Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 20, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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$1500 10 acres timber land, 4 mile
Btcamboat landing, for confectionery.
f $15o0 15 acres. 1 mile from P. O.
Olympla, Wash., for property in or near
$500020 acres In high state of culti
vation at station on S. P. R. R., lft miles
from Salem Electric, for city property.
$7500 25-acre Roseburg fruit ranch for
Portland residence.
$15,0H Tualatin Valley farm, "a snap, '
Xor Portland Income property.
$16,500 100-acre Clackamas County
farm for Canada wheat land.
$60.0uo 013 acres choice fruit land for
Inside city property; this land if sub
divided would sell readily at $300 per
317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak.
Speed of boat 16 miles per hour; smolley
engine. 25 h.p. ; boat in elegant condition;
will trade for Portland real estate or close
in acreage. David Lewis. Room 2, Lumbermen-,
bldg.. 5th and Stark fits.
WILL trade for Portland property new 8-room
residence, 3 large lots, fruit and berries,
located at Myrtle Point, Coos County, Or.;
will trade for Portland real estate. Phone
Tabor 1018. .
GOOD lot, value S440; $175 paid on con
tract, balance payable $10 monthly; will
sell this equity cheap or trade for launch,
piano or motorcycle. H 56, Oresonlan.
$1100 CORNER, 100x100, $500 paid on con
tract, balance payable $15 monthly; to
trade for furniture or launch or something
of equal value. H 55. Oregonian.
WILL trade my $380 equity in a fine east
block in close-in, restricted residence prop
erty fur good automobile. AH 64, Ore
gontan. ,
417O0 EQUITY 5-room house, nearly new;
electric light, bath; 50x1 oo, corner; will take
acreage or vacant jots. Hatfield, 165ft 4th st.
JWILL exchange best apple land in Hood
River for 6-passenger auto. AB 61, Ore
gonian. . . .
WILLL trade by $380 equity in a fine east
front lot, balance $15 month, for good
diamonds. AH 62. Oregonlan.
WILL exchan se good Oregon property for
property tn Now York state. Laidlaw. 605
Commercial bldg.
PHOTOGRAPH gallery for auto, real estate
or millinery business. V 60, Oregonlan.
TOU can trade any kind of propsrur at
room 1019 lioard of Trad.
EQUITY in four lots for good work team
or auto. S 66. Oregonian.
REAL estate sold at owner's price only. List
your property. Confidential transactions so
lid tea.
6. W. Cor. 6th & Washington Sts.
WANTED-100x100 for warehouse, West
Side, with trackage. Owners or agents.
O J94 Oregonian.
2 WANT several thousand acres of cheap
Oregon land; give me your price and lo-
cation. I want a cash deal. . P 65, Ore
prinlan. ,.
IW1LL purchase tract of land near Port
land if price right and suitable for sub
dividing; give full details first letter;
want it now. R 68, Oregonian.
I HAVE gilt-edge Hood River subdivision;
will give liberal proposition to A-l real
estate firm to handle same. Address AB
62, Oregonian.
WANT to buy 2 or 8 adjoining lots on
East Side, close in; must be cheap. AG
44 Oregonian.
WILL you sell your lot at a fair price? If
so I can Bell it. W. J. Baker, 519 Board
of Trade,
30 4 McKar Tfldg.
820 ACRES, 2,500.000 feet of timber, 12
miles northeast of Roseburg, $7 per acre.
380 11th st. Main 49o.
WANTED Parties with portable mill to cut
three and a hair million zeet lumoer ana
ties. AH 61. Oregonian.
TIMBER CLAIM, 5.400,000 ft., on river,
near the bay, Tillamook Co. Price $3800.
Address AE 58. Oregonian.
WILL Durchase at once 500 million feet
merchantable timber as investment; must
be cheao: etve full details first letter: if
satisfactory will start preliminary this
week. R 66, Oregonian.
UMBtH lands wanted.
t4 McKay bldg.
Horses Vehicles and Harness.
iWby buy second-hand vehicles when you
can get a new one from an old-established
wholesale house. 44 years in Oraaon. at
almost the same cost 7 We axe located
outside the nigh-rent district, own our
building, and can make the orice. Ex
clusive agents for the old reliable line of
Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv
ery wagons, top buggies; runabouts and
farm wagons. Be sure and see us before
you buy. it may save you monsy.
R. M. WADE & CO..
. 822 Hawthorne Ave., bet. East 1st and 2d.
We are now located at the Portland
Union Stockyards.
We have on hand a good stock of mules
weighing from 1200 to 1400 lbs, that are
first-class in every particular; our prices
are in line with the ti Come and see
mm we win convince you.
Woodlawn 2400.
25 HEAD of young mares and geldings from
1O00 to 100O ib3. Some choice heavy
teams. 2 mares with Percheron colts: two
3-year-old rillles; several nice teams of
loUO lbs. ; chunks. These horses will all
'be sold as represented. W ill be on sale
Wednesday, June 23. at 334 Front st
Come and sec this stock and get our
OK SA K Horses, harness and wagons.
Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and
mares. If cot as represented they can be
reiurcao. w e aisq nave on naou several
delivery, farm, vegetaole and milk wagons
for sale. Hawthorne-ava. Stables, 420
. Hawthorne ave.
CENTLE horse that a woman can ride or
drive; also buggy and harness. Inquire
noDeria .tiros.. u ana -aornson.
UK balk standard-bred pacing mare
weight 1050 lbs., color brown. 7 years old
safe for lady to drive; this is a beautiful
animal; nice rubber-tired runabout and
harness. Phone Tabor 2304. 534 E. 50th st.
end or Hawthorne ave. car.
i$75 6-YEAR-OLD horse, weight about 900
lovely driver; not afraid of cars or autos,
Inquire 388 Glenn ave. . phone Tabor 38b,
AUCTION sale of horses, wagons, buureies,
harness, saddles and other things at 433
N. 26th St., Tuesday, 10 A. M. Inside of
gate. Can be seen any time.
JHKEE nice young horses, weigh about
1150 each, will sell one or all ciiean. In
quire 72 N. 14th st., between 11 A. M. and
" 1'. -M.
HUBERT & H ALL'S STABLES. 3S0 Front st.,
livery business, rigs, noises, harness, wag
iim, i or saie or rent.. .vi a l n .w.
STUDEBAKER phaeton, good condition
bargain. Smith, lop Sherlock bldg.
J BAY mare, 14o0 lbs.,( or trade for prop
y i i j . nt jl.. .q PL.
Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments.
FOR SALE CHEAP Electric piano, Dlavs te
tunes, party leaving city; must be sold,
Come at once. 04 N. 6lh st. Porter's Freak
VIOLINS, brass, reed and string instruments
repaired. Any piece made to order. H.
Godard. room 10. 142 ft 2d st.
PIANO, almost new, elegant condition, bar
gain; wortn $ou; pen lor 4iau; need money,
:.a pin t., near -vi
BEVEiiAL second-hand, automobiles, in fin
condition, for sale cheap. Some of these
machines are almost new. Information
will be mailed to you if not convenient to
call. Special Inducements offered out-of
town dealers.
522 Alder St.. Portland.
' Phones Main 2583; A 4044.
