Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 07, 1910, Page 23, Image 23

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With Market Improving Farm
ers Will Not Sell.
Some Demand for Bluestem, but
Other Lines Are Quiet Foreign
Crop Conditions Are Gen
erally Favorable.
The Improvement that has occurred in
the past week In the Eastern and foreign
wheat markets has had the effect of stiffen
ing holders In this section materially. In
the last few days there has been very little
effort to sell, -whereas two weeks ago con
siderable supplies were offered on the mar
ket by farmers and speculators. At the
same time there Is but little demand for
wheat and the market is very quiet. The
only Inquiry yesterday was for bluestem.
The lowest price quoted by sellers was 83
cents and but little was to be had at that
figure. Club and red wheat were nominal.
The oats and barley markets have seldom
been as dull as they are at the present
time. The demand has almost entirely
ceased. Hardly any grain ot either descrip
tion Is being offered.
Foreign wheat crop conditions are report
ed by the Liverpool Corn Trade News as
follows :
United Kingdom The outlook for the
crops continues to show Improvement under
seasonable weather conditions.
France Crops are showing a fair improve
ment, but the plant, however, is thin, and
some damage from vermin is mentioned.
The weather is favorable. Present prices
stre now about an import level.
Germany Although light showers have
fallen, they have not been sufficient, and
good heavy rains would be very beneficial,
otherwise the crop outlook is favorable.
Supplies of native wheat are larger.
Hungary According to an official report,
the outlook for both Winter and Spring
crops is good.
Roumanla The crop outlook is good.
Ppring showings are, however. In need of
Russian In the south the outlook for the
crops Is good, showers having fallen, which
Is beneficial. In the center and east the
weather Is cold and drouth Is causing some
anxiety. Arrivals at the ports are generally
Italy. There are continued complaints of
the weather being too cold and wet. There
are larger offers of native wheat.
Spain The crop outlook is variable, but
the weather has shown some improvement.
Sweden Complaints are still heard re
garding drouth.
North Africa The outlook for the crops is
India Natives hold firmly.
The weekly wheat statistics of the Mer
chants' Exchange follow:
American Visible Supply
.Bushels. Decrease.
June 0. 1910 ls.47.Ort 1.485.0OO
June 7. 1809 17.527,000 2.2D0.000
June 8. inns 21,277,000 1.541,000
June 10, 17 49.114.000 012.000
June 11. 1!X6 2U.7S4.O0O 1.027.0O0
June 12. 1905 18.1S,000 1.937.0OO
June , 1904 20.UO3.OOO 972.000
June 8. 1003 22.971,000 1.857.O0O
June . 1902 ; 25. 1.000 3.513.000
June 10. 1901 83,292,000 1.042,000
Quantities on Passage
Week Week Week
ending ending ending
June 4 May 28 June 5, '00
For Bushels Bushels Bushels
V. K 31.OSO.000 S2.720.000 27,000.000
Continent, ..11,920.000 13,120,000 13,120,000
Totals ...43,600.000 47,840.000 40,720,000
World's Shipments, Flour Included
Week Week Week
ending ending ending
June 4 May 2 June 5. '09
From Bushels Bushels Bushels
V. 8.. Can 2.970.0OO 3,594,000 2.128O00
Argentina ... 512.000 1.248.0OO 1.S24.O0O
Australia ...1.OS0.0O0 004.OOO 80,000
Xan. porta... 102,000 552,000 392,000
Russia 2.704. 0O 3,680.000 2.900,000
India 1.332.000 784.000 1.608.O00
Totals . 8.810.0O0 10.S22.OOO 8.992,000
Loral receipts. In cars, were reported by
the Merchants' Exchange as follows:
Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay
Monday 15 .. 14 15 13
Tear ago .... 10 15 1 14
Season to date 9874 130S 2120 1418 2039
i'ear ago ....10503 luoo 1348 S33 21712
Orowers Think Their Clips Should Bring
Eigiiteen Cents.
Shearing is over In Gilliam County and
the Condon warehouses are full of wool. It
is said to be the beet clip the county has
produced. The buyers seem to have a de
cided, attack of cold feet and no price that
could be taken In offered, says the Condon
Times. Fourteen cents or a possible 15 Is
the best that is going at Heppner and that
for the brightest, cleanest and best clip of
mountain wool. Some sand wool has
changed hands over there at 'about 12 H
cents, but we have none of that here and
think our clip should go to 18 cents or
thereabouts. As a reason for the low price
It is said some buyers overshot the market
last year and lost on some big shipments of
Oregon wool and are trying to recuperate
this year. Be that aa It may. there is a
deadlock between buyer and seller and it
may be some time before any wool changes
Supply Not Sufficient for the Holiday
The increased number of visitors In the
city is made plain by the stronger demand
tor poultry.eggs and dressed meats. Yes
terday's receipts of 'poultry cleaned up early
in the day at firm prices, hens bringing 19
and 19S cents and Springs 30 cents. It Is
sot likely that the supply during the week
will be sufficient.
Not only is the demand for eggs larger,
but receipts are steadily decreasing and the
market Is gaining In firmness. The best
candled stock moves at 2ti and 27 cents.
Veal was in light supply and firm at 11
cents for fancy, while pork wa exceedingly
Butter cleaned up at the old quotation
which will jwobably be retained throughout
the week. Cheese was also firm with a
etrong demand.
Market Is Still Weak and Supplies Are Held
The hide market shows no material
change from a week ago. It is still dull,
weak and uncertain. For this reason the
dealers are making no particular effort to
buy. At the same time holders in the coun
try are not offering freely. They believe
that they can lose nothing by holding on to
their stocks, while they stand a chance to
gain when the demand revives.
