Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 14, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Cox, Having Freed City of
Crime, Will Work for Bet
ter Moral Conditions.
Icad of Police Department Will Not
Permit Disorderly Women to
Congregate, and Will Suppress
All Forms of Gambling.
After eliminating a large part of the
criminal element from Portland, Chief
of Police Cox will now devote his ener
gies toward - bringing about better
moral conditions in the city. Particular
attention will be given to the North Knd,
and all the women of objectionable char
acter will be compelled to move out.
While Chief Cox realizes that It will
be Impossible to eliminate entirely the
social evil every effort is to bo made to
prevent the congregation in any partic
ular locality of the former Inhabitants
of the North Knd. Speaking of the plans
of the department. Chief Cox last night
"Our efforts heretofore have been
chiefly to keep the criminal element out
of Portland and In this we have been
very successful. The social condition of
the city, was taken up before any criti
cism of the present administration was
made, and we shall continue the same
policy and try to make the city as moral
as possible under existing circumstances.
I have no apologies to make for the
work of the department, and if there is
any criticism it should be directed against
me and not acainst the Mayor. I have
the moral support of the business men
and the better element of the city, and
1 shall endeavor so to conduct the de
partment that I shall be able to retain
this support.
"Open gambling will not be permitted
under any circumstances nor any other
BH-mbling that we are able to locate.
While I realize that it is impossible en
tirely to obliterate the social evil, I shall
use my best endeavors to control it to
such an extent that it will not be ob
jectionable to the public.
'"1 maintain that the public moral
standard, to a large extent, governs the
condition of a city and it Is not possible
for all the state and city officers to con
trol of eradicate vice unless the heasty
support of the people is given. My de
partment will be instructed and ex
pected to use every effort in the elimi
nation of vice and I have entire confi
dence that my men will carry out my
instructions. There is no police depart
ment on the Pacific Coast working more
industriously and harmoniously than the
Portland department, and we have here
less crime and vice than in any of the
other Coast cities."
t'ars Loaded AVltli Dynamite Leave
Truck With Terrific Crush.
TACOMA, Wash.. Slay 10. (Special.)
Antone Elliott and Patrick Macklin,
trakemen employed by the DuPont
I'owder Company at Its- plant near this
city, were instantly killed at 12 o'clock
Thursday by an explosion of more than a
ton of dynamite. Their bodies were
blown to atoms, the fragments being
scattered for hundreds of feet from
where the explosion occurred.
The men were riding on two cars on
n. tramway line and it is believed let
the car get beyond their control. It
left the track and the impact was suf
ficient to set off the explosive. The
cars were blown into splinters and the
track torn up for considerable distance.
No one was near at the time but men
hundreds of yards distant were knocked
clown by the force of the concussion.
Twenty miles away houses were
shaken. Both men had been employed
by the powder company some time.
They were unmarried. Damage other
wise is not believed to amount to
Seattle Man W1k Secreted ISnbe In
Spoknae Kims Amuck.
SEATTLE. Wash., May 13. R. M.
Faulkner, who recently secreted his baby
(laughter in Spokane In order to prevent
lier being turned over to his wife under
. court order, broke into the room occu
pied by Bert Harbin, a bollerniaker, aged
B5, at lf37 Seventeenth avenue, last night,
ind stabbed him to death as he lay in
Jiis bed.
Harbin's roommate. Will lam Lewis, 'at
tempted to capture raulkner, who fought
like a fiend, but was compelled to let him
ro after receiving several bad cuts about
the face and arms.
Kaulkner was arrested later by the po
lice, who believe he intended to kill his
wife, but got into the wrong house and
murdered Harbin Instead.
Faulkner was arrested three months
ago on complaint of his wife that she
was afraid he would kill her. He was
placed In the county jail' and was not
released until this afternoon.
Grand Jury Investigating Alleged
Kt-lraluts In San Francisco.
upon the suggestion of the State Senate
committee, which recently investigated
the llsh industry in this city, Iistrict At
torney C. M. Kickers tonight began an
Inquiry before the local grand Jury into
the methods employed by those in con
trol of the lish business here. Many
witnesses were called and the Inquiry
will be continued again tomorrow.
Charges were made that a combina
tion of the biggest of the dealers had
been made In restraint of trade, and that
the small dealers were not permitted to
conduct business except at the pleasure
of the heads of some of the best-known
firms in the state.
Additional Indictments by Grand
Jury in Chicago Kxjected.
