Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 07, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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Pinchot's Successor Silent as
to Questions Involved ft
Present Controversy.
GoTernment Is Said to Have Xo
Right to Confiscate Riparian
Privileges Official to Spend
Ten Days in This Vicinity.
Henry Solon Graves, successor to Gtf
ford Pinchot as Forester of the United
States, came quietly into town yesterday
morning and was speedily engaged with
his division officers at headquarters for
Oregon, Washington and Alaska in the
Berk building.
Mr. Graves is not a talkative person in
any sense of the word. The Forester is
taking a swing around the Western
states for the purpose of becoming more
familiar with actual conditions, and re
fused to discuss many of the questions in
which the Pacific Northwest is vitally
Artfully dodging the Ballinger-Plnchot
controversy, Mr. Graves declined to ex
press an opinion as to whether the Cun
ningham coal claims of Alaska should or
should not be patented. He admitted an
unfamiliarlty with the fuel supply of the
Pacific Coast, and felt unwarranted in
expressing an opinion as to whether the
opening of Alaska coal deposits to de
velopment through private ownership,
would afford a practical method of aid
ing the Navy, shipping and cities along
the Pacific Ocean to secure fuel without
contributing to 'the trust.
Policy to Be Continued.
Mr. Graves was of the opinion that the
policies of the Forest Service concerning
the leasing of lands abutting on streams
frir power purposes would be continued as
established by his predecessor.
"Conservation of water power sites and
the subjeots allied with that question, are
such important matters of controversy,"
said Mr. Graves, "that I do not care to
discuss them at this time. It would re
quire a carefully prepared statement
which I do not feel justified in making
"Correcting an impression which seems
to prevail, that Government leases, al
lowing the use of riparian lands, carry
clauses reverting the water rights of the
lessee to the Government. I might say
that such action has never been contem
plated. The lessee secures his water
right for power purposes from the state
In which it is located, and the Govern
ment could not confiscate it."
Mr. Graves' attention being directed
to dispatches from Washington wherein
Secretary Balllnger testified on the wit
ness stand that since the retirement of
Pinchot, there had been "a complete re
versal of the forest policy of the Gov
ernment," he said:
Waste. Unknown to Rim.
"If Mr. Tiallinger made that statement,
I cannot imagine what he referred to.
There has been no radical change in
policies, and I know of none planned for
the future. We are, of course, developing
administration of the forests, and fit
ting the policies more closely together
as we go along.
"Mr. Ftallinger is also quoted as saying
that JT31.9SS has been wantonly wasted
on the Menominee forest in Wisconsin.
I am not personally familiar with tho
administration of afairs up there, but
had always understood that the work was
After a consultation with District For
ester Chapman as to Alaska conditions,
Mr. Graves briefly referred to complaints
recorded by Dan W. Kane and other
Alaskans as to bottling up resources of
that territory-
"If a sawmill has been forced to dis
continue business in Alaska because of
high prices charged for logs on the
stump, it is news to our officers," said
Mr. Graves. "I find, without a close
search of the records, that the highest
price ever charged for ftumpage up there
is $1 per thousand feet board measure.
"It is certain that a charge of $6 per
thousand was never made. Our super
visors in Alaska operate under special
regulations which allow them to make
sales up to 2,000.000 feet without refer
ence to tho Portland headquarters. In
that way we have endeavored to expedite
sales and make timber immediately avail
able to use. Under free use permit, any
settlor, miner, prospector o hunter is al
lowed to take 20,000 feet of either dead
or green timber, and the only require
ment i.s that ho shall submit a report of
the amount secured when called upon by
the supervisor.
Object of Forest Service.
"Tho Forest Service is endeavoring to
promote, agricultural settlement of all
lands inside the forests which are more
valuable for that purpose than for tim
ber. Kach individual case is considered
under application of the act of June 11.
1S96. The only thing we endeavor to
prevent under that act is alleged agri
cultural settlement which really means
timber speculation. The instructions now
allow the settler a reasonable amount of
grazing land along with the farm land
, We do not cut out all the timber. Should
' a small tract of commercial timebr be in
eluded in the application, it would nrob
ably be allowed along with the other
lands; If by clearing It of the trees the
; land would become more valuable for
"Eastern Oregon sheep and cattle-
graiers probably will operate this year
under the same rules as last year, and
we have heard of no dissatisfaction
among them. From time to time it is to
ne expected that questions as to drift
lences and lnclosures will arise, but
there are none pending. I expect to meet
a number of stockgrazers during the ten
days I will spend in this vicinity."
