L j&ttSG OEEGOIflAN, SATURDAY, MAY' Si, 1910. 15 AMI'SKMTNIS. SKATS NOW BEXJ.JNG BUNOALOW THEATER. Three Nights, Beginning Monday. Special Price Matinee Wednesday. GRACE GEORGE IX "A WOMAN'S WAT." , Evenirgs Lower Floor. $2. '$1.60, $1: Bal cony, $1, 75c; Gallery. 60c. Matinee $1.60. $1, 75e, 50o. PORTLAND THEATER Tonight. All Week.. Saturday Mat.. The NATIONAL OPERA COMPANY, Presenting the Beautiful Opera MARTHA 99 Alda Bemnl aa Martha, and BO People. -Prices $1, 75c SOc and 25c Next Week: "Fra Dlavolo." - THEATER Main 2. A 6360 Geo. L. Baker, Manager BAKER STOCK COMPANY Mat. Today Last Time Tonight. JUST OUT OB- COLIEOE." By Author of "The College Widow." Twenty-flve In the cast. One of the blgge" Comedies of the age. Eve. Prices 26c, SOc. 75c Bat. Mat.. 25c. BOo i wppk. starting BunoaT "Under Southern Skies. MAIN a, A 10X0. MATINEE EVEBX DAI. 1&-Z5-60C K1EHTS THEATER 15-5-50-750 WEEK MAY 16 Edward Abeles in "Self-JK-fense," Frank Stafford & Co.. In "A Hunter's Game," Arthur Rlgby, Reta Red field, Fiddler and Shelton, .Frank and True Rice, Picture, Orchestra. GRAN D Week May 16, 1910 Bis Sensation Wilton Bros. Lew Welch Co. Musical Lowe The Long-worths Smith 4t Arado Burleigh's Baloon-Girl Vaudeville's Latest Novelty. Gran da scope rHnA a. 9'Hti' ut seat, lea Etulnc performances. 7:30. 9:16: baloany. 16c: lower floor. 2o: box seats, 60o- MASONIO TEMPLE Tour Direction Fitzpatrlck and Norwood. Return of the Distinguished Song Interpreter EubwiG WULLNER c v. isoi In the famous "WITCH'S SONG" pro gramme. One Concert Only MONDAY NIGHT, MAT 23. Prices si, $1.50. $2. Seats now on sale at Ellerj Music Store. Chlckerlng piano used. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Pnal Cburehley Bros., wood and coal lUdl dealers, office and yard 13th and Marshall. Phones Main S31, A 3931. pinpjct -'ut Flowers always fresh I IUI lot from our own conservatories. Martin & Forbes Co., 347 Washington Street- Both phones. Pnal RJohmond and Wallsend Australi uuc" an Independent Coal & Ice Com pany, opposite City Library. Both phones. MEETING NOTICES. OREGON LODGE, No. 101, A. F. and A. M. Stated communica tion this (Saturday) evening at 8 O'clock. Masonic Temrjle. Work in w v K- A. degree. Visiting brethren A. J. HAK'DLAN. Secretary. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT, Main 212. SKCRETARY, Main 5. UIJ1ANB OFF1CGK, East 4779. NEW TODAY. Holladay's Addition The one BEST place In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL, CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE residence property of the city. SEEING IS BELIEVING BETTER (TO and see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and the Im provements going on. TUb Oregon Real Estate Company GRAND AVE. AND MULTNOMAH ST. For Investor 196 acres on Salem Electric, near St. Louis, all ready for plow; platted into 10-acre tracts, and ready for market. We hold this land in trust and of fer it for sale for ten days at $125 per acre. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY IRVINGTON BELOW COST. Fine new residence, sleeping-porch, special high-grade material, workman fhip and design, every modern con venience, extra large reception hall, living-room and dining-room, cozy den and breakfast room: fireplace, book case, massive buffet, polished oak floors, large airy bedrooms, beautiful tints, heavy square brass lighting fix tures, duplex shades, full lot. nice ele vation, paved street, one block from car. Just what you want. Cash -or terms. OWNER, 610 Chamber of Commerce. Ladd's Addition Beautiful 9-room. house, on Elliott avenue, between Harrison and Hazel avenue. Modern. $2300 will handle this. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY, S. W. Cor. Sixth and Washington Sts. 11TH AND MAIN 50x100. northwest corner, rental $120 per month. Price $32,000. DONALD MACLEOD, 821 Electric Bids. $50 DOWN, $10 MONTHLY $560 for a lot on East Hoyt street, between B3d and 54th sts.; size 60x100 feet; about half-mile east of Laurel hurst; sold on easy terms of $50 down. $10 a month. I. C.BVIRTZ & SONS, 173-5 First St. MORTGAGE LOANS M. E. THOMPSON CO. Henry Building:, 4th and Oak Sts- LAND In large tracts at wholesale prices. A. BACKUS, M9 Board of Trade Bids. GEORGE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) 823 Worcester Bldg. Phones Main 8371; A 4013. INVESTORS Call on owners' Realty Assn for timber, acreage, business. residence, and, apartment properties, 205 Ablna-ton, NEW TODAY. WILLALATIN PARK WEST SIDE CAR FARE 25 - Minute Ride From Center of City. Soil rich and deep; mag nificent view; ideal lo cation for country home Per Acre and Up 10 per cent down, 2 per cent per month. Mod erate building restric tions. This is the best acreage proposition on the market. Let Us Show It to You WILLALATIN IN V. CO. 214-15 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak Sts. Apartment Site 100x140 ON THE N. W. CORNER 14TH AND MILL; AN IDEAL SITE FOR AN APARTMENT-HOUSE, BE ING CLOSE IN. BEST CORNER ON THE STREET AND ON AN 80 FOOT STREET. PRICE $27,500. THIS OUGHT TO INTEREST YOU. THIS PRICE FOR TODAY ONLY. EDW. P. MALL CO. 309-310 Abington Building. PORTLAND HEIGHTS LOTS 55x110, $1750.00. 