Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 01, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Discovery of His Unbecoming
Conduct Too Much for
H. L. McCann.
Tnder Guise of Consoling Motherless
1 6-Year-Olds, They Sar He Was
Guilty of Indiscretions Ment
ally Unbalanced Is Hinted.
CONDON, Or., May 31. (Special.)
ITnable to stand the disgrace of threat
ened dismissal for unbecoming con
luct, H. I. McCann, principal of the
Ullliani County High school, committed
suicide some time yesterday afternoon
oy shooting himself through the head
R'lth a 32-caliber revolver. His dead
body was found this afternoon by
Sheriff Rogers, following a several
hour search, by the side of a deserted
cabin in a lonely canyon five miles
northwest of this city. An empty vial
that had contained alcohol was found
beside the body.
1-ess than a month ago Professor
McCann was re-elected principal of
the county high high for another year.
With enthusiasm he at once Jnaugurat
plans for important rhanSs in the
curriculum by which the. efficiency of
he school work could best be promoted.
Only last Friday night he took an ac
tive part in the annual commencement
exercises of the institution of which
he was principal.
Girl Students Accuse.
The first Intimation that McCann's
relations with his pupils were other
than proper came ten days ago, when
two 18-year-old girl students reported
to their parents that the principal had
been guilty of indiscretions. These
young girls, who are motherless, re
lated that McCann on frequent occas
ions under the guise of consoling with
them, carressed and kissed them at
every convenient opportunity.
Indignant relatives of tne girls im
niediaely referred the alleged miscon
duct of McCann to the attention of
members of the county high school
board and demanded that his resigna
tion be asked. Yesterday an official
note was addressed and mailed to the
errng principal, summoning him to ap
pear before the board at a special
session tomorrow and answer the
charges against him.
McCann left his home early yester
day morning, telling his wife that he
had considerable business to transact
and did not know when he would re
turn. He attended to a number of
business matters and was last seen
alive about 11 o'clock yesterday fore
noon, walking out of the city in the
direction of the cabin where his dead
hody was found. McCann evidently
killed himself early yesterday after
noon. . McCann 51 Years Old.
McCann was 61 years old and leaves
a wife and three grown children, one
eon and two daughters. He came to
Eastern Oregon three years ago from
the 'Willamette Valley and for two
years was principal of the Wheeler
County High School at Fossil. A year
ago he came to Condon, having been
elected principal of the County High
School in this city. Previous to com
ing to this section of the state Mc
Cann, who was an able educator, was
employed in the public schools at Ore
gon City and McMinnville. At one
time he was for a short time associate
editor of the Oregon City Courier.
Travelers In Malaya Find Weaker
Sex Is Strongest.
SINGAPORE. May 31. (Special.)
oman has no need to clamor for her
rights in that region of Malaya lying
Immediately behind the Malaccas, ac
cording to officials who have been
studying them.
The tribes are of Sumatran origin
but have long been settled in their
present quarters. Women alone hold
land and the headship of the tribes
runs by right on the woman's side.
Men are dependent on their womenfolk
and are never given real authority.
Taken all around the villages are
prosperous and the population happy
and contented. Though so emphati
cally tho under dogs the men are
sloek and free from care. When they
make a move they announce their In
tention of settling in this or that head
woman's village there to be a very
humble servant of the powerfully
banded female government. Divorce is
not unknown but such Is woman's su
periority that it is the man who loses
his maintenance by the decree.
Paris Lunatic Fond of Taking Off
Clothes In Public Places.
PARIS. May 31. (Special.) An indi
vidual afflicted with a mania for divest
ing himself of lils raiment on the most
unseasonable occasions at the Palais de
Justice had Already acquired some no
toriety there for his queer performances,
when he reappeared the other afternoon,
slipped into an empty law court and,
throwing off his garments, proceeded to
cry in stentorian tones, "Murder!" and
"Klise!" although there was neither an
. apache or woman near the epot. He fol
lowed this up by driving his fist through
r-anes of gtass.