Eastern Oregon dry pelts are also being
held hark pending a better market. Bids
of 12 cents, Portjand, fall to bring out of
ferings. Valley wool is coming forward very
slowly, as only a few farmers seem willing
to let go at present prices. Buyers offer 18
to 17 cents for coarse and l cents for fine.
Aaother Car Is Due Today Losanberrlea
From Rosebura.
A car of cantaloupes arlrved from Brawley
yesterday the first straight car of the sea
son. They sold at t3 to 15 a crate. ' Another
car is due this mornring.
The first Oregon loganberries were re
ceived from Roseburg and orougtit 124
cents a pound. There waa a plen
tiful supply of strawberries, but the de
mand waa heavy and the market firm at
11.25 1.50 per crate. Aprloote were In good
supply and brought SI 1.35 per crate.
Peaches sold fairly well at 11.25. Some
plums were received, but they were too
green to be saleable. Cherries were abun
dant and sold better than last week.
A shipmnt of tomatoes came from. Merced
and were quoted at tl.SO per box. A car
of mixed vegetables arrived including a
shipment of cauliflower. Peas, beans and
other truck were plentiful.
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities
yesterday were as follows:
Clearings. Balances.
Portland Sl.995.549 SI 19.891
jseattlo 1.893.408 235.444
Tscoma 1.077.7O7 56..S78
Spokane 1.020V4O7 78,851
Grata, Flour. Feed, Etc.
FLOUR Patents. S3. 15 per barrel;
straights 4.0i4.75; export. 13.t0fe3.Su;
alley. 35.30; graham, Si.sO; whole wheat,
quarters. $3.
WHEAT Track prices: Bluestem. S4!S 83c;
club. S0(681c; red Russian. 7Sc; Vallev 84c
BARLEY Feed and brewing, S194J20 per
CORN Whole. $33; cracked. S3 per ton.
HAY Track prices: Timothy. Willamette
alley, S204p21 per ton; Eastern Oregon,
2225; alfalfa. 5116; grain hay, S17&1S.
MILLSTUFFS Bian. S20 per ton mid
fli'io'&itVo. TtM' 421 rolled barley.
OATS No. 1 white. 126 27 per ton.
Dairy and Country Produce.
BUTTER City creamery. extras. 29c;
fancy outside creamery. 2 29c per pound:
store, 20c. Butter fat prices average XhQ
P',Iound under regular butter prices.!
E? urrent receipts. 24c; ordinary
candled. Joe: extra, 26f27c.
CHEESE Full cream twins. 1717Hc
per pound; Young America, lSl&hic.
PORK Fancy. 12 18c per pound.
VEAL, Fancy, 10llo per pound.
LAMBS Fancy, 912c per pound.
POULTRY Hens. 19184o; broilers. lt&
SOc; ducks, 1825c; geese, 12c; turkeys,
live. 1022c: dressed. 25c: squabs.. S3 per
Vegetables and Fruits.
FRESH FRUITS Strawberries. SI. 256-1.50
per crate: apples, $1,50 43 per box; cherries,
oc$1.50 per box; gooseberries, 5(g) 6c per
pound; apricots, S1L3S; cantaloupes, S3$5
ier crate; loganberries, 12t,c per pound; black
berries, Sl1.25 per crate; peaches, SI. 25 per
box; plums, $1 per box.
POTATOES Old Oregon. 65c per hundred;
new California. 1&52c per pound.
VEGETABLES Artichokes. 60 75c per
dozen: asparagus. 1.252 per box; beans,
i12c per lb.; cabbage, 2 Yt. 9 2 'A c per lb.;
cauliflower, S2 per doz.; corn. 2Wgaoc per doz.;
cucumbers. 76cS1.25 per doz.; head lettuce.
60 60c per doz.; hothouse lettuce, 60c 1
per box; garlic, 10124o per lb.; horse
radish, 8 10c per lb.; green onions, 15c per
doz.; peas. 47c; peppers. 30c per pound;
radishes. 15 3jp20o per dozen: rhubarb, 2&3C
per pound: spinach, S10c per pound:
squasb. 75c$l per crate; tomatoes, $1.50
per box.
TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges. S2.253;
lemons. $4.50 6; grapefruit. 53.25 6 per
box; bananas, 54c per pound; tangerines,
91.73 per box; pineapples, $1.503 per doz.
ONION'S Bermuda, $1.50 1.73 per crate;
red. $2 per sack.
SACK VEGETABLES Rutabagas. $1,259
1.60: carrots. S5c$l; beets, $1.50; pars
nips. 75c$l. -
Xo Advance in Prices Is Xow Likely.
Eggs Scarce and Firm.
Barley" Weak.
SEATTLE, Wash., June 6. (Special.)
The first shipments of local strawberries to
points in the East were made today, three
carloads being dispatched during the day.
The. BhipraenU.were made to points In Mon
tana, the Dakotaa and a- few of the berries
will probably be marketed across the Ca
nadian line. Berry receipts today were the
heaviest of the season, 4474 crates being re
ported. Prices ranged from $1.50 to $2.25.
Clark's seedlings sold from $S to $2.25.
Cantaloupes declined to $4.50 for good stock.
A straight carload arrived from the Imperial
The market is overstocked with poor to
matoes. Mississippi tomatoes are still some
time away, and the Mexican stock Is not
arriving in- good condition.
Six carloads of Eastern butter arrived
here today, materially relieving the scarcity
that has prevailed for some time. The but
ter market appears to be much easier than
It was last week, and the prediction was
made In one quarter today that the price
will not be advanced this week. Local eggs
were scarce and sold at 30 cents. Veal and
poultry were also scarce.
