Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 26, 1910, Page 20, Image 20

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J-PASSENGER 60-H. P. Thomai Slyer, in
f:ool condition; Just the car for stage
ine or livery: lir.uu cash; no trade nor
terms. II 075. Oregonian.
I HAVE 10.000 shares in an established au
tomobile company; will sell all or part at
, par, tl each. A E 91)4. Oreaonlan.
4-CYLISDER Cadillac model G. in first
class condition; just overhauled and paint
ed, 00. Western Auto Co.. 5:11 Alder st.
RUNABOUT for sale, cheap. Phone Main
13.i8. '
Birds. Dogs, pet Stock.
A REGISTERED white Persian male cat.
Phone Main 6778 or address Y S&4. Ore
gonian. FOR SALJ3 Carload fresh milch cow. with
their calves. Vernon, Union Stockyards.
. North Portland. Or.
BO ANGORA does, with kids to repistered
buck, cheap. C. D. Nairn. Amity. Or.
JERSEY cow for sale. F. Powell, 1520 East
Taylor st. Phone Tabor 1S!7.
New. powerful, high-class, perfect cabin
cruising" launch; 30 feet over all. 7-foot
beam; built from special selected mate
rial; equipped with 4-cycle 12-H. P. auto
matic engine with reverse gear; pilot
house control; whistle, bell, llthts. fog
horn, etc. Will sacrilire at less than
cost of material. REIERSON MACHIN
ERY CO.. 1S4 Morrison St.. Portland. Or.
BEWING machines, special sale on splendid
lot of fine second-hand machines of all
leading itiaken. Sinprer. Wheeler & Wil
son. New Home, White, Domestic, House
hold and others, to make room for new
Singer 06 and rotary. Singer Sewing
faohine store. 9. s. Slgel. agent. 335
Morrison St. Phone Main 2183, A 4599.
VILL sell or trade furnished or unfurnished
fine houseboat at Oregon Yacht Club; large
living room; sleeping quarters for 7 per
sons; piano; 24-foot deck, with slip for
launch; Dutch kitchen; thoroughly rebuilt
last year; finest kind of summer outing for
busy people. Apply 2Sb Washington st.
. Laldwln.
123-volt. 150-K. W. General BBectrto
generator; belt type. . complete with panel
and rail base. Address K-jom 201, Ore
gonlan. 150 RUSTIC hanging baskets, 50 window
boxes with assorted plants, special rate
for May only. Phone Marshall 425. H3
North 13th st.
HAVE a new self-player piano, cost $Sf, will
sell or exchange for good automobile, or
will turn in as equity on good real estate
and assume up to $2t)i'0. V 3. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Cheap, a good Dlebold Safe &
Lock Co.'s combination vault door. Write
to or inquire at 722 Electric bids.. Port
land. Or.
SPECIAL prtces on factory rebuilt machines;
very liberal terms; $lu to $ou. Northwest
Typewriter Co., M 6870. 222 Abingtoa
FOR SALE New lunch counter and back
bar and stools, 5 gas plates. Must be Bold
by Saturday. 244 Yamhill St., between
2d and 3d.
COMPLETE outfit of restaurant furniture, in
cluding range, steam table, cat?h register,
etc., for sale cheap. Call at 33o Washington
st.. or phone A 3338. " .
2IILK pasteurizing machinery and utensils,
complete or separately; also 3 h. p. boiler,
3 h. p. motor, two small steam pumps.
T. F. Moseley, Vancouver, Wash.
PARTNER wanted to help manage clean
ing works and hat works; clearing J200
per month. Call 4-i'l.. Washington.
WORCESTER BLDG.. 3d and Oak-
with bracket and table attached; cash or
payments. R 9H2. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Hart-Parr traction gaeoline en
gine, good as new. R. T. Cox. 1UA V, 3d st..
Portland. Or.
SAFES, new and second-hard, all sizes, cheap
for cash or easy terms. Portland Sje Co
87 5th St. "
FOR SALE Neat two-room houseboat at Ore
gon Yavht Club, electric light, phone; $75
521 Ablngton bldg.
50. Ask for catalog. Rebuilt. 15 up. J
M. Hayter Co.. 9o 5th at. Main 5528.
FOR SALE Showcase, wallcases. counters.
cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone East 533.
ANGORA goats for sale near Portland 339
. Sherlock bldg.
.VIOLINS, banjoc. mandolins, guitars at halt
regular prices. Uncle Myers. 71 6th st.
231 Stark; St. Main 1407.
600 BUSINESS CARDS $1 If you bring this ad
Rose City Prlntery. 102j 3d. near Taylorl
A 460 SODA FOUNTAIN for sale very cheat.
Call tin Main 1 Sfitt A u.o
SHOWCASES, new and second-hand. 31a
Everett. cor 6th. Also fixtures.
CANOE. Canadian wood, first-class condl
a. Lai(,nm. Vail Oth St.
FIXE Insulated cooler for sale cheap. Alex
?V!e.1man. 21)5 1st. X
AMa'lnUB bedstead dealers call 1012 East
OFFICE furniture and equipment for sale.
i B 4. Orcgonlan.
B Ji.P" "iorcycle, a bargain. Inquire ele
vator boy. 83 5th st. Phoenlxbldg.
FH 1AL Roll-top office desk and chair.
Lumber Exchange bldg.
Highest price paid for men's cast-off
clothing and shoes. The Globe Second
hand store. 290 First. Main 20S0. We also
SV ANTED 15 teams. SB per day. at once
S?i22te 6 days p5r week tor months;
So- H.,bY "w?rn construction company.
Orfell aVe" Eaat 432- J-
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing; !3t
shoes; we also buy household furnishings:
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 N. 3d St. Main S272.
BjL'J yo.ur econd-han(i furniture to tha
Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less.
Phones: A 2445: Main 8951.
WANTED A bicycle, must be In good
order. Call 191 4th. 8
SP.?Th oaid for ?'our furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phi ne East 1067.
ShoeCc Whee1' Wrk a" day- Kn'Kht
WANTED Matt-ess makers. Carmen Mfg
Co.. ISth and Upsheer.
PHARMACIST wanted. Jefferson Pharmacy
3d and Jefferson sis.
SVANTED Experienced Janitor, Hotel Rai
. nler. 128 N. 6th.
"WANTED Handy man about hotel: tl5
per month. 372 Hawthorne ave.
KUG weavers wanted. Portland Fluff Rug
Co.. 790 Washington st. K
WANTED Laborers; $2.50 nine hours. East
12th and Irving sta.
HIGH-CLASS commercial salesman wanted.
215 Commercial bldg.
WANTED 2 brick molders for out of town
Call 619 Henry bldg. or town.
WANTHD Platen press feeder. The Ivy Press
6$ Fourth st. '
WANTBD Experienced stockcutter. Chehalis
Door Co.. Chehalls,WaBh.
