18 THE MORNING- OICEGOXIAN. THURSDAY, MAT 26, 1910. BANKERS ALLEGE FEUD KESTER. AND KETTEXBACIJ ASK CHANGE OF VENUE. jPres9 Bureau Maintained by Prose cution to Prejudice Public, Is Declared In Affidavits. MOSCOW. Idaho. May 25. (Special.) t Change of venue to Boise was asked today by the defense in the Lewiston bank cases, in which Kettenbach and Kester are chargred with having made false reports to the Controller of the Currency. As a basis for their contention that n. fair trial could not be obtained in the northern part of Idaho, the defense introduced many affidavits. Special stents of the Government are charged wlthlng having maintained a press bu reau to influence public opinion. Pey ton Gordon, assistant to the United States Attorney-General, Is accused of having used profane epithets toward Rev. Charles McCauhe, pastor of the Methodist Church at Lewiston, when the preacher was in attendance upon the Krand jury. . The history of the fac tional trouble at Lewiston is reviewed. Affidavits read today declared that there was a bitter personal political and business feud between the Ket tenbaohs, of the Lewiston National Bank. Kester and John B. "West, on one side, and Gaylord Thompson, pres ident of the Commercial Trust Company, and Miles S. Johnson, ex-Assistant United States District Attorney, and their friends on the other. Recent newspaper publications were quoted as having been designed to prejudice pub lic opinion. Mr.. Gordon, in resisting the motion for a change of venue, denounced the affidavit of Rev. Mr. McCaphe as false and declared that he had done nothing Inconsistent with his professional honor and his position in the case. "If these affidavits," he said, "are not stricken from the records, they will stand as a monument to the un professional conduct of the attorneys for the defense." The motion was taken under advise ment. Neglect of Family Charged. OREGON CITY, Or., May 25. (Special.) "I am strong enough to earn my own living, but he should support my child," eald Mrs. Richard Johnson, when she appeared in court today to testify against iher husband, who was arrested, on a charge of failing to support his wife and babe in arms. Johnson entered a plea of guilty and he will be required to pay $10 per month toward the support of his child. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE Dally or Sand-ty. Per line. n time 12c Same ad two consecutive times Xc fetune ad three consecutive tlme.. 30o bame ad six or uvea consecutive time . .50 8ix word count as one line on casn ad vertisements and no ad counted for less than two lines. When an advertisement Is not run consec utive times the one-time rate applies. On oh&rge of book advertisements the rhargre will be based on the actual number of llues appearing in the paper, regardless of the number of words in each line. In New Today all advertisements are charged by measure only, 14 lines to the inch. The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other classifica tions excepting? the following (Situations Wanted, Male. situations Wanted, Female. .For Kent, Hoonu, private Families. Rooms and Board, Private Families. Housekeenlujr Rooms, private Families. The rate of the above classifications Is 1 vents a line each Insertion. TO OUT-OF-TOWN PATRONS The Ore Konlan will receive copy by mail, provided sufllclent remittance for a definite number of issues is sent. Acknowledgment of such remittance will be forwarded promptly. In case box office address is required, use regular form given, and count this as part of the ad. Answers to advertisements will be forwarded to patrons, provided self -addressed stamped envelopes are furnished. If you 'have either telephone in your house we will accept your ad over the phone and pend you the bill the next day. Phone Want Ad Iept., Main "J 00 or A 6095. (Sit uation Wanted and Personal advertisements not accepted over the phone. Errors are snore easily made In telrphonlmr advertise ments, therefore The Oregonlan will not hold it-self responsible for such errors. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY rRESIDEJJT, Blaln 212. SKCRKTAHV, Main BB9. HUMANK OFFICER, East 4779. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At the Gullllame. 18th and Davis, the fur nishings of third floor. Sale at 10 o'clock by Baker & Son, auctioneers. MEETING NOTICES. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 114. A. F. AND A. M. Special communi cation this (Thursday) evening at 7:SO o'clock. Masonic Temple Work F. C. degree. Visiting breth ren welcome. By order W. M. a l. i ' Li. juojnt toecretary. KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS Member are requested to attend the funeral of August - r,wtrom. Bric9n undertaking parlors at P. M. today (Thursday.) E. M. LANCE. K. R. S. Til E NOBLE GRAND OF CITY VIEW HEBEKAH LODGE. NO. 1 T9. has called a --- "-is i'T r huhv nignt, May Zi. Dl U t 'C A as- a t- ' . . BLB1E LAMAN, Secretary. DIED. VJ-k?? At h,B ,ate residence In St. John. William Henry Suile. aged 67 yeara a veteran of the Civil War. NELSON In this city." May 25th, at 619 Clatsop avenue. Lizzie A. Nelson; age 6 years. 6 months. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES. STRIBOU Louisa Maria Trlbou died 8 50 P. M Tuesday, May 24. at her late residence, 310 Benton street, aged 73 years 2 months and 17 days. A pioneer of 1852, mother of Mrs. James P. Moffett. William Zim mer and Viola Moss; -sister of Mrs. Ralph W. Hoyt and Mrs. Peter Connacher. Friends Invited to attend funeral services which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 10 A. M. today. Thursday. May 26. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. PYAN The funeral of James Grover Ryan, age 26 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ryan, will be held at 11 A. M. today CITiui-sday) from Holman's cnapel, 3d and Salmon. Interment in Rlvervlew Ceme tery. IBOWE In this city. May 24. August Bowe, aged 50. years, at his late residence. 1489 Virginia St. Funeral aervices will be held from Ericson Undertaking Co. channl 41 1 Alder st., today (Thursday), May 26. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. Interment Greenwood Cemetery. BAf SETT The funeral services of Wilton C. Bassett. who died In this city May 22, will be held at Flnley's chapel at 7 P. M. today (Thursday). Friends Invited. Interment Austin. Minn. TAYLOR In this city. May 24. at his late residence, 184 Dakota street. David Ed win Taylor, aged 60 years 9 months and 9 days. The funeral services will be held at Hnleys cnapel at 3 p. ja- KTiaay. May 27. Friends invited. inrermnnr - , t . - view Cemetery. TONSETU FLORAL CO, MARQUAM BLUO. FLORAL BESIONS. Phones; Main 6102. A 1108. " Dunning A McEntee, Funeral Directors, 9th and line. Phone Main 430. JLad as sistant. Office of County C'.roner. ZELLEB-BYRSES CO.. Funeral Directors, BW4 Williams ave.j both phones; lady at ten d snt; most modern establishment In the city. EDWARD HOI-MAN CO., Funeral Direct. prs. 220 3d st. Lady Assistant. Phone M. 607. j p. FIN LEV A SOS, 3d and Madison. X.hVt attendant. Phone Main 8. A 1589. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to F. S. Dunning. Inc. E. 62, a 8528. ERICSON CO. Undertakers: lady assist ant. 409 Alder. M. 6133. A 2285. LERCH, Undertaker, cor. East Alder and tb. Phones 781. B 1888. Lady assistant. 'A AWrSFWFNTH. BUNGALOW THEATER 12th and Morrison Phones Main 117 and A 4224. Friday, May 2T. and Saturday, May 28, . Saturday Matinee. B. P. O. ELKS Peerless Minstrels THE BIG FUN SHOW OF THE SEASON. 