THE MORNING OREGONIAX. SATURDAY, MAT 28, 1910. 13 i MW TODAY. 12s Take an A car to Bast 30th street and walk eight blocks east. A high-class, restricted residence dis trict. jer 50x100 Lots 10 cash ONLY $600 month EARN $10 By guessing how this limerick ends: No. 7. A man, who a high place had won. Gave advice to his ambitious son: "Buy real estate, boy; It will sure be your joy; And half of your Any one sending us the correct ter mination of the above limerick will re ceive a certificate good, for $10 on the purchase price of any unsold lot In GOING-STREET ADDITION. There are many easy ways of making money. Nearly all wealth is acquired by easy1 methods. Here ia a chance for you to make a start, it may lead to riches. A little cleverness is all that Is necessary. If your answer Is correct, we will send you the certificate by return mail. CARTER-DUGAN COMPANY OWNERS, 8-0 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Four acres on County road, over looking the river. Fine view. The best buy in the beautiful Riverdale district. $2000 per acre, only $1750 eash. Ask for Mr. Kupper. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. 55x70 on Madison Street between 5th and 6th. SEE OWNER 210 Henry Building NOVIEWjTSjEpyAL Full Lots, $200 to $400. 10 Per Cent Cash, $5.00 Per Month. 5c Carfare. I. G. GILLETTE & CO., 614 Board of Trade BIJg. 1SOO ACRES All tillable, 900 acres clear, balance scattering timber easily cleared, fenced and cross-fenced, house and barn and 12-acre orchard, on railroad. PRICE S30 PER ACRE. This is first-class fruit land, adjoining commercial or chards held at $1000 an acre. Nicely located to divide into small fruit farms. This is a rare bargain, $15,000 cash will handle it. , BACKUS, 510 Board of Trade Bids. $1400 CASH Balance Easy Terms, Buys 2N(0 Modern Bungalow. Must sell at once new six-room bun galow in Belle Crest, one block from iiose City carline. All Improvements In OWNER, 3a AVashlngton Bldg. Phone Main 3RHB. Building for Sale Good 2-story building, 47x70 feet with 3 stores below and 25 rooms above to be moved after June 4 from 209-211 Fourth St., bet. Taylor and baimon. H. J. MORRISOX, 581 Hoyt St. Phone Main 1127. Corner lot, two-story house, 25th and Broadway. LAMBERT-V HI TMER COMPA.VY, o. 70 Fourth St. TO LEASE lOOxlOO Aenr Seventh and Stark St. A. BACKCS, 3H Board of Trade Bid. ch ea p r esi denT;-b7"westsidb $10,000 Good terms or part trade; 8 room modern. 8 lots. Mirn or garage; many trews; could be made one of the mwt beautiful parklike places in cltv; Portland Heights, two blocks from carline. See owner, Geo. E- Waggoner, 923 Board of Trade. MORTGAGE LOANS M. E. THOMPSON CO. Henry Bull dins, 4th and Oak Sis. RIVERA $22,500 IT $3150 SEW TODAY. Grand Free River Excursion to Peach Cove On the Willamette River, Eighteen Miles From Portland. Sunday, May 29, 1910 A few of the advantages of Feach Cove : First, Two Miles of River Frontage Second Absolutely protected from frost. Third-Finest of sandy loam silt soil. Fourth Both river and rail trans portation. Fifth Close proximity to Portland. Sixth Very low freight rates. Seventh Sand beach for bathing, boating and fishing. Eighth Profit, health and pleasure combined. Ninth Peaches and grapes bear youngest and are easier to raise, less expensive and more profitable than any other fruits. LOCATION IS .EVERYTHING Arrange to come. Good music. Steamer Undine leaves Taylor-St. dock at 8 A. M. Call at the office for free transportation. Office open tonight until 9 o'clock. M. E. LEE 411 Corbett Building. Goodhue Park Facing the Base Line road, end of Montavilla carline. iVll lots level and above grade, and commanding an ex cellent view. Streets graded, Bull Run water in and paid for. Lots 50x105 and 50x110. PRICES UNTIL JUNE 10 $425 to $575 After which date they will be advanced. Terms, 10 per cent down, 2 per cent per month. Autos at your service. Office open Sundays. MAGINNIS Land and Investment C. 31G-317 Lewis Building. A 4439. Marshall 474. Best Apartment Site HALF BLOCK EAST SIDE TWO CARLINE S CLOSE IN Two dwellings on property, paying $115 per month, be sides plenty of room for good apartment-h o u s e. $30,000. Terms, $10,000 cash, $5000 one year, $15,000 five years, 6 per cent. W. B. STREETER 212 Lewis Building I want some good income bearing property for clients. Must be bargains. No dwell ings. W. B. STREETER 212 Lewis Building We have beautiful liomesites for sale on this island. All have river frontage; nice trees, etc. S2500 UP Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. SOUTH BEND Pacific County, Wash., THE BALTIMORE OF THE PACIFIC, Invites you. to join the growing- boom which is getting hot and will rival the great boom of 1890-92. You can make no mistake- to invest money in South Bend now. , Come in and get posted. WILtAPA HARBOR CORPORA TIOX Temporara- Office JVo. S Lumber menu Bank .Bids-, Fifth and Stark Sts. 106 ACR Tmnrnvpd farm C mti.,, -kt txt . t land, $10,000 $2500 cash, balance long tunc. a ma years crop included. A. BACKUS, 518 Board of Trade Bldg NEW TODAY GEORGS BLACK, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches) 823 Worcester Bide. Phones Main 8371: A 4013- LWESTORS Call oit owners' Realty Ass'n for timber, acreage, business. residence and aDartment properties. 205 Ablngton. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. F. ABRAHAM Rooms 217-218-219 Lumber Exchange bldg-.. 2d and Stark at. Tele phones, Main 2278. A 2278. Andrews, i'.V. & C-M.3349. SO Hamilton bids. Beck, Wtll'ara G., 818 Falling- bldg-. Bin-ell. A. H. & Co., 202-1 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loans, etc. Brubaker Benedict. 