Mr. Graves and a party of local offi
cials went to the Columbia National For
est last night, whore an inspection will
be made. They will return next Wednes
Epidemic in Xorth IVrtIanl Is Laid
to Street Work.
City Health Officer Wheeler last
night announced that a malipnant form
of scarlet fever has broken out in North
Portland, four deaths already being- re
corded there. He attributes this to the
large number of streets that have been
excavated for various Improvements,
and whirh have been left torn up for a
lonn time. He believes these should bo
completed without delay. Meanwhile,
the disease has a flrra hold on Monta
villa and Arleta In particular and In
general there is some of it scattered
throughout the entire city.
Mrs. Iavid Jordan, wife of Iavid Jor-
dan, of 664 Flanders street, is the latest
victim. Wilson Mays, son of Franklin
Pierce Mays, was another- Two chil
dren have died.
"In the North Portland district tho
fever has taken a very malignant
form," said Dr. Wheeler last night. "I
attribute it to the many excavated
streets in that territory. These should
at once be filled in and paved, as orig
inally intended. Contracts ought not
to be allowed to wait so long on these
streets; it is very unhealthf ul, and it
is not surprising that some fever has
"In Montavilla," continued Dr.
Wheeler, I have had an awful time. I
have coaxed, threatened and begged the
people to respect quarantine, but In
vain. It will have to be done, however,
if the police force has to be used to do
it. In the suburbs, however, the form
of fever is light."
Last month Dr. Wheeler reported 89
Iue to Arrive.
Name. From. Date.
Selja Honykong In port
K Kja .. .Otaru In port
Rose City an Francisco In port
Uolden Gate. Tillamook. . . .In port
Breakwater. . . .Coos Bay. . May . T
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. ...May 7
Geo. W. Kkier. .San Pedro. . . .May 8
Kansas City. ...San Francisco May 9
Falcon. ....... Saa Francisco May 13
Roanoke iian Pedro. ..May 14
Henrik Ibsen. . .Hongkong. . . June 1
Hercules Hongkong. .. June 4
Sched uled to Depart.
Name. For rate.
Rose City San FranciscoMty 8
Breakwater Coos Bay May 9
KyKja Hongkong. . . .May 30
Selja Hongkong. ...May 10
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. . . .Mav lO
Geo. W. Eider. .San Pedro. .. .May 10
Htmrik Ibsen. . Hongkong. June 13
Kansas City.... San Francisco May 14
Falcon San Pedro Mav 16
Hercules Hongkong. June 15
Roanoke San Francisco Mav 17
Golden Gate.. . .Tillamook. ...Indef t
Entered Friday.
Wellesley, Am. steamship Llnd
quist), with general cargo, from San
Rosecrans, Am. steamship (Moore),
with fuel oil. from Son Francisco.
Cleared Friday.
Rosecrans, Am. steamship (Moore),
with ballast, for San Francisco.
Rose City. Am. steamship (Mason),
with general cargo, for Sai Francisco.
Herm. Nor. steamship iZachrichs
sen, with part cargo, from Antwerp,
for Fuget Sound.
scarlet fever caues, but he now states
there are less than this number.
Lambs Sell At $7.50 and Yearlings
Bring $6.50 All. Lines Are
Steady -Receipts Small.
Nearly all the trading at the Union stock
yards yesterday was In the sheep line. Re
ceipts were not heavy and the market ia
general was steady
A large bunch of yearling sheep averaging
70 pounds sold at fa. 60, which price was
realized on two smaller lots of sheep. An
other bunch of very common stock brought
only $4- Lambs moved at $7.60.
A single hog sale was reported at $10.50.
the quality being good. No cattle were
disposed of.
Receipts for the day were 25 cattle. 38
calves, 535 sheep, 215 hogs and 2 horaes.
Shippers of stock were: Mrs. Gassner. of
North Portland, 1 car of hogs; O. W. Griffin,
of Roosevelt, Wash., 1 car of bogs; S. G.
Smith, of Grand Dalles, Wash., 1 car of
sheep; E. J. Murphy, of Echo, 1 car of
horses: O. H. McAuley, of Cai lton, 1 car
of cattle and calves; L. E. West, of Oak
land, 1 car of calves and hogs, and B. S.
Norwood, of Harrisburg, 2 cars of sheep.