75 JOLLY ELKS IN THE CAST 75 ISO Minutes of Merriment. General Admission S1.00. Seat Sale Opens at the Box Office Wednes day morning. Watch for the Great Street Parade Friday Noon. PORTLAND THEATER Every Evening This Week . At 8:15. Mod.. Wed.. Sat.. 2:30. Mile Aida lirmml and toe NATIONAL OPERA COMPANY Presenting Fra Oiavolo Prices 25c to $L THEATER Main 2, A 5360 Geo. L. Baker. Manager BAKER STOCK COMPANY Tonight and all week in the Beauttfud Play TTNDfiVR SOUTHERN SKIES. By author of "Way Down East." Great cast and scenic production. Evening Prices 25c. 60c. 75c Sat. Mat., 25c. 50c. Next week: The Prisoner of Zenda. MAIN e. A lOtO. MATINEE KVKKT DAT. RIGHTS THEATER 15-25-50-7&B WEEK MAY 28 Lily Lena. Comedienne; "The CODE Book;" Paul Spadoni: Lyon nnd Ymco; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hughes: Mark aud West: Wolf and Zadella; lie lure"; OrcheMra. GRAN D Week May 23, 1910 Vorld'a Greatest Juggler, KARA The 4 Trocaderos. 'Wolf, Moore and Young:. Rolf Rafaelly. frleldtt and Coco. Jmll C'hevriei. Gran da scope. Direct from London Hippodrome. Matinee every day, Evening performance! 15c; lower floor. 25c ; "7:30, 9:15; balcony, box seats, 50c- LYRIC PORTLAND'S FAMILY PLAYHOUSE . Seventh and Alder Streets. THIS WEEK OSLV LATEST ANIMATED PICTURES A 1,1. AEW. Commencing Aiext Monday Matinee, May 30, The Armstrong Musical Comedy Company. aseoa RECREATION PARK, Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sta. SACRAMENTO vs. PORTLAND MAY 34, 2S, 26. 27, 2S, 29, 30, 31 1 JUNE 1, 2, 3, , R. TWO GAMES DECORATION DAY. Gamei Begin Weekdays 3t30 P. 91. Sundays 2i30 P. M. Admission Bleachers, 25c: Grand stand, 60c; Boxes, 25c extra. Children: Bleachers 10c. Grandstand 26c. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. NEW TODAY- EXCHANGE Washington Farm For Residence 160 acres, 12 miles north of Van couver, mile from Brush Prairie, on Northern Pacific R. Ri on good pub lic highway, 45 acres in cultivation, soil is the best, no rocks or gravel, Sal mon Creek runs through farm near the barn; fine spring near house, could be piped to house easily; house of 9 rooms, as good as new; barn 60x107; good team horses, 2 Jersey cows, wagon, top buggy, seeder, disc. Acme harrow, plow harrow, double and single harness: crops go with possession any time. Owner not able to work. Will take good residence in Portland worth $3000 to-$4000, about $4000 cash and time on balance at 6 per cent. Price $16,000. GRUSSI 6 ZADOW 317 Board of Trade Hitler., 4th and Oak. Homestead Relinquishment on 160 acres in Clackamas County, near Wllhoit Springs and not far from elec tric survey. Has five million feet good timber. 3 acres slashed, 60 acres good plow land, house (unfinished) 20x30, 25 apple trees, good running water. In a good country and will be worth $5000 after being patented. Price $1000. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO, BIT, 518 Oregonlan Illdg. Central Oregon MADRAS, REDMOND, BEND, PRINE. V1LLB, LAIDLAW, And all points In the interior. If you are Intending to make a trip to this wonderful empire you can now buy your tickets at the address below and avoid laying over a day in Shanlko. We are now running . 7 passenger Pierce Arrow cars daily from Shaniko and Bend, making connection at Ma dras for Prineville, La Monte and way points. For further information call at 617 Chamber of Commerce, or phone Main 1677. ESPEY AUTO STAGE CO. 2500 ANOTHER FLAT BARGAIN", THIS WEEK ONLY $2500 will handle this income prop osition, which will stand the strongest investigation. Will net purchaser 100 per cent by Fall on amount invested. F. E. Taylor & Co. 402-3 Lewis Building, 4th and Oak Sts." 7ih-Sl Comer Close to Portland Hotel and New Heilig Theater. SEE OWNER, 272 Washington St. rV t TO NEW TODAY. 