Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 14, 1910, Image 17

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f Crop of Europe Estimated by
Herman Klaber.
Vigures leased on "Known Acreage
and Average Yields of Fast Vears
Indicate a Material Deficiency
in Production This Year.
Herman Klaber has prepared an esti
mate of the European hop crop which Indi
cates a material deficiency in the supply
this rear. In making his estimate Mr. Kla
ber has not taken Into account possible
weather conditions, but has based his fig
ures on the average yields of past years
and the known acreage of this year. Should
cllmatlo conditions prove unfavorable it
will only Increase the shortage. Mr. Kla
ber s statement follows:
England The acreage in 1909 was 82.539,
and we will assume -that this has been in
creased to U3.UU0 acres this year. The aver
age yield per acre for each five-year period
from J8."l has been as follows: 18S1 to
3855. 7.26 cwt; 1858 to ISoU. cwt; 18tt
to 1870, o.liii cwt.; 1871 to 1873, e.2o cwt.;
1876 to 1880, 6.5 cwt.: 1S81 to 1885, 6
wt.; ISStt to 18W0, 7.25 cwt.; 18U1 to 1805,
f.2r. cwt.; 1896 to 1900. 8.50 cwt.; 1901 to
3HOS, 9.60 cwt.; 3906 to 1909". 8.25 cwt.
This makes the average for the past 54
Sears about 7.50 cwt. In the past century
ttiere have been only 13 crops of over 10
cwt. per acre, and most of these were be
tween 10 and 11 cwt. According to present
reports. England will not grow, under even
favorable conditions, over 10 cwt., and
'agers are being offered that the total crop
will not exceed cwt. To be con
servative, we will assume that the crop will
be 800.000 cwt.
Austria The acreage in 1fm was about
54.O0U and the crop was about "150.000 cwt.
The average yield for the past 25 years was
K74 pounds per acre, and for the past de
cade 456 pounds. On the present acreage
a conservative estimate would be 240.000
Germany The acreage in 1909 was 72.
S7:l. as against an i.verage of 105,000 acres
from 1884 to 1S95 and 95,000 acres from
IMiO to 1907. The large decrease occurred
after the 1907 crop was harvested. The
latest reports indicate a reduction of about
200O acres. so the 1910 acreage will be
about 70.000. The average yield per acre
has been as follows: 1884 to 1890, 4 8a
cwt; 1891 to 1893, 4.50 cwt.; 1896 to 1900.
. cwt.; 1901 to 1IHI5. 4.56 cwt; 1806 to
1900. 4 cwt.. or an average for the entire
period of 4.50 cwt. Therefore on the pres
n acreage the crop should be U15.000 cwt.
Belgium The acreage in 1909 was 4400
s against 5500 ncres in 1908 and 02OO acres
In 1905. The average yield for the past 10
ears. including several bumper crops, was
1..00 pounds per acre, and on the present
acreage 60.000 cwt. is a very conservative
o.urance Th." Pr,!"nt acreage Is about
ssoo. as against 7.tS.'l acres in 1905. The
iverage yield for 10 years was 1180 pounds
scr acre. We will estimate the coming
-rop at 50.000 cwt.. which Is considerably
given 'above' eatlmate rlel- Pr ""a
,h"""?'u Tho Government does not issue
official returns. and In high years an
bundance of wild hops are picked and
consumed so It Is Impossible to get au
llientic Information on the prospective yield
An average of the past 20 year, must su?:
ru.e for-an estimate of the 1910 crop, which
we place at 70,000 cwt.
Recapitulation The estimates as given
above may be summarized as follows-
fZ&l C:VU- sSTjoo
e,-rmanr sin.ono
MelClmu,. 6o.(KIO :
trw'- "
Russia 70.1.00
Total Continent
Total Europe 1.OS5.0OO
-onsumption in Europe. according to
Government returns, is as follows:
England Cwt- rj"
Austria 5U0.01IO
UTttiany " .
France .
Other countries . .1.
Total Continent
Total Europe
"This will hnv t .. - -
br- "f 2,t"''00" cwt- based "on co'nserva":
t on ' 'tT.';""1 "r,f"laI returns of consump
tion. The general contention will be that
brewers have sufficient old hops, but there
cer,B,ny ,, P . ut there
TeaVs. a,' fC,r.7 ' tn'eTwo-
England. 1909 (.official! o,0,,L
England, uuo (estimated,...:::::: sJS;oC2
England, two years .
Continent. inoo (offlctnn
Continent. 1910 (.estimated)"""
Continent, two years itmw.oo
Total European crop, two years": 1 Nor' 0
t'nnsumption, 19o: TT-! nl!
consumption. 1910 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;l;g3X:gSS
Consumption, two years 2.6o 000
"These figures of yield and consumption
In two years show a deficit of 855.000 cwt.
, In .hat period, which must be made up of
-lock of old. In brewers- hands on Septem
ber 1. 1909. and England-, imports of Amer
ican hops. It appears that the olds In brew
ers hands win very shortly work themselves
"The 1010 season is the most interesting
one w. have had for many year,, since "it "I
possessed o, such remarkable possibilities!
The estimates given above cannot be termed
unreasonable. At this early date there Is
no means of p8ltlvclv estimating a crop.
herefore past performance, are the oX
thing, we can nKre upon. ,f RnytX
happen. ,o ,h. growing crop, ln any th!
Important section, w. ,ay ,ok for great
activity, and the disappointing turn of the
1B00 market win be entirely forgotten
Some Buyln-r of Wi, ,n ,, Coon( -ICeiMirted.
Ther. were no development, of interest
In the grain market. There is some bavin
! WT. !." th unWr- " the demand
is not brisk nor are farmers ready seliers.
-No change was made In local prices. Bar
ley anrl oats wvre quiet.
Weekly foreign wheat shipments, a. re
ported by the Merchants- Exchange, were
Argentlna . . . .TIV 7Bo' Last Yr.
ir !'.::::: lZ : 11S5:,.8
Local receipts, in c ,rs J ! 1 l'1'
the Merchants' Fxchange b"
Mondav A h'at 1Sa,r" Flour -"' Hay
Tursila'y ji ' 8
Wednesday ... at . J 5
Thursday .... f 3
Krlday , ? 2
Vear ago .... s ; ' 9
Season to date 9;s7 i-f -njs ,,.5 ...6
1:2 iVi mi
Train From .he So,h nelayed-Orm,
Sell Out ulckly. .
