds, larg
clothes closets; plenty of hot water; bum-
mer rates, r'none Ja; auu.
Place, bet. ISth and 20th. near Washing
ton: newlv ooened: modern: electrio ele
vator, phones, janitor service, outaida
porchea Tbeso apartments are elegantly
furnished In 2, I ana 4 rooms; Summer
HEINZ apartments, 14th and Columbia; 4
oiocKs south irom aioirison si.; new uirk ,
building, completely first-class; furnished
In 2. H and 4 room family apartments,
private bath, receotion hall, strain heat.
hot water, elevator, free phone, janitor
service; rent Irom $20permoutn ana up.
Finest in the city: electric elevator, vestl-
bue in each apartment; private telephones;
private bath, poroelain-llned refrigerators;
Garland stoves; 40 to $j5 per month. Call
thla week.
Beautiful 4-rooui apartments for rent on
the ground tloor. all furnished, with pri
vate bath and janitor service, in walking
distance from business district, including
steam heat. Phone Main 1240.
Elaborately furnished 3 -room apartments,
all modern convenience, large shady lawn
cool verandas, janitor; rent reasonable.
walking distance. 624 Marshall iU; take
"W" car. Main 6032 or A 3101.
P.flT WASHINGTON ST. Best 3 -room apart
ments in city; all rooms outsiae; janitor
service, hot and cold water, iree pnunes.
heat and conveniences of a modern apart
ment; rent reasonable.
JULY 1. Beautiful unfurnished 5-room front
ian ment with all mouern conveniences;
steam heat, hot and cold water, phone, gas
range, refrigerator, gas. electric li&nt,
janitor service, etc Phone A 1133.
Strictly modern, large room and three
closets to every apartment; cool and airy
for Summer. tiyi Lovejoy L Take W
"ONEONTA" APARTMENTS, 187 17th. near
Yamhill (W car aUUepot). 2. 3 and 4-rooxn
furnished suites: hot and cold, phones and
baths free, $20 per month. $5 per week
and up. Main 40Ui. A 43w.
Washington sts., a-roora apartments, nave
every modern convenience, including steam
heat, hot water, private bath, free phone
ana janitor service; rem vwy reaaonapie.
FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, modern
in pverv particular : emum-imuLu. not
water, janitor services, with nr&t-claas
furnishings. Apply to Janitor, 60S Kear-
pey st.
FOR RENT 4 -room furnished apartment.
Including piano,- for July ana August; o
minutes walk from postoitice; no enn-
d r e n. Phone Main 5 4M0; M a i n 5 5 $ '2
MODERN 3 and . 4 -room apartments, fur
nished and uniurnisnea ; private vestiouie
and bath, elevator service. Ionian court.
570 Court st.
FOR RENT Steam-heated apartment, three
rooms, reception nan ana Datn; completely
furnished; aiso piano; ajnejiuiu iuculiou,
no ch il dien. T 00. Oregonlan.
FOR RENT during1 Summer, a nice, cool
furnished corner apartment; price reason
able. Inauire Madison park Apartments,
Park and Madison.
VERY desirable unfurnished apartment or
suites in -Vl a u is 011 rarii Auaniueiua,
strictly modern; automatic elevator serv
ice. Corner jarit ana aihuisoh. uam oojo.
xionERN anartments of 3, 4 or 5 rooms, in
cluding ail moatrn conveniences, 90 aau
up. Cor. 21st and Northrup. Telephone
Main 1939.
twit, w RSTFAL. 410 Gth St.. furnished and
unfurnlshca apartments; private oatns anu
phone; elevator and Janitor service; runts
reasonable. Phone A 2033.
For housekeeping in suites. $12 and up; i
hot water, tree uatns, ucsl-cijuhv.
Washington, cor, -t-u.
FOR RENT Furnished unltl September 1,
my v ery nuu -x-i uum uti apanuicoi;
references. Apply apt. 5, Madison Paric
bl E A A -HEAT ED 6-room apartment, mod
ern and desiraoie; aza n,vurett at. Apply
Morgan, i'leidner & Boyce. 603 Ablest ua
Elegantly rurnisneu sroom apartment;
strictly modern; 3 minutes' walk from
pofctoffice. Both phones.
