e aroRxixG- oregoxiax, Tuesday, may 24, 1910. The Hudson's Bay Trading? Posts in Western Canada have ever been the starting points of the largest towns and cities In this wonderful land. OUI FORT GEORGE, British Columbia. Immediately adjoins a Hud son's Bay Trading Post. Now, listen. WHEN CANADIAN BANKS HUSTLE TO A NEW TOWN there must be something doing there to warrant them In going. This is Just what is happening at Fort George on the line of Canada's new transcontinental railway, the Grand Trunk Pacific. Fort George is situated just midway between Edmonton, Alberta and Prince Rupert, B. C. at the junction of the mighty Fraser- and the lSechaco Rivers, and is the center of over 1200 miles of navigable waters; Is to be a divisional point on the new railway, and is the natur al and undoubted distributing point for millions of acres of the world's most fertile agricultural lands, and of untold timber and mineral wealth. Look at the picture. "Sm,.--. ' - HI mi Wil l II .T - -fc.J OLD FORT GEORGE (Sometimes Called South Fort George.) This is the place where all the business of the town centers. The Bank of British North America and the Traders' Bank have each opened a branch here. These two banks represent a combined capital and surplus of 114,000,000. The Northern Crwn Bank has purchased lots in Old Fort George and is about to build. Two other Canadian Banks have also purchased lots, but as yet uaro made no definite announce ment of their opening. BUY LOTS IN OLD FORT GEORGE where practically every white man lives and transacts his business; where the sawmills and offices of the Fort George Lumber & Naviga tion Co., Ltd., are located; where another sawmill and sash and door factory await the arrival of their machinery; where the B. C. Express Co., Ltd., carrying the Royal Malls, has Its steamboat landing and of fices, and where the Fort George Tribune is primed and published. All the steamboats plying on the Fraser and Nechaco Rivers land their passengers, discharge their freight and take on cargo at Old Fort George, becausS It is the only ideal and recognized landing place, and always was. If you go to Knrt George you -will be landed at Old Fort George in spite of yourself. Then, after looking around, you will find that OLD FORT GUORGK Is the commercial, financial and industrial center of the town and district. All the stores are in OLD FORT GEORGE, with the exception of the Trading Post of the Hudson's Bay Company, which is on the adjoining land. n 'ln fiOHlf GEORGE, because of its peculiarly advantageous situa tion, is the nucleus of the greatest city the Great Inland Empire will ever. have. Let us send you some literature. LOTS ARE $150 EACH T.- AND I-PWARD. OX VERY EASY TERMS. y rite our head office for plans and full- information about the town Itself, and the rich farming lands surrounding. NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT CO. Head Offlec -Ya ncouvrr, B. C. WAGON ROAD NOT GI'y'E! MILWAUKEE DERELICT IX OB LIGATION TO STATE. Officials of AVashingtoii Want to See Substitute Highway Through Snoqualmie Pass. SEATTLE, Wash., May 23. (Special.) If President A. J. Earling, of the Chi cago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound is seri ous about his plan to beg-in operating through passenger service between Seattle and Chicago on July 1. he must make haste In his negotiations with this state for a substitute wagon road through Snoqualmie Pass. President Earling was presumed to have made arrangements by this time for construction of a substitute wagon road to take the place of the one that his railroad appropriated through a pri vate agreement with ex-Highway Com missioner J. M. Snow. Neither the road