THE MORNING- OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, MAT 31, 1910. SEVELT TALKS APART WITH ROOT House Politics Supposed Sub ject of Confab cn Which ex-President Is Silent. GUEST WELL ENTERTAINED Iiunclieon. 'With Royal Geographical Society Followed by Tea With. Mrs. Humphry Ward and Reception at Rltz Hotel. LOXDON", May 30. Ex-President Roosevelt had an opportunity today to hear something- of affairs In the United States. By appointment he met Sen ator Elihu Root, who is passing througah London on his - way to The Hague. Mr. Roosevelt and his ex-Secretary of State had a long- talk at Ambas sador Ileid's residence. Asked later what interesting subject kept them to gether for so long a time, Mr. Roose velt laughingly replied: "Usual Reticence" Observed. "This is one of the cases in which I must observe my usual reticence." Upon his arrival in London Mr. Roosevelt wrote Senator Root asking the Senator to meet him. Acceptance of this invitation only came last night by wireless from the steamer Lapland, on which Mr. Root was traveling. It has been a matter of general gos sip among Americans here that Colonel Roosevelt was depending upon Senator Root to Inform him regarding the political situation in New York, and It was the concensus of opinion here today that New York politics formed a chief topic of the conversation be tween the two. Lunch Taken With Mrs. Ward. Mr. Roosevelt early today made a call on Mrs. Humphrey Ward, with whom he took tea. He dined with Lord Charles Beresford, whose guests includ ed many prominent citizens of the United States. Ambassador Reid was present, as were Admiral Sir Edward Hobart Sey mour. Admiral Sir Gerard Henry Noel, Vice-Admiral Sir Hedworth Lambton, Lord Roberts, Lord Alverstone. and Lord Rothschild. XOTABLES ATTEND LUXCHEOJi Royal Geographical Society Enter!. tains Roosevelt. LONDON. May 30 The Royal Geo graphical Society entertained Mr. Roosevelt and several other distin guished persons at luncheon today. Among those invited to meet the ex President were Lord Kitchener, Com mander Robert E. Peary, Lord Curzon, Lord Strathcona, High Commissioner of Canada; Sir Harry H. Johnston) Sir Francis Younghusband, Frederick C. Selous, the hunter and naturalist, and Iai Buxton. Later in the afternoon. Sir George and Lady Reid gave a reception for Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt at the Rltz Hotel. In the party were many promi nent In diplomacy, politics and the arts. JOYRIDERS SMASH FENCE Slumbers of Insane Disturbed by Merry Party In Auto. Going at a high rate of speed a party of joy riders In an automobile collided with the fence at the Crystal Springs Sanitarium vesterdav mornlne- about 12:30 o'clock and demolished a large section of it. A woman' attendant atf the sanitarium reported the matter to Patrolman Post, who arrived soon afterward and traced ' the machine to the corner of East Stark and East Sixty-second streets, where he lost the trail. Attendants at the hospital told the officer that the riders were noisy and annoyed the patients. A partly-emptied beer bottle was found where the collision occurred. The number of the machine was Oregon 668. STOCKMAN'S BODY FOUND Frank Russell Thrown nto River by Balky Horse. ASOTIN, Wash., May 30. (Special.) The body of Prank Russell, a well known stockman, was recovered Sun day evening in the Grand Ronde River, about one mile below the ranch of Chester Shoemaker. The body had been in the river for over a month. Russell was drowned after being thrown from a horse while attempting to swim the raging torrent. He was Identified at once by personal effects. The body was taken to Troy for burial. TRACKLAYING IS STARTED Official Says New Eugene Streetcar Loop Will Be Ready July 4., May 30. (Special.) Act ual construction on six miles of street railway, known as the College Hill !oop, was commenced today. Manager O'Con nor says that the work will be pressed so . that the entire line will be finished by July 4. The rails and ties for the first mile and a half are on the ground. The work was begun on South Willam ette and the track will be first laid here so that it can be used to distribute ma terials along the way. PINCHOT DODGES POLITICS Refuses to Discuss Roosevelt Inter view and Ballinger. NEW YORK, May 30. Gifford Pln chot, former chief forester of the United States, was ready as ever to discuss forest conservation problems when the liner Arabic on which he was a passenger got to her pier today from Europe, where Mr. Plnchot met Colonel Roosevelt shortly after the latter returned from Africa. Mr. Pinchot was uncommunicative when politics was broached and would not discuss the pending controversy. ROQ with Secretary of the Interior Ballin ger. "I met