Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 17, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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    tut: morning okegonian, Friday, juxe 17, 1910.
New Canal Will Be Built If
Oregon City Waterway Is
Not Acquired.
Successful Termination of Long
Fight Is Due to Many Men Credit
Given to Hawley for Persist
ent Work From Start.
ington, June 16. In the near future, the
Secretary of War, acting under authority
conferred by the recently adopted river
and harbor bill, will begin negotiations
looking to the acquisition by purchase of
the canal and locks at Oregon City, with
a view to opening the Willamette River
to continuous free navigation. For this
purpose Congress has appropriated $300,
000, to be used In conjunction with a
like amount appropriated by the Legis
lature of Oregon, the expense to be di
vided evenly between the state and Fed
eral Governments.
If, for any reason, eatlsfactoVy ar
rangements cannot be made for the ac
quisition of the old canal and locks, or
If, after further examination, the Army
engineers conclude that it is not advis
able to buy and repair this property,
eteps will be taken to acquire a. right
of way and construct a new canal, with
locks, on the opposite bank of the Wil
lamette River. This question will be
determined largely by the recommenda
tions of the local engineer officer at
Portland, through whom all negotiations
primarily will be made.
Open River Assured.
The clause in the recent rivers and
harbors bill, however it may work out,
will relieve shipping interests of the
tolls they have been required to pay In
order to pass their boats through the
privately owned canal at Oregon City.
That was the main object sought and it
was the chief inspiration behind those
who brought about the successful legis
lation in the rivers and harbors bill.
Too much credit for this legislation
cannot be given to Representative Haw
ley. who, from" the day he entered Con
gress until the conference report was
approved, has had this subject constant
ly in mind, and has made this appropria
tion one of his chief legislative aims.
To say that credit for this appropri
ation belongs exclusively to any one
man would be Incorrect, for many have
contributed to the successful termina
tion of a fight extending over a long
period of years. Nevertheless, among all
who have worked in this cause, none
has done so much to bring about a sat
isfactory appropriation as Mr. Hawley.
Facts Convince Committee.
When he entered Congress three
years ago, Mr. Hawley set to work to
lay the foundation for an appropria
tion at a future session, for he soon
learned the futility of demanding an
appropriation without proper backing.
With the co-operation of men In Ore
gon directly interested in this project,
he was able to collect and to present
to the river and harbor committee an
array of facts which left no doubt in
the minds of the committee as to the
advisability of acquiring the existing
canal around the falls of the Willamette.
But that showing', of itself, was not
sufficient to Justify the appropriation,
for it is now a rule of both Houses
of Congress that no appropriation shsul
be made for river and harbor improve
ments unless" recommended- by the
Army engineers.
In the meantime. Senator Fulton, in
February, 1908, had introduced and
passed through the Senate a resolution
calling on the engineers to investigate
and report ae to the advisability of
purchasing the Oregon City Canal and
locks. As a separate measure, the
House would not consider this or any
similar resolutions, but when the river
and harbor bill passed, March 3, 1909,
it carried the Fulton resolution as one
of Its provisions, inserted and retained
tnrough the joint efforts of Senator
Fulton and Representative Hawley.
Tlfat proviso was authority for the in
vestigation by the engineers, and the
report made by the engineers, under
that authority, directly brought about
the appropriation carried by the bill
recently passed.
After Senator Fulton and Represen
tative Hawley had secured Congres
sional authority for the Investigation
by the engineers. Senator Bourne be
came interested in the project. Senator
Fulton having retired from office the
day the survey was authorized. Bourne
several times urged the engineers to
expedite the report, but in this he did
no more than Mr. Hawley.
The examination was made during
the past Fall and Winter, but the re
port of the engineers had not been
forwarded to Washington when Con
, gress assembled last December and was
not on hand when the House commit
tee on rivers and harbors began the
framing of the latest river and har
bor bllL.
Deep Impression Made.
Annoyed by the delay, Mr. Hawley
made every effort to hasten the report,
in order to get it before the House com
mittee before the bill was reported.
These efforts failed, however, and the
bill was reported with no provision for
the Oregon City locks. Mr. Hawley,
however, by the presentation of exten
sive data which he filed with the com
mittee, and by an oral argument made to
the committee in December last, had so
impressed the members of the committee
that they gave him assurance they would
include an appropriation for the canal
and locks if the report of the engineers
should reach fhem before the bill passed
the House. They were convinced of the
merits of the project, but even at that
were unwjlllng to violate the rule and
make the appropriation in the absence
of the official report. They would have
gone to the extent of accepting an
amendment on the floor of the House had
the report been received in time.
But the report was repeatedly delayed.
and did not reach Washington until after
the House had passed the bill. The long
delay had also been called to the atten
tion of Senator Bourne, and he exerted
himself to have the report rushed In
order to have It considered before the
commerce committee of the Senate
should report the bill, for he was aware
that that committee, like the river and
harbor committee of the House, would
never make the appropriation unless a
favorable report should be secured from
the engineers.