CHICAGO. May 13. Special.) Three
Peoria Assemblymen occupied the lime
light at the Criminal Court during the
day in the legislative bribery investiga
tion. (Senator John Iniley. who made a ve
hement speech against a bi-partisan al
liance the day that William Lorimer was
elected, spent an hour in conference with
State's Attorney Wsyman. and Represen
tatives Charles F. Black, Republican, and
Thomas N. Gorman, Democrat, were
called before the special grand Jury to be
questioned on circumstances under which
they came to cast their votes for Senator
Gorman talked freely to reporters. "I
told the Jury," he said, "the public is
away off when it thinks the legislator finds
a big roll of money waiting for him every
time he rolls" up the top of his desk.
There Is not as much In It as people seem
to think. Why, for a fact, I have trouble
in meeting my expenses in Springfield."
Gorman was asked to confirm a report
that R. E. Wilson, Democratic Represen
tative from Chicago, who is alleged to
have distributed the legislative "jackpot"
at St. Louis, called upon Gorman af Pe
oria within the last few days.
"Wilson called on me, all right," Gor-
man said; "I'm not ashamed to admit it.
Peoria is something like Chicago in being
a general stopping place legislators usu
ally get off the train there for a time.
That's how Wilson came to call on me."
While the three Peorians held the cen
ter of the stage in the inquiry. Represen
tatives Henry L. Wheelan, of Rock
Island, was reported to be ill in Chicago
and unable to attend the sessions. Whee
lan's financial status before and after the
46th General Assembly has been the sub
ject of research on the part of the Jurors
all week. His illness is reported to be the
result of nervous strain under which he
labored during his ordeal in the Jury
rooms. Thomas Cox. a stonecutter of Rock
Island, who collapsed before the grand
Jury Wednesday when he was being
cross-examined concerning his business
dealings and acquaintance with Repre
sentative Wheelan, appeared before the
jurors a brief time in the forenoon.
Activity on the part of Assistant State's
Attorney Thomas Marshall, head of the
indictment department, tonight led to ru
mors that more true DHLs are to be voted
tomorrow or Saturday, although Mr.
Wayman maintained silence on this point.
Hart Says Liberties Are Permitted
Which Would Xot Be Toler
ated Elsewhere.
The "fashionable dance" was held
responsible by Rev. Mr. Hart, revival
ist, in his sermon Thursday night for the
downfall of 375.000 of the 500,000 wo
men in the United States, whom the
preacher estimated as constituting the
feminine population of the underworld.
Speaking in the Hawthorne Park
Tabernacle, on the subject, "The Dance
and Cards'," Rev. Mr. Hart took as his
text, "For whatsoever a man soweth,
that shall he reap." He devoted his
address mainly to the dance. He said
that the dance was harmful to the
mind and the physical and moral life,
and that dancing came from the lower
"There are no differences between
the dances." he said. ."All are alike
evil In their tendency, whether it be
the round or the square dance. Physi
cians testify to the fearful phy
sical results of the dance. There
is the poison in the air and in the
dress, and the poison of the soul, and
we get the practice of dancing- from
the lower races. The dance was the
pastime of the savages. Some say that
the dance is educational and graceful.
Mothers, don't be deceived. There are
more than 100 reasons why. your
daughter should remain away from the
"It is- said, that flancing is fashion
able. It is fashionable, but sinful. At
the fashionable dance liberties are per
mitted between the sexes which would
not be tolerated anywhere else.
"It is wicked and baneful for any
woman to appear in the ballroom in
a decollete dress. Why, some women
come in the ballroom half dressed. I
have as good right to come into the
pulpit with my shirt off, as' women
have to appear in a decollete dress. If
dancing is educational, then I was not
aware that education was in the heels.
There is no grace in the dance. Grace
is in the heart.
"The liberties taken in each are im
moral and poison to the soul. A young
woman says 'All my " chums dance."
There is a chance for development of
character by refusing the pollution of
the dance. All the denominations have
condemned the dance the Episcopal
ian, Catholics, Methodists, Baptists
and Presbyterians, have all spoken
out in convention against the dance. A
great Catholic bishop in Baltimore con
vention warned his people against the
evils of the dance.
"Your wife, mother, sister or sweet
heart cannot allow such liberties as are
common In the ballroom. It is at the
fashionable dance in the fashionable
home where the young man receives
his first introduction to the dance and
to the card table. The white slave
trade receives its recruits from the
dance, and more than three-fourths of
fallen women in the red-light districts
are there through the ballroom."
