Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 16, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Prominent Senators of Coun
try Agree to Stand Pat to
Block Filibusters.
Amendments to Railroad Bill Meet
With Favor and Party Clashes
Will Be Avoided Time-Killing
Is Condemned:
WASHINGTON', May 15. Western Sen
ators last night lined up with President
Taft and a decided etep In the direction
of assuring the adoption by Congress of
practically all of the Administration leg
islative programme was taken at the
White House.
From 10:30 o'clock until long after 1
o'clock President Taft discussed the situa
tion with a large majority of the Western
Republican Senators and five of the party
leaders from Eastern states. There were
Prominent Men at Conference.
Messrs. Flint, of California; Guggen
heim of Colorado, Heyburn and Borah of
Idaho. Curtis-s of Kansas, Nelson of Min
nesota, carter and Dixon of Montana,
Burkett and Brown of Nebraska, Nixon
of Nevada, Gamble and Crawford of
South Dakota, Smoot and Sutherland of
Utah and Piles and Jones of 'Washington,
representing states west of the Missis
sippi River, and Messrs. Aldrich of Rhode
Island, Elkins of West Virginia, Crane of
Massachusetts, Root of New York and
Brandege of Connecticut representing the
President Taft talked with great
freedom about the situation. He said
he did not care about criticisms of
himself, but he believed everything pos
sible should be done to prevent at
tacks upon the parry.
In that connection, he referred inci
dentally to the statement of Fred
erick M. Kerby, the Interior Depart
ment stenographer, who put out a
story against officials in connection
with the preparation of the Taft let
ter dismissing: Glavis from the Gov
ernment service.
Attack Is Cited.
The President simply cited this in
stance to show the sort of attacks
being made against the Administration.
He thought that the Administration
Senators should help out in dissipat
ing the effect of such attacks.
Every man present agreed to stand
by the President.
Certain amendments to the railroad
bill were agreed upon and through
these It is planned to get the support
of some of the insurgent Republicans.
This statement is regarded as very
significant and looks to the avoidance
of clashes between .party factions
wherever they can be avoided.
Slate to Be Pushed.
The railroad bill, the anti-injunction
measure, the statehood bill. If possible,
and the public land withdrawal meas
ure were agreed upon as a revised
legislative slate and all of the Sen
ators present pledged themselves to
vote for those measures.
It Is not believed, however, that the
statehood bill will get through.
It was agreed that If filibustering
methods were used against this pro
gramme those present tonight and the
regulars represented by them would
stand together and vote to lay time
killing amendments on the tabje.
lep Fugitive Drops Over Precipice
and Evades Firing Posse.
LYONS. Colo., May 15. Braving a hail
Dt bullets 'and daring almost certain
death by descent of a precipitous cliff,
Genkeyo Mitsunaga. the Japanese sus
pected of the murder of Mrs. Catherine
Wilson, in Denver last Saturday, late
this afternoon made a spectacular escape
from a Sheriff's posse in the mountains
west of here.
With the posse hard on his heels, and
firing as they ran, the Japanese disap
peared over a mountain ridge and swung
himself from ledge to ledge of the preci
pice, reaching the bottom in safety.
Before the posse could reach the valley
by a roundabout trail, Mitsunaga had
atolen a horse from a neighboring ranch
snd found a fresh hiding place.
Baker City Enjoined From Obstruct
ing Irrigation Ditches.
BAKER CITY. Or., May 15. (Special.)
Judge Smith this afternoon handed
flown a decision in the case of the Baker
Mutual Irrigation Company against
Baker City, making perpetual the injunc
tion restraining tne city from interfer
ing In any way with the ditches of the
company, ordering the city to remove
the obetructlos which have been placed
on First street by the construction of
i storm sewer, and giving the ditch
company a vested property right.
This means that the city cannot pave
First and Center streets without piping
the water, which would be at great 'ex
pense. It Is probable that the city will
ippeal to the Supreme Court.
VV. H. Drost, of Hlllsboro, Kobbed
by Alleged Professionals. !
Two men without masks, who appeared
to be professionals, held up and robbed
W. H. Drost, head engineer of the Hills-
boro Condensing Company, at 10:30 o'clock
last night, at the corner of East Second
and East Main streets, taking $50. ,
Drost formerly lived at 403 East Sixth
street and was on his way to this place
to cvack up his effects preparatory to
moving to Hlllsboro. Each man had a
gun, and Drost got a good look at them.
