Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 21, 1910, Page 16, Image 16

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Land within, a stone's throw of Orchards,
ft miles from Vancouver, on the electric car
line; the beaverdara land will produce $1000
an acre In onion or asparagus; owner will
trade for Portland property. David Lewis,
83 6th at.
GASOLINE LAUNCH. 23 ft. by 5-ft. beam,
catiopy top, magneto, storage battery,
electric lights and searchlight; 8 H. P.
Smaliey engine; all in first-class running
order. Including launch, house, for $650 ;
cost $1000 2 years ago; would trade for
Portland lots or acreage near Portland
of equal value. Call 90 ftth st.
BO ACRES on Salem Electric R. 10 min
utes' walk from station; 18 acre clear.
3 4 acres beaver dam, balance small timbor
and brush. Trade for lots or house lot.
20S Qerlinger Bidg., 2d and Alder.
In the highest state of cultivation, includ
ing a new 3 -room house, barn, chicken
houaes, well ,eto-. and only 3 blocks from
the Oregon Electric; will exchange thbj for
city property. David Lewto, S3 6th at.
FOR sale or exchange Contract on lots 17
and 18, blk. 8, Westmoreland. Portland,
worth $1500; bal. to pay $930, for wild
land or gasoline launch. Box 108, New
port, Or.
A few choice lout close to car line and only
12 minutes from the city, to trade for a
good 5 or 7-passenger car. David Lewis, 83
5th m.
Only 4 blocks from an electrlo carllne and
only 4 miles from Vancouver; the owner will
trade for city property. David Lewis, 83
5ih st.
Fireproof hotel, 120 rooms; best corner
location in Seattle; choice lobby; abso
lutely modern. P. O. Box 1623. Seattle.
$80u0 LONG time guaranteed 8 per cent
note, secured by mortgage on 1200 acres
farm land for improved Portland property.
Address T 976. Oregonlan.
A cottage at seaside and two lots for
Tortland real estate. Call M 309 or In
quire at 502 Fenton bldg.
WlLLtake Hood River fruit land or Port
land" lota to value of $12 ei rirst payment
on residence, 940 K. GHsan. Add re Marion
MacRae. Hood River, Or.
A FIVE and 7 passe igor automobile to trade
for real estate; several good second-hand
cars for sale. 495 Alder st.
WILL exchange first-class grocery for
good city property, or a good farm near
Portland. 402 Commercial block.
FOR SALE or exchange Barber shop, con
fectionery, cigar and poolroom : receipts
T " W S
BRAND new high-grade piano to exchange
for room and board. AJ 976, Oregonlan.
$1K to $110 per week, au vtti. uregonian.
With, me if you have a well located mod
ern 6 or 7-room home worth $4000 to
$0000 and will take part cash and other
good property for part. Box A 60, R. F.
D. No. 1, Hillsdale, Or.
WE have customers for all classes of Port-
land property, ranging from $2500 to
$100,000, or more in value. Give us de
scription of what you are willing to sell.
Sales made without unnecessary pub
licity. Walker & Reed, 823 Chamber of
Commerce. Phone Main 8635.
I have buyer for 10 to 20 acres close to
Portland; give me a description of what you
have to sell; also phone number: land must
be good; prefer something well Improved.
AF 976, Oregonlan,
WANTED Wholesale tracts of good land,
suitable for colonization. In Central and
Eastern, Oregon for ourselves and our
clients; owners only. Manuel Brothers
Company, &03 AoUrua bkig., Minneapolis,
REAL ESTATE or equities la same bought
and sold. List with us.
' 722-723 Bleotrio Bldg.
"WANTED From owner, house. Improved,- 6
or 7 rooms, $20O to $800 cash, balance
monthly; give full description; no agents.
A 972. Oregonlan.
"WANTED To buy home, close In, corner
preferred, cost from $5O0O to $7000, must
be good modern bouse and good terms,
from owners only. P 78, Oregonlan.
REAL estate agent has party who wishes to
buy suburban house with cufnelent land
for garden, chickens, etc; 6c fare; quick
Bale. T 979, Oregonlan.
WANTED Modern 6 or 7-roora house In
Hawthorne ave. district; state price, loca
tion and terms. AH 984. Oregonlan.
WANTED To buy cottage, 4 to 8 rooms, for
cash. Owner. No agents. Call 102 r 3d
at., room 507.
ACREAGE, lots or equities bought and sold,
I have buyers for your property.
W. B. HARTLEY. 411 Swetland bldg.
Horses Vehicles and Harness.
Why buy second-hand vehicles when you
can get a new one from an old-established
wholesale house, 44 years in Oregon, at
almost the same cost 7 We are located
outside the high -rent district, own our
building, and can make the price. Ex
clusive agents for the old reliable line of
Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv
ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and
farm wagons. Be sure and see us before
you buy. It may save you money.
R. M. WADE & CO.,
823 Hawthorne Ave., bet. East 1st and 2d.
L8 NEW single harness $13.00
$30 new double driving harness 23.60
$40 new team harness 31.50
$45 new team harness 85.60
New. guaranteed, well-known buggies with
learner trimmings, tin leather Quarter tops.
for 68.50. Big sales and small profits. The
second largest stock of vehicles and wagons
in the city to select from.
C. L. BOSS & CO.,
FOR SALE 26 North 15th st, 6-year-old
team and new handsewed harness, weight
12400 lbs. ; 6-year-old team and new hand
sewed harness, weight 2700 lbs. These
horses sold with a written guarantee to
be as represented or your money refunded.
' R. L. Evans.
Murphy Horse & Mule Co. will have a
load of heavy Missouri mules at Model
Stables. 295 Davis st., Portland. Or., by
May 23, lUlO- It will pay you to wait If
you are in toe mar net. u. M. Billings,
FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons.
Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and
mare a If not as represented they can be
returned. We also have on hand several
delivery, farm, vegetable- and milk wagons
for sale. Hawthorne-ave. Stables. 420
. nawthorne ave.
FOR SALE Bay horse, 6 years c4d; weight.
iMsiuiu, ouiiu. gentie. riua, drive,
single or double. 634 E. 14th su, corner of
Beacon. Brooklyn car.
YOUNG team, sound and true, now doLng
heavy work; 2600; new harness, too, got
to go; only $450. 27th and Mason sts., 8
to 12 A. M.
WANTED A good horse, about 1250 lbs.,
surrey and harness; must be cii v bruko.
Address lo21 Hawthorne ave. Phone B
31W7, Tabor 510-
FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and driving horses
always on hand; sold with guarantee as
represented. U. S. Stables. 248 Front.
Best accommodations for travelers: ladies
waiting-room; prices moderate, 248 Front
TEAM, horse and mare, 2400 pounds, farm
wagon, harness; also big mare, weighs
14O0 pounds. 242 E. Grand ave.
FOR SALE A-l delivery horse, wagon and
harness, nearly new ; muse be sold. Co
lumbla Fish Co.. 3d and Ankeny.