Colonel Roosevelt at Porto Maurizio near Genoa," said the former forester, "and he appeared In splendid physical trim. I never saw him look ing much better. I was delighted at learning he would address the Con gress of the Conservation Association to be held the first week In Septem ber." "It has been cabled," said one Inter viewer, "that you and Colonel Roose velt went out into a forest and had a very earnest conversation." Mr. Plnchot laughed heartily and said: "Well, that is Indeed a most beauti ful country, but there really is not any forest about. The scenery consists principally of olive trees." One questioner mentioned the name of Secretary Balllnger,-but Mr. Pinchot asid: "I can't discuss the matter of the In quiry nor anything In that line. As a matter of fact I have not been In close touch with the situation since I left here." Mr. Plnchot was spoken to about the summing up of Mr. Vertrees on Satur day In the Ballinger inquiry and said: "Oh, I read about that. Some papers were handed to me aboard the boat last night. I see, he says I'm 'a small possum up a big tree. Oh, well " the rest Of the remark was lost In laughter. PREACHER IS VICTIM SPENDS SIX DAYS IX REEKING JAIL ON FALSE CHARGE. Mistaken for Eorgcr by Bank Detec tives, He Now Threatens Damage Suit. LOS ANGELES. Cal., May 30. (Special.) Arrested two weeks ago without a war rant, on the supposition that he might be "a forger wanted in Texas, held six days in the Orange County jail, taken to San Antonio and thrown into a cell reek ing with filth and alive with rodents and vermin, Louie Schneiderman, of Puller ton, returned here toda - t. ith proofs of his innocence. A. J. Van Housten, alias O. H. Nance, who in no way resembles Schneiderman, is wanted for the crime and for inexplic able reasons the Fullerton man, who Is a returned Methodist missionary from South Africa, and now in the tailoring business, was arrested by a detective agency representing the American Bank ers' Association. He showed papers es tablishing his Identity and reputation be yond question, to all appearances, but to no avail and finally waived extradition in the hope of being sooner freed. The president and other officers of the Alamo National Bank, which suffered by the forgeries stated at a glance that he was not the man wanted and gave him a strong letter to that effect. He now threatens suit against the bankers as sociation and Its detectives. CARNEGIE PLAN COPIED EXETER ACADEMY WILL RAISE TEACHERS' FOUNDATION. Extension of Movement to Other Secondary Schools Predicted. ' Funds Sought Here. The day of the poorly paid instructor in secondary schools is past if the movement inaugurated by Phillips-Exeter Academy becomes general and, from the statements made yesterday by Harlan Page Amen, principal of the Academy, it appears very probable the movement will become general In a few years. The Exeter plan is to raise a foun dation large enough to provide- in creases in the teachers' salaries, the school itself providing the original salary. The Carnegie foundation provided for increasing the emoluments received by college professors, but up to the pre sent there has been no attempt to do anything that will increase the salaries paid secondary teachers. Educationalists are noticing with dismay that the class of men applying for work as teachers is moving in a retrograde direction and it is felt that unless something be done to make it possible for them to live on a higher scale and to have a better standard of comfort, the eventual result will be the entire elimination of the well-trained teacher. Phillips-Exeter Academy is raising a foundation of $350,000 to increase sal aries and to enable the academy to ob tain as high-grade men as can the col leges which are assisted by the Car negie Foundation. Of this sum $300, 000 has been raised, said Professor Amen yesterday, and he Has been mak ing a tour of the West to raise the remainder among the Western men who are graduates of the old school. "I am meeting a great number" of the fellows," said Principal Amen, "and I am sure we shall raise the amount we are after. "There are a great number of our graduates out In this country there are 7000 living graduates of the school. "We are one of ten schools exchang ing our staff every year with foreign schools. For instance, one year we send one of our men to Germany, re ceiving one of their men in return. Light work is given on both sides of the water, so that the men are enabled to study the foreign systems and each school pays its man two-thirds of his regular salary, the foreign school also adding to the stipend. "By this means we are incorporating a number of the best foreign ideas in our American schools and, on the other