One was about 5 feet 11 Inches in height
wore slouchy clothes, was smooth shaven
and weighed about ISO pounds. The
other wore a dark shirt, and blue tie, was
about five feet eight inches tall' and
weighed about 140 pounds. "
Representative Humphrey, of Wash-
Ington, Introduces Bill.
ington. May - 15. The House committee
on library has favorably reported the
IHumphsey bill authorizing the marking
of the old Oregon trail, and authorizes an
appropriation of J25.000 as the Govern
ment's contribution toward the cost of
the undertaking. The bill is amended to
permit the Secretary of War to receive
contributions from any source to' a fund
to be known as the Oregon trail fund,
which money shall be used, in connection
with that appropriated by Congress, in
the erection of suitable monuments along
the Oregon trail. In reporting the bill
the committee says:
"The Oregon trail was one of the 'great
battlefields' of the country. The com
mittee quotes the following dramatic de
scription, written by Hon. Ezra Meeker,
of Puyallup, Wash., who was one of those
who went over the trail more than a
half century ago and who speaks from
personal experience. He has by his own
efforts, and largely at his own expense,
marked the trail, and to him more per
haps than to any other individual Is due
the interest m the subject that has led
to its consideration by Congress:"
Made possible by the discovery in 1824
of that wonderful rap in the Rocky Moun
tains known as the South Pass, the Ore
gon trail did not become a national highway
until Bonneyville and Wyeth in 183:: and
1S33 traversed the whole length, from the
Missouri River to the tide waters of the
.Pacrnc. The missionaries, trappers and
traders soon wore a visible wagon track to
the traders' rendezvous on the Green River
and beyond to Fort Hall on the upper
reaches of Snake River, but not until the
greater Immigration of the Oregon home
seekers, a thousand strong, with their wag
on train In 1S43 passed over to the Paclnc.
did the Oregon trail become In fact a gneat
national highway. .Each year thereafter
wagon trains passed over the whole route
to the Oregon country In varying numbers,
wearing tho track deeper and deeper until
finally the greater exodus of 1852, when a
column 60,000 strong moved out from the
Missouri River and lined the trail with the
dead, 5000 or more in number for that
one year alon. Meanwhile the Mormon mi
gration had followed in the track of the .
Oregon pioneers for fully 1000 miles to th"
great bend of Bear River. The California
movement of 1819 and later also followed In
the aame track to Bear River or to Fort
Hall, where the California trail diverged,
as did the Mormon track also, and bore on
to the southwest, while the Oregon trail
kept steadily on to the northwest.
The - trail had Indeed become a gneat
national highway 2000 miles long. Fully
300.000 people crossed over what might be
termed the "eastern section" before the ad
vent of the Paclnc Railroad, which divert
ed the later traffic, and th trail again be
came a solitude, but not until fully 5,000.000
head of stock passed over, either east or
west, and had worn the trail so deep that
the track in places might readily be mis
taken for great railroad cuts.
"The object of marking this historic trail
is the -.same as the marking of any other
great battlefield of history. The winners
of the farther West that passed over this
trail fought a strenuous battle, and the trail
becamo a battlefield from ot end tp the
other. Six dead to the mile upon a srretch
of 400 miles up the Platte tells the ghastly
story. Nor was this all. The fallen could
be counted In groups of 50s and 70s be
yond whena this count was made. History
does not record the battlefield of greater
carnage than that of the Oregon trail;
neither is there any record of so long a
trail or of one that wrought such historic
changes. The Joint-occupancy treaties with
Great Britain left the settlement of the
Oregon boundary virtually to be determined
by a race as to whom should, as home
builders, occupy the country first. The
Hudson Bay Company began bringing in
settlers from the Red River of the North,
and not until the opening of the Oregon
trail for wagons to the Oregon country,
with their precious freight of home-bulMers,
was tlio question settled as to the prepon
derance of Hhe American settlement over
that fostered by the Hudson Bay Company.
Immediately this was accomplished, an
American provisional government was
form-ad and the British rule ended.
No more heroic act is recorded In his
tory than this of the Oregon pioneers hold
ing firmly the disputed territory while many
of our statesmen were decrying tho Oregon
cotmtry and preparing the way for a shame
ful surrender. The American people owe
a deep debt of gratitude to those intrepid
pioneers, and their trail should be marked
and the memory of It preserved religiously
as a great landmark in the history of the
Nation, not only that future g-enerations
may know that the great struggle to ad
vance our national boundary to the Pacific,
but likewise to keep alive that patriotic zeal
so helpful in the perpetuation of our Gov
ern rmnt.
