THE MORNING- OREGONIAN. FRIDAY- MAT 13, 1910. 9 CORPORATION W REVENUE GREAT New Statute Exceeding Ex pectations of Internal Officials. FEW TRYING TO EVADE LAW Constitutionality of Question to Be Decided Soon by T'. S. Supreme Court Protests Are Heard of Two Classes. OREGON1AN TEWS BUTtEAtrr "Wash ington, May 12. "The new corporation tax law la exceeding our expectations," Bald Internal Revenue Commissioner Royal E. Cabell, the official charged primarily with the Imposition and col lection of this new form of tax which was authorized by the Payne-Aldrfch tariff act of August 5, 1909. "Wot only will the corporation tax yield a greater revenue than we antici pated," continued the Commissioner, "but the corporations, with very few exceptions, are showing a disposition to meet the requirements of the law and have made prompt returns. There has been very little attempt to evade the law, and It may be said to 'be working with greater satisfaction than might reasonably be expected of a law so new and which is such a radical departure from past practice. "While the constitutionality of the corporation tax has been brought into question and will soon be decided by the United States Supreme Court, we are proceeding with the enforcement of the law as if the question had not been raised, for the law today is bind ing in Its effect and will continue so, unless declared unconstitutional." Tax nxed at $25,000,000. The commissioner in his annual report estimated that the corpo ration tax for the first year (being the calendar year which ended December 31, 1909) would ap proximate $25,000,000. In Congress the estimates ran all the way from $12, 000,000 to $50,000,000. There were at the outset two classes of protest against the corporation tax. One was the fear of corporations that facts with regard to their business would be made public, and thus be open to their competitors; the other was that the corporation tax is to be collected for each calendar year. But the Presi dent has given assurance that the re turns made by corporations under this law will be treated confidentially by the internal revenue officials, so that no corporation making returns will suffer any injury by reason of its reports to collectors of internal revenue. The sec ond objection has largely disappeared, for while corporatlas experienced some difficulty in making up their first re turns, inasmuch as their business year ended with some other month than De cember, when the tax year closed, they have now laid the foundation, and will have less difficulty on this score in the future. Commissioner Cabell does not antici pate that the Government will have any serious difficulty In bringing un willing corporations to time. Where any corporation coming within the scope of the law refuses or neglects to make returns on or before March 1, showing the amount of its business, its gross and net earnings, etc, the Col lector for the district in which that corporation maintains its principal of fice Is authorized by the law and has been directed by the Commissioner to call upon the corporation to produce its books, and from them make the returns upon which that corporation shall be taxed. This same authority is given the Col lector, If he has reason to believe that the returns voluntarily made by a cor poration are Incorrect. In the latter event the Collector may also compel the attendance of officials of the corporation and require them, under oath, to testify with regard to the subject matter under investigation. Court Measures May Follow. In event these proceedings fall Col lectors are to report to the Commission er of Internal Revenue, who is author ized to invoke the aid of the United States Court having Jurisdiction to re quire the attendance of officers and em ployes and the production of books and reoords. The Commissioner may then make a return where none has been made, and make corrected return where on Is found Inaccurate, though in both Instances his action is subject to final review and approval by the Secretary of the Treasury. The provisions of the corporation tax law are so drawn -as practically to Insure proper returns from corpora tions. In the first place. It is stipu lated that If any corporations shall refuse or neglect to make a return at the time required by law, or shall ren der a false return, it shall be liable to a penalty of from $1000 to $10,000. But of more consequence is the pro vision that In case any false return Is made the Commissioner of Internal Revenue shall add 100 per cent to the tax to be paid by the corporation so falsifying its report, and in case of neglect or refusal to make returns at the time required, he shall add 50 per cent to the tax. That is to say, the tax Is doubled If returns are falsified, and increased 50 per cent if no returns are voluntarily made. The amount so added will be collected at the time the regular tax Is paid. In view of the many safeguards thrown out by the corporation tax law. Commissioner Cabell is of the opinion that the Government will get all of the money rightfully due it In the form of tax upon corporations, whose net earnings exceed $5000 per annum. The Commissioner points out that whereas It might appear that many cor porations were attempting to shirk the payment, of this tax. because most all collectors have reported failure of cor porations to make returns, as a matter of fact most of these cases, when sift ed, show that refusal was made be cause collectors sought to get returns from branch offices, and that in al most every Instance of record it has been found that the main office made full returns, covering the business of Its various branches. Branch offices are not required nor expected to make returns to collectors, for the tax is as sessed against the main office for the entire corporation. This simplifies the business for both the corporation and the Goverrf men t- Wallowa Field Day Results. WALLOWA. Or.. May 12. ( Special.) The County High School Athletic Asso ciation has Just announced results of the field day sports held at Enterprise Sat urday. Wallowa County High School won the cup. taking 41 points out of a EXCRUCIATING SKIN TORMENT Irritation Almost Drove Him Wad Eyes So Swollen Could Scarcely See Skin Specialist Said It was Psoriasis Cured by Cuticura. SO PLEASED WITH CURE ANXIOUS TO TELL OTHERS "I was completely cured of a skin disease by the use of the Cuticura Rem edies alter doctors had failed. The complaint first at tacked me in 1906,. my hands and arms right up to the el bows breaking owt in large blisters, some an inch across. I need not tell any suf ferer from distress ing skin complaints what I went through. The irritation al most drove me mad. I became an out patient of a London hospital. I re ceived little benefit, and after a fort night's attendance I was seen by a skin specialist who told me the complaint was psoriasis. The irritation was not allayed at ail. I persevered with the treatment and continued to attend the hospital for two months but I was far from cured. " Later the disease took a more serious form, affecting my neck and face as well as my hands and arms. My neck was covered and sometimes my "eyes were so badly swollen that I could scarcely see. Irritation is too mild a word to describe my suffering; it was excruciating agony. I was sent to a doctor who gave me some ointment, but it did me no good and in -the end I lost my job. A friend in Lon don sent me some Cuticura Soap which softened my hands, made them feel fresh and more comfortable. I obtained some Cuticura Resolvent and Cuticura Oint ment and was especially pleased with the Ointment which immediately allayed the irritation and caused the sores to heal steadily and surely. In three weeks I was completely cured and there has been no return or the complaint. I am so pleased with my cure that I am anxious to tell others about it. Arthur Duncan, Litchard Hill, Bridgend, South Wales, Jan. 16, lf)09." CnUeum Soap (3Ac.) to CImdm the Skin. Cuthmra Ointment (50c.) to Beal the Skin. and CuUcur Resolvent (50c.). (or hi the form of Chocolate Coated Pllia. Sc. per Vial of 60) M Parity the Blood. Boll throughout the world. Potter Drug A Chem. Corp.. Bole Prape.. 136 Columbia Ave.. Boston. Maaa. aar-Mallea .rree. cuueura uoog on tsxin XJU possible 82. Joseph High School took second place, with 22 points. Fred Reld, of Lost In e, took three first places: Casey French, of the W. C. H. S., took two. and Howard Shutt, of Joseph, two. The other first places were scattered, no per son getting more than one. The 100-yard dash was made in 10 3-5 seconds, the 220 yard In 24 seconds, the quarter in 1 min ute, 1 2-5 seconds, the discus throw was 127 feet 4 inches. Other records were very poor. TRACK MEET POSTPONED Lincoln High Boys Go to Forest Grove on Friday. Because of the poor track conditions at Pacific University the meet between the track teams of that institution and the Lincoln High School, of Portland, sched uled for yesterday afternoon was post poned until Friday. The local team will consist of twelve men. Captain Baker, the fast 100-yard man, may not be able to run on account of a sprained tendon in his thigh. The following men will accompany Coach Nevlson: 100 and 220 yard dashes, Bak er, Cxickmore, Stiles and Brace: 440 yard dash, Olcott and Brace; half mile and mile, McKay, McCabe and Hines; high jump, Welch, Min singer and Hines; pole vault. Stiles and Welch: broad Jump and the huTdles, Welch and Minsinger; shotput, Olcott and Caufleld. Manager Withy combe and A. F. Blttner will make the trip with the team. MORRISOX FEELS TOO WEAK Would. Like to Referee Fight, but Rheumatism Prevents. SHATTLE, Wash., May 12. (Special.) James W. Morrison of this city yester day received a telegram from his old pal, Tex Rickard, stating: "Can put you In as referee of the Jeffries-Johnson tight if your health will permit you to accept." Morrison has been troubled with rheumatism for some time, and while he would like to referee the "fight of the century," he does not believe his legs are in good enough shape to ro through with It. It has been known for some time that if Berger and John son could not agree on a referee that Rlckard would suggest Morrison for the place, but the natives will howl their heads off if a California man is not selected. Morrison himself believes that Jack Welch will finally be named. Jim ap preciates the compliment paid him by Rickard. but It Is not likely that he will accept, even If the Job Is offered him. TEXXIS TOURNEY OX SATURDAY Annual Multnoman Meet Promises One of Best Ever Held. From present indications the entry list for the annual Multnomah Amateur Ath letic Club handicap tennis tournament which starts Saturday afternoon will be a large one. Over 35 entries in the men's singles and six teams of doubles were entered up to last night. The winner of the tournament becomes possessor of the Alma D. Katz cup for one year. Last year was the first year that the trophy was played for, and was won by Brandt Wickersham, the present holder of the title of Oregon state champion. The entry-list for this season's tournament closes Friday night and the handicap committee will then fix the handicaps and arrange the schedule. Play will begin Saturday afternoon. The handicapping committee consists of Alma T. Katz,' S. S. Humph rey, Ralph Wilbur, A. B. Alpin and James F. Ewlng. COLUMBIA TO MEET LIXCOLX University Players to Have First Game With High School. For the first time this season, Columbia University will meet the Lincoln High School on the baseball field. Columbia University has only ptayed oae game in the Interscholas tlc League this season and was de feated then by the Portland Academy team. One of Its games was postponed t because of rain the game with the Washington High School scheduled for Wednesday of last week. Lincoln High School is playing ball as it should be played. This was demonstrated by its recent 15-to-0 verdict over the Portland Academy team which, earlier in the season. SALHEPATICA The regular 25c size, spe- i fa cial IOC 7 HONEYCOMB WASH CLOTHS And one cake Hard Water Castile OC Soap aiiJt Peroxide of Hydrogen Full u. s. P. strength. A one pint bottle, spe cial 19 SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED ret) vCv ORIGINAL CUT KATE DRUGGISTS TtH. AndWASHXNGrTON STS. PORTLAND, ORE. ft m w IVORY SOAP Again 7 Of bars for.." SPECIAL FOR SAT. ONLY 4 cakes OC. Sapollo foreSea" VIOLET AMMONIA Delightful and refreshing for the bath. full pint, special . . . 1TC This is the best sale of Drugs and Toilet Articles we ever had Toilet Goods at Special Prices Santtaeptlc Lotion - 29 Pond's VanliMns Cream. ......... 33 Pivers Face Powdeia 754 Poaaont'i Pace Powden. ......... .30 Ilsterine Tooth Powder..; 15 Synol Soap 18 Pels Naptha Soap 4 Herplclde 59 Elcaya Cream --35C Witch Huel Cream.. ....... .15 Danderlne .. 33 25c Powder Puffs, wool .....15 Raymond Complexion Cream. ..... 23 Hay's Hair Health....- .29 Robertlne ..29 CamelUne 29 Bay Hum, pints 33 Tts, for tender feet 19 Imperial Hair Dye 98 Beuoln and Almond Lotion. 17 Rosaline . ' '. 14 Harmony Violet Toilet Water 67 Lesley Talcum 7 Owl Shampoo (.17 Almond Meal 15 Quick and Easy Soap 2 La Blaehe Powder 29 Rose Cold Cream 17 EFFERVESCENT x PHOSPHATE SODA Pleasant to take, full H-lb. bottle. Regular 36c, OQ A. - An Y'T' I win h i-L- I Special. The Owl Drag Co., Portland's Finest Drag Store. 1 Big 7 Sale of Drugs. To Continue 2 Days There are 37 ten-cent packages of Drugs for TS and 37 twenty-five-cent packages for 17. Sale begins at 7:37 each morning and closes at 7:37 each evening. -If you buy 7 packages of 7c or 17c drugs, you will receive one of the 37 FREE. You cannot afford to roiss this 2-day, Big 7 Sale corner of Seventh and "Washington streets. See Seventh-st. window. 10 CTS. WORTH FOR 7 CTS. 10e Witch Haxek 4 oa. 7 lOe Paregoric, 2 ox.... 7 toe Oil of Kucalyptna, 1 ox. 7 10c E m u e n e e" of Pep permlnt, 1 oz. ..... 7 lOc Tincture Myrrh, 1 oz. 7 10c Tlnetnre of Ben- aoin, 1 oz.. 7 lOc TincturC Iodine, oz 7 lOc Ammonia, 1 pint.. 7 lOe Cream of Tartar, 3 ozs 7 lOc Sulphur, IS oz..... 7 lOc Senna Leavea, 2 oz. 7 loe Epsom Salts, IS oz. 7 10c Po w d e r ed Boric Add, 4 oz. 7 lOe French Okalk,.ll oz 7 lOc Cardamom Seeds, 1 oz 7 lOc Alum, 16 oz 7 lOc Orris Root, 2 ox... 7 lOc Soda Bicarbonate, 16 oz 7 lOc Camphorated Chalk, 3 oz. 7 lOo Wintera-reen, 2 oz. 7 lOe Chalk and Orris, 2H oz. 7 10c C m a e a r a Bark, 4 oz 7 10c Precipitated Chalk, 4 oz 7 10c Rochelle Salts, 3 ox. 7 10c Fallen' Earth, 44 oz. . 7 10c Insect Powder. ... 7 lOe Saffron 7 lOc Spanish Bark. 7 lOc Buhach, 1 oz... 7 lOc Olycerlne, 3 oz.. 7 lOc Castor Oil, 3 oz. .. 7 lOe Cam phorated Oil, 2 ox. 7 lOc Spirits Camphor, 2 oz 7 10c Denatured Alcohol, 6 oz. 7 lOc Beailne, IS oz 7 lOc Kssence of Ginger, 1 oz 7 10c Lime Water. 16 oz. 7 25 CTS. WORTH FOR 17 CTS. 25c Rochelle Salts, 8 oz. 17 25c Castor OH, 8 oz 17 25c Tlnetnre Green Soap, 6 ox, 17 25c Glycerine and Rose Water, 8 oz 17 25c Paregoric, 6 oz. ...17 25c Tincture Myrrh, 4 oz 17 25c Witch Hazel. 16 oz .' . .17 25c Bay Rom, 8 oz 17 25c Cam phorated OH, 6 oz 17 25e Tincture Ben xoin, 4 oz 17 23c Tincture Iodine, 2 oz 17 2Sc OH Sweet Almonds, 3 oz. 17 25c C h 1 o rof orm Lini- ment, 4 oz 17 2Se Aromatic Spirits of Ammonia, 3 oz.. .17 25c Brown Mixture, 8 oz 17 25c Lreop odium, 4 M: oz 17 BSc Moth Wax, 4 lbs...lT Kic Boraclc Add, 1 lb.. 17 ii17 25c- Cocoanut OH, 8 o;; 25c Cascara Bark, 16 oz. -. 17 25c Precipitated Chalk, 16 oz. 17 25c Compound Licorice Powder, 8 oz 17 25c Oil of Bersamot, Vi oz 17 25c Lanoline, 4 oz 17 25c Orris Root, 6 OZ...17 25c Snlphate Zinc;. 16 oz. 17 25c Sulphur and Cream Tartar. 8 oz 17 25c Salts of Tartar, 8 oz 17 25c Sulphur Ointment, 4 oz. 17 25c Zinc O I n t meat, 4 oz 17 25c Essence of Pepsin, 3 oz 17, 25c Fluid Extract Cas cara, 3 oz. 17 25c Glycerine, 8 oz....XTS 25c Green Soap, 8 OZ..17 25c Tincture of Arnica, 8 oz 76 25c Tlnetnre of Iron, 4 OZ. 174 25c Henna Leaves, 6 oz 17 The PATENTS at Special Prices Pierre's PiUa 13 Miles' Pills 19 Reuse ... 59 Cascar ets 15 Thompson's Eye Water 19 Plnkham'a Wash 19 Orangeine 33 Pyramid Pile Remedy 337 Hoover's Headache Powder....... 7 Hanson's Corn Salve lO Week's Break-l'p-a-CoId 19 Jaynea' Vermifuge .............. .28 Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. .......... 59 MUl's Heart Remedy 59 Laxni 33 Kodol 59t Brown's Celery Phosphate. ...... .55 Cooper's Discovery 63 Daraiana Bitters 69 Lash's Bitters . . . . 65 Poslara 33 New Skin 19. Omega Oil 33 Cuticura Ointment 65 Carlsbad Salts Crystals 6f Piatt's Chlorides 35 Llsterine . 7 Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 65 OWL THEATRICAL A pure cream, full 5"T pound; reg. 50c; sp'lO C RubberGloves E v ery size, u s e f ul for h o u s ehold purposes. A saving of more than half. Each pair In s e p a r a te pair.. 29c L i e b i g's Malt A streng-the ning, stimulating- and In vigorating tonic for young and old; con tains iron and pep sin; regular 20c bot tles, Friday and Sat urday special OC price, 2 for. . REX ALL. Pons tain Pens, 14k gold. All pens abso lutely guar a n t e e d. PRICES, Sl.OO to ' S2.SO RUBBERSET LATHER BRUSHES Bri sties g-uaranteed not to come out; reg ular 60c sizes, O o SpeciaL OOC HAIR BRUSHES The solid-back kind. "Values that cannot be dupll- A r cated for.. I 7 C iHORLICTS MALTED MILK iSiJ SPECIAI' PRICES. K fl r .moll " $1.00 large. ."59 83.75 hospital $2.75 This large bar Floating 7 Castile Soap only X f C PYRALIN COMBS See them to ap preciate the value. Regular 50c, now .25 HALF PRICE (a 3) 4711 Eau De Cologne Bath Salts Softens the water and imparts a de lightful fragrance. Special Small size 19t large slze...OOC CAMERA SPECIALS Developing;, Printina; and Enlarging; at Cut Rates. Special Saturday Only n n BxlO enlargements, special. .OC Prom Your Own es;ative. .lO ..25 20c 4 oz. Graduates Kodak Candle Lamps..... 3xSH Print Frames. 3Vix44 Print Frames. 3&x5& Pript Frames. VERY SPECIAL. M. Q. Developing Powders, 7 for.. 25 1-lb pkg. Acid Fixing Powder 17 Three-section Tripod for cameras up to 5x7. Reg. $2.00, special 81.33 You can purehauae films of all sixes here on Sunday. , Pure Drug Display Washington -Street Window Drugs in their crude state. Drugs In their finished state. Drugs from all points of the globe used everyday- In medicines. The public sel dom has the opportunity of seeing them in crude- state. Each bears foreign as well as the English name, also the uses. Some in orig inal packages In