Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 30, 1910, Image 1

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    VOL. L. NO. 15,446.
Miles,Wins$1 0,000.
Aviator Lands Once to Take
, . Gasoline Supply.
After Technically Winning World
Competition by Landing on Man
hattan Jsland, Corliss Keeps on.
to Governor's Island.
NEW YORK, May 29. Glenn H. Cur
tiss flew from Albany to New York
City In an aeroplane today, winning the
$10,000 prize offered by the New York
He covered the distance of 137 miles in
2 hours and 32 minutes and came to
earth as quietly and as lightly as a
pigeon. His average speed for the dis
tance 54.06 miles an hour surpasses
any other record made by an aeroplane
In long-distance flight. In its entirety,
his fright perhaps eclipses any flight man
has made in heavier-than-air machine.
Conditions Perfect at Start.
The start was made from Albany at
7:03 o'clock under weather conditions as
nearly perfect as the most fastidious
aviator could demand. One hour and. 23
minutes later Curtlss made his first stop
near Poughkeepsie, where there was an
hour's intermission. Resuming his flight
at 9:26, he sped southward, and landed
within the boundary of Manhattan Island
at 10:35.
Only 100 yards north of the point on
which his craft settled stretched Spuyten
Duyvil Creek, separating Manhattan Is
land from the mainland. Had he failed
to cross this his flight would have been
In vain, but as he swept over it the prize
was his. Thence to Governors Island,
Tiis task was but the concluding lap of a
race already won. '
Paulhan's Flight Less Dangerous.
Paulhan's flight from London to Man
chester 186 miles exceeded the Curtlss
feat of today in distance, but not in
speed and danger. The Frenchman's
average was 44.3 miles an hour and be
low him lay English meadowland. Curtlss
followed tne winding course of the his
toric Hudson, with jutting headland,
wooded slopes and treacherous palisades.
He swung high over the great bridge at
Poughkeepsie, dipped at times within 50
feet of the river's broad surface, and
Jockeyed like a falcon at the turns.
Wind Bothers Craft Once.
Only once did hla craft show signs of
rebellion. This was off Storm King, near
West Point, when, at a height of nearly
1000 feet a treacherous gust struck his
planes. The machine dropped 40 feet and
tilted perilously, but Curtlss kept his
head and by adroit manipulation restored
the equilibrium of the machine.
With eyes and brain cleared of the cob
webs of sleep, he went with his mechani
cian and a handful of spectators to Van
Rennselaer Island, in the Hudson, three
miles south of Albany, where he was to
start. Waiting at the river brink was a
special train chartered by the New York
Times for Mrs. Curtiss and her party.
From the train they could not see the
actual start, but those on the island wit
nessed a remarkable scene.
Start Is Business-Like.
Curtlss -arose from the ground like a
rocket. There were no preliminary
maneuvers, there was no trial flight. The
aeroplane ran hurriedly over the surface
of the island and darted straight for Its
goal, turning once for a moment to the
west so that Curtiss might comply with,
the terms of the competition under which
ho was flying and technically cross the
Albany city line.
When the aeroplane reached a height
estimated at 500 feet, it seemed for a
moment to hold that level and then to
rise higher. Curtiss was flying at a
height which he had never attempted be
fore. In seven minutes he had been lost
to view.
When the aeroplane was wheeled from
beneath its canvas coverings, shortly be
fore 7 o'clock, the sky was perfectly
clear and what little wind was stirring
blew from the north a direction favor
ible to Curtlss at four miles an hour.
Train Quickly Distanced.
With the signal that Curtlss was off,
the special train of five cars and a loco
motive gathered Impetus and sought to
follow. But so quickly had he flown that
. for 21 miles the locomotive, running near
ly a mile a minute, was unable to catch
At 7:26. however, the train came
abreast of the aeroplane and those on
board kept the aviator in sight, but as
he did not have to reckon with curves
and track switches and reduced speed
through towns, the man above kept a
substantial lead.
Swiftly town and countryside reeled by.
Catskill was passed at 7:41, with the aer
oplane 1000 feet above the Hudson.
At 8:05 he was still flying high and
veering we'll toward the west bank of
the river.