55x100, $150O.0O. Fine view, level. CHAPIN sThERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. $16,000 A fine corner on 23d street, bringing in $100 per month, in a growing locality. Look it up. t42 KEASEY uUMASONSJEFFERY 14 CHAMBER OF COMMENCE. EAST STARK STREET 100x200 RUNNING FROM EAST 12TH TO EAST 13TH; ONE OF THE BEST PROPERTIES ON THE EAST SIDE TO IMPROVE WITH STORES OR- APART MENTS. PRICE $18,500. THIS IS A BARGAIN. . EDW. P. MALL CO. 309-310 Abington Bldg. 5c Today Only NEW TODAY. oaav univ Apartment Site 14th Street 150x140 ON N. W. CORNER 14TH AND MILL STREETS. SURELY NO BETTER SITE FOR A LARGE APARTMENT - HOUSE. 14TH ST. IS AN 80-FOOT STREET, AND THIS SITE IS ONLY A SHORT WALK TO THE HEART OF THE CITY. FOR TODAY ONLY WE CAN OF FER THE ABOVE SITE AT THE EXCEPTIONALLY LOW FIGURE OF $37,500. CAN ARRANGE TERMS. EDW. P. MALL CO. 309-310 Abington Building. 10 Per Cent Below Market lU Block Between Washington and Everett Sts, Finest kind of terms for speculation or Investment. Income $105 per month. PHONE OWNER, EAST 12. 20 Fine Lots 80x120, Only 20 minutes' ride, "West Side, to be sold at Public Auction at 2 :30 P. M. Terms $25.00 cash, balance $10.00 per month. For particulars call or phone m. eTlee 411 Corbett Bldg. Phone Main 6860. It will pay you to attend this sale. FREE ENT! For 6 Months Call at our office in Gregory Heights, end of Rose City Park carllne- . FOR LARGE APARTMENT THAT 150x140 ON THE N. W. COR. 14TH and MILL STREETS. PRICE $37,500. YOU WILL SEE THE VALUE OF THIS PROP ERTY WHEN SOME ONE BUYS IT. CAN ARRANGE REASON ABLE TERMS. EDW. P. MALL CO. 309 and 310 Abington Bldg. THE HYLANDS OF YAMHILL We invite attention of Interested par. ties to one of the best fruit and nut districts in the world. Climate, soil air and water drainage unsurpassed. An up-to-date organization of scientific horti culturists, practical fruitgrowers and business men is pledged to the develop ment of this district. THE HYLANn FRUITGROWERS OF YAMHILL COIX TV. Look at This! SO acres, mostly beaverdam land, ex cellent soil, no better grass, fruit and vegetable soil, can be irrigated; land level and easy to clear; on fine county road: between Barton and town of Eagle Creek and 20 rods from O. W. I R R. Station. Can be divided.. Price and terms see J. L. WELL8 CO, 636 Chamber of Commerce Bids;. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. IRVINGTON $1150 will buy one of the choicest lots in this desirable localltv Gray & Buell. 719 Board of Trade BEAUTIFUL lots, level, clear. 20 minute, out, low price, easy terms. Phone Mar. shall 1639. 507 Couoh bldg. FOR BALE 3 fine lots In Piedmont bv STL "ri?S, " 7 &er cent- Phone THREE beautiful lots at Tabor. Sell all for $1350 cash if taken at once. Bv own,, K 977. Oregonian. y owner- If you have some money, will build o ,oui lot. Eastman Co., Inc.. 303 Abington bld Main 3236. '' TWO choice lots on corner in first plat of Laurelhurst for $500 below present value as owner must go East. Phone B 2301. ' FINE lot in Waverleigh Heights for sale at a bargain; easy terms. K 973, Ore gonlan. A CHOICE lot in Irvlngton cheap: ur terms. M 971. Oregonlan. WEST SIDE lot 60x100. $400; terms. Phone Main 7551. or night phone Main 9125. ALAMEDA PARK Cheapest lot In tract $500, D 974. Oregonian, w-.y REAL ESTATE DEALERS. F. ABRAHAM Rooms 217-218-218 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. Tele phones. Main 2279. A 2279. Andrews, F.V. A C.M.8349. 80 Hamilton bids. Beck. William O., 818 Falling bldg. Blrren. A. H. A Co.. 202-8 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loans, etc Brubaker A Benedict. 602 McKay bldg. M. 649 CARD REALTY A INVESTMENT CO.. 110 SECOND ST. MARSHALL 1067. A 1S8T. Chapln A Herlow, 832 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S. A Co.. 603 Corbett bids. Jennings A Co.. Main 1S8. 206 Oregonlan. JONES A SHERMAN. 802-8 Lewis bldg. PALMER-JONES CO., H- P., 21 Commer cial Club bldg. S chalk, Geo.D., 228 Stark st. Main SS2. A 2392 EHLNDLER HALL, 206 Abington bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. aad Multnomah at. IHolladay Addition). M. H. Thompson Co., cor 4th aad Oak sts. Walker. S. T.. 004 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. SUBURBAN HOMES. Why not own a half acre for the price pf a lot, right on Oswego carllne over looking the river and with all conven iences, such as water, electricity and good oar servicer No bridges to cross and only ig minutes' ride. They each have 100 feet on car track and a little more on the count road; only $1000, and terms to suit; also some river front for sale a way below anything in this neigh borhood; act quickly. II you want to take advantage of this opportunity. SEXGSTAKE & LYMAN, 90 6th St. WIBERO HEIGHTS. We have a few good oOxlOO-foot lota In WIBERO that can be had at $750 and $800, or a corner for $1000. These are the most desirable building sites in the city. We will be pleased to show them to you If you are interested. Ask for Mr. Guthrie. - - COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 84 Fourth