211 FOURTH ST. Houses and Fine Homes at Second Hand Prices $6500 Portland Heights, two bouses and two lots. $3750 Rose City Park. Terms. $4000 E. 12th st. A snap. $2600 Sellwood bungalow, Mil waukie ave. $2800 Swell bungalow. Milwau kee ave. Fine view; swell proper ty; double car track. A snap. $2000 6-rom house, 12 lots, Ka lania. Will trade. $2200 5 -room cottage, large lot, Monta villa. $5000 Swell home, South Port land. $75 cash, balance $10 per month, new cottage, near Kilingsworth ave. Why pay rent? $8500 Swell home; large grounds; Walnut Park. $900 4 - room bungalow. Mount Sco"tt car. $3500 Up-to-the-minute cottage. University Park; 2 lots. $1100 4-room cottage, Sellwood; orchard and garden. $2300 5 - room cottage, Missis sippi ave. Terms. $7250 Two new modern' houses, E. 13th St., on corner; 15 per cent cash, balance easy at 6 per cent. A good Investment or will sell separately. $2650 Be sure to see this: Kll lingsworth ave.; hard - surface street all the way into town; ce ment sidewalk: all improvements paid; lot worth the money. A large 4-room cottage, cement foundation basement; fruit trees, roses, gar den, fine lawn, all go for the price of the lot. $2700 A fine home near Uni versity Park; large grounds, or chard, garden, berries. An excep tional bargain. For Farms See Ir Before Buylnc;. 325 acres, nothing better in the Willamette Valley; $8000 worth of buildings; land alone worth $150 per acre. Crop, land and improve ments, with stock and implements, all go for only $125 per. Yes, stick a pin in yourself and see if you are really alive. 120 acres in Town of Woods, Til lamook County, $15 per acre. 13 acres, 20 miles from Portland, $2000. 20 acres, onl-y 2 miles from Boring, Or., $2250. 21 acres Turn over, you are asleep. Here Is a bargain if you will wake up and listen: 21 acres Vi mile from Cove Orchard Sta tion; all platted around this at big prices. This tract is orchard land with 12 acres beaverdam for garden land, and anything grbwn in Oregon can be grown oh it. If the price was $260 per acre you would get a bargain. But If sold before June the 4th will take $150 per acre. Easy terms. You can't equal It. 10 acres, only IS miles from Portland, on the Portland road: good garden and orchard land; all very fine; 6 cows and dairy out fit, horse, rubber-tire buggy, im plements and tools complete, good house, barn and outbuildings. Everything complete for only $2900. Land worth the money. 10 acres. In sight of "Council Crest," only 9 miles from Port land. A pick up at $2600. 65 acres. Base Line road, con crete house worth $3000, barn $3000; 40 acres clear. This is a snap. Only $15,000. 120 acres, near Kalama, SO to 40 acres clear, only $2500. 30 acres, 7 acres clear, all black loam, fine stream of water along timber good , for logging timber; only 6 miles from, Gladstone. 8 miles to Oregon City; 250,000 feet No. 1 fir. This is one of the best investments in the country. Only' $600 cash required to handle this. 160 acres, 12 miles from Sheri dan, timber cut off, 3 to 4 acres cleared, $8 per acre. . Only $500 cash will secure, balance easy. Small house and barn. 10 acres 3 from Vancouver, Wash., mile from electric: fine orchard tract or good for cultiva tion, only $1500, $400 cash, balance easy terms, or will trade for im proved property. We have dozens of such places. Come in and see our full list. Rooming-houses, from 5 to 90 rooms, at bargain prices. One es- PJ?clt!