In the measure we keep the memories
of the heroic past fresh in the minds of our
people, patriotic fervor Is fanned, the flag
more revered, and our national stability
better assured.
play for alma d. katz ten
F. S. Tooker, New Man, Proves Sur
prise to Handicappers A. D.
Wakeman in Form.
Seven matches were decided in the an
nual Multnomah Club handicap tennis
tournament for the Alma D. Katz trophy,,
wjiich began Saturday afternoon on the
club courts.
The best match "played yesterday was
that between Gorrill and Jack Latour
ette. Latourette won the first set, but
after hard playing on the part of Gorrill
the latter won the two final sets and the
match. , Gorrill, despite the heavy handi
cap he Is carrying, is expected to be in
the finals. His handicap Is owe 30. "
F. S. Tooker, a new man in club ten
nis circles, defeated A. B. McAlptn in
straight sets. The handicapping com
mittee apparently gave Mr. Tooker
too much handicap. He received 2-6.
The match between A. D. Wakeman
and Irving Webster was well pfayed.
Wakeman won in straight sets and
showed much tennis ability. F. H. V.
Andrews, after beating Harry Corbett
in the first set of their match, was
forced to default the game. The handi
capping committee has announced the
following handicaps for the men's
doubles: 1
Tooker and Lutz, receive 15; Ladd
and Chenery, receive 15; Corbett and
Katz, receive 15; Wlckersham and Gor
rill, owe 40; Starr and Starr, receive
2-6; McAlpin and Ewlng, owe 15; Froh
man and Jones, receive 2-6; Andrews
and Wakeman, owe 15-4; Black and
McConnell, scratch; Dunne and War
riner, scratch; Rohr and Longhman,
owe 2-6; Frohman and Humphrey,
The results of yesterday's play fol
low: Gorrill, owe 40, beat Jack Latour
ette, 3-6, 6-2, 6-0; A. D. Wakeman beat
Irving Webster, 6-2, 6-4; R. Jones beat
C. H. Longhman, 6-2, 6-1: E. Ames
beat F. G. Kiehle, 6-4, 6-3; L. Starr
beat R. R. Warrner, 6-4, 7-5'; If. R.
Corbett beat F. H. V. Andrews by de
fault: F. S. Tooker beat A. B. McAlpin,
6-2, 6-4.
Ciazed by Drink Animal Steals Five
Gallons of Ice Cream.
WINSTED, Conn., -May 15. Bessie, a
horse owned by Franz Bros., candy
manufacturers, has eaten confectionery
and other sweets since she was a colt.
She has liked whisky since the Winter
before last, when after being rescued
from Hhigland Lake she was given two
quarts of barleycorn to ward off a pos
sible attack of pneumonia.
A lrge five-gallon can of ice cream
had been left standing outside the store,
when Bessie, dragging the heavy deliv
ery wagon across the curb, removed the
cover of the can with her teeth and
proceeded to eat the cream.
' Lamp Sets Fire to House.
The residence of Mrs. T. E. Clark, 694
Everett street, suffered $1500 damage by
fire last night. The blaze originated in
the dining-room from a kerosene lamp.
Mrs. . Clark was not aware of the blaze
until a neighbor , rushed in and gave the
alarm. The fire department was on the
scene In a few minutes, but did not get
the blaze under control until the resi
dence was almost destroyed. The house
was insured for $2000
Town Abounding in Apples and
Strawberries Receives
Portland Guests.
The Dalles Delegation Marches to
Town and Banquet Hall 'Is Made
to Resound With Praises of
Mosier's Luscious Fruit.
MOSIER, Or., May 15. (Special.) Mo
sier had the latchstring of her welcome
out last night, when nearly 400 guests
were entertained by the Commercial Club
and the residents of the Mosler hills.
Two cars of Portland business men, a
delegation from Hood River and a spe
cial train from The Dalles responded to
the invitations scattered broadcast to
partake of Mosier hospitality tonight.
With Mosier looking its fairest, the ap
ple trees showing prospects of the great
est crop the country has ever known and
the strawberry vines loaded down with
the luscious fruit, Mosier was a sight the
visitors will long remember.
After the banquet extended to the
guests a public meeting was held, at
which a number of addresses were made
by the visitors, who one and all, ex
pressed their unbounded enthusiasm at
the sight of the Mosier country.
Apples Tempt McMurray.
William JfcMurray, general passenger
agent of the Harrlman lines in Oregon,
was applauded for the declaration that
fame had come unsought but not un.
earned to the people of the Mosier hills.