Municipal guards rushed into the court
and then flew to press a barrister's gown
into service, pending their final success
in inducing the poor creature, who was
shivering, to allow them to help him
resume his clothes, which had been
stowed away in a parcel behind one of
the doors. Then they took him to the
depot at the Prefecture of Police. After
having been detained for a while, the
lunatic as set at liberty, and there is a
good deal of amused speculation at the
Palais de Justice as to the probable date
of his next exploit in this odd line, which,
it Is to be hoped, will not be atten pted in
a full instead of an empty court.
fConMnued From First Pa Re. 1
greater than Portland's when the reverse
should hold true. This is by the simple
expedient of clearing every day in Port
land, while in Seattle the figures are car
ried over from day to day.
Lumber Shipments Heavy.
Important lumber shipments were
made during the month, the coastwise
business leading with a total of 11, 207,-
800 feet. Foreign lumber shipments
-were also heavy with 7,157,493 feet dis
patched, valued at 88,84.4i. Ship
ments of flour amounting to 11.667
barrels, show a revlvol of this class of
trade, April shipments having amount
ed to nill owing to the burning out of
local plants.
A tabulated schedule for the flrBt
five months of the year and of 1909' for J
the building permits and real estate
transfers Is here given:
Building Permits.
January :
January.. 170
February. 322
March . . 44y -
April . 5J5
May ..... ZS2
Value. Terrolts.
' 1T
338 cmf
Totals.. 1837 S5.440.135 2(332 $0,922,117
Real Estate Transfers.
January .1233
February .1332
March ...18t5
April 1US15
May 1702
Totals. ..7S47 $13,109,927 8717 $15,924,083
Case of Sir Christopher 1-urness.
Shipping Magnate, Brings
About Unusual Action.
LONDON. May 31. (Special.) Big? re
sults are looked for as a consequence of
the unseating of Sir Christopher Furness,
the shipping: magnate, as Liberal mem
ber of Hartlepool, because the legral ex
penses were exceeded, by $20 worth of
pt amps and $500 was spent on a proces
sion of miners in his favor on election
day. Sir Christopher is not only turned
out of hits seat he can't stand there
again in the new contest that has been
ordered. Probably his son will succeed
Everybody knows little things can
throw a successful candidate out in Eng
lish politics. Britishers rather pride
themselves on their corrupt practices
act as a proof of the morality of their
politics. They deceive themselves. But
in this case Furness loses his seat main
ly because an ardent admirer named
"Wallace, hearing a procession was to be
organized against Furness, imported 500
miners to demonstrate for the Liberal
The miners came on free railway
tickets, got all the refreshments they
wanted and took gratis rides on the
Hartlepool streetcars. The judges thought
Wallace's action was well known to tho
campaign managers and therefore was
an illegal act necessitating the voiding
of the election though Sir Christopher
Furness was personally blameless.
But apart from the merits of the case
the country is taking stock of the big
fortunes spent in politics. So lavish is
the personal expenditure in contests that
able but comparatively poor men are
kept out of the arena. It is probable
even more stringent regulations will now
be drawn up to limit the amount allow
able for elections. Of late years the rich
candidate always has a big pull in having
numerous automobiles for taking voters
to the polling booths on election day.
It is curious to find how such a matter
as a ride in a fine car can turn hundreds
of voters in a sharp contest. Justice
Phillimore, in delivering judgment in this
Hartlepool case, particularly drew the at
tention of Parliament to the automobile
abuse, with a view to imposing restrictions.
Homesickness for Cell Cause of
Strange Plea.
PARIS, May 31. (Special.) "For
Heaven's 6ake send me back to )ai. I
am homesick for the place," cried Pierra
Fanahr as he dropped on his knees be
fore the Oommissary of Police of the
Faubourg Montmarter.
