Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 17, 1910, Page 21, Image 21

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Condition of the Plant in the
Several Sections.
PUmiIjt of Kastern Orders Are on
Hand, but at Prices That Holders
Will Xot Consider Con
tracting in California.
A large number of Eastern orders for hops
are in the market, but as they are at low
prlcea 11 to 11V4 cents f. o. b. It Is al
most Impossible to execute them. The
foreign inquiry has ceased for the time.
There is a good demand for contracts, but
it is likewise difficult to do business in
this line. Crop reports from all parts of
the valley continue favorable.
.A San Francisco wire reported more dis
position to buy in that state and a letter
from Santa Kosa announced that Sonoma
contracts had been written at 14 and 14 4
cents, but none could be had now under 15
The condition of the growing crop In
England la shown by the following planta
tion reports in the Kentish Observer of
June 2:
Ashford In this narlsh the hops have
started rather Irregularly, and those that
were very wet during the "Winter are de
cidedly weak. Fly have been seen.
Ash-Next-Sandwich In spite of all vicis
situdes, the bine has made good progress
and there is every prospect of a good crop.
providing the bine la attended to in due
Blddenden The hops although backward
have grown very fast and now look fairly
well. The acreage is about the same as
last year. A few fly are to be found. Cut
tlvatlon backward and very rough and
Chilham The hops have made a good
start and the vine healthy. They are get
ting ahead of the trainers.
Canterbury Tho vine was late In start
ing, owing to the cold Spring, but once it
made a start it came away well, and since
the weather became more genial its rate
of progress has been very rapid. In ap
pearance it Is satisfactory, but there does
not look like being more than an average
Edenbrldge With a still further reduced
acreage the vine is backward and uneven.
The tyers have not got them all to the poles
Medway Valley The vine is coming away
very well in most gardens. There is not
any appearance of fly at present. The cul
tivation, taken altogether, is not good, as
the late m-eather has been very much against
getting rid or the weeds.
Teynham The young vine appears to have
started, evenly and well, and has grown very
fast during the last week, but the high
cold wind of Tuesday will bring about a
check, warm, sunny days are wanted. A
little fly has been seen.
Wlngham The hops have started very
nicely in this neighborhood, a very even run
of vine, although a bit backward, a healthy
short-jointed vine, and there Is plenty of
time to get up the strings if weather per
mits. Fly can "be found, but are very rare
at present.
Wye and Boughton Alup Mops are grow
Ing fairly and forward enough for the time
of year. Cultivation backward in some
grounds. ,
N'orthlam The vines have grown very
much lately, and partly, made up for their
late start. The produce of those low-lying
grounds which have been so over-soaked
through the last "Winter come a bit spindly.
The "Watervllle Times of June 10 said of
conditions in New Tork State:
According to reports gathered from many
of our hopgrowers there does not seem to
have been any alarming amount of dam
age done to the crop from the frost of a
week ago. The vines show growth during
the past week, which would indicate that
they are not seriously hurt. Growers be
lieve that whatever damage has been done
the hops will recover from under favorable
weather conditions.
But Demand Has Not Opened and Prices
Are Declined.
Loganberries are now coming on the mar
ket in quite large quantities, principally
from Brooks. The demand is not equal to
the offerings and prices are declining. The
best fruit eoulm be had yesterday at $1.25
J1.50 per crate. "When home canners learn
that the loganberry season has arrived, the
movement will be better. Raspberries were
also plentiful and lower at $1.50 per crate.
This is nearly she end of the strawberry
season and most of the fruit that is coming
forward is poor.
Cantaloupes were weak because of the
full supply and the cooler weather. Prices
. ranged from 2.25 to J2.75 per crate. Apri
cots sold actively and peaches were also
In good demand. Cherries showed the ef
fect of rain and many of them were not in
condition to stand shipment.
Tho street Is overstocked with California
tomatoes, which are small and of poor qual
ity. They are hard to sell at 60(3)75 cents
a box, while the fine Mississippi tomatoes
move readily at $2 a crate.
Local Market Is Quiet. With Prices Showing
No Change.
The local grain market yesterday showed
Its usual quiet tone, with small demand
and scarce offering. The prices ojjpted were
Dealers had reports of showers In the
Palouse and some rainfall in the Walla
Walla country. No rain has fallen yet
around The Dalles and the Umatilla coun
try is much in need, of moisture.
Local receipts. In cars, were reported by
the Merchants' Exchange as follows:
Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hnv
Monday 7 1 . 1 l'
Tuesday 6 . 2 4 . 5
Wednesday ........ .... -' .... l
Thursday T 1 r 3 I
Year ago .... 2 . . . . :t 2
Season to date 1)037 1314 21. "i6 1444 2C.79
Year ago ....10517 1537 1814 867' 2763
Clean-up Price of 17 Cents Fails to Move
The supply of poultry is now somewhat
in excess of local requirements. A flat
price of 17. cents named on hens yester
" day. failed to clean up the day's receipts.
Broilers were stow vale at 25 cents.
The egg market was firm and lightly sup
piled with Oregon ranch, which were held
at 27 cents.
. Butter And cheese continue In active de
mand at Arm prices.
New Pack Chinook Salmon Active.
All of the packers are now ready to sell
Spring-packed Columbia Hiver salmon on
the basis of J1.90 for flats. SI. 75 for tails and
$1.10 for halves f. o. b. Coast shipping
points. The demand In the East is active,
says the New Tork Journal of Commerce,
and orders placed subject to approval of
opening prices are being confirmed freely.
So far only a few cars of the new pack
have arrived at New Tork and these were
half pounds. The goods were taken up as
fast as received, as the demand for that
size is particularly large. There Is a brisk
demand for halves for Immediate delivery,
but little or no stock Is available.