He spoke of the favorable prices Mosier
fruit was commanding in the markets of
the world and said that after partaking
of a Mosier apple he believed In the Bib
lical story of the temptation.
Mr. McMurray asserted he was in an
embarrassing position by reason of the
number of people present from both The
Dalles and Hood Rrver, as, like Mark
Twain, he had friends in both places. He
therefore Included them with Mosier in
the laudatory remarks he made on the
Mosier fruit during the course of his ad
dress on "The Lowly Apple."
District Attorney Fred .Wilson, of The
Dalles, welcomed the business men to
Mosier. He said he trusted the' friendly
relations that now existed between the
neighboring communities would last for
ever, for the advancement of one meant
the advancement of all.
W. B. Wells of the publicity depart
ment of the O. R. & N. replied, thank
ins Mosier for its splendid hospitality.
Word Said for Good Roads.
Judge Lionel R. Webster gave an ad
dress . "Good Roads," in which he
pointed out the permanent nature of an
investment. In good roads. Although at
the outset he alluded to the Mosier
peaches and was promptly corrected by .a.
cry of "apples," his remarks on the
freight charges of the farmer beginning
at his gate and not at the railroad de
pot were listened to with interest.
Publicity Manager Tom Richardson, of
the Portland Commercial Club, who ar
rived from Eastern Oregon, said that all
Mosier wanted was a hotel. He felicitated
the residents and fruitgrowers on the ap
pearance of the town.
President McCarger, of the-Commercial
Club, happily Introduced the various
speakers, and the meeting, which was
interspersed with selections by The Dalles
Band and the recently organized Mosier
Brass Band, ended with three cheers and
a tiger for Mosier.
As a result of the meeting it is declared
a better feeling will result between
Mosier and and its great market, Port
land. Great Need Is Settlers.
Mosier people emphasized that their
great want was settlers, who would
force the large holdings to be cut up.
They declare that no apple can show
the color and flavor possessed by the
apple grown on the Hosier hills and
that, once Introduced, it would speak
for itself. If it is anything like the
strawberries so freely donated tonight,
those entertained declare It certainly
,i The arrival ofthe Portland party was
the occasion of a demonstration. Es
corted to the hall by the local brass
band, where the banquet was served by
the ladles of the town, the visitors were
introduced and their interest excited
by the serving of enormous strawber
ries grown by A. P. Bateham, of Mosier.
The Dalles Arrives in Force.
At 8:30 a'jtpecial train arrived from
The Dalles with The Dalles band, be
hind which The Dalles people marched
to the hall. Nearly 200 people came
from up the river. The Dalles people
were also dined at Mosier.
Assistant General Freight Agent
Robinson had induced a number of
Portland railroad officials to accom
pany the party in General Manager
O'Brien's private car, on the plea that
he wanted to discuss the question of
rates to the Inland Empire from Mosier.
The plans for tomorrow include a
drive through the Mosier orchards, and
the Portland and Hood River delega
tions will leave tomorrow afternoon.
The Dalles contingent departed 6n Its
special after midnight.
Kansas Passenger Train Jumps
Tracks AVhen Rails Spread.
WICHITA, Kan., May 15. Nine per
sons were injured when Kansas City,
Mexico & Orient passenger train No. 3
was wrecked last night near Milton, Kan.,
36 miles southwest of here. The injured:
A. C. Burbanks, Wichita, express mes
senger, internal injuries; serious.
S. Frolechstein, St. Louis, arm broken.
T. W. Vandeveer, Wichita, collar bone
and several ribs broken.
M. Hansberger, mail clerk, Wichita, in
ternal injuries.
Rigby, Wichita, leg broken.
J. D. Workman, Wichita, collar bone
O. G. Kellerman, Lambert, Okla.,
shoulder broken.
F. H. Madison, Wichita, mail clerk, in
ternal injuries; serious.
Dr. Avery, Eldorado, Kan., scalp'
The wreck was caused by spreading
Swimming Test Postponed.
Because of the scarlet fever scourge
and the grammar school baseball
games, many of the pupils who have
been taking the Portland Y. M. C. A.
swimming test for the highest per
centage of boys that could swim 50
yards or more, failed to show up for
the tests yesterday afternoon at the
association tank. Until Thursday aft-
ernoon has been granted the tardy one"
to take the tests. Any pupil of any
school In the city who has not taken
the test, la eligible to try on Thursday
afternoon. The school with the largest
number of pupils succeeding in the test
obtains permanent possession of the
I beautiful Jaeger trophy cup.