602 McKay bldg. At. 6iS CARD REALTY & INVESTMENT CO.. 110 SECOND ST. MARSHALL 1567. A 1387. Chapin & Herlow, 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook, B. S. at Co., 603 Cogbett bldg. Jennings & Co., Main 188. :106 Oregonian. JONES Ji SHERMAN. 802-3 Lewis bldg. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P 21S Commer cial Club bldg. Echalk. Geo.D., 228 Stark St. Main 882. A 2883 EK1NDLER & HALL. 205 Ablngton bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand an. and Multnomah at. (Holladay Addition). M. EL Thompson Co.. cor 4th and Oak eta, Walker. S. T.. 604 Corbett bldg. 4. - REAL ESTATE. .for gale Lota. I OIV'.V a beautiful building site 100x150 on Portland Heights, with fine view or Mount Hood. It rune through from one street to another, with. 160 feet of frontage; within two blocks are 18 houses each costing over $3000; It Is two blocks to the carline. Because I need the money I will sell this property for $1000 less than the owner of a smaller piece directly ?r?"s the road has recently been offered; $luOo cash will handle It. V. VINCENT JONES, ' 302-303 Lewis bldg. i RIVER VIEW LOTS. 25?. up' 10 Per cent down, 2 per cent monthly; water, sewer, streets all In and paid for; take United Railway car at 4th and Stark sts. to Glen Harbor; 5c fare; agent on the ground. GLEN HARBOR REALTY COMPANY, 431-432 Mohawk Bhlg. 3d .and Morrison Sia ROSE CITY PARK. Lot . block 114. $.700. V, cash. Lot 7, biock 134, $050. all cash. Lot IS. biock 137. $750. terms. Lot 11, block 121). $1750; terms. Lot 12, block 12a. $2250; terms. i-or these and other bargains see Mrs. Kussell, resident agent at Rose City Park branch office. In brick store building, of Hartman & Thompson, Chamber of Com merce. $100 BUYS real estate investment . that will increase in value and produce large in come, $100 is total price, only one for sale; owner needs monev reason for sell- ,-' -fa" and let me te!1 'ou about it; fi down, $10 monthly; no interest; no taxes; a snap for somebodv. Jas. C. Lo gan, .i-jayj ,Wash. St.. room 404. 1RV1NGTON LOT, 60x10V. A fine lot in lrvington, 60x100, east front, on carline. In a swell part of lrvington, on ban 2d, between Knott and Stanton; price $2000, part cash, balance 6 per cent. GRUSSI & ZADOW 31 Board of Trade Bldg.J4th and Oak. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS, lots40xl00 " Portland city Homesteatl. lots 50xlO0. ojuuurne-Avenuo Add., lots 50x100. Make Cash Offer. . MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY, S. W. cor. 0th and Washington sts. P2?.TJ'AD HTS- lot- -rSxll0.for only xibOO; has fine view of Mount Hood; faces east and is located in Greenway Addition. Owner will accept half cash and the bal ance can stand -t o per cent. This is a snap, see us quick. CHAPIN &" H ETRLOW. $350,000.00 BUYS THIS WHOLE BLOCK. Here is your chance to get one of the large building sites right in the center of the West Side business center- best hotel site of them all. This Is a bargain. Terms can be arranged. W 2, Oregonian. ONLY $245 apiece for 0 University Park lots company's price $400; chance to make money. GRAY & BUELL, 719 Board of Trade. Phone Marshall 1721. THREE additions for sale; the most de sirable that can be had Inside the city limits, as a whole, on easy terms to the right parties. See the owner at Dean Land Co. office, - 022 Chamber of Com merce hldg., :;d and Stark sts. - FORCED to sell; I am going East and must have some money; that is why I will sell my beautiful lot for only $400; $125 cash balance terms. It Is better situated than surrounding lot, that are selling from $550 to $T5-. J tS7, Oregonian. A LAMBDA PARK LOTS. Are high and sightly, overlooking Irving ton; near Broadway carline; best city Im provements; priced 25 per cent below tha market. Inquire Alameda Land Comoau. 622 Corbett bldg. . TRACKAGE ON THE O. R. & N $70O0.O0. 600 feet on the O. R. & N. east of 33d St.; splendid location for dealers In fuel feed and building materials: no o'her In the neighborhood. w 5. Oregonian 10 LOTS and bungalow, modern. 1 block to car. sightly property, fine view; safe profitable Investment or for home; price only $5700; terms. Jas. C. Logan. 3"6, Washington St.. room 404. PORTLAND HEIGHTS I have a lot 50x90 on Portland Heights car line. Raven's View Drive. Price 1500, 20 . per cent down and 2 per cent per month S 994, Oregonian. BY OWNER Lot in Brorklvn rlverfront elegant view; cement sidewalk: improved street. Inquire 106 4th. Tel. A 1O40. Main 211. - FOR SALE Corner lot. 120x120 in buslne-s center; on carline; property advancing in that locality; price reasonable, p o hoi 403, Walla Walla, Wash. APARTMENT SITE Corner, 75x100. 38th St.. one" block south of Hawthorne ave $1000. A. Backus, 519 Board of Trade bldg. ALBERTA ALBERTA ALBERT 5fxl00 business lot. Vernon and Albe-ta S1300. Gray & Buell. 719 B. of T. Marsh! WHY buy a lot when you can get a half acre inside tha city with all the advan tages for the same price? 420 Lumbir mans Bldg., cor. 6th and Stark. FOR SALE 5 lots at Centervllle, NorTh Beach, with 4-room house or will rent for the season; rent $50. Phona Main 2840. H. Trenkman. .main PENINSULA Four lots. 100-ft. boulevard -$350 each; block Columbia Park- must gffll at once. B 7, Oregonian. ' I OWN a 60x70-foot lot. close in on Km, Salmon, that 1 will sell at a bareain OregonlanJ 8 F - WEST SIDE view lot. 2U, blocks to car A minutes' ride to center of town. Price ginn terms. 3 99Q. Oregonian. 