THE MOKHCVGr O K K G O IAf, TTJESXJAX, MAY 10, 19 lO- 15 NEW TODAT. TO For a Term of Years The German Aid Society -will entertain bids for leasing its prop erty, 100x100 feet, southeast cor ner Morrison and Eleventh Sts., for a term not to exceed 50 years. Principals only, apply or phone to H. C. BOHLMAN, Secretary, 46 North Ninth Street. Phone Main 4804. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. F ABRAHAM Rooms 217-218-219 Lumber Exchange bid., 2d and Stark sts. Tele phones, Main 2279, A 2279. Amdrews. F.V. & CM. 334 9. 30 Hamilton bids. Beck. Win! am G.. 812 Palling bid. Birrell, A. H. A Co.. 202-3 McKay bids. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loans, etc Bru baker as Benedict, 602 McKay bldg. M. 649 CARD REALTY & INVESTMENT CO.. 110 BBCOXD ST. MARSHALL 1667. A 1667. Chapin & Herlow. 332 Chamber Commerc. Cook, B. S. St Co., 603 Corbett bldg. Jennings A Co., Main 188. 206 Oregonian, JONES A SHERMAN", 302-3 Lewis bid. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P., 213 Commer cial Club bldg. Srhalk. Oeo.D. 228 Stark St. Main 392. A 2392 SHINDLER & HALL. 2o5 Abington bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ava. and Multnomah at. (Holladay Addition). M. H. Thompson Co., cor 4th and Oak mtm. Walker. S. T.. 604 Corbett bldg. KEAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. SOLID BLOCK. In rapidly growing future business dis trict, facing carllne which has fine serv ice and will be 10 minutes from Madison bridge. Sewers and sidewalk in and paid for, streets partially improved; one block from Ladd's Addition; natural business outlet for largest residence and manufac turing area; this is an exceptionally good buy; price $1400 per lot; terms. J. G. SANDERS. 427 LUMBERMEN'S BUILDING. IRVING TON . QUARTER BLOCK. Two blocks from carllne. $2750. Paces south and east and three feet above cement walk and paved street; more desira ble than other quarters near by held at from $3650 to $4000; thus Is the best bargain in the city and offer will be open for few days. JOSEPH H JOHNSTON. 32-3 Lafay ette Bldg.. Wa sh 1 n gton and 6th. A CORNER ON THE SANDY boulevard Is the best prospective business property on the north East Side. 116 ft. frontage at East 41st st. can be had for 42500, on easy terms; this is opposite Lau lelhurst and is the center of the only pos sible business operations in this section, serving a large restricted district and the fastest growing section of Portland. 517 Worcester block, 3d and Oak, or phone Woodlawn 21172. . DO YOU WANT A HOME ? Let your money earn it. int. paid on chock accounts. 2 int. paid on 10-day call certificates. 86 Int. paid on 30-day call certificates. 4 int. paid on 90-day call certificates. Small check accounts received. 23 years banking experience in Portland. We will help you buy a home. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY BANK, Third and Oak Sts. PORTLAND PORTLAND HEIGHTS TRUST Corner 85x100, improved 0. streets. You are thinking about the price being about $7500. WELL. IT'S NOT. It is only $6500. You don't need to do any figuring at this price. PORTLAND TRUST CO., S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. IRVING TON LOTS. SNAPS. Real Snaps Real Snaps. Por quirk, sale will sell this beautiful lOOx 100 corner on Knott st. for $3500 ; easy terms (some street Improvements paid); the adjoining corner is held at $4250; two oppo site comers held at $4500; will also sell one or two beautiful adjoining lots for $1500 each, term; this g the greatest sacrifice ever made in Irvlngton. AB 951. Oregonian. HIGH RIDOE NORTH OF IRVINGTON cffords excellent view of snow peaks, Mt Tabor and Columbia, and Willamette Val ley Restricted to large sites, this is finest home location on East Side; Broadway car; Woodworth ave.. near Alameda, scenic boulevard: 100x100, level, with im provements. $900; easy terms. See it, 617 Worcester block. 3d and Oak. or phone Woodlawn 2272. RIVER FRONT LOTS. Vandermeer Park, on Willamette River; lots 6 Ox 10O and larger, at Jennings Lodge, Oregon City carllne; 25 minutes from business center; lots 9376 and up; terms, 10 per cent down, balance $10 per month. National Realty & Trust Co., S26 a Washington St.. room 616- CORNER, EAST OAK ST. S2x93. on the corner of E. 22d and Oak; 22d street is Improved and cement side walk. This is a tine corner for flats and a bargain at $3000; $1000 cash, (balance 3 years. GRUSSI A ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. PORTLAND $70 down buys you a fine TRUST lot in VUlamead. This is CO. Ideal for a home or invest ment. Ride out to East 60th su on the Montavflla car and see. Lots $t00 and up. POR TLA N D TRUST COM P A X Y, a. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. ACRE $50O BELOW MARKET. Being less than Its actual value; fine elghtly tract; all cultivated; macadamized street, close to fine school and 6c fare. Must be sold this week for spot cash, $1200 takes it. CHAS. L. HUNTER, 223-225 Board of Trade. SNAP Warehouse site, 100x100, S. E. cor. Reed and Blakestone sts; only $2500, cash or trade, to handle, balance $20,000 at 6 per cent. Will lease. Bargain in lot on Overton near 23d st. Cheapest lot on Union near Skid more st. Three acres near Base Line road. Owner. 87 6th at. SACRIFICE SACRIFICE. Must sell my choice homesite, 50x100 ft., for 5550; this Is $200 under selling price of adjoining lot ; must have money at once. If you have $50 cash write me. AM Oregonlan. BIGGEST SNAP IX TOWN. PIG LOT, 40x214 ft.. on Clackamas street, two and one-half blocks from car line. In best improved restricted district, for $900; less than 1100 cash will handle this snap. Address AM 953. Oregonlan. ALAMEDA PARK LOTS. Are high and sightly, overlooking Irving ton; near Broadway carline; best city im provements; priced 25 per cent below the market. Inquire Alameda Land Company. S22 Corbett bldg. WAVER LY-RICH MON D. 8 lots on East 33d, close to Clinton, $2100 cash; 40x100, In Waverleigh Heights, on Tibbetts, $750; easy terms. KAUFFMANN & MOORE. 325 Lumber Exchange. NAP 2 Irvington Park lots, 50x100 each; lots IT. 19, block 17. and lots 22, 24, block IS; 24th and Alnsworth; $525 each, or both for $10OO if taken this week. Owner, W. E. Smith. McCormlck, Wash. BUSINESS CORNER SNAP. Lot 71x111 ft., on Halsey street, near car line; this Is a real bargain at $1200; small cash payment, monthly tonus, 6 per cent Interest. AL !5P. Oregonian. TENTH-STREET CORNER. Good apartment site, only $11,600 till Thursday, when price advances; a fine buy. Vanduyn A Walton. 615 Chamber of Com merce. 100x100; Fine corner on 37th street. 2 blocks from W. W. car line. $900; a snap. KA VFFMANX & MOORE. 3'r Lumber Exchange. BEAUTIFUL lot for $37. oO cash and balance $5 per month; new addition. 