It so happened that the report was filed
with the War Department while the riv
ers and harbors bill was under consider
ation in the commerce committee. It
was promptly approved by the Secretary
vof War, and sent to that committee,
where consideration was given to it and
the appropriation recommended was in-
in the Mil. Senator Bourne .was.
on the commerce committee, and he- rec
ommended and urged the appropriation.
The appropriation was authorized in
strict conformity with the recommenda
tion of the engineers, and in exactly the
same form as would have been author
ized by the House committee had thp re
port reached Washington two weeks ear
lier. Success Made Certain.
Senate amendments are never finally
approved until agreed to by the House.
When the rivers and harbors bill went
to conference. Representative Hawley
conferred with the House members of
that committee, and from them secured
assurance that the Oregon City canal
amendment would be accepted by them,
on behalf of the House. This acceptance
made the appropriation certain, for the
House acted on the report of the confer
ence committee, and 'accepted only those
Items which that committee approved.
The claim that credit for this approprl.
alon belongs exclusively to Senator
Bourne will not hold good. His amend
ment was not final, and had that amend
ment been rejected by the conference
committee and the appropriation de
feated, the blame would have rested
where? On Representative Hawley.
Therefore. If responsibility for. the de
feat of the amendment would have been
thrown entirely on Mr. Hawley's should
ers, it naturally follows that credit for
Its acceptance by the House must be
given in the same quarter, for it was
accepted because Mr. Hawley had con
vinced the House committee of the jus
tice of the appropriation, and because the
engineers had recommended it. Without
this preliminary work, the amendment
would have been disagreed too, and the
opening of the Willamette to free naviga
tion would have been indefinitely postponed.
Roosevelt In Declining Invitation to
World's Missionary Conference
Sends Best Wishes.
EDINBURGH, Scotland. June 16. A let
ter from Theodore Roosevelt expressing
sympathy with the movement and regret
at his inability to be present was read
at today's session of the World Mission
ary Conference. The communication,
which was addressed to Silas McBee. an
American delegate, aroused much en
thusiasm. Mr. Roosevelt wrote under
date of London, May 6, In part:
"My Dear Sir: It is a matter of pro
found regret to me that I am impera
tively called away to America so that I
am unable to be present In person at the
world missionary conference. I regret
it the more as, if I had been able to be
present it would have been as a delegate
from the Dutch Reformed Church of
America, to which I belong.
"Nothing like your proposed conference
has hitherto taken place. From many
nations and from many churches your
delegates gather on this great occasion to
initiate a movement which I not only
hope, but . believe, will be fraught with
far-reaching good.
"For the first time in four centuries
Christians -of every name come together
without renouncing their several convic
tions or sacrificing their several prin
ciples, to confer as to what common ac
tion may be taken in order to make their
common Christianity not only known to,
but a vital force among, the two-thirds
of the human race to whom as yet it is
hardly even a name.
"Surely every man imbued, as' every
man should be, with the ethical teachings
of Christianity, must rejoice in such an
effort to combine the strength of all the
churches In the endeavor to Christianize
humanity and to Christianize it not mere
ly In name, but in very fact.
"I believe that without "compro
mise of belief, without loss of the posi
tive good contained in the recognition of
diversities of gifts and differences of ad
ministration, the Chrlstan churches may
yet find a way to cordial co-operation and
friendship as regards the great underly
ing essentials on which as a foundation
all churches are built. This is one of
the lessons which have been particularly
impressed on me by what I have seen
of Christian work in Africa, both in
heathen and Mohammedan lands. I be
lieve that unity in a spirit of Christian
brotherhood for such broad. Christian
work will tend, not to do away with dif
ferences of doctrine, but to prevent us
from laying too much stress on these
differences of doctrine."
Russian Senate Repeals Act of' Ex
pulsion From Moscow.
sian Senate today granted the appeal of
the Jewish pharmacists at Moscow, who
are subject to expulsion from the city on
the ground that they are not practicing
actively their profession, and ordered the
repeal of the ministerial circular dated
July 23, 1909. under the authority of
which the provincial authorities recent
ly began to act.
The Attorney -General stated that phar
maceutical graduates heretofore had
ranked as university graduates, and ac
cordingly enjoyed an uncontrolled right
or residence tnroughou.t Russia.
and GIRLS at
The style and character of WASH GOODS
we are showing this season are so superior
to those carried in any other stores in
Portland that we would like the
privilege of showing them to you.
When added to their excellence-the cut in prices
should bring every woman who appreciates
good tailoring and style to our store at once.
The entire 3d floor devoted to this department.
ernment to establish in Mexico sys
tematic methods of fighting typhoid
fever, typhoid pneumonia and typhus
fever, which letters to the doctor Indi
cate are epidemic in coast and inte
rior cities. The doctor will take espe
cially trained nurses and will make
the trip from El Paso to the City of
New Orleans Adherents Say It Is
Victory for Their Exposition.
San Francisco Disagrees.
. WASHINGTON, June 16. Unwilling to
favor either of the rival Panama Expo
sition cities, San Francisco or New Or
leans, the House committee on foreign
affairs today decided to report favor
ably two resolutions, authorizing tlie
President to invite foreign nations to
participate in each exposition to be held
In the two cities, whenever eich city had
raised J7.600.000 for the purpose of hold
ings its exposition. The Senate commit
tee has taken no action on similar meas
ures, and neither house is expected to
act on them during the present session.
