Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 19, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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Pacific States. Horn
Counting-room Main 7070 .A. J09S
City Circulation Main 70T0 A
Man.,mi Editor Main 7070 A 8jJ5
Sunday Editor Main 7070 A. 605
Composing-room Main 7070 A 6093
City Editor Main 7070 A 6095
Supt. Buildings Main 7070 A 6QS8
Washington) National Opera Company in
'Martha." Tonight lat 8:15.
ORPHECM THEATER MorrIon, hetween
Blxth and Seventh) Vaudeville. Thla
afternoon at 8:15. and tonight at 8:10.
BAKER THEATER (Third, between Tamhlll
and Taylor) Baker Stock Company to
"Juat Out of College." Tonight at b:10-
GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington)
Vaudeville. Thle afternoon at 2:16; to
night at 7:30 and 9.
STAR THEATER (Park and Washington)
Motion pictures. Continuous, from 1:80 to
10:80 P. M.
Woodmhn of World to Banquet. The
final initiation of candidates secured
during- the 13th anniversary campaign,
which has extended since January 1. 1910,
was held In Mount Hood Circle, No. 151,
Woodmen of the World on Tuesday eve
ning. On Saturday evening. May 21. 1S10,
a banquet will be served In the East Side
Woodmen of the World Hall, to all initi
ates and the members, covers being pre
pared for 120. Invited guests of honor to
be present on that occasion are: C. C.
Van Orsdal, grand guardian; J. Lw
Wright, grand clerk, and Mary F. Hur
ley, grand banker.
Fob 3al About four acres on Oregon
Electric, near station. 20 minutes ride
from Portland; suitable for dividing into
four home lots; trees on property; fine
neighborhood. Owner, AH 975, Oregonian.
Formal opening of new pipe organ, St.
Paul's Lutheran Church, E. 12th and Clin
ton, Friday, May 20, at 8 P. M. Professor
(Becker, organist. Admission 60 cents.
Gowns. Max, 608 Bekum bldg. M- 4903.
Wooster's variety store. -408 Wash.
Health Officers to Kill Disease
by Arrests.
Work Starts on Sandt Boulevard.
Grading haa been started on the Sandy
boulevard, which Is to be Improved with
hard-surface pavement between East Six
teenth and East Twenty-eighth streets.
The Pacific Bridge Company has the con
tract, and the manager has given as
surances that the work will be crowded
to completion as rapidly as possible.
Sewers and a water main are to be laid.
The Portland Railway, Light & Power
Company 'will put down double tracks on
the street as soon as the grading is fin
ished. It is the Intention of the street
railway company to bring its Rose City
Park carllne to East Burnside by way of
Sandy boulevard and East Tenth street.
While the present improvement only ex
tends to East Twenty-eighth street, the
Intention of the property owners east
ward Is to have the same improvement
made to the city limits some time this
Highland Ajlumni Prospering. After a
ftnmm'hfl.t ainrmv career of three years.
the Alumni Association of the Highland
School has come Into its own and Is
prospering In every way- -At present
there are some 260 members of the or
ganization. Many of these are in the
high and preparatory schools, while a
number are making records for them
selves in the business world. The officers
at the present time are as follows: resi
ripnt. Clarence Sorague: vice-preeldents,
Vern Clawson, Edward McAfee and Cora
Sloat; corresponding secretary, rTamc
Shaw; secretary, Elsie Simmons; treas
urer, Dudley Werschkull.
G. A. R. Committees Report. At the
mMttlner of the East Side G. A. R. com
anlttees. making preparations for Mem
orial day exercises in Lone Fir Ceme
terv. yesterday afternoon, reports were
received showing progress. The Penin
sula Band has been engaged to give a
concert in Lone Fir Cemetery Memorial
dav between 10 and 12 o'clock In the
forenoon, while the graves are being
decorated. Several more persons were
added to the committee on decoration.
Another meeting will be held Saturday
night in Sumner Post hall. Grand avenue
and East Pine street.
Pioneer Resident Buried. The fu
neral of B. Boeschen, an ,old resident of
Portland, who died at1 Ocean Park,
Wash.. May 14, was held yesterday after
noon from Flnley's chapel. Mr. Boeschen
was 78 years of age. For a number of
years he had made his home at Ocean
Park. He came to Portland 43 years ago
and lived on the East Side. He was
charter member of Centenary Methodist
Church and was known to all the old
residents. He is survived by a brother,
William Boeschen, of Salem. Mrs. Wil
liam Schmeer, of Portland, Is his step
Vancouver to Have Tao Day. Van
couver, Wash., will have its first '"tag
day" May 28. It will be conducted by
city, supported by a small army of girls.