JEFFERSON 2 and. 3-roomed modern fur
nisnea, aiittriiiiei3 wi Miming, w a-ier ana
piano. 20 and $25. 10th and Jefferson.
4-ROOM furnished flat; beautiful neighbor
hood ; T minutes x-ui.oii.icw; nice lawn; only
reaponaihle people neea answer. iti iutn gt.
520 AND $25. 2. 3 and 4 rooms, with bath.
furnisnea aim uiuui udhcu, tuuite ioca
' tlon. East 5043.
FURNISHED apartments, including piano.
The Morton, w asn. ana iiing sts.
Modern furnished apartments. East 5465.
King and Wayne sts. Apply to janitor.
4 AND 5 rooms. 525 and $J7..i(J. Corner East
1 y t h an d Yamhill. Kas t03 81.
FOR RENT St. Clatr, 715 Wayne St., mod
ern 6-room apartment, phone Main 4930.
UNFURNISHED 3-room apartment; rent
$18. Inquire 225 Market st.
THE MARLBOROUGH, 6-room apartment;
also 5-room furnished apartment. Main
MODERN 6-room flat on Portland Heights,
$20. W. H. Poweil, ioard of Trade
bldg. j
$10 ilodern 4-room flat, with norches and
basement; airy and sunny ; adults. 70
Williams ave. fnone woooiawn 420.
Modern 5-room upper fiat;
adult, fea
E. 15th. near Belmont.
WHEN movlnr call up Van Horn Trmosfac
Co. Main 1018, A 2084. All covered wag
4in. all experienced men.
ELEGANTLY furnished flat, 6 rooms, light.
airy; sleeping porch if desired; lawn.
llowcrs. sod nm. m inquire j ij noamey-
fdr RKNT Two new, modern lower flats
. of six rooms eacn; aiso tw ,uupers of 7
rooms each. E. 17th and Belmont sts
FOR RENT Fine 5-room flat, modern and
a corner. 22d and Kearney sts. Phone
Main owner.
NEW 5-room corner flat, strictly modern,
choice location; key 355 6th.
6-ROOM modern upper flat. 607 Belmont :
st. 807 Dekum bldg. Phone Tabor 1008.
MODERN 5-room upper flat, 624 East Stark,
near intn et. riiung vwuian 000.
MODERN 5-room flat; good attic and base-
ment. 4iJ m st.
NEW flat for rent. W. Reldt, 401 Roth-
chlld bid g. M ain 15 0 5
739 OVERTON ST. Modern flat. 6 sunny
rooms . cinjiuo a.i 11 -J.
MODERN 5-room flat, Sth, near Jackson;
West Side, easy walk. Main or A 1223.
4-ROOM lower flat. 12th and Belmont; key
FOR RENT New ana sunctly modern
rtom flat on 20th and Laurel sul Port
land Height, rent 40. Apply
85 Fourth st-
FOR RENT Modern 5 -room lower flat. 630'
Marshall st. ; rent $27. K. Apply
85 Fourth St.
FOR RENT Good 5-room fiat. 4.S7 Davis
st.; rent a-ju. Apply
85 Fourth St.
New, modern, attic room : best location
in city. Inquire 175 16th, West Side, cor.
UPPER 6-room unfurnished flat, modern.
'all light or wm rumisn to suit tenant.
CtiO Hoyt. Phone Marshall 1223.
UP-TO-DATE, modern upper flats of T
rooms ; cnoice location. z,ia ana j onnson
stg-: rent S35. C. H. Korell. 2w0 Stark st.
MODERN 5-room flat. Inquire 420 6th.
Hoosekeeplng Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. Fur
nishod for nouseKeeping, gas ranges, eiec
flc light, hot water, bath, laundry, all
free; $13 per month up; a clean place; best.