The New Orleans contingent appeared
jubilant over the committee's action, say
ing it was in their favor, and a blow at
San Francisco. The San Francisco ad
herents admitted that the action was not
what they wanted, but declared they
could raise any amount necessary to gain
Government indorsement of the fair.
Representative Foster, of "Vermont,
chairman of the committee, and other
members announced that there was no
idea of any action by Congress at this
Epidemics I tape in Mexico.
BAKERSFIELD, Cal., June 16. Dr.
A. F. Shafer, a Kern County physician,
has been engaged by the Diaz gov-
Mexlco by automobile. The main fea
ture of the. treatment, outside of sani
tation, is the use of a serum.
A man feels drowsy after a hearty dinner
because a larga part of the blood In the
system goes to the stomach to aid the di
gestion and leaves the brain poorly supplied.
$10,000 Puzzle Contes
The Above Amount in Prizes Will Be
the Successful Contestants in This,
Our Greatest Advertising Campaign.
We are Coast distributers for fifteen of the largest and best Eastern
piano factories, and in order to familiarize every individual in Portland
and vicinity with our name and pianos, we have adopted this method of
advertising, and to the neatest 100 solutions of our puzzle we will give
a pianp credit check on the purchase of any new piano, as follows:
lot. Grand Prime S2SO- Piano Purchase Check. '
2d. Grand Prle IS225 Piano Purchase Check.
3d. Grand Prize KOO Piano Purrliaite Check.
4th. Grand Prise f 175 Piano Purchane Check.
5th. Grand Prize 130 Piano Purchase Check.
6l h. Grand Prize 12. Piano Purchase Check.
SO Grand Prizes SlOO Piano Purchase Check.
The Celebrated 26 Puzzle.
How To Solve It.
The puzzle is to take the numbers
running from 1 to 12, inclusive, and so
arrange them in the squares that each
column of figures up and down and
crosswise will total 26. To point the
way we have set down the figures
from the correct solution in one of the
columns. The other numerals not
usingr a ffKure more than once are to
be placed so that they will total 26
in each column. Few will get all four
columns; some will possibly get but
one or two In addition to the column
already given.
Bear in mind, neatness counts as well as correctness, and will be
left to disinterested parties.
- Our pianos are sold direct from factory to the home.
26 26
Our recent advertising contest. In which we featured the APOLLO
PLAYER. PIANO, demonstrated to us that this means of advertising is
the most satisfactory and cheapest, besides it makes it possible for a
large number to possess a piano that could not otherwise do so. With
this end in view, we have concluded to give another opportunity in
which all may share In the above distribution.
Replies should be sent in at once, as this contest closes Wednesday,
June 22, 6 o'clock P. M.
WRITE PLAINLY Send In Tour Guess
on This or a Separate Sheet of Paper.
106 FIFTH STREET, Next to Perkins Hotel.
p. S. Every person sending in a correct answer will receive a prize
worthy their effort.
FX ' f."' - - - ,J' : ',- tf; S' - v '; f-fi it
i- . . - .jr
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For the Mountains
146 4th
146 4th
1 1
We Make All Our High
Cuts in Our Own Factory
And sell them cheaper than other stores. If we
can't suit you from stock, we make them to your
measure on 24 hours' notice. All mountain shoes
nailed free of charge.
Our repair department will fix up anything you
got for vacation use ori a moment's notice. Phone
us to call for your repairing. We deliver free.
.50 Round
June 2, 17 and 24 ; July S and 22
August 3; Sept. 8, 1910
This low rate is via the Great Northern Railway from Seattle, Tacoma,
Portland. Everett. Bellineham. Vancouver, Victoria, New Westminster,
Wenatchee, Spokane and many other points in Washington, Oregon and
British Columbia to
$6o.0O to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Superior, and Kansas City. Pro
portionate fares to New York, Philadelphia, Washington, D. C, and other
eastern points. Stop-over -anywhere on the Great Northern Railway.
Name your tram tell tne agent you want to go on xne wrtemat lim
ited, last Mail or Ureal Northern Express. Better stm write me ior
full information and our ' Iast Uver the mountain ioiaer.
Describes the routes past the new (jlacier National i'arlc to &t.
Paul, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Chicago ana
points east.
II. DICKSON', C. P. & T. A.
II. A.
mud 1'. A.
rjri y.i i ; ww vat
122 Third Street,
Portland, Or.
1 " in"
All the world's important automobile contests
have been ivon on Michelin Tires.
In Stock by
Graham Motor Car Co.
15th and Washington Streets
i. Grocer and Druggist
Relieved la
24- Hours
Each Qs.ik
aula bears the iMinvi
name- V V
Sewan of counterfeit
Hfeuwaua, Habits Positively
Cured. Only snthorired Keeley In
stitute in Oregon. Write for Ulna.
tratod circular. TCealey Institute.
71 fc. 11 tU M FortUnd. Orscoa