WANTED Cupulo tender. Suttqn & Luedthe
Iron Works. Vancouver. W ash.
BOY about 19 wanted to work in plumbine
shop and drive horse. 47 1st st.
PHOTO coupon- and iwtralt agents, new
winning offer. Cutberth. Dekum bldg.
MEN for factory near Portland; married
men preferred. 339 Sherlock bldg.
TELEGRAPHY taught, operators In demand,
good pay, telegraph school. 290 3d at.
WANTED Illustrated slnper. Inquire 535
Williams ave.. Electric Theater.
WANTED 4 lathers at 45th and Belmont
Thursday morning.
TWO tirst-class chippers wanted. Call 222
Comm e rcial Club b I d g.
MACHINIST wanted for out of town. Call
222 Commercial Club bldg.
WANTED Two boys. Carman Manufacturing
Co., 18th and Upshur.
BUS HELM AN wanted at once. Lane &
Johnson. Oxford Tailors. 141 7th.
J10 to 1100 made dally In the moving picture
business; floO starts you. Call 526 Wash.
"WANTED Sawmill hands. Apply 511 Board of
Trade bldg.
WANTED fber. industrious man for Janitor
work . Phone Tabor 26".
60 MEN wanted at 22d and Washington;
$2.50 j e rd a y. J a mes H . O'B r i e n .
WANTED Middle-aged man as hotel porter.
New Scott Hotel.
BOY wanted in horseshoeing shop to call
. for and deliver horses. 204 Salmon St.
CABINETMAKERS wanted. 15th and
Thurman sts.
WANTED -Draftsman: steady employment.
1'ortland Win i Iron Works.
POLISHER and buffer wanted. Portland Plat
lng & Manufacturing Co.. 22.1 and Thurman.
JCXPERIENCED cook. Call 375 Yamhill,
corner West Parkv
If you can do anything well or are
qualified for better work than you are
at present doing, get in touch with the
Secretary of the Advisory and Employ
ment Department of the Y. M. C. A.
Great demand for brains In this .-Hy and
state. During the week ending My 21
we received 75 calls for employes; placed
51 men in permanent positions at sal
aries ranging from $40 to J150 per month.
Have demand now for at least 40 men
at salaries of from J40 to $150. The
only cost to you is membership In the
association, which. If you are a non-member,
can be secured at a nominal figure.
Strangers our specialty. Good fellow
ship, good advice, good position await
Think twice and then some, before you
Invest money. We can tell you where not
to put it.
Four millwrights. new construction
. work. $4.00; long job.
Night watchman, city. $45.00.
Two general blacksmiths for same shop,
Mill fireman, city, $2.50.
Yard tallyman, $2.50 up.
Lumber graders for email mill, $3.00.
Band . resawyers. $3.00 and $3.50.
Carriage riders, $2.50 and $2.75.
Two planer feeders, $2.50.
Two gang trimmermen. $3.00 and $3.25.
Two lath mlllmen. $2.50 and $2.75.
Man and wife cook and helper small
boarding-house, near city. $73.00.
Farmhands, $30.00 to $40.00.
Hundreds of other Jobs.
Main Office 12 North 2nd St.
1000 white laborer. for surfacing and
genera! railroad construction work. VVages
$3.85 per day. Fare from Seattle to the
work $1S. Weekly shipments begin about
June L
M. J. HENEY. Pier 2, Seattle. Wash.
WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. S.
Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and
35. Must be native born or have, first papers;
monthly pay $15 to $69; additional compen
sation possible; food, clothing, quarters and
medicinal attendance free; after 30 years'
service can retire with 75 per cent of pay
and allowances; service on board ship and
ashore in all parts of the world. Appiy at 4
and lo Breeden bldg., 3d and Washington
sts.. Portland, Or.
WANTED Two young men, between ages
of 18 and 22 years, those who have had a
college or technical school training pre
ferred. This Is an exceptional opportunity
for bright, energetic men to learn a branch
of the work of a large public eervlce cor
poration. Reply In own handwriting, giv-
ins age and present employment. G 988.
WANTED Man to sell real estate: prop
erty to be sold selling very fast; help will
be given until confidence Is gained. Call
522 Corbett block, between 1 and. 8 P. M.
WANTED Men by large contracting com
pany; can learn trade of plumbing, elec
tricity, bricklaying, automobiles in few
months; no apprentice or helpers' work
and no expense; $20,000 contract work go
ing: catalogue free. United Trade School
Contracting Company. Los Angeles.
10.000 POSITIONS lor graduates last year;
men and women to learn bai ber trade In
8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu
ates earn from $15 to $25; expert
instructors; tools free; write for cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges. 35
North th St., Portland. Or.
WANTED A dentist who has a state Board
license to run office for the Summer; per
manent place for good operator If desired;
must give references as to honesty, ability
and personal habits: position assures be&t
class patronage and good wages. M 985,
700 MEN'S high-grade suits (manufacturers'
samples and cancellation orders) from
three foremast New York tailoring con
cerns; $35 to $40 values. $18.75; $18 to
$22.o0 values. $12.75. Knew Sample SulC
!hop, 315 Oregonian bldg. Jimmie Duun,
WANTED OneJtrst-class copyist electrical
draftsman at $3.28 per diem. A competi
tive examination will be held- June 23.
1910. for the purpose of filling the above
position. For further information address
Commandant Navy Yard, Puget Sound.
BOYS To work in the candy department;
good wages; steady employment. Pacino
coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis sts
THB Meier & Frank Company requires com
petent salesmen for the following depart
ments: Men's clothing. boys' clothing
shoes, domestics; also several live floormen
Apply employment bureau, 6th floor annex,
8to10 A. M.
MAN who can work nights, clerk In roonT-Ing-house.
Little work, small w&.ges.
Must hoard and room at home. Old man
preferred. Must not drink to excess. 445
Washington st.
MEN to sell clocks, rugs and lace curtains
on the Installment plan; liberal commis
sions, big money for hustlers.
89 Grand ave.
STEADY position, energetic young man; ex
perience unnecessary ; small capital required,
but well secured: Call 326i Washington
. room 417.
GOVERNMENT employes wanted Write for
Portland examination schedule. Prepara
tion free. Franklin Institute. Dept.. 2990,
Rochester. N. Y.
YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway
mall clerks, postoffice clerks, carriers, etc
Write or call for Book 30. it's free. Pacino
States School. McKay bldg.. Portland. Or
AN experienced instalment collector wanted
must be acquainted with the city; state
age, salary, phone number. Apply H 892
SALESMEN wanted to take orders selling
fine nursery stock; cash advances; fine
territory; big; money; outfit free. Carlton
iuraery wo., canton, Oregon.
HELP WANTED To work in hop yards;
free transportation; good wages. Inquire
Krebs Bros.. Belvedere Hotel, phone Main
305 or A 5804.
