14 THE MORMXG OREGOXIA5, SATURDAY, MAT 14, 191C FOR SALE. t Morses Vehicle mnd HarncM. tOKTLAN'D 6TABLB6, 26 North 15th SU One pair horses, weight 2600 lb.. A and 6 years old; $375. . One pair horses, weight 2400 !-, 6 and 7 year old; S3&0. One business wajon, la good condition and newly painted.; $40. One hand-made buggy and high-grade karness, coat 4-75; all in good condition; price 75. I will give a written guarantee on above bones to be as represented, or rfund your money. My bank, the Portland Trust Co., will tell you as to my reliability. K. L. EVA.Na. . Why buy second-hand vehicle when you can get a new one from an old-established wholesale house, 44 years In Oregon, at 'almost the same cost T We ara located outside the high-rent district, ow our building, and can males the price. Ex clusive agents lor the old reliable line or Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and farm wagons. Be sure and see us before you buy. It may save you money R. M. WADE & CO... m 322 Hawthorne Ave., bet. East 1st and 2d. CUT PRICES. On new buggies, harness and wagons; the second largest stock In the city to select from. New. guaranteed, well-known buggies with leather trimmings, fine leather quarter tops, for 5o.o0. -Big sales and small profits. C. L, BOSS A CO., 820-328 EAST MORRISON STREET. NOTICE TO HORSE-BUTERa - Eight horses, been used by Mercnants e 11 very Co. the past year, to be sold regard less of value; ages from 7 to 10, weight from 1000 lt lSw lbs.: no reasonable offer refused. 433 North 26th iu Entrance to fairgrounds. Also harness and wagons at purchasers' option. i'OR BALE Horses, harness and wagons. Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and mares. If not as represented they can be returned. We also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetaoie and milk wagons for sale. Hawthorne-av. Stables. 420 Hawthorneave. A PRIVATE) family wants to dispose of brown inare, sutndard bred and registered ; safe for a lady to drive or handle under all circumstances; also rubber-tired runabout and h&mefi; will sell altogether or separate. Call at residence, 874 Eavier st. Take 16th-Bt. or W. car and get off at 26th st. 0 HEAD of horses and mares, weighing from JtOO to lt00 lbs.; several pairs of farm chunks, all well broke and will be guaranteed as represented. Call early and t your choice. 324 Front, corner Mar ket st. . J'OR SALE New soda fountain and fix tures, complete, used only part of one sea son; suitable for small, first-class confec tionery; terms, if wanted. Apply to J. O. Kenton. Union Depot News Stand." A NEW S236 runabout buggy, fine 1100 mare which cannot be beat for family use; will sell together or single or take cheaper rig In exchange. suit East 28th su; "Woodstock car to Gladstone ave. A FINE thoroughbred horse, 6 years old, broke to ride or drive; also city broke; afraid of nothing. Phone Tabor 1845. Ad dress 1850 East 47th and Hawthorne ave. FIRST-CLASS Heavy draft and driving horses always on hand; sold with guarantee as represented. U. 3. Stables. 24S Front. POXY, caddie and bridle for 50. Tabor 1611. Automobiles. GOOD 1909 4 to 5-passenger auto wanted in exchange for 45 acres of beach property, partly platted, adjoining Tillamook Coast Resort, to be put on the market this Summer at SlOO to $MK) a lot; easily worth S50K at acreage value; will sell for less than half this sum and take auto as first payment, balance as lots are sold. AN 00 a. Ore g o n in. WE have a client who wants to trade a good piece of property for an automobile, good &-passenger car. M. E- THOMPSON & CO.. 4th and Oak sts. 6-PASSBNOER auto. 35 h. p., 4-cylinder; top, shield and lamps. thoroughly over hauled, in good condition. Room 10 Wash ington bldg. " PACKARD 80 roadster; excellent condition; new ly painted. Inquire til- Lumbermens wbldg. A RUNABOUT cheap for quick sale. West ern Auto Co.. 531 Alder st. FOR SA LE Auto glass front; a snap, $15. 504 Washington su Birds, Dogs, pet Stock. OR 6 grade Jersey cows; must be fresh, from 4 to 6 years old, good milkers and Inspected. Room. 608 Commercial block. Main 1443. t FOX terrier pups cheap. Inquire 210 Market st.. near -1st. M iscellaneo us. JXR SALE Cheap, launch: 22 ft. long; 6-h. p. Mlanus engine, with reverse gear, air tank and whistle; full set regulation lights, new; 6 batteries at S3 each; every thing complete and in good condition. Price $250. J. A. Kelly, 1000 Union ave., X. ; Woodlawn 174s. SEWING machines Do not fail to visit the White sewing machine store THIS WEEK. SPECIAL) SALES 120 drop-head machines, slightly marred; all standard makes ma chines for rent, and repairing. H. D. Jones, Prop., 420 Washington su. corner 11th. HOUSEBOAT FOR SALE. New houseboat of 3 large rooms, float 2ttx40; one of the best-built houses on river; will sell cheap, with or without fur niture. Mrs. Johnson, at Yacht Club. FOR SALE. 125-volt, 150-K. W. General EQectrlo generator; belt type, complete with panel and rail base. Address Room 201. Ore gonlan. EiGlAL prices on factory rebuilt machines; very liberal terms; $10 to $o. Northwest Typewriter Co., M 8S70. 222 Ablngton bldg. O.N'B of the bet boat houses on the river, new; also a. 12-paseenger gaollne launch, all in flret-cas condition, at a bargain. Call at 133 First st-, room 24. 23 HEAD choice dairy cows for sale; some Jerseys and Durhams; all fresh. Inquire T. W. Blew, SO North Sixth St., Port land. Or. FOR SALE Babcock electric" phaeton, 1909, used only three months, good as new, at very reasonable price. AM tS5, Oregon tan. FIVE head good fre-sh roiioh cows for sale. Call or address Frank Anderson. 96 4th st-, Portland. Or. KOTES AND MORTGAGES BOUGHT AND SOLD NATIONAL CREDIT ASSN.. 601 WORCESTER BLixJ., 3d and Oak. PLUMPING, new, bath tub, sink, toilet, complete; will discount 20 per cent be Inw whoiH't.1a. phone Marshall 1117. SAFES, new and second-hand, all etees, cheap for cash or easy terms. Portland Safe Co. S7 5th st. BLICKBNSDERFER TYPEWRITERS, $40 $.V). Ask for catalog. Rebuilt S15 up. N. M. Hayter Co.. 9Q 5th st. Main 552S FOR RALE Showcase, wsl leases, counters, cheep. No. 222 Grandav. Phone East 5SS. FOR SALE Hart-Parr traction gasoline en gine, good as new. It. T. Cox. 250, 3d St., r nniftHQ, vr. TUP ERCU LINE -TESTED mUch cows: sin gle or in car lots. Apply Mokel, Bruce Co.. stockyards. Js'O. 6 Remington typewriter fine condition; new looking; bargain. AM PM. Oreg on 1 an . A $4oO SODA FOUNTAIN for sale very cheap. Call up Main I860 or A 4860. SHOWCASE, new and second-hand. 312 Everett, cor oin. aiso natures. KOVSKHOLD gfods. with furniture, new range. 