The proceeds of the sale of tags are to
go to the hospital fund of the Sisters of
Charity, now engaged in the construc
tion of a hospital there to cost $150,000. It
is to be known as St. Joseph's Hospital.
The following committee is in charge:
Mrs. J. H. Jaggy, chairman; Mrs. W. W.
McCredle, wife of the Congressman; Mrs.
J. P. Stapleton and Mrs. F. Hodgkin.
More Room Needed. The City Hall
committee of the City Executive Board
and the parks and public property com
mittee of the Council held a joint meet
lag yesterday, at which the members rec
ommended that the Oregon Historical So
ciety be asked to vacate five of the
rooms now occupied in the hall building
by it. These are now required for other
purposes. The building inspector, the
City Engineer's chemist and sealer of
weights and measures must have addi
tional quarters.
Woman's Room Robbed. Miss Maude
Ray, who lives at 207 Market street, re
ported to the police yesterday that lier
room had been entered by burglars dur
ing her absence and valuables to the
amount of over $100 -taken. She lost a
pair of diamond ear rings valued at $100
and two $10 bills. She reported that three
men, bearing the appearance of saloon
"bums," had been hanging around the
house on the previous day. Detectives
Day and Hyde are working on the case.
Meier & Frank Realty and Rental.
Ikformation Bureau. Strangers intend
ing to locate in Portland are invited to
make use of our realty and rental infor
mation bureau, situated on the sixth floor,
where the combined lists of all the real
estate agents are kept constantly on file.
Our services are absolutely free of charge.
Meier & Frank Company,
Morrison. Fifth, Alder. Sixth Street.
Mayor 'Watching Madison Bridge.
Mayor Simon and the members of the
bridge committee of the City Executive
. Board will make their weekly trip of in
spection to the Madison-street bridge this
morning at 10 o'clock. They have de
termined to keep close watch on the
- progress of the span and will inspect it
every week until it is completed. .
An interesting collection of original
pen. pencil and color pictures by George
E. Bingham are being shown at the Rose
City Art Store, 462 Washington et. Mr.
Bingham is Just forming Summer classes
for out-of-door work. .
Swedish Epwoeth League to Meet.
The Epworth League of the Swedish
Methodist Episcopal Church will hold a
social and literary meeting in the church,
Borthwick and Beech streets, tomorrow
night at 8 o'clock.
The walnut, peach, apple and pear
groves owned by Thomas Wlthycombe,
near Portland, are superb, and certainly
will be great producers. See him at 421
Hamilton bldg., Portland, Or.
Rats War. Steamer Klamath sails
direct Saturday morning for San Fran
cisco; cabin $10, steerage $5, berth and
meals included. Frand Bollam, agent, 128
Third street.
For Sale.
125-volt, 1S0-K. W. General Electric Gen
erator, belt type; complete, with panel
and rail base. Address room 201 Orego
nian bldg.
Thb Portland: Wire & Iron Works is
now located at Second and. Columbia
streets. In the most modern and com
plots plant on the Coast.
Bargains in Men's Suits. High-grade
samples regular $35 to $40 values at $18.75.
Jimmie Dunn. 31o Oregonian bldg.
Mrs. Kenton has removed her millinery
"parlors from 414 Stearns building to 361
Alder et.. Hotel Cornelius.
Swiss watch repairing. C. Christens en.
second floor Corbett bldg., take elevator.
real Bargains in monumental work.
Otto Schumann. Third and East Pine.
"Bread and Salads" Is the subject of
Miss Tracy s lesson this afternoon.
See offer of Tillamook Beach lots In
Sunday's Oregonian. Don't miss It.
Rhododendron Tavern, on Mount Hood
road is now open for season 1910.
Electric Cleaners rented. Main 1233.
Bunu'B Norway creamery butter. 5c
Fire Also Badly Injures Two Men
at Hood River.
HOOD RIVER, Or., May 18. (Spe
cial.) Hood River experienced the
most destructive fire in Its history to
day, when half a block of buildings
was destroyed and a young machinist
named Ray Utter was burned to death.