WANTED 3 cut-off sawyers, 3 rip sawyers
2 tiers, for box shook factory; steady work
and good wages to experienced men Pot
lach Lumber company. Potlach, Idaho.
HELP WANTED To work in hop yard's;
free transportation: good wages. Inquire
Krebs Bros.. Belvedere Hotel. Phone
M ain 305 or A 58Q4.
WANTED Chef for first-class cafetlera, also
oe-ouu cuuns. oiuai oe competent and
furnish references. Ask for Hiatt. room
309 Henry bldg.
WANTED Steady, sober young man for all
around work In family liquor store; mate
age and where last employed in first letter
B 3. Oregonian.
YOUNG man as office assistant; good pen
man: state age, experience and salary ex-
BOY wanted, bright, energetic, between 18
im Appiy waanams, Kerr Bros., 4th
and Hoyt st.
A FIRST-CLASS stickerman, also a first
class benchman; permanent position, good
salary. Address A.M.Hansen,Salem, Or.
GOOD paper-hangers wanted, 16th and Al
berta street. Call at paint and wall paper
MEN WANTED to cut 150 cords cottonwood
fine timber. $1.25 per cord. E. A. Hackett
Oregon City. R. R. No. 2. Box 6.
TWO salesmen wanted for gilt-edged resi
dence real estate. Inquire 9 to 12 A. M ,
322 Corbett bide.
HAND 1RONERS and machine operators for
new steam laundry Monday; also good driver
289 Union ave. Call today.
WANTED Man with moving picture ma
chine to go on the road; good opportunity
to right man. Call at Odeon- Thea t e r.
WANTED Young man. factory work $11 to
start: will advance. Willamette Rug Co.
4 25 E. 45th. '
PRESSER wanted and boy to learn pressing
. Richanhack Clothing Mfg. Co.. Phoenix
. bldg.. sth and Oak.
$18 TO 5 week, few months only learning
situations guaranteed. Watchmaklng-En-
. graving School. Box 182. Ashland. Or.
"WANTED EJrrand and messenger boy iiv
quire for Mr. Abbott at Stuaebaker Bros
Co. N. W.. Chapman & Alder streets
WANTED A first-class stock salesman. Call
at room 27 Washington bldg., between 9
and 11 A. M. and 3 and 5 P. M.
WANTED Experienced cook. family of 4
wages $40. Call morning at 445 Morrison
WANTED Japanese boy for general house
work. 583 Myrtle st., cor. 19th., Portland
WANTED At once. 2 graders and 2 feed
ers, for planing mill : good wages. Clark:
& Wilson Lumber Co.. LInnton. Or.
MOVING picture operators earn $35 week
ly; easy Inside work: short hours: lessons
reasonable. Call 526 '4 Washington.
WANTED Chef and head waiter. Apply
The Tavern at the Oaks. Call after 10
2 JJ. 21 St.. PORTLAND, OR.
Offices at
87-89 Fourth St.. " San Francisco, Cal.
f'20 Second st.. Sacramento, CaL
l.'itl Fo. Los Angeles st, Los Angeles, Cal.
424 Front ave., Spokane, Wash.
Established 1S76.
Wanted Today:
Young man stenogxapher, $65 to start.
Bookkeeper and office man, between age
of 85 and 45. references, $rt0.
Second cook, country hotel, $75; fares
Broiler, $90; fry cook. $SO; cook, country
hotel, $liO, man and wife. $70; cake baker,
$20 a week; cook and waitress. $55; waiter,
$35, elevator boy, $35.
Kitchen help, dishwashers, porters.
R. R. camp blacksmith. $75 and found,
free fare; wheelwright and wagon repairer,
$75 and found; 2 camp blacksmiths, $3
day, all free fare.
Bridge foreman, $120.
Ratchet-setter, $3; cutoff man. $3; mill
and yard hands. $2.50 and $2.25.
Carpenters, helpers, stablemen, woodcut
ters, city laborers, farm and dairy help.
4 millwrights, .$4.
KlamathFalls, Natron,
Deschutes, Grass Valley, Shanlko.
On new railroad construction, on the O. R.
& N. and S. P. R. R.
26 N. 2d st.
M?N wanted for firemen and brakemen on
nearby railroads; age- IS to 85: experience
unnecessary; no strike; permanent employ
ment: firemen $100 monthly, brakemen $75;
promotion to engineers, conductors: 4O0 men
sent to positions monthly. State age send
stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonian.
MARKER and assorter, steady employment,
good wages: must be competent. Magnolia
Steam Laundry .Albany. Or.
WANTED Party to take charge of profit de
partment wholesale hardware house out of
j.'y- Address A 2, Oregonian.
A BARBER that can play good dance musto
on the violin to work at a Summer resort.
urlte H. A. Murphy. Mt. Vernon. Or.
WANTED at once, good country printer, $18
a week If satisfactory; steady job Ad
diess Adyocate, Chehalis. Wash.
BOY to drive delivery wagon; must be good
-driver and understand shipping. Call 128
W-?fiTBLrf'ablnet ma're- Oregon Planing
Mill.". 19th and Vaughn sts. .
Cook for small camp. $3",. 00.
Hotel cooks. $35.00 to $45.0 0.
Kitchen helpers. $25 up.
Cook and second girl for small private
family, $45.00.
Dishwashers. $20.00 and $25.00.
Two head waitresses. $35.00.
Five restaurant waitresses, $7.00, $8.00
and $9.00.
Four chambermaids. $25.00 and $30.00.
Two housekeepers. $20.00 and up.
aitress and shooting gallery girls for
same place at Seaside. $25.00 and $30.00
Two waitresses. $30.00; one family wo
man. $3a.00; all for same hotel at Nampa.
Idaho; fare paid.
$45500 6eneral no"sework, $25.00 to
Other places too numerous to mention
Ladies' Denl. 2Q5 j Morrison Block.
GIRLS to work in cracker department: good
wages; steady employment.
12th and Davis Sts.
WANTED Wide-awake girl to learn carpet
sewing; must be willing worker. Apply car
pet department. Morgan-Atchlcy Furniture
WANTED A practical nurse for out of
" uuapiuii. can oetween lo and 11 A.
M. at 31 North 16th st.
DRESSMAKERS wanted for skirts and
Jackets. Portland Outfitting Co., 103 3d
SPLENDID opportunity for one desiring to
engage in public stenogj-aph -. r i ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED laundress, with references
wanted for Mondays and Tuesdays. Phone
Main 2o97.
GIRL for general housework, family of 3
good wages for competent girl. 600
Thompson st. Take Irvlnzton car.
WANTED Small, neat girl for demonstra
tion; traveling position with other lady;
fair wages and expenses. J 1, Oregonian
SALESGIRL wanted, 19 to IS; must be re
spectable and have good references; others
need not come. 323' Washington st.
GENTLEMAN with one child 12 years old
wants a housekeeper on a farm. K. 2
Oregonian. '
WANTED Seamstress. plain sewing, no
cutting or fitting. Call 872 E. Davis Prl
vato family.