side, they have the opportunity to learn much from us." Principal Page has been a guest of C. F. Adams, president of the Security Savings & Trust Company, and has kept in touch with King Wilson, a local attorney, both of whom are graduates of Exeter. TEAMSTERS TO LAY PLANS Action Regarding Proposed Strike Will Be Taken Tonight. The regular meeting of the Team sters' Union' will be held tonight in the Bartenders' League Hall, when a definite course of action will be deter mined on as to a strike. The team sters have threatened to strike unless their demand for an increase in wages is granted, while the transfer com panies are Just as determined that the raise will not be. granted. An Informal meeting was held last night by a number of the teamsters, but all efforts to find out what action was taken proved futile.. If it Is de cided to strike,, the tieuj will probabj.7 occur Wednesday, June 1. A rumor has been current for sev eral days that 350 strike-breakers from Chicago are enroute to Portland, but this is absolutely denied by both the teamsters and the transfer companies. Prompt relief In all cases of throat and lung trouble if you use Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. Pleasant to take, soothing and healing in effect. Sold by all dealers. TAFT IS CHEERED BY OLD VETERANS He Responds by Leading Sal vos of Applause at March ing Line. GREAT CROWDS GREET HIM Diminished Thin Blue Line Marches Through New York Streets With Younger Men of Regular Army and National Guard. NEW YORK, May 30. New York to day observed Memorial day, not merely with traditional ceremony, but with the unusual honor of the presence in the city of the President of the United States to review the parade of the veterans. Ideal weather conditions prevailed. Enormous crowds were drawn to the streets and avenues through which marched the rapidly-thinning ranks of blue, and a great host was massed about the stand at the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, where President Taft watched the Grand Army men and kindred organizations pass In review. As usual, the day was kept as a gen eral holiday, and after the morning's Im pressive ceremonial the city's throngs gave themselves up to recreation. President Taft arrived early from Washington, and was driven to the home of his brother, Henry Taft. Breakfast there was followed by a meeting with the other members o fthe reviewing party and a brief reception at the Sherman Square Hotel. Veterans Form Guard of Honor. The trip to the reviewing stand was then in order, with the old guard as the President's special escort and a guard of honor comprising the veteran corps. Ar tillery and Military Society of the War of 1812. The distinguished party Invited to surround Mr. Taft on the reviewing stand comprised Major-General Daniel E. Sickles and Major-General Julius H. Starr, Brigadiers-General Anson G. Mc Cook, Horace Porter, Nicholas W. Day. Walter Howe, John T. Lockman and Thomas H. Hubbard, with a number of Congressmen and other notables. The detachment of Regular Army men headed the marchers, whose route was shortened, s that the aging veterans would not be too greatly fatigued by their tramp. Followed by sailors and marines from the battleships Connecticut and Rhode Island, the head of the parade moved up West End avenue to Seventy second street, and into Riverside Drive and On OaSt the Ktnnr t th mnnnmont The state troops, including the Seventh., ist ana oin tcegiments, marched next and then came the veterans. Ovation Given President. After' reviewing the parade, the Presi dent returned to his brother's residence for luncheon. He had received a great ovation all along the route on the way to the stand and was repeatedly cheered as he took the place of iionor among the reviewers. Mr. . Taft smiled and bowed and beamed at the tributes. As the ranks of the veterans came marching by, the acclaim of the throngs was turned from the reviewers to the reviewed. Salvos of applause were launched as the veterans, many of the older among them- obviously, tiring from their tramp, filed past the stand, salut ing as they passed. None joined more heartily in the cheering for the men In line than the President himself. Taft to Make Another Trip. Numerous other ceremonies of a patri otic nature featured the day in the city. These included services at Grant's Tomb on Riverside Drive by U. S. Grant Post and the decoration of graves of veterans in the cemeteries, while Grand Army exercises were held tonight in Carnegie Hall. An interesting civic event of the holiday was the workhorse parade up Fifth avenue. At New Rochelle, the home of Thomas Paine, the Paine National Mu seum was dedicated. The President reUirned to Washington this afternoon, and