Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 21, 1910, Page 13, Image 13

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Demonstration of Royal Worcester and Bon Ton Corsets Complete Lines Warner, Redferh, Howd and La Beau
Corsets Vassar Union Suits for Men, All Styles and Qxialiti es Store Open Saturday Niht Until 9;3Q p'ClocK
1,000,000 .- lemp vail Sale aim All lD)epts
the siokxixg- okegomax, satttkday. mat 21, 1910,
Men's $5 Oxfords $23
Women's $1 Under wear 59 c
A timely and most important sale
of men's Underwear. Right at.the
beginning of the season we offer
you mercerized lisle, nainsook, silk
and linen, pure silk, etc., in plain
or fancy weaves; colors are white,
blue, pink and salmon. There is
every style garment in the lot; not
all sizes of each kind, but all sizes
in the lot. This offering embraces
10,000 garments and the values are
without question the best we have
ever known of. Regular prices up
to $2.50 a garment, on sale CQ
at this removal sale price C
Women's 35c fiose 18c
$1.75 SilK Hose $1.29 Pair
Children's 25c Hose 14c Ir.
INFANTS' Plaid Top Socks, sizes 4
BOYS' heavy ribbed basketball Hose, sizes 6 to 94; wear like 00
iron: on Rnecia.1 salt at this vp.rv low removal mice, the nair
All Trains to Seashore Are
Crowded Now.
Ticket Agents of Various Routes
Predict Season Will Be Fully a
Month Longer Than Usual.
Resorts Have Been Improved.
Fully a month earlier than has ever
before -been known, a heavy volume of
travel to the Coast resorts has started.
While a large part of this Is due to
unusual conditions, such as the epi
demic of scarlet fever, it appears as
if the beach season is to be longer than
usual this year.
The Astoria & Columbia River Rail
road Is working on a schedule for the
fast trains that have long been prom
ised, and will put it into effect shortly.
In the meantime the Astoria trains are
pulling out with record loads. Harry
Adams, general freight and passenger
agent, said yesterday: "The beach
season is a full month ahead of time
this year."
City Ticket Agent Stinger, of the
O. R. & N. and Ilwaco Railroad, has
a similar report. Mr. Stinger says the
Hassalo has been leaving for Megler
-with her full sleeping accommodation
of 50 taken every night and that there
is a large waiting list from day to
Mr. Stinger lays It to the fever epi
demic, for he says there Is a tendency
on the part of parents to withdraw
their children from school and take
them to the beaches. He is convinced
the beach season this year will be a
month longer than usual.
At both the Oregon and "Washington
beaches great preparations are being
made for record attendances. At North
Beach the plans for an ocean boule
vard and a new water scheme are well
under way and will have partly ma
terialized before the close of the Sum
mer season. Gearhart celebrates the
eason with the opening of a new
All Shoes Reduced
Saturday, "men's day," for extra
specials. Lot No. 4, men's Oxfords
in patent dongola kid, gunmetal
jolt stock, in blucher, button or lace
bals. A broad range for selection,
embracing some of our best styles
for Summer wear. Mostly $4 and
$5 values, at this spe- tO OQ
cial removal priee, pair
A large collection of styles in
men's high-grade oxfords, made by
Edwin Clapp & Son and Joseph A.
Bannister, Shoemakers, who have
spent a lifetime at the bench, who
now produce best values on market.
This assortment of women's under
garments embraces every style of
a knit vest, pants or union suit.