WANTED Girl to do cooking and house
work. Apply 453 Holladay ave. Phone
East 304.
THOROUGHLY competent girl wanted for
general housework; good wages. Call 194
21st st. (south of Washington).
WANTED Young girl to assist In light
housekeeping. Apply from 9 to 12, with
STENOGRAPHERS should take the E. B.
U. road to positions; always, sure. 69
Worcester block. 68 3d St.
WANTED Competent second girl : good
wages; 3 In family. Apply 819 Johnson
St. Phone Marshall 1229.
GIRL to assist with work in private board
inghouse. 225 West Park st.
GIRL wanted to work on trousers. Rlchan
back Mfg. Co.. Phoenix bldg., 5th and Oak.
WANTED (Experienced girl for general
housework. 816 Johnson.
WANTED Lady teachers. Apply this even
lng. I45Va 1st st. from 7:3Q to 9:30.
GOOD cook, small family, good wages, re
erences. 295 West Park st. '
WANTED A good girl for general house
work; 3 In family. Inquire 595 Glisan st.
EXPERIENCED girl to work In candy store
Call at 188 Morrison St. after ll:3o A. M.
WANTHD Girl to assist with housework and
. care for children. 710 Flanders.
A YOUNG girl to assist with housework
Apply 662 Johnson st.
WANTED Practical nurse; one having ex
perlence in turberculosis case. East 4311.
Young girl to assist in ..housework, small
family and good home, 50 4 Davis St.
GIRL to assist with housework small fam
ily. 733 E. Couch. Phone E 4019.
NBAT girl or woman for helper in small
boarding-house. 814 Nicolal st. Main 11H9.
GIRL or woman to assist with housework
and children. Woodlawn 281.
YOUNG e'rl to take care of child In day
time. Apply 1069 Thurman st.
GIRL for general -housework; 4 adults in fam-
Hy; wages $35. 795 Hoyt st.
GIRL wanted for general housework: good
-wages ; 2in family. 660 Flanders. Sat 5.
GIRL for general housework, family of a
adults. Call 655 Hoyt st.
GIRL wanted to do general housework. 14S
North 18th. Call mornings.
GIRL for general housework. Apply 14
Union ave. North.
WANTED Competent waitress. Apply cri
terion Restaurant. 82 6th.
WANTED Young girl as waitress at ice
cream store. 266 Everett st.
YOUNG girl to weave hair; also apprentice
428 E. 9th. South.
GIRLS wanted to hull strawberries Call
Gray. .McLean & Percy. 115 North 4th at.
YOUNG Japanese woman for housework Tele
phone East 2264 or call 334 East13lh st. N.
GIRL to assist in housework, small famllv
852 Overton. "
HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co., 2d and
LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting bv
expert; $5 a month. 239 14th. Main 3883.
YOUNG girl for housework. 174 East 15th
near Belmont.
WANTED Girl to do general housework. Ap
ply 63 North 22d st. .
LADY waitress wanted.
Union and Grand.
Belmont, bet.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and house
work; $30. 309 Hancock. E. 1 685. C 1491.
WANTED Lady barber at 242 2d st. Steady
CHAMBERMAID wanted at once. Come
ready to work. Ill North 7th st.
WANTED Girl for general housework.' Ap-
oiy 509 Johnson t.
WANTED Woman cook In hotel. $50, room
and board. c 1440.
WANTED A girl for second work at 163
12th. cor. Morrison.
WANTED First-class salad maker. Apply
early, 125 Sixth street.
WANTED Several bright young women to
learn telephone operating; students paid
$20 per month while learning; a thor
ough training given each student before
assignment to position; this Is an excep
tional opportunity for such applicants that
qualify. Apply to school principal at out
east office. Bast Ankeny and 6th St.. be
tween 8 AM. and 5 P. M., week-days.
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co.
EXPERIENCED shirt operators and elrls to
learn shlrtmaking. Good wages. Begin
ners paid while learning. Neustadter Bros.,
standard Factory No. 2, Grand ave. and
SALESWOMEN, first-class, in a number
of our departments..
ERS, thoroughly experienced hands.
GIRLS, 16 years of age and over, who
will have an opportunity to learn the
business if bright and energetic.
THE Meier & Frank Company requires com
petent salespeople for leather goods, sta
tionery. Jewelry, gloves, ribbons, neckwear,
domestics, house furnishings, men's fur
nishings, hosiery, knit underwear, etc.; also
a number of girls to learn the business. Ap
ply employment bureau, 6th floor annex, 8
to 10 AM. '
"WANTED Girls to make shirts and over
alls. Mount Hood Factory. 233 Couch.
Inexperienced girls paid while learning.
WANTED Girls over 15 to learn In ruchlng
and ladles' neckwear factory; good wages.
63 Fifth St.. 3d floor.
COMPETENT girl for general housework. 3
in family; good wages. Call today be
tween 2 and 5 P. M., 4S9 Hancock st.
Broadway car.
WANTED Housekeeper or widower with 2
small boys. Apply between 2 and 5 P. M.,
A. J. Henderson. 1721 Berkeley st. Take
St. Jonns car to McKenna ave.
WANTED Two lady solicitors; new nov
elty; no competition; extra good pay:
city and surrounding towns. C 1, Ore-
LAUNDRY help, experienced and inexperi
enced, starchers, machine girls, mangle
girls and hand ironers. Opera-House
YOUNG lady stenographer may have office
practice now and permanent position lat
er. A E 993. Oregonian.
GOOD place for girl to assist In - general
housework: modern home, small family.
Phone Main 3729. A 5315.
26fc Washington St., Room $07.
Main 8836 or A 3266.
$48 ft Washington St.. Cor. 7th. Upstairs.
Phone Main 269.2.
FOR elderly , couple, girl to assist In light
housework; good home, small wages. 615
20th. Portland Heights.
WANTED First-class girl cook, housework,
family 3, wages $40. St. Louis Agency,
303 ft Washington. Main 2039.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 699 Roth
cbild bldg.. 4th and Washington. '
WANTED Capable woman for housework;
reasonable wages and good home to right
party. Apply 3S8 Glenn ave.
WANTED Middle-aged lady for housework:
good home and understands cooking. 247
Taylor st.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
must be good cook; family 2; wages $30
to start. Call forenoons 185 N. 25th st,
WANTED Experienced girl for general
work in confectionery store; references re
quired. Address F 995. Oregonian.
HOOD RIVER requires large number berry
pickers Immediately. Bring complete
camping outfits. Free fuel furnished.
Parties will be met at Hood River depot
or steamboat landing by growers. Good
wages. Berry crop very promising. Long
season. Apply Growers' Union.
positions to A-l Instructors- 611 awetlantft.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
HAVE been engaged for several years as
private secretary, confidential clerk and
private stenographer. If you are in need
of such an assistant, would appreciate an
Interview, when can supply additional In
formatlon required. c 2. Oregonian.
practical experience, capable, absolutely
reliable and trustworthy, three 'years
with present firm, desires permanent po
sition with worthy firm. Best of reter
ences. L 4. Oregonian.
