Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 07, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Mexican Officials Murdered
and Terror Reigns in
Tropical Province.
Mayas Start General. Insurrection,
Attack Towns, Tear Vp Railroad,
Cut Wires Government Sends
Troops and Warships.
VERA CRUZ, Mexico, June '. The
most serious uprising? with whom the
Mexican government has had to deal
in a long: time has occurred in the State
of Yucatan, and troops are being rushed
to the disturbed area.
In the meantime, reports 'indicate
that there has been much bloodshed
and that the insurgents are prepared
for battle with the government forces.
The independent newspaper, Bl Dic
tamen, publishes dispatches from Mer
ida, the capital of Yucatan, to the ef
fect that 40 persons were killed by the
Maya Indians on Saturday. Further
dispatches received here say that 5000
of these insurgents sacked the town of
Valladolid, 95 miles to the southeast
of Merida, killing all the principal gov
ernment employes, the chief of police
and others. They seized rifles and pis
tols and instituted a reign of terror.
Many of the inhabitants' of Valladolid
are fleeing to Merida.
Troops Hurry to Scene.
The gunboat Morelos has already left
this port with 600 -soldiers aboard, while
the Yucatan gunboat Zaragosa is lying
in the harbor ready to take 1000 addi
tional troops, who are expected from the
Interior. Railroad and telegraph com
munication between Merjda and the scene
of the trouble is cut off.
Twenty miles of the Yucatan railroad
have been destroyed by the Indians. It
is reported that many telegraph opera
tors have been killed or are prisoners.
A Judge of -the Criminal Court is among
the dead.
The rebels are strongly entrenched in
anticipation of the advance of the Fed
eral troops. Miximilian R. Bonilla, the
ex-rebel leader, and Colonel Victor Mon
tenegro are said to be at the head of
th uprising.
Several Towns Attacked.
The towns of Tinum, Uayama and
Tunkas. all between Merida and Valla
dolid, have been attacked, but reports
say that the families of all residents ex
cept officials have been left unmolested.
To what extent the insurgents pillaged or
killed at these places- has not been
A strict censorship has now been
established and the original, telegrams
giving the first details of the uprising
were sent by the government, which took
charge of the news. It is understood that
the cause of the trouble is dissatisfaction
on the part of the Indians over the action
of the government officials regarding
It is not thought that any Americans
are involved.
with Mr. Taft put up a lengthy argument.
They insisted they had been misrepre
sented as to there having been cunythlng
clandestine about their agreement to and
filing of the new rates. They said they
had sent written notices to the shippers
and received the receipts of certain of the
snippers?, who had denied ever having
received such notices. Finally, they de
clared that the increased rates had been
filed in the same manner as the Inter
state Commerce Commission had ap
proved for the last ten years.
Roads See Chance to Win. .
The presidents told President Taft inci
dentally that they had been told by coun
sel that the Government's suit could not
be tiled. The President replied that he
would take that chance and said that the
best way for the railroads would be for
them to withdraw their increases. It
was then that the settlement was reached.
Chicago Men Xot Opposed to Rate
Increase, Under Restrictions.
CHICAGO. June 6. The Chicago
Board of Trade today passed a reso
lution to the ' effect that it was not
opposed to a moderate advance in
freight rates under certain conditions.
The resolution follows:
"Be it resolved. That if it is neces
sary for carriers to secure greater
revenue for the purpose of increasing
their transportation facilities, the Chi
cago Board of Trade is not opposed
to moderate advance in freight rates
on such commodities as do not now
bear a fair proportion of the total cost
of transportation, provided that' such
advances, if any. will not result in dis
criminations between communities."
Hair Health
If You Have Scalp or Hair
Trouble, Take Advantage
of this Offer
"We could not afford to so strongly
endorse Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and
continue to sell It as we do. If we were
not certain that it would do all we
claim it will. Should our enthusiasm
carry us away, and Rexall "9 3" Hair
Tonic not give entire satisfaction to
the users, they would lose faith in us
and our statements, and in consequence
our business prestige would suffer.
