Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 28, 1910, Page 17, Image 17

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But Holders in the Northwest
Are Not Unloading.
Surplus of Fairly Iiarge Size "Will
Ho Carried Over Into the New
Crop Ivooal Demand
Is Xoor.
A very wv ak tone prevails in thr local
wheat market; as is to be expected in view
of the steady decline in prices at Liver
pool and the sharp slumps that have taken
place In tha Chicago market. Notwith
standing the depression, there has been, no
effort made by farmers or other holders
jn the Pacltlc Northwest to unload. A lit
tle wheat is fytering out, but th3 selling
Is by no me genera t. The steadiness
with which the farmers are hanging on
indicates that there will be a considerable
carry-over of 2,00 0.000 or 3,000.000 bushels
into the next crop, besides what the mil
lers will have. As for the demand, it is
exceedingly dull. A little inquiry is com
ing from California points, but elsewhere
no interest .Is shown.
No one pretends to say what the course
of the foreign markets will be in the im
mediate future, or whether or not the de
cline lias run its course. The weakness is
supposed to be due to the good crop abroad,
the present favorable weather and the
large movement of wheat. Shipments from
Argentina, Australia and India in the past
week were reported by the Merchants Ex
change as follows:
This Vk. T.ast Wit. Last Yr.
.1,2 IR.tMM) 1,0 7 -'.000 L'.Olti.OUO
. 66 4,000 Hit 6, 00 0 20 0,000
. 7S4.000 (iiO.OUO 1,440,000
A rgen tina
Crop prospects In the Pacitlc Northwest
are fairly good, though rain is needed in a
few sections. There lias been some rain
fall lately In Oariield and the I'alouso, and
a little in Umatilla. In the latter county
and in "Walla Walla some improvement in
the crop outlook is reported. In several
sections, where the hard Wint?r rain caused
a crust to form on the ground the grain
is not looking very well.
The oats and barley markets are quiet
and none too steady, though holders aVe
not putting their grain on the market
at concessions.
Local receipts in cars were reported by
the Merchants Exchange as follows:
Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hav
Monday 14 1 17 4 1 :t
Tuesday 1 u 4 -j 10
"Wednesday ... ,N , fi 2 7
Th ursilay x 4 4
Friday 4 1 '!.... 4
Year ago .... 4 1 4 "4 6
Season to date fslti 11' ft 2 207 13SS 2 5fil
Year ago 104 7-J 1531 l-ltfy S3 7 2tr'J
But No Business in Tht Slate lt Reported.
. New York Conditions.
There Is a - litUa Eastern inquiry for hups,
but it is not resulting in business.
Reports continue to come in of damage
to the New York crop. A letter received
jesterday said that undoubtedly damage
had resulid from the frosts, but it would
be several weeks before the extent of the
injury could be definitely determined. One
thing made plain was that there Is. a great
difference in the condition of the New York
The Kentish Observer of May 12 says of
the Kngiish hop market:
Trado in hops is very quiet, consumers
only buying for actual immediate require
ments. In consequence of the searcitv of
MOi'k prices are not affected by the slow
state of business. Continental markets re
main quiet, with practically all Die good
qualities - sold. Pacitlc Cuast hops are f-i'ei-etl
in some con Hide rait to q uu initios, es
pecially of the nu'dium and low qua) tt k.S(
but they meet with very little demund.
English factors' trade circulars say in
Wild. Neame & Co., London ''hero is no
alteration to report on our market. Busi
ness Is quiet, and values for the few lots
changing hands must be quoted in buyers'
Manger & Henley, London A quk't tone
continues, the few transactions carried
through being for present requirements
only. Stocks left in growers hands are
the smalk'at known for many years.
W. 11. t H. Le May, London The small
trade noted in our last continues ; the few
Jots left are being taken for consumption.
Business in very quiet on the Worcester
market. The few miles effected are only
Tor present requirements or to complete
6 tocks.- - - -
bupply 1 Larger. ul Demand 1 Very
Heavy. There was a firmer strawberry market yes
terday. The supply was large, but the de
nuuid was better than it ha been for several
das and all the carry-over stock on the street
was worked off. At the farmers' market prices
ranged from ?l to $1.50 per crate. The top
quotation bting on Clark's needless. Front
etreet prices were $L2."i to $1.75.
The market is overstocked with pmall apri
cots, which are almost unsalable. Good -si zed
fruit moves at fl.uV per , crate. Cantaloupes
Siave cleanea .up. - ----- ---
Cucumber were in over .supply and sold
as low aa $1 per dozen. Corn was lower at
40 cents & dozen. Peas and beans were plenti
ful, but sold wtqi.
Half Cent Advance Will Take Effect Mon
day Morn ins:.
The cheese market is firm and will be higher
next week. , One of the lare dealer an
nounces that his quotations will be advanced
half a cent Monday morning. There is a
strong demand, especially from outside points,
and many of the shipping: orders have to be
turned down. - -
Butter is also firm, as the local make cleans
up closely every day.
Eggs and poultry were In good demand and
the day's receipt sold easily at the former
Bnnk C lea rings.
Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities
yesterday ere as follows
Portland $1.1177, Jiu?
Seat tie l,i4 r. s:;-
Taeoma . . . . 774,LI4
Spoknne 77.:iHl
?! U.r.;t:t
x Grain. Flour. Feed. Ktc
"WH EAT-rTrark nrices: Bluestem, 83c;
club. NOc: red Russian. 78c; Valley." 84c.
BARLEY Feed and brewins, i'M$22 per
FLOXJR Patents. $3.35 ier barrel;
straights. $4.30 5.15; export. $4; Valley.
t.50; graham. $0.10; whole wheat, quarters.
CORN Whol. $33; cracked. $34 per ton
HAY Track prices: Timothy, Willamette
Valley. 20.91 per ton; Eastern Oreeon,
222.; alfalfa. $1G.50& 17.SU; grain bay.
MILLSTUFFS Bran, $20 per ton; mid
flltnps. $:;0; shorts. 2122: rolled barley
$23. 502-1.30. '
OATS No. 1 white, $2G 27 per ton.
Vegetables and Fruits.
FRESH FRUITS Strawberries Oreson
$141.75 per crate; apples. $.l.50&3 per box;
cherries, $l?il-50 per box; gooseberries, 6
7c per pound; apricots, $Ifil.7r.; currants.