The delay of the Southern Kxpres. ye.ter
d.y left the market without any Call
day. supply on hand this morning, but the
dealers an. confident the demand will be
sufficient to take care of all the ,.
lng. There was a fair .tock f
berries and they cleaned up early. Gold
Ivollar. ranged from ? t - -
m crate ana
local Wilson berries brought $3.
The demand for lemons, both to i
ing. is growing and Front
. light. The' California market U
advancing. Oranges are also firm
dnt. on th. Coast.
h vegetable offerings yesterday
first Oregon peas. They came
Dalles and brought 10 cent, a
pound. Hothouse lettuce i. a' drug on the
Good Demand for Poultry.
Poultry receipts were fairly large yester
day, but the demand was good and former
price, were obtained. Eggs were slow and
The local supply of cheese has again be
come small and the market Is quoted firm.
Butter clean, up well at firm prices.
Bank Clearing..
Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities
yesterday were a. follows:
Clearings. Balances.
Portland 1, 442,833 1113.030
Seattle 2.290.785 315,342
Tacoma 776,739 59, 324
Spokane 818,535 117,490
Grain, I-lonr, Feed. Etc.
WHEAT Track prices: Bluestem. 87
88c; club. 84 eg 85c; red Russian, S2c; Val
ley. 87c
BAKL.EY Feed and brewing, J22S23 per
FLOUR Patents, 5.56 per barrel:
tralght., 14.30 5.15: export, $4; Valley.
SS.50; graham. $3.10; whole wheat, quarters,
COP.N Whole, $33: cracked. J34 per ton.
HAY Track prices: Timothy. Willamette
Valley. J2021 per ton; Eastern Oregon.
$2'J25; alfalfa, tl8.5u17.5-j; grain bay,
MII.LSTCFFS Bran, $20 per ton; mld-
nungs, snorts, fzi'22; rolled barley,
OATS No. 1 white. $2.5O2T.S0 per ton.
Dairy and Country Produce.
BUTTER City creamery.' extras. 27e;
fancy outside creamery. 26 27c per pound;
store, 20c Butter fat price, average lio
per pound under regular butter prices. 1
EGGS Fresh Oregon ranch, 2323&o per
CHEESE Full cream twins. 1616Ho
per pound; young America. 1717c
PORK Fancy, 12l3o per pound.
VEAL. Fancy, H10c per pound.
LAMBS Fancy. 10&;12e per pound.
POULTRY Hens, 2020tt; broiler., 27
30c; ducks. 184?23c; geese. 12c; turkeys,
live. 20 & 22o; oressed. 25c; squabs, S3 per
Vegetables and Fruits.
FRESH FRUITS Strawberries, Oregon.
$2.754 per crate; California, $11.50 per
crate; apples, 11.60 3 per box; cherries.
1.401.75 per box; gooseberries, 6c per
POTATOES-Carload buying prices: Ore
gon, 400 &0o per hundred; new California.
23c per pound; sweet potatoes, 4c.
VEGETABLES Artichokes, 6075o per
dozen; asparagus. 11.25 per box; beans.
1012ttc per pound; cabbage, 3c pound;
celery, $3,504 crate; cucumbers. 21.50(9
2 per dozen; head lettuce, 5u60c per
dozen; hothouse lettuce, S0cSl per box;
garlic. 10312ftc pound; horseradish, 80
10c per pound; green onions. 15c per
dozksn; peas. 4iil0c; peppers, $5 per crate;
radishes, lo&2oc per dozen; rhubarb, 29
2Hc per pound; spinach, 810c per pound;
squash, I1.O0 per crate; tomatoes, 23.50 per
TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges. $2,250
3: lemons, $4&.&0; grapefruit. $3.256 per
box; bananas, 5VsO per pound; tangerines,
$1.75 per box.
ONIONS Oregon $2 per hundred; Ber
muda, $1.50 per crate; red. $2 per sack.
SACK. VEGETABLES Rutabagas, $1.25
181.50: carrots, 85c C$1; beets. $1.50; pars
nip., 73ctp$l.
Hops. Wool, Hide.. Etc.
HOPS I9U8 crop. 12gi5c, according to
auallty; olus, nominal; 1910 contract., nominal.
WOOL Easteru Oregon, 14 17c pound;
Valley. 18t20c per pound.
aiuHAlh Choice, 32t0'23oper pound.
CABCARA BAKK ( j; 5c per pound.
HIDES Dry hides. 16tt17Vic per pound;
dry kip, ltVs17ic per pound; dry calf
skin, is21c per pound; salted hides, 84
Sfec; salted calfskin, l&o per pound; green,
hides, lc less. -
PKLTS Dry. 1218c; salted, butchers
take-off, $1.15)1.40; Spring lambs, li&iio.
Grocerfes, Dried Fruits, Eto.
DRIED FRUIT Apples, lOc per pound;
peaches, 7c; prunes, Italians. 45c; prunes.
French, A&bc; currants, 10c; apricots. 15c;
dates, 7a per pound; figs, fancy white,
fancy black. 7c; choice black. JSttc
SALMON Columbia. River, 1-pond talla,
$2 per dozen; 2-pound tails, $2.95; 1-pound
flats, $2.10; Alaska pink, 1-pound tails, BOc;
red, 1-pound tails, $1.45; sockeye, 1-pound
talis, $2.
COiVEE Mocha, 24028c: Java, ordinary,
17&U0c; Costa -Rica, fancy, I820c; good,
1618c; ordinary. 12t?16c .per pound. 1
NUTS Walnuts, 15c per pound; Brazil
nuts, 13Vi 4115c; filberts, 16c; almonds, 17c;
pecans. 19c; cocoanuts. 9uc$l per dozen
-n-cA-cND email wnite, o.uuc; large white,
4Hc; Lima, &feu; piuk, f-fec; red Mexican,
7 V c.
SUGAR Dry granulated, fruit and berry,
$6.25; beet, $6.05; extra C. $5.75; golden C
$5.65; yellow D, $5.65; cubes (barrel.),
$6.65; powedered, $6.50; Domino, $10.4t)id
10.90 per case. Terms on remittances, with
in 10 days deduct Ho per pound, if later
than 16 day. and within 30 days, deduct feu
per pound. Maple sugar, l&plSc per pound.