, WANTED Teams for scraper worki $6 a
day. free barn. 407 Lumbermen a bldg.
Main 2018, East 813. evenings East 291.
FOR SAwLE 1 team well-matched horses, 6
and 7 years old, weighing 280U 226 Rub-
sell st-
SADDLE horse, also good driver, for salee
$90. M 97ft, Oregonlan,
DR. L. G. STICKNEY, V, S. Office 4O0 L
Burn side. E. 665; residence K. 171,
FIVE heavy teams at the transfer bams.
Flemming A Thompson. Gresham.
WANTED By ths Y. M. C. A, Automobile
School at Metropolitan Garage, 190 Chap
man St., automobiles , for repair no
charges except for parts supplied; skillful
mechanical supervision of all work, phones
Private Ex. 66. Educational Director Y
M. C A- bldg., room 416.
46-H. P. engine and frame slightly dam
aged by fire. Could be rebuilt into deliv
ery truck or engine installed In launch.
Address Columbia Block & Ram Co.,
northeast corner 10th and Johnson sts
FORD 6-passen ger, top, oil lights and tires
frood. Price MQ. Room 417, 826 V Wash-
ngton art. Main 538L
PACKARD 80 roadster; excellent condition;
newly painted. Inquire 612 Lumbermens bldg.
WANTED 4-cy Under runabout: cash; must
be cheap; state price. A 3 978. Oregonlan.
Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments.
FOR SALE Band organ for skating riniL
Inquire C. E. Olson. St. Helens, Or.
BAB7 Grand Kranach & Bach piano, party
Is going away. JE. 968. Oregonlan.
Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments
FOR SALE Two Mahlllor-PupescM high
lit ten clarinets, 17 keys, 5 rinK. in per
fect condition every way and fully war
wanted. S W. Van Dyke, Grants Pass,
Birds, Dogs, pet Stock.
FIVE-GALLON cow and calf; must be sold
toaay. os e. Yamhill ana ana st.
FOX-TERRIER pups; males; $2 each. 210
jiarnet su. near 1st, today oniy.
New, powerful, high-class, perfect cabin
cruising launch; 30 feet over aLl, 7-foot
beam; built from special selected mate
rial: equipped, with 4-cycle 12-H. P. auto
matic engine with reverse gear; pilot
house control: whistle, bell, lights, fog
horn, etc. Will sacrifice at less than
cost of material. RB1ERSON MACHIN
ERY CO.. 184 Morrison St.. Portland. Or.
SEWING machines, special sale on splendid
lot of fine secondhand, macnines 01 an
leading makes Singer, Wheeler & Wil
son, New Home, White, Domestic, House
hold and others, to make room for new
Singer 66 and rotary. Singer Sewing
Machine Store. 9. S. SIgel. agent. 335
Morrison st. Phone Main 2183, A 4599.
One Fairbanks-Morse 32-H. P. gasoline
engine, with a lot of 2-lnch pipe.
Machinery for one planing mill and box
factory complete.
List can be had upon application. Apply
628 Chamber of Commerce.
Both as good as new; boat will seat 10
comfortably and the speed la 1 miles an
hour; will trade for city property or sell
for cash. David Lewis. 83 5m st.
Extra quality, flat top, eanltary oak
desk, revolving desk chair, several other
oak chairs, Axminster rug, 6x9 Vi; all In
use only 60 days. Phone A 2S49 for ap
pointment. SEWING machines Do not fail visit the
White sewing machine store THIS WEEK.
SPECIAL SALES 12o drop-head machines,
slightly marred; all standard makes ma
chines for rent, and repairing. H. D. Jones.
Prop., 420 Washington st., corner 11th.
FOR SALE Ono-third interest In sawmill.
Capacity 15,000 feet per day, 8,000,000 feet
of red and yellow tir timber located on
1'nlted Railway in Washington County,
Oregon, good local and railroad tie and
Tim Per orders, ji b o , urc gonian.
125-volt, 150-K. W. General Electric
generator; belt type, complete with panel
and rail base. Address Room 201, Ore
gonlan. FOR SALE Temporary house, well built
and reatiy for housekeeping; may be
moved anywhere. Call quickly. Half a
1 0 c k nort h of Sandy road on 6 5t h s u
BP EC LA L prices on factory rebuilt machines;
very liberal terms; $lo to $0O. Northwest
Typewriter Co., M 8670. 222 A b in g ton
FOR SALE Hoover electric sweeper; first
class condition. Phone E 3646 forenoons.
Price $50.
W O R C ESTER BLDG., 3d and Oak.
ONE gasoline launch and boat house for sale
cheap; party leaving city, -ts uiu, uregw-
SAFES, new and second-hard, all sizes, cheap
for cash or easy terms, jrortiano. 40.
87 5th st.
TWO good cottages. N. E. cor. Park and
Harrison sts, to make way for new build
lng. Inquire 801 Board of Trade bldg..
$50. Ask for catalog. Kebulits $16 up.
M. Hayter Co., 90 5th si. Main 5520.
FOR SALE Office furniture; 2 desks, good
carpet, chairs, rugs and safe; at a snap.
O 975. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE New butchers refrigerator,
6x11. Inquire Wascher Bros., 15th and
Brpadway. East 271.
FOR SALE Sh ow case, wallcases, counters,
cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone East 638.
FOR SALE Hart-Parr traction gasoline en
gine, good as new. R. T. Cox, 25o)a &d mu,
Portland. Or.
CLINKER brick cheap. Inquire at Jensen's
Brick Yard. 3Sth ana bandy Road.
ANGORA goats for sale near Portland. 339
heriocK bicg.
POSTAGE stamp collection, catalogues, $S00;
make me an offer. Evenings. Main 57Q8.
VIOLINS, ban joe, mandolins, guitars at half
regular prices. Uncle Myers, 7 1 6th s u
NEW Remington No. 10 visible typewriter
for sale; a snap, r. u. tiox J41, city.
231 Stark St. Main 1407.
600 BUSINESS CARDS $1 if you bring this ad.
Rose City Prlntery, 192 3d, near Taylo r.
A $450 SODA FOUNTAIN for sale very cheap.
Call up Main 1869 or A 4869.
SHOWCASES, new and second-hand. 312
Everett, cor oua. also nxtures.
FINE Insulated cooler for sale cheap. Alex
r rieaman, xuo 1st.
Highest price paid for men's cast-off
clothing and shoes. The Globe Second
hand stcre, 290 First. Main 2080. We also
buy ladies' clothing.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings:
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 02 N. 3d st. Main 9272.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the
r ora Auction Co. or you 11 get lesa
Phones: A 244J5; Main 8951.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
auenuno aiways given, rncne t,ast Jim
WANTED Second-hand Craton
popper. B 980, Oregonlan.
