Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 24, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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At Least Three State Offices
to Be Striven for Hotly by
Minority Party.
Two Representatives In Congress
Also Included Anions Objects
Sought Assembly Talk la
Kife In Minority Ranks.
A full ticket will be submitted by
the Democratic party In Multnomah
County and all Oregon this Fall In the
general state and county elections.
That Is, If the necessary number of
candidates can be found to fill out the
ticket, who are willing to sacrifice
themselves on the altar of party pride
end organization.
- There will be only one qualification,
as developments thus far show. Each
candidate must subscribe to the lead
ership of United States Senator Cham
berlain. Oregon's Junior Senator has
absolute control of his party's ma
chinery and according to local leaders
could. If he cared, name the entire
Three State Oflces Wanted.-
Democrata this year will be really
serious about three states offices, and
possibly five. One county office In
particular will be sought. Other nom
inations will be given In the nature
of empty honors. That is the situation
at present, its action on other offices
depending on what happens at the Re
publican county assembly July 16 and
the state assembly July 21.
The state offices are those of the
two Representatives in Congress and
the Governorship. A strong fight may
be made to have Justices King and
Slater of the State Supreme Court, who
were appointed by Senator Chamber
lain while Governor, to fill out unex
pired terms, returned to their seats.
Circuit Judge "W. N. Gatens. who ilke-wise-was
appointed by Governor Cham
berlain, will make the race for re
election. There is little hope, however,
of his success. It Is thought.
Assembly Talk Heard.
A strong sentiment is already held
by some party leaders for an assem
bly of Democrats along the line of the
Republican assembly, where recom
mendations will be made to the regu
lar primary September 24 for nomina
tions. This undoubtedly would be
done, from expressions gathered dur
ing the last week in a canvass of sen
timent among leading Democrats of
Portland, were it not for the fact that
already local leaders have been trying
to make political capital out of the
fact that the Republicans are to hold
one. It is argued by leaders that there
is little probability of general Demo
cratic success and that instead of as
pirants for nominations being forced
to spend momy making a campaign
for them before the primary. It would
be better to meet in convention and
decide these matters.
"Were it not for a lack of Congres
sional possibilities the Democrats
would center' their strength on that
fight, owing to the existence of what
is called an insurgent . feeling. Espe
cially would they do this in the second
district. The only name thus far men
tioned is that of C. K. Henry, a well
known real estate man. Mr. Henry
has so many and large, business affairs,
however, that It is Tlot believed he
could be prevailed upon to make the
Alignment Is Made.
Democratic leaders and' self-constl-xtuted
labor organization leaders al
ready have made an alignment for mu
tual advantages, it is said, and the
fact that Mr. Henry is not overly
strong with union labor would be
against him and in the event of his
nomination might result in a split of
otherwise entirely friendly relations.
There are several who would look
with favor on; the Gubernatorial nomi
nation. Among these are Tom Word,
ex-Sheriff of Multnomah County; Tod
Rinehart, of Baker City; Judge M. G.
Munly, of Portland; Dr. Harry Lane,
ex-Mayor of Portland; Judge James
Hamilton, of Roseburg, end J. . H.
Smith, of Astoria.
For minor offices few names are be
ing mentioned. In an effort to arouse
party enthusiasm a state jubilee will
'be held In Portland some time within
the next two months.
Books In All Countries Should Be
Alike, Says Educator.
VANCOUVER, Wash., May 23. (Spe
cial.) That there should be a uniform
selection of books for all public schools
throughout the state, is the opinion of
J. V. Flke, principal of the Minnehaha
School, and who had charge of the
state examinations for applicants de
siring to get a certificate from the
eighth grade.
Now there is only county uniformity,
and the state questions for examina
tions are not chosen with reference to
any particular county, which, it is
held by a number of those taking the
examinations, makes it manifestly un
fair. Sixty-five young people, who had
taken the eighth grade work, took V-ie
examinations for certificates in Van-
couver Friday and Saturday, and it is
estimated by those conducting the ex-
, amlnations that not more tfian one-half
will pass. This is not altogether the
fault of the applicants, as the questions
were not picked out with reference
to the books they had been studying.