Canned Oj titers Advance.
A sharp advance was reported In scanned
oysters yesterday, ones being lifted 10 centa
and twos 20 cents. The market Is very
firm at the advance.
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities
yesterday were as follows:
- Clearings. Balances.
Portland i o.4
Seattle 1.719. L37 21S.297
Tacoma 952.919 52,1.1
Spokane 815,851) 67,11'S
Grain. Flour. Feed, Etc.
s-T.OTTTt . "Patents. 3.15 per barrel; !
straights. l4.OoiBi4.-io: export. a.ouw.
Valley. $6.30; graham. 4.80; whole wheat,
quarters, $5. -
WHEAT Track prices: tsiuraicm.
82c; club, 7Sc; red Russian. 70c; Valley,
BARLEY Feed and brewing. lBB-a P
ton. .
CORN Whole. $32; cracked. 33 per ion.
HAY Track prices: Timothy. Willamette
Valley, $20 21 per ton; Eastern Oregon,
$22824: alfalfa. $15lft: grain hay. $1718.
MILLSTUFFS Bran. $20 per ton; mid
dlings. (30; shorts. (21&22: rolled barley.
$24.50 0 25.50.
OATS No. 1 white. $25.50 per ton.
Dairy and Country Produce.
BUTTER City creamery. extras. 29c;
fancy outside creamery. 28 29c per pound;
store, 20S23c. (Butter fat prices average lic
per pound under regular butter prices.
EGGS Oregon candled, 27c per dozen.
CHEESE Full cream twins, 17l4o
per pound: Young America, 18SlSc.
PORK Fancy, 124;2'c per pound.
VEAL Fancy, 106 11c per pound.
LAMBS Choice, Sft'llc per pound.
POULTRY Hens, 17c; broilers, iloc; ducks.
1420c; geese. Iltl4c; turkeys, live, 20c;
dressed, 25c; squabs, (3 per dozen.
Vegetables and Fruits.
GREEN FRDITS Apples, Oregon New
town, $2 per box; new California,
fe-2.25 per box: cherries. 5 610c per pound;
apricots, 75c6i$1.50 per box; peaches, no
(1(1.25 per box; plums, $1 per box; goose
berries, 5 Q 6c per pound; currants, $1.75 per
BERRIES Strawberries." $1.251.50 per
crate: blackberries, 90c$(l per crate; rasp
berries. $1.50 per crate; loganberries. (1B
1.50 per crate.
MELONS Cantaloupes, $2.25 2.75 per
TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, $2.25 03;
lemons, $4.50 6; grapefruit, 53.23 8 per
box; bananas. 5Vic per pound; tangerines,
$1.75 per box: pineapples, $1.50(93 per doa.
VEGETABLES Artichokes, 6075o per
dozen; asparagus, $1.252 per box; beans,
81&IO0 per lb.; cabbage, 2V44f2c per lb.;
cauliflower. $2 per doz.; corn, 2U&;ioc per doz. ;
cucumbers, 50c$l per doz.; head lettuce,
50 4n)c per doz.; hothouse lettuce. 5oc42$l
per box; garlic, 10 012 Vic per lb.; horse
radish. 8310c per lb.; green onions. 15c per
doz.; peas. 45c; peppers. 20c per pound;
radishes, 15 & 20c per dozen; rhubarb, 3
3 Vic per pound; spinach, slOc per pound;
squash. 75c per crate; tomatoes, 00ct$2
per box.
SACK VEGETABLES Rutabas, $1.2519
1.50; carrots, 85c$l; beets, " $1.50; pars
nips, 75c $1.
POTATOES Old Oregon,- 60fS75c per hun
dred; new California, 1 2c per pound.
ONIONS Bermuda. $1.50 1.75 per crats;
red, $2 & 2.25 per sack.
Groceries. Dried Fruits, Etc.
DRIED FRUIT Apples. 10c per pound;
peaches, 7c ; prunes, Italians. 4 qi 5c ; prunes,
Frencn, 45c; currants, 10c; apricots. 15c;
dates, 7c per pound; flgs, fancy white, GVc;
fancy black, 7c; choice black, 5VsC.
SALMON Columbia River, l-pound talis,
$2 per dozen; 2 -pound talis, $2.U5; 1-pound
flats, 2.10; Alaska pink, 1-pound tails, Uuc;
red, 1-pound tails, 1.4o: sockeye, 1-pound
tails, $2.
COFFEE Mocha, 24 28c; Java, ordinary,
17 2uc; Costa Rica, fancy, 18 20c; good,
l(i(fj18c; ordinary, 12 ltic per pound.
NUTS Walnuts, loc per pound; Brazil
nuts, 13(&15c; filberts,, ltic; almonds. 17c;
pecans, 19c; cocoanuts, 90cd$I per dozen.
SALT Granulated, $10 per ton; half
ground, lOus, $lu.5t per ton; 50s, 11 per
ton. ' '
BEAKS Small white, 5e, large white,
4c; Lima, 5 hi c ; pink, 7c ; red Mexicans,
7c; bayou, 7c.
SUGAR Dry granulated, fruit and berry,
10-25; beet, $0.05; extra. C, $3.75; golden C,
$5.65; yellow D, $5.05 ; cubes t barrels),
$5.65; powdered, ' $.50; Domino, $10.40J
10.1)0 per case. Terms on remittances with
in 15 days deduct 14 c per pound, if later
than 15 days and within 30 days, deduct e
per pound. Maple sugar, 15&18c per pound.
RICE No. 1 Japan, 4 c;. cheaper grade,
8.50&4.55c; Southern head, 5fc7c
HONEY Choice, $3.25'3.50 per case;
trained, 7c per pound.