His companion. Ernest Boggess, wno
attempted to rescue Utter, was so bad
ly burned that it was at first feared he
would die, but it is stated tonight by
the hospital authorities that he will
probably recover. Paul Hubbard, who
had an automobile in the garage, one
of the buildings that was burned, was
severely burned about the hands in
rescuing: his machine.
In addition to the garage, wnicn naa
just been completed, a blacksmith and
machine ship, in which was located
$18,000 worth of new machinery, was
burned to the ground. A nearby dwell
ing belonerlner to D. A. Turner was
totallv destroyed and the homes of J.
B. Hunt, C. H. Vaughan and W. F.
Laraway were on fire and kept from
being burned with great difficulty on
account of the high wind. The loss is
estimated at over $25,000, with $4000
Utter, who was but 18 years old, lost
his life through the explosion of a
machine for vulcanizing tires and
which caused the gasoline tank in con
nection with it to be set on fire. Be
fore it could be rescued. Utter"s body
was almost entirely consumed.
Man in Rags Carries $1800
in His Pockets.
Dime Banded Rim by Woman Is
Hurled to Middle of Street.
O not arrest the poor old man,
said a kind-hearted woman last
night to Sergeant Patten and Patrolman
Croxford as they were about to take Into
custody a ragged, old man who was Bit
ting at the roadside at Union avenue
and Going street. Giving the aged man a
dime, the kind-hearted woman passed
on down the street, thinking perhaps she
had performed a charitable deed.
"Thinks I am a bum, does she," mut
tered the old man as he eased after her
retreating figure.
Rising to his feet, he hurled the dime
into the middle of the street and in the
presence of the two offlcrs reached into
a pocket and produced a roll of .green
backs amounting to $800. "I need a dime
do I?" he continued, as he dove into an
other pocket and produced a second roll
of $1000.
On being questioned the man said he
had walked from Canada to Portland and
carried bis blankets on his back. "It
is too expensive to pay railroad fare,"
he said, "and by walking and sleeping
. .' i j ::
" 4". . : :
l i! - !
L V f i- I ;;
Miss Nellie Daly, Who Appears as
Students of St. Francis' Academy
will present at the Bungalow theater
tonight "The Promise," a drama
characterized by moral tone,
dramatic power and comedy. Ef
fective features . are the gypsy
scene and the tambourine dance. -
The principals will include Miss B.
Marsh as Lady Melrose, Miss E.
Craib as the daughter. Miss M.
Mock as the governess. Miss Nellie
DaJy as Zola, Ml&s I. Studley as the
sister of Lady Melrose, . Miss C.
Delaney as tbe gypsy queen. Miss E.
Dugan as Granny Gllllgan, and Miss
M. Alnsworth as the French waiting
There is a large cast, besides, of
gypsies, court ladies, angels and
school-children. .
hall of the schoolhouse. The graduat
ing address will be delivered by Dr.
Fletcher Homan, president of the Wil
lamette University, of Salem.
The graduates will be Mary Hanson,
Mary Harvey, Stella Roper, Alma Daily,
Bessie Osburn. Charles McColl and Dan
Lynch. Baccalaureate services .-will be
held in the Methodist Church next
Sunday. ,
Many Offenses Against Quarantine
Reported and Violators Will Be
Fined or Imprisoned Situa
tion Beaches Climax.
Health officers have grown tired ot
nerannR hrpnlcini? nuarantine and it was
decided yesterday to get out warrants 'of
arrest for offenders who refuse to ooey
the law or listen to reason. It was neces
sary for Dr. F. H. Dammasch, Deputy
Health Officer, to take an officer to juast
Portland yesterday to enforce quarantine
"There is no use trifling over this mat
ter any longer," said Dr. Dammasch.
People are not obeying the law. it is
impossible to keep them in unless we
place a policeman at their door. We do
not like to work a hardship on anyone.
No more favors or courtesies will be
extended to anyone and arrests will
follow violations of the law. We have
exhausted all peaceable means, and now.
no matter whom it hits or how hard,
quarantine regulations are going to be
Penalty Is Severe.
"The ordinance Is very clear on the
matter and the oenaltv is a fine of $200.
or 6 to 30 days in prison, or both. I
shall urge a maximum penalty for the
first arrest. We are compelled to take
this drastic measure by the people them
selves. Although It is distasteful, we
must do something to compel people to
keep in quarantine, and warrants of ar
rest is all that is left for us.
"The present condition illustrates tbe
need of a municipal hospital for the care
of contagious diseases. Had we such an
institution every case could be taken im
mediately to the hospital and that would
do away with all breaking of quarantine.