Effort to Secure Postponement of
Cases Fails.
Determined effort to have postponed
until the Fall term the. hearing of the
suits of Receiver Devlin against the
former officers and directors of the
Oregon Trust & Savings Bank, was
made in the Circuit Court yesterday
by Attorney C. W7-Fulton. The case is
one in which the receiver is attempt
ing to secure the return of sums al
leged to have been wrongfully, dissi
pated by the former officers prior to
the suspension of the bank In the panic
of 1907. ,
Mr. Fulton pointed out that a large
number of attorneys were concerned in
the case, and that it would be impossi
ble to find a date on which, some of
. than aid not bare. Important engage
ments, unless the case was set for the
beginning of the Fall term, when all
concerned could commence with a clean
The request was strongly opposed by
A E. Clark, attorney for the receiver,
who said that if delays were granted
until all the attorneys could find clear
time the case would never come to
trial. "I suppose these gentlemen
would be willing to have the suit dis
missed entirely." he said.
Attorneys for other defendants be
side the Moores, represented by Mr.
Fulton, expressed their readiness to be
gin the trial, but thought some defer
ence should be shown to his engage
ments. As Mr. Fulton Is at present
engaged in the Scriber trial in the Fed
eral Court, it was agreed by all that
the cases should not be set ,for the
present week. Judge Morrow insisted,
however, that sufficient delay had al
ready been granted.
"Thia Is an Important case, involv
ing a matter of general interest to the
public and I think it should be dis
posed of." said Judge Morrow. "The
Supreme Court has promised to send
another Judge here, largely on account
of this case, and to put it off now
would put the bench and bar in a silly
position before the public. I will set
the case for next Monday."
This being found to be a legal holi
day, the Judge amended the order and
it was finally determined that the trial
shall commence on Tuesday, May 31.
Action Follows Attack by Son, Who
Objected to Parent's Love Affair;
Off to Europe.
CHICAGO, May 23. (Special.) Wil
liam D. Boyce, millionaire publisher,
who recently conducted a balloono
grahph expedition to Africa and was
the victim of an attack by his son Ben,
in the lobby of the Blackstohe Hotel at
midnight last Thursday because of the
son's objections to his father's engage
ment to Miss Virginia Dorcas Lee, of
Oak Park, secretly wedded Miss Lee
this afternoon.
The ceremony was performed at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John A. Lee, 2000 Maple avenue.
Oak Park, at 3:30 o'clock.
Only the members of the bride's
family. Colonel W. C. Hunter, business
partner of Mr. Lee. his wife and G.
B. Reynofds, a closo friend, were pres
ent. Recipients of the many invita
tions that had been sent out last week
for a large wedding on the evening of
June 1 were kept in Ignorance of the
change in plans.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyce left immediately
after the wedding for Quebec, Canada,
where they will embark on a Canadian
steamer for Europe on a honeymoon of
several months.
The son was not at the wedding and
Colonel Hunter said there had been no
reconciliation between him and his
father. Mr. Boyce was divorced by
agreement from his first wife about
three years ago. She is said to be
living in New York. Two daughters
and a son, all now grown, were the re
sult of the first marriage.
Davidteon Still Prisoner Pending In
quiry Into Thrasher's Death.
JACKSONVILLE, Or., May 23. (Spe
cial.) Though there were no new de
velopments In the. Thrasher murder case
here today, it Is probable that the In
vestigation at Ayer's Spur, where young
Jesse Thrasher met death, will reveal
a clew leading to the slayer of the Jack
sonville Doy on the night of May 3.
Edward Davidson, who was arrested as
a suspect soon after the murder and later
released, is still In jail here serving his
term of 30 days for carrying concealed
weapons. He refuses to talk of the casa.
No word has been heard here this
week from the Thrasher family, which
has moved to Grants Pass. With the an
nouncement that the family had offered
a reward of $250, together with $500 by
the county authorities and mill company,
for which the dead man worked, it was
expected that the slayer would be run
to earth early.
The authorities here are in ignorance
as to the whereabouts of the Putnam
Xamily, the daughter of which was the at
traction of the lumber camp and believed
to be the cause of trouble between
Thrasher and his slayer.