Therefore, when we assure you that
if your hair is beginning to unnatur
ally fall out or if vou have any scalp
trouble, Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will
promptly eradicate dandruff, stimulate
hair growth and prevent premature
baldness, you may rest assured that we
know what we are talking about.
Out of one hundred test cases Rexall
"93" Hair Tonic gave entire satisfaction
in ninety-three cases. It has been
proved that it will grow hair even on
Daid neads, when, of course, the bald
ness nad not existed for so long a time
that the follicles, which are the roots
of the hair, had not become absolutely
lifeless. '
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is vastly dif
ferent from other similar preparations.
We believe that it will do more than
ny other human agency toward re
storing hair growth and hair health.
It Is not greasy and will not rum the
scalp or hair or cause permanent stain.
it is as pleasant to use as pure cold
Our faith in Rexall "93" Hair Tonlo
is so strong that we ask you to try it
on our positive guarantee that your
money will be cheerfully refunded
without question or quibble if it does
not do as we claim. Certainly we can
offer no stronger argument. It comes
In two sizes, prices 50 cents and $1.00.
Remember you can obtain it only at our
store, The Rexall Store. The Owl
Drug Co., Inc., Cor. 7th and Washing
ton Sts.
(Continued From First Page.)
they threatened to cancel had the court
proceedings continued.
The new railroad bill contains a clause
that gives it effect 60 days after being
signed by the President. It will be neces
sary to make the provision as to the su
pervision of rates by the Interstate Com
merce Commlssioin immediately effective,
and for this reason, as President Taft
Indicated tonight, it will be necessary to
send the bill back to conference.
Cabinet Members Called.
President Taft summoned three mem
bers of the Cabinet to sit with him Jn
conference with the four railroad offi
cials, who reached the White House at
8 P. M. Attorney-General Wiekersham
had all along been included. There was
some surprise, however, when the Presi
dent sent for Secretary Knox and Nagel,
and later Secretary Nolan and Commis
sioner Lane were included.
It was 6:05 P. M. when the conference
was concluded and the following state
ment given out:
"President Ripley, of the Atchison, To
peka & Santa Fe railroad: Walker E.
llines. acting chairman of the executive
committee. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe
Railroad Company: Frederick A. Delano,
president, of the Wabash Railroad Com
pany, and S. M. Felton, president of the
Chicago Great Western Railway, a com
mittee representing 24 companies, de
fendant in a suit brought by the Gov"
ernment in Missouri in which Judge Dyer
granted an Injunction restraining in
creases In rates, met the President and
the Attorney-General today pursuant to
a request sent to the President a few
days ago. "V
Taft States His Case.
"The President stated to these gentle
men at the outset that the purpose of
the suit was to prevent the proposed rate
Increases (which, under the existing law
could not be investigated at all until
after they had become effective), so as
to preserve the status until the new
statute could be passed and the Commis
sion could have the power to investigate
rate advances as soon as announced and
before becoming effective.
"He slated further that he thought the
railroad companies must withdraw the
tariffs enjoined and all other tariffs filed
by them, effective on or after June 1,
11H0, and that none of them ought to file
any tarifft involving rate advances until
the new law should be passed, assuming
that it would be passed at the present
session of Congress.
"After conference, the railroad compa
nies announced by their president and
thereupon the President announced that
the purpose had been accomplished, and,
such result being accomplished, he saw
no occasion for pressing the suit, and the
same would be withdrawn."
The rate increases specified in the in
junction suit against the railroads in the
Western Association did not cover all the
Increases filed with the Conmlssion.
Livestock Rate Xot Affected.
The railroads today, however, agreed to
the withdrawal of the increases planned
for June 1 or after.
A number of increases put into effect
during the last few months will not come
under the agreement.