St.. Board of Trade Bldg. I OWN a beautiful building site 100x150 on Portland Heights, with fine view of Mount Hood. It runs through from one street to another,' with 180 feet of frontage; within two blocks are 18 houses each costing over $3000; It Is two blocks to the carllne. Because I need the money I will sell this property for $10OO less than the owner of a smaller piece directly across the road baa recently been offered; $1600 cash will handle It. V. VINCENT JONES, 802-308 Lewis bldg. RESIDENCE LOTS. The most sightly on the East Side; full view of city and river; 20 minutes from 2. ,anl Morrison sts. ; restricted district, high-class residences surrounding; nothing better In the city; terms or cash. Buy from owner. E 967, Oregonlan. HAWTHORNE AVE. LOT $475. Fine business corner lot. 60x100. on Hawthorne ave. and East 43d St.: a good place for a store or flats, and a fine specu lation. Price only $1900, for a few days only, $475 down, balance $10 per month. Owner needs money. -GRUSSI A ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. BUILDING BITES. Each one larger than a lot In size, beau- . vlew- impossible to obstruct; flne neighborhood; best car service; surrounded by fine homes; building restrictions. Buy direct from owner. E, 966, Oregonlan. 6N A P Warehouse site. 100x100. 8. EL cor. Reed and Blakestone sts; only $2500. cash or trade, to handle, balance $20,000 at 8 per cent. Will lease. Bargain In lot on Overton near 23d st. Cheapest lot on Union near Bkidmore st. Three acre near Base Line road. Owner, 87 6th at. RIVER FRONT LOTS. Vandermeer Park, on Willamette River; lots oOxlOO and larger, at Jennings Lodge, Oregon city Carllne; 25 minutes from busi ness center; lots $375 and up; terms, lo per cent down, balance $10 per month. Na tional Realty A Trust Co.. 320 44 Wash inpton st.. room B16 HALF ACRES . AT PRICE OF LOTS. Fine, level, cultivated half acres, near Bo, fare, good street and water mains laid. Only 6 unsold; easy terms. CHAS. L. HUNTER, ' 223 and 225 Board of Trade. 3 acres, 2 blocks car; lots high and sightly; all clear and water on tract. Can double your money In 4 months. Look this up. E. R. MARKHAM, -OS Gerllnger Bldg.. 2d and Alder. ONLY 3 lots left at $225 each, $20 cash, $5 per month; 4 blocks to station; 5 lots at J350 each, $30 cash, $7 per month at station; all 5c fare; my auto is ready to take you out. KIOGS. Main 2712 night, and Sunday phone C 1047 ALAMEDA PARK LOTS. Are high and sightly, overlooking Irvlng ton; near Broadway carllne; best city Im provements; priced 25 per cent below the market. Inquire Alameda Land Comuuir 822 Corbett bldg. j" $325 FOR a fine West Side lot. 80x120, only 20 minutes' ride, flne soil and good view; easy terms. Will assist those desiring to build. M IT. T.TPIT ,411 Corbett Bldg. 3 BEAUTIFUL LOTS. In Falrport. on Ruetpell. near Mississippi mt.. and only 1 block from carllne; $1000 buys them if taken at once. David Lewis, 83 5th st. LOTS 60x100 with 9-room house, close in. West Side, fine home or valuable for flats or apartments; price $2000 under what lot next to It recently sold for. 201 Swetland bldg. KENTON. ' ' If you want-the best speculative buy In the fire limited business district of the HUB OF THE PENINSULA call up Home phone A 2849 evenings. MAKE cash offer on lots 9 and lO, block 11. Hawthorne Avenue Addition. MERCHANTS' SAVINGS & TRUST CO. S. W. Cor. 6th and Washington Sts. MILL STREET BUY. 0x100 on Mill street; $6000 will buy it this week. Howard Land Comoanv 420 . Swetland bldg. y ' NICE lot, suitable for residence or flats E. 20th and Oak sts.; 60x109; three car lines within 4 blocks. Owners. Phone P lour. WHY buy a lot when you can get a halt acre inside the city with all the advan tages for the same price T 420 Lumbtr mans Bldg.. cor. 6th and Stark. 1 HAVE got to have some cash, and will sell my equity In one or two Laurelhurst lots for two-thirds their value. 517 Board of Trade bldg.. Portland. Or. THE best located lot in Ladd's Addition, fronting North Park. A bargain if taken at once. Inquire of owner. H 978, Qre Konian. FURNISHED APARTMENT, four rooms and bath. The Sheffield. 272 Seventh St., cort Jefferson. Reasonable rent: no children. Main 25Q6, A 3149. $280 CASH buys equity in Elmhurst lots; 120x100; balance 6 per . cent. Get busy. Phone Tabor 2115 or call 4SO e; 63d st., N. FOR SALE By owner. lotl 50x100. east fiont. Mt. Tabor Heights. Phone B 1206. LOT Quarter block under market in Pled- mont Add. Cajl222Alnsworth ave. For Sale Houses. SWELL BUNGALOW, $1000 CASH. New 7-room 2-story bungalow, with 75xllO corner lot, on the west slope of ML Tabor; this is an elegant place, with all modern conveniences, with garage or bug-gy-house; in a fine residence district; crOse to car line and good school; must be sold at once at a bargain; $4250; owner must have $1000 cash, balance S25 per month. GRUSSI & ZADOWT 817 Board, of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. IRVINGTON HOME 7 large rooms, lot 50x 100, in Irvlngton proper, near both car lines; a bargain at $5200. X 976, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE Ten-room strictly modern house and four lots, nicely Improved; worth $6000; will sell for $4300; $1500 cash and 2 years on balance. AG 975, Oregonlan. IRVINGTON -Beautiful home, with every modern convenience; exceptionally well built and Ideally located; sell at cost. Owner. A 974. Oregonlan FOR SALE Reasonable, choice corner lot and new 8-roora house, in Hoillday Addi tion; desirable. Address M 976. Orego nlan. $2000 New house, 8 rooms; worth 13000 $500 cash, balance on time. Phone Wood' lawn 1 516. HAVE a few flne house and some lots in desirable localities at real bargains. Gruni gtad, 829 Chamber Commmerce. NEAR Union ave., small housed fine lot young fruit trees, $875; $100 cash ball to suit. Washington bldg., room 3. 