Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 13, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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19 lO.
1 -
Horc Vehicles and Harness.
PORTLAND STABLES, 26 North 15th St.
One pair horses, weight 2000 lbs., 5 and
6 yearn oid; $375.
One pair horses, weight 2400 lbs.. 6 and
7 years old; $350.
One business wagon, in good condition
and newly painted ; $40.
One hand-made buggy and high-grade
harness, tost $275; all in good condition;
price $75.
I will give a written guarantee on above
horses to be as represented, or refund your
money. My bank, the Portland Trust Co.,
will tell you as to my reliability.
, R. L. EVANS. t
Why buy second-hand vehicles when you
can get a new one from an old-established
wholesale house, 44 years in Oregon, at
almost the same cost 7 We are located
outside the high-rent district, own our
building, and can make the price. Ex
clusive agents lor the old reliable line of
Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv
ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and
farm wagons. Be sure and see us before
you buy. It may save you money.
R- M. WADE &. CO.,
822 Hawthorne Ave., bet. East 1st and 2d.
On new buggies, harness and wagons;
the second largest stock in the city to
select from. New, guaranteed, well-known
buggies with leather trimmings, tine
leather quarter tops, for $58.50. Big sales
and small profits.
C. L. BOSS & CO.,
Eight hordes, been used by Merchants De
livery Co. the past year, to be eold regard
lets of value; aces from 7 to lo. weight
from 1000 t 12uo lbs. ; no reasonable offer
refund. 433 North 26th st. Entrance to
Atao harness and wagons at purchasers'
J'OK SALE Horses, harness and wagons.
Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and
mares. If not as represented they can be
returned. We also have on hand several
delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons
for sale. Hawthorne-ave. Stable3, 420
liawt h orne ave.
JL PRIVATE family wants to dispose of
brown mare, standard bred and registered;
tsfe for a lady to drive or handle under all
'ircumptajicei; also rubber-tired runabout
and harness; will tell altogether or separate.
Call at residence. 874 Savier ?t. Take lOth-st.
rr W. car and got off at 20th st.
30 HEAD of horses and mares, weighing
from 900 to ltfuu lbs. ; several pairs of
farm chunks, all well broke and win be
guaranteed as represented. Call early and
get your choice. 3a 1 Front, corner Mar
ket st.
A N E W $Z J 5 runabout buggy, One 1100
mare which cannot be beat for family use;
will sell together or single or take cheaper
rig in exchange. SU9 East 28th St.;
Woodstock car to Gladstone ave.
I.ARN or stable room for four head of horaj.
hay. g r a I r. and t oo la, y ard rot -in f o r two
wagon. .d( i cs John C. Haggart. Minne-t-tal
Hotel, CS N. oth, till Sa i u rday .
A KI N thoroughbred horse, 6 years old,
broke to ride or cirive; also city broke;
afraid of nothing, phone Tabor 1045. Ad
dress 1350 East 47th and Hawthorne ave.
FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and driving horses
always on hand ; aold with guarantee as
represented. U. S. Stables. 24a Front.
5 HEAD of ponies cheap at Fulton. Take car
a t 2d and Morrison.
PAIR good farm grays, weight 2430, with
new harness; bargain. 334Frcnt et.
GOOD 1009 4 to 5-passenger auto-wanted in
exchange for 45 acres of beach propertv,
partly platted, adjoining Tillamook Coast
Resort, to be put on the market this
Summer at $luv to $50i a lot ; easily
worth 5O0O at acreage value; will sell for
less than half this sum and take auto as
first payment, balance as lots are sold.
ANi93, Oregon! n.
FOR SALE New 4-ry Under 1910 Ford
Roadster, fully equipped with top, glass
front. magneto. batteries and speedo
meter. This car has been i un 200 miles
and Is practically better than one just
out of the shop. Will Fell at bargain.
Reason, am gelling a larger machine. J.
. P. Fryer, Carlton. Or.
6-PASSENGER auto, 3ft h. p., 4-cyllnder;
top, shield and lamp. thoroughly ever
hauled, in good condition. Room lo Waah
lngton bldg.
A good tui new ; cost $ 1 050 can be pur-
chafed for $050. David Lewis, 83 5th st.
A RUNABOUT cheap lor quick sale. Weat
cm Auto Co., 531 Alder st.
. Birds, Hogs, Pet Stock.
6 OR 6 grade Jersey cows; must be fresh,
from 4 to t years old, good milkers and
Inspected. Room 609 Commercial block.
Main 1446.
CARLOAD fresh cows for sale, calves at
their side. 40 to $55. Take St. Johns
car, get off at Peninsular, inquire G. Ben-
nett, 1S54 Drummondst.
Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments.
FOR PALE C heap, two $12fi checks on Graves
Music to. ; full value on piano or 1-3 on any
other a rtlcle. ,K 9S1, Oregonian.
rLAYER piano, worth $800, sale or ex
change. What have you? Hall. 380 Front.
Seating capacity about 12. speed 16 miles
pr hour, -horsepower, Smaliey engine;
boat is as good as new; very classy in ap
pearance; also fine boathouse 60 feot in
length ; 1 will trade for Portland property.
David Lewis. S3 5th gt.
SEWING machines Do not fail to vlit the
White .oewlng machine store THIS WEEK..
SPECIAL SALES 12t drop-head machine,
slightly marred; all stanoard makes ma
chine for rent, and repairing. H. D. Jones,
Prop., 42Q Washington t. . com e r 11th.
New houseboat of 3 large rooms, float
w6x4t; one of the best-built house on
river; will sell cheap, with or without fur
nlture. Mrs. Johnson, at Yacht Club.
lSK-volt, 150-K. W. General Electric
generator; belt type, complete with panel
and rail Address Room 2ol, Ore
gon lan.
PRC1AL prices on factory rebuilt machines;
very liberal terms; $H io $60. Northwest
Typewriter Co.. M 8870. 222 Abington
I'ROTECT your fruit and shade trees by
spraying with arsenate of lead. For rea
sonable estimates write John Dlls. 205 4th
t. Phone Marsh a 11 1445.
ONE of the best boa thou sea on the river, new;
also a 12-passenger ga-line launch, all in
flivt-clase condition, at a bargain. Call at
J133 u, First m., room 24.
23 HEAD choice dairy cows for sale; some
Jerseys and Durhama; all fresh. Inquire
T. W. Blew, feu North Sixth St., port
land. Or.
FOR SALE CHEAP, one McCray Bhort
order refrigerator, and one White Frost
refrigerator; both new. Call at Sheldon's
Cafeteria. 206 Morrison. Main S046.
IFOR SALE Babcock electric phaeton, 1909,
used only three months, good as new, at
very reasonable price. AM 985. Oregonian.
BMALL stock pillows, centerpiece's" silks,
etc; few embroidered; will sell altogether
or by piece; lessons free. Call 412 10th st.
