Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 09, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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Republican Majority Believed
Restored in Senate on
Railroad Bill.
Long and Short Haul Clause Re
ceives Most Attention, but Vote
Will Jfot Be Made Test of
Loyalty by President.
"WASHINGTON, May 8. Under a flag
a truce hostilities between the conserva
tive Republicans and insurgents of the
Senate over the Administration railroad
bill have, ceased.
They will be renewed probably when
Senators Cummins and IoIliver return
Thursday from Iowa, where they have
gone to open the campaign. Senator
Aldrlch lg expected to return from Rhode
Island Tuesday. If he should attempt
to precipitate a vote on any Important
amendment. Senators La -Follette and
Clapp will undertake to hold the floor.
Meanwhile the White House will be
the scene of real activities, the President
having undertaken to bring into line
some of the so-called "near insurgents,"
whose attitude on the railroad bill has
been a matter of doubt.
Needed Recruits Obtained.
That work was begun yesterday and
it way asserted that Senators Gamble and
Crawford of South Dakota would Join
the 45 regular Republicans canvassed,
making the necessary "all Republican"
majority for the Administration pro
gramme. While an understanding was reached
In the House that the vote on the rail
road bill would be taken Tuesday, it now
seems certain the Democrats will seek
to have the hill recommitted with In
structions that the sections for the cre
ation of a court of commerce be elimi
nated. The vote, it is conceded, will be
In the Senate the long and short haul
clause is receiving more attention than
the stock and bond sections. The Presi
dent and the Attorney-General are press
ing for their retention and the regular
Republicans will make a stand for the
sections. Some of the regulars, how
ever, would be pleased If they were elim
inated. Legal Complications JFeared.
Among thope who are understood to
doubt the wisdom of their retention are
Senators Aldrich, Elkins and Root, all
of whom concede the possibility of legal
complications over their conflict with the
otate laws. The President is not dis
posed to yield, however, and Attorney
General Wlckersham is represented as
willing to vouch for the validity of the
No special effort is being made to hold
Republicans in line against the long and
short haul amendment. It Is generally
recognized that local conditions are such
that many of the Senators from the in
terior states cannot avoid supporting this
provision. But the regulars, count confi
dently upon making up among the Demo
crats the losses on their own side of the
Fifteen Democrats Counted On.
Conceding the probable loss of 19 votes
those in favor of the amendment say
that they . will get 15 Democrats in op
position to the provision. Their conten
tion is that most of the Democratic Sen
ators whose states skirt the Atlantic,
Pacific and Gulf Coasts, as well as some
of those along the Mississippi, will ap
prove the provision. If they get the 15
Democratic votes and hold the 40 Re
publicans they will have a majority of
8. The 19 Republicans who It is thought
will vote for the amendment are Bev
eridge, Borah, Bristow. Brown, Burkett,
Carter. Clapp. Crawford, Cummins, Cur
tis, Dixon, Dolliver, Gamble, Guggen
heim, Heyburn, Ijl Follette, Nixon.
imoot and Sutherland. The supporters
of the provision hope also to get Sena
tor Jones' vote.
Loyalty Test Not Imposed.
The President is said to be urging Re
publican Senators to keep the long and
short haul question ' out of the bill, but
is not making it a test of party loyalty.
Me takes the position that most of the
amendments suggested would have the
effect of placing railroad charges purely
on a mlk'age basis. Refusing to concede
that such would be the result, the pro
ponents believe that If the provision
should be inserted he would not veto the
bill on that account, as has been as
eerted that he would do.
On other points they find the Presi
dent most insistent upon maintaining
strict party discipline. Senator Bramlo
gee. who is among the staunchrst of the
stalwarts, is reported by his colleagues
as to have advised the Chief Executive
to quit "kissing the insurgents" and to
"get out his tomahawk." aiid the Presi
dent is mid to have expressed no dis
approval of the suggestion.
(Continued from First Fage.)
land under this project, every acre is
In private ownership today. The Leas
Imrg project in New Mexico is also ex
clusively in private ownership. In North
Dakota the YVilliston project; embracing
an Irrigable area of 12.Vrt acres, con
tains only 433 acres of public land, while
the Garden City project In Kansas is
all In private ownership.
Public Lands Come First.
