t3 c JfEW TODAY. A High -Class Restricted Res idence District 10 per 50x100 Lots ONLY $600 month Don't miss our three-column ad vertisement in tomorrow's papers. You will want to cut it out and frame it. Send for our two-color folder. CARTER-DUGAN COMPANY 820 Chamber of Commerce. LAST CHANCE. PARK STREET. 50x100, Close In. Price $18,500. Cash $10,000. CHAPIN& HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. BUY FROM SPECIAL BARGAIN. ' CASH .' NEAR EAST ENTRANCE J ' LAITRELHURST PARK. 7 ROOM HOUSE. FINE HALL. WITH SKAT. PANELED DINING-ROOM. CHINA CLOSET. DI'TC'I KITCHEN. 3 BF.HROOMS. WITH ClyOSETS. BATHROOM. WITH PORCELAIN FIX TURES. LARGE SLEEPING PORCH. Full basement, connected with gas. 'ired. piped for furnace, tar papered, double floored, renins all tinted and on the corner. The owner also has two rt-room houses djoining on north, almost completed, with same Interior. BEE ME AT MY HOME. 114 East -Sth Street. Phone at meal hours. p:ast 1!0!3 or B 2646. ON THE WILLAMETTE RIVER Are yon looking- for a fine country liom.. on the Willamette nivr? "W" have four acres, five minutes' walk ironi tuepon Ity electrip line. ISO feet above the river, affording- a niasrnlf ieent view. SO minutes" ride to r-ltv. Frice way below value of adjoining: mil. I. This can be marie the mot lovely country home anywhere around romann. f ine native trees. For price, etc.. see The Crosslev Co .OS and 70 Corbett Builiiinsr. Sixth and Grant 100x100, corner, small income. ELFVFNTH AD MU. 50x100, corner; rent $120 month. THIRD AT MARKET. 60x50, corner, rent $90 month. 67x100 0 SKVEXTH, Two cottages, between Jackson and Clifton. Kent $50 month. T0.I.n Rl A'I,EOI, ' SHI Klectrlc nirifc. Holladay's Addition The one BEST place In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and ' " 4 icbiuenca DTODertv of the city. v v "y SEEING IS BELIEVn'G BETTER ttvf o-iiv cc-tt i ills many urioieu rest deuces under construction and the lm provements going on. The Oregon Real slate Company 6RAND AVE. AJSO MULTNOMAH ST. FOR SALE UNEXCELLED OFFER 5-room strictly modern flat, West Side, swell location, near car; newly furnished, for $1600, ately-in mahog any, Circassian walnut, birdseye ma ple, Flemish oak, brass; all carpets, curtains, tapestry, portieres, linen, silverware, napeiy, china, electric fix tures, rusrs, pictures. Must be seen to know the value of this grand offer. Owner called East; will sacrifice this swell home this week for $800. S3 1 HAMILTON BLDG. JEAL ESTATE. For SKle Lots. FOR SALE cheap by owner, who is leaving city, half block on front of Portland Heights, near car, q 950, Or-ygonlan. IF you he some money, will bu:ld on your lot. Eastman Co., Inc.. S03 Abmgton bldg Main 32S3. THREE nicf lots. 50x100 each, at Tabor Side near Moatavtlla. for 1S50 cash, if taken at onre. AN P". Oregonlan 1 V equity In choice Laurelhurst lot at a mo gXliOSf AJJL VW UU mmim Mll, , lJi Street ADDITION J j KKAl ESTATE DEALEKS. F. ABRAHAM Roc ma 217-218-218 Lumber Exchange bide;., 2d and Stark MlM. Tele phones, Main 2279, A 2279. Andrews, i'.V. 4; C.M.334U. 30 Hamilton bldg. Bee. William 812 Falling; bids. Blrrell. A- II. Co., 202-8 McKay bldg. Keel estate, Insurance, mortgagee. loans, etc Bru baker A Benedict, 602 McKijr bldg. M. 64 CARD REALTY A INVESTMENT CO.. 110 SECOND ST. MARSHALL. 13B7. A 1367. Crispin fc Herlow. 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook, B. S. Co.. 603 Corbet t bldg. Jennings At' Co., Main 188. 200 Oregon I aa. JOXES SHERMAN', 302-8 Lewis bldg. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P.. 213 Commer cial Club bldg. Srtialk. Geo.D., 228 Stark St. Main 392. A 2392 BHLNDLEH HA I.I,. 2U& Ablngtoa bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave, mad Multnomah at. (Holladay Addition). M. 3. Thompson Co., cor etb. and Oak stev Walker, B. T., 60 Corbett bldg. BEAX ESTATE. For Sale Lots. BEATJTrPTJX. LOTS ADJOINIXG GOLF LINKS. ALL IN LAWN. A MOST DELIGHTFUL HOME SITE. $3500 WILL HANDLli. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. CHAMBER OP COMMERCE BLDG. I OWN a beautiful building Bite 100x150 on Portland Height. with fine view of Mount Hood. It runs through from one street to another, with 160 feet of frontage; within two blocks are 18 houses each cos'.lng over $."000; it is two blocks to the carline. Because I need the money I will sell this property for $1000 less than the owner of & smaller piece directly across the road has recently been offered; 81500 cash will handle it. V. VINCENT JONES, S02-3O3 Lew-is bldg. 1X5 YOU WANT A HOME? Let your money earn it. t Int. paid on check accounts. 2 Int. paid on 10-day can certificates. int. paid on 80-day call certificates. 4 Int. paid on 00-day call certlncates. fimall check accounts received. 23 years' banking experience in Portland. We will help you buy a home. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY BANK. Third and Oak Sts. IT'S THE VIEW Of snow mountains and river valleys that make the Alameda boulevard, on the high ridge north of Irving ton, the se lect homes ite district; large, level slt-es; contour streets; restriction; Broadway car; 100x100. near E. 29 th, $290 0; with Improvements ; easy terms. Owner, 517 Worcester block, 3d and Oak, or phone Wood lawn 2272. RIVER FRONT LOTS. Vanderraeer Park, on Willamette River; lots 50x100 and larger, at Jennings Lodge, Oregon City carline : 25 minutes from business center; lots $375 and up; terms, 10 per cent,, down, balance $10 per month. National Realty &. Trust Co., 326 trfr Washington st., room 516. A MILLION DOLLARS could not make another natural scenic boulevard like the east and west ridge, rising high above Irvlngton. Broadway car. A few tiers of level sites fringing the front are matchless. Values will jump rapidly. 