Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 27, 1910, Page 22, Image 22

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New Furniture Department, Entire Fourth Floor
All Goods Purchased on Credit Today, Tomorrow
You Are Welcome to Free Use of Our Rest Rooms
rSoth rSuildings. INothmg But INew Cjoods
or Auesday Will Be Charged on June Account
Information Bureau, Check Room, Etc
r ' ' ' i
Portland Agents Gossard Lace-Front Corsets Red Goose School Shoes, Etc. Store Will Be Closed All Day Monday Decoration Day
eg. $3 5, Vols. $ 1 5.85
Second Floor Main Bulldtnfr-
Today for the 1060th Friday Surprise Sale, a lot of Women's and Misses
Tailored Suits, in rajah, cheviots, serges and Bedford cords. The jackets
are medium length, three seam or French back, single-breasted, made with
small revers and notch collars, some with removable linen collar. Skirts in
cluster or full pleated styles; colors tan, navy, black, black
and white check or fancy striped effects ; reg. vals. to $35
Sale off WasfeDresses
Regular $ 10 Values $5.45
Second Floor Main Building; -
Today for the 1060th Friday Surprise Sale, in Portland's leading Garment
Store, 200 Wash Dresses in dainty pink, light blue or lavender striped mate
rials, made with fancy yoke and collar of allover embroidery. Full length
sleeve, with cuff of embroiderery. Skirt made with overskirt effect, with
pleated flounce. In the lot are also fancy plaid ginghams with yoke of
embroidery and panel front of material, piped in blue, trimmed with but
tons. There are also some pretty light blue, pink and white chambray
gowns with panel front, embroidered in dainty patterns. Net
yoke. Other styles. Regular $10.00 values, special for this sale"
Women's 50c Neckwear, 16c
First Floor Main Building
Today, for the 1060th Friday Surprise Sale, a lot of "Women's Neckwear,
in all the latest and most clever styles, such as rabats, jabots, cascades, side
pleats, Dutch collars, stocks, venise lace collars and embroidered
linen collars; all sizes; regular 25c to 50c values, special at, each A OC
WOMEN'S 25c 'KERCHIEFS, 10 Pure linen Handkerchiefs, with hand
embroidered initial and wreath, crossbar linen, with -inch hem; f rx
regular 25c values, on sale during the great Friday Surprise at, ea. X VJC
1 5c Taffeta Ribbon 9 c Yard
Taffeta Ribbon, 3 to 4 inches wide, in black and all colors; regu
lar 15c and 20c values; special price for today at only, the yard
Imported Pattern
Values to $60 V2 Price
Second Floor Annex
Today, for 1060th Friday Surprise Sale, in the Millinery Section, a new line
of 'French Imported Hats, just the thing for Summer dressy functions,
trimmed with flowers and ostrich plumes; regular y if r
values up to $60, specially marked for the Surprise Jt'jlCfcll 1 ICC
WOMEN'S AND MISSES' DRESSES in block and hand-made shapes;
trimmed in flowers and ribbon. Charming examples of this
season's best millinery styles, all new colors., vals. to $10,
Boys Knickerbocker Suits
$5 and $6 Values at $3.85
Third Floor Annex
Today, for the 1060th Friday Surprise Sale, in the clothing department, third floor,
annex, 300 boys' knickerbocker suits, made of all-wool materials; come in double
breasted styles, specially designed for rough wear; ages 7 to 16 years; colors are
gray, in medium shades, tans and olive green mixtures. The famous Samson, In
destructible and Combination Suits included in this offering. Regu- JJO QCS
lar values up to $5.00 and $6.00. See the Fifth-street window display P50
BOYS' BLOUSE WAISTS, made of good quality madras and percale; come in
medium dark stripes and checks; extra full cut, for school or dress wear; QC
soft collar attached; ages 5 to 16 years; on special sale at low price of, each 33G
MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, hand-tailored, made of strictly all-wool fab
rics; materials are worsted, cassimeres and cheviots; come in light and dark grays
tans, browns, olives, fancy blues and blacks, stripes and plaids. Sizes t - Q ;r
for every one. Regular $28.00 and $30.00 values; on special sale for vlO.UJ
See Sixth-street window display. Mail orders will be promptly and carefully filled
7 00 Women's Silk Waists
Vals. to $10 Spc'l $3.85
Second Floor Main Building;
Today, for the 1060th Friday Surprise Sale, in the largest Waist Department
west of Chicago, a lot of 700 Silk Waists, a great purchase that has just reached
us from New York City. There are 12 styles, a wide range of prices to select
from and the lot includes a number of sample waists. Among them are plain-
tailored or fancy waists, evening shades or staple street colors. The materials
are taffeta, net, chiffon, etc., and the trimmings are tucks, bows, t o O T
ruffled front. Values up to $10.00 each, special for today's sale at D5,o5
$ 1 Silk Suitings 49c Yd.