In Philadelphia, persons are given the
choice of going to the quarantine hos
pital or having policemen stationed at
their front and rear doors every minute
in the day and night to see that they
do not get out. The latter system means
detention of the entire family, even the
dog. If funds were available most any
vacant building, or one of the old fair
ground buildings could easily be con
verted Into a hospital.
T have Just been called to attend a
case of erysipelas at 227 Whittaker street,
The woman is destitute. The county
cannot take her, we have no place to put
her. and I do not know what will be
come of her. If we had a municipal hos
pital elie could be cared for properly.
Portland Academy Closes.
Woodmen of World Elect Delegates
to Portland Convention.
BAKER CITT, Or., May 18. (Special.)
Prlneville was selected as the next
meeting place of the fifth district con
vention of Woodmen of the World at the
session which closed here tonight.
George Carmlchael. of Pendleton; W. J.
Wright, of Union, and George F. Smith.
of Elgin, were chosen delegates to the
state encampment at Portland July 25.
Resolutions were adopted Indorsing the
administration of the head camp. A big
banquet was tendered the visitors this
afternoon by the local camp.
Thirty-six to Box Is' Average In
White Salmon Patch. .
WHITE - SALMON, Wash., May 18.
(Special.) E. M. Peck is picking several
acres of berries that are packing four
one way and three the other In the box.
This is 36 berries to the box.
The average size of berries in this dis
trict is the largest in several years. There
Is a great demand for pickers and packers.
The Largest Collection of Oriental
Rugs to Be Sold Today.
This afternoon at 2 p. m. and this even
ing at T:30 p. m. our store will be
crowded with art patrons, who will no
doubt admire our rugs and our prices so
much that" they will invest in buying
many of them. Be one of these crowds
and take advantage of this great auction
that will enable you; to pay the least for
the best.
147 eixth St., bet. Alder and Morrison.
We, the undersigned, herewith ex
press our heartfelt thanks for the many
favors shown us during our late be
reavement. -
Plant SIbson's Roses. Phone Sellwood 930.
The Portland Academy was again
closed yesterday after being opened one
day. School inspectors found nine cases
of scarlet fever among the pupils and it
was decided to close the school for ten
days, or until the disease la stamped out.
So far this month there have been 77
cases of scarlet fever as against 141
during May, 1909. This year, however, the
disease reached a malignant stage, while
last year it was bo light that many had
it without scarcely knowing it.
Twenty-three cases of diphtheria have
been reported so far this month as
against 22 during the month of May last
year. No more deaths other than the
two out of three cases at the Mount
Tabor school, have occurred. The school
has been fumigated and no new cases
have developed.
Oregon City Takes Precautions.
OREGON CITY, May 18. (Special.)
City Health Officer Norris has been au
thorized by the City Council to enter
any house in Oregon City for .fumigating,
as a result ox the epidemic of scarlet
fever and kindred diseases that Is prev
alent in Portland and Willamette Valley
points. There Is but one case of scarlet
fever in Oregon City, which is very mild.
F. W. Baltes
and Company
invite your
inquiries for
vf.nnAa Main 165
Phones Home A1
First and Oak
riTW- WsBaanssHsBsBBBaM
in my own blankets I save a lot of
After warning him tc look out for rob
bers, the officers allowed him to go.
Vancouver Fire Department Chief.
Orders Shaves for Buildings.
VANCOUVER. Wash., May 18. (Spe
ciaL) Moss growing on the roofs of
all buildings in the city will be re
moved at once or the Are department
will do the work and assess the prop
erty owners.
There is an ordinance against per
mitting moss to grow on the roofs of
buildings, and It will now be inforced.
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland restaurant. Fine private apart
ments for ladies. 305 Wash., near 5th st
Frank Simpson Is Convicted and
Companions Will Be Tried for
Vagrancy Today.
Three hundred and sixty days in the
County Jail was the sentence meted out
to Frank Simpson, alleged bunco and
"stick-up" man, by Judge Bennett in the
Simpson was accused of the theft of J20
from Q. Verhaegen In the Princess Hotel
last Monday night.
Charges of larceny against Fred Jones,
James Johnson and C. W. Harris, were
dismissed on motion of Assistant Enstrict
Attorney Hennessy on account of lack
of sufficient evidence. A charge of va
grancy was filed against them, and their
cases were continued until this morning
for trial. .
