TIIE MOKMNG. OREGONIAN. TUESDAY, MAY ai, i;jiu. 19 AMTSirM"E?TS. T H K A T K K Main 2. A 83(10 Geo. I. Bauer. B Manacer fonlght all -week bargain Mat. Wed. 25c. BAKER STOCK COMPANY In Anthony Hope's famous romantic play. "THE PRISOXKIt Oh' ZKNIlA." Magnificent production. Splcmiid cast. EveninBa. 25c. rOc. 75c. Rat. Mat. 'T.c, SOc. Next week Iietta. Jewel in "Merely Mary Ann." MATH 6. A 10. ' HAIUlEK SVtBI DAT. 15-2S-5C: EIGHTS THEATER 15-25-SMSb tt'KEK MAY 30 Grlirolntr rtrnoun Aerial Rallet. Warren and Blanchard, Brown and oo)rr. KUiel Alton . II- Franklin and Standard", Ilal Merrltt, Meehan'a Comedy ud Acrobatic lg, Fictures, Orchestra. IT y V. V POKTLASD'8 1 .. JL .12. J. ka PLAYHOUSE Seventh and Alder Streets. WEEK STARTING HON. MAT.. MAT 30. The Edw. Armstronpr Musical Comedy Company Presents "MATCHED AT LAST A Travesty on the Jeffries-Johnson Flpfht. The funniest musical comedy ever written. Two shows nlRhtly. 7:30 and 9:10. Matinees dally, 2:30. Prices Night 15c and lioc. Box seats 50c. You'll like the Lyric. ri5? A. TNI 1 Week May 30, 1910 WILL J. O'HEARN Bouton nnd Tlison, Hamilton Hill. Ivoro and Payne, Bessie Itacon and Company. Solar and Kogers. Urandascope. AND COMPANY A Romance of Killarncy. Matinee Every Day. 2:30; any seat inc. Evening Performances at 7:30 and 0:1;: Balcony 15c; Lower Floor 25c: Box Seats .)0c. MUSICAL, MARKEE BROTHERS. The Perkins Hotel GrU hap as an addi tional musical attraction secured the serv ices of Ralph and Frank Markee, members of the celebrated musical family of Markee. Ralph and Frank have just returned from an extended Eastern vaudeville engagement to visit their parents, and will on June 1 Join their brothers, who have been entertain nit the patrons of the Perkins Grill for some months. Cello, trombone and saxaphone solos will be featured. eoa.il RECREATION PARK, Cor. VnuKhn and Twenty-fourth Sta. SACRAMENTO PORTLAND . . May 31, June 1, S, 3, 4, 5. Games Begin "Weekdays :30 P. M. Sundays 2:30 P. BI. Admission Bleachers, 25c; Grand stand, 60c; Boxes, 25c extra. Children: bleachers 10c, Grandstand 25e. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. THE OAKS AMUSEMENT rARK SOW OPEN From 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. Concert, Afternoon Concert, Evening . 2:30 8:15 RUZZl'S FAMOUS BAND Teresa Traverso Many Attractions, Including FAMOUS FLEA CIRCUS Cam every few minutes. East Morrison and Water Sts. Admission to Park 10 Cents. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Flfirit ",ut Flowers always fresh I IUI lol from ,pur own conservatories. Martin & Forbes Co., 347 Washington Street. Both phones. Pool Richmond and Wallsend Australl OUdl an Independent Coal & Ice Com pany, opposiieClty Library. Both phones. AUCTION SALES IOUAI. At Baker's Auction House. 152 Park street, St 10 A. M. Furniture, etc. Baker & Son, auctioneers. At Oilman's. 1241 second street. S. L. N. Oilman, auctioneer. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY FRESIDKNT, Main 212. -SEtllKTAHV, Main B99. Ill M AMU OFFICER, East 4778. NEW TODAY. , no view Its equal Full Lots, $200 to $400. 10 Per Cent Cash, $5.00 Per Month. 5c Carfare. I. G. GILLETTE & CO., 614 Board of Trade Bid?. ' ' I WILL TRADE FOR A HOME 16 lots 2 miles from center of city Valuable for manufacturing: sites; side track property; $8000; in a few years will be wortli a fortune; also a trood auto. 923 Board of Trade. A NICE COUNTRY HOME Close to Hillsboro; 17 trains daily each way; fine larpre oak trees, plenty of fruit and berries, walnut trees all in full bearing. $2600. $600 cash, bal ance $10 per month, or 1 0 per pent dis count for all cash. See owner. P. Reimers, 709 Corbett Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates and terms to s!ts spe cial rates and favorable terms on lsrs loans on be in ess properties. Fuoda Loaned tor Private Investors. A.H.BIRRELL. CO. ' 203 McKay Hide. 3d A Star It. MORTGAGE LOANS M. E. THOMPSON CO. Hemy Building. 4th and Oak Sts. Only $10,500 Full Jot, 50x100, worth $9000, and modern 10-room house, also worth $9000, near " dous bargain. I and GHsan; a tremen- C. H. KOHGLI,, 250 Stark. GEORGE BLACK, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) 823 Worcester BldE Phones Main 371; A 4013 SO ACRES White Salmon fruit land; 7 miles out: make buyer $150 or more In one vear: $."tl per acre; terms. F. S. Peck, owner. White Salmon. Wash. INVESTORS Call on owners' Realty Ass'n for timber, acreage, business. residenca ud anartment pxopertles. 203 Abington. NEW TODAY. $3000 Will Handle. This Choice' Warehouse Site matuhau. ? ST We: i.5 ST W. LS - W l. jQHitsgn j " o 5? I - 2 H0YT 31. I 7T i- i- 61 Hun t-FKAMH Co I Haas & Ringler 811 Ltnin Building. With Water Power 1132 acres with magnificent -water power, worth in a few years several hundred thousand dollars, will be sold within a few days at less than the 600 acres of fine agricultural land it in cludes is worth. Just think what this means. If you act quickly you will not be the one who will say, "I might have owned it." Price $22,640. Large house and barn, 300 acres in cultiva tion, 300 acres more ready for plow, millions of choice fir, alder and ash timber; 1500 apple trees, no spraying necessary; located 5 miles from To ledo, Yaquina Bay, Lincoln County, Oregon. Approaching old ago reason for selling. Grussi &c Zadow 317 Hoard of Trade Hldg., 4th and