Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 20, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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Pacific- States. Horn.
Counting-room Main 7070 A 6095
City Circulation a . . . . Main 7070 A 8085
Manmcinr Editor Main 7070 A "S
Sunday Editor M Main 7070 A 6095
Composing-room ......... .Main 70T0 A 6005
City Kdltor Main 7070 A 6095
Bupt. Building Main 7070 A 6095
Washington) National Opera Company In
"Martha." Tonight at 8:16.
ORPHBUM THEATER (MorrUon. between
Blxtta and Seventh) Vaudeville. This
afternoon at 2:lSt.and tonight at 8:15.
BAKER THEATER (Third, between Tamblll
and Taylor Balcer Btock Company In
"Just Out of College." Tonight at 8:15.
GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington)
Vaudeville. Th afternoon at 2:15; to
night at 7:30 and 9.
BTAR THEATER (Park and Washington)
Motion picture. Continuous, from 1:30 to
10:30 P. M.
Advertisements intended for the City
News in Brief rolumoi In Sunday's te
m mmt be banded In The Orearonlan
business office by 6 o'clock Saturday
cvcnlog. .
are. being- taken to improve Lombard
street, on the Peninsula, between "West
anna and Wabash avenue a distance
of about one mile with Haraam pave
ment. Tbe cost Is estimated at $129,500.
As tbe street railway company has
double tracks on Lombard the company
will bo called on to carry a considerable
portion of the cost. The Improvement is
important for the reason that It Is part
of the general through street projected
from Kllllngsworth avenue to the St.
Johns boundary line. Either Patton or
AJbina avenue will be the connecting link
betwene KUlingsworth avenue and Lom
bard street.
Brtdgh Repairs TteotrN. Repairs have
(been started on the reinforced concrete
(bridge across Sullivacs Gulch on Kast
Twenty-eighth street The city refused
to accept the bridge as turned over by
the contractors, on the ground that It
Was not completed according to the speci
fications, and It has stood untouched
for nearly a year. However, the barri
cades were pulled clown at each end by
the contracting firm and the bridge has
been In general use for some time. Re
pairs are to be made according to the
requirements of the City Engineer. All
the apparent weaknesses in the structure
wilt be made good, and portions wtU be
Crrr Attornet Draws Amentjment. Tj.
El Rice, chairman of the water main
committee from Ease Side push clubs,
paid yesterday that the City Attorney
bad been asked to draw the amendment
to the v charter for laying water mains
according to the majority report. As
poon as drawn tbe amendment will be
printed for distribution. Mr. Rice said
that the committee Is opposed to calling
a special election to have the . amend
ment submitted, tout It will be voted- on
November 8, at the general election.
Borne water mains are being laid ahead of
hard-surface pavements, but otherwise
the Water Board Is not laying mains.
Portulkd Impresses Eabternebs.
The Northwest Is a country " of sur
prises to Easterners, V and Portland is
ho exception. Indeed, it is the biggest
surprise of alk" Such was the statement
yesterday at the Commercial Club of
Robert I Sheppaxd, an insurance man
of Chicago, who is here as the advance
agent of a syndicate of young men who
Intend locating in or near Portland. Mr.
Bheppard will go today north and on
Into Canada. He expressed himself as
being impressed with Portland ' and the
opportunities here for small capital.
Peacx Dat Observed. "Peace and
Arbitration" will be the subject at
Temple Beth Israel tonight. The sermon
Is to be preached at the suggestion of the
Portland section Council of Jewish Wo
men in celebration of Peace day. The
choir under the direction of Mrs. Rose
Bloch Bauer will sing a new arrange
ment of the musical service by Krebs.
The anthems will be "The Lord Is My
Ught" (Horatio Parker) and "O Worship
the Lord" (Dudley Buck). All men and
Women are welcome at Beth Israel.
Women Heavily Fined. Viola Lee,
tharged with conducting a disorderly
house, was given the heaviest fine -yet
for that offense yesterday. Judge Ben
nett ordered that she pay J100 or be ;con-
fined in Jail. The money was forthcom
ng.' Judge Bennett has raised the fine
pn women of the underworld when they
6-re brought before him. and hereafter
they will be compelled to pay J100 or
spend a month or so In Jail.
