THE 3IORXIXG OREGONIAX. FRIDAY, MAY 27. 1910- 17 NEW TOI1AY. INSIDE Good Investments Good Speculations Fine Quarter Block, Center of City Best Warehouse Sites River Frontage St. Frances Hill Residence Sites W. B. STREETER 212 Lewis Building Some Good Property to Sell No Residence Property But Inside Business and They Must Be Bargains. W. B. STREETER 212 Lewis Building TERMS 55x70 on Madison Street between 5th and 6th. SEE OWNER 210 Henry Building Model Country HOME 87-acre farm on Molalla Road. 3 miles from Oregon City, all in higrh Btate of cultivation, except 1 acre tim ber preserved for use; all the finest quality soil free from gravel, rock or stumps; large, new, 8-room house, paneled, tinted walls, strictly modern; large barn, holds 60 tons hay, 12 cows. 8 horses, all farm tools, carriage, etc. Choice family orchard, all livestock, im plements and household goods; all feed, including 1600 bushels oats; a team young horses, worth $500: kine, swine, poultry, etc. Price $16,500, one-half cash, terms on balance 6 per cent. Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. fnl lot and 9-room bonne at 105 Kant Fifteenth afreet, between 'Washington and Alder. Price In 250 under market. Walker & Reed 823 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main Kl;t.'. Alfalfa Ranch We have one of the most ideal alfalfa and stock ranches in Eastern . Oregon. TA'8 ranch consists of 840 acres. 500 to 600 acres under ditch. 300 acres in nat ural meadow, grain and alfalfa; balance of land under ditch is easy to clear Land carrips an absolute water right with an abundance of water to irrigate all land under ditches. This ranch con trols the finest open range to bn found in the Northwest, and is close to forest reserve. Location is ideal for sheep or cattle and would support thousands of head of either. Price of this splendid proposition is $25,000, and reasonable terms can be arranged. J. STROl'D A SOX, 433 Chamber of Commerce Rldg. Apartment Site Choicest in all of Portland, 23d st. near Washington, in same block with new Silverfield apartments; finest lo cation in city for this class of busi ness; $20,000, easy terms. Gordon and Day 210. Henry Hidg. 393 Schuyler Street Modern six-room house near carline corner lot 50x100. See this at once Other homes for sale in Holladay's Irvington, Sunnyslde and Ladd's Addi tion. , MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPAX V, S. W. Cor. Oth and M'nhtugton Sta. 6 Mortgage Loans MORGAN, FtlEDXER 4fc BOTCB, 503-50C AbiuKton Bullillns. Nob Hill Corner S9500 New, modern, 8-room house, with garage, west of 23d. Terms. MORGAN A ROBB. 250 Stark St. MORTGAGE LOANS M. E. THOMPSON CO. Hemr Building:, 4th and Oak Sts. INVESTORS Call on owners Realty Ass'n for timber, a crease, business. residence and apartment properties. 205 ,ADington. I WANT $22,500 $6750 NEW TODAY. " 1 Take an A car to East 30th street and walk eight blocks east. A high-class, restricted residence dis trict. 10 per 50x100 Lots 10 cash ONLY $600 month EARN 31 0 By guessing how this limerick ends: No. 6. A woman of beauty and grace Had sense with her comely young face. With her monthly stipend She bought LOTS without end; And her wealth Any one sending us the correct ter mination of the above limerick will re ceive a certificate good for $10 on the purchase price of any unsold lot in GOING-STREET ADDITION. Money is the great desideratum. To secure it easily and quickly is every one's ambition. Here is your chance to make $10 by your cleverness in solving this limerick. If your answer is correct, we will send you the certificate by return mail. CARTER-DUGAN COMPANY OWNERS, 82JO Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Oregon. Income Bearing 75x100, Ware house or Termi nal Property Between S. P. and O. R. & N. R. R. tracks. East Second and Oak streets. You know how East Side prop ty has advanced in the last two years. You can see, this property will be wanted soon. You can have better than bank interest payable monthly. You can buy it now and get In somebody's way. Let us show You. C. Hughes Land Co. 40S, 400 Levi I, Bldg. PER ACRE 13 ACRES West Side, in Mountain View Park. Adjoining Maeleay Park. For a short time only. One-half cash will handle. Lambert-Whitmer Co. 70 Fourth Street., 65 acres. 20 miles Portland, genuine sandy loam bottom land, adjoining river: 40 in cultivation; level; looks like a garden. I will stake my reputation on this soil and it will show for itself. Nice new cottage, large barn, in good condition : land never bakes ; a 1 ways raises a bis crop, regardless of season. 20 tons hay goes with it. K. F. 13.; cream route; phone line; 3 'A miles good town, and in a pood neighborhood. If you are dissatisfied after looking at it I will pay you for your time. Price $4250; $3000 cash. Call 51 7 Chamber of Commerce Irvington Home New, modern, 7-room house with 3 bedrooms, large sleeping-porch, up stairs all white enamel, gas and elec tric, hardwood floors, nice fireplace, fur nace, laundry trays, cement basement, built-in bookcases and spats, beam ceil ing, nice tinting, in fact everything you could wish for, on a full lot 50x100, facing east on East 2Sd St., near Thompson, in the swellest part of Irv ington. This is a beauty and a good buy. Price $8000, half cash, balance 3 years. Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. Y TO LOAN On Improved Real Estate TITLE TRUST COMPANY Lewis Building' Fourth and Oak Streets $3150 Corner lot, two-story house, 25th and Broadway. LAMBERT-WHITMER COMPANY, TO Konrth St. Nice Residence S37SO Modern 7-room house, 50x100, lot facing east on East 8th. A snap for the money. Kaxworthy, at Neustadter Bros., 6th and Ankeny. CORNER LOT. 2 blocks from East Gllsan carline and weat of Laurelhur.t. S900; very easy terms; mifrht build you a house. Room 60, Washington bldg. IQIE NEW TODAY. Grand Free uver excursion to Peach Cove On the Willamette River, Eighteen Miles From Portland. Sunday, May 29, 1910 A few of the advantages of-Peach Cove : First, Two Miles of River Frontage Second-vAbsolutely protected from frost. t Third Finest of sandy loam silt soil. Fourth Both river and rail trans portation. Fifth Close proximity to Portland. Sixth Very low freight rates. Seventh Sand beach for bathing, boating- and fishing. Eighth Profit, health and pleasure combined. Ninth Peaches and grapes bear youngest and are easier to raise, less expensive and more profitable than any other fruits. LOCATION IS EVERYTHING Arrange to come. Good music. Steamer Undine leaves Taylor-St. dock at 8 A. M. Call at the office for free transportation. 411 Corbett Building. 50x125 on Williams avenue. Good business property, paying 8 per cent. A fine 50x100 lot on Seventh street. This is the best and cheapest buy on the coming business street. KEASEY Huhasonjeffery! 3 14 CHAMBER OF COMMLRCE. 0. $10,000 40x100, 7-room house, Market, bet. 12th and 13th. $20,000 50x100, S. W. corner 7th and Hall. Income $1560. 321,000 60x100, N. W. corned 7th and Hall. Income $1200. $40,000 50x100, Kearney and 15th. $76,500 75x100, 267-69-71 First St. In come J3780. $76,500 100x100, Hoyt. bet. 17th and 18th. Income $4200. $36,500 50x100, Front st., bet. Madison and Main. Income $1920. S.T. Hanawalt 424 Board of Trade. Ofrice Main .! 3. Residence Main 1020. Greenway Lots 110x110 GRAND VIEW This tract is level and is the best buy in Lower Greenway to day. $2750 CHAPIN& HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. BUNGALOW for sale. E. 37th street, 100 feet south of Clin ton, just finished, everv convenience full lot. Price right and terms easy! Owner on ground daily 2 to 5. Take W-R car. . GEORGE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) 823 Worcester Bide. Phone Main 8371; A 4013. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lot. $1750 PORTLAN-D HEIGHTS $1750 2 lota, 4 block-, from car; terms. Fred W. German, 320 Burnalde. Main 2776. 100x100 feet in Wellington. $900; $105 down balance $15 per month; a good Investment' T 002. Oregonian. Ml" BEST lot In Roasmere graded s-treeu. cement wcuns, tjuj. " o-ci , vf, ithis. Alain 3000. FOR SALE By owner, lot 50x100. easT front . Mt. Tabor Hotghta. Phone B 1206. S LOTS 4 block from Woodlawn eta t ion 1401 E. 13th st. N. FOR SALE 3 lota on E- 37th st. Price $550 Terms. 226 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE View lot In Alameda Park, below marnct ii ta-rten ai once, rnone J 1067. $2000 WILL buy X acre (6 lota 50x100) la acii auuiuuu. v uregonifl n. x REAL ESTATE DEALERS. F. ABRAHAM Rooms 217-21S-218 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sta. Tele p none s, Main 2279. A 2279. Andrews. r V. t C.M.3341. 80 Hamilton bldg. Beck. WHlam G.. 312 Falling bide.. Blrrell, A. H . & Co., 202-3 McKay bldg. Real esta-te. Insurance, mortgages-, loans, etc. Br u baker ot Benedict. 602 McKay biag. M. 549 Card realty a investment co.. no SECOND ST. MARSHALL 1567. A 1537. Chapin & Heriow, 332 Chamber Commerce. cools, a. a. & Co.. 503 Corbett bids. - . Jennings & Co.. Main .188. 206 Ore ton Ian. JOXES & SHERMAN. 202-3 Lewis, bldg. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 213 Commer cial Club blcg. Sehalk. Geo.D., 228 Stark st. Main 3G2. A 2392 tHl.N'DLEK 6c HALL. 2v5 Abiagtoa bldg. The Oregon Real Bftate Co., Grand art. od jttuiicomaa ex. i nouaaay Aaaiuon. M. E. Thompson Co.. cor 4tU and Oak st. Walker. S. T.. 604 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. lor bale CHOICE NOB HILL LOTS. 4000 25th, near Marshall. $ 5000 5Oxlo0, Northrup, between 25th and 2Sth. f lo.OOO lovxltHJ, Northrup, between 25th find 20th. St 0,500 looxHM, corner. 2th and Overton. $11.000 looxloo, corner, 20th und North rui, $12.000 HM:;100. corner, 2Uh and Overton. $12,000 75xloo. 25th between Kearney and Love joy. $12.000 louxloo, corner. 24th and North rup. $12.250 00x100, corner. 