1500, $1250 BUYS a lot on West Side: view of nve minutes' ride from Poetoffice- term. , fA suit. A 987. Oregonian. rms to HILLSIDE view loT walking distant strlcted dUtrlct; $1800, terms. A rZT gonlan. Je" TWO lots in Laurelhust for sale- will be sold cheap. For particulars call on AW Shlves. 517BoardofTrade bldg. $1750 BUYS a beautiful" 2-acre hormTsite so'couch'bldlf Ut; e8Sy terms- Pal"er; IF you have some money, will bulla om vour MaInB323a.a - lDC- 303 Abint bio $1750 PORTLAND HEIGHTS 1 1 7 an 2 lots. 4 block.s from car; terms Fred W. German, 329 Burnslde. Main 2776. FOR SALE Choice Cannon Beach lot. "elTv terms; owner. 171 Third street. J 700 2 LOTS, with small house Portlanrt Heights: 3 blocks to car. M. 5'-i an" FOR SALE By owner, lot 50x100. east front" Mt. Tabor Heiehta. Phone B 1206 Dt' 8 HTfth st001 frm Wood'iawn ation. 1498 ROSE CITY PARK lot. OOxlOO.Tsolos cash; sacrifice. Owner,AN20ninn FOR SALE View lot In Alameda Park 'below market if taken at once. Phone C 1067 $7000 LOT 30x100; house; 3d and Sheridan Fts. In.iulre 24U .Sheridan at. anerlaan EXPERIENCED linotype operator at once" good position. Oregon City EntcrnriVe For gale Houses. 7-ROOM house. 432 East 34th Bt.. cor SaT mon: must sell; this Is a snap for -,oo-?r't lmIrc,ven,entB Phone Wood'iawn FOR SALE By owner, the handsome 8 room house, on corner Alberta. Phnna Woodlawn 520. M THREE houses and .lots for sale- together or separately. Owner. 673 Halsey. East 333. IRVING TON, 8-room bungalow, reasonable of fer will be accepted. Owner, phone C 2482. REAL ESTATE. For Sali -Houses. HOUSES BUNGALOWS -HOUSES. $150 down, balance $10 month; small house and barn; cor. lot on carline ;$ 1600; snap. $150 down, baL $15 mo., new house, 4 rooms and bath; disappearing, beds, ee- ment basement, Dutch kitchen, on carline. Hum- on this one; $1750. $500 balance $25 mo.,. 6 rooms, bath, beamed ceiling, fixtures, Dutch kitchen, pantry, full basement, lot 40x108. block , carline; beautiful home; $3H5. $200 down, balance easy, 200x100, In fine part of town; fino soil, on carline; an in vestment; $2)00. $jO down. $10 per month; fine view lots, overlooking Portland and Reed Institute, on 2 carllnes, 10 min. ride; $S00. $2oO down, $10 mo., greenhouse location, southern exposure, finest soil in the world: lot 100x280. over 1 acre, $2500; we build to suit you. Come In and talk with us. For any of the above see Jno. P. Shar key Co. or take W-R car to 35th and Clin tot,. Branch office. LEAVING TOWN. 1RVINGTON. 7-ROOM HOUSE. $1000 below market and REAL value. I am going to leave town and will sacrifice my home for cash. Hardwood floors, paneled dining-room, beamed ceilings, best furnace and fixtures obtainable. Fruit trees and rose bushes. An ideal home in Portland's best district. Price $7O00; $,'150O cash. MAGINNIS LAND & IN VESTMENT COMPANY. BUILDING IS OUR BUSINESS. We have from 10 to 18 Jobs going at one time. We can afford leas profit oa a single contract than the amall contractor. You also get Just what you order aad take no rick. Plans and estimates free. If you own lot we will furnish the mosey. PORTLAJCO REALTY & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. 802-903 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. E. TAYLOR-ST. HOUSE. $1000. Fine 7-room house, gas and electric, full cement basement. laundry trays, built-in china closet, extra large rooms, nice lawn and fruit trees, lots of roses, on a full lot Sox 100. in a fine neighborhood, on E. Taylor, near 23d, at a bargain; price $4H00. $1000 cash, balance $25 per month; if you want something nice, see this one GKUSSI & ZADOW 31 1 Boerd of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. NLVV MODERN WEST SIDE RESIDENCE Must sell at once; walking distance, nigh up. near Portland Academy. & bed rooms, all rooms large. 3 spacious view porches, grand unobstructed views; hard wood floors. 2 toilets. 2 lavatories, shower bath: everything modern, up to date, big . furnace and fireplace; owner desires to take family to Europe; will sell at $7250. Best buy on West Side. Phone East or B 1894 for particulars. FOR SALE by owner, no commission to Hay. 5-room house, bath, pantry; 2 line lots oOxlOO each, east front. IV, blocks to car. 15-ft. alley, fruit trees, berries, roses, house newly furnished; must sell at once; am going East; will sell at sacrifice; price with furniture, $1900; $1000 down, or - will sell without furniture. J. H. Dor man, Flrland Station, Mount Scott car. Phone Tabor 2302. GOING TO BUTLD T WE ARE BUIL0ING MORES HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THH CITY. THERE ARE GOOD REASONS. OUR CUSTOMERS SAVE MONEY AND GET BETTER WORK. ON TERMS TO 6UIT. IF YOU OWN YOUR LOT. WB WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FRKH OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO., 309 HENRY BLDG. COMFORT A BLB HOME. Good 5-room house, nearly new; electric, piped for gaa, full cement basement, full plumbing, on a corner lot 50xloo. in a nice neighbornood, on E. 27th si.; price only $21-50; 650 cash and $25 per month; will take lot in as part payment. GKUSSI & ZADOW 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. $25,000 ELEGANT HOME, With over half block of beautiful ground 2-story brick garage; billiard room, etc. H. P. PALMER-JOXES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. 