517 Worcester Bldg. LAtIRELrII-RST Two good lots for sale in first section of Laurelhurst, on elevation facing south, on 80-foot boulevard ; all improvements now being put in ; two blocks from car. Pnone at meal hours to owner, 114 E. 2$th si.. East ;a, b 2646. FINK LOT ON 0. YAMHILL ST. oOxlUO. north front. In fln t-akI riir-A district, on Kant Yamhill, near 2-Sth; street improved, cement sidewalk; price $25o0, $10U) vwu, uaittiiue jenriy ai o per cent. GRUS3I & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. BNAF warehouse site. 100x100, S. B. cor. Reed and Blakestone sts; only $2300, cash or iraue, to nanaie, balance S2O.OO0 at per cent. Will lease. Bargain in lot on Overton near 23d st. Cheapest lot on Union near Skid more st. Three acres near jjase una roaq. owner, 87 5th st. TWO choice, large lots at TillRmnnir TaVi adjoining ocean and railroad; price only $350 for both; value 6O0; must sell at once; will take 1 160 cash, balance $10 mommy, rnone 5 littoi or address X 954, ALAMEDA PARK LOTS. Are high and sightly, overlooking Irvlng ton; near Broadway carline; best city Im provements; priced 25 per cent below the 2 FINE corner lots In high-class residence dis triot; cement walk, sewer, -water and street Improvements in; price $1350, $225 cash, bal ance easy terms. Adaress AK 983. Ore- 6U mil. HOTXADATS. S. W. cor. Clackamas and East 19th, one of the choicest corners in the best part t I'uauaj . x vj, .i.)U. LEONARD BROS, 317 Chamber Com. FOR SALE by owner, lot on Grand b, near East Couch st. : a bargain. innnirA at room 404 Gerlinger bldg. Phone Main Q07n PINE TILLAMOOK CORNER, jnoon. East front, surrounded by fine homes; ts i owner, two iot on t'nion ave., one in v ernon ana one acre nar Anna. belle sta tion; a real bargain. Carlson, 143 N. 10th m. an pei. n ana o evenings. ROSE CITY PARK. Bargain Fine east front lot, half block xo car, nne nom&s; terms. Aadress AN re gonian. WHY buy a lot when you can get a half acre inside the city with all the advan tages for the same price? 420 Lumber njtna oiag., cor, pin ana giant. ROSE CITY PARK SNAP. tvi Lot Ul. block Hk (i50. RUFF-KL.EINSOR(rE LAND CO., 418 Board of Trade Bkig. PIEDMONT. I have the best buys In this tract listed. ii yu w i s II to duv or sen, see me. . PERLEY B. LENT, 417 Corbett bldg THREE) lots, facing east, on Rodnev nv between .Mason and Skidmore; all street im provements paid. Phone Woodlawn 81 for leniis. YOl'R CHANCE. Mx10n corner, on KUUngsworth ave. ion feet on Killingsworth. Onlv $.s50 PERLEY B. LENT, 417 Corbett bldg. R06E3 CITY PARK. "lOOxtOO for sale on easy terms and at i sacrifice. AN 9S'i, Oregonlan. PLATTING proposition, showing lOO per cent V1"111 ' . v' price. 4oOO. grrinn. -ra i ibtjii ti... room a. WEST SIDE lot oOxlOO, 400; terms. Phone aiata uji. iisul "une Jaatn FOB 8ALb &uxittu lot on Johnson st. ; good For Sale -Houses. SUN NT SIDE SNAP. (room cottage. 207 30th st., facing c-noL. lui-ouuii, men, IieignDOmOOfl, " mocks soutn or a car; $ ,9q cash, $15 monthly; price only $2600; would rent lor u. uner leaving city. Must sell. f i;.- i nc d je uia.m (f rv u, 341 Stark st.. cor. Second. ACREAGE HOME. 14 rre, all kinds of fruit, 6-room house an-d pantry and large verandas, bath, new barn, large chicken corral ; choice flowers ana soruDs; diocka irom car. Terms. LOUIS BRANDT, Oak Grove. Oregon City Line. GRANTS PAPS, 8-room cottage for sale, 6 blocks from P. O. ; electric lights and sew er connections; lot 50x1 00, fenced, good s'.iad-?; good neighborhood. Price $lloo terms. Address C. E. Diedericks, 705 c'. St.. Grants Pass. Or. $5S50. 60x100. with newly built 7-room home; on East Flanders and 7 Oth st. ; 1 block to car. GEO. D. SCHALK, Main 392; A 2392. 22 8Stark St. FOR SALE By owner, beautiful, strictly modern 7-room home, lot 75xlOO; beautiful lawn, shrubbery ; restricted district. 32 E. Kelly. Phone Sellwood 37. Price $3TQQ; terms. $600 CASH buys $3600 modern 6-room new bungalow ; SOth and E. Burnside, near Ankeny carline; fireplace; 50xlOO lot, lawn, roses, berries, garden, chicken park; bal ance monthly. 535 E. Burnside. FOR BALE by owner. $1900 cash, house and lot; 5 rooms and bath, cement sidewalks, shade trees, etc, at 230 East 34th st. Apply Mrs. F. Lundblad, 1235 17th ave. Sunset. San Francisco, Cal. MODERN 6 -room bouse partly furnished; large lot. S25 East IRth N., near Irving ton and Broadway cars; $6300; terms. NEW 5-room modem bungalow cheap. $300 to sr0O down. $20 or more per month. Phone Woodlawn 2rt3ft. No agent. SMALL hotise. lot. Kern Park; bargain. $600. Ornber. T27 Board Trade bldg. FOR SALE Five-room bouse and lot. fi7.fi X. tEMxvuhirCdt. si.. .t'Xfcano wooaLawa joost REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. 5-ACRE ST7RT7RBAN HOME. On fine county road, few miles out on 1 trolley, 10c fare; 40 young fruit trees just coming into bearing, acre strawberries. iot assorted berries, garden, 3-room nuee. new oarn, cniciten-nouse. line weu. Deauu ful view, built-up neighborhood, convenient- to church, school and store. This is an ideal suburban home, and a big snap at $2750 $1750 ca-sh, balance payments of $100 per year. The income will pay that out. ee owner, 520 Cor- bett bids:., onnosite Postoffice. NOTE THIS PRICE HOLDS FOR THREE DAYS ONLY. 8UNXYSIDE SNAP. Fine corner lot on East 28th street, close to cars, in best of neighborhoods; owner needs the money and has further : reduced price which is now only J3500, $2000 cash, balance mortgage; there are ! 4 nice bedrooms with large closets and I Datnroom ud stairs: iiarlor. reception nan. dining-room with fireplace and large i kitchen with pantry down stairs; concrete i casement witn lurnac ana wash trays; large a-ttlc, gas and electric A snap; lot alone worth $2000. KAUFFM AN & MOORE. 325 Lumber Exchange. BUILDING IS OUR BUSIXES3. We have from 10 to 15 Jobs going at one time. We can afford leas profit on a single contract than the small contractor. You also get Just what you order and take no risk. Plans and estimates free. If you own lot we will furnish the money. PORTLAND REALTY & CONSTRUCTION COMPAN Y. 002-803 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak St. $1000 CASH. IDEAL I R V I X ftTO -V HOME. This is all you will have to pay down to secure my new $7500 home just being completed in Irvlngton ; 7 rooms and finished attic, full cement basement, 2 fireplaces, beautiful combination fixtures. narawood. floors, selected woods through out, den. sleeping porch, tiled bathroom, large rooms, convenient to cars. If in terested and you would like an interview wmi the owner, AH &6 4 . Oregonlan. SWELL BUNGALOW. S50C CAbH. Just completed, 2" 5-room bungalows, close to car; fireplace, panel dining-room. built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, large attic and all other mod- I ern conveniences; these are fine homes and j win go quickly. 