8-ROOM house, new; must be sold on ac count of sickness; terms. Phone Wood lawn 1516. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co., M 1618. A 1984; all covered wagons and experienced men. $20 MONTHLY. $100 cash, beautiful new jbangalow. $2700. East 61st. Dr. Irarllng.'; REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. FINE NEW '7-ROOM BUNGALOW. Just 20 minutes from city: only 150 feet from car line; street being improved ; flne. graded lawn, cement walks.' etc.; nice,-large living-room, polished floors, fireplace, beamed ceilings, leaded glass windows, square columns, nice reception hall, built-in window seats, walls beauti fully tinted; flne. large dinlng-rooin, beamed and paneled. plate rail; Dutch kitchen Svith linoleum: large front and back porches: full cement tasement; 2 dandy bedrooms, bath and toilet downstairs; 2 rooms and fine.' large sleeping porch upstairs; all shades linoleum; beautiful elec tric fixtures go with the place. My wife's health compels me to sell. Price S3750; $750 cash, balance $25 per month. No agents. See owner, SOS Board of Trade. YOU WILL BE SURPRISED when I show you' the house and lot in Irvlngton that I am going to sell for $7000; it is nearly new. was built for a home and contains 8 large finely finished rooms, with pol ished hardwood floors, beautiful combina tion light fixtures, heavy screens fitted to the windows, window shades, fireplace and furnace- room in attic for 2 large rooms. Don't phone, but go with me to the house in the nicest part of Irvlngton. inspect it carefully from basement to roof, and if you have spent two or three weeks look ing for a house, you will say this Is the biggest bargain you have seen. W. J. , Smith. 438 Chamber of Commerce. HOME. SWEET HOME. In a 6-room bungalow, with paneled walls and ceilings, flne fireplace, built-in seats and sideboard, nice Dutch kitchen, paneled floors, electricity and gas, full - basement, cement steps and walks, full plumbing, both phones, all modern conveniences; lot 60x100. graded cement walks and parked streets, all Improvements paid for. You must see this bungalow to appreciate a well-built and cozy home. Small payment down; balance like rent. Let us show you this, call on- Nimmo A Rune;. 813 Hamilton bldg. BUILDING IS OUR BUSINESS. We have from 10 to 16 Jobs going at one time. We can afford- less profit on a Ingle contract than the email contractor. You also get juat what - you order and take no tick. Flans and estimates tree. If you own lot we will furnish the mosey. PORTLAND REALTY A CONSTRUCTION . . COMPANY. 902-903 Lewis Bldg.. 4th aad Oak Sts. ELEGANT HOMEHOLLADAT. -Nice modem 2-story large 7-room house, furnace and fireplace, gas and electricity,- cement basement, - laundry trays, extra large rooms; lot 50x100. on Wasco St., sidewalk and street improvements paid; in the midst of fine homes. Owner must have money. Price $7000, $2000 cash, balance easy terms. GRUSSI &. ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bids-. 4th and Oak. GOING TO BUILD f WE ARE BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE CITY. THERE ARE GOOD REASONS. OUR CUSTOMERS SAVE MONEY AND GET BETTER WORK. ON TERMS TO BUIT. IF YOU OWN YOUR LOT. WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLAN'S AND ESTIMATES FREJi OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO., ' 809 HENRY BLDG. SEASIDE COTTAGE. Nice 4-room cottage, nicely furnished, large aula, 24x36; full lot, 50x100; at Grimes Grove: splendid view -of ocean; .some nice trees on rear of . lot; the best location at Seaside. Or.; price $1650. This is sure a bargain. Get a key from us; photo of cottaee at our office. GRUSSI A ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. 50 DOWN. 6-room Bungalow. Oregon City carllne. $150 DOWN. 6-room. Rose City Park carllne. $200 DOWN. 4 rooms. East Ankeny carllne. $300 DOWN. 7-room house. Woodstock carline NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST CO.. 826 Washington St.. room 516. 15.000 IRVINGTON HOME. 12-room colonial house. Just completed, one block from ear. This house Is fin ished in quarter-sawed oak and mahogany and it has 'everything that could be de sired. Including garage. H. P. PALMEU-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. $200 FOR A HOME. Grand new modern 5-room house; lot ovxiuu; cement siaewaiKa, ana only one block from car line. This place is iu an elesant new addition, and all von need is $200 cash, balance in monthly payments or j.o. -nce r bjo, uregonlan. 