Grain was dull and unchanged, except
barley, which was not quoted above $18.
Produce Price Current In the Bay City
SAN FRANCISCO, June 6. The follow
tag prices were current In toe produce
icarket today:
Butter Fancy creamery, 27c; creamery
seconds, 27c: fancy dairy, 26c
Cheese New, 13 (g1 14c; young A merle.
Eggs Store, 25 He ; fancy ranch, 27c.
Poultry Roosters, old. $503.50; roosters,
young. $810; broilers, small, $2.25 3;
broilers, large, $3.50 4: fryers, $U07.5O;
hens, $5S10; ducks, old, $6t7; ducks,
young. f8310.
Vegetables Cucumbers, $1.25 1.75; gar
lic, 3g4c, green peas, $11.50; string
beans, 2 6c; asparagus, 75c $1.50; toma
toes. 75c& $1 ; egg plant, 6t Sc.
Fruit Apples, choice. 60c; apples com
mon. 40c; bananas, 75c$3; Mexican limes
$6.50 7; California lemons, choice, $1.25
4; oranges, . navels, 91.50)3.25; pineapples,
$2.5 (q 3.50.
Mills tuffs Bran. $23 24; middlings, $27
Hay Wheat, $12916.50; wheat and oats.
$9 OS 1 5 ; alfalfa, $ 7. 50 g 1 1 ; stock 6 & 7 ;
Straw, per bale, 40 (g 65c
Hops California crop, 12 14c.
Receipts. 2310 qr. sacks; wheat. 45 cen
tals; barley. 5430 centals; oats, 1345 cen
tals; beans. 1175 sacks; corn, 70 centals;
potatoes. 2175 sacks; bran. 145 centals; mid
dlings, 300 sacks; hay, 516 tons; wool, 99
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, June 6. Spot cotton closed
quiet and steady, 30 points higher. Middling
uplands, lo.20c; middling gulf, 14.45c Sales
13.634 tales.
Cotton futures closed firm, 5 to 2S points
higher. June. 14.99c; July, 10.38c; August,
14.50c; September, 13.17c; October, 12.3Sc;
November, 12. 29c; December, 12.25c; Janu
thy, 12.10c ; March, 12.23c
Minneapolis Grain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. June 6. Wheat July,
$1-05; September, 92 c; December, 90
WSc; cash. No. 1 hard, $1.09; No. 1
Northern. $l.061.0S; No. 2, 9 1.04 HO
LOG; No. 3, fl.01tfcCM.04tt-
Flax $2,05.
Com No, 3 yellow, 54956c
Oats No. 3 white. 35tt36Hc
Rye No. 2, 654jti9c.
Bran lOO-pound sacks. $18 IS. 25.
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW YORK, June 6. Coffee . steady, net
changed. Sales. 9u00 bales. Closing bide: June
and July, 6.20c; August. 6-30o; September,
6.31c; October and November. 6.40c; Decem-
or, , n uju j . o.- i c; eoruary, 6 49c
March. 6-52c: April. 6.53c; May, 6-54c. Spot,
q utet. Rio. No. 7, 8 c : Santo, No. 4, fcV c
Mild, quiet. Cordova. 9i ft 12c.
Raw 9ugar. steady. Muscovado. .S9 tt
3.74c; centrifugal. .96 test, 4.24c; molasses
unnr, .tsw iwi. o.ihc. tcenneu. quiet. Crushed
5.65c; granulated. 5.15c; powdered, . 5.25c. '
Wool at St. stools.
ST. LOUIS. June 6- Wool Steady; terri
tory and Western mediums. 16ttfi22c- fins
mediums. 17gl8c; fine. 12fr 14c
London Bullion Movement.
LONDON. June 6. Bullion amounting to
207.000 was taken Into the Bank of Eng
land on balance today.
Hops at London.
T TVE"UInfT Inn. .
Invests Heavily in Stocks
When Prices Decline.
Severe Drop Is Followed by a Sharp
Rebonn-d at the Close Inter
est Centers in Rate
XEVT YORK, June 6. Prices of stocks
broke violently to new levels for the yesr
in the late session of the stock exchange
today, after nervous and feverish fluctua
tions up and down for most of the sesBion.
The break was coincident with circulation
of reports that the railroad presidents, who
have gone to Washington to protest against
the Government's action to enjoin Western
trunk line freight rates, had given up hope
of securing any modification of the Intended
course of the law officers of the Admin
istration. At one time the level had been
lifted 1 to 2 points over the closing of
Saturday quite generally.
London joined actively in the buying, as
has been the case at most periods of vio
lent decline, and speculative sentiment took
on quite a cheerful hue. The excessive dull
ness Into which the trading fell at the ad
vance argued an unwillingness on the part
of the buyers to follow the rise and Indi
cated a weak undergone, but It was hoped
that the hesitation was due simply to a
desir. to await the outcome of the White
House conference.
During the time of advancing prices there
was a supposition entertained that some
sort of working agreement had been ar
rived at between the railroads and the
Government authorities for a solution of th.
rate controversy on lines which would re
lieve the anxieties of railroad officials. The
assertion of President Brown, of the New
York Central, was taken as a text for this
supposition to the effect that the Eastern
railroads offered more than a month ago
to suspend . the new rates then under con
slderatlon pending an Investigation by the
commerce commission as to their reason
ableness. This would be in conformity
with the requirement of the new railroad
law. as it stands in Its present form, and
would Insure the submission of the pro
posed changes to the new law. It was
even suggested that the new situation might
bring a change In the law In conference be
tween the Houses of Congress, which would
permit agreement on rates, the elimination
of that provision from the Administration
bill having prompted the action to enjoin
the new rates.