2 blocks from gcioa car una ; pnoa values. MARTIN J. H1GLBY. 132 Third street. IF vou are looking for Council Crest Park rr Greenway property. I have some very good buys In either tract. W. J. Baker, 619 boarq oi 1 1 am,. LAURELHURST LOT. I must sell one of th choicest lots in first quarter i once: maxe me an oner. Owner. AJ 953. Oregonian LOT. Greenway lot. on carllne, $900. W. J. Baker. 619 Hcarq or Tranqp;. QiRatlK SHOO cash for a beautiful lot, 60x100. on Pacific St., near 22d. Call 221 Morrison St.. room 9. THREE lots at Mt. Tabor on Belmont St., cheap. Call owner. East 150S. IRVINGTON PARK lot. $450. Aurd 7cad hlis- W. -J. Barker. REAL ESTATE. Por Sale Lots. BEAUTIFUL corner lot. 60x100, on Slst and Tibbetts sts. ; lies high and sightly. Ce ment sidewalk. Only $1200, cash. C. P. Pfluger & Co., room 6 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. IRVINGTON. CLOSE IN. East front, lot near two carllnes, below market value. See owner. J. S. MORGAN. 326 Wash.. St.. room 409. 75x100, 1RVINGTOX The most beautiful building site left: high and sightly and all Improvements in. Price $3500. Call 304 McKay bldg. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. $1800 buys corner lot, one block from Broadway car. See owner. J. S. MORGAN, 32flVa Wash- St., room 4Q9. A FEW lots unsold in the Alberta district at $50 down, $10 monthly, 6 per cent in terest; no territory so good or alive. Owner, D 940. Oregonian. WHY buy a lot when you can get a half acre inside the city with all the advan tages for the ame price ? 420 Lumber mans Bldg.. cor. 6th and 9tark. TKRBB lots, facing east, on Rodney ave., between Mason and Skid more; all street Im provements paid. Phone Woodlawn SI for t e rmg . 100x100. On East 24th, between Siskiyou and .Klickitat, on carline; very cheap for Bpot cash. Call 304 McKay bldg. FULL lot. cement walks, all paid; 9650; 1100 cash; payments; building restriction. D 946, Oregonian. 2 IRVINGTON lots for sale cheaper than adjoining lots sold for a year ago, car 3 blocks. 824 Chamber of Commerce. IF yon have some money, will build oa your lot. Eastman Co., Inc.. 303 Abington bldg. Main 3236. IRVINGTON PARK. 27thi and Alnsworth, corner, rlOOxlOT; $1075. C. F. Wagner. P. Q. Box 745. BY OWNER, two beautifully located Irving ton lots; must sell. Terms easy. FJ 4904. Address 520 East 19th, North. LAURELHURST Can skin the company's price to death. 403 Couch bldg. MY equity in choice Laurelhurst lot at a sac rlflce, by owner. East 2309. 40x100 LOT E. 29th, near Alberta, $650. Ow ner, 202 Va Washln gton st. WEST SIDE lot 50x100, $400; terms. Phone . iMain 7551, or night phone Main 9125. Por Sale Mouses. A FINE HOME. Close in and only 20 minutes ride from city ; 3 acres all highly Improved ; all kinds of berries and small fruit, fine gar den, over 100 bearing trees ; right on carline; good 7-room house; cement walks; Improved street; price low; terms. Will take good residence property in part traae. J. G. SANDERS. 427 LUMBERMEN'S BUILDING. GOING TO BUILD? WE ARE BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE CITY. THERE ARE GOOD TREASONS. OUR CUSTOMERS SAVE MONEY AND GET BETTER WORK, ON TERMS TO SUIT. IP YOU OWN YOUR LOT. WB WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FREE OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO., .309 HENRY BLDG. . HOME AT COST. We will help you to build a home at University Park at actual first cost, with out bonus, graft or profit to anybody. You furnish the plans and let the contract subject to our approval. We furnish the lot and negotiate the loan. Terms of re lay ment, easiest possible. FRANCIS I. McKENNA. 617 Commercial Block. HOME FOR SALE, BY OWNER. 16 rooms, hardwood floors on first and second floors ; vapor heat ; 8 fireplaces ; mahogany finished dining-room; needle shampoo and spray bath; 2 bathrooms; $ to i lots ; large sleeping porch ; excellent neighborhood, near two car lines; hand some grounds 100x100 ; must be seen to be appreciated ; reasonable terms. Call room 301 Lewis bldg. ARE you looking for a. bargain ? 6-room furnished house, all new furniture, bath, pantry, large woodshed. 2 fine lots, 50x lOO each, east front, large porch; one block to car, 17 bearing fruit trees, 10OO raspberry, 600 strawberry plants; fine va riety roses and shrubbery; beautiful lawn, good garden planted ; must be sold at once; owner going to Canada; price $2150. $1350 down. bal. terms. J. H. Dorman, Plrland station, Mt. Scott car. LAURELHURST. One of the choicest lots in Laurelhurst, close to car and has fine view. This lot was bought before the rise In price. Own er leaving the city , and wants to sell. This is a bargain. R. F. BRYAN, 605 Chamber of Commerce. A 1227, Main 1963. PORTLAND The best location. Beautiful TRUST Hawthorne ave. home; 8 large CO, rooms, reception hall, big n replace, furnace made to or der, electric and gas fixtures; this will please the "hard to please." Price $6600; terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. BIG SACRIFICE. Modern 7-rooin corner house; large closets. dining-room paneled, large front and back orches. concrete basement, cement walk, ot 60x100; 2 blocks from car; building alone one year ago cost diou; lot worth $a00; magnificently furnished, cost $16 H; every thing goes $3400; cash $1500. bal. easy. Owner, suite 8, S62 Washington. EXCEPTIONAL bargains; two beautiful homes on view lots, a lameda Park ; every convenience; ouiit-in worn, can noors, panel ing. beam ceilings, etc. ; one 7 rooms and sieeping-porcn, one v rooms and sleeping porch; easy terms; must be eeen to be ap preciated, uwner, iumoermena Didg. Phone Main 6000. $50 BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, on Oregon City carllne. 7 rooms, on Woodstock carllne. 6 rooms. Rose City Park carllne. With furniture if preferred ; payment $15 to $35 per month. National Realty & Trust Co., 326 V Wash, st., room 616. S3000 FULL lot. 50x100 feet, with ft-room modern nouse, ud-i jast tfist st. Hair block from Waverly carllne. 900 cash down, balance $25 per month at per cent per annum, j. ms is a. oargam. PARRISH. WAT KINS & CO., 250 Alder st. 6-ROOM modern house, white enameled bathroom, large porcnes, run concrete basement, fine roses, fruits, built by day labor for good home; must sell; one block from car; cneap; payment a own. terms; fine corner. Anabel station, MU Scott car. Phone Tabor 039. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. By owner New nine-room residence. fireplaces, large sleeping porch, hardwood floors, hot water heat, modern and up to date in every particular; unexcelled view of city and mountains; price $13, COO; easy terms. S 949, Oregonian. HOUSE on E. Taylor between 40th and 41st. Lot fc6xlOO. Large rruit trees, all improve ments. $3500. Room to build another house. iLhvV.AN li HAVliN fc A t U ST COMPANY. S. W. cor. 6th and Washington at a. SOUTH PORTLAND HOME. $100O buys a 6-room house and frac tionnl lot: one block from 8. car: in. come $12 month; only $600 cash required. 