Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 12, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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Link, Democrat, Tells How He
Was Led to Lorimer's'
Room by Friends.
Conscience Did Not Forbid That He
Vote for Republican, and After
"Goods' Delivered, Money
, Paid In St. Lonis.
mTTCAGO, May 11. (Special.) Some
inside history of Representative Link's
confession before the grand Jury of now
he was bribed to vote for William
Lorimer for United tSates Senator came
out today. Link confessed, that he vaa
paid tlOOO b Minority Leader Lee O'Neill
&rowne in Pt. Louis for voting for Mr.
Lorimer. and that he was given 3900 by
Representative Robert E. Wilson in the
Southern Hotel St. Louis, July 19. 1909, as
his share In the "Jackpot" or general
corruption fund.
Link says that one day in May, 1909,
two weeks before Lo rimer was elected
by the Republican-Democratic combina
tion, two prominent men, one a merchant
the other a lumberman, invited him to
take a drive. On the trip they discussed
everything from the weather to baseball
wores and finally Link was aeked if he
could be induced to vote for a Republi
can for Senator. IVe replied he could,
under certain circumstances.
I-orlmcr Is Met in His Room.
Immediately the horses were turned
back and a quick drive made to the St,
Xlcholas Hotel. Spring-field, where Mr.
Lorimer asked him if be could find it in
his heart to vote for a Republican for
Senator. Mr. Link assured Mr. Lorimer
he could that there were two men,
Speaker Shurtleff and Lorimer, for whom
he could vote. Mr. Lorimer thanked him
profusely. One week, later Link says be
was approached by Minority Leader
flrowne, who asked him the same ques
tion about voting for a Republican,
whereupon Link displayed great mirth,
and said:
"I beat you to It; I fixed that a week
ago." -v
Browne appeared greatly surprised, but
was pleased, extended his felicitations
and went on his way. On May 26 Lori
mer was eletced, Link being among the
Democrats who voted for him. A few
weeks later, in July. 1909. Link says, he
.met Minority Leader Browne in St.
Ixmls and handed him $1000.
- Detetclves Hurry South.
There was a lull in the legislative
probe today, all forces apparently work
ing out some new lead. There was great
activity about the Criminal Court, and
several detectives were hurried down
state, but their mission was guarded
with extreme care.
Couple Wedded S8 Years Estranged
by Differences About Money.
ALBANY, Or.. May 11. (Special.)
That Hlie had had only one dollar to
spend In five years, although her hus
band is worth between $6000 and $7000,
was a statement of Mrs. Valeria Rich
ardson in her testimony today in her
suit for divorce against James A. Rich
ardson, a prominent pioneer resident of
Scio. Richardson Is 61 years old and
Ms wife is 56. They have been mar
ried 88 years.
Mrs.. Richardson swore that her hus
band had not provided her with suffi
cient clothing or given her proper food
and medical attention when she was'
ill. She said she was once forced to
wear men's shoes, not mates.
Kvldence was adduced to show that
her total millinery bill for one year
was $2.75 and that for the same year
she had spent only $4.75 for clothing.
Mrs. Richardson avers that $1500
which she Inherited was invested in
their farm and she is suing for one
third of her husband's land and $750
of personal property. Richardson owns
considerable land Just south of Scio.
Klamath Citizens Expect Wide Area
Will' Be Reclaimed.
cial.) Repeated attempts have been
made by the citizens of Wood River
Valley, in the Fort Klamath country,
:t5 miles from here, to have the Gov
ernment take up the matter of making
Wood River navigable and dyking it so
as to reclaim the adjacent land from
tiie Spring overflow of water. Word
has reached this city that the Govern
ment will probably take hold of this
in the very near future.
Fort Klamath has always been
handicapped in its efforts to get trans
portation facilities from Klamath
Falls. At present the Upper Lake
steamer cannot get nearer than 10
miles of the town, but if Wood River
can be made navigable, it will give
these people freight and passenger
transportation. Tf this stream can be
dNked. it also will reclaim many hun
dred acres of land along the river and
make it tillable for any kind of crops.
At present it is only fit for wild hay.
l.urncy Tom Found Guilty at Dallas.
Liquor Seller Sentenced.
DALLAS, Or.. May 11. (Special.) Lar
ney Tom, held since March lest In the
Polk County Jail for the murder of Jeff
Wacheno, has been found guilty by a
Jury and sentenced to seven years in the
John Wacheno, another Grand Ronde
Indian held for the stabbing of Klki. his
neighbor, was discharged by the grand
The grand Jury also returned an in
dictment against August Gross tor viola
tion of the liquor law. The chief offense
charged against Gross is the selling of
liquor to Grand Ronde Indians. He was
found guilty and sentenced to five months'
imprisonment and to pay a fine of $600.
Japanese Consul Visits Salem.
SALEM. Or.. May 11. (Special.) The
Japanese Consul at Portland. K. Waka-
sugi. and his secretary, Y. Numano,
called at the State Capitol today to pay
their respects to Governor Benson and
other state officials. The visitors were
shown about the Statehouse by C. N.
McArthur, secretary to the Governor.
,i tmm?: t .iswrnfftmA tot
fm&waB&sx it .wan vasty J EE,
"tv'3r HI 5Afw;v
Copper Man and Banker Re
frains From Testifying.
Question of Good Kaitli Turns on
Real Value of United Copper
Stock Morse Partly Re
sponsible for Loans.
NEW YORK, May 11. The case of F.
Augustus Heinae, ex-president of the
Mercantile National Bank, accused of
misappropriation of the bank's funds
and overeertlflcatlon of the checks of
Otto Heinze & Co.. his brother's firm,
will go to the Jury tomorrow evening.
The taking of testimony came to a
close late today and the summing up
and the court's charge will close the
trial tomorrow.
Surprise was occasioned by the de
fense today when it rested its case
without calling Heinze to the stand.
Prosecutor Wise in turn rested his case
without any attempt at rebuttal. Un
der the ruling of Judge Hough confining
the charges to the single transaction
of a $500,000 loan on October 14. 1907.
made by the Mercantile National Bank
to Otto Heinze & Co.. the defense con
fined Itself to one line of attack on the
Secret Resources Told. "
The only testimony offered was as to
the value of the collateral offered by
Heinze to secure this loan. To prove
the stability of the United Copper
Company, whose stock was pledged in
security, the secret resources of the
Heinzes were made public. Witnesses
today were questioned along lines de
veloped yesterday to prove that com
panies controlled by the United Copper
Company gave it a substantial footing.
Emil Kloln, cashier of the Mercan
tile Bank, was questioned with a view
to relieving Heinze of a part of the
responsibility for the $500,000 loan. It
had been testified that Charles W.
Morse had promised to take half of
this loan.
Morse Partly Responsible.
Klein testified to receiving checks of
$126,000 and $40,000 from Morse on
October 15, 1907, in part payment of
the loan. At the time, he said, there
was a deficit against Heinze in the
bank of $76,000, making the amount of
the loan after these payments only
Albert Frank, a former Heinze em
ploye, was cross-examined at length toy
District Attorney Wise. who tried in
every possible way to break down his tes
timony. Mr. Wise was prompted by a mining
expert and his questions oame so fast
that the witness grew confused and ap
parently welcomed a respite when counsel
for the defense Interrupted with objec
tions. Frank said that he wanted to
correct some of the testimony that he
gave yesterday, saying that ore he testi
fied to having sold for 30 cents had never
sold for more than 14 cents and a frac
tion. This reduced considerably the esti
mate he had given of the value of certain
ore-bearing lands.
Chester Glass, a director of the United
Copper Company in 1907, and now presi
dent of the New York and Pittsburg Coal
Company, was another witness for the
(Continued "From First Page.)
on the left side, saying that as Had
berg sat on the seat with Kltngenberg
pushing- on an oar as Klingenberg
facing him pulled, Hadberg naturally
had his left side toward Klingenberg.
Gobi's Movements Traced.
By referring to various witnesses he
showed how it had, in the mind of tha
gtate, been proven conclusively that
Gohl had personally gone down the
bay the night of -December 21. as al
leged, adding, "Gohl was there because
he told James Marshall that the launch
had broken down. He said to another
man on the same day that he was go
ing down to fix the launch and he went
straight to the point on the beach
where it had been tied up, as Klingen
berg testified it had."
He further contended that Gohl did not
tell John Hoffman and Klingenberg that
he (Gohl) intended to kill Hadberg on
that particular night, but that instead he
had informed the two men that their
mission down the bay that night would
be to get a sloop and pull her off the
shore if possible, but If not, then to take
the sails off her. This story, said the
prosecutor, was repeated to Hadberg the
next morning and explains why Hadberg
brought down the big anchor to the
launoh, Hadberg naturally thinking that
if a sloop was to be floated it would of
course be necessary to have an anchor
Argument Is Deductive.
"Cannot you picture that scene, when,
after Klingenberg had fired only two or
three Bhots, he stood facing Gohl, who
also held a. revolver in his hand? Can you
not understand the feeling within those
two men when Gohl said, We have no
more use for these guns,' and standing
with hands raised over the water, hold
ing the weapons, they gave the signal
and dropped them at the same time?"
The prosecutor also brought out another
line of deduction when he pointed out to
the Jury that, strange to say, the launch
had been tied to the piling after it had
broken down by a stern line instead of
at the bow. This the attorney declared
was for the purpose of swamping the
craft, as the "launch then made a splen
did washtub to obliterate the blood."
"I will give the defendant credit." ex
claimed Attorney Campbell, "for being
one of the finest schemers In Chehalis
Gohl's Stories Punctured.
Campbell also spoke of the several
stories, all at variance, which Gohl told
in Aberdeen regarding the absence of
Hadberg and Hoffman, referring particu
larly to Gohl's statement to Chief of Po
lice George Dean, of Aberdeen, that
"Hadberg and Hoffman had gone out
over the bar to Alaska." The State's At
torney derided the fact that any man
would thus leave for Alaska, particularly
in mid-Winter. Thus, point by point, he
wound up the case for the state, closing
by stating that he expected each man to
do his duty and that he asked for a ver
dict of murder la the first degree.
Within three minutes after he had
closed the Jury had been sent out and
the wait commenced- Mrs. Gohl ap
proached her husband, who stood with a
Deputy Sheriff and Sheriff Ed Payette,
awaiting return to his ceil, and as she
came up Gohl turned to her with a smile
and exclaimed; "Don't worry, no mat
ter what the verdict is. Be cool and
"Oh, I'm not Worrying any. and. I will
be all right. I am prepared for a verdict
of guilty, and i the verdict is not guilty
I will have a pleasant surprise." ,
Interest Shown for Jensen.
"Get a lawyer for Lauritx Jensen (the
Weasel)," Gohl then continued. "And
keep him from .
At this point Sheriff Payette took
Gohl's arm and pulled him away, con
fident that Gohl was about to say "and
keep him from saying anything about
me," as these instructions had been given
by Goal yesterday to Harry Lundberg,
MOTHERS slxmld teach
tkeir little ones the daily
use of some good dentifrice
and by so doing spare them
much pain and annoyance
Or. Lyon's
Tooth Powdi
cleanses, preserves and beau
tifies the teeth, prevents tooth
decay and imparts parity
and fragrance to the breath, j
acting agent of the sailors' union, when
Lundberg was in the County Jail for
assaulting Captain H. Smith, a state's
witness. Jensen is in Jai'l at El ma. on
charge of poisoning a dog of A. W.
Jakkobsen, this city.
Gohl sent for Father Gribben, the
Catholic priest here, and the father met
the accused man this morning. After
the case had been sent to the Jury Father
Gribben went into Gohl's cell.
"Oh," said Gohl, "I shook hands with
you this morning. That's all I want of
you. You can't get any confession out
of me."
After the Jury had retired, Mrs. Gohl
stepped outside the Courthouse and kept
up a continual pacing back and forth.
The entire city tonight is discussing
nothing but what the verdict will be.
If Great Twirler Is Xot Trying Ruse,
His Ann Has Gone Completely
Back on Him.