412 Puth su. Montavilla. FINE lnwlated cooler for sale cheap. Friedman. 205 1st. 1" IOL1N S, ban joe, mandoline, guitars at half m regular pricca Uncle Myers. 71 6 in st. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. yji gtarg St. Alain 14iT. FOR SALE Hand printing press and type, complete. ftpa'a Savier st. 600 BUSINESS CARDS $1 if you bring this ad Rose City Prlntery. lt2Vj Sd. near Taylor. POSTAGE stamp collection, catalogues, $400; make me an offer. Evenings. Main 5708. WANTrm M ljC KIJATXr S. W ANT EX Men's cast-off elothlno- and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; nigh set prices paid. Call at the "Fair lav 62 N. Sd st. Main 9272. W ASTRO To lease, with option of buying. 2 Kmtui iumn. oapweixy it) to L pasen srers. and be Is good running order; give full ic uuiTw . gooo security. Address W 055, Oregonlan. WANTED. CLOTHING. Highest price paid for men's cast-off clothing and shoes. The Globe Second hand store. 20t First. Main 20 so. We aiso ft ELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or You'll m-mt Phones: A 2445; Mala 851. CALL up Marshall 1920 it you have seo- SPOT cash paid for your furniture: prompt attention always given. pn ne East 1067. lures. Main S45S. f26H Washington st. WILL pay cash for good legitimate stock. AN oregonlan. WANTED M.4.LB. i WANTaU) Men to cotitrart to cut logs d KELP WANTED MALE. FIRST-CLASS salesman -wanted to repre sent large California wine house in the Northwest; give full particulars regard ing previous experience, references, etc ; all communications strictly confidential. Address Arthur Lachmac. 510 Battery st-, San Francisco. OREGON EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 7 North Second. One concrete foreman, $4.50. One form builder, $3.50. Six concrete laborers, $3. Foreign gang of 50 men. Brickyard laborers, jt2.5o. Section men. North Bank. "WANTED Young men to work in silver and glass pantry. Apply Commercial Club, &th and Oak sts., superintendent's office, between, 10 and 11 A. M. EXPERIENCED bakers. Cracker depart ment. Good wages. Steady employment. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co- 12th anil Davis. 10,000 POSITIONS lor graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructors; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 33 North 4th at., Portland, Or. MEN wanted for firemen and brakemen on nearby railroads; age IS to 35 ; experience unnecessary ; no strike ; permanent employ ment; firemen $100 monthly, brakemen $75; promotion to engineers, conductors; 4uO men cent to positions monthly. State age; send stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonlan. WANTED A bookkeeper for a manufactur ing plant who is also a stenographer; penmanship must be neat ; good salary) answer in handwriting, stating lines' of business heretofore engaged in. x 050, Oregonlan. WANTED Young man to act in capacity as shipping clerk for wholesale plumbing house; state age, reference and salary ex pected; good chance for advancement. Ad dress B 952. Qregonian. WANTED Man, familiar with the city, to take position of assistant manager for manufacturing concern of long standing; must Invest a few thousand dollars; good salary. A'K 970, Oregonlan. YOUNG man. with experience in retail busi ness, wages $40 a month to start; good chance for advancement; one who resides with parents preferred. W 957, Orego nian. THREE or four young man, IS to 20 years, to work on paper machine; steady work and good opportunity for advancement. Call Crown-Columbia Pulp & Paper Co., 411 Commonwealth bldg. - SALESMEN WANTED We require the services of a few young men that are de sirous of learning to sell REAL ESTATE. -A-PPly mornings. JNO. P. SHARKEY COMPANY. PRESSERS First-class workmen wanted at once. OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway mall clerks, postoffice clerks, carriers, etc. Write or call for Book SO, it's free. Pacific States School. McKay bldg., Portland, Or REAL estate business, owner has too much work, wants energetic, sober partner to help him; bank references given. Call 417 Board of Trade. GOVERNMENT employes wanted Write for Portland examination schedule. Prepara tion free. Franklin Institute, Dept.. 2U00, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Young man to assist in office; some collecting; $20 per week; chance to advance; $150 cash necessary. 2O5-2O0 Lumbermens bldg. WANTED A man with small capital to act as treasurer for theatrical company. AX 989. Oregonlan. TWO machinists wanted for out of town. United Metal Trades Assfn., 222 Commex clal Club bldg. WANTED Man to take charge of dry goods dept. and work In general store. AM 950, Oregonlan. WANTED Bookkeeper and stenographer; state references and experience and salary expected. Address AK 9Q0. Oregonlan. SALESMAN, good mixer, to follow up pros pects among working men; big commission. Call morning, 204 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Carpenter for inside finish; must be a first-class man. Anderson, 46th and Sandy road. Take Rose City car. MATTRESS-STITCHERS and boys wanted. Portland Furniture Mfg. Co., 1249 Macadam road. Fulton car. WANTED Boy to attend to errands In wholesale section. Apply to Jones Cash Store, Front and Oak st. WANTED at once, good, all-round printer; one with thorough knowledge of presses. Address the Journal. Ke Iso. Wash. WANTED An A-l horses hoer for general aiiup . nune dui nrsi-ciass neeo appiy. j. H. Heder, Baker City. Or. BARBER wanted; 3 years' experience; must do gooa shaver; steady job to right party. Apply AL 96. Oregonlan. WANTED Men recently from the East; ex perienced m manufacture of bolts and nutg. Apply 209 North 13th. BILLING clerk and office assistant, steady position. Address in own hand-writing; give phene number. AF 964, Oregonlan. WANTED One first-class shoe salesman for extra Saturday help. C. H. Baker, 270 Washington st. WANTED Steady man with $150; make $30 weekly; handle your own money. 326 Stark st.. room IP, top floor. WANTED A numoer of young men fr ushers at the Orpheum Theater. AptA' after 10 A. M. TWO salesmen wanted for gilt-edged resi dence real estate. Inquire 0 to 12 A. M., 322 Corbett bldg. WANTED A circulation getter of experi ence and ability. Livestock reporter. Union stockyards. WANTED Stock cutter and moulding stickerman. Only experienced operators need apply. Chehalls Fir Door Co. WANTED Blacksmith helper; write for particulars. A. C. Aorendsen, McMlnn vllle. Or. WANTED At once, experienced operators on la. lies' cloaks, suits and skirts. Western Mfg. Co.. 63 Fifth st.. Sd floor. SALESMEN. all llre; bookkeepers and stenographers; numerous openings. 