4TOR SALE At White garage, luxuriou:
Studebaker 7-passenger auto; carefully
usea since uecemDer, luvo; cost $3500
win iaae 2dvu at once. j. xi. .htriggs,
Lumbermena bldg.
FOR SALE 4-cylinder, 6-passenger, E. M,
F. 30 auto. 1909 model, fully eauiDDed: A-3
condition; $1160 on time, or $1050 cash. A
Pfcrgain. AC 44, tjregoniaji.
"-PASSENGER 60-H. P. Thomas Fiver. 1
good condition; just the car for stage line
or livery; ioou casn or installments, west
ern Auto to., 531 Aiaer st.
AN TED White gas or Packard car, not
particular about model or body ; chassis
ana motor must oe in gooa conamon.
57, Oregonian.
A FIRST-CLASS runabout, almost new, fo;
sale cheap at van Matso-iandy Auto Co,
503 Aider st.
fOR SALE Cheap, brand new Haynes
automobile at Hess & ounen, Last Union
ave. and Davis st.
4-CYL1NDER Cadillac model Q. in first
class condition: just overhauled and taint
ed; $000. Western Auto Co.. 631 Alder su
Birds. Dogs and Pet Stock.
LICE soon eat up your proits; kill this pest
quickly with conkey s Ulce fowuer, :ui
body lice; Lice Liquid, for ridding the
poultry house of mites, and Head Lice
Ointment, for little chicks. They are all
guaranteed. Routledge Seed & Floral Co.
101 2d st.
SAVE the little chicks from Indigestion,
diarrhoea, etc. Conkey s Cholera litineay
In the drinking water is guaranteed to
give satisfaction. Routledge Seed -c Floral
Co.. ICQ 2d st.
EOME very fine Airesdale terrier puppies.
i. v. woodward, phone seuwooa ium.
THOROUGHBRED collie pups for sale. Main
.M I scellaneous.
TENTS, all sizes, from $3.30 to $18; camp
stoves $1 to Jj.j, camp stools d.c, camp
chairs 50c to $1.35, cots $1.25 to $2.75,'
$35 Niagara steel range with water coil,
good as new, $22.50; cookstoves $6 to $15,
kitchen treasures $2, four-burner gas
ranges $S.50 to $12. extension tables $4.50
to $20. solid oak sideboards $7.50 to $30,
buffets $10 to $3u. dining chairs 75c to
$2.50. rocking chairs, 25c to $10. Morris
chairs (fine one), $7.50. library tables $3
to $10. center tables $1 to $S. sanitary
steel couch $4, wardrobe couch spring
edge $5. other couch $2.50 to $7.50. fold
ing beds $5 to $25, sewing machines $5
to $12.. decorated dinner sets .$4.75 to
$18.50. $50 polished oak roll top desk, 54
Inches. $27.5, flat top desks $!, revolving
office chair $4. rugs, carpets and linoleum
alt sizes. Come in and look through our
five stores of all sorts of new and fine
second-hand furnishings; all kinds of ex
changing allowed. .We sell on the Install
ment plan, too. Western Salvage Co., 027-620-631-633
and 635 Washington, corner
of 2ot st. Both phones, Main 1108, A
BOAT Speed IS miles, seats 8. fully
equipped. 1 8-horsepower engine; used 1
month. With or without boat house, best
bargain on river; cash or will trade for
Portland real estate or auto. AF 60, Gre-
ALLWIX folding go-cart, all metal, nickel-
piated trimmings, complete with top; im in
first-clai3 condition; cot $12.50; will .sell
for $6.Qo. Phone B 1190. .
FOR SALE Chandler & Price 23-inch hand
cutter. Chandler & Price lorL5 platen prefs,
used 18 months; a bargain. Allen Eaton,
Eugene. Or
ONE gasoline wood saw, complete. Phone
East 634, C 179S. A. J. Murphy, 4S1
Goldsmith st.
STOCK of decorations, novelties, jewelry, re
turn balls, canes, pennants, etc. iZ wasa
.lnqton st.
All sizes; low prices; easy terms.
SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines;
liberal terms; iu to JW. JNortnwest Type
wrlter Co-. M. 87J. 222 Ablngton bidg.
$50. Ask for catalog. Rebuilts $15 up. N.
M. Hayter Co.. WO 6th st. Mala 552.
FOR SALE Showcase, wallcases. counters.
cheap. No. 222 rand ave. raona Ease ftSs.
FOR SALE OR RENT Logging and hoist
ing engines. Hallway i-quipment Co., 74
1st st. Both phones.
FIRST-CLASS transf errable ticket to Seat-
t.e; limit June 2U, iuiu. fnone c 2tisa
231 Stark St. Main 14u. "
NOTES and mortgages bought and told. Na
tional Credit Asrn, 6ul Worcester b 1 d g.
600 BUSINESS CARDS $1 If you bring this Svd.
Rose City Prlntery, Bd. near Taylor.
HOUSEBOAT, nicely furnished, for sale
cheap. inquire 218 Oregonian bidg.
tables for sale. S3
Grand ave.
20 HEAD of choice tested dairy cows for
sale. A. S. Emerson, Kidgeneld. Wash.
FIN SU insulated cooler Xcr
aaie cheap.
Friedman. 2o 1st.
and second -hand.
Also fixtures.
Everett, cor 6th.
ONE new drophead Standard Rotary Bew-
ing macnine, y.'q aaa 1st st.
VIOLINS, ban joe. mandolins, guitars at naif
regular prices. Uncle Myers. 1 1 tita, st.
WANTED" To exchange graphophone rec
ords, can Juain luyi,
Highest price paid for men's cast-off
clothing and shoes. The Globe Second
band store. 290 First. Main 20 Su. We also
liuy ladles' clothing.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 62, N. ad at Main 9272.
CELL your second-hand furniture to the
jrord Auction Co. or you'll get less.
Phones: A 24-45: Main oUSl.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
anennon aiwaya given, jnc-ne L-ast Xuo7.
HIGHEST price paid for second-hand shoes
ana cictnes. fnone Marshall 1929.
WILL pay cash for organ, good condition:
stato price and make. B 63, Oregonian.
SECOND-HAND bath tub
wanted; state
price. R 6. Oregonian.
WANTED Paying store, city or
aooui iow. j? tw, oregonian.
GOOD, strong boy to make himself gener
ally useful at a boarditiE-iiouse nt th
beach. Call at 7 :3o P. M. 6?S7 Clackamas
su i-et.
VA:s lbD By publishing house, a man of
tact ana gooa uadress, to make collection
and deliveries; moderate salary and ad-
.vm n cement. W poster bidg. '
KA1LWA1 mail clerks, city carriers, clerks,
Portland, examinations announced J uly 13.
-reparation tree. j?ranKiin institute. Ddi
271P, Rochester, N. Y.
wa-simu .experienced janitor, for new
apartment-house; good wages; none others
need apply. Silverneld's, 4th and Morri-
sjn sts., atternoons.
WANTED First-class soda dispenser; must
be A-l man; references required. Address
crescent canay to., 0o2 Pacific ave., Ta
enma, Wash. .
1 BOOKKEEPER, 1 salesman, both lumber
experience; 3 bookkeepers and stenog
raphers. 313 M: Washington, room 18.