nor the money for a road has trickled through the fingers of the state offi :ials, who might condone the offense of seizing a state highway, and President Earling is still derelict in his promises. As the situation stands, Mr. Barling's road occupies a state highway In Snoqualmie Pass without anv authority of law. rt Is the plan of the Milwaukee to begin through passenger service on July 1 and to use the usurped right of way for train service, shoving team traffic onto an incompleted highway. CENSUS IS DISAPPOINTING Medford People in Hopes That Pop ulation Would Be 10,000. MEDFORD, Or., May 23. (Special.) Medford has an approximate population of 8900, according to the estimate re ceived from the officials at Salem. The result of the big count is a dis appointment to the people here, as the calculations pointed to a population of over 10,000. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. . I , PORTLAND, May 23. Maximum temper ature, 73 decrees; minimum. 53 decrees. River Tending. 8 A. M., 17.1 feet; change in last 24 hours, 0.2 foot. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M.), none; since September 1. 1900. 3D. 93 Inches; normal since September 1, 41. 6S inches; deficiency since September 1, 1!X9. 1.75 inches. Total sunshine, :! hours 36 minutes; possible, 15 hours 12 minutes. Barometer Creduced to sea level) at 5 P. M. 23.81 Inches. . ' THE WEATHER. S -Wind. a "1 a i - i- 3 TATiojra. a a v ? : i S : Poston. . Boise Calgary. ....... Chicago Lor Angeles.... Marshfleld Medicine Hat. . , New Orleans. . , Now York North Head.... Portland Koseburg. ...... Sacramento. ... Salt Lake . San Francisco. . Spokane. ....... St lyouls Tscoma Tatoosh Island. Walla Walla. . . f Washington. . . . 7410.00 SH O.OOI 7RI0.00! 5SI0.12 7Oj(l.00 USI0.70I 141SE 4!NW 4E SiSW 16SW 8'NW Calm 4iSE 8!SE Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudv Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy ' Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear , Clear 02l0.0()i 4S10.0O! 30lNV 7310.00 4 SE 4iNV I81HW 8;iE 10iW fi'W 7SI0.00 8410.OO 8HI0.00 0210.00 860.0li OSlO.On i 1ST 6ti O.OOI 12lT A2i0.IMl 9210.00 84i9.l0 4IW 8iNE f-IS - IPt. cloudy WEATHER CONDITIONS. During the last 12 hours the barometer baa fallen, rapidly over the North Pacifio Miiiiiii.i m ..;.! .JIV ,,. ..a.i.i.n is mm. iim Branch Office Fort Georjie, B. C. states and cloudiness has Increased in North ern California and along the Oregon coaat. No rain has yet fallen in this district. The temperatures have risen decidedly In the niamette Valley and in Southern Oregon and remainod nearly stationary elsewhere. The conditions are favorable for showers and thunder Btorms in this district Tuesday with lower temperatures. FORECASTS. . Portland and vicinity Tuesday showers: southerly winds. Oregon Tuesday showers and thunder storms; cooler, except near the coast: south to west winds. Washington Tuesday showers: cooler in east portion; southwesterly winds Idaho Tuesday showers and thunder-, storms; cooler. KDWARD A. BEAL8, Dlst. Forecaster. MEETING NOTICES. TARA ,WAS-H1N"GTON CHAP TER NO. 14. O. E. S. Special meeting today (Tuesday) at 1 P M East Eighth and Burnside. to con By orderVofkW-. M.'6 f Condon cer. BELLE RICHMOND. Sec. WASHINGTON LODGE, NO. 40. A. F. AND A. M. Special commu- T-uV1? 1" Tuesday) evening. 7: JO. E. 8th and Burnside. F c ?Ke- Tvlstors welcome. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Secy. MULTNOMAH prii: vpn . n-o KADOSH. NO. 1. A. AND A. s. RITE Regular meeting in auditorium, Scottish Rite Ca thedral, this evening at 8 o'clock. Work In 30th. degree. By order EMINENT COMMANDER. IVANHOp LODGE. NO. 1. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, meets every Tuesday evening In their Cas tle Hall. 11th and Alder sts. Work In . the Page rank. Visitors wel come. E. M. LANCE. K. R. S. GENERAL GERMAN AID SOCIETY A special meeting will be held this (Tues day) evening. May 24, at 8 o'clock, at our hall. Eleventh and Morrison sts. By order of the president. K. C BOHLMAN. Sec CORINTHIAN CHAPTER. NO. 54. O. E. S. Regular communica tion this (Tuesday) evening. Ma sonic Temple, 8 o'clock. Social. Order W. M. ELIZABETH SILKNITTER. Sec. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At "The Guilllaume." 18th and Davis stsi Furniture, etc., at 10 A. M.; Turkish rugs at 1 P. M. Baker & Son, auctioneers. At salesroom, 126 2d St., at 10 A. M. S L N. GUman, auctioneer. FUNERAL NOTICES. MITCHELL At the family residence. 3S1 Last Fourteenth street. North. Sunday May 22, Henry Hlllman Mitchell, aged 17 years 4 months and l days, beloved and only son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Mitchell. Funeral from the residence Tuesday Mav 24 at l:3o P. M. Services at crematorium private. MANELA In this city. May 23, Laura Vir ginia Manela. aged 8 years 9 months 1 day, daughter of Harry c. and Clara D Manela, at their residence. 1017 E Stark Funeral will be held loday (Tuesday) Mav 24. at 10:30 A. M. at Greenwood Cemetery Services private. Pendleton and Walla papers please copy. MITCHELL At the family residence 381 East Fourteenth street. North. Sunday May 22, Henry Hlllman Mitchell, aged 17 years 4 months and 10 days, beloved and only son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Mitchell Funeral from the residence Tuesday May 24. at 1 :30 P. M. Services at crematorium private. WILKES In this city. May 22, at her late residence, 500 Flint street, Mrs. Lottie C Wilkes, aged 35 years 1 month 22 days! Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Rodney-Avenue Christian Church. Rodney avenue and Knott St., at 2 P. M. today (Tuesday) May 24, Interment River View Cemetery. KOLEN In this city. May 23, at the fam ily residence. 1021 Mississippi ave., Peter Marvin, infarct son of Mr. and Mrs. N. p. Folen. aged 1 year 9 months and 9 days The funeral services will be held at I. one Fir Cemetery, at 11 A. M. today (Tues day). BARN HART In this city. May 21., Mary L. - D. Barnhart. widow late Major William Barnhart. Funeral services will be held at the family residence, 605 Third St., on Tuesday, at 2 P. M. Services at the gravo private, please omit flowers. SPENCER March 23. Manlius F. Spencer. Burial Wednesday at Dundee. Or. Services at the grave, privately. No flowers. 1 . .-r f. A THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. MOOUtX REST AURA XT 1 "l- COr OSTB M3XXJOK DOLLARS. HOTEL OREGON j CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Up J EUROPEAN PLAN t WRIGHT - DICKINSON HOTEL CO, Props. 1 P. T. Rlebardion, Pm, The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel S50 Rooms, 104 Suites, With Privat f Baths. TO I'W TTlJT''DtnftT1 TTTTT -nTHTt Moderate Rates. , PhQ Metschan & Sons, Props. Nortonia Hotel ELEVENTH, OFF WASHINGTON ST. BEAUTIFUL GRILL ROOM European r;au Batwi to families Oar Baa Mseta All Xrataa ample Snltaa arttk Hatha for Cammarclal TraTelera. MODERN COMFORTS MODERATE I I C. W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor. SEWARD Corner lOth and Alder The leading hotel of Portland, opened July 1909. Modern In every detail, furnished 1 elegance. Most beautiful corner lobby In Northwest. Commodious sample rooms European plan. Rates tl.fi 0 and up. 'Bus meets all trains. . W. M. SEWARD. Prop. OPENED SEPT., 1909 HOTEL LENOX E, D. and V. H. JORGENSEN Prop, and Mgrs. COR. 3D AND MAIN STS. Mot and Cold Water. Long Distance Pnone in Every Room. , RATES $1.00 and up W. X. Wood, Mgr. ANGELA .HOTEL, 625 WASHINGTON STREET PORTLAND, OREGON ONE RATE: ROOM WITH PRIVATE BATH $1 PER DAY New brick, splendidly furnished. Ladies' steam heat, running water; phones In all Depot. Phone Marshall 1950. ' KVSEBAL XOTICKS. MORGAN" In this city. May 23. at the fam. ily residence. 411 Broadway. Mrs. Alice Crump Morgan, aged 67 years 7 months 3 days. Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's Funeral Parlors, Third and Salmon sts., at 2 P. M. tomorrow (Wednesday), May 25. Thence to Portland Crematorium, where services will be concluded. IOS8ETH KIXRAI, CO., MAKQUAM BLDG. KLOKAL, DESIONS; Phones: Main 5102. A 1102. Dunning ts HcGntee, Funeral Directors 7th ud Fine. Phone Main 43U. LMdr u sistant. Office of County Coroner. ZELLER-BTKyES CO., Funeral Directors B94 Williams ave. both phones; lady attend snt; most modern establishment in the city. EDWARD HOI-MAN CO., Funeral Direct ors. 220 8d st. Lady Assistant. Phone M. 607. J. P. FINLET SON. 3d and Madison. Tady attendant. Phone Main 9. A 16i)9. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successor to F. 8. Dunning, incE. J52. 3 2528. ERICRON CO. Undertakers;-lady assist ant. 409 Alder. M. 6133. A 2235. I-KKf"' Undertaker, cor. East Alder and 6th. phones 181, U JL88 . Lady, assistant. HEADQUARTEKS I OK TOl'JUS n, and COMXERIIAL l-TRAVELEKii. Eltedal rates mftd to Tmmlllps ud sin Se Kotlemea. Tii maoacement wlU.b pleaaed at ail time to show rooms and EtTO prices. A mod em Turkish Uatb eatabUstunent In tha hotel. H. C. BOWERS. Huafw. NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington .Sts. Opened" Tune. 1908. .A liotel In the very heart of Portland's business ac tivity. Only hotel equipped with -wireless telegraph. Every convenience for comfort of commercial men. Modern la every respect. Ratea fX.OO and up. ... Cafe and, grill; xnusla daring lunch, dinner and after theater. ! Q- Swrtland. See. and Ms. mm m dm M w, PRICES sR3S:i:::::ai MM THE CORNELIUS "The House of Welcome." corner Park and Alder. Port land's newest and most modern hotel. European plan. Be ginning May 1st our rates will be as follows: All back rooms without bath, single, fcl.00 per day; double, J2.00 per day. All front rooms without bath. I1.S0 per day, single; 12. i0 per day dout la. All OUTSIDE rooms. Our omnibus meets all trains. H. E. FLETCHER, Manager. HOTEL RAMAPO Corner Fourteenth and Washington New Hotel, Elegantly Furnished Rates $1.00 and Up Special Rates for Permanent! European Flan. Bos Meets An Trains. ftl. E. FOLEY. PROPRIETOR. PRIVATE BATHS TOU WILL LIKE THE WOODS American Plan r-T"rT,T7T European Plan 13.60 Per Day LlJ 1 HJL U & ,i.6o Per "a "It's All Comfort." Onr Table d'llote Meala One Feature. In heart of business district, center of city, half blocte from O. N. Ry. and N. P. Rjr. Depot, close to all steam ship wharves and C P. E Depot. VANCOUVER, B. C. Parlor; spacious lobby: elevator, rooms. .Take "W" car from Union BORN'. DUXIWAT In Portland, May 51, to the wife of Ralph R. Dunlway, 718 East Burnside St., a girl. ' DIED. HAXSEX In this city, Mv 23, at his late residence, 663 Macadam St.. Mans O. Han sen, aged 58 years 4 months and 15 days. The remains . are at Flnloy's parlors. Funeral notice hereafter. VELTEN At his late residence. Hillsdale. Or.. May 23. John P. Velten. aged 80 years and S months. The remains are at Kin ley's parlors. Funeral notice hereafter. EGAX In this city. May 23, at the family residence, 783 Vaughn St.. Genevieve Egan. aged 40 years 5 months and 10 days. Funeral notice hereafter. RYAN At St. Vincent's Hospital, In this city. Monday, May 2."i. James Grover Ryan, aged 24. beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ryan. Notice 'of funeral later. MIOHLER In this city. Mav 23. at her residence. 10!4 East Morrison street. Mrs. Emma B. Michler. aged 3!t years. Re mains will be taken to North Yakima, Wash., for interment. RYAN In this city. May 23, James J. Ryan, aged 29 years. Announcement of luneral later. . .. , AMUSEMENTS. BUNGALOW Md'sTorr" 12th ison. Phones Main 117 ana A 4224. X KIOHTS TONIGHT AND TOMORROW, Special Price Matinee Wednesday, WM. A. BRADY PRESENTS CRACK GEORGE In Her Latest Comedy Success, . "A WOMAN'S WAY." Evonlngs Lower Floor. J2. $1.50, 1 Bal cony. $1. 75c: Gallery, 50c. Matinee- S1.50. 1. 75c 50c. PORTLAND THEATER Every Evening This Week At 8:15. Mon.. Wed.. Sat.. 2:30. Mile Aida Hemml and the NATIONAL. OPERA COMPANY Presenting; Fra Oiavolo V Prices 25c to $1. THEATER Mala 2, A 6360 Geo. I j. Baker, Manager BAKER STOCK COMPANY Tonight, all week. Bar. Mat. Tomorrow, 25c In the Beautiful Play. I'XDEB SOUTHERN SKIES. By author of "Way Down East." Great cast and scenic production. Evening Prices 25c. 50c. 75c. Sat. Mat., 25c. 50c Next week: The Prisoner of Zenda. KATN . A 1020. MATINEE IVI.BI DAT. V K1GHIS THEATER 15-2-59-750 WEEK MAY 23 lily Icna. Comedienne: "The CODE Book;" Paul Hpadonl; Lyoni and Iwco; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hughes; Mack and West; Wolf and Zadella; Picturea; Orchestra. GRAND Week May 23. 191Q World' Greatest Juggler, KARA Direct from London Hippodrome. Matinee every day, Evening performance 15c; lower floor. 25c; The 4 Trocadero. Wolf, Moore and Young. Rolf Rafaelly. Field and Coco. Kmll C'bevrieL Ci ran da scope. 2:30; any seat. 15c. 7:30. U:15; balcony, box seats, BOc. The Sub-Conscious Mind A free lecture on "The Power of Per sistent Desire and the Faith That Moves Mountains," will be given by Christian I). Larson, of Chicago, editor of the Progress Magazine, today at S P. M. at Women of Woodcraft Hall, Tenth and Taylor streets. A popular lecture on "The Subconscious Mind" will be given at 8 P. M. at the same place. Admis sion 25 cents. II RECREATION PARK, Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts. SACRAMENTO vs PORTLAND MAV 24, 25, 26. 27, 28. 2, 30, 31 1 Jl.VK 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. . TWO GAMES DECORATION DAY. Games Regln Weekdays SiSO P. SI. Sundays 2:30 P. M. Admission Bleachers, 2Gc; Grand stand, BOc; Boxes, 25c extra. Children: Bleachers 10c, Grandstand 25c. LADIEi.' D4Y FRIDAY Boys JJnder 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. GREAT SELLS-FLOTO SHOWS- CIRCVS AVAR RAGES AND THE PRICE OK ADMISSION HAS BEEN REDUCED TO 25 CENTS iSvo Performances Today. Seats on Sule at Sherman, Clay fc Co. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE Daily or Sunday. Per Line. One timo ISo same ad two consecutive times. ........ .22o Same ad three consecutive times 30o same au six or seven consecutive times. .5vo lx words count as one line on cash ad- vertisemen t s and no ad counted for less tbuD two lines. When an advertisement Is not run consec utive times tn one-time rata applies. On CshariFM of honk Advertliumpiiti thn chargo will be based on tbe actual number of lines appearing in the paper, regardless i iuo numDer oz worus in earn line. In New Toduv .all advertiHPmDfii m charged by measure only. 14 lines tat, the inch. The above rates apply to advertisements unuer "jew ioay" and all other classifica tions excepting the following; 8ituatlons Wanted, 31 ate. Situations Wanted, Female, lor Kent, Rooms, private Families. Kooms and Board, Private Families. liousekeeoinjr; Kooms, Private Families. The rate of the above classifications is 7 cents a line each Insertion. TO 01 T-OF-TOWN' PATRONS