Oak. West Park Street Investment A money-maker. Only $6000 to handle. Nothing better for the price in the city. Watch the PARKS grow. .Vanduyn &. Walton 515 Chamber of Commerce. On the WILLAMETTE RIVER Opposite the ROCK ISLAND Beautiful homesites. $1500; one-third cash. 10 per cent discount fora.ll cash. 100 feet elevation. Magnificent view. THE CROSSLEI COMPANY 708 and 709 Corbett Bldg;. APPLE LAND $125 Per Acre 500 beautiful gently rolling acres, 400 acres in cultivation, no waste land, no rocks, at shipping station on S. P. R. R. in Koseburg district, 10 miles from EoseburE, lays ideal for subdi vision, will be sold on advantageous terms for subdivision. "Will sell, if sub divided into 10-acre tracts, at $200 to $500 per acre. Price is only $125 per acre, come in and get particulars. Grussi & Zadow 317 Hoard of Trade III dir., 4th and Oak. Elegant Irvington Residence below cost of building. Brand new. Reception-hall, large living-room, fire place, bookcase, dining-room and den, beamed and paneled buffet, breakfast room, pantry and kitchen, polished oak floors, fancy hardware, all hand-finished and rubbed, extra large sleeping porch, bath, two toilets, 4 bedrooms, attic, beautiful tinting, square brass combination lighting fixtures, .duplex shades, full cement basement, fruit room, furnace, dust and clothes chutes: every possible convenience. Near the car. Terms to suit. Owner, AG 11, Oregonian. Washington Street Two (2) lots,, near 16th, partially, unproved; income nearly $300 ; cheapest buy on Portland's leading thor oughfare. E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. Air n Choice corner, 50x100, on Kin I lll24th st- Nob H1I district, UlUtUUUwitn 3 fine modern houses, ' annual rents $1S50; a gilt- edge buy; part cash. C. 11. KOHELL, 250 Stark,. XEW TODAY. Take an A car to Bast 30th street and walk eight blocks east- A high-class, restricted residence dis trict. lOper 50x100 LotS cash ONLY $600 month EARN $10 By guessing how this limerick ends: No. 10. There was a . young man named Fred "Who had a wonderful head; He wisely invested As prudence suggested, And there's Any one sending us the correct ter mination of the above limerick will re ceive a certificate good for $10 on the purchase price of any unsold lot In GOING-STREET ADDITION. If your' answer is correct, we will send you the certificate by return mail. Or, If you are smart enough to write limericks yourself here is another chance: We will pay a ten dollar certificate for every original properly - formed limerick, suggesting a realty invest ment, that is sent in to us. We wilt also give the writer thereof full credit for same in these advertisements. Now crank up the. machine. Carter-Dugan Co. OWNERS, 620 Chamber of Commerce Portland, Oregon 15th STREET TRACKAGE 150x100, corner, 150 feet on trackage, only seven (7) blocks' haul to terminals; three (3) blocks from Mar shall, Wells & Co.'s two new buildings, each to cover 200x 200 ; also on 15th st. $45,000 NOB HILL RESIDENCE Irving st., near 23d; hard wood floors, plate glass win dows, etc.; everything, the finest; house cost ,$23,000 2Vs 3'ears ago a bargain. $16,500 E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. West Side Snap Full lot 50x100, with 4 cottages rent ed for $48 per month and paying a good income on the investment, on Second street, north of Lincoln, five minutes' walk from Third and Morrison. Lot alone worth the price asked and vou get the houses for nothing. Price $7500 $2S50 cash, balance terms. Grussi &. Zadow 317 Hoard of Trade Illils., 4th anil Oak. HASKINS & HUDSON REALTY COMPANY Strictly first - class city properties; choice farm and apple lands. Pleased to have you call and examine our list. Phone. A 3298. 206 Henry Bldg. The Kylands of Yamhill qin n-Ao inn -i i i g-ently-slopins. beautiful, perfect ridge f nr f i 1 1 1 1 Clinic f i na c- r- t i w-v . elegant view and just 1 miles from electric line survey; fine roads; an ele gant tract to plat. Will make a bar gain price and easy terms. I guaran tee it perfect in depth of Foil and slope. Will show tract in auto. Owner, George E. Waggoner, 923 Board of Trade. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. F. ABRAHAM Rooms 217-218-218 Lumber phone. Main 2:79, A 2278. Andrews, iV. & C.M.3318. 30 Hamilton bids. Beck. William G.. 812 Falllnr hM Blrrell. A H. & Co., 202-J McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loans, ete Brubaker Benedict. B02 McKay blag. M. 5 CARD REALTY & INVESTMENT CO., 110 deaa.mj at. J. i 1 1 1 1 .1 iii. AUDI. A. lDO(, Chapln A Herlow, 332 Chamber Commercfc Cook, B. S. Sr. Co.. 603 Corbett bide. Jennings & Co.. Main 1S8. 206 Oreponlan. JOKES A SHERMAN. 302-3 Lewis bldg. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 21S Commer cial Club bldg. Schalk, Geo.rx, 228 Stark St. Main 302. A 232 tjii.sujnit hall, zuo Aoington bldg. ine Oregon Keal instate CO.. Grand art. ud sxuunom&a mi. iiou&aay Addition). M. H. Thompson Co.. cor 4th and Oak sisl Walker. B. T.. 6Q4 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. I'or Sale Lots. LOT on Morris street. clo3e to Union ave , for $1700; a good buy. Call 41o Failing U HI fj. IF you have some money, will build oa your lot. Eastman Co., inc.. 3o3 Ablngton bldtf Main 3230. fl.Ci ioL, ri'i udiiu nciynu), lUll-SIZC'd, on carline; $1500, 20 per cent down. o 11 1 LOTS, near East 11th and Morrison Bts.. 8-room house: owner leaving city 4Sto V IK Oregonian. ' Fl'LL lot on Montgomery near 14th st. for flliiu; very eaay terms. V anauyn & Wal ton. .M.i Chamber of Commerce. $7000 LOT 50x100: -House; 3d and Sheridan sts. Inquire 24H Sheridan St. FOR SALE Lot. 50x100. Inquire 73 Church ct v.irrh Alhina. FOR SALE Choice Cannon Beach lots, easy terms: owner. 