Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 19, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Insurgent Senators" Beaten by
New Combination to
Pass Rate Bill.
One House Amendment Adopted by
- Aid of Democrats, AVho Will
Xame Terms for Agreement
o Push Bill Through.
WASHINGTON, May 18. Abandon
ing: all hope of reaching- any common
understanding on the railroad bill with
the Insurgents, the regular Republi
can Senators moved an early adjourn
ment of the Senate today to permit
the Democrats to get together to con
sider propositions looking to the com
pletion of the bill.
Before adjournment Aldrich made an
effort to obtain an agreement to take
the final vote next Wednesday, but
there were several objections and the
request was not pressed.
It Is the general understanding about
the Senate Chamber that the Democrats
will be asked to assist In expediting'
the bill by permitting amendments to
be laid on the table, by refraining from
speechmaking, and by other means,
with, the understanding that in return
the last three sections of the bill, relat
ing to capitalization, would be with
drawn. Democrats Eager for Action.
The Democratic Senators have op
posed these provisions because of their
supposed infringement on states' rights.
Many of them are anxious to dispose
of the bill and are willing to resort to
any proper means to hasten its pass
age. The Democratic conference was at
tended by about a dozen of the Demo
cratic lawyers. After considering propo
sitions advanced by the Republican
regulars, they decided to submit their
views to their colleagues In time to con
sider any suggestion that may be made
at tomorrow's passion looking to the
fixing of a day for a final vote on. the
As a result of the day's labor the Sen
ate accepted by a majority of 17 votes
the House provision regulating the de
fense of cases arising out of the orders
of the Interstate Commerce Commission
as offered and amended by Smith of
Michigan and as later modified at the
suggestion of Hughes of Colorado.
This provision, as it passed the House,
places the conduct of such cases in the
hands of the Attorney-General and per
mits the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion to intervene.
Combination Beats Insurgents.
As offered In the Senate Mi y Smith, the
provision was modified so as to permit
ample notice to the Commission and he
accepted afterwards a. suggestion from
Hughes which also permits the inter
vention of shippers or other parties at
interest, and not only prohibits the Attorney-General
from discontinuing such
cases without notice to the intervenors,
but authorizes them to proceed with the
case, even after the Attorney-General
may have withdrawn from It.
The vote on this combined provision of
the .Michigan Republican and the Colo
rado Democrat stood 40 to 35. Thirty
seven of the affirmative votes were cast
by Republicans and the other three by
Fletcher, Hughes and McEnery, Demo
crats. Ten of the negative votes were by
Republicans. Beveridge, Borah, Bourne,
Bristow, Burkett, Clapp, Cummins, Dixon,
Dolllver and LaFollette.
Concessions Win Democrats,
The success of the Smith-Hughes pro
vision was admittedly due to the adop
tion of the House section, which is gen
erally conceded to be more favorable to
shippers than was the provision of the
original Administration bill.
Without some concessions, it would
have been impossible to get any Demo
cratic votes, and a considerably large
number of Republican votes would have
been lost. Indeed, until the change was
made there was a fair prospect of defeat
of the original proposition and for the
success of the Cummins amendment sub
stituting the Interstate Commerce Com
mission for the Government as the de
fendant In the cases. '
More Time to Fight Advances.
In addition to action on the defense
provision, the Senate also accepted an
amendment proposed by Aldrich, ex
tending from 60 to 120 days the period
during which the Interstate Commerce
Commission may suspend for investi
gation any new rates or classifications
made by railroad companies. This also
was a concession in the Interest of the
shippers and was accepted without di
vision and without debate. '
Rayner made a sharp onslaught upon
the Smith-Hughes amendment and suc
ceded is arousing Hughes, who resented
what he construed to be an intimation
that he was "lined up" In favor of the
House plan. Subsequent explanations
led to a more amicable understanding
and the incident closed with assur
ances of mutual good will.
Son of Sir Claude Champion de
Crespigny Shoots Self.
LONDON, May IS. Captain Claude
Champion de Crespigny, of the Second
Ljfe-Guards, a member of the Hurling
liam Club polo team, which recently
visited tho United States, committed sui
cide by shooting today. He was found,
revolver in hand, seated at the roadside
near Kings Cliffs, in Northamptonshire,
where he had been the guest of Lord
He is a son of Sir Claude Champion
de Crespigny and was 37 years of age.
He served with the British army in South
Africa in 1SS99-1900 and with the West
African Frontier force in 1903. He was
twice wounded and was twice recom
mended for the Victoria Cross because
of deeds of conspicuous gallantry.