8-ROOM modern house, white enameled bathroom, large porches, full concrete ' basement, fine roses, fruits, built by day labor for good home; must sell; one block from car; cheap; payment down, terms; fine corner. Anabel station. Mount Scott car. Phone Tabor 939. A SNAP As an Investment or a beautiful strictly modern home of 7 rooms, beauu ful lawn and shrubbery, over 100 choicest rose bushes, lot 75x100, restricted district, close In, this is the best buy in the city for $3700; terms. 832 E. Kelly. Phone Seli- wood 37. LOT 60x100. Fulton: house 8 rooms, fire place and all modern conveniences; faces the south and has a very commanding view; perfectly clean, nice yard. Terms. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. A MODERN six-room bungalow Juet com pleted .in the new addition In Irvlngton; price $4500, terms: located on ISth and Sis kiyou ete. Take Broadway car. Phone B BARGAIN. -If sold before June 15. Can't beat It on East Side; corner lot: new, modern 6-room house. See it and you will buy. Deal with owner. No agents. For particulars ad lreSB ET P71), Oregonlan. u FOR SALE BY OWNER. In Irvlngton, 459 E. 12th st.. North. Oear Thompson); house of six large rooms with all modern conveniences $5000. Apply on premises. FOR SALE by owner, 6-room modern bun galow, 1360 East Harrison: large corner lot, cement basement and walks, $'8;;o $1650 cash. Phone Tabor 1077 or call 260 East 67th at. NEW modern 11-room house, lot 100x100; bard-surface streets, Irvlngton; also other v houses and vacant lots. R. B. A F. F Rice, office 16th and Braze sta. Bast 658. res. East 2432. NEW BUNGALOW. B. E7th rt.. 100 feet south of Clinton? in finished: eve-y convenience; ideal -home; pri:e nsiii, lernis iiuerai. uwntrr on ground dally. Take W. R. car. EUREKA A flne 5-room chalet, on Jarrett near Patton ave.; full cement basement and complete plumbing: all new; lot 5ox 1O0; cement walks. See owner. 26 Jar rett St.. W A $27O0-8NAP FROM OWNER. Near choicest part of Laurelhurst; bungalow .cost $lb50; value 4ot $15O0; lawn, roses, fruit and shade trees. See owner. 207 Lumbermen's bl d g. SWELL new, modern seven-room house and corner lot. 20th and Going, worth $3ju0: sell today for $2250, terms. Owner, 615 Board oe trade. $900 GOOD HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS, Convenient, good garden, chicken run. $300 cash, balance $10 monthly. RABB A PATTON. 90 5TH ST. IRVINGTON. My beautiful home of seven rooms, new and thoroughly modern throughout. Phone CLOSE IN NEW 6 ROOMS TERMS. jiuuDi ii. c 1 1 it.... j . tinuma in ana paid $3650; must sell at once; near U car Cadi 21Q Falling st. Phone C 1444. ' HALF-ACRE and 4-room cottage, corner S8th and Francis. If you are looking for a. home or speculation. oom and ml. It; terms. " IRVINGTON 8-room bungalow, also 2 front lots, very reasonable. Owner. Phone FOR SALE at a bargain, modern 8-rooni hnlia, (1b Hill 11 flt.l.t . . nnw house. Nob Hill East. Call A 4829. lacing n-npt SALE bv owner, the hanHsnm... D room home In Irvlngton. 496 E. 20th at!' N. Call and see It. "- $6500 FINE new 7-room residence; every thing modern; walking distance. Inouira 780 East Taylor st. Home phone. K i" 7 6, FOR SALE by owner, house and lot on N E. corner of 14th and Market sts. Call aft ernoons. 6-ROOM house, almost new; fine location; lot 42x100. Price $1650. Phone owner. B 2006. BUNGALOWS. BUNGALOWS. Everywhere; any price and terms- rot the goods. 403 Couch bldg. Phone A 28 41 HOUSE and one lot oit Marquam Hill; price $750 cash. Inquire 506 Spokane ave., 6ell wood. Portland. NEW 5-room modern bungalow cheap $300 to $500 down. $20 or more per month. Phone Woodlawn 2666. No agent. MODERN 6-room house, partly- furnished -large lot. 823 East 16th N, near lrta,: ton and Broadway cars; $6300: terms. MODERN 6-room house, lawn and flowers -$3300; $500 cash; $25 monthly. Owner' Phone w7oodlawn 1799. ' FOR SALE New 7-room house. S9th -and E. iMorlsoo. Owner. REAL ESTATE. For Sale; Housee. ACREAGE HOMHL 14 acres, all kinds of fruit, 6-room bouse, and pantry and large verandas, bath, new barn, large chicken corral; choice flowva and shrubs; 4 blocks from car. . Terms. I LOUIS BRANDT. Oak Grove. Oregon City Line. FOR SALE by owner, artistic cottage with all modern conveniences, three bedrooms, hall; vestibule, den, dining-room, kitchen, pantry, etc: about 70 feet from carllne. this side Rose City Park; a bargain. Phone Main 6059. FOR SALE Modern residence, largv rooms, steam heat, gas grates, everything up to date; garage; lot 100x100. 360 Alusworth ave.. cor. Garfield. Phone C 2791. HOUSE-TENT, nicely furnished. Take Rose City Park car to 64th st.. 1 block north. . NEW 6-room house for sale. 231 Shaver st. See owner. Business Property. SPECIAL. 