SALT Granulated, $16 per ton; half
ground, 100s, $lu.0 per ton; 50s. $11 per
RICB No. 1 Japan. 4c; cheaper grades,
8.5024.55c; Southern head, 5'7o.'
HOKBI Choice, $3.258.&0 per cases
trained, 7a per pound.
Fro visions.
PICKLED GOODS Barrels: Pigs feet.
$16; regular tripe, $10; honeycomb tripe,
$12; lunch tongues. $19.50; mess beef, ex
tra, $14; mess pork, $30.
BACON Fancy. 28c per pound; stand
ard. 23 hc; choice. 24 Vac; English. 22 j
HAMS 10 to 13 pounds. 20c; 14 to 18
pound.. 20c; 18 to 2o pounds, 19c; hams,
skinned, 21Hc; picnics. 13c; cottage rolls,
none; boiled hams. 27 29a.
LARD Kettle rendered, 10s. 17Hc; stand
ard pure, $10s, 17c; choice, 10s, 16c
SMOKED BEEF Beef tongues, each 60c;
dried beef sets, 22c; dried beef outside.. 20c;
dried beef lnsldea, 23c; dried beef knuckles:
DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears.
Oregon exports, dry salted. 17ftc; smoked,
dry .alt. 17c; smoked. 18Hc; short clear
back, heavy dry salted. 16V4c. smoked, 18c;
Unseed Oil and Turpentine.
LINSEED OIL Pure raw in barrels, 97c;
kettle boiiled, in barrels, 8c; raw, in cases,
$1.02; kettle boiled, in cases, $1.04, Lot. of
250 gallons. 1 cent less per gallon.
TURPENTINE In cases. SOfec; in wood
barrels. 78c
Ked Alaskan Salmon Pack Is Sold
Subject to Acceptance of
Opening Prices.
SEATTLE, "Wash., May U. f Special.)
Iraprowsment waa noted today In the -wheat
market. Bluestem advanced to SS cents.
Flour la In better demand than for some
weeks. Late estimates of the available
wheat supply in the Northwest are larger
than are ne rally thought. According to
figures recently compiled, the available sup
ply, after seeding, is placed at not " less
than 15.000, 0U0 bushels, with between 5,000,
000 and 6.000.000 bushels of this held by
farmers, -which will probably not be moved
until the dealers and speculators have dis
posed of their Rraln.
Oregon onions advanced to S cents a
pound today. This- is tho highest price
asked here for the present crop. 9
Oranges have advanced again. The
choicest small sizes were quoted today at
$3.75 & 4. The best lemons aiv also quoted
at an advance from 55.60. The first
straight car of Los Angeles new potatoes
arrived today. Berries were steady, with a
good shipping demand.
The Dairy produce Exchange today es
tablished one price, 30 cents, for all Wash
ington. Oregon and California creamery but
ter. The supply of veal was liberal and
egg receipts continued heavy, although re
ceipts from Oregon have decreased since
the price was cut.
Salmon packers state that the maximum
Alaska pack, of red salmon for tlta coming
season has already been sold, subject to ap
proval of the opening price. Packers are
fighting shy of orders at SI. 25 for early
delivery, anticipating that spot goods may
command an even larger premium as soon
as available In July.
New York Cotton Market.
NKW YORK. May 13. Cotton closed
barely steady, net one point lowtw to 15
points higher.
Light Demand for Stocks, but
Market Is Firm.
Preliminary Estimates of Currency
Movement Indicate Another
Large Gain in Cash by the
Xew York Banks.
NEW YORK, May 13. Idleness and neg
lect eclipsed all signs of interest In the
tock market 'today. Sonne of the lighter
minded of the trading fraternity found no
better explanation for the abstention from
the market than the fact that It was Fri
day the 18th.
The influence of the London situation on
specultlve sentiment was Increased by the
evidence of a hardening money market at
that center. The foreign exchange market
was rather disordered and fluctuated with
violence at recoveries from the recent low
points. . The more authoritative reports of
the large volume of American bonds being
placed aboard were without influence. In the
exchange market. It was said that this was
d ua to provision for deferred payments on
some of these subscriptions and consequent
postponement of the offerings of exchange
bills against the payments.
Preliminary estimates pointed to another
large gain in cash for the week by the
clearinghouse banks. The money market
showed no change in condition.
ide movements in a few individual
stocks supplied the onlv features of interest
in the market. The sharp rise in Canadian
Pacific was coupled with reports that a dis
bursement of profits out of land sales was
Intended. The W abashes were affected again
by revived reports of control passing to the
Rock Island interests. Texas & Pacific land
trust certificates were run up on a few trans
actions tor no other reason than that a re
port that they were being bought by the
The bait in the speculation was due partly
to the inconclusiveness of crop conditions.
Reports of insect damage to Winter wheat
and low temperature ln the Southwest were
noted. The week's exports of wheat expand
ed more than 1,000,000 bushels over those of
the wee7' before.
The T ulge in the Canadian groups pulled
prices up in tlie latter part of the day,
but the movem ent was inclusive and the
day s net changes were mostly trivial.
Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par
vaiue. si.B4tf.ow. united mates bonds were
unchanged on call.
caies. iiign. iw. iia.
A11U Chalmers pf. :xm 3-tVa 34 34
Amal Oupper . 13,tKK 704 66 70
Am Agricultural M 48
A m Beet Sugar . . : 37 1 37 37 14
American Can .... 1.5O0 lo 94 W-4
Am Car & Fdy ... 5K 1 L ' 61 ii
Am Cotton Oil . . W1! 6tf 64$ 14,
Am H d & Lt pf . H 33 33 33
Am Ice Securi . . 1 25 2n Vi 24 H
Am Linseed Oil 20O 14 13 14'
Am Locomotive ..... 49
Am Smelt & Ref S.2UO 79 78 79
do preferred . . . iSOO 14 "104 J 04
Am Steel Fdy .... 2K M, ,r4 54
Am Sutsar Ref .. 2v0 123 1234 1234
Am Tel & Tel Vh 1364 136 136
Ajn Tobacco pf ... 34X 96 93 W
Am Woolen .'. 35
Anaconda. Mln Co. HM 43 43H 431
Atchison 6,1M HO? lOlVa HO
do preferred 301
Atl Coast Line ... 2 M 3 24 3 28 14 1 23 V4
Bait & Ohio 1O0 110 110 1104
Bethlehem Steel 274
Brook Rap Tran.. 16,ftM SO 14 &f 804
Canadian Pacific ... 11.7m 194W IfcUi 193
Central Leather 2.000 42 41 4s 41 i
00 preierxea ... ....... ..... ..... Hf?