Dayton Philanthropist Makes Girt in
Interest of Good Roads.
' DAYTON, Wash., May 18. (Special.)
Dr. Marcel Pletrzycki, who last week
deeded to this city 40 acres for a City
Park, today bought and gave to the city
the Rock Hill stone quarry, pronounced
by State Geologist Landers to be the
finest quarry in Eastern Washington.
This is the most important sfep taken
looking to good roads, in the history of
Columbia County. Work will be begun at
once improving the channel of the
Touchet River where It basses through
Millions of
Lives Lost
An Awful Toll Collected by
Consurnption. Many Un
necessary Deaths ; from
: this Disease
If people could only understand that
systemic catarrh is an Internal disease
that external applications cannot cure,
they would not need to be warned so j
often about this malady, which, when
neglected,, paves the way oftentimes
for consumption,-at the cost of mil
lions of lives every year. Yet catarrh
may be cured, if the right treatment is
employed. j
Catarrh is caused by a general dis
eased state of the system which leads
commonly to annoying and perhaps
serious local conditions, which may
prove a fertile breeding ground for
germs of consumption? External reme
dies give, but temporary ease.
The only way to successfully treat
catarrh is by employing a medicine
which is absorbed and carried by the
blood to all parts of the system, so
that the" mucous membrane or internal
lining of the body is toned up and
made capable of resisting the infection
of consumption and other diseases.
We have a remedy prepared from the
prescription of a physician who for
thirty years studied and made catarrh
a specialty, and whose record was a
patient restored to health in every case
where his treatment was followed as
prescribed. That remedy is Rexall
Mucu-Tone. We are so positive that it
will completely overcome catarrh in all
Its various forms, whether acute or
chronic, that we promise to return
every penny paid us for the medicine in
every case where it fails or for any
reason does not satisfy the user.
We want you to try Rexall Mucu
Tone on our recommendation and guar
antee. We are right here where you
live, and you do not contract any obli
gation pr risk when you try Rexall
Mucu-Tone on our guarantee. We have
Rexall Mucu-Tone in two sizes, 50
cents and $1100. Very often the tak
ing of one BO-cent bottle is sufficient
to make a marked impression upon the.
case. Of course in chronic. caseH a
longer treatment is necessary. The
average In such instances Is three $1.00
bottles. Remember you can obtain
Rexall Remedies In Portland only at
our sto're, The Rexall Store. The Owl
Drug Co., Inc., cor, 7th and Washing
ton Sts.
Dayton. Contracts will be let for build
ing stone -embankments on both sides of
the river for more than a mile.
Macadamizing of streets and roads will
be begun at once. The committee which
is raising funds for proposed improve
ments' obtained $1500 more today in a few
Oregon & Washington Depot Also
Abandoned, and New Station
. Will Be Joint Terminal.
TACOMA, Wash., May 18. (Special.)
Official announcement was received here
today that the Oregon & Washington
Railroad had completed traffic arrange
ments with, the Hill lines, whereby it
will Jointly use the new water grade
four-track line to be built by the North
ern Pacific from Tenlno into Tacoma via
Point Defiance.
The announcement was confirmed by
Walter Christian. Tacoma counsel for the
Harriman Interests. Mr. Christian says
that the 8600-foot . tunnel the Harriman
line has been boring Into Tacoma is to
be abandoned, as is also the road's sta
tion project. The Oregon & Washington
will use the big Hill depot now building.
The tubnel Is, in about 2500 feet and has
been making slow progress owing to
water. Work on the tunnel will probably
cease tomorrow, everything being put
into shape to be preserved against pos
sible need at some future day. This also
means the abandonment of the steel via
duct that was to be built from the tunnel
portal across Pacific avenue, and the
drawbridge across the city waterway.
The Harriman road will have its own
freight yards and docks on the tidelands
as originally planned.
Charles R. Laurence and Bride Will
Make Portland Home Many
Attend Ceremony.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. May 18. (Spe
cial. ) Without hearing, the words the
minister was saying, but nodding assent
to the signs Into which they were trans
lated by a second person, two deaf mutes
were married, at Minnehaha today.
Charles R. Lawrence and Miss Eunice
Elizabeth Reeves were wedded at 6 o'clock
tonight by Rev. T. P. Howard, of the
Minnehaha Presbyterian Church, at the
home of the bride's . parents,- Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Reeves, at Minnehaha, a
suburb. Professor Thomas P. Clarke, su
perintendent of the' State School for the
Deaf, of which institution the bride is a
graduate, translated the words of the
minister into signs, and reversing the
process, spoke to the minister the signs
and answers given by the contracting
Fifty guests were present, including,
besides relatives of the family, four deaf
couples, Mr. and .Mrs. L. A. Divine,- Mr.
and Mrs. William Snyder, Mr. and. Mrs.