14 block In Hill Terminal district, track age facilities for factory or warehouse. Adjoining block held at $25,000. Must sell. I need the money; slaughter Is the game, Prloe $15.000. AJ 979. Oregonlan. BLOCK, close in. West Side, 8 new and elegant flats on ' this quarter paying 10 per cent on the Investment; property in . this location Is increasing in value rap ldly. 201 swetland bldg. EXTRA fine lot, 41x100. on 12th St., 8 blocks south of Morrison; income, $60 per month; owner leaving town; $10,500; half cagh; no agents. Y 978. Oregonlan. Acreage. COUNTRY HOMES CLOSE IN 2 acres Just outside city; 7-room mod- ern house; private water system; green houses; $6300, on easy terms. Very attractive 3-acre home, overlook ing AVil'amette. near car;- modern house, water system, fruit, shrubs, etc.; $4750; terms. 1114 acres, near Vancouver; buildings; over 4 acres bearing fruit. Price $2200; one-third cash. 20 acres In Washington county: modern. 6-room bungalow; 6 acres of orchard; 14 in cultivation; Vil cash, balance easy. 80 acres on Columbia ' river; flne or chard; house, barn, greenhouses; $400 an acre.' We Have Others. All Sizes and Locations. ""It Will Pay You to See Our List." . HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE. Two acres of beaver dam land near eleo tric line, one-half hour's ride from Port land; $150 cash, balance on long time. Call at Woodburn Orchard Co., 505-5U6 Henry bldg., 4th and Oak sts. THE CHOICEST 10 ACRES IN MULT NOMAH COUNTY. There was never offered - as choice a property as this 10-acre piece near Mult nomah station. If you are in the market for a country , home or a platting proposi tion you cannot beat this. See it bv au tomobile Monday. All cleared and fenced, with small fruit trees, and a bargain. Within 20 minutes of the city on the finest road in the county or by electric car. Price only $500 per acre. See the VAN DERSAL COMPANY, B16 Board of Trade. Phone Marshall 46S. 6 ACRES. 8 cleared; good house and barn, well, family orchard, small berries; gi mile to electric line. 4c fare; $190O; V, cash, bal ance to suit. Come quick this will not last, MOUNT HOOD LAND CO.. 712 Rothchild Bldg. CHOICE ACREAGE AT COURTNEY. Most beautiful suburb. Courtney Station, on Oregon City Electric car line. 4 tracts of 1 acre each; price $1100. 1 tract of 2H acres; price $3000. - 1 tract of 1 acre: price $1000. All overlooking Portland, with abundant water for irrigation. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. S ACRES. 8 cleared;' house, baxn; creek runs through place year round; adjoins City of Vancouver; 5o fare on electric line; $2000; Is cash, balance to suit. MOUNT HOOD LAND CO.. 712 Rothchild Bldg. FOR SALE The prettiest 20 aores in Clark County, Wash., right at the townslte of Slfton; electric line will be there in a month; a within a mile of it now; tract is cleared and lays perfectly for aubdivld. lng; $250 per acre; terms. P. w. Lewis, 55 North 5th St.. or telephone Main 442. 10 ACRES, one and one-half miles from Tigardvllle. all cultivated this year, 300 apple trees, 800 loganberries sown last year, fine barn, chicken -houses, creek runs through the place, water all piped to Irrigate; price $3000, part cash, bal ance terms. Call owner. 316 Henry bldg. OCEAN BEACH. 6 acres. Clatsop County, bordering ocean: 2 miles eouth of Fort Stevens. This, acre age can be cut up in lots and sold at a big profit, as It lies close to Columbia Beach " Price $250 per acre. For particulars address A. C. Burdlck. 711 Chamber of Commerce. FOR BALE 8 acres of land. 6 acres In cul tivation, one In small fruits, 7 miles from Courthouse, on Taylor Ferry road, one mile from Multnomah station, on Oregon Electric F. A. Paddison. owner, on prena lses. FIVE ecres. all in cultivation. 20 minutes from Courthouse: flne new house and barn 80 fruit trees. 8400 berries, garden, horse," Implements; 24 chickens; $3250, $1000 down. Bishop. 329 Mohawk bldg. PARTNER wanted to assist in settling up a large tract of Al farming land; splendid deal: $r00 cash required for half interest. Box SI'S. Eugene. Or. LET me sell you a half acre or more la eide the city; Bull Run water, paved street, building restrictions, etc. 420 Lumber mans Bldg.. cor. 5th and Stark. A CHOICE 10 acres, all cultivated, between Oswego and Oregon City; price $3iK per acre. Address John Armstrong, R. F. D. No. 6. Oregon City. 20 SIGHTLY West Side acres. close to Kings Heights; $300 acre. A. B 070. Orft- ponian. Homesteads. 2 HOMESTEADS under Irrigation ditch, 160 acres each; special lot rates for Crook. Lake and Harney Counties; 5 homesteads on the ' coast; 2 timber claims. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-page book explainlag what each of the 84 counties La best adapted for; gives amount of government land open to homestead In each county; map attached, 21x28 showing new R. R. and towns, including Eastern and Central Oregoa; counties In different colors; drawn to March 1. 1910; latest map In U. S. ; price 26c Nimmo & Runey. 13 Hamll ton bldg. FOR reliable information about the Deschutes Valley homesteads, desert claims and deeded Irrigated land call on Deschutes Valley Land A Investment Co., 801-3O2 Buchanan bldg., on Washington, near 6th. We loave weekly with homeseekera. HOMESTEADS Eastern Oregon; we are on ground; come to headquarters: we locate nearly every homesteader in the district. Oregon Homestead Co. 217 Abington. 