In answer to a question by Senator
Sutherland. Secretary Ballinger admitted
that the reclamation act contemplated
the irrigation, of some private land nec
essarily so, "but." he added. "I would
consider a fair interpretation of the act
that there must be an appreciable
amount of public lands to warrant the
Government in going, into any project.
I have always been of the belief that
the matter of private lands within a
project was a matter incidental rather
than as a primary condition. I do not
believe the act is susceptible of inter
pretation' as contemplating the location
of a project where the lands are practi
cally all private lands.
"However." added the Secretary,
speaking of expediency, "we are into
these projects, whether they are public
or private lands, and I do not intend
to raise any question about that as to
projects that the Government has its
money invested in. Most of these proj-
ects ore now practically completed, and
our main question now is to get money
out that is in them. I feel that it is the
duty of the department to proceed as
speedily as possible to complete the work
that il has undertaken and cover into
the reclamation fund the moneys it has
already spent in the construction of these
Secretary Ballinger also devoted some
attention to faulty projects that have
been undertaken In times past. He al
luded to the Hondo project, where a
reservoir has been ' completed at a cost
of J344.000, but where there has never
been any water since the dam was com
pleted, hence no irrigation on the Hondo
project, an all-private-land project. He
cited that Instance, and added that he
had been informed the dam would not
hold water, if the water was there. He
also criticised the Deer Flat reservoir
on the Boise-Payette project in Idaho.
That reservoir leaks badly. Last Sum
mer the Secretary rode over that reser
voir site, covering about 10.000 acres.
There he found men were being em
ployed to fill gopher holes, through
which the water was supposed to be
fieeping. The Secretary said he deemed
it a waste of money to fill gopher holes
on J0.0CS acres of land, especially as, in
his judgment, there are difficulties in the
substratum in that reservoir that the
service did not contmplate.
About JS0O.O0O has been spent in build
ing this reservoir, and as yet the Rec
lamation Service has been unable to
srtore water in it. The Williston project
in North Dakota, the Secretary pointed
out, is proving an expensive one for" the
settlers, the maintenance charge, be
cause of the cost of pumping, being $2'
an acre annually. This cost, added to
the cost of the water right, is more than
some of the land will bear.
Supervisor Hendricks Finds His
Hands Full and Doubts That May
15 Will See All Done.
- SALEM. Or.. M :t v- c ana.iQi in
about 15 or 16 of the 305 precincts in
this Congressional district the census
has been completed. Some of these are
In 1 11 rl nn 1 1 1 , . T .-. .. i ..... t . ,
...... uiivi naivauii, uauptliae,
Douglas, Benton, Clackamas and
Washington Counties.
In some districts it has been found
impossible for one man to do the work
and these districts 1 n . n v. ., t . .i ,j .-.
Thus there have been created two new
uiomcus in Lane county, one In Yam
hill and one in Lane, and it is Prob
able. aCCnrd In Q. tn Snnan,t.i. T T
Hendricks, that it will be necessary to
v-icaie ouo or i wo more new districts.
Wherever possible enumerators, who
have completed their work, are irans
ferred to the new tv,,a
ated, so that the work is being done
by experienced persons. Commercial
bodies of Eugene, Salem, Roseburg,
Medford, Grants Pass and other cities
are co-operating with the census forces
with the obleot et Tirncn .In i. ..n
est possible count.
A vast amount of work yet remains
to be done, bowev-er nnri it to
dieted that fully one-half of the'enu-
incrniurs win not De tnrougn with,
their work by May 15. An effort will
be made to secure extensions of the
time where It is found impossible to
finish the count within the schedule
Thera lina 'henn crtma ...,..,,, l
i" what increase will be shown in the
district,, and estimates vary widely.
nowever, it. is predicted by a man in
tn.ll.. ... V. ,...! . 1 - . .
census that when the counting shall
iiavo ueen compietea it will be found
that the population of the district will
be twlff that rf in 1 -1. .1 ., an.n V.
- - - . . i . i i , u . micu
the figures were 192,000. Estimates
of the probable population of Salem
run from 14.000 to 25,000. It is prob-
aoie mat tne orricial count will show
not to exceed 17,000.
Commercial Club Arranges for Vol
unteer Enumerators.
EUGENE. Or.. May 8. (Special.)
