16 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, MAY 31,-1910. CORNELL'S EIGHT DEFEATS -MOD Crimson Oarsmen Drop Fresh men Race, in Addition to ; Varsity Event. CHOPPY STROKE SUPERIOR dlen fYom Ittaaca Show Better Form In Both Contests on Waters of Charles River Honors Are Divided In Harlem Event. BOSTON. May 30 Sixteen etrong- tmrmed Cornell oarsmen swept Charles i River today, the Varsity crew defeating Harvard in a beautiful race by a length, "While the freshmen completely" out classed the crimson eight, winning by '26 lengths. It was Cornell's short, choppy stroke 'that proved superior to Harvard's long, Vhythmic swing. The Harvard oarsmen seemed to have plenty of power, but for some reason stroke Cutler was content with an even B2 from start to finish, and, although Hhla held Cornell for the first mile in Icrough water, Cornell's swift paddles tend numerous spurts drove Its shell "steadily away and there was a bit of open water between the boats as they "darted across the line. The time of the Varsity' race was: "Cornell, 11:23; Harvard, li:27. In the freshman race it was: Cornell, 11:15; 'Harvard, 11:36. The water was rough. 31EGATTA IIONXiKS ARE DIVIDED rundel Boat Club, of Baltimore, Takes Senior lour Event. NEW YORK, May 30. Honors were dl ivlded in the 44th annual regatta of the .'Harlem Regatta Association today. Two easy races were the senior fours, won Efcy the Arundel B. C, of Baltimore, hegainst the Malta B. C, of Philadelphia, nd the senior doubles won by Feussell Band Shepherd (Harlem R. C, New York), rthe champions in their classes, against wetoll and Parker of the Arundel B. C. of JlBaltimore. The course was one-and-a-"qiMirter miles on the Harlem River. ; There were 50 entries. Summaries: . Junior double sculls Won by New York lAthletlo Club tB. J. Clarke and J. A. Mc jj(enna); Nonpareil Club, New York (Henry .33. Utley and J. T. Coughlln, Jr.), second. ?rime 6 minutes -0 2-5 seconds. . Senior quarter mile dash Won by Fred erick Feussell. Harlem B. C, New York; Jyrank A. Shea, Sheepshead Bay Club, of 'Brooklyn, second. Time 1 minute 3 spconds. Junior four-oared giKa Won by Junior Boat Club, of New York; Dauntless Rowlnft kClub, New York, second. Time 6 minutes 12 8 seconds. Junior quadruple sculls Won by Harlem Rowing; Club, New York; Nonpareil Kowlng K:lub, New York, second. Time 6 minutes fco seconds. Junior single sculls Won by G. W. Smith, ijr.. Nonpareil Club; J. J. Hughes, Harlem .Rowing- Club, second. Time 6 minutes 05 aieconds. X Junior eight-oared shells Won by New York A. C. ; Nassau B. C, New York, sec ond. Time 5 minutes 55 seconds. Intermediate single sculls Won by S. K. Hoffman, University Barge Club, Philadel phia; Charles ICause, Kew York A. C, sec ond. Time 7:47. Intermediate double sculls Won by F. J. kelson and Harry Evans, Harlem B. O., New !York: John Campbell and Harry Klernan, "Union B. C New York, second. Time 7:14. Senior singles handicap Won by K. Shea. '"Sheepshead Bay R. C, Brooklyn, 7 seconds; ' John J. Ryan. Harlem R. C.. 15 seconds, second. Time 7:34 2-5. ! Senior four-oared Bhella Won by Arundel Boat Club. Baltimore; Malta B. C, Phila delphla, second. Time 7:04. b Association senior singles Wor. by F. B. lann. New York A. C. ; Ira J. Emery, Met opolitan R. C, New York, second. Time N:08. i Benlor double sculls Won by F. FeuBsell Pnd Fred Shepbard, Harlem R. C, New 'ork; Louis H. Stoll and E. W. Parker, trundel B. C. Baltimore, second, i Senior eight-oared shells Won by Wah ioietah Boat Club, Flushing. N. Y.; New York fjlthletlc Club second. Time 6 minutes 14 eeconds. Senior single sculls Won by F. Shepherd, tHarlem R. C. New York; Guy L. Belcher, tMiilta B. C Philadelphia, second. No time laken. Junior octuple sculls Won by Harlem R. New York; Wahnetah B. C. Flushing. F'N. Y., second. Time 7 minutes 10 seconds. Fandom at Random TWO coats of whitewash adminis tered to that Sacramento team .Is going some for one afternoon's