4,000,000 relinquishment In Bilets; . good house, good roads and neighbors: $600. 733 Marquam bldg. Phone Main 8314. For Sale Fruit Lands. 13 ACRES. 16 acres, all In cultivation- good, new house, barn, well; on main macadamized road, close to carllne and steam line. 11 miles to Portland; all kinds of fruit and berries, price. $2750; $1250 cash, balance to suit. MOUNT HOOD LAND CO.. 712 Rothchild Bldg FOR SALE. 680 acres of the finest apple land In Oregon, in the famous Willamette Val ley, on Southern Pacific R. R-. 11a miles from Creswell. all cultivated and laid out in lO and 40 acre tracts. Why go to Hood River and pay $1000 per acre when you can get as good If not better for from 70 to $S0 per acre on easy terms? For particulars call or write Alox Shlves, 517 Board of Trade Bldg.. Portland. Or. 20 ACRES splendid fruit land. $ acres cleared; half balance slashed; balance timber; small house and barn; ""running water; lli miles from good town and R. R.; $1008. Terms. T. E. PWIKK, 206 H First st. Room 3. 10-ACRE orchard tracts, unimproved, on railroad, 25 miles from Portland: best soil; no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms arrange with us to go and make selection-' .a., n .In n. . Han -Jill 11, . . . . " lumm o..i.g . - " J-'J-O 1 -1. Orpett Oldg. EQUITY in 5 acres of fruit land, planted to Spttzenberg and Newtown apples; 36 miles from Portland; $500 cash, balance on long time. Address K 973, Oregonlan, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Fruit Lands. 8 ACRES, first-class Washington County land, of whloh 4i acres Is rich sandy loam creek bottom; a flne creek by the place; plaoe raises heavy crops yearly; crops all in oats, wheat, vetch, potatoes, early, and ground ready for late po tatoes; a good orchard of best varieties or fruit; good 7-room house, 3 barns; on county road, R. F. D.. mail route, milk route and phone line: 2H miles to carllne; close to church and school; 3 miles to good store; flne water at house; good team, har ness and wagon; 1 buggy. I binder. 1 mower, 1 rake. 1 harrow. 1 plow, 1 cul tivator, all new; 100 chickens. 10 mlloh cows, 3 young stock, 1 brood sow and other things too numerous to mention; '22 miles from Portland; for money-maker, see it; $9000. 4 cash. W. W. ESPY. Room 319 Couch Bldg. Cor. 2d and Washington. For Sale -Farms. EASTERN Oregon wheat farms If you in looking for a first-class investment, buy a good wheat farm In a country where crops never fail and where the purchase price is often raised in a single crop off the land. Wheat is worth most $1 per bushel and prospects for a record crop were never bet ter. Now is the time to buy. We make a specialty of wheat lands and have farms from 160 acres up to 4000: entire crop in cluded In some instances; prices from $12.50 to $40 per acre. A few to ex change. Also nave a fine list of Valley fruit farms at bargain prices. It will pay you to see us before buying. - LINCOLN INVESTMENT CO.. 201-202 Drexel Hotel. 2d and Yamhill. BIG OPPORTUNITY IN NEW SOUTHERN TOWN Of Alpha. Ala., first to be opened on the Washington A Choctaw Railway. ia midst of thousands of acres of magnolia landa. recently eoid, now thrown open; settlers now coming In; development will advance prices wonderfully; climate Ideal; whole blocks in town can now be purchased at farm land prices; people contemplating buy ing Southern lands should investigate this; the opportunity of living In town and trucking, fruit growing or poultry raising beats any small farm proposition any one could offer; early purchasers get in at half price; easy terms, small payments; big op portunity for agents; write for plat and complete details. Washington A Choctaw Land Co., 6tiu Times bldg.. St. Louis. Mo. AN IDEAL FARM. 55 acres and ail in a high state of cul tivation except one acre. Located be tween the Oregon Electric and Southern Pacific tlVj miles from either), in a thickly settled. prosperous community. They are stringing electric wires in front of the place now. Small commercial or chard and berries. 8-room plastered house, cost JKW. New barn, 30(550. wagon shed, toolhouse. granary, fruit dryer, straw shed, chicken-house, workhouse, etc. Snil a rich black loam. Terms. W. J. Smith, 43S Chamber of Commerce. PLEASANT VALLEY ACREAGE. An Ideal country home near Sycamore station on the Cazadero car line; 1S13 acres in fine timber and 9 acres in cultiva tion, with SO apple trees of the very best variety: good 4-room house, extra lavi;e barn, flne spring on the place, bind espe ' cially adapted for fruit, whole 27 l-i acres all fenced. Price only $3.".o0: 10oO cash, balance to Buit. This place must be sold in the next few days. as owner needs money. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. SO-ACRE FARM. 14 miles from Vancouver on N. P. R. R-. 14 mile from station. 3 miles from elec tric road under construction; half clear; - all No. 1 black soil; balance easy cleared; few acres good- timber: improvement! burned out; living stream on place; on county road. Sell or trade for Portland real estate. Price $50 per acre. By own tr. Call 222 Ainsworth ave. Phone . Woodlawn 2oi3. 