& " rooms- a money-maker for $900. Many more. Hen! E.s t a t e Office Complete. Well established and a fine list at a bargain. THE GLOBE BROKAGE CO. 211 Fourth St. Phone Main 1174. Res. Sell. 1S1. Grand Ave. and East Morrison 100x90. well improved, 10ih and Hoyt 100x100, improved, 12th and Harrison 100x100, improved, 23d and Everett 100x100, improved, 11th and Main 50x100, improved, 19th and Upshur 100x100, on R. R. track. donaldTmcleod 821 ELECTRIC BLDG. FineResidence$10000 8-room house, with billiard-room, 8 lots, barn or garage, many trees, 2 blocks from carline, Portland Heights, could be made one of the most beauti ful residence properties in the city. Will consider part trade. OWNER, 923 Board of Trade. GEORGE BLACK, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) 828 Worcester Side. Phono Main 6371; A 4013. NEW TODAY. NOB HILL LOTS $4000 50x88, on Cornell road, has beautiful view. $4250 35x100, Lovejoy st., bet. 21st and 22d st. $4500 50x100, Overton St., bet. 19th and 20th. $4500 60x100 on 22d, het. Overton and Petty ' grove sts. $4750 50x100, Overton, bet. 20th and 21st sts. $5250 60x100, Overton, bet. 25th and 26th sts. $6000 60x100, Overton, bet. 21st and 22d sts. $6500 60x100, Johnson St., bet. 23d and 24th sts. $9500 100x100, corner 20th and Pettygrove st. $10000 100x100 on Kearney st., bet. 21st and 22d sts. PORTLAND HEIGHTS $15,000 150x215 on Portland Heights, fine view. $10,000 100x200 on Myrtle st. $8500 100x115, corner 21st and Myrtle sts. $8000 100x100, corner 16th and Clifton. $7500 100x115, corner 21st and Elm sts. $6500 100x100, Myrtle and Montgomery. $5000 100x100, Chapman and Clifton sts. $4000 74x75, corner 22d and Jackson sts. ipS? KEASEY Ci HUMASONgJEJTERY i 14 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, (j 18 Acres For Platting Fine, sightly tract can be had, at figure that will per mit purchaser to MORE THAN DOUBLE MONEY Close to two carlines. FARE CHAS..L. HUNTER, 223-225 Board of Trade. A Dandy Country Home oh Slough Road near city limits, 7 acres, fully cul tivated, 70 full-bearing fruit trees, 2 acres strawberries, balance in raspber ries, logan, blackberries, gooseberries and truck garden; 11-room house (cost $4600), bath, toilet and running water; barn (house and barn have cement basements), plastered chicken - house, windmill and tank, 2000 gal. capacity; gas engine; small lake on north border affords fine fishing and boating. One mile from streetcars, 25 minutes by auto. f This place must be investigated to be appreciated. Let us take you out It's dirt cheap. Terms. . Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second, Lumber Exchange akeAn We have an excellent. 5-room cot tage in East Ankeny district, on car line, corner lot, modern house, good condition, good location, good value for $4000. We want to sell. . Tell us on what terms you want to buy. No phone calls. Western Oregon Trust Co. Ground Floor, Chamber of Commerce. MAGNIFICENT APARTMENT SITE Affording an unobstructed view of the city to the east and north. Must be seen to be appreciated. It Is. 110x100 At the S. W. corner of 16th and Mont gomery streets. He who would build for the future, as well as the present will recognize- this as an ideal site. Carline at the door, 15 minutes' walk to P. O. Call for price and terms. Strong & Company 605 Concord Bldg. Offer NEW TODAY. An 18 Per Cent .Net Investment without a single speculative feature attaching to the income, is what I offer in this Absolutely Gilt Edge APARTMENT HOUSE BUY Now, don't say that you don't think this can be legitimate, you who are satisfied with 7 per cent to 10 per cent on your money, but come in and let me show you the deal. $15,000 Is the price about half cash. A. B. WIDNEY 822-824 Board of Trade. Main 6974. APARTMENT SITES Corner, 100x100, 21st near Flanders, a location where a p a r tm e n t s bring fancy prices. Hard surface pave ment. $22,500 75x100, Northrup st., near 23d; some income. Fine apartment site. $9000 