BOOKKEEPER and assistant credit man;
opportunity; state age, experience, ref
erences. R 65, Ore g onian.
WANTED A first-class stickerman, perma
nent position, good salary. Address A. M
.Ha nsen, Salem, Or.
$18 TO $35 week few months only learning;
situations guaranteed. Watchmaking-En-graving
School. Box 1S2. Ashland, Or. -
STENOGRAPHER Must be experienced.
Apply to dark & Wilson Lumber Co.,
Linnton. Or.
WANTED A young man to deliver and heip
in store at Concannon Grocery, 21st and
J oh nsoru
WANTED Experienced vestmaker and
pantsmaker. Call at S. Kirata, 55 N. 4th
street. '
A YOUNG man (emigrant) wishes teacher
for Summer time in English language, two
or three times in week. T Q7. Oregonian.
WANTED Rigging slinger. chaser and lum
ber pilers. Apply 735 Chamber of Cora
merce. FOUR men with teams to haul brick
Standard Brick & Tile Co., 40S Mohawk
WANTED Experienced man to run 4-inch
Royal Invincible sander. Chehalls Fir Door
DRUGGIST andaloctor, Al location; no op
position. C 62, Oregon lan.
WANTED Mattress makers. Carmen Mfg
Co.. 18th and Upshur.
WANT young man to distribute cards. Call
early. 228 Morrison st. ,
WANT young man: steady. Rice and Cocoa
Kitchen, 228 Morrison St., early.
A PANT and vestmaker; prices good; steady
job. A. L. Andrews, La Grande. Or.
YOUNG man for janitor and kitchen work.
554 Couch st.
BARBER wanted; first-class. Portland Hotel
Barber Shop.
PORTER wanted; good shiner, white boy.
Club Barber Shop, 575 Washington st.
FIRST-CLASS Bhort-order cook; night work.
Meves. 105 0th st.
WANTED First-class saddle hands and
. harness cutters. John Clark Saddlery Co.
WANTED Laborers. 30c per hour. East
12th and Irving sts.
BARBER wanted;
165 N. 6th st.
good man; steady job.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents;
new offer. Cutberth. studio Dekum bldg.
PATTERNMAKER wanted. Call 222 Commer
cial Club bldg.
WANTED Good, reliable, all-round reporter.
Apply ivioniing Astririan, Astoria, KJT.
HIGH-CLASS commercial
215 Commercial bldg.
salesman wanted.
BOY wanted for office work and as messen
ger. G 64, Oregonian. ,
WANTED Metal lathers, building laborers,
gnsollne engine man. E. Pine and 11th.
WANTED A dentist and barber.
have an exceptional opening for three
high-class. nwat-appearing salesmen to
represent the HE1XBACH IDEA A new
suit for every week. I dress MEN men
who are particular, men who want to
appear on the streets and at business
always dressed RIGHT right In STYLE
and FIT; right In FABRIC and WORK
MANSHIP. I put them in possession of
2, 3 or 4 suits IMMEDIATELY or as re
quired. I keep their entire wardrobe al
ways thoroughlv cleaned and neatly
pressed WITHOUT CHARGE. I provide
convenient down-town dressing-rooms
where gentlemen can change at leisure. I
have devised a scale of prices which di
vides the cost into 12 payments conven
iently arranged from $8.75 to $15 monthly.
- TATIVES. National Tailoring Co.. 291
Stark stret-
A $20,000,000 CORPORATION, with- splendid
money-making proposition irora very sian.
about to establish state and local offices
In every Western state, wants a state
manager each in California. Arizona. Ne
vada. Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, Utah,
Wyoming, Montana, Idaho. Washington,
New Mexico and Oregon to establish of
fices In all principal clcles in these states.
Men only of the highest executive ability,
energy and standing will be considered.
Nominal investment to insure fullest per
sonal interest will be required. Address
Atwood Wilshire, Secretary, care Hotel
Manx. San Francisco, with references.
WANTED Able bodied men for the TJ. 8.
Marine Corps, between trie ages of xv ana
35; must be native born or have first pa
pers. Monthly pay $3 5 to $60. Additional
compensation possibin.' Food, clothing.
Quarters and medical ettendance free.
After 30 years service can retire with 75
per cent of pay and allowances. Service
on board ship and ashore In all parts of
the world. Appy at Breeden bldg-. Port
land. Or.
"WE want first-class salesmen for this city
and road, capable of approachicg business
and profesaional - men on a proposition
having unusually strong and unique sell
ing features. Under our system of per
sonal t ruining our men are making from
$4o to $100 a week; permanent position to
right men ; references required. For in
terview address AB3. Oregonian.
Y. M. C A. Tne friend of the young man
aud stranger. Hearty welcome and j;ood
counsel are yonrs, without cost. Constant
call for men who can do something well.
Special Employment Membership aisure3
employ meat. After you have seen the
other fwiiow, see us before you invest
n monf.y.
MEN wanted for firemen and brakemen on
nearby railroads; ae IS to 35; experience
unnecessary; no strike; permanent employ
ment : iiremfn S 1 i m m rr t i 1 v. hrnk(mpti S7.T:
promotion to engineers, conductors; 4H men
sent to positions monthly; state age; send
stamp. Railway Asscciatiun. care Oregonian.
0.000 POSITIONS Tor graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade la
8 weeks, help to secure oromotlon; gradu
ates earn from $16 to $25 weekly: expert
instructors ; tools free ; write for cata
logues, Mohler System of Colleges, 33
North 4th st.. Portland.Or.
International Correspondence Schools have
the course you need; text -books free; answer
and drawing paper.
107 Mdiquam bldg.
-McKay mag.
WANTED Two first-class, high-grade wire
less stocK salesmen ; only those who can
deliver the goods need answer. A-l con
tract that will net $500 per month up
ward to producers. Call 708 Board of
Trade bldg.
BOY or man who Is at school or employed
during day, to milk cow ana ao otner
chores night and morning for room and
board. Will pay wages for one day's work
each week . AN 57. Ore g o man.
MEN to sell tropical Mexico land ; grows
citrus fruits without irrigation; low price;
easy terms ; liberal commissions ; free trip
to inspect land on special train J uly 20.
M 65. Oregonian.
tOU.NO MEN wanted to prepare for railway
mall clerks, poatoffice clerks, carriers, etc
Write or call for Book So. it's free. Paciflo
fctates School. McKay bldg.. Portland. Of
WANTED A young man, experienced as as
sistant bookkeeper and general ortice work.
Must have good references Apply Nor
trtnia Hotel.
SALESMAN to call on doctors. Established
trade. Clean, well-paid work for hard
worker. Also one for Central Oregon. P. O.
Box 121, Philadelphia.
WANTED A Swiss man and wife who un
derstands stock and farm work, to go on
a good stock farm. Apply C. Minsinger, 203
Board of Trade,city. j
WANTED All kinds of good acts, singers
and musicians. Call Newman's Vaudeville
7ircuit, 526 Washington st.
WANTED-: A gents, male and female ; good
pay; easy proposition. 319 Board of Trade.
FltiK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers gooa
positions to A-l instructors. 611 S wetland.
WANTED A well educated, forceful Woman
with tact for special work along educa
tional lines; splendid opportunity for a
teacher desiring employment during the
,- Slimmer; opportunity for permanent po
sitlon and advancement. T v,s, Oregonian.