Rose Festival Will Have Parade of
Floats and Automobiles.
GRANTS PASS, Or., May 28. (Spe
cial.) Much preparation is being made
in this city today for opening of the
Rose Festival and Streetcar Carnival.
In addition to many charming floats,
many private carriages and a score of
automobiles are being beautifully deco
rated for the street parade.
A special feature will be 30 mounted
ladies in parade. All lodges and busi
ness houses will participate in the fes
tivities. Both day and evening pro
grammes will be rendered. Three hun
dred and fifty Invitations were Issued
to mothers to exhibit their youngsters
in the baby show and compete for the
Escapes From Asylum and Locks
Himself in Basement.
SALEM, Or., May 23. (Special.) A
patient who escaped from the State In
sane asylum and locked himself In the
basement of the home of Otto Hansen, at
Court and Fourteenth streets, caused
great excitement in the neighborhood
this morning. The Insane man refused to
come out and the attendants of the
asylum, who had been called by tele
phone, were forced to smash a window
before they could- reach him.
The maniac is a muscular man and was
captured only after a desperate fight,
from which several men .. emerged
scratched and bleeding. He was finally
overpowered, handcuffed and taken in a
carriage to the asylum.
Accident Alone Saves Oregon Town
- of 2 00 In Population Count.
EUGENE, Or.. May 23. (Special.)
Through an error made at Washington,
D. C, a whole precinct and the town of
Wendling was left off the census map
and only by an accident will the count
be made.
Supervisor Hendricks oame down today
from Salem and appointed two men who
will go there in the morning. Wendling
is 22 miles from here and is a small saw
mill town of about 200 people. A Booth
Kelly mill is there. The census will be
finished in a week.
North Pacific College Gradu
ates 21 Students.
Successful Start Made With Depart
ment of Pharmacy President
Miller Reviews Prosperous
Year With Prospect Good.
Friends of the North Pacific College
filled the White Temple to the doors
last evening, the occasion being the
commencement exercises of the Schools
of Dentistry and- Pharmacy.
Twenty - one young men and one
young woman received the degree of
doctor of dental medicine, and upon
two young men was conferred the de
gree of graduate of pharmacy.
Herbert -C. Miller, M. D-, D. D. S.,
president of the college and dean of
the School of Dentistry, presided, and
in his introductory remarks, said in
"The year has been a prosperous one
ior me college, both from the stand
point of numbers In attendance and the
results accomplished.
"Our increased preliminary require
ment, for instance, is attracting stu
dents with better preparation; stu
dents who have been sobered by disci
pline and tealnln?.
"The year, which is now drawing to
its close, shows an increase in the
dental school over last year of 28 per
cent. ,
School of Pharmacy Opened.
"Last year our board of directors
decided to establish a school of phar
macy, in which young men and wo
men might obtain a thorough training
in that profession, which resulted in
the creation of the department of phar
macy. A splendid class of students
was attracted to the department and
the excellent work done has placed
the school of pharmacy upon a satis
factory basis, and the attendance next
year, will be large."
The annual address was delivered
by Dr. W. T. Williamson. The speak
er's scientific discourse upon the proper
care and treatments of the teeth, de
livered -in a happy manner and inter
spersed with humorous anecdotes, was
well received.
Dr. J. Francis Drake conferred the
degrees upon the graduates of the
school of dentistry, while Dr. E. M.
Hurd performed a like function for the
class in pharmacy.
The charge to the graduates, deliv
ered by Dr. E. A. Pierce, was earnest
and Impressive.
Many Se Opportunities Found.
"The modern study of hygiene and
sanitation," said the speaker, "reveals
a vast field of opportunities in the line
of prevention of disease, which have in
the past been largely overlooked.
"Tour profession places upon you a
large share of responsibility in the
protection of the public health.
"Tour position calls upon you to
Join your brothers in medicine and
surgery in spreading the gospel of cor
rect living, and for the honor of your
alma mater, see to it that your name
stands for a square deal In all things."