First Floor Slain Building
Today, for the big 1060th Friday Surprise Sale, a lot of Fancy Silk Suitings, in
checks, stripes and foulards. The regular values run to $1.00 the yard, A g
choice of a large assortment during this great Surprise sale at only, yd. 45 C
ALL-WOOL VOILE DRESS GOODS, light or dark colorings ; 1000 o O '
yards in the assortment; regular $1.50 values, marked special today at 05C
$ 1 Vafaes, 55c
First Floor Main Bolldlne
Today, for the 1060th Friday Surprise Sale, a lot of 5000 Men's Shirts in the best
styles and materials at just a little more than half the regular price. Bought in
the regular way we'd have a scant profit on these if soldTat one dollar. Made
of good quality percale and madras; plain colors, light, dark, stripes, figures,
etc. Made to fit,.with full cut bodies and necks that set right. Also a lot with
soft collars attached, in plain blue, pink or tan, also striped chambray
and khaki. Regular $1.00 values, specially priced for today at only, each 55C
MEN'S SOX, in all the new patterns for Summer wear; plain or fancy colors
and weaves; mostly samples; in sizes 10 and 11; regular 50c values, f p-f
specially priced for this great 1060th Friday Surprise Sale at this price 1 C
&QQ Pair Lace Curtains
Vals. to $4.5QSp'l $ 1 .45
Third Floor Main Building;
Today for the big 1060th Friday Surprise Sale, we place on sale a manufacturers'
line of samples at less than one-third their regular values. They are the season's
best ideas m Curtains, all high grade. .There are ruffled nets, in white or ecru,
trimmed with neat insertion and edge to match ; Ruff led Swiss Curtains in colors,
such as red, blue and yellow. Cross striped curtains in ecru ground with blue'
.red, tarf, yellow, pink and blue stripes ; White or Ecru Net Cur- t -m Mf
tarns, in novelty braid effects. Regular values to $4.50 pair; sp'l J) A
See 5th-St. Window Display Mail Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled
$5 Silver Baking Dish $2.95
Firat Floor Main Buildina;