171 Third street. J'700 2 LOTS, with small house, Portland neignui: utm m cm. m. -..ti FOR SALE By owner, lot BOX 100. east front Mt. Tabor Heights. Phone B 1206. 8 LOTS 4 blocks from Woodlawn station. 1498 lam st. iN. TWO lots for sale, 15 minutes' ride on Salem canine. Apply union, aeuwood 800. BEAUTIFTL lot. very close in, on the West tide, 1-3 cash, P 1J, Oregonian. i RE A I, ESTATE. For Sale -Lots. OWN- a beautiful building site 100x130 on Portland Heights, with fine view of Mount Hood. It runs through from one street to another, with 160 feet of frontage; within two blocks are 18 houses each costing over $3000; it is. two blocks to the carline: Because I need the money J will sell this property for $1000 less than the owner of a smaller piece directly f?ros the road has recently been offered; $1300 cash will handle it. V. VINCENT JONES. 302-303 Lewis bldg. 30 PER CENT PROFIT. - My client wants $900 right away: he Tfrs three very beautiful lots in Monta villa. on the Hill, and in a restricted dis trict, surrounded by property held by in vestors at S45 a lot. For residences they are very desirable, and for speculation there is at least 30 per cent profit. This Is a case of big profit to the buyer, for the money is needed by June 1. G F. Martin, attorney, :jQ2 Failing blrtg. FINE LOT. EAST YAMHILL ST. GOxlOO. north front, in a fine residence district on East Yamhill, near 2Sth; street Improved, cement sidewalk. Price $20o0; luoo cash, balance vearly at 6 per cent. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 17 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. WEST SIDE. WEST SIDE. " WEST SIDE. $1600 Exclusively residential neighbor hood, full lot, very close In. Whv ride all day .n the streetcar? Good terms. O lO, Oregonian. INSTITUTE PLACE. A new addition, just opened cor. East 2Sth and Holgate streets; best value in the city for the money. Take a look. Agent on the ground. Owner, 410 Failing bldg. , ALAMEDA PARK LOTS. Are high and sightly, overlooklag Irrlng ton; near Broadway carline; best city im provements; priced 23 per cent beiow tha market. Inquire Alameda. Land Company. fe22 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE 2 lovely lots, corner East C7th and Klickitat sts.; sidewalks. water, cheap. Also one view lot, east of Country Club; very easy terms. Mrs. F. F. Slo nerod. 4O0 Yamhill st. Phone Marshal . 12S7. THREE additions for sale; the most de sirable that can be had inside the city limits, as a whole, on easy terms to the right parties. See the owner at Dean Land Co. office, 022 Chamber of Com merce bldg., d and Stark sts. TWO corner lots, Woodstock, near school house: 25 per cent Increase soon; princi pals wanted. Name your price for cash. Save agent's commission by addressing A. H 10, Oregonian, or Home phone B 12SS. Owner sells. ONE acre. 2 blocks of car. fine location, small house and other buildings; a fine home site: $2230; terms. E. R. MARKHAM. 205 Gerllnger Bldg.. 2d and Alder. IRVINGTON. Two of the most beautiful building sites in Irvington for sale at a very reas onable figure. Inquire at 200 Oak St.. or phone M 2S2S. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. I have- a lot 50x90 on Portland Heights car line. Raven's View Drive. Price $15o0. 20 per cent down and 2 per cent per month. S 894. Oregonian. JUST think, a full-sized lot, within 15 min. walking distance from the Postoffice, and on the West Side, too, with a magnificent unobstructed view of everything. $1750. Terms p 14. Oregonian. UNIVERSITY PARK PICK-UPS. Only $250 a piece for 0 choice lots; com pany price Ion win. GRAY & BUELL. 719 Board of Trade. Phone Marshall 1721. CHOICE building sites on Woodstock Ridge, overlooking the city and the Reed Insti tute ground. I will sell you ground in sizes to suit; easy terms. See owner, 410 Falling bldg. BY OWNER Lot in Bncklvn riverfront; elegant view; cement sidewalk; Improved elreet. Inquire 103 4th. Tel. A 1O40. Main 211. A CHOICE 100x100, on r.-id near Belmont st.. at a Bargain, for owner needs money. Call 722 Electric bldg. Phone M. 5743, A 5457. WHY buy a lot when you can get a halt acre inside tbe city with all the advan tages for the same price? 420 Lumber-n-jiu Bldg.. cor. 5th and Stark. SEVEN good lots in University Park. Make u an oner. B LOCH REALTY CO.. 221 Lumbermens Building. WESTMORELAND By owner, three east front lots $400 below company's price. 508 i .limner K,xcnange bing. Phone Main 4:;HS. WEST SIDE view lot, 2y. blocks to car, 6 iiiiiiuLta nuts lo w u. mc6 1500 terms. 