Central of N J - 90
Ches & Ohio 14.300 S8 87 t'
Chicago & Alton .. IOO 43 4ii 4f
Chicago Gt West. 3oo 27 2G 27
do preferred . . . 4o0 50 49 60
Chicago & N W ... 3 15V 132 152
C, M & St Paul .. 20O 33V 137 138
C, C, C ft St L S3
Colo Fiel A Iron.. 40O 3HV. 3 3
Colo & Southern ... luO tk:Ji 603' y)
Consolidated Gas.. 2.4.0O l:m i::S 13RU
Corn Products . . . 3O0 15 15 13
Del A Hudson .. 171
I & R Grande 4.4'0 42 40 41
do preferred 79
Distillers' Securi .. IOO 3i 30 3l
Erie 1,000 2S 2 28
do 1st preferred. 7tH) 47 46 46
do 2d preferred. 3tti
General Electric 141
Gt Northern pf ... 1,800 135 133 135
Gt Northern Ore .. 2H 63 63 63
Illinois Central ... 200 133 133 134
Interborough Met.. 5 2) 2i 20
uu prpieriTO ... '-s ,'ia oa
Inter Harvester .. 500 13 93 92
Inter-Marine pf IOO 19 19 19
Int Paper 12
Int Pump 200 47 47 47 '.
Iowa Central .... lm 2f 2 20
K. C Southern . , . 200 34 34 34
do preferred 66
Laclede Gas 1K 101 101 101
Louisville & Nash Si'O 147 147 147
Minn & St Louis 36
M, St P & S S M. 141 138 140
Mo, Kan & Texas 1.900 42 41 42
do preferred ......... ..... ..... 69
Missouri Pacific .. 6-K 70 69 70
National Biscuit .. 16
National Lead . . . 400 T8 78 78
Mex Nat Ry 2d'pf 3o0 29 2! 29
N T Central 6.2M 121 12 121
N V, Oat & Wert. 4 00 43 43 433.
Norfolk A West. 6W 102 102 102
North American . . IOO 73 7.1 73
Northern Pacific 2,3("K) 132" 131 131
Pacific Mall 1O0 27 27 6
Pennsylvania 24,100 135 134 134
People's Gas 3tS
P. C C & St L 101
Pittsburg Coal IOO 19 lft 19
Presaged Stel Car. 200 40 40 :iy
Pullman Pal Car 361
Ry St eel Spri ng 88
Reading 46,400 161 ltV 161
Republic Steel ... 300 34 34 33
do preferred ... IOO 97 97 97
Rock Inland Oo.-. B.OOO 45 44 45
do preferred ... 2,4o0 91 9
Pt L & S F 2 pf. 500 49 48 48
St L Southwestern 44H 31 31 31
rrT,1 -lull Til. -4 -
S loss-Sheffield 3X 74 73 74
Southern Pacific -. 26,600 127 1267s 126
do preferred ... 4" 63 62 62
Sout-hern Railway. 300 27 27 26
do preferred ... 4O0 63 62 62
Tfnn Copper 26
Texas & Pacific. . 400 32 32 32
Tol, St L & West. IOO 38 3S 38
do preferred . . . 2X 64 64 64
Union Pacific .... 23.60O 183 181 12
do preferred ...... ..... 94
TT S Realty 72
IT 3 Rubber &oO 43 43 43
U S Steel 43.700 S3 82 82
do preferred ... 3V 118 118 118
Utah Copper 1,000 46 45 45
Va-Caro Chemical. 8.oOi 60 0K f
Wabash 3.60A 22 21 22
do preferred ... 21.1O0 48 46 48
Western Md ..... 300 43 45 - 4o
Weminghouse EHec 63
Wemern Vnion ... 10 68 66 6S
Wheel & L Erie.. &OO 4 4 4
Total sales for the day, 340,300 snares.
NKW YORK, May 13. Closing quotations:
U. S. ref. 2s reg.IOON. Y. C. gn 3 88
do coupon ...100 No. Pacific Rs. 71 B
U. S. as reg 102 No. Pacific 4s... 101
do coupon . . .102. (Union Pacific 4s. 101
U. S. new 4s reg.114 'Wis. Central 4s 0B
do coupon .. .114 Japanese 4s .... SI
D. & R. G. 4s 3B
Daily Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, May 13. The condition of
the Treasury at the beginning of business
today was as follows:
Trust funds
Gold coin $853,292,839
Silver dollars 49O.9S0.0OO
Silver dollars of 1890 3,728,000
Silver certificates outstanding... 490.956,000
General fund .
Standard silver dollars ln gen
eral fund 1,027,936
Current liabilities 105,121,430
Working balance In Treasury of-
In banks to credit of Treasurer
of the United States 35. 504 31
Subsidiary silver coin 21 472 99
Minor coin 1.037.487
Total balance in general fund... 80,246.147
Money, Exchange, Etc,
NEW YORK. May IS. Prime mercantile
paper. 4 4? 5 per cent.
Sterling exchange, stronger, with actual
business in bankers bills at I4.83704.8385
for 60-day bills and at S4.S6S5 for demand.
Commercial bills, 94.88 4.S3 .
Bar silver. 53 c.
Mexican dollars. 44c.
Bondt Government, steady; railroads ir
regular. Money on call, steady; 3&4 per cent;
ruling rate. 3 per cent : closing bids 3
per cent; offered at 4 per. cent
Time loans, steady ; 60 days, t 4 per
cent; 90 days. 44 per cent; six months,
4 44 per cent.
SAN FRANCISCO. May 13. Sterling on
London, 60 days, 4.83; do sight, $4.87.
Silver bars, 53c - -
Mexican dollars. 43c.
Drafts, sight, par; telegraph, 2c.
LONDON, May 13. Bar silver, steady at
24 13-l6d per ounce.
