THE MORNHfG OKEGOMA3T, THTIKSDAT, MAX 13, llu. 17 REAL ESTATE. For Sale -House. BEAL'TIFUI. HOME". HAWTHORNE-AVE. DISTRICT. Fomethiri(f out of the ordinary. Inlaid oak and maple floors, hot water heating plant, fireplace, extra fine electric fix tures, large plate glass -windows: 6 rooms and bat h room finished in white enamel; large lavatory, hot water tank. Servant's room in basement, also fruit room and wah room. The appointments, construc tion and finish throughout the very best. House was built for owner, who now occu pies it. Tarpft lot 55 feet frontage, 2 "blocks south Hawthorne tve., 2 miles from business center. In choice residence dis trict. Oment walks, nice lawn, rose gar den, fruit trees. O-vner has reduced price to a figure that will effect a speedy sale: $.VO0; terms. If you are looking: for something really (rood, don't miss this op portunity. Call and see the house fr yourself. 900 Stephen Ft- BRTIBAK K Ft & BENEDICT. -V2 McKay Mg., .'id and .Stark. OPPORTUNITY I BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW. VIEW. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. 12460. $400 CASH. BLOCK TO 10-MINUTE CARLINE. Room 26 Olive Bldg., corner 6th, and Washington. Main lfiOO. SEE US AT ONCE. "We have others like unto no one else's." SACRIFICE SAL! 7-room modern house, facing on carline; lies high and sightly and has three lots, with frulrs. berries, roses and garien; price $8000; will take $1000 ca.h and the balance on easy terms. No information by phone ftoxlOO. with goo barn, all kinds of fruit; only three lots from th marline; lief high and !R-hT!y. in fine location for the small sum of SHOO. Th above are g-'od bargains: parties wish ing to leave for KaptTn Oregon. OTTO & HARKsr.x RBALTY CO., 133 H, First St. '.'TH AND THOMPSON. 2 BLOCK.- BROADW AY CAR. New 2-story 7 -room home; large reception r.all. living and dining-room and kitchen downstairs: 3 large bedrooms, bath, sleep-Ing-porch upstairs, also large attic, full ce nient basement, partitioned off for storeroom, fuel, furnace, fruit cellar. This1 houte has 2 fireplaces, built-in buffet, paneled and beamed hardwood floors, cabinet kitchen. You'll have to see It to appreciate it. Ask for Mr. Guthrie. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 84 4th St. . Hoard of Trade Bldg. EAST I R VI VGTOX 10-ROOM HOME. Exceptionally well built, large reception hall, living-room, sunken den. dining room; all massive beam ceilings: large fireplace; built-in seats; china closet; book cases; oak floors; nine-foot concrete base ment: fruit storage room, Dutch kitchen, screened back porch, large sleeping, porches; fruit trees, roses, lawn ; will In clude . one. two or three lots and high grade furniture, if desired; photos of In terior and exterior at office; $10o0 cash; balanoo at 6 per cent. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce BIdg. BUNGALOWS. We have them for $2400. $2700, $30O0 and as high as $3500, on easy terms and in one of Portland's finest residence dis tricts. Why pay rent when you can buy one of these nice homes and the rent will pay for It ? HOLT-JONES REAL ESTATE CO., 522 Board of Trade MBldg., 4th and Oak Streets. Phones Marshall 840; A 7294. BUILDING IS OUR BUSINESS. We have from 10 to 35 Jobs going at one t lme. We can a fford leas protit on a single contract than the email contractor. You also get Just what you order and take no risk. Plans and estimates free. If you own lot we will furnish the money. PORTLAND REALTY & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. C02 0O3 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak Sts. $150 CASH. Why pay rent? You can secure a 5 room modern bungalow for $ 130 cash, balance $20 per month and interest; lot F.ux Loo : good lawn; large, neat, attractive 5-room bungalow; eWsctrlc fixtures; bath and kitchen enameled; lavatory, toilet, bath, sink, hot and cold water. You do not need to spend money on this house; It is complete. Price, $2460. 424 Henry building. $2.100 $40O CA SH. HeV this Ideal bungalow in East Port land Heights. The view of the city is im mense. It is just 100 feet from the W. R. carline. Modern in every detail, with built-in bookcases and buffet. Dutch kitch en and window seat ; 5 good-sized rooms and fine, bath. C. K0. PORTLAND REALTY & CONST. CO. 902-3 Lewis bldg. Phones Mars h all 64 0 ; A 7 1 83. NEW IRV1NGTON HOME $6000. Just brins completed. 7-room modern house, with cement basement, furnace, fireplace, built-in buffet and china closet; hardwood floors; sleeping porch; on lot oOxH'O; splendid view; one block from 2 car lines. Price $6iro; terms H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. . Phones Main SH90; A 2353. flo.onO 10-ROOM house, corner lot vacant; good business location; close in. East Side, on carline. $rWH0 3 full lots. large house, bearing fruit; E. 38th. st., 2 blocks from Sunnyside carline. $3500 150x160. East 52d st.; very easy terms. I. G. DAVIDSON. SH Chamber of Commerce. QIMMBY-ST. HOUSE. Good 5-room cottage, on yulmbv street, near 19th, on a lot 33 1-3x100, north front, ami easy walking distance from down town ; street Improvements and cement tide walk in and paid, nice little home at a bargain; $3M)0, one-half cosh, balance terms. GRUSSI & 7ADOW, 317 Board o f Tr a d eb Id g . 4 1 h and Oak. M'XNYSinK SNAP" -room cottage. 20 7 suth st., facing eas,t. sightly location, select neighborhood - blocks south of S. S. car: $750 cash. $15 monthly; price only $2600; would rent for $20. Owner leaving cltv. Must sell ROtTNTREK A DIAMOND. "4 1 .Stark St., cor, yec o nd. SUNNYSIDE. 7-room strictly modern house on fine corner of 28th. close to cars; 4 bedrooms, large attic, cement basement, with fur r. and wash trays: fireplace gas and electric ; a snap at $:i75u; tonus KAl'l'TM ANN .t MOO HE, 31:5 Lumber Ex--h an ge. HOME FOR SALE, BY OWNER. Now. strictly modern. 7-room house in Irvington. on 16th su. between Thompson and Brazee, 50x100 lot. street improve ments all in; everything of the finest ma terial. See It and you will want it Now occupied by owner; price and terms right I block from car. It sS2. Oregonlan. ACREAGE HOME 14 acres, all kinds of fruit. 6-room house and pantry and large verandas, bath, new barn, large chicken corral; choice flowers and shrubs; 4 blocks from car. Term. LOUIS BRANDT, Oak Grove. Oregon City Line. IN HOLLA DAY'S ADDITION Modern! 6 room residence, on lot 70xHH. at 33o East Mh street, one block to Broadway car; price reduced to $53O0 for few days in order to make quick sale; flue location and close in. See MoCarjjar, Bates & Lively 315 Falling bldg. $37 SO CASH and $5 per month buys- a beau tiful lot in new addition Jut: opened 2 blocks Mount Scott 5c carline ; come now and get your pick. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. J;;s5o! 50x100. with newly built 7-room home on East Flanders and 7uth st. ; 1 block to car. GEO D. SCHALK, Main 392: A 2:9 2. :?S Stark St. $600 CASH buys $3fii1 modern 6-room new bungalow; ;i)tU and E. Burnside, near Ankeny carline: fir place; oOxiOO lot. lawn, roses, berries, gnr.i.-n, chicken park; bai ance monthly. K. Burnside. . FOR SALE by owner, $1$00 cash, house and lot; 5 rooms and ba:h. cement sidewalks, shade trees, etc.. at 2:10 East :4th st. Apply Mrs. F. Lundblad. 1235 17th. ave. Sunset. Sari Francisco, Cal. ""VERTO N. B E T. 24T HND2,vrHSTS." Modern residence in this fine localitv; full lot ; $jC.oo. GOLPSCHMIDT'S AGENCY, 2 5 3 '-j Washington nt. MODERN 0-room house, partly furnished; large lot. 325 East l;th N., near Irving ton and Broadway cars; $630o; tcr m s. NEW 5-room modern bungalow cheap. $,"100 to $500 down. $2i or more per month. Phone Wood lawn 2'tirt. No agent. (OOOO tx!07. close In: five cottages on property : income $75 month : terms. Owner .Fuhr. 3s7 East Burnside. BEAt'TIFTL Irvington home, specially de signed for small family; price $775 For ssrticulara and location, phone Main 24SS. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Bouse. $2350. W e nave a nice modern 5-room cot tage that can be bought for the above amount on very favorable terms. This place is extra well finished, as it was built for a home by the owner; fine bath, full cement basement, sidewalks, terrace and curb, all of cement; lot lies 18 inches above the street, with fine terrace wall; the lawn is in flrstclass condition, with nice garden in the rear; lot is 50x113 feet. If you are looking for a nice home wrth a fine view we are satisfied this place will suit you. It will only cost you a little time to investigate this. HOLT-JONES REAL ESTATE CO., 522 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak Streets. Phone Marshall 849; A. 7294. IN THE VERY HEART OF IRVINGTON. Beautifully finished 6-room BUNGA LOW; exceptionally well built by owner, with day labor; nlcelv tinted, fine bath and toilet, fine fireplace, extra lavatory, large sleeping porch, cement basement, stationary wash trays and furnace in stalled; everything complete and up to date; this is on a oOxluO lot, located close to both carllms and in the best part of Irvirgton; price $5oOO. good terras. Swe this if you want a cozy home. IIETZ-MUELLER CO., 315-16-17 Abington Bldg. IF IT'S A HOME YOU WANT, SEE THIS TODAY. I will sell for 2430 a large 5-room bungalow, brand new, for $:-i0 a month (including interest). This cottage has every modern convenience ; the owner wants It sold before the 1.1th; that's why the terms ' are so reasonable. Cement basement; double floors; double walls; beamed ceiling; tiled bathroom and kitchen; very large veranda; etc., etc See me today. A. N. Searle, M.-V. car; get off at E. 7th st. MUST SELL. WILL SACRIFICE A SWELL LITTLE HOME. 5-room bungalow, almost new; unusually well-built by day labor; beautifully fin ished, fine bath and toilet; full attic, ce ment basement; stationary wash trays, gas and electricity; this is a very SIGHT LY LOCATION; adjoining one of the best restricted residence districts; 2 carlines; 15 minutes out. SEE US FOR PRICE. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 315-16-17 Abington Bldg. LADD'S ADDITION. HOME $1000. Swell modern. brand-new 7-room house, just finished, has furnace, nice fireplace, gas and electric lights, nice den. sleeping-porch, laundry trays, in fact, all latest improvements, oh a lot 40x12, with alley in rear, all street improvements and cement sidekalks in and paid. On Ladd ave., near Hawthorne ave., on SO-foot street. Price, a bargain. $6000; $1000 -cash, balance on terms to suit. GRUSSI & ZADOVV, 317 Board of Trade bldg. 4th and Oak. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. On an SOxlOO-foot lot; finely improved; 6 rooms and bath; full cement basement; stationary wash trays; gas light; a flvie home, and this can be bought for $?00 down and ?15 per month. $2800 is i.he price, and it Is a bargain and won't last long at this price. Let us show it to you. HOLT-JONES REAL ESTATE CO., 522 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak Streets. Phones Marshall 849; A. 7294. GOING TO BUILD? WE ARE BUILDIN G MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE CITY. THERE ARE GOOD REASONS. OUR CUSTOMERS SAVE MONEY AND GET BETTER WORK. ON TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN YOUR LOT. WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FREfii OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO 309 HENRY BLDG. HOME FOR SALE. BY OWNER, 16 rooms, hardwood floors on first and second floors; vapor heat; 8 fireplaces; mahogany finished dining-room; needle shampoo and spray bath; 2 bathrooms; S toilets; large sleeping porch; excellent neighborhood, near two carlines; hand some grounds 100x100; must be seen to be appreciated; reasonable terms. Call room 301 Lewis bldg. ARE you looking for a bargain ? 5-room furnished house, all new furniture, bath, pantry, large woodshed, 2 fine lots. 60x 10O each, east front, large porch; one block to car. i7 bearing fruit trees, 100O raspberry, 500 strawberry plants; fine va riety roses and shrubbery; beautiful lawn, good garden planted ; must be sold at once; owner going to Canada; price $2150, $1330 down, bal. terms. J. H. Dor man, Firland station. Mt. Scott car. LAURELHURST. One of the choicest lots in Laurelhurnt, close to car and has fine view. This loi was bought before the rise In price. Own er leaving the city and wants to sfcll. This is a bargain. R. F. BRYAN. 505 Chamber of Commerce. , A 1227. Main 1903. EXCEPTIONAL bargains, two beautiful homes on view lots, Alameda Park ; every convenience; built-in work, oak floors, panel ing, beam ceilings, etc.; one 7 rooms and sleeping-porch, one 9 rooms and sleeping porch; easy terms; must be seen to be ap preciated. Owner, 423 Lumbermena bldg Phone Main 6QoO. $50 BUNGALOW. ' 5 rooms, on Oregon City carline. 7 rooms, on Woodstock carline. 5 rooms. Rose City Park carline. With furniture if preferred; payment $15 to $35 per month. National Realty & Trust Co., 326 Wash, st., room 516. 6-ROOM modern house, white enameled bathroom, large porches, full concrete basement, fine roses, fruits, built by day labor for good home; must sell; one block from car ; cheap ; payment down, terms fine corner. Anabel station, ML Scott car Phone labor 939. SCHUYLER STREET. Good building lot on Schuyler street cement walk, water and lights. This lot will be sold this week at a bargain nrica. R. F. BRYAN, 505 Chamber of Commerce A 1227, Main 1963. HOUSE on E. Taylor between 40th and 41st Lot 86x100. Large fruit trees, all improve ments. $H5O0. Room to build another honw MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY, S. W. cor. 6th and Washington sts. BUNGALOW, on Gantenbcln ave., near Al berta st., 7 rooms, new and thoroughly modern; price $2S50; this can be handled for $S00 cash, balance at 7 per cent See McCarger, Bates & Lively, 315 Failing bldg. NEW modern 11-room house, lot 100x100-hard-surface streets, Irvington- also oth houses and vacant lots. R. B & F f Rice, office 16th and Brazee sts. EiJL't CoS. res. East 2432. J1,ast FOR SALE Furnished or unfurnished in Sunnyside; new 5-room bungalow: mod'ern newly furnished, lawn, roses, garden everything homelike; don't wait. CaJi at 1154 E. Alder and see owner. 6-ROOM modern cement block bungalow lull cement basement; corner Juor ion $2750. il250 cash, balance 3 vears 6 S cent. A. J. Gantner, 618 Board of Trade IRVINGTON Beautiful home in very hMt location; was not built for sale- everv modern convenience. This will merit th closest Investigation and will be sold tXZ actual cost. Owner, W 940. Oreconmn FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, nearly new corner East 37th and Sherman sts- nri $i50; $100 cash, balance $15 per month and interest. Apply 833 Worcester bld Phone Main 7105. Dia" MVST SELL 2 lots, fenced, small house woodshed, chicken house j fruit, etc; near car; $50; easy terms. Washington " bldg room 3. ' 6S0 EAST 10TH N N. W. oorner lot. all lencea. o-room moaern house, 24x34 barn 16x30. with cement floor: chicken-nous BY owner, 6-room bungalow, strictly modern near carline; $210u. terms; also 6-room o' ory residence, strictly modera; $27uo. FOR SALE Modern residence, large room steam heat, gas grates, everything n t date; garage; lot looxlOO. St0 Ainsworth ve.. cor. Garfield. Phone C 2791. $23O0 New 5-room cottage; lot 50x100- near 4ith and Hawthorne; $3lh cash. baJ' Aa MARTIN J. HIGLEY 132 Third St. BY OWNER strictly modern, brand-new 8-room houSe ; tiled bath; corner Portland boulevard and Mailory st.. Piedmont dis trict. B U N GAJ-O W S. B UN G A LOWS Ever where; any price and terms- Lnt Conch Ht.-J- 0t ... g, - i iikub A Hit A SNAP Beautiful new modern bunga'ow jut west of Laurel hurst ; $33o0: terms. Du' bois & Crockett, room 3 Washington bldg. STRICTLY modern 9-room house, E. YamhfM near in; $4750. teraLH. Grungstad. S-5 Chamber of Commerce. WHEN moving call up Van Horn TrnfP Co.. M 161S, A lbM; all covered wasonTanJ experienced men. NEW 5-room bungalow; near car hi eh school, churches; cheap for cash' cfij phone Woodlawn 2795. " FOR SALE By owner, Ihl hTndjm bungalow in Irvirgton. 496 East 2u:h P North. Call and see it. FOR SALE 6-room modern house. 654 E. Taylor st. Phone B 1711. TWO modern homes In Irvington, $4S00 terms. Call Main 6612. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $5ROA CASH. BEAUTIFUL HOMB IN BRA ZEE-STREET ADDITION. New 2tory 8-room house, built for a nne home, having ail the latest and most modern improvements. Large living and dining-room, music room, kitchen and pass pantry downstairs. 2 fire places, built-in bookcases, music cabinets and china closets, kltthen and pantry white enamel, floors inlaid, walls oil tinted, wash able. 4 bedrooms, sleeping-porch and bathroom upstairs, floors hardwood oil tinted walls, basemen t d i vided off. billiard-room, store room, furnace room. This is a bargain; $7o00. $1500 cash, bal ance monthly or mortgage. Ask for Mr. Guthrie. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 84 4th St. Board -f Trade Bldg. HOME ON THE WEST SIDE. We "have a new bungalow style house on a 25x50-foot lot, close to two car lines and in walking distance to Third and Morrison sts.; 4 rooms finished, on first floor, and room for 3 good rooms above; fine bath and toilet; sleeping porch; all screened; electric light and gas; elegant fixtures; nice flrep'ice. Price $2500, and we can give you good terms. This is a modern home. HOLT-JONES REAL ESTATE CO., 522 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak Streets. t Phones Marshall 849; A. 7294. SWELL BUNGALOWS. $50O CASH. Just completed. 2 5-room bungalows, close to car; fireplace, panel dining-room, built in buffet, Dutch kitehen. cement basement, large attic and all other modern conven iences; these are fine homes and will go quickly. 1 on corner lot. BOx90, $2K.V. 1 on next lot, 5ox90, $2750. W. R. REALTY CO.. Take Waverly-Richmond car to oTice, get off at Marquette ave. Phone B. 127. BEAUTIFUL new 5-room bungalow, 15 min utes' ride 3d and Morrison sis. ; fine location. Has large living and dining-room, fire place, built-in bookcases. built-in . china closet, 2 nice bedrooms, large bathroom, cab inet kitchen, furnace ; every thing modern; f-io00, $4o0 cash, balance monthly. Ask for Air. Guthrie. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 84 4th St. Board of Trade Bldg. HOUSE SNAP. Modern 6-room house on 17th and Stark; a. fine corner and a snap at $4000; easy terms. 8-room house. Mount Tabor district, nigh and sightly; lot 100x100; two blocks from car; this will be sold at a sacrifice: terms. GOODNOUGH & SEITZ, 718 Board of Trade. SOMETHING GOOD. Quarter block with three cottages on Mississippi avenue. Pays 10 per cent. -This week at $5000.00. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. ALAMEDA PARK. 12 of the choicest lots for subdivision to choose from; $1150 and up; 1 lot on the Alameda at a bargain for a few days, $1350. including all improvements, with hard-surface pavement. Phone East 1926. Business Property. I 15 PER CENT NET. - ' We have for Bate a business property paying the above amount on investment. This is no con. game, but open to fullest investigation. This is PROPERTY, not prospects, and the location is such that it will increase rapidly in value. $3000 handles this. Don't delay if you want good lncom-a property. CRAWFORD & BABCOCK, a02 S wetland Bldg. 4 I PROSPECTIVE BUSINESS PROPERTY. 200 feet frontage on East Morrison st., close In: present income $143 per month; price $25,000. terms. W. O. Waddell. 309 Lumber Exchange- Acreage. .NO. tk. THIS 13 A GOOD ONE. 3 miles from Courthouse, near King's Heights; aHut 11 acres of good soil, all cultivated but acre; 7-room house, new barn; no better view property near this location; 20 rods fron on Barnes road; all kinds of fruit trees, and berries; electric carline past t-his place by i?pt., at which time you will pay $12V per acre for stump laud. For a few days only ' $6000, easy termd. Think of It. 11 acrest 3 miles from Courthouse, at $60oo. Ask us about it, COLUMBIA TRUST CO. Board of Trade Bldg. NO. 39. JUST A LITTLE DIFFERENT. Tf you understand values and the u ture of Portland, as well as plans Tor railroad building, you will at once ap preciate that SO acres about one mile from Multnomah station, on the Oregon Electric, at $250 per acre, is a snap. We can show this to be a bargain fr subdivision after wood is removed; $7500 worth of corkwood on place; the sale price of this is considerable under market price. COLUMBIA TRUST CO. Board of Trade Bldg. A 12 ACRES. PARK PLACE. Strrtion on Oregon City Electric R. R., splendid black soli, no gravel, lays level, plenty water, fronts on county road; price $700 per acre, mortgage $000; equity $7500; terms cash. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade bldg. 4th and Oak. 80 ACRES, 14 miles from Portland, on Ore gon Electric and Southern Pacific; 2 acres apples, strawberric;, fine large new barn, small house; 50 acres cleared; about 40 acres garden land; 25 or 30 asfes best beaverd am In state ; garden lands can be irrigated from water on place. Owner, 201 Swetland bldg. SO ACRES at Santa Rosa station on the Beaverton carline: 17 i-i acres clear, good 7-room house; land is slightly rolling; outbuildings; only $5500 for the whole place. C. F- Pfluger & Co., room 5 Mul kwy bldg.. 2d and Morrison Bts. SUBURBAN" ACREAGE. 60 acres close in on electrio line; 20 cleared ; running water, orchard, etc, ; only $2iX per acre until 15th, which is under value. Vanduyn & Walton, 615 Chamber of Commerce. 2o ACRES on Willamette River, near carline; a beautiful spo$ for country homes. Also lots and acreage on Oregon City carline, near Rlsley Station. H. G- Starkweather Phone Oak Grove Black 17. P. O. Mil waukee R- F. D. $54 74 acres on O. W. P., absolutely the best bargain around Portland; good house, barn and seven acres clear, with some fruit; ftOOO cords of wood, worth $3000. Frederick C. Forbes, 3t7 Lumbermen! bldg., 5th st. A 7207. BARGAIN IN ACREAGE. " ' Owner must have cash and offers for sale a choice 15-acre tract, all in culti vation, on Powell Valley road, at a great bargain. W. O. WaddeiL 3u9 Lumber Ex- jchange. 6H ACRES with living stream, highly culti vated, near electric line; acre beaverdam; a rare bargain at $250 per acre. 650 cash, balance 2 years. McCarthy, 403 TRothchiid bId g . LET me sell you a half acre or more in side the city; Bull Run water, paved street building restrictions. etc. 420 Lumber mans Bldg.. cor. 5th and Stark. FIVE ACRES AT KENDALL STATION. Price, 3O0-00. Terms, $5X cash GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 24S Srark Street. ACRES, $750 View of river and on West Sido; 30 minutes from business. AD 50, Oregonlan. Homestetads. FOR reliable information aoout the Deschutes Valley homesteads, desert claims and deeded Irrigated land call on Deschutes Vaiiey Land A Investment Co., 301-302 Buchanan bldg . on Washington, near 6th. We la&vs- weekly witn no m exciters. HOMESTEADS Eastern Oregon; we are on ground; come to headquarters; we locate nearly every homesteader in the district. Oregon Homestead Cc. 217 Abington. HOMESTEADS AND TIMBER CLAIMS. Located and guaranteed, in Josephine and Jackson counties, Oregon. For par tlculars call 427 Mohawk bldg 4 0 00 .000 relinquishment in Siletz; ,000.000 reiinquisnmeni in e-neiz; good house, gooa. roaus ana neignoors; $tXH). 7 3;t Marquam bldg. Phone Main 631 4. DO vou want desert or homestead claim in Sunny Southern Idaho? Idaho Locating Co.. 220 Boise City Bank. Boise, Idaho. HOMESTEAD relinquishment; 7.000.000 feet . yellow fir; file at once. Hyland Jones & Co., 409 Ger linger bldg. REAL ESTATE. Homest etads. LAND IS KING. Let us place you on a Central Oregon free homestead; 30 acres of choicest agri cultural land in the West; in a valley trav ersed by new railway lines or survey and nearest railroads now building ; our two -' locators are men of wide experience; they have spent weeks on this land and know It thoroughly; they can locate you most favorably now. but wait and it will be too late; deep, rioh lake bed soil, mostly level, some gently rolling, free from rock and alkali ; cold, clear water. 6 to 30 feet ; good fuel supply and fence posts from Government reserve nearby. We don't want a mortgage on your life for locating you; ride In our automobiles; our weekly excursions leave every Thurs day. Call or write. THE SPANTON COMPANY, 26g Oak St.. Lewis Bldg. 2 HOMESTEADS under irrigation ditch, 160 acres each; special lot rates for Crook, Lake and Harney Counties; 5 homesteads on the coast ; 2 timber claims. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each, of the 84 counties is best adapted for; gives amount - of government land open to homestead in each county ; map attached. 2lx2S showing new R. R. end towns, including Eastern and Central Oregon; counties in different colors; drawn to March 1. 1010; latest map in U. S. ; price 25c Nimmo & Runey, 13 Hamil ton bldg. 160-ACRE relinquishment; all fenced: good, new 4-room house, barn and other build ings; young orchard, and 40 acres in cul tivation; 4 horses, 4 cattle, chickens, farm implements and household goods. This homestead is 12 miles from R. R. town, on good road, and is a fine farm; if sold at once is a bargain. XJAVIS.-HAXNA REALTY CO.; I 504 Dekum Bldg. JUST found the best homestead we had this Spring; 160 acres of wheat land in the w heat belt: 90 acres in cultivation and under fence; small house and some house hold goods: fully 130 acres can be culti vated; if taken this week $4in does the trick. VALLEY REALTY CO., 41 North 6th St. IF you wans a homestead of 80 acres. 6 miles from car. AG 953, Oregonlan. For Sale -Fruit Lands. IT DOES NOT HURT A FACT TO HAMMER IT." LISTEN. People do not make BIG profits in buy ing a lot on the installment plan. Those v ho make BIG MONEY buy 10 or 0 acres convenient to Portland, for. just so sure as Portland grows and grow It must Just so sure will this acreage increase steadily in value. Wise investors buy 10 acres for about the same money that you put In a lot GET WISE buy a 10-acre fruit tract convenient to Portland at about same price you will pay for a lot, and on very easy terms. I offer you an opportunity to buy 10 acres of most beautiful FRUIT LAND, convenient to Portland, at one lot price. Don't be a chump, buy the 10 acres, and make dollars where the other fellow makes cents. Let me show you these beautiful 10 acre fruit tracts. I pay all transporta tion expenses; It won't cost you a cent to see them, and then do your own thinking. Drop a postal card for descriptive liter ature. J. O. ELROD. Owneof "LONGVIEW" FRUIT TRACTS. 519-520 Corbett Building,. Portland, Oregon, 1 WHITE) SALMON APPLE LAND 9. We have a limited number of lO and 20- acre tracts, subdivided from one of the choicest pieces of apple land In the White Salmon Valley; we will offer these for a short time only at $60 to $75 per acre; here is an opportunity to secure at small cost and on easy payments land which has genuine vaiue and m a district rapidly de veloping; the same land at Hood River to day Is worth three to four times the fig urea we quote: our Illustrated booklet mailed on request; we will be pleased to answer your lurtner inquiries in detail. NORTHWESTERN LAND COMPANY, Suite 320 Lumbermens Bldg., Portland, Or. Phones A 2456, Marshall 158. 80 ACRES fruit land, across from Hood River; price, $250 per acre. 290 acres, all cleared, well Improved ; 4 miles from one of the best towns in the Valley ; 1 1 acres of orchard on place ; price, $85 per acre; terms. 160 acres; lOO in cultivation ; good im provements; i mile from railroad station; $45 per acre. 80 acres; 30 cleared, rest timber; ex - cellent fruit land; house and barn, on place; price, $30 per acre. 160 acres; 4 cleared, rest timber (3,000, 0O0 feet); price, $13 per acre. 50 acres, all cleared, fruit land; price, $50 per acre. HYLAND. JONES & CO., 409 Gerlinger Bldg. BEST BUY TODAY. 10-acre tract, approved apple orchard land with standard commercial apple trees planted and cared for; soil, altitude and drainage perfect for apple culture; right at R. R. station ; surface irrigation absolutely not required; price for a short time, $2500. one-fifth cash, balance easy. I will pay $200 per year and crop for tak ing care of adjoining 20 acres. MR. CAKE, 804 Lewis Bldg. FRUIT RANCH FOR SALE. 96 acres In the famous Klickitat fruit ttelt. About 12 acres cleared ; 2 acres in bearing trees and berries; 6 acres in three-year-old trees. Fairly good improvements. Will give a bargain In price and terms, because it is too far away from my other fruit lands, phono East 25. 10-ACRE orchard tracts, unimproved, on railroad, 25 miles from Portland; best soil; no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; ar range with us to go and make selection; round trip same day. 310-311 Corbett bldg. WHITE SALMON VALLEY FRUIT LANDS for sale; k section, in part or In whole. Inquire for particulars, M 950, Oregonlan. For Sale- Farms. BIG OPPORTUNITY IN NEW SOUTHERN TOWN Of Alpha, Ala., first to be opened on the Washington & Choctaw Railway, in midst of thousands of acres of magnolia lands, recently sold, now thrown open ; settlers now coming in ; development will advance prices wonderfully; climate ideal; whole blocks in town can now be purchased at farm land prices; people contemplating buy ing Southern lands should Investigate this; the opportunity of living in town and trucking, fruit growing or poultry raising beats any small farm proposition any one could offer; early purchasers get in at half price; easy terms, small payments; big op portunity for agents; write for plat and . complete details. Washington & Choctaw Land Co., 560 Times bldg.. St. Louis, Mo. FARMS IN WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 319 acres In Polk County, 80 acres in cultivation, fenced and two good houses. Good bearing orchard. Only five miles of railroad. Running water and good springs. The cheapest stock ranch in Polk County. Price $25 per acre. Also 240 acres. 5 miles of Dallas, 170 In cultivation, good house and barn, all fenced and bearing orchard, at $25 per acre. 320 acres in Benton County, three miles of railroad. 160 in cultivation, good buildings and running water. Price $40 per acre. Will trade for Portland prop erty. I have all kinds of farms la the valley for sale cheap. C. HUGHES LAND, CO.. Portland, Or. .408-409 Lewis bldg. Phone. Marshall 239. THIS IS A SNAP. 80 acres of land, 2 miles from town, on the Columbia River, 15 acres In oats, 2 acres in potatoes, 30 acres slashed for pasture; a good orchard, a good 6-room house, 2 barns and outbuildings, 2 work horses and wagon, 6 milch cows, 1 bull, 2 calves, 1 sow, 3 dozen chickens, sepa rator, mower and rake, plow, harrow and other tools. Only $3000; $2000 cash, and balance terms. Imus & Kindorf, Kalama, Wash. . 80 ACRES. CAZADERO. PO-acre farm, 3 miles from Cazadero, 30 miles from Portland, fare $1.25 round trip, good two-story house, barn 45x75, other good outbuildings, poultry house and yard fenced. 1 h acres bearing orch ard, never failing well, several good springs, 35 acres under cultivation. 50 acres fenced, good outrange for cattle, a farm well located and a bargain, at $7200. GRUSSI & ZADOW. B17 Board of Trade bldg. 4th and Oak. DOUGLAS COUNTY, OR- FOR SALE 1700 acres choice land on good county road. 3 miles from railroad and good town; this land is very suitable for platitng and Is at present in good condition ; price $23 per acre. For particulars and terms apply to William MacMaster, 302 Worcester block. Portland, Or. S0-ACRH tracts, unimproved. 28 miles by rail from Portland; suitable for frult-rals-itg and - chicken ranches; weil watered, plenty of timber for all purposes, best of oil, no rock or gravel; $15 to $25 an acre easy terms. These are the cheapest tracts on the market and will bear iupecUoo. Call and arrange to go and e them. 3ia and 311 Corbett bldg. A SNAP Owner must sell small farm on Oregon Electric line, 45 minutes from Portland; only $4000; terms; $30OO worth of improvements, good house, barn and chickenhouse. plenty of water, all fenced and cultivated. 54 Chamber of Commerce. EEND for our list of Willamette "Valley farms before buying; land shown Xre Clmstead Land Co Salem, Or. REAL ESTATE. DESCHUTES VALLEY FARMS NEAR MADRAS. 4 acres unimproved, four miles from Madras, lies nice and level, all tillable, the price is $1900. haif cash, bal ance 2 years at, 6 per cent. SO acres unimproved, 44 miles from Maaras. Price $16, 1-3 cash, balance 1 to 5 years at 6 per cent Inter est. Land all tillable. 16o acres near line of new railroad. 90 acres cleareo. under cultivation, 70 acres pasture, box house and barn, good well, fine soil. well lo cated. Price $270O. half cash, balance 18 months at 7 per ofcat. 160 acres near the above, 120 cleared, under cultiva 1 tion, 40 acres pasture, small box house and barn, wire fence, spring and good well, schoolhouse- on place, good soil, a splendid farm at $3200, half cash, balance IS months at 7 per cent. 160 acres near Madras, 25 to 30 acres in cultivation, 2 wired fence, 3 miles from Young postoffice, 2 miles from school. 2Vi miles from proposed station on new railroads. The price Is $3000, $1400 cash, balance In three yearly payments at 6 per cent Interest. 160 acres, 2 miles from Cul ver, 2 miles from school, land all tillable, 135 acres in cultivation, 4-room house, tarn, fence, cistern and well, farm utensils. The price is $5000 cash. 160 acres one mile from Culver, I mile from school, 140 acres In timber land, 100 acres in cultivation, 4 roorn. house, cistern, fenced and cross fenced. The price is $4300 cash. 160 acres, two miles from Culver. 1 mile from school, an tillable, 155 acres' in cul tivation, good house, four rooms; barn. household utensils, farming utensils and farm stock, fine soil. The price is $5000. $2600 cash, $'J400 on one and two years' time at 8 par cent. 520 aero. 2 miles from La Mo nt a, 2 miles from school, 250 acren in cultivation. 106 acres now in grain, house, barn. good welt, running water the year round, 51 0 acres tillable, one of the best ranches in the Des chutese Valley. Only about 4 or 5 miles from the new railroads now being built, and the price being only $13,000. half cash, balance on 3 years' time at 6 per cent interest. Foreign Department. UNION BANK & TRUST CO., 235 Stark st., Portland, Or. BRITISH COLUMBIA FARM LANDS ON THE LINE OF THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY. How would yott like to own a nice littlewfarm In this great undeveloped country, within two or three miles from -the com ing second largest city in fthe Province of British Co lumbia, which will in a few years time will be ore of the most important Rail road centers in the Domin ion of Canada. Think of this country with its vast areas of un developed natural resources, its fairly limited amount of . good agricultural lands, its climate, its laws, and not overlooking its wonderful possibilities. You may be discontented with city life, you may want to get back close to dear old mother earth, for she does not neg lect her children. Look at the modern Farmers of to day, he Is one of the most independent beings 011 earth. And why not ? He Kts good prices for his crops, and usually has a nice fat bank account. WE OWN OUR LANDS AND ARE PREPARED TO GIVE CLEAR TITLES. GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF BRIT ISH COLUMBIA. We know about th Gold, Silver, Iron and Coal of Central British Columbia, but we have heard very little of the real wealth of this section the fertile val leys, sun-kissed, and silent, sleeping between the Chinook-fanned hills. Probably the richest and most interesting of the val leys that are being settled, as a result of the construc tion ot the transcontinental line is the Nechaco and Fraser valley. In this'coun try it is not necessary to ex periment. One glance at the heavy growth of wild grasses and pea-vine, of wild berries of almost every kind, convinces even the city-bred man that this is an agricultural country. It does not cost a fortune to secure a farm In this most favorable locality for all that is required is $3.00 per acre cash and balance in five annual payments. " Call at our offices and see samples of grain grown In that country, also photo graphs, field notes, and gen eral information. These lands are being sold rapidly, so you had better act at once. NORTH COAST LAND CO.. LTD. Genera! Offices Vancouver, B. C. London Office: 6 Old Jewry. Rutan & Adams, Selling Agents. 200 Chamber of commerce, Portland, Oregon. Phones Main 8143: A 1312. Open evenings, 7 to 9. FARMS FOR SALE. 640 acres, 3Vi miles from good town on S. P. R- R-F In good farming community; ail In cultivation ; 2 good houses and barns; plentv of fruit; one-third of crop goes with place; $5-0 per acre. I6O acres, 7 V miles from Lebanon; 20 acres of beaverdam land; all the crop oes with place ; well improved; house, arn, orchard; $35 per acre. 90 acres, 8 miles from Lebanon, well Improved, good land; house, barn, orchard; all crops go with place; $37-50 per acre. 50 acres, good land, no improvements, well located; $20 per acre. 40 acres; house, barn, plenty of good fruit; on stage line; good gravel road. 5 miles from railroad station; $40 per acre. All of these properties in Linn County. Apply to B. Stoddard. Albany, Or. Of fice cor Lyons and 4th, st. p. Q. box 432. A SNAP. 5 acres, near city limits, on Section Line road; almost all under cultivation good 4-room house, large barn, roothouse chicken-house, plenty of water, all fenced ; ground nice and level; owner must sell: price $3950. terms Apply owner, 171 Third utreet. near Yamhill. IDEAL dairy ranch; 40O acres; 200 acres in grain and hay; wrcnard; 350 timber, balance open pasture ; 2 springs; 2 set buildings; 7 miles SE. of Sclo; some stock; all goes at $50 per acre; 1-3 cash, balance to suit; if you want money-making farms come at once. V. Cladek, P. o. Lraotree. xv. IO-ACRB orchard tracts, unimproved, on rail road, 25 miles from Portland; best soil; no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; arrange wita hi to go -d make selection ; round tn same day. 310-811 Corbett bldg. 60 ACRES, an improve ju acres beaver dam. 16 miles out. on S. P. Ry. and elec trie- good orchard, buildings and fully stocked: $155 per acre. 226 Lumber Ex- charge bl d g . FARM FOR SALE. " 160 acres, no waste land, 2S miles from Portland- Apply to owner. 1013 East 13th North. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. ASK ABOUT THIS FARM. 43 acres, best soil in the state; no rocks: all, with the exception of a few acres of timber, in very high state of cultivation. Good fences and cross-fences; ne acre of fine berries and fruit ; good 2-story residence; good large barn and other go,i outbuildings: stocked with exceptionally fine Jersey cows. 3 good horses, hog. 55 chickens, new wagon, new hack, buggy and all necessary implements and tools; milk wagon gets milk at barn daily and check from same Is $100 per month. on . a very fine road. 16 miles fmm Port land ; only 10 mtnutos walk from station. The owner of this farm makes more than $100 per month above a good living. It Is the best ranch for the price in the state. I am ready to prove It. Price $7500 and terms on part if desired. Call or write J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber Commerce, Port land. Or. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS A DEMONSTRATED SUCCESS. Wheat production on these lands for several years past has been the largest and quality the finest of any wheat land on the American continent. Thousands of American farmers have secured lands here; all are making money and are satisfied. Splendid live new towns and the world's best markets right at the door. Fine schools, cheap fuel and good water. $1.50 to $2 an acre cash, balance long time. There is only one crop of land. The time for action is now. Write us for booklets. LOW RATE EXCURSIONS EVERY FIFTEEN DAYS. IDE-M'CARTHY LAND COMPANY, Colonization Agents. 425-26-27-28 LUMBERMENS BUILDING. HOW DOES THIS STRIKE YOU? A 10-ACRE TRACT FOR $750. $10 CASH, $10 PER MONTH FOR 74 MONTHS. 10 ACRES FREE WITH EVERY TEN" 10-ACRE TRACTS. The land is 45 miles southwest of Port land in the highlands of Yamhill County. The soil is a deep rich red loam, especially adapted to the growing of walnuts, apples and other fruits. Large plantings of wal nuts and apples Join our tract. Call at our office and arrange to see the land. Don't mistake this offer for inferior farm lands. It will stand a most rigid examination. Our guarantee as a firm is back of every acre of this land. C H API N & HE RLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. Miscellaneous. ARE you looking for a farm or acreage? Don't fall to call kz "THE CROSSLEY COMPANY," . 70S and 709 Corbett bldg. It costs you nothing and we treat you right. It surely will be to your advan tage to see us before buying. We don't publish our list IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Close-in acreage, & wheat ranch or small, well-Improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see me. 1 handle my Own properties. J. O. ELROD. 520 Corbett Bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Wholesale tracts of good land, suitable for colonization, in Central and Eastern Oregon, for ourselves and our clients; owners only. Manuel Brothers Company, 203 Andrus bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED A HOME?, New 5-room bungalow, full basement, elec tric lights1, shades, tinted, lawn graded and seeded, fruit trees, lot 50xloo; price $21 50, $300 cash, $20 per month. Milliren. Mt. Hood Land Co.. 711 Rothchlld bldg. HOUSE and lot from owner, about $150 down, bal. in small monthly payments, from $1000 to $2500; can take without delay; want a good buy. K. E. Daggett, 472 Taylor st. TeL Main 8398. WE have buyers for income or residence property. West Side or East Side. It will pay you to deal w it h us If you wa nt re sults. Walker & Reed. 823 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 8535. HAVE customer for 5 or 6 room bunga low on the Heights; must be convenient to car and a good view. CRAWFORD & BABCOCK, 5U2 Swetland Bldg. 5-ROOM modern cottage or bungalow, near car. about $1500 to $2500; on easy terms; owners only. Peninsula or Alberta dls trlct. K 50. Oregonlan. I WANT to buy a good real estate office, or will lease good location on West Side, or close in on East Side; nothing but ground floor for me. M 953. Oregonian. REAL ESTATE or equities in same bought and sold. List with us. GRAY-CUNNINGHAM-GRAY. m 722-723 Electric Bldg. ACREAGE, lots or equities bought and sold, I have buyers for your property. W. B. HARTLEY. 411 Swetland bldg. 5-ROOM bungalow. Rose City Park, near carline; can pay $200 cash, balance $35 or $40 month. K 951, Oregonlan. WANTED Acreage, lots and equities; also river acreage wanted. 526 Washington. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE. 80 acres, with l, 500,000 feet yellow fir. running water on place, half-mile off United Railway survey ; . 10 miles north west of Forest Grove for $1800; terms to. suit. Address Elmer Lyda, Gales Creek, Or. 800 MILLION timber on Columbia; good log ging proposition cr investment; $2 stump age, land Included. 29 Chamber Com merce. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. 160 ACRES timber land, cruise 5,00 0,000 feet, exchange for Portland property or acreage. Phone Tabor 878. 17,000.000 yellow fir for 50 cents. Main 8314. FARMS WANTED. EXCHANGE FOR FARM. New livery barn 100x120, with old es tablished business, 13 horses. 11 rigs, fully equipped and in first-class condition; also the owner's residence of IO rooms, mod ern, all located in a city of 4000 people, river navigation, owner gat ting old and wishes to retire on a farm; will exchange for good farm, price of all, $12,000. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade bldg. 4th and Oak. FOR RENT FARMS. 16 ACRES, all Improved all kinds of fruit; good buildings; 5-room house; well, chick en corral ; large barn ; close to store, church and school; electric; a fine place all in crops; no gravel ; rent very low. You will regret it If you don't call us up at once. OREGON LAND CO.. 215 Henry Bldg. Marshall 174a WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WE HAVE a party of Eastern farmers who wish to rent Improved farms near Portland for cash; what have you to of fer? Oregon Land Co., 215 Henry bldg. WANTED To lease, about one acre (im proved.) suitable for chickens; must be reasonable. Address A. E. Hanson, fourth floor Olds, Wortman & King. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. ' TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracken. 304 McKay bldg. , TIMBER within one mile Columbia River; SNAP for logging. 218 Worcester bldg. to exc hang e. 16-ACRE fruit farm in heart of White Sal mon Valley; will sell or exchange for Portland property; owner; price $4500 V 952, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE 320 acres high-class fruit land in Yamhill County for modern home In Portland; must be in good neighbor hood. Address AC 934, Oregonlan. SOME good lots at Warrenton to trade. What have you? Also fine 10-acre tract near Vancouver. Address J 952, Ore gonian. 1 EXCHA.NGE 5 acres, new house, valley town ; 17 acres Irrigated land. Eastern Washington; 8 acres at Irrlgon. Or. Room 9. 145 H First. HAVE 50 city lots In Ottumwa, Iowa; will sell or trade for improved or unimproved Portland property ; what have you ? Ad dress Owner, 816 Johnson st.. City. EXCHANGE; City property for farms. Farms for city property, or anything you want, at 422 Abington bldg. 170x100 In choice residence section of Hood River to exchange for Portland property. David Lewis. S'S 5th st. 1 1-3 ACRES, close in on East Side; will take house not over $2500. Owner, 718 Cftam ber of Commerce. IRVINGTON or Broadway lots to exchange for stocks bonds or other securities. V 950, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE?. 7-room house, gas and electric light fix- -tures. on East Sherman st.. to trade for an improved farm near Portland; price $:0OO. 25 acres of orchard land, all cleared snd arout six acres bearing; good spring house and barn; will 'trade for good residence close in; price $Sooo. GOODNOUGH & SEITZ, 71S Board of Trade. HOTEL for sale, or trade for acreage, must be close to Portland, with good running water on place. Hotel has 35 rooms, the only hotel in town; full all time; doing good business: very best location in town. Prit-H on lot, building and furniture, every thing goes for $12,500. Town has about 7 stores. I bank and 5 saloons. AN 954. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE 1 acres. 8-room house, hot water rfeat, all kinds of fruit and grapes, greenhouse, west slope Mount Ta bor, paying 12 per cent on asking price; $14.0oi; will consider house and lot for one-half the value; balance cash. Phone mornings. Main 142. ' BARGAIN IN ACREAGE $7800 A choice home of 9 acres in For est Grove ; all in cultivation ; 9-room house, with all modern conveniences: and barn, fruit; will take in exchange Port land p roper tv to $4000. AY- O. WADDELL. 309 Lumber Exchange. EXCHANGE Hood River orchard, 1 mile from town, 8 acres in trees, some bearing; barn, tools. eU-; also have a 20-acre ranch, partly improved, strictly first-class; one or both for Portland improved. $7500 to $i5,0O0. Address Owner, box 175, Hood River. Or. A new 7-room l1--story house, one-half block from V. W. car. on E. 39th St.. to exchange for a good business opportunity in Portland or for a small farm. S-4 THE CARD REALTY & INVESTMENT CO., 1 10 2d st. Phone Marshall 1567; A 1567. CHOICE 5-ACRE TRACT. S blocks from Oregon Electric; all un der cultivation and includes new house, tarn, chicken-house and good well of water; will trade for Portland property. DaWdLewis,S3 5th st. ' . WILL take good team horses or two good ml Ik cows as first payment on fine lot overlooking Eastmoreland ; water in and streets graded : balance can be paid $10 monthly. Price of lot $500. Address G 954. Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL 12-ACRB TRACT. Near Vancouver, and only 3 tb locks from electric car line; all in fruit; beautiful lo cation ; thickly settled population ; will trade for Portland property. David Lewis, bS 5th st. WI LL exchange $2000 equity in 40 acres choice M osier fruit land ; part clear and in excellent condition. For city property; part cash If possible; this is not an agent. Phone B 1236 and owner will callon you. TO EXCHANGE Fine 8-room house In Portland, within walking distance from business section, for Willamette Valley farm land. Address owner, AS 951, Ore gonlan. WILL acept piano check as first payment on fine lot overlooking Eastmoreland, with streets graded and water mains In. Address G952, Oregonian. INCOME Pendleton property to exehtige for Portland property. F 951, Oregon lan. YOU can trade any kind of property at room 1019 Board of Trade. FOR SALE, Horses Vehicles and Harness. Why buy second-hand vehicles when you can get a new one from an old-established wholesale house, 44 years in Oregon, at almost the same cost? We axe located outside the high-rent district, own our building, and can make the price. Ex clusive agents for the old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and farm wagons. Be sure and see us before you buy. It may save you money. R. M. WADE & CO., S22 Hawthorne Ave., bet. East 1st and 2d. CUT PRICES. On new buggies, harness and wagons; the second largest stock in the city to select from. New, guaranteed, well-known buggies with leather trimmings, fine leather quarter tops, for $53.50. Big sales and small profits. C. L. BOSS & CO., 320-323 EAST MORRISON STREET. FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons. Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and mares. If not as represented they can be returned. We also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons for sale. Hawtborae-ave. Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. 30 HEAD of horses and mares, weighing from 900 to 1600 lbs. ; several pairs of farm chunks, all well broke and will be guaranteed as represented. Call early and get your choioe. 334 Front, corner Mar ket st. $125 TEAM and harness; weight 2000 ; 1( years old; good workers single, double or ride ; owner has changed plan ; must sell at once; might trade for equity in lot. Call 3S8 Glenn ave. evenings. Phone Ta bor 3S8, or B 2626. GENTLE driving bay mane, with harness, Stanhope and surrey; any lady or child can drive this mare; cheap for cash. See same at Portland Riding Academy, 701 Johnson st., or phone A 3441. A FINE thoroughbred horse, & years old, broke to ride or drive; also city broke; afraid of nothing. Phone Tabor 1645. Ad dress 1350 East 47th and Hawthorne ave. MUST sell fine young 1050-lb driving mare, rubber-tired top buggy and harness, com plete $125; easy worth $200. Owner leav- i n g cit y. Call Sol M 1 1 1 s t . FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and driving horsei alwavs on hand ; sold with guarantee a represented. U. S. Stables. 248 Front. U. S. FEED AND TRANSIENT STABLES. Best accommodations for travelers- ladies waiting-room; prices moderate. u4b Front. 6-PASSENGER Studebaker bus, harness, used 1 month, very cheap or trade for real estate. 870 Garfield ave. TWO bay .mares, good workers, 6 and 1 years old, weight 2900 with, harness. 512 N. 24th st. DR. L. G. STICKNEY, V. S. Office 409 E. Burnside. E. 555; residence E. 1 71. FIVE heavy teams at the transfer barns. Flemming & Thompson. Gresham. PAIR good farm grays, weight 2430, with new harness ; bargain. 334 Front et. Automobiles. FOR SALE New 4-cylinder 1910 Ford Roadster, fully equipped with top. glass front, magneto, batteries and speedo meter. This car has been run 20O miles and is practically better than one just out of the shop. Will sell at bargain. ReaFon, am getting a larger machine. J. B. Frver, Carlton, Or. 6-PASSENGER auto. 35 h. p., 4-cylinder; top, shield and lamps, thoroughly over hauled, in good condition. Room 10 Wasn ington bldg. 7-PASSENGER Thomas, must be sold, as owner Is leaving the West; no reasonable of fer refused. Apply Bel more, MoDougal A 3oores, 17th and Alder. ELECTRIC STUDEBAKER AUTO. Cost $1800; can be purchased for $650; machine good as new. David Lewis, 83 5th st. y A RUNABOUT cheap for quick sale. West en Auto Co., 631 Alder st. , Birds, Dogs, Pet Stock. CARLOAD fresh cows for sale, calves at their side. $40 to $55. Take St. Johns car. get off at peninsular, inquire G. Ben- nett, 1854 Drummond st. FINE 9-months-old thoroughbred Scotch collie cheap. Call 433 Park st. Miscellaneous, NOTES AND MORTGAGES BOUGHT AND SOLD NATIONAL CREDIT ASSN., 601 WORCESTER BLDG.. 3d and Oak. SAFES, new and second-hand, all sizes, cheap f-.r cash or easy terms. Portland Safe Co., 87 5th st. - BLlCKENSDERFER TYPEWRITERS. $40 $50. Ask for catalog. Rebuilts $15 up. N M. Hayter Co.. 9Q 5th st. Maln 5528. FOR SALE Showcase, wall cases, counters, cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone Bast 538. FOR SALE Hart-Parr traction gasoline en gine, good as new. R, T. Cox, 250& 3d St., Portland. Or. BLOCK BOOKS, one second-hand set, good condition; cheap for cash; hurry. W. L. Murray Sc. Co., Chamber of Commerce. TUBERCULINE-TESTED milch cows: sin gle, or in car lots. Apply Mokel, Bruce Co.". stockyards. A $45o SODA FOUNTAIN for sale very cheap. Call up Main 1869 or A 4869. SHOWCASES, new and second-hand. 312 Everett, cor 6th. Also fixtures. FRESH cow, great Jersey. 5 gallons daily. 5 East HOth st. East 5505. . HOUSEHOLD goods, with furniture, new range. 412 Suth st.. Montavilla. FINE insulated cooler for sale cheap. Alex Friedman. 295 1st. VIOLINS, ban joe mandolins, guitars at half regular prices. Uncle Myers. 71 6th st. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. 231 Stark St. Main 14Q7. LIGHT gooseneck express or furniture truck, $10 0. Metzger and Walnut. Kern Park. NEW 18-foot transom-stern launch bull $80. Call 3Q7 16th st. North. 500 BUSINESS CARDS $1 if you bring this ad. Rose City Frlntery. 1924 3d, near Taylor. POSTAGE stamp collection, catalogues. $S0O; yiake me an offer. Evenings. Main 5 7 OS. BRAND new sanitary roll-top desk for sale at a bargain. Phone East 3302.