1 on corner lot, 50x90. $250. 1 on next lot. 50x00, $275o. W. R. REALTY C.O.. Take Waverlv-Rirhmnnd car to office. get off at Marguerite ave. Phone B. 1207. NICE HOME. 170 East 38th st.. nearly new 6-room modern house and lot, only 100 feet from oesi canine in tne city; goo a xreignoor bood; price $3750. 140x220 A FINE HOME. $2800 Good new 7-room house, all fenced, plenty of fruit and berries, close to Oregon City carline; terms. FRED C. KING. 506 Commercial Block, 2d and Washington GOIN'a TO RTTILD? WE ARE BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE CITY. THERE ARE GOOD REASONS. OUR CUSTOMERS SAVE MONEY AND GET BETTER WORK, ON TERMS TO HJIT. IF YOU OWN YOUR LOT, AVE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FREE OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO.. 30 HENRY BLDG. $150 CASH. Why pay rent ? You can secure a 5- room modern bungalow for $150 cash. balance $20 per month and Interest; lot 50x100; good lawn; large, neat, attractive 5-room bungalow; ek;ctric fixtures; bath j ana kitchen enameled; lavatory, toilet, bath, sink, hot and cold water. You do not need to spend money on this house: it Is complete. Price, $2450. 424 Henry puiiqing. NEW IRVINGTON HOME SBOOO. Just being completed, 7-room modern ! nouse, witn cement basement, lurnace, fireplace, built-in buffet and china closet; hardwood floors; sleeping porch; on lot SoxlOO; splendid view; one block from 2 car lines.. Price $W0O; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-218 Commercial Club bldg. Phones Main SHifi; A 2653. E. YAMHILL-ST. HOUSE. - Nice 2-story 6-room house with furnace. gas and electric, full cement basement, nice purcelain bath, laundry trays, on a lot 4.x 100, north front, street improvement nd cement sidewalk in and paid for. on Xam- hiil. near 25th; walking distance; price 1otou, some terms. GRUS9I & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. JUST COMPLETED. A HOME. 7-room, modern !n every way and ele- 1 gantiy finished throughout: combination fixtures, full cement basement. 6 bearing I fruit trees, 100 feet to car. See this at once and you will look no further. Price, , socu, o.M cash, balance like rent. W. R. REALTY CO.. Take Waverly-Richmond car to office, get off at Marguerite ave. Phone B. 1207. " HALSET-8T. HOUSE. Brand new .2-mory large tt-room 'houpe. full cement basement, piped for furnace ! gas ana electric sleeping porch, coved ceil ing in living-room and ell other latest im- provemen ts, on a lot ox 1 00. cemen t s i . le- walks, south front, on HalMy si., near 2hth; price a oargam, oniy t-uoo. pari, ca&n. GRUS91 & ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. NOTICE Here Is your chance to secure the best corner lot in Waverleigh Heights .Adamon, ana we 11 buna nouse or bunga low on same to suit purchaper. on easy terms, or will sell one 5-room bungalow already finished on adjoining lot. This is from a builder and owner- good workman ship and satisfaction. Phone Woodlawn 2205. FOR SALE A fine modern home, restricted district; 8 rooms, large reception room. large paneled dining-room, polished oak floors, fireplace, furnace, cement basement. cement sidewalks, paved streets. shade trees, roses, nice lawn, toilets, bath sep arate, large porch ; only $7000 ; will take smaller house or lots In good location yart payment, am 9i, Oregonlan. $50 BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, on Oregon City carline. 7 rooms, on Woodstock carline. 5 rooms. Hose City Park carline. With furniture If preferred; payment $15 to $35 per month. National Realty jt lrust -Q., oo waan. st., room 016. 6-ROOM modern house, white enameled bathroom, large porches, full concrete basement, fine roses, fruits, built by day labor for good home; must sell; ono block rrom car ; cneap : payment aown. terms : fine corner. Anabel station, ML Scott car. Phone lapor yaw. NEW modern 11-room house, lot loswi oo hard-surface streets, Irvlngton- also other nouses ana vacant 101.3. t. 33. & F. F Rice, o ft 1 ce 16th an d Brazee sts. East pop, res, cam FOR SALE Furnished or unfurnished, in sunnysiue, n-v -i uom uungaiow; modern newly furnished, lawn. roses, garden - everything homelike; don't wait. Call at J.10 Jl. Aiuci emu co vwuer. 6-ROOM modern cement block bungalow fu'l cement basement; corner 100x100; I iJ. -L .jvr J ears, H qaf tent. A. J. Gantner, 61a Board of Trade um- corner East 8 7th and Sherman sts; price Lvov , 1 -v "-- , , Wr p month auo iiueirai. j wrceBier bide phone Main 7105. NEW BUNGALOW The best bungalow in the city for $3500; everything ready for occupant. 533 East 37th, Just south of Clinton. Owner on ground. Take W.-R. car. Easy terms. " $4200. Lot 72x235 feet, with good 5-room cot tage, on Clinton St.. near E. 19th. GEO. D. SCHALK, Main 892; A 2392. 228 Stark St. BY owner; fine bungalow cottage. 100 foet from entrance to "Laurelhunst ; best car .service; 2 canines; cheap. 8t3 East Flan- ders. BY owner. 5-room bungalow, strictly modern near carl ine ; $2100. terms; a lso 6-room 2 story residence, strictly modern; $2700 tr.rma Tabor 2154. FOR SALE Modern residence, larga rooms steam beat, gas grates, everything up to date; garage; lot lyOxlOO. 360 Ain.worth ave.. cor. Garfield. Phone C 2791. OWNER Strictly modern, brand-new ft-room house: tiled bath; corner Portland boulevard and Mallory st.. Piedmont dis t rict MODERN 6-room house, electricity, piped for gas, street improved, nice yard and shrubs; $2d0o cash. Owner, 620 Clatsop ave.. Seljwood. BUNGALOWS. BUNGALOWS Everywhere; any price and -terms; got the goods. 403 Couch bldg. Phone A 2S41 WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. M 1618. A 1&S4; aU covered wagons and experienced men. IRVINGTON 'New, modem home. 7 rooms fireplace, furnace: will take lots as Dart pay ; terms. Owner.- Phone C 1056 $9000 65x107. close In: five cottages on prKjyvr.y , wntn; terms. FOR SALE by owner, the handsomest S room home in Irvlngton. 