-- lrovllons.
BACON Fancy, 28c per pound; standard,
25c; choice. 24 Vic; English, 2223a&
HAI.IS 10 to 13 pounds. 20c; 14 to 16
pounds, 20c; 18 to 20 puunds, ll:c; hams,
skinned, 21c; picnics, 15c; cottage rolls,
none ; boiled hams, ill & 20c
LARD Kettle rendered, 10s, 17c; stand
ard pure. 10s, 17a; choice, 10s, 10c.
SMOKED BEEF Beef tongues, each, 60c;
dried beet sets, 22s; dried beef outside. 2oc;
dried beef insides, 23c; dried beef knuckles,
DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears,
Oregon exports, dry salted, 17V&c; smoked,
dry salt, 17;; smoked, ISc; short clear
back, heavy dry salted, lOfec; smoked, ISc.
PICKLED GOODS Barrels: Pigs' feet,
$16; regular tripe, $10; honeycomb tripe.
$12; lunch tongues, $10.50; mess beef, ex
tra, $14; mess pork. $30.
Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc.
HOPS linn crop, 11 fi3 13c, according to
quality ; olds, nominal ; 1110 contracts, 13&
14c. nominal.
WOOL Eastern Oregon, 14 17c pound;
Valley, 16("iac per pound.
MOHAIR Choice, 32 33c per pound.
CASCARA BARK i'iCySc per pound.
HIDES Dry hides, 15S10c per pound;
dry kip. 15lJc per pound; dry calf
skin, 17 19c per pound; salted hides, TijJ
be; salted calfskin, 14c per pound; green
hides, lc less.
PELTS Dry, 1012c; salted, butchers'
take-off, $1.15 1.40 ; Spring lambs, 254? 45c.
Produce Prices Current In the Bay City
SAX FRANCISCO, June 16. The follow
ing prices were curjrent in tho 1 produce
market today :
Butter Fancy creamery, 2Sc; creamery
seconds, 27,jc; fancy dairy, 26c.
Cheese New, 1 1314 (& l4c; young1 America,
Egge Store, 234 c; fancy ranch, 26 Vic
Poultry Roosters, old, $5(5.50; roosters,
young, $8 10; broilers, small, $2.25 S;
broilers, large, $X50(g4 ; fryers, $07.5O;
hens, $5&10; ducks, old, $t7; ducks,
young. $S10.
Vegetables Cucumbers, $12.50; garlic, Zip
4c; green peas, $lt50 (a 2.5u ; string beans, 7
0c ; ai-pa rat;us( 7 5c$j $ 1 . 50 ; toma t ocs, aO
UoOc; eggplant, 4&0c.
Fruit Apples, choice 50c; apples common,
35c; bananas, 75c$?$3; Mexican limes, $7d
7.50; California lemons. choice, $1.35(j4;
oranges. navels, $1.503.25; pineapples,
Millstuffs Bran, $23 24; middlings, $2S
Has Wheat, $1210.50; wheat and oats
$9615: alfalfa, $7.50011; stock, $6)7;
straw, per bale, 40 Ci)c.
Hops California, 123 14c.
Potatoes Early Rose, 4O60c,
Receipts Flour, 3120 quarter itacks: wheat
60O centals; barley. 4275 cental-; oats, 750
centals; potatoes. 3S95 ack; bran, 85 sacks -middlings,
82 sacks"; hay, 730 tow; wool loO
bales; bides, 885.
well srrruKD with produce.
Mississippi Tomatoes In Good Demand at
Senttle at 3.
SEATTLE. Wash., June 10. (Special.)
The persistent demand fof tomatoes which
has prevailed along Western avenue since
the opening of the Iresh vegetable season
slackened somewhat today, when a carload
of good quality arrived from Mississippi.
They did not last long at 42. however, and
"few were left over at the close of the mar
ket. Dealers predict that the supply will
increase shortly on the strength of ship
ments now on the way.
Three carloads of potatoes, of good qual
ity, reached the market. Prices remained
unchanged. Three carloads of oranges and
8183 crates of strawberries constituted the
larger fruit receipts.
Receipts today included also one car of
apples, one of cantaloupes and 11U7 miscel
laneous packages.
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW TORK. June 16. Coffee closed at an
advance of 1 t 5 points. Closing bids: June,
8.45c; July. 6.50c: August, 6.6fc; September,
6.63c; October, November and December,
6.70c: January, 6.73c: February, 6.76c;
March. .78c: Afiril. 6.79c; May, 6.80c. Spot,
steady: Rio No. 7. 8Hc; Santos No. 4. 8c.
Mild, steady; Cordova, OialL'Hc.
Raw sugar, quiet; Muscovado,' 89 test.
S.68c; centrifugal. 96 test, -4-lSc; molasses
sugar, SO wst. -i.-'tOc. Refined sugar, quiet:
crushed, 5. hoc; granulated, 5.13c: powdered.
Dulntb Flax Market.
Dl'LUTH. June 16. Flax, on track and
iw . juiy. anKea: Septem
ber, 1.701 October, JLtiii, WiV
Fancy Wethers Bring $5 at
- North Portland.
Demand Is Active, However, and
AVitH Clioice Quality Of fered, x
Market Shows Advance ot
2 5 to 50 Cents.
Five-dollar sheep again made their ap
pearance in the Portland livestock market
yesterday. . The run was a heavy one, but
the combination of good quality and strong
demand lifted the market from 25 to 50
cents above 'the level of last week. In other
lines conditions were about steady.
Sheep sales made up most of the day's
business. The features of the trading were
two transactions In wethers of extra good
quality at $5 a hundred. There were 434
head in the two bunches, which averaged 103
and 102 pounds. Other sales of sheep were
at $4.25 to $4.50. Lambs displayed the same
strength as sheep, good quality selling read
ily at ?6.