At 8:06, 53 minutes after the start,
he soared past Rhlnecltff Ferry, 54
guiles from Albany. Here there is a
(Concluded on Pace 3.
Requirements of Immigration Law
Make Trouble, Which Diplo
matic Captain Calms.
MONTREAL, May 29. (Special.) Mu
tiny on the high sea among the passen-
gers of the White Star-Dominion line
steamship Megantic was narrowly avert
ed on her last voyage to Montreal from
Liverpool. The trouble was the outcome
of the application of new and drastic
Canadian immigration regulations.
When the ship was well out to sea the
pursers attempted to obtain a manifest
of passengers to check the declaration
sent on 'board by the shore officer of the
company at Liverpool. The steerage
passengers, most of whom were English
men intending to take up farms In the
Canadian West, refused to be examined.
The captain calmed the disturbance. A
deputation was organized among the pas
sengers and six men waited on Captain
Smith, voicing indignation at the new
Canadian system of scrutiny. After
heating the case the captain refused to
allow further interference with the liberty
of the passengers.
This case is only one of many arising
since the sterner Immigration laws went
Into effect on the opening of navigation.
In all there are 24 questions for the pas
sengers to answer. As to how these ques
tions affect one. it may be instanced that
a Londoner on the vayage, when huylng
a ticket for the steerage, was confronted
with the sheet of Questions. He looked
through the list and exclaimed: ;I ain't
no dawg."
Miss Tells Merchant Doctor Will
Pay, but Physician Says No.
GRANTS PASS, Or., May 29. (Special.)
With mincing step and demur manner,
a strange girl of about 15 years entered
A. Letscher's jewelry store here Satur
dajj and said she wanted to buy a watch.
An attentive salesman showed her sev
eral and she finally selected one that
pleased her. She suggested that she take
the watch on approval and the jeweler
readily consented. Later a girlish voice
on the ' telephone told the Jeweler the
owner had decided to keep the watch and
to send, the bill for it to Dr.' Truax, of
this place.
Shortly after that, the jeweler became
suspicious and called up the doctor. The
latter disclaimed any . knowledge of the
girl and the watch and said he would not
pay the bill. The Prosecuting Attorney
was then notified and a warrant Issued
for the young woman's arrest, but she
could not be found.. She is gone, no one
seems to know where, and so is the
Frank Stauffer Dies at Caldwell,
Idaho, After Operation.
CALDWELL. Idaho, May 29. (Special.)
Frank Stauffer, brother of Ed Stauffer,
the well-known stockman of Winnemucca.
Nev., and Jordan Valley, Or., died at the
local hospital at 1:45 this morning. His
death was the result of Injuries received
Thursday from falling off a loaded
wagon, while en route from Jordan Val
ley to. the Stauffer ranch in what Is
known as the "junipers." Zn falling, he
struck the brake of the wagon.
He was brought to Caldwell Friday
night. An operation was performed but
the patient failed to rally. The remains
are being prepared for shipment to Sac
ramento, where his mother, three sisters
and brother, Harry, reside. His brother
Ed will accompany the remains.
Farmers Flee From Path of Flames,
Which Cause $40,000 Loss.
CHICO, Cal., May 29. (Special.) News
has been received here of the first seri
ous grain fire of the season, in Butte
County. It occurred 10 miles south of
Chico, on the farm of E. Davis and ad
joining places,- yesterday afternoon, and
burned over 800 acres of ripe grain, worth
about $40,000. Some of the grain was in
Scores of farmers fought the flames for
six hours before its progress was stopped.
Many men were overcome by the intense
heat and smoke and had to be carried
from the path of the fire, which traveled
almost as fast as a man could run.
I t . - J&m' ' i ' ::m;--:;::;;"' - ii "- II- i
,'4 x) r V ' ) W. p of I uf-i t . '
Republican Party Di
lemma Soon Solved.
Triumvirate's Dictation Sup
posed Cause of Dissension.
Worse Than Aldrich AVouId Be
Leaders of Trouble-Makers If Given.
Opportunity to Seize Power.
Beveridge Seeks Control.
ington, May 29. Nothing will contribute
so much to Democratic success in the
Congressional elections this Fall as in
surgency In the Republican party.
