Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 13, 1910, Image 1

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VOL. Tj. SO. 15,432.
Senate Votes on Vital
Amendment Today.
Regulars Predict Interior Will
Lose to Coast.
Smoot Has Hot Colloquies With
Piles and Elklns on High Rates
Which Inland Towns Pay.
Favoritism Builds Tp Cities. .
WASHINGTON; May 12. Agreeing to a
proposition by Senator Elklns to begin
voting on the long and short-haul amend
ments to the railroad bill tomorrow at 4
o'clock, the Senate today took an ad
vanced step In the consideration of the
The agreement provides the voting shall
be concluded within the "legislative day."
This Is an elastic arrangement end, If
the voting should he prolonged, there
might be delay until Saturday. If the
Xixon amendment should be voted down,
a number of others will be offered, and
under the agreement they can be debated,
if discussion Is desired.
The first vote will be on the Dixon
amendment as a substitute for the 'Hey
burn provision. Both of these provisions
peek to stiffen the present statute, but
the Dixon substitute gives the Interstate
Commerce Commission more discretion
than does the other.
Both Sides Are Confident.
The organization Republicans are con
fident of the defeat of all amendments.
Conceding -that 19 Republican votes will
b caet for the Dixon provision, they
claim from 12 to 15 Democratic votes
acalnst if. The smaller number would
give them a majority of seven. The ad
vocates of the provision do not concede
the claim. They contend the Republican
defection will grow to 22, while they as
sert not more than eight or nine Demo
crats will vote with the regular Repub
Toward the close of the day's session
the Senate reached an agreement to meet
daily, beginning on Monday, at 11 o'clock
instead of 12 o'clock. It also was under
stood that practically all other business,
even including appropriation bills, should
be. excluded until disposition was made of
the railroad bill.
Snioot and Piles Have Set-To.
During the debate today, Smoot com
plained the railroads did not deal wit?
shipments from the West to the East as
they did with shipments from the East
to tho West. Having said Salt Lake
pays mormon every article shipped from
Eastern points than do Pacific Coast
cities, Smoot asserted in no Instance Is
Chicago charged more than New York
on im-oices from the West.
"That," Piles said, "is because Chi
cago is on the water zone."
"No," responded Smoot. "that is not
tho reason. Chicago has power enough
In the railroad world to demand Just
"Why should the railroads wish, to
build up one point at theerpenso of
another?" Mr. Briggs asked.
Replying for Smoot of Montana,
Bald by giving to Los Angeles terminal
rates the railroads had built up a. city
of 300.000. while Santa Barbara and
Santa Monica, which 25 years ago
were about the same sire as Los An
geles, had remained comparatively
stationary because of tho denial of
the same favor.
Replying to a question, Smoot said
Individuals could not afford to appeal
to the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion or the courts, because such a
course would result In their ruin.
Smoot and Elklns Wrangle,
While the Vtah Senator was en
gaged In one of the many encounters
with Elkins regarding tho reasonable
ness of the rates to the Pacific Coast,
the latter made reference to water
"Wo-tex." Smoot exclaimed, "water!" If
the Senator from West Virginia had re
mained In the chamber he would have
heard my explanation on that point. In
stead of remaining, he goes out. and then
bobs up hero again In a few minutes with
the cry of 'water. "
Tho controversy proceeded, Smoot ask
ing EJkins whether he would complain If
West Virginia were required to pay the
rate to Chicago and back on shipments
fiom New York.
"I would not if the rates were Just and
reasonable," Elklns responded.
Afer the Wer. Virginia Senator had
dwelt for some time on the earnings of
tho railroads Smoot said If he (Elklns)
won id remain long enough he would un
dertake to convL-tce lilm of the correct
ness rf his position.
The lost speech of the day was made "by
"Nixon, who said Nevada has suffered
more from long-and-short-haJd discrimi
nation than others. As an illustration,
he said that, while the freight rate from
New Tork to San Francisco, 3000 miles, is
bout 80 cents per hundred, that from San
(Francisco to Reno. 2M miles,. i 1.29 per
ixni:r.i)Kii to yei girl he
Courtship on Shipboard and at
Honolulu Continued Success-full-
Through Malls.