There was a fair amount of business In
cattle, but nothing was done In hogs. The
best steers brought $3.75. Six loads of ex
tra good cows sold at $5, the extreme top
of the market, while fancy light calves went
at $9.50 and heavy weights at $4.75.
Receipts for the day were 434 cattle, 1246
sheep and 39 horses and mules.
Shippers of the stock were L- E. West, of
Yoncalla, two cars of sheep; L. Richards, of
Junction City, two cars of Sheep; McFadden
& Barclay, of Junction City, four cars of
sheep; H. C. Sherritt, of Drain, one car of
cattle; L G. Berry, of Shedds, two cars of
cattle; Rose & Hansen, of Harrisburg, one
car of cattle: William Henry, of Idaho Falls,
one car of horses and mules; G. H. Robert
son, of Missouri, one car of horses and
mules, and Kidwell & Caswell, of Willows,
Cal., 13 cars of cattle.
The day's sales were as follows
WeiRht. Price.
23 steers . . .
102 cows . . .
2S cows
84 wethers
2S wethers .
30ft wethers . .
22 steers ...
4 steers
in -cows
10 cows ....
H calves . . .
47 calves
1 bull
00 sheen . . .
1320 $5.00
, SSO 5.00
9:i9 5.0O
00 4.75
103 5.00
, 102 5.00
1222 5.7
, 90S 4.00
, 1000 4.05
1027 4.10-
203 4.75
I S I 6.50
, 1000 ;j.S5
, 101 4.50
11 sheep
3 02 4.50
14 sheep . 134 4.S5
12! sheeD 107 4.23
79 lambs 67 C.O0
47 lambs 63 fi.OO
SI lambs 67 6.00
0 lambs : 44 3.00
312 lambs 63 6.00
Prices quoted on the various classes of
stock at the yards yesterday were as for
Beef steers, good to choice
California f 5.75 I 6.00
Beef steers, good to choice
Eastern Oregon and Valley 5.60 5.75
Reef steers, fair to medium. 4.25 4.75
Cows and heifers, good to
choice 4.20 COO
Cows and heifers, fair to me
dium - 3.75 4.50
Bulls 8.00.8 4.00
Stags S.50 5.00
Calves. light 5.75g 6.73
Calves, heavy 4.00 6.00
Hogs, top 9.503) 9.75
Hogs, fair to medium 8.40jS 8.15
Sheep, best wethers 4.30 5.00
Sheep, fair to good wethers. 4-OOGji-. 4.2a
Sheep, best ewes 4.00 4.50
Lambs, choice 6.50 6.00
Lambs, fair 4. 75 5.25
Eastern Livestock Market.
KANSAS CITY, June 16. Cattle Receipts,
50(H). Market, steady. Native steers. $6.003
8.50; cows and heifers, $3.25'& 7.00 ; stockers
and feeders. $4.00 0.25; build. $3.75 0 5.00
calves. $4.00fij.0.25; Western steers, $5.75
.02'; Western cows. $4.00 6.50.
Hogs Receipts, 7000. Market, steady to
strong. uik or saies. $y.4ory) w.&u; heavy.; packers and butchers, $9.40&
Sheep Receipts. 40O0. Market, nteadv.
Muttons, S4.50(ij 5.75; lambs. $7.00S 50; fed
wetners ana yearlings, ocg y.du; lea WesL
ern ewes, $4. 50 & 5.25.
CHICAGO. June 16. Cattle Estimated
receipts, 55O0. Market, steady. Beeves, $5.05
08.75; Texas steers, $0.25p7.15 Western
-steers. i.uu; siocKers ana feeders,
53.00 6.40 ; cows and heifers, $2.704r 6.00
calves, $6.50S9.OO.
Hops Estimated receipts, 17.000. Mar
ket, slow to shade off. Light, $9.450.70
mixed. $0.450.70; heavy. $9.30a9.70
V rough, $9.300.45; good to choice heavy
5!.4i.tfju: pigs, y.ioai.60; bulk of sales,
$U.&5rji O.Oo.
Sheep Estimated receipts, 15.000. Mar
ket, steady to shade on. Native, $3..h)(3)6.0O
Western, $3.75fi 0.10; yearlings, $6.25 1 7.25
lambs, native, 5.75$i 8.25; Western, $6.25g
OMAHA, June 16. Cattle Receipts, 2200.
Market, slow to shade lower. Native steers,
$..rOrg. S.'Jii ; cows ana belters, $:t. 7 T 4 fi.25
ers. $2. 85ft 5.85: canners. $2. 75ft 4.30: stock
ers and fcedera, $3. 50ft 6 00; calves, $48.25
ouiis, eiazs, etc., ioho.uu.
Hogs Receipts. 9700. Market, strong to 5c
nig her. rieavy. .jra- .4; mixed, $0.35 ftf
ii. 4 u; iigni, u, :...t: pigs. i . iMto v. 00
bulk of sales. 0.35(5O.40.
Sheep Receipts. 42O0. Market, steady.
Yearlings. $.".7."''i)6.73; wethers, $5.2 6.25;
ewes, o.t'Vfi' o.tM' ; 1 a 111 os, 1 .imri w.uu.
Conjectures Over What Will Happen
to the Market In the Future.
