Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 26, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Here are prominent business men, "lawyers, even mining experts of high repu
tation, whohave investigated the Kupreanof Copper Mine, and upon the actual
ore ready for shipment and the sterling' honesty of the officers of this company have
These men do not go into anything blindly. They have every means of as
certaining all the facts regarding any matter they -wish to know about. Their ex
amination of the Kupreanof Copper Mining and Smelting Company and its copper
mine was most comprehensive and thorough.
Hon. Jesse A. Frye, formerly United States Attorney. '
Mr. A. Tinling is the general freight and passenger agent of the Northern Pa
cific Railroad. The railroad interests Mr. Tinling represents make him one of the
best-known business men of the "West. His decision to invest in the Kupreanof
Copper Mine was only reached after the thoroughgoing investigation which is char
acteristic of the operations of the great railroads.
Mr. M. M. Lyter is identified with large business interests. He is a prominent law
yer and has Been identified with many of the large financial undertakings of the
Northwest. Mr. Lyter does not do things unless he knows pretty nearly what he
is going about. He expects to make a great deal of money out of his Kupreanof
Copper Mining stock.
Mr. I. C. Chezum is known to nearly every citizen of Alaska as a respected
and honorable mining expert who has been successful in his business undertakings.
Mr. Chezum has advised many of the famous copper mining t companies regarding
the value of' properties. His decision to invest his money in the Kupreanof Cop
per Mine is the highest recommendation of the actual value of the mine.
1 iirrnrfiniMi.-ii'i i miiiU niiriMi t'kti - n i inmr I'm - - -
From Mr. TlnIlBKa Letter!
" . I became a stock
holder In your company after as
careful and thorough an Investi
gation as possible to make, the
results of which convince me that
It offers a more favorable oppor.
tunlty for Investment than any
similar proposition I know of.
I am personally acquaint
ed with some of the officers and
stockholders of the company and
plan of organization and opera
tion, and am well satisfied. I
have no objection to your using
this letter if desired."
From Mr. Lyter's Letter t
"I did not take up the subject
of the company for consideration
until I had had' two or three
talks with Mr. John T. Towers,
whom I regard as a good mining
engineer and in whose Integrity. I
have fullest confidence. I also
took the precaution of talking
with Mr. Leekly, knowing of his
successful work in the past.
"The fact Is, I have an abiding
faith In this company and see no
reason why It should not return
to stockholders large returns."
From Mr. FTye' Letter!
"I satisfied myself that the
company has a mine with large
Quantities of ore ready for ship
ment, and a great deal more In
sight, which when delivered to
the smelter -will bring good re
turns. I looked Into the title,
which I found to be protected by
United States government- pat
ents, making it absolute. The
affairs of the company are being
cared for by not only competent
men, but men of Integrity."
From Mr. Cheznm'a Letter I
"I purchased stock after care
ful Investigation. I feel
very much enthused over the out
look In this property, knowing, as
I do, the value of developed mines
Instead of "prospects.'
I can safely say to you that I
think this stock Is a good invest
ment, as ore on the dump la
worth-tons In the ground."
What more proof could you wisht What more could any reasonable man askt
.Here is a man in whom the United States Government has placed the highest con
fidence, another who administers the great affairs of railroads, another who has
been schooled in the careful methods of big businesses, and another whose career as
an honorable and successful mining expert has placed him among the leading men
in that field of activity. And each man, in his own way, has investigated thor
oughly and with every means necessary to get all the facts in ths matter.
" These men have bought stock. They have invested their money. That shows
what they thought of the Kupreanof Copper Mining and Smelting Company's prop
osition. But further: They are not afraid to tell you, or anyone else, just what
they think about it. They do not make any statement they are not sure of.
What they have written us about this mine they know to be true.
But If More PROOF IS WANTED, More Will Be Furnished !
We offer you a chance to come into business with these men and with other
prominent business men, equally prominent, equally honorable, equally able.
w The Kupreanof is practically the only large producing copper mine not owned
by some large corporation or trust. . This mine is owned by business men, who
have decided that there is no better place to invest their surplus capital than in
this mine. -
The great resources of the Kupreanof Copper Mine, that is now preparing its
shipment to the smelters, are not a matter of guesswork the value is proven. On
one of the four claims there lies ready for shipment and being transported to
tidewater as this is written 15,000 tons of copper ore, and on the same claim there
lies 100,000 tons of copper ore in sight. Mining has been going on here for some
time, and the first smelter shipment is now being prepared and will be received
at the smelter by June 1. The Treasury Stock that is now being sold is to cover
the cost of building a tramway less than two miles In length for the transporta
tion of Kupreanof ore from mine to tidewater, the tram being guaranteed to han
dle 250 tons daily, and not costing more than 5 cents a ton in transportation.