He looked weak and hungry and the
Commissary thought he had a mental
case in hand till on inquiry he found
the man really -was an ex-convict.
Finishing a 20-year sentence in January,
Fanahr had been given $125 -with which
to begin life again. But the convict was
a pigeon for the thieves- of Pari6, who
robbed him and left him penniless and
friendless In the streets.
"I had friends In the convict settle
ment at La Guyane," he said. "I was
happy for 20 years there. I don't want
to commit a crime, but have pity and
send me back."
Instead, Fanahr is now being looked
after by a. philanthropic society at the
instance of the Commissary.
Whole Squad Suffers for Accidental
fatal Kick.
PARIS. May 31. (Special.) Football in
France has some warm admirers, but the
authorities are scared of It. At a match
at Lons-le-Saunier. not far from Berne,
a player named Oudet was kicked In the
stomach end died.
Now the whole team of 15 players are
under arrest. For the police can't dis
cover the man whose foot did the fatal
damage. It was a sharp scrimmage at
the moment end the culprit himself
doesn't know he did it.
The boy's parents are urging the po
lice on and refuse to believe it Is impos
sible to discover the "miscreant." They
decline to agree the kick was accidental,
for they are not much accustomed to the
risks of the game in out-of-the-way parts
of France.
Party of Golfers Rescues Man After
He Is Seerely Injured-.
LON'DON, May 31. (Special.) A Staf
fordshire artist, while sketching near
Hanley. was attacked by a turkey and
had an exciting encounter with the bird,
lasting a quarter of an hour. ' "
The turkey approached the artist from
behind and made a sudden attack. With
his sketch book the artist aimed a blow
at the bird's head, but missed, and then
sought refuge behind a tree. The turkey
pursued him and injured him quite se
verely. A party of golfers finally came
to the rescue and killed the turkey.
Convicted Slayer Loses Fight.
OLYMPIA, Wash., May 31. (Special.)
The State Supreme Court today sus
tained the conviction in the Lewis
County Superior Court of Joseph Ware,
who on May i5, 1909, killed a man
named Corp. He was found guilty of
manslaughter on hi3 plea of self-defense.
Tourists From Europe Will
Visit Rose Festival.
To friends attending the last sad
rites of our departed husband and
father. William G. Landauer. thanks;
also for the floral contributions, the
services of pallbearers and church
choir. Yours in bereavement.
J. Harry White, of London, Is Here
to Make Reservations for Party
of 200 Newspapers of Paris
Give Space to Festival.
That Europe, also, has heard and has
hearkened to the call of the Rose Festi
val, was indicated yesterday by J. Harry
White, of Fairchild, London, staying at
the Cornelius Hotel.
"I am ' one of a party of over 200 who
will visit Portland expressly to see the
Rose Festival." said Mr. White. "We
got talking over the Fiesta spirit one day
last year after seeing some illustrations
of things in this country in the Illus
trated London News.
"I have about completed .making the
reservations for our people, who will ar
rive here next iTueeday. I propose run
ning about a little and making a few
side excursions, but we shall all be here
for Rose week.
"Of course you know that roses are
the flower of England; as ihey seem
to be of Portland, but in few sections do
they grow in the open in the wonderful
luxuriance I have observed here."
Mr. White said he believed that upward
of 1000 visitors to the Rose Festival might
be expected to Portland from the other
side of the water. He sajd he had learned
this from steamship agents.
"Why," he said, "even Le Petit Bleu
(a Paris daily) devoted considerable
space to an article on the city of roses
"Our own party are all imbued with the
'see things' spirit and we intend to 'do'
Oregon thoroughly while we have the op
portunity. I have been here once before
some years ago and that is why I have
been deputized to hurry ahead and make
the necessary bookings. But, I must
confess, the city presents entirely new
aspects. At my last visit I do not re
member roses being mentioned. Now
everyone, with characteristic American
Impetuosity, has seized one of the most
charming attributes of this city's natural
growth and is making it become known
as something that helps the building up
of the 'Portland spirit.'