The day's sales were as follows:
Weight. Price.
274 sheop, yearlings. ............ 7 J..60
2:t sheep .60
21 sheen 8.'! 5.0
61 lambs R1 7.T.0
57 lambs T5 7.50
2"T sheep, very common........ G7 4.00
C4 hogs 211 lO.v-0
Prices quoted on th various classes of
stock at the yards yesterday were as fol
lows: "Rf steers, har fed. rood to
choice $ 6.00(3$ 6.50
Beef steers, fair to medium. - 6.00 5.60
Cows and heifers, good to
choice 6.00 5.50
Cows and betfers. fair to
medium 4.25 4.75
Buiis 8.60(0) 4.25
Stags 6.00 ((f 5.50
Calves, light ...... 6.00 7.00
Calves, heavy 4.50gt 5.50
Hogs, top 10.00tf 10.65
Hogs, fair to medium ....... 9. 60 9.75
Hheep, best wethers n.25 5.75
Sheep, best ewes ............ 4.75 5.25
Lambs, choice 7.00 8.00
Lambs, fair 6.50 7.00
Sheep, fair to good wethers... 4.75 5.25
Eastern livestock Markets.
rHICAGO, May 6. Cattle Receipts es
timated at 15O0; market, strong and shade
higher. Beeves, $5.60(0 S.35; Texas steers,
$4.70,6.4H; Western steers, $4.S5g;6.85;
stockers and feeders, $3.tH) Q.fiZ, ; cows and
heifers, $2.TO7.3o; calves, $tt&8.25.
Hogs Receipts estimated at 10.000; mar
ket, steady. Light, sa.40f&9.70; mixed. $.40
(d 1i. So; heavy. $0.40& 9.73; rough, 9.40J
400; good to choice heavy, SOW 9.75; pigs.
$y.l 9-tiU; bulk of sales, $9.60(& 9.70.
Sheep Receipts estimated at 50OO; mar
ket, steady. Native, $4.2o7.SO: Western.
C4.o07.0; yearlings. $7S.15; lambs, na
tive, 7.25(S: Western, 7.25&9.1Q.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., May ft. Cattle Re
ceipts. 15M; market, strong. Native steers.
$; native cows and heifers. $3.50f3
7.50 ; stockers and feeders, $4 &iMQ ; bulls,
$4.256.50; calves, $3.75fgS.25; Western
steers. $5.75 7.75 : Western cows. 14 6.50.
Hogs Receipts. 4iS00 ; market, 10c higher.
Bulk Of sales, $9.40 T 9.55 ; heavy, $9.50
9-t: ; packers and butchers, $9.45 & 9.60;
light. 9.159.Mt; pigs. $S-50(g9.
iiheep Receipts. 3000; market, steady.
Muttons, $5.507.75; lambs. $6-508-75; fed
wethers and yearlings. $6S; fed Western
ewes. $5.50(37.60.
SOUTH OMAHA, May 6. Cattle Re
ceipts. 700; market, strong to 10c higher.
Native steers, $5.75 7. So: native cows and
heifers. 3.75tgl7; Western steers, $3.50 7;
Western cows and -heifers, $'2.75 5.75 ; can
ners. $2. .VI 4.25 : stockers and feeders, $3.50
6.50; calves, $4?8; bulls, stags, etc, $3.73
3 0.25.
Hogs Receipts. 4100; market, 10c higher.
Heavy. $9.259.42 ; mixed, $0.20 9 30
light. 0.35; pigs, $S&.75; bulk of sales,
$9.201: 9.;0.
Sheep Receipts. 1C0O; market. steady.
Yearlings. $7.50(ft; wethers. $7.25 7. S5;
ewes, 7.157.65; lambs, $6.759.50.
Ir1ed Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK. May 6. Evaporated apples
are firmly held but the demand Is small
and trading continued quiet on spot, fancy
being quoted at 10c; choice. St⪼ prime.
7'7Vc. and common to fair at 6Ji6VsC,
Prunes quiet. Quotations range from 2
S.c for Californias up to 3O-40s to 4f 9c
for Oregons.
Apricots firm on crop complaints from the
Coasu Choice. 104 raW;c; extra choice,
10H H 11 Vbc; fancy. 12 if 12 u.c.
Peaches firm on spot, but trading is in
active. Choice. 5?s4rDc; extra choice, 6
7c; fancy. 77c.
Raisins quiet and without new feature.