"Picture Fans" Latest. "Picture
Tans," is the latest slang phrnse to be
Applied to any particular, class of peo
' p who are devotees of some line of
fcmusement. A local moving-picture con
cern now use the term txcluslvely when
referring to its patrons. In announcing
home new feature to be produced, the
press agent takes occasion to say that
ft will be a pleasant surprise for "picture
CoTjvcrmAN'a Chauffeur. Fined.
Charged with speeding his automobile
within the city fire limits, Arthur
1 Mitchell, chauffeur for Councilman Lom
bard, was fined 25 in Municipal Court
yesterday by Judge Bennett." A charge
of running his machine when it was not
properly lighted was also booked against
Mitchell, but this was withdrawn when
B, fine was imposed for speeding.
'Bridge to Be Discussed. Tbe East
pide Improvement Association will hold
Jul important meeting tonight in Wood
men Hall, on Rodney avenue and Rue
pell stret, to discuss the Broadway
bridge situation, and decide what steps
to take to expedite the preliminaries.
There is much uneasiness in the North
East Side over the bridge situation.
Emma. Goldman to Lecture. Emma
Goldman, the anarchist, accompanied by
lier secretary. Dr. Ben L. Rietman, ar
rived In Portland yesterday and is
stopping at the Lenox Hotel. She will
give a series of five anarchistic lectures
commencing this evening.
Rat TJtter's Body to Bb Cremated.
The funeral of Ray Utter, who lost his
life in a fire in Hood River, will be
held this afternoon at 8:30. o'clock, at the
Portland Crematorium. Mr. Utter was 20
years old- His home was 803 East Thirty
third street.
A Nice, small home, close in, for a rea
sonable price; good five-room house, built
six years ago, lot 75x159 feet and enough
truit for five families. This property
was taken in for mortgage; price, $2650.
IF. 9. Akin, 623 Chamber of Commerce.
Rats War. Steamer Klamath sails
direct Saturday morning for San Fran
cisco; oabin io, steerage S, berth and
meals Included. Frand Bollam, agent. 128
Third street. "
For Sals. '
125-volt, 160-K. W. General Electric Gen
erator, belt type; complete, with panel
and rail base. Address room 201 Orego
nian bldg.
Formal opening of new pipe organ, St.
Paul's Lutheran Church, E. 12th and Clin
ton, Friday, May 20, at 8 P. M. Professor
Becker, organist. Admission GO cents.
Church Social Tonight. The Young
People's Society of Piedmont Presby
terian Church will hold a lawn social
at the church grounds tonight.
Mrs. Feuton has removed her millinery
parlors from 414 Stearns building to 361
Alder St., Hotel Cornelius.
Real Basoaiks in monumental work.
Otto Schumann, Third and East Pine.
See offer of Tillamook Beach lots In
Sunday's Oregonian. Don't miss it.
Rhododendron Tavern, on Mount Hood
road is now open for season 1910.
Rinoler'b dancing club, Murlark Hall,
DR. Wendt, electricity, Rothchild bldg.
Woostxr'b for dress-making supplies.
Mothers to Hear Address. The Eliot
school circle of the Stats Congress of
Mothers will meet this afternoon, at
Rodney avenue and Knott street, at S
o'clock. "Vital Problems" will be the
subject of an address by Mrs. W. J.
Hawkins. Dr. Louis Dechmann, Biologist,
will give an address on "Hygiene and
Food Values." Every teacher, parent or
matron, it has been suggested, should
not fall to hear Dr. Dechmann. A "quiz"
will follow the lecture, and is expected
to be both Interesting and instructive.
An invitation has been extended to all
Y. M. C. A. Club to CLimb Heights.
Members 'of the Woods Club of the
Young Men's Christian Association will
meet at the Association building at 6:30
o'clock tonight and climb the hills back
of South Portland, where a campflre will
be built. This club was organized two
weeks ago, under the leadership of C.
M. Wood, and every Friday an excur
sion is taken Into the country. This week
the men will climb the heights near the
"Castle." A general Invitation is ex
tended to all men who 'would like to take
the trip.
Services Will Bb Held. Services will
be held at 8 o'clock this evening, at
Congregation Ahavai Sholom. Park and
Clay streets. There will be music by
the choir. .Tomorrow morning, services
will be held at 9:30 o'clock. Rabbi R.