Captain John Johnston and Hla Letter Concerning This Property.
The Kupreanof Copper Mining; A Smelting- Co. ,
Gentlemen In response to your inquiry In regard to my knowledge of the
Kupreanof Group of Mining Claims, situate on Kupreanof Island, in southeast
ern Alaska. I take pleasure in saying that I am familiar with the property,
and as a miner of over 30 years' practical experience I have no hesitation In
saying that the Kupreanof Group can be developed Into a valuable and divi
dend paying mine. It Is not necessary for you to drive long tunnels or sink
deep shafts to find out if there is an ore body on the' property. That there is a
large body of ore is evidenced by at least 20,000 (twenty thousand) tons of ore
now on the ground and ready to be shoveled into cars and shipped. This ore
runs from four and one-tenth per cent copper and as high as 16 per cent. You
have one of the best copper mines in the country, no transportation difficulties
to face, the property being less than two miles from tidewater, with an even
down grade haul, and the installation of a tramway will place this Dronertv nn
a. shipping dividend paying basis.
Tours truly,
Remember, You Have Only Six Days More in Which to
Purchase Kupreanof Treasury Stock at 25c a Share
The Price of This Stock Goes Up to 50c a Share the First of June
By investing at this time you make a clear profit of 100 per cent, and this
stock will doubtless go to par in six months.
Now, do this : Come to our offices AT ONCE and see for yourself just what
this mine offers in the way of investment. We will show you the original letters.
We will show you samples of the ore from the mines and we will show you reports
of experts and mining engineers that will open your eyes as to the copper possibil
ities of the KUPREANOF COPPER MINE. If you cannot call at the office, writs
for full particulars. ,
Offices 200 Chamber of Commerce Building,
Third and Stark Streets, Portland, Oregon
Office Open 7 to 9 P. M.; Sundays, 2 to 4 P. M.
Evening Appointments May Be Made
by Phone Main 3143 or A 1312 .
IlKnois Liquor Legislation Cor
ruption Scandal Gets
New Facts.
Anti-Saloon Ieague Never Spent
Cent. to Influence Vote of Legis
lator, Says Superintendent No
Positive Evidence of Graft.
SFRINGFIKLD, II L, May 25. By test
imony given before the Sangamon County
grand Jury today a few facts upholding
the reports that corruption was practiced
In connection with liquor legislation were
brought out.
Nathan A. Cole, of Peoria, publicity di
rector for the United Manufacturers and
Merchants' Association, an organization
of liquor dealers, vehemently denied his
organization had used any money to in
' fluence legislation or that a lobby had
,been maintained. He said work of the
association was purely educational. He
"Statements that the Anti-Saloon
League and the Prohibitionists are at
outs is the rankest kind of nonsense. The
Anti-Saloon people and the Prohibition
ists made the fight together whenever
there, was a case of the distribution of
the spoils.
"Signature Is forged."
"In Chicago the Prohibitionists sent a
man into my office to steal my papers
In an effort to make an expose of the
organization of which I am an officer.
They even forged my signature. ' The
United Manufacturers and Merchants'
Association has. never used any money in
the furtherance of its objects, except to
conduct a campaign of education. The
Prohibitionists are not fair fighters.
"They have never been , in a campaign
yet but what they yelled corruption. We
would not make a charge of corruption
unless we knew it. I am willing to bring
all the documents belonging to my ' as
sociation before the grand jury. We have
nothing to conceal."
Representative Charles Richter, of Chi
cago, said he knew nothing about any
corruption fund at Springfield.
Bribery Rumor Unconfirmed.
Ernest A. Scroggin, legislative super
intendent of the Illinois Anti-Saloon
League, said he knew nothing positive
about bribery. "
"I have heard rumors, of course, but
nothing definite," said Mr. Scroggin.