WANTED One first-class seamstress, lady
marker, good Marcher, 12 girls to work in
mangle room from 5 P. .M. until 12 mid
night ; good wages. Call at Portland Laun
dry, 9th and Couch EtG.,,Sunday and Monday.
WANTED Experienced woman as manager
of dining-room and kitchen in institution ;
business references required. Apply Young
Women's Christian Ascociatlon ; hours - lu
lo 4.
WANTED Thoroughly experienced saleslady
in dry goods and ready-to-wear; state ex
perience and salary. Emporium, Toppen-
ish. Wpsh.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework., good wages, willing to go to
Co.n-t. X!)5 10. 1 2th st. N- Broadway car.
WANTED Head waitress, also two exper
ienced waitresses. The Hill. 23d and Wash-
Incton sts.
' '- v " ' 1
WANTED Capable girl for second work;
references required. 445 Morrison st., cor
ner 12th st.
LADY stenographer and "assistant book
keeper; state fisilarv expected ; give ref
erence. S 07. Oregonian.
& LADIEJS between 20 and 35 years for shoot
ing galleries; steady work, good wages. Ap
ply Oaks Gallery.
WANTED A capable girl for general house
work. Apply at 721 Johnson st ; 10 to 12
A. M. or 7 to S V. M.
GIRL for general housework; smaii family;
good wages. 210 E. 55th su Phone Ta-
bor 1627.
WANTED Two girls wanted to sew mat
tress ticks. Carmen Mfg. Co., 18th and
NURSE girl wanted for 2 children. Call at
Beverly Restaurant, Park and Yamhill
GIRL for general housework: experience not
necessary. 257 N. 22d St., corner of North
rup st.
WANTED Middle-aged woman to care for
elderly woman. 732 Fern ave., near Pat
ton Road. Portland Heights.
WANTED Woman In 12-room transient
roomii -house; permanent posit ion for
right pnrty. Address S OS. Oreoni:tn.
WANTED Girl for general housework,
wages $40 to competent girl. 770 Flan-
d ors.
WANTED Experienced cashier.
h;s Cafeteria, 125 0th st.
St. Nicho-
"W ANTED Girl. Portland Dairy Lunch, 123
1st st.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
Apply 002 Hancock St., Irvlngton.
WANTED A girl for light housework, fam-
ilv of two. 5SQ Couch, near isth.
WANTED Short-hour waitress. 386
son st.
WANTED Dining-room girl in a hoarding
house .350GUansuPhoneA 4402.
FINISHERS on men's neckwear. Columbia
Neckwear Mfg. Co., 2Q1 Stark. .
small family.
for general
000 Hoyt st.
housework in
NEAT, quick waitress wanted. Stein's Res-
tnurant. 122 14th st.
GERMAN or Scandinavian girl, 2 in family,
new bungalow; good home. Phone E 5810.
GIRL to assist in housework and go to
beach. 562 Gllsan st.
EXPERIENCED chambermaids at the Im-
p eria 1 Hote 1 .
GIRL for general housework, pleasant home,
good wages, small family. Call 766-4.
WANTED A lady pastry cook. Woodlawn
WANTED Lady to do cleaning and pressing
as partner or on salary. Wooillawn 27;6.-
GIRL WANTED for housework; no children;
iif washing. 777 Hoyt st.
GIRL to assist with housework daily,
home. 260 14th st. South.
GOOD plain cook where there is
girl. 274 N. 25th st.
W ANTE D Cook ;
Main 1091.
colored woman preferred.
WANTED Experienced girl for general house
work. Apply room 201 Oregon lan bldg.
GOOD competent girl frr general house
work. Phone Main S9S6-
GIRLS, 16 years of age and over, to work
in bag factory. Apply at once. AMES
HARRIS NEVILLE CO., 5th and Davis sts
GIRLS over 16 years of age to work in mo
hair factory; good pay while learning and
up to per day when expert.
Sell wood.
STENOGRAPHER Experienced young lady,
one thoroughly competent and who has
had some office experience; good salary to
right partv. Apply Monday, 2 P. M.. Con
solidated Piano Mfr's Adv. Bureau, 304
Macleay bldg.
WAInTLi.' Uiii iur eret'al nousework; must
be a good cook; go 3d wages, modern house
tnd family of three. SoO North run St.,
c nrrpr j 1 1 h. .
HOUSEKEEPER, refined, middle-aged wo
man, in family of three adults, in- good
country home ; must be good cook ; per-
munent place. i AC 57, Oregonian.
Stenographer and bookkeeper: state sal
ary expected and give references Ad
rtress P. O. Drawer 727. Portland. Or.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework; must be good cook; family of
3 adults; good wages. Apply 689 Flan
ders, forenoons. ,
GIRL or woman to take a little girl to doc
tor office every day; car fare paid; one
who would like children. Call at 255 Hol-
laday ave.
AMBITIOUS, energetic woman over 25 for
position with wholesale house; .experience
unnecessary. F 61, Oregonian.
WANTED A girl to do housework at beach
cottage for private family; good wages.
Ap ply 735 Irvin g at., near 2&d.
WANTED Cook in private family; good
wages. Phone Monday to Main yo-, a
8ft c 5.
4$H Washington St.. Cor. 7th. Upstairs.
Phone Main 262.
COMPETENT woman Xor cooking svnd
housework; no heavy work. 315 East 16th
st. North, cor. Halsey Irvlngtoncar.
WANTED Girl for general housework; Nor
wegian, Swedish or Finnish preferred;
evenings free. 421) Yamhill st.
SIMS. HOWE a L.Ai-'lcs' AiSNCI,
2tiia Wasnmioa St.. Room 307.
Main fcKStt nr A 3266.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework, family -or two, light work,
pleasant home. Fhone Maln0u06.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework, family of 2- Portland Heights.
Phone Main 715 or A 4258.
WANTED Competent girl lor general house
work and cooking; private family at Sea
Birto; good wages. Phono B 1803.
GIRL for general housework and assist with
cooking; family going to beach July and
August. Phone Eart 403.
WANTED W oiiian 'or girl to assist with
general housework. Apply 69-4 Pat ton
road or phone M. JJ..
TWO body lroners and 2 collar rlrjs wanted
at U. S. Laundry Co., Grand av. and East
Yamhill st. -
WANTED Experienced waitress at once;
good wages. Acme .Restaurant; 91 N. 6th
s t reet '
v.;hu; t.t;iina, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 600 RoU
child bidg.. 4th and Washington.
FIRST-CLASS cook and baker for delicates
sen. Phone B 2510. Call E. 28th and Gll-
san sts. , , . ,
LESSONS In Shorthand and Typewriting by
expert; $5amontn. ow xtn. jaarnjJoaaL
EXPERIENCED cook for small country ho
tel. East 6647.
GIRLS wanted. Willamette Tent & Awning
Co.. Front ana uuni8iaa sis.