The tariff may cost the Republicans a
few districts; high cost of living may
be responsible for other Democratic
gains, and local Issues mav swlns- a., few
Republican districts Into the Democratic
column. But the great Republican losses,
unless a great and unexpected change
takes place before November, will, in the
opinion of the party leaders, be traced
directly to insurgency.
The split In the Republican party con
tinues to widen; it does not close. There
is, at this time, not the slightest indica
tion that insurrection will die down be
fore the November election. If anything,
the movement seems destined to gather
When Will Insurgents Disappear.
Naturally, the question is being asked
over and over again: How much longer
is the insurgent movement to 'continue?
That it eventually will die down is firm
ly believed by the party leaders, but
when It will disappear r one feels com
petent. to predict.
There are those ' o believe the back
bone of insurge5y could be broken In a
day if Speaker Cannon, Senator Aldrich
and Senator Hale should retire to private
life at the close of the present session
of Congress, or before. There are others
who have doubts. But it seems reason
able to presume that If these three men.
and particularly Cannon and Aldrich,
should retire before the campaign is well
under way, enough insurgents would re
turn to the regular Republican ranks to
break the force of the Insurrection, and
leave the more radical insurgents power
less, because of the depleted numbers.
There is no question but that the in
surgent movement grew out of supposed
evils wrought in the Senate by Aldrich
and in the House by Cannon. The insur
gents, with few exceptions, are men who
can ' find no good in the present party
leaders, and who oppose anything "and
everything that Aldrich and Cannon fa
vor. It matters not to them what the
merits of an issue or a measure may
be; the mere fact that It Is indorsed
by these leaders makes it something to
be shunned, and they object to it every
Triumvirate's Rule Must Go.
While Senators Aldrich and Hale have
announced their intention to retire on
March. 4, 1911, when their present terms
expire, that does not satisfy the insur
gents. They want them to retire im
mediately; they take no stock In the an
nouncements, and regard them as mere
bluff put forward to fool them and fool
the country. Moreover, Speaker Cannon
has not yet declared his purpose of re
tiring at the close of his term, and he is
as obnoxious to the insurgents r. either
Aldrich or Hale. The elimination of the
Senate bosses would not be enough for
the Insurgents; they want Cannon to go
with the others, and nothing short of his
actual retirement will meet their de
mands. In their opposition to everything fa
(Concluded on Page 3.)
Women and Children. Make Rush
for Shelter, but Men Pursue
and Kill Animal.
SPOKANE, Wash., May 29. (Special.)
A panic was created at Grangeville,
Idaho, just before noon today by the
sudden appearance on Main street of a
rabid coyote, his sides ffecked with the
foam streaming from his mouth, run
ning through the town like an appari
tion. Women and children returning from
Sunday school sought the shelter of
nearby stairways, or, screaming -with
fright, attempted to scale neighboring
The animal appeared so suddenly that
it was several minutes before men
enough could be secured to give chase
and by that time it had vanished.
It was finally located and killed in
the end of town by Carl McLean. A
number of physicians have made a
superficial examination of the saliva
and say they think the animal had
Passengers Have to Leave Cars and
Ford Stream at Biggs.
SHANIKO, Or.. May 29. (Special.)
When passenger train No. 1 arrived at
the wooden bridge three miles south of
Biggs on the Columbia Southern today,
it was found that every vestige of the
span had been burned out, leaving the
twin rails stretched across' the gulch.
Although there were 100 passengers on
the train, they had to climb down the
side of the gully, scramble across and
through the stream and clamber up the
opposite side of the gulch, where an en
gine and caboose had been sent from
Biggs to convey them to that point. The
bridge was a 90-foot one and one of the
best constructed on the Shaniko branch.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum, temperature, 72
degrees; minimum, 53.2 degrees.
TODAY'S Fair; northerly winds.
To Insurgency lays blame for present Repub
lican party split in Congress. Page 1.
Another member who voted for Lorimer for
senator expectea to confess today he "re
celved bribe; Page 1.
California labor commissioner says Japanese
lanor is essential to development of farm
Interests. Page 2.