Rives Milette Emerson, one of the new
ly-created doctors of dental medicine, de
livered the valedictory, and was enthu
siastically received.
The exercises were interspersed With
musical numbers, under direction of W.
H. Boyer, rendered1 by the quartette from
Temple Beth Israel, composed by Mrs.
Rose Bloch-Bauer, Mrs. Rose Reed Hans
come, W. H. Boyer, Dom Zan and E. E.
Coursen, accompanist.
.These Took Degrees.
Those receiving the degree of doctor of
dental medicine were: Clarence Ehren
berg Bollerman. Henry Roux Clark,
Nanette Finley Clay, Rives Milette Em
erson, Daniel Willan Giles, (Arthur Wll
mer Greenius, Arthur Blaine Howell,
Clarence Veeder Luther, Francis Patrick
McGreal, ' Elmer Eugene Morse, Carl
Blaine Ogle. Ensl Pajunen, Benjamin
Franklin Pound, Charles Erwin Randle,
Louis Albert Rudow, Albert Parker Ryan,
Edmund Scofleld, William Edgar Smith,
Milton Adams Stratton, Frederick Edwin
Vance Edmund Elwaln and Stanley
Stevenson "received the degree of graduate
of pharmacy.
Cattlemen Disagree With Corpora
tions Over Space Allowed lor
Animals In Transit.
ington, May 23. Controversy has arisen
between the railroads and large livestock
shippers in regard to space in cars which
must be afforded animals in transit from
one state to another in order to make
unloading unnecessary and still comply
with the 28-hour law.
The Agricultural Department today ten
tatively announced that If cars are not
loaded beyond the minimum weight fixed
by the tariffs, the department will npt
for the present raise the question as" to
whether sufficient space Is provided. for
animals to rest; but railroads which load
beyond the minimum and do not unload
for the rest will have to take their
chances of prosecution in the courts.
The department will Institute test cases
and secure rulings from Federal CourtB
as to what space" must be afforded. The
department says this is the only course
open, since no power is given the Secre
tary of Agriculture by law to make regu
lations regarding space to be afforded in
the cars.
In. all cases where livestock is not un
loaded en route for rest, water and feed
ing, cars must be provided with facilities
for feeding and watering in transit and
livestock must, when so fed and watered,
receive proper feed and water.
Ellis and Hanley Take Telegrams to
ington. May 23. Representative Ellis and
Hawley today filed with the rivers and
harbor conference committee a stack of
telegrams from the Portland Chamber of
Commerce, Business Men's Association,
the Civic Association of East Portland,
and others, urging the adoption of the
Bourne amendment closing the WU- ,
lamette bridge draws at Portland dur
ing rush hours. They made a final ,
plea to the House members to accept I
imo tuiicuumeiii, Hgam reviewing me
situation at Portland and asserting that
this is the only means of obtaining im
mediate relief.
The conference committee on the riv
ers and harbors bill considered the
Bourne amendment closing the Port
land drawbridges in the meeting held
today, but failed to reach an agree
ment, the Senate conferees sustaining
and the House opposing the amend
ment. A further meeting will be held
tomorrow. Bourne today had a con
ference with the chief engineers, and
urged that the department Issue an or
der closing the draws during rush
hours. He will have a conference to
morrow with the Secretary of War, ab
sent today, who will return tomorrow.
If unable to obtain the regulation from
the department. Bourne will continue
the fight for the adoption of his
amendment by the conference committee.
Seattle Gets Immigration Depot.
ington, May 23. The Senate today
passed the Piles bill authorizing the
appropriation of $250,000 for the estab
lishment of an Immigration station at
Germany Protests Against Joint
Warning Not to Grant Rail
- way Concessions.
BERLIN, May 23. A serious diplo
matic controversy is in progress be
tween the German government on one
side and Great Britain and Russia on
the other, regarding an open door in
Germany protests against the joint
warning of the other two powers to
Persia not to grant railway concessions
to Germans. This warning was deliv
ered some weeks ago, and the dispute
arose much as did the difference be
tween Germany and France in Morocco.