SACRAMENTO, Cal, May 12. (Spe
cial.) Harold P. (Babe) Danzig, first
baseman of the Sacramento Coast
League baseball team, procured a
license today to wed Miss Jean A.
Center, of Honolulu, niece of ex-Supervisor
George Center, of San Francisco.
Danzig says ho will not be married
for several days yet. He was not in
tho game today.
The baseball player met Miss Center
when on the trip to the Orient with
Mi quo Fisher's All-American team a
few years ago. The couple became ac
quainted en route to the islands from
San Francisco and in the Hawaiian
Islands the courtship progressed. i
They corresponded until finally the
maiden from over the sea came to this
country, her arrival causing: Danzig's
delay in getting into a recent Sunday
morning game at Oakland.
lichael Elmore, Known Through
West as "Friend of Hobo."
"WHITS PLAINS, N. J., May 12.
Michael Elmore, pioneer railroad builder
of the "West, and close personal friend of
W. J. Bryian, is dead at hia home here.
During the 30 years he spent in the. West
ern states he was engaged in construc
tion work on practically all of the trans
continental -trunk lines. He superintend
ed the building of a large part of the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul's exten
sion over the Rocky Mountains to the
Pacific Coast
He owned thousands of acres of ranch,
lands in "Wyoming and Nebraska and a
large stock farm in Missouri. He was a
breeder of race horses and the mules
from his Missouri farm have been sup
plied for the armies of several of the
European powers.
Throughout the West and Northwest
Mr. Klmore was known as the "friend
of the Hobo,' and he is credited with
having given away several fortunes to
homeless and unemployed men who ap
pealed to him for assistance.
Murderer "Who Dies at Sunrise Still
Boasts He AVI 1 1 Be "Game."
WALLA WALLA, Wash., May 12.
(Special.) 'Because he wishes to make
good his boast he would die "game,"
Richard Quinn. who is to pay the death
penalty on the scaffold at sunrise to
morrow, has refused to see a priest or
other minister.
Penitentiary Chaplain Lacornu, in a
laBt hope of persuading the condemned
man to acknowledge a hereafter, went to
him tonight after Quinn had been in
formed there was no hope of another stay
of execution but the prisoner refused to
Quinn was born a Catholic, but has
Joined the Baptist Church twice in his
lifetime. Father Jones called on him yes
terday, hut met with no success.
Quinn was convicted of killing his- wife
in Everett, Wash.
Japanese Thought to Have Killed
Denver Woman Believed Seen.
LOVBLAND. Colo.. May 12. A Japa
nese answering tho description of
Genkyio Mitieunga. who the Denver
police think murdered Mrs. Katherlne
Wilson In Denver last Saturday, was
seen on the mountain road near Big
.Fountain canyon, 12 miles west of this
place, this morning by an automobile
He accepted a ride lr the machine, but
in a few minutes, apparently becoming
suspicious, jumped from the car while
it was in motion and disappeared in the
underbrus.n. -
Sheriff Carson, of Fort Collins, and a
posse have gone to the scene and a
thorough search of the mountains In the
vicinity will be made.
Indiana Disaster Scene Man in
Charge Blown to Atoms.
IjOQANS PORT. In 5., Slay 12. Three
hundred pounds of powder stored in the
magazine of the Casparis Stone Company
at Ivenneth. I ml., seven m iles west of
here, exploded tonight, injuring about 20
residents of the town.
John Elror, in charre of the magazine.
cannot be found end is believed to have
been blown to atoms. Houses !n the town
were badly damaged and the explosion
could he felt for miles in every direction.
Attempt to Force Out Strikebreakers
Ends In Fight.
LATROBE, Pa-, May 12. In a battle
today at the plant of the Shenango Fur
nace Company, near Wilpen, 15 miles
from here, a foreign woman was prob
ably fatally injured and 20 men were
more or less seriously hurt- This was
the outcome of an attempt of former em-
ployes of the iron concern to stop the
work of imported strikebreakers At the
Hallway Special Agents Meet.
LOS AXGELE3, May 1Z The Railway
Association of Special Agents and Police
of the United States and Canada, which
is holding its 14th annual convention here,
voted today to change its name to the
International Association of Railway
Special Agents and Police. One hundred
and seventeen new members were voted
in. a number being connected with, rail
rojuls In. Mexico. '
Fifth Ballot Convicts
Bank Cashier.
Charge of Embezzling $50,000
in Cash Not Sustained.
Ilret Vote Shows Ten Convinced of
Guilt Judge Gantenbein An
nounces He Will Sentence Ore
gon Trust Of fical Monday.
We, the Jury duly empanelled In
the above entitled court and cause,
find the defendant. "W. C. Morris,
guilty as charged In the Indictment,
and find tho value of the property
embezzled to be $75,000 in notes;
and we, the Jury, recommend the de
fendant, W. c Morris, to the leniency
of the court.
J. F. HILL, Foreman.
W. Cooper Morris was convicted of
embezzlement yesterday afternoon. The
Jury brought in the verdict in Judge
Gantenbein's department of the Cir
cuit Court at 2 o'clock, after having
been out for four hours. The talesmen
evidently found insufficient proof that
Morris embezzled $50,000 in cash, but
they did find that he appropriated to
his own us $75,000 in notes belonging-
to the bank.
After the verdict was returned it
was learned that only five ballots were
taken, the Jury standing 10 for convic
tion and two for acquittal on the first
three ballots, 11 for conviction and
one for acquittal on the fourth and
all for conviction on the final ballot,
the stipulation being that the ex
banker be recommended to : Judge
Gantenbein's mercy. '
Cash Then Kot Established.
It is said- that it was not until the
two members of the Jury understood
that the other 10 did not feel justified
in convicting on the charge of embez
zlement of J50.000 in cash, that they
cast their ballots for conviction..
District Attorney Cameron was pres
ent In the courtroom when the verdict
was handed to Judge Gantenbein, and
by him to Circuit Clerk Briggs. The
title of the case had been read, and
in. the excitement of the moment, Mor
ris had not been told to rise as Is the
custom when a verdict is returned in
a criminal case. At this Juncture
Judge Gantebein broke in, saying,
The defendant will rise. Not only
Morris, who had been sitting comfort
ably in his chair, but his attorneys as
well. Jumped to their feet
Verdict's Color Tells Story,
Morris face bore the troubled look It
has had' during the last few days of
the trial, but otherwise he exhibited
no signs of mental distress as- the
clerk came to the words, "guilty as
charged." It is probable that MotTls
Conrluded on Page -4.)
The "Weather.
TESTERDATS Maximum temperature. 72
degrees; minimum, 41 degrees.
TODAY'S Probably fair; cooler; westerly
Greed of Governor given as cause of recant
outbreaks in. Hunan, China. Fage 5.
Antedating- of WIckerabam letter to Taft
concerning mavis ' cnargea epimsusu.
.Bullinger hearing. Fage 2.
Senate will vote today on long and short
haul clause of rate bill. Page 1.
Greatest "war craft launched when battle
ship Florkla goes down ways at Brooklyn
:Xavy-Yard. Page 2.
Investigation Is sought on ground that ex
press companies pay excessive dividends.
- Page 1.
California oil company orders new pipeline;
contracts to supply mil ruaa. rage x.
F. Augustus Heinze acquitted. Page 1
Attorney for Dr. Hyde makes affecting ad
dress; four Jurors weep at onoe. Page 2.
Immunity promised In Missouri to witnesses
who wish to confess 'Lorimer bribery.
Page b.
Deadlock een on fight referee; Welch, de
mands harmony. Page 8.
P&cino Coast League results: Portland ,
ls Angeles 3 ; Oakland 11. San Fran
cisco 1; Vernon 4, Sacramento 2. Page ft.
Commercial and. Marine. .
Wool trade anxiously awaits opening of
Idaho Bales. Page 21.
Wh-eat closes strong and higher at Chicago.
Page 2U
stocks firm but dull. Page 21.
Steamer Bear is scene ot elaborate recep
tion. Page 20.
Pacific Korthwest.
In single-handed crusade against vice, Seat
tle millionaire's son kills gambler. Page 7.
Roseburg's second annual strawberry festival
and rose show opens. Page 7.
Oregon State Grange urges addition of Lieutenant-Governor
and Auditor to state ros
ter. Page 7.
Portland and Vicinity.
Mayor to meet committees to discuss public
docks. Page 15.
Judge Bennett censures man accused of
keeping disorderly houses. Page 15.
W. Cooper Morris is found guilty of embez
zlenent. Page 1.
Building trades and plumbers deny charges
of C. K. Henry, declaring no strike is
probable. Page 13.
Oregon Trunk Line lets contract for sub
structure of big Celilo bridge. Page 14.
Oregon Trunk Line prepares to connect with
Pacific & Eastern. Page 14.
ScriberB peculiar method of obtaining loans
disclosed by evidence at his trial. Page lit.
Howard Guilford arrested on charge of of
feiing bribe to Juror in Morris trial and
confesses. Page 12.
No trace of Kenneth Wood, thought kid
naped; mother hopeful. Page 14.
Goldendale Will Double Capacity) of
Its Exhibition Buildings.
GOLDENDALE, Wash, May 12.
(Special.) The second annual fair un
der the auspices of the Klickitat County
Fair Association, will be held at Gol
dendale, September 14, 15, 16 and 17.
These dates were fixed at a meeting
of the officers of the association held at
Goldendale. The fair held last year was
the first county fair held in Klickitat
County since the early 80's, and
much greater Interest was shown in the
event than had been anticipated. ,
Work will be begun on the new build
ings at once, under the direction of ex
Sheriff Burgen, who is manager of the
grounds. The capacity lor exhibits
of agricultural products, fruit and live
stock will be doubled. Substantial
prizes for special features will be of
fered, and a committee has been ap
pointed to provide novelty entertain
ment stunts.
Premium lists and a speed programme
will be issued by the first of June. No
change was made this year in the per
sonnel of the officers, except that C.
W. Ramsey, secretary of the Klickitat
Development League, was elected sec
retary of the Fair Association instead
of W. H. Phelps.
Astoria May See Battleships During
G. A. R. Encampment.
SALEM, Or, May 12. (Special.)
Governor Benson has telegraphed the
Secretary of the Navy; asking if ar
rangemerrta can be made to have sev
eral battleships and cruisers stationed
In the harbor at Astoria June 21-24
during the annual encampment of the
Oregon division of the G. A. R-
Delay in Trial Has Cost
Him Millions.
Charge of Misapplying Funds
of New York Bank Fails.
Copper Man In Statement Declares
Ho Still Has Mining Properties
Left and. Will Devote Him
self to Them In Future.
KEff TORK. May 12. Frederick Au
gustus Heinze was acquitted at 9:50
tonight of charges of misapplication of
the funds of the Mercantile National
Bank, when he was president of the
Institution in 1907; and he was cleared
of the charge of over-certification of
checks of his brother's firm. Otto
Heinze & Co.
Thus failed the Government's at
tempt to hold Heinze responsible for
alleged illegal financiering in the
panic three years ago. Heinze's trans.
actions were held legal notwithstand
ing the prosecution's vigorous attempt
to prove him a gambler with millions
not his own.
Argument Is Ended.
John B. Stanchfleld summed up for
the defense this morning and United
States Attorney Henry A. Wise de
nounced the defendant for three hours
and 35 minutes this afternoon.
Heinze issued this statement tonight:
I have been ready for trial every
day since the first indictment was re
turned two year and a half ago. This
delay has cost me between (4.000.000
and $5,000,000. The ruination of my
credit seems to have been the object
most viciously aimed at.
Some Property Left.
"However, I still have some of the
best copper properties in the world,
and I intend to devote my whole at
tention to them."
Arthur P. Heinze. a brother of the
defendant, called Mr. Wise a liar in
court this afternoon, thereby furnish
lng the only spectacular incident of
the trial. For this remark he was
elected from the courtroom.
In lashing Heinze during his sum
ming up, Mr. Wise compared the crime
the defendant was charged with to a
hypothetical case of burglary, where
the burglar had pried open the win
dow to effect an entrance to the house.
. A sensation was created during the
summing up when Arthur P. Heinze,
brother of the defendant, was ejected
from the courtroom for having, it was
alleged, disturbed the proceedings by
passing the lie to Wise during the
Slore Missionaries to Be Sent.
ST. LOUIS. May 12. Five missionaries
will be put In the field by the Women's
General Missionary Society of the Pres
byterian Church, according to the deci
sion reached at today's session of the 27th
annual conference. Greeley, Colo., was
selected as the next meeting place.
New York Merchants Association
Will Ask Interstate Commerce
Commission to Investigate.
NEW YORK, May 12. (Special.)
That the four great express companies
get net returns of from 43 to 115 per
cent or more, on the capital employed
In actual express operations, was
stated in a report Issued today by the
Merchant's Protective Association of
New York.
The association and other commercial
bodies representing business interests
throughout the country are about to
ask the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion to investigate the matter, with, a
view to compelling a reduction of ex
isting rates,
rriie report, prepared by Frederick B.
Deberard, deals in great detail with re
sources and operations of Adams,
American, United States and Wells
Fargo Companies.
The conclusion is reached tluit the
greater part of the assets of the ex
press companies Is devoted to invest
ment, and that the capital actually em
ployed in the express business is but
a little more than the value of equip
ment plus a very moderate working
Fire Breaks Out Cutting Off Rescue
Work; Four Saved.
MANCHESTER, Eng.. May 12. One
hundred and thirty-even miners lost their
lives today in en explosion in the Well
ington coal mine at White Haven. Res
cue parties succeeded in saving four men,
but fire has broken out In-the workings,
leaving practically no hope for those
still entombed.
Throughout the day the rescue parties
made considerable progress In the mine,
but their work was stopped tonight by
the collapse of the roof.
It is said a warning was published in
many newspapers of the mining districts
of the kingdom yesterday to the effect
that unusually high barometric conditions
made fire damp explosions probable and
that all underground workers should be
on the alert. The barometer reached its
highest reading in the White Haven dis
Excited ' Father Carries 'Milk Bottle
to Place of Safety.
VANCOUVER, Wash., May 12. (Spe
cial.) Aroused at 2 A. M. from sound
sleep by the burning of a building next
door. Morris Josefowitz grabbed the
baby's milk bottle from the dresser and
followed his wife, who had two chil
dren with her, down stairs, leaving the
baby in the cradle. After hiding the
milk bottle under a neighbor's porch
Josefowitz happened to remember his
baby in its crib and: hastened back to
rescue it.
The fire destroyed the old Stevens
residence on Fifth street, one of tae
landmarks of Vancouver. It was valued
at $1500. with $1000 Insurance. It is
thought some one poured oil on the
floor of the building and set fire to it.
Removed Alaska Official to Fight
for Reinstatement.
ington, May IS. Dan A. Sutherland,
recently removed from office of United
States Marshal at Juneau, Alaska, ar
rived in Washington today prepared
to fight for reinstatement.
Sutherland not only asks for a Con
gressional investigation Into the causes
leading up to his removal, but has Is
sued a challenge to Governor Clark
and ex-Governor Hoggatt, of Alaska,
to whom he attributes his removal,
asking them to go with him .to the
Attorney-General and present both
sides. It this is done, he is willing to
abide by the Attorney-General's de
cision, he says. It is probable the chal
lenge will not be accepted, but that
the case will be sifted by the Senate
John Penlan Threatened, to Kill,
Says Guy Gilbert.
VANCOUVER, Wash., May 12. (Spe
cial.) Charged with threatening to kill
his son-in-law, Guy Gilbert, and his
daughters', Mrs. Gilbert and Miss Leona
Penlan, John A. Penlan, 57 years old, was
arested today by Sheriff Sapplngton. He'
was released on $60 ball and his trial will
be held Tuesday.
It appears that Penlan bargained for
three acres with his son-in-law two years
ago and since that time has cleared and
Improved it. until it is worth much more
than the price set then. Penlan says
Gilbert refused to give him the deed he
promised and has been causing him trou
ble lately, so he ordered hi moff the place.
The women are both said to be deaf
Penlan has an excellent reputation in
his neighborhood.
Kidnaping' of Roberta De Janon Has
Its Last Echo.
PHILADELPHIA, May 12. The last
echo of a sensational escapade was heard
here this afternoon when the grand Jury
ignored a bill of indictment charging
Ferdinand Cohen, a hotel waiter, with
kidnapping Robert De Janon, IS years
oM. .
The two, after being missing a, . week.
were, found to, iUtucago.
Boat, Overloaded, Sunk
in Mill Pond.
Youth, After Reaching Safety,
Dies Attempting Rescue.
Pennsylvania High School Party
Crowds One Craft Beyond Ca
pacity AThen Other Springs
Leak Far From Shore.
WILKES BARREL Pa.. May 13. Eight
high Bchool students, six girls and two
boys, lost their lives today while boat-:
ing on the paper mill dam at Huntington
Mills, about 20 miles below this city.
The dead:
Maud Sutliffe, 17 years old, of Town-
Caroline Koora. 16 years. Harveyville.
Ruth Bon ham. 18 years, Townline.
Iris Davenport, 16 years. Water-town.
Rachael Thompson, 16 years. Town Hill.
Madeline Good, 17 years, Watertown.
Robert Minnich, 18 years, Koonsvllle.
Ray Bodson, 17 years, Fairmount.
Boat Starts to Sink. '
Twelve students of the Huntington
High School secured two boats at the
noon hour and started for a row. The
dam Is nearly half a -mile wide and when
the two craft had reached the center It
was noticed one of them had sprung a
leak. Arhe two boats then were; pulled
together by the young men In the party
and an effort was made to transfer the
girls from the leaky boat to the safer
one. The last one of the party had
scarcely set foot in the boat when it
began to sink.
The girls were helpless and the boys,
who. with the exception of Bodson, were
expert swimmers, struck out for the
shore, which they reached In safety.
Boy Proves Himself Hero.
Minnich had no sooner gained the
bank than he noticed two girls cling
ing to the sinking boat. Ha
dashed Into the water and swam
swiftly to the water-filled boat. The
girls were clinging to the boat, the others
having gone down. Seizing Miss Daven
port, Minnich again started for the shore
but the exertion was too much for the
lad and they went down together when
they were within a stone's throw of the
As soon as the accident became known
grappling parties began a search for the
bodies, all of which were recovered.
Canyon County Lockup Prisoners
Liberated With Difficulty.
CALDWELL, Idaho, May 12. (Special.)
For the second time within the past
year the Canyon county jail was dam
aged by fire. The fire was discovered this
morning by one of the prisoners about
3:30 o'clock. He immediately gave the
alarm, but it was fully 15 minutes before
Deputy Mitchell arrived with the keys to
the Jail.
The prisoners in their excitement man
aged to so injure the lock as to make it
impossible for the key to perform iis
duty. It was with the utmost difficulty
that the prisoners were liberated. The
roof was entirely destroyed, leaving only
the wails end cells, the latter being con
siderably warped.
The Commissioners have ordered a new
roof, and in a few days the building will
be ready for occupancy. In the mean
time the second story of the courthouse
will be used for jail purposes. The loss
will be about $1000, with no insurance.
American Federation of Clubs Is In
Session at Cincinnati.
CINCINNATI, May 12. Before the
convention of the American Federation
of Women's Clubs today. Harry Turner
Bailey, of Boston, gave an illustrated
lecture on "Practical Art Work for
Women's Clubs."
This afternoon state presidents and
the general federation officers and sec
retaries met at Hotel Sinton. Tonight
Albert Davidson, Ph. D., of Lafayette
College, Pennsylvania, lectured on "The
Relation of the Public Drinking Cup
to Health," and the Rev. Dana W. Bart
lett, of Los Angeles, spoke on "Prog
ress In Civic Betterment."
No III Effects Sufered From 90-Mile
VANCOUVER, Wash., May 12. (Spe
cial.) Officers taking the riding test
of 80 miles from Sandy, Or., have re
turned to the post, all in the best of
form. They suffered no Inconvenience
from tk ride of 30 miles a. day.
Major Cabell, Captain Bradley and
Captain Laoey went to Seattle and Ta
coma today to make arrangements for
the annual maneuvers to be held at
American Lake In August.
About $25,00 Owas disbursed yesterday
an dtoday to -the soldiers of ttie post and
at the target range at Proebstel by the
JjtpyTT.ttatrJ Major C&nbv, . of Portland,