Rev. Mr. Hart will speak tonight on
"FoolK." Preparations are being made
for the men's meeting next Sunday aft
ernoon at 3 o'clock.
Hindu "With Hypnotic Eye" Finds
Himself In Trouble Through
Chicago Society Woman.
CHICAGO, May IS. (Special.)
While the police were securing evi
dence against Sakharam G. Pandit, a
Hindu "with a hypnotic eye," whose
Oriental religious practices have been
denounced by many of his women stu
dents and by Chief Steward, who . is
himself a theosophist, it became known
today that a young and prominent
North Side society woman was the per
son who exposed the teachings of the
man who poses as a teacher of theos
ophy. The woman, whese name is withheld,
in her statement declared that Pandit,
after chanting weirdly for 10 minutes
had her under his influence and then
began a "massage treatment" which
the Hindu averred was a part of his
Yogi religion.
The society woman said he placed his
hand on her shoulder and she "felt
herself swaying."
"Let us commune with Yogi," Pandit
is alleged to have told her as he took
her into another room.
The woman wrote to Annie Besant,
high priestess of the Theosophical so
ciety, and Indignantly asked if "mas
sage" was a part of religion..
When men in the sutimartne CIsrogne,
which was undarxoinR- maneuvers practically
In the open sea. recently saw a large fishing
boat suddenly overwhelmed and sunk In
a storm. - the submarine dived right unde
the fishing craft and rose to the surface,
bringing the Ashing boat with It and 'hold
ing it above the water long enough for the
crew to be taken off.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will clear the sour stomach,
sweeten the breath and create a healthv
appetite. They promote the flow of
gastric Juice, thereby inducing rood
digestion. Sold bjr all dealers.
Mother-in-Law Says Dying Woman
Accused Skelly of Pouring Gaso
line and Lighting It.
SANTA AXA. Cal., May 13. Follow
ing the testimony of his motherMn-law
and several neighbors at a Coroner's
inquest today, Frank Skelly. a con-'
tractor and lumberman, was arrested
tonight pending an investigation of the
allegations that he murdered his wife,
who until, the startling developments
of the inquiry, was supposed to have
died of burns received Friday in the
explosion of a gasoline stove.
According to the testimony of the
mother-in-law, Mrs. T. J. Lewis, there
was no stove explosion, but Skelly
threw a quart of gasoline over his
wife, and then applied a match. Mrs.
Lewis swore that her testimony was
based on a statement her daughter had
made as she lay dying last Sunday in
a hospital here.
Mrs. Lewis, however, was not the
first to bring the allegation of mur
der to the attention of the authorities.
She declared her daughter begged her
to keep it secret tor the sake of the
children. But rumors circulating
among the neighbors brought about
the inquiry, which resulted in the ar
rest of Skelly tonight in a hospital,
where he Is being treated for burns
received in the fire that brought death
to his wife.
Neighbors who testified this after
noon asserted they saw Mrs. Skelly
rush out into the yard of her home
with her clothing ablaze and crying:
"Why did you do it, Frank? You
have murdered me. Why didn-'t you
use a pistol instead of gasoline?"
"My daughter told me," said Mrs.
Lewis, "that her husband had threat
ened her Thursday night. He got up
first Friday morning, she said, and she
found him in the kitchen with a can
of gasoline. When she asked what he
was going to do with it, he replied:
I am going to kill you.'
"With that, she said, he threw the
gasoline upoji her and applied ' a
lighted match."
Skelly assisted the neighbors who
testified against him to extinguish the
flames. He admitted today that his
wife had asked:
"Why did you do it, Frank?" but
maintains that she was burned in a
stove explosion.
Convicted Man's Wife Heartbroken
Over Decision, but Will Xot
Give tTp Fight.
MONTESAN'O, Wash., May 13. (Spe
cial.) That William Gobi, against whom
a jury early this morning rendered a
verdict of guilty in the first degree of
the murder of Charles Hadberg, will
make a desperate fight before going to
the gallows is evident from preparations
of his attorneys, who will shortly file
both a motion for new trial and notice
of appeal.
Gohl himself does not appear shaken
by the verdict, and, though he has noth
ing to 6ay as to his intentions, he- in
formed his wife this,- morning while at
tempting to console her, that, he would
"6ee the authorities in hell before he
told them anything."
Mrs. Gohl appears entirely heartbroken
over the verdict. "I will work my arms
off to the shoulders and my legs to
my knees before I will give you up,"
she said to Gohl, this morning.