Studebakers Do Big Business in
Portland and Seattle.
Thirty automobiles sold and delivered
during the past 11 days Is the record
made by the Seattle house of the Stude
baker company and, just to show that
they were also in the game, the officers
of the local branch of the company de
livered nine cars. Besides the 30 E. M.
F.'s which were delivered by the Seattle
house, the same " number of touring cars
was also sold.
Five electric delivery trucks were taken
by the Meier & Frank Company of this
city, -similar cars also going to the Carey
Creamery Company and one to the City
of Tacoma. A Studebaker-Garford. 40
horsepower, was purchased by W. B.
Fechheimer, of this city, and F. P. Swin
son, of Tacoma, bought a like car from
the local concern.
Since taking the "agency for the E. M.
F. and Flanders cars, the local Stude
baker branch has sold nearly a score of
the popular machines.
Officer Montgomery Will Settle on
Coeur D'Alene Farm.
Police Officer Montgomery returned yes
terday from Coeur d'Alene. Idaho, where
he was successful In securing an allot
ment of 160 acres oj Government land in
the Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation,
which has Just been opened up to set
tlers. Montgomery drew No. 525, locating
his own claim, which he says is in good
shape for farming. Part of the claim Is
well timbered, adding greatly to its value.
"No more tramping a beat for me,"
said Montgomery yesterday. ' "I'm going
to be a farmer, which beats being a po
liceman any day in the week. Of course,
I'll stay on the force for several months
yet to get matters in shape so that I can
leave, but Just as soon as possible I'm
going to hike for the farm primeval.
Grubbing stumps beats arresting drunks.
You bet!"
Indiana Woman's Husband Poses in
Store Windows.
"Wax figure" is the answer written on
the occupation line of an application,
for a marriage license by Lewis Glass
man, a New Yorker, aged. 21. This
"wax figure" was brought to life by
Cupid's darts and the bright glances of
Miss Lillian Peak, age 18, of Louisville,
and was married to the young woman
with the -vivifying smile In this city
by Magistrate Keigwin.
It is the business of Glassman to
pose as a wax model in the show win
dows of big department stores, and he
is at present employed In Louisville.
Michael Conway Taken From Train
in California.
PORTERVILLE, Cal., May 15. (Spe
cial.) Taken from train No. 7 on the
Southern Pacific this morning in a
dying condition. suffering from
Bright's disease, Michael Conway, a
leather-worker, is lying at a local hos
pital at the point of death.
Conway was on his way from Los
Angeles -to his home in Portland, after
having given up all hope of getting
well. He planned to get home in time
to die. but the physicians say that is
now improbable. He was taken from
the train and lodged in a local hos
Senate's Action Will Result in Har
monizing Factions.
WASHINGTON. May 15. The adop
tion by the Senate yesterday of a long
and short haul amendment to the rail
road bill will result, it is believed, in
hastening the final vote on the meas
ure and make etsler the task of the
conferees who will attempt to harmon
ize the difference between the Senate
and the House. This is the consensus
of opinion expressed by Congress lead
ers. Senators Aldrich and Crane visited
the White House today and afterward
assented that President Taft was con
tent with the Dlxon-Paynter provision.
Celebration of 15,00 0 Population Is
Really Hilarious.
HOQUIAM. V Wash., May 15 (Spe
cial.) Hocrulam is census-carnival mad
and the streets tonight are thronged
with thousands of hilarious confetti
throwing, tickler-tickling people, Blow
ing horns, shooting firecrackers and
burning red lights.
. Four bands are holding high carnival
on the downtown streets, white false
fire alarms are being sent in regularly
several times an hour. Hundreds of
names are being added to the roll and
Hoquiam's population in 1910 will run
over 15,000.
Spokane Capitalists Invest; Pur
chase May Mean Road Terminus.
MARSHFIELD, Or., May 15. (Special.)
It is reported that the sale of the Ore
gon Coal & Navigation Company prop
erty, consisting of over 3000 acres' of land
the Libby mine and the steamer M. F.
Plant, has practically been closed.
The purchasers are said to be Spokane
capitalists. The land adjoins Marshneld
and as it is about the only large tract
in this city which would provide a rail
way terminal grounds, it is thought that
the negotiations may be for one of the
railroad companies.
Painting and Repair Work Will Be
Done at Warrenton.
ASTORIA, Or. May 15. (Special.)
The shops o"r the Hill system at War
renton will be enlarged this Summer to
do all the painting and repair work of
the North Bank road and the Portland
division of . the Northern Pacific, as
well as that of the Astoria & Columbia
River. - ,
Sufficient sidetracks have been or
dered for this purpose.