"We heard there was a fund of $75,000
to secure the passage of House bill
No. 669 at the last session, but it was
only rumored. This was the bill which
provided cities and Incorporated towns
and villages might vote themselves wet
without the townships voting.
"The statement that the Anti-Saloon
League used money to Influence leg
islation is a lie. Not a cent was ever
spent to influence the vote of a legis
lator. The statement that the League
spent $500,000 in securing or defeating
legislation is ridiculous.
"In the twelve years of its existence
the League has never had $500,000 at
its command."
Evidence of Graft Not Positive.
The Rev. Mr. Shields, president of
the. Anti-Saloon League, said be had
no positive evidence of graft.
That at least three persons will be
indicted as a result of evidence given
before the county grand jury in the
investigation of legislation for new
desks in the House and the Senate was
predicted tonight.
The appearance before the grand jury
today of a mysterious witness was fol
lowed by the Issuance of a subpena
for Senator Holtslaw. of luka. a mem
ber of the committee that had charge
of negotiations for furniture. Sheriff
Werner left tonight for luka with the
Establishment of Fellowship in
Kail road Study Suggested.
SALEM, Or.. May 25. (Special.) A
letter received today by the State Rail
road Commission from Henry C. Ad
ams, statistician of the Interstate Com
merce Commission and professor of po
litical economy and finance in the Uni
versity of Michigan, contains the sug
gestion that the State of Oregon estab
lish a fellowship in the study of rail
road administration, to be awarded to
some young man, a citizen of this state,
it being understood that in return for
his professional education he would
render a certain number of years' ser
vice. Upon the recommendation of Pro
fessor Adams, the University of Michi
gan has established a department for
the teaching of railway administration
and expert statistical work.
The matter was taken up at the last
convention of the National Association
of Railroad Commissioners, and a reso
lution passed to the effect that an ap
peal be made to the state legislatures
for the means to establish a statistical
bureau in each state as a special fea
ture of the work of each railway com
mission. Professor Adams explains in his let
ter to the commission that the only
reason that he suggests Ann Arbor is
because he has been the Statistician
of the Interstate Commerce Commission
since 1887. and the uniform system
of accounts prescribed by the commis
sion and adopted by the states, has
been worked out under his personal
When the tide is out the table. Is set
at -e.ciiic jny..
Japanese Magazine Predicts
Fight With America.
Immigration and China Expected to
Bring Nations to Blows and In
crease of Navy Is Advocated
by Many Newspapers.
VICTORIA, B. C, May 25. T. Naka
hashi, president of the Osaka Shosen
iKaisha, who recently visited America aa
a member of a commercial commission,
contributes an article to the Tai Yo. a
Toklo magazine received by the steamer
Inaba Maru, stating his belief that the
next war waged by Japan may be with
America. The Immediate issues at stake
are the immigration and Chinese ques
tions. Mr. Nakahashi, after dealing with Jap
anese immigration in Hawaii and the
United States, goes on to consider United
States policies, and says:
"While the relations of Japan and
America have been friendly for 40 years,
they may change in character, the in
crease of Japanese armament having af
fected American feeling toward Japan
and there is a suspicion of Japan regard
ing the Philippines."
By 1914-16. Mr. Nakahashi says the Man
churia, China and Philippine questions
and others will require serious study. The
article concludes:
"Altogether the relations between Japan
and America will become delicate in 1914
15. when the Panama canal is completed,
and the Japanese must constantly endeav
or to solve the situation beforehand and
avert a crisis."
Japanese newspapers devote much
space to argument for naval increment,
and the next session of the Diet will see
great debates on this question.
The Asahi of Toklo, completing a series
of articles In which the necessity of
renewing many of Japan's fighting ships
and the disparity of Japan's navy com
pared with other powers is dealt with,
quoted a naval official as stating that in
order to equal the western powers, ex
cluding Great Britain, construction of 25
fighting units during the next 10 years
at an outlay of over $200,000,000 Is nec
essary, this being based on a fleet of
battleships and armored cruisers. The
Asahi questions the efficiency of Japanese-constructed
warships in comparison
with those of Western builders.
Med ford to Have Aviation Meet.
MEDFORD, Or.. May 25. (Special.)