There Is much dissatisfaction here with
the lack of thoroughness of the census-takers.
The daily papers and the
Commercial Club are doing what they
can to overcome what seems to be care
less work, and several hundred people
have been enumerated by the promo
tion department, who have been missed
by the regular of ficials.
There will be a mass meeting Mon
day night at the Commercial Club
rooms, when a definite plan will be
taken up by the citizens to see that
everybody is counted.
Mr. Sympathizer" Gives Advice,
but Man Who Has Taken Nothing
for 18 Days, Refuses Aid.
Albert S. Houghton, the fasting pho
tographer, received an anonymous let
ter late last week in which an individ
ual who signs himself "Sympathizer"
advises Houghton to take a drop of
carbolic acid in a glass of milk, and
to increase the dose to four drops.
"Does the man want to kill me?" he
Mr. "Sympathizer" explains that
when he eats three meals a day he is
attacked with stomach trouble which
lasts for three years, and that during
that time he is "like a drunk person."
After explaining about the various
nostrums he has tried, he says:
"If you suffer with stomacli trouble,
it might be well to take one drop of
carbolic acid in a glass of milk about
one hour before eating. This I have
taken also. The party who told me
about It told me to increase a drop a
week until I got up to four. But I was
satisfied with one. Hoping this will
help you. I am, A Sympathizer."
Mr. Houghton says he is not yet
hungry. He hopes he will be soon, as
he admits he is missing "a lot of good
things." He does not fear that he will
suffer permanently from his fast, as he
thinks "a proper fast can't injure any
one unless the person has organic
trouble of the internal organs."
"When a man ridicules an idea, he
should have some foundation for it,"
said the photographer, in referring to
recent criticisms of the press. "With
some people ridicule without a basis' is
all right. The trouble is that if peo
ple find some short cut to health it will
kill the doctor business. There are
plenty of dictors who are honest and
sincere. But they don't all treat their
patients from cause to effect. If a
man's system is clogged, the thing to
do is to cut oft the food supply, and
give the system a chance to eliminate
the poisons. 'They who come to scoff
oft remain to pray.' I am not yet
hungry, and don't intend to eat until
I am. I walked to my studio today as
This is -the 18th day of Houghton's
Albina Nine Defeats Hillsboro.
H1LLSBORO, Or.. May 8. (Special.)
The return game today between the Hills
boro Cardinals and1 Albina Colts resulted
in a score of 2 to 1, in favor of the visit
ing team. All runs were the result of
errors. Williams allowed only five hits
and struck out 11 men. The batteries
were: Cardinals. Williams and Phelps;
Colts. Krause and Serr. Roy Cook was
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Copyright. 1909, by George Grantham Bain.
NEW YORK, May 5. (Special.) Miss Mary Harriman, who is re
ported engaged to Charles Cary Rumsey, a Buffalo sculptor, was the
favorite daughter of the late E. H. Harriman. She Is a girl of great
executive ability, is one of the executors of the Harriman estate, and
is in charge of the vast Arden and Orange county farms. Mr. Rumsey
is a sculptor and was recently chosen to build a memorial to Mr. Harri
man at Goshen.
"State Cabinet" and "County
Commission" Plans Laid
Aside for While.
Dissensions Rumored In Peoples
Power League of Oregon Said to
Be Cause of Withdrawal of
Radical Schemes From Field.
W. S. U'ren, of Oregon City, head of the
People's Power League of Oregon, and
chief exponent of the score or more bills
and constitutional amendments proposed
through initiative in the approaching Fall
election, last night confirmed the aban
donment by the league of two of the
principal measures. These have come to
be known as the 'state cabinet form of
government" and the "county commis
sion form of government." The lay tles
are given the measures by the leagued
These two probably were the widest
diversions from the present form of gov
ernment in both state and county yet
proposed in Oregon. In the event of their
adoption, the present system would have
been completely revolutionized.
For the past seven weeks there is
rumored to have been intense dissen
sion within the ranks of the Peoples"
Power League. This is said to have
contributed to the acquiescence in
abandoning these two propositions. The
assumption generally, however, is that
the storm of protest agains t them
from every section of the state Insured
their certain defeat as well as endan
gering the possible success, as they
saw it, of the other bills.