his return will be marked with preparations for his next trip, which will begin next Thursday morning, and last four days. He will go to Bryn Mawr (Pa.) College for com mencement; to Ada, O., to deliver a grad uating address at Ohio Northern Univer sity; to Detroit, Mich., to unveil ' tile statue of General Custer, and to Jackson, Mich., to deliver an address on the occa sion of the 50th birthday anniversary of the Republican party. From Jackson the President will return to Washington, ar riving Sunday night. June 5. GIRL DENIES JEALOUSY MABEL PUTNAM MAKES STATE MENT IN THRASHER CASE. Erroneous AVere Talcs Given Out, She Says Dead Man Cared for No Woman In Camp. ASHLAND, Or., May ,29i (To the Edi tor.) The columns of The Oregonian for several issues this week have mentioned the name of myself and my family In such a humiliating and cruel manner that I feel compelled to resent a few of the aspersions, even though they be as false as they are numerous. So many erron eous statements have been printed that I hardly know where to begin. While the scene of the unfortunate affair was at Ayers Spur, a ffew miles from Ashland, the Coroner's Inquiry lasting four days was held in Ashland immediately, and all the facts developed. The statement that the Putnam family or any member of it had left the country at any time was wholly untrue. The state ment that my father was "a transient" was certainly news to Ashland people, who have known the family during a continuous residence of eight years, my father being a citizen and taxpayer, and transacted business continuously in Ash land, is a member of the Modern Wood men of America, and the entire family have been members of . the Christian Church for years. The associating of the names of the late Jesse Thrasher and Ed-Davidson as rivals for the affec tions of myself is so utterly false' that a mad man could not believe it. Thrasher had boarded at our boarding house one week, and the first time I saw him he sis intoxicated, and was in that condition on several occasions, and had never spoken to me at any time except in the presence of four or more people, and never showed any intentioin of wanting to keep company with any lady. Ed Davidson was described by Ashland papers as a "miserable wreck from years of dis sipation and drunkenness." It pains me greatly to have to mention these clrcum- EIGHT YEARS OF SUFFERING CURED BY DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. A Washington Woman Relates an Ex perience That Will Be of Value to All Pain Burdened Women Everywhere. If you are approaching tha fortieth year in a run-down condition, you will be interested in reading of the benefit that Mrs. John Utter, of PuyaUup, Wash., received from Dr. Williams' Pink Pills after other treatments had failed to help heT. She says: " I suffered for eight years from all the pains and sickness that women of my age are subject to. I was able to work only part of the time and often could i'ust drag around. Most people would tave given up and gone to bed. I was so nervous that I could not get much sleep and was subject to headaches and dizzy spells. My stomach was out of order all of the tuna and I was troubled with gas forming on it. I would often Have smothering spells when I could not raise myself up. "I took a great many kinds of medi cines but found no relief until I followed a friend's advice and tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They helped me right away. I could sleep better, was not so nervous and became stronger. I used the pill for some time and was entirely cured. "Since then I have always had Dr. Williams Pink Pills in the house. My husband had a severe case of inflamma tory rheumatism which settled in hU hands and feet. A few boxes of the pills cured him and he has never had a returc of the disease." As most of the diseases from which wo men suffer are directly caused bv a lack oi blood, Dr. Williams' Jink Pills have been found unequalled in the treatment of anaemia, green sickness, delayed de velopment, after-effects of childbirth and leucorrhcea. Our free booklet, "Plain Talks to Women," will be sent to any suffering woman upon request. If you have failed to get more than temporary relief from your suffering, the treatment is most likely not a blood builder. Do not neglect then to remove the cause of your trouble but give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a good trial. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists, or will be sent, postpaid, n receipt of price, 50 cents per box , six boxes for $2.50, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. stances, but it is the only way I can make myself understood to the readers of The Oregonian outside of Ashland. My parents having in March under taken the work of running the boarding house for the Ashland Manufacturing Company, I was taking an active hand in making the enterprise a success, and having always been able to address peo ple of all kinds pleasantly and cordially, I prided myself-in the accomplishment, and for the first time have had it turned apparently as a dangerous element in a girl's character. Being conversant with good literature, and my mind possessed wtih good Ideals and a worthy ambition to make something of myself, it is with great humiliation that I am compelled to see myself and my character portrayed in the columns of The Oregonian by re ports printed from other towns, the writers of which never saw or heard of me in their lives before and have evi dently drawn in their imagination an illiterate, emotional person of. rustic charm who might fit the position of an object of rivalry between Inebriated lum berjacks in order to round out the story. The jealousy theory and myself as "the girl In the case" was fairly exploded at the Coroner's inquest. At the first ses sion the line of questions asked dis closed the District Attorney had elimi nated the six Greeks arrested, and in the absence of any tangible clew pre senting itself, he felt compelled to re sort to his Imagination' and announced as his text a French saying, "Whenever a dastardly crime has been committed and you cannot get a clew, look for the nearest woman." That is how I became the "leading lady" in Professor Mulkey's thrilling drama, and the other interest ing characters were, picked up from among the boarders. A young Italian boarder named Nicholas Joy was duly elected and staged for the character of the "'ealous Italian," with three star chara;ers in the hands of the master playwright, with Greeks, Italians and various other characters about a lumber manufacturing plant to throw in wher ever desired. With myself as the 'theoretical motive of a possible working hypothesis," the theory was thoroughly tested out, the District Attorney having uninterrupted sway, and he did not hesitate to drag everything imaginable Into the Inquiry that would open any possible lead to his French author's theory. It happened to be a beautiful theory when based upon moonshine alone. When the time came to merge the theory to fit the facts the utter erroneousness of the theory demon strated Itself so glaringly, the Coroner's Jury regarded It as a complete failure. Even District Attorney Mulkey, in an ac credited interview at Medford on May 25, Is reported as having discarded the theory of Jealousy as being the motive, and this should certainly settle the matter, as Mr. Mulkey has gone into my personal af fairs, and the personal affairs of mem bers of my family to the very bottom, and neVer hesitated at asking the most delicate questions in his search for in formation that might establish his illy digested theory. Had he In the start taken the pains to gather information with which to base his theory in place of launching the theory firs and trusting to developments to establish the truth, there would have been no "girl in the case" and the news paper correspondents in other towns would not have occasion to write such terrible and humiliating stories concern ing the character of people they do not know.' Respectfully, MIS9 MABEL PUTNAM. No doubt Miss Putnam is warranted in feeling Indignant over the course of the Investigation and her unpleasant connec tion with a deplorable tragedy. The Ore gonian hasn't the slightest doubt that she states the facts as they are; yet It feels it ought to add that the news Items about which she complains were mere re ports with some inaccuracies of an in vestigation made by the authorities. A murder had been committed. It was sur rounded by many elements of mystery. It was the duty of the District Attorney and the authorities to probe the whole matter to the bottom. In these circum stances the District Attorney insisted upon an explanation by individuals who had a more or less close association with the dead man. The theory was evolved that the murder might have occurred through a jealous dispute over a young woman's affections. Investigation now shows that this theory was untenable and that Miss Putnam was not In any way involved In any quarrel or dispute which led to the homicide. The experi ence has been disagreeable for Miss Put nam, but since the outcome has. been her entire vindication as well as the vindi cation ' of her family. The Oregonian thinks she ought to feel satisfied that the whole matter has been thus officially l and publicly closed. Yon Gam Pay Ullt'S Your credit is good with us. We like to keep repeating this statement, for we mean it and desire