There are medium and light weight
cotton, plain and mercerized lisles,
elastic ribbed, tuck-stitched and
swiss-ribbed garments. Vests with
high neck and long sleeves, high
neck and short sleeves, or low neck
and no sleeves. Union Suit with
high neck, long sleeve, ankle or
knee length; high neck, short
sleeve, ankle or knee length; low
neck, sleeveless, timbrella or tight
knee length; our regular CQ
values to $1.00, special for"''
A big line of ( women's Hose in
various kinds, such as plain fast
black color, lace boot hose, in fast
black ; allover lace and embroidered
instep hose in all sizes; our regu
lar 25c and 35c values, on "1 Q
sale at, special, the pair -IOC
SILK HOSE, for ladies; 500 pairs
in this lot. They are knit with cot
ton or silk soles ; sizes 8V," 9, 9,
10 ; our regular values at $1.50 and
$1.75 a pair; special dl OQ
removal sale price, pr. P
ribbed cotton, cizes 5 to 94, in
heavy or medium weight, for boys
or girls, tor school and rough wear;
our regular stock values at 20c
and 2oc a pair, on sale at 1 Ag
this removal sale Drice. nr.
1 7 I
to 6; 25c values, special, pair, 16
hotel and Seaside has made a number
of Improvements to attract the Sum
mer visitor.
Canadian Wholesalers and Portland
Shippers to Be Brought Together.
What is thought Will prove an admir
able method of Increasing business In
Portland has been conceived by A. A.
Morse, special representative of the traf
fic department of the Harriman lines.
Mr. Morse has drawn up a list of car
load shippers of Oregon, who ship fruits,
canned vegetables and canned goods
generally. At the same time he has
drawn up a list of wholesalers who pur
chase in carload lots and who are
situated in Manitoba, British Columbia,
Alberta and Saskatchewan.
He intends to forward the list of Ore
gon shippers to the Canadian buyers and
the list of Canadians to the local ship
ping houses. Both buyer and seller will
then be brought into touch with each
other in a manner that it is felt should
have the effect of enormously Increasing
shipments from this district.
Following are the edibles listed; for pur
chasers and sellers: citrous and deciduous
fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts,
beane, honey and canned goods.
Other than the mere publication of the
names, there is no advertising matter at
tached, and it is expected the publication
of the list cannot fall to attract business
to the local houses.
Guide Booklets Issued.
The Denver & Rio Grande Railroad
has been getting out an attractive
series- of booklets in connection with
placing open-top observation cars on
its transcontinental route again.
"Around the Circle" is a pictorially
beautiful publication, featuring the
scenic trip around the narrow gauge
route of the old Rio Grande, which is
intended to prove an admirable guide.
A list of all hotels and boarding houses
on the Denver road comorlRM n. jaoonnH
volume, which gives addresses, rates,
proprietors ana a wealth of other de
tail. Depot Car Route Changed.
All depot cars will in future be
routed over Fifth street. At present
the Willamette Heights cars are run
over Third street and the change will
be made immediately on completion of
a curved connection t -Fifth onH -vr.
rison. In the case of big crowds at
the ball park or on other occasions
it is planned to make a circular trip
from Washington to Fifth and back.
via Morrison street.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
laoieis invariaDly bring relief to
women suffering from chronic consti
pation, headache, biliousness, dizziness,
sallowness of the skin and dyspepsia.
Sold by all dealers.
Genuine China Pongee SilKs
$1.0 0 Values Reduced to 81c
$5.60 Quality Reduced to $4.19
The real imported article, in all weights, suitable for ' dresses, separate coats and tailored strits. No
better or more serviceable silken fabric made and none "just as good." We sell more Pongee Silks than
other Portland stores combined, just because we give the values and
qualities. See Washington-street window display and note the special
$1.00 quality, the yard, only 81
$1.75 quality, the yard, only $1.3t
$3.50 quality, the yard, only $2.89
lOc Hair Nets at 5c
Sale of 1000 Hair Nets, extra large'
size, tied ends, extra strength and ex
tra quality; a full line of shades to
match any color hair; our regu
lar 10c sellers, removal price, ea.
5c Spool Cotton 3c
500 dozen spools of Sewing Thread,
not basting cotton, made especially for
hand or machine sewing; full 200-yd.
spools, Nos. 36 to 70, white or O
hlae.k: regular ' 5e seller, snecifll
All Women's Suits at greatly reduced prices
All Women's Coats have now been reduced
All Women's Petticoats are
All Women's Hats have now
All Underwear in the store is now reduced
All Hosiery now selling at reduced prices
All Fancy Neckwear now at reduced prices
15c Hair Pins for 5c
500 boxes of bone Hair Pins, six in
a box; fine quality and finish, all in
the shell color, crimped or straight.
