Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 17, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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Irish Crochet
Free Hardanger
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Italian Authorities Examine
Spolatoff, but Will Not
Release Him. ,
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Divers Engaged on Insistence of
American Consul, Who Believes
Husband Made Away With
In Manner Ilke Wife.
COMO. June 16. (Special.) The King's
Procurator today concluded his exami
nation of Spolatoff, held on suspicion of
being connected with the murder of Mrs.
Porter Charlton, and later refused to
confirm the prisoner's release.
The Procurator admitted that Spola
toff's complicity was not proved and
that there was no evidence to Justify his
Indictment; but the prisoner cannot be
freed without an order from the court,
which is not likely to be given before
Lake Como is thoroughly searched for
the body of Charlton.
It is practically certain that Spolatoff
will be released eventually. The police
are convinced that searching the lake will
not solve the mystery of Charlton's dis
appearance. It may lead to the discov
ery of the bloodstained clothes he wore
when It is thought he killed his wife.
Possibly Airs. Charlton's Jewels may be
. Trial In Contumacy Waits.
A so-called trial of Charlton In con-
tumacy cannot be started unless the ver.
I elon of double murder is absolutely ex
I eluded, and If bis body is not found In
! the lake the authorities will assume he
i has escaped and will hold the trial in his
; absence five or six months hence, thus
i preventing the operation of the statute
j of limitations rendering his arrest illegal
"ive years from now.
From the evidence collected it is as
leumed that Charlton murdered his wife
and a trial In contumacy will show the
result of the police Investigations and
convince the American authorities that
every effort has been made to solve the
mystery and punish the criminal.
Professional divers began today
,operatlons In Lake Como, In the hope
that If the waters conceal the body of
'Porter Charlton It would be recovered.
The divers were engaged by the gov
ernment on the insistence of Charles M.
Caughey, American Consul at Milan,
who holds to the theory that the person
or persons who murdered Mrs. Mary
Scott Castle Charlton and, placing her
body In a trunk, sunk It in the lake,
disposed In similar fashion of her hus
bond. Divers Create Stir.
The arrival today of the divers from
Genoa causer much excitement among
the peasants.
The interest in the case locally Is not
confined to these residents, and Sum
mer visitors throughout thiB , section.
Including a number of Americans, have
been attracted to the scene of the
tragedy. They gathered on the lake
shore in force today, hoping to wit
ness a solution of the mystery of
Charlton's disappearance.
It is not certain that the divers will
be successful in settling the yuestion,
because of the depth of the lake,, which
In spots Is 1000 feet. The belief Is
strong among many, including the po
lice, that Charlton is no won board a
steamer bound for New York.
Senate 'Passes Bill Retaliating in
Disposition of Sockeyes.
WASHINGTON, June 16. The bill
prohibiting the exportation of sockeye
alraon from the United States, except
when frozen, canned or salted, was
passed by the Senate today, but still
must receive the sanction of the House.
The bill, which was introduced by
Senator Piles, is a measure of retalia
tion against British Columbia, which
recently prohibited the exportation of
fresh Canadian salmon to Puget Sound
Great Sockeye Runs Intercepted by
Sound Kishermen.
SEATTLE. June 16. The sockeye pal
Dion is next to the Chinook salmon of
the Columbia, which Is far the best of
all, the king salmon of the country in
quality. The sockeyes are bom in the
Praser River and grow to maturity in
the ocean off Vancouver Island.
The adult salmon returning through
American waters to the Fraser River to
spawn, are caught in immense numbers
by the Washington fish traps, which last
year took such enormous numbers that
the Canadian canneries on the Fraser
were unable to get enough fish to keep
in operation.
Every third year a sockeye run occurs
which exceeds in numbers the migration
of any other salmon. During the run of
last Summer, the sockeyes sold for a
few cents apiece in Puget Sound cities,
and the canneries were unable to handle
all the fish that were taken.
Certain American trappers are alleged
to have sold trapped salmon to the Cana
dian canneries.
fOontinued From First Page.)