4&G E. 20th St. N. "all and see It. ' NEW 5-room bungalow: near car, high school, churches; enpap lor cash. Call phone - $000 Neat new 4-room fumlMied house on run ioi. r5i. f-s-u ---.. jumper tor wood shed. terms. Rabb & Patton, & 5th st VOR SALE 6-room modern house, Fl BAL ESTATK. For Sale -Boas. BEAUTIFUL HOME. HAWTHORNE-AVE. DISTRICT. Something out of the ordinary, inlaid oak and maple floors, hot water heating plant, fireplace, extra fine electrlo fix tures, large plate glass windows; 6 rooms and bathroom finished in white enamel; large lavatory, hot water tank. Servant's room in basement, also fruit room and wash room. The appointments, construc tion and finish throughout the very best. House was built for owner, who now occu pies it. Large lot 55 feet frontage, 2 blocks south Hawthorne ave., 3 miles from business center. In choice residence dis trict. Cement walks, nice lawn, rose gar den, fruit trees. Owner has reduced price to a figure that will effect a speedy sale; $5000; terms. If you are looking for something really good, don't miss this op portunity. Call and see the house for yourself. fl9o Stephen st. BRUBAKER & BENEDICT, 501! McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. EAST IRVINGTON 10-ROOM HOME. Exceptionally well built; large reception hall ; living room ; sunken den ; dining room; all massive beam ceilings; large fireplace ; built-in seats; china closet; book cases; oak floors; nine-foot concrete basement; fruit storage room; Dutch kitchen; screened back porch; large sleep ing porches; fruit trees; roses; lawn. Will include one, two or three lots and high grade furniture If desired. Photos of in terior and exterior at office. $1000 cash, balance at 6 per cent. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 8S0 EAST 10TH N. N. W. corner lot. all fenced, 5-room modern house, 24x34, barn 16x30. with cement floor; chicken-house 6x8, with netting; price $2800. Bnslness Property. RESTRICTIONS AT OTHER POINTS Confine the busiifess district on the Sandy boulevard between 38th and 43d sts. ; a diagonal corner facing three streets, 116 feet north front at 41st, way below value, from owner, $2500; easy terms. 517 Worcester block. 2d and Oak, or phone Woodlawn 2272. APARTMENT -SITE. Finest in city, .SoxlOO feet, 23d near W ashington. in same block with new SUverfield Apartments; $20,000; easy terms. GORDON & DAY. 210 Henry bldg FOR SALE by owner, 100x100. Milwaukie st.. w esimoreiana, l block from car; some cash, balance terms. Address AK 982, Ore gpnian. ' Acreage. VERY CHOICE ACREAGE. $750 each, six five-acre tracts, all in high state of cultivation and- the finest fruit an-d berry land in the State of Ore gon, right on main line of S- P. and right at large town close to Oregon Electric line, all very fine soil and in one of the finest sections of Willamette Valley terms only $00 down, balance 4 years. $150 per acre, 5, 10, 15 and 20-acre tracts, all in high state of cultivation : close to Oregon Electric line and the fin est section of the Willamette Valley and the finest fruit and berry land in the Northwest, right at station and large town; terms one-fourth down and balance to suit. SHOEMAKER INVESTMENT COMPANY, 527 Henry bldg.. Main 4405. A 7434. 10-ACRE TRACTS AT CANBY. Only a few more of these choice 10-acre Tracts left, ail that nave bought are going right ahead and Improving their tracts. It Is going to be a fine settlement. Fin est of soil; close . to the best shipping point between Portland and Eueene. and on two good county roads. Come in and go with us to see these tracts. Don't cost a cent to go. Prices $loo to $150 per acre; 14 cash, balance 1, 2 and 3 years. REPASS & WOODYARD, 300 Henry bldg. ONE ACRE AND INDEPENDENCE. BUCKINGHAM HEIGHTS. one mile from corporate limits of Portland, on Sa lem electric Land is high, level, cleared, best soil; convenient to electric and steam cars: also on rock road: easv terms. I will be at Ryan Station Saturday and feunaay. .runner particulars, 2JZ Cham.' berof Commerce Desk S. LAURELDALE. 10-acre orchard tracts, all cleared 01 easily cleared: 15 minutes walk from sta tion ; $75 to $125 aer acre, near Dallas, where thousands of apple trees have been planted this year; or will plant to selected varieties and care for one year for $150 to $175 per acre; living streams on every .tract. waiter u. cox, oa-o aic-nay biag. 1 ACRE. METZGBR. One acre at Metzgt-r station, on Salem Electric carline; will be sold at $550 this week; this ie a ."nap and won t last long. GRUS3I & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. 60 ACRES BEAVERDAM. 60 acres choice land, Beaverton, at bargain prl-c. Owner savs selL GORHAM -PERRY CO.. H0S Lewis bldg. Marshall 4i9. Home A 5326. 20 ACRi'iS on Willamette River, near carline a beautiful spot lor country homes. Also lots and acreage on Oregon City carline, near Rialey station. H. G- Starkweather, Phone Oak Grove Black 17. P. O. Mil waukee R. F. D. 1 TO 20 acrt-s, close in; good soil, fruit, ber Ties, garan, pasture, new nouse, barn, hen house, wtre fences; lovely home ; splendid view; will sell or trade, terms. Bishop, 32tt Mohawk biag. Aiarsnaiii-H. LET me sell you a half acre or more in siae tne city; ijuii Kuu water, paved street. ouiiaing restrictions, etc. 40 Jumoer- mans Bldg., cor. 5th and Stark. ACRE lots for sale on Barnes Heights blocks southwest of Mt. Calvary ceme tery. Apply T. Mickelson, 217 East 74th "St. Tabor 73o. SNAP One acre adjoining Goine-Street Ad dition. John B. Matthews, East 27th and Alberta. 10 OR 15 Portland. acres timber, IS miles east of M. Newell, owner, 247 Halsey st. Momestetads. 2 HOMESTEADS under Irrigation ditch. 