Our regular 15c sellers, on sale C
at this special removal price, box
$2.5Q BacK Combs 19c
Closing out a big line of fancy Back.
Combs, mounted with jewels and gold
inlaid; fine finish and quality; val
ues varying up to $2.50 each, 1 Q.
special removal sale price, ea. AIV
Every pair of Shoes has now been reduced
Every yard of Lace in the store is reduced
The entire stock of Bedding is now reduced
Sporting Goods of all kinds now reduced
All Chinaware has received price reductions
All Hardware is greatly reduced in price
All our Refrigerators now at reduced prices
Terminal Company , Alone
Blocks Negotiations, Rumor.
Next Monday First Block of Bonds,
92 50,000 Worth, Will Be Offered
for Sale in Spite of Sluggish
Market Modjeski Confers.
Negotiations between the special com
mittee of the City Council and the O. -R.
& N. and Northern Pacific Terminal
companies have reached the point, it is
said, where the railroad company and
the city are practically agreed as to the
demands of tie latter and the concessions
offered by the former, and the only dif
ficulty now rests with the Terminal Com
pany. It is rumored the Mayor has con
densed his former demands on this com
pany into a more general single require
ment, and a solution of the difficulty that
has beset the negotiations thus far if
likely to be at hand.
If the last attempt of the two sides to
get together should fail, it is thought
likely that condemnation proceedings will
be begun soon for the rights of way for
the Broadway bridge.
Mayor Simon yesterday morning held a
consultation with Ralph Modjeski, de
signer of and consulting engineer for the
Broadway bridge, and as a result Resi
dent Engineer Weideman will at once
make soundings in the Willamette River,
a necessary preliminary to the construc
tion that is to follow when litigation is
Taking soundings will consume several
weeks and will require perhaps between
$3000 and J5000. Mayor Simon will ask
the City Council to make a loan of this
amount until the first installment of the
bridge bonds is sold. This will be done
at the next session of the Council, Wed
nesday morning.
Mr. Modjeski arrived in Portland
Thursday night from Chicago, his head
quarters. He is making a tour of the
work under contract of his company and
came to Portland to confer with his local
representative and with Mayor Simon as
to the Broadway bridge situation. This
$1.25 quality, the yard $1.Q5
$2.00 quality the yard $1.63
$4:00 quality, the yard, $3.19:
Demonstration of the
Royal Worcester arid
the Bon Ton Corset
Miss Hope Frances Gale, expert cor
setiere from the East, is with us again,
demonstrating the Royal Worcester
and Bon Ton Corsets. "We invite you
to call and meet her. Study the vari
ous models of corsets and learn from
her what shape is best 'adapted for
your figure. Corset dept., 2d floor.
now reduced
been reduced
Res'. $8.5Q Linen
Sxiits at $4.95
Very latest styles for Summer. Lin
en and Cotton Crash Suits in natural
color and medium shade of blue ; very
stylish, strictly tailored garments.
Cur regular $8.50 valuer, offered
during the removal sale at Cf Q C
special low price of, suit P"s70
Every Suitcase
All Garden
All our Sewing
is one of the largest pieces of work now
under his supervision.
Next Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock the
ways and means committee of the City
Council will offer for sale the first 3250,
000 block of-the Broadway bridge bonds.
The bid at the previous calling was re
jected because it was considered too low.
It is considered doubtful, however, if
the committee will receive a better pro
posal this time, for the bond market is
said to be very sluggish just now.
Mr. gimon announced yesterday that
it is the Intention of the special com
mittee of the Council, of which he is a
member, to make its report next Wed
nesday to the Council and ask to be dis
Biologist Says Eight . Scarlet Fever
With Good Blood.
Dr. Louis Dechmann, biologist, oc
cupied more than an hour yesterday
before the Bitot School circle of the
State Congress of Mothers in a lecture
on "Hygiene and Food Values." He
cast aside many of the accepted ideas
of handling the diseases of children,
prevention of diseases and food value's.
He devoted considerable time describ
ing the nature of scarlet fever and the
methods of prevention. He advised the
warm bath and warm pack covering
the abdomen, from which he said all
diseases arise.
Dr. Dechmann said . that there was
little excuse for any physician mak
ing a mistake in the diagnosis of scar
let fever and submitted for the in
spection of the mothers colored pic
tures showing the sypmtoms of the
disease in all its forms and also of
chicken-Vox. The speaker condemned
the feeding of children on pasteurized
or sterilized milk, remarking that it
was like giving the child dead food.
He said that the child should be given
pure cow's milk. Among the foods
mentioned Dr. Dechmann recommended
onions, leeks and garlic. He put spe
cial emphasis on the need of keeping
the blood of the child pure, so it could
resist the approach of disease, con
tending that when in such condition
the system resists disease.
Lion Fondle A Child.
In Pittsburg a savage lion1 fondled the
hand that a child thrust into his cage.
Danger to a child is sometimes great
when least regarded. Often it comes
tnrougn Colds, Croup, and Whooping
Cough. They slay thousands that Dr.
King's New Discovery could have saved.
"A few doses cured our baby of a very
bad case of Croup." writes Mrs. George
B. Davis, of Flat Rock, N. C, "We al
ways give it to him when he takes cold.
It's a wonderful medicine for babies."
Best for Coughs, Colds. LaGrlppe, Asth
ma. Hemorrhages, Weak Lungs. 50c
$1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by
all druggists.
Best proposition ever made. Tlllamoo
Beach lots. See Sunday Oregonlan. .
show a more extensive variety of
prices on these hand-loom fabrics.
$1.50 quality, the yard, $1.23
$2.50 quality, the yard $1.98
$5.00 quality, the yard $4.19
15c SKirt Marker 7c
Sale of 1000 Palmer Skirt Markers,
the handiest and most complete mark
er on the market ; nickeled, chalk with
each one; our regular 15c value,
special removal sale price, each
75c Hair Pins at 29c
250 cards of large bone Hair Pins,
crimped or straight, shell or amber
color, put up one dozen on a card; the
kind that sells regular 50c toOQ
75c a card: removal nrice. ea. sailC
All Dress Goods in the store now reduced
All Silks are now selling at reduced prices
All Wash Goods have now been reduced
Our entire stock of Linens at reduced prices
All our Draperies are selling at reductions
All Baby Carriages have also been reduced
All our Hammocks are now reduced in price
2 Vac Darning Cotton 1c
250 dozen Darning Cotton, "in 45-yard
spools, in fast black color only. A
good, reliable quality, such as sells
regularly at 2 for 5c. On sale 1
at special removal price, spool C
$1 Shetland Floss 79c
The art department, on the fourth
floor, offers a very special sale of
Fleischer's Shetland Floss, black only,
12 skeins to the box;- a regular "7Q
Sil.00 seller, removal sl nrice vC
in our entire stock reduced
Every Trunk has also been greatly reduced
Every Handbag has been reduced in price
All Jewelry Novelties at price reductions
Every Umbrella in our store now reduced
Tools have also been reduced
Machines at reduced prices
Doctor Believed to Know of
Federal Jobs.
Elmer Col well Said to Be Slated as
Successor' in Marshal's Office.
' Dunne May Be Retained as
Revenue Collector.
With .the return from Washington,
probably within the next week, of Dr.
Henry Waldo Coe, who figured promi
nently in the presidential campaign of
1908 on behalf of President Taft. much
of random political speculation concern
ing the outcome of two pending Federal
appointments may be set at rest. These
are the United States Marshalship and
the Internal Revenue Collec torship.
