Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 18, 1910, Page 16, Image 16

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SEVERAL second-hand automobile. In fine
condition, for sale cheap, borne of these
machines are almost new. Information
will be mailed to you If not convenient to
all. Special inducement offered out-of-town
522 Alder St., Portland.
Phones Main 35S3 ; A 444.
fc'OR sale or lease, fully equipped garage
An cne of the largest cities In Oregon;
room for 100 cars; new machinery, good
long lease to the right parties. Address
A E 40, Qregonlan. .
FIVE-PASSENGER. 40-H. P. Oldsmobile for
sale: "will guarantee this car In first-class
condition. If you want a good car, cheap,
rail mornings. 62A Hamilton bldg. or phone
C1 1 03.
BUICK model 10, with magneto and fully
q,uipped and in first-class running; coa
lition, 975U cash.
266 11th St., Cor. Jefferson.
1U09 "SPEEDWELL" 60. at a bargain; will
take part cash and balance on monthly
payments, or will exchange for city lots of
i c-quaii value, t , y re soniau,
I'OR SALE .-cylinder, 5-paasenger, E. M.
P. 30 auto, 1009 model, fully equipped; A-l
condition; $110D on time, or $1050 cash. A
bargain. AC 44, uregonian.
ff-PASSENGER 0-H. P. Thomas Flyer, In
good condition; Just the car for stage line
or livery; $1600 cash or Installments. West
ern Auto Co., 531 Alder st.
WANTED White gas or Packard car, not
particular about model or body; chassis
and motor must be in good condition. P
57, Oregonian.
BARGAIN 5-passeneer Ford automobile, good
..running order; price only $300. M 63oT, room
.r-VT .1 N rF!H fa.dllla.ft
model G. in
Class condition; just overhauled and paint
ed: 4900. Western Auto Co.. 631 Alder U
fjHAVB eight lots in Tort Angeles, Wash.,
. -which I will trade for an automobile. 319
Henry bldg.
llanos. Organs and Musical Instruments,
NEW, mahogany veneered case, good-looker,
dandy tonu, worth $3i0; need money; will
take $2o0. Room 7, Buckingham Hotel,
330 Yamhill.
PI ANO, almost new, elegant condition, bar
gain, -worth 5450; sell . for $-50; need
money, 225 5th St.. near Main,
VIOLINS, brass, reed and string Instruments
repaired- Any piece made to order. H.
Godard. room 10. 142M: ad st. .
Birds, Dog and Pet Stock.
SOME very fine Airesdale terrier puppies.
JL,. V. Woodward. Phone SellwoodlOl .
THOROUGHBRED collie pups for sale. Main
SEWING machines, special sale on splendid
lot of fine second-hand machines of all
leading makes. Singer, Wheeler & Wil
son, New Home, White, Domestic, House
hold and others, to make room for new
Singer 66 and rotary. Singer Sewing
Machine Store, 9. S. Sigel. agent. 335
Morrison st. Pnone Main 2183, A 4599.
I'OR SALE Chandler & Price 23-inch hand
cutter. Chandler & Price loxJS platen preea,
used 18 months; a bargain. Allen Eaton,
Eugene, Or
ROYAL ANNE cherries, 3 cents a pound. If
you gather them yourself. Lewelling'a, op
posite car 'shops, MUwaukle. Take Oregon
City car. .
NO. 32 Crescent bandsaw, 5 h. p. motor,
Barnes turning Lathe, pulleys, belts and
shafts; also desk, chairs, typewriter and
filing cabinets. Room 10, Washington bldg.
All sizes; low prices; easy terms.
ESPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines;
liberal terms; 510 to $0O. Northwest Type-
-writer Co., M. SS7Q. 222 Ablngton bidg.
$50. Ask for catalog. Rebullts $15 up. N.
M. Hayter Co.. OO 0th st. Main 652a,
FOR 6 ALB Showcase, wallcases. counters.
cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone Blast. &.
FOR SALE 500-horse power automatic Rus
sell engine, practically new. Call Phone
Main 3U9.
FOR SALE or trade, best little general-purpose
launch on the river. See it at foot
o f Stark st., or p hon eE a at10 7e v e n i n g a .
MOTORCYCLE 2 -horsepower, all O. K. ;
snap, for $70. Will demonstrate. X 60,
yOK SALE OR RENT Logging and hoist
ing engines. Railway Equipment Co., 74
1st st. Both phones.
NOTES and mortgages bought and sold. Na
tlonal Credit Ass'n, 601 Worcester b ldg.
b00 BUSINESS CARDS f 1 if you bring this ad.
Rose City Printer, 192Vfr 3d, near Taylor,
VIOLINS, ban joe, mandolins, guitars at bait
regular prices. Uncle Myers. 71 6taAt
WANTED" To exchange graphophone rec
ords. Call Main 1001.
THREE thoroughbred pigs, eows. Hillsdale
Postoffice, Boi 4, near ortiana.
231 Stark St. Mala 1407.
I'OR SALE Complete submarine diving
outfit. O 36, Oregonian.
HOUSEBOAT, nicely furnished, for sale
cheap. Inquire 216 Oregonian bldg.
6ECOND-HAND doors for sale. 140 E. Rod
ney ave. -
I'OR SALE Bootblack outfit, cheap. In
quire 03 6th st., cor. Stark.
DESK 50-inch flat top typewriter desk, solid
oak. 452 Burnstde st-
SECOND-HAND pool tables for sale. 88
Grand ave.
20 HEAD of choice tested dairy cows for
gale. A. S. Emerson, Rldgeneld. Wash.
FIND Insulated cooler for sale cheap.
Friedman. 25 1st.
SHOWCASES new and second-hand.
Everett, cor 6th. Also fixtures.
Highest price paid for men's cast-off
clothing and shoes. The Globe Second
hand store, 200 First. Mala 2080. We also
buy ladles clothing.
IWANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
hoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 02 N. 8d st. Main 9278.
"WANTED Visible typewriter. Underwood,
Remington or other standard make; state
price, make, how long used. , condition.
etc. AQarePs uox 300. Korea t cirove, or.
CELL your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co. or you'll get lesa
Phones: A 2445: Main S05L
POT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phrne East 1017.
PHOTOGRAPH outfit to exchange for Edl
pon phonograph. T 57, Oregonian.
W AN TED Second-nan d hoist Ing engine ; state
price and terms. AJ 44. Oregonian.
WANTED Tobuy a 22-caliber " rifle! Ad
dress Y 55. Oregonian.
HIGHEST price paid for second-nand shoes
and clothes. Phone Marshall 1929.
THOROUGHLY reliable married, man to go
to Crook County to work on power plant
S building on Deschutes River; house rent
free: long job. N 45. Oregonian.
tunity for young man of ability; state
age, experience and salary. AK 48. Ore-
WANTED Experienced gardener and general
handy man to care for a country place;
state wages and experience in application.
Clark . W. Thompson, Cascade Lock s , Or.
VACANCIES open for live men to push 1st
class proposition. Good commission. Call
aftor A. M. 415 Mohawk bldg.