7xose muscatels 2&Hc; choioe to fancy
seeded. 43t6c; seedless, 3&4c; Lon
don layers, $L15 1.20.
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW YORK. May 6. Coffee futures cloj-ed
Umhanged. Closing bids: May. 6.35c; Jan
uary. 6.40c; July, 6.47c; August. 6.50c; Sep
tember. e.05c: October and November. ft.60c;
lecembr. .65c; January. 6 68c; February
.Oc; March. .74c; April, 75c. Spot, quiet.
Rk No. 7. S3, c ; San tos. No. 4, 9 Wc Mild
quiet. Cordova, H&'12Vc.
iugar Raw. rteady. Muscovado, ,SJ tt
3.6v; centrifugal. .S test, 4.30c; molars
susar. test. 55c. Refined. - stead v
Crushed, 6-5c; granulated, 6.25c; powdered,
Donna Francesca, After Wait
ing 12 Days, Gets Away.
With FiiU Cargo of Grain AboaM,
British Ship Is Ten Men. Short
and Has Been Waiting Ten.
Iays Waterfront News.
After a delay of 12 days, caused by a
shortage in the sailor market, the British
bark Donna Francisca, Captain Simon,
grot away yesterday morning at 7 o'clock
and left down in tow of the tug Ockla
homa. The Donna Kranclsca is wheat
laden and is bound for the United King
dom for orders. The vessel was on the
disengaged list for more than two years,
lying at anchor off the buoy depot at Ae
toria. Still 10 men short, the British ship Arc
tic Stream, Captain Dixon, is still at an
chor in the lower harbor and will prob
ably remain there for some time to come.
She hes on board a full cargo of wheat
for the United Kingdom.
For the first time since the detention of
the French bark Babin Chevaye, last
October, has a vessel at Portland been
held up for want of sailors. At present
there Is no licensed boardtng-hbuse in
Portland and sailors must be picked up
on the streets or in the North End sa
loons. A number of the consuls under
took to break the sailor boarding-house
tetw at the last session of the Legislature
and failed. The result, however, was the
retiring from business of the boarding
house operators, conducting business un
der the law. The result is now appar
Repairs to Vessel Xearing Comple
tion at San Francisco.
Within two weeks the steamship
Santa Clara will be ready for service
between Portland, San B"rancisco and
Eureka. The craft is undergoing re
pairs at; San Francisco and will be
placed on the same schedule as form
erly. Captain Noren will be in com
mand. '
The Santa Clara was abandoned off
Humboldt Bay early in April. She was
picked up by the tug Hercules and
towed to San Francisco where she was
placed on drydock for examination and
repairs. It was found that the damage
to the ship was slight and that .she
could be repaired easily.
Astoria Marine Notes,
ASTORIA, Or., May 6. (Special.)
The gasoline schooner Wilhelmina ar
rived today from Yaqiiina with a car
go of dairy products for 1 Portland.
The schooner Irene sailed this morn
ing for San Pedro with a cargo of
lumber, loaded at Stella.
The steam schooner Tahoe arrived
today from San Francisco with gen
eral cargo for Portland.
The tank steamer Catania sailed to
day for California, after discharging
her cargo of crude oil at Portland.
The tank steamers W. S. Porter and
Washtenaw arrived today from Cali
fornia with crude oil for Portland.
The schooner Ruth E. Godfrey wiil
sail tomorrow morning for San Pedro
with a cargo of lumber loaded at
The British steamer Marmlon, - 78
days from Glasgow for Victoria, B. C,
put in here today for fuel. Captain
Smith reports an eventful trip, with
this the third stop for coal. The oth
ers were at St. Vincent and Coronel.
The Marmlon is a craft of 98 tons net
and was recently purchased by the
Portland Cement Company, of Victoria.
The lighthouse tender Manzanlta ar
rived, this evening from San Francisco.
Sailor Libels Inca.
TACOMA, Wash.', May 6. James
Robson, a sailor, has libeled the
schooner Inca in the Federal Court
for $1500, alleging his leg was bro
ken while the vessel was off San
Pedro, Cal., and he was allowed to lie
eight days without surgical attention,
though the vessel could have put into
port within 24 hours after the acci
dent. Harry F. Campion Is Married.