E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. Five-room cottage, commanding the finest view in this beautiful residence section. Fine fruit trees, roses; plen tv of water. $3500 Ask for Mr. Kupper. Chapin & Herlow S32 Chamber of Commerce. $22,500 TERMS 55x70 on Madison Street between 5th and 6th. SEE OWNER 210 Henry Building We have five lots in Xvanho Addition, 2 lots in Creston Addi tion and 11-room house and 2 lots . in Forest Grove, Or., to trade for farm lands ; also a good 7-room modern house in East Portland to trade for cheap or unimproved lands. T. A. RIGGS REALTY CO. Room 225, Fliedner Bldg., Tenth and Washington Streets. West Side Snap Full lot 50x100. with 4 cottages rent ed for $48 per month and paying a (food Income on the investment, on 2d street, north of Lincoln, five minutes' walk from 3d and Morrison. Lot alone worth the price asked and you get the houses for nothing-- Price J7500 12850 cash, balance terms . Grussi&Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bldic. 4th and Oak. 24th and Marshall 50x100, with fine 8-room resi dence. DONALr MACLEOD, 821 Electric Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS M. E. THOMPSON CO. HfJTT Building. 4th and Oak Sta. INVESTORS Call on owners' Realty Am'h for timber, acreage, business. residence and arartmant properties, 2 at Ablnston. RIVERDALE SEW TODAY. Grand Free River Excursion to Peach Cove On the Willamette River, Eighteen Miles From Portland. Sunday, May 29, 1910 A few, of the advantages of Peach Cove: First, Two Miles of River Frontage Second Absolutely protected from frost. Third Finest of sandy loam silt soil. Fourth Both river and rail trans portation. ' Fifth Close proximity to Portland. Sixth Very low freight rates. Seventh Sand beach for bathing, boating and fishing. "Eighth Profit, health and pleasure combined. ' Ninth Peaches and grapes bear youngest and are easier to raise, less expensive and more profitable than any other fruits. LOCATION IS .EVERYTHING Arrange to come. Good music. Steamer Undine leaves Taylor-St. dock at S A. M. Call at the office for free transportation. M. E.LEE 411 Corbett Building. 5 AND 10-ACRE TRACTS Near "Sewell Station, on Oregon Electric, about 14 miles west of Portland. All clear, level, fine soil, tile drained, now in cultivation. Small payment will handle. Lambert-Whitmer Co. 70 Fourth St. Alfalfa Ranch We have one of the most ideal alfalfa and stock ranches in Eastern Oregon. This ranch consists of 840 acres, 600 to 600 acres under ditch, 300 acres in nat ural meadow, grain and alfalfa; balance of land under ditch is easy to clear. Land carries an absolute water right, with an abundance of water to irrigate all land under ditches. This ranch con trols the finest open range to be found in the Northwest, and Is close to forest reserve. Location is ideal for sheep or cattle and would support thousands of head of either. Price of this splendid proposition is $25,000, and reasonable terms can be arranged. i J. STROUD A SOX, 432 Chamber of Com merer Ride Elegant Hawthorne Home To Be Sold at Bargain for Cash. Owner has instructed me to sell at once his splendid home near Hawthorne and west of 33d st. Lot 65x100. Six-room .house, full basement, in cluding servants' room; hot-water heat, gas and electricity, hardwood floors, fireplace. First-class in every particu lar and can be had $2000 below its real value; $2500 will handle. CHAS. L,. IIlTNTETt, 223 and 235 Board of Trade. V1NGT0N Tour choice of 200 first-class lots in the swcllest residence district of the East Side. ' Prices lSOO to f'J30O per lot ; terma. We will build for you on any lot of your selection. House A-l and terms carty. Phone for an appointment. WALKER A REED, 823 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8585. Apartment Site Choicest in all of Portland. 