WORCESTER BLDG., 3d and Oak.
SAFES, new and second-hand, all arizes, cheap
for cash or easy terms. Portland Safe Co.,
87 Bth at.
M. Ask for catalog. Rebuilt? $15 up. N.
M. Hayter Co.. 9o 5th at. Main 552a.
FOR SALE Showcase, wallcases, counters,
cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone Bam. 638.
KR SALE Hart-Parr traction gasoline en
glne. good as new. R. T. Cox, 200 H 3d m.
Portland. Or. '
Tl'HERCULINE-TESTED nillch cows- sin
gle or in car lots. Apply Mokel, Hruco
Co., stockyards.
Mo. 6 Remington typewriter tine condition;
Tie w look Ir. g ; barga In. A M VSl, Oregonian!
FOR SALE Petersbough canoe, 1U feet. S40
IMione B P.MH. "
A $4f.0 SODA FOUNTAIN for sale very cheap,
Cail up Main 18Si or A 4569.
BHOWCASE3. new and second-hand. 312
Everett, cor Hth. Also fixtures.
HOl'SKHOl.n goodT with furniture new
range. 412 Soth st.. Montavilla.
FIN B lrimlaied txoler for sale cheap. Alex
Friedman, 205 1st.
VIOLINS, banjoc. mandolin, guitars at half
regular prl-es. VnHe Myers, 71 tjth at.
231 Stark St. Main 1407.
60O BUSINESS CARDS $1 if you bring this ad
R.w City Printers-. 192 3d. neHr Tay lor!
POSTAGE stamp collection, catalogues. $$n0;
make me an offer. Evenings. Main 5708.
BRAND new sanitary roll-top desk foreaI
at a bargain. Phone East 3303.
CALL up Marshall 1929 if you have aec-
ond-hand clothes to sell
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given, phc ne East 1Q07.
SPOT CASH paid for store and office fix
tures. Main S4."S. 526 S Washington st.
DIAMOND core drill; hydraulic feed. The
port land Cement Co., 2M1j 3d st.
WANTED Land to clear or brush to cut by
contract. AJ 9.M. Oregonian.
W ILL pay cash for good legitimate stock.
vi.N a, Oregonian.
WANTED Mens cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 62 N. 3d st. Main 9272.
WANTED To lease, with option of buying. 2
gasoline launches, capacity IS to 40 paseen-ger.-s.
and be in good running order; give full
particulars; good security. Address W 955,
WAN! ED Clothing, best price paid for
ladies' and gents' second-hand clothing
and shoes and bicycles. Mai'. 2030. 290 1st.
WANTED A houseboat: must be in good
condition and price reasonable. A 953,
SELL your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co. or you" 11 get less.
Phones: A 2445; Main SJ51. "
FIRST-CLASS salesman wanted to repre
sent large California wine houte in the
Northwest; give full particulars regard
ing previous experience, references, ntc. ;
all communications strictly confidential.
Address Arthur Lachraar., 510 Battery St.,
San Francisco.
WANTED A thoroughly experienced book
keeper and office man ; state salary re
quired and phone number. Address H S53.
PREPSERS First-class workmen wanted at
10LXG MAN, about 20, wholesale house,
office work ; good opportunity ; state age,
experience, references, phone number.
E itp 1, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced man for men's fur
nishings and shoes; must have good ref
erences. Call Kinnard & Adams, Wil
liams ave. and Russell st.
YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway
mail clerks, postoffice clerks, carriers, etc.
Write or call for Book 3U. it's free, pacific
States School. McKay bldg.. Portland, Or
WANTED Young man. business college
graduate preferred, for office work; good
salary; opportunity to advance; $l,i0 cash
necessary. 2Q5-206 Lumbcrmens bldg
GOVERNMENT employes wanted Write for
Portland examination- schedule. Prepara
tion free. Franklin Institute. Dept.. 2U90.
Rochester. N. Y.
WA NT ED Young man for cash ier'e pof i t Ion
in wholesale house. Apply in own handwrit
ing, stating salary desired, giving references
V 951. Oregonian.
A GOOD chance for a first-class plumber.
Call on or address Jacob & Gribble. No.
2 1 7 9 N orth Front st.. Salem. Oregon.
WANTED A man w ith small capital to act
as treasurer for theatrical company. AN
00. Oregonian.
TWO machinists wanted for ont of town.
United Metal Trades Aas'n.. 222 Commer-
c i ai c mb bldg.
WANTED Man to take charge of drv goods
dept. and work In general store. AM 950,
WANTED Bookkeeper and stenographer;
etate references and experience and ealary
expected. Address AK fttiO, Oregonian.
WANTED A first-class inetalpolisher. Ap
ply Oregon Plating Works, 16th and Al
fier sis,
JANITOR Man ard wife, to care for first
class apartment-house; references. AC
ft 51, Orogonlan.
WANTED at once, a good, smart boy, about
16 years of age; excellent opportunities.
Apply Marshall Wells Hardware Co.
CASH business, owner wants reliable man to
wait on customers, etc.; pay $25 a weeki
8250 required. Call 417 Board of Trade.
SALESMAN, good mixer, to follow up pros
pects among working men; big commission.
'aH morning. 24 Chamber of Commerce.
$54 hj INDUSTRIOUS manager to oversee
help and attend store; $30 week Balary and
juai c oi proms. ,-j i Hamilton b 1 d g.
WANTED Carpenter for inside finish; must
be a first-class man. Anderson, 46th. and
Sandy road. Take Rose City car.
MATTRESS-STITCHERS and bova wanted
Portland Furniture Mfg. Co., 1249 Macadam
road . Fulton car.
WANTED Boy to attend to errands in
wholesale section. Apply to Jones' Cash
Store, Front and
YOUNG man for restaurant work, $9 week;
one that can wait on table. 506 Washing
ton st.
WANTED at once, good, all-round printer;
one with thorough knowledge of presses.
Address the Journal, Kelso. Wash.
BARBER wanted; 2 years experience; must
be good shaver; steady job to right party.
-Appty AL 9 BO. Oregonian.
WANTED Reliable man to help In store; will
pay $25 week; small investment required.
Particulars 24$ Stark St.
WANTED Steady man with 150; make $30
weekly; handle your own money. 3201
Stark St., room IO. top floor.
TWO salesmen wanted for gilt-edged resi
dence real estate. Inquire B to 12 A. M.(
322 Corbett bldg.
SOLICITOR for commercial photographer;
no coupon proposition. Call between 8
and 10 A. M.. 31Q McKay bldg.
WANTED Stock cutter and moulding
stickerman. Only experienced operators
need apply. Chehalls Fir Poo rC o.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper; state experi
ence and local reference. AM 9Mi, Ore
gonian. WANTED At once, experienced operators on
1h dies cloaks, suits and skirts. Western
Mfg. Co.. &l Fifth st.. 3d floor.