The Curtlss biplane, that Is to give
an aviation display here, the first ever
held in Southern Oregon, next Friday,
Saturday and Sunday, has arrived m
Medford. Although Mr. Ely, who is
to fly the machine, had some trouble
with his motor in Sutherlin, the trouble
has been remedied, and it is anticipated
that there will be no difficulty encoun
tered in his flights here.
Vancouver Boys, Thought Drowned,
Are Found With Show.
VANCOUVER, Wash., May 25. (Spe
cial.) After being missing from home
four days, Louis Garnsay, 14 years old,
and Arthur Johnson, 13 years old. who
were supposed to be drowned, were
found with the Sells-FIoto circus this
morning, and returned to their homes.
The young runaways had gone to
Cliffs on a North Bank freight train,
and when they heard that the cirous
was coming to town, they returned to
Vancouver, without going to their
homes, and made arrangements to join
the circus crew.
The boys gave no reason for their
disappearance except that they wanted
to see the world. They are glad to be
home, and their fathers are Joyous
over the return of the prodigals.
Decoration Day Programme eSt.
OREOO NCITT", Or., May 25. (Spe
cial.) This week the veterans are vis
iting the schools of this city to talk
to the students, with the object of in
spiring patriotism in the hearts and
minds of the younger generations. The
members of the Grand Army and Relief
Corps will attend divine service on
Sunday morning at the Methodist Epis
copal Church. On Monday morning the
pupils of the Oregon City schools will
march to Willamette hall, where they
will be met by the G. A. R. and W.
R. C. Exercises will be held, and the
principal address will be made by Fred
J. S. Tooze, city superintendent of
schools. The ceremony of strewing the
waters with flowers from the suspen
sion bridge will follow, after which the
main part of the programme will be
given at the Shively Opera-hpuse. After
the programme is given, the column
will reform and move to the Mountain
View Cemetery, where the ritualistic
ceremonies will be rendered.
Not anv Milk Trust
Tht Original and Genulni
The Food-drink for AH Agts.
More healthful than Tea or Coffee.
Agrees with the weakest digestion.
Deli cious.'in vigor aring and nutritious.
Rich milk, malted grain, powder form.
A quick lunch prepared in a minute.
Take nosubstitute. Ask for HORLICK'S.
Others are imitations.
Never, since modern scientific dentistry has been practiced in this country, has it been possible for the
public to secure the services of such skilled workmen in the dental Hue as at the present time, at the offices
of Dr. Wythe's Dentists, at 148 Fifth Street.
The Quality of Our Work Is Our Best Indorsement
Beautiful mouths of hundreds of the best people of all ages and in every walk of life are "living wit-
nesses" of the matchless character of the work we do. For some of these hundreds of "witnesses" I, my
self, or one of my dentists skilled in the WYTHE methods, have filled decaying teeth and made them sound
again. For others a new tooth has been inserted so cleverly that it could never be detected from those that
grew in their mouths, or a tooth crowned that they thought they would be compelled to have extracted.
Others have been so cleverly fitted up with upper and lower sets of my Patent Double Suction Teeth as to
make them forget the loss of their natural teeth. In every instance the work has been done in an abso
lutely painless manner in a manner that I guarantee to give lasting satisfaction.
- . If yon want more proof, come to our offices and we will examine j-our teeth without charge, show j-ou
just what can be done and tell .you what it will cost. Such an examination and advice does not obligate
you to employ me to do your work
Dr. Wythe's plan is to give the public the best work possible for the least money, and not to ask pay for
the work before it is done. You need have no fear in coming to Dr. Wythe's offices, for even if you have
an examination, and an estimate is given you, it does not obligate you to have your work done here. We
will gladly look your work over and advise you what to do.
A Full Set
Gold Crown
First-Class 22 -K
Gold Bridge Teeth
Fillings in Gold, Silver, Platinum, Porcelain, 50c to $1.00
I Am Making a Specialty of Porcelain Bridge Work
This is without doubt the most beautiful "and lasting work known to dental science. Spaces where one
or more teeth have been lost I replace to look so natural that detection is impossible. Ask to see sample
of this beautiful work. No charge for painless extraction.
DR. WYTHE'S DENTISTS, Incorporated
148 Fifth Street, Straight Across the Street From Meier & Frank's Fifth-Street Entrance.
Hours 8:30 to 8; Sundays. 8:30 to 2. Lady Assistant Always in Attendance.