3Iouey Is Easy.
t NEW YORK, June 16. The stock market
today was abandoned to dullness and quiet
ness. Immediate developments were ignored
and the professional traders were driven to
lraming conjectures over what might prov
to be the market's response to expected
happenings in the future. It was urged that
the enactment of the railroad bill ought to
(-pen the way .for some activity in the spec'
A more influential factor in the depression
o the speculation is the contest to be
waged over the coming attempts to secure
higher freight rates. The symptoms of
acerbity among railroad executives in the
discussion of the question of retrenchmen
and the broad insinuation by the presiden
of the Great Northern that stock market
policy rather than operating exigencies gov
erns some of the propositions advanced were
taken as suggestive of the direction I
w-hich the rate contest might Influence th
stock market.
The resolution of inquiry adopted by the
Hfuse, calling for information regarding the
Aliorney-vjenerai s investigation of th
United States Steel Corporation, was dis
cussed with some show of interest, but
the effect on the market was negligible.
Kqually so was the report of the awarding
of contracts for the Panama Canal locks.
Involving large steel orders. The decrease
in the visible supply or copper did not help
the copper Industrials, the price of th a mtal
ceding again in London.
aii'iif J i t iii. itiit ii ettay ill rone. 1 ne 3anK
of England's weekly returns revealed the
ariaty or tne Lonaon money market to re
duce its indebtedness to the Bank of Eng
land, in spite of tho further heavy lnturn
or taxes to tne jiem or government dennsits
Bonds were irregular. . Total sales, par
value. H.0G3.00O. United States bonds were
uncnangea on can.
tiijii. iiw. iSII.
Allls . Chalmers pf. mo 3m .1014 ao
Amal Copper . 35,500 63?i 61 6314
Am Agricultural ' 40
.4V.tu Bet iiugar e. iOO 34. 34 33?4
American Can 1,700 9 8Ts
. 77
1.8 U.
Am Car & Fdy . 30O 55 54
Am cotton Oil
Am Hd & Lt pf. 100 344 S4Vi
jm ice eecurl...
Am Linseed Oil.. 2.0i0 12T. 12!
Am Locomotive .. loo 4.1 43
Am Smelt A Ref.. 6,700 73 74 Vi
ao preferred ... 300 103 13
Am Steel Fdy .... ......
Am Sugar Ref . . .
Am Tel & Tel H00 1364 133;
Am i oDacco pr .. .....
Am Woolen lOO 824 32
Anaconda Min Co. 0"O 89 39:
Atchiaon 2.5(i0 104!s 103
co preferred ... 2o lf 101T
tl Coast Line ... 3oo 120(4 120
Bait & Ohio ' 2.OO0 111M, 110T4
Bethlehem Steel
Brook Ran Tran. 2.300 78 774 .
Canadian Pacific .. 500 195(4 183
Central Leather
do preferred ... . .....
Central of N J
Ches & Ohio 3,400 8H4 8n,ii
Chicago & Alton .. 200 32Vi 32(.
Chicago Gt West
do preferred ... 100" 48 48
Chicago & N W
C, M & St Paul .. 8.500 ll-7Vs 125(4
C. C. C & St L
Colo Fuel Sc. Iron
Colo & Southern
Consolidated Gas.. 4,800 13tt'-i 135
Corn Products ... loo 15(4 15(4
Del St Hudson ... 1(K 166 16
L & R Grande ... 700 35 34 4
do preferred .....
Distillers' Securi . . 500 3 29
Erie 2O0 27 '6 27
do 1st preferred. 100 45(4 45V4
do 2d preferred. .
General Electric
Gt Northern pf ... 1.30O 130 13fH
Gt Northern Ore .. 300 . 60 69 V4
Illinois Central
tnterborough Met.. 300 1S?i 18
do preferred ISO 51 50(
Inter Harvester .. 6"iO 99 98
Inter-Marine pf .. 2uO 17 17
Int Paper
Int Pump 500 45 444
Iowa Central .. 3"K) 19 19
. c southern ... 4W 31 31
do preferred 4io 5 64
Laclede Gas l.OdO 1(11 Hil.'V
Louisville & Nash 300 144 rt 144
Minn & t Louis '
M, St P & S S M
Mo. Kan & Texas. 200 S8 38 .
- 38
do preferred
Missouri Pacific . . 1,000 60(4 65T4
National Biscuit
National Lead ... 200 73 73
Mex Nat Ry 2d pf
N Y Central 4.600 116 115T4
K T, Ont & West
Norfolk & West.. 3no - 1004 -00
North American .. , loo 124 124
Paclflc Mail loo 26 2i
Pennsylvania, 430 131 131
131 1
r-eopie ua .... sou mo1 luo
P, C C & St L
Pittsburg Coal
Pressed Steel Car. 200 35(4 35
. 98
Pullman Pal Car
Ry Steel Spring
Reading 56.900 154 152
Republic Steel ... 3M SI 3(1
do preferred . . . 2uO 93 95
Rock Island Co. . 8,1110 40V 38
do preferred ... 8oO S5'4 84
St L & S F 2 pf.. 3UO 43 43
St L Southwestern -
do preferred .....
Sloss-Sheffield .... 100 69 69
Southern Paclflc .. 7 100 121 120
Southern Railway. 3n0 23(4 25
do preferred ... loo 69 V4 68 H
Tenn Copper 300 29 20
Tol. St L & West. 300 24 24
do preferred ... 100 57 57
Union Pacific ... 36.100 172 170
do preferred . . . 5(K 93 93
XT S Realty
U S Rubber
U S Steel S6.300 TS 76
do preferred ... 50O 115 113
Utah Copper .... 60O 43 43
Va-Caro Chemical. loo 59 69
Wabash 500 19 18
do preferred ... 1.000 ',42 42
Western Md 100 4 4 44 -
Westlnghouse Elec loo 62 62
Western Union ... 100 03 63
Wheel & L Erie
Total sales for the day, 793,800 sharei
4rt 'a
NEW YORK, June 16. Closing quota
T ' rr n- rue IflnSZln Xr Tl. ( - J ft.".R
do coupon. ... .100 N.Y.C. gen. 3s. 9S
U. S. 3s reg 101N. Pacific 3s 70
uo coupon tVITi oo ts
U. S. new 4s reg. 114 Union Pacific 4s. 100
U 1, tllUllUll. .... A 73 I ' " -' . f " . " a. . . vv J I
, 1 , ' ' ' i ., .... r. I 1111 1 -
Money, Exchange, Etc.