It is common knowledge today that
Juror William L. Byng. of this city alone
held out for acquittal or even second
degree and that it was his stand which
caused the request for "as much leniency
sls possible" to be tacked to the verdict.
In view of this fact, it is generally be
lieved that Judge Ben Sheeks will sen
tence Gohl to be harged, knowing that
the request for clemency comes in reality
from but one man. No definite informa
tion is given by the defense as to when
they will ask for a new trial, which will
probably be based on the contention that
the information charged Gohl as being
the one who held the gun instead of
"aiding, abetting, commanding, etc."
The state has contended, however, that
under the new statute this is unneces
sary. Action is expected shortly though,
following which. Judge Sheeks will im
pose the sentence.
Verdict of Judges Given on Delivery;
W. S. C. Loses.
PULLMAN, Wash.. May 13. (Special.)
Oregon Agricultural College by a vote
of 2 to 1 was victorious here in the inter
collegiate debate with the team of the
Washington State College at the college
auditorium last night. The visitorsgained
the verdict principally upon delivery.
The auditorium was well filled and the
debaters were cheered for telling points.
F. B. Lemon, H. B. Marsh and F. A
Wilson for Oregon took the affirmative
of the proposition. "Resolved, That the
t.Tnlted States should adopt the policy of
ship subsidies."
H. J. Lechner, Ben Schneider and Al
vin Seltzer were the State College de
baters, taking the negative. The judges
were Attorney Weldon, of Palouse; Rev.
J. A. iBudlong, of Colfax, and Professor
Howe, of the University of Idaho.
Washington Law School Team Wins
Unanimous Decision.
EEATTLB, Wash.. May 13. The de
bating team of the law school of the
University of Washington won the de
bate from a similar team from the
University of Oregon tonight by the
unanimous vote of the judges.
The question was that the United
States should retain title to coal lands
and water-power sites ( on the public
domain. The victors upheld the affirm
Charles Jones Annoys Woman Bar
ber and Is Arrested.
BAKER CITY, Or., May 13. (Special.)
Charles Jones, who gave the name of
George Jenkinson, was arrested here
Thursday on the charge of disorderly con
duct. He is wanted in Portland for
Jumping his bail, after being - sentenced
to W days in jail for running a house
of Ill-fame. A Portland officer is now
on his way to this city to take charge
of the prisoner.
The downfall of Jones came through
annoying a woman baber who knew him
in the past. She caused his arrest and
Informed the officers of his offense in
tmym gfe
yr. h. imprav&siho flavor rti'?f
,Jlgiigb health fulness Lmm&A- J
Ifi&lilL EmuBSEs. ML
Highwayman Steps Out From Gloom
and Levels Revolver at Head of
His Hapless Victim.
Ernest Olsen, employed at the Port
land Hotel, was held up at 11:30 Thursday
night at Park and Yamhill streets and
relieved of his watch and 12 in money.
While walking down the south side
of Yamhill street, Olsen noticed a man
standing in the shadow of a building at
the corner of Park street. As he
passed the man whipped out a large
revolver, pointed it at Olsen's head and
ordered him to throw up his hands.
Olsen lost no time in complying with
this request and the holdup man went
through his pockets in a few seconds.
"Move on," ordered the highwayman,
and Olsen walked on down Yamhill
street without looking back. There
were no pedestrians on the streets in
this particular locality at the time of
the holdup.
Olsen reported the matter to the po
lice and described the robber as a man
20 or 25 years of age, weighing about
140 . pounds. He wore a gray cap,
tan shoes and a dark overcoat. The
cap was pulled down over his eyes, but
he wore no mask. Several plain-clothes
men were detailed on the case, but up
to a late hour last night absolutely no
trace of him had been found.
Great Northern to Use Oil as Fuel on
AU Locomotives, Thus Extend
ing Market Greatly.
LOS ANGELES, Cal.. May 13. (Special.)
MomontouK history will be made for the
oil Industry of California by several deals
which came to a head in this city today.
They constitute the incipiency of a col
ossal amalgamation, the main factors en
tering into "Which are thee :
The Producers' Transportation Com
pany (owned by the Union Oil Company)
decided to parallel its $3,650,000 pipe line
from the Midway. Kern River and Coal
inga fields to Port Harford and let the
contracts for the pipe, amounting to
$2,2O0t0oo. This is necessitated by in
creased and further combinations.