The Ore ronian will receive conv hv mail. eufflc-ient remittance for a definite number or issues is sent. Aeknuwledjrment of such remittance will be forwarded oroniptly. In ease box office address is required, use regnlar form given, and count this as part of the ad. Answers to advertisements will be forwarded tot patrons, provided self-addressed stamped envelopes are furnished. If you have either telephone In your house we wm script your aa over tbe pnone and oend you the bill the next day. Phono Want Ad Dept., Main 7010 or A 6095. Sit uation Wanted and Personal advertisements not accepted over - the phone. Krrors are more easily made in telephoning advertise ments!, ' therefore The Orefroniua will not hold itself responsible for such error.. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT, Main 212. SECRETARY, Main BftO. HUMANE OFFICER, East 4770. SEE THIS TODAY 100x100 N. E. Corner 12 th-Market $28,000 GOOD TERMS Real Estate Department. ' Ask for Mrs. Parks. Union Bank & Trust Company 235 Stark St.,. Corner Second - - Portlands Or. n JfEW TODAY. i ...t-.j . r Take an A car to East 30th street and walk; eight blocks east. A high-class, restricted residence dis trict. 10Per 5 Ox 100 Lots ?10 cash ONLY $600 month EARN $10 By guessing- how this limerick ends: No. 3. There was an old man named Moller Who put up a dismal holler; A knocker was he, 'Tis easy to see; And he never Any one sending us the correct ter mination of the above limerick will re ceive a certificate good for ip on the purchase price of any unsold lot In GOING-STREET ADDITION. Brains set men and women floating on the pinnacle of success. Some peo ple have brains and don't use them; these people don't float, they wallow. Set your brains at work and see how easy It is to earn ten dollars. If your answer Is correct, we will send you the certificate by return mail. CARTER-DUGAN COMPANY OWNERS, 820 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. 50x100 on 12th street, near Glisan; 50 feet of trackage. This is the best buy on the street for only $17,500. Easy terms. Dabney&Dabney 412 Commercial Block, 2d and Wash. BEAUTIFUL FARM Eighty acres, located at Roosevelt. Klickitat County, Washington, fine 6 room house, 2 good barns, water piped to house and barns, cemented chicken yard, with chicken-houses, 40 acres in pasture, 40 acres In high state of cul tivation, 18 acres under irrigation, upon which is growing Muscat and Alexan dria grapes, peaches, aorlcots. annles. pears, plums, strawberries and garden; alfalfa cuts 5 crops, strawberries ripen two weeks earlier than other localities; almonds do fine. A money maker and a beautiful home. Price $8000 $2000 cash, good terms at 6 per cent. uii ana see pnoio at our oizice. GRUSSI & ZADOW 317 Board of Trade- HI (Ik., 4th and Oak. Fine Investment 100x100, close in on Tay lor street, at an attractive price; or might give long term lease. Vanduyn & Walton 515 Chamber of Commerce. S5000 Ten full lots, all of them facing carline, within 3-mile circle. Investi gate. Quick action necessary. Brubaker & Benedict 502 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. - J Phone Main 549. Ladd'sAddition HOME $1000 Swell, modern, brand - new 7 - room house. Just finished, has furnace, nice fireplace, gas and electric lights, nice den, sleeping-porch, laundry trays, in fact, all latest improvements, on a lot 40x128, with alley in rear, all street improvements and cement sidewalks In and paid. On Ladd avenue, near Haw thorne avenue, on 80-foot street. Price, a bargain, $6000; $1000 cash, balance on terms to suit. Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. IRVINGTON Your choice of 200 first-class lots In the swellest residence district of the East Side. Prices C1800 to 9230O per lot terms. We will build for jeu on any- lot of your selection. House A-l and terms easy. Phone for an appointment. WALKER & REED, 823 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8535. $600 CASH BUYS S3SOO MODERN BUNGALOW WORTH 4O0O. 30th and K. Burnside. near Ankenv carline and LAURELHURST; 5 rooms, closets, attic, fireplace; 50x100 lot, lawn, roses, berries, garden, chicken park. Balance monthly. OWER, H35 E. Burnside. 662 CLACKAMAS ST. Holladay Park; seven rooms and Datn; modern and convenient; nrlce will sacrifice for quick sale. XEff TODAY. A First- Class Investment 40x100 feet, with house renting at $15, on Kussell street, between Wil liams and Rodney, in the business dis trict of Albina. Improvements all in and paid for. Similar property in same locality selling for double the price asked for this. Can be had for a few days only for $5000, $2000 cash, three years, balance, 6 per cent. Real Estate Department. Ask for Mr. Algar. S Union Bank & Trust Company 235 Stark St., Corner Second. - ; Portland, Oregon. j F RENT. For 6 Months Call at our office in Gregory Heights, end of Rose City Park carline. INVESTnENTC0.?& Central Oregon MADRAS, REDMOND, BEND, PRIXE VILLE, LAIDLAW, And all points In the Interior. If you are intending to make a trip to this wonderful empire you can now buv your tickets at the address below and avoid laying over a day in Shaniko. We are now running 7 passenger Pierce Arrow cars daily from Shaniko and Bend, making connection at Ma dras for Prineville, La Monte and way points. For further information call at 617 Chamber of Commerce, or phone Main 1677. ESPEY AUTO STAGE CO. 3 Fine Bargains 100 acres near Tiard. 90 acres Base Line road. 60 acres near Oak Grove. All these at right prices. I. G. Davidson 819 Chamber of Commerce. ANOTHER FLAT BARGAIN, THIS WEEK ONLY $2500 will handle this income prop osition, which will stand the strongest investigation. Will net purchaser 10 per cent by Fall on amount invested. F. E. Taylor & Co. 402-3 Lewis Building, 4th and Oak Sts. $50 DOWN, $10 MONTHLY $550 for a lot on East Hoyt street, between 53d and 54th sts.; size COxlOO feet; about half-mile east of Laurel-, hurst; sold on easy terms of $50 down, $10 a month. I. GEVl'RTZ & SONS, 173-5 First St. FineResidence$10,000 8-room house, with billiard-room, 8 lots, barn or " garage, many trees, 2 blocks from carline, Portland Heights, could be made one of the most beauti ful residence properties In the city. Will consider part trade. OWNER, 923 Board of Trade. The Finest Corner in the City looxioo. iur. Apartment Site. 7 :r: XU I ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade Hide MORTGAGE LOANS Lownt rates and terms to stilt i ipc ctal rates and favorable terms oa lurs loans on business properties Fundi Loaned for Private iavestors A.H.BIRRELL CO. 202 UeKar Bide. 3d Jt Starts. Rose City Park Bargain 17 beautiful shady lots, on 60-ft. street, near Fremont and Coleman, only $465 each, adjoining lots sold J650 up, with restrictions and improvements. Owner, AD 930, Oregonian. 3 Blocks From Kiliingsworth Ave. and west of carbarns, lot with 5-room cottage, new modern (except fireplace and furnace) 12750: cash down o00 or less, balance $25 a month, including ln terest. Room 60 Washington Bldg. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (AU Branches.) 823 Worcester Bide Phones Main 8371; A 4013. Wanted Income Property or good apartment-house site that $15, 000 will handle. I mean business. Call Main 7373. 2M1 Kenton Bids'. INVESTORS Call on owners Realty Ass'tt for timber, acreage, business. residence, and apartment properties, 205 Ablngtoa. REE