NEW YORK, June 16. Prime mercantile pa
ner 44i5Mi Der cent.
Sterling exchange firm, with actual business
in bankers' bills at 4.84406 4.8450 for 60-day
bills, and at 4.S6i ior aemana. commercial
bills. X4.S3V4B-1. .
Bar eilver, 33c.
Xf,xtoin dollars. 44c.
Government bonds steady; railroads Irregu
Ur Monev on call steady. 2S3 per cent
ruling rate. 2 per ctnt; closing bid. 2
per cent; offered at 3 per cent. Time loans,
quiet and firmer; 60 days. 33 pel cent;
and 90 day 3 per cent; six months, 44
per cent.
LONDON. June 16. Bar silver, steady at
24 ll-16d per ounce.
MonevJ 2V,fi2:'i per cent.
The rate of discount in the open market for
short bills to 2 11-16 per cent; tnree montns-
hllis. 2 B-lunZK, per cent.
Consols for money. 81; do, for account,
NEW YORK. June 16. Exchange, New
York, 15c discount.
SAN FRANCISCO. June 16. Sterling on
London. 60 days. f4.84; sight. 4.S6.X
Sliver bars, 53 c.
Mexican dollars. 45c.
Drafts Sight, 4c; telegraph, 7c.
Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON. June 16. The condition
of the treasury at the beginning of business
today waa as follows;
Trust funds
Gold coin IS60.76S.869
Silver dollars 491,634.000
Silver dollars of 1890 3.690,000
Silver certificates outstanding.... 491,634,000
General luno
standard silver dollars in gen
eral fund f4S1.7SS,000
Current liabilities 95.293.903
Working balance In treasury of
fices In banks to credit ot U. S. treas
urer ' ..v.
Subsidiary silver coin
Minor coin
Total balance in general fund....
Eastern Mining; Stocks.
June 16. Closing quotations:
Allouez 38
Amal Copper. : . 63
Am Zinc Ld & S 24
Nevada Consol.
Xiplsslng Mines,
North Butte . .
11 (
23 -i
Ariz Commercial 14
Atlantic 7
B C C & 'C(rets) 12
Butte Coalition. 18
Calumet tic Ariz. 32
Calumet & Hec.543
(Old Dominion
, 13
jShannon sj
Sup & Bos Min..
Suo & Pitts con
Cod R Con Co. 60
E Butte Cop M. 7
Franklin 11
Giroux Consol... 17
IJ S Coal & Oil
Granby Consol. . 3S
Greene Cananea. 13
Isle Roy (cop). 6
Kerr Lake .... 8
Lake Copper ... 51
U S Sm R & M 39'
do pf d
Utah Consol
Wolverine 110
La Salle Copper Ht4i
Metal Markets. ,
NEW TORK. June 16. Standard copper,
dull: spot. 12. 00$t 12.12 c; June, July and
August. ll.UiJ 1.1-sc, ana ceptemDer,
11.1tll-.luc. Lonaon, wean; spoi, i-. i i
Od ; futures, 54 17s od. No arrivals report'
ed at New York today: Customs-House re
turns showed exports , of 145 tons, making
7647 so far this month. Local dealers quote
lake cot-per at 12.62 1 2.RT ; electro
12.37,12.62c; casting, 1 2.22 12.37 c.
Tin. weak; spot, s.'.lilif ,ii vs; June
32. 40 (ft 32.03c: July, 3M(0Ji 32.(0c; Augus
and September. 32.25 32.00c. London
steady: spot. 147 loc; futures. 148 12s 6d
Lead, steady; NPOt. 4.wa 4.-oc New York
4.17 SM.22 c East St. Louis. London, un
chanced, at 12 12s 6d.
Spelter, weak. 5.40(&5.50c New York and
4.85w!5.00c Kant at. louis. bonaon, un
chanced, at 22.
Iron, lower, at 48s 9d for Cleveland war
rants In London. Local market unchanged
No. I foundry Northern. SI 6.75fr 1 7.73 -. No.
2, 16.25 16.75; No. 1 Southern and No. 1
Southern soft. I10.23W16.75.
Dried Fruit at? New York.
NEW YORK. June 16. Evaporated ap
ples quiet, steady. Spot fancy. 1010c;
choice, 88c; prime, 7tf7e; common to
fair, 66c.
Prunes quiet, steady. Quotations: 3JJ9(4c
for Californlas up to 30-40s. 49c for
Apricots steady. Choice, 1010c; ex
tra choice. 10llc; fancy. 1011C.
Peaches quiet and steady. Choice, S
6c; extra chofce. 77c; fancy. 7
Raisins, quiet and unchanged. Loose mus
catels, 3te5c: choice to fancy seeded.
46c; seedless. 3c; London lay
ers, $1.201.25.
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. June 16. Cotton Spot
closed quiet. 10 points lower. Middling up
lands. 15.16c; middling Gulf, 15:40c. ' Sales,
1890 bales. Futures closed easy. 4 to 8
points down." Closing bids: June, 15.04c;
July. 15.12c: August, 14.64e; September.
13.14c; October. 12.45c: November. 12.32c;
December, 12.25c; January, 12.22c; March. 1
12. 24", " .
orecast of Rain in Spring
Wheat Country.