Complications in Persia have been
anticipated since it was made known in
St. Petersburg that Russia and Great
Britain would refuse to admit the po
litical Interests of a third power in that
kingdom. The Anglo-Russian note, to
which objection is made, demanded that
Persia should not grant strategic rail
road concessions to a third power or
negotiate a loan with one, thus impair
ing the security of earlier Anglo-Russian
Soon after the note was Issued Count
von Pourtales. the German Ambassador
at St. Petersburg, made representations
to the Russian government intimating
that the attitude of Russia and Great
Britain was a matter of concern to Ger
Unjustified Arrest Alleged Against
Corporation's Special Officer. '
Unjustified arrests, said to have been
made by W. P. Lillis, speical officer
for the Portland Railway, Light &
Power Company, have caused the filing
of protests against him at the police
station and at the office of his com
pany, and he may be required to un
dergo an investigation.
The arrest Sunday of Louis Thomp
son by Lillis on the charge of having
exceeded the speed limit and running
over a child, was found to have been
an error, and the case was dismissed, as
Lillis failed to support the charge with
the necessary evidence. On the other
hand, It is asserted that the automo
bile being driven by Thompson was
not only within the legal speed limit,
but that it did not run over any per
son. A child ran behind the automo
bile in an attempt to catch a car on
Washington street, and fell in the
street in a way that caused Lillis to
think that he had been run over. Lu
lls gave chase in a taxlcab, and after
overtaking Thompson, returned him
to the police station, where the charge
was dismisssed.
Meeting of Oregon Asociation Will
Be Held Saturday.
For the purpose of discussing its
campaign for good roads in Oregon, a
meeting of the Oregon Good Roada
Association has been, called by Its
president. Dr. Andrew C. Smith, for
next Saturday evening. The meeting:
will be held In the Masonic- Temple,
West Park and Yamhill streets, com
mencing at 8 o'clock.
Several speeches by persons known
to be enthusiastic in the cause of good
roads and a general Informal discus
sion of the subject of good roads legis
lation will comprise the evening's pro
gramme. Morris W. Eldrldge, a road
construction expert, who has been map
ping out prolects for the association.
Cold at all first-class cafes and by Jobber.
WM. LAKAHAN & BON, Baltimore, Mi
j ffyt .m
pillTFft Iftjj
Portland's Largest'
Attractive Bargains Today in Three Patterns in Golden OaK. Dressers and
Three Patterns in Golden OaK Buffets Furniture Department, Third Floor
Women's and Misses'
$25, $27.50. $30, $35
The best Tailored Suit bargains that the Cloak and Suit Section has ever
offered-odd suits, gathered here and there from our regular stock of strictly
tailored garments at these regular values women's, misses' and little
women's models in serges, cheviots, worsteds and mannish mixtures. Fancy
white serges, with black pin stripe, in the misses' size only. Coats thirtv
inches to thirty-four inches long, in straight and cutaway fronts. Enough of
a variety in this collection to interest those who are awaiting such an oppor-
tunity. -
Pongee and TP' "IT
-SilK GAiUiviii v&vs clUllllLS yp
Many women do not consider their Summer wardrobes complete without the neat and re
fined tailored suit of silk. And there are many who will be quick to appreciate this oppor
tunity, and especially as it comes at a time when the heavier tailored wool suit will often
be laid aside for lighter garments. Pongee and rough silks in natural, old blue, navy and
other shades. Two-piece and three-piece models.
Last Day of These
airgains m Go-Carts
Choose from these eleven patterns, and pay on'
easy terms. Third floor.
$2 Folding Go-Cart, with steel-tire wheels, 1.65
$4.50 Folding Go-Cart, with adjustable back and
Mash; seat and back upholstered in leather cloth;
rubber-tire wheels at $2.05
$6.00 Folding Go-Cart, with reclining back and ad
justable dash; rubber-tire wheels at... $3. 50
$6.50 Folding Go-Cart, with seat upholstered in
leather cloth; reed sides, back and dash; rubber
tire wheels. At $3.75
$675 Folding and Reclining Go-Cart, with reed
sides, back and adjustable dash; rubber-tire
wheels. 'At ; $3.95
$7.00 Reclining and Folding Go-Cart, with seat up
holstered in leather cloth; reed sides, back and
dash; rubber-tire wheels. At 4.25
$8.95 Folding Go-Cart, with adjustable back and
dash; upholstered leather cloth seat; rubber-tire
wheels; artistic reed body, dash and back.