Xews of the crops and of money condi
tions was taken to account partly for the
better tone of the early dealings. Expres
sions of satisfaction were heard from West
ern banking authorities over the benefit to
the credit position which liquidation has
been effecting in grain, cotton and stocks.
Xews of. the sale abroad of 125,000.000
Southern Pacific bonds was not generally
known in Wall street before the market
closed. Xo attention was paid to anything
but the expected conference at Washing
ton. After breaking from 2 to over 5 points,
prices rebounded 1 to 3 points, with the
demaad from the bears to cover shorts, and
closed in considerable disorder.
Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par
value, $1,854,000. United States bonds were
unchanged on call.
Sales. High. Low. Bid.
Allis Chalmers pf. 200 32 1)2 31
Amal Copper .... 42,6A 62 63T,
Am Agricultural .. 300 42 42 40
Am Beet Sugar 1,500 32 32 314
American Con two ln 8T
Am Car & Fdy .. 8. TOO 5214 604 51 54
Am Cotton Oil .. J..SOO BO? 68Vs 58
Am Hd W- Lt pf. 800 349 34 32
Am Ice Securl .... 600 22 21 M 21
Am Unseed Oil.. 100 12H 12, 12
Am Locomotive U00 42 41 4014
Am Smelt & Ref.. 16. 000 75 72 7314
do preferred ... 300 102?i 102 102V4
Am Steel Fdy 1O0 49l 49" 49
Am Sugar Ref .. 4,?."0 11M 114)4 14414
Am Tel & Tel .... 4.20O 132 14 132 132
Am Tobacco pf .. 200 Bo"4 5
Am Woolen IOO 32 32 3i 54
Anaconda Min Co. 4O0 41 3S 39
Atchison 15.200 1084 loo: 101
do preferred . 300 IOOV4 loo 10O
Atl KJOast Line... 600 118 1174 120
Bait &. Ohio . 4,100 111 109 110
Bethlehem 6teel . 25
Brook Rap Tran. 4.500 77 76 78
Canadian Pacific .. 3.500 10 1', 193 193
Central Leather .. 1,000 36 35 35
do preferred ... 30O 106 106 106
Central of N J 290
Ches & Ohio .... 11,900 82 78 79
Chicago Alton.. 500 41 40 40
Chicago Gt West. 300 26 . 25 25
do preferred ... 200 46 5:i 45
Chicago & N W... 1.000 144 142 141
C. M & St Paul .. 19,100 127 121 122
C. C. C & St L... 20O 79 78 78
Colo Fuel & Iron.. 1,400 34 82 32
Colo A Southern... 800 86 55 55
Consolidated Gas.. 14.60O 134 129 130
Corn Products ... 400 13$, 13 14
Del & Hudson .... 600 13 161 161
D ft R Grande ... 2.800 35 32 33
do preferred ... 300 77 76 76
Distillers' Securi 100 28 28 28
Erie 3.1O0 26 25 25
do 1st preferred. 1,0000 44 ' 42 41
do 2d preferred 35
General Electric .. 2.000 142 140 140
Gt Northern pf.. 6.900 130 126 126
Gt Northern Ore .. 2.0OO 60 57 68
Illinois Central ... 1.2O0 131 129 129
Interborough Met.. 5.100 18 17 18
do preferred ... 6.700 49:)4 47 49
Inter Harvester 2.300 96 85 95
Inter-Marine pf .. 200 18 17 17',4
Int Paper 500 11 104 o
Int Pump 800 44 44 44
Iowa Central .... ..... 18
K C Southern ... 1.000 32 81 31
do preferred ... 200 64 62 62
Laclede Gas ... 1.400 101 100 100
Louisville & TCash 1.700 142 140 140
Minn & St Louis.. ...... 33
K, St P t S 8 M. 300 136 136 135
Mo, Kan & Texas 10,400 38 37 37
do preferred ... 100 66 66, 66
Missouri Pacific 2.000 67 64 J4
National Biscuit ..' IOO 104 104 154
National Lead ... 2.300 72 71 71
Mex Nat Ry 2d pf 300 27 26 26
N Y Central 15,800 114i 112 113
N Y, Ont A West. 2.400 43 42 43
Norfolk &. West... 2.100 99 98 98
North American .. 200 67 66 66
Northern Pacific .. 8,40 124 122 122
Pacific Mall 60O 24 23 2
Pennsylvania 31,300 130 128 128
People's Gas 2.20O 104 103 103
P. C C & St L... 900 97 95 96
Pittsburg Coal . 17
Pressed Steel Car. 800 33 32 83
Pullman Pal Car. IOO 161 161 160
Ry Steel Spring... 300 32 31 30
Reading 138.500 152 147 140
Republic Steel ... 3.600 29 27 27
do preferred ... 400 93 91 91
Rock Island Co.... 11.5O0 40 38 38
do preferred . . . 900 85 83 82V.
St L S K 2 pf. 4.300 42 37 38
St 1 , Dumnwoncra ,, .' 'j 4 ,
do preferred ... 200 74 73 71
Sloss-Sheffleld 600 69 66 6
Southern Pacific .. 48.900 119 115 117
Southern Railway. 3.400 25 24 24
do preferred 1.2oO 59 58 58
Tenn Copper .... 10O 25 25 24
Texas & Pacific.. 800 28 28 27
Tol. St L West. 500 28 27 27
do - preferred ... . ..... . 61
Union Pacific 124.300 170 164 167
do preferred ... 1.5O0 93 1 91
V S Realty 68
IT S Rubber l.lOO 38 33 36
U S Steel 231.000 77 74 75
do preferred 5.600 115 114 114
Utah Copper 2.50O . 43 41 42
Va-Caro Chemical. 8.700 59 57 57
Wabash JJ-10 !9i 18 18
do preferred ... 3.0 42 40 41
Western Md 1.2O0 43 42 42
Wstlnghouse Eleo 2.000 60 fip 5a
Western Union . . . 700 65 62 60
Wheel ft L Erie r 3
Total sales for the day. 969,100 shares.