Already assurance has come from
Washington to the effect that Colonel
David M- Dunne, internal revenue col
lector, will be retained in that position.
As a matter of policy, it is said, to the
end that factional fight may be avoid
ed, he may not be re-appointed by Pres
ident Taft, but permitted to hold, as is
being done at present.
Both Colonel Dunne's and . Marshal
Reed's terms expired in March and as
yet neither has been re-appointed nor
has a successor been named. Informa
tion of local political prophets is to the
effect that Reed has little chance of
continuing long in the office, though
any definite action in the matter of
appointing his successor may be post
poned by the President until after the
adjournment of Congress.
Reed left two days ago for the East.
He announced on leaving that he was
going to attend the commencement ex
ercises at Harvard University, when his
son will graduate. Doubtless he will
go to Washington. It is said also that
he will go to New York- and confer
with Francis J. Heney, the former Fed
eral Prosecutor, who secured for him
the appointment as Marshal four years
ago. Heney .will be asked to use his
influence in his behalf with the Pres
ident again.
The name of Elmer Colwell, support
ed by forces opposed to Senator Bourne,
is being mentioned locally in connec
tion with the appointment at United
States Marshal. It Is given out here
All SilKs Greatly Reduced
$1.50 Fancy SilKs 69c Yard
Your attention is directed to a lot
of over 4000 yards of high-grade
Fancy Silks, comprising every
new shade for street or evening
wear, delicate pastel shad es,
creams, pink, Jblue,green,la ven
der, rose, nile, etc.; also darker
shades for street dresses, waists,
etc. Beautiful brocades, j ac
quards etc. In fact, every wanted
color for any kind of a silkTgar
ment can be found in this lot.
Regular $1.00, $1.25" and $1.50
values. Removal Sal e
price, the yard, only
Sale of All
English Semi-Porcelain, in the blue
Copenhagen design; 50- GJC
piece set, sale price, at PO00
60-piece set, removal price, $6. SO
100-pc. set, removal price SglO.59
Semi-porcelain, fancy shape, pink
flower decoration, gold tracing, 50
piece set, on sale at the f 7Q
special removal price P
60-piece set, removal price, $6.10
100-pc. set, removal price, $9.55
Semi-porcelain, plain shape, gold
band, latest design; a very ?ood
50-pc. set, at this ape- (C QC
cial removal sale, price yw''
60-piece set, removj.1 price. S7.0T
100-pc. set, removal price $11.85
Austrian China, pink border deco
ration, double SC'1 line on both
sides of border ; 50- tf "I O O "7
piece set,- special at P AO0 I
25c Wash Goods 15c Yard
12c-15c Wash Goods 8c Yd.
OtHer Lots Half Reg. Price
Many new lots of Wash Goods which
have never been shown before will be
offered at Great Saving Prices. This
lot comprises fine organdies, batistes,
in beautiful printed effects : 1 C
our regular '25c values, at, yd.
famous make, full 32 inches wide, in"
fast colorings; big variety to 1 Q
select from; 35c values, yard-Ol
5000 YARDS WASH GOODS, in dot-,
ted and printed mulls, percales, print
ed pangettes, etc. ; a broad, compre
hensive range for selection; a fabric
for almost any kind of, a Summer
dress or waist; our regular 120 O
and 15c values, removal price
that Colwell is certain of appointment.
- If Dr. Coe chooses to talk he prob
ably will be able to throw much light
on the situation. His return is being
watched by those interested in the out
come of the appointments.
Colonel Dunne last night said he
knew nothing to say about his own
case, as he had heard nothing.
Agricultural College Class Leaves to
Study Wooded Nature.
For the first time a Western college
will make a practical study of the sub
ject of forestry. The Oregon Agri
cultural College is taking the initia
tive in this matter and following in
the footsteps of some of the great
Eastern colleges. Accordingly seven
students in forestry left yesterday for
the timber lands of the Clark & Wil
son Lumber Company back of Goble
on the Astoria & Columbia Railroad,
and about 38 miles below Portland.
They will stay in this timber for a
period of 10 days and will make a spe
cial study of the maximum and aver
age stand per acre of the timber, of
cruising and of the typical forest.
They will endeavor to determine the
actual and possible value of the stump
age and will try to determine what
kinds of forests are best adapted to
reforestinr. '"BIU
In the party which left yesterday
were H. H. Barbur, H. J. Eberly. H.
D. Gill, A. M. Nilsson, T. J. Starker.
Scrofula disfigures and
causes life-long misery.
Children become strong
and lively when given small
doses of
Scott's Emulsion
every day. The starved body
is fed: the swollen glands
healed, and the tainted blood
vitalized. Good food, fresh
air and Scott's Emulsion
conquer scrofula and many
other blood diseases.
8Bd 10b., mdb of jpapr and this ad. for ear
beautiful Baringa Bank and Child's Sketch
Boot. tTanh bank contains a Qood Lack f annj.
SCOTT & BOWNE. 09 Pearl St.. N. Y.
Mil illjllilfiy
Dinner Sets
Semi-porcelain, fancy hape, green
and gold decoration; oO-piece Din
ner tsci. on sale at this
remonl price, the set
60-piecc set, removal price, 9.93
100-pc. 6et, removal price $13. IT
Fancy shape, dainty pink rose bor
der and gold line; a very good 50
piece Dinner Set, spe- GtCZ CZA
cial removal sale price POeO'r
60-piece set, removal price, $9.93
100-pc. set, removal price $13.17
Austrian China, white and gold
border Dinner Set, a very neat 50
piece set, at special C 1 O 1 Q
removal price, set P
60-pc. set, removal price, $14.45
100-pc. set, removal price $23. lO
Austrian China, pink border decoration,-
double gold line on both
sides of border; 100- GiO A CC
piece set, special for PsrxJJ
S. A. Wilson and J. F. Pernot. Pro
fessor Peavy, of the O. A. C. faculty,
will join the party later.
Officers of the civil service in New Soutli
Wales must insure their lives
A Public Benefit
Portland People Greatly In
terested in the Generous
Offer of The Owl Drug
Co., Inc.
The people have already demonstrat
ed that they would rather trust a man
who is naturally honest than one who
is honest only because he had to be.
The Owl Drug Co., Inc., have a firm
ly established reputation for . square
dealing and sterling honesty. When
they told the people that Rexall Reme
dies are the pfcrest and most depend
able medicines that it is possible for
modern science to produce, and that
they would tell the public what each
one of these 300 or more remedies con
tained, and that they sold Rexall Reme
dies on their personal guarantee that
they would give entire satisfaction or
they would not cost the user a single
cent, they were believed.
Ever since this announcement the Owl
Drug Co., Inc., store has been largely
patronized by people buying Rexall
Remedies, all of which proves that this
store has the confidence of the people,
and that honesty is the best policy.
There is no "cure-all" among the
Rexall Remedies. There are different
and separate medicines, each one devised
for a certain human ailment or a class
of ailments closely allied. For instance
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are recom
mended for the positive relief of stom
ach irritation. Indigestion, flatulency
and dyspepsia. They are rich in Bis-muth-Subnltrate,
Pepsin and Carmina
tives. They are prepared by special
processes which perfect and enhance
the great remedial value of these well
known medicinal agents. This remedy
sells for 25 cents. 60 cents,, and $1.00
per package. Every one suffering
from stomach disorder should try
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, inasmuch as
they cost nothing if they do not satisfy.
Remember, The Owl Drug Co.. Inc.,
cor. 7th and Washington sts.. is the
only store in Portland where these
remedies may be obtained, and every
one in need of medicine is urged to
investigate and take advantage of the
frank and generous manner in. which
they are sold.
Dr. Steagall's ASTHMA REMEDY la
PROMT. SAFE and SURE. Nothing else
offered like it. Write for booklet
"Free AW" to Dept. O.
214 St. Helens Ave. Tiouuu'Wuk,