work, fbut both Seaton and Krapp were in irand form yesterday, and that ex plains It. Portland has now won 13 out of 14 games from Sacramento, which is some irecord to make against a club like that, for the Senators have been able to hold San Francisco and Oakland to .n even break. - Tommy Seaton was only once threat ened seriously, and that was in the sixth inning, -when Van Buren and Briggs both secured hits, making it look as if he was weakening. How ever, both were tossed out by Fisher in attempting to steal. In the' eighth Inning of the first game Ivan Olson pulled off a grand stand stop of Persons' liner through the box and heaved the runner out at first. Olson was there like a duck In both games, and his batting and base running were also features. "Roaring Bill' Rapps continues to clout the ball like a demon. Bill has had one or more hits In every one of the eight games played thus far ex cepting Thursday, when "Spider" Baum kept him out of the base hit column. Fitzgerald fanned out the side In the first inning of the opening game. Smith was the first victim, and after Olson hiked, Fits fanned Hetllng and Fisher- He pitched a steady game throughout, for it was a long fly -which scored the only run he allowed. . Billy Speas made a sensational catch ot Spiesraan's long fly in the eighth in ning of the first game, and distin guished himself by pulling a couple of more long ones out of the air in the second game. . Casey's work around second base vied with the performances of Olson, for between the two of them they came near hogging all the fielding honors of the afternoon. Krapp, as usual, showed himself to be the premier fielding pitcher of the league. While the first game was being played, an attempt , was made to keep left field clear of the crowd, but the throngs arrived with such regularity and insisted on 'sitting against the fences, that the attempt was finally given up and ground rules made ac cordingly. Clarke Griffith's speedy Cincinnati bunch went all. to pieces against the Pittsburg Pirates yesterday, and were decisively beaten In both holiday games. The Plttsburgers pounded the ball unmercifully and won with ease. The first three trips made to the plate by Ivan. Olson and Jimmy Smith resulted in their eventually scoring runs. Beth secured two hits, and walked once, while Smith stole two bases to accomplish his scores. Olson raced all the way home from second on an Infield tap in the second inning. Kramer Loses Bicycle Race. NEW HA VEX, Conn., May 30. At the opening of the National Circuit bicycle races here today, F. L. Kramer failed to win either the half-mile or five-mile professional. W. Barrett, of Buffalo, with 55 yards handicap, won the first of these events in 55 seconds and the five-mile went to Norman An derson, of Denmark, in 10:48. J. Ma ginee, of Newark, won the three-mile amateur in 6:44 3-5. The two-mile pro fessional was won by Fred Hill, of Boston, in 4:27. PENINSULA LOSES GAME IX TAME CONTEST SELLWOOD CUBS WIX, 13 TO 1. Mornlngstar Starts Day Wrong and Is Pounded Out of Box Ogil- vie Is Bright Star. Won. Lost. Pet. Salem 8 2 .750 Dllworth Derbies 8 2 .750 Sellwood 5 8 .B25 West Portland 3 5 .375 Peninsula 2 6 .250 Vancouver 2 6 .250 In a featureless game, with the ex ception of hard-hitting on the part of the victorious team, the Sellwood Cubs defeated the Peninsula nine by the Bcore of 13 to 1 yesterday on the Mc Kenna Park grounds. Mornlngstar started twirling for Peninsula, but was found for a num--ber of runs in the first few innings, so Manager Valentine delegated Cox. the regular second baseman, to the mound, and he was also hit hard. Rogers, who has been playing in the field for Peninsula, caught in the absence of the regular receiver. Ogilvie, the star shortstop of the Sellwood Cubs, who has been hitting the ball with frequent regularity, was the hitting demon yesterday and hit a trio of three-baggers. The game was replete with errors. Scott pitched