Money, 2 2 per cent.
The rats of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 3fg3 per cent: do for
three months' bills, 3 3 psr cent.
Consols for money. 81 11-16: do for ac
count, Si 13-16.
- Eastern Mining Stocks. '
BOSTON. May 13. Closing quotations:
Alloues 43lMohawk 49
Amalg. Copper.. 69!.Vevada Con. ... 20
A. Z. L. & Sm. . 23 iNipissing Mines. 10
Arizona- Com 17 (North Butte .... 33
Atlantic 7North Lake 13
J? x.. i oid Dominion... :;s
Butte --Coalition. 21
i au & Arizona. :$
Cal. & Hecla. ..JSO
Centennial ..... 17
Parrott S
Quinsy ..
Cop Ran. C. Co. 604 Superior 454
' - ' " 1 1 " v.p. sup & bos Mln. ll
Franklin l'4iSup. & Pitts Cop. 12
GIroux Con. ... 7 Si ! Tamarack 4S
Gran by Con. ... 42 14 U. S. Coal. & OH S3
Greene Cananea. 8"4U. S. S. R. & M. 42'.i
I: Royale (Cop.) 20 14 do prefererd .. 4
h-err Lake S't'tah Con 28
J'akS. CoPPr .. 55H!Utah Copper Co.. 45i
La Salle Copper 12'iWInona n
Miami Copper... 221 Wolverine 117
Metal Markets.
NEW TOR.K. May 13. The market for
standard copper on th. New York Metal
Exchange -was dull, with quotations rang
ing from 12.25 8' 12.60c for spot and all de
liveries up to the end 'of August. London
market closed weak for the over Whitsun
tide holiday, with spot quoted at 56 Is 3d
and futures 56 18s 8d. Local dealer, quote
lake .copper at 12.75 1S. 00c: electrolytic at
12.212.7Sc; casting. 12.37i412.50c. Im
ports of copper by steamers at Atlantic
ports slnoa May 1 have been 5440 tons. In
cluding matte and ores; . exports for th.
same period. 6831 tons.
Tin steady, with spot quoted at 33.12H
S.15c; May. 33.12 33.15o; June, 33.10
S3.12i4c; July and August, 33.0530.00c.
Bales were reported of five tons May at
33.20c, Ave tons Jnne. 33.12 lie, and five tons
June at 33.10c London market steady at
a slight declne, with spot quoted at 150
2s 6d and futures 151 12s 6d.
Lead dull, with spot quoted at
New Tork. and at 4.12 Vi 4t 4.17 He East St.
Louis. London unchanged at 12 12s 6d.
Spelter dull, with spot quoted at 6.25 (9)
6.60c New York and 5.055.12ic East St.
Louis. London unchanged at 22.
Iron lower at 46s 9d for Cleveland war
rants in London. Locally the market was
quiet. No. 1 foundry Northern. $17 17.75;
No. 2, (16.50 17.25; No. 1 Southern and
No. 1 Southern soft. $1 6.25 16.75.
Market in General Is Steady Two
Loads of Hogs Sell at Top
Offering, were not heavy at the stockyards
yesterday, and business was consequently
lighter than on the preceding day. The tone
of the market ln general, was steady.
Two lots of hog:s moved at the top quota
tions. Bulto ranged from $3.25 to $4 and
calves sold at $6. A load of light cows
brought $4.
Receipt, for the day were 26 cattle, 256
sheep and 723 hogs. Five loads of the hogs
received were sent on to the Sound. '
Shippers of stock were M. J. Holly, of
Weiser,. Idaho, one car of cattle; C. P Walker,
of Enterprise, flv. cars of hogs; W. B. Kurtz,
of The Dalleo, two cars of hogs, and L. E.
West, of Oakland, two cars of sheep.
The day's sales were aa. follows:
Weight. Price.
22 cows WK 4.00
3 bulls 1320 3.75
1 bull I"" 3 00
1 bull 2200 4. IK)
X bull l-IIO 4.K
11 bulla 11"" 8 25
4 calves 2H2 6.00
M hogs 222 10.60
07 hogs 2i Hi 1U.60
1 hog 2S7 7.O0
Prices quoted on the various classes of
stock at the yards yesterday were as follows:
Bsef steers, hay fed, good to
choice 6.00$ 6.40
Beef steers, fair to medium... 5.00fitf 5.50
Cow. and heifers, good to choice 5.00 6.40
Cows and heifers, fair to med., 4.25(fc 4.75
Bulls 8. SOW 4.25
States 4. B0 5.00
Calves, light e.OOJj) 7.O0
Calves, heavy 4.505.0 5.50
Hogs, top lo.0 10.65
Hogs, fair to medium 9.25f 8. 5.1
Sheep, best wethers 5.253a 6.0O
Sheep, fair to good wetners. . . ions' u.-o
Sheep, best ewes 1 4.75j) 5.25
Sheep, best ewes.
Lambs, choice
Lambs, fair . .
7.00 8.00
6.50a 7.00
Eastern Livestock Markets.
CHICAGO. May 13. Cattle Estimated
receipts, 2OO0. Market, steady. Beeves, $5.X0
&8-70; Texas steers, $5.00&6.50- Western
steers. $5.10S-7.aO; stockers and feeders,
$4.0Oa6.70; cows and aelfers. $2.80427.40;
calves. J5.50&7.20.
Hogs Estimated receipts, 15,000. Mar
ket, strong to 5c higher. Light, 9.40U.7O;
mixed, J9.40&9.70; heavy, $9.35' 0.70;
rough. $9.35(6' 9.45; good to choice heavy,
$9.45S9.70; pigs, $9.00 igp 9. 60; bulk of sales,
Sheep Estimated receipts. 60O0. Market,
weak- Native. $4.257.0o; Western, J4.504
7.55- yearlings. $7.00(8 8.25; Iambs, native,
$7.259.35: Western, $7.509.40.
KANSAS CITY, May 13. Cattle Receipts,
1000. Market, steady to weak. Native steers,
$5.75'8.25; cows and heifers. J3. 757.35;
stockers and feeders. $4,0016.25: bulls, $4.25
ig e.25; calves. $3,756 8 OO; Western steers,
$5.758.00: Western cows, $4.o0y 6.50.
Hogs Receipts. 700i). Market, 5c higher.