Harry F. Campion, superintendent of
the towage and pilotage system of the
Port of Portland, was married yesterday
Nature in her -wisdom and beneficence has provided, in her great vegetable
kingdom, a cure for most of the ills and ailments of humanity. Work and study
have perfected the compounding of these botanical medicines and placed them at
our disposal. We rely on them first because of their ability in curing disease,
and next because we can use them -with the confidence that such remedies do not
injure the system as do the strong mineral concoctions. Among the very best of
these botanical preparations is S. S. S., a medicine made entirely of roots, herbs
and barks in such combination as to make it the greatest of all blood purifiers
and safest of all tonics. It does not contain, the least particle of harmful
mineral to Injuriously affect any of the delicate parts of the system. S. S. S.
cures Eheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, Scrofula, Malaria, Skin Diseases,
Contagious Blood Poison, or any blood affection or disease even reaching down
and cleansing the circulation of all inherited blood troubles. As a tonic S. 8. a.
Is unequaled. It builds up the system in the proper way, by purifying the blood
and supplying a sufficient amount of vigor and nourishment to the body. If yon
are suffering with any blood trouble, or are in any way run-down in health, you
could not do better than take S. S. S. a purely botanical blood remedy. It cures
without ever leaving any unpleasant or injurious effects. It is perfectly safe for
young or old. Book OB the blood free to all who write.
What Ails You
Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, have frequent head
i aches, coated tongue, bitter or bad taste in morning,
"heart-burn," belching of gas, acid risings in throat after
eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells,
poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred
symptoms p
If yon have any considerable number of the
above symptoms yon are suffering from bilious
ness, torpid liver with indigestion, or dyspepsia.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is made
up of the most valuable medicinal principles
known to medical science for the permanent
cure of such abnormal conditions. It is m most
efficient liver invigorator, stomach tonic, bowel
regulator and nerve strengthener.
The "Golden Medical Discovery is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum,
a full list of its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested
under oath. A glance at these will show that it contains no alcohol, or harm
ful habit-forming drags. It is a fluid extract made with pure, triple-refined
glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots of native American medical,
forest plants. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
to Miss Louise Stampher. The couple
left immediately after the ceremony for
California. The ceremony was attended
by only a few immediate friends and
Marine Notes.
From St. Helens with lumber and
passengers, the steamship Klamath
sailed yesterday.
The steam schooner Coaster sailed
from Hoffman's yesterday afternoon
with a full cargo of lumber for San
The steamship Nome City sailed from
Linnton at 5 o'clock yesterday after
noon with a full cargo of lumber for
San Pedro.
With passengers and freight for San
Francisco the steamship Rose City will
sail this morning at 9 o'clock from
Ainsworth dock.
The steamer Dalles City was inspect
ed yesterday morning. She will resume
service between Portland and The
Dalles Monday morning. The steamer
Bailey Gatzert will tie up for repairs.
Arrivals and: Departures.
PORTLAND, May 6. Arrived Steam
ship Tahoe. from San Francisco. Sailed
Steamship Coaster, from H off mans, for San
Francisco ; British bark Donna Francesca,
for the United Kingdom; Norwegian steam
ship Herm, for Puget Sound ; steamship
Nome City, for San Pedro; steamship Klam-
atn, irora St. ieiens, ior San fearo.
Astoria, Or., May 6. Condition at tho
mouth of the river at 5 P. M., smooth; wind
northwest 20 miles ; weather, cloudy. Ar
rived at 6 and left up at 8 A. M. Steamer
Tahoe, from San Francisco. Sailed at 7 A.
M. Steamer Catania, for San Francisco;
sailed at 10 A. M., schooner Irene, for San
Pedro. Arrived at 11:30 A. M. Steamer W.
S. Porter, from San Francisco; arrived at 1
P. M., British steamer Marmion, from Ar
drossan, for Victoria.
San Francisco, May 6. Arrived at 5 A.
M. Steamer Roanoke, from Portland.
Sailed at 9 A. M. Steamer Rainier, for
Coos Bay, May 6. Arrived Steamer New
port, from Portland. Sailed Steamer
Breakwater, for Portland.
Eureka, May 6. Arrived Steamer Geo.
W. Elder, from San Pedro, for Portland.
Brest, May 6. Sailed May 3. French
ship Thiers, for Portland.
Southampton, May 6. Sailed Kaiser in Au
ffuste Victoria, for New York.
Punta Arena, May 6. Arrived Ventura,
from Glasgow, for Victoria.
Rotterdam, May 6. Arrived Rydam,
from New York.
Manchester, May 6. Arrived Caledonian,
from Boston.
Seattle, May 6. Arrived Steamer Admiral
Sampson, from Sound porta; "O- S. S. Armeria,
from Astoria; steamer Queen, from 6an Fran
cisco; steamer City of Seattle, from Skagway;
British steamer Protesrllaus, from Victoria;
pteamer Bee, from San Francisco. Departed
Steamer President, for San Francisco; steamer
Queen, for Sound ports.
Taeoma, May 6. Departed Austrian steam
er Hermine, for Vancouver.
Tides at Astoria Saturday.
High. - Low.
lt:42 A. M 7.7 feet!S:37 A. M 0.5 foot
11:43 P. M 9.3 feet5:42 P. M 1.7 feet
Relief "Work in Earthquake Stress
Remembered, Says Ralph V.
Hoyt, Returning Home.
Ralph W. Hoyt, president of the Port
land Rose Festival, returned last night
from a week's visit to San Francisco.
He was not able to discover any sign
of unfriendly rivalry. His trip was for
the purpose, among other things, of in
viting the commercial organizations and
citizens of the cities surrounding the bay
to come to Portland during the next an
nual Rose Festival.
In a conference with General Passen
ger Agent Charles S. Fee. of the South
ern Pacific, Mr. Hoyt secured a rromlss
that the Harriman system would make a
reature of the Portland Rose Festival in
every bit of advertising matter and spe
cial literature that it issues between now
and June 1.
"Mr. Fee told me," said President Hoyt
last night, "that the Southern Pacific
expected to arrange several special ex
cursions for the Festival.
"The greeting of the Panama-Pacific
Exposition management almost over
whelmed me. Those people down there
have not forgotten and I believe they
never will forget the relief work that
Portland did following the disaster of
1906. The big exposition of 1915. through
its promoters, assured me that it would
do its utmost to see that San Francisco
knew about the Portland Rose Festival,
and I am confident that we shall have
many hundreds from the South.
"Headway is being made in the cam
paign to secure to.000,000 as a nest-egg
for the 191o exposition. The men behind
the 'Big-Boost,' as they now call the
Panama-Pacific, have adopted a line of
campaign which, it seems to me, is bound
to win in the long run in the three
sided battle by San Francisco, New Or
leans and San Diego for the big expos!
tion of 1915, when the Panama Canal is
to be opened. They argue that the ca
lamity of 1906 cost them 450.O00,0o0, while
up to now they' have gotten back only
about J250.000.000. It Is upon that argu
ment that they expect to ask the con-
For Your Hair
Here Are Facts We Want
You to Prove at Our Risk.
Marvelous as it may seem, Hexall
"93" Hair Tonic has grown hair on
heads that were once bald. Of course
it is understood that in none of these
cases were the hair roots dead nor had
the scalp taken on a glazed, shiny ap
pea ranee.
When the roots of the hair are en
tirely dead and the pores of the scalp
are glazed over, we do not believe that
anything can restore hair growth.
When Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will do
as above stated, it Is not strange that
we have such great faith in it and that
we claim it will prevent baldness when
used in time. It acts scientifically, de
stroying the germs which are usually
responsible for baldness. It penetrates
to the roots of the hair, stimulating
and nourishing them. It is a most
pleasant toilet necessity, is delicately
perfumed and will not gum nor per
manently stain the hair.
We want you to get a bottle of
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and use it as
directed. If it does not relieve scalp
irritation, remove dandruff, prevent
the hair from falling out and promote
an increased growth of hair and in
every way give entire satisfaction, sim
ply come back aad tell us and without
question or formality we will hand
back to you every penny paid us for it.
We lend our endorsement to Rexall
"93" Hair Tonic and sell It on this
guarantee, because we believe it is the
best hair tonic ever discovered. It
comes in two sizes, prices 60 cents and
xi. 00. Remember, you can obtain it
only at our store, The Rexall Store.
The Owl Drug Co., Inc., cor. 7th and
Washington Sts.
sideratlon and support of tho United
States Government.
Mr. Hoyt has been named as honorary
vice-president for Oregon. He said that
Portland could rely upon an influx of
Southern tourists for the Festival un
paralleled even in the best days of the
Lewis and Clark Fair.
Commercial Club Sees Home.
SOUTH BEND, Or.. May 6. (Special.)
On Wednesday night there was held
in the City Hall a meeting of the re
organized Commercial Club to make ar
rangements for incorporation and se
curing a site for the club's new home.