$18 TO $35 week, few months onlv learning
situations guaranteed. Watchmaking-En "
graving School. Box 1S2. Ashland, Or.
WANTED Good salesman to call on busi
ness men, high salary ; must furnish ref
erence. Phone Tabor 52S
WANTED Bright boy over 1 1 to assist in of
hee Apply AN 9t". Oregonian.
WA NT ED Shoemaker for repair work. 2S2
Grand ave.. at shoe store.
PHOTO coupon and portrait agents, new
w inning offer. Cutberth, Dekum bldg.
WAX? apcnt in real estate office. Roo,n 211
Altsky bldg.. cor. M and Morrison.
WANTED T3oy to strip ;U the Schiller dfjar
factory; good opportunity to learn trade.
EXPERIENCED dishwasher wanted, $yper
week. 500 Washington st.
F1KST-CLASS salesman: steadv Job to
right party. Parisian Tailors. jtl fith st.
MOTION picture operators earn $.15 weekly.
Motion Picture School. 5 2 6 A W aeh . st.
$10 TO $100 daily made In the motion pic
ture business. Particulars 526b Wash. st.
W A XTED A teamster at 7th andEast
Taylor. Ask for Mr. Jacobs.
BARBER wanted, steady job. 221 Madison
si., between 1st and 2d.
BOY wanted for printing office. K. W
Baltes jfc Co.. 1st and Oak.
YOUNG man for cleaning carpets with elec-
tnc vacuum macnine.. a is yya, Dregonian.
WANTED Man to lut and show property.
WELCH PRINTING CO., at 141 first.
wants a boy for delivery work.
BOY with bicycle wanted to deliver package
Apply Robin.on & fo., 2i Wash. st.
WANTED Extra salesmen for Saturdav
help. C. H. Baker, 270 Washington st.
WEAVERS wanted. Apply Fluff Rug T'o
7i0 Washington.
MEN for factory near Portland! married
men preferred. ":'.0 Sherlock bldg.
TELEGRAPHY taught, operators in demand,
good pay, telegraph school. 290 3d t.
HIGH-CLASS commercial FalesmnanTed.
215 Commercial bldg.
TWENTY carpenters wanted: 45 cents ner
hour. C E. Philbrlck. Raymond. Wash.
VT, 7 i t manKt pnce- American
WANT steady young man dishwasher.
At oco lvjifiien. . Di oucn st.
WA XTED Experienced waiters! Sargent
Hotel, Grand ave. and Haw t h o rne.
BARBERS wanted at once.
Fend let on. Or.
Busby Baths.
TAI LOR or cleaner and presser at onca.
Bauor & Wllklns, Corvallis.
WANTED First-class salesman at the Pa
risian Tailors. 91 6 th st.
WANTED Men to contract to cut logs and
slash. Call 554; Williams ave.
ERRAND BY. Apply Anderson & Dun i way
Co., 20S Alder st.
WANTED Bright, strong boy. Call at 249
Jefferson st.
DISHWASHER wanted at Auto Restaurant,
Ttl'S Washington St.
BARBER for Saturday; money guaranteed.
L'rtri 1st st.
WANTED Young man about IS years old.
Call G ray . Mc 'lane. Perty. 115 North 4th.
BARBER wanted at f35 Washington et. ;
steady job ; guarantee $5 Saturday.
W" -ANTED Cigar clerk, a t 147 3d s
BARBER for Saturday. 292 'a First st.
; I I ' i " .r.j,-. 1 fOR RENT. 1
EVERY young man seeking employment, or
desiring to better his condition, should
get in quick touch with the Advisory and
Employment Secretary of the Y. M- C. A.
Special employment membership. Dur
ing April we placed OS men in permanent
and 97 men in temporary positions.
Strangera our specialty. Good advice, fel
lowship and opportunity await you. De
mand for every young man who can do
anything well.
Think twice, and then some, before you
Invest money in any proposition.
WE have immediate calls for the following:
4 tirst-class architectural draftsmen.
Assistant shipping clerk.
2 first-class bookkeepers, temporary.
Information and bill clerk, young man.
Bill clerk, typewriter, young man.
Carpenters, finish and rough.
Collector and assistant . bookkeepers,
young man. .
Demonstrators, house to house, $40 and
Drug clerk.
Laundrymen. heads of 5 departments.
Mechanical draftsman.
Switchboard man.
Railroad clerks, experienced in Auditor's
i stenographers.
3 stenographers and bookkeepers.
Woo! workers.
Assistant bookkeeper.
Typewriter and hustler, voung man.
Window and door frame maker.
Grocery salesman, first-class.
General store manager.
Lumber foreman.
Hardware and furniture salesman.
Railroad office man.
5 Stenographers.
Bookkeeper and stenographer.
Employment Department. Y. M . C. A.
WANTED Millwrights, $4.
Rough carpenters, S3. . 0. t
Edgerman. $3.50; carriage rider. $2.75.
Two boon? men, $i'. 75.
Planer feeders, $2.50.
Lumber graders, $2.50 and $2.75.
far tallymen. $2.75.
Man and wife on farm. $55 to $60.
Boys to work In planing mill, $1.75.
Second cooks, camp, $50 up.
Hotel cooks. $60 up..
'amp flunkeys. $35 up.
Farm hands, $30 to $40.
Hundreds of new Jobs daily.
Main Ofttce. 12 North Second St.
1000 white laborers for surfacing and
general railroad construction work. Wages
$3.85 per day. Fare from Seattle to the
work $15. Weekly hipmentu begin about
May 1Q.
M. J. HENET, Pier 2, Seattle, Wash,
WANTED Able-bodied men for the V. S.
Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and
35. Must be native born or have first papers;
monthly pay $15 to $69; additional compen
sation passible ; food, clothing, quarters and
meulcinal attendance free; after 30 years'
service can re:ire with 76 per cent of pay
and allowances; service on board ship and
ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at 4
and IO Breeden bl-dg., 3d and Washington
sia.. Portland, Or.
WANTED Experienced help, capable of
handling any one of the following depart
ments: Marking, sorting, shirt ironing,
etarching, mangle and ladies' clothes iron
ing. State experience and where em
ployed. Permanent position to right par
ties. Give home number and address. AE
. 052. Oregonian.
1000 MEN wanted to buy genuine bargains
in manufacturer's sample suits; all New
York models; $35 to $40 values, $18-75;
$18 to $22. SO values. $12. 75. How do I
do it ? That's easy. My office rent is
one-eighth of a ground floor store. Jimmie
Dunn, room 315 Ore gonlan bid g.
WANTED Men by large contracting com
pany; can learn trade of plumbing, elec
tricity, bricklaying, automobiles in few
months; no apprentice or helpers' work
and no expense; $20,000 contract work go
ing; catalogue free. United Trade School
Contracting Company, Los Angeles.
10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn bai ber trade la
8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu
ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert
instructors; tools free; write tor cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 35
North 4th st.. Portland. Or.
MEN .wanted for firemen and brakemen on
nearby railroads; age 18 to 35; experience
unneewsary; "no surike; permanent employ
ment; firemen $10O monthly, brakemen $75;
promotion to engineers, conductors; 400 men
cent to positions monthly. State age; end
m stamp. Railway A9aociatlon, care Oregonian,
ASSISTANT stenographer and office clerk
wanted; bright young man, well acquaint
ed with city ; good chance for advance
ment. Address in own handwriting, giv
ing address, phone and all particulars.
E P52. Oregonian.
WANTED A bookkeeper for a manufactur
ing plant who is aiso a stenographer!
penmanship must be neat; good salary
answer in handwriting, stating lines of
business heretofore engaged in. D 950,
WANTED Young man to act in capacity
as shipping clerk for wholesale plumbing
hnufte; state age. reference and salary ex
pet:! ed: pood chance for advancement. Ad
dt ess B i)52, Oregonian.
SALESMEN WANTED We require the
services of a few young men that are de
sirous of learning to sell .REAL ESTATE
Applv mornings.
WANTED Young man to assist 1n making
deliveries and collections, permanent posi
tion ; good salary ; must invest $100 in
business. 25 to 207 Lumbermen's bldg.
WANTED 5 hariK?ssmakers and three sad
dle hands; steady work and best going
wages. Apply at once. Duncan & Sons,
Seattle. Wash.
GOOD bushelman who is also good presser";
steady job and good wages to right man.
Apply Joe F. Holy, 12S 13th st.
LICITORS. If you are live wire,
can cover plenty of terri
tory and deliver tTie goo.l,
we wan t you. Most 1 i b -e
ra 1 proposit ion in bo t h
subscription and advertis
ing field to be found in
t h city; local references
219 Lumber Ex. Building.
HELP wanted at Hood River for thinning
apples and picking strawberries, about
May is. Employers will furnish fuel and
camping location. Free transportation to
and from Hood River depot or steamboat
landing Mail your application to Hood
River Apple grow era' Union.
WANTED First-class shirt hand ironers.
also fancy ladies clothes ironers. Lace
House Laundry, 2ft North 20th st-
Main 17S4 or A 17S 4 .
WANTED First-class drawerin and general
woolen mill help. Multnomah Mohair
Mills. Sellwood.
COMPOSITOR Man or girl. wanted in
town not far from Portland ; state what
yr.u can set. Address M 951. Oregonian.
PLAYERS in all instruments for large con-
ert ,iii.-hfstra both ladles and gents. AL
t reg-.n .un.
TvmutoTng to A-l Instructors. 611 SwetlandL
WANTED Man or woman, hand Ironers.
on shirts. 657 Washington st.
WANTED A girl for cooking and general
housework. Apply 215 Nort n 20th stree t .
GIRL or woman to assist with housework
2 children: good wages. 1031 Thurman st."
NEAT, quick girl wanted. Stein's Res
taurant.J22 14thst. 8
WANTED Alteration hands for skirts cZii
415 Washington.
WANTED Good reliable woman In country
home. Address 353 Stark st.
WANTKD Girl for general housework AddIv
632 Hancock st.. Irvlngton. "iy
GIRL or old lady, to assist with children
and light housework; wages S15. 543 33 Bt
WANTED Experienced machine sowers no
others need apply. Call SsS Morrison st.
GIRL to do housework. 702 Xorthrup st.
CASHIER; references. Grand Leader.
I I 1 Kimm. 1
Shirts and Overalls.
Inquire Today.
Io First St.
WANTED A kind, amiable woman for gen
eral household duties to enter home of
three as one of the family; small house;
most delightful Summer surroundings, in
Upper Hood River Valley; remuneration,
$.2 and permanent home if mutually saw
isfactory. Address P. O Box 54, Mount
Hood, Or.
- girls for mach. ironing.
2 for sorting.
1 for marking:.
1 for shipping department. Also
Experienced hand ironen
loth and Morrison.
GIRLS 16 years and over as messengers,
wrappers, cashiers, etc. An opportunity
lor advancement for good, competent girls.
WANTED A competent person with ref
erences for general housework; good plajn
c.KJking required for a familv of three
L ,a" at 90Utheast corner of East
-tot h st. North and Halsey st., from S to 11
A TED Girl to do housework for gentle
man and wife and t welve-vear-old boy
Uh five-room house In Irvlngton. Must
be neat, good cook and permanent. Nice
Position to right partly. Phone East 25.
WAXTED-Elderly lady to holp with house
work and look after babv. Address 4S9
-1st between Clifton and Myrtle. Portland
II eights.
A GIRL to do cooking and general house
work in small family; good wages. Apply
to 14. .N. 16th st.. between Hoyt and
Irving sts.
WANTED Today, woman to take charge of
iiining-room In country. Apply Mrs. E. A.
J-ervy. 27 North 22d st., cor. Northrup,
hetweon 11 A. M. and 5 P. M.
WANTED An experienced girl for general
housework: small family; no washing or
ironing; good wages. Call mornings 70
Lucretia st.
W ANTED Physician (female registered In
Oregon, as assistant, in a medical insti
Jute; Blve age and full description. AL
!Vb. Oregonian.
WANTED- 1 oung lady for office work; need
not U-ke dictation but must use type
writer. Apply Central Door &. Lumber'co.,
i"th and Olisan sts.
STENOGRAPHER and office assistant; state
salary and experience. Answer i own hand
writing; permanent. Address AN 981, Ore
gonian. WANTED Girl for general -housework; must
he good cook. Call 735 Irving st., near 22d.
WANTED A girl who understands serving at
table and is willing to work; good wagea
to the right one. Call 221 lOth St.. S. W.
corner Salmon gt.
AN elderly woman as housekeeper, one who
is reliable, a good home to right party.
Cail Foreman B134t.
WANTED Girl to w o r kib h lTe7y7c.n f e
V"-61 and Ice cream parlor. Hoffman,
1020 Belmont St.. cor. 3 4th at.
8264 Washington .St., Room 307.
Main 8836 or A 3266.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework ; good wages; two In family.
Phone Main 737; 751 Hoyt.
WANTED First-class presser on cloaks and
suits; steady position. Eastern Outfitting
Co., Washington and 10th sts.
HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, nurses, chamber
maids, waitress h, laundresses. St. Iuia
Age n c y . 3 1 Wash .M airi2i;;9,A4775,
CAPABLE girl or woman wanted for gen
eral housework; must be good cook. Call
69P Flanders st. after 9 A. M.
GIRLS to make strawberry boxes Call at 121
Bast Water st. Phone B. 24. Multnomah
Trunk & Bag Co.
STENOGRAPHERS are placed in poriUms
quickly after proving ability; no charge for
pos i t iona. 63Q Worcester block.
WANTED Lady who wishes board and
room for care of small house; a home
for right party. 555 4th st.
WANTED Experienced second girl in pri
vate family of 3 ; wages, $36. 654 Ev
erett st.
WANTED Girts to line trunks. Call at 121
East Water st. Phone East 24. Multnomah
Trunk & Ba g Co.
843 Washington St.. Cor. 7th. Upstairs.
, Phone Main 2692.
GIRLS wanted to work in paper box fac
tory; steady employment. Apply F. C.
Stettler. 10th and Giisansts.
WANTED Girl for general "housework in
Hood River, family of two; wages, $25.
fall at 38S Salmon st.
EXPERIENCED saleswomen In cloaks and
suits. Worrell's- Sample Cloaks and Suits. 14
6th gt.. cor. Alder, opposite Oregonian.
HEALTHY. Intelligent young lady. 20-25
year3 of age. wanted in doctor's laboratory.
Apply 806 Oregonian bldg., 11-11:30 A. M .
WANTED 2! experienced waitresses at once.
Apply to J. E. Miller, 360 Washington
GIRLS wanted for every department; good
wages. U. S. Laundry Co.,' Grand ave.
and East Yamhill st.
COMPETENT woman for cook and house
work; second girl kept. 315 East 16th
St.. North. Irving ton car.
GIRLS wanted to work in paper box fac
tory: steady employment. Apply F. C.
Stettler, 10th and Glisan sts.
WANTED At once, experienced operators on
ladies' cloakn, suits and skirts. Western
Mfg. Co.. 63 Fifth st.. 3d floor.
A GIRL to help take care of baby and -assist
in general housework in family of three.
Phone Main h677 mornings.
GIRL for general housework, family of two;
pleasant room ; references required. OS
East Salmon, cor. 28th st.
GOOD wages, competent girl ; 3 adults in
family. Call 812 Kearney it., between
24th and 25th.
COMPETENT girl wanted for genera! house
work ; wages $35 per month. Telephone
Main 9525.
"WANTED Experienced woman for general
housework; good wages. Call at S7 East
27th st.
GIRL to do light work in boarding house;
small wages, room and board; also seam--tress
wanted. 253 6th st.
WANTED Girls to make shirts and over
alls. Mt. Hood Factory. 233 Couch; inex
perienced girls paid while learn I n g.
YOUNG lady stenographer to write a few
letters afternoons. Prospects of permanent
position G 051, Oregonian.
A GOOD boarding-house cook and dish
washer wanted at once. Morrison Hotel,
5C2 Morrison.
WANTED First-class cook; family of two;
good wages; must have referenoes. Mra.
M. Flelschner, 344 Salmon st.
WANTED girl experienced in marking, dis
tributing. Independent Laundry, 3d and
Glisan sts.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for responsible-
position. Viavi Co.. 609 Roth
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
WANTED Reliabio young ladies to enter
training school; short course, city hospital.
A 1 . 9K. Oregonian.
APPRENTICES ror hairdresslng and mani
curing. b 109 7th. Main 2334.
WANTED Chambermaid. Sargent Hotel,
Grand ave. and Hawthorne.
GIRL for cooking and general housework; 3
in family. Inquire 775 Schuyler st.
WANTED Coat finishers at once. Apply at
263'j Inmhill st. M. Gum her t.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap-
ply 5i Johnson st.
WANTED Good cook, small family; good
wages; references. 205 West Park st.
GIRL for general housework, familv of two.
'all Overton after 10:3O A . M .
LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by
expert; 85 a month. 260 14th. Main 3S93.
YOUNG LADY to work, exchange lessons in
shorthand, typewriting. K. 952, Oregonian.
WANTED Helpers and apprentices. Room
414 Fliedner bldg.
GIRLS wanted on paper flowers. 472
Washington st.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor.
GIRL for general housework ; wages 120
Phone Main 3112 or A-3113. '
GIRL to assist in housework in small family
852 Overton st.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 21ft
Graham ave. C 1S54, Wood lawn 1861.
WANTED A reliable woman for kitchen
work. AL !. Oregonian.
GIRL r woman general housework. Apply
nt'iiiH1 noon. i iin fci.
WANTED Good girl for general house-
work. 900 Northrup st. Phone M 6413.
GIRL to work in small restaurant. CSOi
WANTED A cook. 605 Everett at.
GIRLS over 16 to work In bag factory.
Apply Ames, Harris. Neville Co., 5tu and
WANTED Restaurant cooks, $11 week.
Pastry cook, $10 week.
Boarding-house cooks. $35 to $10.
Three camp waitresses. $25.
Five hotel waitresses, $25 and $35.
Two shooting gallery girls, $1.50 and $2.
Llerk for cigar storo. $7 week.
Two housekeepers, $1S and $20.
oirls for general housework.
Large list of new places daily.
Ladies' Dept. i'05 Morrison St.
. , WANT
SALESWOMEN, first-class, in & number
or our departments.
V.'ioroUKaIv experienced hands.
Ai 16 years of age and over, who
win have an opportunity to learn the
business if bright and active.
Bookkeeperaand Clerks.
WANTED -Thoroughly competent gentleman
stenographer and office assistant desires po-
lViJhl V anywnere, in or out of mate;
anvJt 3aF references; use Remington or
. u ,j 1" 1 , -am in goou n
a-ic ready for business. Brooke, St. Charles
Hotel, Portland.
WANTED By retail lumber bookkeeper, a
position- salary $75; good reference. Ad-
, ??D stenrapher with knowl
edge of bookkeeping desires permanent posi
tion. AM JWS3. Oro-onmn
WANTED Position by first-class bookkeep
er. Address Carston. AK 962. Oregonian,
Mi see Han eous.
YOUM man. excellent education and ability
thoroughly experienced in handling men and
shipping lumber, is capable of taking charge
or sales department of email plant; desires
TV11"-' yard toman' shipping clerk, etc
AL O-egcnian.
YOUNG Japanese wants position: all-around
work In private family, boarding-house;
experienced; speaks good English; willing
to do any kind of work. AN 964 One
gonian. CARPENTER foreman wants position on
house work; prefer to build for owner;
good blue print reader; wages $4 50 Call
- up F. B., room 221 Hotel Harrison, after
1 p. m.
WANTED Star A star. D. & M.. s 2 S re
tail lumberman wants position as manager
of retail yard: A-l reference. Address
miiyaifii. -rt.rv. Hn.t. urcyoniail.
YOUNG man of 16 wants position with survey
party; three months' experience as rear flag
man. Address Owen Crawley. Park Hotel.
tjMsan st
BARTENDER wants steadv position cltv or
country; experienced and best of refer-
ITMatn &05Berg- 472 Yam'""- - A
WANTED By man and wife, positions as
cooks in camp or country hotel; used to
the work. Addresa M. C, 361TavlorBt.
YOUNG man wants position in warehouse,
trucking or similar work. Address Harry
Smith, general delivery, c i t y .
CHAUFFEUR. Japanese, thoroughlv cxperN
n?e(U nave go?d recommendations. AM
B62. Oregonian.
GOOD Japanese wants position at any kind
of work in the early morning or even
lng. X 954. Oregonian.
WANTED Light steady work of any klnd
competent stationary engineer. Address M
Malone, 126 B. 61st wt.. city.
WANTED By young man. a Job driving
wagon of any kind; references. X 951
STEAM ENGINEER, experienced. I. C. S
graduate, wants position. J 954, Ore-
A-l SALESMAN and buyer, general, is open
for a. iti-mitm. XT. OUJ -wi
JAPANESE wants any kind job after a P
M. O 052, Oregonian.
SITUATION as night watchman; must pay
good salary. F 953. Oregonian.
FOREMAN K. R. construction is open for a
position. AIC 980. Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted; Janitor; A-l refer-
ences. B 951, Oregonian.
A-l PAINTER and paperhanger (nonunlonT.
Phone A 1843.
WANTED By soner married man. steady
work, city or country. T 950. Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
FIRST-CLASS stenographer and bookkeeper,
with 12 years' experience, desires position;
references. Address p 952, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER With some experience,
184 8 a position: references. Phone Main
STENOGRAPHER, with some experience,
desires a position, phone A 544ti.
YOUNG lady wants position as cashier; ex-
perienced. Phones: E 3422 or B 1449.
WE WILL make a tailor-made skirt with
your material in any style desired from $5
up. Western Mfg. Co., 63 5th at.; 3d floor;
take elevator. A 7247, Marshall 1767.
Alterations, specialty on ladles' suits. Mrs.
Muckler, 430 Columbia, Apt. 2L A 4709
ANGELES Dressmaking parlors. 526 Vi Waio
... Ington t, auito 216. Main 983, A 538 L
' Narsea.
WANTED By practical confinement nurse, a
caee immediately; will do work for two.
A 325 1. Main 7o2.
EXTENSIVE experienced nurse all kind
nursing, invalids, aged, in fan us preferred.
Main 4364.
BT young, experienced widow, position to
manage and look after an apartment
house; very best references. P 961, Ore-
CAPABLE woman desires situation as house
keeper, rooming-house. Main 2U39, A 4775.
WANTED A good cook and good waitress
desire a place together. Call 303 N. ldth.
, Miscellaneous.
NEAT, reliable lady of 30 wishes position
in confectionery store, icecream stand or
small restaurant; wages must he $45 per
month; not afraid of work. Address AN
9S1 . Oregonian.
WANTED Position In barber shop as flrsT
class manicurist. Address AX 994, Ore
gonian. STRONG, experienced woman wants wash
ing, ironing; no half days. Phone Main
EXPERIENCED orchestra pianist desires
cafe or theater work. M954, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady gives piano lessons; 5oc per
lesson : references given. iviain hij.
JAPANESE washwoman wishes to work by
day. Addrews X 959, Oregonian.
SALESMEN WANTED 10, take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock; out
fit free. Capital City Nursery Company.
Salem. Oregon.
AGENTS WANTED All parts of city and
state; new article; easy seller. Call or
address F. J. B., 207 Mohawk Bldg.. Port
land, Or.
WANTED to rent for two months, camp
meeting j rounds, near city, to hold gos
pel services, or vacant block or half block,
close in, for revival services. Answer,
Box 371, city.
WANTED By man and wife, for June.
July and August, furnished house or good
sized epartments; must be on West Side,
well located, finely furnished and strictly
first-class in every respect. Address P.
O. Box 105.
FIVE or 6-room-ed fuYmsned house, in good
residential quarter, for 2 months; ref
erences. Apply AM 96l.Oregonian.
WANTED Furnished house near Killings
worth ave. and Kenton carl in e. AM 965,
. Apartments.
WANTED 4 or 5-roomed flat or apartment;
sunny, outside Tooms; references required;
adults. AM 960, Oregonian.
WANTED Large. well-furnished room
where I can have unrestricted piano prac
tice; own piano; West side. AN 985, Ore
gonian. Kocnis With Board.
YOUNG man desires first-class room and
board with strictly private family ; no
other boarders ; widow preferred. State
full particulars. a 951. Oregonian.
COUPLE wants room and board in private
family,; state price end
-1 - wi. oregunian.
YOUNG man wants room and board in pri
vate family, with use of piano. AN 9t2,
WANTED Board in private familv for 2
boys, 4 and & years old. AN 963, Ore
gonian. FOR RENT.
Furnished Kooms.
ANGELA HOTEL 625 Washington street,
between 19th and 20th. Just completed,
the cosiest, complete&t and up-to-datest
residence hotol in the city. The ground
floor office Is finished in real mahogany,
marble and tile, is spacious and handsome;
elevator service, private telephone ex
change, steam heat, hot and cold writer
In all rooms, many with baths and wall
beds, and is splendidly furnished. The
rent is ?ry moderate, rooms from 15
per month up. Why not get the best for
your money? Now open, rooms by the day,
week or month. Phone Marshall 1950.
140 ROOMS.
New, modern, fireproof building, steam
heated, hot and cold running water in ail
rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that
money can buy, and it doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house; nics
large office on ground floor; everything
first-class; rates. tOc. 5c and $1 per
day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and
see us. I2fi Cth st. North.
Homelike. Homolike Homelike.
7th and Ankeny t.
Free was their depot carriage
I took it on the spot;
There may be other house Just as goo4
A vulet home for quiet people.
710 Washington et.. near King. A
cheerful, modern home. Bath, hot and
cold water ana phono in every room. In
the ilnest part of the city. The maxi
mum of convenience, tins minimum of
expense. We make you feel at home.
Dining-room in connection. Bst in the
city tor the money.
268 3d sc. cor. Jeftersun.
New fireproof building and furnishings
throughout. Desirable neighborhood, close
to business section. Rooms large, light
and airy; hot ana cold water, steam heat,
sa& and electric lights; call bells; free
phonea. Rate J3 to ti per week. Phones,
A7(31; M bo39.
404 H Washing ton, uciner 10th.
Modern brick building, steam heated,
private batns, running water In rooms,
electric light, free phone; special rates by
week or month ; the most convenient lo
cation in the city; transient tiad-e solicited
at 1 up.
S3 North 5th St., S. E. Cor. Flanders.
New brick building, steam heated, por
celain baths, tine large othce on ground
r.oor, elegant beds, everytulng absolutely
new and ciean;- rates only $2.50 and up
per weeK; 50c and 75c per day. 2 block
xroxn Union Depot.
131 Eleventh Street,
NEW, modern brick building; STEAM
HEATED, private baths, running water
in all rooms; TELEPHONES IN EACH
ROOM ; special rates by the week and
month; TRANSIENT TRADE solicited.
HOTEL SARGENT Cor. Grand ave. and
Hawthorne. Phone East
231, connecting every room. Private bat lid
elevator, first-class grill. Special ratea by
week or munth. American or European.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, Is now
undergoing a thorough renovation; 70
team heated, electric-lighted rooms, all
outside. Rates 75c day; $lu month up.
Suites with running water '&Q montti un.
Phones md bath free.
Fifth St.. opposite City Hall.
New, beautifully furnished; steam heat;
hot. cold water in every room: public
ana private baths. Permanent: transient.
3t5 Stark Street.
Now under new management; 'finely fur
nished, steam-heated, all modern conveni
ences; rates reasonable; transients so
licited. THE GLENDORA, 19th and Couch Nicely
furnished rooms, $2.50 per week up; large
parlor, piano, billiard and pool tables free
to guests; large lawn and veranda; finest
location on West Side.
422 Washington, cor. lit a.
Steam heat, hot and cold water, natha.
cicely furnished rooms, per Wee uj
iranblent rates. 75c up.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 2d and Mala stsT.
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea
sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op
poslte the Plaxa,
Washington and 17th. first-class- furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modem con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 204 7. M. 504 7.
Modorn furnished or unfurnished a part -mentii,
single or en stiite, reasonable rental
M1LNEK BLDG., 350& Morrison St.
THE ESTKS Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 32.7 hk
Stark, corner 6th. Mra. Maud J. Estea
ELM PLACE, formerly Elton Court Annex
under new management, has thoroughly
renovated; single rooms and suites.
THE LA. N DO RE, 2S8 10th. near Jefferson;
large front room, newly furnished, suitable
for two.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts
well furnished sleeping rooms $2.50 per
week; electric lights. hot baths free.
The Mercedes. 20th and Washington; eiiZ
gantly furnished rooms; hot and cold run-
nlng water, modern conveniences; $12 up.
NICELY furnished rooms at 171 West Park;
FURNISHED rooms. E:m Place, formerly
Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and llth.
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments; tuv
nished. 191 14th st.
THE REX Modern rooms. $2.50 to $5 per
week 548 Washington st.
Furnished Rooms in Private Fm'ly.
VERY desirable rooms for business men In
a private home ; fresh air. quiet, first
class in all respects ; $4 and $5 per
week. Prospect drive and 21st st., Port
land Heights, lit minutes' walk from
Washington st. Phone Main 1057.
FOR RENT Suite three rooms, with ex
clusive bath; one entire floor, suitable for
two or three gentlemen, private family ;
Nob Hill district: reference required. Ad
dress AN 986. Oregonian.
TWO neatly furnished rooms for rent in
private family; a front and back room,
which rent for $H and $8. respective 1 v.
Apply S8 Wilson St., two blocks from 16th
st. carline.
FOR RENT A furnished room with alcove,
sleeping-porch and large closet, suitable for
two or three people; Nob Hill district. 154
X. 18th. Phone A 47J5.
TWO large, light, airy rooms; fireplace, hot
and cold water in rooms; private house;
walking distance. Phone Marshall 12f4.
T: 17th St.. or. Morrison.
CLOtE in. clean, large modern rooms in
private family, 8 per month and up. 330
Mill St., bet. 6ih and 7th sts.
NICELY furnished rooms, modern, walking
distance; $6 per month and up. 349 N.
Benton st.
THREE nicely furnished rooms for a family
of two. Inquire 403 Rodney ave. Phone
East 2107.
BEAUTIFUL suite of two rooma In front of
house; running water, telephone, walking
distance. 7ul Irving st.
NEWLY furnished front room for 2. with or
w i thou t boa rd ; free phone. East 410 44
Earn. 7th.
258 13T H ST., nicely furnished rooms
house new ; every convenience ; gen tlemen
LIGHT, airy home for 2 gentlemen, one
Bi.ifiic, . in in u lco wain irora fostonTIce.
irj aiorripon st. -
ELEGANTLY furnished parlor with piano
ii: per montn. jittj Lincoln.
FURNISHED rooms: nrlvatA familv 0.0 CT
20th m. Main 3649. "
PART of furniBhed home for rent to couple
NICELY furnished room, from L50 ud In
quire 324 14th st. "v n
NEVTLY furnished front rooms, quiet mod
ern. electric lights, price right. 3.1 l0th st.
ELEGANT room, stylish, new corner house
handy,WestSide, reasonable. Main 221!
NICE room in steam-heated apartment;hot
water, walking distance. Main 81 til.
A NEAT little room, well furnished S5
month. 311 Main, bet. 5th and 6th.
--n-nedRiqJnPriyte Family.
TWO nicely furnished rooms. 414 Salmon,
corner 11 1 h.
ATTRACTIVE room or suite in small family:
n other roomers. Main 9w2.
FOR 2 newly furnished single rooms call
N It" ELY furnished front room for gentle
men; quiet; very reasonable. 401 W. Park.
Unfurnished Rooms.
Young men wanted to join camplni
party. Grounds 10 minutes from Cttv
Hall on 2 car lines. Bull Run water ir
9oi. Oregonian. Atu
UNFURNISHED rooms. Mitabie for office
o.- lisht housekeeping. Cambridge bide
Sd end ;.!orriaon. Apply room 3t
3 MODERN unfurnished housekeeping
rooms. 413 Taylor st. Call before 2 P. M.
Kooms With Hoard.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d vear room
with board, use of sewing-room and library
510 Flanders st. Miss Frances N. Heath"
LAMBBKSOX 554 Couch St.. cor. 17 th on"e
block from Washington; desirable rooms for
gentlemen. Good home cooking.
1 LARGE front room, with running water
Fuitable for two; also single room 147 st. Phone Main 21 IS.
LARGK corner room, well furnished; bath
adjoining, modern; one single room- walk
lng distance. 33 N- 17th st. .
Rooms With Board m Private Fa m il y.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, hot and cold
water; sleeping porch; beautiful grounds
except tonally good home cooking k"
Sth. jor Washington. Phone East 1390.
VERY desirable vacancy, newlv furnished
for gentlemen onl ; home cooking 64&
East Alder. Phone B 2952.
VERY' desirable room and board, home cook
lng. B 2031. tt44 East Aider t.
FURNISHED rooms with board, references.
23v luthst.
SUITE Hot and cold water; choice board -business
people. 712 Hoyt Bt.
ROOMS with board for 1 or 2 gentlemen.
51 i Davis st.. between iMh and lihh sis.
ROOM and board, 0o3 W ashington st. ; large
front room.
ROOM and board. 552 Morrison st. ; bath,
telephone. piano.
HOME cooking, reasonable rats; gentlemen
only. Main 7016.