20th and Marshall. street improvement paid. $15.000 75x100. Salmon, between Stout and Kins. $15,000 About lour 100, corner 2Jth and Love Joy. Ask. for Mr. Karnopp, M. E. THOMPSON & CO., Henry btdg.. Fourth and Oak sts.. Main 00S4. A 3327. OWN a beautiful building alto 100x150 on Portiand Heights, with fine view of Mount Hood. it runs through from one street to another, with 100 feet of frontage; within two blocks are 18 housea each cos:litg over $30O0 it is two blocks to the carline. Because I need the money I will sell this property for $1000 less than the owner of a smaller piece directly acroEs the road has recently been offered; S15O0 cash will handle it. V. VINCENT JONES, w 302-303 Lewis bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. Lot 4. biock 114, 500, J- cash. Lot 7, biock 134, $tS50, all cash. Lot is. biock 137. $750. terms. Lot 11, block 12it. $1750; terms. Lot 12, block 12;. 225"; terms. For these and other bargains see Mrs. Russell, resident agent at Rose City Park branch office, in brick store building, of Hartman St. Thompson, Chamber of Com merce. HALF BLOCK $1250. Fl'lrON PA RK SNAP. Four lots in a iine location, with grand view of the city and Willamette River; ciose to cars. This is a beautiful spot; other lots selling for $iioo each, our price on the four is 20uO ; $1 25U cash, balanco 3 years. Call today; set-ing is believing. GRl'PSi & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg. 4th and Oak. A GREAT BARGAIN IN PENINSULAR ADD. Lots 30, 07. and 40. block 28. for $1050 cuHh. Must be sold this woek. This is noL far from Columbia Bouleard. E. R- MARKHAM. 205 (ierlinger Bldg., 2d and Aider. 1 ACRE, Inside city limits: all cleared; no recks; fine .place for home. City water. Price $1300. We have others. One acre ox- thousands. "It will pay you to see our Ihft.' HARTMAN & THOMPSON. C ha m 1) er of Co:u, B 1 d g. HAWT HORNE A V EN U E. $0O, TERMS. Fine lot. finxlOO. on - 4Uth St.. bloka Hawthorne ave., $150 under market. This is curt cheap, po look it up. E. R. MARKHAM. 205 Geriinger Bldg., 2d and Alder. HOMESEEKERS. If you are looking for a home site that has a view of the city and in the highly restricted districts, with all high-class improvements. paving, etc., and from $1000 to $5000 under the market price, see me at once. At least take an auto mobile ride with me and pass on them. W 1. Oregonian. $350,000.00 BUYS THIS WHOLE BLOCK. Here is your chance to get one of the large building sites right in the center of the West Side business center; best hotel site of them all. This is a bargain. Terms can be arranged. W 2. Oregonian. CHEAP WEST SIDE LOT. " $1100 Nice view lot, near 7th and Grant. PIEDMONT LO T T E R M S. $1100 50x100, near Ainsworth ; east front. FRED C. KING. SQ6 Commercial Block. 2d and Washington $245 apiece for 0 University Park lots; company's price $450; chance to make money. GRAY & -BUELL. 719 Board of Trade. Phone Marshall J721. FORCED to sell; I am going East and mun have some money ; that is why I will sell my oeaut iiul lot ror only $400 ; $125 cash, balance tarms. It is better situated than surrounding lot. that are selling from $550 x. D'.'. J uregonian. ALAMEDA PARK LOTS. Are high and sightly, overlooking Irving ton : near Broadway carline: beat cltv Im provements; priced 25 per cent beiow the market. inquire Aiameaa Ltoa Jompajajr, fe22 Corbett bldg. TRACKAGE ON THE O $7000.00. & N. 500 feet on the O. R. & N. east of 33d st.; splendid location for dealers in fuel. feed and building materials: no other in the neighborhood. w .. Oregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. I have a lot 5oxim on Portland Heights car line. Raven's View Drive. Price $1500, 20 per cent down ana per cent per month. S 894, Oregonian. ONLY $35 rash. Cheapest lots on the mar ket. Balance. $315. at $5 per month. $15 below market value. Only a few at this price. Mt. Scott car line ; 5c fare. MARTIN J. H1GLEY. 132 THIRD ST BY OWNER Lot in Br vrklyn riverfront; elegant view ; cement sidewalk : improved street. Inquire 108 4tii. Tel. A 1040. sain 211. lOOxloo CORNER. 18th and Tolman ave Westmoreland ; less than original cosi $250 cash, balance easy. 40U Board t Corner, 75xloo. 3Sth St., one block south of Hawthorne ave., $l'JO0. A. Backus, 519 Foard of Trade bl rtg. ALBERTA ALBERTA ALBERTA &oxi'( nusine.o 101. rnon ana a ibcrta $l:;o0. Gray & Buell, 719 B. of T. Marsh. 1721. WHY buy a lot w hen you can get & half acre inside the city with all the advan tages for tne same price 7 420 Lumber mans Bldg.. ccr. 5th and Stark. FOR RALE 5 lots at Centerville. Tnrth Beach, with 4-room house or will rent for the season; rent $50. Phone Main 2S4o. ti. 1 rennman. RUSSETT ST.. NEAR MISSISSIPPI ST. 75x100. adjoining the corner, and only one biocK rrom canine. 