his second game in two days and got off. on the right side of the register. The batteries Sellwood, Scott and McHale; Peninsula, Mornlngstar, Cox and Rogers. VANCOUVER LOSES TO DERBIES Dllworth Boys Now Tie With Salem for First Place. . The Dllworth Derbies traveled to Van couver yesterday and handed the Sol diers another defeat, 10 to 6. This -victory brings the Derbies in a tie with the Salem aggregation for first place In the league race, each . team having won six and lost two games. Hits were bunched off tooth twlrlers and, coupled with errors at critical times, were responsible for the high score. The field ing of Robinson at short, for the Derbies, and the hitting of the Vancouver third baseman, were the features of the game. Hargreaves, of the Derbies, also used the "big stick" to advantage. The score: RHE R H B Dilworths ....10 8 3jVancouver ....6 8 4 Batteries Dilworths, Townsend and Bauer; Vancouver. .Bladen and Cashatt. Umpire Rankin. West Portland 8; Salem 3. SALEM, Or May 30. (Special.) West Portland won today's game from the Salem 'team of the Trl-City League, score 8 to '3. JOCKEY STABS TRAINER WILLIAM HOGOBOOM, NOTED IN NORTHWEST, MAY DIE. Quarrel, Outcome of Trivial Matter, Results in Probably Fatal Cuts.' Sportsman In Hospital. WALLA WALLA, Wash., May 30. (Special.) William Hogoboom, one of the best-known trainers in the North west, and the owner of a string of racehorses, is in St. Mary's Hospital here, suffering from serious knife wounds Inflicted by Joe Walker, a track employe. In an altercation at the racetrack Sunday. Hogoboom's condi tion is grave. Walker is now in Jail, charged with assault with a deadly weapon. As soon as the cutting took place, the Sheriff's office was notified and Deputy Sheriff Joseph McAllister ar rived upon the scene Just In time to prevent the infuriated workmen from mobbing Walker, who was backed up against a stable, drawn knife in hand, holding off a dozen track employes who were armed with pieces of harness, chains and pitchforks. Walker pleaded for protection. The quarrel was the outcome of a trivial matter. Hogoboom had his left arm laid open, while a wound, three inches deep above the heart, is the most se rious. BLOW IN FACE IS DEADLY Quarrel About Dog-Fight Results in Homicide. BILLINGS, Mont., May 30. (Special.) J. P. Obwleser died today as the re sult of a blow received on the face, dealt by Walter J. Scott, Thursday last, because Obwieser attempted to in terfere in a dog-fight in which Scott's dog was winning. Scott Is now under arrest. McMlnnville Boosts Good Roads. M'MINN VILLE , Or.. May 30. (Spe cial.) M. O. Eldredge, Government highway engineer, gave an illustrated picture talk here this afternoon upon the subject of good roads. Mr. Eld redge was followed by Judge Webster, of Portland, who. told,.how to get good roads, and get them "now. The sub ject of good roads appeals strongly to the people of this county, a road fund of nearly $100,000, having been ex pended last year in the betterment of the county highways and a special road tax of 44 mills having been levied for the present year. The splendid work of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets is daily coming to light. No such grand remedy lor liver and bowel troubles was ever known before. Thousands bless them for curing constipation, sick headache, biliousness, jaundice and indigestion old by all dealers. RAGES DRAW CFiOWD Driving Club Holds Matinee on Country Club Track. ROXY BEATS AGNES BY NOSi Class C Pacers In Third Event Sup ply the Spectacular, Three Heats Being Required to Decide Win ner Georgle Rose Wins. Ending with a blood-tingling quarter mile dash between, two favorite mares, and characterized throughout by pure, clean sport, the annual Decoration day racing matinee of the Riverside Driv ing Club was held yesterday at the Country Club track. A crowd of 2000 persons was present, and that interest was keen was evidenced by the fatft that