"I am a little surprised at the lack of
decoration. But I am afraid that even
this land of hustlers will have to hurry
considerable to cover these tall buildings
with electric designs and bunting before
next Monday."
German Naval Authorities Adopt
New Krupp Output.
LONDON. May 31. (Special.) The
perennial conflict between guns and
armor has attained a fresh stage by the
adoption of a new type of armor-plate
for warships by the German naval au
thorities. For some time the Krupp fac
tories have been manufacturing plate of
nickel-tungsten steel, instead of the
nickel-chrome steel hitherto used for that
purpose. It is claimed for the new plate
that it has a resistance to penetration
of from 10 to 12 per cent higher than
the Krupp armor previously employed for
the ships of the German navy. The whole
of the Dreadnoughts now under construc
tion in German shipyards will be armored
with the new nickel-tungsten,steel plate.
At all events, it is significant that the
Germans are at present arranging con
tracts with the Wolfram Mining Company
of Panasquiera, Portugal, for the whole
of the output of tungsten ore from the
La Guarda mines for the next three
years. Hitherto British manufacturers of
armor-plate for the navy have been pay
ing a royalty of J50 per ton to the Krupps
for the right to make armor according
to the Krupp methods. The patents on
this process have recently run out, and
now- the famous German works are in
the field with a new tungsten steel, which
is reported to give much better results
than the so-called "Krupp non-cemented"
armor-plate. .
The British test for ships' armor is to
T-!SS hfavy Ptiles with a velocity of
19o0-foot seconds. In the recent tests
the new German armor-plate is said to
oTt-i projellea 't" a velocity
of 2250-foot seconds, a very important
!?ZSnCT claImed 'or the tungsten-
t tl V . that' whlle " is y equal
to the old in surface hardness, it Is much
tougher and moae resistant, and is free
from any tendency to brittleness, and is
therefore less likely to crack under the
hS'T&cKy-r project,les BtHkin
Chemicals in Drug Store Window
Ignited by Hot Rays.
lrEW, TOK', 31.-A fire follow-
ITJL, !xf'8ln yesterday afternoon
destroyed the drugstore of Frank Vas
q.UeZ'. L No8' 295 27 East 149th
street. The Bronx, and caused a panic
among the tenants in the house. It is
Relieved that the sun caused bottles of
chemicals to explode.
Patrolman Glp, of the Morrisania sta
tion, sent in an alarm, and, hurrying
back to the house, found the hall filled
with smoke, hut .
-j vuc eucceeaea
in getting out except Mrs. S. Valentio,
on invaiia, and her daugh
ter. Olp took them up in his arms, one
after the other, and carried them to the
Consignment of New York AVaifs
Eagerly Taken in South.
NEW ORLEANS. May 3L-For the
third time this year a stork train has
reached here from the New York
Foundling Asylum. In charge of three
Sisters of Charity, 59 tots landed at the
Union Station this morning and were
pounced upon by a mother-hungry
horde of women of comparative wealth
and refinement. There were not enough
waifs to go around by 300.
Twenty-five of the foundlings were
parceled out to good homes in New Or
leans. Another 25 went on to Kansas
farmers, while nine will be carried to
foster parents in Memphis.
Countess of Warwick Has Conrage
of Her Convictions. -
LONDON. May 31. (Special.) The
Countess of Warwick has th courage of
her convictions. As the owner of the
Easton estate she possesses the right of
presentation to certain livings situated
upon it- A few years ago, when one of
Comprising our entire stock of NEW
in this line, consequently there are no old
goods nor left-overs, but only choicest
exclusive styles all to go at
fflH 1ST1! i k: -
18 Lit ? ii
1 HA ii .1
tf., i h nil
I I f I II.