"WANTED Experienced man to run 42-inch
Royal Invincible sunder. Chehalls Fir Door
HIGH school boys, permanent positions with
good opportunities; office work. AG 49,
STENOGRAPHER and assistant bookkeeper.
Apply own hand-writing. Address AB 50,
WANTED Young man to learn barber
trade; terms reasonable; union shop. Call
as.' -Mississippi ave.
WANTED A party to travel with me to Los
Angeles by motorcycle. Address C- For-
OUtr .nam St.
WA NTED Apprentice for bakery shop ;
must vri'e some experience; good wages.
Phone ewoerg Bakery, Kewberg, Or.
SALESMAN lor commercial prtoiograpner; no
coupoa proposition; aa-ary ana commission;
At references required. R 39. Oregonian.
WANTED Frame-makers.
Mills. 19th and Vaughn.
Oregoa Plan lag
BOY wanted, with wheel Apply Cleaning
C o. , 6t h and. Yamhill.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents;
new offer. Cutberth, stud i oD e ku m bldg.
BARBER wanted at once. $1S per week. D.
O. Taylor, Independence. Or.
BOY to act as a.eistant billing clerk. Wed
ham - & Kerr Pro..
PATTERNMAKER wanted. Call 222 Comraer-
cial Club; bldg.
YOUNG man for janitor and kitchen work.
."4 Couch Ft.
WANTED First-class saddle hands and
harness cutters. John Clark Saddlery Co.
V I'uiu a wo barbers. 3U4 JBurnsido St.
l $20,000,000 CORPORATION, with splendid
money-making proposition from very start,
about to establish state and local offices
In every Western state, wants a state
manager each in California, Arizona. Ne
vada, Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, Utah.
Wyoming. Montana, Idaho, Washington,
New Mexico and Oregon to establish of
fices In all principal cities in these states.
Men only of the highest executive ability,
energy and standing will be considered.
Nominal Investment to Insure fullest per
sonal Interest will be required. Address
Atwood Wilshire, Secretary, care Hotel
Manx. San Francisco, with references.
BOYS 16 years of age and over, to -work In
ba factory- Apply at once. AMES HAR
RIS NEVILLE CO., 5th and Davis sts.
WANTED Able bodied men for the TJ. 8.
Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and
85: must be native born or have first pa
pers. Monthly pay $15 to $69. Additional
compensation possible. Food, clothing,
quarters .and medical attendance free.
After 80 years service can retire with 75
per cent of pay and allowances. Bervice
on oard ship and ashore in all parts of
the world. Apply at Breeden bldg., Port
land. Qr.
WANTED A young man, about 25 years
old, of good appearance, and must have
very . good references as to character,
ability, etc.; must be a good writer, un
derstand general office work and book
keeping thoroughly; a good position is
open to such a young man; prefer one liv
ing with parents. Address in own hand
writing,. E 50. Oregonian.
AM having made a donkey engine outnt
for clearing land near Portland, I have
already 40O acres contracted to clear at
a good figure. Would like an experienced
man or two to take an Interest in the
business. - I do not need the capital as
much as J need the ability of some man to
manage the crew and outfit. Call 528
Hamilton bldg.
Y. M. C. A, The friend of the young man
and stranger. Hearty welcome and good
counsel are yours, without cost. Constant
call for men who can do something well.
Jspeclal Employment Membership assures
employment. After you have seen the
other fellow, see us before you invest
10,000 POSITIONS tor graduates last year:
men and women to learn barber trade in
6 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu
ates earn from $10 to $25 weekly: expert
Instructors; tools free; write for cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges, &5
North 4th St.. Portland.Or.
International Correspondence ichools have
the course you need; text-books free; answer
and drawing paper.
207 M arquam bl d g.
308 Mckay bldg.
WANTED; Two millwrights, construction,
$4; two lumber graders, from planer, $&
Main Office 12 North 2nd St.
Machinists wanted.
Apply Superintendent.
Front and II all S t r ects.
YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway
mail clerks, postoffice clerks, carriers, etc.
Write or call for Book SO. it's free. Paclflo
8ta te s Sc h ooi.Mciaybldg.. Portland. Or
WANTED Good wide-awake solicitor to fell
teas, coffee, apices, baking powder, etc.;
good pay to right party; permanent; refer
ence. Grand Union Tea Co.. 448 Washing
ton st.
WANTED For a valley town, an exper
ienced salesman to take charge and as
sist in buying for dry goods department;
state experience; reference, and salary
expected. Apply to AF 40. Oregonian.
FOUR carpenters wanted, long Job for good
men. W. L. Houfton, The Dalles, Or.
Call Portland 22S loth st. Phone Main
01 79.
RAILWAY mail clerks, city carriers, clerks,
Portland, examinations announced July 13.
Preparation free. Frank 11a Institute, Dept,
271P, Rochester, N. Y.
SALESMEN of ability, sell greatest Inven
tion 20th century; men who can earn $25
weekly and upward desired. 10 Cambridge
bldg., 3d and Morrison.
WANTED Young man of ability to act as
salesman ; splendid opportunity for ad
vancement. Call for Mr. Wells, not later
than 10 A. M. 263 Oak St. "
MACHINISTS Floor and machine men
wanted; steady work.
222 Commercial Club Bldg.
WANTED Crew to cut cord -wood ; have
1500 cords; on So. Pac. Ry., 42 miles south
of Portland; give price. Address Y 68,
WANTED Young man, about 21 years old, to
assist with collections. Call room 7, Oor-
pfcllua Hotel, 12 to 1 P. M.
1 BOOKKEEPER, 1 salesman, both lumber
experience ; 3 boolt keepers and stenog
raphers. 313 14 Washington, room 18.
TAILOR to work on alterations, steady po
sition. Call at Brownsville Woollen Mills
Store. 3rd and" Stark.
WANTED Dentist, good operator, $30 week
ly; write or phone Dr. A. F. Campbell,
North Yakima. Wash.
$18 TO $35 week few months only - learning;
situations) guaranteed. Watchmaking-En-
graving School. Box 182, Ashland, Or.
WANTED Good, sober restaurant cook, good
wages and steady work; no othere need ap
ply, at 42 iNortn 01a.
SOLICITORS for road work; easy proposi
tion ; transportation ana expenses ad
vanced; call today. 127 11th st.
FOUR men with teams to haul brick-
Standard Brick & Tile Co., 40 S Mohawk
GOOD, reliable boy as apprentice In archi-
tect a office. Apply S2Q Electric bldg.
WANTED Good, reliable, all-round reporter.
Apply Morning Astorian, Astoria, Or.
HIGH-CLASS commercial salesman wanted.
215 Commercial bldg.
MEAT-CUTTER and salesman. Call for B.
F. Jones, Washington Public Market.
TWO live aggressive salesmen can make
good, 212 Commercial block.
EXPERI ENCED bookkeeper wanted. O C8,
Good picking and good water, tine oak
grove camp ground; will begin about June
17; we meet all trains at Brooks.
. Brooks. Oregon.
WANTED A Swiss man and wife who un
derstands stock and farm work, to go on
a good stock farm. Apply C. Minsinger, 203
Board of Trade, city.