WANTED An experienced tinner to gn to
country town. For particulars call 84 Front
WANTED AH around machinist who un
derstands automobile work. The Dalles
iron worKS, The Dalles, Or.
BOY to learn grocery business; must have
wheel and live on East Side. D. Kellaner
At to, lb tir an a ave.
SYNDICATE formine to handle lartrn trsoi
of land; large pronts assured. For full in-
torniation address jy i7, Oregonlan.
MAN to handle State of Oregon for a winner;
email investment required, fully secured
Chester, 814 Dekum bldg.
EXPERIENCED savings bank bookkeener.
one familiar with card system preferred.
iv v 1 fjregonian.
WANTED A young man 17 to 18 years of age
1 or neueitti v i iv . Aypiy anu. a jtmn St.,
WANTED Experienced cook. family of 4
-nages $40, Call morning at 446 Morrison
WANTED A good strong boy, about 18
years of age. Apply Northwestern Macar-
oni Factory, ma North 6th st.
GOOD, live salesmen to handle the new
Richmond Suction Cleaner. Apply "61 6th
sc. Aiifimoom,
WANTED 2 experienced mandolin agents,
to go out of town. Address T. M. Samp-
ds a t LovrEv n hha
3 -yv w new - i v ueiunifl map;
hustlers are making $30 to $50 per week
WANTED By an old established wholesale
nouse, a junior ciers ior oitice work. Ap
ply in own handwriting. A 973, Oregonlan.
WANTED Two solicitors; must understand
business. au w extern JJecorating Co.,
room 304 Merchants' Trust bldg.
WANT ED Young man stenoirranher -Mtti
lumrer experience preferred. Apply Clark
DENTIST wanted ; good operator; best
wages and permanent position to a regis-
WANTED At once, 2 graders and
ers, for planing mill; good wages. Clark
& wiison iiUmuer ..o., J-jnnton, Or.
FIRST-CLASS harness-cleaner. Apply Cen
tral Mapiea. 1 in ana Aiaer sts.
WANTED Two ; first-class waiters.
North 6th.
RUG weavers wantud. Portland Fluff Rug
NEAT, quick dishwasher wanted. Stein's
Restaurant, iz'j itm bl
WANTED Laborers; $2.60 nine hours. East
vin ana irving bl.
WANTED Water boy. East 12th and Irving
WANTED Young man to work in bindery.
rmsnong x wo.
BARBER for Saturday; money guaranteed.
t;o let st.
BOY wanted. Union Laundry Co., 2d and
FIRST-CLASS ornamental plaster caster
wanted at once, ibi union ave. north.
MAN to drive hotel bus; must be sober. 814
.ueKurn Piag.
WANTED A nrst-class shoe salesman for
aturaays. c. H. Baker, 270 Wash. st.
HIGH -CLASS commercial salesman wanted.
YOUNG man for Janitor and kitchen work
654 Couch j
AT C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 26 North 2d sL
Phones Main 3526. A lo26.
We are headquarters for railroad work
on the Deschutes, at Klamath Falls. Eu
gene. Natron, etc We want 50O laborers,
drillera. rock men. tunnelmen. teamsters on
this work. The fare Is free.. Come and
talk It over with us.
3 blacksmiths, $9v; free fare.
1 blacksmith, $75; free fare.
2 bridge carpenters, $3.50.
Bridge carpenter foreman, $4.
Piledriver man,. $3.50.
Fry cook, $75.
Second cook. $45. board and room.
Camp flunkey, $35.
Dishwashers, $9, $10.
Man and wife as Janitor and house
keeper. S80.
Man and wife, cook on steamer, $70.
Man and wife on farm. $60.
New Jobs coming in all the time. Come
now and connect with, a good one. The
place 26 North 2d st.
EVERY young man looking for employment
or quaimea ior a oetter position anouiu
get in quick touch with the secretary of
the advisory and employment department
of the X. M. C. A- During April we placed
OS men in permanent and 7 men in tem
porary positions. Cultivated brains and
skilled fingers at a premium; 25 calls from
employers on Saturday, at salaries rang
ing from $40 to $100 per month.
strangers our specialty. Good f ellow
shlp, good advice and good position awaits
Think twice and then some before you
invest money. Wo can tell you where not
to put It.
10O0 white laborer 3 for surfaring and
general railroad construction work. Wages
3.85 per day. Fare from Seattle to the
work $15. Weekly shipments begin about
June L
M. J. HENEY, Pier 2. Seattle, Wash.
WANTED Ablo-bodled men for the U. S.
Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and
35. Must be native born or have first papers;
monthly pay $15 to $69; additional compen
sation possible; food, clothing, quarters and
medicinal attendance free; after 30 years'
service can retire with 75 per cent of pay
and allowances ; service on board ship and
ashore in all parts of the world. Appiy at 4
and 10 Breed en bldg 3d and Washington
sta., Portland. Or.
WANTED Man to sell real estate; prop
erty to be sold selling very fast; help will
be given until confidence is gained. Call
522 Cor bet t block, between 7 and 6 P. M-
WANTED Men by large contracting com
pany; can learn trade of plumbing, elec
tricity, bricklaying, automobiles In few
months; no apprentice or helpers' work
and no expenss; $20,000 contract work go
ing; catalogue free. United Trade School
Contracting Company, J,os Angeles.
1000 MEN wanted to buy genuine bargains
in manufacturer's sample suits; all New
. York models; $35 to $40 values, $18.75;
$18 to $22.50 values. $12.75. How do I do
it? That's easy. My office rent is one
eighth of a ground floor store. JimmU
Dunn, room 315 Oregonlan bldg.
Crosscut saw flier, $3.25.
Band resawyer, $3.5o.
Man and wife, cooks on river steamer, $70.
Main Office. 12 N. 2d St.
10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year:
men and women to learn barber trade In
8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu
ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert
luoiruciuro; 1001s iree; write ior cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 85
North 4th st., Portland. Or.
MEN wanted for firemen and Krakornon nn
earby rail roads; age IS to 35; experience
uuiiwoww)-; no striae; permanent employ
ment; firemen $100 monthly brakemen $75;
promotion to engineers, conductors; 40O men
cent to positions monthly. State age; sead
stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonlan.
I WANT to talk to 3 or 3 live salesmen.
I have a gilt-edga proposition, which
should mean $160 to $200 per month' to
a good hustler with large acquaintance
In the city. Helmbach. 291 Stark st.
Wanted at once.
16-story building; long Job; rate 45c
National Realty Bldg.. Tacoma, Wash.
WANTED Steady . man, able to check
goods, etc.; pay good salary and share of
profits; small investment required and
will be secured with bank references. Far-
ucuiars,X46j4 stark st.
YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway
jim.ii cieras, postonice cxeras, carriers, etc.
Write or call for Book 30, it's free. Pacific
States School, McKay- bldg.. Portland, Or
WANTED 2 salesmen to handle good propo
sition; we pay all expenses and commission:
steady work for capable men. Call at 3:14
.rront St., irom V to 4, and call for H. M.