221 H Morrison St. Tel. Main 5256. i .ii t t q ca, streets. Irvlnirton a A, houses and vacant lots. R. B. & j p vtif nfrioa ltith and Brazes, sta. v.aB . Fast 2432. 0 tA3 1. xvxn ii. . wilier lot. all fenced. 6-room modern house. 24x34, barn 16x30, with cement floor; chlcken-houss OxS. with netting; price $2S00. rv owner. 6-room bungalow, strlctlv moHmm near carllne; $2100. terms; also 6-room 2- story residence, sxnctiy mouern; $2700. trms. Tabor 2154. FOR SALE Modern residence. larga rooms, steam heat, gas grates, everythina: un to date; garage; lot 100x100. 360 Alnsworth - ave., cor. uarneia, r none c Z7S1. BY OWNER Strictly modern, brand-new 8-room house; tiled bath; corner Portland boulevard ana jaanory sc., rieamont dis trict. i- Mock from good carllne; $2500: easy P a ym e nts. 410 Failing bid g. STRICTLY modern 9-room house. E. Yamhill near in; $4750, terms. Grungstad, 829 Chamber of Commerce. BY OWNER One fine lot SOxlOS. in Central Alblna Add. Inquire at 230 Woods st. Take "S " car somu. ELEGANT 6-room house, furnished. $4000 $5O0 cash. $25 monthly, phone Woodlawn 1799 or 2720. WHEN moving oall up Van Horn Transfer Co.. M 161S, A 1954; all covered wagons and experienced men. MODERN 6-room house. partly furnished large lot; 325 16th N.r near Irvington and Broadway cars; $6300. terms. NEW 5-room bungalow; near car, high school, cnurcnes; cnea.p ior cash. Call Dhone Woodlawn 2795. FOR SALE By owner. the handsomest s.,T. cralrvu.- in Irvmirtan. 496 T North. Call and see It- " HAWTHORNE AVE.. 7-room, modern house, extra six lot. near carline; price $2650 terms. Phone A 598. M- 7551. PINE 6-room bouse $3500. $500 cash. $25 monthly Phone Woodlawn 1799 or 272. KEAL ESTATE. For Sale; Houses. STOP DANCING To the ragtime mtwie of a landlord by se curing our plan and you can then rest con tented in the familiar tune, "HOME, 6WEET HOME." We will aid you In buying or building1 your own home by allowing you to pay for It In small monthly installments. OUR RETURN PAYMENTS ARB ONLY $1.25 PER MONTH On each $100 borrowed, which will pay up the ntir n mnnnt rf i-ar nnri interest In 108 months, the privilege, however, Is given of paying up at any time, interest oniy oein charged for the number of years that loan is retained at $ per cent. $6 per month will pay back a $400 loam end interest in 108 months. $6.25 per month will pay back a $500 Joan and interest in 108 months. $10 per month will pay back an $800 loan and Interest in lOS months. $12,60 per month will pay back a $1000 loan and interest In 108 monthe. $18.75 per month will pay back a $1500 loan and interest in ins znonthe. $25 per month will pay bck a $2000 loan and Interest in 108 months. $50 per month will pay back a $4000 loan and interest in 108 months. Like ratio on loans of other amounts. THE JACKSON LOAX & TRUST CO.. Walker & Agee, Agents. 323 Board of Trade, Portland, Or. $2350. Wo have a modern 5-room, cottage that can be bought for the above amount on very favorable terms; this place is extra well finished, as It was built for a home by the owner; fine bath, full cement base ment, sidewalks, terrace and curb all of cement; lot lies IS inches above the street, with fine terrace wall; the lawn is in first class condition, with nice garden in the rear; the lot is 50x115 ft. If you are looking for a nice home, with fine view, we are satisfied this place will suit you; it will only cost you a little time to in vestigate this. See HOLT-JONES REAL ESTATE CO.. 622 Board of. Trade Bldg., Fourth and Oak Sts., , Phones. Marshall 849, A 7204, IN THE VERY HEART OF IRVINGTON. Beautifully finished 6-room BUNGA LOW; exceptionally well built by owner, with day labor; nicely tinted, fine bath and toilet, fine fireplace, extra lavatory, large sleeping porch, cement basement, stationary wash trays and furnace in stalled ; everything complete and up to date; this Is on a 50x100 lot, located close to both carllnes and in the best part of Irvlrgton; price $5000, good terms. See thla if you want a cozy home. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 815-16-17 Abington Bldg. E. COUCH ST. HOUSE. A swell, modern, two-story, 7-room nouse with furnace and fireplace, gas and electric full cement basement, paneled dining-room, fine den, built-in china closet, cove celling, double floors, laundry trays, cement floor in basement, on a lot 64x100, on East Couch, near 23d; this is a very complete house and was built for a home; price is a bargain. $5000, on very reasonable terms. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. BUILDING IS OUR BUSINESS. We have from 10 to 15 Jobs going at one time. We can afford less profit on a single contract than the email contractor. You also get just what you order and take no risk. Plana and estimates free. If 3 o u o wn lot we will f urn 1 sh the mo aey . PORTLAND REALTY & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. 902-903 Lewis Blag., 4th and Oak Sta PORTLAND A HOME FOR $2800. TRUST CO. Listen: Just being finished, 6-room home, modern, fur nace, fireplace, full basement, best of plumbing, piped for gas, wired for etectriclty; "A-l" district. This is close to the car. Oh, yes, the terms are orjy 9250 cash, bal ance like rent. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, . S. E. Cor. Third and Oak fits. E. TAYLOR ST. HOUSE, $1000. Pine 7-room house, gas and electric, full cement basement, laundry trays; built-in china closet; extra large rooms; nice lawn and fruit trees; lots of roses; on a full lot 60x100, in a fine neighborhood on E. Tay lor, near 23d, at a bargain; price $4800; $1000 cash, balance $25 per month. If you want something nice, see this one. GRL'SSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. On an 8OxlO0-ft. lot; finely Improved; 6 rooms and bath, full cement basement, stationary wash trays, gas litrht : a fine home, and this can be bought for $500 down, and $15 per month; $2S00 is the price, ana it is a bargain and won't last long at this price. HOLT-JONES REAL ESTATE CO., 522 Board of Trade Bldg., Fourth and Oak Sts., Phones. Marshall 849. A 7294. YOU CAN'T AFFORD To overlook this swell 6-room bungalow in East Portland Heights. It is certainly a oanoy ana weu wortn tne price of $2600, $400 cash; modern in every detail, with built-in buffet and bookcases, Dutch kitchen and window seat; beautiful view of " the city; iw ieet to v. re. canine. s so. PORTLAND REALTY & CONST. CO., 902-3 Lewis Bldg. Phones Marshall 646. A 7183. SEALED bids will be received until 4 P. M Thursday. May 12, 1910, at the office of the Port of Portland, City Hall, for food supplies for the months of June. July and August. Specifications may be had on application. The right is reserved to re ject any or all bids. J. P. Doyle, Clerk or tne oara. SUNNYSIDE. 7-room strictly modern house on fine corner of 2otn. close to cars; 4 bedrooms, larsre attic, cement basement, with fur- race and w ashtrays; fireplace, gas and electric; a snap at $d7o0; terms. KAUPFMANN & MOORE. 325 Lumber Exchange. SUBURBAN HOME. Beautiful home in Jennings Lodge, 30 minutes from city; fine house of six rooms and bath, one acre of ground, covered with fruit and berries: chicken house and yard; nicely improved; a model home. See owner, 4 tnamDer oi commerce. Phone Main PORTLAND $250 cash and you move right iKLbi into ine nnest oungatow you CO. ever saw. This is an Ander son bungalow, which msana a real complete home. Price PORTLAND TRUST" COMPANY, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. SCHUYLER STREET. Good building lot on Schuyler street. cement walk, water and lights. This lot will be sola tnis ween at a bargain price. R. F. BRYAN, 505 Chamber of Commerce. A 1227, Main 1963. ACREAGE HOME. 14 acres, all kinds of fruit. 6-room house and nantrv and large veranda. bath. nw barn, large chicken corral; choice flowers and shrub; 4 diocks irom car. Terma LOUIS BRANDT, Oak Grove. Oregon City Line. PRETTIEST new stone bungalow in Rose Citv Park: call on nremises. tilst street. J ust north of Sandy road ; seven rooms and sleeping porch; price $6750; two lots ; terms. 6-ROOM modern cottage, lot 50x100; cement basement; block to car, near 49th and Hawthorne; price s-ouv; iuu casn, bai. easy. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third street. FOR SALE by owner, $1300 cash, house and lot; 5 rooms ana Dain. cement siaewaiks. shade trees, etc, at 230 East 34th iu Applv Mrs. F- Lundblad, 1235 17th ave. Sunset, aan r rancinvj, $1900 buys a neat 4-room modern cottage on lot wortn ww -u .cast jaornson st.; Droperty is worth $2500. 132 Tnird street. FOR SALE Furnishea or unfurnished, in Sunnyside; new o-room Dungaiow; modern, nAwlv furnished. lawn. roses. cardan ! everything homelike; don't wait. Call at 1154 E- Aiaer ana see owner. FOR SALE By owner, beautiful, strictly modern 7-room home, lot 75xlOO; beautiful lawn, shrubbery; restricted district, 832 E. Keiiy- rnow aeiiwooa tT. Price $3Tw; terms. 6-ROOM modern cement block bungalow, full cement basement; corner 100x100; $2 7 DV. si.ou cm", uaittiice years, 6 per cent. A. J- Gantner. 618 Board of Trade bldg. IRVINGTON Beautiful home in very beat location; was not built for sale; every modern convenience. This will merit the closest investigation and will be sold for actual cost. Owner. W 940, Oregonian. FOR SALE 6-room modern house. 654 E. Taylor V Pnono B REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. MUST SELL. WILL SACRIFICE A SWELL LITTLE HOME. 6-room bungalow, almost new; unusually well-built by day labor; beautifully fin ished, fine bath and toilet, full attic, ce ment basement; stationary wash trays, gas and electricity; this is a very SIGHT LY LOCATION; adjoining one of the best restricted residence districts; 2 carllnes; 15 minutes out. SEE US FOR PRICE. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 315-16-17 Abington. Bldg. PORTLAND TRUST CO. $3500. $1000 CASH. $2500 on easy payments are the terms on one of the nicest homes with a quarter block of ground, all in fruit and flowers, in Woodstock. Re member that this is the com ing district when the Madi son bridge Is finished. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, 6. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sta BUNGALOWS. BUNGALOWS. Everywhere; any price and terms; got the goods. 403 Couch bldg. Phone A 284L Business Property. SOLID BLOCK In rapidly growing future business dis trict, facing carline which has fine serv ice and will be 10 minutes from Madison bridge. Sewers and sidewalk in and paid for, streets partial y improved ; one block from Ladd's Addition ; natural business outlet for largest residence and manufac turing area; this is an exceptionally good buy; price ' $140O per lot; terms. J. G. SANDERS, 427 LUMBERMEN'S BUILDING. Acreage. HALF ACRES Just a few left on the Mount Scott carline, lO-minute service, 6c fare, with transfer privileges. Some tracts cleared and In cultivation; others in a beautiful grove of young trees. Water piped to each lot and streets to be graded. Buy a half acre, pitch a tent and live comfortably during the Sum mer months. Saving of house rent for the Summer will go a long way. toward paying for the half acre. KNAPP & MACKEY, 212-213 Board of Trade bldg. BIG BARGAIN. 11 acres, all cleared, lying two blocks from Oregon Electric station, 30 minutes from Portland; can be bought for $360 per acre, half cash ; land adjoining held at $60O per acre. This is absolutely the best buy on the market and is a sacrifice to meet payment of debt. Fair bouse on property, running creek. Let us show the property. ' CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. A SACRIFICE SALE. 27 acres, 10 miles from Courthouse, near Sycamore station, on O. W. P car line; 4-room house, large barn; 9 acres in cultivation, 18 acres timber; price, for short time, $3500; ' $1000 cash. Worth fully $4500. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board off Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. SO ACRES, 14 miles from Portland, on Ore gon u;iectric ana aoutnern acuic; z acres apples, strawberrie;, fine large new barn, small house;- 60 acres cleared; about 40 acres garden land ; 25 or 30 acres best beaverdam in state; garden lands can be irrigated from water on place. Owner, 201 Swetiand bldg. 50 ACRES, right on the United Railways, about 26 miles west or urnngton; a grand platting proposition; can be bought at $176 per acre; terma inquire of C. F. Pfluger & Co., room 6, Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. A SNAP IN ORCHARD. 25 acres, near Roseburg; 7 acres In bear ing fruit ; price $ 7500 ; want residence In Portland worth $35O0. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. SUBURBAN ACREAGE. 80 acres close in on electric line; 20 clfared; running water, orchard, etc, ; only $2X per acre until 15th, which is under value. Vanduyn & WaltOn, 515 Chamber of Commerce. 