NEW YORK. June 6. Closing quotations:
V. S. ref. 2s reg.l0Ov. Y. C.' g 8S18B
do coupon ...lO0JXo. Pacific 3s... 71B
U. S. 3s reg 102 No. Pacific 4s. . .100
do coupon ...102 Union Pacific 4 s. IOO
U. S. new 4s reg.ll4Wis. Central 4a. 90
do coupon ... 114 (Japanese 4s .... 90
D. & R. Q. 4s... 94BI
DsJIy Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, June 6. The condition of
the Treasury at the beginning of business
today was as follows:
Trust funds
Gold coin R.-.7.143.80fl
Silver dollars 488.P74.000
Silver dollars of 1R90 3.7O5.0OO
Silver certificates outstanding. 488,974,000
General fund
Standard silver dollars in gen
eral fund 3.120.25T
Current liabilities 98.144.408
Working balance In Treasury of
fices 81,284.070
In -banks to credit of Treasurer
of the United States 38.409.870
Subsidiary sliver coin 21.262.620
Minor coin 1.1R4.T20
Total balance In general fund... S4.69S.954
"Money Exchange, Etc.
NEW YORK. June & Money on call steadv.
fiS4 aac asnu ruling m. K per cent;
closing bid. 2 per cent; offered at 2 per
cent. Time loans weak and dull: 60 days, 3
Par cent and 90 days. 3 per cent; six
months. 4'M per cent. Prime mercantile
paper. 4J5 per cent.
Sterling exchange steady with actual busi
ness In bankers' bills at $4.83604.8370 for 60
day bills, and at $4.8665 for demand. Com
mercial bills. 4.8344.S3.
Bar silver. 53c
Mexican dollars, 44c.
Government bonds steady; railroads irregu
lar. SAN FRANCISCO. June 6. Sterling on
London. 60 days. (4.83 do sight, 4.86.
Silver bars. 53 c.
Mexican dollars. 45c.
Drafts, sight, 3c; do telegraph, 05c
LONDON, June . Bar diver, steady,
23 7 d per ounce.
Money, 33c.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills is 33 per cent; do three
months bills. 3 per cent.
Consuls for money, 81 c; do account.
Milling Demand Also Becomes
Stronger Chicago Closes Firm at.
Nearly the Best Prices.
CHICAGO. June' . Active buying of
wheat here by foreigners today was signifi
cant of higher prices in Europe. Liberal or
ders to purchase were also received from the
Northwest and 8outhwest, Indications were
plain that some of the larger shorts had
covered In anticipation of a possible alarming
showing In the Government's forthcoming
report on crops. Not only wheat, but every
one of the leading staples scored a substan
tial advance. Wheat closed lc to 1
lc up, corn c oats c and pro
visions 30c to 5c
The close in wheat was strong at about
the best prices of the day. Offerings were
comparatively scan try from the start. The
few reactions were small. One of the causes
of the prevailing robust feeling lay in the
Independent bullishness of the corn market
Interest was acute as to the Government re
port due Wednesday afternoon, but the fact
was pointed out that the state figures up to
date gave no sign of other than a bearlBh
showing, on Winter wheat at least- Cash
sales here reached fair proportions, 100,000
bushels, and charters for 165.000 bushels.
September ranged between 90 c and 92c,
closing at 91c a net gain of llc
Shorts were the best buyers of corn, ad
vancing the prices nearly 2c from the low
point of the day. Weather conditions were
reported as not conducive to the best devel
opment of the crop. Price limits for the
September option were 5860',4c, with the
close firm at B060c. The cash market
wa firm. Xo. 2 yellow closed at 58r59c.
In oats there was some taking on of long
lines by speculators who figured that the fine
crop promise had been more than discounted
In the prices. September varied from 35 c
to r.6c. closing at the latter figure.
Bullish utterances of a Milwaukee packer
regarding provisions were given some back
ing from Interests allied with him. The
trade was also Influenced by a lighter run of
hogs at Western centers. Pork finished 60c
to 6S0 up, lard 30c to 35c and riba 37 c to
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
J"1' .93 X .95 X .93 $ .94
Sept 90 .92 .90 .91
Do 98 .91 ..89 .91
58 ' .59 .57 .59
Sept...... .59 .60 .58 .60
Dm 5S .68 .6 .57
Jly 36 .J7 .36 .37
Sept .35 .36 .35 .36
De .35 .36 .35 .36
July...... 21.50 21.90 21.42 21.90
Sept 21.15 21.57 21.10 21.55
July...... 12.05 12.30 12.02 12.30
Sept 11.97 12.20 11.95 12.20
July 1212 It. 57 12.12 12.57
Sept 11.95 12.25 11.95 11.25
Flour Steady.
Rye No. 2. 75 76c.
Barley Feed or mixing, 4(58c; fair to
choice malting, 59 67c.
Flax seed No. 1 Southwestern, $1.96; Xo.
1 Northwestern, S2.06.
. Timothy seed f4.35.
Clover SI. 65.
Pork Mess, per barrel. $2022.25.
Lard Per 100 pounds. $12.30.
Short ribs Sides (loose), $12.62 O
Sides Short, clear (boxed), $13.25 18.50.