10c per pound; cantaloupe. $2 fro per crate!
POTATOES Carload buy'.ne prices: Orv
Kon. 40c per hundred; new California. 2c per
pound; sweet potatoes, 4C. ... .
VEGETABLES Artichokes, 60T5o per
dozen ; asparagus. $1.25 2 per box; beans.
9c per lb.; cabbage, 2 4 fa 2 c per lb
celery. $1 per doz. : corn, 4c per doz. ; cu
cumbers, $1 u 1.50 per doz; head lettuce. ."o
fit . ftoc per doz.; hothouse lettuce, 5oc( $1 per
box; garlic, 10121:c per lb.; horseradish, 8
10c per lb. ; green onions, 15c per
dozen ; peas. 4 Gc; peppers, ot'c per pound ;
radishes. 15 6f?2uc per aozen: rhubarb, 2 z fiP
3 c Dei pound ; spinach, w ";j 10c per pound ;
squash. $1.25 per crate; tomatoes, $2 per box.
2; lemons, $4Q5.50; grapefruit. $3.25 6 per
box ; bananas. 6a per pound; taneerlnes.
$L75 per box.
ONIONS Oregon. $2 per hundred; Ber
muda, f 1.30ty 1.75 per crate; red. $1.75 per
BACK VEGETABLES Rutabagas. $1.25
160; carrots, SOciafl; 2eeta. $1.00; pars
nips. 7Gc$L
Groceries. Dried Fruits, Ete.
DRIED FRUIT Apples, 10c per pound;
peaches, 7c; prunes, Italians, 4-?&5c; prunes,
French, 4 6c; currants, lOc; apricots, 15c;
dates, 7c per pound; figa. fancy white, 6Jc;
fancy black, 7c; choice black. 6Wc.
SALMON Columbia Kiver, 1-pond tails,
$2 per dozen; 2-pound talis, $2.i5; 1-pound
flats, $2.10; Alaska pink, 1-pound tails, 0c;
red, 1-pound ta.Ha, 1.45; sockeye, 1-pound
talis, $2. '
CuFiTEE Mocha, 242Sc; Java, ordinary,
1720c; Costa. Rica, fancy, lS4p20c; good,
16yj. ISc ; ordinary, 12 a lGc - par pound,
NUTS Walnuts, le per pound; Brazil
nuts, 13i15c; filberts, 10c; almonds, 17c;
pecans, 10c; cocoa nuts. it)c 1 per dozon
Jr"lCwLEl GOODS Barrels: Pigs' . feet,
$10; regular tripe, $lO; honeycomb tripe,
$12; lunch tongues, $19.50; mess beef, ex
tra, $14; xne&s pork, xO-
SALT Granulated. $15 per ton; half
BEANS Small white. . 5c; large white
4 c ; Lima, j(i-c; pink, 7c ; red Mexican,
7ic; bayou, 7c.
bUGAR Dry eranulated, fruit and berry,
$6.25; beet. $0.05; extra C, $5.75; xolden C,
$5.05; yellow D, $5.05; cubes iuarrels).
$5.65; powedered. $6.5U; Domino, $10.40 $
10.00 per case. Terms-on remittances, witn
ln 15 days deduct -c per pound, if later
than 1& days and within 30 days, deduct Ho
per pound. Maple sugar, 10 18c per pound,
ground, 100s. xio.SO per ton; 0. $11 per
KICE No. 1 Japan, 4c: cheaper grades,
8.504. 55c; Southern bead, 5j7g.
HONEY Choice. $3.23(33 3.00 per casa;
strained, 7c per pound.
Dairy and Country Produce.
BUTTER City creamery, extras. 29e;
fancy outside creamery, 2S20c per pound;
store, 20c. (Butter fat prices average 14s
per pound under regular butter prices.)
EGGS Fresh Oregon ranch, 23 24c per
CHEESE Full cream twins. 16-a16V4o
per pound, young America, 1717c
POKK Fancy, l2y. 13c per pound.
V EAL Fancy. Htn '(tile per pound.
LAMBS Fancy, 9(U12c per pound.
POULTRY Bens, JSlyc; broilers 27
30c ; ducks, la Hi aoc ; geese, 12 v& c ; t urkeys,
live 2Uy;iiiC; dressed. 25c; squabs. 43 per
Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc.
HOPS 1909 crop. I2fij)13c, according to
quality; olus, nominal; 1010 contracts, nomi
nal. WOOL Eastern Oregon, 14 17c pound;
Valley. IGtJSc per pound.
MOHAIR Choice, 32&33C per pound. '
CASCARA BARK 1 4 & 5c per pound.
HIDES Dry hides, 1G Va u 17 c per pound;
dry 'kip, 16(i17M:C per pound; dry calf
skin, vj S21c per pound; salted hides, 8
8 c ; salted calfskin, 13c per pound; green,
hides, 3c less.
PELTS Dry, 12 13c; salted, butchers'
take-off. $1.151.40; Spring lambs, 20 45c
Cattle of All Kinds Move at Steady
Prices l-'air Supply of
Slock Available.
An active ilfmand for aheeo and lambs
resulted in a firm market for these lines at
the stockyards yesterday. There was a
moderate supply of stock available and other
lines were fairly steady.
, Good fheep sold at $i.j0 and lambs at JO
in the forenoon. These ;rices were 25 to
." cents better than those lately prevailing.
This stock was shipped in from Halsey.
Two lots of hops were moved at $10. ".0,
which is probably near the top .of the
market. ,
Steer ranged in price from 4..-l to $.-.7.1.
while cows sold at f.l.'ZT,' to 15 and calves
brought $0.50.
Receipts were 140 cattle, 57S sheep and
105 boss.
Shippers of the stock were Frank Hamil
ton, of St. Johns, Wash., one car of hogs;
K. B. Baseant. of St. Johns. Wash., one car
of hops; c. C. Olark, of Blalock. or., one car
of cattle; (Jeorse H. Jaeobson. of The Jjalles.
nr.t car of tattle; J. K; Kcynolds. of Shan
llto, two cars of cattle; luK Taylor, of Hal
sey. wo cars of sheep; Henry l.arkin, of
Almola, Wash., one car of cattle, and L. E.
West, of Oakland, two car.s of sheep.
The day's sales were as follows:
L Weight. Price.