3iuu buys them. II en ai once. uhmu is, o,f iitn st. I OWN a 50x70-foot lot. close in. on East s-aimon. inai a wu scu at a Dargain. F 2 Oregonian. "BEAUTIFUL lot 50x100 in Berkeley. lng East Moreland; $400, $100 cash, balance per moiiui. riione uwner -fc-ast 1857. WEST SIDE view lot. 2H blocks to car. minutes' ride to center of town. Price $1500, terms. t oihj. uregunian. S1250 BUYS a lot on West Side; view of ntv five minutes' ride from Poe:office; term ro suit. A U87. Oregonian. HILLSIDE view lot. walking distance piricted district; sisw, terms. A 9b5, Ore gon ian. IF you have some money, will build on your jqi. trti3i.mau iML., ova AOlUglOQ bid Main 3236. CHOICE Vernon lot. on 23d street, near Go ing; snap at fwv. ju&m orou. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. RIVER DALE HOME. One of the handsomest homes In the Riverside district ; 7 beautifully designed and artistically finished rooms, a recep tion hall, a full-length living-room with large lireplace, bookcases and seat, case ment and French windows, paneled and beamed dining-room with artistic buffet. Dutch kitchen; l bedrooms, each in sep arate color scheme; sleeping balcony; large bathroom; attic spaced for two rooms and bath : full cement basement : extra -large furnace; private water system under heavy pressure ; beautiful grounds about an acre in extent and commanding a sweeping view of the city, river and mountains. For further particulars, ap ply to R. F. BRYAN. 505 Chamber of Commerce. A Il'7, Main 1963. MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS on this new 5-room bungalow ; it Is not the ordinary cottage, but a. fine bungalow, with fireplace, built-in buffet, cement base ment and walks, full set of fine plumbing and everything up to the minute to n.nke a cozy home. Will finish 2 rooms more for $10 extra. PRICE S2W0. LOT 50x00. . This is the greatest snap in th city. See H. A. Askwlth. with the W. R. Realty Co. Take Waverly-Richmond car to ofiice, get uff at Marguerite ave. B 1207. m BUILDING IS OUR BUSINESS. We have from 10 to 15 Jobs goln r one time. We ctn afford lse profit on a ingle contract than the email contractor. You also get Just wnat you order SJid take no rlsri. Plans and estimates free. If ycu own lot we will furnish the mosey. PORTLAND REALTY & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. 902-9Q3 Lewis Bg.. ith and Oak Sta A GOOD PLACE TO BUY IS 33 D AND 1 1 J UOK. We have on this ground 2 houses, one has 3 bedrooms, the other 4; they are ex ceptionally well-built and will fix lawn and tint walls to suit; an unobstructed view of Mount Hood ; everything conveni ent ; neighborhood is classy ; anyone de sirouH of a nice, quiet home will like houses; price, each, $435o; easv terms. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, CHAMBER COMMERCE. NEW MODERN WEST SIDE RESIDENCE Must sell at once ; walking distance, high up. near Portland Academy, 5 bed rooms, all rooms large, 3 spacious view porches, grand unobstructed views;- hard wood floors. 2 toilets. z la-rutories. shower bath; everything moirn, up to date, big furnace and fireplace ; ownr deairea to take family to Europe; will sell at $7250. Best buy on West Side. i-none hast or B lS'.U for p artlculara FOR SAL"E by owner, no commission to pay. v-twill "uuac, UUlll, li , flllU IULB 50x100 each, east front. 1 fc blocks to car, 15-f t. alley, fruit trees, berries, roses, house newly furnished; must Hell at once; am going East; will sell at sacrifice; price with furniture. $1900 ; $ 1U0O down, or will sell without furniture. J. H. Dor man. Firland Station, Mount Scott car. Phone Tabor 2 son. GOING TO BUILD T WE ARE BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE CITY. THERE ARE GOOD REASONS OUR CUSTOMERS SAVE MONEY AND GET BETTER WORK, ON TERMS TO SLIT. IF YOU OWN YOUR LOT. WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FREiS OREGON BUILDING &. TRUST CO.. 30li HENRY BLDG. DELAY ST. SNAP. Good S-room house, on a. full lot. 50x 1 OO; fine location for boarding-house ; cor ner 50x70 is vacant ; good place io build stores or flats. This is a bargain. 4150, $20U0 cash, balance o years. GRt'SSl & ZADOW. 317 Board tf Trade Blug. 4th and Oak. THE CHANCE OF A CENTURY. A modern 5-room house. 2 big lots, Va block of car iine, built junt long enougn for shade, lawn, shrubbery, etc., to be in good shape; $2HU0, $30o down and only $20 per month. You can't build the house today for S2SO0. No agents. Address owner. Box 504 Arleta.. $25,000 EL3GANT HOME, -With over half biock of beautiful grounds. 2-story brick garage; billiard room. etc. H. P. . PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. BUNGALOW. $200. New modern 7-room bungalow, seas and electric, nice fireplace, full plumbing; on a corner 50x5O on Grand ave. and fc-kld-niore. This is a nic neighborhood ; cioe to car. and a bargain at $3j50, $200 cash and $25 per month. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg. 4th and Oak. A SNAP As an investment or a beautiful strictly modern home of 7 rooms, beauti ful lawn and shrubbery, over 1 00 choicest rose bushes, lot 75x1 U0, restricted district, close in, this is the best buy in the city for $3700; terms. S32 E. Kelly, Phone Sell wood 3. 