160 ACRES 31i miles from Toledo, in Lin coln county. This place is risht on the county road and only 2 v miles from an other town. 25 acres cleared and In cul tivation and 25 acres more nearly cleared: 50 acres under line and cross fence; 110 acres in timber, which will nearly pay for the entire place; has a house and barn, in fair condition, and a fine spring. If taken soon, only $20 per acre. S-49 THE CARD REALTY & INV. CO.. 110 2d st. Phones Marshall 1567: A 1567. 914 ACRES. 7 acres under plow, balance timber: deep black loam, which Is especlaly flne foi fruit, berrie or general crops-: in the frull belt; lies allRhtly sloping; new 6-room up-to-date bungalow, barn and other butlfiinx.-i located in suburbs of city of 20.0O0; 1 mil to high school and electric and steam roads; offered at a sacrllice price. $:10, $1700 cash; offer holds only until 25th. Portland Homed "o.. 2"4 Morrison st. 200 ACRES 10 miles south of Hillsbpro and 8 mll-as from new E. R. R. 60 acres in a high state of cultivation; 130 acres in stump; good new 7-room house. '1 barns, about 3 acres of bearing orchard, all newly fenced and cross-fenced, close to milk route; an ide'al stock or dairy ranch; plenty of -outside range; this plaoe, 11 taken the next 10 days can be bought for $27.50 an acre, half cash. VALLEY REALTY CO.. 4114 N. 6th St. DOUGLAS COUNTY. OR. FOR SALE 1700 acres choice land on good county road. 3 miles from railroad and good town; thU land Is very suitable for platltng and la at present In good condition; price $2J per acre. For particulars and terms apply to William MacMaster, 302 Worcestei block. Portland. Or. 10-ACRE tracts, unimproved. 26 miles by rail from Portland; suitable for frult-rais-lag and chicken ranches; well watered, plenty of timber for all purposes, best ol soil, no rook or gravel; $16 to $25 an acre; easy terms. These are the cheapest tracts en the market and will bear laspecUon. Call and arrange to go and see ibem. 314 and 311 Corbett bldg. 80 ACRES flne land, 40 minutes from city by Oregon eloctrlc 18 trains dally, reached also by Southern Pacific with station and switch on Land; house, flne barn, young apple orchard and small fruit; 60 acres cultivated, half of which is beaverdam. good to farm or plat; can be bought ac price of unimproved land from owners. 201 Swetland bldg. SMALL FARM CHEAP. On Oregon Electric. 20 acres; fine soil; 10 acres seeded to oats; fenced and cross fenced; 4-room good cottage; good barn and outhouses; family orchard, big well and spring; adjoining school; can give im mediate possession; owner going away; will sell at sacrifice; price, $3000. Cali room 516 Abington bldg. WILL sell at a bargain my beautiful country home near Portland; 30 acres, with Bplendid view of rivers and moun tains; new modern bungalow and but n nearly completed. $10,600: might trade. 314 Lumber Exchange bldg. 10-ACRB orchard tracts, unimproved, or railroad. 25 miles from Portland; best soil; no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; ar range with us to go and make selecrlon; round trip same day. 310-311 Corbett lrlg. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED. 160-acre farm. 35 acres In cultivation, good house and barn, about S0O0 cords of wood on place, 8 miles from Kalama. $4U per acre. Imus A Kindorf. Kalama. Wash. SEND for our -list of Willamette Valls farms before buying; land shown tree. Olmitead Land Co.. Salem. Or. M Isce Hem eons. IF YOU ARB LOOKING FOR Close-In acreage, a wheat ranch or small, well-Improved farm, at low price and on . most liberal terms, see me. I handle m) own properties. J. O. ELROD. , B20 Corbett Bldg. 100x100 FEET in Wellington. $900. $103 down, balance $15 per month. A good in vestment. AF 879. Oregonlan. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. 167 ACRES, 6.00 0,000 feet spruce, cedar and hemlock ,on Shoalwater Bay. Paclfia County, Wash. Five million feet stumpage, piling and tie timber on driving stream; $2500. 80 acres piling and tbo timber on Molalla River; $1500. T. E. DWIER, 20614 First St., Room 3. FOR SALE. 80 acres, with 1.600.000 feet yellow fir, running water on place, half-mile oft United Railway survey; 10 miles north west of Forest Grove for S1S00-. terms to suit. Address Elmer Lyda, Gales Creek, Or. I ; TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. M' CRACK EN. 804 McKay Bldg. FOR SALE Half section flne timber In Southern Oregon; part time. AG 977. Ore- gonian. . 17,000.000 YELLOW FIR for 45 cents. Phon Main 8314. FOR RENT FARMS. 50 ACRES under plow. Ideal for potatoes: 10 acres in prunes and cherries, bearing; 5 miles from Newberg. 28 miles from Fort land. Phone today Main 3533, or address A II 9(3. Oregonian. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. C J. MoCrackan. 04 McKay bldg. TO EXCHANGE. WANTED Light. 6-passenger auto for lot In Mt Scott dlstrlot. 7u9 Corbett bldg. Main 7855. TWO good residences; lots 3314x110 each; tot sale or trade for farm land. Address N 963. Oregonian. YOU can trade any kind of properts - s4 room 1019 Board of Tra&s, .