A vigorous attempt was made yester
day morning to have all the cases thrown
out of court on account of the state
ments made 'by the defendants to the
effect that Verhaegen, the complaining
witness, was drunk on the night in ques
tion. Jones, who said he was a hasher.
testified that he met Verhaegen Monday
evening in front of the Princess Hotel
and the latter asked him to have a drink.
He said he had never seen Verhaegen
before, and It was only after consider
able persuasion that he complied with
the request.
Patrolman Hennessy told of seeing
tSree of the defendants jostling Verhae
gen in the saloon, but thought a't that
time they were merely playing in a half
drunken manner, and so he did not Inter
fere. Verhaegen positively identified
Simpson as the one who had reached in
hi pocket and taken the $20 gold piece
therefrom. He also ldentined Harris and
Jones as the men who tried to Induce
him to play cards for money.
In passing sentence. Judge Bennett said
there was no doubt that the defendants
were professional bunco men, waiting in
the Princess Hotel bar for an oppor
tunity to "trim" some one. Verhaegen
happened to be the first victim, but he
had the good sense to call an officer
immediately after he had been "touched."
An appeal was noted, and Judge Ben
nett fixed Simpson s bond at lo00, or
J1000 cash ball. Bail for the other mem
bers of the gand was fixed at $250 each.
Interesting testimony on the manner In
which bunco-men attempt to secure money
from their victims is expectfd this morn
ing when Harris, Jones and Johnson get
their trial.
a Postal
And yon may try this
remarkable electric
cleaner for seven
days without one
penny of expense.
In this -way you can
prove to your own
satisfaction whether
it is the cleaner that
you want. You will
find it lighter than
any otner
it weighs t;ut
10 pounds,
where others
weigh from 40
to 60 pounds.
Don't forget the free cooking lesson to
day by Miss Tracy. Subject, "Bread and
Salads."- ,
Gresham High Graduation Soon.
GRBSHAM. Or., May 18 (Special.)
Graduating exercises of the Greshan
High School will take place on Thurs
lay evening, uajr 26, in tae assembly
This electric Suction Cleaner is supplied
complete with seven special cleaniDg tools
at no extra cost. It is compact, light a
child can carry it with ease up and down
stairs, from room to room anywhere.
Suction Cleaner
) Acres d
K There have been many fine S
i) acreage tracts placed upon the III
7 Portland market, and many
i purchasers have received good S
5 value for their money and n
El have made good profits; others I
7 could if they wished to sell.
5, Tracts adjacent to Portland
f are purchased as a rule for 3
El one of three reasons: First, 11
? that they may be utilized as
5. building sites; second, to be
3 used as garden, fruit or or- fS
El chart tracts, and third, for In- Igl
y vestment. If you will look
5. over the nearby acreage sub-
g divisions now advertised, you 5
51 will find that but few of them Igl
y answer all of these require
5. ments. They are either too
3 far out, the roads reaching fS
SI them are bad the soil is not 11
adapted for the purposes, the '
5. water is bad, or the location Is 75.
p not sightly or perhaps the 3
sl price is out of reason. In our
Sir Banner Acre Tracts you will
Sy find it reached by the best J
roads in Oregon. It Is easy of 3
ij ccess, the soil is of the very IS1
Sr best, the water as pure as can Y
S be had, and the location is A.
sightly as beautiful as any 3.1
gj In the West and the price! ISJ
V We are now selling subdivi
S. sions of from three to ten or
H more acres at from $100 to f.)
gj $150 per acre. It is therefore ISJ
y the lowest in price of all ad- '
& iacent acreage, as it certalnlv j
is the best. F. B. Holbrook
il Co., room 1. Worcester Bldg., l?J
V ground floor. Phones, Main
6396, A 7507.
Division Sales Manager, E.
B. Weller, 61 Sixth St.,
Portland, Oregon.
Sl Mim.,HJ'l in mi L"M!J.... .HUV'MS,
ji.MSii Tuimir-" --r nil, ,M .
Mintiwiii.iisiii -'A iirO VwiLii PaslwssA
wtta AntnUotca with Bnttonbol
FOR SUMMER. High enough for
looks low enough for comfort andt
plenty ot room for the tie to slide in.
Uc 1 11 L s tor So.
Ctnett. TraboAr Co. Arrow Coaa,a.
afnless Dentistry
4w lOotpf town raopla
Ot. W. . WHS. ttmua s Muios
wwkiv w .hr, flutes or bridge w
Sv"" "own ptopg
I If neoessar.