6-ROOM modern house, white enameled bathroom, large porches tf ull concrete basenient, fine roses, fruits, built by day labox for good home; must sell; one biock from car; cheap ; payment down, terms; fine corner. Anabel station. Mount Scott car phone Tabor 039. I HAVE 4, 5 and 6-room houses, close in, on '. Waverly-Woodstock carline. all new and modern ; $15oo to $2000; your own terms; also closes I-in $450 lots in city. E. A. M'GRATH, 331 Chamberpot Commerce. BUNGALOW. $15. 5 ror ms, full lot, with paneled walla and ceilings, builtin seat, Dutch kitchen, full plumbing, basement, etc. ; $100 down, bal ance $15 per month. National Realty & Trust Co., :26: Wash. 510. SEE my attractive modern bungalow. 3th and E. Burnside, near LA L'KKLH L: RST ; Ankeny carline; full lot, garden, roses, chicken park. $600 down and monthly payments Owner. 935 E. Burnside. 6-ROOM dwelling on Broadway, near E. 21st modern throughout, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement ; good car service ; price $6500 For particulars, seo McCargar Bates & Lively, 315 Falling bldg. BUNGALOW SNAP. New modern 5-room bungalow, fireplace, cement basement, 35th near Hawthorne ave.. only $2600, easy terms. 406 Board ,of Trade bldg. A NEW modern 5-room bungalow, com pletely furnished, fine lawn, cement walk, all improvements in; lot 50x loo; price $2050; part cash. See owner, No. 10 East 70th st. S. NEW modern 11 -room house, lot 100x100; hard-surface streets. Irvington; also other house S'.d vacant lots. R. B. . p Rice, office 16th and Brazes sls. lcr 05S. res. East 2432. 6 ROOMS $3600 TERMS. If you want a good up-to-date new home, don't pay for big advertisements and agent's commissions. bee 210 lng iu Phone C 1444. FOR SALE Modern residence. larg rooms, steam heat, gas grates, everything ud to date; garage; lot 100x100. 360 Ainsworth ave.. cor. Garfield. Phone C 2781. EAST TAYLOR ST.. 33 1-3x100, with nice yard and good cottage, on easy terms $0 00. Cjucen Investment Co., 410 Fail- Ing bldg. ONE ncre close in on Mt. Scott line, on cor ner two streets. Snap If taken at once. fail 22H iumcjer exenange bldg. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. M 1618, A lb&4; all covered wagons and experienced men. FOR SALE 66 2-3x100 on Holladay ave. near East 1st. seven-room house. Apply 809 Holladay ave., after 7 F. M. TEMPORARY house, with bed, tables, chairs, cook stove, dishes, etc., $t5 ; L block north of Sandy road, on 65th it. SMALL payment on $2500. 7 rooms, modern -$3o00. 8 rooms. new. modern. fruit, 2 blocks cars. 450 Ma gnolia. Woodlawn.' $25O0 EEAUT1FUL home; fruit, flowers, garden; easy terms. Sloe urn. 402 Com raerclal block. FOR SALE $1750. 7-room house, corner lot one block carline; $2uo down, balance to suit buyer. See owner at 120 E 23d st. N. $8500 65x107. close In; five cottages on property; Income $75 month; term. Owner, Fuhx.3SjEastBurnside. FINE 6-room modern cottage. new all conveniences, electric lights. Bull Run water, lot 50x112. Telephone Tabor 154 BUNGALOWS. BUNGALOWS, Everywhere; any price and terms- Tr t goods. 403 Couch bldg. Phone a '231 the FOR SA LE by owner, the handsomest -room home in Irvington. 49tt E. 2uth m7 N. Call and see it. $6oo CASH. 6-room house. East Alder st Sunnyside, balance. 2500, to suit MARTIN J HIGLEY.132 THIRD ST. SfiOO CASH, fl-room modern house Monta villa car line: balance, $2250. to suit. 150 CASH. $25 monthly, lovely bunt-alow 2700. olst, near Hawthorne. Dr nr. FOR SALE $lO0, neat, new 5-room house and lot 4OxlO0. See place and owner I! 1144 East Harrison. - 1 $1000 CASH 3H acres, garden land all cul tivated ; good hous; 5c limit; must hav mrney. W 3. Oregonian. 0 THREE houses and lots for sale- together orseparately. Owner, 672 Halsey. East IRVINGTON, 8-room bungalow, reasonableof- fer will be accepted. Owner, phone C 2492. A GOOD 7-room house, lot SOxiooTln Sunny, side. Main 4S41. . y REAL ESTATE. For Sale 5-ROOM modern bungalow in Rose City Park, less than a block from car; has built-in bookcases, china cabinet, buffet, fireplace, sleeping porch, -largo attic that would make three flue rooms; lawn, in fine condition: rose bushes. This can be bought for $750 down and the balance at $25 per month. If you hav; a lot in Rose, City Park the owner will take it in trade. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE HOMa IK acres, all kinds of fruit, 6-roora house ana par. try and large verandas, bath, new barn, large chicken corral ; choice f lowers and hruu; 4 blocks from car. Terms LOUIS BRANDT. Oak Grove. Oregon City Line. Acreage- ACRE HOME. CLOSE IN. EAST SIDE. . One acre, all clear, high and sightly, gentle south slope, water on property, nice macadamized street in front lead ing all way to town; 2 blocks from car and good neighborhood. Small house, barn and chicken ark. About a dozen nice fruit trees ana nice pach of berries A beautiful site for a home and dirt cheap, as it is only on 35Ui street. Price, 225u. with terms. In this.. FI. R. MARKHAM. 205 Gerllnger Bids-, 2d and Alder. ACREAGE SNAPS. 2S acres. mile from Bonita Station, on Salem Electric line; a fine tract. Price, &&4H ; easy terms. 