23d St.. near Washington, in same block with new Sllverfield apartments: finest lo cation In city for this class of busi ness; $20,000, easy terms. Gordon and Day 210 Henry Bldg. E. 7th St. near Burnside, 10-room modern house, lot 50x100; also a fine place for an apartment-house. Half cash, balance 2 years, 6 per cent. A. J. GANTNER . 618 Board of Trade Bldg., Fourth and Onlc Sta. FARM. 65 acres. 20 miles Portland, genuine sandy loam bottom land, ad.loii'lng river; 40 In cultivation; level; looks ilka a garden. I will stake my reputation on this soil, and It will show for Itself. Nice new cottage: large barn. In good condition: land never bakes: alwavs raises a big crop, regardless of season. 20 tons hay goes with it. R. F. U. cream route; phone line: 3H miles good town, and In a good neighborhood. If you are dissatisfied after looking at it- I will pay you for your time. Price $4250; $3000 cash. Call 517 Chamber of Commerce. $600 CASH BUYS $3600 MODERN BUNGALOW WORTH 4000. 30th and B. Burnside. near Ankenv carline and LAURELHURST: 5 rooms, closets, attic, fireplace: 50x100 lot, lawn, roses, berries, garden, chicken park. Balance monthly. OWNER, 835 13. Burnside. Sewell Acres r NEW TODAY. Take an A car to East 30th atreat and walk eight blocks east. - A high-class, restricted residence dis trict. . 10 per 5 Ox 100 LotS ?10 cash ONLY $600 month EARN $10 By guessing how this limerick ends: No. 5. There was a young man of this ?ity Who frequently warbled this ditty: "I'll buy real estate Before it's too late," But 'twas only... Any one sending us the correct ter mination of the above limerick will re ceive a certificate good for $10 on the purchase price of any unsold lot in GOING-STREET ADDITION. Brains are better money-makers than muscle. Why grovel in povertv; be rich and independent. Put your brains at work and see how easy it is to earn J 10 by solving this limerick. If your answer is correct, we will send you the certificate by return mail. CARTER-DUGAN COMPANY OWSERS, B20 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. MORTGAGE LOANS liMt rates and terms to antti ape del rates and favorable terma on larsa loans on bnalneaa properties. Funds Loaned for Private Inveetom. A.H.BIRRELL CO. 202 McKar Blda-.. Sd A Stark. REAL ESTATE DEA1EM. F. ABRAHAM- Rooms 2IT-21S-210 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2a and Stark sta. Tele phones, Main 2279, A 2270. Andrews. F.V. C.M.3S1&. 0 Hamilton bldg. Beck. William Q., SIS 'Falling bldg. Blrrell, A. H. & Co.. S02-S McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, foaas, etc Bru baker A Benedict. 602 McKay bldg. It. Ma CARD REALTY A INVESTMENT CO.. 110 SECOND ST. MARSHALL 1567. A 1M1. Cb&pln A Herlow, 332 Chamber Commeroa, Cook. B. B. A Co.. SOS Corbett bldg. Jennings A Co., Main IPS. SOS Oregonlan. JON Eld A SHERMAN. 302-8 Lewis bldg. PALMER-JONES CO., clal Club bldg. H. P.. aiS Comma Schalk, Geo.r., SSS stark st. Mala 892. A 28M 6HIN DLER ft HALL. 208 Ablngton bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand sts. aaol Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). M. B. Thompson Co.. cor 4th and Oak eta. Walker. S. T.. 60 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. WAVERLKIGH HEIGHTS, lots 4OxlO0 Portland city Homestead, lots 50xi no. Hawthorne-Avenuu Ada., lots ioxloo. Make Cash Offer. MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRUST COMPANY, 8. w. cor. 6th and Washington sts. CHEAP WEST SIDE IX5T. SHOO Nice view lot. near 7ih and Grant. PIEDMONT LOT. $1100 50xluo. near Ainsworth; east front. FRED C. KING. fiOrt Commercial Block. 