which we import ed them. We have Bucha Leavei from South Africa. Co 1 eh i cum from North Africa Rhubarb from China. Irlfth Mom from Ireland, Isinglass from Volga River, Russia in fact every part of the globe is repre sented In this - exhibition another Instancp of "The Owl's" originality. TODCO SOA P A very mild soan. makes an elegant lather. Special r no ay ana Saturday rour cakes for... 29c OHOL DENATUR'D ALCOHOL Drawn from original barrel. Real value 75c per gallon. Bring your, own container. Sold in gallons only. tJO FRIDAY -SATURDAY Jp7 59c Contagious Diseases are prevalent just now. We offer the following antiseptics and disin fectants at cut prices: Soluble Phenyle, 8 oz 25 Soluble Phenyle, 16 oz.... iOC Carter's Sanitary Fluid 25 Formaldehyde, 1 pint 25 Creolin, 1-lb. bottle 79 Lyol, 1-lb. bottle 79 Crude Carbolic Add, 1 pint. . . .25 Lister Antiseptic Solution, pint, special 35 Alkaline Solution, pint. sp'1...35 Mentbolyptine, pint, special.. 35 Eur.ymol 50 Owl Oarprle 25 Sulphur Fumlgatora ..7 o Sulphur Torches .....25 Lister FamlKaton .......... .20 Lister Fu migrators 40 Jergen's Toilet Soaps 9 BOX OF 3 CAKES. English Glycerine, English Oatmeal, Violet de Grande, Rose de Grande, Vernon Glycerine. Choice of Q any of the above, per box 47 HALLEY'S COMET is rapidly approaching the earth. Keep in- touch with the comet by watching the model on display in our "Washington -street window. PLAYING CARDS AT "OWL" PRICES Pack. Vozen. Hustlers IOC 81. OO Crown 15 Sfil.65 Mascot 20 S2.00 Bicycle 20 S2.25 Bee 25 $2.JO Congress 40 -t.75 PERFUME DEPARTMT SPECIALS Saturday we will give away FREE for the asking MLE BLOSSOMS PEARLS to acquaint you with this new perfume. Regular price $1.00 oz., on sale gt at, per oz Q7C Lotus Blossom Extract, spe- OO clal, per oz 47C Plver'a Perfumes In orig- I ni tnal bottles. lVoz OliUO CANDY DEPT. SPECL'S OWl HIGH-GRADE ASSORTED CHOCO LATES. Regular 50c pound, special....... CHOCOLATE! MINT CHEWS, 12 for 51 per pound HONEYCOMB MOLASSES CHIPS, EOc value. special, per pound PEANUT BUTTER OC- MOLASSES HEWS, per lb CHEWS, per lb... OWL HIGH-GRADE ASSORTED CHOCO LATES. Regular $1.00 2-pound box, special PEEK-A-BOO KISSES, per pound 29c 20c 38c 18c 25 SOAP BOXES Pyralln Soap Boxes, half price; regular EOc 25 TOILET SOAP Richards' Fancy Im ported Toilet Soap, 3 cakes, special, box... : 69 Friday and Saturday LIQUOR SPfclCI'LS Blaelc and White irtch.$i.09 Cam adlan Club, sale. .. $1.09 Old C r o vr. ed... JL-.-W&'l De War Scotch, special $1.09 Cedar Cre ek, bottled QO. In bond..70C Chicken Cock, bottled in bond SI. 09 Taj.HT rye 73c THIS USEFULBOWL IS FREE This bowl free Friday and Saturday with every purchase of $1.00 or over, as long" as they last. Use ful in every home in Port land. See that you get one. ELASTIC HOSIERY In buying elastic hosiery at The Owl Drug Co. you get the best qual ities at prices lower than others charge for inferior goods; you are guaranteed absolute fit, as a a-rad uate nurse is in charge of this de partment. PERFUMED SOAP Violet Glycer ine Soap, nicely perfumed, spe cial, box .IT trimmed Columbia University. Captain Thompson, of the uncom warn, wnu. by many. Is considered the premier twlrler of the Interscholastic League, will probably pitch for hUs team. Either Peterson or Paterson will do the catching for Lincoln, "uony way will probably use Kirk and F. Perkins to do the honors lor coiumma. game will be played on Multnomah Field, beginning at 3:30 o'clock. COUCH SCHOOL- WIXS, 3 TO 2 Shattuck Boys Taken Into Camp by t Lone Ran. By the close score of 3 to 2, the Couch School baseball team triumphed over the Shattuck School nine yester day afternoon on the field at 20th and "Vaughn streets In