20 acres, 1 mile from Durham, on Sa lem Electric line; fine soit. no gravel; 5 acres in cultivation. Price, $3700. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Beard of TradeBldg. 4th and Oak. 12i AC R ES. W EST SIDE. CLOSE IN. Hard to beat, all In cultivation, new hou, on macadam: at d road, two miles from eleotrl ; tine soil. A I for gar dening ; S'4 .V 0. $2 a to cas h. M t. Hood Lin d C u.. 713 Rothchild bldg. v SUBURBAN HOME. 2 acres at Park Flacj, near the Crgon City line ; all in high tate of cultivation ; lots oZ fruit, ti-room house, barn. hor.-e, buggy, wagon, fai m tools, all for $l75o, terms. 2C2GerIinger bldg. 121- ACRES level land, 11 miles from Port land. 5 from Oreg'-n City ; 7 acred in crop, young orchard. 7-room housn-. barn, other building hore. cow, wagens. tools, etc. Price 432'''0. eey tern;.'. Addrtss R. D. 5, OregonCity, Boxlu3. FOR SALE 8 acres of land. 5 acres In cul tivation, one in small fruits, 7 miles from Courthouse, on Taylor Ferry road, one mile from Multnomah station, on Oregon Electric F. A. P add-on. owner, on prem- Ises. PLATTING site of 15 acre?, all cleared, on Kelley ave. east of Mann Station, v.. W. car. Price, if oid tins month. $2300 acre; cash $15,0o, balance terms. W. G. EVANS. Owner. 1 0 10 Ke 1 1 e y Av.. Wood stock 10 ACRES. 33d St., abutting Irvington Park; clear ajid in berries. Good tra. t for plat ting into cltw lots. Five minutes from Al berta car. $1700 per acre, one-third cash. M. J. Mi-Graw. 1045 Williams ave. FOR RENT. Nice 10-room house, 2wl West Park -St., for strictly family use only. Yhe tenant to furnish good references to owner. Ap ply to Mrs. Kaufman, 2.5 West Park. IOO ACRES, near Linnton, fine soil, suitable for subdivision, value $.loo an acre ; trade all or part for city property. AF 4, Ore gonian PARTNER wanted to assist in settling up a large tract of Al farming laud; buiendid deal; $50u cash required ior half interest. m Box :U'5. Eugene. Or. ON the bank of the Willamette, over 30 a: res; beautiful country home; truck cr dairy farm; Oregon City carline; look this up quick if yoa want itata bargain. u.2 iitnry bldg. LET me sell you a half acre or mure in e:ae the city; Bull Run water, pavua street, buiidmg restrictions, etc. 20 Lumber matis rthig.. cor. 5ih and Stark. NEW home. Division street, seven rooms, bath, toilet, electric l;ghu. cement base ment anu walks; $225o, eoy terms. Tauor l'iou. MONEY MAKER. A full acre In University Park. $2300. Gray A Buell, 710 B. of Trade. Marshall 1721. Homesteads. 2 HOMESTEADS under irrigation ditch. 16o acres each; special lot rates for Crook. Las. and Harney Counties ; 5 homtaieaus on tn boast; 2 timber claims. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. S2-pase book explaining what each of the S4 counties n best auapied for; givea araoua; of government land open to homestead in eacn county; map attached, 21x25 showing new R. R. and Utwns, including Eastern and Central Oregon; counties in d.fferent colors, drawn to March 1. 3U10; latest map in Li. B-; price 25c Nimnio 6c Kuaey, 14 Hamil- t on b id g; 320-ACRE homestead free; desert claims; $1.25 per acre; 5oo-miie tour through Central Oregon by automobile, witn. all exijer.aes paid for 6 das, only $55; next excursion leaves Thursday morning, :4o A. M.. June 2. Central Oregon Development Co., 2.. 5 Abirgton blug- FOR reliable information about the Descautea Valley homesteads, desert claims and aeedd irrigated land call on besunuie Vuiy Laud A Investment Co.. 3ul-au2 Buchana bldg.. on Washington, near 5lu. VS e Wav weekly with homeseekers, CENTRAL Oregon homesteads and desert claims on the new railroads now building. Weekly excursions by auto. Get our free maps and literature today. DESHUN & HAWK. Surveyors. 4o7 Lumbermenslank Bidg. JUST RETURNED from my homestead in Central Oregon. Can locate you on tine level ground ; crops growing fine. No fee unless you locate. ALV1N S. HAWK, Printer, SSVfc Third St. EASTERN OREGON HEADQUARTERS: We are on the ground and locate nearly every landseeker in the district. Oregon Homestead Co.. 217 Ablngtou bldg., 1O0 Va 3d st 4,000,000 relinquishment in Siletz. $600 3.50O.OOO relinquishment. 30 miles from Portland, on railroad. $4o0. Phone Main . 