Grain statistics.
Total clearances of wheat and flnni w-
equal to 87. 00O bushels. Primary receipts
iw,,wbv DBDaeie. xne visiDie supply
of wheat in the United States decreased 1 -
485.000 bushels for the week. The amount
of breadtsuff on ocean passage decreased 1,
696.000 bushels. Estimated receipts for to
morrow: wneai, id cars; corn, 404 cars;
oats, 187 cars; hogs, 12.000 head.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 21,300 14,400
Wheat, bushels 21,200 118,800
Corn, bushels .......... 13.500 364 800
Oats, bushels ......... .352.200 ' 161,000
Kye, ousneis zou.iuu .......
Barley, bushels 56,500 58,100
Grain sod Produce at New Tork.
NEW YORK, June 6. Flour .Steady, mod
erate local trade. Receipts, 22,975 barrels;
shipments. 5672 barrels.
Wheat Spot strong. No. 2 red, $1.05 nomi
nal c. 1. f. Options firmer on strong cables,
foreign buying, firm cash market and covering
by shorts, closing l2c net higher. July
closed at $1.02. September at 98c, December
at vsc. Keceipts, eooo ousneis; shipments.
Hops Steady.
Hides Quiet.
Petroleum Steady.
TVool Steady. Domestic fleece, Ohio, 3233c
Grata mt Bmn Francisco.
SAX FRANCISCO. June 6. Wheat
Barley Firm.
Spot quotations Wheat, shipping, $1.45
Barley teed, $1.071.10; brewing, $1.12
Oats Red. 1.2T 1.S7; white, $1.47
1.52 H. black, nominal. '
Call board sales Wheat, none.
Barley. December. $1.00V 1.01.
Corn Large yellow, $1.70 1.75.
F.nrnnMn Oralis- lbr!?!
LONDON, June 6- Cargoes, dull. Walla
Walla, for shipment, 31s 9d to 82.
English country markets, steady; French
country markets, quiet.
LIVERPOOL, June ft. Close: Wheat
July, 6s 8fd; October, oa 7d; December,
nominal. Weather fine.
DulutJb, Flax Market. 1
DULUTH, June 6. Flax on track and to
arrive, July. 91.75; September, $1.71 asked'
October, $1.61 bid.
Grain Markets of the Northwest.
SEATTLE. Wash., June 6. Milling Quota
tions : Bluestem, 86c ; forty-fold, 84c club
83c; fife, 83c; red Russian. 81c. Export
wheat: Bluestem. 83c; forty-fold, 81c- club
80c; fife, SOc; red Russian. 7Sc
Dairy Produce la the East.
NEW YORK, June 6. Butter, firmer.
Creamery specials. 28c; extras, 28c
thirds to firsts. 2628c; state dairy, line.
28; do. common to prime. 23 27c; process
seconds to special. 2'i26c; factory, 22 fci
23c; imitation creamery, "24 45 23c
Cheese, unsettled. State whole milk, new
specials.' 144 15c; do. fancy,- 14 c; do,
average prime. 1334 14c; do. common, 10
12c; skims, full to special, 2H&3HC; - -
Eggs, weak. State. Pennsylvanda and
near-by hennery, white, 232So; do, gath
ered white, 2224c: do, hennery brown
22 23e; do, gathered brown, 2l22c
fresh gathered storage packed selections.
20He,2lHci do, regular packed extra firsts,
20 hk 2 c do flrs ts 19 ffr 20c.
CHICAGO, June 6. Butter Steady.
Creameries, 2527c; dairies, 230 26c.
Eggs Receipts 15.075; steady at mark,
cases Included, 15tt16ttc; firsts, 17;
prime firsts. 18c
Cheese Steady. Daisies. 14tftl5c: twins
14Httl4c; Young " Americas, 15 15 4 c ;
long horns. 14 6 15c w '
Dried Fmit at New York.
NEW YORK. June 6. Evaporated apples
firm, quiet, mostly of a local character. Spot,
fancy, lOViiSOc; choice. SSc; price, 7
'He; common to fair, 6g6c.
Prunes, firm ; fairly active demand. Quota
tions range from 3''8- c for California up to
30-4Os to 4i9c for Oregon.
Apricots, quiet. Choioe. lOUc; extra choice
lCfMMc; fancy, llH$12c.
Peaches, qutet. steady. Choice. 6H64c;
extra choice. 7474c; fancy, 7437 c.
Raisins, firm but Inactive. Loose muscatel,
3i55c; choice to fancy seeded. 4tov
seedless, 34c; Load iM'ers, $1.2il..i,
Prices Are Lower All Over the
Best Sales Made at XortH Portland
Are at $0.80 Good Demand for
Butcher Cows Sheep
Are Steady.
With liberal offerings of livestock yester
day, particularly of hogs, and all the East
ern markets lower, bog values at the
Portland yards were considerably easier
than even last week. The best price- re
alized during the day was S9.80 for a load
that averaged 223 pounds. Other sales
were at $9.0 and .75.
Cattle also showed an easy tone, al
though there was a good demand for fancy
light butcher cows.
There were no sheep sales but the mar
ket waa quoted steady at last week's prices.
Fifteen cars of cattle that arrived from
California points went on to the Sound.
Receipts over Sunday were 433 cattle,
10 calves, 795 sheep and 465 hogs.
Shippers of the stock were AlbeVt Adams,
of Deer Island, one car of cattle; C. B.