everybody remained until the last event. Three harness races and the gallop between Roxy, owned by C. W. Todd, and Agnes, owned by E. B. Turner, in which the former came out victorious by a nose, made up the racing card. Four harness races were scheduled on the official programme for the after noon, two of these being grouped to gether though of different classes, ow ing to scratches in b6th events. These were the first Bind second races, combining trotters and pacers. The pacers were class A and the trot ters class B. The race was won xby Tobasco, owned by T. W. Murphy, in two heats. He was in the pacing class. Second place was a tie between T. R. Howitt's Dottle Dimple and G. K. Howitt & Co.'s Honky Dory. O. J. Brown's Miss Altelena, a pacer, was fourth in both heats. Best time, 2:274. The third race on the official pro gramme was class C pacers, coming second under the arrangement, was the most spectacular, requiring the full three heats to decide the winner. Dep uty, owned by C. W. Todd, gave prom ise of winning. In the first heat he came In on his bits, four lengths ahead of O. J. Brown's Georgie Rose. In the second heat he broke on the stretch and came under the wire two lengths ahead, but trotting. The heat was awarded by the Judges to Georgie Rose, for that reason. On the third heat with a good lead at the three-quarter post. Deputy broke again, which gave Georgie Rose the opportunity to forge ahead. The lead thus gained was kept, though Deputy crowded rapidly toward the front. The best time of the race was 2:29. Other horses in the event were G. K. Howitt's Pat C'Ran and Dr. Hubbard's Prince Lovelace. The fourth race, a class D trotting event, had four entries. The race was won in two heats by Bessie Lovelace with Allace Jones a close second. The former, a bay mare, was owned by J. J. Kadderly and the latter by A. O. Hall. Edward Ailsworth's Sargo and G. W. Flanders' Canta Trice, were the other two, tying for third place. After all, the big card of the day was the running race, which had been placed last. Both animals appeared to be in good condition. A side bet of JlOO was made on the outcome. The time for the quarter-mile was 23, which is considered pretty fast time for "bushers." Both horses got away well. Roxey ran with apparent ease, coming in handily. The rider of Agnes Is made facturers and they iP v as pioneers." Thirty years of knowing how have equipped the minds behind the PACKARD SHOE and the best shoe workers in the labor into its production. YOU the finest high grade men's shoe sold. Your feet will appreciate the comfort of PACKARDS. And you will be serving your best taste for fashionable shoe dress too. 4S New Styles, $4 and $5 PHILLIPS SHOE 109 SIXTH STREET. MEN ONLY My patients come because they, know that I will cure them. My reputation as the lead ing specialist in men's ailments is firmly established by my work of the past, and there is -no necessity of my resorting to ir regular methods in order to keep busy. I offer a distinctive and superior service and results prove that it Is such a . service that I actually render. My skill, ability and straightforward methods entitle me to the success that I have won and to the full measure of public confidence that I enjoy. My practice is the largest and constantly thrives because I Invariably Fulfill My Promises I Am Always Willing to Wait For My Fee Until a Cure Is Effected SCIEXTIFIC CURES. I make definite claims for my methods of treating men's ailments. I claim originality, distinctiveness, scientific cor rectness and unapproachable success. Every one of these claims is backed by . substan tial proof. The best evidences of superiority are the cures themselv es. My treatment cures permanently those cases that no other treatment can cure. This test has been made over and over again, and a majority of my patients are men who have failed to obtain lasting benefits elsewhere. Men's Ailments. Be sure your cure Is thorough. Not