Everybody knows that no exaggerations are ever
permitted in any of my ads For this reason our
SALES are always successful and well patronized.
will do well to call early
these fell vacant, she appointed the Rev. I Lamar, who celebrated her 10th birth- i on the part of the detectives to obtain
J. Maxted. a well-known Socialist par- I day since her sensational marriage a service on the bridegroom. Newlan L.
son. Now another has fallen in, and this I few months ago. may lay claim to being I Lamai.t 32 years, who, it Is alleged, en-
time she has given the living to a still
better known Socialist, the Rev. Conrad
Noel, who is a prominent advocate of
What the Tory churchgoers In these
"parishes think of the action of the Coun
tess Is not known, but It possesses, at
any rate, the recommendation of being
Polish Girl Startles French Musical
- ' . Critics.
PARIS, May. 31. (Special.) Another
Polish concert marvel has been dis
covered in' Mademoiselle 'Alexandrowicz.
Though only 17 " years old she has so
glorious a voice that even -hardened
critics are enraptured. They describe it
as at once limpid, pure and of great
Having conquered Parls she is to go to
London next year and thence to America.
Her father was professor of music at
Warsaw, but three years ago he died,
leaving her in charge of his countryman,
Jean de Reszke, who trained her.
Child-Wife Says She Was Enticed
Into Marriage.
MEMPHIS. Tenn., May 31. Provided
the court grants her decree of divorce
applied for today, Nellie M. Johnson
Oh, My Poor Back!
No Trouble at All to Know When
Your Kidneys and Bladder
Are Diseased.
Tou don't have to have a doctor or
anybody else to tell you - that. When
your kidneys and bladder become
weak, exhausted and diseased, the
symptoms are very plain and unmistak
able. You must first understand that
all kidney and bladder diseases are
directly due to uric acid poison in the
Those wearisome, continuous back
aches those excruciating, sharp, stab
bing pains and "catches" in the back,
hips and groins (when you attempt to
lift something or to straighten up too
quickly) those rheumatic pains and
twinges all signify kidney and blad
der disease. Then take warning for
foolish neglect may soon mean serious
and fatal consequences.
DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills
have afforded prompt and permanent
relief in every case of kidney and blad
der disease no matter how far ad
vanced where they have been given
an honest trial. Uric acid cannot pos
sibly resist the marvelously cleansing,
antiseptic, soothing, healing and cura
tive action of these Pills. They insure
positive relief and freedom from all
conditions or symptoms of kidney and
bladder diseases, as above mentioned.
They also prevent (or cure. If taken In
time) many far more fatal diseases
such as diabetes, dropsy and Bright'a
Mr. Wallace H. Brunner, 3214 Ohio
St., Omaha, Neb., states that these
Pills cured him entirely of his kidney
trouble. And Mr. Brunner Is only one
of many thousands.
E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, 111.,
want every man and woman who have
the least suspicion that they are af
flicted with kidney and bladder dis
eases to at once write them, and a trial
box of these pills will be sent free by
return mail, postpaid. Do it today.
world 0 " w,c tlced his bride from her home, driving
Papers in behalf of the child-wife to the residence of Rev. E. R. Overby,
were filed after several months effort I where the nuptial knot was tied.
Desertion is alleged by the pretty lit
tle miss through her parents.
A recently Invented rescue stretcher for
mines has oxygen tanks, at one end, opening
into a (bag- in which a man's head and
shoulders may be placed.
Leaves PORTLAND at 6 P. M.
Arrives SPOKANE Next Morning 7:30.
A Strictly High-Class Limited Train
Electric Lighted Throughout. -
Promptly: on Time
Stops at Hood River and The Dalles.
Its superior equipment includes an Observation Car, Drawing
Room and Sleeping Cars, Dining Car, Tourist Sleeping Cars and
Free Reclining Chair Cars.
Purchase tickets and obtain all desired information at the City
Ticket Office, Third and Washington Sts., or at Union Depot.
WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon