Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 10, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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the MOKsaaTr UKEGOMAX, TUESDAY, . MAT .. 10, . 1910.
Schwerin Promises Portland
to Run Three Splendid
Vessels on Coast.
of Steamers Says Trans
Serviee loses Money.
Docks to Handle Xcw Steamers
Will Be Xext Thing Provided.
That a five-day service between
Portland, San Francisco and San Pedro,
with three steamers, will be maintained
hy the San Francisco & Portland
Steamship Company is the assurance
sriven by R. P. Schwerin, general man
ager of the line, who arrived last night
on the new steamer Bear from San
The steamships Bear, Beaver and
Rose City will be used on the run as
soon as the latter two have had a
thorough overhauling, such as the Bear
lias just undergone. The Kansas City,
now laid up for repairs, is- not provided
for in the plan.
The Beaver leaves today for San
Francisco, where she will undergo a
thorough renovation, made necessary
by her trip around the Horn, and will
have oil-burning furnaces installed. As
soon as she is in condition to return
to service the Rose City will be given
an overhauling after having had two
years' hard buffeting. When all three
boats have been thoroughly overhauled
the five-day service will be commenced
and will continue as long as business
warrants it, says Mr. Schwerin.
'That takes time, you know," said
he, "but we will have the three boats
running to San Pedro as soon as it can
be done."
Asiatic Line Is Losing.
Asked if any improvements were con
templated in the Portland & Asiatic
service, Mr. Schwerin replied with a
very emphatic "no."
"We lost $200,000 on the liners last
year and have carried steadily increas
ing balances on the wrong side of the
ledger," iie said. "Do you think it is
right, because the Portland Flouring
Mills burned, that we should incur fur
ther loss by making additions to a
service that has not paid for a long
time? If there is any Portland mer
chant or body of merchants that thinks
it can make the line pay, he can have
it at a most reasonable price.
"We are going anywhere and every
where to find business for the line. The
Selja on her present trip out is going
to Manila for the reason that there was
a little additional business for her
there, but you know as well as I do
that no steamer line can depend on
lumber shipments and maintain a
schedule. Portland has not been fair
to the P. & A. In this matter. I don't
think there is anyone else who would
sustain a continued loss just to help
out Portland, and that is what we are
doing. Even at San Francisco we have
not been getting enough through busi
ness to fill our ships.
Does Not Agree AVitli Malcolm.
Mr. Schwerin spoke of original bills
of lading being required by Collector
of Customs Malcolm as a thing which
'needed no discussion. When asked if
he had taken the matter up with Wash
ington, he replied that lie could not
speak of it. but continued:
"I did take the matter up with the
Treasury Department and was told
that, if Collector Malcolm insiied upon
the original bill of lading, he was
within his rights."
When told that Mr. Malcolm con
tended that the collectors at Seattle and
San Francisco were following the same
policy as he did, Mr. Schwerin simply
"At any rate, my bond is good in San
Francisco, but I can't get them to take
It here," he said.
New Dwks in Prospect.
"Yes. they are fine ships and we are
ouite proud of them," he said in re
sponse to comment upon the new vessel
which brought htm to Portland. "I said
a long time ago that we would have
some first-class steamers here and now
we have them. These things take time.
1 also have been endeavoring to get
new docks here, and, of course, they
will come in due course. Already we
are beginning' to be cramped for room
here, and when the new railroad
bridge is built and cuts off a piece
of the Alaska dock, do not know what
we shall do. Plans are now being con
sidered for the construction of new
docks on the present sites, but the
matter is in an indefinite stage and I
cannot say anything more about it."
Mr. Schwerin is the picture of health
and good spirits and enjoyed the trip
up the coast very much. With him are
I. Li. "Blair, general freight agent, and
(r. r. Kerrell( general passenger agent,
of the line, who are here to look after
business in their respective depart
ments. He will remain until Satur
day, staying at the Portland Hotel, and
will return to San Francisco on the
Bear on that day.
Bear Is Spick and Span.
The steamer Bear, which arrived at
the Alaska dock at 6:30 last night, is
an exact duplication of her sister ship,
the Beaver, except that she is ship
shape to the last strand of marlin and
fresh and sweet with new paint. She
made a. beautiful sight as she swung
into her dock with all her bunting fly
ing. She made only fair time up the
coast, as her oil burners have not yet
"found themselves." The trip was un
eventful and devoid of very rough
weather. All told there were 336 pas
sengers. Mrs. J. M. Arthur and her
daughter. Mrs. F. H. Irwin, were
among them.
!r. Dickinson Tells of Lease Secured
on Hotel Seattle.
M. J. Dickinson, one of the proprietors
of the Hotel Oregon, returned Saturday
from Seattle, where he has just com
pleted negotiations for the purchase of
the Seattle Hotel.
It is the furniture and fixtures of the
property which Mr. Dickinson has pur
chased. The furniture was installed loss
than a year ago at a cost of $150,000. Then
the hotel went into the hands of the
receiver and was taken over by Messrs.
Wright and Dickinson of the Hotel Ore
gon. A new lease was arranged on the
basis of $1,500,000 valuation for the prop
erty, which is a triangular piece, at Sec
ond avenue and Pioneer Place, owned by
the John Collins estate. The lease is
for ten years.
"I have just secured G. J. Kaufmann,
P'cretary of the Portland Hotel Com
pany ae the manager of the Seattle
Hotel." said Mr. Uickinson yesterday.
"The proposition looks good to us. The
hotel has recently had $400,000 spent on
fixing- it up and it is a fine five-story
building with 200 large rooms, high ceil
ings and 90 baths. Today it is one of
the handsomest hotels of its size in
"A. D. Short, for many years chief
clerk of the Rainier Grand, has been se
cured as chief clerk for the new Hotel
Seattle and Fred Block, who has been
with us for eight years here and at Bell
inghain, is now to be one of our clerks.
We have also secured as clerk a Mr.
Wright who has formerly been a clerk
at the famous Seelbach Hotel of Louis
ville, Ky., and who for the last two
years has been the manager of the Sor
rento Hotel in Seattle.
I air. h ngni is in oeauie im au a
will be there back and forth from now on
I looking after the interests of the hotel.
J We expect to do a great business there,
j as we nave tne notel ana tne locaimii.
New Bills Open at the
Vaudeville Houses
YOU couldn't look anyone straight in
the eye and say that this week's
-bill at the Orpheum is the best or even
the next best offering in several weeks,
because it's not. It is just an average
bill a happy average, perhaps, since
most of the numbers are mirth-provocative.
The headline attraction is Flo Irwin
and her company in one of George Ade's
characteristically humorous sketches.
Miss Irwin, who is Marie-Cahillesque in
iappearance, is a versatile comedienne
who has for many seasons been a favor
ite with the amusement-loving public
throughout the country. The sketch,
"Mrs. Peckham's Carouse," is decidedly
Adeifih in tone and is just what the title
would indicate. Mrs. Peckham, a leading
light in the white ribbon brigade, is in
advetently, and through a chain of hilar
iously funny incidents, made to look upon
the wine when it is red, and willy
nilly becomes a "living example" of what
it will do to the uninitiated, a meek-
spirited husband, a ditto clerk in said
husband's employ, who have been com
pelled to listen daily to yards of advice
and tirades from Mrs. Peckham's share
in the general edification.
The White City Trio come in for much
deserved applause and please immensely
with a collection of songs well sung. One
of the trio tickles the ivories of a piano
in an irresistibly catchy- manner, and the
other two gents comede and sing. Their
act is replete with good things.
Reminiscent of the man in the moon
is the smiling visage of James H. Cullen,
who is billed as "The Man From the
West." He is a natural monologist, which
is saying everything. Added to a lik
able personality, he brings a seemingly
endless amount of good songs, and funny
stories, which come over the footlights
like a verbal Niagara.
Another unusual offering is that of
Kthel Young, a slender slip of femininity
who sings in a baritone voice. Her num
bers are not pretentious, unless one dis
counts a melodramatic melody about
what the church bells said. It sounds
bad enough to have been written by
Charles K. Harris.
A team of jugglers are Walker and
Sturm. Their act possesses not only
novelty but interest, and that is he
sterling mark for a juggling act. This
team used vari-colored racquets instead
of the stereotyped clubs or spheres. The
Morrisey Sisters and Brothers are a quar
tet of folk who aim to divert by singing
and dancing with more or less success.
Of the ordinary are the three Hickey
brothers, comedy acrobats and tumblers.
Most of their offerings are new, and are
accomplished with remarkable dexterity
and ease. Coming last on the bill, they
leave piesant memories.
"TpHE act that went biggest yester-
aay ax tne tirand Theater was
that of Matt Keefe and Joe Bruno.
Keefe is billed as "vaudeville's
sweetest songster" and Bruno is
talented harpist. Because of a cold
which has laid him off in other cities
recently, Keefe sang only two son:s:
too few to satisfy the audience. Bruno
accompanied him, played solos and gave
imitations on the harp of a banjo, flute
and music box.
The feature act is that of Little Hip,
a tiny, cute and well trained elephant
who plays ball with the audience in
addition to performing on the piano
ana harmonica and smoking a pipe
He enjoyed the last named best and
could hardly be separated from the
pipe. The Wheelers are jugglers v.
introduce many new tricks. Their
stunts with a glass of wine, perilously
balanced on a hoop, and a parasol and
a coin, were novel, as was their in
troduction of animated animals and
whirlwind finish.
The show is opened by Wood and
Lawson, singers and dancers, who
work hard and win applause for their
dancing. Most of the singing is
drowned by the keys in their shoes.
They are followed by Veroni Verdi and
brother. Veroni appears in a dainty
yellow frock and plays well on the
violin, while her brother, a la little
Lord Fauntleroy, executes difficult
solos on the 'cello and violin.
Harry Klein and Pearl Clifton, on
their second visit, are as good as ever
as "The Two Dummies." Miss Clifton
dresses and dances well, but she
shouldn't try to sing. Klein's "Um-ha-ha"
song, as before, is the funniest
they sing. Two good films, one of
scenes in the picturesque Pyrenees,
wind up a fine bill.
Jfimrods Make Haul in Woods, Not
in Water, However.
ORFJOOX CITT, Or., May 9. (Special.)
George Bucheser and William Adams,
employes of the O. W. P., who went
on a fishing trip yesterday up the Clacka
mas River, succeeded in capturing a bear
about 3 months old.
The cub did not like the idea of being
captured, but after a struggle with the
nimrods it was brought home. The fish
ermen used their fishing lines to lead it
with until they reached Gladstone, where
they procured a chain. The animal is
relishing the sweets being fed to it by
Buchegger and Adams. The young men
forgot about the fishing after the cub
was captured. An unsuccessful search
was made for the mother bear.
Oil Cars Must Mote On.
No more oil-tank cars will be allowed
to stand on any track where a possible
breakage would let their cargo into the
river, according to an order issued by
General Manager O'Brien, of the X. R.
& N., yesterday. The attention of the
railroad official was called by Harbor
master Speier to the fact that a car
standing near the Burnside bridge Sun
day had leaked, letting 12.000 gallons
of crude oil Into the river, gravely
menacing docks and shipping, and il
railroad order was at once sent out to
all yard employes.
Are you frequently hoarse? Do you
have that annoying tickling in your
throat? Does your cough annoy you
at night, and do you raise mucus in
the morning? Do you want relief? If
so, take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and you will be pleased. - Sold by all
Return to Old Wheat Schedule
Is Predicted.
Shipments of Nitrate at Same Time
Wheat Cargoes Are Sent Expect
ed to Boost Charter Prices
to Former Figure.
A return to the old wheat-shipping
rate of 27 shillings and sixpence by
the Sailing Ship Owners' Association
is indicated by a rumor circulating in
shipping circles yesterday. Shippers
were generally disposed to scout the
story as improbable on its face, in view
of the present offerings.
Color is given to the report by the
fact that there has been of late a
noticeable increase in the demand for
Due to Arrive.
Name. From.
.In Tiort
1 : y J a .otaru.
Golden Gate. .. Tillamook. .. .In port
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. .. .In port
Geo. W. Klder. .San Pedro. . . .In port
Bear San Franciscoln port
Falcon Saa Francisco May X'.i
Jim Butler. .. rOoos Bay May
Breakwater. . . Coos Bay. . . . May
.Roanoke San Pedro.. -May
I 4
Thos. I. Wand. San Francisco May
Nome City San Francisco May
Klamath San Francisco May
Jienrik Ibsen. . .Hongkong. . . June
Hercules...... Hongkong. .. June
Scheduled to
Name. For
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. .. .May
Geo. W. Elder. .San Pedro. May
R.v&ja Hongkong! . . .May
Bear San Francisco May
Falcon. ....... San Pedro. May
Roanoke Ran Francisco May
Henrlk Ibsen. . Hongkong. . . .June
Hercules. .Hongkong. . . .June
Golden Gate.. . .Tillamook. . . .Indeft
Enterod Monday.
W. S. Porter. Am. steamship
(Holmes), from San Francisco with
Casco, Am. steam schooner (Ah
lin), from San Francisco with gen
eral cargo.
Tosemite, Am. steam schooner
(Reiner), from San Francisco with
cement and asphalt.
Cleared Monday.
Tahoe, Am. steam Bchooner (Paul
sen), for San Francisco with lumber.
Breakwater, Am. steamship (Mac-"
Genn), for Coos Bay with, general
Geo. W. Elder, Am. steamship
(Jessen), for San Pedro with wheat,
Casco, Am. steam schooner (Ah
lin), for San Francisco with lumber
and general .cargo. '
ships in the nitrate trade out of Chi
lean ports, and it is figured. that with
a large wheat crop and big foreign
shipments the inevitable law of sup
ply and demand might justify a rise
to the figure mentioned, but it is said
that if it comes it will come as a. mat
ter of bargain and sale and not as an
arbitrary price, fixed and enforced by
trust methods.
Interesting in this connection is the
departure yesterday from these waters
of the ship Donna Francesca, after she
had swung to and fro with every tide
that had passed Tongue Point in over
two years. The Donna Francesca ar
rived in March 26, 190S, in ballast,
from "Valparaiso, and was offered at
the trust rate of 27 and 6. After be
ing laid up for over two years, she
crossed out yesterday bound for the
United Kingdom with a wheat cargo
at a price of 25 shillings.
Young Man Admits Taking Steamer
Captain's Glasses.
Admitting that he was the man
wanted for the theft of the pair of
marine glasses stolen from Captain Wil
liam Kidston of the San Francisco &
Portland Steamship Company's steamer
Beaver last week, Richard Lucas, a fine
appearing young man of about 24 years,
was arrested yesterday afternoon at
Montgomery Dock No. 1 by Detectives
Endicott and Sloan.
Lucas when arrested admitted the
theft of the glasses and said that he
had torn off the bottom parts of the
barrels and thrown them into the sewer
on Third street. The missing parts had
the name of the San Francisco & Port
land Steamship Company stencilled on
them with gold letters. Young Lucas
instead of pawning the glasses as sus
pected by Captain Kidston, took them
to his mother's home in Montavilla. He
was locked up in the city Jail, being
unable to furnish $160 bail. He will
appear before Judge Bennett in the
Municipal Court this morning a.t 9
o'clock. Lucas was a seaman on the
Beaver but left the ship on its arrival
in Portland from New Tork.
Bear 'Spends Two Hours at Dock at
Columbia River City.
ASTORIA. Or-., May 9. Special.)
The new steamship Bear, sister to the
Beaver, of the Portland & San Fran
cisco Steamship Company, arrived on
her first trip this morning. During her
stay here of two hours the boat was
thrown open to visitors and a large
number availed themselves of the op
portunity as the invited guests of the
Astoria agent, George W. Roberts.
Among the passengers were A. G. D.
Xiying Just beneath, the outer coverinsr or tissue-skin, la a. BATiaiti-trA -mom.
oranous flesh in 'Which are imbedded
through these tiny veins and arteries
me cunereni pores, gianos ana lympnatics. Thus the skin is kept healthy.
ana frea from all eruption or disease, by pure blood. But when impurities and
humors infect the circulation its nourishing properties are diminished and in
stead of supplying the skin with healthful properties it constantly irritates and
diseases the delicate fibres, pores and glands with sharp nratic matter. Then tha
skin tissues inflame, swell and ulcerate and some form, of skin disease appears
on the surface. Applying soothing lotions, salves, etc., to the outer eruptions
does not purify the blood and therefore the skin trouble can not be cured in this
manner. S. S. S. cures all skin diseases by neutralizing the acids and removing
the humors from the blood. It cools the acid-heated circulation, builds it up to
its normal -strength and thickness, multiplies its rich, nutritious corpuscles, and
adds to its ; " " in every way. Then the skin, instead of being irritated and
inflamed 1 7 sour impurities is nourished, soothed and softened by this cooling,
healthy stream of blood. S. S. S. Cures Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Salt Eheum,
Poison Oak, boils, pimples, rashes, etc. Book on Skin Diseases free to all who
Kerrell, general passenger agent, and
G. L. Blair, general freight agent, with
headquarters in San Francisco. T.hese
men had an opportunity to visit .the
business men of Astoria, and in return
extended the 'courtesy of a - visit
to the vessel, which is one of the finest
passenger boats in service on the Pa
cific Coast.
Steamer After Lumber,
The British steamer Knight of the Gar
ter, Captain Finnis, is due in the river
this week and will go to the Eastern &
Western mills to load lumber for foreign
ports. She is of 4295 net tons and ar
rived a.t San Francisco, April 21, from
Newport News.
The schooner J. H. Lunsmann will fin
ish loading at the Eastern & Western
mills today, taking a cargo of 1,200,000
feet for California.
Four Ships to Ijoad at Rainier.
Under orders to load lumber at Rainier,
the steam schooners Tosemite, Casco and
Rainier left down last night and the
Tahoe, now at Linn ton. will follow today.
The Tahoe took 325.000 feet at Linnton
and will add 400,000 feet at the down
river port. The Casco will clear with
550,000 feet.
Marine Notes.
The steam schooner Sue H. Elmore
will leave today for Tillamook with a
general cargo.
Carrying 75 passengers' and a general
cargo, the steamer Breakwater sailed
for Coos Bay at 9 o'clock yesterday
The British Ship Leyland Bros, and
the Portland & Asiatic liner Rygja are
loading lumber at the Inman-Poulsen mill
for foreign shipment.
On account of the illness of Captain
J. O. Chich, of the steamer Hercules, he
has been succeeded in the command by
Captain Albert Sass.
A crew for the British ship Arctic
Stream is in sight for today and she
will probably leave down stream tomor
row on her way to the United Kingdom.
At noon yesterday the German steam
er Augustus was shifted from the
Oceanic dock to the Eastern & West
ern mill by the Ocklahama and con
tinued working cargo.
Bringing 50 tons of general cargo
and 750 tons of cement from San
Francisco, the steamer Rainier arrived
at Oak-street dock yesterday morning
and commenced discharging.
Carrying 400 sacks of flour, lumber
and general cargo, the Portland &
Asiatic liner Selja left down at 3
o'clock yesterday morning, outward
bound for Hongkong, Moji and Manila.
Recent fixtures for lumber cargo re
ported by the Shipowners' Association
are the steamer Wellesley, for San
Francisco, at $4, and the schooner Inca
from the Columbia River to New
Zealand, at 33 shillings 9 pence.
The steamer George W. Elder has
cleared at the Custom-House and will
leave down at 8 o'clock tonight with
30 or more passengers and a heavy
freight. She carries 9227 sacks of
wheat, 11,000 sacks of flour and a large
amount of general merchandise.
All aids to navigation along the coast
from here to Puget Sound are reported
in good condition by Major Jay J. Mor
row, who has returned from an inspec
tion trip. As soon as Major Mclndoe re
turns from his vacation Major Morrow
will make an Inspection trip to Alaska.
Among movements of steam schoon
ers scheduled for the near future is
the departure of the steamers Jim
Butler and Thomas L. Wand from San
Francisco for this port with cement-
asphalt and general cargo. The Nome
City and Klamath will follow on May
Commander J. M. Ellicott, lighthouse
inspector, returned Sunday from a visit
to various points on Puget Sound, leav
ing the tender Heather there and re
turning by raiL- The Columbia and
Armeria are also in Sound waters, leav
ing the Manzanita the only tender at
present en the Astoria station.
For the first time shipments of oys
ters from the East for transplanting in
the beds at Shoalwater Bay are being
routed by way of Portland. Twenty
carloads have arrived here and will bo
taken to Megler by the O. R. & N.
steamer Harvest Queen. Two weeks or
more will be required to get all the
oysters to their destination.
Assurances given by the business men
of Lewiston, Idaho, that all the freight
necessary will be provided has resulted
in a determination of the Open River
Navigation Company to continue the
service of the Twin City to that point.
Lack of patronage was given by the
company as the reason for a contem
plated withdrawal of the boat.
Arrivals and Departures.
Astoria. Or., May 9. Condition e.t the mouth
or tne river at d r. aa., smootn; wina, soutn
east, 6 miles; weather, cloudy. Arrived at '
and left 11:40 A, M-. steamer Bear, from Sai
Francieco. Arrived down at 10:30 A. M-, Nor-
wetcian steamer sella, snd sailed at 1
for Hongkong and way ports. Sailed at 11:45
A. M., steamer v . s. forter, ror san ran
Cisco. Sailed at 12 noon, British bark Donna
Francesca, for Queenstown, or Falmouth.
San Francisco. May 9. Arrived at 11 A. M.,
steamer Rose city, irom Portland: at 1 f. M.
steamer Klamath, from Columbia River.
Sailed at 10 A. M., steamer Catania, for Port
land. Victoria. May 9. Arrived yesterday, British
steamer Marmion. from Androsaan. via Astoria.
London. May 9. Sailed French bark Babin
Chevaye. for Portland.
Ixs Angeles. May 9. Arrived Steamers
Delhi, from Tacoma; W. F. Jewett. from
Columbia River. Sailed Steamers Buckman
for Seattle: Carlos, for Grays Harbor: Shasta
for Astoria: Chehalis, for Coos Bay; Arctic,
for Hardy Creek.
Seattle. May 9. Arrived Steamer Hum
boldt, from Skagway; steamer Watson, from
fc?an Francisco; steamer jerrerson, irom fekag
wav: Norwegian steamer Hornelen, from Ta
coma; steamer Olsen & Maiiony, from San
Francisco: steamer Governor, from San Fran
Cisco. Departed British steamer Protesilaus.
for Tacoma: steamer Eureka, for San Fran
Cisco; steamer Hilonian, for Tacoma: Nor
wegian steamer Hornelen, for Central America.
London, May 9. proved jumraj Jirey,
from San Francisco.
Dover, May 9. Arrived Kroonlatid, from
New York.
Hamburg. MftT 6. Arrived Setos, from San
Shields May T. Sailed Prince George, for
Va nconvep.
San Francisco. May 9. Arrived Steamers
Daisy, from Wlllapa; Chatham, from Anto-
rnfi-asta.: Seminole, from Karatsu: Rose City.
froin Portland; Klamath, from Astoria; Nome
City, from Portland: Amiral Fourichon, from
Antwerp; schooner Roy Somers, from Grays
Harbor; schooner Advance, from Coqutlle
Rover; schooner p,oKomls. irom oamble
schooner SDokane. from Gamble. trailed-
Steamers Catania,- for Portland; Coronado, for
flrava Harbor.
Tacoma. Mav 9. Arrived Steamer Hilonian,
from San Francisco; steamer Lucy Neff, from
Sound ports; scnooner ir. J. ADier, irom beat-
thousands of small blood vessels. It ia
that nutriment is supplied from the blood
Itching, Burning Eruption from
Head to Foot Doctor Gave Her
Up Entirely First Application of
Cuticura Brought Relief andSleep.
"Four years ago I suffered severely
with a terrible eczema, being a moss of
sores from head to feet
and for six weeks con
fined to my bed. Dur
ing that time I Buffered
continual torture from
itching and burning.
After being given up by
my doctor I was ad
vised to try the Cuti
cura Remedies. After
the first bath with Cuti
cura Soap and applica
tion of Cuticura Oint
ment I enioved the first
good sleep during my entire illness. I
also used Cuticura Resolvent and the
treatment was continued for about three
weeks. At the end of that time I was
able to be about the house, entirely .
cured, and have felt no ill effects since.
I would advise any person suffering
from any form of skin trouble to try the
Cuticura liemedies as 1 know what they
did for me. Mrs. Edward Nenning, 1112
Salina St., Watertown, N. X ., April 11,
sSMMBs v
Cuticura Soap
Soothing, Cooling, Refreshing
for Tender Skins.
sanative, antiseptic properties derived
from Cuticura, united with the purest
01 saponaceous mgrecuents ana most
refreshing of flower odors, Cuticura
Soap is unrivalled for cleansing, preserv
ing and purifying the skin, scalp, hair
ana hands, ror dispelling itching, irrita
tion and inflammation and preventing
clogging of the pores, the cause of many
disfiguring facial eruptions. All who
aeugnt in a clear skin, soft, white nanas,
a clean, wholesome scalp and live, gloBsy
hair, will And that Cuticura Soap realizes
every expectation.
Cuticura Soap 25c.. Cuucura Ointment BOe
snd Cuticura RMoirrat (SOc . (or in tn form of
Chocolate Coated Pun. 26c per vial ol 60) are sold
throughout the world. Potter Drug A Chem Corp ,
Bole Props.. 135 Columbus Are.. Boston. Mass
S-X2.niu, Cutlrur Book, mallpd fr. elvlna1
slascxmuoa. treatment sa4 cure 01 afcla aJXecuoaa,
"Liverpool. Mav 8. Arrived Cedric. from
New York.
Plymouth. Mav P. Arrived Kronprins vvil-
helm. from New York, for Bremen.
Tides at Astoria Tuesday.
Hifrta. . Low.
1:03 A. M 9.8 feet!8: A" M. . .
2:1I P. M 7.5 f-tT:R4 P. M
1.3 feet
2.7 feet
Restful Sleep
Good Appetite
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Has Made
Mr. Sheehan Feel Like a New Man.
It Is the Best Medicine in the World
to Tone Up and Strengthen Any
one Who Is Run Down or Con
valescing Prom Any Disease.
"I am now taking my sixth bottle of
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. I take it
four times a day, a teaspoonful at a
time. I have felt like a different man
since I started the third bottle. I feel
as if I were 20 years younger, sleep well
at night, my appetite is better, my brain
is clearer, I am not so dizzy in my head
as I was, my bowels are very regular,
and, to make a long story short, I feel
younger and my health is much im
proved since using Duffy's Pure Malt
Whiskey, and, furthermore, I am going
to continue its use. Another thing, I
don't have to get up at night to urinate
since I commenced on the third bottle.'
James Sheehan, P. O. Box 645, San
Diego City, Cal.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
is an absolutely pure distillation of
malted grain from vvhlch all the in
jurious substances have been removed.
It is a medicine for all mankind and has
been used with remarkable results in
the treatment and cure of consumption
pneumonia, grippe, coughs, colds, asth
ma, malaria, low fevers, stomach
troubles and all wasting and diseased
conditions. It is pleasant to the taste
and can be retained by the most deli
cate stomach. It has to its credit fifty
years of well doing. This is truly
recommendation in Itself. Our files
contain thousands of letters from men
and women in all walks of life testify
ing to the wonderful cures this great
medicinal whiskey has brought about.
It will help you will keep you strong
and vigorous.
Write Medical Department, The Duffy
Malt Whiskey Company, Rochester,
New Tork, stating your case fully. Our
doctors will send you advice free, to
gether with a valuable Illustrated medi
cal booklet containing rare common
sense rules for health and testimonials.
druggists, grocers and dealers, or
shipped direct for $1.00 per large bottle.
For several years we have announced,
with our recommendation, that we had
found a positive cure for eczema:
simple skin wash, oil of wintergreen
compounded with other healing ingredi
Yet we know there are people right
in this town who have eczema, and still
have never tried this remedy.
We have, therefore, arranged with
the D. T. T. Laboratories of Chicago
for a special offer of a trial bottle at
2o cents instead of the $1.00 bottle as
regularly sold. Be sure of the correct
name: D. D. D. Prescription.
We offer this trial bottle with our
recommendation and assurance that
Just as soon as the patient washes his
itching skin, this mild liquid will take
the itch away instantly-.
Woodard, Clarke & Co., Skidmore
Drug Co.
. I demonstrate my ability in the treatment of the ailments in my
specialty, first, by giving; immediate benefits; secondly, by the rapid
progress my patients make from the beginning, and each and every
patient knows that he is going to get well from the fact that there is
no standstill about the ailment, no weary weeks and months of wait
ing, hoping and watching for benefits the trouble must yield if I tell
you m the beginning jl can perma
nently cure you, and it is because I
am a scientific specialist and know
how to CURE.
By the latest and best methods I
cure, to remain cured, Blood and Skin
Ailments, Varicose Veins, Piles,
Kidney and Bladder Ailments.
If afflicted men in Portland and
vicinity knew of the permanent cures
I accomplish, of the patients I dis
miss who don't have to continue seek
ing and paying for treatment, some
of them having been treated a dozen
times before, they would surely lose
no time in seeing me. I prove my
success over other specialists. I don't
ask you to believe me. I don't ask
you to tak 1 my word for what I say
a visit and treatment will tell and
convince you 11 you nave any doubts. xo Dollar Keed Be Paid
Unless Cured.
for one week: if you desire to prove that I can cure you. I have spent
thousands to develop my treatment, and I know what it will do. Don't
experiment elsewhere. Try my treatment free, and be convinced that I
can cure you.
W hile the ordinary dexrtor in experimenting; and making miatalcea, I
accomplish caret.. See me now.
MY PRICES ARK ALWAYS THE I OWE ST. no matter where you
a-o. There la a reason- my practice is the largest, mv offices are the
largest, I am prepared to treat the largest numbers. Therefore I can
cure you the cheapest. Having the most experienced and best scien
tific treatment to be had, I can cure you the Quickest. If you have any
trouble whatever, come to me.
at office or by mail. One personal visit is preferred, but if this is Im
practicable, write us a full and unreserved history of your case and get
our opinion free. Many cases cured at home. Medicines fresh from our
own laboratory. $1.50 to 96.50 per course.
Hours 9 A. M. t 8 P. M. Sunday, 10 to 12. ;
My patients come because they know that
I will cure them. My reputation as the leading-
specialist in men's ailments is firmly
established by my work of the past, .and
there is no necessity of my resorting to ir
regular methods in order to keep busy. I
offer a distinctive and superior service, and
results prove that it is such a service that I
actually render. My skill, ability and
straightforward methods entitle me to the
success that I .have won and to the full
measure of public confidence that I enjoy.
My practice is the largest and constantly
thrives because
I Invariably Fulfill My Promises
I Am Always Willing to Wait
For My Fee Until a Cure
Is Effected
What XerrouN Ailment Is and
How I Core It.
Nervous ailment is merely
a symptom of chronic inflam
mation brought on by the Im
proper treatment of some ail
ment. A. complete and radical
cure is therefore a ques
tion of restoring the system
to its normal state, and this
I accomplish promptly and
completely without the use of
internal remedies. My treat
ment is a local one entirely.