LUMBERMAN WANTED Want retail lumber-yard
manager in town of 20,000, east of
mountains. Salary, $160, on yearly con
tract, to competent man. All correspondence
conrmenuai. aq areas x yu. Oregon lan.
PHYSICIAN, registered in Oregon, expert
ence in ear. nose and throat nractice d
sirable. Good Portland office position to
rignt man. ?aiary or interest. 5 ox AC
WANTED Salesman for fireworks line for
city and suburbs: IO per cent oommiaasion
basis; answer at once, stating when can
gtart ana rererenceg. r 7s, Oregontan.
WANTED Cashier, ledger man and clerical
man; permanent positions and promotion
ior capaoie young men. commercial Ab
stract Co.. 40S Commercial Club bldg.
A COMPETENT soda bottler who can work
Crown corking machine can find steady
Biiipiuyineui. Appiy lorenoons, Shasta
water 00., z za st.
WANTED A teacher of mandolin, guitar
and violin for out-of-town work; position
up rmmiuiiu auui bem 1 . ro.. &ajnpson, x.
pox 170. rspoaane. wash.
WANTED Experienced ornamental Iron
workers. Write to Spokane Ornamental
Iron Works. Spokane, Wash., giving ex-
SALESMAN wanted oa men's tailoring to
worn m Bire, uuiue rvotiy 10 worK. tyan &
O'Brien, tailors, Morrison, corner West
park sl.
HYPNOTIST wants experienced comedv sub-
jects; long engagement; good salary; booze
fighters killed on sight. Address AE 979 Ore-
STEADY man wanted; pay you $30 weekly;
cash business, clean work, experience not
necessary ; investment of $ 2b0 required.
WANTED A thoroughly qualified foreman
for a tent and awning factory. Reply
stating experience to c 1. Jones & Son,
ancouver. jj. u.
GOVERNMENT employes wanted Write for
Portlana examination scneouie. Prepara
tion free. Franklin Institute, Dept.. 29UO
.Kocnester, .
WANTED Boys to learn bolt maklna. and
men recently from the East experienced In
manufacture of bolts and nuts. Apply 209
SALESMEN wanted to take orders selling
fine nursery stock; cash advances; fine
territory; bis" money; outfit free. Carlton
Nursery to., canton, Oregon.
BARBER, first-class, good wages: or will
sell half or all of shop. Address Lock
Box i, paiias, Oregon.
WANTED Neat, honest young man with
little money as partner in good paying
real estate pusinen. r iitn St. '
TWO salesmen wanted for gilt-edged resi
dence real estate. Inquire 9 to 12 A. M.
322 Corbett bldg.
$18 TO $35 week, few months only learning
situations guaranteed. Watchmaking-En
graving School. Box 182. Ashland, Or.
MEAT cutter to travel with circus; must be
fast. Apply Sells-FIoto dining depart-
men: sunaay morning, reaay ror work.
PHOTO coupon and portrait agents, n'
winning offer. Cutberth. Dekum bldg.
WANTED Laborers, $2.60, 9 hours.
12th and Irving st.
MEN for factory near Portland ; married
men preierreq. gao snenocic bldg.
TELEGRAPHY taught, operators in demand.
gooq pay, teiegrapn scnooi. zvv a a. st.
TWO boys wanted. Carman Mfg. Co., 18th
ana L'pgnur.
WANTED An experienced helper on cake
Apply to A-. Heissler, 11th and Everett.
WANTED Cabinetmakers. The Oregon
rianiug mius, iwin auu vaugnn.
EXPERIENCED spinners wanted. Apply
ronianu w ooien jams, at. jonns, or.
BOYS wanted. 264 M Taylor at Good wages.
PRESSER, alteration room. Grand Leader.
WANTED Dressmaker's helper. 661 Wash
ington st. jaain -to.
WANTED Waitress in boarding-house, 356
Criisan su
WANTED Cooks, hotels. $40 to $45.
Restaurant cooks, $10 to $12 week.
Cook. $40 ; pantry woman. $30; waitress.
$25. all for same place.
Cook, waitress and chambermaid for same
Kitchen helpers, $25 to $30.
Waitress for ioe cream parlor. $8 week.
Six waitresses, $25 and $30.
Girls for general housework, $25 to $35.
Ladies' Dept. 205 Morrison.
GIRLS, 16 years of age and over, t work
m ractory. Apply at once. Ames-Harris-Neville
Co., 5th and Davis sts.
EXPERIENCED shirt operators and girls to snirxmaKing. booa wages. Begin
ners paid while learning. Neustadter Bros..
Standard Factory No. 2, Grand ave. and
E. Tayior.
WANTED Several bright young women to
11 ituciJituiiw operating; students paid
$20 per month while learning; s, thor
ough training given each student before
assignment to position ; this is an excep
tional opportunity for such applicants that
qualify. Apply to school principal at our
east office. East Ankeny and 6th sts., be
tween 8 A. M. and 5 P. M-. week-days.
The Pacific Telephone & Telegrap h Co .
WANTED Girl for general housework and
cooaing; wages 3k. Call 736 Irvlngst.,
near 2 2d ,
Good, competent women wanted at once.
Apply to superintendent
FIVE bright, active girls for our marking.
pul""K anu snipping departments. Also
can use machine operators and good hand
ironers. Yale Laundry, corner J3. 10th and
Morrison sts.
REFINED girl or woman to care for two
- .w.iw.) ucn. JU. OIU
Wl"! h . ao 'Pill. nntr
LAUNDRY help, experienced or lnexperi-
ni(d' mt a yt- hi r r-m m a U t n . l 1 1
girls and hand Iron era,. Opera House
In nnnrv
WANTED Elderly lady as cook for crew of
7 men, near city; no objection to one child,
as com Dfl n v fn,r- vm . c ,w. a e a e rwu
WANTED Experienced cook, family of 4;
" uiumiug et 4-o i orris on
3264 Washington St., Room 3o7.
Main 8836 or A 3266.
S46 Washington St., Cor. 7th. Upstairs.
'Phone Main 2692.
WANTED Experienced cook, also girl for
bwukl wora. on jacicson st Portland
Heights. Phone Main 1956.
WANTED Competent girl for general house-
w urn , z in iamiiy ; Portland Heights.
Phone Main 715, A 4208.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and house-
ynyji n. , .ov. ouv in an cock. Phones East
16S5. C 1491.
MIDDLE-AGED woman to cook on farm
near city; references required. Room 206
Board of Trade bldg.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 009 Roth-
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
GIRL for cooking and general housework;
small family. Call 77C Schuyler st. Rhone
C 2372.
W ANTED Competent girl, general house
work, family three adults, inquire 812
Kearney between 24th and 25th sts.
WANTED Experienced dining-room girl.