1 22k told Of Dorulais
iorown!or 43.50
?. Mo!ir Crown 5.00
Gold Filling ICO
Eoansl Filling 1.0 CB
ihmr Filling .50
Inlay Filling 2.50
Plats a.uu
Beat Red Hub -n
bar fiats I.9U
Palnlasc ExtrfIon .50
"Land of Opportunity"
?ddOoiStUon Free. Ton cannot pet batta
?IiririfrfinywherBT All work fully zyixr
" . i ...tnnuiitlnmnat. M
Weed. Modem olectnoog.iupmow
Wise JDental
mios age - -
Vim laj'ii'Tiiiii ririVin 'V-iiii'"--."-Jr
The Jacobs -S tine Co.
Largest Realty Operator
on the Pacific Coast
Fred Prehn. DJD.S.
Removed to
40T Gerllnger Bldg,
ia and Aider ats.
Pboner. Main 2 20 a.
A 2202.
Residence Phone.
Main 4237.
B g
The Only Opticians in Oregon Manufacturing
in Its Entirety the Genuine Kryptok Lens
Look Out for Imitation Kryptoks!
A gentleman called at our store
yesterday and asked us how he
could tell grenuine Kryptoks from
imitation Kryptoks.
There is no line or break on
the lens.
' ' Yes, but suppose I get an imi
tation -and they' ruin my eyes,"
you say.
That is the risk everybody has
to run who insists upon getting
Kryptoks of opticians who do not
manufacture them from start to
There will be an effort made
to stop the manufacture of imi
tation Kryptoks, but the process
of law is 6low.
In the meantime be safe and
get them at some one of our
Your eyesight is entirely too
precious to take unnecessary
Beware of Substitutes and Imitation Kryptoks. It Is
Safer to Come Direct to Headquarters.
Columbian Optical Company
133 Sixth Street
This ig tfie accepted slogan for Oregon, and
according to records of sales of farm lands made
in the last few years, investors and home
seekers show their faith in the prediction.
:A tract of 2000 acres, located most favorably
in the line of rapid development in the Willam
ette Valley, 30 miles east of Portland, 15 miles
from Gresham, is offered for sale by the Port
land Railway, Light & Power Company at a lowj
price per acre on favorable terms. 4
'A. projected railroad line is to pass through1
or near this tract, a county road already furnish
ing means of entry and exit for vehicles, includ
ing automobiles.
In the wooded portion 22,000,000 feet of good
saw timber stand ready for the woodsman's ax,
and the timber at present prices would go far
toward paying for the entire tract. There is a
lumber mill within three miles in operation.
There are fully 900 acres of level or gently,
sloping farming land, available when cleared,
and-from 700 to 800 acres of fine grazing land
now waiting the farmer or dairyman.
Two good-sized creeks, with numerous tribu
taries, furnish an abundance of water. -i
The tract will be disposed of as a whole,
though a new owner could subdivide to great
For terms and full particulars call on or ad
dress Land Department, Room 623, Electria
Building, Portland. :
Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.
Finest Hotel on Great Lakes
combines the restful quiet of the country and seashore
with the gaieties of a great summer resort city. Only ten
minutes' ride by express trains separates the theatre and
shopping: district from this delightful spot. Here, sur
rounded by beautiful lawns, flower-beds, tennis courts,
etc. you can eniov the cool, refreshing breezes of Lake
Michigan. For the bathers the smooth, sandy beach is near
by. Orchestra every evening adds to the delight of prome
nades on nearly 1,000 teet ot Droaa veranaa. su targe, airy
outside rooms 250 private batns. laoieunexceueo.
Grounds of hotel adjoin the great South Park System, famous
for its colt links, lagoons, lanes, oouievaras. ana ranojr
Horticultural attractions, i ne tourist, transient or
mer Kuest is welcomed wltn true aoutnern nospiiauiy.
Illustrated booklet on rsqustt to minsssr,
Slat Blvd. and Laka Shore, x ' i ,
' v.:A. n i.'glV? yjawl .r-ws,,w,,.JLj
The strictest attention to each individual account Is
the principle governing the management of this bank
in respect to the service which it renders for its patrons.
Our complete equipment, moreover, affords every con
venience for the prompt and accurate transaction of
any financial business.
If b tbe most artistic selection -of
If your dealer can't show it, call
128 First Street
for shoe satisfaction follow the
well-beaten trail to our door