Mr. U'Ren Explains.
Quite a different face, however, was
given the matter by Mr. U'Ren last
"We have decided to abandon them
for the present." he said. "We think
it betteT to discuss them further be
fore submitting them to the voters."
The several measures have been given
wide publicity throughout tho state by
the circulation of a pamphlet with the
caption "Please Read." In it the pro
posed measures are treatlsed minutely
and the full texts of several are given.
Signed to this brochure the names of 19
ptrsons, more or less prominent, appear.
This was done in order to comply with
the corrupt practices act. Some of the
people whose names were attached to the
pamphlet, it Is said, deny authority for
the use of their names to all of the meas
ures, practically repudiating the action In
sending them out. This is said to have
been one of the main causes of dissension
in the league. While all wtre willing to
subscribe to a few of fhe measures, it is
said, nearly all held objections to others
and none was willing to subscribe to the
"We Intend to continue our-, cam
paign for the adoption of the other
measures," said Mr. U'Ren. "The pro
portional representation idea will be
prosecuted to the last. We are very
anxious to extend the primary law so
that members of each party in select
ing their delegates to the National
party conventions may express their
choice for Presidential and vice-Presidential
Measures Were Radical.
In the "cabinet" amendment to the
constitution that was dropped, the Gov
ernor was to be practically the Head of
the state and county governments. He
was to be authorized to appoint the
County Sheriffs and County Attorneys
and a State Cabinet composed of the Attorney-General,
Secretary of State, State
Treasurer. State Printer. Superintendent
of Public Instruction. Secretary of Labor
and the State Business Manager. He
was to hold office six years and could
not be a candidate to succeed himself.
The right was reserved to the people to
recall any one of his appointees or him
self. Under the county commission form,
three directors were to be elected to
serve four years to have complete charga
of the county business. .In their election
the preferential system was to be used.
A county business manager was proposed,
as in the case of the state, and all other
county employes, excepting the judges.
Petitioners Told Timber Is Needed
to Protect Irrigation.
ington, May 8. Through Senator Jones,
residents of Conconully and Loomisv
Wash., asked that lands In the Chelan
forest reserve in close proximity to both
communities and lying below the 4500-foot
elevation be restored to entry.
That request was denied 'today by Sec
retary Wilson, who explains that the
lands form an important part of the
watershed of Salmon River upon which
the Okanogan irrigation project is de
pendent for its water and that if these
lands should be denuded, the water sup
ply would be diminished and in conse
quence the irrigable area would be re
Broughton, Though Wild, Proves
Effective and Wins.
Gresham Giants won from Monta
villa yesterday on the former's field,
7 to 3. Broughton, who pitched for the
Giants, was a little wild but still came
out ahead. Brown and Boyton played
well for Montavilla. the latter made a
beautiful catch of Parrott's hard drive
in the fifth inning which looked good
for a homer.
The Gresham team has been ma
terially strengthened by the addition of
Archie Parrott, the former Vancouver
and Schiller player. Kirby Drennan
also plays for the Giants. The score:
R-H.E.I R.H.E.
Gresham ...7 10 3 Montavilla ..3 9 4
Batteries Gresham Broughton and
Marias; Montavilla, Gravelle and Hay
worth. Umpire Rich Parrott.
V. M. C. A. Tank to Be Scene of
Renewal of Youngsters' Ability.
To see how much was done by. the
Portland Y. M. C. A. in the recent 6'im
ming tests and lessons for the boys in
the Portland public schools, the second
round of examinations will begin in the
association tank Thursday afternoon un
der the supervision of A. M. Grilley. At
the close of the first test it was found
that only 28 per cent of the boys be
tween 10 and 16 years of age could swim
50 yards or more.
Buttons were given to all the lads
that could master that task.
All those unable to swim the distance
were given three free lessons In the tank.
Three days will be required to ascertain
how many of the school boys can now
swim 50 yards.
Jewelers to Meet Tuesday.
The State Jewelers' Association will
hold Its third annual convention in the
Imperial Hotel Tuesday morning at 10
o'clock. More than 150 delegates are ex
pected. Charles H. Williams, of Condon,
Or., secretary of the association, arrived
here Saturday and is making arrange
ments for the convention An important
report is expected from the legislative
committee. An effort is to be made to
have a law enacted at the next January
session of the Legislature making it a
felony to sell an article of jewelry
stamped with a false indication of its
metallic worth.