2i js vvaiuorr. rnone Main
GOOD girl wanted for general housework.
a-- u sa. j Jii si., iNortn, or pnone
East 5051.
WANTED Oirl for general housework;
must be good cook; family 2; wages $30
to start. Call forenoons 185 N. 25th st.
A RELIABLE woman for household work;
2 in family; no children; liberal wages.
Inquire 680 Elliott ave. Phone E 2483.
WANTED Girl to assist with general
nuuMowurK ana cooKing. small family;
good wages. Phone East 38.
YOUNG woman to assist at housework; good
home, good wages, no children. 773 John
son s.
WANTED Immediately, neat woman house
keeper, widower's family, out of town. St.
Loula. 303 Wash. Main 2039, A 4776
WANTED Girl for plain cooking, down
stairs work, where second girl is kept;
Bmall washing. 832 North 23d st.
WANTED Girl - for general housework;
must be competent; two In family; best
wages. Phone A 4566.
GIRL or young woman to assist with general
housework; good home and good wages. Ta-
uor aoi.
WANTED Girl for general housework; no
children ; no laundry ; good wages; refer-
eni-'ea requirea. jvq urana ave. JNorth.
EXPERIENCED laundress for Monday. Ap
ply 741 Irving or phone Main 7 057.
WANTED 6 girls to work at Council Crest
GOOD ironers wanted at State Laundry;
piece work or by the day. 395 Broadway.
TWO power sewing machine operators;
steady work. The Auto Top Co.. 125 16th.
WANTED Practical nurse for night duty;
small nospitai. n. vtt, uregonian
GIRL for general housework. 258 12th St.,
mornings only.
WOMAN cook. Phone Jersey 86. Call be
tween and 11 A. M. ana i ann 8 p. M.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Call
1089 Thurman st. Main S7T.
EXPERIENCED girl, for general housework;
smaii ram i ly. t jaontguniery m .
SWEDISH girl for general housework. Ap
ply 24 East Tin u
WANTED Competent waitress. Apply Cri
terlon Restaurant, 82 6th.
GOOD girl for general housework. 605 B.
15th, North.
WANTED Good girl for general housework.
Call 994 East 21st st. North.
FAMILY cook, $35; second girl. $30.
Louis. 303H Wash, st. Main 2029.
MATTRESS maker wanted. Carman Mfg.
Co., lSth and Upshur.
GIRL for general housework; good home.
:i!4 Clifton. aiain d-ia.
WANTED A girl to do general housework.
Apply at 63 North 22d st.
CHAMBERMAIDS, new Hotel Dalles, The
Dalles, or.
GIRL to assist in housework, small family,
852 Overton.
WANTED Experienced vest maker. Nlcoll
the Tailor, m st.
WANTED Girl to go general housework.
601 Schuyler st.
HOUSEKEEPER for widower's family. Call
xfta A T M OT Sundav. 41 Thn rmon
GIRL for general housework. 247 Stout
st., corner West Main.
HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co., 2d and
LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by
expert: $5 a month. 29 14th. Main 3893.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and general
YOUNG girl for housework. 174 East 15th,
near Belmont.
WANTED Competent cafeteria girl. Apply
at the snei qon, zuq Morrison St., at on c e.
WOMEN wanted to finish men's neckwear.
Columbia NecKwcar airg. uo., 2V1 H stark.
WANTED Chambermaid at the 'Ozart, 225
11th st.
A YOUNG girl to assist with housework.
Apply 602 Johnson st.
HAND ironers wanted at U. S. Laundry Co.,
Grand ave and East Yamhill st.
WANTED Young girl as waitress at ice
cream store. 26 Everett st.
ALTERATION hands. Grand Leader.
GIRL for housework. 702 Northrup st.
WANTED Woman cook. 626 Everett St.
HOOD RIVER requires large number berry
pickers Immediately. Bring complete
camping; outfits. Free fuel furnished.
Parties will be met at Hood River , depot
or steamboat landing oy growers. Good
wages. Berry crop very promising. Long
season. Apply Growers' Union.
WANTED Women and boys for general
woolen mill help. Multnomah Mohair
Mills, sea woo Q,
FT6K T BACH ERS AGENCY offers rood
positions to A-l Instructors. 611 wetland,,
VAUDEVILLE people, singere. dancers, clever
amateurs considered. Call 324 Salmon. Main
srruATioy w .anted male.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
LAWYER Aged 28, desires position with
title company or corporation where legal
" training will be appreciated. In Portland
In July. A. W. Hendrlckson, Jr., Ossining,
N. Y.
YOUNG roan (German), speaks and writes
good English. German, Polish, wishes po
sition as clerk or office work to do; some
experience; small salary to start. Y 975,
RELIABLE and steady bookkeeper and of
fice man desires position in or out of the
city. Own and operate Remington type
writer; familiar with retail lumber busl
ness. A K 951. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by an electrical engineer,
experienced In central station work; both,
steam and waterpower plants; can furnish
references. A Blaylock, Hood River. Or.
Al THOROUGHLY experienced, competent
dry goods man desires position. Eastern
Oregon, Washington or Idaho. Y 976,
GENERAL office work by young man; knowl
edge of bookkeeping and typewriting. J 984,
EXPERIENCED stenographer, with knowl
edge of bookkeeping, desires position. S
977, Oregonian.
In city or country. AJ 982, Oregonian.
M iscel tan eons.
FIRST-CLASS riding instructor and hore-
tralner, for many years, experienced, wbthes
connection with a nice boarding stable at
the Eaat Side. AH 981. Oregonian.
A JOB as superintendent or foreman of
building construction ; io years experi
ence. References. G. F. Carter, 1187 Mis
souri ave., city.
WANTED A position as a nurse for hos
pital worK or private nursing: mental ana
nervous diseases a specialty; can give best
of references. X 977. Oregonian.
COMPETENT gardener and florist wants
situation in private or commercial place.
Can furnish first-class city references. P
963, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS Japanese pastry cook; ex
perienced DaKer pastry, meat; $60 over.
S 976. Oregonlan.
A PORTLAND Business College student
would like a place to work for room and
. board, or part. B 076, Oregonian.
EXPERT window cleaners. A 4763, 272
Burr-side st.; janitor work and window
cleaning by contract; white help only.
CAPABLE cook, reliable, good kitchen man
ager and buyer, wishes position. A 976,
YOUNG man, 22, wants work of some kind;
experienced in groceries and bartending;
honest and sober. E 976. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes position
touring car or truck. Address Edes W. Par-
.ona. 38Q First st.
BY all-around farm hand, middle-aged Ger
man, wants work on ranch or dairy. D
Pi a. Oregonlan.
YOUNG Korean boy wants position in pri
vate family; general do everything; speaks
fcjngnsn wen. r. u. a ox :w2. station a.
ALL-AROUND blacksmith and horseshoe r
wants position in city. Address C Y.. 400
Market st.