Ll I. St. Clair, president of the Pro
ducers' Transportation Company, and
closely identified with the Independent
Oil Producers' Agency, of which the Union
Oil Company is the selling- agent, closed
an immense contract with the Great
Northern. Railway (James J. Hill) for
California oil for locomotive fuel on that
This is recognized as an exceedingly Im
portant market extension and the enter
ing wedge to an Immense territory yet to
be -supplied.
Pursuing Auto Breaks Down, but
Posse Pushes Pursuit ' Over
Rough. Trail to Finish.
PHOEXIX, Ariz., May 13. The two
robbers who held up the Phoenix &
Maricopa passenger train last night
near here were captured tonight by a
posse headed by Sheriff Hayden and
Immigration Inspector Cronin, in the
desert beyond .Casa Grande.
A brief telegram to C. M. Scott, su
perintendent of the Phoenix & Mari
copa Railroad, announced the capture
shortly before midnight, but gave no
further details than the fact that the
motor car Hayden used in the chase
could not withstand the rough trail
over which the robbers were forcing:
their stolen ponies.
"Machine smashed, but got the ban
dits anyhow." read Hayden's message.
That was all the telegram said. Ef
forts to reach the Sheriff at Casa
Grande and procure the names of the
robbers have failed.
Mr. Scott wired a reply to Hayden
to board the Rock Island flyer and
transfer to the train for Phoenix, which
will arrive here at 7 o'clock tomorrow
Federal Inquiry Due In Mississippi
ST. LOUIS. May 13. Federal investi
gation of the sinking of the packet City
of Saltlllo in th Mississippi River at
Glen Park, Mo., last night, with a loss
of 12 lives, will begin as soon as the
crew of the lost vessel arrives here.
Seven passengers and five .of the crew
were drowned by the tilting of the
gang plank when it hit a tree.
That the - loss of lives- was due to
the mistake of ordering the passengers
to hurry from the sinking boat when
she was near the shore was the asser
tion of Captain Crane.
"It was a bad mistake." lie said:
"Had we caused the passengers to wait
a minute before trying to cross the
gang plank, none would have been
"At the time the order was given,
however, no human power could tell the
boat was not going to roll over into
the river" and drown every s'oul on
board. It is easy to look back and see
what we might have done."
Testimony at the Inquest showed the
chivalry of the men who permitted the
women passengers to start across the
gawg plank first, though it cost the
lives of five women and a baby. Cap
tain Harry N. Crane ordered. the men
to stand aside until the women left the
One of the bodies recovered was that
of Mrs. Isaac T. Rhea, of Nashville,
Tenn., wife of the president of the St.
Louis & Tennessee Packet Company,
owners of the boat. The other was
that of a negro porter, Daniel C.
Search for the remaining ten bodies
was prosecuted all day.
D. J. Caraghan, second mate, said
the alarm on the boat was greatly in
creased by the cry of fire. Flames
were seen to shoot up from the fur
naces, but the Are was extinguished by
the water when the vessel listed.
Smoke from the lime kiln on the
river bank and the high water pre
vented the pilot from keeping in the
channel. The boat struck a rock con
cealed by the water. In backing off,
the vessel turned completely around.
The steamer tonight is on her side, al
most against the bank.
Nineteen survivors arrived here to
day with little baggage.
Rumors at Washington Say Battle
Is Expected Soon.
WASHINGTON, May 13. Information
received here points to an early conflict
between the armies of Peru and Ecuador
over the boundary dispute. A dispatch
received today at the State Department
from the United States consulate at
Guayaquil says President Alfaro has left
the capital for frontier points with 500
It is not known at the State Depart
ment at what frontier point the troops
are concentrating, but the Bcuadorean
troops are understood to be njobilizing at
Machela, the capital of the most south
westerly province.
Young Man Goes Insane.
Wandering helplessly about in- a de
mented condition, Carl Danielson, a
young man. was found at the Union
Depot last night and placed in the City
Jail. He was later examined by City
Physician Ziegler, who pronounced him
hopelessly insane. Danielson had in
his possession a ticket for Seattle, a
certificate of deposit on the Merchants
Saving & Trust Company for $150. be
sides about S25 in silver and gold. A
receipt from the I. O. O. F. lodge shows
The Jacobs -Stine Co.
Largest Realty Operators
on the Pacific Coast
TfiAl Bottla Free By Mail
If yo suffer from Epilepsy. Pits, Falling Sickness.