9 900, Oregonian. S1250 BUYS a lot on West Side: view of five mlnutea' ride from Poe-toff ice ;. terms- to suit. A BO I , urtsmiiaii. - . mi.Liiuu viw i'-'l. waiKing aistance, re stricted uiiinci; fiauM, terms. A U&5, Ore gonian. " $235 EQUITY in Belle Crest lot; east front for $100. Main 11!2. . For Sale -Houses. IDEAL WEST SIDE HOME. Owner leaving city offers at cost his new bungalow of six rooms, absolutely perfect in arrangement ajid modern to the minutest detail. Living-room 14x24 feet, with large, artistic fireplace; paneled din-ins-room with beamed celling, lull Dutcn kitchen, fine dry basement with splendid furnace and set tubs; tile bathroom, large closets, beautiful den, hardwood floors, French windows, combination mission lighting fixtures with large' Tiffany lamp, upper and lower porches running full length of house, sleeping porch; lot 50x 100, in fine condition, space for auto, and only one block, from car. This home was built by the owner with no intention ot selling, and must be seen to be appre-v u-.iL4.vu. it oajs m. giaiiu unoosiructeo. view of mountains, river and city. Price only for immediate sale $0250; terms, $150o cash, balance $50 ;ier month. Possession at once. No agents considered. Addresa Ay U. uregonian. 6-ROOM modern house, white enameled bathroom, large porches, full concrete basement, firre roses, fruits, built by day tuoor tor good nome; must sen; one blocK rrom car; cneap, payment down, term fine corner. Archer Place, Mount Scott far. ETione xapor t?:ii. A LOVELY home in Piedmont; 8 large rooms; carpels ail down; large basement; all necessary conveniences: large garden: corner; 2 lots. 50x100; house sits on cor ner lot. ouxioo: must sell at a sacrifice. Price $4250. Phone Woodlawn 0i)o. ACREAGE HOME. 1 acrest all kinds of fruit, 6-room hous and pantry and large verandas, bath, new barn, large chicken corr'al; choice flowers and, shrubs; 4 blocks from car. Terms. LOUIS BRANDT. Oak Grove. Oregon City Line. I HAVE 4, 5 and G-room houses, close in, on Waverly-Woodstock carline, all new and modern; $l.oo to $2000; your own terms also closest-in $450 lots In city. E. A. M'gRATH, 331 Chamber off Commerce.' fi-ROOM modern house, corner lot 100x100 in one of the swellest residence districts on the East Side. ' BLOCH REALTY CO., j 221 Lumbermens Building. BY OWNER, new 6-room house, reception hall, fireplace, gas and electricity; piped for furnace, wash trays, street improvements all In and paid; part casn, oai. o per cent; terms. K-ist 4s:;i. iNi lamnui. AN ELEGANT EAST SIDE HOME. Modern in all respects. large fin grounds, choice shrubbery, etc. Best car service in portiana. . particulars at 722 hJlectrlc blag, pnones -m. S.43. A 5457. B-ROOM modern house, lot 100x100. 1 il blocks "from car line. Price $2350; $loou cash. BLOCH REALTY CO.. 221 Lumbermens Building. NEW home. Division ' stiet. seven rooms. Data, toiiei. cic.i it, Usui, cement base ment and walks; $2250, easy terms. Tabor l'lul). $45"0 Modern six-room house: hardwood floors, sleeping-porch, two toilets, screens, shades, furnace. 907 ,Bmjdway. C 179U or 304A IJCKum uniB- l vinjir. FOR SALE Modern residence. larg rooms, steam heat, gas grates, everything u to date; garage: lot 100x100. 260 Alnsworth live., cor. Garfield. Phone C 2791. km all r.ayment on $2500, 7 rooms. mnH.. MO00. S rooms. new. modern. fruit & blocks cai. n oofw awn. RIlXOALOWi B II NT. aTT,... - Everywhere; any price and term.- I?; the goods. 403 Couch bldg. Phone a ' FOR SALE by owner, the handsomest 8 room home in Irvington. 49a E. 2uth st " Call nnd see it. " WHEN moving call up Van Horn Tran.f. Co.. M 1618. A 184; all covered wagon, 2fT INVESTIGATE tma. Mnctly modern r. room house with beautiful Uwnrn d :hrubory. By owner. Sr.; E Mjra THREK nouses mm luia i or sale, toepth or separately. Owner, 672-HaLsey. phoi Bast li'Mi. A. HOlSB of 7 rooms, beautifully located on Mount Tabor; cement walks. Tela phone Tabor 177. IRVINGTON. 8-room bungalow, reasonable of. for will be accepted. Owner, phone C 2492. $100 CASH. So monthly, beautiful 5-roora bungalow ; uist. xjr. uarung. MODERN" 5-room bunpalow, chap, best lo cation in city. Woodlawn 2U0ti. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, near car- m" provements paid. oU0 down. Main SEAL ESTATE. ARE you lonklnp' for ft fin country home on the Willamette River? Wo havft 4 acres, 5 minutes' wallc from Orepron City electric line. Elevation 150 feet above the river, affording a magnificent view. 30 minutes' ride to city. Prioe way below value of adjoining land. This can be made the most lovely country home anywhere around Portland. Fine native trees. For price, etc.. see The Crossley Co., 70S and 700 Corbett bldg. R1VERDALE HOME. One of the hanusomest homes in the Riverside district; 7 beuutiiully designed and artistically finished rooms, a recep tion hall, a full-length living-room with large fireplace, bookcases and seat, case ment ana French window, paneled and beamed dining-room with artistic buffet, Dutch kitchen; 4 bedrooms, each in sep arate color scheme; sleeping balcony; large bathroom; attic spaced for two rooms and bath ; full cement basement; extra large furnace: private water system under heavy pressure; beautiful grounds about an acre in extent and commanding a sweeping view of the city, river . and mountains. For further particulars ap ply to R. F. BRYAN. BOS Chamber of commerce. A li: J7; Main 1063. REAL) $ti0o READ. BEAUTIFUL NEW BL'NOALOW. FIVE ROOMS, with FULL BASEMENT and AT TIC, complete bath, toiiet, lavatory, FIREPLACE with mantel and ash pit; double paneled seat; plate rail; DUTCH KITCHEN, with cabinet, wood lift, sink, boiler, cupboards and FIRE LESS COOK ER ; electricity, with F1XT L U Eri ; LAUN DRY TUBS. Inside artistically Finished, enamel and mission. All walls and ceil ings TINTED. Large porches. Fine view. Lot 50x100. CEMENT WALKS in and paid. Wide parking. Easy terms. Only l."0 feet to Rose City Park car. Ureatest bargain in Portland. JAMES C. LOGAN. 