Today, for the big 1060th Friday Surprise Sale, 100 handsomely
designed Entree or Baking Dishes, Forbes' quadruple plated sil
verware, offered at a price much below regular cost. Each dish
fitted with enamel pan lining; regular $5.00 values, dQ QH
special for this great Friday Surprise Sale at only, ea. H-."0
'Eimds 63c
Today, for the big 1060th Friday Surprise Sale, 5000 squares of the splendid
quality Butter that makes our sales the largest of any store on the Paci- o
lie coast. Fresh creamery butter, full 2-lb. squares, special today at only UOC
600 Child's Dresses!
Values to $3.00 at 98c
Second Floor, Main Building
Today, for the 1060th Friday Surprise Sale, in the immense department on
the second floor devoted to sale of Children's Wear, 600 Dresses for girls
from 6 to 14 years of age. The materials are ginghams, percales and cham
brays ; made in Russian, one-piece sailor and in long-waisted styles. Colors
are blue, pink, tan and all combinations in plaids. Some are made with
Dutch necks and short sleeves, others with high neck and others with sailor
collars. Somft n.m trimmii1 urit.Vi lVlnirla otiH Totiz-w Ivrairlc. -full
.. jwm it rami wuvj uxua, AiUl IcaiCU
skirts. Regular values in the lot up to $3.00 each, specially at, each JQC
$2.00 Chiffon Veils 97c Each
Today, for the 1060th Friday Surprise . Sale, in the veiling department, women's
crepe chiffon Veils, nicely made, with hemstitched borders all round. Large Q 7
range of colors ; regular $2.00 value, special price for this sale today, each J C
MESH VEILING, in all kinds of staple and fancy mesh, large assortment, II
all colors ; regular 35c value, on special sale today at this very low price, yard A A C
Women's $1.50 Gloves 5?c
i First Floor Main Bulldlnar
Today, for the 1060th Friday Surprise Sale, a lot of Women's Silk or Lisle
Gloves, in 12 and 16-button lengths, and kid in one and two-clasp
styles; sizes 5Y2 to 7y2; white black and colors; $1 and $1.50 values. 3 C
$10 Silk Parasols at $5.98
Today, for the 1060th Friday Surprise Sale, a lot of 500 Parasols, in fancy
silk, pongee silk, rajah and plain taffeta; best frames, with 12 f (q
brass ribs, or Tokio brass frames; all colors; reg. $7.50 to $10 ibO.O
1200 Pair Women's Oxfords
Regular $3.00 Values at $1.98
Today, for the 1060th Friday Surprise Sale, a lot of 1200 pairs Women's
Low Shoes Oxfords in button or blucher styles and pumps with ankle
straps; made of patent colt, velour calf or glazed kid, also of brown or tan
vici kid or Russian calf ; extension or lightweight soles ; Cuban (J - AQ
or low school heels; our regular $3.00 values, special, the pair Jp X iO
$ 1 Embroidery Flouncmgs 39c
Today, for the big 1060th Friday Surprise, 500 yards of 27-inch nf
Embroidery Flouncing in eyelet effect. On sale at this low price OiC
535 Rockers, Today $2.59
Fourth Floor Annex
Today, for the big 1060th Friday Surprise Sale,, in the new fourth floor
Furniture Department, large well-built roomy Rockers, finished ri r CC
in golden oak or mahogany; regular $3.75 values, special at h07
$ 1.25 Scarfs and Squares at 53c
f Third Floor Annex
Today, for the 1060th Friday Surprise Sale, a special assortment of Hem
stitched Button-holed Edge Scarfs and Round Centers, scarfs are 18x54 and
18x45, and eenters 30-inch size; stamped in a beautiful assortment p O
of floral designs, ready to embroider; regular $1 and $1.25 values ioC
Cut Glass Bowls $2.49
First Floor Main Buildina:
Today, for the 1060th Friday Surprise Sale, 100 Cut Glass Berry Bowls,
in large assortment of styles and cuts ; 8-inch size ; regular rf " A f
$5.00 values (see Fifth-street window display), special price
$ 1 0 Dinner Sets $6.25
Today, for the big 1060th Friday Surprise Sale, in the Basement, a lot of
50 sets English and American Semi-Porcelain Dinnerware, from our regular
open stock patterns. Two very handsome decorations to choose from. One
of them is the ever popular white and gold border, and a beautiful floral
pattern, in pink with gold lines; full 60-piece sets, regularly. OE?
priced at $10.00, but marked special for this Friday Surprise u)JutJ
See Window Display and Demonstration Dennison Crepe Paper Decorations "o 1 st Floor
District Gathering of League Will
Be Held, Instead, at Church at
Twenty-sixth and Savler.
Owing to an outbreak of diphtheria in
Mount Tabor district, four deaths having
taken place, the annual convention of
Portland District Epworth League will
not be held in the Methodist Church at
that place, as originally planned. In
stead it will be held In Epworth Church,
at Twenty-Bixth and Savier streets, of
which Rev. C. T. McPherson is pastor.
It will open with a social evening Thurs
day, June 2, and will close with an ad
dress by Rev. Fletcher Homan, D. r.,
Sunday . night, June 6.
This sudden and unexpected change in
the plans has created a gTeat emergency
in league work, but the district cabinet
now has the situation well in hand and
the programme will be executed almost
entirely as at first planned. The only
changes are the address of welcome on
the opening night, which will be made by
Mips Elsie Lathrop, president of Epworth
chapter. Instead of by W. M. Owen, of
Mount Tabor chapter, and the Sunday
p veil i n c devotional fpni.-n i..v nrm v.A
the regular weekly meeting of Epworth
chapter. Instead of the Mount Tabor
Rev. Mr. McPherson has invited Rev.
J. W. McDougall, pastor of Mount Tabor
Church, to deliver the special Epworth
Lenpue sermon Sunday morning, so there
will be no change in this feature, as Rev.
Mr. McDougall has accepted.