In 13 years a locomotive will run 240,000
miles and earn 1300,000.
Fabulous Prices Demanded in
Profit-Seeking Trafalgar
Artillery Horses, With Gun Car
riages, Rehearse Line of March to
Avoid Possibility of 'Mishap
Friday Police Are Busy.
LONDON, May 35. The whole court
and all London are absorbed in the
preparations for the funeral of King
Edward, which will be the most imposing
ceremonial the British capital ever has
witnessed. Thirty thousand soldiers will
be brought from Alderehot and other
military camps to line the streets Fri
day when the procession passes.
As there is no room to ernbarrack the
soldiers over night they will bivouac in
the parks and streets. The city will have
the appearance of an invested town for
two days.
King's Body Not on View.
It is expected that 700,000 persons will
pass through Westminister Hall, to look
"Pon the coffin. Barriers are being build
by means of which the people will be
ushered through in four lines at the rate
of 18,000 an hour. The body of the late
King will not be exposed to view. The
mo.urners will see only the coffin with
the official regalia and heaps of flowers.
The flowers contributed by organiza
tions and individuals will represent many
thousands of dollars in value. The most
elaborate wreath was sent from Windsor,
consisting of costly white flowers, inter
woven with purple, which is the royal
mourning color. The wreaths contributed
by private individuals, numbering thou
sands will be hung on posts in the streets.
Artillery Rehearses March. .
The artillery horses, with gun car
riages, were rehearsing today through
the streets along the line of march, so
as to avoid the possibility of a mishap
on Friday.
Fabulous prices are being asked for
seats in the stands along the line. 25
being the lowest sum at which it is pos
sible to get a place. The householders
overlooking Trafalgar Square have sent
a protest to the Lord Chamberlain for
again changing the line of march, which
deprives them of eagerly expected profits.
King George having been closely identi
fied with the navy, the naval contingents
will take a prominent part in the cere
monies. Bluejackets will draw the gun
carriage to Windsor, as they did the car
riage which bore the body of Victoria,
although on that occasion they did so
because the horses became restive.
Queen-Mother's Hymns to Be Sung.
The hymns which will be sung at the
service at Windsor are all of the Queen
mother's choice. They are: "My God,
My Father, While I Stray," "Now the
Laborers Task Is O'er," and "I Heard
a Voice From Heaven." .
Soldiers from the King's company"
Grenadier Guards, are keeping sentry
Watch over the "body in the throneroom
at Buckingham Palace. They are re
lieved each hour. With simple cere
mony some one of the visiting royal
ties, who are daily arriving, enters the
room every now and then and the
widowed Queen goes there- frequently.
Scotland Yard has all Its detectives
on duty and these are reinforced by 100
more from continental cities. All vis
itors are being watched, but there is
little real fear of anarchistic attempts,
as it is known that everyone under
su-veillance would be deported from
England if any trouble was caused
on this occasion, and it is not likely
that the persons of the anarchistic
type would give up voluntarily their
safest refuge in Europe.
Crop Abundant and Prices Good, but
Indians Who Usually Pick,
Have Failed.
HOOD RIVER, Or., May 15. (Special.)
The berry season commenced in earnest
today with a shipment of 150 crates. It
is now expected that the shipments will
double rapidly and that by the first- of
the week the season will be on in full
force. Prices for berries are good, but
pickers scarce.
It is believed that growers are up
against the most serious shortage of labor
this year ever known, and that unless It
is obtained quickly, considerable loss will
be sustained. The large number of In
dians who usually come Into the valley,
it is said by Joseph S. Tayhi, the Indian
foreman who has for several years sup
plied hundreds of his fellow tribesmen
and their squaws, will not be here this,
year, as they have found employment
looking after their places on the reser
vation. This has thrown a big scare into
the growers, who are making every effort
to secure pickers from Portland, the
Willamette Valley and Eastern Oregon.
The highest prices ever paid for pick
ing berries prevail, but it is feared that
not half enough will come Into the val
ley to gather the crop. Many of the
school children are being asked to help
out the ranchers as Boon as school closes.
May 20, and every one who can be spared
will take a hand at berry picking. A
number of orchard-owners who are liv
ing in town and having their places
looked after by hired help announce that
they will give their friends a lift, but it
is estimated that the valley must secure
2000 outsiders to get the crop to market.
Death Prevents Xorth Yakima
Couple From Keeping Hate.
NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., May 15.
(Special.) An appointment which Mr. and
Mrs. W. G. Paterson, of the Wenas Val
ley, had made for today with Benjamin
Patterson, Mr. Patterson's father and a
veteran of the Civil War, was kept today
at the morgue. The old man came to
town on Thursday and dropped dead of
heart failure.
After searching about town for him or
some time today, the couple located and
Identified his remains at the morgue.
Japanese Accused of Forgery.
K. Fukuda, a Japanese employed by.
the Portland Hotel, was arersted yester
day morning by Henry von Groenewald,
local superintendent of the National Pin
kerton Detective Agency, and Deputy
Sheriff Leonard, of Portland, on the
charge of forging a check for 930. The
alleged crime was committed In Spokane.
He Is said to have stolen a check in
tended for a Japanese by the name of
Hlrada, who Is employed by S. Ban &
Co., and cashed it at the Old National
Bank of Spokane, Fukuda is alleged to
have cashed the -check on March 15.
Furniture Store to Occupy Site of
Famous Baker Theater.
The Baker theater is to be torn down
at once. The property on which the
historic old showhouse stands has been
leased as a site for a new blulding, and
or. June 12 the wreckers will start to
make room for a modern sfx or eight
story structure. To the very ertd the
playhouse will be open, but Immedi
ately after tne Rose Festival George L.
Baker will transfer his stock company
to the Bungalow theater and the old
Baker will then become a matter of his
tory to Portland.
Ira F. Powers, furniture dealer, has
taken a 20-year lease on the property,
a quarter block at the northwest corner
of Third and Yamhill streets. Under
the terms of the lease Donald Mackay,
owner, will erect a six or eight-story
building, starting at once. The ground
floor- and three other lower floors of
the building are Included in the lease
to Mr. Powers, while the upper floors
wl' be constructed for retail loft pur
poses and leased individually by the
owner. The lease Is based on a valua
tion of $250,000 for the ground and
building, although no segregation Is
made as to the two Items. The build
ing, which is to bo of slow-burning
mill construction, it is estimated will
cost In the neighborhood of $100,000.
Whidden & Lewis, architects, have pre
pared the plans. Under the lease the
structure is to bo completed by No
vember 1.
The Powers. Furniture Store started
in Its present location, 188 First street,
28 years ago, when that street was the
main business thoroughfare of Port
land. I. F. Powers, Sr., was the founder
of the store. I. F. Powers, Jr., the
present proprietor, took over the man
agement of the company In 1"902. The
old store site will be retained as a
secondary store by Mr. Powers, who
still holds a lease on the property.
With the passing of the Baker The
ater comes the closing of vne of the
i.iost hostoric show houses in Portland.
Started over 20 ye-? ago by John F.
Cordray, it was first conducted i-nder
canvas. Then a fence1 around the prop
erty was made to serve as side walls and
the canvas as a roof, and later a roof was
put In and the fence was patched up
and straightened. Step by step ad
ditions and alterations were made un
ti' the building began to look like a
theater, but it was not until 1900 that
a real playhouse waa built. Then George
L. Baker took over the theater and en
tirely remodeled it and Cor" y's the
atef was moved to the present site of
the Grand Theater. Here was started
the Baker Stock Company, which has
been and still is the best stock com
pany which has ever made Portland Its
home. Year after year .his company
has gone on successfully, and will fit
tingly give the last performance in the
old house.
When the last play is. given, June 11,
th i " e-week contract with Mis; Izetta
Jewel will have run but two we-ks. Mr
Baker will then transfer the remain
der of the series of plays to the Bunga
low Theater, where no other attrac
tions are booked during that period.
Mr. Baker held a lease on the present
Baker Theater ltll next Fa' I. but
owing to the pleasant relations .. .Ich
have at all times existed between Mr.
Mackay and Mr. Baker, ie willingly
consented to abrogate his lease when
Mr. Mackay told him of the prop -sed
new structure.
In the meantime '--mil Schacht & Son
architects, are working nl-' t and day
on the plans for the new Baker Theater
Demolition of the old building on the
property at Eleve i a d Morrison
streets has already begun and the ma
terial for 'he new theater illding is
now being asserrbled .-.o that the new
Baker will be i -ady by September.
During the Summer such attractions as
Mr. Baker-will pre- nt will be given
at the Bungalow ' 'leater and sand
wiched in betwee the other "regu
lar" performances which may be
shown here.