HELP wanted,
Union Laundry Co.. 2d and
FIRST-CLASS waitress. Meves. 105 6th st.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
LAWYER Aged 28, desires position with
title company or corporation where legal
training will be appreciated. In Portland
in July. A- W. Hendrickwon. Jr.. Osslning,
N. Y.
EXPERT accountant wants small sets
books to keep ; books opened, closed, bal
anced; terms reasonable. AJ 48, Orego-
nian. j
BOOKKEEPER. 1 years' experience, quali
fied to fill first-class position; strictly
temperateand steady. o ot, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER wants books to keep after
4 t. m. ; rates reasonaoie. v ei, ure
g onian.
BOOKKEEPER, expert in all branches, has
a couple of hours to spare daily. M 55,
A YOUNG, strong, honest German man.
speaks English, wishes work of any kind
in the city. G 60, Oregonian.
HOTEL MEN A-l hotej or restaurant man
ager wants position; city or country. J
04. Oreeonian.
YOUNG married man, 14 years" experience
groceries and general merchandise, wants
goodposition AG56, Oregonian.
YOUNG man desires place to work for
room and board before and after school.
Address H. P. B., 148 5th st.
YOUNG man, aged 20, wants a position to
work after school from 6 to 12 P. M. J 47.
A YOUNG man wants position as janitor;
. strictly sober and trustworthy ; best of
References. S 65. Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants portion to do house
work and help cook. S OH. Oregonian.
JAPANESE cook want position in private
family. M 0361. 1 21 N. 15th.
EXPERIENCED Japanese wants situation at
housework. AG 30,Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants situation In pantry
of hotel or restaurant. AD 55, Oregonian.
Hook keep erg and Stenographers..
STENOGRAPHER, with wide experience and
. college education. Stenographer, 322 E.
35th st.
GIRL, having considerable office experience,
can operate typewriter. C 175.
EXPERT lady stenographer desires posi
tion afternoons. R 61, Oregonian.
AN experienced lady stenographer desires
position. Phone Main 6121.
DRESSMAKINK, day; Miss Chisholm.
Phones M. and A lo40. Call Sunday 1 to
2; evenings 7 to 8. .
STYLISH dresses, $5 up; waists, $1 up; fine
work; references. 520 E. Mill st. East 525a
vrt-L.w.r- ureturiirtK .n. rsr.ord. .126 't. VVa
tcrton st.. gulro 216. Main 8A A 33s 1.
LADIES tailoring alterations, coats rs lined.
Mrs. Muckler. 430 Columbia St. A 470$.
.MIDDLE-AGED experienced practical nurse;
d oc t ors references. Main 61-J .
PRACTICAL nurse in all cases except ma
ternity. Phone E. 4018.
PHONE Tabor 2230 for experienced nurse';
doctors' reference. Terms reasonable.
PRACTICAL nurse; any case except ma
ternity accepted. Phone E. 4018.
WANTED By experienced lady, position as
housekeeper in hotel or rooming-house;
references given Phone Marshall 1207.
GERMAN lady wishes housework and care
of children; city or country. Call 347
Couch st. .
MOTHER and daughter desire situation
caring for rooming house, apartments,
place of trust; . must be permanent. R
57 Oregonian. t
A LADY, refined and capable, wishes the care
of infant or child under 10. Phone Sell wood
FIRST-CLASS cook and housekeeper wants
a position with family of means; refer
e n ces. K6Q. Oregonian.
RELIABLE Eastern woman wants work by
the day. Main S39S.
LACE curtains washed and stretched 40c
a pair. Phone Soli wood, 1301. B 2770.
CITY primary' teacher wishes governess poui
tin for Summer. Phone Main t'53Q.
NORWEGIAN lady wishes work by the day.
Phone A 3271.
TEACHER would like position as governess
'.or companion In family. K 61. Oregonian.
YOUNG LADY would like work in office;
not a stenographer, y 55, Oregonian.
AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de
mand for choice nursery stock; outfit
lree; cash weekly. Address Capital City
Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
LlVf) agents to sell photo coupons; something
new. Davis, 342 Washington st.
AGENTS make quick money handling our new
electric heaters; attachable to any current;
boils linuids in one minute; retails $2.00;
large profits. Write for exclusive territory.
Presto Electrical Manufacturing Co., 323
Geary St.. San Francisco. .
AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown
nursery stock is in demand: sales this
season will be immense: a flattering op
portunity; cash paid weekly; outnt fres.
Salem Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
ACTIVE canvassers can make $50 per week
easiiy selling trees for the Oregon Nursery
Co.. Orenco. Or. Good territory open; lib
eral proposition. Call or write to Orenco,
UNFURNISHED modern house, 7 to 9 rooms,
north of Washington St., walking distance,
by private family of adults; good references.
A? 03, Oregonian.
MAN and wife would care for small home
during Summer. AK 56, Oregonian.
Apart ments.
APARTMENTS. 4 or 5 rooms, West Side;
state price and location. AH . 06, ore-
gonian. -
Rooms With P osvrcL
WANTED By young couple, room and
board lor summer in country; easy
to Portland; give full description, price,
etc- T 65. Oregonian.
Fur-nits bed Rooms.
ANGELA HOTEL 625 W ashing ton street.
between 18th and 20tb. Just oampieteu.
the cosiest, completes! and up-to-datest
residence hotel in the city. The ground
floor office is tUi-shtd la real mahogany,
marble and tile, is spacious and haadeome;
elevator service, pri ate telephone ex
change, steam heat, hot and cold water
tn all rooms, many with baths and wall
beds, and is splendidly furnished. The
rent is very moderate, rrooms from $15 per
month up. Why not get the best for your
money? Now open, rooms by the day, week
or month. Phone Mara kail 195Q.
JUST OPENED; tew, MODERN brtclfc
uutluUng: fine large ground-floor ofhee; hot
and cold running water in all rooms;
steam heated; private baths; very richly
furnished. Rates only $3 and. up per
week; 50o Xk9 per day. Call and see us.
Northeast corner Fifta and Gli&an s;s.
Homelike. Homelike. Homelike.
7th anil Alike ny sts.
Free was their depot carriage.
I took it on the spot;
There, may be other houses Just as good.
1A. quiet home for quiet people.
124 14th. Cor. Washington st.
Everything new; large, airy rooms, sin
gle and with bath; telephone In every
room, service free; rates by tne day, week
or month; also unfurnished rooms.
MRS. JOS1E SMITH. Manager.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, Is now un
dergoing a thorough renovation; 70 steam
- seated, electric-lieuted rooms, all outside.
Rates 75c dkv: Mo month ud. Suites with
run sing water $20 month up. Pnones anil
bath free. -
312 Oak st,, corner Sixth.
- lleht. airy rooms, elegantly fur
nished, electric lights, running water; low
ifth st.. odd. City Hall. Phone Marshall
666 New, beautifully furnished, hot, cold
water In every room, publlo and private
baths; permanent, transient.
HOTEL SARGENT, Cor. Grand ave. and
Hawthorne Phone East
2flt rnnnectinr every roora. Private baths.
elevator, first-class grill. Special rates by
week or month. American or European.
JTransientsBo iiclted.
Modern furnished or unfurnished apart'
ments, single or en suite, central, rea
sonable: Summer transient or permanent
rates. "MILNER BLDG.." 350 V, Morrison,.
Washington aad 17th, Urat-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniencfcs; J weeaiy up. a jq. oa7.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts., well
furnished sleeping rooms 2.oo per week;
el &c trio iignts, not oatns tree.