WANTED Position In architect's office;
can take care of - correspondence; have
some knowledge of drafting; Al refer
ences as to honesty and sobriety. Address
W 994. Oreconlau.
LAWYER Aged 28, desires position with
title company or corporation where legal
training will be appreciated. In Portland
In Jily. A. W. IlendrickBon. Jr., Osslmng,
WANTED Position at once with good firm
by capable man, thoroughly experienced in
real estate and timber business; sober and
competent In both lines. G 991, Oregonian.
INDUSTRIOUS young man, business college
graduate. with best recommendations,
wants bookkeeping or clerical position. AF
9S5. Oregonian.
POSITION, bookkeeping; competent In sten
ography and telegraphing; no position paying
less than $100 considered. M 993. Ore
gonian. YOUNG man stenographer wishes position.
Knowledge of bookkeeping, at present
employed. L 1. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by bookkeeper and office
man; 7 years lumber experience: ref
erenoas furnished. AB 992. Oregonian.
WANTED, by man and wife, positions as
cooks in hotel or logging camp: refer
ences. S 991. Oregonian.
lent ability; experienced in all lines of
general office work. K 989. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires perma-
nent position. AL 995. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion. Abncr Jones. Y. M. C A.
YOUNG married man wants work as driver,
or other outside employment; working
now as Inside salesman; will furnish good
references and make good. A 3, Ore
gonlan. COOK for camp or hotel by man and wife;
understand the business and not afraid of
work. Address A. E. Benson, 308 Colnm-
bla et. v
SITUATION By an experienced young col
ored man. good cook and general work,
for family or large house party, city or
country. G 1. Ore g n 1 an .
AN AMERICAN would like a position on stock
farm, milking cows and taking care of
stock. Address W. G. Woodworm Olympla
Hotel. X55 N 6th.
SITUATION - at resort or country hotel by
an excellent all-around colored cook. F 4
Oregonian. '
YOUNG Japanese boy wants position
housework or store cleaning. K 985, Ore
gonlan. ENGINEER wishes position, Fairbanks
Morse gasoline, steam engines, dynamos
pumps, etc. S 992. Oregonian.
JANITOR and wife want position care of
apartment-house; experienced. G 987, Ore
gonian. WANTED Position in grocery store, or
would drive lisht delivery wagon. A. B. H.
Address. 114Q East 23d St.. city.
EXPERT window cleaners. A 4763. 272
Burtslde St.; Janitor work and window
cleaning by contract; white help only.
CHAUFFEUR, who understands repairing,
sober and steady; best of references. H 4
WANTED, by a married man, position as
head Janitor for apartment or public build
Ing: Al reference. R 990, Oregon ian.
FIRST-CLASS ladles' tailor looking for a
position; designer, fitter and coat maker.
-f 2. Oregonian.
POSITION as druggist, the best of city refer
ences; registered; will ba at liberty June 1.
D 1. Oregonian.
GOOD Japanese boy wants situation at of
fice cleaning, saloon or any store cleaning,
in the forenoon. J. T.. 266 Everett st.
JAPANESE boy wants work to 9 A. M. after
2 P. M. or as schoolboy on West Side. J 992.
HOISTING or stationary engineer, refer
ences, wants steady employment. G 995.
Oregonian. -
CHAUFFEUR wants position with private
family; references; employed at present.
G POP. Oregonian. "
POSITION lumber yard foreman. 6 years'
experience; references. M.,146 Hamilton
POSITION circular sawyer, small mill; 5
years' experience. P.. 146 Hamilton ave.
JAPANESE good cook wants position In prl
vate f.imlly. M 2. Oregonian.
BOY of 12. strong, healthy, wants place to
work. Box 14. Amboy, Wash,
A YOUNG man. Danish, wants steady posi
tion on up-to-date stock farm; Holstein
and Jersey experience. I thoroughly un
derstand all work in herd and dairy farm
ing. I have experience In surgical mat
tern and can show first-clas references.
Address M. C. Lauridsen, Gaston. Or.,
Route No. 1. Box 21.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
EXPERIENCED cashier and collector, rail
road and commercial work, wants situa
tion at once; city references. Address P.
WANTED Stenographic position by experi
enced young lady; will substitute. Phone
Main 23SQ.
YOUNG woman, experienced" in bookkeeping
and general office work, with good refer
ences. wishes position. A D 991. Oregonian.
COMPETENT stenographer with experience de-
sires permanent position. AL 988. Oregonian.
LADIES, get your gowns and suits altered
at home by a first-class Eastern tailoress,
82.5Q a day. 61ft E. oth st.. N.
ANGEUCS Dresamak'.ng Parlors. 326ft Wuk.
Ington t, suite 216. Main 882. A 538 1.
DRESSMAKER, first-class wishes sewing
by day. L 2, Oregonian.
3S arses.
YOUNG lady wishes position as nurse girl.
Will calL A C 990. Oregonian.
FOR trained nurse, city or country,
travel, phone Sellwood 1658.
NEAT young woman, housekeeper or cham
bermald. Main 2039; A 4775.
WIDOW lady would like to keep house for
bachelor. X 978. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS cook wants position in boarding-house
or bakery; best of references.' B
9-S9. Oregonian.
BY a widowed lady, with 11-year-old son:
woifld like a position as cook or house
keeper. Address L E., East 48th and
Division sts.
LACE curtains washed and stretched. 40
cents a pair; called for and delivered.
Phone Main 3965.
BY young lady, office work: experienced;
physician's or dentist's preferred. Wood
lawn 1990.
CURTAINS washed and stretched. 40c pair;
called for and delivered. Tabor 55.
WANT position as cashier in show; must be
respectable place. E 2. Oregon iam
LADY would like position In small grocery
or clothing store. X 994. Oregonian.
LACE curtains washed and stretched. 40c
a pair. M 5723.
WANTED County and district agents to sell
Mexico tropical lands at $0.50 per acre,
on easy payments. Wonderfully fertile.
Safe Investment. Liberal commissions.
Write for booklet." Mexico International
' Land Co.. 920 Commerce bldjf.. Kansas
City. Mo. v
AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown
nursery stock, is in demand: sales this
season will be immtse; a flattering op
portunity: cash paid weekly; outfit free.
Salem Nursery Co.. Salem, or.
AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de
mand for choice - nursery stock; outfit
free; cash weekly. Address Capital City
NurseryCo., Salem, Or. '
LIVH agents to sell photo coupons; something
new. Davis. 342ft Washington st.
We furnish- the renter, collect the rent,
pay taxes, insurance and. keep up repairs,
the same for you as though the property
was our own; references, any bank la
Portland. .
245 ft Stark St.