7-ROOM modern house on corner, 2 blocks - from car; large closets, dining-room pan eled, cement basement, barn; must well; price $2650, easy terms: building alone coat $31o. AETNA REALTY & INVESTMENT CO., ouue e, 30a Washington St A SNAP As an investment or a beautiful strictly modern home of 7 rooms, beautiful lawn and shrubbery, over 100 choicest rose bushes, lot 75x100, restricted district, close in; this is the best buy in the city for poiw, iciiub. oj hm. ieny. pnone Sell wood 37. tt-ROOM modern house, whlta ni.i.x bathroom, large porches, full concrete u,Meiiieiii, ima roses, iruits, built by day labor for good home; must sell; one block from car; cheap; payment down, terms; fine corner. Anabel station. Mount Scott car. Phone Tabor 939. $1500 HALF cash, balance easy terms, buys a good 3-room hnnsn 9. i , . Improved. 27 fruit trees bearing, all kinds wi email iruii, outDuuaings ana good water. Phone Tabor 911 or call Sunday after 10 A. M. at 3.8 Metzger St.. Kern Park, Mount Scott car. o-ROOM cottage, 1 block off Union ave., 10 minutes' ride from city: best car service; a model home; 8 large fruit trees, cherries and apples, nice yard, shrubbery, cement iuewaiK ana retaining wail; X35OO; terms. Phone Woodlawn G53. 1 HAVE 4, 5 and 6-room houses, close in. on Waverly-Woodstock carline. all new and mouern; iouu to uou; your own terms also closest-in $450 lots In city. E. A, M'GRATH. 331 Chamber of Commerce. BUNGALOW, $15. !S rooms, full lot, with paneled walls and ceilings. Dunlin seat, uutcn Kitchen, full plumbing, basement, etc; $100 down, bal ance 15 per month. National n,nitv Trust Co., 326Vi Wash. St.. room 516. SEE my attractive modern bungalow. 30th and K isurnsiae. near LAUKELHURST; Ankenv carline: full lot. icarden. roipii. chicken park. $600 down and monthly IRVING TON New home. 7 rooms, very complete; 10th St.. near Thompson. Also one of the finest quarters In Piedmont; must be sold; owner will give terms. t'none c iu.,u. A NEW modern 5-room bungalow, com pletely furnished, fine lawn, cement walk, all improvements in; lot 50x100; price $2650; part cash. See owner. No. 10 East 70th st. S. TWO of the finest 9-room houses in Irving ton; everything new and up to date, ce ment basement, furnace, fireplace, etc., etc.. all improvements In and paid for Alex Shives, 517 Board of Trade bldg. NEW modern 11-room house. lot 100x100: hard-surface streets, lrvington; also othet houses and vacant lots. R. B. ee F. F Rice, office 16th and Brue sts. Bast Baa, res. East 2432. 6 ROOMS $3600 TERMS. If you want a good up-to-data new home, don't pay for big advertisements and agent's commissions. See 210 Fa.ll lug st. Phona C 1144. FOR SALE Modern residence. larg rooms, steam heat, gas grates, everything up to date; garage; lot 100x100. ISO Alnsworth ave., cor. Garfield. Phone C 2791. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co., M 1618, A 1984; aU covered wagons and experienced men, FOR SALE 86 2-3x100 on Holladay ave. near East 1st, seven-room house. Apply 309 Holladay ave., after 7 P. M. SMALL payment on $2500. 7 rooms, modern $3000, 8 rooms. new. modern. fruit. 2 blocks cars. 450 Magnolia. Woodlawn FOR SALE $1750. 7-room house, corner lot one block carline; $20O down, balance to suit buyer. See owner at 1026 E 23det. N. $8500 65x107, close In; five cottages on property: income $75 month; terms. Owner. Fuhr. 3Si Vz East Burnsjde FINE s-room modem cottage, new all conveniences, electric lights. Bull Run water, lot 50x112. Telephone Tabor 2154. BUNGALOWS. BUNGALOWS? Everywhere; any price and terms; the goods. 403 Couch bldg. Phone A 2841 FOR SALE by owner, the handsomest 8 room home In lrvington. 406 E. aott, mi N Call and see lt. $50 CASH. $25 monthly, lovely bungalow $2700. 61st. near Hawthorne. Dr. Dar ling. TWO handsome bungalows. East 29th and Brooklyn; elegant view over entire city easy terms. Phone Sellwood 881. ' FOR SALE $1000, neat, new 5-room house and lot 40x100. See place and owner at 11 4i East Harrison. A HOUSE of 7 rooms, beautifully located on Mount Tabor; cement walks. Tele- phone Tabor 17 7. $1000 CA9H 3 acres, garden land all cul tivated; good house; 5c limit; must have money. W 3. Oregonian. $250 DOWN. $20 per month, new 5-room cottage. 1 block from car. Piedmont Park. Phone Woodlawn 2173. FOR SALE by owner, 8-room house and lot 1091 Corbett V REAL ESTATB. For Sale Houses. BEAUTIFUL HOME. Hawthorne Ave. District. ' Something out - of the ordinary, inlaid oak and maple floors, hot water heating Plant, fireplace, extra fine electric fixtures, large plate-glass windows; 6 rooms and bathroom finished in white enamel; large lavatory, hot water tank; servajjt'a room in basement, aleo fruitroom and washroom. The appointments. construction and finish throughout the very best. House was built for owner, who now occupies it. Large lot. o feet frontage, 2 blocks south Hawthorne ave., 2 miles from business center. In choice residence district. Cemwti walks, nice lawn, rose garden, fruit trees. Owner has re duced price to figure that will effect a speedy sale. $5000; terms. If you are look ing for something really good don't miss this opportunity. See the house for your self. 8110 Stephens st. BRl'DAKEK & BENEDICT. -BQ2 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. WE will soon begin building operations on some of our ROSE CITY PARK LOTS. We can as easily build to suit you first as last. Drop In and see us about it. WALKER & RUDOLPH, Real estate, installment mortgages and Building. 326 Board of Trade Bldg. SEASIDE COTTAGH. Nice 4-room cottage, nicely furnished; large attic. 24x28, full lot, 50x100, at Grimes Grove; splendid view of ocean; some nice trees on rear of lot: the best location at Seaside. Or.; price $1650; this is a good bar gain. Get key from us. Photo of cottage at our office. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. ACREAGE HOME. 1 acres, all kinds of fruit, 6-room noma and pantry and large verandaa. bath, new barn, large chicken corral; choice flowers and ahruba; 4 blocks from car. Term. LOUIS BRANDT, Oak Grove. Oregon City Lis. NEW home. Division street, seven rooms, bath, toilet, electric lights, cement base ment and walks; $2250. eajsy terms. Tabor l'K)9. $3500 TWELFTH and Tillamook, new 8 roora bungalow; term. Call afternoon. East 1064. Business Property. FOR" SALE 2-story brick block, 50x100. center business district, Vancouver, Wash., leased for S years at $250 per month; on .. - v. . . .. . i.& v iij win u sum sl special bargain. Call or address F. M. FOR SALE 2-story building, 3 stores on ground floor, dance hall, lot 50x100. build ing 50x100; pays IO per cent Interest. Phone 978. A 5, Oregonian. Acreage. RIVER VIEW ACREAGE. Take United Railway car at 4th and Stark sts. to Glen Harbor; 5c fare; agent on the ground; $250 up, 10 per cent down, 2 per cent monthly. GLEN HARBOR REALTY COMPANY, - 4.11-432 Mohawk Bldg. 3d and Morrison Sts. CHOICE ACREAGE AT COURTNEY. Most beautiful suburb, Courtney station, on Oregon City electric carline. 4 tracts of 1 acre each, price $1100. 1 tract of 2 acres, price $;000. 1 tract of 1 acre, price $1000. All overlooking Portland, with abundant "water for Irrigation. GRUSSI & ZADOW 317 Board -of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. ANY number of 5, 10 and 20-acre- tracts choice improved fruit and garden land; water and rail transportation; 30 to 60 minutes' ride from Portland; price is right; easy terms; will exchange for Port land property. For desirable homes see Dean Land Co., 022 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 3d and Stark sts.. Portland, Or. 10 ACRES, set to high-grade apples. Spltx enberg, Newtown and Yllow Cheek Pip pins and Stamen Winesaps; adjoining the town of Newberg, 1 hour's ride frem Port land. There Ls nothing better in the state tor the price and for a home. See the owner. 622 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 3d and Stark sts. 200 ACRES. 3 in cultivation, fenced, or chard, two new barns, new house, moun tain water piped, near electric survey, 25 miles from Portland, some fine timber, good range, fine dairy, cheapest buy on the market. $28 per acre, a cash. D 5, Oregonian. SUBURBAN HOME. 2 acres at Park Place, near the Oregon Cityllne; all in high state of cultivation; lots of trult, tt-room house. Darn, norse. buggy, wagon, rarm tools, all for $1,50, terms. Owner, room 202 Gerllnger bldg. 12t4 ACRES level land. 11 miles from Port land. 5 from Oregon City; 7 acres in crop, young orchard, 7-room house, barn, other buildings; horse, cow. wagons, tools, etc. Price $3200, esy terms. Address R. D. 5, Oregon City. Box 103. FOR SALE 8 acres of land. 5 acres In cul tivation, one In small fruits, 7 miles from Courthouse, on Taylor Ferry road, one mile from Multnomah station, on Oregon Electric v . A. jaaaison. owner, on prem- lses. PLATTING site -of 15 acres, all cleared, on K.etiey ave. east or Mann .eatation. w . w car. Price, if sold this month, $2300 acre; casn tio.uuu, Daiance terms. W. O. EVANS. Owner. 1010 Kelley Ave.. Woodstock. 10 ACRES. 33d St., abutting lrvington Park; clear and in berries. Good tract for plat ting into city lots, j? lve minutes trom Al berta car. $1700 per acre, one-third cash. M. J. McOraw. 1045 Williams ave. FIVE acres, all In cultivation, 20 minutes from Courthouse; fine new house and barn; 80 fruit trees, 3400 berries, garden, horse, implements; 24 chickens; $3250, $1000 down. Bishop. 320 Mohawk bldg. LET me sell you a half acre or mora la- aide the city; uuu nun water, paved street, building restrictions. etc. 420 Lumbar mans Bldg.. cor. 5th and Stark. 6 ACRES at Jennings Lodge on the Oregon City carline; 5 acres cleared, only 550 feet from carline and an exceptionally cheap buy- AC 992. Oregonian. MONEY MAKER. A full acre in University Park. $2300. Gray & Buell, 719 B. of Trade. Maris hall 1721. Homesteads. 2 HOMESTEADS under Irrigation ditch, 160 acres each; special lot rates for Crook. Lake and Harney Counties? 5 homesteads oa the coast; 2 timber claims. ADVANTAGES OB" OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each of the 84 counties ls best adapted for; gives amouac of government land open to homestead la each county; map Attached, 21x28. ahowlng sew R. R. and towns. Including Eastera and Central Oregon; counties in different colors; draws to March 1. 1910; latest map la U. 6.; price 25o. Nlmmo Runey, 13 H&aul ton bldg. t 320-ACRE homestead free; desert claims; $1.25 per acre; 500-mile tour through Central Oregon by automobile. with all expenses paid for 6 days, only $55; next excursion leaves Thursday morning, 7:40 A. M. June 2. Central Oregon Development Co., 20S Ablngton bld HOMESTEADS. Can locate you on good farm and dairy - ranches not far from railroad and good town in Western Oregon: two timber homesteads, one 7.000,000 feet, the other 3,500,000 yellow fir. HYLAND. JONES & CO. 409 Gerllnger bldg. FOR reliable information about tha Deschutes Valley homesteads, desert claims and deeded irrigated land call on Deschutes Valley Land A Investment Co.. 201-302 Bnchaaaa . bldg., on Washington, near Ota. Yv laave weekly with homeseekera. CENTRAL Oregon homesteads and desert claims on the new railroads now building. Weekly excursions .by auto. Get our free maps and literature today. DESHON & HAWK. Surveyors. ml 1.UIJ1UCUUCII a PltHK J1 u g. EASTERN OREGON HEADQUARTERS: Wo are on the ground and locate nearly every landseeker in the district. Oregon Homestead Co., 217 Ablngton bldg., 106 Vs 3d st. s 4.O00.00O relinquishment in Slletz, $600 8.500.00O relinquishment, 30 miles from Portland, on railroad. $400. Phone Main 8314. For Sale Fruit Lands. HOME-SEEKERS, ATTENTION. We 'offer for sale a fine home of 20 acres, one-half improved, balance easily improved; 2 miles from Kelso, Wash.; good road: house, barn. 2 henhouses, other outbuildings, bearing orchard of 80 trees. 