For instance, the increased rates on
livestock, effective last March, will not
be affected. The Important increases.
however, and the ones of which the ship
pers chiefly complained, were those
scheduled for June 1 and after.
- The railroad presidents in conference
Two Days' Celebration With Special
Rates From All Xorthwest Points
Is Being Arranged For.
An old-fashioned clambake for 10,000
persons and an Elks' re.union in con
nection with the laying of the corner
stone of their new building, will be
held in Astoria August 6 and 7. For
the purpose of obtaining special' rates
on all railroads leading into Portland
en route to Astoria, a committee of
prominent Astorlar.s, representing the
Elks' lodge at the City by the Sea, was
here yesterday,.
Before leaving they announced their
mission has been entirely successful.
Special trains from all over the North
west will be run to the Columbia
River city on that date for the festivi
ties, they said.
The committee is composed of E. C.
Jucld, exalted ruler of the Astoria
lodge: J. S. Dellinger, editor of the
Morning Astorian, and John Fox, a
prominent business man. This com
mittee visited the passenger traffic de
partments of the various railroads en
tering Portland and placed the matter
before them.
"We were accorded the most cordial
consideration by all." said Mr. Fox.
"On the Southern Pacific special trains
will be run from Southern Oregon, on
the O. R. & N. special trains will be
run from Idaho. The North Bank will
run trains from Washington, as will
also the Northern Pacific. These will
go direct to Astoria over the Astoria
& Columbia River Railroad. We -are
expecting not less than 7000 persons
to make the trip.
"August 6 will come on Saturday.
In the morning the cornerstone of the
handsome new Elks' club rooms and
office building will be laid with the
ritualistic ceremonies. During the
afternoon the scene will shift to the
seaside around the old Holladay House
and grounds. Great piles of driftwood
will .be gathered together beforehand,
and in the evening bonfires will be
"On Sunday the biggest clambake
ever held in the country will take
place. Everybody is invited to attend.
Everything will be free and nothing
is being left off the programme that
will tend to make the event successful."
Receipts of Hogs at . Union Stock
yards Far Greater Than In 1909.
Records of livestock receipts for
May submitted by the Union Stock
Yards to the Commercial Club show an
increase over May, 1909, in receipts
of hogs aggregating 102 per cent, this
increase applying only to receipts
from territory tributary to Portland.
The number -of hogs received in May,
1909. was 2918, and in May of this
year 10,057, but of the latter 4169 were
contracted Nebraska deliveries.
The following is a comparison of
deliveries of all kinds of stock:
Cattle. Hops. Shepp. Mules. Cars.
May. J!10...7.4.".a 10.O.17 IS.Or.2 !.-: 613
May. 19O9...6.02 2.918 12.97B 559 ...
One Charged With Setting Fire and
Other Held as Accomplice.
(Special.) The preliminary hearing of
Maggie Deal and Cora Seaton, the for
mer charged with being implicated in
the burning of Dave-Shook's house and
barn, and the latter, who says she was
induced to set fire by the Deal woman,
was again postponed until 11 o'clock
The Deal woman denies any complic
ity In the cause of the fire and has
employed attorneys for her defense.
Real "First Aid In Eczema and Skin
Troubles of Every ature.
-.Most medicinal preparations for phy
sicians' use tell on the label what par
ticular disease they are best adapted
to cure. All the troubles readily cur
able by poslam, the new skin remedy,
make a lengthv list. Including every
surface skin affection, for poslam Is
"first aid" whenever the skin ails.
While primarily a remedy for eczema,
acne, tetter, barber's and all other
forms of itch, etc., it promptly cures
all the lesser skin affections, pimples,
blackheads, blotches, fever blisters, red
noses, inflamed skin, rash, herpes,
clears the complexion and keeps the
skin in a healthy condition.
Many of these minor troubles are
eradicated by poslam over night, others
in a day or two: and many cases of
eczema yield in two weeks. Itching
stops on first application, and the skin
begins to heal at once.