Glenn H. Curtiss makes world's greatest
flight. Albany to Niw York, winning
fiu,imv prize. . rage l.
Secret of Drexel's wedding Journey out;
couple tour great lakv-s Incognito. Page 3.
Boycott of American goods in China, start
ed as protest against Angel Island deten-
' tlon. Page 2.
Angry husband kills wife and parish priest.
Latest dramatic production portrays Reno'a
tern uivurce coiony ana its workings.
Page 2.
Fight for Pitcher Al Carson between -port-
land and Vernon promise to be hot con
test, page 17.
Pacific Coast -League results; Portland 4,
Hacramento 3; L.os Angeles 8-4. San Fran
cisco 4-1; Vernon 6-0, Oakland 4-4. Page
Jim CofTroth much impressed by results of
jenries' training, page ltt.
Fast harness races expected at Driving
uuu b manure. rasa j u.
First motorcycle races success, with only
uue acuiaeni in mar. rage 1Q.
Dllworth Derbies win from Peninsula nine
4 to a. page ij.
Pacific Northwest.
Judge Humphries making tariff campaign
is disposed to minimize Insurgent
sirengia. ruse o.
Thrasher murder mystery as deep as ever;
Davidson no longer connected with case!
page a.
Roanoke brings first visitors from Califor
nia to Rose Festival. Page 9.
Dr. Cudlipp compares Israel's wanderings
witn 40 years American slavery. Page
Thousands flocK to cemeteries to make
graves of dead bowers of beauty. Page 12.
Fort land and Vicinity.
Woman falls from three-story window, and
death soon follows. Page 18.
As Secretary of State, Governor Benson Is-
sues digest or law aixecttng political can-
dldates. Page 8. -Democrats
who favor nomination of Jeffer-
son Myers for Governor seek to ascertain
sentiment In state. Page IS.
Seattle will send large crowds to Rose Fes
tival, page IS.
Hallway men see in move of Oregon &
Washington possibility of road owned
jointly with Tacoma & Eastern. Page 9.
-Photos copyright by G. S. Bain
Senator'sValid Majority
Going Rapidly.
Broderick Eludes Detectives
Until He Finds Bonds.
Senatorship Bribery, Legislative
Jackpof' . and Desk-Contract
Frauds Promise Develop
ments in Illinois.
CHICAGO. "May 29. (Special.) An ex
citing search for Senator John Broderick,
Indicted for bribery by the Sangamon
County grand Jury, In which the saloonkeeper-statesman
succeeded - In eluding
deputy sheriffs, a squad of picked detec
tives and a score of policemen until a
bond was arranged, was today's principal
development at the Chicago end of the
Lorimer bribery scandal, while at the
Springfield end. State's Attorney Edmund
Burke sent out a batch of capiases and
subpenas and the State Capitol echoed
with reports that more confessions and
more indictments are on the. wing.
When Senator D. W. Holtslaw con
fessed to the Sangamon County jurors
Saturday that he had received a bribe
of $2500 for voting for Lorimer for Sena
tor, and $700 as his slice of the "jackpot,"
both bribes being paid by Senator Brod
erick, he also gave testimony .Implicating
other lawmakers, according to well-au
thentlcated information from Springfield.
This part of the Holtslaw confession was
kept a Jecret by Mr. Burke until further
evidence could be secured.
Another Indictment Expected.
The suppressed part of Senator Holt
slaw's testimony is said to dovetail into
a report on which investigators have been
at work, and is said to corroborate the
evidence so far secured that another
Democratic Representative Is expected to
come forth at Springfield before the end
of the week, with a confession that he
received money for voting for Senator
Lorimer. If the confession is not . forth
coming, the evidence at hand is said to
be such that a perjury Indictment will
be voted. The full developments of the
day were:
Senator John Broderick eludes sheriffs
and detectives until arrangements are
made for his bond of $10,000 at Spring
field, and then leaves in custody of Dep
uty Sheriff Fred Long,- of Sangamon
County, to appear tomorrow.
Senator Lorimer returns from -Washington
and declines to make further com
ment on the scandal, saying that his
speech conveyed all his views.