THE MANSION Elegantly furnished rooms,
modern, beautiful grounds, suitable for
gentleman, walking distance, gth-Jefferson.
THE DBLMONT3, 20th and Washington; ele
gantly furnished rooms; modern, phones and
baths: wees, up.
THE BSTlfib uooo rooms, reasonable; new
f lirnituro, telephone and baths free. 32T
ptarK. corner oio. ma. wauu .
Grand ave. and E. Stark
$2. 50 up-
THE REX Modern rooms. $2-50 to $5 per
weeK. Dio wsnimtion bl.
FURNISHED rooms. Elm Place. formerly
Elton court Annex. i lamnni ana litn.
NEWLY and nicely furnished room; rent
reasonabie.;ine w nite douse, Mill st.
VERY nice, light rooms, $1.50 to $4 week;
free phone, bath. 2 North 14th. .
L'nf urn ishel Rooms.
T 1 1 REE unfurnished rooms. 2i6 13th st .
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
NEW furnished rooms,' walking distance,
near carllne, from $2 to $5 per week; hot
and cold water, bath, telephone. 684 Gll
san, near 2 1st. Phone Marshall 1615.
JUST right for two or three chums; large
room with- alcove and porch; also single
room; nicely furnished; central locatiou.
Main 5332.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room for gentle
man; hot and cold water. The Bralntree,
apt. 31, cor. 12th and Columbia. Phone
.Maln 7741. Refere news.
FURNISHED rooms and board in private
home for $15 month to $1 day. Homo
phone C 1063. 2D3 Weidler st.
LARGE well furnished double and single
bedrooms, all modern conveniences, rea
sonable. 787 Gllsan.
F6R RENT Furnished room, $10 per mo.,
bath and phone. 200 N. 16th, near Kear
ney. 66 NORTH 14TH ST. Clean front room,
suitable for two. Phone and bath.
North 16th st t
private family, 1S7
1 LARGE furnished room
porch.Phone Sellwood 36.
with sleeplng-
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room, rood.
ern. for two. 549 Johnson. A 4 6S 1 .
FURNISHED rooms; modern conveniences;
walking distance. 28 North 16th at.
LARGE modern outside room.
166 N. 2lst.
ROOMS. $1.50 to $3 per week. 268 12th St.
Koomil Wit, xosvrt.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and library.
510 Flanders st. Miss Frances N. Heath,
supt. .
RoojnsWlthBoard mprivateFamHy.
302 SALMON, corner 10th One large front
room with small room joinina; can be
rented separately; good home cooking. A
5 3 'J 2.
TWO nicely furnished rooms for housekeep
ing; gas, bath, phone, rent reasonable; no
children. 620 E. Morrison.
ROOM and board for 1 or 2 y our g lad ies ;
pleasant, airy room; home cooking; easy
walking distance; references. 303 13th st.
A NICE home for young lady to room and
board with mother and grown daughter. 426
College. Main 44 27.
$20 AND $25. 2. 3 and 4 rooms, with bath,
furnished and unfurnished, choice loca
tlon. East 5043.
TWO nicely furnished communicating rooms,
suitable for four young men ; rates very
J reasonable. Phone A 1500, 754 Hoyt at.
VERY desirable rooms, -nicely furnished; open
grates; tine residence district. Board if. de
slred. A 1509. 754 Hoyt.
LARGE front suite, with board; newly fur
nished, electric lights and running water.
Also single room. 2Q4 N. 22d st.
LARGE furnished rooms, with board; home
cooking; phones; bath; all conveniences. 107
16th st.. near Flanders.
NEATLY furnished front room, with board,
for 2 gentlemen; Scandinavian preferred. 11
N. 10th st., bet. Stark and Burn s Ide.
ROOM and board in refined private family
for young man of good habits; reason
able. AJ 58, Oregonian.
BOARD and room for two; bath, phone, home
cooking; $6 per week. 101 11th, near Yam
hill. HOME cooking,
Main 7016.
reasonable rent. Phone
NEWLY furnished rooms, with board.
K. Oak, cor. 15th. B 2610.
TWO splendid clean rooms, with choice
board. 761 Marshall st.
FINE large modern rooms for two, with board.
$6 week. 261 13th si
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
DO YOU prize a strictly home cooked meal 7
Come to 221 10th st., cor. Salmon; single
meal served or by week or month; meal
hours, breakfast, 7 to 8:30; lunch, 12 to
1:30: dinner. 6 to 7:30.
TWO nice rooms, with or without breakfast;
oatn. Dnone. electric ncnus. use or
beautiful location; private family; walking
oistance; reasonaoie. 14T ML8t i;in St., Dei.
Morrison and Belmont.
LARGE front room, running water, beauti
ful grounds; exceptional good table boara;
ideal place for Summer. 90 East 8th st.,
corner of Washington.
NICE room, with board for 1 or 2. In mod
ern private house ; use of piano, etc. ; o
blocks from Hotel Portland, on Park
blocks. Main 4504.
ROOMS and board. private boarding-house.
modern conveniences, home comioris,
minutes' walk from business center. Phone
East 722. bii E. Sth st., N.
FOR RENT Steam-heated apartment, three
rooms, reception hall and batn; completely
furnished ; also piano ; splendid location ;
no children. T 66. Oregonian.
704-706 Hoyt St.,
Between 21st and 22d.
New brick apartment house will be
ready for occupancy July 1. Two, 3 and 4
room suites, completely furnished ; extra
large rooms, especially desirable for Sum
mer, being equipped with electric and fire
less cookers, built-in ice boxes, electric
lifts, large sleeping porches. The best
equipped house in city; reference required.
For reservations phone Marshall 1841.
439 Clay St.. second house from 14th.
the only modern completely furnished 2
roora apartment-house in the city: house
and elegant furniture, brand new ; just
opened for business; steam heat, electrlo
Jlght. hot and cold water in every apart
ment; private phone, bath; walking dis
tance. $18-t5. including light. See them
now before they are gone and take your
choice. Marshall 2074.
Cor. Grand av. and Stark St.
; under new managembnt.
New fireproof brick building, beautiful
ly furnished two4 and three-room apart
ments, private baths, wall beds, large
clothes closets; plenty of hot water; Sum
tner rates. Phone B 300.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Colombia,
bioc ks from Morrison su jNew Dries
building, completely first-class, furnished
Id 2, 3 and 4-room family apartments; pri
vate bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot
water, elevator, free phone; some unf ur-
jiisned; janitor service; rent reasonapie.
Place, bet. l$th and 20th, near Washing
ton; newly opened; modern; electrlo ele
vator, phones. Janitor service, outside
porches. Tbese apartments are elegantly
furnished In 2, 1 ana 4 rooms; Summer
Finest In the city; electric elevator, vesti
bue In each apartment; private telephones;
private bath, porcelain-lined refrigerators;
Garland stoves; $40 to $55 per month-. Call
.this week.
Beautiful 4-room apartments for rent on
the ground floor, all furnished, with pri
vate bath, and janitor service, iu walking
distance from business district, including
steam heat. Phone Main 1245.
Elaborately furnished 3-room apartments,
all modern conveniences, large shady lawn
eool verandas. Janitor: rents reasonable.
walking distance. 624 Marshall it; take
W" car. Main 6032 or A 31ttl.
JULY 1. Beautiful unfurnished 5-room front
anartment with all modern conveniences;
steam heat, hot and cold water, phone, gas
range, refrigerator, gas, electric light.
janitor service, etc. Phono A 11JJ.
Strictly modern, large rooms and three
closets to every apartment; cool and airy
for Summer. 685 Lovejoy st. Take W
"ONEONTA" APARTMENTS, 1S7 17th. near
Yamhill (W car at depot). 2, 3 and 4-room
furnished suites; hot and cold, phones and
baths free; $20 per month, $5 per week
and up. Mam 4CJ7. A. 47a.
Washington sts., 3-room apartments, have
every modern convenience. Including steam
heat, hot water, private bath, free phones
and janitor service; rentyery reasonapie.
FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, modern
in everv articular : steam-heated, hot
water, janitor services, with first-class
furnishings. APPiy to janitor, ooo ivear
ney st.
FOR RENT during Summer, a nice, cool
furnished corner apartment; price reason
able. In autre Madison Park Apartments.
Park and Madison.
VERY desirable unfurnished apartments or
suites in juaaison rars Apartments
strict Iv modern : automatic elevator serv
ice. Corner Park and Madison. Main 6556.
MODERN apartments of 3, 4 or 6 rooms, in
eluding all modern conveniences; $2o and
up. Cor. 21st and Northrup. Telephone
Main 13S9.
THE WESTFAL, 410 Sth St., furnished and
unfnrniRhed soartments; nrivate baths and
phone; elevator and Janitor service; rents
reasonable, fnone a ujs.
For housekeeping in suites. $12 aad 'ud
hot water, free baths, first-class. 31fc
waflmngwn, cur, m.
btram-HKATED 6 -room apartment, -rand
ern and desirable; S25 Everett su Apply
Morgan, Fleidner c Boyce. 503 Ablngtua
Elegantly lurnisnea d-room apartment
"strictly modern ; 5 minutes' walk from
postoffice. Both pnones.
i-RHOM furnished flat: beautiful nelehhor.
hood; .7 minutes Postoffice; nice lawn; only
responsiDie peopi new -iiowtji. 00 utn ex,
FURNITURE of three-room apartment No,
43, 170 tit. jiair sc. i'r -ie cneap. Apart
Tn ent for rent. per montn.
FURNISHED apartments. Including piano.
The Morton, vrasn. ana j ig sis.
Modern furnished apartments. East 5465.
King and Wayne ats. Apply to j a ni tor.
4 AND 6 rooms, $25 and $27.50. Corner East
13th and lamnuu .cast ojpi.
kv'r RENT St. Clair. 715 Wayne St.. mod
ern 6-room apartment. Phone Main 403O.
UNFURNISHED 3-room apartment; r
$18. Inquire 225 Market su
THE MARLBOROUGH. 6-room apartment;
also 5-room furnished apartment. Main
7 5 1 i.
FOR REN T N e w ana strictly modern S
rom flats on 20th and Laurel sts-, Port
land Heights, rent $40. Apply
S5 Fourth sc.
FOR RENT Modern 5-room lower flat. 630
Marshall St.; rent $27. 50. Apply
85 Fourth St.
New, modern, attic room; best location
In city. Inquire 175 15th, West Side, cor.
FOR RENT Good 5-room flat. 487 Davis
st.; rent $20. Apply
. 85 Fourth St.
UPPER 6-room unfurnished flat, modern,
all light or will furnish to suit tenant.
606 Hoyt. Phone Marshall 1223.
UP-TO-DATE, modern upper flats of' T
rooms ; choice location. 23d and Johnson
sts.; rent $35. C. H. Korell, 250 Stark st.
MODERN 5-room flat on Portland Heights,
$2(. W. H. Powell, 022 Board of Trade
$16 Modern 4-room flat, with porches and
basement; airy and sunny; adults. 780
Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 426.
Modern 5-room upper flat; adults, lftft
23, 15th. near Belmont.
BIx'rOOM flat, $22.50; walking distance,
across steel bridge, L car. 400 Ross, cor.
WHEN movlnr call up Van Horn Iranattr
Co. Meln 1618. j 19S4. All covered ws4.
ops, all experlencsd men.
ELEGANTLY furnished flat. 6 rooms, light,
airy; sleeping porch If desired; lawn,
tlowerg. Nob Hill. Inquire 772 Kearney.
MODERN 6-room flat near Steel bridge; $20
per month. 2O0ft Halsey. 1
NEW 6-room corner flat, strictly modern,
choice location; key 355 6 th.
5-ROOM modern upper flat, 567 Belmont
st. 807 Dekum .bldg. Phone Tabor 1668.
MODERN 5-room flat, good attic and base-
ment. 473 7th St.
MODERN 6-room upper flat, 624 ft East Stark
near 16th st. Phone Woodlawn S5S.
MODERN 5-room flat; good attic and base
ment. 473 7th st.
SPLENDID 5-room flat; walking distance
A 3300. .
NEW flat for rent. W. Reidt, 401 Roth
child bldg. Main 1505. -
739 ft OVERTON ST. Modern flat, 6 sunny
rooms; choice location. Main S59.
MODERN 5-room flat.
West Side, easy walk.
5th, near Jackson;
Main or A 1223.
4-ROOM lower flat, 12th and Belmont; key
across the hall.
MODERN 5-room flat. Inquire 426 6th.
Housekeeping Rooms In private Family.
TWO-ROOM suite, furnished, $12 up er
month. S7ft Russell sW
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. Fur
nished for housekeeping, gas ranges, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all
free: $15 per month up; a clean place; best
In the city for money; short distance from
Union Depot. Take 'S" or 16th st. carl
north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs.
"JUST WHAT YOU WANT." Modern fur
nished or uniurnlsned nouseKeeping apart
ments, single or ensuite; reasonable; cen
tral ; Summer, transient or permaneta
rates. "MILNER BLDG.," 350 Morrison.
WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, 2 $8
month; 3 xor xurnisnea cottage, large
rooms. $20; lower flat, -4 rooms, $ 18. 364
26th. North (west side river). W car from
depot. 5th', Morrison to 26th; block north.
$2 WEEK Clean, furnished housekeeping
- rooms; launury, uuui. jjuuu-, gas, nww
yard, clean linen. 406 Vancouver ave.
THE DELMONTE, 20th and Washington; 2-
room apts., furnished; all conveniences; $ld
to $22. .
461 EAST Morrison, corner East Sth; com
pletely furnisnea Housekeeping rooms,
(L50 wees, large, clean furn. housekeeping
rooms; launory. patn, gas, is antrmia.
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, fur-
$1.50 and $2 per week, clean- furnished
no use Keeping. ueamu huubc, rJl
$1.Z& week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms
U eat, launory. oat.n. jl s Maiuuu. u -j.
Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family.
SWELL housekeeping rooms, beautiful lo
cation ; walking distance ; yard, oatn.
phone, laundry, gas range, hot water. 656
FI RST floor of cottage, furnished, newly
tinted, well-lighted, good yard, central lo
cation; references. Phone A 1009, 26 N.
FOR RENT 3 nicely furnished house
keeping rooms at 740 Grand ave. Nortxu
Phone Main 2416.