313 1 Washington st.. joom 18. $18 TO $35 week, few months only learning; situations guaranteed. WatJimakinfc-ii' graving School. Box 1S2. Ashland. Or. WANTED Married man to take care of orchard near White Salmon ; state ex- perienceand age. AK 972. Oregonlan. WANTED Reliable man, used to farm produce; pay $25 week; small Investment required. Particulars. 248 Stark st. WANTED Young man to help In, kitchen. Apply Columbia Hotel, aai First st. WANTED Bright boy over 16toa!st In of fice Apply AN 96U. Oregonlan. WANTED Shoemaker for repair work. 282 Grand ave,. at shoe store. PHOTO coupon and portrait agents, new winning offer. Cutberth. Pekum bldg. WANTED Boy to strip at the Schiller Cigar factory; good opportunity to learn trade. EXPERIENCED dishwasher wanted, $9 per week. 506 Washington st. ONE first-class waiter. Apply 141 N. 6th St., between 11 'A. M. and 2 P. M. FIRST-CLASS salesman : steady job to right party. Parisian Tailors. m 6th st. BOY for Janitor and kitchen work In board - ing-houge. 554 Couch st WANTED Driver and solicitor; salary and commission. Berlin Dye Works. 32 Td st. MOTION picture operators earn S6 weekly Motion Picture School. S26 Wash, st. $10 TO 100 daily made In the mot1onpie ture business. Particulars S3P Wash. st. WEAVERS wanted. Apply Fluff RUe Col 7'.0 Washington. MEN for factory near Portland; married men preferred. 339 Sherlock bldg. TELEGRAPHY taught, operators In demand! good pay. telegraph school. 2&Q 3d at. EXPERIENCED dishwasher; $9perTreelk 506 Washington st. MODEL grocery. 4tS E. Morrison; dish washer -wanted; good wages to right man. HIGH -OLA S3 commercial salesman wanted. 215 Commercial bldg. 25 GOOD laborers, sts.; wages $2.50. East Yamhill and Jas. H. O'Brien. iSth TWENTY carpenters wanted: 45 cent per hour. C. K- Philbrlck. Raymond. Wash. STABLEMAN. Montgomery. Come ready to work. 294 SALESMAN for shoe department. Clothing Co.. 166 Third. WASTED Bushelman. at Gentlemen Tailors. 6th once. American nd Stark sts. WANTED First-class saleamaa mt the pa. HELP WAJfTKP MALE. EVERY young man seeking employment, or desiring to better his condition, should get in quick touch with the Aavisory and Employment Secretary of the Y. M- C. A. Special employment membership. Dur ing April we placed 9 men in permanent and 97 men in temporary positions. Strangers our spec t alt v. Good advice, fel lowship and opportunity await you. De mand for every young man who can do anything -well. Think twice, and then some, before you Invest money in any proposition. We have immediate calls for the follow ing: , 4 first-class architectural draftsmen. Assistant shipping clerk. 2 first-class bookkeepers, temporary. Information and bill clerk; young man. Bill clerk, typewriter; young man. Carpenters, finish and rough. Collector and assistant bookkeeper; young man. Cabinetmaker. Demonstrators, house-to-house; $40 ana commission. Drug clerk. Laundrymen. heads of 5 departments. Mechanical draftsman. v Topographer. Switchboard man. Railroad clerks, experienced in auditors ofTice. 6 stenographers. 3 stenographers and bookkeepers. Wool workers. Woodworkers. Assistant bookkeeper. Typewriter and hustler; young man. Clerk accounting department construc tion company. , . Experienced man to take charge of gent's furnishing department. Assistant bookkeeper, grocery store. Experienced cashier, dry goods store. OUT OF TOWN. Bookkeeper. Cabinetmaker. Window and door frame maker. Grocery salesman, first-class. General store manager. Farmers. Lumber foreman. Hardware and furniture salesman. Railroad office man. 5 stenographers. Bookkeeper and stenographer. Civil engineer. Electricians, construction. Surveyors. Su nographer. Employment Department. Y. M. C. A. FOR THE COPPER RIVER ft N. W. R- R CORDOVA, ALASKA. TOOO white laborers for surfacing and general railroad construction work, wages $3.S5 per day. Fare from Seattle to the work $15. Weekly shipments begin about May 10. M. J. HEN EX, Pier 2, Seattle, Wash. WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. S. Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 35. Must be native born or have first papers; monthly pay $15 to $60; additional compen sation possible; food, clothing, quarters and medicinal attendance free ; til ter SO years eervice can retire w.th 75 per cent of pay " aid allowances; serlcf- on ooard ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Appiy at 4 and 10 Breeden bldg., 3d and Washington sts., Portland. Or. KLAMATH FALLS SALESMEN. Five able men wanted at once to sell this live, close-in property; we are start ing an aggressive campaign; liberal com missions and strong backing. THE SOUTHER-ALBEKTSOX CO., 2S6 Oak St. Main 0710. WANTED An Incorporated company wants a good, reliable, steady man to do adver tising by distributing circulars and cards. To such a man who can take $500 worth of stock In the company a salary of $13 per week will be paid and good dividends on the stock. For particulars call at room 207 Rothchlld Bldg. 1000 MEN wanted to buy genuine bargains in manufacturer's sample suits; all New York models; $35 to $40 values, $18.75: $18 to $22.50 values, $12.75. How do I do It? That's easy. My office rent is one-eighth of a ground floor store. Jimmle Dunn, room 315 Oregonlan bldg. WANTED Men by large contracting com pany; can learn trade of plumbing, elec tricity, bricklaying, automobiles in few months; no apprentice or helpers' work and no expense; $20,000 contract work go ing ; catalogue free. United! Trade School Contracting Company. Los Angeles. TWO boys. Call bet. and 10 A. M. 207 Marquam bldg. HELP WANTED MAJJE OR FEMALE. HELP wanted at Hood Rfver for thinning apples and picking strawberries, about May 15. Employers will furnish fuel and camping location. Free transportation to and from Hood River depot or steamboat landing. Mall your application to Hood River Applegrowers' Union. WANTED. For outside of city, 20 waitresses, 10 cooks. 40 kitchen helpers; best wages. Ap ply between 10 A. M. and noon, room 412, Hotel Oregon. WANTED First-class shirt hand ironers, also fancy ladies' clotures ironers. Lace House Laundry. 26 North 20th st. Main 1784 or A 17S4. WANTED- First-class drawerin and general wouien hum nbiy. juuiinoman Alohatr Mills. Sellwood. COMPOSITOR Man or girl. wanted in town not far from Portland; state what you can set- Address M 951. Oregonlan. FISK. TEACHERS AGENCY offers rood positions to A-l Instructors. 