Burnside, white pressed brick, beautifully
furnished; bay windows, firt-placea, built
in beds, private baths; laundry and steam
drier in basement ; hot and cold water,
steam heat, private telephones. 2 and 3
room apartments, elegant ly furnished ;
janitor service; walking distance; rent
very reasonable; a tew unfurnished aparl
ments. i'hone B lulls. No children.
Burnside; brick building, beautifully fin
ished ; bay windows, fireplaces, built-in
bods, private baths, laumiry and steam
drier m basement; hot and cold water,
steam heat, private telephones, 2 and -room
apartments. elegantly furnished ;
janitor service; walking distance; ivnt
ve.-y reasonable; a few unfurnished apari-
ments. l'lmne B 1018. No children.
Cor. i;raii(J ave. and Sta.'k st.
New fireproof brick building, beautifully
furnished two and three-room apartments,
private baths, wall beds, large clothes
closets; plenty of hot water; Summer
rates-. I'none E 3O0.
S. W. Cor. 5th and College Sts.
4 rooms and bath 935.00
3 rooms and bath 32. U0
S. y. Cor. Oth and Washington Pts
HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia,
4 blocka from Morrison su New brick
building, completely first class, furnished
in 2, 3 and 4 -room family apartments; pri
vate bath, reception hall, s Learn heat, hot
water, elevator, free phone; some unfur
nished; janitor se rvice; rent reas onab 1 e.
ANGkVLA APARTMENTS 39 Trinity Place,
between 19th and 2oih sts.t near Washing
ton: 2, 3 or 4-room apartments, new pressed
brick building just completed; every modern
convenience including telephone exchange
and elevator; close to buineiis centers; very
reasonable prices and excellent gervice.
THREE apartments, $25 to $35. West Side,
consisting of 3 to 4 rooms, furnished with,
bedstead, spring and dresser, dining-room
table, ice box, gas stove, fixtures and
snades; fine new ttrick building, call jan-
J tor, 414 llth st.
FOUR-ROOM modern apartment in Cherry
court; good location, easy walking dis
tance; f21, incluuing water. Apply A. H
Birrcll Co., 202 McKay bldg., 3d and
Stark fits.
THE SHUFF1K-LD, 7th and Jefferson at.
Unfurnished apartment, with bath. All out-
' side roomys; modern, every convenience, and
only 5 minutes' walk from P. O. Very rea-
aonabIe rent. Main 25u6, A 3149.
Strictly modern, large rooms and three
closets to every apartment; cool and airy
to r Summer. 69i Lo v ej oy iu Take W
car. '
HANoVER Apartments, corner King and
Washington aia.t 3-room apartment, have
evtiry modern convenience, including steam
heat, hot water, private batn. ire p nones
and janitor service; rent very reasonable.
"ON EON T A" APARTMENTS, 1S7 17th, near
Yamhill (W car at depot;. 2, 3 and 4-room
furnished suites; hot and coid, phones and
baths free; $20 per mouth, $5 per weelt
iind up. Alain 4097. A 4739.
ST. CROIX ApartmenLs, liO St. Clair, near
Washington; now buck building, two and
three-room apartments, ail modern con
veniences; fine residence location; reasun
ablu rent.
2, 3 OR 4-room apartments, up to date
In every respect, walking distance from
business center; furnished and unfurnished.
15th aud Everett sts. Phone Main 1245.
ElEAM-iiflATED fi-room apartment, mod
ern and desirable; 525 Everett st. Apply
Morgan Field ner & Boyce, 503 Ablngioa
THE IRVING, 21st and Irving sts.. May 15,
4-room unfurnished apartment; ainpitr
closet room. Verandas, etc. ; also 5-room
basement auartment. low rent.
FOR RENT Mouern 4-room apartment.
King's Heights Apartment House, cor.
'King and Wayne sts.; furnished, 45; ua
furnished, J40. Apply janitor.
KEELER apartments Unfurnished suites';
finest in tne city; free teiepnuties, uisap
pearmg beus, private baths, etc 14tn autj
Clay sis.
1 Bill MEitCEDES iiegantiy furnished 2
ruom apartments, not aud cola running
water and all modern conveniences;
to 3u. Corner 20th and Wasninaton els.
FOR RENT Especially select 4-room apart
ment, beautifully furnisned, Hollaaay aud.;
Liock from car; opportunity fur couple;
references. Phone Mi. 6733.
For housekeeping in suites, $12 and up;
hot water, free bains, nrst-ciass. u3l vs
Washington, cor. 20th.
ii-KOuii corner apartment, every conveni
euce. Brain tree Apartments, 25 J.2th st.
Main 7741.
THE CHJDTOPA. ISth and Flanders sts., 4
room unfurnished apartments. Apply to
THE ELLSWORTH Single furnished rooms,
modern apartments. 100 loth su Main
JH74- .
WAUNITA, 325 llth st. Very nicely fur
nished 2-room apartments; steam heat;
modern ; walking distance.
THE LANDORE. 2bti luth. near Jefferson;
new 3-room jiuite, completely f urnishea
fcrhousekeepiiig; sleeping porch.
4-ROOM unfurnished apartment, hot and
colu water, phone, janitor service. Mad
ison Apartments, Mauison andPark sis.
475 SALMON, corner 14th; nicely furnished
apartments, under new management; elec
tric elevator; private bath and phone.
NEW and modern furnished apartment of 3
rooms. rea.sonable. E 143Q, 223 H. 20th.
FOR RENT to two adults, completely fur
nished apartment. Phone A 43U& mornings.
MODERN 6-room upper flat. 2 blocks from
West Side High School. Inquire 175 ltith
st., cor. Yamhill.
1 UNFURNISHED. 1 partly furnished 5-
room; no children. Inquire rear cottage.
230 Hall st.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co. Main 161S, A 1984. All covered VS
ops, all experienced men.
ONE new 6-room modern fit: "S" and "F"
carline. Inquire at drugstore. Front and
Qibbs sts.
UPPER 5-room modern, newly, tinted flat.
714 1 Kearney. Key at 712 Kearney.
STRICTLY modern 5-room flats. 541 5th.
near Jackson, west Side; 10 min. walk.
MODERN 4-room flat. Inquire 028 Wil
llams ave. Phone C 1097.
MODERN 6-room flat; choice location. 739i
Overton st. Main S59.
NEW and modern 5-room flat ; fine neigh
borhood; no children. 777 East Yamh i 1 L
UPPER fiat, five rooms, between 10th and
llth. on Yamhill. Apply 4o7 Yamhill.
MODERN 5-room lower comer flat; good at
tio and basement. 475 7th st.
MODERN fiat. 6 rooms and bath. 731 H Hoyt
st. Inquire 132 6th st. Main 6278.
3-ROOM modem flat. Inquire
st. Phone Main 51C
25 Market