cne of my patients has ever had a re lapse after being: discharged as cured, and 1 euro In less time than the ordinary forms of treatment re quire. Blood Ailments. No dangerous dos ing to drive the virus to the in terior, hut harm less blood cleans ing remedies that remove the last taint. COXSULTATION AND EXAMIX ATIOX FREE, OFFICE HOURS 8 A. M. TO 9 F. M. DAILY. SUNDAYS, 10 TO 1 OXI.Y. THE DR. TAYLOR CO. 234l MOnillSO.V STREET, ""PORTLAND, OREGOX. was open to criticism for the manner of his urging, which was done ' with vicious backward flings with a good sized riding whip. Officials Judges: A. R. Shreve, George L. Parker and I W. Watts; timers: E. House, Dr. Emmet ' Drake and Clabe Bryant; starter: A. C. Loh hire. ' . Oakland Race Results. OAKLAND, Cai., May 30. Bubbling Water lowered the track record for a mile and an eighth today, when she won the Decoration day handicap at Emery ville. The mare covered tlie distance in 1:50 2-5, winning from Orbicular and Eddie Graney. The previous mark was 1:51. Orbicular set the pace and held to the last quarter, when Bubbling Water passed him. Summary; . First race, futurity course, selling Sal vage won. Combury second. Lady Renssalacr third. Time 1:10 1-5. Second race, mile, ' selling Roy Junior won, Aks-Ar-Ben second, Capt. Burnett third. Time, 1:39 2-5. Third race, six furlonga. Eureka handicap Rey Hindoo won. Lewlston second. Bit of Fortune third. Time, 1:122-5. . Fourth race, mile and eighth, decoration handicap Bubbling Water won. Orbicular second. Sddie Graney third. Time 1:50 2-5. Fifth race, mile and a quarter Duchess of Montebello won. Coppers second, Trocha third. Time, 2:05 3-5. Sixth race, one mile Kaiserhof won, Ori lene second. Impede third. Time, 1:40 2.-5. MARSHAL SAVES UMPIRE STOPPING GAME CAUSES XEAR RIOT AT CHEHAL1S. Montesano Is Defeated in First, Score 9-4, hut Second Con test Is Called at 5 P. M. CHEHALIS. Wash.. May 30. (Special.) -Chehalis defeated Montesano this after noon in the State League, 9 to 4, in the first game played. A second game which followed shortly afterwards ended 0 to 0, after It had gone five full Innings, and the visitors had played their half of the sixth with Chehalis still at bat. an agree ment having been made to call the game at 5 o'clock. Umpire Qulnn was almost mobbed by some over-enTliusiastic rooters because he stopped the game, there being a dis pute over the time. In the sixth in ning, Montesano had wedged through a score. Chehalis went to bat and with no one out had scored one and had an other runner on second when the game was called. A Deputy Marshal's" presence probably averted an outburst' of rowtiyism. The score of the first game: R. H.E.I R.H.B. Chehalis 9 9 SMontesano ....4 6 7 Batteries Stark ell and McBride; Joss and Campbell, Wakefield and Mitchell. Summary Joss was withdrawn in the fifth after being hit hard. Chehalis made seven hits off Joss and two off of Wake-, field. Struck out By Joss, 1; by Starkell, 1. First base on balls Off Joss, 1; Starkell, 1; Wakefield, 4. Three-base hit Kennedy. In the 6econd game, Callahan pitched for Chehalis. Montesano got three hits and he struck out three. Chehalis got five hits off Wakefield, who struck out four and walked three men. Gleason made a iwo-bagger. Callahan made a ( fast double play to Jan?a and Mitchell . made one to Nugent. McBride caught for Chehalis and Mitchell for Montesano. Jansa's work on short for Chehalis was the feature of the two games. An audience of more than 1000 attended the games. Medford 5; Central Point 1. MEDFORD, Or., May 30. Special. by pioneer shoe manu of Brockton, Mass., are leaders as well world put their get the result CO. WHY MY PRACTICE IS SUCCESSFUL I)H. TAYLOR, he LtadloK Specialist. Varlcoiie Veins. Absolutely pain I e s a treatment that cures com-, pletely. Investi gate my method. It is the o n 1 v t h oroughly sci entific treatment for this ailment being employed. Piles, Skin and Kidney Disor