611 S wetland. WANTED Man or woman, hand ironers, on shirts. 667 Washington st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. A GIRL- to help take care of baby and assist In general housework in family of three. Phone Main S67T mornings. GOOD wages, competent girl; 3 adults in family. Call 812 Kearney st-. between 24th and 25th. WANTED Experienced woman for general housework; good wages. Call at 8 East 27th st GIRL to do light work in boarding house; small wages, room and board; also seam--tress wanted. 253 6th st. WANTED First-class cook; family of two; good wages; must have references. Mrs M. Fleischner. 344 Salmon st. A GIRL fr housework; good home; must have references; wages $215. Call at store, 429 Washington st. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 600 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. TEACHER wanted two hours teach EngliPh. 173 N 6t h st. day KITCHEN woman. Great Northern Hotel, end "S" car north. APPRENTICES for halrdreseing and mani curing. 1U f (-II. .littlU i J .H. GIRL for cooking and general housework 8 in family. Inquire T75 Schuyler st. WANTED Coat finishers" at once. Apnlv at 263 H Yamhill st. M. Gumbert. W AN T E D Good cook, small f ami 1 y ood wages: references. 205 West park st. GIRL for general housework, family of tun. Call fl4 Overton after 10:30 A. M LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting bv 0-.rt - is a month. 269 34th x( , . "HI YOUNG IADY to work, exchange lessons in hnrthand. typewriting. K. B52 rw- : i-z . . faunimi. WANTED Helpers and apprentices. Room 41 irneaner omg. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory N o. 2. Gran d ave. and East Taylor. GIRL for general housework; wages iso phone Main 3112 or A-3112. u GIRL to assist in housework in small familv 802 Overton st. " GIRL to work, in small restaurant. Yamhill st. 20 WANTED Girl for general housework. 216 Graham ave. C 185 1, Woodlawn 1861 FINISHERS wanted on men's neckwear, co lumbia Neckwear Mfg. Co., 2:1 ytark st. WANTED Good girl for general housework - m good rook, 3 adults. 595 Oilman st. ' GIRL or woman general housework. Apply before noon. 291 7th st. GOOD waitress. 2'J5 Madison st. California Oyster-house, W ANTED Good girl for general house- work. 900 Northrup at. Phone M 6415. WANTED Good reliable woman In country home. Address 353 Stark st. GIRL for general housework. 436 E In Irvlngton. Phone C 2446. WANTED Girl for general housework. AddIv 6&2 Hancock at-. Irvlngton. WANTED Girls to make strawberry boxes. Ptandaj-d Box &. Lumber o. WANTED Experienced waitress, lonlal. 10th and Morrison st. The Co- GIR-L or old lady, to assist with children a.m """ "tMCej 1Q. &43 3d BU w a. i r Lr-r pr nrncru machine sewers' no othftre need apply. Call 38SMorrison st. OTRL to do housework. 702 NorthruDstT k&lZLL wajrtf d, light housework. y j HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS over 16 to work 1n bag factory. Apply Ames, Harris, Ne' lie Co.. 5th and Davis. HELP WANTED on Shirts and Overalls. Inquire Today. 75 First SU OLDS, WORTMAN & KING WANT SALESWOMEN, first-class. In a number of our departments. JACKET, SKIRT AND GOWN WORK ERS, thoroughly experienced hands. GIRLS, 16 years of age and over, who will have an opportunity to learn the business if bright and active. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. WANTED Girl for general housework and cooking; wages $35. Call 735 Irvingst., Beared WANTED A kind, amiable woman for gen eral household duties to enter home of .uiea as one or the family; small house; most delightful Summer surroundings, in Upper Hood River Valley; remuneration, $12 and permanent home if mutually sat isfactory. Address P. O. Box 64, Mount Hood. Or. GIRLS Good To work in cracker department. PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO.", -i weiiui ana jjavis. WANTED. girls for mach. ironing. 2 for sorting. 1 for marking. 1 for shipping department Experienced hand ironer. YALE LAUNDRY. E. 10th and Morrison. GTRLS 16 years and over as messengers, wrappers, cashiers, etc. An opportunity lor advancement for good, competent girls. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. wan i h,D Elderly woman, not under 50 years, to take care of baby; party must iu go to country this Summer; $30 per month. Call at nnno .Si Ot-.rrn st. Will not answer letters or telephone STRAWBERRY pickers wanted at White fcalmon; women and girls preferred; good wages; ideal camping location; free trans portation from steamboat landing. Ad dress C. W. J. Peckers, "The Eyrie," White Salmon. Wash. WANTED By Portland concern operating In an Inland town, a high-class stenog rapher, salary $5. Only those with ex perience need apply. Call at room 509 -uumDermens bldg., at 3 o'clock Sunday WANTED Girl to do housework for gentle man and wife and twelve-year-old boy witn nve-room house In Irvlngton. Must be neat, good cook and permanent. Nice jugniun to rig in partly. Phone East 25. WANTED Elderly lady to help with house work and look after baby. Address 489 21st between Clifton and Myrtle. Portland Heights. WANTED Physician (female) registered in Oregon, as assistant, in a medical insti tute; give age and full description. AL WANTED Young lady for office work; need not take dictation but must use type writer. Apply Central Door & Lumber Co., 13th and Gllsan sts. GIRL for light housework in five-room apart ment, West Side; must cook: familv two. Apartment No. 1, Irving Apartments, 21st MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. B26i4 Washington St.. Room 307. Main S836 or A 3266. WANTED" Competent girl for general housework ; good wages; two in family. Phone Main 737; 751 Hoyt. WANTED First-class presser on cloaks and suits; steady position. Eastern Outfitting v -, yv tuiilUB luii U.I1U ium SIS. GIRL employed in office during day would .line worn evenings ana aunaay. AM 969 Oregonian. GIRL for general housework, family of 2 ; pleasant room; references required. 863 u.ast aaimon. cor. stn. GIRLS to make strawberry boxes. Call at 121 East Water st. Phone E. 24. . Multnomah I ruDK & Bag Co. STENOGRAPHERS are placed In positions quickly after proving ability; no charge for positions. Q3Q W orcester block. WANTED Young girl to assist with house work; wages, $15. 577 East 22d st. North near ivnotu WANTED Lady who wishes board and room for care of small house ; a home tor rigni party. &5o 4tn St. WANTED Experienced - second girl in pri vate family of 3; wages, $35. 