20 ACRES on Willamette River, near carlinej a beaUtlXUl spot lor country numes. aisu lots and acreage on Oregon City carline, near Risley Station. H. G. Starkweather, phone Oak Grove Black 17. P. O. Mil waukee R. F. D. DO you want acreage tracts or small farms within easy reacn or tnis city at rignt pneest I have them. Call on or write me. I. G. DAVIDSON, 819 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE. 1 acre, cheap, 4 miles from City Hall. Oregon Electric R. R., get off at Ryan place, follow boardwalk to bungalow. Owner there et me sell you a half acre or more in-Mde-the city; Bull Run water, paved street, building restrictions, etc. 420 Lumber mans Bldg., cor. 5th and Stark. Homestetads. LAND IS KING. Let us place you on a Central Oregon free homestead; 320 acres of choicest agricul tural land in the West; in a valley traversed by new railway lines or survey and near est railroads now building; our two locators are men of wide experience; they have spent weeks on the land and know It thoroughly; thAv can locate you most favorably- now. but wait end it will be too late; deep, rich lake bed soil, mostly level, some gently roll ing, free from rock and alkali; cold, clear water, 6 to SO feet ; good fuel supply and fence posts from Government reserve nearby. W don't want a mortgage on your life for locating you; ride in our automobiles our weekly excursions leave every Thurs day. Oall or write. THE SPANTOX COMPANY, 269 Oak St., Lewis Bldg. 2 HOMESTEADS under Irrigation ditch, 160 acres each; special lot rates for Crook. Lake and Harney Counties; 5 homesteads on the coast; 2 timber claims. ADVANTAGES OP OREGON. 32-page book explaining what each of the 34 counties is best adapted for; gives' amount of government land open to homestead in each county;' map attached. 21x28. showing new R. R. and towna Including Eastern and Central Oregon; counties in different colors; drawn to March 1, 1910; latest map In U. S. ; price 25c Nlmmo & Buney. 13 Hamll- ton bldg. IF you want a homestead now Is the time to get it; I can locate you in the best part of Central Oregon, in valley where I have my homestead; party going out this week bv automobile. Call at my office, hSk Third st. and arrange to go down. ALVIN S. HAWK. Printer, 88 Third St. ' FOR reliable information about the Deschutes Valley homeieaaa, aesert ciaima ana aeeaea irripTrt land call on Deschutes Vallev Land & Investment Co., 301-302 Buohanan bldg., ' on WTashington. near 6th. We leave weekly witn uomewioiim . FARM WANTED today: 10 to 20 improved acrea, on good road and electric, within 20 miles, for witnm s-iuuv casn; owners, see u early. Portland Homes Co.. 204 Morrison street. HOMESTEADS Eastern Oregon; we are on ground; come to headquarters; we locate nearly every homesteader in the district. Oregon Homestead Co., 217 Abington. hhvf.STEADS AND TIMBER CLAIMS. Located and guaranteed, in Josephine and Jackson counties, urcgon. jjor par t i culars call 427 Mohawk bldg. IOv you want desert or homestead claim in Sunny Southern Idaho? Idaho Locating Co 220 Boise City Bank. Boise. Idaho. HOMESTEAD relinquishment; 7.000,000 feet yellow fir; file at once. Hyland Jones & CO.. U uerimget "'"8- IF you want a homestead of SO acres; 6 miles from car. Aii woo, thuiii.ii. SO-ACRE homestead, 3 miles from railroad; one million fir. Tab. 1586. For Sale Fruit Lands. BEAUTIFUL 10-acre FRUIT TRACTS, In Yamhill County, near Yamhill station, all under cultivation, ready for the trees; $100 to $176 per acre, 10 per cent cash, balance easy terms; there are no better fruit tracts in Oregon for double the money; I want to satisfy prospective buyers of this fact and I hereby extend an invitation to those inter ested to become my guests on a trip to North Yamhill and return, AT NO COST WHATEVER FOR THE TRIP; you will be tinder no obligation to buy property. J. O. ELROD, Owner, 620 Corbett Bldg. , Opposite Postof flee. GARDEN TRACTS. FRUIT TRACTS. ALL CLEARED, At Donald, on Salem Electric, $150 and $00 per acre ; terms, $15 per month. WITH NO INTEREST TO PAY. No tracts so handy to railroad; only one hour from Portiana. c m'GHES LAND CO., Portland, Or. 4T-409 Lewis Bldg-, Phone Marshall 239. ROfltE RIVER VALLEY. Finest soil and climate in the United States; if ou want a home, orchard or an investment for large and quick profit. look me up ; a nave some cnoice propo sitions, large or smaii, to suit. ti V47, Oregonian. "HITHER HOOD.' 60 acres open land, well located, 14 acres in young standard orchard, con siderable easily cleared, running water; nrlr-A $4000 if taken soon. Mount Hood Land Company, 712 Roth child bldg. Main 3510. i ft- atre orchard tracts, unimproved, on railroad. 25 miles from Portland ; best soil; no rocK; an acre, easy terms; ar range witn us to go ana maxe selection; round trip same day. 810-311 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE 1350 acres fruit land, ripe for subUivlsion. in ceieDraiea w aiuo tiius sec tion. Address S. F. Anderson, Salem Or. KEAL ESTATE. For Sale Fruit Lands. BEST BUY TODAY. 10 -acre tract, approved apple orchard land with standard commercial applo trees planted and cared for; soil, altitude and drainage perfect for apple culture; right at R. R. station; surface irrigation absolutely not required; price for a short time, $500. one-fifth cash, balance easy. I will pay $2O0 per year and crop for tak ing care of adjoining 20 acres. - MR. CARS, SOi Lewis Bldg. For Sale -Farms. DEMAND MAKES OPPORTUNITY1, The steadily increasing de mand for all food products makes it necessary for new countries to be opened up. The demand for every product of the farm was never greater than now. the present supply being wholly inadequate. THE NORTH COAST LANT CO., LTD., OF VANCOUVER. B. C, owns thousands of acres of the best FRUIT, FARM AND STOCK-RAISING LAND IN PROVINCE OP BRITISH CO LUMBIA. THE FORT -GEORGE DISTRICT At the present ttme Is com manding the attention of the entire world. Thousands of American people are migrating to this great undeveloped coun try, with its vast areas of un touched resources and its 1000 miles of navigable waterways, three steamers operating at the present time. There are 12 car loads of farming implements on the way to this country. The open meadows make It possible for the settler to make an ex cellent profit from his first year's crop, while his leisure time may be spent enlarging his fields and clearing away un derbrush. The soil. a rich, black vegetable loam, produced by hundreds of years of veget able deposit, is of the finest quality and fertility, being ex ceptionally rich in natural plant foods, and entirely free from sand, gravel, stones and alkali. OUTt PRICES ARE RIGHT AND TERMS EASY. All we ask is $3.00 per acre - down and balance in five an nual payments. Can you beat that? Call and see pictures of the upper country and samples of grain grown within four .miles of Fort George. Opportunity knocks but once. Don't fail to investigate this. NORTH COAST LAND CO.. LTD. General Offices, Vancouver, B. C London. Office, 6 Old Jewry. HUT AN & ADAMS, Selling Agents, 200 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Phones, Main 3143, A 1312. Open Evenings, 