Bulk of sales. $.30S'9.45: heavy. SU.40't?
9.50; packers and butchers. $9.35u.45;
light, $9.208.45; pigs. 8.759.00.
gheep Receipts. 2000. Market. steady.
Muttons, $5.5O7.50; lambs, $7.25118.90;
fed Western wethers and yearlings, $6.00&
8.00; fed Western ewes, S5.50( 7.00.
OMAHA. May 13. Cattle Receipts, 1000.
Market, slow to steady. Native steers, $6.00
4J8.0O; cows and heifers, $3.50ig. 5.00; West
ern steers, $3.756.75; cows and heifers,
$2 757.76; canners. ?2.504.25; stockers
and feeders, $3.50(6(6.50: calves. $4.008.25;
bulls, stags, etc. $3.7506.35.
Produce Price. Current ln the Bay City
SAN FRANCISCO, May 13. The follow
ing prices were current ln the produce
market today:
Butter Fancy creamery, 27c; creamery
seconds. 26c: fancy dairy, 26c.
Cheese New. 13 813V,c; young America.
14 8 15c
Eggs Store. 24c; fancy ranch, 26c
Poultry Roosters, old, $5W0; roosters,
young. $811; broilers, small, $2.503.50;
.rollers, iarge. $44.50; fryers. $7.308;
hens. $5.501312; ducks, old. $67; duck,
young. $8 9.
Vegetables Hothouse cucumbers. 5085c
garlic. 37c; green peas. 60Cd$l; string
beans. 86c; asparagus, 75cj$i.75- toma
toes. $1,608 4;eggplant, 1017ic
Fruit Apples, choice, $1.23; apples, com
mon, 50cl; bananas'. 75c $3.50; Mexican
limes. $J.506; California lemons, $1.254
oranges. navels, $1.253; pineapples, $2.50(3
$3.50. w
.Potatoes Salinas Burbanks. $16 110
sweets 8mc; Oregon Burbanks. S0cfi$L
Mlllstuffs Bran. $23 24; middlings, $27
Hay Wheat, $12 17.50: wheat and oats.
$9(013: alfalfa. 58 411; stock. 69: straw
per bale, 40 'a 66c. "
Hops California crop, 12 15c
Receipts Flour. 3711 sacks: wheat, l'O
centals; barley. 5520 centals; oats; 56 cen
tals; beans. 500 sacks: corn. SO centals
potatoes. 6416 sacks; middlings. 165 sacks
hay, 170 tons; wool, 80 bales; hides. 640.
Coffee and Sugar. -
NEW YORK. May 13. Coffee closed
steady, net unchanged to 5 cents higher.
Sales were reported of 23.500 bae-s r-i,..
bids: May. 6.40c: June and July. 6 45c-
A .11T11.I A RD-- Rn(.mh.. k,.nW.- . ...
. . 1 . 1 muu No
vember. 6.00c: December, 6.65c; January,
6.68c; February. 6.70c; March. 6.7Sc4 April!
6.74c. Spot quiet. No. 7 .Rio. 8c; San
tos No. 4, t4c. Mild quiet. Cordova 9-
((nr.. -Raw t si .( X .1 n . . .
o -- .. . i u . .oa Lest.
3.74c: 'centrifugal. .96 test. 4.26c: molasses
sugar. .9 test. 3.49c. Refined. steady.
Crushed. 5.95c; - granulated. 5.25c; pow
dered, .S5c
Rush to Buy Sends Wheat Up
a Cent at Chicago.
Most- or the Day's Xtws, However,
Is Bearish Receipts in th
Southwest Increasing -Crop
Reports Vary Widely.
CHICAGO. May 13. Frightened over th.
Idea that the market had been oversold on
recent declines, operators who were short
graooea an the wheat In sight ln the final
hour today. Th. clone was a net advance of
t-C to Tii&lc. Corn finishes! XL Si XL e to
4Tmc dowB and oats - 4f c. Provision,
showed a gain of 710o to 22V, c
Although' much of the day's news was
"t""" values, it was the steady absorption
by large local speculator, that accentuated
the Congestion, and WPJl rhiAflv ln1tintial
In making the .horts uneasy. Lack of rain
in me spring wheat sections appeared to
more than offset reports of downpour, on
the Winter CrOD. IJttlM ftttontinn wan o I
to statements that Southwestern receipt,
were increasing and that one big- mill In
Kansas city was closing down. On the
other hand, notice was taken of an. advance
at Liverpool- continnMl ,lan.. i .
in Illinois and Missouri, and especially of a
1 '' in tne aay that wheat in Michi
gan was showing a yellow tinge, indicating
something radically wrong with the plant.
September had a rjni.. r,- -1 1 ai !j .
J',oi flrm near thB to tOT tb lay t
$1.02H, a net gain of Tic
T-um etartea strong because of open buy
ing on the part of leading- wha
weakened on pressure by cash and elevator
piiTLnM 1. n tne corn belt was
bi Jrarnins tIp we" of the Missouri
. Thf, variation ln September was
re.rtS lm-t of HdMic. with th. close
steady at a net decline of 140 at 83tA a
63-iirC. cash demand was slack. No 2 yel
low sold at 63 H 63 54 c. .. yei
Crop prospects for oats were reported ex-
?!h.n. ?ePtemer closed at precisely last
night's price.
i-iJ -I5rvi."J'"u'' pork cloa 174c higher:
lard 7V10c; ribs 10c. ' '
The leading futures ranged a. follows:
. Open. High. Low. Close
'IX ':l UIH
bet ioi?i 1.02-5 i:oi .02.
Mar. . . .
July. . . .
Sept. . ..
61 4 .61 4
.63 .633.
.64 .64
6SH .68
.tOi ,60
-62-i .63
63 .63
6S .5SV4
-'2 .42 H
40 .40
.39 ,39-i
-3'.4 .39
Mav 42 .42i
P ! .
Dec .39-jg .39
5"iJ' J2.55 22-72J4 22 52 22.72H
&ept t-' 2-7H 22.55 22.67Vi
HfO 12.66 12.67V4 12.65
SP' 12.62V4 12.65 12.47V. 12.55
Julv J2.4714 12.50 12.4H. 12".60
Sept...... 12.42 12. 42H 12.35 12.424
t ash quotations were as follows:
Flour Slow.