At . . $5.25
$8.00 Folding and Reclining Go-Cart, with loose
cushions, parasol; rubber-tire wheels. . .4.75
$10.00 Folding Go-Cart, with fancy reed dash and
roll sides; reclining back and adjustable dash;
rubber-tire wheels. At t . . . . 6.25
$25)0 Baby Carriage, with coach-finished wood
'body; upholstered in maroon leather cloth, with
leather cloth hood. A neat little vehicle ; heavy
auto gear. At 13. 50
$2-1 Baby Carriage, with coach-finished body and
auto gear;' upholstered with wool fabric tomatch
color of body. At 0.50
Gas Ranges, Refrigerators, Lawn Mowers, on
will give an address. Illustrated by
stereoptlcon clews. Ex-County Judge
Webster, who has been touring: the
state making: speeches In an effort to
arouse sentiment generally In favor of
good roads, wll also speak.
Jury Exonerates J. W. Jones.
J. W. Jones was Vexonerated by a jury
in the Municipal Court yesterday on the
charge of having conducted a disorderly
house. The evidence proved that Jones,
with his wife and daughter, was keeping
'the rooming-house, after having sold a
farm to buy it. There was nothing to
- 9i
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P'S'T.m LtiibuA;?
m - mm
rltS "".".y 'yT; 'v ''( '"'
Toll Qjfobs, fac.
Taiiloredl Soits at
-.Jl S g
indicate that either of them knew that
one of their two woman .tenants had been
living an. Immoral life.
Water Plant Work Rushed. ' .
MEDFORD, Or., May 23. (Special.)
Contractors are gathering all the men
they can today to complete the laying
of the city's water line through the
Hanley ranch. It is expected that the
pipe will be laid and the water running
within 60 days. This is a direct out
come of the compromise effected last
Saturday between "William Hanley and
Mayor Cannon, by which the city
The Home Furnished
On Easy Payments
Tjv Reg. Vals.
to $47.50
Specials Today in
Asbestos Table Mats
Protect your table top against hot vessels and
heavy articles by using these pads. Here is an
opportunity for supplying your entire needs:
6-in. Round Table Mats, 35c values, eaeh..l8
11- in. Round Table Mats, 75c values, each..35
30-in. Round Table Pads, $2.50 values. . .1.25
40-in. Round Table Pads, $4.5(f values. . .2.25
48-in. Round Table Pads, $6.50 values. . .3.25
50-in. Round Table Pads, $7.00 values. . .3.50
50-in. Square Table Pads, $7.00 values. . .3. SO
54-in. Square Table Pads, $8.50 values. . .4.25
54-in. Round Table Pads, $3.50 values. . .4.25
60-in. Round Table Pads, $10.00 values. .5.00
64-in. Round Table Pads, $11.50 values. .5.75
12- in. Leaves, regular $1.50 value 75
In the Drapery Department, sixth floor.
$11.25 Dinner Set of
Fifty Pieces at $7.68
A serviceable and attractive pattern of best
English semi-porcelain plain center with heavy
blue and gold rim. Set is comprised of the fol
lowing: Six 7-inch plafes, six 6-inch plates, six 5-inch
plates, six tea cups and saucers, six soup plates,
six fruit dishes, one covered dish, one 10-inch
plattei-, one 12-inch platter, one 8-inch baker, one
ice relish or pickle dish, one 7-inch scallop.
Buy this set today at this low price and on
the terms $1.00 down, 50c week.
Easy Payment Terms
agreed to pay to the Hanley brothers
$2000 for the right-of-way through
their ranch.
O. A.
C. Seniors Have Picnic.
LEGE, Corvallis, May 23. (Special.)
The excursion trains which left here
at 6 o'clock this morning carried 902
students and faculty members to New
port for the annual senior picnic. The
excursion is held each year at a time
when the rhododendrons are In bloom
at the coast.
F, : A