8314. . For Sale F mit Lands. BEAUTIFUL 10-ACRE FRUIT TRACTS. Known am 'Longview and just plattet!. Convenient to Portland, located in the beaut if ul rolling hiilit of illian:ctte Val ley. ju-t on the edge of town of amhiii. Splendid aod. tine drainage, beautiful view, bearing orchards all around, land all in cultivation ready fr tree planting. Prices from $lOo to $175 per acre, sold on terms of only $150 cash, balance easy monthly payments. THERE ARE NO FETTER FRUIT TRACTS TO BB HAD IN OREGON FOR DOUBLE THE MONEY. I want to satisfy prospective buyers of this fact and will sl.w you t r property any day AT NO COST WHATEVER FOR TUB TRIP and no one need lei under any obligation to buy property. Don't buy a fruit tract until you have seen these match lew lo-acro tracts. Send name and address for descriptive literature. J. O. EL ROD. OWNER, 519-520 Corbett bldg.. opp. Postofftce, Portland, Or. $10,000. TRST PAYMENT, Balance four annual payments will buy 173 acres orchard Id.nd, 22 acrs In 3-year-old trees and balance ail under cultiva tion ; one of the choicest farms In the WILLAMETTE VALLEY. A snap; chance to doub!o the money by sub-dividing; all conditions ideal; must sell at once. Oniy. 5 miles from EUGENE. OREGON, The best 12,000 town in the Northwest Write direct to owner, E. P. LYON, Cherry Block. Eugene, Or. WANT AN ORCHARD BUY? Get this1 bo-acre tract in Eagle Creek dis trict near State orchard; 4 acres very choice land to set to trees ; 20 more nearly cleared ; 40 acres lower bench : 8'tO cords of wood, fine for peaches; summer home; fine springs; $45 per acre. $ 15tfo cah ; com mercial orchard joining. $35o per acre. Ml Hood Land Co., 712 Rothchild bldg. FRUIT LANDS lnfamoiis Mosler and East Hood River districts. We have some choice tracts. 10 to SO acres and larger, for sale very cheap. If you are looking for orchard lands, see McCargar, Bates & Lively. 315 Falling bldg. 200 ACRES Polk County fruit land near Broadmeads. 60 to $100; also lOO acres on North Beach, near Breakers Hotel, a bargain. 100 acres near Columbia River at $25 an acre. Owner, 600 Chamber of Commerce. IO-aCRE orchard tracts, unimproved, on railroad. 25 miles from Portland; best soil, no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; arrange with ua to go and make selection round trip same day. 310-311 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP. 160- acres good apple land by owner near Lyle. Wash. Address John Sbultx, Lyle Wash. HEAL ESTATE. For Sale SMALL IMPROVED FARMS. 1 6 acres. 1 1 miles from Salem electric line; house, barn, cellar, woodshed, family orchard : 4 acres in cultivation, balance stumps and pasture; no waste laud; all Al soil; 1 or 2 acres standing timber; close to good town. PRICE J16UO; $ PK cash; balance, 6 per cent, long time. 15 ti acres; good 7-roorh house, barn and other buildings; half mile to good town, on good road; ?i mile irorn Willamette River boat landing; acres cleared. 2 acres or chard: place fenced and ross-ti-need. This farm is situated in one of :h oldest and best communities in the valifj. and do Sir&t man who sees it will tae it. us the land without improvements is worth. $lt0 per acre, and the improvements are worth the price aslted for the whole. PRICE $2000; half cash. SO acres. 61 acres cleared; house, barn and other buildings; fine heavy rich soil; no waste land; 10 acres in hop; old family orchard; within 4 i miles of three good mar kets; electric line surveyed along line of place: 25 miles f;om Port land. PRICE $70 ju ; $3000 cash, balance up to $1000 Portland prop erty. 104 acres. 1 mile from good R. R. town. 30 miie3 from Portland ; 0 acres cieared. 14 acres in hops; 2 srory is -room brick house; 2 good barns, granary and other buildings; 4 acres in orchard ; good living stream through place. PRICE $100 per acre; terms. MAOINNIS LAND & INVESTMENT CO.. 310-317 LEWIS BLDG.. 4TH AND OAK A 443J; Marshall 474. CHICKEN RANCH. 12 acres. 7 acres cl-ured. good five room iiu-i3t and barn, creek runs through nla.e year round ; most desirable spot on the market for chickens, ducks and turkeys- adjoins city limits on 4c car fare; i mil j 11 om Portland. In one year will be cut up into city lots. Price. $3250, $1250 cash, balance 3 rs. 20 ACRES. IS acres in high .state of cultivation; he ue. I arn and ot her buildings ; 2 ' a acres in early potatoes. 5 acres in oats and Cch. 2 acres in oats, 2 acres in or chard. 1 acre in vegetables!. 3 acres plowed for late potatoes ; personal property : 2 .horses, 1 cow. 2 doss, chickens. 2-seated hack and harness, plows, 1 harrow and ot.ier s:n;ill tarming implements; also 2 tons of bay in barn. Price. $3250. 1250 cash, balance 3 yrs. 14 miles to Port land, i mile to school, church and store. 7 ACRES. All cleared, 200 grape vines, beautiful bui irihig- sjte. running water year round ; will muke good country home and chicken 1 a 11 eh : on good macadamized road; 4c car fare ; 500 yards t streetcar line, lnice. $215ii. half cash, balance 5 yrs. MT. HOOD LAND CO. 712 Rothchild Bldg. THIS IS WORTH SEEING. 42Vj acres in high state cultivation, best soil, good fences. 2 wells and pumps, alsa running water. Fine crops now growing. New 2-story residence, line large barn and other outbuildings. One acre tine ber ries and fruit ; II line jersey cows, milk cheek from same more than $'.00 per mont h ; 3 fine horse 55 chickens, new wagon, hack, buggy, l farming tools and Imp it ments; in fact, a fully equipped and well-paying farm, located right near Port land, in 10 minutes' walk of station. Pric $000. half cash and time. It Is the best farm in Oregon tor the money ; ask me to prove it. Call or write J. E. Smith. 513 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. 