Senator 8. C. Pemberton, of Oakland,
and Representative J. S. Clark, of Van
dalia, indicted for conspiracy to bribe,
leave for Springfield to appear tomorrow.
Unknown Arranges Bonds.
State's s Attorney Burke summons Rep
resentatives H. D. McCollum, Democrat,
and C. L. McMackin, Republican,' both
from Senator Holtslaw's district, to ap
pear before Sangamon grand Jury Tues
day. Unknown persons in Chicago arrange
through Springfield politicians for bonds
for indicted Assemblymen.
State's Attorney Wayman centers his
energies on the Brown case, and will
turn over some new "jackpot" evidence
to State's Attorney Burke.
Confession of Senator Holtslaw demol
ishes argument of Browne defense that
the case is the result of a "political con
spiracy." Prosecutors of both counties are . said
to have new leads as tb who furnished
the bribe money.
Friends of Representative Clark tell
State's Attorney Burke that Clark Is ap
parently ready to confess everything. He
is alleged by Representative White to be
one of the St. Louis "bathroom boys."
(Concluded on Page 2.)
There Have Been Hot May Days,
Too, Which Life-Saver Attrib
utes to Sidereal Influence.
SAN FRANCISCO. May 29. (Special.)
Norman Nelson, foreman of the life
saving station near the Cliff House,
says that Halley's comet has had curi
ous effect on the weather and ocean
tides. He said today:
"There were three days of intensely
hot weather before the comet appeared,
and now that it is gone we started to
day with, one of the hottest May days
in years. Also at this season we have
Northwest gales, but the wind lately
has been faint and in gusts, as though
it met some obstruction."
Near the lifesavlng station workmen
are putting In a section of breakwater
to protect the shore. They and mem
bers of the lifesavlng crew say that
during the last few days, especially
Saturday and today, the tide has- risen
considerably above the limits prescribed
for -It In the official tales. This was
paritcularly noticeable as the men
were working almost on the water's
edge and the high-tide mark, was at
such a height that it was feared.
Some of the lifesavlng crew today
said they had remarked peculiar actions
of the waves In the last few weeks. In
spite of calm spells, they say, the surf
has been much rougher than usual and
the breakers have been following each
other in close succession, such as they
do when there are serious volcanic dis
turbances at sea.
Crook County Ideal for Raising
Seed, Promoter Declares.
ALBANY, Or., May 29. (Special.) A
plan unlquo in the agricultural develop
ment of Eastern Oregon Is being de
veloped by W. F. Hammer, of this city,
ex-County Clerk of Linn County. On a
big ranch he owns near Culver. Crook
County, he is establishing alfalfa gardens)
and plans to sell them In small tracts.
Mr. Hammer's plan ls to establish the
alfalfa before he places his tracts on the
market. He is proceeding on a plan
similar to that by which several com
panies are now selling orchard tracts
In the Willamette Valley. The alfalfa
will become established in one season.
These proposed alfalfa gardens will be
located in Crook .County,
Mr. Hammer says that Crook County
is an ideal place for successful growing
of alfalfa, asserting that while alfalfa
for hay can be raised nearly anywhere.
certain climatic conditions are required
to produce alfalfa for seed and that
Crook County Is one of the few places
where splendid alfalfa seed can be pro
Matt Mattson, or Astoria, Victim of
Frederick Fredrickson's Knife.
ASTORIA, Or., May 29. (Special.)
Matt Mattson, a well-known fisherman,
was badly stabbed several times in an
imbroglio about midnight last night in a
saloon in the restricted district by Fred
erick Fredrickson, another fisherman.
The most serious wound is a deep cut
in the right breast, through the bone.
Mattson- was taken to the hospital and
his wounds attended to.
Fredrickson was arrested this morn
ing while trying to escape on the morn
ing train for Portland. He will have
a preliminary hearing in the Justice
Court tomorrow provided his victim is
able to appear.
Famine Conditions Prevail In Prov
inces Where Crop Fails'.
AMOY, China. May 29. The price of
rice has, risen 60 per cent and the poor
are unable to buy food.
As a consequence of this a demonstra
tion took place at Changchow.