Abraham son will officiate.
Lifelong- Romance Has Pretty Cli
max, With Pugt Sound Jokesters
Doing Clowning.
Robert E. Dougherty, of Seattle, and
Miss Clara Schlossteln, of Winona, Minn.,
were married at St. Patrick's Church at
7 o'clock last night. Rev. Father E. P.
Murphy officiating. The romance be
gan when both were children, in the
Aside from the romance, the most In
teresting feature of the wedding was the
effort of the bridegroom to avoid pub
licity and to have the ceremony per
formed quietly and without the knowl
edge of his many friends.
"Bob" Dougherty is connected with the
Oregon Lumber Company, of Seattle, and
is one of the best-known young business
men of the Northern city. His wide cir
cle of friends got wind of his approaching
marriage and immediately laid plans for
celebrating tha event with great eclat.
"Bob," In consternation, learned of the
cbartvari idea, and immediately wired
his fiancee to come to Portland Instead
of Seattle, and he would Join her here
for the ceremony.
The wedding supper was hardly over
when things commenced to happen. All
kinds of Jokes, some ludicrous in the ex
treme, . and others anything but appro
priate, were played, with genial "Bob"
and his bride as tbe victims. Most ot
them were Instigated in Seattle and per
petrated here by the use of the telegraph
wires. The Doughertys will remain in
Portland for several days.
i. aw
Ballot-Boi Stuffing' Encouraged in
Rose Festival Contest.
Several candidates for queen of the
Peninsula float, for the Rose Festival,
are in the field and it is expected that
voting will begin today. Miss Josephine
Fulley and Miss Fay Wise are candidates
at Portsmouth and University Park.
There will be a polling place at Glass
Brothers store, Portsmouth, and one at
Sibray & Hart's office, University Park.
Miss Vera dimming Is a candidate from
North Albina and Miss Laura Hilton from
Peninsula. There probably iwlll be others
in the field within a few days. Five
cents a vote is charged. There will be
no objections to repeaters, and ballot
boxes may be stuffed so long as each
vote is paid for.
J. H. Nolta. manager for the Penin
sula Carnival Association, has opened an
office In the fire hall on Albina Avenue,
and today will begin sending personal
letters to residents, asking them to con
tribute roses. In each letter there is a
postal card to be returned to Mr. Nolta,
stating how many roses may be expected
from the sender. Mr. Nolta'a office tele
phone number Is Woodlawn 2871. The
office is called headquarters of the Pen
insula Rose Carnival Association.
A. O. IT. V in Oregon Acts on Inde
pendent Basis.
Fidelity Lodge. A., O. U. W., has voted
to hold the first session of the grand
lodge the third Tuesday in July. The
Oregon branch of the A. O. U. W. de
clared Itself independent of the supreme
lodge last September and the question of
holding the first grand lodge session is
now being settled by vote of all the
lodges In the state. A considerable num
ber of the lodges have already cast their
votes, but the result will not be known
for about six weeks. There are 96 lodges
and each has a vote.
The grand master recommended that
no session of the grand lodge be held this
year, but the matter will be settled by
the referendum to tbe lodges. Consider
able Interest is manifested in the out
come of the referendum. v
Henry D. Griffin's Name Entered in
Much-Contested Race.
Henry D. Griffin, an old-time printer,
at one time a member of the Portland
police department and until recently pro
prietor of a Sixth-street cafe, has entered
the race for the Republican nomination
for Constable. This race already has
more avowed aspirants than any other
one office. Constable Wagner will be a
candidate to succeed himself.
Sigmund Werthelmer, at one time a
deputy constable, and Andrew Weinberger,
deputy sheriff, are in the race. All, it is
said, will have their names presented to
the county assembly July 19.
A. W. Beekley, a Salem merchant, is at
the -Lenox.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Drake, of Bence,
are at the Portland.
L. A. Hogan, a New York business
man, is at the Lenox.
A. B. Mors, a Payette, Idaho, cattle
man, is staying at the Imperial.
R. A. Booth, the well-known capitalist
of Eugene, and his, wife are at the Im
perial. '
George M. McDonald, a well-known
merchant of Coulee City, Wash., Is regis-'
tered at the Cornelius..