2d and Washington. ALAMEDA PARK LOTS. Are high and sightly, overlooking Irrlng ton; near Broadway carline; best city im provements; priced 25 per cent below the market. Inquire Alameda Land Company. S22Corbett bldg. FORCED to sell; I am going East and munt have some money. That Is why I will sell my beautiful lot for only $100; 1 1 25 cash, balance terms. It is better situated than surrounding lots that are selling from 5S to $lo0. J 9S7. OroiionUn IT is close-in West side property that sells Immediately and brings the big money. Full-sized lot, within 15 minutes- walk of the postoftice. with a magnittcent view of everything; $1750; terms. N U3. Orego nlan. 100 BIT 100 CORNER on East 87th. 2 blocks south of W. W. car line. Price only !00. A snap. KAUFFMANN A MOORE. 325 Lumber Exchange. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. I have a lot Wxuo on Portland Heights car line. Raven's View Drive. Price 1500, 20 per cent down and 2 per cent per month. B 894. Oregonlan. ONLY S:i5 cash. Cheapest lots on the mar ket. Balance. $315. at $5 per month. J150 below market alue. Only a few at this price, Mt. tfcott car line; 5c fare MARTIN J. H1GLKT. 132 THIRD ST. BUILDING SITE. Lot 6Rxl00, near W. W. carline; JSftrt cash. This is $150 less than value. Must sell this week. . OWNER. 511 Corbett Bldg. DID YOU NOTICE ITT Three of the best lots in Terrace Park: owner must sell at once. If you mean business, phone Eattt 256. WEST SIDE; easy walking distance; near car line; In exclusive residential neighbor hood: full lot $1000; terms. J U04, Orego-v nian. ALBERTA ALRERTA ALBERTA 5Oxl00 business lot. Vernon and Alberta $i:t00. Gray & Buell, 719 B. of T. Marsh. 1721. WHY buy a lot when you can get a hair acre Inside the city with all the advan tages for the same price 7 420 Lumbar mans Bldg.. cor. 5th and 9tark. FOR SALE 5 lots at Centervlile, North Beach, with 4-room house or will rent for the season; rent $50. Phone Main 284o. H. Trenkman. THREE choice lots near Mississippi on Rus sett st. Only one block from car line. Sire 75x100. Price $SO0 for quick sale. David Lewis. S3 5th st. CHURCH ST.. near Patton ave.. 50x100 for $775; this Is a fine lot. Queen lawsl ment Co.. 410 Falling blrlg. I OWN a 60x70-foot lo'.. close In. on Ka Salmon, that I will sell at a bargain. F 2, Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL lot 5"xl00 in Berkeley, adjoin ing East Moreland; $400. $100 cash, balance yio per month. Phone Owner. Eajt 1857. WAVERLKIGH HEIGHTS. (!75i JI25-belVm-adjoining lots; equity $240. balance J10 monthly. E 1. Oregonlan. WEST SIDE view lot. 24 blocks to car. 6 minutes' i-lde to center of town. Price $1500, terms. 3 P90. Oregonlan. $1250 BUYS a lot on West Side; view of city; live minutes ride from Foe-toff ice; terms to suit. A 987. Oregonlan. FINE speculative buy on the Heights; full lot; near car line; $1500; good terms. V 993. Oregonian. HILLSIDE view lot. walking distance, re stricted dUtrlct; $1SOO, terms. A 9S5. Ore gonlan. IF you have some money, will build oa your lot. Eastman Co.. Inc.. 803 Ablngton bldg. Main 3236. CHURCH st. near Patton ave.. 50x100. for $775. This is a fine lot. Queen Inveirt ment Co.. 410 Falling bldg. BARGAIN $200 cash buys a lot 40x108 on Kerby and Cook sts. Price $TOo. See owner. 221 H Morrison St.. room 9. $1750 PORTLAND HEIGHTS $1730. 2 lots. 4 blocks from car; terms. Fred W. German, 820 Burnside. Main 2776. 100x100 feet in Wellington. $900; $105 down, balance $15 per month; a good investment. T 092. Oregonlan. LOOK Council Crest. 110x118 corner, on car line. Price right. Call owner. B 1442. FOR SALE By owner, lot 60x100. east front. Mt. Tabor Heights. Phone B 1200. 8 LOTS 4 blocks from Woodlawn station. 1493 B. 13thst. N. FOR BALE 3 lots on E. 37th st. Price$5B0. Terms. 220 Lumber Exchange bldg.