There will be more than 100 regularly-elected
delegates In attsnHann.
eenting the 25 senior, 19 junior and three I
iMiciiueuiaio cnapiers on the district,
which includes every Methodist church
In Portland and to Seaside along the Co
lumbia River. There will also be hun
dreds of visitors from all over the dis
trict. With but one week's notice, Epworth
Methodist Church has seized the opportu
nity to house the convention, although Its
own membership is much smaller than
any of the churches which have hereto
fore entertained the league.
Wife of Navy Lieutenant Loses Hair
but Escapes . Disfigurement.
SEATTLE, Wash., May 26. (Spe
cial.) The explosion of a small alco
hol lamp In the McNaughton Hotel
shortly before 9 o'clock this morning,
resulted In Mrs. Walter B. Donaldson,
wife of Lieutenant Donaldson, of the
United States cruiser Washington, los
ing a large portion of her hair and be
ing severely burned about the neck,
face and shoulders. The conflagration
was subdued by a Japanese house ser
vant with a hand extinguisher.
Mrs. Donaldson was using the lamp
to curl her hair. As she filled the
lamp from a bottle there was a sud
den flash, a loud explosion and the
room was in flames. Although severe
ly burned, Mrs. Donaldson Is not dan
gerously injured, nor will she be per
manently disfigured.
Eugene Likes Florence's Festival.
EUGENE. Or., May 26. (Special.)
About 30 Eugene people returned from
iFlorence today, leaving there at 4 o:clock
this morning and arriving here about
7:30 P. M. . They have" been in attend
ance at the Rhododendron Festival,
which they pronounce a great success.
Smith Wants Veal
We will pay as follows for first
class produce. Ship by express.
Veal ...10
Pork 12
Live Hens 18
Live Spring Chickens,
20 to 22V
Eggs. .23
"FlshtlnK the Beef Tnut,"
Portland, OreKon.
228 Alder St.
Xlnth near IMivis.
21st near JohDMn
11th near Montgomery
llrst corner Sheridan
Sheridan near lirut (Kosher market)
3d and Jefferson (grocery and market)
IRS Ciibbs
Astoria 253 Taylor Ave.
67U Commercial St.
Seaside Bridge Street .
Sellwood 13th St. and Tenino At. '!
St. Johns Jerwey St.
Alberta Alberta St.
Sunnyside 33d and Belmont
MUwaukle Ave. and ITankfort St.
612-514 WUUunu Ave.
East Bnranlde St., near tturntiide Bridge
rand Ave., near Hawthorne Ave.
Grand Ave., near TCaNt Morrison St.
781 MisnlKKlppt Ave.
Union Ave. and Tillamook St.
Be very, very sure that you get into Smith's market when you come to Alder street. Help us to fight the Beef Trust and keep the price
of meat down by refusing to go into the Beef Trust markets. See that Smith's name and "Fighting the Beef Trust" are over the door
then you'll know you're in the right place. . '
SPECIAL At Smith's Alder-street market on Saturday 500 genuine, tender, young Spring Chickens for broiling and
frying. They will be sold from 30 to 40 each. EVERYBODY BUY!
Smith's extraordinarily good, sweet, fresh Creamery But- Smith's Columbia River Royal Chinook Salmon, lb. 15e
, ter, "MADE IN OREGON," which mean's it's the best Smith's Halibut, the freshest Halibut in town. ..... . . .10c
butter on earth; it's the Norway Brand, and you get it at Smith's Veal Sausage the whole town eats 15
all of Smith's markets full 2-pound square, only 60, Smith's Pork Sausage so pure and good that Smith him-
Smith's Shad, caught last night in the Willamette River, self eats it 15
per pound . . . ... .,5 Smith's Fresh Eggs, they're good but cheap, per doz. .25?
Beef Shanks 5 Brisket Beef 8 Tripe 10 Legs of Mutton .....15
loung iuuiion otew Soup Meat Beef 8 Pot Boast Beef 10 Kib Mutton Chops 15
Corned Beef S-IO Shoulder Steak.. lS1 ljla Mjtton Chops 15
Shoulders of Mutton ....10- Hamburg Steak I2V2 Shoulder Mutton Chops... 15
Shoulders of Beef 10 Round Steak 12V,-15 P!ekled pTk
Lamb Liver lO Sirloin Kt.ak 12y2i-15 Smith?. Hams V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.'SoJ
Beef Liver 10 Tenderloin Steak 15 Smith's Bacon SSVs?
Breasts of Mutton....... -8
Boiling Beef ...8
Stewing Beef 8
Necks of Beef S
Plate Beef 8