400 trees 4 years old: 2 fresh milch cows, span young mares, sow and six pigs. 200 fowls: good well at house, also live creek; crop looks fine. Seo Huntington & Jack son. Kelso. Wash. TEN ACRES of excellent fruit land, unim proved; no rock; well watered; 20 miles out and mile from thriving railroad town; $750, 200 down. You'll buy it If you see it. Office open Sunday. Palmer 507 Couch bldg. ' 200 ACRES Polk County fruit land near Broadmeads, $60 to $100; also loo acres on North Beach, near Breakers Hotel, a bargain. 160 acres near Columbia River at $25 an acre. Owner, 600 Chamber of Commerce FOR SALE CHEAP. 160 acres good apple land by owner near Lvle. Wash. Address John Shults Lvi Wash. ' 30 ACRES, convenient to Portland- rich gcrden and fruit land: $350 per acre In cluding crop. M. B. Ross. Route 1. "mc Minnville, Or. .REAL ESTATE. For Sale trult Lands. BEAUTIFUL 10-ACRB FRUIT TRACTS. Known as "Long-view" and Just platted. Convenient to Portland, located In tha beautiful rolling hills of Wllllamette Val ley. Just on the edge of town of Yamhill. Splendid soil, fine drainage, beautiful view, bearing orchards all around, land all in cultivation ready for tree planting. Prices from $I0O to $175 per acre, sold on terms of only $150 cash, balance easy monthly payments. THERE ARE NO BETTER FRUIT TRACTS TO BE HAD IN OREGON FOR DOUBLE THE MONEY. I want to satisfy prospective buyers of this fact and will show you the property any day AT NO COST WHATEVER FOR. THE TRIP and no one need feel under any obligation to buy property. Don't buy a fruit tract until you have seen these match lepw 10-acre tracts. Send name and -address for descriptive literature. J. O. ELROD, OWNER. 519-520 Corbett bldg., opp. Poetoffice. Portland, Or. 10 AND 20-ACRE FRUIT TRACTS. ' Convenient to Portland and R. R.. only - 3 mile from electric R. R. survey, all un der cultivation, with running water . on each tract; also faces the county road; no better soil for fruit and gardening In the Willamette Valley, and only $150 per acre. 4 cash, balance very easy jerma. If you -are thinking of purchasing acreage for a home or an investment, this can't be beat; it will double In money, others are doing it. why not you? Call at our office and make arrangements to go and see these beautiful tracts. We can save you some money as well as make it. Owners, BLANCHARD & CLEMSON. Phone A 156-S or Marshall 829. 315-18 Swetland bldg. Evening or Sunday, C 12X7. $10,000. FIRST PAYMENT. Balance four annual payments will buy 173 acres orchard land, 22 acres In 3-year-old trees and balance all under cultiva tion; one of the choicest farms In the WILLAMETTE VALLEY. A snap; chance to double tha money by sub-dividing; all conditions ideal; must aell at once. Only 5 miles from EUGENE, OREGON, The beat 12,000 town In tha Northwest. Write direct to owner, E. P. LYON. Cherry Block, Eugene, Or. BEAUTIFUL HOOD RIVER HOME. Artistic, strictly modern, new 6-room bun galow, built with logs below and shingles above, large stone fireplace, spring water piped through house up and downstairs, modern plumbing; located on an eminence commanding a magnificent view of the mountains and the beautiful Hood River. A pretty drdve winds up through a natural park in front of the house. Good barn, horse, Jersey cow, chickens, wagon, buggy and implements go with the place; 15 acres of best volcanic ash soil, 6 acres of which are planted to Newtowns and Spitsenburgs, balance light clearing A-l apple land; a good trout stream near the house; close to R. R. station; this Is an ideal Summer home and ls a snap; $2000 handles It. A 986, Oregonian. "YAMHILL COUNTY FRUIT LANDS AND RANCHES. 2O0 acres, well improved; 50 acres cleared, balance pasture and timber; on county road, 4 miles from live railroad town in the famous Yamhill County fruit belt; only $25 per acre; cash, balance at 6 per cent. 1(K acres; 25 acres under the plow, bal ance slashing; house, barn, orchard on place; $15 per acre: terms; 6 miles from railroad. 160 acres; 32 acres in crop; good house, fair barn; balance of land slashing and fir timber; price. $25 per acre; terms. HYLAND, JONES & CO., 4O0- Gerllnger Bldg. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY FRUIT LAND. 175 acres A-l pear land, suitable for 'development or subdivision: positively money-maker; investors investigate. H. H. Basler. room 4, Masonic Temple, Grants Pass. Oregon. 10-ACRE orchard tracts, unimproved, on railroad, 25 miles from Portland; beat soil, no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; arrange with us to go and make selection; round trip same day. 310-311 Corbett bldg. For Sale Farms. 174 ACRES in Yamhill County: deep soil; 50 acres cultivated; buildings, well, springs, 3 creeKs; near town ana scnool; xoo an acre. i9U acres in Morrow county; buildings, fenced and cross-fenced; some implements; $17,000. on terms. 920 acres in Sherman County; 8S0 acres plow land; house, barn, windmill; all fenced; an acre. We have others. One Acre or Thousands. It Will Pay You to 9ee Our List." HARTMAN THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ' 1 80 ACRES. Of the best land in Oregon. Very level and exceptionally fine ' soil. Only six miles from Columbia River and 3 miles from railroad town and high school. The owner is up against It and for a few days this place can be bought for one third the price that adjoining land, which is of the same character, ls selling for in smalt tracts. Now. If you want a REAL farm, it certainly will pay you to call at our office and let us talk to' you about this place. When you are the owner of it you will be glad that you read this ad. TEEPE & SMITH. 