ders, etc., are also among the aliments I cure to stay cured. Jfe$rV ' ill' ravroM., Competence is obtainable at par, but skill commands a premium. Knox Straws Discount all former suc cessful efforts. . Ccntlemca's Hcta Buffum & Pendletott) Ladies' Hats Olds, Vortman& King . Medford won from Central Point today by the score of 5 to 1. This - makes 11 straight victories for the Medford team, and the team has not lost a game this season. Beautiful fielding by both teams were the features. The score: R.H.E-I R.H.E.1 Medford 5 10 ljCentral Point 17 2 GRAHAM ISSUKS ULTIMATUM Carson, Must Play With Portland If in Coast League. SAN FRANCISCO, May 30. (Special.) -kludge Thomas E. Graham, president of the Pacific Coast League, has issued an ultimatum to t'.ie Vernon club in regard to the Kit Carson case. It Is to the effect that he stands by his orig inal order and that if Carson is to play ball at all in the Pacific Coast League it must be with Portland. "That is," continued the Judge, "un less Walter McCredie should decide that he does not want to use the pitcher. That is entirely up to the Portland management." College Baseball Games. At Andover. Harvard 7, Phlllips-And-over 1. At Ithaca, N. Y. Pennsylvania 2, Cor nell 1. At Providence, R. I. Brown 4, Yale 3. CHEAP RATES EAST. The Canadian Pacific excursion sale dates for June are the 2d. 17th and 24th. Make you sleeping car reserva tions well in advance and see that your tickets read via the Great Scenic Route. FOUND SOMETHING TO CURE ECZEMA Trial Results In Complete Cure of Fifteen-Year Case in Two Weeks. In a letter published In his lodge paper, Mr., r. O. Thompson, of Eliza beth. N. J., states that he was a suf ferer from eczema for fifteen years, and one dav spoke about his trouble to Dr. L. E. Todd. ".Dr. Todd replied that he had something that would relieve if not permanently cure me," says Mr. Thompson, "but after treatment for so many years I had grave doubts. The doctor produced a box of poslani. and I promised to give it a faithful trial. I followed directions, and in two weeks' time find myself entirely cured. The fifty cents I paid for the box was the best investment I ever made." Not alone eczema, but every surface skin disease is permanently eradicated by poslam, itching being stopped at once. Write to the Emergency Labora tories. 32 West Twenty-fifth street, New York City, for a free trial pack age of poslam. With this sample alone complexions may be cleared and pim ples banished from the face. The Skid more Drug Co. and the Woodard, Clarke & Co., as well as all good, druggists everywhere, always carry poslam in the regular sizes at 50 cents and $2. MILD LIQUIDCURES ECZEMA Skin Sufferers! Drop Greasy Salves and Nasty Medicines. That mild, soothing liquid, D. T. D. Prescription, stops the awful itch with the first drops. A prescription of ac knowledged value. Get a trial bottle at 25c. It will take away the itch right away and you will sleep soundly. We assure you personally of the merits of this remedy; for we KNOW. Woodard, Clarke & Co., Skldmore Drug Co. HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH. It makes the toilet something to be enjoyed. It removes all stains and roughness, prevents prickly heat and chafing, and leaves the skin white, oft, healthy. In the bath it brings a glow and exhilaration which no com mon soap can equal, imparting the vigor and life sensation of a mild Turkish bath. All grocers and drug s' lata. SCocI! For. Indigestion lyspepsia. Sour Stomach, Weak Stomach, or in fact ANY Stomach Trouble cau-jed by IndiKestion. Get a bottle today and try it, Kodol is guaranteed to relieve you and If i fails your money will at once be refunded by the flealer from whom you purchased it. Every tab laspoonf ul of Kodol digests 214 pounds of food. inflammations. Irritations or ulcerations of all rau cous membranes, unnatu ral discharges from nose, throat or urinary organs. Sold by Druggists or la plain wrapper, ex press prepaid, on receipt of $1. or three bottles, $7.7 Booklet on request. A7I-IO C Women as well as men are made miserable by T( kidney and bladder v' trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Rl AMP Swamp - Root the great 1V kldrrey remedy prompt ly relieves. At druggists in fifty-cent and dollar sizes. Tou may have a sam ple bottle by mail free, also pamphlet telling all about it. Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Blnghamton. N. T. MUDLAYIA Mud Baths Z? the Taln and- poison out of the body. Thou sands cured. Big; Hotel open all year. Kor book that tells about the treatment write to R. B. KRAMER. Free- Kramer. Ind. Cures Seasickness MotheraiLTs Remedy quickly cures sea or train sickness. Guaranteed safe and harmless, 50c and 1.00 a boi. All drugirisLs or street from Mother Ul Remedy Co., 319 C lei and OUdg., Petroit, Itticb f fTttm nmoir for I At f77 G.t.rrh. CotdJ f Tf Hay Fever vSe denial Co. V A CidnBid,0hio J v u. s. a 7. r Gained Fifteen Pounds fa ' MR. WILLIAM A. BURGESS ach, liver and kidneys are in better order than they have been for yearfj, and if these three organs of the body are kept in order one will have few doctor bills. I cheerfully recommend Duffy's Pure Malt W'hiskey as a tonic, a stimulant and a renovator of the whole system." William A. Burgess, P. 0. box 575, Danville, 111. Duffy's i?i!re RfiaSI Whiskey has been before the public for half a century and its curative value has never been questioned. It is an absolutely pure distillation of carefully malted grain. Overworked men, delicate women and sickly children will find in Duf fy's Pure Malt Whiskey the health and strength-giving properties that are so necessary to them. It is pre scribed by doctors and recognized as a family medicine everywhere. If In need of advice, write MenlenI Department, The Duffy Malt Whlnkry Company, Rochester, en' York, ntatlngr your rame fully. Our lotar!i will enl yon atlvlee free, together with a valu able IHuHtrated medical booklet eon-, iainlns, rare common ftene rules for health, which you cannot afford to he without, and Home of the many thou sands of ajratlfylns; letters from men and women in all walks) of life, both old and youngr, who have been cured and benefited by the une of thia srreat medicine and who continue to enjoy scood health. Sold by tlrni Krlfft n, arro r, dealers, or direct, fl.OO a. large bottle. The Reliable Spoolaliat. 17 YEARS OF SUCCESS IN TREATING MEN IF IN TROUBLE CONSULT US PRACTICES LIMITED TO AILMENTS OF HEX ONtT. WB THEAT BT LATEST AND SCIENTIFIC METHODS BLOOD AND m SKIN AILMENTS. Skin eruptions, poisonous matter In the blood sowtter the seed of sickness through the body, causing- eruptions, pimples, rashes. Impaired vitality and strength. Neglected or improperly treated cases general ly end In ataxia or sudden paralysis and the existence of the unfortu nate victim Is sad indeed. a Our New System Treatment forces out the Impurities and soon all signs and symptom disappear completely, the blood, the tissues, the flesh, the pores and the whole system being- cleansed and purified. VARICOSE VEINS. cured by our new method; no pain. The enlarged veins are due to mumps, bicycle or horseback riding, sickness, etc. In time it weakens a man mentally as well as physically. We will cure you for life or make no charge. AILING! MEN don't Iobo your grip on life. Many men are now suffering from seden ' tary habits and dissipation. Treatment restores to perfect health as na ture intended. Associate ailments of men quickly cured by our new Oscillator treatment. FREE MUSEUM POB EDUCATION OF" MEN. Call if you can. Write today for eelf-examinatlon blank If you cannot call. No business address or street number on our envelopes or paokages. Medicines from $1.60 to $6.50 a course from our own labora tory. Hours from A. M. to t P. M. Sundays from 10 to 12. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 2814 MORRISON ST Bet. Fourth, and Fifth, PORTLAND, OREGON. DYSPEPSIA "'Having taken your wonderful 'Casca rets' for three months and being entirely cured of stomach catarrh and dyspepsia, I think a word of praise is due to 'Cascarets' for their wonderful composi tion. I have taken numerous other so called remedies but without avail, and I find that Cascarets relieve more in a day than all the others I have taken would in a year." James McGune, 108 Mercer St., Jersey City, N. J. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent, Taste Good. Do Good. Never Slckon. Weaken or Gripe. 10c. 25c. 50c. Never sold in bulk. The een uine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. S19 Women a Specialty The well-known Chinese DR. 8. K. CHAN, with their Chi nese remedy of herbs and roots, cure wonderfully. It has cured many sufferers when all other remedies have fnilAri Sura inr. t n b 1 A and female, chronic, nrlvate Ifttillrrf" T' diseases. nervousness. hloodMuO C V PHAM poison, rheumatism, asthma. '"iku.O.IV.bnHll pneumonia, throat, lung trouble, consump tion, stomach. bJadder, kidney and diseases of all kinds. Remedies harmless. No oper ation.. Huoost treatment. Examination for ladies by MRS. S K CHAN. Call or write 8. K. CHAN tHINESK MKIIICIXE CO.. 228 ft Morrison St.. Bet. 1st and id. Portland. Or. Yonns; Ming- Chinese Medicine Co. Wonderful remedies from herbs and roots cures all diseases of men and women. Consulta tion and puUe diagnosis free. It you live out of town and cannot call, write for symptom blank. 247 Taylor su. bat. 2d and SO. ASTHMA yields to scientific treatment. No pow ders, no fcmoke, no douches. This is 'different." Send for booklet, "Free Air," to Dept. O. HENRI MILLAR REMEDY CO, 214 St. Helens Ave., Taconia, Wash. I A 1 '" 4 3 "Am in better condition physically than I have been for years. My stom ach, kidneys and liver are in fine shape," says Mr. William A. Burgess. ''While serving in the U. S. Army 1S98 to 1901, I contracted stomach and kidney trouble, from which I have suffered ever since, and for which I receive a pension.' I tried many remedies, but none gave any noteworthy effect. About three months ago I began using Duffy's Pure Malt "Whiskey as a medicine. I have used three bottles and have gained fifteen pounds since I began using it. I am still using it, and I do not think there is any medicine made that is equal to it. My stom ONLY When Others Fail Call anl let us sjlvs you a careful painstaking- examination absolutely free. Our opinion and advice will coat you nothing-. Perhaps a little advloe is all you need. X-ray examinations, when necessary, free. No money re quired to commence treatment, and you .can arrange to pay fee when cared. Dont Let Money Matters or False Pride Keep You Away THAT ARE WEAK, NER VOUS AND RUN DOWN COME TO ME AND BE CURED THE DOCTOR THAT CURlid PAY WHEN CURED MY I'tE FOK A CURE IN U.COHPU CATED CASES IS 10. I cm an expert specialist, have had SO years' practice in the treatment of ailments of men. My offices are the best equipped in Portland. My meth ods are modern anur up - to - date. My cures are quick and Dosltive. I do not treat symptoms aiiu paten up. I thor oughly examine eacn case, find the cause, remove It ana thus cure the ail-, meat. I CURE Tarleose Veins. Contracted Ailments, Pllen and Specific Blood Pol son and all Ailments of Men. CURE OR NO PAY I am the only Specialist In' Portland who makes, no cbara-e unless the patient la entirely satisfied lYlth the results accomplished, and who Rires a written srnarantee to refund every dollar paid for sen-ices If a complete and permanent cure i not effected. SPECIAL AILMENTS Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning-. Itching and inflammation stopped In 24 hours. Cures effected In seven days. Consultation free. If un able to call write for list of questions. Office hours 9 A. M. to 9 P. AX. Sun days. 10 A. il. to 1 P. M. only. DR. LINDSAY Xl'Skj Second St., Corner of Alder, -Portland, Or.