JAPANESE man or woman for general
housework, 3 adults; good wages. 5 SI
East Taylor st.
W AN TED A U kinds of good acts, singers
and musicians. Call Newman's Vaudeville
Circuit, 520 Washington st.
WANTED 25. loganberry pickers' by June 20;
good berries and long Job. W. A. L. Jones,
Oervaia. Or.
WANTED Agents, male and female; good
pay; easy proposition. 310 Board of Trade.
positions to A-l instructors, en wetland.
WANTED Waitress. Council Crest Tavern.
A 5S49.
GIRL for light housework. Apply Apt. No
22. The Rosefriend. between 11 and 1:30.
WANTED Competent girl to do second
work. 141 22d st. North.
WANTED Finishers on custom pants; steady
work. 83 oth st.. room GQ5.
WANTED Lady to work in shooting gallery.
N 3d st.
GIRL for housework at University Park. 617
Worcesterblock.or phone Wood lawn 2272.
GIRLS wanted. Willamette Tent & Awning
Co.. Front and Burnstde sts.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
Apply 602 Hancock St., Irvington.
GIRL for housework and cooking; good wages.
Call 603 Halsey st.
WANTED Chambermaid at the Castle Ho
tel, S72 Washington.
WANTED Girls for labeling. Apply Closset
& Devcrs, Front st,, cor. Ankeny.
HELP wanted.
Union Laundry Co.. 2d and
GIRL wanted for cooking and general house
. work. 251 N. 24th st.
WANT ED Cook ;
Main 1001.
colored woman preferred.
WANTED Stenographer; small salary. Apply
ruom it.w n am 1 1 to n oiug.
Washington st.
at Co ff man's.
GERMAN or Scandinavian girl. 2 In family,
new bungalow; good home.. Phone E 5S10.
FIRST-CLASS cook for small boarding
house at the beach. Phone East 3420.
WANTED Waitress. 129 Russell mu
EXPERIENCED shirt operators and girls ts
learn shlrtmaking. Good wages. Begin
ners toald while learning. Neustadter Bros..
Ctacdard Factory No. 2, Grand sva. and
. B. Taylor.
GIRLS o-er 16 years of age to work In mo-
im-iwij1 , gUUU pay W iliio cai
up to $2 per day when expert.
Bell wood.
$35 PER month will be paid to a woman or
girl who is experienced and competent to
do the work in a modern 8-room house;
3 in family,, all up-to-date facilities to
make work easy; washing sent out; must
be good plain cook and reliable; good
home to one who wishes steady employ-
menu Address D 65. Oregonian.
UATES. We have a number of positions) we can
offer you. Olda. Wort man & Ring.
CANVASSERS sell Fixe-Couleur; greatest
discovery of the age; positively sets color
in all wash fabrics; no fading, no streak
ing if set with this powder ; guaranteed
by rafr. 10 Cambridge bldg., 3d and
WANTED An experienced sewing machine
demonstrator, one who thoroughly under
stands and fho can .execute all kinds of
work-that an up-to-date machine Is capable
of doing; none other need apply. X. 50,
WANTED Two experienced ofTice girls,
one for phone and general light work,
other to take charge of claim and ship
ping dept. ; give experience, reference and
phone number. T 40, Oregonian.
WANTED At once, chorus girls for a
musical comedy company; all Summer
engagement. Apply Northwestern Theat
rical Booking Agency, room 305 Mulkey
t bldg. , 2d and M o rr rso n. .
WANTED Girl for general housework and
cooking in private family; one willing to
go to Gearhart Beach; modern convenient
house. Applv L. G. Pfunder, 505 20th St.,
cor. Myrtle. Portland Heights.
MARRIED lady without children can have
three furnished housekeeping rooms for
carinff for small rooming-house; snap.
364 North 2frth; "W" car to 2tith. bloclc
GLOVE SALESWOMEN First class. Apply to
WOMAN to do general housework; must fur
nish reference; 2 in family; liberal wages;
no children. Apply 0 A. M. to 2 P. M.
-6S0 Elliot ave.. Ladd's Addition.
WAJsTEX Middle-aged lady for plain cook
ing in small country hotel. 18 miles from
city; wages $3o. Call St. Charles Hotel be
tween 10 A. M. and 1 P. M. Room 235.
HOUSEKEEPER, refined, middle-aged wo
man, in family of three adults, in good
country home; must be good cook; per
manent place. AC 57, Oregonian.
WAN 'I'luU (Jirl tor general housework; must
be a good cook; good, wages, modern house
and family of three.- oOO Northrup bl,
corner 24th.
WANTED Young srirl to assist with light
housework; willing to go to the beach for
tne bummer; permanent place; good noma.
Call 03 East &5ih. Phone B 1682.
GIRL for eeneral housework and young girl
for second work, family of four. phone
East 5008, or call 4U East 15th st. North.
Take Irvington car.
WANTED A stenographer. Remington op
orator preferred ; $0 per week to start f
must be good in shorthand. Call today
1:30 to 2. 4O0 Oregonian bldg.
EXPERIENCED demonstrator; one who ..can
get results and not afraid to work ana
talk. 10 Cambridge bldg., 3d and Morri
son. SEN SlBLE, quiet 6 In or woman, plain cook
ing, reasonable waees and trio to the moun
tains if able to make good bread. Phone
'labor oStl
MARKERS, assorters and press machine
girls wanted at the U. S. Laundry Co.
Grand ave. and. East Yamhili st.
WANTED A girl to do housework at beach
cottage for private family ; good wages.
Apply Tap xrvmg St., near zia.
LADIES to learn. Sanitary Hairdressine Col
lege. Make yourself independent, 400 to 412
Dckum bidg.. Beat place in city.
WANTED Competent woman for general
housework; family of 2 adults; good wagea.
Call 314 E. 17th N. Pnone C l&t
WANTED Experienced lady caehier, one
1 a r k e&C o.
VV AIN l XL.U A woman A'-r nuuacvt urn. iuiu
cooking. Apply 374 East Pine st- Phone A
WANTED ExDeriencel cook in private fam
ily; good wages. 231 7th st., cor.. Main.
Phone Main biti or A 2ul7.
WANTED Middle-aged woman for chamber
maid work. Hotel Harrison, Front and
WANTED Competent Klrl for general
housework: good wages; willing to go to
the coast. Apply770 Flanders st.
NEAT housekeeper, widower's family; an
other, town; employer here. St. Louis
Agency, S03J Wash. Main 2039, A 4775.
WANTED A competent woman to care for
a paralytic young lady. A 4879, Main
WANTED A girl for cooking, general
housework: family of 15; good wages. 778
East Salmon st. East 1157.
SALESLADY for commercial photographer; no
coupon proposition; salary ana commission;
Al references requirea. & 00. jrrgonian.
4Sfe Washington St., Cor. 7th, Upstalrm.
phone Main 2692.
WANTED Girl for general housework; must
be good cook; good wages. Apply mornings.
salmon at. . ,
WANTED Strong woman for general
housework in the country, family 3 adults.
