P TITE MORNING- OHEGONIAN, TmiRSDAT,-MAT- 26f 1910. ID 0 TO A ? ra li La SB ILs p ran & ML weave TJj y) via the 66 Imlite 99 leaves portland on time, 7:00 p. m. daily Arrives spokane on time, 7:00 a. m. daily Equipped With Modern Compartment Observation, Standard Drawing-Room and Tourist Sleepers, First-Glass Coaches, Dining-Car Service, Both Dinner and Breakfast. The Maximum of Comfort in Traveling Is Insured by the Lightest Grades and Curvature in the Country, Maintained by the North Bank Road j The Shortest Route by 45 Miles. The Quickest Time by 1 V2 Hours Unrivaled Scenery Unexcelled Service asseoff eir bftation Mevesir ill 31 TM in City Ticket Offices: 122 Third Street, Corner Third and Morrison H. M. Adams, General Freight and Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon 17- 1 Y ovt hi