Spams, or have children that do to, my New Dia
COTery will relieve them, and all yoa are asked to
do la to send f or a Free Trial 2 Bottle of Dr. Hay's
EFll3't:I3lJ Curs
It has cured thousands where everything else
failed. Gnaranteed by May Medical taboPatorr
Voder Pure Food and Drugs Act, June 80th. 1808
Guaranty No. 18971. Please write for Special Froa
2 Bottle and give AGS and complete addreas
OR. W. H. KAY, 548 Pearl Street, New York.
tract u4 kills all
;kfil. Nest, cleam.
lent. cheap. Iaata all
mmm. Can't spill or
tip over, will not toll
or injure anything1.
Guaranteed Bect-t-.
Of all sMknof
ient prepaid tor 20c
1M ! ftalb a,
ftraakrra, T.
Cleanses and beautifies tha hair.
Promotes a luxuriant s?owth.
Uever Fails to It est or Gny
Hair to its Ycrutfcful Color.
Cure tcalp disease at hair faUiso
COc. BJid $ 1 .C'j at Druggists
1 1 lift TiTf liali YiiiiiwMiriraiiivrili"h'-1rffii
TTgrPTJwJyl- ' l'-"T
fw- . C jl
tTiht-'ihfc iB.M"wTJIII i-Wftilifcif I " nilr I
Not For The Careless Smoker
Van Dyck "Quality Cigars are not made "for the man
who bays cigars haphazard. -
Their appeal is to the lover of good Havana tobacco to
the man who appreciates the best.
All that is possible in fineness of flavor and aroma all
that a smoker ever dreamed of in luxurious satisfaction is to
be had in '
Quality" Cigars
Nor will yoa pay h&If for these
cigars what yoa might well ex
pect Shnfisr quality in the "Import
ed" woald cost yoa again as much.
Ftor we aave 100 per cent duty by
having oar factory in Tampa, Fla.
by importing; the leaf instead of
the cigars.
This economy is yonr gain, and
27 Different Shapes 3 - for -25c and Upward
M. A- GUNST & CO. "The House of Staple" Distributors
him to be a member In pood standing
of the Coleraine. Minn., lodge. He will
be sent to the Insane Asylum at Salem.
No Jl Eriects Suffered From 00
Milo Test'.
VANCOUVER, Wash., May 13. (Spe
idal.) Officers taking the riding test
Have Your Ticket Read "Burlington"
Thro' Trains
Fast Trains -
Direct Routes
To Chicago and St. Louis
When you go East have your ticket read "Burlington," and .
whenever possible, use through Burlington train service via
St. Paul to Chicago, or via BlllinKs to Chicago, St. Louis.
Omaha, St. Joseph. Kansas City or Denver; you trail so eaat
via Deliver without extra cbarnce.
Four Burlington Thro' Trains Daily to the East
Reduced Vacation Rates Kant on certain dates May to Sep
tember Inclusive.- Ask about them.
Get a Burltnsrton red folder note the map No other line
offers such advantages in the way of diverse routes or
includes as many great cities in the Mississippi Valley. It
will be ft. pleasure to assist you to plan the most desirable
and attractive tour, that will include the greatest privileges
at the least cost.
YOdw srAM5Av- ?
17 (F
pint flask of -
' of
yon lose nothing that the "Import
ed" may offer.
We even go so far as to employ
Cnban experts in the making of
Van Dyck "Quality" Cigars.
And "Van Dycks" come in 27
different shapes, to snit all tastes.
In price, they'll fit the parse of
every man -wtio-tnowa the men
for whom they are made.
of 90 miles from Sandy, Or., have re
turned to the post, all In the best of
form. They suffered no fnconveniencs
from the ride of 30 miles a day.
Major Cabell, Captain Bradley and
Captain Lacey went to Seattle and Ta
coma today to make arrangements for
the annual maneuvers to be held, at
American I-ake In August.
About $25,000 was disbursed yester
day and today to the soldiers of the
post and at the target range at Proeb
stel by the paymaster, Major Canby, of
C. SHEIDOX, General A Kent,
10O Third St. Portland, Or.
Makes the
Raking Sweeter.. Lighter
Always works ridht
Costs YOU Less
25 Ounces for 23 Cents
or your money back
:omplete-J' without
vou haven't room for a
quart, take along a pint or half
Bottled In Bono
Since 1857, the Government's Standard
"Mikinr the Standard Rre Whisker of America"
ia interesting. Send tor a tree copy today.
A. Gackcabciacr & Bros., Distiller, Pittibsrr. Siac 185 t