Owing to the practical failure of the
rice crop in certain of the interior
provinces' this year, an almost prohibitive
price already prevails for the cereal. A
further advance means famine conditions
among the teeming coolies, whose prin
cipal article of food is rice.
Mob of 3000 Threatens
Life of Murderer.
Infuriated Crowd Is Finally
Dispersed by Leaders, M
"I Did It to Protect My Home," Says
St. Paul Livestock Buyer to
Police, After Quitting Scene
of Double Shooting.
ST. PAUL. Minn., May 29. (Special.!
The murder of a Catholic priest and
the mother of eight children by the
infuriated husband and father put mob
law Into effect in South St. Paul for
three hours- tonight, while 3600 Poles,
Lithuanians and Catholic laborers in
the big packing plants pulled down
telegraph wires to hang the prisoner,
who had given himself up and was
within the City Jail.
Leaders of the. crowd were sworn in
as deputies and the mob was finally
allayed and sent to its homes. On tho
table in the parlor of her home, where)
she fell dead from a shot In the back
from a revolver in her husband's hands,
Mrs. P. J. Gibbon, 35 years old, lies,
after desperate but futile effort of phy
sicians to restore her.
Priest Shot Twice.
Father Walsh, 39 years old, priest in
charge of the St. Augustine Church at
South St. Paul, was shot twice. In his)
own parlor. Either wound was enough,
to cause instantaneous death.
P. J. Gibbon, for 15 years one of the
most prominent stockbuyers In the
South St. Paul and Chicago yards, who
committed the crime, walked from tha
scene of his last fatal assault to tha
office of the city police, eight blocks,
and surrendered.
"I did it to protect my home," ho
told Chief McCormick, tonight. "You
will not blame me when you hear all
about it." ,,
He would say nothing more about his)
case, acting on advice of his lawyer,
whom he obtained immediately follow
ing the crime.
Gibbon Arrives In Carriage.
Gibbon drove In a carriage to the
home of his wife, from whom he had
been living apart for a year, about
noon today. It had been his custom
heretofore to call about once every two
weeks to see his eight children, whom
he still supported. He had just called
Saturday, however, and the neghbors
were Inquisitive.
Gibbon and hi3 wife drove away to
gether and were gone until about 6
o'clock, when they returned and Mrs.
Gibbon was crying when she got out
of the carriage. She preceded her hus
band into the house, where the neigh
bors, a minute later, heard the report
of the revolver.
Priest's House Entered.
Gibbon rushed from his wife's house
to the house of the priest. He ran in
on the porch and entered the living
room through an open window. Father
Walsh rose and attempted to with
draw, but Gibbon rushed forward and
held him. He drew the priest to him
and shouted In his ear words attendants
will not reveal the nature of, and shot
the priest once in the hip and once)
through the temple.
Father Walsh died instantly in a
pool of blood on the lloor. Gibbon
pocketed his gun, walked up and down
the porch once, took a back way into
town and surrendered to Chief Mc
Cormick, of the suburban police.
Mrs. Gibbon was a member of Father
Walsh's parish and neighbors saw him
call on her often. Her home was in
the same block as his. She was shot
in the hips and died instantly.
Klamath Kalis Sewer Contractor!
Would. Employ 100 Men.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. May 29. (Spe
cial.) Work Is progressing rapidly on the
main street sewer system. The contrac
tors have experienced some difficulty in
getting the number of workmen they de
sire at $2.25 a day, and so far only about
20 men have been employed with pick
and shovel, while the company Is desir
ous of getting in the neighborhood of 100.
One block of the trench Is almost com
pleted. In the center of town the trench
has to go down 8 to 12 feet, and the con
tractors have been unable to use teams
because the surface of the street has
been filled In from time to time on Main
with boulders and crushed rock.
While nothing official has yet been done
toward paving. It Is expected that bids
will be asked for paving Main street for
about 12 blocks and some of the residence
streets immediately after June 6. when
the new City Council goes into office.
Body That of Chris Anderson.
ASTORIA, Or.. May 29. (Special.)
The body of a man whose remains were
picked up on Desdemona Sands' last
Friday was today positively identified
as that of Chris Anderson, of Knapp
ton, through the finding of a cuffbutton
on the clothing worn. An inquest will
be held tomorrow.