32G1 Washington st. It 404. HOME. 6 rooms. 2lid. near Knott st. New and modern home. 50x100 lot, full basement and finished complete with fur nace, cement wash trays, etc. Living room, liall and dining-room finished in selected Oregon fir; oak floors. Three large bedrooms and sleeping porch up stairs. Lighting fixtures and plumbing first-class. Price $tUO0; terms $lo0u cash and balance to suit. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-233 Commercial Club bldg. Phones Main bOOO, A 2fi53. BDILDINO IS OUR BUSINESS. We have from 10 to 10 jobs going at one time. We can afford leas profit on a single contract than the email contractor. You also get Just what you order and take no risk. Plans and estimates free. If you own lot we will furnish the moiy. PORTLAND REALTY & CONSTKUCTIO-V COMPANY. g02-tK3 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. GOING TO BUILD T WE ARE BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE CITY. THERE ARE GOOD REASONS. OUR CUSTOMERS SAVE MONEY AND GET BETTER WORK, ON TERMS TO fcUIT. IF YOU OWN YOUR LOT. WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FREiS OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO.. . 300 HENRY BLDG. $25.O00 ELEGANT HOME. With over half block of beautiful grounds; 2-story brick garage, billiard-room, etc. If. T. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. SBAS1DU COTTAGKJ. Nice 4-room cottage, nicelv furnished ; large atlicv 24x26,-full lt, ftuxlOO, at Grimes Grove; splendid view of ocean; flume nice trees on rear of hit; the best location at PViasidc, Or.; price $ltiT0; thi.- is a good bar gain. Get key from us. Photo of cottage at our office. GRUSSI & ZADOW. "17 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. ATTRACTIVE DWELLING IN IRVINGTON near East 25th. between Thompson and Brazee. New. thoroughly modern in every particular; very conveniently arranged, in terior' tinish very artistic. Attractive lo cation nnd good car service. price, $0000, one-third cash will handle. This prop erty is a fine bargain for the price. See McCargar, Bates & Lively, 13 Failing lui Idling. ATTRACTIVE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, 505 Thompson street, between East loth and 11th, on lot T0xl00. Five rooms down stairs, two rooms upstairs, uniinished; modern in every particular and very at tractive; rt replace, furnace, screened back porch, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, etc. Street improvements all paid for. Price, $ri.HO, half cash. See McCargar, Bates & Lively, 315 Failing Building. ' CLEVELAND-AVE. HOUSE, $500. Five 6-room house, electric and gas, full basement, good plumbing, in a line neighborhood, on a lot OOxKmi on Cleve land ave.. near Going st. This is a bar gain at $3150; $500 cash, and $20 per month. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. IRVINGTON PARK BARGAIN. Modern 6-room bungalow, lot 5ux1 00. cement walks and curb, concrete base ment, 29 rose bushes, kitchen range with sale; restricted district on car line. COMET REALTY CO.. tHV2 SwetUmd T?Mg. BUNGALOWS, just completed, prices $2300 and 2000. Take Rich mond car to 41st. These bungalows S. E. corner 41st and Ivan, one-half block north of car; mod en, completely tinted, fireplace, cabinet, kitchens, cement walks all about, proper ty free from all encumbrances, and terms to suit you. Telephone owner. Main 3441. WEST SIDE SNAP. Two modern houses on 50x100 lot. on Gibbs St.. in good location, good income property, and a big snap at jro()o, one half cash, balance 3 years, at ti per cent. GRUSSI & ZADOW. S17 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. EAST A N K EN Y -ST. HOME. A modern 8-room home, with large re ception hall, attic and all conveniences, for sale at a reasonable price and on terms to suit purchaser. W. L. Page. 107 Sherlock bidg. NEW. modern u-roum cottage, sitely l'oca tion with 2 choice corner lots. Fine shrubbery and berries ; owner leaving city and will sacrifice this home for S.'tooo. Full information at 410 Failing bldg. 1 DOUBLE 5-room house, $5750. 1 (room house. $3250; modern in every respect, just completed. 1 block from car line; terms. Phone Woodlawn li7, owner or call 005 E. l.'.th st. N. FOUR 8-room modern houses; rent for $150 a month; bet. West Park and loth,; very reasonable. BLOCH REALTY" CO.. 221 Lumbermens Building. NEW modern H-room house, lot 100x100; hard-surface streets, Irvington; also other houses end vacant lots. R. B. & F. F. Rice, office 16th and Brazee SLs. East 15S. res. East 2432. WEPT SIDE, on Oth st., cloee in. home and splendid speculation, 5-room house and bath s.ttmo. AD tHi7, Oregonian. Bum In fan Property. FINE modern apartment house on 11th st., south of Morrison, brings in good monthly rental, is finely located anil will be worth more money. An investment that is sale, conservative and profitable. $30,000; terms pi von. Port land -Pacific Investment Co.. 000 Couch bldg. FOR SALE 2-story brick block, 60x100. center business district, Vancouver, Wash., leased for 8 year- at $50 per month; on account of leaving city will be sold at special bargain. Call or address F. M. Black, box 1H. Vancouver. Wash. IMPROVED business corner, bringing good interest ; fine location, where values are rapidly advancing. A good buy at $0500. B I OC H R K A 1 .T Y CO. , 221 Lumbermens Building. SEMI-BUSINESS Corner On Montgomery and 11th, only $15,000; good terms; fair income; a line buy. Vanduyn & Walton. 