that everybody should feel perfectly free to come here at any time and buy whatever is wanted on our well-known credit terms. $612 Iron The posts and top rail of this bed are of 7-8-inch tubing; the filling of 3-8 and 5-16-inch material. Heavy angle iron at head and foot. Head is 54 inches high, the foot 35 inches. Choice of blue and green. In 3-ft. 6-in. size only. 3 t7 j yVif i " 4 $30 Table $16.85 This Dining Table is made of quartered golden oak and is highly pol ished. The massive pedestal is round and is supported by carved claw feet. It extends to six feet and will seat ten persons nicely. is Cash or Credit Cash or Credit Terms Are Made to Suit You! CATHOLIC PICNIC POPULAR Thousands Throng Crystal Lake Park on Memorial Day. Thousands of people thronged Crystal Lake Park yesterday afternoon in at tendance on the old-fashioned family picnic given by the Catholic Young Men's Club. From early morning until late at night the cars, going and com ing from the picnic grounds, twere crowded. ' The afternoon was spent in peanut and potato races and other amusements popular in early days. A log-rolling contest was held on Crystal Lake, which proved to be one of the attrac tions. A game of baseball between the C. T. M. C. and the Fulton Blues was played during the afternoon. In the evening a grand ball was given on the big open air dancing pavilion. It is the Intention of the C. Y. M. C. to make the Memorial day picnic an annual event. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS ALWAYS BUY THE GENUINE MANUFACTURED BY THE . (ALIFORKIA (5$YRUP (9 SOLD BV ALL- LEADING rn ORU0Q(STSX ONCStZCONLY.-. SOlA eQTTLE AND ' Yom at P Bed $3.85 V-u r izm. Terms to Suit - Terms to Suit $2.75 Crib $1.55 Cash or Credit Term to Suit. Made of hard maple with woven wire spring legs flare Instead of being straight, as In cut. Legs fold under so that crib may be shoved under bed when not in use. self regardless of digestion and nutrition. He might almost as well eat shav ings for all the good he gets out of his food. The result is that the stomach grows "weak" the action of the organs of digestion and nutrition are impaired and the man suffers the miseries of dyspepsia and the agonies of nervousness To strengthen the stomach, restore the activity of the or &ana of digestion and nutrition and brace up the nerves, use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It Is an un falllni remedy, and nas the confidence of physicians as well as the praise of thousands healed by its use. In the strictest sense "Golden Medical Discovery" s a temperance medi cine. It contains neither intoxicants nor narcotics, and is as free from alcohol as from opium, cocaine and other. dangerous drugs. All ingredients printed on its outside wrapper. Don't let a dealer delude you for his own profit. There is no medicine for stomach, liver and blood "just as good" as "Golden Medical Discovery." Well Gladly Show You How OLYMPIA BEER . Is Made The details of our careful method of brewing will be demon strated at any time. Guides are always ready to pilot visitors about and explain how we have developed beer production to a real science. '3 J, That renders Olympia Beer so pure, healthful and invigorat ing. This, together with the methods employed in our plant one of the most modern in the country makes this beer a genuine tonic. Just phoneMain 671 or A 2467 for a case. Olympia Beer Agency as Best owers . EXTRA! Summer Rugs We just received another lot of rugs especially designed for cot tage and bungalow use during- the Summer season. Sold as all else cash or credit, with terms made suitable to you. Bokanya Rugs These are wool filled. 9x12. $17.50 value, at $12.50 9x10, $16.00 value, at. 7-6x9, $13.50 value, at. SS.75 Wool Fiber Rugs 9x12. $16.00 value, at S9.75 7-6x10-6, $14.00 value, at...S8.93 6x9, $7.50 value, at S4.SO Kashmoir Rugs 9x12, $1. 50 value, at $12.15 9x10-6. $16.00 value, at S11.20 7- 6x10-6, $13.50 value, at...$S.S3 Fiber Rugs 9x12, $14.00 values, at $0.7S 8- 3x10-6, $11.00 values, at.. $6. 85 $5 Rocker $2.95 Maple frame, continuous woven arm and back, close ca-ue seat. Great value. Cash or Credit Terms to Suit $3.50 Stand $1.98 Solid golden oak, 24-inch square top turned tegs and shaped shelf. Light and very strong. Cash or Credit Terms to Suit Dignified Credit to All Pay a Little Now and Then! The Tenderfoot Farmer It was one of these experimental farmers, who put green spectacles on his cow and fed her shavings. liis theory was that it didn't matter what the cow ate so long as she was fed. The questions of digestion and nourishment had not entered into his calculations. It's only a "tenderfoot" farmer that would try such an experiment with a cow. But many a farmer feeds him Vsl