160 acres each ; special lot rates for Crook, Lake and Harney Counties; 6 homesteads on the coast; 2 timber claims. ADVANTAG BS OF OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each of the 84 counties is oest aaaptea xor; gives amoun of government land open to homestead In each county; map attached, xix2 showing new R. R. and towns, including Eastern and central Oregon; counties in ainerent colors drawn to March 1, 1910; latest map in U. d. ; price iac Aimmo sc umey, 13 Hamu ton bldg. 160-ACRE relinquishment; all fenced; good, new i-room nouse, own una otner Ouila ines: young orchard, and 40 acres In nil tivation; 4 horses, 4 cattle, chickens, farm implements and household goods. This homestead Is 12 miles from R. R. town, on good road, and Is a fine farm; if sold at once is a bargain. DAVIS, -H ANN A REALTY CO., 504 Dekum Bldg. S A-l RELINQUISHMENTS for sale: S2 $500. $1000 each, 4 mties from Prinevllle, in vallev and 160 acres of deeded land s miles from Prineville; 135 acres can be ulowed: 50 acres in crop? good house, barn chicken-house, roothouse; well that never goes dry. Aaaress v. u. .Box, 304, Prlne vine, or. FOR reliable information about the Deschiit Valley homesteads, desert claims and deeded irrigated land call on Deschutes Valley Land & Investment Co.. S01 -302 Buchanan bldg., on Washington, near 5th. We leave weekly witn nomeseeKera. HOMES IE a jj a eastern Oregon; we are on grouno ; come m 11 etrnii tinners ; we locate nearly every homesteader in the district. Oregon nomesteau 1.0.. iii t Abington. HOMESTEADS AND TIMBER CLAIMS Located and guaranteed, ln Josephine ana J atna lvjuh uca, Uirguil. j; Of fftf' Xicuiarc 1 -i i .si y.i no. v, iv mug. 4,000.000 relinquisnment in Siletz; good nOUTO. (t"uu tuauo liiu iieigflDOrs; $600. aiarqumn mug- nmue main e-o 14. DO you want desert or homestead claim In bunny aouinern iaano t laatio Locating v.o-. ..u .e.u,. jjoibb. -luano. HOOD River apple land. I can locate you on p-u ceres. j y ygu. uregonian. For Sale Fruit Lands. NEWBERG SNAPS 0 acres choice fruit land, lit edge 01 iootnuis, two miles fro Newberg: largely in crop, part of whU goes with place; fine spring; would sell half; only $H3 an acre, small paymen balance easy terms. One whole acre in choice part of New berg; fine shade trees, good neighborhood, large house; belongs to heirs who are anxious to sell; an exceptionally fine home; $1800. White A Nichols, Newberg, Or. FRUIT RANCH FOR SALe! 96 acres in the famous Klickitat fruit belt. About 12 acres cleared ; 2 acres In bearing trees and berries; 6 acres in three-vear-old trees. Fairly good Improvements, Will give a bargain in price and terms, because it is too far away from my other fruit lands. Phone East 25. 91-ACRE 2-year-old apple orchard; all un der irrigation; gooa ouiiaings; railroad station and siding on place; 3 miles from Ontario. Or., the gateway to Central Ore gon; price $375 per acre; will divide into small tracts. Address Erskine Wood, 303 Worcester block. TEN acres Improved orchard land under ir rigation; perpetual water ngnt rtEfcJ; $1200, part cash. FALMER, 507 Couch Bldg. 10-ACRE orchard tracts, unimproved, on railroad, 25 miles from Portland ; best soil; no rock; 4-0 an acre, easy terms; ar range with us to go ana make selection round, trip mum day S1U-.3JJ. CoBfott -ldJL KAL ESTATE. For Sale Fruit Lands. "IT DOES NOT HURT A FACT TO HAMMER IT." LISTEN. People do not make BIG profits in buy ing a lot on the installment plan. Those who make BIG MONEY buy 10 or 20 Acres convenient to Portland, for, just so sure as Portland grows and grow it must just so sure will this acreage increase steadily In value. Wise investors buy 10 acres for about the same money that you put in a lot GET WISE buy a 10-acre fruit tract convenient to Portland at about same price you will pay for a lot, and on vcry easy terms." I offer you an opportunity to buy 10 acres of most beautiful FRUIT LAND, convenient to Portland, at one lot price. Don't be a chump, buy the 10 acres, and make dollars where the other fellow makes cents. Let me show you these beautiful 10 acre fruit tracts. I pay all transporta tion expenses; it won't cost you a cent to see them, and then do your own thinking. Drop a postal card tor descriptive liter ature. 1. O. ELROD, Owner of "LONGVIEW" FRUIT TRACTS. 519-520 Corbett Building, Portland, Oregon. $SOOO 10 ACRES within XV miles of Mon- tavina; an cleared; 3 acres raspberries, j. acre logan berries, 2 acres strawberries, 30 bearing fruit trees and 30 more bearing next year; - beautiful yard and 8-room house. - 8-53 $4600 13 acres. mile west of Trout dale; the finest kind of soil; electric line runs right through it; 6 acres in fruit trees and 6 acres ln clover; l acre nat ural grove. S-46 $20oo 17 1-3 acres. 10 miles from Sa lem and 1 miles from Aumsvtlle; 6 acres ln fruit trees and 7 acres in pasture: good house, barn and well; all fenced; $500 un der value; owner must sell. S-67 $2000 5 acres within -i mile of Rock wood store, acres cleared and in garden and fruit; good 8-room- house and out buildings. S-55 $lSOO-o acres within mile of Rock wood, with 24 acres cleared and good 5 room house ; fine place for berries and chickens. S-73 $1500 5 acres. mile from Rockwood; fronts on electric line now building. S-57 THE CARD REALTY A INV. CO.. HO 2d st. Phone Marshall 1507, A 1567. SO ACRES fruit land, across from Hood River; price, $250 per acre. 290 acres, all cleared, well Improved; 4 miles from one of the best towns in the Valley ; li acres of orchard on place; price, $85 per acre; terms. 160 acres; lOO in cultivation; good 1m- ?rovements; l mile from railroad station; 45 per acre. SO acres; 30 cleared, rest timber; ex cellent fruit land ; house and barn on place; price, $30 per acre. 160 acres; 40 cleared, rest timber (3.0OO. 000 feet) ; price, $13 per acre. 50 acres, all cleared, fruit land; price, $50 per acre. HTLAND, JONES & CO., 409 Gerlinger Bldg. 20-ACRE orchard. In Multnomah Countv, close in. Station on place. All In culti vation and set out orchard -of 2 and 3-yeax-old trees. Has been scientifically planted and cared for. $&O0 an acre; easy terms. We have others. One acre or thousands. It will pay you to see our Iist. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce bldg. For Sale -Farms. DEMAND MAKES OPPORTUNITY. The steadily increasing de mand for all food products makes It necessary for new countries to be opened up. The demand for every product of the farm was never greater than now. the present supply being wholly inadequate. THE NORTH COAST LAND CO., LTD.. OF B. C-, OWNS THOUSANDS OF ACRES OF THE BEST FRUIT, FARM AND STOCK RAISING LAND IN THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, THE FORT GEORGE DIS TRICT at the present time is commanding the attention of the entire world. Thousands of American people are migrating to this great undeveloped coun try, with its vat areas of un touched resources and its tooo miles of navigable water way. Three steamers are operating at the present time. There are 12 carloads of farming implements on the way to this country. The open meadows make it possible for the settler to make an ex cellent profit from his first year's crop, while his leisure time may he spent In enlarging his fields and clearing away un derbrush. The soil, a rich black vegetable loam produced by hundreds of years of vege table deposit, is of the finest quality and fertility, being ex ceptionally rich in natural plant foods and entirely - free from sand, gravel, stone and alkali. - Out prices are right and terms easy. All w aFk Is $3 per acre cash and balance in five annual payments. Call and see our pictures of the upper country and samples of grain grown within four miles of Fort George. Opportunity knocks but once. Don't fall to investigate this. NORTH COAST LAND CO. LTD. General Offices, Vancouver, B. C. Ixndon Office. 6 Old Jewrv. Rutan A Adams, Celling Agents, 20o Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. Open evenings. 7 to Phones M. 3143. A 1312. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. A flue stock and dairy ranch contain ing 285 acres; 2 miles from railroad town and condensery ; 125 acres in cultivation and in crop, balance In pasturage; all fenced and cross-fenced, all good black sou, partly level bottom, balance rolling well watered by springs; ' fine 2-storv, 12 room house. 2 good barns, 1 granary and other buildings; good family orchard; fine location on county road, rural mail, milk route and telephone ; If taken soon $50 per acre mciuaing crop. for further nar ticulars. see owner, on place, 2 mll east or Amity, x amnui ;o.. or. Address Pr. Duzan. Amity. Or. THIS IS A SNAP. bo acres 01 iami, a miws rrom town, on the Columbia River, 15 acres In oats, 2 acres In potatoes. 30 acres slashed for pasture; a good orchard, a good 6-room house. 2 barns and outbuildings, 2 work horses and wagon, 6 milch cows, 1 bull, 2 calves, 1 sow. S dozen chickens, sepa rator, mower and rake. plow, harrow and oilier tools, oniy auuo; 2000 cash and oaianoe wrmi. uu k xinuon, Aaiama, w asn. CHICKEN AND FRUIT RANCH. 27H acrs. 2 miles- S. E. of Sycamore, on Oazadero electric car, only a few miles from Portland; 0 acres in cultivation. lS1 acres timber, spiennia iruit isna r a nne cnicken ranch; 5 mile to store and school; fine spring, young iruit trees, 4 -room house, large barn; price only $4000, cash $1500, bal ance terms to suit. GRU S3I & Z A DOW, 317 Board of Trad Bldg., 4th and Oak. DOUGLAS COUNTY, OR. FOR SALE 1700 acres choice land on good county road, miles from railroad and good town; this land is very suitable for platltng and Is at present ln good condition; price $25 Tier acre. For particulars and terms apply to William MacMaster, 3014 Worcester block, Portland, or. 20-ACRE) tracts, unimprovea, zr miles by rail from Portland; suitable for fruit-rat. 4.sr MTa ohicken ranches: well wnfM plenty of timber for all purposes, best oi ti nn rock or gravel: $15 to Bn easy terms. These are the . cheapest tracts on the market and will bear laspectlon. Call and arrange to ga and see them. $1$ nl all W ucn. 10-ACRB orchard tracts, unimproved, on rail road, 25 miles from Portland; beat soil- no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; arrange wita us to go and make selection; round trio same day. 310-811 Corbett bldg. " 12 -ACRE chicken ranch for sale or rent 7O0 chickens, cow and team. George War- " fijld, owner, carton, or. 74 ACRES, farm famous for its a pricots homelike, near good town. C- E. Kirk. Route No. 3. Newberg, Or. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying ; land shown free. Qlm stead Land Co.. Salem. Or. Tin Small fruit farm on upw lMtrl, Hn oaejfc Frank. aia 21 ast iitb REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. DE8CHTTES VALLEY FARMS, NEAR MADRAS. 40 acres unimproved, four miles from Madras, lies nice and level, all tillable, the price Is $JKK, half cash, bal ance 2 years at 6 per cent. 80 acres unimproved, 44 miles from Mauras. Price $16, 1-3 cash, balance 1 to 5 years at 6 per cent Inter est. Land all tillable. 3 60 acres near line of new railroad, 90 acres cleared, under cultivation, 70 acres pasture, box house and barn, good well, fine soil, well lo cated. Price $2700. half cash, balance 18 months at 7 per cent. 100 acres near the above, 120 cleared, under cultiva tion, 40 acres pasture, small box house and barn, wire fence, spring and good well, schoolhouse on place, good soil, a splendid farm at $3200. half cash, balance IS months at 7 per cent. 160 acres near Madras, 25 to 30 acres in cultivation, 2 wlred fence, 3 miles from Young postoffice, 2 miles from school, 2 hi miles from proposed station on new railroads. The price is $3000, $ 1 44 H) cash, balance tn three yearly payments at 6 per cent Interest. 100 acres, 2 miles from Cul ver, 2 miles from school, land all tillable. 135 acres ln cultivation, 4-room house, tarn, fence, cistern and well, farm utensils. The price la $5000 cash. 1 60 acres one mile from Culver, 1 mile from school, 140 acres in timber iand, 100 acres In cultivation. 4 room house, cistern, fenced and cross fenced. The price Is $4300 cash. 160 acres, two miles from Culver, 1 mile from school, all tillable, 155 acres in cul tivation, good house, four rooms ; barn, household utensils. farming utensils and farm stock, fine soil. T he price is $5000. $2600 cash, $2400 on one and two years' time at 8 per cent. 520 acres, 2 miles from La Monta, 2 miles from school, 250 acres In cultivation, 106 acres now ln grain, house, barn. good well, running water the year r.mnd, 51 0 acres tillable, one of the best ranches in the Des chutcse Valley. Only about 4 or 5 miles from the new railroads now being built, and the price being only $13,000, half cash, balance on 3 years' time at 6 per cent Interest. Foreign Department, UNION BANK & TRUST CO., 235 Stark su. Portland. Or. ONE OF THE CHOICEST STOCK AND WHEAT RANCHES ON THE MARKET. 