Rye Xo. 2, 78S80c.
Barley Feed or" mixing, 4954c: fair to
choice malting. 60 65c.
. Flax seed Xo 1 Southwestern, $2.21; No
1 Xorthwe.tern. $2.31.
Timothy eed $3.20.
Clover :$11.25.
Pork Mess, per barrel. $22.76(3 21.
l.ard Per 10O pounds, $13.5041 la. 75.
Grain statistics-
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
eoual to 446.000 bushels. Export, for the
?"eekAai'si10Jvntby Bradstreefs. wene equal
t?.2??4L00(L bU8hcl- Primary receipt, were
3'0,000 bushels, compared with 654.000 bush
els the corresponding day a year ago Esti
mated receipts fir tomorrow: Wheat, 44
lft'o. 2i .. t' 136 crs; .
. .Receipts. Shipments.
wU V bKrrtis, 17 300 . 29.600
Wheat, bushels 3d nnn iaoaa
Corn, bushels 966500 187 500
Oats, bushels el4.200 47s'7(iffl
Rye. bushels 7,000
Barley, bushel. 34,700 "1V.S00
Grain and Produce at New York.
NEW TORK. May 13. FlourQ,.if
steady. Receipts. 16,336 barrels; shipment.,
Wheat Spot steady. No. 1 red. 11 1u
bid c. i. I. ; No. 1 Northern. $31. 81 i . nom
inal f. o. h. Wheat was quiet most of the
day, but prices were generally higher on
small offering, and covering by short, on
cool weaither in the West and the Arm
technical position, closing at net lixc ad
vance. May closed $1.174: July closed
$1.12. Spot closed $1.0ST.. Receipts, 44,400
uusneis; Bnipmenu, l3,dvs OUBhelS.
Hops Dull.
Hids Firm.
Petroleum and wool Steady.
Rice Quiet,
Enrooeon Grain Markets.
LONDON, May 18. Cargoea. dull and In
active; Walla Walla for .hipment, nominal.
38s 6d. ,
English country markets. 6d cheaper.
French country markets, quiet.
LIVERPOOL. May 18. MTieat May. 7s
ld; July, 7s ld; October, 7s 2d. Weather,
Minneapolis Grain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS, May 13. Flax Closed at
. Corn Xo. 3 yellow, 5960c
Oats Xo. 3 white. 40 4f 41 V4c
Rye-No. 2, 70 73 c
Grain at San Francisco.
PAN FRANCISCO. May IS. Wheat Firm.
Barley Firm.
Spot quotations:
Wheat Shipping, $L521.57V4 per cen
tal. Barley Feed, $1.07 1.08 per cental;
brewing. 1.12 1.15.
Oats Red. $1.251.B7 per cental: white.
$1.47 1.55; black, nominal.
Call board sales.
Wheat No trading.
Barley December, $1.08 per cental bid.
$1.08 asked.
Corn Large yellow. $1.70L75 per cental.
Grain Market, of the Northwest.
TACOMA. May 13. Wheat Export; blue
stem, SGc; club, 85c Milling; bluestem, 89
90c; club. 85la86c.
SEATTLE. May 13. Milling quotations:
Bluestem, 90c; 40-fold, 8Sc; club, 87c;. fife.
87c; red Russian, 85c Export wheat: Blue
stem, 87c; 40-fold. 85c; club. 84c; nfe, 84c;
red Russian. 92c. Yesterday', c.r receipts:
Wheat, 42 cars; oats, 2 cars; barley. 2 cars.
Dried Fruit at New Tork. 1
NEW TORK. May 3 3. Prunes, moderately
active- and prices firm. Quotations range
from 2&8c for California., up to 80-4O.
and 44jc for Oregons.
Apricota, firm, with small ofrerlngr. but a
less active demand. Choice. 1010c; extra
choice. 10llc: fancy. ll12'fcc.
Peaches, firm, with an Increased demand.
Choice. 66c; extra choice. 6&7c; fancy
8 7c.
Raisins, dull and featureleM. Loose musca
tels are quoted at 85c; choice to fancy
seeded. 4 6c; seedless. 84c; Lon
don layers. $1.20S1.25- -
Xs4ry Produce ln the East. ,
CHICAGO, May 13. Bntter Steady.
Creameries, 2327c: dairies, 2125c Eggs
steady. Receipts 12.688 cases. At mark. caes
included, 16318c; firsts, 18c; prime firsts.
Cheese Steady. Daisies, 149 14- c; twins
lS13c; Toung America. 15c: long
horns. 1414c "
NEW TORK. May IS. Butter generally
steady. Prices unchanged.
Cheese Firm, unchanged.
Eggs Firm. Fresh gathered storar.
packed .elections, 2222c; regular extra
firsts. 22 a 22 -4 c extra
Ranch Home Barns; Ioss $1000.
MARSH FIELD, Or., May- 13. (Spe
cial.) The residence on the ranch of
William McCulloch, in the Ten-Mile
Lake district, was totally destroyed by
fire, entailing; a loss of "over $1000. There
was no insurance on the property
' Capital - - - $1,000,00Q.00
Surplus oaf. Profits, 725,000.00
J. C. AI.-VS-VVORTH, President.1 " . ; " It. V. SCHMEER, Cashier.
, R. LEA BARNES, Vice-President.
A. M.. "WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier. ; ' W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier.
Are From
Par surpa-tinr mining, industrial or agricultural profits are those now being
made by oil investments.
The profits beln made now by California OH tompaniee, which are sobstan
tially evidenced by the payments to' stockholders of a.bout one million dollars
monthly, far outrank these-other wealth producers. The question, therefore, before
every investor, should now be where can I secure a safe oil sioi-k investment, yet
one that will pay me big returns? Coalinga Central stock, which can now he oufrtit
at prices around 55c (par $1.00) presents Just such an opportunity. This Company
ls.offlcered by the highest grade men in the business, their 12i-acre property in
the center of the Coal in a field Is among the choicest In fhe state. Two wells are
now producing, two more are being drilled and arrangements made for seven mor
to be drilled by Kali, By that time we predict that tiiia stock mill be on a divi
dend basis and. prices around $1.00.
Send In ibis coupon for detailed Particulars, with maps, photos, etc
Bldg., 8aa .Francisco, Cal.