This is now assured, for the treasurer
announced at this meeting that h held
more than $11,000 in cash and notes
contributed for the erection and fur
nishing of the building.
Smaller Feet
Sore Feet. Tender Feet and Swollen
Feet Cured Every Time. TIZ Makes
Sore Feet Well No Matter
What Ails Them.
Everyone who is troubled with sore,
sweaty, or tender feet swollen feet
smelly feet, corns, callouses or bunions
can quickly make their feet well now.
Here is instant relief and a lasting,
permanent remedy it's called TIZ.
TIZ makes sore feet well and swollen
feet are quickly reduced to their
natural size. Thousands of ladles have
been able to wear shoes a full size
smaller with perfect comfort.
It's the only foot remedy ever made
which acts on the principle of drawing
out all the poisonous exudations which
cause sore feet. Powders and other
remedies merely clog up the pores.
TIZ cleanses them out and keeps them
clean. It works right off. You will
feel better the very first time it's used.
Use it a week and you can forget you
ever had sore feet. There Is nothing
on earth that can compare with it- TIZ
is for sale at all druggists 25 cents per
box or direct if you wish from Walter
turner uoage & Jo., uotige Jiag.. uni
cago. 111. Recommended and sold by
"The Owl Drug Store"
7th and HuahlnRtoii Six-, Portland, Or.
them in the world. CASCARETS the
biggest seller why? Because it's the
best 'medicine for the liver and bowels.
It's what they will do for yon not
what we say they will do that makes
CASCARETS famous. Millions use
CASCARETS and it is all the medi
cine that they ever need to take.! 904
CASCARETS 10c a box for a week's
treatment, all druggists. Biggest
seller In the world. Million boxes
a month.
For Dyspepsia
Indigestion and all Stomach Troubles, difeste
i wnai you eat. anu attests it completely. It is
; guaranteed to relieve you. and if it fails, your
money wuiai once Dereiunaea by your dealer
from whom you purchased it. Any drueeist win
sell Kodol to you on our guarantee. Every table
poonl ul of Kodol digests 2'A pounds of food.
C VX1 A Vt P Is not recommended for
ilTinmr- everything; but If you
R OnT have kidney, liver or
vW 1 bladder trouble it will
be found Just the remedy you need. At
druggists in fifty cent and dollar sizes.
Tou may have a sample bottle of this
wonderful new discovery by mail free,
also pamphlet telling all about it.
Address. Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Blnehamton. N.T.
nd It tine comfort
(uarmulQea' b j uilnf
It reduces waIILdc, tvtops
incwon uta i m Lauontvna
kepa ih ihofli I n aha do.
S&O Ono niltsm hrn.
will Mod thii aore
Runlnn Rail of an 1ft
- ssuu it k iyr n rut or len took.
TR nSCgUm MTQ. CO.. 9K 1 St.. ILWirKK. fna.
Inflammations, Irritations
or ulcerations of U ma
cons membranes unnatu
ral discharges from nose
throat or urinary organs.
Sold br Druggists
'or in plain -wrapper, ex
press prepaid, on receipt
of $1. or three bottles.
.Booklet oa rcquo&u
m fTtom r iirlr or I
lcAl T&e Etui QtaualCa.
T o Perfect Health and
Strength and Robust
Free Museum of Anatomy
Open Daily for Men
Very Instructive and Interesting.
Man Know Thyself.
Our Practice Limited to Ailments of Men Only
We know the ailments and weaknesses of men like an open book.
Wo have been curing: sthem for years. Thousands upon thousands of
men. restored to perfect health and strong nerves, are toilav livinir
monuments to our skill, knowledge and success. We never hold out
false hopes We never undertake a case we cannot cure. We have
made so thorough a study of all the diseases of men of Yaricoxe
elns, Contagion. Blood Poison, Nrrve Wmknni and have
S.ur?lis? many cases that if there is a cure for YOUR disease you will
find it here. When we undertake a case there is no such thing- as fail
ure. e charge nothing for consultation, and our knowledge, skill and
experience are at your service. .We will explain to you How and Whv
ran. Cure Yon. Why the ailments of men require the knowledge,
and skill of a specialist.
SyC PI TP17 Blood Poison, Nerve
V V IL w U EEli Weakness, Rupture, Piles,
Fistula, Kidney and Bladder Trouble, Urinary Ob
structions, All Ailments and Weaknesses Common to
If you cfcnnot call, write for free Book and Self-Examination Blank.