1485 acres, all fenced. There are 70 acres under cultivation, half of it in grain, and a few acres in alfalfa, 60 acres In oak timber, the remainder ln good bunch grass pasture; there are 6 springs ocatterea over tne place, one ox mem large enough to run a small electric plant. The land could be used as follows: 300 acres of elegant fruit land, 500 acres of aooa wheat lana. 40 acres couia oe lrn gated if desired; it has also been demon strated that part of the soil Is elegant for small fruits and vegetables, grain of all kinds and alfalfa. The Improvements are a good 7-room house, wit h spring water connection, targe barn ana eui otner neo essary buildings. This place could easily be subdivided into three good farms. It is one of the best all-around ranches ever put on the market $17 per acre, $800O cash, balance at a reasonable time with 6 per cent interest this Includes a full lln of implements. It is six miles from the Columbia River and the same distance from the railroad : good school facilities. telephone connection. This place is sit uatea in KiicKirat county, Washington. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO. 3?I3 a First st. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS A DEMONSTRATED SUCCESS. Wheat production on these lands for several years past nas been the largest and quality the finest of any wheat land on tne American continent. Thousands of American farmers have secured lands here; all are making money ana are satisnea. Splendid live new towns and the world s best markets right at the door. j- ine schools, cneap tuei and good water. $1.50 to $ an acre cash, balance long time. 1 here is only one crop of land. The time for action Is now. Write us xor booklets. LOW RATE EXCURSIONS EVERT FIFTEEN DAYS. IDE-MCCARTHY LAND COMPANY, Colonization Agents, 425-26-27-28 LUMBERMENS BUILDING, A FINE COUNTRY HOME OF 15 ACRES. Surrounded by nne orchards. 8-room modern house with fireplace. Barn and good family orchard. 10 acres set out to Cpltzenberg and Yellow Newtown apples. Beautiful view; spring water supplied to house by hydraulic ram; 5 minutes walk to R. R. station. 50 minutes ride to center of Portland. Electric line now building will Have station close to the property. Price $7000; 10 per cent discount for all cash. Could he bought with $2000 cah; balance loOO per vear, 6 per cent interest. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY, 703 and 700 Corbett Bldg. FARMS FOR SALE. 640 acres, 3 miles from good town on S. P. K- in gooa tarming community all In cultivation; 2 good houses sn barns; plenty of fruit; one-third of crop goes with nlace; $50 per acre. 160 acres, 7 Vb miles from Lebanon; 20 acres 01 peaveraam land; alt the crop goes witn place, wen improvea; house, U (1 III, Uiciimui yci a.iB. f acres, miies rrom Lebanon. w improved, good land; house, barn, orchard all croon go with place: S37.50 ner r 50 acres, good land, no improvements, well located; $20 per acne. 40 acres; house, barn, plenty of good fruit; on stage line; good gravel road. 5 miles from railroad station; $40 per acre. 11 ui lucag iiuiicriica in una county. Appiy 10 0. oiooaara, Albany. Or. Of fice, cor. Lyons and 4th st. P. O. box 432. HOW DOES THIS STRIKE TOUt A 10-ACRB TRACT FOR $750. $10 CASH. $10 PER MONTH FOR 74 MONTHS. 10 ACRES FREE WITH EVERY TEN 10-ACR.W TBirra The lend is 45 miles couth.wMt nt r. land in the highlands of Yam hi 11 rv..nv The soil is a deep rich red loam, especially ountiwu ura su - nig Jl wa.inut, appl ana otner traits, ljarge plantings of wal nuts and apples Join our tract. Call at our ouico M.HU. ari-juiK to nee tne jana. Don 1 mistake this offer for inferior farm lands. it win stand a most rigid examination Our guarantee as a firm Is back of every acre Ui Ultf MLELU. CHAPIN fk HERLOW S32 Chamber of Commerce. BIG OPPORTUNITY IN NEW SOUTHERN TOWN Of Alpha, Ala., first to be opened on the Washington & Choctaw Railway, in midst 'of thousands of acres of magnolia lands, recently sold, now thrown open ; settlers now coming ln; development will advance prices wonderfully ; climate Ideal ; whole blocks ln town can now be purchased at farm land prices; people contemplating buy ing Southern lands should Investigate this; the opportunity of living In town and trucking, fruit growing or poultry raising beats any small farm proposition any one could offer; early purchasers get ln at half price; easy terms, small payments; big op portunity for agents; write for plat and complete details. Washington fc Choctaw Land Co., 660 Times bldg., St. Louis, Mo. A SNAP. 5 acres, near city limits, on Section Line road ; almost all under cultivation ; good 4-room house, large barn, roothouse, chicken-house, plenty of water, all fenced; ground nice and level ; owner must sell; price $3950, terms. Apply owner. 171 Third street, near Yamhill. 160 ACRES of timber, t mile from R. R.. 1 - miles from Buxton; lies mostly level: $13.60 an acre. Valley Realty Co 41 & N. XU REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. ALFALFA LAND 2700 acres in Wheeler County. It con trols four miles of streams on both, sides. Wire fences; orchard; buildings, tools, tc; $10 an acre; terms. We have others. One acre or thousands. It will pay you to see our list. HARTMAN &. THOMPSON. "Chamber of Commerce bldg. MUcellaneooa. EASTERN OREOON. INVESTMENTS IN BEND. ' f550 tNearly one acre; cash. 1300 100x200; $650 cash. $1600 200x200; $Q0 cash. Indications are that Bend will be an other Spokane. FRED C. KING. S06 commercial Block. 2d and Washington IF YOU ARB LOOKING FOR Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small, well-improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see me. I handle my own propertles, .... J. O. ELROD. 520 Corbett Bldg. TO EXCHANGE. HOTEL for-sale, or trade for acreage, must u vtoae to roriiana, witn gooa running water on place. Hotel has 35 rooms, the only hotel in town; full all time: doing good business; very best location In town, pric on lot, building and furniture, every thing goes for $12,500. Town has about 7 stores, 1 bank and 3 saloons.