80 ACRES Of the best land in Oregon. Very level and exceptionally fine soil. Or.iy six miles from Columbia River and 3 miles from railroad town and high school. The owner is up against it- and for a few days this place can be bought for one third the price that adjoining land, which ix of the same character, is selling for in tuna II tracts. Now. if you want a REAL farm, it certainly will pay you to call at our office and let u talk to you about this place. When you are the owner of it you will be glad that you read this ad. TEEPE Sz SMITH. 411 Henry Bldg.. Corner 4th and Oak Sts. A CHOICE stock and dairy farm consisting of 440 acres, well watered, fenced and 'equipped with superb buildings, is offered for sale the first time; price $42 per acre; 2iK acre? in cultivation, 140 in pasture! loo in timber showing a million or mote feet of lumber; is situated in Linn Co., near Lebanon; investigate it and buy of owner. For particulars call for D. G. Crow at tbe St. Charles Hotelfrom 9 to 12 A. M. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. Fine stock and dairy farm, so 5 acres. Linn County, Oregon, for sale, $25 per acre, payable one-ha If down and balance note aid mortgage to suit purchaser. 300 acres fine fir piling and milling tim ber, balance sui taule for fruit, apples, walnuts and grain; soil unexcelled; fair house und barns; school close, u miles to ranroad st at ion. Address owner, Geo. W. Wright. Albany. Or. OWNER of large stock and grain ranch who cannot give personal attention to it wishes partner to take one-half interest in the pro pert y , and to take entire charge of the management; small capital required; Good references must accompany the ap plication; property situated east of the c as'-aue Mountains. McCargar. Bates & Lively. Failing bldg. A DANDY LITTLE FARM. Just what you are looking for; 28 ti acres, all in cultivation; good house and barn; orchard; close to town and R. R. Price $2250. Also other tracts, from $25 an acre up. If you are in the market for a farm write me for prices. I can - save you money. Address J. D. Wiua. Tuena Vista. Or. WILL TAKE A GOOD AUTOMOBILE As part payment on my farm on ttne Salem Electric carline, consisting of 10o acres, with g'Xd buildings, and all under cultivating. The same lands in this vicinity are selling for $125 to $154. an acre. I will sell for $lo0 an acre and take a good piake of automo bilc. C 4. Orcgi-nian. . JO-AC RE) tracts; unimproved. 25 mile by rail from Portland ; suitable lor Xruit-rau-3sr and oMcken ranches; well watered plenty of timber for ail purposes, best of oil, no rock or gravel; $15 to $25 an acre; easy terms. These are the cheapest tracts on tbe market and will bear inspection. Call and arrange to and wee theux. 31 and SI1 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE ARKANSAS HOME. H'iw, orchard, bat n and outhouses, with 10o arret of tine f irming land suitable fir corn or cotton ; all fenced, fine outside range. Price looo. For particulars ad o e ss H. W. Smith. General Peiivry, city. 10-CliE orchard tracts, unimproved, on railroad. 23 milea from Portland; best soil; no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; ar range with us to go and make selec;ion; roundtripsame day. 310-311 Corbett Vddg- " GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED ' 100- acre farm. 33 acres in cultivation, good house and barn, about soon cords of wood on place. 3 miles from Kalarha, $40 per acre, linus & Kindorf. Kahuna. Wash. BEbT 32o-acre farm In Willamette Valley; K. R. station In center of tract, all in cul tivation; will 411 cluap or trade for Port land property. J. H. Johnson, owner, 415 Board of Trade bldg. LINCOLN County farm. 360 a err.., at $6500, including stock; $25u0 casn, balance on time Or. FOR SALE or exchange. 160 acres with house, barn; 40 acres plowed, all fenced, in Alberta, Canada. AK 002, Oregonian! SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying; land shown free. Olmstead Land Co.. Salem. Or. Miscellaneous. IF YOU ARE LtH iKIXO FOR Cl-w-in acreage, a w beat ranch or small, well-improved firm, at low pNce and on mrst liberal terms, see me. I handle my own properties. J. O EL ROD. 520 Corbett Bldg. TO EXCHANGE. 3 BEAUTIFUL suburban lots In cultivation, exchange as payment on 6 or 7-room house; orfor sale.N 2. Oregonian! FOR SALE OR TRADE Py owner, the bc7t workingmen'a hotel in the city; big money maker; must sell quick. Oregonian. $4700 EQUITY In stocked and equipped ranch for Portland porperty now renting. V Q'M. oregonian. YOU can trade any kind of property ax room lfU9 Board of Trade.. BEAUTIFUL Laurelhunt property to trade on automobile, p 104 Oreponian. ONE carload of buggies and light wagons. What have you to trade? Phone Main 5235. 211 acres. 1 mile from good sta tion on O. W. P. el trio line : O0 acres cleared; houe. large barn and granary. The cleared lund on this place a lone is worth SiJomt. Tne price asked for the entire farm is Sla.uoo. We will uivide this place if desired.