8. BIG OPPORTUNITY IN NEW SOUTHERN TOWN Of Alpha, Ala., first to be opened on the Washington & Choctaw Railway, In midst of thousands of acres of magnolia lands, recently eold. now thrown onen: settlers now comin g in ; development w i 11 advance prices wonderfully; climate ideal; whole blocks In town can now be purchased at farm land prices; people contemplating buy ing Southern lands should investigate this; the opportunity of living in town and trucking, fruit growing or poultry raising beats any email farm proposition any one could offer; early purchasers get in at half price; easy terms, small payments; big op portunity ror agents; write xor piat ana complete details. Washington & Choctaw Land Co., 660 Times bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 43 ACRES, 16 inlles to Portland; 20 acres under cultivation, about acres oi swaie land, 1 acre of good corawooa; good com mercial aDDle orchard of Northern Spy Spitxenberg, Baldwin and Gravenstein and lots of berries and grapes; 5 -room house and barn; creeks, spring and. well. Per sonal property: Z mncn cows, a neners, 2 Spring calves, young mare 4 years old, about 1 dozen chickens, buirey. harness, etc. ; mile to school. 2 churches and store, 4 miles from HlUsboro. Must be sold by 15th or price will be raised to $5000 without stocK. on miiK route; mile from new prospective electric line; $47O0; $22O0 cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. Ask for Mr. Burns. , Mount Hood Land Co., T12 RothcBUd bldg. 20 ACRES CLOSB2 TO BEAVERTON. 11 miles from Portland, lies a little slop ing and very best of soil, 3000 cords of standard timber on It. Price a snap at $200O. Wood will more than pay for the land. JOHN" DICK. 626 Henry bldg.. Fourth, and -Oak. SMALL FARM, 15 ACRES. 15 acres, good 7-room house, barn and other buildings; mile to good town, on good road, mile from Willamette River boat landing; 9 acres cleared.' 2 acres or chard, place fenced and cross-fenced ; th is farm Is situated in one of the oldest and best communities In the Willamette Valley; the first man who sees it will take It, as the land without the Improvements is worth $1K per acre, -and the improvements are worth the price asked for the whole; price $2000, half cash. MAGINNIS LAND & INVESTMENT CO., aio-ai lewis iicg., n ana uajc. 40-AC RE tracts, unimproved. 25 mile by rail from Portland; suitable for frult-rala-Icg and ohlcken ranches; well watered, plenty of timber for all purposes; best of soil, no rock or gravel; $15 to $23 an acre: easy terma These are the cheapest tracts , on the market and- will bear inspection. Call and arrange to go and see them. 14 and 311 Corbett bldg. SO ACRES 60 acrea cleared; house, barn and other buildings; good-- heavy rich soil, no waste land; 10 acres in hops, old family or chard; within 4i miles of three good mar kets; electric line surveyed along line of place; 25 miles from Portland; price $7000, $3000 casrh, up to $1000 Portland property, balance on time at 6 per cent. MAGI NX IS LAND & INVESTMENT CO, -310-317 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak. 120 ACRES. 120 acres. 60 acres cleared and in cultiva tion; only three or four acres waste land on the place; this is a snap for the price asked; let us take you out to see this place if you are looking for a farm; price $11,000, $S6oO cash, balance on time. MAG INN IS LAND & INVESTMENT CO., S16-317 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak. DOUGLAS COUNTY, OR- FOR SALE 1700 acres choice land on good county road, 3 miles from railroad and good town; this land is very suitable for platitng and Is at present In good condition; price $25 per acre. For particulars and terms apply to William MacMaster, 302 Worcester block, Portland, Or. 211 ACRES. 211 acres 1 mile from good station on O. W. P. electric line; 60 acres cleared; house, large barn and granary; the cleared lead on this place alone Is worth $9000; price for entire farm $13,000; we will divide this place if desired. MAGINNTS LAND & INVESTMENT CO., 316-S17 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak. 104 ACRES. 104 acres, one mile from good R. R. town, 30 miles from Portland; 90 acres cleared, 14 acres in hops, two-story 8-room brick house, two good barns, granary and other buildings; four acres in orchard, good living stream; price $100 per acre, terms. (MAGINNIS LAND & INVESTMENT CO., 316-317 Lew la Bldg.. 4th and Oak. A SNAP 5 acres, near city limits, on Section Line road; almost all under cultivation t good 4-room house, large barn, roothouse, chicken-house, plenty of water, all fenced; ground nice and level; owner must sell; price $3950, terms. Apply owner, 171 Third street, near Yamhill. 10-ACRE orchard tracts, unimproved, on rail road. 25 miles from Portland; best soil; no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; arrange with us to go and make selection ; round trin same day- 310-311 Corbett heg. HOOD RIVER COUNTRY! Ranch of 150 acres, partly Improved on rtver and railroad; choice fruit land for oniy $9500. Vanduyn Sc. Walton, 616 Chamber of Commerce. Tp you want small farms or tracts of acreage near this city at right prices, be sure to call on or write me before meklng selection. I. G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce. 6 ACRES. 1 mile from Hlllsboro. suitable for chicken ranch; small new house, good chicken house, good well, cheap if taken at once; terms or cash. Inquire 346 Hall st. 40 ACRES, good neighborhood, 6 cultivated. ' new house, some good timber, level. A fine place for home or speculation, $2800. C. M- Crittenden. Hubbard.. Or. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying: land shown Xrsa OI instead. Land Ca. Salem, Or KEAL ESTATE. Por Sale Farms. DESCHUTES VALLEY FARMS, NEAR MADRAS. 4V acres unimproved, four miles from Madras. Ilea nice and level, all tillable, the price is $J0O, half cash, bal ance 2 years at 6 per cent. SO acres unimproved, 4S! miles from Maaras. Price $16. 1-3 cash, balance 1 to 5 years at 6 per cent Inter est. Land all tillable. 160 acres near line of new railroad. 90 acres cleared, under cultivation, 70 acres pasture, box house and barn, good well, fine soil, well lo cated. Price $2700. half cash, balance 18 months at 7 por cent. 160 acres near the above. 120 cleared, under cultiva tion, 40 acres pasture, small box house and barn, wire fence, spring and good well, school houae on place, good soil, a splendid farm at $3200, half cash, balance IS months at 7 per cent. 160 acres near Madras, 25 to SO acres in cultivation, 2 wired fence. 3 miles from Young post off ice, 2 miles from school. 2 miles from proposed Btatlon on new railroads. The price is $3000. $14O0 cash, balance In three yearly payments at 6 per cent interest. 