William Hunter and Mr. and . Mrs. A. C.
McDonald and two chums of the bride.
Miss Amelia Bergensen and Miss Viola
Mr. Lawrence is a resident of Portland,
and after a short honeymoon the couple
will make their home in Portland. The
bride Is a graduate of the State School
for the Deaf, having attended that in
stitution ten years.
All Leslie Kerns Can Remember Is
Auto Ride; Money Is Gone.
SALEM, Or., May IS. (Special.) Les
lie Kerns, a prosperous young farmer
who disappeared ten days ago, after sell
ing a valuable team for $250, returned
home today.
He declares his mind was a blank for
several days and all he can recall is -being
taken to "Vancouver. Wash., in an au
tomobile. As soon as he regained his
faculties, he started home minus his $250.
His mind now appears clear but he is a
physical wreck.
Free cooking lesson by Miss Tracy this
afternoon at Christensen Hall, Eleventh
and Yamhill Street
Tomorrow, Saturday
New Brown Goods are in one hundred different styles of browns to select from. ' AYe are the first to show the new browns. What
we will show on our opening, Friday, Saturday and Monday: 100 browns, 150 grays, over 1000 different styles of fancy worsteds
and Scotch Irish tweeds; blue serges in all the latest narrow and wide wales; blacks in as many different styles as the mills make
them. We. are the largest manufacturers of fine tailoring west of Chicago. Our working capacity covers one entire block of floor
space. Our capacity is 60,000 suits annually. Just think what a working capacity we have. Our workrooms are all light and
ventilated, which assure you a fine made garment when turned out in our shops. We are experts in our line of tailoring. A-No. 1
tailoring is what we turn out. Tailoring is art. We have that art. Once a customer always a customer. AVe must keep our help
employed, so we take this method in doing so. '
All wool, fast
367 Morrison St., Opp. Olds, Wortman & King's New Location
Pacific Lumber Cases May
. See Retrial.
Transportation Companies Propose
Advance of Ten" Cents a Hundred
Pounds on All Forest Prod
ucts Action Expected.
WASHINGTON. May IS. Indications
point to a retrial before the Interstate
Commerce Commission of the North Pa
cific. Coast Lumber cases, which con
sumed much time before the commission
nearly two years ago.
Originally the cases grew out of an
advance in the' rates in forest products
by the transcontinental railroads amount,
ing to an average of about 10 cents a
hundred pounds. The shippers of the
Pacific Northwest complained to the
commission of the advance.
The commission issued orders condemn
ing the of rates from points in
Washington and Oregon to points east of
a line drawn north and south from . Pem
bina. N. D., to Galveston, Tex., but al
lowed an advance of 5 cents 'a hundred
pounds on shipments from the same
points of origin to destinations east of
that line. These orders were made ef
fective for two years from the date of
Issue and iwill expire Oct. 15 next.
Information has reached the commis
'mm, -" "
lit:. -if &crSiCft
For any suit in our $35
$40 or $45 line of goods
colors and guaranteed goods
sion that the transcontinental lines, in
cluding the Harriman lines, the Northern
Pacific and the Great Northern, propose
at the expiration of the two years' limit
of the orders, again to file maximum ad
vances on lumber and minimum ad
vances on other commodities.
The proposed advance will be approxi
mately 10 cents a hundred pounds on all
forest products. .
The statement is made by the roads
that they are forced to this advance by
the recent increase in wages and by the
general increase in the cost of operation.
The lumber interests, particularly of the
North, Pacific states, will contest bitter
ly any advance over present rates.
The action of the commission nearly
two years ago was not unanimous In de
claring the advance unreasonable.
Clerk Charges Those Who Swore
Girl Was 19 With Perjury.
SALEM, Or., May 18. (Special.) County
Clerk R.' D. Allen today took the very
unusual step of revoking a marriage li
cense which had been obtained by mis
representation. The license was Issued
several days ago to Mllo M. Shier and
Emma M. Joost, both of Gates.
Arrfold Owen, a German preacher, also
of Gates, made affidavit that the girl
was 19 years of age. The girl's father,
hewever, says that his daughter is only
17 and the County Clerk has revoked the
license and will proceed against the par
ties, on perjury charges.