654 Ev- eren st. WANTED Girls to line trunks. Call at 121 East Water, st. Phone East 24. Multnomah irmiK at ag co. GOODr experienced, strong girl to learn gen eral housework and cooking; good home, fair wages to start. Phone Main 5371. WANTED A nurse girl, 14 years, to assist w- u n i ig n t n ouse work, oi 4 Jefferson i apartment 1. vv a.n I if immediately. neat woman housekeeper, widower's family, out ton. St. Louis'. 303 Wash, Main 2039; A 4775. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 543 Washington St., Cor. 7th, Upstairs. Phone Main 2602. GIRLS wanted to work in paper box fac tory; steady employment. Apply F. C. lemer, twin ana tiiisan sts. WANTED Girl for general housework In Mood River, iamily of two; wages, $25. m .-vo saiinvn si. HEALTHY. intelligent young lady. 20-25 years oi age, wanted In doctor s laboratory. Ap ply 806 Oregonlan bldg.. 11-11:30 A . M. WANTED 2 experienced waitresses at once. Appiy to j. k. Miller, 360 Washington St.. Hllrr XL JK. M. GIRLS wanted for every department; good w n os. u . o. LAunary jo., lirana av and East Yamhill st- COMPETENT woman for cook and house work; second girl kept. 315 East 16th st., .Nprtn. xrvington car. GIRLS wanted to work In paper box fac tory; steady employment. Apply F. C. iemer, luin ana uitsan sts. WANTED At once, experienced operators on lad lev cloaks, stilts and skirts. Western jmg. co., irtn st-, 3a floor. BITTJATIOy WANTED MALX. Bookkeepers sod Clerks. WANTED Thoroughly competent gentleman stenographer and office assistant desires po sition; win no anywnere, in or out of nate highest class references; use Remington or any nanaara lypewruer; am in go Hi health h.i reaay it Dusineas1. irooke, at. 'Jnaric; Hotel, Portland. BOOKK EEPER. with 4 years experience in lumoer orrice, aesirea position with gooa company; can handle foreign and do mestic cargoes; good reference. AL f7v, ifregonian. YOUNG man. emnloved. desires chanei; f perienced office man; some experience as traveling salesman can furnish references aim uumj. iv g i i., uregmi mil. GENTLEMAN of experience desires position as bookkeeper, stenographer or general onice man, in or out of city. AK 951, Oregonian. WANTED By retail lumber bookkeeper. position : salary $75; good reference. Ad- crejfl A aarns, AK vj Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and office man desire position; employed at prpsent time; A-l reierenres. AK 97a. Oregonian. YOUNG man, experienced druz clerk, ore paring for medicine, desires position in town or location. An vi oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer with knr 4C of bookkeeping lflrirej $Joo .AM, 63 Orngrmian, SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED Position by first-class bookkeep er. Address carston, AK- ObA Oregonian. Miscellaneous. MAN. with much experience, wants to en gage with reliable company as superin tendent of factory ; inventor. designer, draftsman, or to Increase the product of the factory in quality and quantity'; ref erences. AL 069, Oregonian. YOUNG man. excellent education and ability. thoroughly experienced in handling men and shipping lumber. Ly capable of taking charge of sales department of small plant; desires position, yard foreman, shipping clerk, etc AL 9S3. 0rgcr.ian. NEAT, reliable lady of 30 wishes position in confectionery store, ice cream stand or small restaurant: wages must be $45 per month; not afraid of work. Address AG 96Q, Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese wants position: all-around worn in private ramliy. Doaraing-nouse ; experienced; speaks good English; willing to do any kind of work. AN &64, Orvi gonian. CARPENTER foreman wants position on nouse worn; preier to tuua ior owner; good blue print reader; wages $4.50. Call up F. B- room 221 Hotel Harrison, after 7 p. m. AS superintendent for special high-class In- tenor nnisn, banic, store, cnurcn, office fix tures, etc.; used to designing, detailing, billing and estimating. Address A 952, Oregonian. WANTED Star A Star, D. A M.. S 2 S. re tail lumberman wants position as manager of retail yard; A-l reference. Address Simpson, AK 963. Qrcgo n 1 a n. YOUNG man wants position on private place or rarra; nas experience; understands English. French and German. AF 963, Oregonlan. MAX with a family wants a place on dairy or grain iarm oy month or year; had ex perience; references if necessary. A. H. Meier. St. Johns, Or. BARTENDER wants steady position, city or country ; experienced and best of refer ences. G. A. Berg, 472 Yamhill St., A 3248. Main 6805. CHAUFFEUR, sober and reliable; the best n reiei Alices; xuung American. a k yon, Oregonlan. WANTED By man and wife, positions as cooks in camp or country hotel; used to the work. Address M. C, 361 Taylor st. CHAUFFEUR, Japanese, thoroughly experl- encen ; nave gooci recommendations as chauffeur. A M 06 2, O r e g o n i a n. X. C. I. STUDENT seeks position as axman with survey party. Address Charles Mar shall. Hotel Harrison, Portland. HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, nurses, chamber maids, waitresses, laundresses. St. Louis Agency. 3034 Wash. Main 2039; A 4775. YOUNG man wants work in a saloon as helper; is willing worker and speaks Ger man. Address AK 968. Oregonian. YOUNG man wants instruction lor struc tural steel and concrete work, evenings. A J 962. Oregonlan. YOUNG man, sober, steady and Industrious, wants position as bakery-wagon driver. A M 074. Oregonian. YOUNG man, attending business college, wants work before or after school hours. AM 971, Oregonian. YOUNG man, going East, wants to work way. 3799 Dwlght st. JAPANESE wants situation as porter snort time, ah 961, Oregonian. A-l PAINTER and paperhanger (nonunion). Phone A 1843. SITUATION" WANTED FEMALE. Book-keepers and Stenographers. FIRST-CLASS stenographer and bookkeeper, with 12 years experience, desires position; references. Address P 952, Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER With some experience, desires a position; references. Phone Main 1584. YOUNG lady wants position as cashier; ex perienced. Phones : E 3422 or B 1449. WE WILL make a tailor-made skirt with your material in any style desired from $5 up. Western Mfg. Co., 63 5th st.; Sd floor; take elevator. A 7297, Marshall 1767. Alterations, specialty on ladies suits. Mrs. Muckier. 