515 Chamber of 'ommcrcc. Acreaq JUST a few 1 and 2Vi-acre tracts left in PRIMROSE. Twenty minutes from the center of the city. Ten per cent cash and easy payments on balance. Seo'trustee, 410 Failing bldg. ,70-ACRE BARGAIN. On Salem Electric, close in. near station one-third Improved ; running water- fine for cutting up at big profit. Vanduyn dc Walton. 515 Chamber Co m merce. FIVE acres, all in cultivation, 20 minutes from Courthouse; fine new house and barn, 80 fruit trees, 3400 berries, garden horse, implements; 24 chickens; $3-5o $1000 down. Bishop, 329 Mohawk bldg. LET me sell you & halt acre or trior a eide tbe city: Bull Run water, paved strc building restrictions. etc.. 420 Lumber mans Bldg.. cor. 5th and Stark. 320 ACRES apple or stock land, in oil flis trlct, on section railroad. 5o4 Goldsmith. 5 ACRES on Barr road; easv terms; long lime; close in. 501 Goldsmith su REAL ESTATE. Acreage. PLEASANT VALLEY' ACREAGE. An ideal country home, near Syca more Station, on the Cazadcro carline. lSVj acres in fine timber ajid 9 acres in cultivation, with SO apple- trees of the very best variety, good 4-room house, ex tra large barn, fine spring or the place ; land especially adapted for fruit ; whole 27 acres all fenced, price on iy $.1500; $1 o0 'cash, balance to suit. This place must be sold in the next few days, as owner needs money. GRUSSI & ZADOW. JUT Board of Trade bidg.. 4th, and Oak. 5 ACRES all in cultivation. 15 minutes walk from electric line, on main county road, best of soil, $I0O0; $200 cash, bal ance $10 per month, or 10 per cent dis count for all cash. Owner, 703 Corbett bldg. , OCEAN BEACH. 5 acres, Clatsop County, bordering ocean ; 2 miles south of Fort Stevens. This acre age can be cut up in lots and sold at a big profit, as it lies close to Columbia Beach. Price $250 per acre. For partic ulars address Bur-bank & Burdick, 711 Chamber of Commerce. ANY number of 5, lO and 20-acre tracts choice improved fruit and garden land; water and rail transportation ; SO to 00 minutes' ride from Portland; price is right; easy terms; will exchange for Port land property. For desirable homes see Dean Land Co., 622 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 3d and Stark sts., Portland, Or. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME OR PLATTING PROPOSITION. 2i2 acres, in high state of cultivation; will be in city limits in a short time; ad joining acreage sold for $3000 iter acre. For particulars call Main bG04. Mrs. I. J. Brown. CHOICE tract of 58 U acres on the Oregon Electric R. R., ground cleared and in high, state of cultivation; carline runs directly through the center of the land. This is a bargain at $2oo per acre. We will give yon plat and full information. Queen Inv, l"o-. 41o Failing bldg. SIGHTLY HOME AT COURTNEY. r acres, with good house. 4 acres In cultivation, for a few days will be offered at a sacrifice, price $52uo; worth $O00O. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. FOR SALE 8 acres of land, 3 acres in cul tivation, one in small fruits, 7 miles from Courthouse, on Taylor Ferry road, one mile from Multnomah station, on Oregon Electric F- A. Paddison, owner, on prem- . ises. UNIVERSITY PARK ACRE. Three blocks from car and three from the Columbia public park: acre adjoining held at $0000; our pricrj $2350. GRAY At BUELL. 713 Board of Trade. Phone Marshall 1721. Homesteads. 2 HOMESTEADS under Irrigation ditch, 1K acres each; special lot rates for Crook. L&k and Harney Counties; & homesteads va La coast; 2 timber claims. ADVANTAGES OP OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each of the .114 counties is best adapted for; gives amount of government land open to homewiead in each, county; map attached. 21x5 showing new R. R. and towns, including Eastern and Central Oregon; counties in different colors; drawn to March 1, 1910; latest map in U. S. ; price 25c Nlmmo & Kuaey, IS hi mil ton bldg. G O I NG TO LOCATE? Get our FREE MAPS and LITERATURE. Land adjoins the new railroads; good water, free fuel, snore., schools. poioftiee. phones and sawmills; fine community; excursions every week. DESHOX & HAWK. Surveyors, 4i4 Lumbermen Bank Bldg. 320-ACRE homestead free; desert claims; $1.25 H.r acre; 5o0-mile tour through Central Oregon by automobile, with ail expenses paid for 0 days, only $55; next excursion leaves Thursday morning. 