- AN 954, Oregonlan. WANTED RESIDENCE AS PART PAYMENT FOR 25-acre fruit ranch fronting on South Ump qua River. 3H miles from RoseburK: 7 acrei in bearing iruit; price $7500, worth mot money. j GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oa. TO EXCHANGE 1 acres. 8-room house not water heat, all kinds of fruit anil grapes, greenhouse, west slope Mount Ta bor, paying 12 per cent on asking price : $14,000; will consider house and lot for one-half the value; balance cash. Phone mornings. Main 142. EXCHANGE Hood River orchard, 1 mile from town, 8 acres in trees, some bearing; barn, tools, etc.; also have a 20-acre ranch, partly improved, strictly first-class; one or both for Portland improved, $7500 to $15,000. Address Owner, box 175, Hood River. Or. WILL take good team horses or two good muic cows as first payment on fine lot overlooking Eastmoreland ; water in and streets graded;, balance can be paid $10 monthly. Price of lot $500. Address G 954. Oregonlan. WILL exchange $20u0 equity in 40 acres choice Mosier fruit land; part clear and in excellent condition. For city propert ; part cash if possible; this Is not an agent. Phone B 123o and owner will call on you. WILL exchange mining stock, O. K. dis trict, lor first payment on home, balance monthly; West Side preferred; or for V4 cant lot. AN 984. Oregonlan. TIMBER claim In Morrow County, value SJ000; will trade for improved city realty, or will sell. Gruber, 927 Board of Trade bldg., Portland. SOME good lots at Warrenton to trado. What have youT Also nne 10-acre tract near Vancouver. Address J if 52, Ore gonlan . . HAVE 50 city lota in Ottumwa, Iowa; will sen or traue ror improvea or unimprovea Portland property; what have you? - Ad dress Owner. 81ft Johnson st., C 1 ty. FOR SALE or trade. What hava you got to traae lor a notei bus? J. i -Good, ba lem. Or. INCOME Pendleton property - to exchange foi Portland property. it hoi, oregonlan. WANTED A motorcycle in exchange for cltj property. a.vi psz, uregonian. TOU can trade any kind of property al room i is soara ox iraa. WANTED REAL ESTATE. IF you have a nice htme, -well located, in the city, for sale, and will take choice Hood . River property, address AK $74, Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY FOR CASH. Good stock farm of not less than 16 acres, within 30 miles of Portland; prefei not less than SO acres in alfalfa; glv full details including lowest cash pric in first letter. AM 972. Oregon i an. WANTED Wholesale tracts of good land suitable for colonization, in Central and Eastern Oregon, for ourselves and out clients; owners only. Manuel Brother! Company, 203 Andrus bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. WE have buyers for income or resldenc property. West Side or East Side. It will pay you to deal with us if you want re suits. Walker & Reed. 823 Chamber ol Commerce. Phone Main 6535. FIVE ACRES. Wanted, tract of about 5 acres, with house, convenient to cars, less than 1 hour out; about $500 per acre. 517 Wor cester Block, early to d a y . WANTED, for cash, 5 to 20-acre chicken and fruit ranch, close to Portland- Stat price, location and improvements. One on creek or river preferred. AJ 969, Ore gonlan. WANTED for cash, from owners only, resi dence lot. East or West ?lde; give lowvst price; location and full particulars. AN S67. Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE or equities in same bought and sold. List with us. GRAY-CUNNING HAM-GRAX. 722-723 Electric Bldg. ACREAGE, lots or equities bought and sold. I have buyers for your property. W. B. HARTLEY. 411 Swetland bldg. WANTED Equity ln house, lots or acres for 5 shares patd-up stock and money. 286)-j Washington, room 51L WANTED -Prone rty suitable for apart- menu. East or West Side: give location. W 9 49, Oregonlan. WANTED Acreage, lots and equities; al30 river acreage wanted. 626 j Washington. FOR RENT FARMS. FARMS FOR RENT. The only place foe rent for the last -week ; all cultivated; fruit in paying quantities; chicken yards; good bouse and barn; Al In every respect; close to elec tric;. over 15 acres of finest soil; rent reasonable to right party. OREGON LAND COMPANY, 215 Henry Bldg. WAXTEP TO RENT FARMS. WE HAVE a party of Eastern farmers who wish to rent improved farms near Portland for cash ; what have you to of fer? Oregon Land Co. 215 Henry bldg. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. B04 McKay bldg. C J. McCracken, TIMBER within on SNAP for logging. mile Columbia River; 218 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE. 80 acres, with 1.50O.OOO feet yellow fir, running water on place, half-mile off "United Railway survey; 10 miles north west of Forest Grove for $1800; terms to suit. Address Elmer Lyda, Gales Creek, Or. ft20 ACRES of timber land, of fir and cedar, in Douglas Co.; will sell reasonable or trade for farm land in Valley. AM 967, Oregonlan. " TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. 17. OO0.0OO yellow fir for 50 cents. Phone Main 8314. FOR RENT. Horses Vehicles ana itenie. FOR SALE Gentle driving .or riding mare, with 2-months-old colt. Inquire Mrs. F. Miller, Linn ton. Or. TJ 6. FEED AND TRANSIENT STABLES. Best accommodations for travelers- ladies waiting-room ; prices moderate. 248 Front. TWO bay mares, good workers, 6 and 7 years old, weight 2900 with harness. 512 N. 24 th st. FOR SALE Pair of bay mares, 6 years old, weight 2800. Callor address N- B. Har- yey, Milwaukie. Phone Red 342. WANTED Team of draft horses; price must be right. Phone C 2274 or AM 973, Orego- nlan. , YOUNG- lady stenographer, beginner, wishes office work. Call .between 9 and 12 Fri day morning. Tabor 597. FOR SALE An almost new paneled wagon; just the thing for a dye works or fancy delivery. Phone C 1507. 85 HEAD of ponies cheap at Fulton, Take cajf at 2d and Morrison. PAIR good farm grays, weight 2480. with new harness; bargain. 334 Front st. DR. L. G. STICK NET, V. S. Office 409 E. Burnside. E- 555; residence E. 171. FIVE heavy teams at the transfer barns. Flemmlng & Thompson, Gresham. TEA M, weighing 2800 lbs., earning $6 nay, Oax, 200 14 SOU at MontAvilltA.