(Jail 34S MUlfit,
COMPETENT woman for cooking and
housework; no heavy work. 315 East 10th
st. North, cor. Halsey Irvington car.
26)4 Washington St., Room SOT.
Main hSSA or A 3206.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework, family or two. ngnt work,
pleasant home. Phone-Maintfyoti.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework, family 01 z- I'ortiana 1 eights.
Phone Main fo or a -js.
gTrL to assist with housework Fn small
family; good home to right girl. Call at
o n ce. 1158 E. Yamhill, cor. 3&t h.
WANTED Stenographer, light work, mod
erate pay to start with. Apply 330 Lum
ber v ANTED Vv 0111 an or girl to assist with
general housework. Apply 6U4 Patton
a or pnone .yi.
WANTED Experienced demonstrator and
salesman for toilet preparations. Y 48,
TWO body ironers anu x collar eirls -wanted
at 1. S- Laundry Co.. Grand av. and East
Jaai hillst. .
WANTED Lady stenographer and bookkeeper;
good position for right party. X. 55, Ore
gonian. GIRLS to label coffee, extracts and spice.
Apply Dwight Edwards Co., corner Front
and Couch sts.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 009 Rota
child b ldg.. 4th an d Washington.
5 LADIES between 20 and 35 years for shoot
ing galleries: steady work, good wages; Ap-
ply uaKS lianery.
NEAT, tidy, Finn or Swedish girl, small
family, good wages and kind treatment.
MAKERS and apprentices; also frame work
ers. Lowengart & Co.
' WO waitresses at Merchants Hotel, 3d and
Davls sts.
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. 3S5 East
Morrison; steady work; good wages.
OPERATORS on custom pants;
work. S3 Fifth st., room 505.
WANTED Lady piano player;
Address V DP, oregonian.
LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewriting by
exnert: 85 a month. 2C0 14th. Main
EXPERIENCED cook for small country ho
tel. East 6647.
NEAT," Quick waitress wanted. 6 1 el n's Res
taurant. 32 14th street.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 260
Grand ave. N., cor. Multnomah.
WANTED Experienced girl for general honse
work. Apply room 201 Oregonian bldg.
GOOD competent girl for general house
work. Phone Main 8986.
GIRL to a-sist with housework daily, sleep
home. L'OO 14th st. South.
WANTED Experienced head waitress at the
Hill. 23rd and Wash. Reference required.
WANTED Experienced waitress, 458 Wash
ington st.
GIRLS, 16 years of acs and over, to work
In bag factory. Apply at once. AMES
HARRIS NEVILLE CO.. 5th and Davis sts.
WANTED A girl to assnst in housework un-
xu August 1. ii rort n ru p st.
LADY barber wanted. 6th st. North.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
SALESMAN desires position in general store;
experiencea in an d ran ones; can iuko cnarge
or take part interest; solicits correspond
ence with party desiring good man. O 49,
BY thoroughly competent accountant and
credit man. with 10 years' experience in
lumber, shingles, wholesale and manufac
turing business; best of references; will
go out of city. D 50. Oregorlan.
LAWYER Aged 2. desires position with
title company or corporation where legal
training will be appreciated. In Portland
in July. A. W. Hendrickson, Jr- Ossining,
N. Y. .
WANTED By young married man, of good
moral habits, trustworthy position as col
lector. Well acquainted with city; good
reference. m AN 4Q. Oregon ian.
EXPERT accountant wants small sets
books to keep; books opened, closed, bal
anced; terms reasonable, A J 48, Orego
nian, WANTED Position by oung man experi
enced, in men's furnishings. AN 40, Ore
gon Ian.
BOOKKEEPER, 7 years' experience, quali
fied to fill first-class position; strictly
temperateand steady, o 57, Oregonian.
TIMEKEEPER and clerk, experienced on
railroad or building construction, desires
position. Y 50. Oregonian.
YOUNG married man wants position as
grocery clerk; references. B 68, Orego-nian-
BOOKKEEPER wants books to keep after
4 P. M.; rates reasonable. V 01, Ore
gon lan
WANTED By registered pharmacist, steady
position in or out of city; best of ref
erences. Write AB 68, .Oregonian.
CLERICAL position by young married man;
best of references; can leave town. R 50,
...... Oregonian.
f Mlscellsvneonsw
GOOD collector, would like position with
reliable firm in city; salary or commisbion.
S 50, Oregonian
MAN and wife would like position as cook
in logging or mining camp. AL 47 Ore
YOUNG man of experience desires position
running: tug or launcn; best 01 references.
AL 40. oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants any kind of work
at morning and evening or only after
noon. V 57, Oregonian.
eral office work by steady and reliable
mail. i 01, si tr '"
YOUNG man. married, of mechanical ability
with responsible people. Phone M 2206.
COOK Experienced, desires position in ho
tel or boarding-nouse; soDer ana reiiaoie.
Phone M. 2200. Ask for T. R. C.
CHAUFFEUR wants position with private
family; can make repairs and willing to
do chores. yranK Kon n g. ' aaai n
GOOD Japanese student desires a position
as bell boy in city or country. to, .
Box 226, city.
POSITION by licensed chauffeur;
.of any kind. AK 45. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED .chauffeur wants job for
private Minnesota Jbtotai. room
EXPERIENCED Japanese wants situation at
housework. Ati . uregonian.
W!LL educated married man vwould like
charge of river landing. 44, uregoman.
BUTCHER Experienced meat cutter, wants
position. c uQ. oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants situation in pantry
of hotel or restaurant. AD a-. Uregonian,
I BUILD fireplaces that work. No. 1 refer
ences. East S04. &
MAN and wife wish TKsltion on ranch; wife
good cook. L. J. Pardi, 2-41 loth N.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
STENOGRAPHER wants position; some ex
perience; accurate and faithful to duties;
moderate salary. S 57. Oregonian. "
WANTED A situation by stenorgapher,
with some experience; call Sell wood 1OU0,
Ml3 Wilson.
STENOGRAPHER wishes position; would
substitute. Main OSOO.
SITUATION wanted as assistant in doctor's
or dentist's office. AD 50, Oregonian.
DRESSMAKING at your home by the day.
Phone Tabor 1709. Mrs. Emma Stewart,
S01 East Taylor at.
s'QCLU Lressmakrng parlors. S26 Wkis,
ington St.. sulta 210- Main OSA A 531.
SUITS and gowns reasonable.
HaagsmaT290 Eugene st.
LADIES' tailoring; alterations, coats re lined.
Mrs. Muckler, 430 Columbia st. A 470.
GOOD woman housekeeper, widower. St.
Louis Agency, 303 V? Wash. Main 2039.
EXPERIENCED young woman would like
place as nursegirl ; can give references;
would go out of city. AG 45, Oregonian.
AN experienced nurse in "all kinds maternity,
invalids, infants, elderly. Main 43 6 4.
YOUNG woman who has an elderly father
would like to do a few hours' work for
someone who has a small cottage. AB
56, Oregonian;
GERMAN lrl, 18 years old, wants position
in a good family. East 527, Greenwood
ave. Take W. R. car.
Mi scella n eons.
MOTHER and daughter desire situation
caring for rooming house, apartments,
placo of trust ; m ust ba permanent. R
r7 Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED lady cook and helper, cap
able of handling large crew, requires posi
tlon In camp. AM 41. Oregonian.
WOMAN wishes day work, half day, hour,
etc. Mrs. Waterworth, 71 Cth st. cor.
YOUNG LADY would like work in office;
not a stenographer. F 3S, Oregonian.
COLORED woman wants chamber work. Call
Marsh all 121 0.
WANTED Position as governess by
perienced teacher. B 56, Oregonian.
CURTAINS wa.shed and stretched, 40o
pair. Call Sell wood 801.
AGENTS I'll start you In big business; give
you credit; fascinating work; easy ; even
amateures make $8 to $12 a day. Chap
man. ""Mich., made $18 first day. Lee,
Oklahoma, made $3000 and built home in
one year. Our new sales plan creating
sensation. Men, women, write today fur
particulars. C- E. Swa rtzbaug h , Toledo, Q.
AGBNTS make quick money handling our new
electric heaters; attachable to any current;
boila liquids in one minute; retails $2.00;
large pronts. Write for exclusive territory.
Pres-to Electrical Manufacturing Co., 323
Geary gt.. San Francisco.
AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown
nursery stock is in demand: sales this
season will be immense; a nattering op
portunity ; cash paid weekly ; outfit free.
Salem Nursery Co.. Salero. Or.
ACTIVE canvassers can make $30 per week
easily selling trees for the Oregon Nursery
. Co., Orenco, Or. Good territory open; lib
eral proposition. Call or write to Orenco,
AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de
mand for choice nursery stock; outfit
free; cash weekly. Address Capital City
Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
LIVB agents to sell photo coupons; something
new. Davis, 842 Vs Washington C
We furnish the renter, collect the rent,
pay taxes, insurance and keep up repairs,
the same for you as though the property
was our own; references, any bank In
s 245 Stark St.
Phones A 3500. Main 35.
To rent, 7 or 8-room hous In desirable
residential district; mt have all modern
conveniences; best of references furnished.
Phone Eat 4200.
WAN TED Fu rn I shed or u n f urn lah e d bo u se
by responsible young couple; must be rea
sonable; give price and all information in
first lette r. AK 46, Oregon ian.
WANTED Cottage or flat, 4 to 6 rooms, close
In, West Side. Phone A 1307, or address 414
Merchants Trust bldg.
WANTED 4 or 5 room furnished flat or cot
tage, with lawn. West Side preferred.
Phone A 1367.
I WANT & or 6-room furnished bungalow or
cottage, desirable neighborhood, for bum
mer or longer. Answer, full particulars,
W. F. Gwin. Cornelius Hotel.
5 OR 6-ROOM modern flat or cottage
wanted : at least two blocks irom street
car; no children; West Side preferred.
Address 613 Henry bldg.
WANTED Furnished house or fiat. 7
or a
rooms, modern. AH 45. oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
BY young man, room near bath, with board
preferred, in nice private nome congenial
young people, near carllne; reasonable;
permanent. Address A 56. Oregonian.
YOUNG man wishes room and board in pri
vate family. Y 66, Oregonian.
Fttminhcd Rooms.
ANGELA HOTEL 62ft Washington street,
between l&ta and 20tb. Just completed,
the cosiest. com pie test and up-to -da test
residence hotel in the city. The ground
floor office is finished la real mahogany,
marble and tile, is spacious and handeume;
elevator service, private telephone ex
change, steam heat, hot and coid water
tn ail rooms, many with oaths and wall
beds, and is splendidly furnished. The
rent is very moderate, rrooms from $15 per
month up- Why not get the best for your
mosey T Now open, rooms by the day. week
or month. Phone Marshall 1&60.
JUbT OPENED; new, MODERN brick
liulldlng; line large around-iioor office; hot
and cold running water in all rooms;
team heated; private baths; very richly
furnished. Rates only $3 and up per
week; &0c up per day. Call and see us.
Northeast corner Fifth and Glisan sts.
Homelike, Homelike. Homelike.
7th and Ankeny s-is. .
Free was their depot carriage.
I took it on the spot;
There may be other nouses Just as) good
j not,
! quiet home for quiet peopls.
124 14th, Cor. Washington st.
Every thin k new; large, airy rooms, sin
gle and with bath ; telephone in every
room, service free; rates by the day, week
or month; also unfurnished rooms.
THE) BARTON, 13th and Alder, ts now un
dergoing a thorough renovation ; 70 steam
seated, electrlc-lrghted rooms- all outside,
Rates 75c day; $10 month up. Suites with
running water $20 month, up. Phones and
bath free.
Fifth st., opp. City Hall. Phone Marshall
66(5 New, beautifully furnished, hot, cold
water in very room, public and private
batha; permanent, transient.
HOTEL SARGENT, Cor. Grand ave. and
Hawthorne Phone East
291, connecting every room. Private baths,
elevator, first-class grill. Special rates by
week or month. American or European.
Transients solicited.
Modern furnished or unfurnished apart
ments, single or en suite, central, rea
sonable; Summer transient or permanent
rates. "MILNER BLDG.," 350a Morrison.
Newly and nicely furnished rooms,
steam heat and bath; ratea reasonable.
Cor. Grand ave. and. E- Ash sts. Phone
Eaat 5010, B 1778.
Washington and 17th, first-clam furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern coa
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5647.
8 ROOMS on first floor, well lighted, cen
trally located, good yard; references. 26
N. 11th st., 2 blocks from Wash. st.
a 19 y. -
THB BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts., well
furnished sleeping rooms $2.50 per . week;
electric lights, hot baths free.
THE MANSION Elegantly furnished rooms,
modern, beautiful grounds, suitable for
gentleman, walking distance, 6th-Jefferson.
THE LANDORE. 288 lOth st., near Jeffer
son; choice rooms, newly furnished, with
in walking distance of business center.
THE D ELM ON TO, 20th and Washington; ele
gantly furnished rooms; modern, phones and
baths: $3.50 week up.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and .baths free. 327ii
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Bates.
Grand ave. and E. Stark. Modern,
$2.50 up.
FURNISHED room for two men. close In;
also single room. 208 4th st.
THB REX Modm rooms. $2.fiO to $o per
week. MSVfr Washington st.
FURNISHED roome. Elm Place. formerly
Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and 11th.
VERY nice rooms, $1.50 to $4 per week;
free phone and bath. No. 2 N. 14th st.
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
NEW furnished rooms, walking distance,
near carllne, from $2 to $5 per week; hot
and cold, water, bath, telephone. 0S4 Gli-
san, near 2lst. Phone Marshall 1615.
A NICE large room, with lots of light, on
first floor, with use of piano and telephone,
tor $2 per week; only 7 blocks from city
P. Q., between 2 car lines. 309 Market st.
$2 PER week, nicely furnished room, in
cluding bath, heat and phone and home
privileges. 147 North 21st St., between
Hoyt and Irving.
LARGE furnished front room, with adjoin
ing room for bed : 5 blocks from Grand
Theater; rent reasonable. 67 N. fcU-h, near
pa vis.
VERY desirable rooms. nicely furnished,
large room with bay window, suitable for
one or two persons; nice location. 208
14th street.
BEAUTIFULLY urnished room for gentle
man; hot and cold water. The Braintree,
apt. 31, cor. 12th and Columbia, Phone
Maln 7741. Refere ncea.
ONE large front room, upstairs, for young
man, or housekeeping ; also front room
downstairs. 475 Morrison st. Ai.7405.
LARGE, finely furnished room with 2 closets,
for 3 young men, $2.25 each per week.
The Colonial, 165 10th st.
$1.50 MODERN room, flowers, walking dis
tance, residence Li strict. 624 Flanders st.
Main 7816. .
front room;
near 12th, nice, large, cool
gentlemen; modern; reason-
391 HARRISON Newly furnished rooms,
modern conveniences, reasonable. Call A
NEW two-room suite, also single room, run
ning water, telephone, modern house. 7ol
Irving st.
ONE large front room, porch, large yard,
private house; suitable for two; $2.50 per
week. 3-2: 1st St.. near Market.
$1.50 MODERN room, flowers, walking dis
tance, residence diBtrict. 024 Flanders st.
Main 7S15.
LARGE, light, airy room, homelike place,
modern, suitable for two; also small one,
cheap. 33Q -Mill st.
NICE large room ,ffor two ladies, use of, pi
ano; walking distance. 3sa Salmon.
FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen only;
modern. 553 Hoyt st. Main 2209.
FOR RENT Newly-furnlthed rooms; modem
conveniences. 504 Flandera,
1 LARGE furnished room
with sleeping -
porch. Phone Sell wood 36.
FURNISHED room. $12. 206 14th aU, be
tween J eff erson and Madison.
NICELY furnished room', modern, reason-
able. Phone MainS5i4. o50 Montgomery.
NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking dis
tance. $1.50 per week. 431 6th st
$7 MONTH Pleasant, neatly furnished room,
all conven len c et. 475 Clay.
F URN ISHED rooms ;
. walking distance.
modern con v en lences ;
28 North 10th st.
LARGE modern outside room.
1G0 N. 21st.
VERY nice front room, bath, reasonable;
fine lor-atlon, walking distance. 402 5th.
ROOMS. $1.50 to $3 per week. 2GS 12th sU
NICELY fumlgrred roomg, from $2 up. 289 11th.
Unfurnished Rooms.
LARGE unfurnished room with sink nd
kitchen equipment. 67 N. 0th. near Davis.
THREE unfurnished rooma. 206 ,13th st.
Rooms Wltn tsomro.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and library.
C10 Flanders st Miss Frances N. Heath,
SINGLE rooms or en suite; reasonable rates.
-147 13th. The Waldorf. Phone Main 2118.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
PLEASANT rooms, choice board, business
rtfoplei preferred. 712 Hoyt.
NEWLY furnished rooms, with
East Oak St.. corner 15th st.
board; 005
B 2619.
FINE large modern rooms for two, with board
$6 week. 261 13th st.
NICE rooms and good home cooking for gen
tlemen. 591 Davis at.
TWO thoroughly clean front rooms; walking
distance, swell neighborhood, 507 Everett.
Rooms With Board m private Family.
DO YOU prise a strictly home cooked meal T
Come to 221 loth St., cor. Salmon; single
meal served or by week or - month; meal
hours, breakfast, 7 to 8:30; lunch. 12 to
1:30: dinner. 6 to 7:30.
TWO nice rooms, exceptionally pleasant, with
cr without rirst-class board; strictly pri
vate, nice location; reasonable. 521 Couch
at., corner 15th.
ROOMS and board, private boarding-house,
modern conveniences, home comforts, 20
minutes' walk from business center. E.
722. 80 E. 8th st. North.
SINGLE and suite of" rooms with boarST; pT
vate family; walking distance. F 30, Ore
gunian. BEAUTIFUL rooms, private baths, sleep
ing porches, with board, in Council Crest
part for the Summer. Phone Main 5G77.
LARGE room, 2 single beds, running water;
strictly private family; best home cooking.
291 West Park. Main 0037. .
TWO nicely furnished communicating rooms,
suitable for four young men ; rates very
reasonable, phone A 15O0. 754 Hoyt st.
VERY desirable rooms, nicely furnished; open
grates; fine residence district. Board If de
sired. A 1500. 754 Hoyt,
LARGE furnished room with board, suitable
for 2; all modern conveniences. 75 North
14th st.
TWO splendid clean rooms,
board. 701 Marshall st
with choice
FURNISHED room and board in private
.family. 207 Union ave. North.
704-706 Hoyt fcH.,
Between 21st and 2 2d.
New brick apartment bouxe will be
ready for occupancy July 1. Two, 8 and 4
room suites, completely furnished; extra
large rooms, especially desirable for Sum
mer, being, equipped with electric and fire
less cookers, built-in ice boxes, electric
lifts, large sleeping porches. The best
equipped house in city; reference required.
For reservations phone Marshall -1841.
489 Clay st.. second house from 14th.
. the only modern completely furnished 2
room apartment-house in the city; house
and elegant furniture, brand new : just
opened for business; steam heat, elect rlo
light, - hot and cold water in every apart
ment; private phone, bath ; walking dis
tance. $18-$25, including light. See them
now before they are gone and take your
choice. Marshall 2074.
Cor. Grand ave. " and Stark St.
New fireproof brick building, beautiful
ly furnished two and three-room apart
merits, private baths, wall beds, large
clothes closets; plenty of hot water; bum
xner rates. Phone E 300,
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks from Morrison st. New brick
building, completely first-class, furnished
in 2 U ana 4-room family apartments; pri
vate bath, reception hail, steam heat, hot
water, elevator, free pnone; some unfur
ntshed; janitor service; rent reasonable.
Place, bet. lth and 20th. near Washing
ton; newly opened; modern; electrio ele
vator, phones, Janitor service, outside
porches. Theso apartments are elegantly
furnished lu it, $ ana 4 rooms; Summer
Finest In the city ; electric elevator, vest l-
bue in each apartment ; private telephones;
private bath, oorcelain-lined refrigerators;
Oarland stoves; $40 to $55 per month.- Call
thia week.
Beautiful 4-room apartments for rent on
the ground noor. all I urmsheo. with pri
vate bath and Janitor service, in walking
distance from business district, including
steam heat. Phone Main 1245.
Elaborately furnished 3-room apartments,
all modern conveniences, large shady lawn
cool verandas, Janitor; rents reasonable,
walking distance. 624 Marshall st.; take
V" car. Main 6032 or A 3101.
Strictly modern, large, rooms and three
closets to every apartment; cool and airy
for Summer. 695 Lovejoy st. Take W
"ONEONTA" APARTMENTS, 187 17th, near
Yamhill (W car at uepot. 2, 3 and 4-room
furnished suites: hot and cold, phones and
baths free; S2o per month. $5 per week
anu up. main a t -J.
Washington sts., 3-room, apartments, have
every modern convenience, including steam
heat, hot water, private bath, free phone
anti janitor service; rent very reasonable.
VERY desirable unfurnished apartments or
suites in Aiaaiaun rarK Apartments
strictly modern ; automatic elevator serv
ice. Corner Park and Madison. Main 6006.
MODERN apartments of S, 4 or 6 rooms. In
cluding all modern conveniences; $20 and
up. Cor. 21st and Northrup. Telephone M-in
THE WESTFAL. 410 Cth St., furnished and
unfurnished aDaxtments; private baths and
phone: elevator and Janitor service; rents
reasonapie. ruuuc -n. ,joq.
For housekeeping in suites, six and ud;
hot water, free baths, nrst-ciaw. 631 it
W aaningi'jn, cor. vm.
STEAM -HEATED 6-room apartment, mod
ern and desirable; 525 Everett st. Apply
Morgan, Fleidner & Boyca, iU3 Abingtua
bldg. ,
8-ROOM apartment, furnished or unfur
nished The Hartrora, the new Buk Apart
ments, 21st and Flanders.
COMPLETELY furnished for-room a Dan-
mo nt for the Summer. A 7553 or Main
70oa. Janitor.
HARRISON COURT Unfurnished anartmnnt
pf 2 rooms, with bath. Phone Main Gl4ti. A
l si ui .
6U7 WASHINGTON j-room apartments, all
outside, iree puuuvs turn j unit or service
rent reasonable.
UNFUKMsim.u o-roora apartment; rent
$ 1 o. inquire j-j AiarKei h u
FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment. Marlbor
ough. oso Flanders st.
FURNISHED apartments, including piano.
The Morton, w asn. anu Jving sts.
1 HH. OA 1 UAA.
M od ern furnls tx ed a p art m ents. E ast 540 5.
4 AND 5 rooms. $25 and $27. 50. Corner East
13th ana lamnm. ryua c 0001.
King and Wayne s ts. a p p 1 y to J ant to r.
FOR RENT New ana strictly modm -
rom flats on zoth ana Laurel sxa. Port
ian a, ueignta, rent v. Apply
85 Fourth su
UPPER flat. 5 modern rooms, very desirable.
fine neighborhood. OlSs Main st. Apply
mornings and evenings 618 Main -St., near
King. -
NOB HILL FLAT, 5 rooms, swell and a cor
ner, modern and in line condition. Phone
Main 600O, 310 uo.urmerciai block.
Modern 6 -room upper xiat; adults. 169
E. 15th, near aeimoni.
SIX-ROOM flat, $22.
across steel bridge,
30; walking distance,
L car. 4oo Ross, cor.
WibN moving cair'up Van Horn 1 ramrx
Co. Main 1013. A u covered wag-
0 s. ail ex ywrienced men.
FOR RENT Furnished, handsome rew 6-
room Hat to small family; nc children.
0 Apply. 2 Kearney, aimrnocns,
NICELY furnished flat of 0 rooms, rent for
three niontiis. rnone ji am o-iio.
flat for rent.
W. Reldt.
-401 Roth
child bldg.
Main 1505.
739 Vz OVERTON ST. Modern flat. 6 sunny
rooms ; cn.on:e iwnuou. jwif.
MODERN 5-room flat,
V est Side, easy walk.
ith, near Jackson;
s,-p V 5-room flat, modern conveniences, l&th
and E. Asn. nwue jj wo.
4-ROOM lower flat, 12th and Belmont; key
aciusa me 11 Hi 1.
fNFURN!SHED or partly furnished 5-room
flat. it J. tfurnsme. jrnone Jast 321 1
Housekeeping? Rooms.
WELL furnished housekeeping rooms', 2 -$3
month; H for $12: cottage, 5 largo rooms. $2o;
lower flat, 4 rooms, $16. 304 20th North
(west side riverj. W car from depot, 5th
or Al orrison to utn. oioctc nurtn.
$2 WEEK Clean, furnished housekeenln
rooms; laundry, bath, phone, gas. heat., ciean imen. iinLuuv er ave.
401 EAST Morrison,
pletely furnished
cor. East 8th ; com
housekeeping rooms
THE DSLMONTE, 20th end Washington: 2-
room apts., furnished; all conveniences; $16
w .
FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeeping
rooms, with piano. 200 14th st., corner
Taylor sl.
$L&0 week, large, clean f urn. housekeeping
rooms; launory. oaiq, gas. i4 tDPn
THE ELMS 2 and 8-room apartments, fur-
nisnea. ii i-ttn st.; tranatt-nt solicited.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. $7 a
muiuii oi'u njj. vua nuuu su Jaarsnail J.S14.
$1.50 and $2 per week, clean furnished
housekeeping. Desoto house. 29T 2nd.
$1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
neat, laundry, bath 2Q3 Etanton. U" car.
TWO clean rooms In the rear, up stairs. 263
4th st.
TWO-ROOM suite, furnished. $12 up er
month. 87 Russell st
Housekeeping; Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. Fur
nished for housekeeping, gas ranges, elec
flo lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all
free; $16 per month up; a clean place; best
in the city for money; short distance from
Union Depot. Take "S" or 16th st. cars
north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs.
"J UST WHAT YOU WANT." Modern fur-.
nished or unfurnished housekeeping apart
. mcnts, single or ensuite; reasonable; cen
tral; Summer, transient or permanent
rates. "MILNER BLDG.," 350H Morrison-
TWO furnished housekeeping-rooms. 232
Washington. st. room 20.
Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family
THE first floor of large house, consisting at
four large, airy rooms and a porch, bed
room, large yard and lawn; close in; east
front; location unsurpassed. Call at 24Jj
13th for particulars. phone Main 40O9.
THREE well-furnished rooms, downstairs,
complete for housekeeping, $l0.&O per mo.;
2 neatly furnished housekeeping rooms,
upstairs, $5; yard, garden and barn. Phone
THREE unfurnished rooms, clean, convenient
separate entrance. Multnomah ftu, cor.
21st. Phone East 4808. Broadway or Irv
in g ton car.
FOR RENT 2 or a nicely furnhshed conveni
ently arranged housekeeping rooms. Inquire
567 Irving. Phone Main 6u35.
NICELY furnished 3-room housekeeping
suite, all modern, very convenient; rent
reasonable. 20S 17th ' St., near Tay lor.
TWO front rooms, furnished for housekeep
ing; gas, oata anu pnone; no children.
iUh st.
ON Portland Hts., fine, partly furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas. water and phone
included. 4,H0 2-1 st. bet. Clifton and Myrtle
NICELY furnished rooms for ll:ht house
keeping; bath and telephone. 46 Norux
21st su
3 UNFURNISHED rooms, gas stove, gas and
water. $14; seven blocks steel bridge. 4O0)
Ross, cor. Dixon.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms.
near Steel briuge; nice hack yard, iree
bat n. and phone. 3o0 Benton st.
THREE very pleasan. rooms, bath, gas.
phone, fine location, private lamily, waik-
ing distance 407.Hollid.ay ave.