H. D. Norton, a Grants Pass attorney
and member of the last State Legisla
ture, Is at the Imperial.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W- Thomas are at
the Oregon. Mr. Thomas is Installing an
electric plant at The Dalles. v
W. E. Rittenhouse, A. L. Boyd and B.
E. Gann, of Washington, D. C, are here
on business. They are at the Cornelius.
Ralph Modjaskl, consulting engineer.
ww vaac?a avt 0a? n
select list of
I on improved Port
1 land property
1 A 1 T . t-
ing time certificates
Combining absolute safety
with a gratifying income.
Portland Trust Company
son of the late Mme. Modjeska, the
actress, is registered at .the Portland,
from Chicago.
- Mrs. Sidney S. Mayer will leave Sat
urday night for a month's visit to her
father and mother in Roes Valley, Cal.
She will be at home this afternoon.
R. E. Dougherty, manager of the Wash
ington Lumber Company, of Seattle, was
married last night to Miss Clara' Schlos
etern. Father Murphy officiated and
Frank Walleines, of Seattle, was best
man. Mr. and Mrs. Dougherty are reg
istered at the Perkins.
CHICAGO, May 19. (Special.) Oregon
people registered at Chicago hotels today
as follows:
Portland Great Northern, Miss G. E.
Johnston. Breevort, W. E. Dorman.
Vale Congress, Charles E. Herron.
Woman Reports Case to Detectives
and Morris King; Is Arrested.,
Leaving $340 in the bathroom while
she went to her room. Miss M. A. Tel
fer, who" keeps a lodging-house at 62 Vi
North Sixth street, returned a few min
utes later to find that the money had
disappeared. She had locked the bath
room door when she left the room, but
found it standing open oik her return.
Suspicion was immediately cast upon
Morris King, a young man who had a
key to the bathroom, and the loss of
the money was reported to Captain of
Detectives Moore. He detailed Detec
tives Carpenter and Price on the case
and they located King In a short time,
placing him unrtr arrest. The case
$1.75 P. Centemeri
Gloves $1.45 .
Best kid gloves made.
See our window of Lace Col
lars, 85c to S25.0O
290 Morrison St., between
4th and 6th, Corbett bldg
X-Ixrlualve Wointn'i Shop.
Special today and Saturday
35c Taffeta Ribbons, Spl. 17c
Moire or plain, 4 and 6 inches
$1 Chiffon Auto Veilings, 69c Yd
Two yards makes a nice veil.
White and colors.
35c and 50c Neckwear, SpL 25c
Lace and embroidered jabots,
stock collars In lace or
twice around once over
stocks, worth 3c to 6fc,
special 25c
35c-50c Embroideries 25c Yd.
All have best edges,
Portland's Oldest Grocers
148 Third Street
Pacific Phone Main 9432 Home
Phone A 4432
"Count, Measure, Weigh or
Gauge Everything You Buy."
During the Summer months we
keep everything Clean and free
from dust. Trade at the store
that gives you Quality and the
Right Prices. For Friday and Sat
urday, May 20 and 21, we offer:
Pimentos, fine for salads or sand
wiches, regular 16c, 2 for..2o
Pimentos, large size, regular 25c
per tin 20
Flaccus Chili Sauce, great for
cold meats, reg. 35c, bottle. .30
Crosse &' Blackwell Mocha Es
sence, for flavoring, regular 25c
and 50c 20 and 45
Rips Olives, in bulk, Pint..20
Gallon S1.50
Interstate-Whiskey, bourbon in
bond. For one week we offtr,
to introduce this brand, regular
$1.25 per bottle, at 00
"A child can buy as safely as
a man."
Guaranteed to Wear
Six Months '
will be heard before Judge Bennett In
Municipal Court this morning..
All the delicacies of the season at thes
Portland restaurant. Fine private apart
ments for ladies. 805 Wash., near 6th st.
Best proposition ever made. Tillamook
Beach lotsi See Sunday Oregonian.
Plant Slbson's Roses. Phone Sellwood 930.
Bakers, Groccra, Tea and Wine
Established In 1878.
The largest, oldest and best
equipped grocery house in the
Northwest. Agents for
PllUb-ory Beat Flour,
Klcelle OU.
