JO THE MORNING OEEGOXIAX, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1910. SHIP WORK GROWS Portland to Do Repair Work on Light Vessel. SEATTLE LOSES CONTRACT Importance of This Port as Point for Overhauling Emphasized by Victory of Willamette Iron & Steel Works. Portland's importance as a shipbuilding and repairing port -was emphasized yes terday when the lighthouse-tender Mai)r zanita left Astoria for Seattle, to bring lightship Xo. 67 to this place for repairs, notwithstanding that two bids for the work had been submitted by Seattle firm?. The lichtship will he repaired and over hauled at the Willamette Iron & Steel Works. The vessel waj formerly in perviee off Tillamook Reef, but was re lieved about a month ago, as she needed repairs. She was sent directly to Seattle to await orders for her overhauling. At the local office of the United States engineers it was explained yesterday that the work done in Portland is rapidly im proving, and for that reason contracts are beinpr sent here. It will require about two months to complete the repairs on the lightship, and when these are com pleted it is expected she will be returned to her former station on the Oregon rnflsi. The Manzanlta will return here witli tire lightship in about a week. Another lighthouse-tender to be ordered away yesterday was the Columbine, which sailed from Seattle to the coast of Alaska to install an acetylene light at Hog Rock Beacon. Before returning the Columbine, will rruise along the southeastern coast of Alaska and will find suitable locations for 11 other acetylene lights, besides the one tr be Installed at Hog Rock Beacon. After the Columbine has determined the location of the proposed lights she will return to Seattle and the lights will be Installed at a Inter date. The Columbine Is expected to return in three weeks. ItVPIDS MAY HINDER BOATS High Water on Columbia Threatens to Suspend Traffic. High water on the Columbia River threatens to make the Cascade Rapids impassable in a short time to river steam rrs, according to the report given out yesterday by the officers of the Dalles city, which is taking the place of the Bailey Gatzert while the latter is on the drydock undergoing repairs. Nearly every year the Columbia River rises so high, for a few days, that river traffic is forced to suspend, but at the office of the Regulator Ijine yesterday it was said that although the river is gain ing in height rapidly it is not believed that the boats will be forced to stop run ning for some time. It is understood that while the Colum bia River is rising steadily. Snake River is variable. The outlook is that the Co lumbia will reach a much higher mark by (Saturday. On the last trip of the Dalles City the Pteamer experienced much difficulty in forcing her way up over the rapids, but she will continue on her run to The Dalles until forced temporarily to limit her run ro points this side of the rapids. KXIjAKG IXG OF HARBOR BEGUN Dredge Columbia Put on Work by Port of Portland. Work of extending the lower harbor between a half mile and a mile has been begun by the Port of Portland, which has et the dredge Columbia at work. This will enlarge materially the harbor accom modations of the port, which have proved at times too limited to meet demands. The Columbia will work in the lower harbor until August, when she will be put at work dredging the Columbia River channel. Whether the Columbia will be returned to work in the lower harbor this Kali has not been announced. The dredge Portland, owned also by the Port of Portland, is now tied up, brit it is expected that she will be put to work within two months. If the Portland Is not put to work in the lower harbor, at the time the Columbia is withdrawn to work in the Columbia River, she also probably will be sent to the Columbia River. Before the dredges can go to work in the Columbia F.iver channel the season of high water must have passed, and thus it will be necessary to wait until August before the work Is begun. CHAXK SHAFT BADLY TWISTED Steam Schooner Bowdoin Is Forced to Go on Drydock. In a letter received yesterday by Charles O. Stimpson. the local agent for the Cal ifornia & Oregon Coast Steamship Com pany, it is said that the steam schooner (Bowdoin has been on the drydock in San trancisco as a result of her crank shaft being twisted. It was believed that tha vessel would leave the drydock Tuesday snd depart from San FYanctsco yesterday for this port with cement from San Pedro and a large consignment of general freight from San Francisco. According to the letter the Bowdoin was on her way from San Pedro to 6an Francisco when she had her shaft twisted. The necessary repairs, however, did not delay the vessel long at the Bay City. OLD DREDGE BECOMES BARGE W. S. I. add, With Machinery Re moved. Will Curry Rock. With all her machinery removed and having been repaired for her new work, the old dredge W. S. Iadd. formerly wned by the Government, will be ready for use as a barge before the close of the week. The I.add was built in Portland IS years aso and when her period of service for the Government wa ended she was bought by the Columbia Contract Com pany, which turned her over to Joseph Supple to be converted into a barge. She will be used for carrying rock to the Co lumbia River jetty. The barge will have u capacity of 100 tons. Vessels Loading at Raymond. RAYMOND. Wash.. May 11. (Special.) The steam schooner Grays Harbor, Cap tain Anfinsen, has been loading at the Clerin-Hamilton mill for San Pedro and sailed from there today with TOO.000 feet of lumber. The steam schooner Wlllapa, Captain Johnson, and the steam schooner Helene, Captain Anderson, both from San Francisco, arrived at the Raymond Lum ber Company's mill yesterday. The Wil inpa is loading for San Pedro and the Helene for San Krancisco. The sttam schooner Bee, from San Francisco, ar rived at the Willapa Lumber Oompanv's mill yesterday. She is loading for South ern California porta. The Bee came here from Seattle, having taken a cargo of freight from that city. The four-masted, topsail schooner Columbia. Captain Hprague, is loading at the Willapa Lum ber Company's mill for Mexico. Launch Delayed Off Yaqulna. NEWPORT, Or., May 11. (Special.) The new gasoline launch Florence, Captain Saltus and Engineer Graves, of Portland, crossed in over the Yaquina Bay bar after having lain at shore by the whistling buoy for 36 hours. Owing to heavy surf and fog. Captain Wellan der of the United States Life-Saving Station, growing anxious, took his crew out to the launch, crossing a dangerous bar. Finding everything all right, he returned. The launch followed and passed the lifeboat on the. tiar. The launch was brought here for Dr. D. A. Mclntyre, of Portland. Beaver to Take Cargo. Plans for sending the Beaver to San Francisco in ballast have been changed and she Is now loading 700 tons of grain for the Bay City. The Beaver will sail some time Saturday, the same day that her sister ship, the Bear, now taking the place of the steamer Kansas City, will sail, but whether the voyage southward T J STEAMER INTELLIGENCE. Due to Arrive. Name. From. Date. RyKja Otaru Tn port Breakwater. .. Coos Bay.... May l:i 4 Kaleon Saa Francisco May 13 4 Roanoke. .... .San Pedro. ..Mav 14 4 Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. .. .May 14 Geo. W. Elder. .San Pedro May 21 4 Bear. ......... San Francisco May -3 I Hercules Honekong June 5 . Henrik Ibsen. . .Hongkong. .. .June 15 I Golden Gate. .. Tillamook Indeft Scheduled to Depart. J Name. For Date. Rygja Hongkong. .. .May 34 - " " nan f ranctsco Mav 14 Beaver Kan Francisco May 14 raicon San Pedro. ... May 16 16 3 i Jioanoke San Francisco May 17 fcue H. Elmore. Tillamook Mav Geo. W. Elder. .San Pedro. .. .Mav 17 TV ilhelmina. . . .Sluslaw May 20 Roae City San Francisco Mav 2t Hercules Hongkong June 15 Henrik Ibsen. . Hongkong. .. .June 25 Golden Gate Tillamook. . . .Indeft Entered Wednesday. British steamer Inverkip (Captain Hand), in ballast from Seattle. Cleared Wednesday. Schooner J. H. Lunamann (Captain C. Svenson). for San Francisco, with 1.212.800 feet of lumber. 4 Steam schooner Wellesiey (Captain L-nndqulst), for San Francisco, with 750.00C feet of lumber. will turn into a race between the two vessels has not been determined. The Beaver is being loaded at the Oceanic dock. Xew Sand Company Kquips. One steamer and three barges have been built .by the newly-organized Portland Sand Company, of which Joseph Paquet is president and S. B. Cobb secretary. The new company, which has Its headquar ters at the east end of the Morrison-street bridge, will begin digging and transport ing sand Monday. In the meantime the steamer and barges, which were bought from the La Center Towing Company, are being fitted up for work. Astoria Marine Xotes. ASTORIA, Or., May 1L (Special.) The steamer Geo. W. Elder sailed for San KYanciseo today with freight and pas sengers loaded in Portland. The steamer Francis H. Leggett arrived today with 1020 tons of cement for Port land. The steamer Elmore sailed today for Tillamook with passengers and freight from Portland. The schooner Wilhelmina sailed today for Taquina with general merchandise from Portland. Marine Xotes. The river continues to rise, and by Sun day it is expected to reach a height of 13.5 feet. The Columbia Digger Company has be gun the construction of a derrick and barge at Vancouver, Wash. Running on her new five-day schedule, the steamer Breakwater will arrive this afternoon from Coos Bay. The steam schooner Jim Butler is due to arrive today with general freight from San Francisco for Couch-street dock. Hay, cement and asphalt make up the cargo of the steam schooner Saginaw, which was due to leave San Farncisco yesterday for this port. , The schooner Lunsmann will leave for San Francisco today with 802,810 feet of lumber from the mills of the Eastern & Western Lumber Company. In tow of the tug Ocklahama, the Brit ish ship Arctic Stream sailed from Port land yesterday for Queenstown. where she will receive further orders. She car ries 90.525 bushels of wheat. Carrying 20,000 sack of cement and 500 barrels of lime from San Francisco, the steam schooner Francis H. Leggett ar rived last night. The vessel will dis charge at various docks and load lum ber for her return voyage. Towing a barge loaded with general merchandise for Xehalem. the tu Vos burg left down the river yesterday morn ing at 7 o'clock. The Vosburg, .aking the barge In tow, makes irregular trips between this port and Nehalem, br'nging lumber here and taking away general freight. Arrivals and Departure. PORTLAND, May 11. Arrived Steamer F. H. Leggett. from Ban Francisco. ald British steamer Arctic Stream, for Queens town for orders; steamer Wellsley, for San Francisco; tug Vosburg. with barge, for Nehalem. Astoria, May 11. Condition at the mouth of the river at 6 P. M., smooth; wind south, 18 miles; weather clear. Sailed at 7 A. M. Kteamer Elmore, for Tillamook. Arrived at 7 and left up at S:30 A. M. SteaAier F. H. Leggett, from San Francisco. Sailed at 9:SU A. M. Steamer George W. Elder, for Kan Pedro and way ports. Arrived at 3:80 and left up at 6 P. M. Steamer Newport, from Bantlon. San Francisco. May 11. Arrived Steam ers Northland, from Astoria; W. S. Porter, from Astoria: l.eelanaw. from Nanalmo; Tiverton, from 'Ludlow; schooner Sausallto, from Coos Bay; schooner James Rolph. from liana. Sailed Steamers Wilhelmina. for Honolulu; Thor. for Nanalmo; Maverick, for Seattle. Yokohama. May 11. Arrived previously China, from San Francisco; Punta Arenas. May 11. Sailed Venture, for Victoria. B. C Queenstown. May 11. Sailed Saxonla, for Boston. Southampton. May 11. Sailed Kron Prln sesstn Cecitie. for New York; Majestic, for New York. Hongkong. May 11. Arrived previously Chicago Maru, from Tacoma. via Yokohama. Falmouth. May 10. Sailed Prince George, for Vancouver. New York. May 11. Sailed Mauritania, for Ijiverpool; Teutonic, for Southampton. Los Angeles. May 11. Arrived Steamers Captstrano. Raymond. Alcatraz, Greenwood. Samoa. Capar. Sailed Steamers Excelsior, Coos Bay: Hoquiam. Grays Harbor; schoon er Commerce. Port Townsend. Seattle. May 11. Arrived Steamer Bertha, Valdes; steamer Heather. Sound ports; steamer Wasp. San Francisco. Departed V. S. S. Perry. Alaskan cruise; steamer Ol sen ft Mahoney. Tacoma; steamer Wasp. Sound ports; steamer Jefferson, Skagway. Tide at Astoria Thursday. High water. Low water. :S A. M....S.5 feet!9:45 A. M -1.; feet 3.S feet 4-.1J P. M....7 0 fet':J7 F. M Eugene, Oreg-on. I "have sold Hall's Texas Wonder for kidney bladder and rheumatic trouble for the last five years, and have guaranteed it in many cases, but have never had a complaint 0 days' treatment in each bottle. O. J. Hull. The cooking lesson this afternoon is free. Ton are welcome 2:30 P. SI.. Christensen Hall. LID OFF SATURDAY No Rules and No Limit Will Govern "Clean-Up Day." EVEN FATHER MAY WORK Woman's Club Gives Assurance That I riiiTun. All A ii-tii 1 n mitted to Join in Making Port land a . Spotless Town. There are no rules against any resident of Portland getting up next Saturday morning to see the comet, and, after watching the tail fade away in the rays of the rising sun. start cleaning up yards and commons. There are positively no restrictions on the hours that may be put in "cleaning-up day," and neither male nor female, old nor young, is barred from taking part in the festival of sani tation and sightliness. So many inquiries have been pouring into the headquarters of the Woman's Club, under whose auspices the annihila tion of rubbish is to be conducted, so many feared they might work over a prescribed length of time, and so many were apprehensive lest they should not be within the age limit or not belong to the proper sex. that Mrs. G. M. Glines. president of the club, decided to issue the foregoing information. Police pro tection is assured the man who chooses to salute, the sun with a rake or throw a shovelful of trash into the waning day. He may go just as far as he likes, and the Woman's Club promises to stand between him and the minions of the law. Game Is Free for All. No regulations govern the game Sat urday. It is a free-for-all in which every citizen of Portland may take part. A man may work with his cuffs on or take his shirt off. whichever suits his fancy, so long as he accomplishes some thing. Anything except a currycomb or hairbrush may be used on the lawn. Women will not be required to wear big hats, and they make take the rats out of their hair if they feel like it, and no body dares comment. She. may also tie a gingham apron oer her head, but must not. under any circumstances, talk over the back fence with neighbor too long at one time,, unless her husband keeps busy while the conversation lasts. In short, the work has been bo simpli fied by the Woman's Club that a child can understand it. The modus operandi is a continuous forward and backward movement of the rake, so as to accum ulate the largest pile of rubbish in the shortest possible time. This may easily be accomplished with two ordinary hands. If perspiration appears on the forehead, wipe it off in the usual way. Trash and rubbish may be piled up in cones or arranged , in windows, to suit the artlstio taste, out in the street, and if the street-cleaning department is notified, they will be removed. Lessons Offered Gratis. It is all Just as easy as eating fudge. Members of the Woman's Club wonder that the scheme was never thought of before. For those who do not quite un derstand the nature of the process and how to clean up, the club has obligingly reserved a corps of instructors, who guarantee to teach the art in one lesson, refund- the money, or give a rain check. A course may also be taken by cor respondence or telephone. If any one is partial to any particular kind of tools Every one should take a tonic in the Spring ; our systems require it. The change in the seasons produces a like change in our bodies, and more is required of the blood, from which source we receive phys ical nourishment and strengfh, at this, particular time than at any other. Almost every one feels Dad in the Spring. Some have no partic ular sickness, but are debilitated, run-down and weak, and their systems are in a general state of disorder. This deranged condition of the health is due to weak, anaemic blood ; the circulation is infected with impurities which have diminished its natural nourishing powers, and the body is suffering from deficient blood nutriment. The refuse and impurities which naturally accumulate in our systems are not properly expelled in Winter, because those members whose duty it is to perform this work of drainage do not receive sufficient stimulation from outdoor exercise, and therefore grow dull and sluggish in their action ; nor is the skin as active in eliminating waste maters in cold weather because the pores are not so open as in warm seasons. These Winter accumulations pollute the blood and largely destroy its nutritive qualities, and when Spring comes, and everything takes on new life, and we change our method of living, the circulation is so weakened that it is unable to supply the increased demands of the system. Then we suffer from weakness, nervousness, loss of appetite, lassitude, etc There is a constant worn-out feeling, sleep is not refreshing, and we do not feel able to perform the ordinary duties of daily life. This disordered condition demands the use of a tonic, and it should be one which has the additional qualities of a first class blood purifier, for to restore health and strength the blood must be pure. The heakhful botanical Ingredients of which S. S. S. is composed, and the method of combining and preparing them so that they build up and strengthen every portion of the body, make it the best of all Spring tonics. S. S. S. is Nature's medicine, free from strong mineral mix tures and made entirely of the healing, cleansing juices and extracts of roots, herbs and barks ; a safe and pleasant tonic for persons of any age. S. S. S. is not only the best Spring tonic, but its ability and worth as a genuine Diooa punner is universally recognized. It builds up the depleted system in the true way, by purifying the blood and supplying an increased amount of nourishment to every portion of the body. S. S. S. removes all accumulations from the circula tion, enriches and purifies the blood and overcomes the unpleas ant physical ailments that always come with Spring. It rids the body of that tired feeling, im proves the appetite, reinvigorates every fibre and tissue of the body, and imparts healthful energy to all who are run-down. The body cannot be strong and well if the blood is weak or impure, and no tonic should be used which does not thoroughly cleanse the circulation. If you select S. S. S. as your tonic this Spring you will experience better results and more vigorous health than ever before, because it will make your blood 44 just right. " Insist on getting S. S.S., there is no other 44 just as good." THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAH TA. GA. to work with or any special make, he will be permitted to ride his hobby all over the lawn without a license. It is seldom that the citizens of a great city have such an opportunity to go on a veritable cleaning orgy without hav ing their neighbors talk about them, at least, but the Woman's Club has it all arranged whereby not one disparaging word will be said, no matter how clean the lawns look when the day is done. No matter how hard the men work, the women promise to stand at their back and see that they are not disturbed. All the club asks is to have every lawn in Portland clean by Saturday night. Police Will Aid Campaign. The campaign will be heartily aided by the police force, acting in accordance with an order issued by Chief of Police Cox. As especial nuisances to be watched by the officers the chief men tions the throwing of rubbish, not j only upon streets, but upon private grounds as well; the packing of etraw left where pressed brick are unloaded, littering the streets and clogging the catch-basins; allowing trash to remain where pi'es of wood are removed; sweeping rubbish from stores into the streets, and the throwing of fruit skins in the street around the wagons of hawkers. All these things, the order says, are clear violations of the law and must be stopped! Officers will notify property owners at once upon observing a viola tion of the order, and will not wait to report to the health officer. Horses and cows must not be staked out on vacant lots, so that they may reach the side FIGHT MADE FOR CLAIM Baker Man Thinks Forestry Of ficials Lnfair to Him. BAKER CITY, May 11. (.Special.) Alleging that a forestry official made the statement, "I believe I can drive you fellows out of there," A. A. Crouse is making a determined fight to obtain title to a homestead that he took up in the forest reserve near Granite, 40 miles west of here. "I took up a claim of 160 acres near Granite In 1899 when the land had been placed in the temporary reserve." said Mr. Orouse. "I took it up first as a placer claim hut found there was no mineral on the land and so decided to homestead it. In 1900 I grubbed 20 acres of sagebrush and planted the ground to timothy. "I continued to live on the place and have made it my home ever since. There was a house already there, and I built a barn. I fenced the whole 160 acres. All the timber on the place is about 40 acres of black pine, which is of no use for commercial purposes. "I have complied with all the require ments to file in the forest reserve, but I first have to get a permit from the for estry officials to file and they won't give me this permit." MOSIERCLUB Will Entertain. The Commercial Club of Mosier ex tends a cordial Invitation to all non residents who are interested in that district to visit that town on Saturday next, 14th inst- The club will enter tain in the evening, and for the occa sion the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company will sell special round-trip tickets from Portland for $3.30, good for the going trip on The Dalles looal, leaving the Union Depot at 4 P. M., and good on any train returning Sun day following. Diarrhoea should be cured without loss of time and by a medicine which like Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy not only cures promptly but produces no unpleasant after effects. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. Sold by all dealers. PRETTY GOOD EVIDENCE. I have used S. S. S. and found it to be an excellent blood purifier and tonic My blood was weak and impure, and as a result my system became very much run down and de bilitated. I lost twenty or more pounds in weight, had no appetite and was in bad shape. Seeing S. S. S. ad vertised I began its use, and am well pleased with the results after using it for some little while. From 139 pounds to 165 is pretty good evidence of merit on the part of S. 3. S., and as to my appetite, it is superb. My system and general health have been wonderfully built up, and I do not hesitate to give S. S. S. the credit for it. H. MARTIN. 50 Second St., W arren., O. PECIA Here Is an Opportunity for Any Man to Be Cured Easily, Quickly and Permanently NO MAN should suffer the loss of that vitality which renders life worth living, or allow him self to become less than Nature intended, when there is at hand a certain cure for his debility. Most of the PAINS, most of the DEBILITIES of the STOMACH, HEART, BRAIN, NERVES and AILMENTS of MEN from which men suffer are due to an early loss of Nature's reserve power. You need not suffer from this. You can he restored. The very element which you have lost you can get back, and you may be as happy as any man. You can be cured by the right kind of treat ment. Oome to my office; investigate my methods. FIRST WARNINGS OF DANGER When you are first aware of any disease or debility upon your vitality, then you should procure the proper medical advice and treatment without delay. You will secure to yourself that health, success and enjoyment of life which is every man's lot, whose bright and steady eyes, clear and healthy skin, aotive brain, congenial make-up and physical development show that no contaminating influences of disease are devastating his sys tem, that no mental, moral or physical debility is making his life a miserable failure. MY TREATMENT AND DIAGNOSIS I do not treat symptoms. I treat and cure the ailment be hind the symptoms. If the case present feven the slightest fea ture upon w hich I have a doubt, or if I recognize incurable com plications, I positively refuse treatment. ' I would, rather give up my practice than indulge in either guesswork or make-believe cures. I have devoted years of earnest and conscientious en deavor to the unravelment of some of the most perplexing prob lems that ever confronted the profession, and believe -that I have attained the limit of medical possibilities in my particular branoh of practice. I have brought to light the true nature of men's ailments and the causes of the symptoms they present. In addi tion I have by the scientif io blending of drugs produced remedies that meet every condition that it seems possible to ure. There is no cause to hesitate. Consultation costs nothing, and I will not offer my services unless I can eure you. My OriginEl and Exclusive Treatment for Men's Ailments Has Been Proven in Numbers of In stances Where Succesi Has Soemed Impossible Before. Information That Is of Vital Interest to Every Sufferer Free. How They Can Be Cured Without Experi menting. Have You Violated the Laws of Health? Correct Medical Methods for the Permanent Cure of Blood Ailments, Piles, and All - Bladder and Kidney Ailments. ljj-J j Medicine furnished from my own laboratory for the convenience and privacy of my patients, from $1.60 to $6.50 a course. Honrs 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays from IO to IS. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO. MY SCIENTIFIC AND No class of human ailments Is so little understood among the profession today as the ail ments peculiar to men. As a result the methods commonly employed In treating- them are but relics of earlier periods in medical science. I have depart ed from every form of treat ment that my own experience and research have proven inef fective and unscientific. I have replaced them with original and thoroughly modern methods that have proven supremely ef fective. Every detail of my procedure in each individual case is based upon accurate knowledge as to conditions and requirements, and my cures are duplicated by no other physician or specialist. VARICOSE VEINS Absolute ly painless treatment that cures I completely in one week. Inves- I tlerate mv method. Tt i t.h nnlvJ thoroughly scientific treatment for this ailment being employed. BLOOD AILMENTS No dangerous dosing to drive the virus to the Interior, but harmless blood-cleansing remedies that remove the last taint. , I also cure nervous ailments, kidney and bladder and all reflex ailments. My treatment for obstructions re moves the necessity for surgical opera tions, even in severe cases of long standing. I do no cutting nor dilat ing. No other physician employs my methods of overcoming this ailment, so the service I offer you is original and distinctive. Do not give up. nope be cause others have failed. I will cure you and the cure will be a prompt and painless one. My treatment dissolves the obstruction, subdues all inflamma tion, relieves all irritation or conges tion that may exist in the kidneys or bladder, reduces enlargements and re stores good health and tone to all organs affected by the disease. EXAMINATION FREE I offer not only FREE consultation and advice, but of every case that comes to me I will make a careful examination and diagnosis without charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get expert opinion about his trouble. If you cannot call, write for diagnosis chart. My system of home . treatment Is always certain and satisfactory. Office Hour M. to The DR. TAYLOR Co. 234V2 Morrison Street, Corner Second, Portland, Or. HUlUnUli Habit. Po.idvelj CurtxL Only Hxthorird ey In stitute in Oregon. Writs tor illtu trmtwd circular. KmIct Intltnta. 1 E. txttx 3i Fonlaod. Own Cures Seasickness Motto erauT Remedy quickly cores ms or train sickness. Guaranteed safe and harmless. 50c and 1 .00 a box. All drufrfrtsts or direct from Mother sill Remedy Co., &1 Cleland Bids., Detroit, Mich F FOR HEN FREE CERTAIN CURE FOR I DR. TAYLOR, I The Leading Specialist. , AILMENTS. In the treament of ailments I Oiier a service such as no other physician can render. The remedies I employ have a most thorough and positive action in cleansing the mem branes and subduing all in flammation. My manner of application Insures absolute thoroughness. and removes every posisbillty of a relapse or a chronic stage. My cures are not only thorough, but are accomplished in the briefest time possible. S I. M. Sunday.. 10 to 1 Only. l HAND SAPOLIO It Insures an enjoyable, lnvla oratlngr bath; makes every port respond; removes dead skin. ENEHGIZES THE WHOLE BODY, starts the circulation. and leaves clow equal to a Turk ish bath. aLL. GROCERS A.TO DRUGGIST. MUDLAV1A Treatment Draws Out Pain and Poison with the famous) Mud Baths. Thousands hav been cured. Bis Hotel open all yar. Send for book. Addresa R. B. KRAMER, Pres., Kramer, Ind. PAY Pjfc WHEN YOU i!Si JM? ARE cured JSwy I 1 NOT A DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL CURED Consultation and examination. If you cannot call, write free Belf-examlnation blank ana book. Many cases cured at home. 23012 Yamhill St. PORTLAND, OR. THAT ARE -weak, Ner vous AND RUN DOWN COME TO ME AND BE CURED THE DOCTOH THAT CUKES PAY WHEN CURED MY FEE FOR A CURE IN UNCOMPLI CATED CASES IS 10. I am an expert specialist, have hart SO years" practice in the treatment of ailments of men. My offices are the best equipped in Portland. My meth ods are modern and up - to - date. My cures are quick and positive. I do not treat symptoms and patch up. I thor oughly examine each case, find tha cause, remove It and thus cure the ail ment. I CURE Varicose Veins. Contracted Ailments, Pile, and Specific Blood Pol-, on and all Ailments of Men. CURE OR NO PAY I am the only Spednllst In Portland -who makes no cbarse unless the patient In entirely satisfied with the results accomplished, and vrho srlves a written gruarantee to refund every dollar paid for services If a complete and permanent cure Is not effected. SPECIAL AIL.MEXTS Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning, Itching and inflammation stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected in seven days. Consultation free. If un able to call -write for list of questions. Office hours 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Sun days, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. DR. LINDSAY 128 Second St., Corner of Alder, Portland. Or. Hod! For. Indigestion Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach. "Weak Stomaon. pr in fact ANY Stomach Trouble eaused by Indigestion. Get a bottle today and try 1U Kodol is guaranteed to relieve you and if i fails your money will at once be refunded by the dealer from whom you purchased it. Kvery tab laspoonf ul of Kofol diests 214 pounds of food. Tonns Minx Chine ' Medicine Co. Wonderful remedies from, herbs ud roots cure all diseases of men and women. Consulta tion and pulse diagnosis1 free. It you live out of town and cannot call write for symptom blank. 147 Taylor uU. bet. 2d and Inflammations, Irritations or ulcerations of all mo cons membranes, unnatu ral discharges from nose Hay Fever turoat or urinary orjans. LTbtETOeio!ft. gold hj Druggists : or In plain wrapper, ex press prepaia, on receipt of SI. or three bottles, $7-7& Booklet on request. L. T. YEE THE CHINESE IKCTOB Tea St 8on's Medicine Co. spent lifetime study of herbs and re search tn China; was granted diploma by the Emperor; won derful cure of all ailments of men and women when others failed. If you suffer, call or write to YEE A SON'S MEDI CINE CO.. 142V2 First;. Cor Alder, Portland. Or. MEN r Catarrh. Cold"