T rum bo, of Roosevelt, Wash., one car of
sheep; H. C Strickland, of Condon, two
cars of cattle and hogs; W. K. Fields, of
Idaho Falls, three cars of hogs; Henry Lar
ktn, of Almota, Wash., one car of cattle;
L. E. West, four cars of cattle and sheep
from Roseburg and Drain; F. F. Folsom, of
Shedd, one car of cattle and calves; IS. A.
Barrett, of San Lucas, Cal., three cars of
cattle; F. J. Fraxler, 12 cars of cattle from
California points; Clyde Buckley, of Drain,
one car of sheep, and Adams Brothers, who
drove in 60 sheep.
The day's sales were as follows:
Weight. Price.
216 $6.00
246 6.30
4t2 5.00
100 0 4. AO
72 calves, fair .........
15 calves, fair ........
4 calves, common ....
7 cows, rood
1 cow, caramon
.1090 2.50
1 cow, common ....1550 3.75
l cow, common 1000 3.2s
30 cows, good 942 4.75
9 cows, fair 928 4.40
26 cows, fair ................. .1060 4.00
25 cows, fair .................. 921 4.40
26 steers, good ........ ........1130 5.55
1 bull, good . . . . . .15o0 4.00
82 hogs, good . 223 9.80
28 hogs, good 180 9.75
82 hogs, good 232 9.75
96 hogs, fair .................. lyo 9.60
1 bull 1680 4.00
11 cows ,. 963 4.50
1 cow ....1050 3.00
12 cows . ..................... .. 850 4.25
2 cows 900 3.50
Prices quoted on the various classes of
stock at the yards yesterday were as fol
lows: Beef steers, good to choice. ...$ 5.4nf 5. SO
Beef steers, fair to medium.... 4.46 a 4.80
Cows and heifers, good to
choice 4.50 5.00
Cows and heifers, fair to me
dium 4.00 4.75
Bulls 3.00 'a) 4.00
Stags 3.00 ft 4.75
Calves, light 5.75 4? 7.00
Calves, heavy ................ 4.00 (to 5.50
Hogs, top 9.60& 9.80
Hogs, fair to medium. . ...... 8.50 $t) 9.50
Sheep, best wethers 4.50 4.75
Sheep, fair to best wethers.... 4.004 4.25
Sheep, best ewes 3.75 jj 4.00
Lambs, choice 3.75 4 4.00
Lambs, choice ............... 5.50(H) 6.00
Lambs, fair 4.75 5.25
EaHtera Livestock Market.
CHICAGO, June 6. Cattle Receipts, esti
mated, 18,000; market, steady to 10c up.
lieevea. S5.75&S.0O; Texas steera, 5.60T.5O;
Western steers, $5.507.60; stockera snd feed
ers, S4)4.5o; cow and heifers, SS-iHx&.lo;
calves, .Hjg.50.
Hogs Keceipts, estimated, 30,000; market,
CtilOc lower. Light. $9.059.30; mixed, $B.05
9.30; heavy. S8.953.30; rough, &.959.50;
good to choice heavy, $9.0t&V.30; pigs, $3.85
ty.0.25; bulk of sales, 9.20 jj. 9.25.
Sheep Receipts, estimated, 15,000; market,
ateady. Native, $ 3.25ff5.40; Western, S3.50
5.35; yearlings, t&el.-H); lambs, native, $3.2okj
8.25; Western. 5.50Sa6.6O.
KANSAS CITY, June 6. Cattle Receipts,
11.000; market, steady. Native ateers, $5.23
8.26; cows and heifers, $3.257.40; stock era
and feeders, S46.20; bulls. 3, 755.75; calves,
4i&; WeMem steers, $5.25&7.75; Western
cows, S4(tt.25.
Hogs Receipts. 7000; market, 510c lower;
bulk of sales, $9.100.20; heavy, 9.1O9.20;
S ackers and butchers, $9.109.20; light. S9
.20: pigs. 18.50439.00.
Sheet) Receipts, 5000; market, 10 higher.
Muttons, S45.50; lambs, $8.259; fed West
ern wethers and yearlings, $4.5066.50; fed
Western ewes, $4 -5.
OMAHA. June e. Cattle- Receipts, 2200;
market active to lOc higher. Native steers
$5.50tg8.10; cows and heifers, S3.50&6.75; West
ern steers, S3.50.7 ; oowa and heifers. $3
5. 75; canners, $2. 754.25 ; stock era and feed
ers, X50ir6.25; calves, 147.50; bulla, stags,
etc.. S3.754&5.75.
Hogs Receipts, 3600: market, 5c lower;
heavy, $8.05g-9; mixed, $8.AT69; light, SB(S4.05
pigs, $809; bulk of sales, $8.979.
Sheep Receipts, 2000: market, strong- to 10
cents higher. Yearlings, $5.75ft.25; wethers.
$55.75; ewes, $4.7535.25; lambs. S6.75&
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK, June . The market for
standard copper was dull today, with spot
quoted at 12.50gl2.5oc, June, July and August
12.K512.50c. London opened weak, but
closed steady, with spot quoted at $Att 6 3d
and futures at f57 2s 6d. Arrivals reported at
New York tod-ay were 1400 ton. Custom-house
retiirrhnw'' pmorf.- nf 7i ton J, making
timber Lands
McCrath & Neohaosen Co.
701-2-34-S Lewis BU.
Dowmng-Hopldns Co.
Established ISO,
Storks, Prl Tata
Grata. Win,
lOl-g 8 Bids.
lu mbermens
National Bank
G. K. Westwort, President
Joh. A. Keatlasj. Vice-President
Geo. I MePkeraosi...Tlce-PresIdet
H. . Story Cashier
F. A- Freeman Assistant Cashier
Graham Xukehart..Aaaistnt Cashier
FOl.VDED 1864.