FIRST-CLASS, all-around, baker. AC 968,
JAPANESE, good cook, wants situation In
private family, rt 976, Oregonlan.
ELECTRICIAN wants position; handy with
an Kings or toois. y vtot uregonian
GOOD, steady cook wants job in small ho-
tcl or camp. O 978, Oregonlan.
JANITOR and wife want position take care
apartment-nouse. AC 977. Oregonian.
ENGINEER wants work running any kind of
engine. aj vjss, iiregontan.
TWO live men from the EaM want position at
anyoning legitimate, r Wio, uregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographs rs.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, typewriter and
office assistant wants position for the first
of June; references furnished. W rite T 97o,
LADY stenographer, with several years' ex
perience in various lines, desires position
immeaiateiy ; none but ntgn-graae post
iions consmercq. rnone .Main i i a.
STENOGRAPHER wants permanent situa
tion, good speea, practical experience, neat,
accurate, good education. Elizabeth, 527
Liay su
bookkeeper, seeks position; long experi
ence; nrst-class references. Write N 9io,
COMPETENT stenographer with experience
desires permanent position. T 973, Ore-
POSITION as stenographer and office assist
ant; experienced and competent; no objec-
tion to leaving city. V 976. Oregonlan.
STENOGRAPHER, with some experience.
desires position; references. Phone C 2765.
FINE dressmaker from the East wishes
sewing for dressmaker or sewing at home.
Phone Main 8tt43.
Alterations, specialty on ladles' salts. Mrs.
Muckler, 430 Columbia, Apt. 3L A 470ft
ANGELES Dressmak'.ng parlors. 326 Wus
ington st.. suite 210. Main 983. A 538 L
WIDOW lady would like to keep house for
Dacneior. x 7, oregonian.
A GOOD private teacher will help you li
any line you may wish for summer study
Eastern college woman with excellent
training; best reference. A E 977, Ore
EDUCATED and refined young woman
wishes position to care for children; some
experience. Abble M. Henry, Oregon City,
WANTED By young widow, position as
housekeeper for gentleman in olty. Call
or aaar ess tou ;;ist st.. in ortn.
WANTED Work 'by the day; colored worn
an. Phone M 8360 between li and 12
and 2 and 4. '
COLORED woman wanted, day's work.
Phone East 2705.
YOUNG lady wants to play piano in theater
or store, a uregonian.
YOUNG woman wants work by the day.
northwest side. 4S8 Everett.
LADY with references desires position, as
presser in dye works. Phone Main 8750.
WANTED County and district agents to sell
Mexico tropical lanas at per acre,
on easy payments. Wonderfully fertile.
Safe investment. liberal commissions.
Write for booklet. Mexico International
Land Co.. 920 Commerce bldg., Kansas
City. Mo.
AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de
mand for choice nursery stock; outfit
free ; cash weekly. Address Capital City
Nursery Co., Salem, or.
AGENTS wanted; insurance knowledge pre
ferred. Call 418 Mohawk bldg. after 9 A. M.
We furnish the renter, collect the rent.
na taxes, insurance and keep ud repairs,
the same for you as though the property
was our own; references, any bank in
245 Vs Stark St.
phones A S5O0. Main 36.
BY young couple. 8 or 4 furnished 'housekeep
ing rooms, modern, or will take care of
nouse tor summer mom no ; must oe reason
able; references; possession June 1. AH 980,
WANTED Small 5 or 6-room house, strictly
modern, within 30 minutes of business cen
ter. Address AL 97V, ore g organ.
WANTED Five or six-room modern hou
near Union ave. or Mississippi ave.. not too
far out. D 963, Oregonian.
WANTED 6 or 6-room flat or house, fur
nished, close In. W 976, Oregonlan.
WANTED1 By man and wife, for June,
July and August, furnished house or good
sized apartments ; must be on West Side,
well located, finely furnished and strictly
first-class in every respect. Address P.
Q. Box 105.
WANTED Furnished rooms for light house
keeplng or small house near E. 23th and
Belmont. Address 101 E. 28th st.
YOUNG man desires outside furnished room;
must have hot running water daily; near
postoffice. E 975, Oregonian.
( Bnsiness Places.
WANTED To rent meat market, with fix
tures, in good location. Address AF 978,
Furnished Rooms.
FURNISHED rooms. Elm Place, formerly
Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and 11th.
Xii S REX Modern rooms, $2.50 te $S per
week. 648 Washington su
Furnished Rooms.
building: fine large ground-fioor office; hot
and cold running water In , all rooms;
steam heated ; private baths ; very richly
furnished. Rates only $3.50 and up per
week; 50c up per day. Call and see us.
Northeast corner Fifth and Gllsan sts
ANGELA HOTEL 626 Washington street,
between 19th and 20th. Just completed,
the cosiest, completest and up-to-datest
residence hobel in the city. The ground
floor office is finished in real ma nog any.
marble and tile, is spacious and handsome;
elevator service, private telephone ex
change, steam heat, hot and cold water
in all rooms, many with baths and wall-
beds, and is splendidly furnished. The
rent is vssry moderate, rooms from $15
per month up. Why not get the best for
your money? Now open, rooms by the day,
week or month. Phone Marshall 1950.
140 ROOMS.
New, modern, fireproof building, steam
heated, hot and cold running water In ail
rooms, richly furnished, finest bedsthat
money can buy, and it doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house; nice
large office on ground floor; everything
first-class ; rates, tOc, 75 c and $ 1 per
day; $3.50 and up per week. Call ana
see us. 128 6th su North.
Homelike. Homelike Homelike
7 ih. and Ankeay sts.
Free was their depot carriage,
I took It oa the spot;
There may be othur houses Just as good.
A ynlet home for quiet people.
422t Washington St.. Cor. 11th St.
Fine modern brick bunding; steam
TER IN ROOMS; private baths; elegantly
furnished and every modern convenience ;
month; transients solicited; both phones.
Washington su, near King. A
cheerful, modern home. Bath, hot and
cold water and phono in every room. In
the finest part of the city. The maxi
mum of convenience, the minimum of
expense. We make you feel at home.
Dining-room in connection. Bssl In the
city for the money.
268 3d su, cor. Jefferson.
New flrenrouf building ana furnishings
throughout. Desirable neighborhood, close
to business section. Rooms large, light
and airy; hot and cold water, steam heau
gas and elect no lights; call be! is; free
pnones. Kate J to o per wee. nones.
A 7731; M 8639.
404 Washington, corner 10th.
Modern brick building, steam heated.
private baths, running water in rooms,
electric light, free piione; special rates by
week or month; the most convenient lo
cation In the city; transient trad solicited
at $1 up.
ft North 6th SU. S. E. Cor. Flanders.
New brick building, steam heated, nor
eelain batns, fine large office on ground
floor, elegant beds, everything absolutely
new ana clean; rates only $2.5u and up
per week; 50c and 75c par day. ft blocks
xrom union uepou
131 Eleventh StreeU
NEW. modern brick building: STEAM
HEATED, private baths, running water
in all rooms; TELEPHONES IN EACH
ROOM; special rates by the week and
month; TRANSIENT TRADE solicited.