It is original and scientific
and has been proved absolute
ly effective by thousands of
tests. I am convinced that by
no other methods can full and
permanent restoration be accomplished.
Men's Ailments.
Be sure your cure
is thorough. Not
one of my patients
has eVer had a re
lapse after being
discharged as
cured, and I cure
in less time than
the ordinary forms
of treatment re
quire. Blood Ailments.
No dangerous dos
ing to drive the
virus to the in
terior, but harm
less blood cleans
ing remedies that
remove the last
Nothing Too Good
for you. That's why we want yon
to take CASCARETS for liver and
bowels. It's not advertising talk
but merit the great, wonderful,
lasting merit of CASCARETS that
we want you to know by trial. Then
you'll have faith and join the mil
lions who keep well by CASCA
RETS alone.' 909
CASCARETS toe a box for week's
treatment, all druggists. Biggest seller
lit the world. Mi
Lion boxes & month.
Women a Specialty
The well-known Chinese DR.
6. Kt CHAN, with their Chi
nese remedy of herbs and
roots, cure wonderfully. It has
cured many sufferers when
all other remedies have
failed. Sure cure for male
ftnd fflrn a 1a V rnnli rri vtLtf
diseases. . nervousness, bloodMUv C V OUAU
poison, rheumatism. athma1l"llJfl,ll,Ulm,,
pneumonia, throat, lung trouble, consump
tion, stomach, bladder, kidney and diseases
of all kinds. Remedies harmless. No oper
ation.. Honest treatment. Examination for
ladle by MRS. S K CHAX. Call or write S.
Morrison St., Bet. 1st and 2d. Portland. Or.
Weak Stomachs
prevents nausea by Digest in? all the food yon
eat, cures Indigestion, stops Dyspepsia, makes
weak stomachs strong. Kodol acts promptly.
Is pleasant to take, and may be used by any
one as directed with perfect confidence of good
results. Every tablespoonf ul of Kodol digests
t54 pounds of food. It is guaranteed. Try it.
Tonne Ming Chin
Medicine Co. Wonderful
remedies from herbs and
roots cures all diseases of
men and women. Consulta
tion and puLse diagnosis
free. If you lWe out of
town and cannot call,
write for symptom blank.
247 Taylor sU, bet. 2d and
ts .
Inflammations Irritations
or ulcerations of all mu
cous membranes, unnatu
ral discharges from nose
throat or urinary organs.
a"faic Sold by Druggists
'or in plain wrapper, ex
press prepaid, on receipt
of SI. or three bottles, $?.7S
. BooltUto request
f JTbm Nnadr forA I
fr rrf Omtmrrtx. Gol&sU
v- uwsu,w I
The Leading Specialist.
V a r Icose Veins.
Absolutely pain
1 e s s treatment
that cures com
pletely. Investi
gate my method.
It is the only
t h o roughly sci
entific treatment
for this ailment"
being employed.
Piles, Skin and
Kidney A i 1
ments, etc., are
also among the
ailments I cure
to stay cured.
I am an expert specialist, have had
30 years' practice in the treatment of
ailments of men. My offices are the
best equipped in Portland. My meth
ods are modern and up-to-date. My,
cures are quick and positive. I do not
treat symptoms and patch up. I thor
oughly examine each case, find the
cause, remove it and thus cure the ail
ment. I CURE: Varlcont Vflnn, Contracted
AilmeiitK, 11 lew and Specific Blood Poi
son and all Aliment, of Men.
CURE OR SO PAY I am the only
Specialist in Portland who makes no
charge unless the patient Is entirely
satisfied trlth the results accomplished,
and who arlvc a written ajuarantee to
refund every dollar paid for services
If a complete and permanent cure is not
tracted and chronic cases cured. All
burning, itching' and inflammation
stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected in
seven davs. Consultation free. If un
able to call write for list of questions.
Office hours 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Sun
days. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
128 Vs Second St., Corner of Alder,
Portland. Or.
Sufferers Learn of Mudlavia !
If you have Rheumatism or Kidney Dis
ease tend today for book that tells of the
famou Mud Baths that have cured tbou
rjands. T Ik Hotel open all year. Address
B. B KRAMER, Prea., Kramer, Ind.
Stops Seasickness
MotherslU'a Remedy quickly cures ses. or train
sickness. Guaranteed safe and barmless. 50c anc
1.00 a box. All druggists or direct from Mother
sul Bemedy Co., 818 Clelaad Bids.. DetroluMlcV.