Large Buyers at the Opening Turn
Sellers at the Rise and Prices
Ease Off Cash Position
Is a AVeak - One. .
CHICAGO. June 16. Montana was the un
expected quarter from which came news that
today somewhat abated a crop scare. not.
dry weather had been officially credited for
the last several days to the Spring wheat
belt of the Northwest, but forecasts of rain
for Montana gave rise to some uncertainty.
unrelieved dryness for any continued penoa
now would materially add to a moisture def
icit which at St. Paul amounts already to
6.6 inches since March 1. The market, after
a sharp advance, receded and closed easy at
a net gain of c. Corn at the finish
was unchanged to (Jz'c lower and oats
unchanged to c higher. Last price
for provisions were unchanged to 20c up.
Northwestern houses were large buyers or
wheat here early, but following the bulge in
quotations they turned sellers during the
final hour of the session. Drouth damage to
the Volga district in Russia tended to
heighten the tension regarding the Spring
crop in tnis country. At tne same time
shipments for the week from India were re
ported at less than half what they were a
year ago. July delivery did not keep pace,
being held back by a dull and weak cash sit
uation locally. September ranged from 90c
to 91 c and closed c up at ooc.
excellent weather offset speculative buying
in the corn pit. September fluctuated be
tween 5S5Sc and 59c, closing steady
at o8c. a net loss of c. The cash mar
ket was firm. No. 2 yellow closed at 59$j
59 c.
' September oats varied from 35T4S5c to
36 c and closed at a net gain of gyc at
33 c.
Provisions advanced early, but later fell
back with grain. Final trades were 7c to
20c higher for pork, 2c to 7c higher for
lard and unchanged to 7c up for ribs.
The) leading futures ranged as follows:
Onen. High. Low. Close.
July S .93 .93 H t .82 t .02
sept .o .1(4 -u
Dec Sl .92 . .91 .91
July 58 .68 .57 .57
Sept 5Si .69 .Sg .58
Dec 56 .57 .56 .56
July 36 .37 .36 .36
Sept 35 .36 .35 .35
Dec .36 .37 .36 .36
July ' 52.70 23.00 22.70 22.90
Sept 22.10 22.40 22.10 22.27
Julv 12.40 12. B0 12.40 11.40
Sept 12.40 I 12.52 12.35 12.42
July 12.97 13.17 12.97 IS. 07
Sept 12.55 12.62 H!.4i 12.62
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Firm.
Rye No. 2. 7577c.
Barley Feed or mixing, 47'54c; fair to
choice malting. 5865c.
Flax seed No. 1 Southwestern, J1.37; No.
1 .xortnwestern. 11.91.
Timothy seed, $4.35.
Clover $11.25.
Pork Mess, per barret, $23.2 25.
Lard Per 100 pounds. $12.35.
Short ribs Sides (loose). 13-12 13.50,
Sides Short, clear (boxed). $13.75 14.
Grain statistics:
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal tq 59,000 bushels. Primary receipts
were 2bl,ouu Dusneis, compared wltn lto.uuo
Dusneis tne corresponuing uay a year ago,
Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
11 cars; corn, 269 cars; oats, 147 cars; hogs,
15,000 head.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 22.000 22.000
Wheat, bushels 8.400 48.200
Corn, bushels 197. 500 1 230.900
Oats, bushels 190.800 484.600
Rye. bushels 2.000 ....
Barley, busnels 57,200 59,700
tirain and Produce at New York.
NEW YORK, June 16. Flour About
stead3'. with a fair demand. Shipments, 5706
Wheat Spot, steady. No. 2 red, $1.03
nominal c. 1. r. : no. - i Nortnern, slio&
nominal f. o. b. to arrive. Wheat advanced
during the morning on firm cables and cov
ering by shorts on dry weather in the
Northwest." but was easier in the afternoon
under realizing closing at to c net ad
vance. July closed 99c; September. 97c;
December. 99 c. Shipments, 9161 bushels.
Hops and petroleum Steady.
Hides and wool Quiet.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS, June 16. Wheat July
$1.03; September, 9393c; December,
91 c. Cash: No. 1 hard. $1.08; No. 1
Northern, $1.07; No. S Northern. $1.00
Flax Closed $1.97.
Corn No. 3 yellow, 5354c.
Oats No. 3 white, 3535c. Rye, No.
2, 65&70C.
European Grain Markets.
LONDON. June 18. Cargoes steadier. Walla
vtalla for shipment, 32a Bu.
English country markets quiet but steady
French country markets, quiet.
LIVERPOOL. June 16. Wheat July, 6s
4d; October, 6s t-sd. weatner, nne.
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. June 16. Wheat easy,
barley weak.
Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $1.42
1.40 per cental.
Barley Feed. $1.02'gl.O5 per cental; brew
ine. S1.07ei.l0 per cental. 7
Oats Red. $1.15(61.27 per cental; white,
$l.42V.i l.4 per cental: black, nominal
Call board sales: Barley December, $1.01
per cental.
Corn Large yellow. $1.51S1.52 per cental
Grain Markets of the Northwest
TACOMA, June 16. Wheat Bluestem, SOc
CIuD, tie; red rtussian, ibc.
SEATTLE. June 16. Milling quotations
Bluestem. 84e: forty-fold. 82c; club. 81c; Fire,
81c: red Russian.-79. Export wheat Bluestem.
81c: forty-fold. 79c; club, 79c; Fife, 78c;"red
Kusslan, 76C.
yesterday's car receipts: Wheat, 11 cars,
oats, 2 cars; barley, 1 rar.
I)iry produce In the East.
CHICAGO. June 16. Butter. Sreadv
Timber Lands
McGrath & Nenknsen Co.
701-2-34-5 Lewis BHg.