NICELY furnished S-room housekeeping;
suite, all modern, very convenient; rent
reasonable. 208 17th st., near Taylor.
TWO front rooms, furnished for housekeep
ing; gas, bath and pnone; no cniiaren. cis
iith st.'
ON Portland Hts., fine, partly furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas, water ana pnon
Included. 489 21st, bet. Clifton and Myrtle
NICELY furnished rooms for Usht house
keeping; bath and telephone. 46 Norus
21st st.
3 UNFURNISHED rooms, gas stove, gas and
water. $14; seven blocks steel triage. uu
Ross, cor. Dixon. '
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
near Steel briuge; nice deck. yara. ire
bathand phone. 350 Benton st.
500 HAWTHORNE Three swell furnished
rooms, light houseM3ing; gas, oatn. moa
ern; adults. B-3t.t.U6. "
TWO very desirable outside furnished house
keeping rooms, reasonaoie. ;oi taapmna
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished com-
plete. 140 13th. near Morrison.
FOR RENT One front, furnished house-
keeping room, with gas. 4S8 jverett st.
ONE large room, also sleeping porch. Phone
sellwood ai. -
THREE furnished housekeoping-rooms; gas.
phone; $25. 464 East Pax. East I4i.t.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping; mod
ern. 6J E.oOtn. rs. ir'none iaaL 4000.
FRONT alcove furnished for housekeeping;
bath ana pnone. 40U lamnni.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. 204
Williams ave.f iu minutes on u car.
WHEN yon move you'll seed w tornlt ra.
Buy It Judiciously and the savings will
- ceed your moving expenses.
Our NO-RENT PRICES mads vsj on 0$
the largest furnltuns bouses in the dtyv 4st
two years.
Lookers shown same courtesy as buyers.
60-75 Grand Ave., Cor. East Stark St.
Skat Aakeny and Russell-Shaver carilnsa
pass our door-
We have a new, 7 -room house, modern In
every particular; hardwood floors, sleeping
porch, Dutch kitchen, combination fixtures,
new shades, that we will rent to only re- -sponsible
parties at $4o per month.
E. 036, cor. 22d and Brazee.
WHY pay rent when we will build for you
on a small cash payment and the balance
like rent t We have the lots to build on.
For full particulars, write D 07, Orego-
nlan. ; .
FOR RENT New, modern, six-room house,
012 Cleveland ave., two car lines, reason
able rent. For particulars call on McKln
loy Mitchell. 202 ft Stark st. Phone Main
2 131 ; A 2131.
TO RENT Strictly modern 7-room house,
first-class condition; corner; 434 Oregon
st., cor. East 7th North. Call up owner.
JTabbr 1800.
MODERN 11-room house, on Couch street,
between 16th and 17th. one block from
Washington. Queen In v. Co., 410 Failing
MODERN, desirable, 8-room house, close in,
306 San Rafael, near Union ave. Phones
K. 1GS5. C 1401.
TO RENT Modern house, ti rooms, first
class condition. 171 East 7th st North.
near Oregon. Rent. $o0.
UP-TO-DATE., modern upper flats of T
rooms, choice location. 23d and Johnson
sts.; rent $35. C. H. Korell, 250 Stark st.
10-ROOM modern house, choice location, 741
Glisan, near 23d; rent $65. C. H. Korell,
250 Stark. -
MODERN house, 7 rooms, Holllday Park, 730
Multnomah st. Inquire 724 Multnomahst.
5-ROOM-cottage, 645 Clinton St.; $15. Apply
T. H. Edwards, 191 1st.
Furnished Houses.
DURING August and September will rent
to responsible party without children our
home, completely furnished, $40 month;
0 rooms, modern conveniences; East Side,
bet. 9th and 10th. Inquire Routledge
Seed & Floral Co., 160 2dst.
COMPLETELY furnished. 7-room. modern,
2-story residence, 530 East Couch, near
East Twelfth street; references required;
also modern 5-room unfurnished fiat. 27
East Twelfth, North, Inquire of 383 East
Burnslde st.
9-ROOM newlv painted house, close in, com
pletely furnished. Including piano; large
collection oil paintings, large library, gas
range, bath, basement, nice large lawn,
fiuit. roses, shade trees, etc.; only $48.
Cal 1 1 2SEast 10th. nearMorrison.
AN elegant new home, modern in every de
tail. In Portland's finest section, furnished
completely throughout; will be for rent
to desirable people for four to six months. L
No children; references. AJ 64. Oregonian.
NICELY furnished 8-room house, on Willam
ette Heights, with beautiful view of river
and mountains. 3S6 32nd st. Home phona
. A 2412.
ELEGANTLY-furnished 6-room house; all
modern; 25 minutes to city; $25. 901
Commercial st. Woodlawn 1644. Call
FURNISHED modern 6-room house near Haw
thorne carllne; reasonable rent to the right
parties; no children. Call 1070. East Main
st. Phone Tabor 1027. .
NEW, modern, nicely furnished 6-room house,
gas and steel ranges, porcelain bath, fur
nace, laundry tubs, lawn, walking distance;
references. 209 E. 1st st. N.
NlOELY-furnished flat for rent, 7 rooms;
modern; best neighborhood. 408 Park
st.; references required. $60- Agent on
premises today from 10 till 2.
FOR RENT Furnished unitl September 1,
my very fine 4-room corner apartment;
references. Apply apt. 5, Madison Park
WELL furnished 5-room flat. Including piano,
heat and water: good location one block
from carllne. Phone M. 51ss.
NICELY furnished 6-room lower corner flat;
all outside rooms; piano; from July I, for
2 or 3 months. Phone Marshall 12Q7.
HANDSOMELY and completely furnished 6
room house, near 21st and Hoyt; references
requirr-d. Phone Main 5240.
W E L L-FURNISHED house with piano, fine
location, lawn and flowers. Call SoO East
Salmon or phone East 1800.
MY homo, 5 large, well-furnished rooms, at
tractive building, quiet residence location,
walking distance, adults. East S40.
4-ROOM furnished flat; beautiful neighbor
hood: 7 minutes Postoffice; nice lawn; only
respongihle people need answer. 367 10th st.
BEAUTIFUL six-room flat with sleeping
porch. finelvv furnished. Nob Hill, walking
distance. 723t Kearney. Phone Main 2356.
FURNISHED house for rent during Summer
season. $25 per month. 511 Ross St., near
SIX-ROOM furnished house. 60S East Mor
rison; rent moderate. Phone East 4Sl5-
FURNISHED 4-room cottage; olectric
lights, bath, central. Inquire 27 ft 7th.
FURNISHED house for July and August;
adults only. Phone M. 9566. 735 Glisan st.
VERY cheap. 7-room furnished house, will
lease. Phone C 1132.
FOR RENT 6-room furnished house in Irv
.Ington. Phone East 41 5.
. Houses for Rent, Furniture for Sale. t
NEW furniture of modern ten-room house.
201 13th st.
FURNITURE 16 rooms, house for rent; good
lease. 221 13th. Main 6302.
FOR SALE Furniture of a 5-room flat, all
new. 249 Clay st.
B-ROOMS. elegant furniture, bargain, one's
own price. 335 ft Main, cor. 7th.