16f acres, 2 miles from Cul ver, 2 miles from school, land all tillable. 135 acres In cultivation, 4-room house, earn, fence, cistern and well, farm utensils. The price is $5000. cash. 160 acres one mile from .Culver, 1 mile from school, 140 acres in timber iand. lOO acres In cultivation, 4 room house, cistern, fenced and cross fenced. The price is $4300 cash. 160 acres, two miles from Culver, 1 mile from school, all tillable, 155 acres in cul tivation, good house, four rooms; barn. household utensils, farming utensils and farm stock, fine soil. The price is $50OO, $2600 cash, $2400 on one and two years' time at 8 per cent. 520 acres. 2 miles from La MoEta, 2 miles from school. 250 acres in cultivation. 106 acres now in grain, house, barn, good well, running water the year round, 510 acres tillable, one of the best ranches in the Des chutess Valley. Only about 4 or 6 miles from the new railroads now being built, and the price being only $13,000, 'half cash, balance on 3 years' time at 6 per cent interest. Foreign Department, -UNION BANK & TRUST CO., 23S Stark iL, Portland, Or. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS A DEMONSTRATED SUCCESS. Wheat production on these lands for several years past has been the largest and quality the finest of any wheat land on the American continent. Thousands of American farmers have secured lands here; all are making money and are satisfied. Splendid live new towns and the world s best markets right at the door. Fine schools, cheap fuel and good water. $1.50 to $2 an acre cash, balance long time. 'there is only one crop or iana. The time for action Is now. Write us lor bookleta LOW RATE EXCURSIONS EVERY FIFTEEN DAYS. IDE-MCCARTHY LAND COMPANY, Colonization Agents, 425-26-27-28. LUMBERMEN'S BUILDING. HOW DOES THIS STRIKE TOUT A 10-ACRE TRACT FOR $750. $10 CASH. $10 PER MONTH FOR 74 MONTHS. 10 ACRES FRED WITH EVERY TEN lO-ACRH TRACTS. The land is 45 miles southwest of Port land In the hlehlands of Yamhill County, The soil is a deep rich red loam, especially adapted to the growing of walnuts, apples and other fruits. Large plantings of wal nuts and apples join our tract. Call at our office and arrange to see the land. Don't mistake this offer for inferior farm lands. It will etand a most rigid examination. Our guarantee as a firm la back of every acre of this Iand. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. HOW DOES THIS STRIKE YOU? A 10-ACRE TRACT FOR $750. $10 CASH. $10 PER MONTH POR 74 MONTHS. 10 ACRES FREE WITH EVERY TEN 10-ACRE TRACTS. The land is 45 miles southwest of port- land In the highlands of lamhiii county. The soil is a deep rich red loam, espe cially adapted to the growing of walnuts. apples and other fruits. Large plantings of walnuts and apples join our tract. Call at our office and arrange to see the land. Don't mistake this offer for inferior farm lan da It will stand a most rigid ex amination. Our guarantee as a firm is back of every acre of this land. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 832 Chamber of Commerce. $27.Sd PER ACRE FOR 320 ACRES. Well hnoroved. 2 miles east of Golden- dale, Wash.; 170 acres in cultivation, rest in pasture, 1-3 crop goes to purchaser. A snap. Fr particulars call JOHN DICK. 626 Henry bldg.. Fourth and Oak, 664 ACRES. 664 acres. 400 acres cleared and cultivated, about 150 acres more in pasture; no stumps or grubs and can be cultivated at any time; this farm is In the Willamette Valley and In one of the best farming communities in the state; no Irrigation needed; about 50 acres in timber; rouse. Darn ana omer outDuiia lngs; price per acre, good terms. MAGINNIS LAND & INVESTMENT CO., 316-317 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak. Marshall 474. A 4439. $3500 Small fruit farm on new electric line. bee owner, rranK ain, xitn rtortn. M tscellan eons. ARE you looking for a farm or acreage? Don t ran to can at "THE CROSSLEY COMPANY," 703 and 709 Corbett bldg. It costs you nothing and we treat you right. It surely will be to your advan tage to see us before buying. We don't . publish our list. IF YOU ARB LOOKING FOR Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small. well-improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see ma I handle my own properties. J. Ow ELROD. 620 Corbett Bldg. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE. 80 acres, with 1,500.000 feet yellow fir, running water on place, half-mile off United Railway survey ; 10 miles north west of Forest Grove for $1800; terms to suit. Address Elmer Lyda, Gales Creek. Or. $40,000 WANTED to complete purchase of timber lands; will sell outright and buy back on stumpage basis ; liberal bo nus given, also chance to invest in best mill proposition In Southern Oregon. In quire of J. A. Baxter, Gold Hill, Or. TIMBER 320 acres, estimated 16.000,000. in Siuslaw district, 17 miles southwest from Eugene, Or.; $12,000 takes it if you act quick. Address Box, 103, Independ ence. Or. 200 MILLION timber on Columbia; good log ging proposition or investment; - $2 stump age, land Included. 829 Chamber Com merce. FOR SALE Southwest section 25, town ship lO south, range 11 west; flue young timber, close to R. R-. Lincoln Co.. Or. H. Crandall, 711 El First St.. Aberdeen. Wash. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. X M'CRACKEN. $04 McKay Bldg. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. &04 McKay bldg. C J. MoCracken, WANTED KEAL ESTATE. WANTED. WEST SIDE PROPERTY. We have a. buyer for a piece of West Side business property up to $300,000; giv us full particulars at once: owner only, GRUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into income property? You furnish lot. we put up building and share profits. If you have West Side lot. see us NOW. PORTLAND REALTY & CONST. CO.. 002-3 Lewis Bldg. WANTED Wholesale tracts of good land, suitable for colonization, In Central and Eastern Oregon, for ourselves and our clients; owners only. Manuel Brothers Company, 203 Andrus bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED A HOME? New 5-room bungalow, full basement, elec tric lights, shades, tinted, lawn graded and seeded, fruit trees, lot 50x100; price $2150. $300 cash, $20 per month. Mtlliren, Mt. Hood Land Co.. 711 Rothc-hild bldg. HOUSE and lot from owner, about $150 down, bal. In small monthly payments, from $1000 to 42500; can take without delay; want a good buy. K. E. Daggett 472 Taylor st. Tel. Main S3iS. WE have buyers for income or residence property, west Side or East Side. It will pay you to deal with us if you want re sults. Walker A Reed, 823 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 8535. HAVE customer for 6 or 6 room bunga low on the Heights; must be convenient to car and a good view. . CRAWFORD A BABCOCK, 502 Swetiand Bldg. WANTED 5 or 0 room house on Portland Heights, with good view ; price about $3500. Address M. Bab cock. SuO Union ave. north. . WANTED 6 or 6-room modern house and lot or oOxlOO' lot within blocks of 2lst and East Ankeny; name lowest cash price. AK V54. Oregonran. WE have Inquiries for desirable East Side residence property; ir you nave property of this description for sale, see McCargar, Bates & Lively. 