the first game of the final round for scond place in the Grammar School League and for the Columbia Hardware Company trophy. Several double plays were made by the Couch players. The players were: Couch: Gilbert, pitcher; Mac Monies, catcher: BJelland, first base; Brlng ham. second base; Coulter, third base; Prendergrass. short stop: Lelhy, left field; Alyslnger, center field; McKen zle. right field. Shattuck: Johnson, pitcher: Hulat, catcher; Weiser, first base; Mitchell, second base: Grooman, third base; Semler, short stop; OswoW. left field; Rosenstein. center field; Benglebock, right field. XIiI -CITY TEAMS PLAY SUNDAY Semi-Pros to Be Seen on League Ball Grounds. McCredle"s Vaughn-street baseball grounds will be taken over by the Trl City League teams Sunday afternoon and a game will be played between the East Portland and West Portland teams of that league. Manager Rupert, of the West Port land team, has added several new men to his club In the hope of strengthen ing it. West Portland has played and lost four games this season and is now the only team left without a point In the percentage column. The new men that 'Manager Rupert has imported for the game are Mahan, Van Lanningham, Lee and Coldbath. Either Bill Kotte man or Lake will twirl for West Port land and be opposed by Townaend or Van Hoomison. The Sellwood Cubs and Partlow's Peninsula team will play Sunday aft ernoon on the McKenna Park grounds, situated on the St- Johns carline. Sun day's game will be called at 2:30 o'clock. FalrNCommlttee Chosen. THE DALLES, Or.. May 12. (Special.) At a meeting of the Board of Directors of The Dalles Business Men's Association last evening Henry Maier, Edgar Hos teller, F. S. Gunning. F. A. French, Venz Bauer and Judd S. Fish were appointed to make arrangements for the 19th annual district fair to be held here in October. Girls to Debate Incorporation. ALBANY, Or.. May 12. f Special.) WATSON'S NO. 10 Scotch Whisky Distilled in tt Highlands of Scotland from pure Scotch Barley Malt. Guaranteed Owr Tcb Yr-ar Old. Geo. S. Clark & Co Agents Sll .Board of Trade Bldg, - Portland, Or. The girls' teams of Albany College and the Oregon Agricultural College will de bate in Corvallis Thursday for the cham pionship of the Girls Collegiate Debating League of Oregon. Albany will support the affirmative of the question, ' "Re solved, that all interstate transportation companies should 'be incorporated under Federal law except interurban lines." The Albany College debaters will be Misses Lucille Hart, Ruth Smith and Rhoda Stalnaker. SJsa.sWaaastaVJbMlu Lard Has Been in Existence a Long Time-So Has Indigestion Human nature is hard to solve. People who are most particular about adapting the weight pf their wearing apparel to the season and its conditions, who never think of going out in a storm without an umbrella and rubbers, who would not sit in a draft, will day after day eat lard-soaked food and not realize for an instant that it is clogging their whole inner machinery. . Lard is produced from hog fat, sometimes pure, always indigestible. Cottolene is the best frying and shortening medium in the world. It is made irom renned cottonseed oil. rrom Cottonfield to Kitchen human hands never touch the oil from which Cottolene is made. Everything in Cottolene is digestible and conducive to health. COTTOLENE not pleased, after having given Cottolene a fair teat, is Guaranteed SSL, '"t? "Lhd"d. FJo-wor' rtlrl in RulL- Cottolene is packed in pails with an air-tight top to "CVCT J01" 111 PulK keep it clean, fresh and wholesome, and prevent it from catching dust and absorbing disagreeable odors, such as fiah, oil, etc. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY