riTE 3IORMNG OREGONIAN. SATURDAY, MAY 3SS X!rx BITTER FIGHT FOR RECOGNITION YOU ARE ENTITLE! To the best values obtainable for the money you have to spend. Do vou know that we have a most excellent line of MEN'S SUITS at Southwestern Washington Is Determined to Get Some Improvements. FLYE CONVENTION IS AROUSED Development Association Deplores Monopoly of State Benefits by North and East Seattle and Tacoma Realize Danger. RATMON'D, Wash.. May 27. (Special.) The Southwestern Washington Develop ment Association announces its determi nation to secure a fair division of the taxes expended through the state treas ury for good roads, exhibit advertising and river and harbor improvements, has declared against exclusive control of these matters by the Xorthern and East ern portions of the state and will at tempt, through concerted action, to force recognition by directing trade from this section of the state to friendly cities. Realizing the force of the movement, the Seattle Chamber of Commerce sent C. E.. Fowler to the convention. Tacoma is represented by W. A. Summers. Fowler asked the privilege of the floor before the first adjournment today and tendered the "olive branch" by saying that all the resources at the command of his organization were freely offered the South westerners. Summers followed suit. Exhibits Are AVanted. Both envoys said they wanted perma nent exhibits sent them for display in their buildings. Sam Heath disposed of the offer by congratulating Seattle and Tacoma on "ascertaining that the Southwest vas on the imp. and raised a laugh by inquiring solicitously if Spokane had sent anybody. The report of Secretary J. E. James, of Centra'.ia, will show that he has made a visit to every town of any consequence In South western Washington since the meeting in March and that without ex ception they have organized commercial bodies in order to join the movement. The association has already forced the state government to act on state roads numbers 5 and 42. Surveys have been completed and money for their construc tion made available. Patterson in Chair. President C. O. Gingrich, of Chehalis, is not here. President W. J. Patterson, of Aberdeen, is presiding. Miss Edna Cameron, of Goldendale, the only woman delegate, was made assistant secretary. Raymond, the lumber metropolis of Wi'.lapa. Harbor, is handsomely decorated with the National colors, while the streets are lined with banners predicting the fu ture of that portion of Washington repre sented by the organization. During the afternoon two new steel bridges were dedicated to' the public. They span both branches of the Willapa River and are each S5 feet in length and cost J03.1KW each. Committees Are Named. The foflowing committees have been appointed : Resolutions Arthur Chapman, of Goldendale; E. C. Finch, of Aberdeen; S. M. Heath, of Hoquiam, and E. E. Teachner, of Chehalis. Executive committee A. B. Coff man, of Castle Rock; K. B. Hubbard, of Centralia; E. L. Maynard, of Elma: H. B. Hewitt, of Hoquiam; Senator Fred (Stewart, of Kelso; A. C. Chapman, of Klickitat; H. J. Clarke, of Lyle; G. E. Hubbler, of Montesano; C. C. Skates, of Oakville; A. C. Little, of Raymond, and J. A. Hood, of Aberdeen. Good roads R. J. Leonard, of Castle Rock: George Dysart, of Centralia; L. 1. Wakefield, of Elma; S. M. Heath, of Hoquiam; George Hyatt, of Klickitat: Tom Branton, of Lyle; C. E. Calder, of Montesano: M. C. Welch, of Raymond and G. N. Powell, of Aberdeen. Louis V. Hill, president of the Great Northern, sent a representative of the road's publicity department to attend the meeting. He has promised to grant anything reasonable in tne way of co-operation. Arrangements have already been made to print 100,000 cir culars pertaining exclusively to South western Washington. , tioldendale After Honor. Goldendale representatives are mak ing a fight to take the next conven tion away from Hoquiam, that city having been designated for the honor at the March meeting. The temper of the convention setims to be to stand by the first selection. Goldendale was asked to retire on a promise of future recognition. The convention will name a perma nent rivers and harbors committee for the purpose of exercising an influence on both state and National legislation. A proposition will be submitted from Seattle asking for unity in support of a better harbor district law. H. W. McPhail, president of the Ray mond Commercial Club, welcomed the delegates. W, J. Patterson and Tom Richardson, of the Portland Commer cial Club, spoke. REUNION ATTRACTS CROWD Vmatilla Pioneers' Gathering Is At tended by 2500 at Weston. WESTON, Or., May 27. (Special.) Weston entertained about 2500 people today at the fifteenth annual reunion of Vmatilla County pioneers. Mayor O. C. Turner delivered the address of wel come and the response was by J. T. Lieuallan, president of the Pioneers" Association. The annual address was ably given by Judge S. A. Lovell. Other programme features were humorous readings by J. E. Keefe, Jr.. and Zane Lansdale, school songs and choruses, solos by Miss Zilla Simpson and Clark Wood and music by the Weston Ladies' Band. Weston won a hot hall game against Athena, 5 to 4. after overcoming a lead of four runs. PERS0lIALMEIITI0N. J. J. O'Neil, of Bttndon, is at the Lenox. Dr. Alfred Kinney, of Astoria, is at the Portland. M. Gorman, a hotelkeeper of Stella, Wash., is at the Imperial. Frank E. Graves, owner of a clothing store at Pendleton, is at the Nortonia. John D. Twoly, a contractor of The Dalles, accompanied' by his wife, Is at the Portland. Judge John S. Coke,, of Coos Bay, and Mrs. Coke registered yesterday at the Cornelius. John A. Padden, of Vancouver, Wash., is at the Cornelius. Mr. Padden is pro prietor of a hotel in his citj'. Mrs. M. E. Welch, who has the distinc tion of being one of the few women In which you will find the greatest possible degree of satis faction, if you wishto make an economical clothes purchase. Grays, browns, serges, checked and fancy effects in all the new models. LION 166-170 IH1RD STREET brokers of her city, Boston, registered yesterday at the Seward. J. F. Bogt, a real estate man of Seattle, registered yesterday at the Lenox. E. P. Harrison, of the New York Hu mane Society, is staying at the Seward for. a few days. E. P. Walters, an automobile dealer of Seattle, was one of 'yesterday's arrivals at the Nortonia. R. A. Booth, ex-State Senator from Lane County, is registered at the Imperial from Eugene. W. H. Easter, a timberman of Tilla mook, arrived in Portland yesterday and registered at the Perkins. L. R. Stinson, keeper of records and seal for the Knights of Pythias, reg istered at the Perkins yesterday. L. B. Merton, a local business man, re turned yesterday from a three weeks' visit at Seattle and is now at the Ore gon. B. G. Hopson', supervisor of the re clamation service in this district, went to Hood River yesterday for a few days' vacation. He will return Monday. J. J. Renouf. a prominent business man of Montreal, after spending several days in Portland as a guest of his sis ter, Mrs. Lash, 392 East Stark street, left last night for his home city. OLIVER TIRES BEDFORD EVANGELIST TO MOVE OX BE CAUSE CROWDS DWINDLE. 'Shell Out, You Stingy Scalawags,' Is Command of Preacher- Who Attacked" City Officials. MEDFORD. Or.. May 27. The long heralded and self-lauded French E. Oliver is about to pick up his skirts and depart from Medford. His billings gate failed to have its customary ef fect after the first week here, when he attacked, viciously, the City Council and the Mayor, and later the president of the Commercial Club, who defended the Council from the attacks of the preacher. At that time there were two minds among the citizens of Medford. One was to "request Oliver to move along, and the other was to ignore him alto gether. The latter policy prevailed and it has proven efficacious. The audiences at the big tabernacle have dwindled - and dwindled. Where there were at first 2000 at every meet ing, there are now sometimes no more than 250. The chief anxiety in the last two weeks has been to raise money to defray the expenses of the tabernacle and the evangelist. A half hour of every service is given to fiery exhor tations to "shell out, you stingy scala wags," interspersed with object lessons from other v and more generous commu nities. It was announced - by Oliver .when the meetings began that they , would continue a month, and longer if the re turns, warranted it. Evidently the re turns did not, because the meetings are to close next Sunday, after having lasted barely four weeks. BONDS ARE SOLD AT HOME Roseburg Shows It Can Pave With out Outside Aid. ROSEBURG, Or., May 27. (Special.) Local capitalists today purchased half of the 140,000 Roseburg improve ment bond issue and thus assured the paving of over 50 blocks of streets during the present Summer. Owing to the low rate of interest, 4 per cent, offered by the Council., it was impos sible to attract bids from regular bond houses, and for a -time it appeared as though the improvement of the streets would pass by default. .Recently, . however, the municipal body considered the advisability of so liciting local capital, and upon acting today with even greater success than had been anticipated. The Clark & Henry Construction Company, of San Francisco, agreed, if it receives the contract, to finance the remaining $20,000. bonds. Wilmeroth Heads Exchange. MEDFORD, Or., May 27. (Special.) Charles W. Wilmeroth, after having twice refused to take the office, has at last been persuaded to act as the presi