In the city for money; short distance from
Union Depot. Take "S" or ldth st. cars
north. get off at Marshall st. No dogs.
nished or unrurnisnea nouseKeeping apart
ments, single or ensuite; reasonable; cen
tral; Summer, transient or permaneta
rates. "MILNER BLDG.," 350 H Morrison.;
WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, 2 $
month; 3 for 12, rurnished cottage, large,
rooms. J20; lower flat, 4 rooms, $18. 304
20th, North (west side river). W car from
depot. 5th, Morrison to 20th; block north.
-TWO desirable unfurnished housekeeping;
rooms; walking distance; west csiae.
! $2 WEEK Clean, furnished housekeeping;
rooms; launary. cam, pnone, gaa, ncw
yard, clean linen.. 40o Vancouver ave.
THE DEL.MONTE, 20th and Washington; 2-
room apts.. xurniaheo; ail conveniences; ait
to $22.
401 EAST Morrison, corner East Sth; com
pletely furnisnea nouseKeeping room.
THREE nice.
clean housekeeping rooms,
l Alder st. -
close in. 4.
LC0 week, large, clean turn, housekeeplns
rooms ; launury. oatn, gm- 0 pnrw
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, fur-
nighed. 191 14th St.; transient solicited.
$1.50 and $2 per week, clean furnished.
nousoKeepiii g. uesmo iwubc, trx nu..
TWO-ROOM suite, furnished.
$12 up per
month. 87 Kusseii at.
11.16 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms
beat, launarv. ttntn. manion. -u - cm-r
Housekeeping Boo ma in Prlvat a Family.
6L"ITE of 3 well and completely furnished.
housekeeping rooms aownstairs, iu.ou to
careful renter; 2 well-furnished housekeep
ing rooms upstairs, $5. Renters have use
.of parlor, garden,, yard. Near car. Phona
Red 52.
SL'ITa of elegantly furnished front rooms.
suitable for light nouseKeeping or oacuewi
apartments, in a quiet modern home, witbi
all conveniences and use oC piano. 62S Mor
rlaon st. Main S8U9.
FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeeping1
rooms, clean, moaern. private iamuy. km
range, phone, rent $25; walking distance.
Phone East 1203. Apply before 4 P. M.
Kfl East frth st.
SWELL housekeeping rooms, beautiful lo
cation; walking distance; yara, oam.
phone, laundry, gas range, hot water. 65tl
FIRST floor of cottage, furnished, newly
tinted, well-lighted, good yarn, central lo
cation; reierences. Phone A 1000, 26 N.
DOUBLE parlors, kitchen, nicely furnished
for housekeeping; moaern; no cniiaren.
515 20th st., Portland Heights.
TWO nicely furnished rooms for housekeep
ing; gas. batn, pnone. rent reaaunauic, u v
children. 620 E- Morrison. .
FOR RENT 3 nicely furnished house
keeping rooms at 74y Grand ave. in or in.
Phone Main 2410.
$4.75 WEEK Nicely-furnished suite, run
ning water, bath, lovely yard. 241 15th
TWO very desirable outside furnisnea
housekeeping rooms, reasonaoie. -o i
man st. .
ON Portland Hts., fine, partly furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas. water and phone
Included. 4S0 21st, bet. Clifton and Myrtle.
NICELY furnished rooms for Usht house
keeping; bath and telephone. . 46 North
21st st.
600 "HAWTHORNE Three swell furnished
rooms, light housekeeping; gas, bath, mod
ern; adults. East 342d. -
FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping;
modern conveniences. S2 East l)th. phono
East IPS. . .
VERY desirable location, beautiful shade;
also transient rooms. 32 11th st. North.
NIOELY-furnlshed housekeeping rooms, 67
N. 14th st.. between Davis and Everett.
FRONT alcove furnished for housekeeping;
bath and phone. 450 YamhilL m
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, reason
able; close in. 30S Columbia st. ,
ONE large room, also sleeping porch. Phone
Soil-wood 3G.