"Rupert's Rubes" 5; Salem 10.
"Rupert's Rubes" again failed to break
Into the winning column for they were de
feated yesterday afternoon at Salem by
Bert Johnson's fast aggregation, 10 to 6.
White Diamond Team Beaten.
The White Diamond team was beaten
yesterday afternoon at Estacada by the
nine from that town by the score of
6 to 2.
A bill g-nmtlng the taxpaying- women of
Princea Anne County tha rlyht to vote at
town elections has passed the Maryland Sen
ate Princess Anne is said to have a larger
proportion of widows owning property than
any other town in Maryland.
Mourning for King Edward
Changes Programme of
Stay in . Berlin.
Luncheon at Potsdam Palace to Be
Domestic Affair Colonel In
Stockholm Consults Throat '
Specialist and Rests.
BERLIN, May 8. (Special.) It is of
ficially announced that the imperial part
of Roosevelt's visit here has been vir
tually abandoned. The Kaiser, having
regard for his own feelings and the pro
prieties of the occasion, has decided not
to meet Roosevelt at the railway station
on his arrival, where Joyous demonstra
tions on the part of the people would be
certain to occur, or to entertain him as a
guest at the palace. His majesty has
also decided not to attend the projected
official dinners, either at Ambassador
Hill's or the Imperial Chancellor's resi
dence. Roosevelt, his wife and Miss Ethel, on
their arrival will proceed direct to the
American Embassy, where they will be
the Ambassador's guests during their
stay. After breakfasting at the Embassy,
the party will go in automobiles to Pots
dam, where they will meet the Kaiser
and his family. They will stay to lunch
which will be' purely a domestic affair.
Roosevelt will have other opportunities
for talks with the Kaiser, but these will
all be matters for subsequent arrange
ment. The Kaiser will attend Roose
velt's lecture at the university, as this
is purely a university function.
It has been further decided that the
reception given by the American colony
and the non-official German society will
be held at tho Embassy as previously
arranged. This decision was taken after
the American Ambassador through the
British. Ambassador ascertained the opin
ion of the court and of government au
thorities in England.
Traveler Leaves Apartments Only
Once at Stockholm.
STOCKHOLM, May 8 Ex-President
Roosevelt shortened his programme today
even more than it had already been ab
breviated by King Edward's death, be
cause of the hoarseness from which he
is suffering. A throat specialist visited
the palace twice today and recommended
that Colonel Roosevelt stay Indoors as
the weather was rainy.
Colonel Roosevelt left his apartments
only once. He took lunch with Charles
H. Graves, the American Minister, at the
legation and there met Sven Hedin, the
explorer; Dr. Nordenskjold, the Antarctic
explorer: Admiral Palander, Professor
Arrhenius, who is connected with the
Nobel Institute, and other scientific and
literary people.
Speech to Students Given Up.
He intended to make a speech at the
National Museum before the students and
the massed singing societies, but he gave
this up and instead bowed from the bal
cony of the legation to the students and
stngers. who gathered in the streets be
low and sang selections.
The combined choruses singing Swed
ish songs and "The Star Spangled Ban
ner," and at the conclusion of the sing
ing. Colonel Roosevelt expressed his
The crowds on both sides of the water
front facing the legation were estimated
at between 30.000 and 40,000, the greatest
crowds. Minister Graves said, he had
ever seen in Stockholm. The roofs of
Nine Specific Reasons Why
You Should Consult
About Your Eyes
I. We -devote our whole time to
2. Our examination of the eyes is
thorough and accurate by a
method which is the outcome
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ing two years in the leading
eye clinics of Europe.
3. All glasses made to fit the
eye and the face.
4. All our glasses are gTOund and
frames repaired in our own
shop, in most cases while you
5. A large number of physicians
are continually sending us
their patients, and also come
to us for their own examina
tions and glasses.
6. We duplicate exactly any lens,
no matter who made or ' pre
scribed It. Save the pieces
and we will do the rest.
7. We guarantee all glasses to be
entirely satisfactory.
8. All tr 1 a S3 e exchanged and
frames: kept In repair for one
year without extra cost.