Tnrklnh Coffee.
Cingalese brand Tea.
I). C. I.. Scotch Whisky.
Repsold Select Vlntaa-e Wines.
White Label Olives, etc.
Miss Crowley, representing Jos.
Burnett & Co., of Boston, is with
us this week and next. Ladies
are lirVlted to call and discuss
with Miss Crowley the making
of dainty Summer desserts.
French Pastry
French pastry tn great variety
for Friday and Saturday.
Blackberry Brandy
Blackberry Brandy and Black
berry Cordial should be kept in
every house during the Summer
season. We have the real thing.-
Picnics and Lunches
For picnics and lunches we
have all kinds of cold roast
meats, including chicken and
tongue. ,
White Cross California Olive
Oil of the highest quality.
Large size, regular $1; special 75c
Medium size, regular 60c; ' spe
cial 35c
We deliver in all parts of the
city. We make no charge for
packing country orders or de
livering same- at the boat or de
pot. We solicit accounts with
responsible parties.
Gor. Fifth and Stark Sts.
Why don't YOU
try one?
That's our advice to every clothes buyer in
Portland; the best is always the cheapest;
inferior goods are not cheap at any price; if
you are not a judge you must rely upon the
judgment of others. c9erLaJ have
' f built up the largest lgrrv -.-Z-S cloth
ing business in Oregon by selling only merchan
. dise of the highest, character,, and never abus
ing the confidence of those placing reliance in
our judgment. v
For real genuine values that are sure to interest you see
the Suits and Overcoats we are offering at
$15.00; $20, $25 and $30
Our Mail Order Department Insures You Careful Attention
SS Desks
to save money. It's a duty
you owe yourself. A Savings
Account with this Bank will
help you to prosper it "will
help you to get ahead in the
world it 'will increase your
We pay 4 per cent and wel
. come accounts of $1.00 and up.
Open 8 A. M. until 5':30 P.
M. Saturdays, up to 8 P. M.
Portland, Oregon.
Geary Street, above Union Square
Just opposite Hotel St. Francis
European Plan $1.60 a day up
American Plan $3.00 a day up
Raw steel and brick structure. Furnished at
cost of $100,000. Erery comfort and con
venience. On canines transferring all over
city. Omnibus meets trains and steamers.
Send for Booklet with map of Sao Francisco
Fred Prehn, D.D.s!
Removed to
07 Gorlina-er Bld
Id and Alder Sts.
Phones: Main 320.
A 2202.
Residence Phone.
Main 4227.
.In Busying
es Busy the
The Famous!
The only solid Mahogany
and Quarter - Sawed Oak
Desks made and no extra
price for this feature.
Every -Pesk we handle is
fully guaranteed.
More than a hundred styles
and sizes to select from.
We furnish your office com
plete with Desks, Chairs, -Tables,
Filing Cabinets, etc.
in wood and steel.
We have saved others money
and annoyance. Let us do
as .much for you.
The Oregon Wonder Washer
If any person canfind two 1
kinds of washing, both heavy an
Washers. I will give them 1100.
The money is In the bank, awaiting your order, so trot out your
It can wash carpets without
Oriental rutrs and lace curtains.
firesed air. No pulling Of twist!
ng. puts the blueing through eve
la. oo. it is an copper, it win i
mean just what I say, and will bs
1909. by R. S. Harrington, Corvall
tory. Call and see it work at the
shall be there a few days.
Creates a good impression. It adds
to the enjoyment of your home.
Let us prove this statement.
City Laundry Company
Colored Lamps,
your orders in early.
No. 61 Sixth Street, Portland. Or.
Phone Main 160, A 16M.
Peer of All $3.00
high-priced crank or level clothes
can wash as much and as clean in all
d light, as one of the Oregon Wonder
ripping them, wool and heavy comforts,
without injury, as it is done by com
ing. It does the sudsing and wrench-
Its weight is three pounds. Price
inn is no Diurr or not air. i
it with cash. Patented April 20th,
, Oregon. Agents wanted for terri
St. Charles Hotel. Portland. Or. I
429 OR A 5773.
Sockets, Wires. Etc.
, xiaoita 1-oeiUveir
'A Cured. Only aathorlzd Eeeley In.
stitute in Oregon. Write for Ulos-