dent of the Rogue River i ruit Pro duce Exchange. For 32 years Mr. Wil meroth has been in the business of job bing and marketing fruit, starting as a boy in a Cnicago commission house. Missouri Murderer Extradited. ' SALEM. Or., May 27. (Special.) Gov ernor Benson today granted the requi sition of the Governor of Missouri for William Allen, in jail at Marshfleld, Or., and wanted in Missouri for killing Hank Gibbs in that state in July, 1S97. Allen is said to hare confessed the crime to a fellow prisoner in the Marshfleld JaiL The murder grew out of a quarrel over a gambling debt of $12. LAUNCH GREW GONE Three Delieved to' Have Per ished in Lifeboat. LANDING .NOT. POSSIBLE Storm Off Cape Flattery Believed to Have Swamped Boat Found by Tug, Drifting Helpless and Waterlogged Off Shore. . PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., May 27. The tug Goliah, cruising outside Cape Flattery, last night picked up the gasoline launch Gracie L., near Dun can Rocks, waterlogged and abandoned, with the lifeboat missing. It is believed that three men who were taking the Gracie L. to Grays Harbor were drowned. They were J. M. Brachvogel. of Aberdeen, owner of the launch, and two men whom he en gaged at Port Townsend as crew. The Gracie L. was built at Sequim Bay a year ago and was 40 feet long and 12 feet beam. She was sold a few days ago by E. A. Odell, of Blyn, Wash., to Brachvogel. At the point where the launch was picked up the shores are steep and there is no chance of making a land ing. A storm raged off the cape Tues day. Wednesday and Thursday, and if the men took to the lifeboat they must have perished. Gaston Has Rose Show. GASTON, Or., May 27. (Special.) The 'first annual rose show was held here yesterday, drawing large crowds of visitors. Worthy enthusiasm was noticeable on all sides, resulting in a very sucessful show. Washington County roses are now at their best. When the tide is out the table is set at Pacific City. , - SCHOONER DOHA BLUHM LOST Current Carries Vessel Bound From Coos Bay Out of Course. SAN PEDRO. Cal., May 27. The schooner Dora Bluhm, 330 tons. Captain Oscar Johnson, out seven days from Coos Bay for San Pedro, went ashore on Santa Rosa island Wednesday night and was totally wrecked. Captain Johnson and the crew of six were saved and brought - here by the' gasoline schooner Santa Rosa Island today. The Dora Bluhm was owned by the Pacifio Trading Company, . of San Francisco, and carried 350,000 feet of lumber for the Golden Gate Lumber Company, of this port. The sea was heavy and the crew es caped, from the Dora Bluhm with great difficulty In the ship's boat. They lost all their valuables and personal effects. A heavy swell swept Alexander Winter into the sea. Second Mate John Stevens snared him around the shoulders with the bight of a line and dragged him into the boat half drowned. The schooner broke up an hour after she struck. The crew, without water or provisions, struck out for the main land. Suffering severely from thirst, hun ger and exposure, they pulled at the oars for 22 hours, until they were sighted by the gasoline schooner Santa Rosa Island last night, off the west, end of Santa Cruz Island. Captain Johnson attributes the wreclc tu "'""5 norm westerly current, which carried his vessel out of her course, the thick fog preventing his seeing the island. JOINT ROUP IS EXPECTED RIGHT-OF-WAY AGENTS BUSY IX COWLITZ VALLEY. Belief Is That Milwaukee and" Ore gon & Washington Will Combine on Valuable Feeder. CHEHALIS. Wash., May 27 (9pe-cial.)-So active have the Oregon & Washington Railway Company and the Tacoma Eastern become in the matter of a right of way for a feeder up the Cowlitz Valley that R. w. Allen, a right of way agent, has been stationed in Chehalis to attend to details re quiring his attention here with the county officials and others. The general presumption is that the Milwaukee company and the Oregon & Washington expect to build a line jointly down the Cowlitz which shall connect with the Tacoma & Eastern A right of way agent of the Oregon & Washington is authority for the state ment that the line will strike the Northern Pacific main line at Little Falls, which is in Southern Lewis County, a short- distance north of the county line. Just where such a line will leave the people of Toledo and that section of tjie Cowlitz Valley Is problematical. Some well-known citi zens of Toledo are under the Impres sion that the projected line will go down Drew's Creek, in which event it would leave Toledo to one side a dis tance of about a mile and a half. How ever, having built up a prosperous lit tle city without rail connection in years gone by, Toledo people are still hope- ui ma ruaa wiij nit tneir town and take the river route direct. Recently the Weyerhaeuser Company, which owns extensive timber tracts be tween the present terminus of the Ta coma & Eastern and Salkum, has signed contracts granting to the pro jected new line rights of way through all its holdings on condition that it Is built. On Klickitat Prairie, near Mos syrock, a condemnation suit has been started- a'gainst William Young by the Oregon & Washington, a valuable water right being involved. However, this matter will. likely be settled out of court. Condemnation suits for right of way at Mayfield have been started against the Mayfield estate and the Justice holdings. Numerous con tracts have been filed for right of way as far down the valley as Salkum neighborhood, the time in which the road is' to be built beins indefinite, in all cases but one, that of the Ham mill holdings, in which it is stated that a 90-day time limit for work to begin is included. People of Eastern Lewis County will welcome anything in the way of rail construction, having for years lived in hope of something of the kind, and for several years past having been buoyed up with hope on account of the various surveys made into that section by different lines, notably the North ern Pacific, the Oregon & Washington the North Coast and the Milwaukee. A railroad into Eastern Lewis County will tap one of the richest sections of the state and prove a valuable feeder to the company that gets in on the ground floor. FIRST FUNERAL IS HELD MAZAMAS BURY WOMAN AT PORT GRAHAM. Mrs. Edna Watson, Long in Alaska, Is Laid at Rest by Members of Mount McKlnley Party. PORT GRAHAM, Alaska, May 14. (Special.) A dozen men stood by the grave of Mrs. Edna Watson today while Frank Rojec, of the Magama Mount BETWEEN PORTLAND AND SPOKANE DAILY Leaves PORTLAND at 6 P. M. Arrives SPOKANE Next Morning 7:30. A Strictly High-Class Limited Train Electric Lighted Throughout. Fompoy on I ime Stops at Hood River and The Dalles. TTft ir Its superior equipment will include an Observation Car, Drawing Room and Sleeping Cars, Dining Car,' Tourist Sleeping Cars and Free Reclining Chair Cars. Purchase tickets and obtain all desired information at the City Ticket Office, Third and Washington Sts., or at Union Depot. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon MeKinley expedition, read the Episcopal burial service. -Mrs. Watson was the first white person to be buried at Port Graham, and this was the first funeral service. Mrs. Watson died on board the steamer Tyontc at the dock here yesterday, after months of intense suffering. She had been keeping a boarding-house at Gla cier, 175 miles from Port Graham, but her condition became so serious that she decided to go to Valdez for medical treatment. She was brought part way by dog team and the Tyonlc brought her I the latter stage of her last Journey. Yesterday afternoon Miss Van Vrenken. a trained nurse, living at Seldovla, was sent for. but Mrs. Watson died before she arrived. A grave was dug in a clump of spruce evergreens, about half a mile up the bay, and the little funeral cortege, in the launch Valdez, conveyed the body to its last resting place. Not often Is a funeral service conducted amid such strange sur roundings and under such strange condi tions. Mrs. Watson came to Alaska about 1896 and has been here ever since. She was 50 years old. Her last days were made as comfortable as possible, but she died without relatives or close friends to mourn her loss. Trout to Be Planted in Rogue. MEDFORD. Or., May 27. (Special.) H. C. McAllister, Master Fishwarden, has advised tlie local Fish Protective Association that he will bhip 500.000 eyed steelhead trout to the hatchery on Trial Creek from . the hatchery on Trask River, near Tillamook. The re sulting fry will be. liberated in the headwaters of the Rogue River. TBtks o1F In the Capitol at Washington and in nearly every state in the Union, investiga tions are going on as to the reason for the increasing cost of living. Food ex pense has become a serious problem in many, families, and a nation-wide protest is being made against the present range of food prices. We have not hitherto featured the economy of ii Willi im investigation the price of Ghirarielli' s Cocoa will be made, far its retail price has remained ' the same for Evenly year. ' simply because it has so many other qualities to recommend it. But in view of the present situation we urge upon every family to begin the use of Ghirardelli's Cocoa. It will prove a delightful surprise to those who have never tasted this delicious beverage, and its use will materially lower the cost of the family food, because it is the most nutritive and satisfying of all foods. Try it to-day. You will feel better, you will be stronger and you will need less of other foods. It costs less than a cent a cup. 13 . Gtiirardelli Co. Sine 1832