WA SHTNGTON', May 11. (Special.-)
There are many fans in Washington will
ing to testify under oath that Walter
Johnson, star pitcher of last season. Is
trying hard" to get his release from the
Washington ball team. The work of
Johnson this year has been eo bad that
it is believed by some of the wisest fans
of this city that he hopes the manage
ment will become disgusted with him aJid
trade him for eome other player.
There Is another coterie of fans in
Washington who believe that the great
twirler Is all through and that his arm
has actually gone back on him. There is
good grounds for the fans to think that
Johnson's arm is going bad. He has
been working himself too hard during off
seasons and his arm has not had the
proper rest. He kept pitching during
last Winter, and this Spring when the
training trip started he was still at it,
pitching for some Western team, and re
fused to report for practice with the Sen
ators until late in the trip.
Portland May See Trio Though Con
sul Awaits Notice.
SEATTLp, Wash., May 11. Three
cruisers of the French Navy will visit
British Columbia and Puget Sound ports
in July. They are the armored cruiser
Montcalm, of the Far Eastern squadron,
under Captain C. V. Cherron; the ar
mored cruiser Gloire, under Captain
Jochaux du Plesix. and the protected
cruiser Admiral Aube. It is expected a
Rear-Admlrai will command the fleet.
The French Consular agent at Vancou
ver has received instructions to prepare
for the visit of the fleet and the Consular
agent at Seattle bas unofficial advices.
C. Henri Labbe. French Consul in
Portland, has received no notification to
the effect that a squadron of three French
cruisers will call at North Pacific ports
during the coming Summer. Whether or
not he would take any action towards
having them call at Portland he could
not say last night.
E. C. Giltner, secretary of the Portland
Chamber of Commerce, said that inquiry
would have to be made as to the draught,
size, etc., of the cruisers before issuing
an invitation for them to visit Portland.
"We are desirous of securing a visit
Presents the Palatial
in its entirely new S5.000.
000 fireproof building, re
buiit since the fire, and the
In Its Superb Situation
As superior examples of
modern hotel building
and hotel keeping.
San Francisco
The Jacobs - Stine Co.
Largest Realty Operators
on the Pacific Coast
A llHui-n Tints cm nntflfiMll
j Among fashionable women, axe
Imperial Hair Regenerator
the cleanest and most last in
Hair Coloring known. It is eas
ily applied, absolutely harmless,
unaffected bv baths. Any Shade
produced. Sample of hair colored
liupcrua Chemical Wr. C-., 13 W. 3d St.,
You Must Not ! Be
Indifferent to Style
JT IS a necessity among well dressed
men. You should belong in that
class. Chesterfield Clothes possess that
distinctiveness of style and perfection
of fiirvhich appeals to the critical gentleman.
The fabrics and patterns are produced by the
best foreign and domestic mills. They are so
well tailored that we guarantee them to re
tain shape. If front of coat of a Chesterfield
Suit should break or lose shape in one year's
wear, we will give customer a new suit free.
Suits and Coats, Priced
$20.00 to $50.00
We would like to show you late styles.
273-275 Morrison Street at Fourth
from the fleet if it Is possible," saldi Mr.
Giltner, "but, as I have no information
regarding the boats, I am unable lust
now to say what we will do. The matter
probably will be brought before the next
meeting of the board of trustees for consideration."
Department of Agriculture, retained for
the benefit of the Rogue River Valley.
It is proposed to offer Professor O'Gara
$5000 a year to remain.
Med ford Would Retain O'Gara.
MEDFORD, Or., May 11. (Special.)
At a meeting held Tuesday the di
rectors of the Rogue River Fruit and
Produce Exchange appointed a com
mittee to have the services of P. J.
O'Gara. assistant pathologist in the
$ . --'---- j" - t '''- '-
fl sfcmiiMii amm ft nn is " - ni
Replaced While You Wait
10 years In Portland. 2 yeara
In the leading; Clinics
of Europe.
"It. A. Thompson, an American
Optlrian astonished the nwdlcal
world last cvcolag with an Im
portant discover?- for sUrht-tefrt-1
n. In a practical dnonitnu
tion before professors of the fac
ulty tbey unanimously declared
it a a-reat aid to science."
(From le Flgero. the leading- dally
of Paris, June 10, 1908.)
"Br the Thompson System' of
iKht-teatlng:, a mistake In fit tins
glasses Is Impossible."
(From the British Optician, London,
May 29, 108.)
"The rapidity and aeranrr
with which Thompson corrects
Astigmatism, Myopia, and Hyper
opia Is nothing; short of marvel
ous." (Dr. O. H. Moree. one of Germany's
foremost physicians.)
ROPE. Notwithstanding; the advanced
methods and optical Itnowledae
employed in testing; the eyes, NO
EXTRA CHARGE la made for
this service.
We Guarantee to Fit the Moat
Complicated Cases.
Tf you need glasses, Thompson
will furnish them for less than
they'd cost anywhere else.
2nd Floor Corbett Building;
5th A Morrison
Clielialis Opens Carnegie Library.
CHF1HAXJ3, Wash., May 11 (Special.)
The Chehalis Free Public Library,
which was erected from a 110,000 donation
made by Andrew Carnegie.was formally
opened to the public with a reception
yesterday afternoon and last night. Sev
eral hundred cltiscns called. The library
opens with about 000 volumes on hand.
Official Ordered to Presidio.
ASTORIA, Or.. May 11. (Special.) H.
G. Smith, clerk at large. Quartermaster's
department, -today reoeived telegraph in
structions to proceed to San Francisco
at once to take station at the Presidio.
Mr. Smith has been stationed at Fort
Stevens on construction work for the past
13 years.
It is the development of the resources of the territory
adjacent to a distributive point that makes a city
out of that point and a profit on a realty investment.
If the resources are extensive, the city is bound to be
RES OURCES Klamath Falls, Oregon
Twenty billion feet of timber, great stock and dairy
country, grain, fruit, vegetables, water power, rail
road center and wonderful resort country. There is
also at Klamath Falls a hot springs that will b
famous, as the analysis of the water is the same as
that at Carlsbad. The Government is now reclaim
ing 300.000 acres of the richest land known at cost of
Until recently Klamath Falis has been 60 miles from
transportation, with a population of 3000. Today the
new main Tine of the Southern Pacific is running into
Klamath Falls. It has been announced that the Ore
gon Trunk will be built to Klamath Falls. Further
prospects of transportation are the Harrlman line from
up the Deschutes, the Harrlman line from across Cen
tral Oregon, and the Hill line from across Central
You can see from this that Klamath Falls is des
tined to become a greater railroad center than Spokane
is today, and this will come about in the near future.
You who read this advertisement can put it down
as a fact that Klamath Falls is going to grow so fast
that it will break all records and astonish the people
of this entire country.
There is one resource that Klamath Tails la 'not
favored with that is to the credit of Spokane Falls,
Wash. the mining resources; but this resource will
be more than offset by the resort and outing resources
in favor of Klamath Kails. The beautv of big Klamath
Lake and surrounding country, with the exceptionally
agreeable climate at all times of the year, the abund
ance of all kinds of fish and game and the mysteries
of Crater Lake are going to attract thousands and
thousands of people to Klamath Falls every year.
Price of Klamath Falls Lots $150 Up
Terms 10 Down, Balance to Suit
If you are looking for a safe investment that will
show a big permanent profit, Klamath Falls is the
place. As to the amount of profit, this is a matter
that depends entirely on your patience. Some pur
chases may show 200 per cent, while others will show
a tremendous profit.
Those who get in on the ground floor In any city
always come out with the profit.
The investing in and holding of realty has been
the foundation of the wealth of every wealthy man in
Portland today. .
There are some excellent investments in Klamath
Falls business, warehouse and residence property.
The Souther-AIbertson Co.
Exclusive Sales Asjentn for Everything; la
WARNING This property that we are selling; is the
official Southern Pacific townslte property, and we ara
the exclusive sales agents. Don't let others tell you
F. L TAYLOR & CO, 402-3 Lewis Building, Authorized Agents
xsew lorju