HOTEL SARGENT Cor. Grand ave. and
Hawthorne. Phone East
91, connecting every room. Private baths,
elevator, first-class grill. Special rates by
week or month. American or European.
Transients solicited.
THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, is now
undergoing a thorough renovation; 70
team heated, electric-lighted rooms, ail
outside. Rates 75c day; $10 month up.
Suites with running water $20 month upL
tm phones and bath free.
Fifth bu, opposite City Hall.
New, beautifully furnished; steam, heat;
hou cold water in every room; publlo
and private baths. Permanent; transienu
THE GLEN DORA. 19th and Couch Nicely
furnished rooms. $J.50 per week up; larga
parlor, piano, billiard and pool tables
tree to guests; large lawn and veranda;
finest location on West Side.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Mala sta
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at re
onabie prices, modern convenience. Op
poslte the Plaxa.
Rooms, R 00 ms , Rooms,
Central location. 300 Morrison su
Mode rate prices, $3.5 0 to $ 5 per wee k.
Washington and 17th, brat-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modem com
yeniences; 3 weekly up. A 2tH7. M. 6647.
Modern furnished or unfurnished apart
xnants, single or ea suite, reasonable rental.
Mi-LNER BLDG.. 35ua Morrison SU
PRIVATE boarding-house, rooms en suite or
single; all modern conveniences, 204 N
a2d sU Phone A 7230.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; nw
Xnmlture, telephone and baths free. 3j; w
6 tar a. corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estee,
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall stsT
well furnished sleeping rooms t.60 per
week; electric lights, hot baths free.
The Mercedes, 20th and Washington; ele
gantly furnished rooms; hot ana cold run
ning water, modern conveniences; $12 up.
EX.M PLACE, 414 Yamhill sU, under new
management; single rooms, with private
Furnished Rooms in private Families.
FOR RENT Furnished room with alcove,
sleeping porch, large closet; suitable for
2 or 3 people; Nob Hill districU lo4 N.
18th sU Phone A 4705.
NEWLY furnished rooms, electric lights,
bath and phone ; reasonable price. tJS4
Gllsan st., next to drug store. Phone Mar
shall 1615.
$12 DESIRABLE furnished room in mod
ern apartment, walking distance, 2d floor,
flat D. 409 Jefferson. Main 7594.
TWO desirable rooms in newly furnished
house ; board optional ; walking distance.
454 Montgomery St., corner 13 th st.
NEWLY furnished. 5 minutes from Port
land Hotel ; reasonable; everything new
and modern. 2283 lQth st. M a i a 62 07.
A LIGHT front room for gentlemen, in pri
vate residence, ntar car line. 791 Bel
mont st.
168 Vs 10TH Large, nicely furnished front
room with side room en suite or single,
with or without board.
LARGE, attractive room, close In ; gentle
man ; reasonable. Call mornings. 127
14th st,
TWO fine, large rooms, en suite; finely fur
nished ; easy walking distance. K. 975,
-LARGE, well-furnished room, alt conveniences,
suitable for 1 or 2 persons. 223 West Park
NEWLY-FURNISHJOD rooms, modern In every
respect; quiet; electric light; 10 minutes
from P. O. 391 loth st.
ATTRACTIVE room or suite; no other room
ers ; a 11 conveniences. Main 9002.
PLEASANT front room, every convenience,
tlking distance. 861 10th sU .
NICE, large, pleasant rooms, walking dis
tance, 1.50 to $3 per week. 573 3d st.
SOw 11TH ST. Large room, 1 or 2 gentle
men, reasonable.
2SS lath St.
FURNISHED rooms, $2 per week; bath,
phone and heat. 226 32th. near Salmon.
$10.5O MONTH Nice, pleasant front room;
bath; walking distance. 452 5th.
NICELY fumishesd front alcove room, ault
able for two. 414 Salmon st.. cor. 11th.
NEATLY furnished bedroom; walking dis $1.50 per week. 431 6th st.
PLEASANT front room, every convenience
walking distance. 301 10th sU
NICE cool rooms: bath, phone, walking dia
tance; $2 and $2.60. 325 12th.
Unfurnished Rooms.
UPSTAIRS, private house, 5 large rooms
bath, gas, phone, partly furnished or un
furnished; choice location. 407 Holladay
ave. .
THREE modern unfurnished rooms, walking
distance; rent reasonable. 1344 Gib-ba st.
Rooms With Board.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and library.
610 Flanders sU Miss Frances N. Heath.
83 17th N., ONE block off Wash St., well
f urn lshedrooms, modern; board optional.
ROOM and board at the Sterling. 535
Couch sU
ROOMS and hoard for 3 ox 4 younjc men. 473
Morrison st.
Rooms With Hoard in Private Family-
NICELY furnished large front room with al
cove, very reasonable, tn private family; all
home privileges; 15 minutes' walk; board if
desired ; gentlemen preferred. 563 E. Madi
son, cor, loih.
CLOSE in on East Side, suite of 2 nice fur
nished rooms ior 2 young ladles; l or 2
beds, bath, parlor, piano. 2 phones; can.
get own breakfast on gas range after 7 ;
$4 per week or $16 month. Phone B 2566.
VERY desirable vacancies for gentlemen
only, wttn or witnout board ; home cook
ing, beautiful grounds, lovely surround
Ings. 754 Hoyt st. Phone B 2952.
LARGE room, suitable for two; home cook
ing, home privileges, bath, walking dis
tance, $5 tck; also single room. East
424 6.
ROOMS, with board, 15 minutes walk from
business center ; modern conveniences.
S'J E. th su. N. East 722.
BOARD and room for 2 gentlemen; bath.
phone, nome cooaing; b per week. 191
11th. near Yamhill.
2 9PLEXD1D rooirus. choice board, fine neiga-
pornooa, reasonaoie. 1 oi Aiaranaii,
ROOM and board, refined private family;
business people preferred. 712 Hoyt u
LARGE front rooms, home cooking, reason
able rates. phone Main 7016.
NEWLY furnished room with board, suitable
for 2. 595 E. Oak at., corner 15th. B 261 y.
ROOM and board, retlned private family;
businesspeople preferredl. 712 Hoyt st.
NICE roam and good board for 1 or 2 gentle
mjn. 591 Uj Davis st.
Burnside; new brick. Just opened, walk
ing distance; every modern convenience;
reception hall, bay windows, fireplaces,
private baths, private telephones, laundry,
steam heat, hot and cold water; 2 and
3-room apartments; elegantly furnished ;
janitor service ; very reasonable rent; a
few unfurnished apartment. Phone B
101S. No children.
39 Trinity place, between llth and 20th
sts.. ntar Washington.