7:4o A. M. Juirte 2. Central Oregon Development Co., 2v5 Aldington bldg. EASTERN OREGON HEADQUARTERS: We are on the ground and locate nearly every landseeker in the district. Oregon Homestead Co., 217 Abington bldg., lotii 3d st. 4,OOO.ooo relinquishment in Siletz, $t;00 3,500,000 relinquishment, 30 miles from Portland, on railroad. $400. Phone Main S314. Kor Sabs t rult Lands. BEAUTIFUL 10-ACRE FRUIT TRACTS. Known at "Long view" and just platted. Convenient to Portland, located in the beautiful rolling hilU of Williamette Val ley, jiuft on the edge of town of Yamhill. Splendid soil, fine drainage, beautiful view, bearing orchards all around, land all in cultivation ready for tre planting. Prices from $loo to $175 per acre, sold on terms of only $150 cash, balance easy monthly payments. THERE ARB NO BETTER FRUIT TRACTS TO UH3 HAD IN OREGON FOR DOUBLE TUB MONEY. I want to satisfy prospective buyers of this fact and will show vou the nroperty any day AT NO COST WHATEVER FOR THE TRIP and no one need feel under any obligation to buy property. Don't buy a fruit tract until you have seen these match leas lo-acre tracts. Send name and address for descriptive literature. J. O. ELROD. OWNER. ,i 610-520 Corbett bldg., opp. postoffice, Portland, Or. FRUIT OR GENERAL FARMING THESE FA RMS A11E ONLY 35 Ml LES FROM PORTLAND. SO acres, 4 M: miles from good live town on railroad ; fine spring; no waste; best of soil; $0 per acre; cash. ALSO SO acres adjoining above; lO acres cleared, 20 apple trees; small house and barn : best of soil, no waste; tine spring; price, $22.50 per acre; i.i cash. IN" CROP. 3R p cres. all cleared ; 20 acres in crop; 7-room house, good barn, family orchard 4 years old. 2 good springs; VEKY BEST OF SOIL; crop and implements included ; price, $45 per acre cash; 3 miles from town. DECIDED BARGAIN. l,o acrjs; SO acres level, so acres gonHy rolling, 40 acres fenced. 25 acres cleared and in crop, family orchard S years old, line condition; S-room house, 2 barns, good well and splendid springs; on county road; postoffice 3 miles; detp black soil; price, $2 per acre, cron included. INVESTMENT CORPORATION, LTD., 20 't: Washington St. Room 012. AN EASY BUY MAKE YOU R OWN TERMS. 40 ACRES PERFECT-LAYING ORCHARD LAND. 18 acres clear. 4 acres timber, balance pasture; running water; 7-room white house ; well in kitchen ; 2 good barns, blacksmith shop, otnor buildings ; farm implements; mile from 40-acre com mercial orchard, on good county road; I mile to town ; cream route; telephone ; R. F. D. ; price $ Jsou. Owner. Phone Main 351u. 712 Rothchlltl bldg. HOME-SEEKERS. ATTENTION. We offer for sale a fino home of 20 acres, one-half improved, balance easily improved; 2 miles from Kciso, Wash.; good road; house, barn. 2 Ixmhouses. other outbuildings, bearing orchard of SO trees. 4 'H trees 4 years old ; 2 fresh milch cows, span young mares, sow and six pigs, imio fowls; good well at house, also live creek; crop looks fin. Seo Huntington it Jack son. Kelso, Wash. A BEAUTIFUL APPLE ORCHARD "TRACT, lo acres; perfect soil, drainage, climate and altitude, for the best results in apple raising; cleared, cultivated, planted and cared for four years and delivered to you a complete apple orchard, which will be worth at lowest estimate $ lo.ooti. 1 will sell you this tract now for $3000; irno cash, balance easy payments. See M r. Carr, M4 Lewis bid j;. APPLE LA N D 1 00 arms between M osier and Hood River, unimproved. l'O acres of this is good fruit hind. Price Si4tO; can be handled for $24oo cash. This is a bargain in fruit land in one of the best districts So1 McCargar, Bates & Lively. ;;i5 Falling Building. TEN ACRES of excellont fruit land, unim proved ; no rock ; w ell watered ; 2n miles out and mile from thriving railroad town ; $75o, $2 hi down. You'll buv it If you set t. office open Sunday. Palmer, hi 7 Couch bide. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY FRUIT LAND. 17," acres A-l pear land, suitable for development or subdivision ; positively money-maker; investors investigate. H. H. Basler. room 4, Masonic Temple, Grants Pass. Ore go n . . 10-ACRE orchard tracts, unimproved, on railroad. 25 miles from Portland ; best soil , no- rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; arrange with us to go and make selection; round trip same day. 310-311 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP. " " 160 acres good apple land by owner near Lvle. Wash. Address John Sfcultz, Lyle, ' Wash. For Sn! -Farms. FOR SALE In Ten-Mile district. Idaho. 4 claims, with splendid water right, big gold-bearing quartz ledge, surface values $4-$45; terms and price right. Box 035 Spok ar.e. Wa sh. ' - LINCOLN' County farm. 360 acres, at $05o0, including stock; $25u0 cas-h, balance on tiinw" 0 per cent. Addrc O. G. Dalaba, Elk City" Or. - BEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying; land shown Zrue. (Qlmstead Land Co., Salem. Or REAL ESTATE. 20-ACRE FARM. This 10-acre farm will bring you larger returns than many 100-acre farms will; 15) miles from Portland; adjoins good country town, school, church and store, in a thickly settled neighborhood, two miles from elec tric carline; same line has been sur- " veyed close to this farm ; good graveled road. heavy sediment soil, usually called beaverdam; all clear and in a high state of culti vation ; you can begin at once to get the largest results in grow ing onions, asparagus, celery, etc; similar tracts have yielded up to $So0 an acre; one acre of timber for fuel and a town lot 50x100 go with this farm, giving you 11 acres in all; spring water can be piped for house use; price $1750. half cash, balance 0 per cent, easy pay ments. M. E. THOMPSON CO.. Henry Bldg., Fourth and Oak Sts. Main 6084, A 3327. IS PER ACRE. 301 acres, fronting on the John Day River. 2 miles from O. R. & N. Railroad, ail renced and now used for pasture, about three-fourths plow land. Terms $i00 cash, balance in four yearly payments, lhis low price is for quick sale. M. E. THOMPSON CO.. Henry Bldg., Fourth and Oak Sts. Main 00i4. A 3327. 