9. Most people cannot afford to
pay high prices for their-'
glasses, yet they should have
the very- best of good work,
and here is where we can
serve such people.
Firth and Marrtsom.
The Largest and Best Equipped
OpNcal Parlors, in Oregon.
I Shi ii ii mi himi I AiiiMtiiiivV.liii
y v
CL 1 11 f-
the houses and the shipping in the har
bor were - crowded and a mighty shout
went up when he appeared.
.Later he received In the legation the
Swedish members of the Interparliamen
tary Union. Senator Beckman referred
to Mr. Roosevelt's services to the cause
of peace and the ex-President replied
Kermit Places Wreath.
Professor Gunnar Anderson presented
him the first copy, just from the press,
of the Norwegian Geological Survey,
which had been especially bound.
Arrangements had been made for Mr.
Roosevelt to go today to the Riddar
holman to place a wreath on King
Oscar's tomb, but he sent Kermit in
his place.
The Crown Prince spent some time
In the Colonel's room in the forenoon
and had tea with him in the afternoon,
at which also the Crown Princess and
other members of the royal family were
A Stockholm paper publishes a state
ment that a messenger from President
Taft has reached Mr. Roosevelt with a
letter in which Mr. Taft says he does
not intend to be a candidate for the
Presidency and invites Mr. Roosevelt
to become Secretary of State in suc
cession to Mr. Knox. When this story
was shown to him, Mr. Roosevelt said
that It was worse than a nightmare,
that it was a tissue of absurdities, and
that of course no such messenger or
message exists.
May Attend King's Funeral.
Word reached Stockholm that the
funeral of King Edward is likely to be
The Only Opticians in Oregon Manufacturing
in Its Entirety the Genuine Kryptok Lens
Perhaps You Need Kryptoks
If your glasses rest your eyes
while looking at the landscape,
but strain them while reading or
vice versa, you need Kryptoks.
If you have the habit of "duck
ing" your head to see who comes
into the door while vou are read
ing, you need Kryptoks.
There are thousands of people
who need two kinds of glasses, or
better still, who need Kryptoks,
which are virtually two pairs in
one. .
Beware of Substitutes and Imitation Kryptoks. It is
Safer to Come Direct to Headquarters.
Columbian Optical Company
133 Sixth Street
look f for
spectors. All Union Meat Company's
t 1
nroducts must Dass the
and approval of these government in- ,-.
spectors. Find the stamp on all the pgSj
meat you buy and you will Tcncno that tsy
you're getting the safest, freshest, best.
At Best Dealers,
"Columbia Brand"
XJmimm M.mmt Company,
At All "Modern" Dealers
held May 17, which is the day fol
lowing the proposed arrival of Mr.
Roosevelt In London; hence the ex
President would be present for the
funeral. He is prepared to postpone
his Oxford lecture, scheduled for May
IS, should the Uni-ersity authorities
so desire. While he has not yet heard
from Berlin. Mr. Roosevelt wishes that
the imperial plans for observing
mourning be arranged without regard
to his visit.
After luncheon at the Legation there
was an exchange of stories, Mr.
Roosevelt being deeply interested in
the experiences of Sven Hedin in
The Roosevelt party will leave here
at 11 o'clock tomorrow for Berlin,
Class A, Smart Children.
Kew York Tribune.
The proud parents of two little boys
and their 4-year-old sister are anxious
that the children should have the means
of knowing when they have grown up
how smart they were In their nursery
days, and with this in view the chil
dren have sung, "spoke pieces" and held
conversations before a talking ma
chine. The records have been placed
where they will not be injured, and
the parents think that some day the
children will value them hiehly. With
the records there are descriptions of
the children as they appeared to the
father and a photograph of each.
A bit of primeval yew forest about half
a mile square Is carefully preserved in the
Bavarian highlands of Germany, the tree,
once widely distributed, having become al
most extinct ' in Europe.
In appearance they are exactly
like ordinary glasses. They are
exceedingly attractive, thin, light,
with unbroken surfaces and no
3onspicuous lines that make the
wearer of ordinary bifocal lenses
look as if something terrible was
the matter with his eyes.
Looking down you see through
the reading section of the Kryptok.
Looking straight ahead vou see
through a long-distance lens.
They are not expensive if you
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