On the other hand, Mr. Hughes favored
the House bill because, he said, the
Senate bill compels the proposed states to
tie their own hands so as to deprive them
of the equality that should be accorded,
to all states.
Advocating the bill. Senator Smoot
said that even if both states were to be
Democratic, they should be admitted.
He believed that ultimately Arizona
would be Republican.
Mr. Hamilton, of Michigan, chairman
of the House committee on territories,
said he had no doubt now of the passage
of the statehood bill at this session of
Congress. He is confident that the House
will adopt the conference report. He
said there were some good features in
the bill put In by the Senate, for in
stance the educational requirement pro
vision; but that there were some features
that could be improved, the part relat
ing to the time when statehood is to
be effective being among them.
Under the bill as amended by' the Sen
ate it might be two and a half years be
fore the statehood law would become
operative, and the House conferees want
to shorten the time to the Spring of 1811.
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Pilgrims From All Over Land
Hurrying to New York.
Naval Parade; and Marcli Up Broad
way Are Features of Day Planned
by Reception Committee and
Members of Rough Riders.
NEW YORK, june 16. From almost
every corner of the land pilgrims are
making their way today to take part
in the home-coming welcome of Theo
dore Roosevelt.
Preparations which have been under
way for several weeks are virtually
completed and when Mr. Roosevelt
steps from the liner which is bearing
him home to the revenue cutter Andro
scoggin, the machinery will be set In
motion for what is expected to be one
of the most remarkable demonstrations
of the kind ever held.
The celebration will consist of two
main features, the water ' parade and
the land parade.- Hundreds of vessels
will take part in the former, while the
festivities on land will engage count
less thousands, either as marchers or
spectators. Those in the line of march
will be limited to a few thousands, for
the Roosevelt reception committee
found long ago that it would be Impos
sible to hold a parade as was originally
Liner Due at 9 A. M.
The Kaiserin Auguste Victoria Is ex
pected to arrive at quarantine at 9
o'clock Saturday morning. As soon aa
the Kaiserin Auguste Victoria comes
to anchor Mr. Roosevelt. Mrs. Roose
velt, Kermlt Roosevelt and Miss Ethel
Roosevelt will be transferred to the
revenue cutter Manhattan.
Then the naval parade will begin,
every vessel of the fleet saluting the
ex-President with a continuous blast of
steam whistles for two minutes.
Rougb Riders in Lead.
The fleet will proceed up the Hud
son to Fifty-ninth street " and back to
the Battery, where Colonel Roosevelt is
to land about 11 o'clock. There he will
be received by Mayor Gaynor. A single
stand will seat 600 official guests and
the Mayor's committee. The Mayor will
speak first. Mr. Roosevelt responding.
This, is expected to be his only public
speech of the day's exercises.
When the speechmaking is ended the
land parade will be formed. The Roose
velt Rough Riders, commanded by
Charles E. Hunter, of Oklahoma City,
will lead, preceded by a squadron of
police and a band. Following the police
will be a carriage containing Mr. Roose
velt, the Mayor and Cornelius Vander
bilt, chairman of the reception commit
tee, as an escort to the committee mem
bers who will ride in carriages.
Upwards of 20,000 persons, compris
ing local and visiting organizations,
will have positions on Fifth avenue for
the parade. Many will be in uniform
or wear the insignia of their orders,
and nearlyall will have bands.
After the .parade Mr. Roosevelt probably
will go to the home of his brother-in-law,
Douglas Robinson, for a family luncheon,
and later in the day will go to his home
in Oyster Bay.
Roosevelt Arrives Saturday.
SABLE ISLANDS, N. S., June 16.
The wireless station' here was In com
munication at 6:05 A. M. today with
the Kaiserin Auguste Victoria. The
steamer was 310 miles southeast of
Sable Island and 805 miles east of
Sandy Hook. The Kaiserin Auguste
Victoria, which has among her pas
sengers Theodore Roosevelt and oth
ers of his family, probably will dock
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in New Tork about 11 o'clock. Satur
day morning. .
Cannon Too Busy to See Roosevelt.
WASHINGTON, June 16. Speaker
Cannon was at the White House today.