2. 3 or 4 room apartments; every mod
ern convenience, including telephone, ele
vator and janitor service ; cool verandas;
new pressed brick building, just complet
ed; close to business center; summer
rates. Phone Marshall 1V5U.
Cor. Grand ave. and Stark i?U
New fireproof brick building, beautiful
ly furnished two and three-room apart
ments, private baths, wall beds, large
clothes closets; plenty of hot water; Sum
mer rates. Phone E 300.
New concrete building with elaborately
furnished 3-room apartments, all modern
conveniences, large shad) lawn, cool ve
randas and janitor service ; rents reason
able, walking uistance. 624 Marshall St.;
take "W" car. Main 62S2 or A 3191.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks from Morrison su New brick
building, completely first class, furnished
in 2, 3 and 4 -room family apartments; pri
vate bath, reception hall, steam heaU not
water, elevator, free phone; some unfur
nished; Janitor service; rent reasonable.
THH ROSE FRIEND, , S. W. cor. 7th and
Jefferson sts., new modern 4 and 5-room
apartments for rent in concrete and brick,
fireproof building; all large outside rooms,
hardwood floors, private baths and halls;
elevator and electric lifts; janitor service;
rent $45 and up
Beautitul 4-room apartments for rent on
the ground floor, all furnished, with pri
vate bath and Janitor service, in walking
distance from business district, including
steam heat. Phone Main 124o. j
THRFE apartments, $25 to $35. West Side,
consisting of 3 to 4 rooms, lumished with
bedstead, spring and dreuser, dining-room
table, ice box, gas stove, fixtures and
shades; fine new brick buuaing. call jan-
itor. 414 11th st.
THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sts.
Unfurnished apartment, with bath. All out
side rooms; modern, every convenience, and
only 5 minutes' walk from P. O. Very rea-
sonable rent. Main 25t6. A 3149.
Strictly modern, large rooms and thres
closets to every apartment; cool and airy
for Summer. 695 Love joy su Take W
HANOVER Apartments, corner King and
Washington sts.. 3-room apartments, have
every modern convenience, including steam
heau hot water, private bath, free phones:
and Janitor service; rent very reasonable.
"OXEONTA" APARTMENTS, 187 17th. neax
Yamhill ( W car at depot); 2, 3 and 4-room
furnished suites; hot and cold, phones and
baths free; $20 per month, $5 per week
and up. Main 4017. A 4739.
ST. CROIX Apartments. ljO SU Clair, neaf
Washington ; new brick building, two and
three-room apartments, all modern con
veniences ; fine resiUence location ; reason
able renu
STEAM -HEATED 5-room apartment mod
ern and desirable; 525 Everett st. Apply
Morgan, Fleldner & Boyce, 503 Ab lag ton
FOR RENT Modern 4-room apartment.
King's Heights Apartment House, cor.
King and Wayne sts.; furnished, $55; un
furnished, $40. Apply Janitor.
KEELEK apartments Unfurnished suites;
finest in the city ; electric elevator; iree
telephones, disappearing beds, private
baths, etc. l4th and Clay s ts.
FIVE-ROOM, steam heated, modern apart
ment with Janitor service partial base
ment), finest in city for the money. Ap
ply to janitor, 21st and Kearney.
T,HB LAURETTB Apartments, 229 11th; new
I brick building; one choice, elegant fur
nished front apartment; modern; 5 minutis
walk from Postoffice. Both phones.
THE MERCEDES Elegantly furnished 2
room apartments, hot and cold running
water and all modern conveniences; $14
to $80. Corner 2Qth and Washington ts
For housekeeping in suites, $12 and up;
hot water, free baths, first-class, tool
Washington, cor. 2vth.
MORTON. 6u7 Washington st., one 3-room
apartment, all largo outside rooms; J
basement apartments; reasonable renu"
HARRISON COURT Unfurnished apartment
of 2 rooms and bath. Phone Main 514& A
FURNISHED and unfurnished housekeep
ing apartments; new. light and airy; fine
location: walking distance. Eaat 504.1.
-ROOM corner apartment, every conveni
ence. Brain tree Apartments, 235 lath su
Main 771.
FOR RENT to two adults, completely f ur
nished apartment. Phone A 4398 mornings.
THE CHETOPA. 18 Flanders St., 4-room un-
furnlahed apartments. Apply to janitor.
421WEST PARK st. Apartments, modern.
TO LET Just one left! Nothing like these
flats in town; living-room with big. old
fashioned fireplace; beautiful paneled dining-room,
two bedrooms, kitchen, pass
pantry, bath, front and rear verandas; pri
vate storeroom and comfortable servant's
room in basement; best carline, best street
and best neighborhood In city ; up to the
second in every particular.
Main 6074 822-24 Board of Trade.
$22 4-ROOM upper flat. buUt-ln china closet,
excellent furnace and ail modern conveni
ences. Price Includes water; location 328 Ji
Rosa street. R, H. Blossom, 316 Chamber
of Commerce.
FOR REN T N e w an d strictly modern 6
room flats on 20th and Laurel sts.. Port
land Heights, rent $40. Apply
85 Fourth sU
Nw, -modern attlo room. tw blocks West
Side Hiph School. Inquire 175 16th St., cor
t.kt Yamhill.
FLAT of 6 large rooms, all light and modern.
6HH Hoyt St., near 21st at. Phone Marshall
STRICTLY modern upstairs S-ronm flat,
rent $20. E. 37th, bet. Belmont and Yam
hill. Phone Tahor 1656.
SWELL new apartments. 9 rooms and sleep
ing porch. 553 Ladd ave., near ll'th and
WHEN moving call np Van Horn Transfer
Co. Main 161S. A 19S4. All covered wag
odh all experienced men.
UPPER 5-room modern, newly tinted fiat.
714 Kearney. Key at 712 Kearney.
MODERN 5-roomed upper flat; adults. 169
E. 15th. near Belmont. Phone B 1S50.
MODERN 5-room flat, 541 5th, near Jack
son. West Side, 10 minutes' walk.
PARTLY furnished 5-room flat, close In: so
c hlldren. Inquire rear cottage. 230 Hall su
7S914 OVERTON ST. Modem flat. 6 sunny
rooroa; choi ce loca tion. M a i n 859.
HOLLADAY 6-room new modern ; attic,
basement and porch. Phone East 1137.
UPFER fiat. 618 H Main st., near King.
very sightly. Inquire 013 Main st.
Housekeeping Rooms.
$1.25 TO $1.50, clean furnished housekeep
ing rooms. Desoto House, 291 2d at.
COLLINS. 503H Alder St.. fine furnished
rooms. $10 month up. All conveniences.
$1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms.
-. heat, laundry, bath. 2Q3 Stanton. "TJ" car.
$1.50 week, large, clean f urn. housekeeping
rooms: laundry, bath, gas. 184 Sherman.
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartment; fur
nished. 191 14th St.