43Q Columbia, Apt. 2L A 470 ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors, 326 WasO- lngton st-. suite 216. Main 982, A 53SL, UNDERGRADUATE nurse wiphes more en gagements; 16 years' experience. Main 615S. Housekeepers. BY young, experienced widow, position to manage and look after an apartment house; very best references. P 9ol, Ore gonlan. Miscellaneous. NEAT young- married woman wishes cham berwork without board or room or in ex change for housekeeping rooms and smaller wages. Address A.. I6OV1 Grand ave.. Eapt Side. ' EXPERIENCED orchestra pianist desires cafe or theater work. M054, Oregonian. JAPANESE washwoman wishes to work by day. Address X 959, Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash weekly selling choice nursery stock; out fit free. Capital City Nursery Company. balem. Oregon. OUR system and goods create permanent welcome and repeated sales in every homo. Progressive, permanent employment. Herb! Co., MUwaukie. Or. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT. Wei furnish the renter, collect the rent, pay taxes, insurance and keep up repairs, the same for you as though the property was our own ; references, any bank la Portland. THE EHAW-JEAR COMPANY. 245 Stark St. Phones A S5O0. Main S5. Houses. WANTED Furnished house near Killings worth ave. and Kenton carllne. AM 9t5, Oregonian. Apartments. WANTED By man and wife, for June, July and August, furnished house or good sixed apartments; must be on West side, well located, finely furnished and strictly first-class in every respect. Address P. JJ. Box 1Q5. RESPONSIBLE young couple wish house keeping accommodations in private fara ily. Address AF 961. Oregonian. Rooms With Hoard. YOUNG man, appreciative of a nice home with pleasant surroundings, desires such in a strictly private family, where are no other boarders; city or suburbs. State terms and full part I coil ara AH 962. Ore gonlan. YOUNG man wants board In private fam ily. Catholic preferred, in Piedmont dis trict. AK 96i. Oregonlan. WANTED Board in private family for 3 boys. 4 and 6 years old. AN S 6 3, Ore gonlan. FOB RJO'T. Furnish ed Rooms. HOTEL BAKER. Fifth St., opposite City HalL New, beautifully furnished; steam beat; hot, cold water In every room; publio and private baths. Permanent; transient. " THE MONARCH HOTEL. " 365 Stark Street Now under new management; finely fur nished, steam-heated, all modern conveni ences ; rates reasonable; transients so- llclted. THE GLEXDORA, 19th and Couch Nicely furnished rooms, $.5u per week up; large parlor, piano, billiard and pool tables free to guests; large lawn and veranda; finest location on West Side. MOTEL bRBSUN. 422 Washington, cox. lltb. tSv-u heat, hot and coid wuir, T hv tucely furnished rooms, per ween transient rates. 75c ujf. HOTEL BUSH MARK. Washington and 17th, hrui-clsum furnished rooms, single or en smite; ail modwra coa venlencBs; 3 weekly up.A 2647, M. 6647. RIGHT DOWN TOWN. Modern furnished r unfurnished a part men ls, single or en suite, reasonable rental. i i L-N'ER BLDG., 35Qi Morrison St. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; nssr furniture, telepnone and baths free. 3 etark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estea ELM PLACE, formerly EJton Court Annex, under new management. has thoro-ugniy renovated; singi) rooms and suites. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts.. well furnUnd sleeping rooms $,&0 per - week; electric lights, hot baths free. The Mercedes. 20th and Washington; ele gantly furnished rooms; hot and cold run nlng water, modern conveniences; $12 up. NICELY furnished rooms at 171 West park; cheap. riKNldHED rooms. Elm place, formerly Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and 11th. THE ELMS 2 and 3 -room apartments; fur nlshed. 191 14th jrt. XH KX Modern rooms. 2w&4 a 44 Mf y shinglOB t POR RENT. FuniiAhed Rooms. ANGELA. HOTEL 6 Washington street, between 19th and ith. Just completed, the cosiest, completest and up-to-uatest residence hotel In the city. The ground floor office is finished in real mauogauj. marble and tile, ls spacious and handsome; elevator service, private t.'kjphone ex change, steam heat, hot and coid water ' In all rooms, many with baths and wall beds, and is splendidly furnished. The rent is very mo aerate, rooms from $15 per month up. Why not get the best for your money? Now open, rooms by the day, week or month. Phone Marshall 19o0. HOTEL RAINIER. 140 ROOMS. 1 BLOCK. FROM DEPOT. New, modern, fireproof building, steam heated, hot and cold running water in all rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that money can buy, and it doesn't cost any more than some cheap lodging-house; nice large office on ground floor ; everything first-class ; rates, tOc. 75o and $ 1 per day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and see us. 128 6th su North. Homellke. Homelike Homelike. '1N THE HEART OF I'Ha CITY." NEW SCOTT HOTEL. 7 th and Ankeny sts. Free was their depot carriage 1 took it oa ths spot; There may be other houses lust as good. Bat 2 sues BOC. A yufet home for quiet people. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington su, near King. A cheerful, modern home. Hath, hot and cold water and phona in every room. In the hnest part of the city. The maxi mum of convenience, the minimum of expense. We make you feel at home. Lining-room In connection. liest in tho city ior the money. THE MOODY HOUSE, 268 3d St., cor. Jefierson. New fireproof building and furnishings throughout. Desirable neighborhood, close to business section. Rooms large, light and airy; hot and cold water, steam heat, gas and electric lights; call bells; free phones. Rate $3 to 6 per week. Phones, A 7131; M 6639. HOTEL ANTLERS. 404 VV a3hlngton, corner 10th. ' Modern brick building, steam heated, private batlis, running water in rooms, elecLric light, frue phone; Bpecial rates by week or month ; the most convenient lo cation in the city; transient traua solicited at $1 up. HOTEL MINNESOTA. 83 North 5th St., s. E. Cor. Flanders. New brick building, steam heated, por celain oaths, fine large oxfice on ground r.oor, elegant beds, everything absolutely new and clean; rates only $2.50 and up per week; 50c and 75c per day. 3 blocks trom Union Depot. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh Street. NEW, modern brick building; STEAM HEATED, private baths, running water in all rooms; TELEPHONES IN EACH ROOM ; special rates by the week and month; TRANSIENT TRADE solicited. HOTEL SA RGENT Cor. Gr a n d a v e. and Hawthorne. Phone East 231, connecting every room. Private batha, elevator, fimt-class grill. Special rates by week or month. American or European. Transients -solicited. THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, ls now undergoing a thorough renovation; 70 steam heated, electric-lighted rooms, all outside. Rates 75o day ; $10 month up. Suites with running water $1:0 month ua Phones and bath free. HOTEL LENOX, cor. Sd and Main sts. furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op- poslte the Plaza. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. VERY desirable rooms for business men in a private home; fresh air, yuiet, first class in all respects; $3. $4 and $5 per week. Prospect drive and 21st St., . port land Heights, 10 minutes' walk from Washington st. Phone Main 1057. TWO ladles, wishing a nice, large, com fortable room with use of parlor and lovely veranda, who would appreciate home ad vantages; wanting distance; East side Phone Ecist 454b. Call 497 i East Couch st., near uraoa ave. BEAUTIFUL furnished largo front rooms, single or en suite; lights, hot and cold running water, large lawn, splendid view point ; in oo wui; iu ana JJi. t t a uoucn, N. E. cor. 1 feth. A SilSO. FOR RENT Suite three rooms, with ex elusive bath; one entire floor, suitable for two or three gentlemen, private family Nob Hill district; reference required- Ad dress an 9St. oregonian. TWO large, light, airy rooms; fireplace, hot and cold water in rooms; private house; walking distance. Phono Marshall Lifc.4. 163 17th st., c-ir. Morrison. NICELY furnished rooms, modern, walking distance; $6 per month and up. 349 N. Benton st THREE nicely furnished rooms for a family of two. Inquire 4v3 Rodney ave. Phone East 2197. LARGE lovely room, fireplace, bay window, all conveniences; suitable for two. prefer ably gent lemen ; $16. 42 Salmon st. TWO nicely furnished rooms, very conven . lent for gentlemen ; $6 per month each. Sunnyside car. 915 Belmont, near 30th. NICELY furnished rooms for gentleman only ; hoi acd cold water. 215 13th St., corner Salmon st. NEWLY furnished front room for 2, with or without board; free phone. East 241o. 44 Eat?t 7th. LARGE, newly furnished rooms, reasonable price, at 6S4 Gliean st., next to drugstore. Phone Marshall 1615. 2534 13TH ST.. ncely furnished rooms; house new; every convenience; gentlemen only. LIGHT, airy home for 2 gentlemen, one single. 5 minutes' walk from Postoffice. 5"9 Morrison st ELEGANTLY" furnished parlor with piano, $12 per month. l!6o Lincoln. PLEASANT front room, every convenience, walking distance. 361 10th st. FURK1SHHD rooms; private family. 20th st. Main 3649. 248 N. PART of furnished home for rent to couple or three. 791 Belmont st. .SMALL, pleasant room, gentleman, close in, reasonable. Call mornings. 1157 14th st. 215 12TH ST., cor. Salmon, nice rooms, close in. reasonable; near White Temple. NICELY furnished front room. 474 Alder st., corner 14 th. FINELY furnished rooms for two gentle men. 67 N- 4th st. Davis S- Everett. FRONT alcove, also single housekeeping room; phone. 45Q Yamhill st. NICELY furnished room, from $1.50 up. quire 324 14th st. TWO newly furnished -rooms, with or with ut board. 467 10th st. LARGE, handsomely furnished front room, with large closet. 429 Market. A 4006. NEWLY furnished front rooms, quiet, mod em. electric lights, price right. 3:1 30th st. NICELY furnished rooms; bath ; phone; walking distance; $2 and $2.50. 325 12th. NICE room In steam-heated apartment; hot water, walking distance. Main 8161. TWO nicely furnished rooms, corner 1 1th. 414 Salmon, ATTRACTIVE room or suite in small family; no o t he r roo me rs. Main 90t2. NICELY furnished front room for gentle men; quiet; very reasonable. 401 W. Park. U nf urn tuned Rooms. FREE RENT. Young men wanted to join camping party. Grounds 10 minutes from- City Hall on 2 car lines. Bull Run water. AH 850. Oregonlan. UNFURNISHED rooms, suitable for office o." light housekeeping. Cambridge bldg., 3d end Morrison. Apply room 36. Roams With Board. PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and library. 510 Flanders st. Miss Frances N. Heath, supt. LAM B ER SON 654 Couch st., cor. 17th, one block from Washington; desirable rooms for gentle men. Good home cooking. LARGE corner room, well furnished; bath adjoining, modern; one single room; waik ing distance. 33 N- 17th su ROOM and board for two gentlemen; strict ly home cooking. 254 12th st. Rooms With Board In Private Family. VERY desirable vacancy, newly furnished, for gentlemen only; home cooking 646 East Alder. Phone B 2951'. EXCELLENT board for one or two gentle men, private family, reasonable. 2S4 Park. FLRNISHED rooms with board, references. 23Q 10th st. SUITE Hot and cold water; choice board business people. 712 Hoyt su ROOMS wtth board for 1 or 2 gentlemen 591 S Davis st.. between Iftth and 19th sts. VERY desirable mom and board, home cook ing. H 2031. tt4 East Alder st. ROOM and board. 653 Washington su ; larg-e front room. ROOM and board. telephone, piano. 652 Morrison su ; bath. HOME cooking, reasonable rates; gentlemen only. Main 7016. ROOM and board, two gentlemen, close in I jforEnVE camXoctJit a L till fSvosaaian FOR RENT. Rooms With Board in Private Family. TWO nicely furnished rooms, hot and cold water; sleeping porch ; beautiful grounds; exceptionally good homo cooking. 90 E, Sth, cor Washington. Phone East 1390. NIC ELY furnished room, adjoining bath; also smaller room; excellent board, nice location, close in. strictly private, o3l Couch, cor. 15th. BOARD and room; bath, phone, home cook ing, use of piano; $6 per week. 11 llth, near Yamhill. Apartments. THE PAGE APARTMENTS. E. 8th and Hurnside, white pressed brick, beautifully furnished ; bay windows, fireplaces, built in beds, private baths; laundry and steam drier in basement; hot and cold water, steam heat, private te.ephoues, 2 and 3 room apartments, elegantly furnished; janitor service; walking distance; rent very reasonable; a few unfurnished apart ments. phone H No children. ORDE LEIGH APARTMENT, Cor. Urano ave. and Stark st. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. New nreproof brick buildin. beautifully furnished two and three-room apartments, private baths, wall beds, large clothes closets; plenty of hot water; Summer rates. Phone E 300. THE RE-UKAN APARTMENTS. New concrete building with elaborately furnished 3 -room apartments, all modern conveniences, large shady lawn, cool ve randas and janitor servioa; rents reason able, walking distance. 64 Marshall st ; take -y" car. Main tiJ32 or A S1L APARTMENTS. S. W. Cor. 5th and College Sts. 4 rooms and bain $35.00 3 rooms a nci ba t h 32. oo MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. S- W. Cor. 6th and Washington Sts. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks from Morrison st. New brictt building, completely hi st class, furnished in 2, 3 and 4-ioom iamily apartments; pri vate bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone; soma untur nished; janitor service; rent reaaona b 1 e. ANGELA APARTMENTS 39 Trinity Place, between lULh, and 2oth sts.. near Washing ton ; 2, 3 or 4-rooin apartments, new pressed brick builUing just completed.; every modern convenience including telephone exchange and elevator; close to business centers; very reasonable prices and eV-'eiient service. THE LUXOR. 13th and Clay Streets. Beautifully lurmsueu 4-room suite; steam heat; private bath; modern and. complete in every titail ; also single rooms ; rates reasonaote ; both phones. THREE apartments, 525 to 35. West Side, coiii-istiug of 3 to 4 rooms, lurnislied wiia beasteud, spring and urease.-, dining-room table, ice box, gas stove, fixtures ana fetiades; line new iilck building. Call jaii- it or. 4 14 11 1 h at. THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sts. Unfurnisiied apartment, with bath. All out side rooms ; modern, every convenience, and only 5 miuuteo walk from P. U. Very rtv- sonable rent. Main 25o6. A 3149. THE BEKYLB APARTMENTS. Strictly modern, large roc ins aud thre c lote is 10 every upariment ; cool and airy fur bummer. Ofco Lovej oy su rj.'ak W car. HANOVER Apartments, corner King and Washington :s., 3-room apartments, have every mouern convenience, including steam heat, hot water, private batn, tr phoaea aud janitor service; rent very reaaonm-ble. MAY 15, to adults., small furnished apart ments, also uniurnisned 3 ana 4 -room apaatments; wulKing distance ; references - required. Helmoiit, between lfeih. and, ltHh. Inquire 105 Eajt 17 Lh at. "ON EON T A" APARTMENTS, 187 17th. near xamhiil (W car at depot). X 3 and 4-room furnished suites; hot and. cold, phonas ana baths free; 2u per month, per weeic and up. Main 40uT. A 473tf. ST. CROIX Apartments. 1'iO Su Clair, near Washington ; new brick builalng, two and three-room apartments, all modern con veniences; fine ri Uen.ce location; xeason able renu . WELLINGTON COURT. 2, 8 OR 4-room apartments, up to date In every respect, walking uistance from business center; iurmsaea ana unfurnisnsa. 15 lh and Everett sts. Phone Main 145. SZ1 AM-HEA'l ED 6-room apartment, mod uli and aeairaole; 525 Everett su Apply Morgan, J? isidner & Huyce, U3 Ablnjiwa bidg. FOR RENT Modern 4-room apartment, Kingi Heights Apartment House, our., King and Wayne sts.; furnished, 5; ua furnished, 4U. Apply janitor. FIVE-ROOM, steam heated, modern apart niout wit ii janitor service c partial uase luent), tinest in city for the money, p ply to janitor, 21st and Kearney. " FURNISHED 2-rooin apartments, clean and modern, hot and cola water, iurnace heat. . telephone ; rent 2U. Jeif ersoni&a Apart men.t. 30th aud jerterson ata, THE LA C RETT E Apartments, 329 llth; new bncK. ouiiding; one ciioice, elegant fur nLaneii lruut apartment; modern; a min utes' waikf roiu Postottice. Hotu phones. K.EELER apaxtmenLH Unfurnished suites j Iinest in tue city; free teiepuones, disap pearing be us, private baths, etc. 11 Ui and Clay eta. 1HE MEtCElES Elegantly 1 urniaaed Z room apartments, hoi. and coia running water ana ail modern conveniences; j.s to $30. Corner aotn and Wasningtun ata, FOR KENT Especially seiect 4-room apart ment, beautixu-iiy lumisnea, Hoilaaay aud.; liocK irom car; opportunity Ior couple; reiereucea. Piione 6733. " HOWLAND APARTMENTS. For housekeeping in suites. i and up; hot water, free uauis, mai-ciass. i3i a W ashington. cor. 20Lh. TO careful tenant, two new neatly fux nislied apartments for two, $20 and (22; block Morrison car. Phone Eaal 5u43. Ke:t;reos. 6-kuuM. corner apartment, every conveni ence. H ram tree Apart ments, 25 13th, su Main 7 ; 41. . . . . THE) CH3TOPA, loth and Flanders sta., 4 room unfurnished apartments. Apply to janitor. THE LANDORE, 2SS I'lth, near Jefferson, new 3-room suite, completely furnished for housekeeping; sleepiugporch. THE ELLSWORTH Single furnished rooms, modern apartments, M 15th su Maix& t474. . W'AUNITA. 325 llth su Very nicely fur nished 2-room apartments; steam heat; modern; walkin g dlata nee. 4-ROoM unfurnished apartment, hot and cold water, phone, janitor service. Mad ison Apartmenta, Madison and Parksts. 475 SALMON, corner 14th; nicely furnished apartments, under new management; elec tric elevator; private bath and phone. FOR RENT to two adults, completely fur nished apartment. Phone A 4306- mornings. Plats. FLATS. No. 523 Twentieth StreeU 5 rooms and bath $30.H 6 rooms and bath 35. U0 MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. S W. Cor. 6th and Washington Sts. FOR RENT East Side, close in; very hand some 6-room flat, built-in china closets, laundry trays, large porches, every mod ern convenience; tnis is the only one lett and should go today; rent $25; would cost $45 on the West Side. Call up Main 04. FOR RENT New and strictly modern o rounu fiats on 20th and Laurel sts.. Port land Heights, rent $10. Apply WAKKt'IELD. FRIES 4fc CO.. 85 Fourth su MODERN 5-room Hat, close in. on 17th st A No. 1 every way. Inquire room 31 Hamilton bldg. A. o251. ELEGANT 5-room fiat, corner Ross and Dixon, across Steel bridge; rent cheap, In qu 1 re on premises. - SWELL new apartments, 9 rooms and sleep ing porch. 5&3 Ladd ave., near 12th and Haw Uiorne. FOR RENT Five-room flat, just completed. $32.00. or. l'Jih and E. Burnside. Phone East 5733. WHEN movine call up Van Horn T ranafef Co. Main 1018. A 11S4. All cowered wag ona. all experienced men. ONE new 6-room modern fiau; S" and "F' carlina. Inauire at drugstore. Front and Qibbs sts. Ui'PUR 5-room modern, Kv-y at newly tinted flau 712 Kearney. 14 Kearney, MODERN 6-room flat; choice location. 739 Overton at. Ma-in fe5P. NEW and modern 5-room flat; fine neigh borhood : no children. 777 East Yamhill. MODERN 5-rxm lowfr corner fiat; good st tic and luiament. 475 7th st. MODERN Hot. 0 rooms and bath. 7314 Hoyt su iniiuTe 132 Qth su Main 6278. 3-ROOM modern flat. Inquire 225 Market Ht l'hone Main 51ft. Ho use keeping Rooms. $1 26 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms, neat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. "U" car. SI 54 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping rooms: laundry, bath, gas. 1S4 Sherman. SI fi to $2 week, clean furnished h ouse keep ing rooiru. IHifota House. 2S1 Second st. 4S7 TAYLOR, near 74th t.. pleasant 2-roons suite upper floor; g14 5Q 4f$l e MORRISON, cor. 6th. Completely furnished housekeeping suites: reasonable. THREE nice housekeeping rooms, front fcajru-o. XoXh