NICELY furnished room,
Aences. ?9. 33 11th st.
modern conven
A 7753.
lit ouse.
WHEN you move you'll aeed ww furniture.
Buy It Judiciously and the saving will ex
ceed your mov tng expense.
Our NO-RENT PRICES made na on ot
the largest furniture. houe la the cltyt 1
two year a
Looker show same courtesy as buyer.
a-7& Grand Ave., Cor. Bat Stark AC
at A&keay and Kussell-bhavar carllaMl
pass our door-
We have a new, 7 -room house, modern in
every particular; hardwood floors, sieepina;
porch, Dutch kitchen, combination fixtures,
new shades, that we will rent to only re
sponsible parties at $40 per month.
13. 035, cor. 2::d and Brazee.
MODERN flat, 54o hi Sixth street. Fine
large rooms on second floor and two ljn
lshed rooms in attic; splendid light in all
rooms; lawn in front and rear; rent $30
ino children). Telephone from A. M.
to r P. M. Main 705.
WHY pay rent when we will build for you
on a small cash payment and the balance
like rent? We have the lots to build on.
For full particulars, write D 67, Orego-
nian. :
HOUSES, flats and apartments for rent.
S. WV Cor. 0th and Washington Streets.
TO RENT -Strictly modern 7 -room house,
first-class condition; corner; 434 Oregon
ot., cor. East 7th North. Call up owner
Tabor I S00- .
NEW, 6-room house, 903 Commercial st. ; all
modern conveniences, uiwiu ii-m
Jefferson High School. Apply &30 Chamber
of Commerce or phone A l5o
MODERN-ll-room house, on Couch street.
between 10th and nm. one dioch num
Washington. Queen Inv. Co., 410 Failing
MODERN 6-room cottage, close in, 14 per
month. 667 Albina ave. leiepnouo wuou
lawn 362.
MODERN, desirable. 8-room house, close in.
3it0 San Kaxaei. near u uiuil u.w.
E. 105. C 1401. .
Xy RENT Modern house, 6- rooms, nrst-
class condition. lil t;asi t iwrvu,
ppar Oregon. Rent. $oO.
FOR RENT D-room modern nouse, iur-
nished or unrurnisnea. rnone -o.
5-ROOM cottage, $10 per month. 613 Cot-
lag 3 J- mvo- a. -1 .. .w.-.
FOR RENT Modern B-room house, E. 22d
and Main. can i J. aa'"'.
FOR RENT S-room house, modern. 4 iu
Irving st. fhone .Main ,-i.n ;
Mt. Tabor district; new, modern o-roora
Furninhed liouses.
NICELY furnisied 6-room lower corner flat;
all outside rooms; piano; from July 1. for
2 or 3 months. Phone Marshall' 120 1.
WELL-FURNISH ED house with piano, tine
location, lawn and flowers. Call 600 East
Salmon or pnone East' 1 S'0.
FURNISHED five-room cottage to responsi
ble party. 0 iJrescott su, oei. waijiauu
and Patton ave. .
MY home, 5 large, well-furnished rooms, at
tractive building, quiet residence location,
walking distance, adults. East 849. r
4-ROOM furnished flat; beautiful neighborhood-
7 minutes Postofflce; nice lawn; only
responsible people need answer. 307 10th st.
BEAUTIFUL six-room flat with sleeping!
porch, flnelv furnished. Nob Hill, walking
d i stance. 723 Kearney, phone Main 2350.
ELEGANTLY furnished 7-room house. Nob
Hill, for 1 year. Main 4134. 777 Johnson.
FOR RENT for the Summer. 5-room cot
tagfi. f u r n 1 f h e d. Phone C 2 0 09
IRVINGTON fl-room furnished nouse, new
July and August. Phone fc.aat.i4 1 u.
FURNTSHED 4-room cottage; electrio
lights . batn. central. inquire j.. a un.
FURNISHED house for July and August;
adults only. Phone M. 9."ti0, 735 Glisan st.
VERY cheap, 7-room furnished house, will
lease. Phone C 1132.