On leaving he was asked if he thought
he would go to New York to Join in the
Roosevelt celebration on Saturday.
"How can I leave town when Congress
Is In session?" he asked, and hurried
to his waiting automobile.
Graduating Exercises Held on Lawn,
2 1 Receiving Parchment.
WALLA, WALLA, Wash., June 16.
(Special.) Graduating exercises in Whit
man College were held Wednesday after
noon at 4 o'clock on the lawn of the in
stitution, 21 students receiving their di
plomas. This was followed by the an
nual alumni dinner at Oddfellows' Tem
ple in the evening.
Degrees as follows will be given:
Bachelor of Science Edwin King
Barnes, Raymond; Vincent Borleske,
Harry Greene Davenny, Lloyd Reming
ton Hawley, Harry Leigh Willson. George
Leslie Oldrlght, magna cum laude.
Bachelor of letters Joseph Elliott Bas
sett. Manning Williams Cox. Rachel Eliz
abeth Hamilton Clifford, William Jones,
Agnes Mabel Morrison; Samuel Joseph
Neterer. John Howard Shubert, Ralph
Doane Mathews, cum laude; Willvie Ruby
Porter, cum laude; Mary Dubois Fowler,
magna cum laude. The diploma will be
conferred upon completion by Miss Mor
rison of a prescribed study not yet com
pleted. Bachelor of Arts James Alger Fee, Jr.,
Latin; John Barron Washburn, history;
Jane Olive Jones, Latin, cum laude;
Laura Manning Libby, English, cum
Arizona Milling Town Destroyed.
Plceing Animals Threaten. "
NACO, Ariz., June 16. The entire
mining town of Movarabi, in Sonora, In
cluding a 10-stamp mill, has been de
stroyed by the forest fire that is sweep
ing the Ojo and Bacoachi Mountains. The
miners had a narrow escape for their
lives and had to build back fires to en
able them to flee to Cananea.
The fire line now extends for 50 miles.
The entire ranch property of John Poh
stad, a pioneer American ranchman, has
been swept away. Along the Yaqui River,
near the railroad, many panthers, bears
and other wild animals have been driven
from the forests, and lives of a number
of people have been Imperiled by the
prowling beasts.
The property recently sold by the
Banco de Sonora to an English syndicate
has a fire line of 15 miles and 125 men
are fighting the flames.
Black Hand Blamed for Explosion
That Endangers 150 Lives.'
NEW YORK, June 16. The explosion
of a dynamite bomb in the hallway of
a First avenue tenement today wrecked
the first floor of the Interior. The 150
occupants of the building became panic
stricken when they found the stairway
exit blocked by the explosion and fled
to the fire escapes. Firemen had to
remove the majority of them by means
of ladders.
The explosion is believed to have
been the work of Black-Handers, who
for months have been writing threaten
ing letters to Frank Fassett, a barber,
who conducts, a shop on the first floor.
The bomb blew away a great part of
the barber-shop walls.
IT. S. Minister to Bolivia Retires.
WASHINGTON, June 16 James F.
Stutesman. of Indiana, United States
Minister to Bolivia for the last two
years, has tendered his resignation. His
resignation is said to be due 'to the
appointment of Fred W. Carpenter to
be Minister to Morocco and the desire
to make a place for H. Perclval Dodge,
ex-Minister to Morocco.
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More Than Eleven Billion
"Talks" Is Year's Record.
More Thau Eight Million Miles of
Wire Added to , Various Systems
in Five Years Telegraph
Statistics Eclipsed.
WASHINGTON, June 16. There were
more than 11,000,000.000 messages, or
"talks," over the telephone wires in
the United States in 1907, an increase
of 124.3 per cent over the approxi
mately 5,000,000,000 similar conversa
tions reported in 1902, according to
estimates presented In the Census Bu
reau's report, now in press.
Other large increases are conspicu
ously apparent. In 1907 the total num
ber tot systems and lines was 22,971,
as compared with 9136 in 1902, an in
crease of 151.4 per cent. The miles of
wire In 1907 were 12,999,369, an in
crease of 165.3 per cent over 4,900,451
in 1902. The salaried employes in 1907
numbered 25,298, as compared with
14,124 in 1902, the per cent of increase
being 79.1. The salaries in 1907 amount
ed to $19,298,423. as against $9,885,886
in 1902. , The average number of wage
earners in 1907 was 118.871, as against
64,628 in 1902. The wages paid in 1907
amounted to $48,980,704, as compared
with $26,369,735 in 1902. The capital
stock and funded debt outstanding in
1907 was $814,616,004, while in 1902 it
was $348,031,058. The income In 1907
waa $184,461,747 as compared with $86,
825.536 in 1902.
The first telegraph line in , the United
States. ' the report states, was opened
for business in 1844, and 32 years later
the telephone was introduced. At the
census of 1880 the telegraph companies
reported the operation of 291,213 miles
of wire as compared with 34,305 miles
reported for the telephone companies.
By the census of 1902 the amount of
wire for the telegraph systems had
Increased to 1.318,3.90 miles and that
for the telephone systems to 4,900,451
Between 1902 and 1907 there was an
addition of 8.098,918 miles of wire for
the use of the telephone systems of the
country, as compared with an increase
of 259,611 In the mileage of owned and
leased wire for the use of commercial
telegraph systems.
The telephone business of the coun
try is divided into two great classes,
one known as the Bell and the other
as the Independent or non-Bell. Of
the total number, 22,971, of systems
and lines including independent, farm
er, or rural lines, represented in the
census of 1907, there were 175, or 0.8
per cent, belonging to the Bell system,
and 22,796, or 99.2 per cent, to the non
Bell. The Bell system in 1907 operated
8.947,266 miles of wire, or 68.8 per cent
of the total, as compared with 4.052,103,
or 31.2 per cent, by the non-Bell.
Including the farmer or rural lines,
the Independent owned 44.4 per cent
of the total number of telephones In
1902 and 48.8 per cent in 1907.
Rains in Switzerland Are Most "Dis
astrous in 60 Years.
BERNE, June 16. The floods in
Switzerland caused by continued rains,
particularly in the eastern and central
districts, have proved -to be the most
disastrous in the last 60 years. Twenty
lives have been lost. Many bridges con
structed at great expense, have been
either carried away or seriously dam
aged. Property losses aggregating
$2,500,000 have already been reported.
w- CSZL. -T2L - a
Clean-up of Trimmed Hats at $1.95
We expect to have 200
greatly disappointed. The
tne weatner, nas selected
$5.00 Imported Curtain
Beautiful patterns in Irish
color. iya and xy yards
Lace Curtains at Half Price
One pair lots of lace curtains of all kinds at half price. White or Arabian color, 2 and 3
yards long. French nets, Irish point, Nottingham, cable nets, scrims, ruffled nets and Swisses.
$2.50 Full Length Curtain Samples Each 39c
Fine Nottingham lace curtains, 3 yards long and 50 inches
Anu:n l f 4. : r 1 - i
$3.50 Fine Rug Samples
Axminster or Wilton rug samples, all bound ready for use. 27
T 1 "l -V Jlf"11i
in nanasome vnenxai ana
Specially Priced Rugs at
Rugs of superior quality and finish, in handsome patterns of Oriental and conventional de
sign. Only one of a kind.
Regular $35.00 Axminster Rugs '.$19.95 Regular $35.00 Body Brussels 5519.95
Regular $50.00 Wilton Rugs . $35.00 Regular $15.00 Tapestry Brussels $ 8.95
Drapery Remnants
25c figured art scrims at
tonnes at loc. oUc Cretonnes at Zoc. $1.25 nets and madras
Curtain Rods at Clean-up
10c sash extension rods
Smart Tailored Suits for
In this lot of fine imported tailored suits the prices range from $32.50 to $50.00, and all marked
at much less than HALF PRICE. Some are of silk and some cloth and are all tailormade.
(Your choice of any of these
Misses' $12.00 Tailored
In order to clean out our
ranging m price up to Jflz.UO apiece, and marked them at one
i -
A Remnant Sale of Wash Goods v
Thousands of yards of wash goods all marked at but a fraction of the regular price. In widths
ranging from two yards to eight yards. Rough weave materials, linens, batiste, imported
fancy Swisses, printed dimities and pongees. All in a variety of colorings. A large assortment
of white wash goods and table damask, broken lines in table napkins, fancy, linen scarfs, squares
ana aouies.
An Avalanche of Remnants from the Silk .Section
Beautiful silk fabrics, the very choicest and most desirable
you at clean-up prices. Silk lengths from one to 15 yards
Messalines and many other weaves. For Friday only, from
Dress Goods Remnants at Half Price
Remnants of shepherd
style 01 dress goods, remnants at nan price.
Men's $1.00 Night Gowns 69c Each
They are made of light
summer styles with low
Men's Shirts, Clean-up
Golf style shirts of white
of any shirt in the lot at clean-up price, aoc.
Children's Box Coats, Half Price
Made of plain cloth, checks, light mixtures, stripe serges and pongee. With trimmings of
velvet, silk, fancy braid and buttons. Sizes 2 to 6 years. $2.00 to $13.50 values at just HALF
65c Fancy Ribbons, Clean-up Price 33c
In pretty Dresden patterns, dainty floral designs and light
edges. In pink, sky, white
95c Fancy Nets, Clean-up
Figured nets, round and
Also ring dot patterns, lo
$1.00 Persian Band Trimmings, Clean-up Price 49c
Persian band trimmings
irom d to z incnes. values
Kid Gloves, Clean-up Price 95c
Ladies' two-clasp overseam kid gloves, in a full assortment
mode and black.
Mended Gloves, Clean-up
One, two and three-clasp
white and Diack. ga.zo to
Ladies' Initial Handkerchiefs, Clean-up Price 12c
Of fine quality pure linen,
surrounded by a dainty wreatn ot embroidery. Values isuc.
$1.50 Chiffon Automobile Veils 73c
Made of soft finished chiffon and mousseline, also silk mull
by 18 inches and 56 by 39 inches. All hemstitched edges. In
heliotrope, cardinal and black.
A Colossal Sale of Rogers A 1 Tableware
' Silver-plated tableware
pickle forks, gravy ladle,
of Remnant Bargains from
Department in the Store
less hats in the store by 6 o'clock tonight. If we don't we will be
manager, resolving that Friday must be a banner day, no matter what
tnese nats irom our regular $o.ou to
Samples 49c Each
point, Swiss point, Renaissance and
iiorai designs.
Clean - up Prices
Half Price
122C. 18c curtain Swiss at 11c.
5c. 15c full sixe extension rods 8c.
suits for $19.75.
Coats for $4.75
entire stock of children's tailored
checks and plaids ; white wool goods,
weight, very good and durable quality of muslin and cambric in mid
Price 95c
madras, in both plain and plaited
and lavender. our to six inches
Price 39c
filet mesh and small and large dotted patterns and fancy figures.
to 44 inches wide. 1 wo shades ot
and appliques in light and dark color
to $i.uu.
Price 63c
kid gloves for ladies in tan, brown, navy, green, oxblood, gray,
3z.zd values.
hemstitched edge and hand embroidered. initial in block style letter,
in the Argyle pattern. Berry spoons, knives, forks, salad forks.
cream ladle, sugar shell, dessert spoons and tea spoons. All at big
$.DU taDles. Ureat bargains.
novelty effects, in white or ecru
wide. 500 pairs in the lot. White
1 1
inches wide and VA yards long.
12aC silkolines at 9c. 25c Cre
at 68c. J
coats we have taken the entire lot,
price, $4.75.
styles now in vogue, are all offered
in foulards, fancy pongees, stripe
one-quarter off to half price.
poplins, serges, and in fact every
styles. You can take your choice
color' combinations with satin
blue, brown and white.
combinations, in widths varying
of sizes, in tans, browns, gray,
of a very fine quality. Sizes 72
sky, pink, rose, lavender, brown,