Every druggist keeps both the 50
cent size for minor troubles) and the
$2 Jar, and either of these may be ob
tained at the Skidmore Drug Co. and
the Woodard, Clarke & Co., as well as
other reliable drug stores.
But no oie is even asked to purchase
poslam without first obtaining a sam
ple package, which will be sent by
mail, free of charge, upon request, by
the Emergency Laboratories. No. 32
.. est Twenty-fifth, street. New York
yon s
1 1 uum vifuy
neutralizes the destructive
acids of the mouth cleanses,
preserves and beautifies the
teeth, and imparts purity
and fragrance to the breath.
The Seaton girl has told several dlf
ferent stories, and while the officers
believe she told a straight story when
she said she set the fires, it is- thought
there are men behind the affair and
this theory is being worked upon.
Irrigation Certificates to Be Provid
ed in Land Withdrawal Bill.
WASHINGTON, June 6. The state-
ho'od bill will be considered following
the disposition of the public-lands
measure, wnicn was made the un
finished business" in the Senate today.
It is not expected that there will be
any opposition to the plans of certain
Western Senators to add as a rider to
the withdrawal bill the measure to pro
vide for an issue of certificates of in
debtedness to the amount of $30,000,000
to raise the funds needed to complete
irrigation projects.
Mrs. Johnson Gives TTp Baby.
VANCOUVER, Wash., June 6. (Spe
cial.) The baby said by Mrs. Maud
Johnson, convicted of malingering, and
thereby securing $1250 from the North
ern Pacific Railroad Company, to be
hers, has been taken to 833 Ash street,
Portland, by Mrs. G. Nessley, a sister
of Mrs. Johnson. The child has been
kept with Mrs. Johnson since her con
viction over a month ago until last
week. Mrs. Johnson's husband visited
her in the County Jail today and she
appeared happy to see him. It Is now
thought that Mrs. Johnson will not
appeal her case to the Supreme Court.
Klamath Officials Named.
(Special.) The new city administration
became effective tonight when the first
session of the new Council was held,
representing the five wards of the en
larged city. Mayor Sanderson appointed
Don Zumwalt, City Engineer; Judge
Thomas Drake, City Attorney; E. C.
Townsend, Chief of Police; S. L. Walker
and William Hall, patrolmen, and C. C.
Low, mounted police. The new adminis
tration is pledged to public improvements
and started out with -a session devoted
to paving and sewers.
The IRLeal Fe
Table Queen, in Her Royal Chariot, Arriving at the Rose Show, Through Billions of White Roses
rUlHE CARNIVAL QUEEN reikis for but a day: ROYAL TABLE OUEEN reurns 365
days in the year her throne, in the dining-room; her royal robes, snowy table linen;
her crown, golden butter, and her scepter, a bread knife. She brings to each of her
two hundred and fifty thousand subjects in Portland, every day, health, strength, happiness
and contentment. Her rule being light and pleasant, she is graciously welcomed by all
Iowa Lawmaker Dead.
PES MOINRS. Ta.. June B. State Sen.
"Flowery" Talk by "Floury" People to Well-"Bread" Subjects
rjORTLAND, having chosen the Caroline Testout as its official flower, The Royal Bakery
& Confectionery desires to make application for an official flower, too ; and begs to be
granted the Frau Karl Druschki for its very own.
The Testout is a beautiful pink rose, typifying admirably the rosy dawn of Portland's
future prosperity; while the Druschki is a healthy but exquisite white rose white as the
snow-cap on the summit of Mount Hood yes, white as the plumage of an angel's wing
and therefore -is truly emblematic of the purity for which Royal Table Queen is so justly
celebrated. This is the reason it should be ours.