Many cases cured at home. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays 10 to 12.
201Vi MORRISON ST., Bet. Fourth and Fifth, PORTLAND, OR.
I Have the Largest Practice Because
I Invariably Fulfill My Promises
I hav treated so many cases of men's ail
ments that I know exactly what to do In every
instance. Never is It necessary for mo to
resort to g-uesswork.The treatment given is
accurate from tho very beginning until a
cure Is effected. By accepting curable cases
only, and by making no mistakes In treating
them. I meet with no failures and my pa
tients are never disappointed.
Every case of contracted ailment
I treat is thoroughly cured; my
patients have no relapse. When I
pronounce a case cured there is
not a particle of Infection or In
flammation remaining, and there is
not the slightest danger that the
ailment will return to its original
form or work its way Into the gen
eral system. No contracted ailment
is so trivial as to warrant uncer
tain methods of treatment, and I
especially solicit those cases that
other doctors have been unable to
I cure obstructions without cut
ting, without dilating and without
pain. Harmless remedies dissolve
the obstructing tissue and cleanse
all affected membranes.
Not merely a suppression of sur
face Indications, but a radical cure.
Every taint of poison driven from
the system. No harmful drugs employed.
-" - "
A. M. to 1 P. AT.
Ailing men are cordially Invited to call at my office for free advice
xamination and diagnosis. Office hours, 9 A. Ml to 9 P. M. Sundays
If you cannot call, write for symptom blank.
M to'. J! i l 3
Strowbrldgre bldff..
133H First St..
room XI, and 225 Vfc
Alder SU Chinese
Root and Herb
Medicines. Cures
Cancer, Rheuma
tism. Consumption.
Dropsy, Catarrh.
EComach. Lung
Liver and Kidney
Troubles. All
Chronic ailments
oi men ana wom
:n. Examination
free. Drugstore.
285 Flanders Bt.
Xonns: Mine Chines
Medicine Co. Wonderful
remedies from herbs and
roots cure all diseases of
men and women. Honest
treatment. No operations.
We cure when others falL
Hundreds of testimonials
from grateful patients.
Consultation free. 247 Tay
lor st.. bet. 2d and 3d
Tee & Son's Medicine Co. spent
lifetime study of herbs and re
search in China; was granted
diploma by the Emperor; won
derful cure of all ailments of
men and women when others
failed. If you suffer, call or
write to YEE A SON'S MEDI
CINE CO., 142V First. Cor.
Alder. Portland. Or.
Mld wits Blue BbbM.T y
er Teat
yean knewm ss Best. Safest. Alw-. n i
A 5- n
Reliable Treatment.
Ton Need My Advice.'
The Leading Specialist.
Without using knife, ligature or
caustic, without pain and without
detention from business. I cure
varicose veins in one week. If you
have sought . cure elsewhere and
been disappointed, or if you fear
the harsh methods that most phy
sicians employ in treating this ail
ment, come to me and I will cure
you soundly and permanently by a
fentle and painless method. Uiin"t
elay. Varicose veins have their
dangers and bring their disastrous
results. If you will call I will be
pleased to explain my method of
..... . , F ." I
Corner Second and Morrison,
Come to Me
and Be Cured
When I
Cure You
r par me aa too ial53 ? V
et tu benefit of THE DOCTOR
T treatment. THAT CURES
. K,.K.0 A fRE Is lower tUan any
specialist in tne city, half that othera
charge you. and no exorbitant chars
tor uiedicinea,
.1 am an expert specialist. Have had
0 years' practice in the treatment of
diseases of men. . My offices are the
best equipped In Portland. My method
are modern and up to date. My cured
are quick anrt positive. I do not treat
symptoms and patch up. I thoroughly
examine each case, find the cause, re
move it and thus cure tn 'disease.
I CURE Varicose Veins. I'ilr. and
Specific Blood PoUub and all Aliment
ol Men.
tracted &Dd chronic cases cured. All
burning. itching and inflammation
topped In 24 hours. Cures effected In
seven dav".
insures every man a llleiontf cure, wiiu
out taking medicine Into the stomach.
Examination free. If unable to call,
write for list of questions.
Office hours 9 A. M to 8 P. M. Sun
days. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
Australian horaes are preferred to all
others In India, the price for one in Cal
cutta bain as high as $o40 to Jotii.