Phones A 85O0. Main 35.
LADY and daughter wish to rent small mod
ern furnished cottage for Summer in pleas
ant location. EJast Side preferred. Phone
Marshall 17o9.
WANTED TO RENT Young couple of refine
ment wish to rent 5 or 6-room bungalow or
-house In good district; new building pre
ferred; best of care guaranteed. G 3, Ore-
WANTED June 1, 4 or 5-room furnished
flat or cottage, by responsible couple;
Lower. Upper -Albina or Union ave. car
lines; give full particulars first letter. A
W03. Oregonian.
WANTED Couple wishes to rent attractive
and well furnished'-6 or 7 room house or
bungalow fo:- 3 months, from June 15; re
sponsible people. Phone Marshall 1285;
Home A 3669.
WANTED 4 or 5-room furnished house, mod
ern, by man and wife; no children; refer
ences. G 969. Oregonian.
WANTED Furnished house of 5 or 6 rooms
with yard and barn by man and wife; no
'children. -A 4. Oregonian.
A GENTLEMAN wants one or two well fur
nished rooms, with bath, in small refined
family, within 15 blocks of Postoffice;
West Side, no other roomers. L 3, Ore
gonlan. Rooms With Board.
LADY and 2 children wish board in the
country. Mrs. Geo. P. Doherty, 464 East
Sth St.. North.
Furnished Booms.
422ft Washington St.. Cor. 11th St
Fine modern brick building; steam
TER IN ROOMS; private baths; elegantly
furnished and every modern convenience;
month; transients solicited; both phones.
T10 Washington su, near Kins;. A
cheerful, modern home. Bath, hot and
cold water and phon in every room. In
the finest part of the city. The maxi
mum of convenience, the minimum of
expense. We make you feel at home.
Dining-room In connection. Best in the
city lor the money.
268 3d st., cor. Jefferson.
New fireproof building and furnishings
throughout. Desirable neighborhood, close
to business section. Rooms large, light
and airy; hot and cold water, steam heat,
gas and electric lights; call bells; free
phones. Rate $3 to $6 per week. Phones,
A 7731; M 8639.
68 North 6th St., S. . Cor. Flanders.
New brick building, steam heated, por
celain batns, fine large ofnee on ground
floor, elegant beds, everything absolutely
new and clean: rates only $2.30 and u
per week; 50c and loo per day. a bleoa
ITom Union Depot.
131 Eleventh Street.
NEW, 'modern brick building; STEAM
HEATED, private baths, running water
ROOM; special rates by the week and
month; TRANSIENT TRADE solicited.
HOTEL. SARGENT Cor. Grand ave. and
Hawthorne. Phone East
231, connecting every room. Private baths,
elevator, nrst-class grill. Special rates by
week or month. American or European.
Transients solicited.
124 14th, Cor. Washington st.
Everything new; large, airy rooms, sin
gle and with bath; teleptiono In - every
room, service free; rates by tiiu day, week
or month; also unfurnished rooms.
Grand ave. and East Ash. single rooms
and suites for light housekeeping; steam
heat; hot and cold water In eacn room'
walking distance. '
Fifth St., opposite City Hall.
New, beautifully furnished; steam heat
hot, cold water In every room: publio
and private baths. Permanent: tranienr
HOTEL LENOX, cor. id and Main staT
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea
sonable prices, modern conveniences, on.
poslte the Plaxa.
Washington and 17th. first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con.
venlences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 6647
Modern furnished or unfurnished apart
ments, single or en suite, reasonable rental
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall stm.
well furnished sleeping rooms $2.50 per
week; electric lights, hot baths free.
NICE rooms, $1.50 week. Free phone, bath
No. 2 14th St.. N. corner Rti,naM
THE E.3TES Good rooms, reasonable- new
furniture, telephone and baths free. '327 w
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estea
The Mercedes. 20th and Washington; ele
gantly furnished rooms; hot and cold run
ning water, modern conveniences: $12 up.
IsE RBX Modern rooms. $2.50 to $5 ne.
week. 548 ft Washington st.
FURNISHED rooms. Elm Place, formerly
Ellon Court Annex. 414 Yam hi U and 11th.
furnished Rooms.
building; fine large ground-noor office; hot
and cold running water in all -rooms;
steam heated: private baths; very richly
furnished. Rates only $3.50 and up per
week; 50c up per day. Call and see us.
Northeast corner Fifth and Glisan sts.
ANGELA HOTEL 625 Washington street,
between 19th and 20th. Just completed,
the cosiest, conipletest and up-to-datest
residence hotel in the city. The ground
floor office is finished In real mahogany,
marble and tile, is spacious and handsome;
elevator service, private telephone ex
change, steam heat, hot and cold water
In all rooms, many with baths and wall
beds, and is splendidly furnished. The
rent la wry moderate, rooms from $15
per month up. Why not get the best for
your money? Now open, rooms by the day,
week or month. Phone Marshall 1950.
Ksw, modern, fireproof building, steam
heated, hot and cold running water in ail
rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that
money can bny, and It doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodglng-nouse; nice
large office on ground floor; everything
first-class; rates, COc, 75c and $1 per
day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and
. see us. 129 eth st. North.
Homelike. Homelike Homelike.
Tth and Ankeny sts.
Free was their depot carrlaaa,
I took It on the spot;
There may be other houses Just as soe4L
A ,niet home for quiet people.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder. Is now
undergoing a thorough renovation; 70
team heated, eleotno-llghted rooms, ail
outside. Rates 75o day; $10 month up.
uites with running water $20 niontn up.
Poopes" and bath free.
Furnished Kooms In jPrivmte f 'ami:
OLTR 3 newly furnlshaed rooms, all modern
,c" c a:3, Riuuiui 1 ioor, use oi porcrt
and basement, walking distance, two ad
ults may have them for $30 per month, in
cluding water, phone and light, for Sum
mer. Main 676t.
FOR RENT Furnished room wli h oIpova.
sleeping porch, iUrge closet; suitable for
-s or o people; aNOD j-tiu district. 16 IS.
38th st. Piione A 4705.
TWO newly furnished rooms for man and
wjfe, or 2 gents; modern Hat, electric
lights, bath, hot water, 5 minutes' walk
to tr. use or Kitcnen. 10th st.
NEW private furnished rooms. Just started;
Quiet place; new furniture throughout;
electric liichts: baths, with hnt nH
water; "$1.25 up. tiii'J Savit-r st, cor. 21st.
TWO tine furnished rooms; $'2 and $3 per
week. 147 JSortb. Ulst st., between Hoyt
nuu xi v
COZY single room for rentleman or ladv
lO minutes' walk; mouern, 333 Mont-
CHEAP, clean. newly furnished mndprn
home, adults only. A 77iH, 31 Mont-
258 THIRTEENTH St., nicely furnished
rooms, house new. every convenience; gen
tlemen only.