The housewives of Portland have given the meed of wholesomeness and purity to
Royal Table Queen long since; and now comes the Lily White Rose, with all its delicacy,
fragrance and purity; and it modestly droops its lovely petals, awaiting the verdict it is
so sure will be awarded it an official vow that for this and each succeeding Rose Carnival,
Frau Karl Druschki and Royal Table Queen shall be absolute synonyms.
The Royal Bakery & Confectionery, Inc.
Sole Manufacturers of Royal Table Queen. Avoid Imitations Look for Word ''Royal" on the Bottom of Loaf
ifnr w t Whinnle. father of th Iowa
State Educational Board of Control, dieti
this afternoon at nis nome in vinton.
after an illness of many months. He
was a banker.
Summer Practice Cruise Begins.
ANNAPOLIS. Md., June 6. Bound on
the annual Summer practice cruise for
the instruction of midshipmen, the battle
ships Iowa, flagship; Indiana and Massa
chusetts, with Captain George R. Clark
as squadron commander, sailed this
morning. The cruises this year will in
clude stops at many foreign ports.
rA. car 'with speed, hill-climbing qualities. Largo wheels
for riding and road clearance on rough, muddy roads.
A famous motor. Simplicity in construction throughout.
Graceful lines. ' j
.. Ladies handle them easily.
Baby Tonneau is ideal for doctor's use.
Phone for demonstration.
505-507- Burnside St. Phones Main 2674, A-7339.
You May Have Your Teeth Attended
To While Visiting the Carnival
148 FIFTH STREET Opp. Meier & Frank's 5th-Street Entrance
Have secured several of their most expert workmen from our offices in other cities, that all can have the bene
fit of our unusual introductory prices, for we are determined that every person visiting- Portland will know of
Dr. Wythe's methods and our popular prices.
Never, since modern scientific dentistry has been practiced in this country, has it been possible for the pub
lic to secure the services of such skilled workmen in the dental line as at the present time, at the offices of
AVE STAND ALO.IB for REASONABLE PRICES, and the most skillful Work. By the DR. WYTHE- METHODS
we are able to give the highest-class work "at prices within the reach of all." So skillful have our dentists be
come that it is a pleasure, instead of a dread to hri'e your work done in our offices. Our dentists must be grad
uates and licensed in this state before they are allowed to practice in our offices.
Beautiful mouths of hundreds of the best people of all ages and in every walk of life are "living witnesses"
of the matchless character of the work we do. For some of these hundreds of "witnesses" I -myself, or one of
my dentists skilled in the WYTHE methods, have filled decaying teeth and made them sound again. For others
new tooth has been Inserted so rleverly that It could never be detected from those that grew in tfleir mouths,
or a tootb crowned that they thought they would be compelled to have extracted. Others have been so clever
ly fitted with upper and Inrer sets of my Patent Double Suction Teeth as to make them forget the loss of
'their natural teeth. In every lnatn nee th e "work, has been done in an Absolutely painless nnnn6r in a, m&nn6r
that I Knarantfe to grive lantlna- satisfaction.
If yon want mow proof come to our offices and we will examine your teeth without chargre, show you just
what can be done and tell you wh it will cost.
Dr. Wythe's plan to to stive the public the beat work: possible for the leant money, and not to ask pay for the
work before it is done. Von need have no fear -o coming to Dr. Wythe's offices, for even if you have an exam
ination, and an estimate is given you, it does not obligate you to have your work done here... We will gladly
look your work over and advise you what to do.
A Full Set of Teeth . . $5
22-K Gold Crown . . . $3
22-K Gold Bridge Teeth $3
I Am Making a Specialty of Gold
and Porcelain Bridge Work
This is without doubt the most beautiful and lasting work known to dental science. Spaces where one or
more teeth have been lost I replace to look so natural tbat detection is impossible. Ask to see sample of this
beautiful work. . No charge for palnlesa extraction. -
DR. WYTHE'S DENTISTS, Incorporated
Remember the Addraw, 148 Fifth Stmt, Opposite Meier Jt Frank. Flfth-Str. et Entrances