411 Henry Bldg.. Corner 4th and Oak Sts. 8 ACRES. CAZADBRO. 80-acro farm. 3 miles from Cazadero. 30 miles from Portland; fare $1.25 round trip; good two-story house. bam 45x75: other good outbuildings, poultry-house and yard fenced: 1JV acres bearing orchard, never- failing well, several good springs: 35 acres under cultivation, 50 acres fenced; good outside range for cattle; a farm which Is well located and a bargain at $i200. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. A CHOICE stock and dairy farm consisting of 440 acres, well watered, fenced and equipped with superb buildings, ls offered for sale the first time; price $43 per acre 200 acres in cultivation, 140 In pasture! 100 In timber showing a million or more feet of lumber; Is situated in Linn Co.. near Lebanon: Investigate it and buy of owner. For particulars call for D. G. Crow at the St. Charles Hotel, from 9 to 12 A M. J. A. CUNNINGHAM. A few and all choice farms for sale. 1 In Yamhill County. ' P. O. Box 74, Carlton, Or. A DANDY LITTLE FARM. Just what you are looking for; 28 H acres, all In cultivation; good house and barn; orchard; close to town and R R Price $2250. Also other tracts, from $25 an acre up. If you are in the market for a farm write me for prices. 1 can save you money. Address J. D. Winn, Buena Vista. Or. S0-ACRB tracts, unimproved, . 28 miles Dv rail from Portland; aultabie lor truu-ral. lag and ehlcken ranches; well watered, plenty of timber tor all purposea. best ot soil, no rock or gravsl; $15 to $25 aa acra aasy terms. Thaaa are tha cheapest tracts on tha market and will bear laspeouoa. Call and arrange to go and sea tacm, tie and all Corbett bldg. DOUGLAS COUNTY. OR FOR SALE 1700 acres choice land on good county road, 3 miles from railroad and good town; this land ia vary aultabie for platltng and is at present In good condition; price $25 per acre. For particulars and terms apply to William MacMaster, S02 Worcester block. Portland. Or. 10-ACRE orchard tracts, unimproved on railroad. 25 miles from Portland; best soil ; no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; ar range with us to go and make selection; round trip same day. 310-311 Corbett t-lrtg GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 160-acre farm, 35 acres m cultivation good house and barn, about 8000 cords of wood on place, 3 miles from Kalama $40 per acre. Imus Sc Klndorf, Kalama. Wash. BEST 320-acre farm In W'lllamette ValTev K. R. station In center of tract, all In cul tivation; will sell cheap or trade for Port land property. J. H. Johnson, owner 41 Board of Trade bldg. ' J LINCOLN County farm. 300 acres, at$6500 Including stock; $2500 cash, balance on time" 6 per cent. Address O. G. Dalaba, Elk City" Or. 289 M ACRES. 3 miles from town and rail road; ISO acres grain: fine, rich soil $47.50 per acre, crop and all. Inquire g' A. Peterson. Monmouth, Or. FOR SALE or exchange, 160 acres with house, barn; 40 acres plowed, all fenced In Alberta. Canada. AK 992. OregonlanI SEND for our list ot Willamett Vallav farms before buying; land shown r.- Clmstead Land Co, Salem, Or, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. 4 CHICKEN RANCH. 12 acres. 7 acres cleared, good five room nouse and barn, creek runs through place year round: most desirable spot on the market for chickens, ducks and tur keys; adjoins city limits on 4c car fare; mllu from Portland. In one year will 2? ..cut UD into clty lots. Price. $3250, 51250 cash, balance 3 yrs. 20 ACRES. IS acres In high state of cultivation; hcuse. barn and other buildings; 2ij acres in early potatoes. 3 acres In oaLS and vetch. 2 acres in oats. 2 acres in or- chard. 1 acre in vegetables. 3 acres plowed for late potatoes; personal property: 2 horses. 1 cow. 2 dox. chickens. 2-seated hack and harness, plows. 1 harrow and otner small farming Implements; also 2 tons of hay In barn. Price. $3250. $1250 cash, balance 3 yrs. 14 miles to Port land, Vk mile to school, church and store. 1 ACRES. All cleared. 200 grape vines, beautiful buildinsr site, running water year round; will make good country home and chicken ranch: on good macadamized road: 4c car fare; 500 yards to streetcar line. Price. $215o. half cash, balance 5 yrs. MT. HOOD LAND CO. 712 Rothchlld Bldg. THIS IS WORTH SEEING. 42 Vi acres In high state cultivation, best soil, good fences. 2 wells and pumps, also running water. Fine crops now growing. New 2-story residence, tine large barn and other outbuildings. One acre fine ber ries and fruit; 0 fine jersey cows, milk check from, same more than $100 per month; 3 fine horses. 55 chickens, new wagon, hack, buggy, all farming tools and impte-ments; In fact, a fully equipped and well-paying farm, located right near Port land. In 10 minutes' walk of station. Frica $8000, half cash and time. It is the best farm in Oregon for the money; ask me to prove it. Call or write J. E. Smith. 513 Chamber of Commerce. J Portland. Or. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. Fine stock and dairy farm. 805 acres. Linn County. Oregon, for sale, $25 per acre, payable one-half down and balance note and mortgage to suit purchaser. 300 acres fine fir piling and milling tim ber, balance suitable for fruit, apples, walnuts and grain; soil unexcelled; fair house and barns; school close, 6 miles to railroad station. Address owner. Geo. W. Wright. Albany. Or. Miscellaneous. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Close-In acreage, a wheat ranch or small, well-Improved, farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see me. 1 handle my own properties. J. O. ELROD. 520 Corbett Bldg. TO EXCHANGE. IRVING TON PROPERTY FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE BY OWNER ON BROADWAY. 1RVINGTON. Lot 50x100 with all Improvements. House. 6-room. with hall. Full cement basement. Fireplace. Furnace. Laundry and fruitroom. Price $5500. Will exchange for 2 or 3 lots And house of equal value farther out, near lrvington preferred. B 6, Oregon ian. 2 FINE LOTS FOR AUTO. 92x170, close in, near Richmond car, price $1550; t00 cash, balance $20 month ly: 6 per cent; owner will take auto iu good running order for first payment; worth looking into if you want good prop erly. JAS. C. LOGAN. 326 ',4 Washington St.. Room 404. HAVE $1500 first mortgage and rooming house to trade for acreage or income property and pay balance cash. 12-acre fruit farm with house and barn to trade for grocery or house, on carline. T. A. RIGGS REALTY CO.. Room 225, Fliedner bldg.. loth and Wash. sts. Phone Marshall 1045. WEST SIDE RESIDENCE. 4 bedrooms, grand fireplace, furnace, double floors, big rooms. 1 block from car, prettiest part niKi view home, too big for owner; will sacrifice for $7000. ''. Phone Main or A 3126 or call 516 Abing ton bldg. STOCK in one of the very best copper-gold mines In Seven Devils district; stands the .most strict investigation: ground patented; exchange for clear residence in or near city. Stock of groceries and good team wanted. Owners only. Give complete de scrlptlon first letter. P 901. Oregonian. I OWN a $1100 corner 100x100. $525paid on same: $575 to pay at $15 monthly; will sell this equity for $250 or trade for a good piano or launch. V 3. Oregonian. FOR SALE or exchange for property I can use, one 8" 4-side moulder, nearly new 3-H. P. gasoline engine. Box 74. Washou gal. Wash. NEW L. C. Smith typewriter; will trade for horse, wagon or buggy; going on ranch; have . no use for it. E 901. Oregonian. EXCHANGE Hood River Orchard. 10 acres. 1 mile out, for Portland or Vancouver im proved. Owner box 175. Hood River. Or. S BEAUTIFUL suburban lots In cultivation, exchange as payment on 6 or 7-room house; or for sale. N 2. Oregonian. $4700 EQUITY in stocked and equipped ranch for "Portland porperty now renting. V 94. Oregonian. . IOU can trade any kind of property at room 1019 Board of Trade, WILL trade Portland, lots or mortgage for 5-7 pass, auto, new. AN 3. Oregonian. ONE carload of buggies and light wagons. What have you to trade? Phone Main 52:15. WILL exchange S5-H. P. dynamo for lot In any, good locatlo n. AG 4 . Ore gon I a ru WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE A BUYER FOR A good 6 to 8-room house on a loOxlOO cor ner; would consider less ground: must be a corner; lrvington or Portland Heights; has the cash and wants to- do business now. HAKTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IF you were a baseball fan you would be reading the sporting page. You are read ing this because you have something to sell. Let us do it tor you. We can han dle some East Side property to advantage. UNION BANK &. TRUST CO. 2d and Stark. WE have clients who are desirous of pur chasing some good Income property from $4000 to $20,000. We wish to deal with owners. What have you? JAMES MANNER & CO.. Hamilton bldg.. 131 3d St. WE have buyers for Income or residence property. West Side or East Side. It will pay you to deal with us if you want re sults. Walker & Reed. 823 Chamber ot Commerce. Phone Main 8535. REAL ESTATE or equities In same bought and sold. List with us. GRAY-CUNNING HAM-GRAY. 722-723 Electric Bldg. 6-ROOM house, bet. Prescott and Killings worth, west ot 1-th, not over $500, from owner; must be snap. W 4; Oregonian. WANTED A lot with small house; must be reasonable; give exact location and terms. AD 3, Oregonian. WK have a buyer for apartment-house site on East side. Pacific Brick & Marble Co., 402 Corbett bldg. CASH for Income property; must be a bar gain; give full description, otherwise not considered. C 3, Oregonian. WANTED Cottage 4 to 7 rooms for cash, from owner, no agents. Call 32(3 :,, Wasli lngton st.. Room 314. LOT or modem five-room house, near Haw thorne or Belmont. Must be bargain. No agents. F 7. Oregonian. AT ONCE 1 to- 3 acres, with house, fruit and berries. Montavilla, 313 Ablngton bid g. WANT a small house, not too far out: would consider anything under $2400. AL 4, Ore gonian. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS.. FOR 3 ALB. 80 acres, with feet yellow fir, running water on place, half-mile oft United Railway survey; 10 miles north west of Forest Grove for $1SoO; terms to suit. Address Elmer Lyda, Gales Creek, Or. I HAVE five claims in Siletz.' 10 south. II west, guaranteed aetall cruise 6o,0oo,0vo, 5 per cent yellow fir, 40 per cent spruce, 10 per cent hemlock; $05. 000. Phone Main 8314. 733 Marquam bldg. FOR SALE Two quarter-sections, heavily timbered lands, in Southern Oregon, suit able for farming; timber sold separate if desired. Mrs. Geo. Dunn, Twin Bridges, Mont. . TIMBER FOR SALE 3Y THE OWNER. 1440 acres in Douglas County, Oregon, estimated at 3S. 700,000 feet, red and yel low fir and some cdar. Price $3.Q0O.i R 979 Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. ' BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldl. 7.000.000 PATENTED claim in Lincoln Co., for $3000 it taken soon. t Main 8314. 10.000.000 deeded timber in Douglas County for $4500 if taken at once, M.aln 8314, FF77! 1 05.2