Lumber mens
National Bank
C. K. Wentworth. . . . .- President
John A. Keatlag .Vice-President
Geo. I. McPheraon. . .Vice-President
II. r. Story Cashier
F. A. Freeman. . . . . Aaalatant Cashier
Graham Dukehart.. Assistant Cashier
CAPITAL $1,000,000
SURPLUS and PROFITS $600,003
W. M. LADD, President.
KDW. COOK ING IT AM, Vlcs-Presldenl
W. H. DUNCKLEY. Cashier.
R. S. HOWARD, JR.. Au't Cashier.
L. w. LADD. Assistant Cashier.
WALTER id. COOK. Ass't Caahlar.
Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposit
We Issue Letters of Credit, Foreign Drafts, and Travelers Checks
Bank Notice
Security Savings and Trust Company
Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets
Capital and Surplus $900,000
Invites Accounts of
Merchants, Individuals and Savings
First National Bank
Capital $1,500,000
Surplus 750,000
Oldest National Bank West of the
Rocky Mountains
Creameries. 24,427c: dairies. 23 26c.
Ekks. steady. Receipts. 13.4'Jl cases. At
mark, cabes included. loVj (it 1614c: firsts,
17c: prime firsts, 18 He. Cheese Steady.
Daisies. IjITvMc; twins. 14 U 4r l."c : Youns
Americas, lafrloVc; Jong; horns, 15
15 i c.
NEW YORK. June 10. Butter Slightly
firmer; creamery pHals, 2Hr", 'extras, 274
2TVic; thirds to flits. 2r2(J:jic: state dairy
finest, 26Mf('27c; do common to prime, 2;!
Cheese Irregular, state, unchanged.
KKRa Steady: mate Pennsylvania and
nearby hennery brown, 22HU23c: do gath
ered brown, 20tx22c.
Wool at St. Louis.
" ST. LOCIS. June 10. Wool, steady. Ter
ritory and Western mediums. 17to22c; fine
.Many property owner
many will learn, that
Pavement has mora sta
bility, more real value
than any other hard-surface
pavement laid.
We are giving1 away free to those
answering this advertisement before
June 30, a map of all the California
oil fields. Sagar-Loomis Co., 701
Oregonlan building, Portland, Or.
Fast Excursion Steamer
Leaves daily except Wednesday, g a. M.,
for Hood River and way landings and re
turn leave Hood River, 2:30 p. M. ; arrive
Portland" 8 p. M.
Leaves v A. M.: returns. 5::U P. M.
First-clas? Meals Served..
Fare. One Dollar Round Trip.
l"pT6wn Office, BH oth St.
Phones Marshall 1170. A 12l:l.
Landing and Off-.e, Foot Tashlngton St.
Phones Main sr!l, A. 246.',.
Lowest Rates to Picnic Parties.
O. K. Wentworth
('has. S. Russell
1". ft, lirumhv
lr. K. A. J. Mackenzie
Oeorge U. Klngliam
Lloyd J. tVentworth
J. K. Wheeler
Geo. L. McPherson '
.lolin A. lveating
Robert Treat l'latt
M. 1. Story ?
All Modern Safely Devices (Wireless. Etc
10 A. M.
Bleucher June 21iPres. Grant... July 1:1
Leutchland ...July 2iClnclnnatl .Julyltl
Pres. Lincoln. .July tlPennsvlvania July 2'
tAmerlka July iTCleveland ...July Xt
TUnexcelled Rltz-Carlton a la Carte Res
taurant. Nev. tHamburg direct.
NAl'I.KS and
S.S. MOI.TKE July 12. 2 V. M.
SS. B.1TAVIA August 3
S.S. HAAIItl K(l August tl
Hamburg-American I.lne.
60 l'owell M.. Sun FranclM:o, Cal.
and Local R. R. Agents In Portland.
Columbia River, Port
land and Astoria Route
Steamer Hassalo leaves Portland dally
from Ash-street dock, except Sunday, at 3
P. M. (Saturday at 30 P. M.) : returning,
leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, at 7
A. M. Tickets Interchangeable with steam
er "Lurline," which leaves Astoria daily,
except Sunday at 7 P. M.
Only direct steamers and daylight sailings,
from Ainsworth dock. Portland. B A. M.;
t.S. JiKAVKK. JINK 18. ,U LY .
SS. lSkAK. JUNE 25. JLLY 9.
From Pier 40. San Francisco. 1 1 A. M.:
SS. UK Alt. JINK 18. Jl'I.V 2.
HAHMX ti. SMITH. C. T. JL.. 14 Third St.
Main 402. A 1402.
J. AY. RANSOM. Asent.
Almworth Dock. Main 2C.S. A 1334
San Francisco & Los Angeles
North Pacific S. S. Co.'s S. S. Roanjko
and S. S. Elder sail every
alternately at 8 P. M. Ticket office
132 Third Si., near Aider.
II. VOt'Xli, Act.
Phonen M i:t!4, A 1314.
Steamer Breakwater leaves Portland 0 A.
M.. 8. lit. IS. 23. 1!3 and every fly
days from Ainsworth Lock, for North Beef,
Marshneld and Coos Bay points. Freight
received until & P. M. daily. Passenper fare,
first-class. $10; second-class. $7. including
1 erth and meals. Inquire City Ticket Office,
Sd and Washington sts.. or Ainsworth Dock
Main 268.
Will be prevented and relieved by uslnc
TOMQLE MAI DE MER, a safe and relia
ble remedy. Take a bottle with you and in
sure yourself all pleasures of an ocean voy
age. Sold by leading druggists. Price &t
cents, or mailed, postpaid, bv
Sole Manufacturers.
Phone Alain 307; A 6512 Portland, Or. '