16 AtRL.s of beaverdam land, on eleetrlo line, ;.0 minutes' ride from Portland. $373 per acre; small cash payment; balance long time. This Is a snap. WOODBURN ORCHARD CO., INC., 505-0 Henry bldg., 4th and Oak sts. W I LLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. oSO acres, with 320 acres in high state or cultivation; UO acres oak timber, easily cleared; line new modern S-room house with every convenience, new barn well fenced and cross-fenced; county roads bor der and cross the property; 2'- miles from boat landing, only x4 mife from P. station. This Is as perfect a farm as can be found, with no waste land; fine springs, and for fruit is unexcelled, as it has Just the proper slope, price. $75 per acre; $lO,000 cash, balance to suit at 4 per cent, one-third cron included. THIS IS AN IDEAL PROPERTY TO SUBDI VIDE. The new Hill electric line will border It. INVESTMENT CORPORATION. LTD.. , S.;i2 Washington St. Room 012. f INK self -supporting country home. 20 acre, house and barn. Running water. 4 acres excellent apples, and tl acres rapl terrier. Running water in house. K. mi to to ."tatinii. IS mil'.' from Portland. Rcautiful view and location. N.i finer fruit land in Oregon. $2"0 per acre. $1000 cash. Balance- to suit. THE CROSS LKY COMPANY, 7O8-700 Corbett Bldg. St ACRES bottom land, on island 1n Wil lamette river 30 mil s from Portland; h use, barn, lots of fruit; will grow an -thing; small payment down, balance long time. a bonanza for the rieht partv. loo acres fine land in Woodburn " dis trict: very choice fruit land; well wa tered ; jui-t having timber taken off. A fine specula t ion. WHALLKY. 015 M-Kay Bldg.' J. A. CUNNINGHAM. A few and all choice farina for sale. In Yamhill County. P. O. Box 74, Carlton, Or. FORCED SALE. 200 acres; 40 acres in crop; will cut 4 tons of hay; fair house and barn; larg orchard in bearing; 0 milch cows, horsed and farming tools, household goods, chick ens, ducks, etc., and other young stock. This is a snap, and must be sold a( once. $5iOo. VANCOUVER REALTY r0.. S10 Wash, st.. Vancouver. AVash. DOUGLAS COUNTY, OR. FOR SALE 1700 - acres choice land on good county road, 3 miles from railroad and good town; this land is very suitable for platltng and is at present in good condition; price $23 per acre. For particulars and terms apply to William MucMaster, 3u2 Worcester bioc k, Portland, Or. t0-ACRE tracts-, unimproved, 23 mile br rait from Portland; suitable for Xrult-rau img and oclcken ranches; well watered, plenty of timber for all purposes, bec ot oil, no rock or gravel; $15 to $& an acre; t&try terms. These are the cheapest tracts bu the market and will bear lupecuon Call .nd arrange to gj and Uiem, 3ia and ill i '-ortjeiL oiog. FOR S LE 2U2 acres river bottom, 1 miles T illamook City, finest dairy land in the world, 2-4 a. Willamette River bottom, 1 mile Oorvallis, raise alfalta or anything; sell cheap. Add. owner, L. U. Freeman, Corvallis. Or. 10-ACP.E orchard tracts, unimproved, on railroad. 25 miles from Portland ; best soil; no rock: $40 an acre, easy terms; ar range with us to go and make selection; rouudtrip same day. 31032j vJorbett bldg. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED. 100-acre farm. 35 acres in cultivation, good house and barn, about 8O0O cords of wood on place. 3 miles from Kalama, $40 per acre. Imus &. Kindorf, Kalama. Wash. FOR SALE 20-acre home, 12 cult., $1800. Hi-acre fine farm; other places. C. M. CRITTENDEN, Hubbard, or. MiM-elluneous. ARE you looking for a farm or acreage 7. Don't fail to call at THE CROSSLEY COMPANY." 70S and 70 Corbett bldg. It costs j ou nothing and wo treat yotj right. It surely will be to your advan tage to see us before buying. We don't publish our list. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Cl-w-in acreage, a wheat raneh or small, we 11 -improved tarm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see me. I handle my own properties. J. O. ELROD, Mo CorUtt L'ddg. FOR BALE TIMBER LANDS. 60.000,000 FEET TIMBER R. R. Sawmill men. investigate this. SO.OOO.Oort feet of timber, 40 miles from Portland, on Columbia River and R. R. About 05 per cent yellow fir and the -balance red. Lays well ounohed and controls about 2O.0H0.OOH feet more. Excellent logging chances, all down hill. This is one of the best tracts for immediate operation on the Columbia. This is a bargain and will stand close in vestigation. Call 30iS Board of Trade, FOR SALE. SO acres, with 1,500,000 feet yellow fir, running water on place, half-mile oft United Railway sarvoy ; 10 miles north west of Forest Giove for $lSoo; terms ta ruit. Address Elmer Lyda, Gales Creek, Or. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. M'CRACKEN. 204 McKay Tttdg. TIMBER land, first-class timber land ott Cowcemau River for sale. Call or writt J. C. Kid red, Kelso. Wash. 10,000,nj0 deeded timber in Douglas Count j for $4300 if taken at once. Main 314. WANTED TIMBER LAN D3. CORDWOOD or stumps ge on electric oz steam roads. Ed lefscn Fuel Co., Inc. TIMBER iar.s wanted. C. J. kUCrackea. 3v4 McKay bidg. . FORT GEORGE acreage less than price single lot; adjoining official townsite. Grand Trunk pacific Railway, divisional point cen tral British Columbia, commercial and bank ing center 4O0 ,uare miles rich agricul tural, timber and mineral lands, center IuiKJ mile3 navigable waters. Frederick J. Scott, K x ,V.l. V a n co u v t r . 1 : . C .