LARGE), light, finely furnished rooms, easy
A NICELY furnished front room for rent.
ass itn st.
LADY employed to coma and room in pri-
vate iamuy. ;i.ov per week. .Marshall 1 241.
4TTRAC1 IVE room or suite; no other
roomers ; all conveniences. Mam 9002.
FURNISH B7D front room, very reasonable.
610 l'ishur st.
A 1ARGB room, sunny and pleasant, suit
able for 2. 67 N. 20th st.
NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, close in.
211 11th st.
309 ELEVENTH Large furnished room, 1
or 2 gentlemen; reasonable.
NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking dis
tanoe. $1.50 per week. 431 6th.
NICE front room, suitable for two young
gennemen, jonvenie,ut. ;09 Tth.
NOB HILL, close in, pleasant, cozy room,
bath, phone, $8. 032 Flanders.
Rooms With Uosvrd.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and library
510 Flanders sc Miss Frances K. Heath,
su p t.
BOARD with room: best In -city; reasonable.
Alain 2118. 147 13th st.
ROOMS with board, 147 13th St. Main 211S.
Kooms With Board tn.Fri.vate ir'auiily.
BOARD, with very pleasant front room;
modern conveniences; walking distance;
West Side; very pleasant surroundings.
Main 3240.
ROOMS for rent, with or without board;
free phone and bath; walking distance. 327
W es tPar ks t.
VERY desirable room and board for 2 gen
tlemen. 644 East Alder. Phone B 2031.
NEWLY furnished rooms, with board. 495
E. Oak Kt. corner 10th. 13 2619.
ROOM and board. 427 Graham ave., one
block from Union ave. cars.
ROOM and board, use of phone, bath,
- Piano- 552, MorrUon st.
ROOM and board, rerined private family;
business peopie preferred!. 712 Hoyt su
FURNISHED room with board for 2 gen
tlemen at $20 each. Call 549 Yamhill.
New concrete building with elaborately
furnished 3-roora apartments, all modern
conveniences, large shady lawn, cool ve
randas and Janitor servloe; rents reason
able, walking distance. 624 Marshall at. ;
take "W" car. Main 6232 or A 3191.
HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia,
4 blocks from Morrison st. New brick
building, completely nrst class, furnished
In 2, 3 and 4-room xamily apartments; pri
vate bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot
water, elevator, free phone ; some unf ur
nished; Janitor service; rent reasonable.
Beautiful 4-room apartments for rent on
the ground noor, all furnished, witn pri
vate bath and janitor service. In walking
distance from business district, including
steam heat. phone Main 1245.
THE New Buck Apartments. 21st and Flan
ders, ready for occupancy J une 1. Fur
nished or unfurnished 2, 3 and 4 rooms.
Also 1 furnished 3-room apartment at The
Hartford. For both, apply Mrs. West,
The Hartford. Phones AjS5. Main 27S2.
Strictly modern, large rooms and three
closets to every apartment; cool and airy
for Summer. 695 Lovejoy su Take W
HAN O V ER Apartmen ts. corner svn d
Washington -u., 3-room apartments, have
every modern convenience, including steam
neat, hot water, private bath, free phones
and janitor service; rent very reasonable.
yam hill ( W car at depot). 2, 3 and 4-room
furnished suites; hot and cold, phones and
baths free; $20 per month, i per wee
fend up. Main 4697- A 4739.
T. CROIX Apartments, liO St. Clair, near
Washington; new brick builuing. two and
three-room apartments, all modern con
veniences; nne residence location; reason
able rent.
TE AM-HEATED B-room apartment, mod
ern and desirable; 65 Everett at. Apply
Morgan. Fleldner & Boyce, &03 Abingtoa
FOR RENT Modern 4-room apartment.
King's Heights Apartment House, cor.
King and Wayne sts.; furnished, &o; ua
furnished. $40. Apply Janitor.
THE LAURETTE Apartments. 229 11th;
new brick bunding; one choice, elegant
fumisheu front apartment; modern; 5
minutes' walk from postotttce. Boih phones.
FURNHE1 apartment, 4 rooms and bath.
The Sheftleld. 272 Seventh t. cor. Jeffer
son. Reasonable rent; no children. A 3149,
Main 2out. .
FIVE-ROOM, steam heated, modern apart
ment with janitor service partial base
ment), tinest in city for tne money. Ap
ply to janitor, 21st and K.earn.ey.
THE MKCED3 Elegantly furnished X
loom apartments, hot and cold running
water and all modern conveniences; sis
to $30- Corner Ituth and Washington sts.
' For housekeeping in suites, $12 and up;
hot water, free baths, nrst-ciass. G31
Washington, cor. 2oth.
IMPORTANT If you are looking for the
tit-est unfurnished suites in the cilv. with
all impiovements, call this week. "Keeler
A pattments. 14th and Clay sts-
MORTON. 697 Washington st., one 3-room
apartment, alt large outside rooms; J
basement apartments; reasonable rent.
HARRISON COURT unfurnished"" apart
ments of 2 and 3 rooms, with bath.
Phones Main ol4, A 7363.
5-ROOM corner apartment, every" conveni
ence. Braintree Apartments, 2y5 12th st.
Main 7741.
fc-ROOM corner apartment, every conveni
ence. Braintree Apartments. 295 12th st.
Main 7741.
THE CHETOPA. 18 Flanders St., 4-room un
furniahed apartments. Apply to Janitor.
A part men ts.
4R9 Clay m.. near 14th. the only modera
completely furnished 2-room apartment-houra
In the city; house and elegant furniture,
brand new; just opened for business; steam
heat, electric light, hot and cold water in
every room ; private phone, bath, janitor
service; rates $18-$25. Including light; walk
ing distance. t?ee them now before they
are gone and take your choice.
$25 TO $33 Fine West Side steam-heated
apartments; private bath and phone, hard
wood floors, small outside porch, fine new
brick building; these are the best and
cheapest apartments in the city; they are
fu rnished with bedstead, spring, dresser,
dining-room table, ice box; do look them
up. call 414 11th st., Dammaier Invest Co.
Cor. Grand ave. and Stark St.
New fireproof brick building, beautiful
ly furnished two and three-room apart
ments, private baths, wall beds, large
clothes closets; plenty of hot water; Sum
mer rates. Phone E 300.
THE new brick Stanley apartments, king "
and Washington sts.; 3. 4 and b rooms.
$27.50 per month and up.
TO LET First-class apartment. 421 West
Park 5t .
FOR RENT Nicely furnished 3-room apart -ment,
Holladay AOdit ion, reasonable. C 2642.
TO LET Just one left! Nothing like these
flats in town; living-room with big. old
fashioned fireplace; beautiful paneled dining-room,
two bedrooms, kitchen, pass
pantry, bath, front and rear verandas;
private store room and servants' room in
basement; best tarline; est street and.
best neighborhood in city; up-to-t he-second
In every particular. A. B. Wldnex
S22-S24 Board of Trade. Main 6974.