VERY pleasant desirable housekeeping, also
transient rooms. 3 .Nortn ntn st.
FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeeping rooms.
FRONT alcove for light housekeeping; bath.
and phone ; yard. 4 .0 1 am run.
FURNISH ED housekeeping and sleeping
rooms. $1.50 up. 4421 Jene rso n. Main Q42-.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms;
easy walking distance, pnone I4r.
$11 TWO new modern unfurnished house-
Keeping rooms, x J. xu. -nq anucn.arK mirr
WHEN yon move you'll eed new furniture
Buy it judiciously and the savings will eoc
ceed your moving expenses.
Our NO-RENT PRICES made mm one ofl
Che large furniture ho usee la the cltjx Lai
two years.
Lookers shows same court e-y as buyer
S-75 Grand Ave., Cor. East Stark St, .
Kast nkny and Ruaseli-Shaver ce rUa
pass our d our.
We have a new, 7 -room house, modern in
every particular hardwood floors, oieeplntf
porch, Dutch- kitchen, combination natures,
new chades, that we will rent to only re
sponsible parties at $40 per month.
' E. 9.15, cor. 2-d and Brazee.
WHY pay rent when we will build lor you
on a small casn payment anu mo Dainuco
like rent? We have the lots to build on.
For lull particulars, write D 57, Orego-
nian. i
FOR RENT New, modern, six-room house,
012 Cleveland ave.. two carlines. reason
able rent. For particulars call on Mc Kin
ley Mitchell. 20 Stark st. phone Main
2131 ; A 213L
403 7TH ST., 9-room house; furnished if de
sired; other houses. flat and. apartments
S. W. Cor. 0th & Washington Sts.
TO RENT Strictly modern 7 -room house
f irBt-class condition; corner; 434 Oregoa
st., cor. East 7th. North. Call up owner.
..Tabor lSOO. p .
MODERN lO-room house. Nob Hill, 19trt
and Everett sts.; beautiful grounds. Phone
JM 3S33. Key 724 Board of Trade.
$16 Modern 4-room flat, with porches, and
ba.ement; airy and sunny ; adulte. 7ttO
WlIllama ave. Phone Woodlawn 4Z0. i
TO RENT Modern house, H rooms, first
class condition. 171 East 7th st North
near Oregon. Rent, $ou.
6- ROOM cottage. 6-15 Clinton at.; $16. Apply
T. 11. Edwards, 101 1st.
7- ROOM house in St. Johns. $13 a month.
t i c- ci..,.r Cr Tnhnr 1 "JS7-
V-U.I 3 to --q.t ' P " ii.-
MODERN 6-room houw, gas; electricity. 8
6-ROOM new modern house. $2.50
month. Apply 569 East 35th st.
Forntfhcd Houses.
694 MARKET st. drive, for Summer, 6 rooms,
comfortably furnished, view of city and
4tn and Oak. Main Q0S4.
NICELY furnished 8-room house, on Willam
ette Heights, with beautiful view of river
and mountains. 3S6 32nd st. Home phono
A -412.
NEW modern nicely furnished 6-room house,
gas and steel ranges, porcelain bath, fur
nace, laundry tubs. lawn. walking dis
tance; references. 209 E lst st. N.
FOR Summer months. 1 nicely furnished
8-room house; nreplace, piano, large porch,
beautiful roses; block; close in- Phone
East 005-
NICELY furnished 8-room house on Willam
ette Heights, with beautiful view of river
and mountains, SS0 32d st. Home phone A
FURNISHED private residence, modern, all
conveniences, walking distance. For Sum
mer or longer. Cheap to good tenant. A,
NEW 6-room furnished house, one block
from cars. $33 per month or $26 per
month unfurnished. Tabor 2154.
RE 3ONABL0 for Summer; modern 6-room
house; West Side, walking distance; gas,
piano. A 4400. 149 Porter.
$15 5 ROOMS, modern. Bennett & Wells,
Stewart Station. Mt Scott line. Phone Ta-
bor 600.
FOR RENT 7-room house, furnished, for
three months. Call at 01 X. loth st. West
FURNISHED 6-room cottage, large yard, to
responsible parties. 9 Trescott. between
Maryland ave. and Patton. t
STRICTLY modern, 7 rooms, fine location,
close In, East Side; would reserve one or
two rooms. Phone B 1716.
4- ROOM furnished flat, beautiful neighbor
hood; 7 minutes Postoffice; nice lawn; only
responsible people need answer. 3S7 10th st,
5- ROOM cottage, new. modern; West Side;
walking distance, reasonable. 555 4th st.
6-ROOMS. elegant furniture, bargain, one's
own price. 335 Main, cor. 7th.
FURNISHED modern 6-room house to Sept.
1st. 6S7 Clackamas st. Phone East 3420.
Mouses for Rent. Furniture for Sale,
6 ROOMS outside, corner flat, upstairs; rent
$25; furniture in good order; 5 minutes" walk
from Postotflce; no reasonable offer refused,
2 'J 5 11th at.
5- ROOMED house for rent, furniture for
sale; electric lights, bath; clears $-5 over
rent; price $600. 267 Columbia st.
FURNITURE 8-room, all new; will sell at
sacrifice; rent $30. Party leaving city
Main 33S.
4-ROOM. modern flat, well furnished; rent
J20; walking distance; no children. 340i,
M o i'i t goinery st. Main 341.
FURNITURE of 5-room flat, including pi
ano, at bargain; owner leaving city. Main
616L . '
UST sell; parties going East; furniture for
sale cheap and house for rent at 434 Etast
7-ROOM. well-arranged boarding-house;
good furniture; $3QO. 344 4th. Main 2300.
FURNITURE 16 rooms, house for rent; good
lease. 221 U3tb. Main 6302.
6- ROOM house on West ave.. furnished corn-
plete. cheap for cash; tine yard. B 25 1 6.
Summer Resorts.
6-ROOM cottage. 4 rooms furnished; rent
$12; large yard, full of vegetables; going
away, must sell. Take 23rd st. car to
end of line. 515 North 4'2th t.
FOR RENT At Seaside. 30-room flat, best lo
cation in city. A money-maker. Must be
reliable parties. Box 85, Seaslde. Or.
SEASIDE Completely furnished cottage; good
location; ready for occupancy; reasonable.
JB 172. 1&0 Eajjt 13th jt. m
FOR RENT Mrs. York's nice 5-room cot
tage, completely furnished, with barn. Sea
view. WTash. Phone East 3304. a
FURNISHED house for rent at Seaside, in
rgood location. For particulars address 600
Market St.. or phone Ma in4 It SO. m
at Seaview, Wash., for Summer season. G.
Heltkemper. 280 Morrison Portland. Or.
MODERN cottage at Seaside, completely fur
nished. Main 3176 even Inge. 170 N. ISth st.
THE Gibson cottage for rent at Sea View.
Wash. Woodlawn 1705.
OCEAN PARK house, 6 rooms, yard, near
sea, fumiah-ed, B. 3. Axbuckle, 393 14th. st.