It is with considerable sentiment
that Mr. Baker witnesses the passing
of his old theater. Here have been
centered all his successes, here his
business in Portland has been for the
last 10 years, and while he knew the
old house was already doomed by city
ordinance to last not longer than next
April, he was hardly prepared to leave
the old playhouse so unexpectedly.
"It may be hard to see how a per
son can become attached to such an
old building which has outlived its use
fulness, but It is a fact, nevertheless."
said Mr. Baker. "That theater, has been
going all the time, has played to more
people than any other house in Port
land, and while others have been closed
from time to time during the regular
seasons, the Baker has gone right
ahead and kept running every season.
That is my old first love and I cer
tainly hate to see It go now. even
Dessert Making
is too expensive and too much
bother to run any risk of ruining
the flavor by the use of ordinary
flavoring extract.
(AU Flavors)
give a rare, subtle flavor such as
no other extract can give.
( Their use will add a distinct
charm to the daintiest delicacy
. you know how to prepare.
DBBlffllfflBI -
People of open mind having Brights
Disease or having friends who have,
can hear of something to their advan
tage if they will write to John J. Ful
ton Co., 617 Battery St., San Fran
eisco, Cal. Helpful diet list mailed
Helpful Hints on
Hair Health
Scalp and Hair Troubles
Generally Caused by
11 Carelessness
Dandruff is a contagious disease
caused by a microbe which also pro-
auces oaianess. is ever use a comb or
! brush belonging to some one else. No
' mattpr how rlAsnli, tVi, i
these articles may be infected with
microbes, which will infect your scalp.
It is far easier to catch hair microbes
than it is to get rid of them, and a
single stroke of an infected comb or
brush may well lead to baldness. Never
try on anybody else's hat. Many a hat
band Is a resting place for microbes.
If you happen to be troubled with
dandruff. Itching scalp, falling hair or
baldness, we have a remedy which we
believe will completely relieve these
troubles. We are so sure of this that
we offer it to you -with the understand
ing that it will cost you nothing foi
the trial if It does not produce the re
sults we claim. This remedy is called
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic. We honestly
believe it to be the most scientific
remedy for scalp and hair troubles, and
we know of nothing else that equals it
for effectiveness, becanso nf v.o rUC,.i.
; it has produced in thousands of cases.
r.eiaii j Hair Tonic is devised to
banish dandruff, restore natural color
when its loss has been brought about
by disease, and make the hair naturally
silky, soft and glossy. It does this be
cause it stimulates the hair follicles
destroys the germ matter, and brings
about a free, healthy circulation of
blood, which nourishes the hair roots,
causing them to tighten and grow new
ialr. We want everybody who has
any trouble with hair or scalp to know
that Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is the best
hair tonic and restorative in existence,
and no one shouTd scoff at or doubt this
statement until they have put our
claims to a fair test, with the under
standing that they pay us nothing for
the remedy if it does not give full and
complete satisfaction in even- particu
lar. Two sizes, 50 cents and $1.00. Re
member you can obtain Rexall Reme
dies in Portland onlv at our store
The Rexall Store. The Owl Drug Co..
Inc.. for. 7th and Washinsrton sts.
though I am already building a new
house for next season's plays."
Fire in Coal Cargo Makes Necessary
Two Months' Repair Work.
SEATTLE. May 15. The Army trans
port Dix, which arrived from Manila via
Honolulu today, was so greatly damaged
by Btorm and a fire In her coal cargo
that two months will be required for re
pairs. Santiago Arencio, a Filipino died May
11, and wae buried at sea.
Leon Flint, of Norway, has sold his pet
bear to people living In West Vlrftinla. The
shipping- crate bore the words: "My name la
Jennie. I have been in captivity since I was
a year old and am quite tame. Please Rtve
me a drink." It was shipped by the Can
adian Express, and needless to say will be
taken cara of.
for having allowed hasty expression to
escape about the Kaiser's most excellent
The Jacobs-Stine Co.
Largest Realty Operators
on the Pacific Coast
Cor. Fifth and Alder Streets
Gold Dust
makes clean, healthy
Gold Dust acts like
magic on dirty floors,
doors and woodwork.
You do not have to bend
until your poor back is
nearly -breaking" in an
effort to scour and scrub
away the dirt. Adda
heaping teaspoonful of
Gold Dust to a pail of
water and the Gold Dust
Twins will do the rest.
Gold Dust makes floors and
doors spotlessly white. It
searches out dirt, germs and
impurities from every crack
and crevice.
Gold Dust
home "sweet
Save your
strength by
calling Gold
Dust to your
Ail Grocer and Druiats