FOR KENT New and strictly modern -rcom
fiats on 20th and Laurel sts. .Port
land Heights, rent $40. Apply
S5 Fourth st.
New. modern attic room, two blocks West
Side High School. Inquire 17i 16th t.. cor
ner Yamhill.
FIVE or 6-room flat, suitable for one or two
families; across Steel bridge, corner Ross
and Dixon sts. Inquire on premises.
Modern 5-ro-m upper flat; adults. 160
E. loth, near Belmont.
SWELL new apartments. 9 rooms and sleep
ing porch. 653 Ladd ave.. near 12th and
NEW, modern 6-room upper flat, 101 R.
19th. corner Washington. Rent 32.&0. Phone
Ta bor4 14.
S-ROOMED flat, modern, pleasant, walk
ing distance. Inquire i'33 Hall st.,
, afternoons.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co. Main 1618, A 19S4. All covered, vai
ops, all experienced men.
FINE, comfortable, modern lower flat, fur
nished complete; nothing to buy; Wt
Side ; close m. 353 6th st.
$16 Modern 4-room lower flat with porch and
basement, near car; adults. 7to0 Williams?
ave. Phone Woodlawn 426.
UPPER 5-room modern, newly tinted flat.
7l4a Kearney. Key at 712 Kearney.
MODERN 5-room flat. Sth, near Jackson. West
ide; lo minutt-s' walk. Main or A 1223.
NEW six-room modern flat for rent, corner
Missieajipp 1 ave. and Failln gt .
THREE-ROOM unfurnished brick flat. In-
quire at Sevilla. 225 Market st.
UPPER flat. 5 rooms. alcove. sleeping;
porch. 392 Ross St., near Broadway.
MODERN 4-room apartment for rent; wood,
lift; reasonable. oSl 3d st.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall stst Fur
nished for housekeeping, including gas
ranges, electric lights, hot water, bath,
laundry, all free; S15 per month up; best
in the city for money; short distance from
Union Depot. Take "S" or 16th-st. cars
north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs.
WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 2.
$8 month. 3 for $12; cottage. 4 large rooms
$17.50. 364 26th North (West Side). W
car from depot, 3d or Morrison to 26th.
block north.
Modern furn. or unfurn. apartments;
single or en suite ; reasonable; central.
392 East Stark st., cor. Grand ave. Fur
nished housekeeping-rooms; modern; rea,
jionable. East 5465. B 2SS.
$1.25 TO $2.00 week, clean, furnished house
keeping rooms; laundry, bath, phone, gas
furnace heat. 406 Vancouver ave.
4-ROOM apartment; large rooms; nicely fur
nished ; beautiful surroundings; walking
distance. Call 225 Lownsdule or 15th st.
545 H WASHINGTON Housekeeping rooms,
newly furnished, very reasonable; very
central. '
THE MILNER. 350 Morrison, cor. Park, fur
nlahed or unfur. apts. ; all con., best location.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms.
421 E. Morrison St.
$1.25 TO $1.50, clean furnished bousekeep
lng rooms. Desoto House. 291 2d at.
COLLINS', 503 Alder St., tine furnished
rooms, $10 month up. All conveniences.
$1.26 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms.
heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. TJ" car.
HOUSEKEEPING and single room; strictly
modern; tree phones. 4iK Morrison at.
461 EAST MORRISON, cor. 8th Completely
furnished housekeeping suites; reasonable,
$1.50 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping;
rooms; laundry, bath, gas. 184 Sherman.
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments; far
n i shed. 191 14th st.
Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family.
ELEGANT suite. completely furnished
housekeeping rooms. Gas, bath, basement,
walking distance; no children; $17.60.
526 Kearney st. -
Two large light housekeeping rooms,
furnished, gas, water and telephone. 489
21 st st.. between CI if ton and M yrt le.
ONE suite housekeeping rooms; beautifully
furnished; hot and cold running water;
laundry; beautiful location; walking dis
tance. 656 Glisan.
FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished room
for elderly couple. Call between 10 and
3.310a 10t" St., rear house.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms; steam heat, hot
water, bath, free phone ; rent by week or
n louth; downtown. 350 Alder.
$3.6i 2 large, well-f urniahed rooms; gas for
cooking included, line lawn. 415 Wygant.
Inion-ave. car.
FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping; If de
sired, piano, phone, etc.; close in. 390
.'Jackson st. -
$16 3 furnished housekeeping rooms in
cottage; as range, bath and yard; sepa
rate entrance. 610 1st st.
NICE front room, completely furnished; gas
stove; walking distance. 146 North 16th.
Main 51 73.
TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms,
5 minutes from Postoffice; neat, reason
ahle. Ho9 7th.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping suite,
walking distance, good neighborhood. 315
WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping suite, par
lor and bedroom, connecting. 347 Hall st.
A CLEAN, airy furnished moms; yard;
re n t ; adults ; ret'ere nces. 69 5 Fro n t .
ONE room for housekeeping.;
nicely furnished. 334 Park.
clean and
TWO pleasant rooms to parties without chil
dron. m 392 Vt Sixth st.. room 8.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 194
. North 17th, cor Kearney.
8 COMFORTABLE furnished housekeeping
rooms; reasonable. 781 Kearney st
1 ROOM with alcove for housekeeping; gas.
bath and phone. 372 6th st
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished . com
plete. 149 13th fit., near Morrison
FURN US H ED with sleeping porch and tent
ing privileges. Phone Sellwood 36-
TWO rooms, housekeeping suite, phone,
bath. 163 N. 16th. near Irving.
THREE light furnished housekeeping
rooms; gas, yard; $15 month. 692 Front.
NEW, reasonable to right party, fine place,
good accommodations. A 7796.
8 AND ft-mom house in Irvington. half block
from end cf Irvington car. 44 E. lftth
Nrth. See Adams &. Apperson, 251 Wash
ington ft.
WH moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co. Main 1618. A 1984. All covered wag
ops. sl exp erienced no a n.
8 ROOMS Central "West Side; 4 rooms rent
ed, paying $16 above rent; furniture for
salp. Phone A 2301.
FINE eight-room house, on Sunnyside car
line, $25 per month. Call Main 1600 or
B 2513;
THOROUGHLY modern house in residential
district. Apply at Rogers-Hart-Glbson
Co.. 146 2d st.
IF you desire a new 8-room modern house
cheap at $20, apply 450 Magnolia. Wood
la wn.
NEW modern 6-room house; nicely sltuat
72S E. Main: B 1 1 .19.
5-ROOM cottage, with bath. 42S Sn Rafael
Ft.. $15. T. H. Edwards. 191 Tint St.
7-ROOM house for rent, 568 Glisan. Inquire
574 Glisan. 4
MODERN 6-room house, flowers, lawn, 122.
Woodlawn 1799, ' .