Cruiser Passes Gray's Harbor.
. HOQUIAM, Wash., May 18. (Spe
cial.) The cruiser Albany passed
Grays Harbor this morning, where she
was scheduled to enter on a visit, be
cause of unfavorable tide conditions.'
The warship remained off the bar sev
eral hours, but a strong southwest
wind aided in making an inward
passage difficult. -She proceeded to
Pugret Sound.
Any $35, $40
or $45 Suit
made to order, Fri
day, Saturday or
Monday, for
Made .just as good as if
you paid us our full
price. Our Guarantee:
Should linings or any
part of garment not
wear satisfactorily we
will renew same, free of
charge. Don't miss our
opening of all our new
goods, tomorrow (Fri
day) , Saturday and
Monday only. Made to
order for
;stamped, every yard, to show
Mysterious Perkins Letter to
Ballinger Disclosed.
Search of Department Files Reveals
Desire to Name Alaskan Na
ture Works After Prince
ton ( University.
WASHINGTON, May 18. E. c: Finney,
assistant to the Secretary of the Interior,
will report to the investigating commit
tee tomorrow that he- has searched
through all the files in the department
and has found only one letter of the
Ballinger-Perkins personal correspond
ence which has not already been brought
before the committee.
This letter was one written by George
W. Perkins, of J. P. Morgan & Co., reach
ing Ballinger last Summer on the for
mer's return from a trip to Alaska. Per
kins wrote that he had discovered two
new glaciers in Alaska and asked Ballin
ger if they could not be named Princeton
glacier and Tiger's Trail glacier, after
the New Jersey university. Ballinger re
ferred the . question to the Coast and
Geodetic Survey, which replied that the
two glaciers already had been charted
and bore other names.
Finney will report that Balllnger's per
sonal files at the department contain no
and Monday
ifej Dpi
how good. Don't miss our
letter from any of the Guggenheims or
from J. P. Morgan & Co.
The "prosecution" has sought to show
that the Morgan-Guggenheim interests
were the persons controlling or seeking
to control the Alaska situation through
the Interior Department.
Members of the committee are discuss
ing the probability of a report during
the present session of Congress. Sev
eral members expressed the opinion to
day that the hearings could not Be con
cluded and the mass of testimony re
viewed and passed upon before Congress
adjourned. Senator Root will leave at
the end of this week for The Hague and
Democratic members of the committee
have suggested that It would be Improper
for him to cast his vote prior to the
completion of the investigation. The Re
publican regulars still would hold the
control with Senator Root eliminated,
even though Madison, the "insurgent,"
should vote s with the Democrats. The
vote would stand 6 to 5. Chairman Nel-
O IBiricBini
Welcome Words to Women
Women who suffer with disorders peculiar to their
sex should write to Dr. Pierce and receive free the
advice of a physician of over 40 years' experience
a skilled and successful specialist in the diseases
of women. Every letter of this sort has the most
careful consideration and is regarded as saeredly
confidential. Many sensitively modest women write
fully to Dr. Pierce what they would shrink from
telling to their local physician. The local physician
is pretty sure to say that he cannot do anything
without "an examination." Dr. Pierce holds that
these distasteful examinations are generally need
less, and that no woman, except in rare cases, should submit to them.
Dr. Pierce's treatment will cure you right in the privacy of
your own home. His Favorite Prescription" has cured
hundreds of thousands, some
It is the only medicine of its kind that is the product of a regularly graduated
physician. The only one good enough that its makers dare to print its every
ingredient on its outside wrapper. There's no secrecy. It will bear examina
tion. No alcohol and no habit-forming drugs are found in it. Some unscrup
ulous medicine dealers may offer you a substitute. Don't take it. Don't trifle
with your health. Write to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R
V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. Y., take the advice received and be well.
grand opening.
son said today that it was Impossibly
to forecast just when the investigation
would end. , I,
Salem to Spend $270,000 Soon.
SALEM. Or., May 18. (Special.)
Within the next six weeks the City
Council will let contracts for approxl
mately $270,000 worth of new sewers
and sewer extensions. About $150,000
of this amount will be spent on tho
South Salem system, the three-mild
Marion-street extension will cost per
haps $20,000, and the comprehensive
system planned for North Salem will
require an outlay of about $100,000.
Never hesitate about giving Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy to children. I
contains no opium or other narcotics
and can be given with implicit confi
dence. As a quick cure for coughs and
colds to which children are susceptible,
it is unsurpassed. Sold by all deal
ers. of them the worst of