M hops L24 lii..:0
h"R 211 iu.:so
cows 704 4 4
3 l'w 1MM
4 cows 4
:j2 cow s " tr, 4 ;5
4 steers ;)-, 25
steers. s-ilt 475
- "r''S S4"' 41'"
i steers ;mj7 5 5
1 bull IJiKl 4 Tio
"' fl:i 4.50
4 cows ,j j ;; 25
cows .' ;)7 JJ'Jj,
.) cows . . sc;s 4 -()
-t coo ..................
:t steers
H steers w . . ,
2 calves
174 sheep
. 007 3.25
, . 4.50
.1111 5.75
. 4O0 5.50
- Kilt 4.50
iami.ja r.l i;
I'ri-es quoted on the various classes of at the yards yesterday were as fol
lows: Beer steers. Kood to choice.... $ ,5.50(ff$ 6.00
Bcof steers, Tair to medium... 4.MC& jAH)
Cows and heifers, good to
choice . 4.30 3.00
Cows and heifers, fair to me
dium . 4.003 4.75
Bulls . . .I.OOSD 4.00
Slas :;.(Kli'u) ,5.00
Calves, liErht 5.05u 8. CM)
Calves, heavy., 4.W& 5.50
Hoics, too lO.OOSi 10.40
Hojts. fair to medium D.ooity 10.00
sheep, best wethers 4.25Ci) 4.50
Sheep, fair to best wethers....' 4.00 4.25
Sheep, best ewes :i.75rf 4ii
Lambs, choice .. 5. 50 ii (!.K1
Lambs, fair 4.73'i' 3.23
Eastern Livestock Markets.
OMAHA, May 27. Cattle Receipts 700;
market steady. Native . steers, S3. 00 "g. T.fcu
cows and heifers, $3.50'tr G. 75; Wfste'ri
steers. S.'!.50C3 7; cows and heifers, S2.7510
5.75; canners. .2.50'c'4.25; stockers and feed
ers. $;;.754J 0.25: calves. 417.30; bulls,
stags, etc.. :S4i 0.25.
Hogs lec(ipts 0000; market 10c hitrher
Heavy. '.). 150i. :).:;o : mixed. ?01I !.25; li-ht
S'..25((i 0.35: pigs. $S&0; bu'.k of sales, so.20
(I 0.3(1
Sheep Receipts 1000; market steady.
Yearlinps. ?4. it." 13. 7.5; wethers, S4.753.o0;
ewes. i4.60U3.25: lambs. $ 0.75 1& t. 30.
Manufacturers Are Not Ititying, Even at
1 Vesent Low Irlces. .
BOSTON. May 27. The Commercial Bulle
tin will say of the wool market tomorrow:
With the exception of lo::i or into bales of
,low quarter-blood South American sold,- by
two local houses to a prominent New England
mill at 33c, nothing of consequence is being
done .this week. Business generally .is fair,
the leading mills of the country being op
posed to operating even at bottom prices. The
Boston merchant can neither sell wool in
quantity to the manufacturer nor buy the wool
in the West at prices warranted by present
Small sales of Ohio fleece are being made at
20c for quarter-blood and at 29 to 3ic for
three-eightlis and half-blood, but It will not
be surprising if values decline still further.
The outlook is not favorable for a materially
increased activity in the near future.
Wool at t. Louis.'
ST. LOl'IS. May 27. Wool Unchanged.
Territory and Western mediums, lSii:23c;
fine mediums, 17ii20c; fine. 12(13c.
lairy Produce in the EaHt.
CHICAGO. May 27. Butter Steady.
Creameries. 2527 Vic; dairies. 23iv)20c.
Bggs Firm. Receipts 13.035. Firm at
mark, cases included. 151'j 5 10',Ac; 'firsts.
17 ic: prime firsts, I8V2C
Cheese steady. Daisies. 14ii'15c; Twins
34(1? 144 c;. Young Americas.. ISfy-15 c; Long
Horns,, 14 S 13c. ,
NEW YORK, May . 27, Butter Steady,
Cheese Steady, unchanged.
Eggs Irregular.
Moderate Improvement Is
Shown in Most Lines.
Iron ana Steel Trade Is Steadily
Expanding- Structural - and Ag
ricultural Steel In' Demand.
Buying of Cottons Limited.
XEW YORK, May 27. R. G. Dun & Co.'s
weekly review of trade tomorrow will way:
Changes in the business situation are in the
line of moderate improvement. - Crop prospects
are better and thl was plainly indicated by
the downward tendency of prices.
Visible improvement Is taking place In the
iron and steel trade. There ' is a larper de
mand for both pig Iron and for rtnished
products, especially In agricultural and atruc
tuial lines. Iemand from railroads' for
equipment is somewhat restricted by uncer
tainty regarding- freight rates, yet some good
business in lolling stock is regarded as cer
tain, and rails have been taken In moderate
amounts. '
Buying of cotton goods; is limited and mills
are still Indisposed to accept long contracts.
Curtailment is growing as the crop eaon
advances. The Uend of trade is toward im
provement, however. In woolens and worsteds
stock goods are being ofTered at concessions
and mills are conservative in the matter of
operation on Fall lines not under order.
Trade in footwear continues flow and unsatr
isfactory, large Jobbers throughout the coun
try having failed to follow up Initial pur
chases by supplementary buying, and curtail
ment of production is1 a necessity. The ques-.
tion yf price has apparently little bearing onf
the volume of present traffic. Leather is
generally inactive.
Pronounced dullness continues to ru!e
throughout tho hide market.
Cool Weather, Though, Is Still a itar to
Activity. -
N-EW YORK, May 27. Bradstreets to
morrow will say:
Quiet still rules in trade and many lines
of Industry, while speculation, especially
in grain, seems in a weak stage, awaiting
clearer, views of ultimate crop and price
changes. Relatively most activity in job
bing trade is centered in meeting current
demands and Fall business still lacks form.
Retail trade has shown some gain at
leading Western markets, but is still classed
as below expectations. I'nseasor ably cool
w-eather is commonly assigned as the cause
for backward trade, but there are still in
evidence Aigns that uncertainty as to prices
holds back future commitments.
Relatively best trade reports come from
the Northwest, b'.lt there Is rather more do
ing at some Western markets, though cool,
wet weather was a bar. to activily at most
cities. Eastern advices are of slight gains
in some lines, but of a quiet character as a
There is a continuance of the rather more
cheerful feeling noted last week in Iron
and steel, based 011 recognition of the effect
of shutdowns upon crude production, and
the apparent putting into effect of similar
measures in the leading textile lines.
Business failures in the I.nited States
for the week ending May 20 were 2011,
against 223 last week, 205 in the like week
of luo: 203 in l!o.s' and 142 in 1!)07. and
127 in 10O0. Business failures in Canada
for the week ending Thursday numbered
13, which compares with 1! last week and
22 the like week of last year.
Wheat, including flour, exports from the
L'nited states and Canada for the week end
ing May 2(, aggregate .S..594.141 bushels
against 2,!1S.103 last week, and 3,1S2,10U
this week last year
Hank Clearings.
NEW YORK. May ?7. Bradstreet s bank
clearings report, for the wek ending May
26 shows an aggregate of 2. 827, 912.000 as
against 2. 974. 101, 000 la-st week and $2.
75.523,000 in' the corresponding week last
year. . ' , ' '
, . . . "" " P. C. Inc.
New York J 1,670,323,000 1.S
Chicago 259.451,000 4.8
Boston 13S. 995.000 i'.3
Philadelphia 13v.144.0OU 9.9
St. Louis 6S, 750, 000 14.7
Kansas City 4l,429,000 lr. 1
Pittsburg : 51.139.000 13.4
ran r rancisco . . 40.429.000 r 24 7
, 27,719.000 11.9
Cincinnati . . .
I New Origans
15.422.000 '-5.7
IX. 477.UO0 3S.8
20.021.UO0 37.4
lo,5i6.000 If. .7
15.S30.OO0 23.5
12,474.000 17.5
12.350.0O0 2 1.2
X.911 1.000 46.8
10. 386. 000 15.0
10.H14.000 22.0
S. 975. 000 7 5
9.4.S1.O00 14.7
7.7S2.000 12.9
S. 129. 000 21. 6
7,271.000 10. S
5.21 1,000 16.2
0.39S.000 5.1
5,74S,O0l( 4.5
. 127.000 5.5
7.201,000 15.7
7. 104. 000 29.3
5.357.0O0 1.5
o. 603. 0O0 3.5
5.24S.000 1 1 . 9
3.G49.O00 Hi. 9
4. 759.H00 " 4 4.6
665,000 0.3
1.041,000 .9
S33.000 31 .1
21. 139. 000 11.0
12.004,000 IS. 8
Los Angeles
l'urtland. Or
St. Paul
Memphis . . .
Fort Worth
Salt Lake City
Washington, D. C. .
St. Joseph
Columbus . . '.
A Ibany
Spokane, Wash
Oakland. Cal
Sacramento ' '.
T'ormal Announcement ol Sale oT St.
I'aul Bonds in JParis Meets
AVitlt No ltesponse.
NEW YORK, May 27. The eve of a three
days' holiday on the stock exchange is
never conducive to much activitv. The
stock market besides has been lapsing to
ward dullness and neglect by a process of
uncertain and narrowing fluctuations, which
are characteristic of the market when in
purely professional hands.
The activity of the first hour was due
to a rumor of the illn.?ss of J. P. Morgan
which originated in Chicago. Meantime!
Mr. Morgan is in Paris and was fn cable
communication today with business asso
ciates iu New York. The circulation of
false rumors is hekl . generally to signify
activity by a bear party.
The subtlety of speculation Is capable
however, of stimulating bear activity for
the purpose of inviting supporting orders
by interested powers, which may thus facil
itate desired liquidation. Whatever the
real purpose of the early operations, thev
were discontinued, 'soon .and- the proceed
ings for the rost of the day were almost
devoid of interest.
The lack of response to the formal an
nouncement of the sale of St. Paul bonds
in France to the amount of 250 000 0O0
francs brought out some professions of dis
appointment. Tla fact need not cause sur
prise when it is considered that this bond
sale has been a constant subject of stock
discussion and of stock market . influence
lor weeks.
The mere fact that iwws of the transac
tion was allowed to become public at so
early a stage of the negotiations affords a
broad intimation - of the speculative use
that it was sought to make of the incident
The speculative effect of it was - found to
be exhausted.
The rout of the bull partv in wheat Is
expected to have Important results. If it has
served to to bring about natural conditions
in that market.
The course of the cetton market is
equally Interesting to tho stock market ele
ment. The fact that the Fall River cotton
mills will close down all next week shows
the bearing of the cotton market position
on the genoral industrial situation
The slightly firmer tone of the ' money
market this week lends interest to the
showing to be made bv the bank state
ment to be published while the stock ex
change is in recess. Over $1,000,000 has
gone out - lw -Cans'Ia-this week and the
movement of the interior has been against
New -York. While the movement from the'
Interior hs failen off considerably, there,
are still indications of a substantial cash
gain by the banks.
Bonds were steady. Total sales, .par
vali:.?. $1,235,000. Cnited States bonds were
unchanged from last week's prices on call.
Sales. High. Low. Bid.
AIlls Chalmprs pf. 20 33 32 32
Amal Copper lisoo 70?. tio-ji 00
Am Agricultural .. 400 ' 431-. 45 45
Am Beet Sugar .'. .... 30
American Can u
Am Car & Fdy .. 2H) B214 '6i, 61
Am Cotton Oil .. 7110 04 u, " 04' 64
Am Hd i Lt pr. 3.aoo 40 V. 4,0 30
Am Ice Securi ..' . 24
Am Linseed Oil .. .!!!!! 12
Am Locomotive .. fii'O ' 4SV, 47 47
Am Smelt & Ref.. 6.400 70 7SVj 1
do preferred ltHTn
Am Steel Fdy 541.,
Am Sugar Ref ., 100 122 V IK! at. I22C
Am Tel & Tel tK'O 130H 130 13o'
Am Tobacco pf 03
Am Woolen ' 33
Anaconda Min Co. 300 43 42 42
Atchison oo lny i s lojtfc
do preferred ... 000 lul 101 1"1
Atl Coast Line 121
Bar i- Ohio 2,2U0 114 y -1134 14
Bethlehem Steel . . . 2S
Brjok Rap Tran. 4.8IK)"' 81-"" R0'" SO
anadlan Pacific .. S.600 307 lai 107 ,
Central Leather .. TOO 40Vi 3S) 30 V-
do preferred . p U.5
Central of N J 3011
Ches & Ohio 2.50O 87 SOU 0
Chicago Alton . . . 45U
Chicago Ot West. 2oO 27 27 H 27
do preferred ' 5o
Chicago Ac N v ... .loo 152 i52 - 131
o J'"1 2'8W
t . C, C : St L ... .. 84
Colo Fuel Iron.. aoo .37 ti 37 li 37
i-oio & southern .. 5uO 00 59i.j GO
1 Consolidated Gas.. 10,ouo 142Ti 140a 141
'uuuLia ... IINI JO4 ltit 11
Del & Hudson .... 200 17n,i 170 100
D & R Grande ... 00O 40U 1 40 40
do preferred 7074
Distillers' Securi .' .. " ." . .tov,
3oo 2S 2ii-i 28'
do 1st preferred. 2o0 46' 40 40
do 2d preferred. 2uo 35 35 35 V4
General Electric .. 14S 14H 148Va
Gt Northern pf ... l.KOo 135 134 134
Gt Northern Ore .. tiO 62',& 02 C2Vj
Illinois Central ... 2"0 135 135 135
Interborough Met.. O'jO 20,44 2o 2oH
do preferred l.Oio 55 .54 li 04 'i
Inter Harvester .. 3.00O loo 00 '.'
Inter-Marine pf .. 100 ISh-t 18 V, 17
Int Paper kjo 12i- 12ii 12
Int Pump , .'. . . 4714
Iowa Central .... 4n 21. 21 20
K C Southern 3414
, do preferred 00
Iaclede Gas 3, Son 103 1M 105
Louisville & Nash 2oO 148 147 147
Minn & St Louis. floo 34 35
M. St P & S S M. 2U0 140 1401-j 13ai
do preferred . ... OS
Mis.-)url Pacific .. 200 71 71 71
National Biscuit 7 lort
National Lead .. lOO 77 77 77
Mex Nat Ry 2d pf ..... ..... 28
N Y Central 2.800 120 iii'.'. ll!l
N Y. Ont & West. l.OoO 47 'i 40 4(!;s
Norfolk West. 800 103 103 103
North American 73 1
Northern Pacific .. 1,000 131 130 131
I'acifle Mail 0OO 27 20L. 20'4
Pennsylvania ..... 3.3') 134 133 334"i
People's Gas .... loo 3118 ' log H7Vi
P. C, C & St L... 200 100 100 IO014
Pittsburg Coal ; ..... ..... 20
Pressed Steel Car. ' 3SU,
Pullman Pal Car. loo 16 tj 101 '.j
Ry Steel Spring 2oO 40 40 3!li.
Reading 66,100 10314 10214 Hi2,7
Republic Steel 33
do preferred 97
Rock Ifland Co.. S.8;:o 44 4314 4314,
do preferred 80 80 ' R0 '
St L & S F 2 pf. 2oO 48 48 4S
St L Southwestern ' 3t0 32 32 32
do preferred 2no 70 70 75
Sloss-Sneff ield .... K0 7314 7.! 14 7214
Southern Pacific .. l.loo 12ok. 125'K 12l it
Southern Railway. 3oo 20 20 20T
do preferred 02
Tenn Copper 27
Texas & Pacific . 81 1
Tol, St L & West. loo 30 30 3014
do preferred ... 3oo 3Ts ' 'iH 02tj
t'nion Pacific 30,300 184V4 182'-i 183Vs
do preferred ... SCO 95 94 04 "i
IT s Realty 7414
IJ S Rubber 20O 4" 411 4014
U S Steel 81.200 83 82 JS2 '4
do preferred l.loo llsn, 118 - 117
ITtah Copper .... 1.5iK 40U. 40 40
Va-Caro Chemical. 17,20t 02 " 0) 01
Wabash ...... 2oi-.
do preferred ... l.loo 40 45 45t7
'e.tern Md ...... 40itr,
Westinghouse Elec 100 04 4 03V4
AVestern I'nion .. 3'.0 07 ly 07 !,4 07
Wheel & L, Erie 3i,
Total sale for the day. 300,500 shares.
NEW YORK. May 27. Closing! quotations:
V. S. ref. 2s reg.100JN. Y. C. gn SV-s 88
do coupon ...K0!no. Pacific 3s... 71B
IT. S. Js reg .102 I No. Pacific 4s...R)Hi,
do coupon ...102 ICnion Pacific 4S.101V.
V. S. new 4s reg.l 1 4 iWis. Central 4s. 00
do coupon . . . 1 14 Vi Uapanese 4s .... 91
D. & R. G. 4s. . . 93B
Money Exchanse. Etc.
NEW YORK. May 27. Money on call,
firm. ilJ2'3i per cent; ruling rate, 3V4;
closing bid, 3; offered at 3Vt.
Time loans firm; 00 days, 3 1 fh. 3 '--jer
cent; 00 days, 4: six months, 4ffi)4'4. s'
Close :
Prime mercantile paper, 4(rJ5'.4 per
Sterling exchange steady, with actual busi
ness in bankers' bills at $4.8432(8 '4.8440 for
OO-day bills, and at ?4.8735 lor demand.
Commercial bills. $483 M 4S4 14.
Bar ailver- 53c.
Mexican dollars 44c.
Government and railroad bonds steady.
LONDON. May 27. Bar silver steady,
24 d per ounce.
Money 3 ft 4 per cent.
The rate of discount in the open market
for short bills is 3 per cent.
The rate of discount in the open market
for three-months' bills is 31iJ4i, per cent.
Consols for money. 82 8-10; consols for
acount, 82.
SAN FRANCISCO. May 27. Sterling on
London, 00 days. 4.S3'3; sterling on Lon
don, sight. $4.87.
Silver bars, 53 c.
Mexican dollars. 45c.
Drafts, sight. 4c. '
Drafts, telegraph. 7c.
Eastern Mining Stocks.
BOf-TON. May 27. Closing quotation
Allouez 43 'Miami Copper . .
Amalg. Copper.. 00iMohawk
A.. Z. L.. & Sm. . 25 Nevada Con. ...
Arizona Com. .. 10 14 .Nipissing Mines..
Atlantic 712j.Yorth Butte
13 & C C & S M. 13V.:.Vorth Lake
1 1
43 V.
34 A
Butte Coalition. mv&JOId Dominion
Cal. & ) Heela. .'.r.SOAIparrott is'
Centennial 17 iQuincv ...
& C)
Cop. Ran. C. Co. 00 Shannon
E. Butte Cp." M. S Superior
Frariklin 13 (Tamarack ......
Giroux Con. ... 7.T". S. Coal & Oil
Granby Con. ... 40 (LT. S. S. R. & M.
Greene Cananea. S) do preferred .
I. Royale (Cop.) 23Vj.T'tah Con
Kerr Lake 0 I Winona
Lake Copper.... 52 M:! Wolverine
La Salle Copper 12 I
42 'i
23 14
Daily Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON. May 27. The condition of
the Treasury at the beginning of business
today was as follows:
Trust funds ,
Gold coin ?S50. 030,800
Silver dollars 480.01 l.OOo
Silver dollars of 1800 3.712.0OO
Silver certificates outstanding 480,011,000
.General fund
Standard silver dollars in gen
eral fund 3.058,063
Current liabilities .. 300.412,003
Working balance in Treasury of
fices 17,803,185
In banks to credit of Treasurer
of the United States .".S, 1 4,502
Subsidiary silver coin 21,202.2"23
Minor coin . 1.27sl505
Total balance in general fund... 80.119,200
Produce Prices Current In the Bay Cltj
SAN FRANCISCO, May 27 The follow
ing prices were current iu tile produce
market today:
Butter Fancy creamery. 2Sc; creamery
seconds. 20c; fancy dairy, 23 Vic
Cheese New, 13Vi14c; young Amerlci,
14(610c. .
Eggs Store. 24c; fancy ranch, 2OV3C
Poultry Roosters, old, $o5.50; roosters
young. JOSflO; broilers, small, 2.5033.50;
broilers, large, J3.504; fryers, t04j.7.3u'
hens. $3.504!!4; ducks, old. $0f7; ducks
young. $sil0. .....
Vegetables Hothouse cucumbers, 31.50(fft
2; garlic. 3(ij 4c; green peas, 7yC $ 1. -0
string beans, 2tfi'3Vic; asparagus. $i.2.v(u'
J. CO; tomatoes, $l?j;1.75; eggplant, SfilOc
Fruit Apples, chuice. new. ,-oc; com
mon, 50c; bananas. 75cfr$3; Mexican
limes. $0.5Oig7; California lemons. $!.25gi4
oranges, navels. $1. 253.23; pineapples, 2.ovi
lt.i.50. 1
Potatoes Salinas Burbanks, 7.rrig$i
weete,; Oregon Burbanks. C5-('i75c"
Milistulfs Bran. 923 3 24; middlings'
$27 SO.
Hay Wheat, $12 10.30; wheat and oats,
$0fel3; alfalfa. $S(&11; stock, $09; straw,
thsr bale, 40dr65c
Hops California crop, 3213c.
Receipts Flour. 2055 qr. sacks; wheat,
0O0 centals; barley. 10,130 centals; oats. 235
centals; potatoes. 3040 sacks; bran. 33 sarks
mlddlings, 200 sacks; hay, 230 tons; wool'
142 hales; hides. 1143. . .
Hops at London.
LIVERPOOL: Miy 27. Hops in London,
PaciUp Coast, steady, X4"5 4 ls.
Market Is Weak but Not
ratten Claims the Reports or His
Holdings as Well as His Losses
Have Been Greatly
rHItAGO. May 27. The tllghrmare con
dition in the wheat trade cleared up this
afternoon to a large degree. Light seda-
ra l"e way of cash purchases by mill
ing interests helped to steadv the over
wrought nerves of speculators. Belief spread
also that big holdings had been unloaded,
or at least so reduced as no longer to
form an immediate menace. Final figures
were vic to c under vesterday on new
crop futures and 2i3c down ior May.
lhe first calming influence was an au
thorized announcement by the defeated
4eader of the bulls that statements regard
ng.hls holdings of wheat, as well as his
losses, had been greatly exaggerated. Later
came a surprise from an unexpected dlree
Brokers acting for the firm with
j , . ne was crmnected were found to be
bidding up the price of corn in the teeth
of the fact that demoralization at the time
was unchecked In wheat, and that there
was visible evidence of heavy selling of
wheat by foreigners In this market. The
European basis ot prices, indeed, seemed
for awhile a bugbear that was leading the
semi-panic. Early Indications appeared to
point to a continuation ot the big smash of
yesterday. The liquidation, however, though
severe, was found, as the day wore on. to
be a belated sort, with much good buving
on the declines. There came information
of a better milling call for cash wheat here.
There was much covering by smaller shorts
who had sold early, frightened by the
thought of another day of general wreck.
In the final quarter ot an hour there was
some recession from the return of com
parative firmness, and the tone at the
close was weak. September. which had
ranged between 01 Vsc and 2c. finished at
92Vc. a net loss of Vic. Mav dealt In most
ly in small lots, closed at S1.03V4C a decline
of 2c to 3c.
Corn started out weak, was bid up sharp
ly for effect upon wheat, and then declined
on liquidation of miscellaneous accounts.
September sold from 57 i 59 Vic and closed
c oft at 7SVsc. Cash corn was in poor
demand. No. 2 yellow closed at oai'i SBVac.
There was considerable liquidation In oats.
The leather was" reportedjsfts the nnost Im
aginable for the growing crop. . covering by
shorts pushed up the price of September,
which, after f'tuating between 35V4c and
30c closed lSc gain, at 3c.
Provisions hrm, because of a lighter
run of hogs an.t on account of demand for
May ribs. Pork closed 13 -to 47!ic higher;
lard advanced 17 Vj ' 20c, and ribs 22 yi to
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
rv l.4'j $1.04 'i $1.01 Vj $1.0214
Jul' 94 .94 .92 S44
Sept 92 V - .92 91 9"i.
Uec - 91 V4 -.92 V4 -90 .91
MV' 5Mi .5SH .56 .56
'l.v 5S .59 .57 1, .58
Sept 68 .r,i4 .57 .5S
Dec 05 .55 .54 .55
May 39 .39 .38 'i .38
July 37 .37'A .36 .37
?"Pt -36 .35V4 .36
Dec .371, .37V4 .86 .37 .
July 22.10 22.52 21.95 "2 5 ii
Sept 21.90 22.35 21.Si 22.30 '
July 12.25 12.40 12.20 12.40
Sept 12.15 " 12.27 12.05 12.27V4
Jnl.v 12.22 12.52 12.20 12 50
Sept 12.10 12.30 12.07 12.30
Cash Quotations were as follows:
Flour -Weak, and aeking prices receded
22 cents.
Rye No.- 2, 75iy77c.
Barley Feed or mixing. 4S(g. 33c; fair to
choice malting. 5Si'G5c.
Flax seed No. T Southwestern, $2.10 ;
No. 1 Northwestern, $2.20.
Timothy seed $4.35. -
Clover $12.25.
Pork Mess, per bnrrol. $22.5022.70
I.ard per loo pounds. $12.62.
' Short , ribs Sides (loose). $12.62
Sides Short, clear (boxed), $13.25 if 13.50.
Grain statistics:
Total clearances of wheat and flour Were
equal to 203,000 bushels. Exports for the
week, as shown by Bradstneet'e. were equal
to 3.594,000 bushels. Primary receipts were
267.000 bushels. compared with 227,000
bushels, the corresponding day a year ago.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 19
cais; corn. 296 cars; oats, 163 cars; hogs.
ii.uuu neau
. .. 11.700
. .. 2S.S00
, . . 19S.7O0
v ..243.001)
... 3.000
. .. 54.000
Flour, barrels .
Wheat, bushels .
Corn, bushels '. .
Oats, bushels . .
live, bushels . .
Barley, bushels
Grain and Produce at New York.
NEW YORK, May 27. Flour Quiet and
lower to sell. Receipts, 14,550 ban-els; ship
ments, 2321 barrel:.
Wheat Spot weak. No. 2 red. $1.04 nomi
nal c. 1, f. ; No. 1 Northern, $1.12 nominal
f. o. b. Wheat was very nervous and prices
declined sharply under further active liquida
tion and the weakness abroad, but ralUed late
on coverings by shorts and closed at 742c
net lower. Exporters reported sales of 20
loads of Manitoba and Durum late yesterday.
May closed at $1.03i-.. July at $l.ol and
September at 98c. Receipts 34O0 bushels;
shipments, 80OO bushels.
Hops Quiet. State, common to choice 1009,
2Kt24c: 1008. nominal; Pacific Coast,. iyu9. 14
57 lc; 1908. nominal.
-Hides Quiet. Central America, 23c; Bogota
22it 23c.
Petroleum Steady.
Wool Steady.
Grain at San Fninriwo. .
SAN FRANCISCO, May 27. Wheat, weak;
barley, ' steady. .
Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $i.40V4
Barley Feed. $ 1.07 U 1.10; brewing.
Oats Red. $1.27 ffil.37 ; white. $1.47
1.57: black, nominal.
Call board pales Wheat, no trading; bar
ley. Dec. $1.07 bid.
Corn Large yellow. $1.70 1. 75.
Gmin Market of the N'orthwest.
TACOMA, May 27 Wheat, bluestem, S6c;
club, 82c.
SEATTLE. May 27. Wheat, milling quota
tions, bluestem, 8Sc; forty-fold, 80c; club.
85c; Fife, S5c; red Russian, 83c. Export
wheat, bluestem. 8.c; forty-fold, 83c; club,
82c: Fife. S2c; red Russian. 80c: Yesterday's
receipts, wheat 3 cars, oats 1 car, barley
2 cars.
European Grain Market.
LONDON, May 27. Cargoes dull and de
pressed In sympathy with America. Walla
Walla for shipment, no quotable value.
English country markets dull; French
country markets quiet.' E-
LIVERPOOL. May 27. Wheat
4d; July. 0s 4d; October.
Weather, cloudy.
Mav. 6s
0s 0d.
Minneapolis Grain Market. - -
MINNEAPOLIS.. May 27. Wheat May,
$1.4)3: July. $1.03: September. !2"e.
Cash. No. 1 hard, $1.0S: No. 1 Northern.
$1.03(Trl.07; No. 2, $1,0341.03; No. 3 '$1'
1.02. -..'. -
Flax closed at $2.1(1. ! - -.
Corn No.. 3 yellow, C4fa'."4c. . .
Oats No. 3 white. 35V4 (g.30c. ' ":
Rye No. 1. OS 71c. '. .
Coffee and Sugar. ' '
NEW YORK. May 27. Coffee closed
steady, net unchanged to one point higher.
Sales for the day were only 3.750 bags.
Closing bids: June and July, 5.20c; August,
0.30c; September. 6.45c: October and No
vember. 6.4oc: December. - 45c; January.
0.48c; Febwiury. 6.30c; March. 0.40o; April',
.,"?. Spot quiet: No. 7 Rio, 8c; No. 4
Santos. l)c. Mild quiet; Cordova !)
Sugar Raw. firm; Muscovado, .89 test
3.77c: centrifugal. 06 test. 4.27c; molasses
sugar. -.-89 test, -3.52c. Refined -steadv : -crush
ed, 5.95c; granulated, a. 25c; powdored, 5.35c. J
Capital - - $1,000,000.00
Surplus and Profits, $725,000.00
J. C. AIXSWORTH, President. K. VV. SCHMEER, Cashier.
. , , R. LEA BARNES, , Vice-President.
A. M. WItlGIIT, Assistant Cannier. , . . .. VV. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier.
National Bank
G. K- 'vVentworth.. ....... .President
John A. Keating Vice-President
Geo. L. McPherson; . .Vice-President
H. IX Story i . .Cashier
F. A. Freeman Assistant Cashier
Graham Dukehart-.Assistant Cashier
$20 A TOX.
Ones Are Weak and Wheat Is Quoted
Iower Dairy Produce Is Firm.
Plenty of " Berries.
SEATTLE. May 27. (Special.) Barley
dropped to $20 a uit today antt wa? -unsaleable
even at that quotation. Oat were al.90
weak. Bluestem wheat was marked down to
S-i cents, -club to 70 cents and red to 77 cents.
It is stated that Northwest prices are not
i'r wun casiern marK?t and that i
considerable decline is likely to be seen before I
the bottom ta reached. I
All dairy produce wa. Arm todav. yet the
demand was not very brisk. Receipts of fresh i
ranch eg?.i were aurprininply ltKht. Receipt- of
broilers were large In some quarters. - J
Two ptraivht carloads of Hood River straw
berries arrived today. The fruit ' wat 1n fair I
condition and sold at practically the ante
prices obtained for local berries. " The wip- I
piy for Saturday will be fair, although dealtr '
expect everything to clean up in good shape.
Shipments to .country points were large to- ,
day. Six carloads of bananas reached the
city. j
New potatoes are fast crowding old stock i
on tne market. There l no longer any likeli
hood of prices on old tock advancing.
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK, May 27. Evaporated apple
were very active and prices were steady, but
nominally unchanged.
Prunes were firm on smajl offerings and
poor reports, quotations ranging from itfJSic
for California up to 30-40s, to 4V!c for Ore
gon. Apricots firm. Choice, 1055 tuVjc ; extra
choice. H) Q 11 '4c: fancy, 11 V.ra 12i c.
- Peaches firm, but trading inactive. Choice,
ttVi'&tic; extra choice, 7ftj7Vic; fancy, TV
Raifins quiet and steady. Low Muscatels.
ZViCnc; choice to fancy needed, '-i'iioc;
seedle., 3 . fa 4 Vi c ; London layers. fl.2A.Vfi 1.25.
Oil Income
For Future Years
Those who appreciate the pront -making;
possibilities of. California Oil and
purchased some ,ood stock two years
aso, are now enjoying; splendid returns
on their money. You can provide an
income for future years by making a
like investment now. For large divi
dend returns and increase in value we
recommend the purchase of Coalinjca
Central at any price under one dollar.
The com pany controls 1 20 acres of best
land in Coaliaga. 2 producing wIls, 2
drilling;, and 7 more planned. Should be
on dividend basis this Fall. Stock listed
on San Francisco and Lop Angeles Ex
changes and selling1 now between .V. and
60c per share. .Buy at Once, before
price advances much. Send In this cou
pon for full particulars.
PartnV State Guaranty A lnnil Co.. 501
First National itank. JUldg., Sun J-'rari-eiweo.
Gentlemen Please send me. free of
cost. Information rejrard in 5 stock re
ferred to above, also free copies of maga
zine, Oil SecurHies," for six months
all this without any obligation whatever
on my part.
Name '
Street and No. ,
Cltv. "...P. O. 5-23
Many property owners
many will learn, that
Pavement has ; more sta
bility, more real value
than any other hard-surface
pavement laid. :
G. K. Wentworlh
Chas. S. RUKsell
P. S. Brumby
Dr. K. A. J. Mackenzie
Oeorge G. Bingham
l.lovd J. Wentwortb.
J. E. Wheeler
tieo. L.. McPhersoa
John A. Keating
Robert Treat Piatt
H. D. Story , "
Downing-Hopkins Co.
Established 1893.
Storks, Private
Grain. Wires
201-2-3-4 Conch Bids.
Only Seven Cruises; Number of Passengers
Limited; Best Reserve Berth Quickly.
t5?""Writ for folder containing large picture
of famous MUIR GLACIER, free. Address
Ani Iiark(FirKt InSfO
6Vi?Iay! from S. !.
Iip splendid twin screw steamor RIERR X.
(10.000 tons dlsplacemunt ) sails Mav :s.
Jun IS. July 9 anil every 21 days. Round
trip tickets good four months. Honolulu,
the moat attractive spot on entire world
tour. BOOK XOW and secure bst berths.
S. S. Mariposa and Union Line, sailings
Jun-3 29. Aug. 6, etc. Tahiti and back d'4
days). $l;r tlrst class. New Zealand (Wel
lington), $246.25 first class. K. T. six
673 Market Street, San Francisco.
Canadian Pacific
Less Than Four Days at Sea
Weekly Sailing Between Montreal
Quebec and Liverpool.
Two days on the beautiful St. Lawrenc
River and the shortest ocean routa to EU
root Nothing better on the Atlantic than oar
impresses. Wireless on all steamers.
Jrint-cIoss iu, secoud f51J25a one clata
cabin $47.50.
Ask any ticket a pent, or write for sail
ings, rates and booklet. F. R. Johnson, ien
era! Agent. 142 Third st.. 1'ortland. Or.
k 10.000 Ton Twin-Screw Pasuenger
Steamers irecC to'
Norway, Sweden and Denmark ,
Oftar II June SIHoIMk Olav Tuly 2
C. K. Tlet&en. June ItOscur II July 21
United States. June l3; United States . . AuUr. 4
All St camera equipped u ltli ire
First caWin. $7i upward ; second, $0u.
A. E. JOHNSON CO.. 14 Washington Ave..
South M :niifa polls. M Inn., or Local Agents.
Columbia River, Port
land and Astoria Route
Steamer ' Ilassalo leaves Portland daily,
except Sunday, at 8 P. M. ; (Saturday at
10:UO P. M.J: returning, leaves Astoria d'aily.
except Sunday, at 7:00 A. M. Tickets inter
chaneable w ith steamer L.urIine," which,
leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, at 7:00
, I. M.
San Francisco & Los Angeles
North Pacific S. S. Co.'s S. S. Roanoke
and S. S. Elder sail every Tuesday
alternately at 8 P. M. Ticket ofiica
13 Third St.. neat1 Alder.
j H. llll.Vd, Act.
1 Phones) 31 1314, A 1314.
Sill I' COMfANV. '
i Only direct steamers Hud daylight .sailings.
' From Ainswortil dock. Portland. 3 A. M :
j ISS. RUSK I'lTV, JUNK 4. 18.
! From lJier 4J, San Francisco, 1 1 A. M :
! . SS. KONK CITY. MAY 28. JINK 11.
SS BEAK, JINK 4. 18.
HAHRT G. SMITH. C. T. A.. H2 Third SU
' Main 402. A 1402.
J. W. RANSOM. Dock Atent,
. AlPS.worth Dock. Main 2U8. A 1234 '
Steamer Breakwater leaves Portland 0 A
M. May 4. . 14 19. 24. 29 and everv fW
aays, from A'jswrth Dock, .'or .North Bend,
Mcrshneld and 'ooi Bay j oints..., FrelKbt
received until 5 1. M. daily. Passenger fare,
first-class. $10; serond-clavs, $7. including
berth and mesls Inquire City Ticket Office :
3d and Wasbinscon u., or A in worth DockJ :
, Main i6dw . . . ... , tf