Capital Paid in . .
Surplus and Undivided Profits
Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, and Virginia City
We buy and sell Foreigrn Exchansre; Issua
Drafts and Cable Transfers, Commercial Cred
its and Travelers' Letters of Credit, availabl,
in all parts of the world; make collections on
all points and conduct a general foreign and
domestic banking business.
Chamber of Commerce Building
WM. A. MAC RAB, Manager. J. T. BVRTCHAELL, Asst. Manager.
First National Bank
Capital $1,500,000
Surplus 750,000
Oldest National Bank West of the
Rocky Mountains
SAMUEL CONN ELL, President C L. MacGIBBON, Cashier
- CAPITAL, $150,000
Does a general banking, business. Opens checking accounts without
limitation as to .amount. Pays interest on time and savings deposits.
Issues travelers checks and foreign drafts available everywhere.
21S2 so far this month. Local dealers quoted
lake copper at 12.754?13c. electrolytic at 12.32
(BT2.T5 and castlnr at 12.37VJfiv12.50c.
Tin. essr. Spot, 3333.15c; June. 32.759
32.00c; July and August. 32.72 3 32. SOc. A
sale of five tons was reported for July deliv
ery at 32.76c. London market closed easy, with
spot quoted at 149 12s 6d and futures at 150
17s 6d.
Lead Quiet. Spot, 4.40!B-.50c New York and
4.154.20c Kast St. Louis. London market
hlrher at 12 Via 6d.
Spelter. meeZ. Spot. 5.4005.00c New Tork,
4.87fc75c East St. Louis. London market un
changed at 22 5s.
Iron was lower In London, with Cleveland
warrants quoted at 49s 4d. Locally no
change was reported. No 1 Northern foundry,
17en7.75c: No. 2 foundry. 116.50 17.25; No. 1
Southern and No. 1 Southern port. $ltt.,VwS"lfi,75.
Many property -ownera
many will learn, that
Pavement has more sta
bility, more real value
than any other hard-surface
pavement laid.
Only Seven Cruises; Number of Passe nz era
Limited; Best Reserve Berth Quickly.
tsy- Write for folder containing- hit, picture
of famous MU1R GLACIER, irso. Address
Columbia River, Port
land and Astoria Route
Steamer Hassalo leaves Portland dally
from Ash-street dock, except Sunday, st 8
P. M. (Saturday at 10 p. M. ; returning,
leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, st 7
A. M. Tickets Interchangeable with steam
er "lAirllne." which leavts Astoria dally,
except Sunday at 7 P. M
G. K. Went worth
( has. 8. KusaeU
P. S. Brumby
lr. K. A. J. Markenzla
tieorire o. Blnghim
I. loyd J. Wentworth
J. K. Wheeler
Geo. I MrFhmos
John A. Keatlna
Kobert Treat Tlatt
II. l. Story
$ 4,000,000
Canadian Pacific
Less Than Four Days at Sea
Weekly Sailing Between Montreal
Quebec and Liverpool.
Two days oa the beautiful St. Lawrence
Klver and the shortest ocean route to En
roD. Nothlnc better on the Atlantlo than our
Empresses. Wireless on all steamers.
xirst-ciossa svw. ibeobq soa-xo. dm aisu
cabin S47.&0.
Ask any ticket agent, or write for sail
ings, rates and booklet. F. R. Johnson, Gen
eral Ax est. 148 Xhird St.. Portland. Or.
And Rack (First Class).
Dmvs from &. F.
Th splendid twin screw steamer SIERRA
(10,000 tons displacement) sails June 18,
trip tickets good four months. Honolulu,
the most attractive spot on entire world
tour. BOOK NOW and secure best berths.
8. S. Mariposa and Union Islne, sailings
June 29, Aug- 6. etc. Tahiti and bade (24
days), J125 first class. New Zealand (Wel
lington), $246.25 first class. R. T. mix
C7S Market Street, Ban Francisco.
10.0UO Ton Twin-Screw Passenger
Steamers Direct to
Oscar 1 Juno 8'Oscar II July 21
C. P. TIetgren. . June 16Unlted States. . .Aug;. 4
Ijnlted States. .June 23Mellig Olav. ... Aug. IS
Helllg Olav July 2
All Steamers equipped wUlt Wireless
First cabin. $75 upward: second, $60.
A. E. JOHNSON St CO., 14 Washington Ave..
Soutn Minneapolis. Minn., or Local Acents.
Only direct steamers and daylight aaillncs.
From Alnsworth dock. Portland. 9 A M. ;
tS. BEAK, JUNE 11. 26, ETC.
SK. It K A V K It ji;vk 1ft.
From Pier 4o. San Francisco. 11 A. M.:
BARRY a. SMITH. C. T. A.. 141 Third 8b
Main 402. A 1402.
J. W. RANSOM. Dock Agent.
Alnawortb Dock. Main 28s. A 1234.
Steamer Breakwater leaves Portland 9 A.
M.. June 8. 13. 18. 23. 28 and every five
days from Alnsworth Iock, for North Bend,
Marshfleld and Coos Bay points. Freight
received until 5 P. M. daily. Passenger far,
flrst-class. $10: second-class, $7, including
I erth and meals. Inquire City Ticket Office.
3d and Washington sts.. or Alnsworth Dock.
Main 208.
v ii i or prevenira n i relieved oy ustntr
TONIQI'K MAI- IE MKB, a safe and relia
ble remedy. Take a bottle with you and in
sure yourself all pleasures of an ocean voy
age. Sold by leading druggists. Price &
cents, or mailed, postpaid, by
Sole Manufacturers.
Phone Main 2307; A 6112, Portland, -pr