315 Failing bldg. REAL ESTATE or equities in same bought and sold. List with us. GRAY-CUNNINGHAM-GRAY. 722-723 Electric Bldg. WANTED Modern, up-to-date house of not less than 8 rooms, on r-aat fame, irvington or Holladay's Add. preferred; state price and terms. AH 947. Oregonian. WANTED Logged-off or farm land near Portland for Portiana lota JL 012, ore gonian. ACREAGE, lots or equities bought and sold. I have buyers for your property. W. B. HARTLEY. 411 Swetiand bldg. WANTED Acreage, lots and equities; also river acreage wan tea. tt v asningtoa. TO EXCHANGE... HOTEL for sale, or trade for acreage, mwt be cloBe to Portland, with good running water on place. Hotel has 35 rooms, the only hotel in town; full all time; doing good business; very best location in town. Price on lot, building and furniture, every thing goes for 912,500. Town has about 7 stores, 1 bank and 5 aaloona AN 954, Oregonian. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Territory rights for one of the greatest selling inventions ever brought before the public; profits have averaged as high as $-50 daily for 20 consecutive days; will sell for cash or can use good, automobile or diamonds in part payment. For fur ther Information phone Marshall 1 198, or see us at room 17. Hamilton building. BURT & IVETT. CHOICE 6-ACRE TRACT. S blocks from Oregon Electric; alt un der cultivation and includes new house, tarn, chicken-house and good well ot water; will trade for Portland property. David Lewis, 83 5th st. BEAUTIFUL 12-ACRE TRACT. Near Vancouver, and only blocks from electric car line; all in fruit; beautiful lo cation; thickly settled population; will trade for Portland property. David Lewis, S3 5th st. . 170x100 in choice residence section of Hood River to exchange for Portland propertyt David Lewis, 63 6th St. WANTED A second-hand hair dryer; havtf the best accordlan, will trade or sell. Call Home A 309& for Mrs. Shaffer. EXCHANGE! City property for farms, Farms for city property, or anything yo want, at 42B Abington bldg. FOR EXCHANGE Lots In Salem residency for acreage anywhere In Oregon or Wash Ington. Bechtel & Bynon, Salem, Or. YOU can trade any kind of property ai room 1019 Board of Trade. FOR SALE. Horses Vehicles ana Harness, Why buy second-hand vehicles when yoil can get a new one from an old-established wholesale house, 44 years in Oregon, at almost the same cost? We are located outside the high-rent district, own out building, and can make the price. Ex clusive agents for the old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and farm wagons. Be sure and see us befor you buy. It may save you money. R. M. WADE & CO., 822 Hawthorne Ave., bet. East 1st and 2d. '- FLVE HORSES For eale; fine pair combination ride an drive mares, very "handsome. 6 and 7 ye-ari old, 15Va -hands high; 1 chestnut geldlnj 16 hands high, 6 years old; this horse haj beautiful knee action, very gentle to rid and drive. These horses are by imported Manchester and of registered mares; als one standard bay gelding and several othert too numerous to mention. Kramer' .New York Stables. 506 Alder st. CUT PRICES. On new buggies, harness and wagons; the second largest stock in the city td select from. Nejv. guaranteed, well-known buggies with leather trimmings, fins leather quarter tops, for $58.50. Big sales and small profits. C. L. BOSS & CO., 820-328 EAST MORRISON STREET. I AM going to leave the city and will dis- Sose of my driving horse (Alklnney), 15 ands high, sound and safe for a lady, with Studebaker phaeton, basket-seat sur ery and a good set of harness, all in gcod condition; can be seen at O. R. C. Stables, 14th and Yamhill sts. Mrs. Beck er's outfit. FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons. - Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and mares. If not as represented they can ba returned. We also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagon for sale. Hawthorne-ava. Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. ,, . . MULE9 for sale 20 head of Missouri mule from 4 to 7 years old, weight from 1200 td 1400 lbs. each; the best lot ever brought to Portland. At the Model Stables, 295 Davit st. H. M. Billlnge. GENTLE driving bay mare, with harness. Stanhope and surrey; any lady or child can drive this mare; cheap for cash. See same at Portland Riding Academy, 701 Johnson st., or phone A 344L TEAM mares, weight 2400 Iba, new harness, iiH-in. farm wagon, all for $275. 1000-lb. horse, light Mitchell wagon and harness $&o. East 12th and Maduson, cottage in park. WANTED TO BUY A black gelding about 6 years old, weighing 1200 lbs., that will drive single or double. Write Devlin & Firebaugh, Hood River, Or. FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and driving horses always on hand; sold witu guarantee as represented. U. S. Stables. 24S Front. FOR SALE One team young well matched horses, weighing 2800; one 6-year-old mare, weighing 1450. 226 R usse 1 ls t. U. S. FEED AND TRANSIENT STABLES. Best accommodations for travelers- ladles' waiting-room; prices moderate. 248 Front. 6-PASSENGER Studebaker bus, harness, used 1 month, very cheap or trade for real estate. 870 Garfield ave. TWO bay mares, good workers, 6 and 7 years old, weight 2900 with harness. 512 N. 24 th St. ' WANTED A good delivery horse. Colum bia Fish Co.. 3d and Ankeny sts. DR. L. G. STICKNEY. V. 8. Office 409 E. BuxDside. E. 555; residence E. 17L pi vE heavy teams at the transfer barn a Flemming A Thompson, G res ham. PAIR good farm grays, weight 2430, with new harness; bargain. 834 Front st. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. WON cash prize of $125 to apply on new piano, but already nave .piano; will sell for $25. W. L. Green. 406 Lumbermen bldg- Automobiles. 6- PASSENGER auto. 36 h. p., 4-oylInder; top, shield and lamps. thoroughly over hauled, in good condition. Room 10 Wash ington bldg. 7- PASSENGER Thomas, must be sold, as owner is leaving the West; no reasonable of fer refused. Apply Belmore, McDougal & JUoores, ana Aiaer. Cost $1800; can be purchased for $650; machine good as new. David Lewis. S3 5th st. . $600, 10-HORSE POWER auto top, glass front, in good running order. Call 21 E. 12 th st. m ONE four-ylinder automobile, newly paint ed, and in first-class condition. Phone East 3893. Jl RUNABOUT cheap for quick sata. West- -era Auto Co 531 Alder su