Gentlemen Please send me, free of cot. Information reprardlnp stoclt re
ferred to above; also free copies of oil magazine. "CIL, KKCTRITJjSs,' lor six
months all this without any obligation whatever jn my part.
Name , . -
Street and No. . . .
Heavy Sales of Staple Oregon and
Montana at 62 to 63
Cents Scoured Basis.
BOSTON. May IS. The Commercial Bul
letin will say of the wool market tomorrow:
At last sufficient business has started to
establish a market, with a large amount of
staple Montana and Oregon sold to a lead
ing New England mill at 62 to 8 cents
scoured basis. Unwashed delaine also moved
substantially at 27 cents, a figure now be
ing rejected ln some quarters. Original bag
Arizona eel Is at 6y62 ceivts clean.
The deadlock between buyer and sheep-
mn In the West continues and many clips
are being consigned to Eastern dealers.
The shipments of wool from Boston to
May 12 inclusive were 73,266.964 pounds,
against 96,990,891 for the same time last
year. The receipts to May 12 inclusive-were
86.91S.682 pounds, against 122,829,000 for
the same period last year.
Wool at St. Ixmls.
ST. IXUIS, May 13. Wool Steady. Ter
ritory and Western mediums, 2023c; fine
mediums. 18cr22c. fine, 11 16c.
Fem Hill, Xewljr Annexed to Ta
coma, Wins Victory.
TACOMA, Wash.. May 13. An agree
ment was reached today by the city au
thorities and the Tacoma Railway &
Power Company by which the five-cent
fare is conceded to the Fern Hill dis
trict, annexed to the city last Decem
ber. The refusal of the company to con
cede the fare at that time resulted in
the famous tie-up of the cars by the
residents in the newly-annexed terri
tory and resulted ln many suits against
the company for damages.'.
Oregon City Plans Big Ftourth.
OREGON CITY, Or., May 13 (Special.)
At a. meeting; of the Fourth of July
celebration committee last nigrht. M, D.
Latourette was elected secretary of the
executive committee. This committee is
composed of O. D. Eby, B. T. Fields,
J. W. Cole and M. D. Latourette. It is
planned to raise J1000 for a celebration
to be remembered. Celebrations in the
smaller towns have been abandoned, and
all will come to this city. There wT?T
Many property owners
many "will learn, that
Pavement haa more sta
bility, more real value
than any other hard-oar-'
face p are m ent laid.
Dowcmg-Hopkins Co.
Established 1883.
'. Prf'Tato
Grata. Wires
201-2-3-4 Coach Bids. "
be three bands and a parade, hose races,
motor-boat races, fireworks and other at
tractions. Ten Acres Soil for $8 0 0 Pep Acre.
UNDERWOOD, Wash., May 13. Spe
cial.) J. C. Clarkson, for many years
one of the heavy shippers of strawber
ries from this point, recently sold 10
acres, set to strawberries and peaches,
at $800 per acre, reserving: this season's
Only Seven Cruises; Number of Passengers
Limited; Best Reserve Berth Quickly.
vVrh. for folder containing- large picture
of famous MU1R GLACIER, free. Address
And Back (First Claw)
6 'Am Iujs from S. i.
The splendid twin screw steamer SIERRA.
(10,000 tons displacement) sails March 26.
April 16. May 7 and every 21 days. Round
trip good four months. Honolulu,
the most attractive spot .on entire world
tour. BOOK NOW and secure best berths.
S. 6. Mariposa and Union Line, sailings
April 15. May 21, June 2u, etc. Tahiti and
back (24 days). 125 first class. New Zea
land (Wellington). 2ie.25 first class, H T.
six moDuu.
OCEANIC 8. 8. CO.,
673 Market Street. Eas Francisco.
Canadian Pacific
Less Than Four Days at Sea
Weekly Sailing Between Montreal
Quebec and Liverpool.
Two day. on the beautiful St. Lawrence
Klv.r and th. shortest ocean route to u-
Joth!ne better on th. Atlantic than our
Empresses. Wireless on all steamers.
Firat-cloeM 90. second $51.25. eue elau
cabin HI -60.
Ask any ticket agent, or write for sail
ings, rates and booklet. F. R. Johnson, ben
era! Agent. US Third St.. fortland. Or.
J 10,000 Ton Twin-Screw Passenger
Steamers Direct to
Norway, Sweden and Denmark
Helllg 01av...May 2'Unlted State.. Juno 23
Oscar II June UHellIg 01av....July 3
C. F. Tletgen. June 16Oscar J I June 21
All Steamers equipped w!tl Wireless
First cabin. $75 upward: 'second. $60.
A. K. JOHNSON A CO., 14 Washington Ave..
South Minneapolis, Mlnn.t or Local Agents.
Columbia River, Port
land and Astoria Route
Steamer Hassalo leaves Portland dally,
except Sunday, at 8 P. M. ; (Saturday at
10:OO P. M. ) ; returning;, leaves Astoria dolly,
except Sunday, at 7:W A. M. Tickets Inter
changeable with steamer "Jjurllne," which,
leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7:00
P. M.
San Francisco & Los Angeles
North Pacific S. S. Co.'s S. S. Roanoke
andfS. S. Elder sail every Tuesday
alternately at 8 P. M. Ticket office
132 Third St.. near Alder.
f, H. YOUNG, Ant
.? Psosm M 1314, A 1314.
Only direct steamers and daylight sailing.
From Ainsworth dock. Portland. 0 1. L:
; S. Bear. May 14. XS, etc.
Kom City. May il, June 4.
From Pier 40 San Francisco. 11 A M. :
- 8S. Rose City, May 14, 28.
feS. bear. May 21, June 4.
HARRY Q. SMITH. C. T. A.. Ill Third St.
Main 402. A 1402.
J. W. RANSOM. Dock Agent,
Ainsworth Dock. llaln 2tiS. A 1234.
Steamer Breakwater leaves Portland 9 A.
M . May 4. 0. 14. 19, 24. 29 and every flv
day, from Ainsworth Dock, for North Bend,
Mnrshfleld and Coos Bay points. Freight
received until 5 P. M. dally. Passenger fare
first-class. $10; second-olass. $7, Including
berth and meals. Inquire City Ticket Office
8d and W a illusion, sts., or A ins worth Dock!